4mmilit4UoVitoAis , t , resrit-ALu'Ax 4 orimi. • 3433 3 - 3 , TT, •LAR113 , 4L.,*•.145. • - Not all 1;16'1146 thfiltatecanit , - - - , Communion sweet ,w,llh Saint and sagas AiLlid gerrid;ot prlinVantaidi' • , From'many,a,cepbentrated page, Youth's dressisobi [Olden light of age, r,_The poet's lore,. tire 11111thintrown • , ,rr 4 Thett;'while such thedies thy thought, firr ga ge, „ Po rt Owlet thou All lone 0 •to! • 10!.,.: 1 1 1;14064'0:mo ilch •:i • ~,Asanounting up to heavenishe sings; :The.thousand silvery.songe thak float Above, belqw,pti morning's wings; The Ostler Moisture Swftight kr:lager-' • The midget's chirp- Menden glee, " 'Ali earthi , thal lyre or MirlitiVetringe; . Is jubilant with life ' 0 V :On, ,(1(1 , Not all Slone t ,• • ,1 ,Thelippling.brodk,:thestarryslrA: :d C . Have each peculiar harmonies To soothe, subdue, and eanatify; • • . The low, Wept breath orevening'selgh, • tbeer . lut*eaffilritindly tons; ' TO lift thy giitaflil thaughtion high. ' " ' say—thou art not all alone Not all alone; a watchful Eye, . " That•notee the wandering epapow's tall. ' , A saving hand is ercynigh, ' A glorious Power attends the ca ll"'" When sadnels holds thy heart In'threll, Oft Is His tenderest mercy shown; • Seek, than, the balm . vouchsafed to all, c - And thou most never be clone t Power of the Grose.. Neither the offering of die laity, nor the services of the priesthood, could ever_ take away sin: The thoughtful heathen, ns ke'retired from the classic temple and bleeding victim, out gra conscience still pressed down under ,the weight Of its condemnation; exclaimed,, 0 that I knew where I might find Hire The Hebrew, turning from the smoking altar'arnl the storing, priest, out, Wherewith ; shall I'appear before.Ged, and bow my,• self before the Most High I The Hin doe Mother; returning childless from the river that bas•swallowed .up her. babe, feels the sting-of guile . still rankling in -unmitigated agony! , • The. body , of the deiotee is crushed. beneath ',the wheel, but'ali, the wound was far deeper. From that mangled, bleeding corpse, his isOul is now. set free; 'but yet uncleansed and in all her guiltiness, she appears before her God. Thus it is in our own country, •and,at the_ present day. A man, feeling the agony of a guilty conscience, may flee, everywhere but to Calvary, and there is d o relief for his anguish, But let him hear that God So - loved - the world that he gave his only begotten SOri;that whose. ever believeth'on - hirn shall , not , perish but have everlasting life ; let him cast himself,for salvation upon Him whose blood cleansed' Credit:all sin ; let him int-. bibs. 'and Practice' the precepts' of the', gospel, and he feels in his spirit that his deadly-•. wound is healed. The peace that - passeth all understanding is shed abroad,in his soul. The Spirit witnee seth.With his spirit that he is reconciled to'-God.--From-the-dom in ion-of-sin „from _ thci".tyranity Of . _the _pdssions,_from_sub jection to a senitial• pnd transitory world, from the intolerable anguish of a wound. ed spirit, the. Soii has made him free, and he-is -free- imieed., Beirig- justified by ,grace, he has peaCe with God, through our,Lord'JesuS Christ, and rejoice. with joy ttiat, is unektikable and 40 i of Ipry. —President WaYlarid ' ZROYing God. - --I-liive-here ( sitid-Rey. Mr.-Fuller, two 'religious characters, who were intimately acquainted in'early life:-=Providence fa vored one ,of them with., a tide of pros perity. The other fearing for hie , friend, lest his heart should be overcharged with the cares of this life and - , the deceitful ness'of riches, one day 'asked him who. ' ther he did not find prosperity a snare to him. Ho paused, and answered, . +t lam net conscious that I do, for I enjoy , God in - all - things." - - Some years - after; - his fairs took.another turn. He lost, it not the whole, pit'the greater part of - what grfeitlyr duped.' His old friend being one day in his company; fehewed hid question, whether, he did not.find whaV had lately befallen,to..be loo_rauch -Again the' paused, and answered. "I am net conscious that Ido for now I enjoy all things in God." ihis was truly a-life of —faith.' ETzuz.zrrmw. Whitt ri :Wcird—how incomprehensi ble I:—;Pomething,that had no beginning, andcarilliireMo.end. And am I,' and m3yeaders; hiistening to such an endless !state of being? Is Ihere..no limit to the 'existence into Which 1.• have 'been ushe red?: When innumerable centuries have paiSecl,,shall I have as long to exist , as now?, It is. true. The Bible asserts, my mature indicates it—everything ad monishes me of the solemn him. A. feW brief years at the longest, and I ,am to pass the threshold of that unknown world, carrying with, me neither wealth nor, fairer, , nothing, but the character stamped upon my soul, my holiness or my sin. Can I think too much of the 'thought? It is sublime as , it is solemn. liod3r and Mind. Eiery man ought to provide convent ent food and raiment for his body ; this must be the , first object of his care ; but the end' in,' view should be to make his body' a fifinatrument for the operations of his mind.‘, .every man ought also to provide necessaties for his mind—to wit, altinich,,tiiings flimsy tend, to advance it in intelligence and , judgment ; but .the end yiviewshOttld be,:the he May, be ina 'state iciaeive his fellow.citizens; his countty;the'clitifcti, and thus,,the'Lord. ' „ • CARD. - Jill POUTER Weald,' reipenifeliy inform, the Ladies that lie lies fitted ini•the, room 'recently occupied by. Miss BPtiey Iterm j i • next door to,tho old stand oia LADIES SHOE STORE EXCLUSIVELY, whore they. will find a Well selected assortment of gaiters, buskins, ties, slippers, from the best manufactories in Philadelphia, and also o i his own make, to which their attention is invited. Carlisle, may 7 ; hardware THE Subscriber returns his 'sincere. thanks .to'his nunterousittistomins and tho public go. • asally , for , thelitioral , enbourogement t hue , far leatended, - and desires In n Word to assure all. that has - considerably , enlarged his stock in 'alllteN branches 'ccinriinted , with his business' r,.. 4 4tinnit . totng into, detail,lo r that would he un'• siticeifstay;iantr.at Such prices that could not fail please 1 haveAdsi Opened a complete assortment of Sgrata:and--C radling • SCYTHES; of different . bratidelL:Constahtly on kind Blake's 'Fite and Water Proof Paint. LAW , TAXBR.ILItir mon , sAnll' F;A:Nalii k lite . LAW LIURAIIA7, bojonging;to' Sidgo:llrandObury, and • aonakrung of- moat of arm ilyaabt ..Raporti and a ; tumb at' of oth. or standard - !.. aw Works, riOld 'vary loir to anf` s iiaratirtircbabing :tad '..Tito•,bookei 10 can aeon dentlite4iriacs , aacettainad by natl. lug' . tllo..ofßOO' - oVNT:'Afi'lrZis f'ROppi Etat . • re••••-• , • Ore art i.e4§i't,o;dl4o94C:arkloo , ,il.lo4 , lii}nd; I NvlciFiXeP.4l4 l ` Per' qoPt,,Weldvf alafiti(amptrge,s,al,o pricop.; codotry , A4o4o, wool:tido won 16 ow hio atdll:' JwifilBth,!sl. v./ :.,(f,..!\ I/ it,l ;. toR Ogi c irt • .CBERV4h, SMlLFY;auceossorta Wm.' 4_G. ibsoMgigRPTSMAKEIt & DtTAKEtt - NoFt „ nolow,Etreet, cariiiter i Cittlitihti o! Qarli6ls` ainl'.- I ,.hot , P,Obliergonorally , „that;ho'.nartr, hait.ort ' • .' hand alarge assortment of new - and.' elegant FURNITURAe, conhtst ng -port ofo asp 1- -).... , l9llWardrel?es . and "other; Tabfeg,'"ntirenus; iled4tecds,. plain and fancy. Sewing Stands, ase.' manufactured of the: best, moatoisreialrt i m at eidnAt O tiali3ty rwittit rereltibd; eir( gene ; es no 7l ; Vntlan t ßlinds, f nide r teordor oW nd t p pairipg ! prat - it:l4 attended to:' 'O6 - 11OFF:INS,m4delP, order ' f it the shortest notice. and hiving as p len-. did 'Hoarse homiii,atietni fin - tort/Is:in , town or country:. OtrGtont forgot the old stand of Wm. 0. Gibson, in North Hanover street, a few doors north of Glass's Hotel. ' . Sept 9-ty. • . R. B. SMILF I Y,' • ME Corner of Hanover and.Loialite Ar t -, .Ccirlist!. ring E undersigned has always liand:e' 1 sleek of superior Cabinet Ware. jnoll:the dillbrent styles, which ho is prepared, to sell at the lowest prices. Ho invites attention pakie ularly'to tho.Patene Spring,potiont g e d u t ea d, most useful article, whieh - Oiiiiroly,,obviates all objections. The bottom can bo attached to old Bedsteads.' They halla given entire .t atisfac• tam to all who'have them in use. (Kr COFFINS made to order at the shortest notice. • • " • JACOB FBI"TBR Jan! y. 22,1851.-Iv, Extensive Furniture Rooms lAMBS B.:WEAVER would reepoettully call'the attention of - House Keepers and the .public. to hie extensive 'stock of ELEGANT FURNITURE. including Sofas,' Wardrobes, Centre and other ~ Tablbs, Dressing anti plain Bureaus and every oth:lr article in Inibianch of business. Also, now on hand .the' ardest as sortment of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest prices. CO-Collins made at the shortest notice and allearse provided for funerals._ Na -Balk-, its a call at hiS establishment on North - 'Hano ver street; near Glass's HOTEL: N.B.—Fur. niture hired out by , the month or'year. Carlisle. March 20,1850.--ly 4301=*3-I.‘'i*B);l , t.i,', , 4 THE subscriber would*respectfullylin'vite the attention of farmers to his assortment 'of PLOWS, now manlike. tured near Craighead's Mill in 0-r, S Middleton townshl ',A four outh milee south of Carlisle. p, My assortment consists. of Withrow's, Stuckey's 'and Ball's patterns.— The Castings will all be ground. I will also make -GRAIN CRADLES. of the most proved patterns . All orders' directed to Wm., L. - Craigead. Carlisle, will be 'attended - to. with 'promptness, and Plows or Cradles 'daily erect itt any part of the county • free of charge. WIVI: L. CRAIGHEAD, Propt,r. _ ' DAVID ST,UCREY, - .1 1 / a nufaet'ry Gm- - • - • - - £ SPiErNDID STOCK ! THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the,.puhlic generally, that he hasjust returned from ~ !"-- • ....„ Philadelphia, . having ) .."': . . * 2 -1...i.,,„ purchased the most ex ,i'.o , 4 s ..;t's- - tcnsivo, as well as the 4 ,9 -- ' ••---..." cheapest-assortrnent_of 2 ~;,...., ever • .--..,:, - ' e ln l --Z. Watches, Jewelry, &c. - br ought to Carlisle .; stock con- . . sists in part of, " - • - 'Gail and Sillier. Patent ` Lever' Walchei, . - Gbld-and-Saver-delitiched -do. . - • -- Gold and Silver Lepine 'ratchet., in short every variety, of Wat Chas at all prices. Gold Guard arid Vest Chains'. Medallions, Watels Key, -Ear-Rings,-Finger-Rings,J3reast. Pins, Gold arid Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver pens and cases and Bracelets in great variety.. A splendid article of Gold, Silver, German Silver, and Blifed Steel 'SPEC TACLES, which are unsurpass• ed in (pp lily by' any other article - Wtest of Phil adelphia, and which can ke.scild at least 20 per, cent cheaper.than in Any, other .establishment. in the country. Also a large lot of •SILVIUL-WARE, • comprising, Table and Ten Spoons, Butter Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles, &p. Also, Card Cases. Porte Monnaies, Port Folios, Ladies Writing Desks, with• a great variety of other fancy articles unnecessary to mention. - A large lot of CLOCKS, assorted patterns, which will be sold low, and warranted to be good. •si• - ---fratches; Clocks •and-Jetsetry He invites all to call and examine his stock; assured that none can fail to be suited in quantity and PRICE. His articles are cash liitr-eltnses; Taw - afford - to;cell lower than the same 'articles can -be purchase( elsevithere. - Call at the obistand, a few doors west of Burkholder's Hotel. 'January 15, 1851-ly T. CONLYN. - A. - Voico - from - the 44-3But:ntApletrict.”-- _. • Blonyer's ;Candy' Factory. Rebuilt; • THE subeCriberWould respectfully announce to hie friende sod the public generally,' that hie Factory whiai was destroy:cal. - 5 , ltio - late - fire, has •been- rebuilt, and he re, now 'Prepared to furnish them with " • • r- • • . , CHOICE. CANDIES, Manufactured of the best material,' which he vyill sell wholesale or retail at the old , stand in North Hanover street, a few. doors north of the bank, where he has just opened a general assortment of • • • . FRUITS• AND NUTS, cbroistitig of Orangos, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, Bea Nuts ; &a. I - Ic would also call attention to his largo ' asiotimeut of - - TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, consisting of toys of Glass, Wood", Gum and China, of endless varieties. In connection with the above, ho has on band a prime lot of FRESH GROCERIES, consisting of Sugars, Coffeed, Torti, - Molasses,. Spices, Crackers,. Matches, Blacking, &c.— Alsu, a prime lot of CIGARS, of the boat brands. • •- The subscriber returriii his sincere 'thanks to a generous public for the patronage bestowed on him, and hopes by a destro to please to me ritix continuance of the same.' He would also return - lhanke to the Firemen-and Citizens for their efforts to save hid pro arty on the night of the late conflagration • Carlisle, niV4 - • P. MONYER. • THE subscriber, has on hand a large and well soldcted assortment. of MUSIC of all kinds, consisting of SOO,' Marches, Waltzes, Polkas, &a.. also' iristrUctions Piano and other instruments. Berlini's Method" 'for piano, "Mans - Method - for tho' Violin, &c. rind a supply of Violin and"auitarStrings, of 'first rate.quality at city prices. ' Haying made , an arrangement with, an ina. parting and publishing house 'in 'Philadelphia, he-Will be constantly supplied with neW Music and able tolfurnish anything in that line at short notice and upon reasonable, terms. ..Music Teachers will find it: for 'their , interestlo call and examine for themselves it she 'corner of Pitt and - High. styeete,ropposite .the..-Mansion House fml9l S.-A. HUBBARD. • 33001 C&! 113001t6! BOORS! THOSE desiring very good BOOKS wilt please call at my Drug, Book and Fancy Store, Main street, Carlisle. • I am making , preparations foriho Trade Sales in New York, and will soll tho,stock on hand at unusually-low• micas if called for ovithin a few days. Tho works, now on Jima comprise soma of the very , beak ektant. mar'. F M' RAWLINS. Books and'lVlnsiic.' , : • 'pAL,I, rt,jto;wlins' next deer timlni FP, and , you c . an buy Books Slid Islusfo ;At los*, 111si city prices. May 28 .' 51 ; -;,.. 9 • - • '•-• ;Alabaster, and other Fancy Lfimp's.:4 Lami Main; and .papii••slisidnn ~ .,junt.recetytli nett ;-door to., to rile PO. , H. SAXTON, iA goneyal nesoilmont of :whiti, en& eolordd Drillingefor tividn:lind,Bors , vrear,just moil/0d by thlOy 211'pry: GW , HIT/YEIL., J , . I,llll.ro,cei`f.a4 Banio, - of - indlatoat'stile:Alatii Bonnet sipcst Bilk and Sitifi'Liniiiga ofirarlbpo colorLY: is ,dbtaisy ~,,,,WIIILTNFRj • Tafent ptptiA. Rona, ,rrile.)ll: giving a , licantit tti giose tAineui,..hrupw 'q.ll' line, Colidts; tec.,andt prevents dust' front sticking to. Linens, &c. :• It contains' nothing , 't injurious. -.Just received by. • • k !decl 1 ' ' i ,~. >: .e `1 ~.1 :1 .7 i . ti 0 . /yr • I• 9 ' 4;47 '.:l-10 1 11 • " Linen DrWthg.. ,“/ '4 Milt 1. - 11 'tit' . . n ------- 1140$1 ---, _ mtg. -..t, .. - DRUCkt, - .:•--..'• •"ly I yr , r • c.. 4 ,t,,n6o43upp Ira Med- ILHAI- :rcoSh I FP ^ a." -- ‘ 0..e1h ate° which) i- Wreee l ,Y4 (l ' 4 --- Oiri 4." 'g t Li the '"11Paielll, dit:lll4 -gleair:Commild Ptce,4°c -n 94 bur/341S ,confide,Pl/Y • ivierch4lllt having ell° „,,,,,,lAcqe 0 90,untf.V. 0 ,i; ..,,, 1; Ca 2 1 1 0 7 re°Pli "I:lbt ri ln l a 7r 8. 9' I l d d ; fl i r t r : jl Ct I I 11' 1 • ' 1 -. o ' end D°° 1 .Hothe, ficrands,v,v 1 ° p n.!, Afedlerekt 4 . ispidit.a;gr°ll.3, , . ' ' 1 -,1" ti e ' helm •••••-' '' , Esee'eeea, ~. Ao , } 'IL, . - e '' menta, './ , ria.filineri,:,,,7;u'i ne .. ~ , instriLsorm 01.8 iyaertinted u, ~ , '' 1 pure w:4.14%," 04/ .• TuFFS., . `-- ii -, de C°",,,, DYE,F ., A c am iy, 0 ~, t aipg y a e s :, Ts. , , 1' 1= PAIN " 4 . k Indidoen, Sumac Alinkt, • . WetherilLA 'Brother's fare Lead,' ohroncle, Green and YellowvPaint and.Varnieh Brushes; Jersey Window! Glass,” Li risee d' ; il;lTurnenA . line;.Copal and coachlrinaiehlaialt , Red Lea ( All of which' will .be sold' , ard tho very lowdet marke,,t I•Alnoia fresh and kaplendid no sortmont of ---: „ , . V;011 FANCY O,llS' Fittirl7.S . Confoctlonaryi,and.innurnetablentlie nettcleis Calculated for use and Ornament,,allof 'which are offered at „the;. loweatt cash, prices ' at the. cheeP,Ding 'BOOk:iind Fancy. Store of the sub scriber on Northllanover street.. -- ' • S HAVBR:S+ICK. " • Mny 211. 1851 • -• . . . ORDIADIEN TAL MARB L E. W O RKS.K OWENS it, RIMEL& .IlOently:f6m Philadelphia.. 'BYE SPECTFULLY inforin thiVcitizons of jj Carlisle - and its vicinity, that they have now nt their Marble Yard in South Hanover street, , a few doors 'south' of the Court House, anilnearly opposite A & W - BentettStOre, on elegant !neck ,of,pure., ' ' . :11.111ER10..8N WHIT E - .709R8LE,, and are prepared to'executo the:rnost finialied style -• • Monuntents, • rat tikti Grant Stones at *prices, .Xantles, Door and Window Sitis •". Stops; Are. together with every other tinkle in - their line, and promise . that in firmness of. finish, chaste ness of - design' and quality of Msrble, their work shall not be surpassed by any other estab lishment. -• `• • They. are • also the authorized agents of Mr Robert Wood, of Philadelphia. and will fur nish from his manufactory all varieties of IRON. RAILING for the enclosing of Gravelots andi all other purposes, at. the shertest notice and at Pliilalelphia prices. 'They, will also finish or manufactuie all kinds of Building Work, such as Sills, Steps and Platforms, &c., at the short est notice and on the most, reasonable, terms. Having had groat Viperience, and, being em ployed in the beet shops' of Philadelphia, they are therefore enabled to manufacture the "'Tibet fashionable work, and respectfully asicsa share, of the patronage of 'Carlisle and the surrounding country. s , • [Carlisle, novo 18501- wzrz 'WILL VOIT BUTTER! rrIfiOUSANDS of bottiMi of the AMEIU JL • CAN COMPOUND have been sold due ing_thapast-yearyand:yraa neyer-thnowp to fail of curing, in n few - days; of a certain Mr, eat° disease, ,SeMinal weakness and all diseases of the.Urthary.organs: Persons afflicted using -this-pleasant and-popular-remedy-,-need-fear-no expesure, as it leaves no odor on the breath, requires no restrictiona or business contains no Moroni!, or noxious drugs injurious to the.system, and ,ks adapted to 'every age, sex, of eenditione It ie'also the best remedy known, for Fluor Albus Whltee;.(feniale complaints) with which thousands suffer, without the know ledge of a remedy. This celebrated remedy 'has long been ,used' in.private practice of a pliyl sic ian-and-vrith -unerring-success, - .radically. curing ' Pinetymine of tio, • hundred cases in a few days. Around, oabh bottle aro plain. and ,full directions.'' • _ CAUTlON:—Ask,for . .the AM ER ICA M COMPOUND,end purchase only of the Agents Pr leefil per bail°. For gale by S. ELLIOTT' Carlisle;'3. Wyeth, Harrisburg; R. Williama Colunibiei by A. Miller, Lancaster; E. Morris tie Co., `fork. -• (January, 15,1851. XL . II id 0 VAL LI STOVE WAREROOMSAND TIN NAN UFACTOHY., THE subscribers desire to inform their friends and -the public that they-have 'removed their TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY' to the rooni nearly oppo site their - old'atand - North - Hattoveratre et and may now be found in - their new and cbm.' modious manufactory on the West , sidelif the . 131110 street,afew doors aboie Lonther street wh ere. they vi ill a Chatinuo assortment of every kind of - Tin, Copper an- d•heSet.lron Wao!' . .„ . which may .be needed' by housekeepers and others. -- Their_ artieles• aro manufactured by the - maelvesof therbest - materialscand- in point Of finish and durability cannot be surpassed.— They will also. manufacture and repair at the shortest notice all kinds of Distilling Apparatus. They will promptly •attend to the laying of TIN - R0 OFING - and -HOUSE -SP OUTING ih town and country, and on the most reasona. blo terms. 'Every _branch _of their .business will be carefully attended to with ?{ho-utmost promptness. , They also keep constantly on -hand a largo variety of ,COAL AND WOOD STOVES, - - comprising every variety of plain ten•plate STOVES, elegant wood and coal. air-tight PARLOR STOVES, of the - latest styles, COOKING STOVES of the newest and most improved inventions, at various prices, which cannot fail to please ‘very taste.' They re• spectrally solicit an examination by the public of their large and varied assortment of stoves. 'Thankful to the public for (aims heretofore extended, and being determined 'to relax no eertions to give satisfaction to their, custotn• ors they hope to. merit a continuance of r tronage: VrThe highest cash price will be poi for old Copper and Pewter, MORRIS & HERSHEY• . Carlisle, March 19, 1851—ly Fresh. Arrival of Hardware, C _ HEAPER ,THAN THE CHEAPEST. CIAVING just returned from Now York & Xi Philadelphia with ,the best and Cheapest Stock of HARDWAREXUTLERY BUILD.' INC;, MATERIALS, PAINTS, &c., over brougli f ttiCarlisle, I would resp ectfully request dealers and consufeers and all others to give me a call and see 'whether they cannot got more and hatter- goods for the slime, - ,money than tit any other_placo in town. My stock , of Locks, .Latches,Bolts, Hingos, Screws, Nails, Spikes, Glass, aints, &c., is complete and very cheap. Carpenters' ; Tools, I, have a splendid ,assort. most. Also,, Cabinet Maker's Tools and Ma. terials ' viz :—Vaneera, Mahogany, MitieraLand Glass Bureau and Varnish. , SADDLERS & COACII MAKERS, can have everything id their line cheaper than ever. FOR SHOEMAKERS, ' I have a first rate stock of Morocco and Lining Skins, Bindings, Pegs, Thread and Wax ; and ..r}..saperli---nasortnufrit of - Slitielnakers.TOols. I have also a complete assortment of Bali t it.Lasfs, :made in Harrisburg, which • can be. had' at no -Other place in town, and at Bull's Prices.- -To. gather-with an assortment of all kinds of Ham:- mered and. R6lled 'lron 'and Steel.' Of House. keeping Articles, I haim Knives. Forks, Spoonei Waiters, Snuffers and,-Trays, Tubs;l3ucketfli 1.-Ittve4hes largest, IlandMeat and :Cheapest - Assortment in WA*: And to all who want good and Cheap HARD WARE, I would say coine and aoedor : pqurQelvge ,::r.;: OCt3O " ' • J.P LYHE •:. i . r. , l'ute' ,Oider Vitiegar., IUST rebeivila ,, fresh barrel ,of Ture'Cirla Nrjciegar. alaapelior'quitlitir; i1d,w47444 'roe from adultarattori.. . - • nova "- O:W' • TlEtt."4 =MI . . • - 4 FULLS Euititichtt Ito fixo White 4141 MorinoZosirof-011. skioolor -A lodi ' Lain iiote i,n great , v aria tr i fiti U.& • 1 ,, fi;'1. , .• or . :=W' INFER . i,r; •• • •:t":l4",t, iffo . Coma lilt ma niahoia dt °Ltd Ibid. Of thoudht•acd beauty. ~, Rere' b001hi+4 4 . , : , f. IA Rho , Pootical anti- Religioupoil RAWLINS . ; Hain Artioidiircithfiriiiiiiiiao by which R,chhfiß),t3choglAt con fignioliO4.oPubliplieto +1 ' • Y, 's . - ‘I i.;1..C.) :;) * • ' • elta ' !;;?_.; Mir.: 4 osl4Co4 ll dfl:dietira 14ii I I:: , . f tA Not FORIT'S from , filo 7 9clnle 9 *.lP Au' RoetiCioed,;'hitiheiganY arid;WalcucCattoe cif 'Various ItYliiii'Yttith; and, Vrithoni iron Iranian. timbitiiiititikthir':trnpirciyoments're4nieiti"in't tnipertittatilltiumnent: 4 ' 41 ' 44 ' K. G. have pcilited ilte4Miriltind qiiatitutit their' three ritiedieitiva - yOtatr,AB4B, 1849',485 6 :' They' havortilito'bettiatinuoreil.iiith numarous testirno.". vials tram all 'the, titopt celebiated'drtistaililio have, tv.ntd their.huntintente* , ,Pianos fromitheir : eatablistlinietitleiVeblieninied i de the 'cbncertd os Lind, Herz, Hohnstock, Bishop, ~Laborde, Kno'dp', , and Other -aminentverforafe rs. They guarantdodurabilitY fer• five. years, Under , good care& and ±ittillizeplace l'others , - Which' mar net giva.iatiefaction, if applisatioriliiiinade withinaix - Months after delivery:l' , • t MA:An' • ',Their. UanufaCtory being' conducted. on' the. !Most extensive genie enabled theirs' td . ' tarnish instruments: the corr lowest " price ' s/ sale. and' Wail: , '•.'i,Constently on , hand, 'A* , P; Hughes' Melodeonei , ranglng from $45 to $200,' 'for .whielithey,nris 4solcr agents for this city: , • ,January22.lB.sl*.ly • . . Perfumery -Fancy ,Soap .8c Paper Box , , . MArintrrACTOtt ir;. 48 Arabi akar below Second; CLEGC. Mainilaclutere of: Perfinnery, Fnnoy Seat's' and Fancy Paper BoXes, respedtftillyeall the attention of theDtt r igkateand' Dealers in Carlisle and the Cuniberfand Valley, to theirextensivestoch Of Goothi.'ceiriorising Pcrlumer f l Fan c y Sonps; Powders for the complexion, allot, &c. &c of every variety.' Aloe; a full and complete as, sortment ol Fano . ) , Paper Boxes; of 'every '4O - large or small; round or Square, made to order at the shortest notice. " • - - - - 'Don't forgot the place,4l) Market street, Philadelphia: All orders wil l meet with prompt attention. ' k • • janls No. 171, CffEW,UT STREET, PHILAMS, THE OLD 'STAND, oc6ipiiil '((or ' thors than on:.third qf a century by G. Wil/fg, . -. • . „ H E wide raigna d would 'Most respectfully announce to tbs public that he Is AGLN r „ - for more than twenty of the most celebrated manufacturers of HOS ,- , • , TON, .NEW • DELPHIA; and 'elSowherOV and a constantly 'receiving from them PIANOS o the 'richest and Most varied styles, of superior tone, and of the Most superb finish, of 6. 61., 61, and 7 Octaves, which are warranted eijual to, any manufactured ,either in this country or in Europe. --- Just received; also; alfurther supply of Ohara and Parlor Organs, of -beantifut patterns and fine tones. • • His WARERO9M is constantly supplied with a choice Selection of 'SERAPHINES and MELODEONS, from the, oldest and most ex tensive manufactories in the United States; -a mong whicn is a new style ofREED ORGAN having -Carhart's4pment,inaprevcinents, _with gilt pipes in fronOnd caw elegantly carved, and lughly ornamental. Tuning- and ~.Et!pihring--Sig. Salvador La ...Grasso ' • a distinguished Piano Forte Manufactu ar-andOrattiluilder, will attend to all orders: sept4,'So OSCAR C CARTER. • etartnnintrliEr-0111.-7- WON'T be deceived: Country Merchants and Dealers.. who want good and. cheap PEIiFUMERY and FANQY SOAPS should call upon-JOHN. T CLEGG, , Perfumer and Chemin, 48 Market St., below 2d, Philadelphia, who has constantly on hand PERFUMERY and FANCY SOAPS, of. every description; Powders, Hair' Oils; Ox Marrows, Colognes,. -Hair Dye5,.&c.,.&04 2. _1 100,000 persons have read. my iadvertisoment in the - Public Ledger, hundredsof whom-have called and been-convinced the advantage, of purchasing direct from the manafacturer. Agency for Ferran's Cireassinn:gair Oil, Curling Fluid, &c. Orders from any Dart of the, Vnitad,:ptates will he promptly . attendad to., aug4'so,iy JOLINq CLEGG., - ZON, 4 I:),MYISIk,FALTEL . ••••• • 'llightVlGight,.! "Agit rincoo' :Campine medal Fluid, grliF acknowlOdged superiority and purity, Ulf manufactured land for sale at - the lowest Wholesale prices, by DAVIS & HATCH, 'at - ttre - old - established - stand of the late Renja min- T. paid, ' CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY, lybere orders by Manor otherwise are solicited, *and prompt attentlm . gAiLn. The voice of the puli(ic y enta, Silver Medal,'Und complimentary notice by 'the Franklin Institute over all Competitors, is 04cient evidence'of.the excellence of our Oil. its 4/6ihol, Pita, nrpentine, Rosin, and Spir Turpentine,lor, .sale ,Wholesale and 11. e. "tail; arthelciwesyprices. • . Tott3o' rur AINDEACTDRERS and wholesale deal. ..OJ_ wain 0 O KS, 13 AS KB TB and WOOD WARE ) have removed to the large store lately occupied by Messrs. Sellers fi Da. vir where they have opened an. extensive stock of Eastern. and. City made BROOMS and OORMARE, which they are now selling iit*thilloweat manufacturers prices: A. full assortment of Briellea,Bruehes, Mat. Cordageconstantly on band No 1 North T'hird Street, 3 doors below,Race, Ph delphia ; •• [y17,'50 P. WOULD cat( the attention of purchasers to VV- their elegaht assortment of ?Vrought and Cast; Iron Railing , for' -• CEMETERIES,— , BALCONIES, I. VERANDAS, Railing for Churches, Public and Private Buildings, Public Squares, d&c., together with all, kinds of Plain and Ornamental Iron Work. More & ,(4allagher's Book of ORIGINAL DESIGNS, containing_ the best selection, o designs that has ever. beelffsoued, bOont to onx person who. mai Irish to make a select tion. " • 11eb19.51 . t,. EL GORDON, PRODUCE, COMMISSION AA D• ,FOR - - WARDING•MERCIIA N T,- - • - No. 713 Noth , litreet,Baltimore. THE '''undeitiligil4d, - Agent for - the ••• VerirOsylraniii and Ohio Lirio, being can. trally located yen.tho- Baltimore and Susque. henna Railroad, : har,made arrangements for transacting a - General Prodtrce Commislou ' in connection • -FORWARDING'BUSINESS; and respectfullysolicits Consignments ,olWhis key,•Flour, Grain, and Country' Produco'gine.:; rally:. Respectfully, - • • • • S GORDON. ' Baltimore,f April 23m11115., - -N.13. Orders. for Groceries, Salt,_&c„:, w ill be proreptly'eteented. • . - ' -•- REFERENCES. ' ' 'Messrs, John Sidliran'64 - Soris; W. Starr •iSt: Sons AThomas Carson & C e., - John logh & Co., Wylie & Wileon; David Haye"dc Co., Duvall, Reighler ISt Dorsey, Miller and Mayhew;' Turnbull, - Dall • & Slade, Robert Garrott St Sous, James - Gecrge, Baltimore. ' • Messrs. IL Cron& & Co,. Wheeling, Va s •• -M Ceara.' mark & G Pittsburg. 'Mr.: J: V. Kerr, Harriabut4•,• , • Jutries'Cowdere,• , Eaq. Columbia. .'_ • • 'Messrs. ••• ',Miissrs. , P. A' U'S Smalt t . York. Mesers. - ..Tameaflle(d 6 4.!-;9. , Pawls & 3;tiitier Philadelphia.'- 0 ' • - • '' • • • Dr. 1; AIoCULLOQII, respectfully annouit:' ens dint he , has recently hecomis associated with' ,;.'Air....q,.tx..,Row.iine; in the drug bintiness:nest stloorlo thtpost ,Oilice, Main street, Carlisleo4 :.Professional calla to as here: intorno 'in taws or, musty, • (May 214, • • tA,9 • 4;4:if) T ni,,K#OOlA .• Vt adio i O , 'DUB; STOUP;.* "fr-diittetti;.!CPAYPllit : I S so eve. Mid Childro 4 ,.‘ litqa !1nd4312 CC fa lo34oll,otred-Tr0r3..01,,pz,i,,,3,r, rY gaiter., 185 i ' -• t - . • 4:0/ 11 .fa"t 1444141000Tindi, msy 1.,435h0e..t sl'ilfille'°°'° • B o a ° nd.Children die. an . r poya.lVllo°°4l.4 quality, I° ' ''"! I °' 1 1 . 6 nemp, 41 beat Sltaaa. Vort •oliepth- ••• Tilt. 1 very P r ' tipoa! of luir liE PIANE FORTE. WAREROOMS, S''111:. Jr.:Rowe, Stenin Iron 'Raili~tg. & MEMMILCIAZIR, Corner ofßidge Read and Broad PIIILADELPIIIA , The Naffs , t.gtitee Lhe Ilesh rew °, ; andAtinet • . . ./tarter, 32r? Tr! ash THE 'cdnetartt ) atnsOlicited , applicationp for , Life Ineuralice;' - givOslilieWielit.abundanL null ) . gratifying:l,MM' that 'the pnbliesnlnd ie deeply impresead with: thp"tast f- Imp ortance.Of " thtethrec, The grent object, ltowever, of in,eurance therwise'the whole MdtiYe, to insure:may. lle diiittpPointed. Too much:earq.cannothe practised in theiselection of an office with Which Au effect:the contraetv--- The chOice',should be regulated not by present and-constant large.inducements,-ne this, is cep: tainly Inconinatible:With future .hseitatsi , :The. , premiums on life-are calculated for thefiiture, if:predent and prospective' benefits therefore'are given, the result ultimately, must. terminate,' in• litigation; disappointment and ruin. - The. object , Aimed at bpthisinstitution is sicibitity and , per .pettlity: The-rates of. premitini ihavo , been - carw- I lullypreparcd - wlth-reference to fluctiiiitioluf. , ==7 The cash,49ystopi, of Kimonos, has 'also been, adopted/ c npaidnremiuretoteei constitute no pary or the assets' of th company;:iinct every contingency being fortified With an 'sulfite enp.s l ital; , Security %stamps toe- Whole-'system. T . his 'feature, paramount to all other considerations' .commends the compaarto 'public favor. Ex• planetary pamphlote, Monks. application papers information; and every "facility 'will be cheerfully ;lurnishod , the 'public by Mr: E..I3EATTY . ,.who ;has been duly appointed agent'of' this company ,fer Cumberland - cocky. Pr. ft:HINKLEY n !has also bee apPoirited Modica! Examiner: Dif , ecters.-Slephen R. Crawfor'd, Ambiosei W Thompson,ißerkinknin' W Tingley, •Jacob L ,Florence, Wjlliam Godwin; Paul B Goddard - Lawrence - Johnson, George - M' Henry, - 3ameal Deliereux, John L.-LinOn.*: President—Swollen R. C,raWford.t. , ; Piii.President.—Amßrope Thontoson.= , Serremry 'Ed'•Triasurer.—Charles G 4 . Eyre. „ • Counsel Er.dttar,ney,,—ThOmas Baloh. l . • ; .111. , dieal'Ernminers. Pauliß Goddard, M.D. William: Pepper, M. D: : • •- roug7 ly rzztE INSURANCE. , THE Allen and Eaet Pennsbotough Mutual Fire Insurance ComPan'y of Cuinberland county ncorpMated by an act of 'Assembly, is now fully organized, and'iii operation.under the. manage-. ment of, the following commissioners, viz: , JacobSlielly, Gorge's, Mpthael Cock in, , Mcichoir Brenneman, Christian Staynian, Simoh Oyster, " Jacob -coovor, Lewis Byer, Henry' Logan, Etrnjamin 11 Musser, Jacob Hirki, Samuel Pro Well, 'Joseph Wickershain. The rotes - of insurance. are'as low and favora blr! as any . -Company of the.kind,in the. State— . wishing to bedome mombers,are invited to make application to the vents of the comps-, ny, who are willing to wait. upon thorn at any time. JACOB' SHELLY, ; President. ENRY LOGAN, Vice' ,Presidept. • LEM'S HYER., Se Lary, MICEIVEL COMMIN, Treasurer. - '• AGENTS Camber/dad eounty.—RUdolph Martin, New Cumberland, C B Herman, Kingstown, Henry Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and Charles Bell,.Ctirliale, Isaac ,Kinsey, Meehan.. -icsburg.Hr.:J. Ahl, -Churehtolvn, York county.—John Sheril*, Lisburn, John Bowman, Dillsburg,,Feler Wolford, Franklin John Smith, Esq., 'Washington, W S.Picking, Dover, Daniel llaffensberger, W Craft. ....... Harrisburg.—HouoprLoehr/inn. Members tof the' company having'policies a bound aspire can have them renewed by_ mak ing application to any•of the agents . .. • in k oardit YOURSELF 1-I—FOE :15 CENTS !! —l3y means of the pocket lculapiusri ni• J .Every One sown Physician ! Twen .lonyth edition; with up trds of a hundred engrn igs, showing private ditt oes in every shape and w. and ' inaiformefioue the generative system. tY WM.YOiING, M.D. The time has 'now ar ing from secret disease C. VICTIM OF QUACKERY —detained in this book any one may cure himself, without hindrana , lo siness, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and with onc'tenth the usual expense. la addition to the getieralroutine of private disease it fully explains the tinu3e•tirritnhood's early do cline, with observations oh marringe--liesidee many oilier derangements which it would not by proper to enumerate in the public prints. frr Any person sending Tummy-viva crarrai enclosed irl'a letter, will receive one copy adds book, by mail, or five copies will-be sent for one dollar. Address, "DR. W..YOUNG,NO. 152 SPRUCE Street, IP lIILADLEPHIA" Post-paid. n - DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any _of rho Disenses preicribed in his different publioa ions, at his Offices , 152 SPRUCE street, every day,betwocri.ll4md...i-o-Wo44Sundaya excepted.. May 1, lB5O. di FRESH AnktfAr. OF English and American Hardware. 'Cheaper tlian can bound side -of the _ • subscriber having just returned front the Eastern cities with a full and hand some assortment of all kinds of HARDWARE of the , •very best makers .and well selected, is now opening at. the Cheap Hardware Stand in North Hanover street, next door to Scott's Ho tcl, formerly kept by Henry Glass, where he would• invite all that are , in want of good and 'cheap Hardwire to give him a . call and see and satisfy yourself of the truth, as we are determ ined to sell at a very small advance. Small profits 'and quick sales are the order of the day To Builders, , Carpehters and Others. A full stock et white., ,mineral and . .Tapaned Knobi, locks and latches, of-every description price and quality, hinges, and screws, window sash and shutter spring's ; strait-necked and barrelled ffolts, of every kind, mill, cross cut and circular Saws, hand, panel,, ripping and back ,Saws, bright, black and blue augurs, o the very best Makers, Chisels, broad,pointing hand and chopping Axes; of different makers hatchets, planes and plane . .bits,.steel and iron squares,-files and-respiknails,-brads and- spikes of all sizes and warranted of the best quality. To Saddlers and Coach Maus, Our stock consists of a complete assortment of articles in your lino of business. eaddlorylools, brass, silver and Japancd mounting, 'carriage trimmings, broad paetetng,and seaming laces and fringes,, plain and figured canvaasoai' cloth, top lining cloth and serge. lining of vari ous kinds, white, rod, blue and black patent leather Dashers, silver and brass plate, Deer rosetts, hubs, fellows, spokes, bdws,.olip tic springs, iron axles malleable castings, &a. To Cabinet and Shoe Makers, , • A 611 Stock of shoe kit and, findings, boot mo rocco's, French kid, straits, morocco and lining and. binding .skina,.lasts, tacks, pege,,hammers pinchers and French' morocco. kit of every,de- Ncription, superior' coal ..varnish; Japan and black varnish, mahogany, and maple Vaneers, moulding, beading, rosota , glass , mineral and mahogany knobs of every size and style. To Bletektotiths, Farmers and Others. 10, tcu.s of assorted barirenos arranted to be of the best quality. A splAdhl assortment of bar • and rolledoiron, hammered, horse shoe, scollop. plough, broad an narrow tire, rolled,horse shoe bar, band, round and square iron, east, 'shear, spring, English and American blister steel, Eng lish Wagon boxes, Carriage boxes in salts, an vils, vices, files, rasps. horse shoe nails. die. To Housekeepers.. • A beautiful assortment of cheap fancy goods, such as waiters; trays, plain and fancy knives and forks, butcher Arnim and steols,,brittanis lamps, brass candle sticks; Brittaniiin and silver table and ton spoons, plated buiter knives, pro. sortingkettles, smoothing irons ! iron and ho ped ten and oval bailors; iron frying and broad pans; .washboalds, tubs; churns,,buchata, iron pots, wash kettles, and stew pans,&a. . To, Gunsmiths, ',7llarksinett Mti Riga and ,Gup. Barrolo - rtono7uctiiine. plug:. hiPPle and balk nation Ciun-1 4 00ks, gun mount ing and Run breech aeoke.;isheet :brass. and: German silver ammonia, - To Polalees. , • fresh-lot:of ,Wetherill's: , paro •aod 'extra White Load, oil and -torpentinov*Prniahes, Jrkw',l Par; .Whito-'and;redi-lead; yellow am Green:" paint, ground an olhokliding, , lyelloWorthre;"&es 1 -7 ; 1 + 4 - - ;;-To Maslen ,- and Aforksoteth t :0.1.1":1 1 A! goo'd• adsortmetit double roillotti'poWder; iook powdereilfeti;;;lu)se . , Omit,', flints , and,"bar 'load': 3 rapes , of 'all ;kinds, for' thrashing , iritteblaWii, - rbourtand , other tangles tbrtltutotWous tp in a ert, all wo 'oak ia to gly&lia naall,`-ond , w,r4 ark ,aan;:' dent_ 99u will qntl'O'gdOtliatt'ottirtrint of Haid , Ware and7 - chittipar± , thrPtaan4brO.ioSoA . in , `any Other •Elthiso' this I tido tifitne 'doll is 'all wa falba old tod-wall"ndwra",-:' Hardware Stand. lormorl)i!kaht.ty.LoWiii4ll2l6 , , lan, in North Hanover ,etreet, neat, door .9cott' Li atei, forniSrlift ant 0),ot-rail hi n i o n ; ' ;•'; " 0 1 ;;Ce0.041044; ,;;;; =~-e~iririe~= .~"- - . , .: - .__ . L • i ' - 1 :f . * 7 - !..' • ftW WI. I;2+ '..11m,..-._:.-:,,,,,,-.., 41„ ;? ,, 50 ,,.. ..... '.,. .1 , .• % ' • •-:' , . a4,,i . •( ;, i',. --.", _ar...,, ''.. • gl i ' .11 1t ., : ; • • '•• ••- •'''''' .. f•- . );:.Y•, PiT/ 4 - 11 ''•! IC • i•-._,Yr : i ' ' 1',...1yi. Li,.:-.1111J0i,-,...-.)7# ' - 7!." - -•,,,* e ''.,.. .4, w----F:::,pifAxolliii:42&f.„77 - T..• • Arvil . "6. , ' kit0cier . p.•.w332. , • , .-1 , _.:-. , -.-„,.:,•.w::,.., - VI r.".... . -;..rsh - . 4_-_ , . . • ;.,' :: . _--- '-. - - .- • ... .. .. . .. . AtigißßY ','„:.,PECTORAL: yl;„ For the• eoti - arts, Iir.O.EkRSEN'ZISS, BRON -O.IIr.VIS,' GROUP, M. VITHOOPINO-Ooveu t ,Trp CONSUMPTION'. Among tho niinierons 'diaaoveries ReienCe• . his • made .in this, g,Snerition to 'facilitate the business'. of - lif&i.inereatsa. its - enjoyment, and even prolong: the term of humeri' existence, none can be named of inniefOalinilttO to Mankind, than, this. contribu thin eftherrititrg to the Rahling Art.' - A vast trial of its virtues, throughout .hrOad country, has prOven,beyondxi &Wit, that no medicine. or corn binstion• of madicines yet: known, can •so surely control and' cure the numerous varieties ofpulmo. nary disease which have hitherto swept from :our midst thmisands and thoheands every gear. in• deed;tliere is now abundant reason to believe a Remedy has at length been found whiCh can be relied on to cure. the most dangerous nffeetions or the lungs... Our spun here will not permit sate publish any proportion of the cures effected by its .use, butlw . e would ,present the .following opinions of eminant men. and refer further enquiry to the circular which the Agents below named, will al• ways he pleased to furnish free, wherein are full particulars, and indisputable proof of these facts. Milly : RST . caLLE9 . fi, THE CTLEIitAT6 . PROgt;SOitfifi.CHCOCK. "James C. Ayer—Sir: I have used your cum nir.Pucroaaa in my own ease of deefeseated Bronchitis, and pip satisfied frOm its chemical emiStittaion, that it is tufadmirable. compound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial, difficulties.— If my opinion es to ins superior character can be of any service, you are at liberty to use it as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, L. L.D. From the videlr.celebrated • • PROF'ESS'OR SILLIMAN. D., L. L: D 'Pnoressou of CDEMISTRY, MINERAOLOGIY, &c. YALE COLLEGE, MEMBER OF TIIELTT. HIST. " MED. PHIL. AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES OF, AMERICA AND EUROPE. deem the CHERRY PccronaL an admirable composition from some of the best articles in the Materia Modica,' and a.very effective remedy for the class of diseases it is intended to cure." New, Aaven. Nov: 1; 1849. . • • MAJOR PAT'XISON, President of the S. C. Senate, slates ho has used the CUEnRY PECTOItaL With wonderful enema to cute an inflammation of •tho lunge. , , FKOM ONE' , OF -TIiEIIRST PHYSICIANS -.- IN MAINE. . Dr. J. C.; Aycr, LeWelh Dear Sir :--I am now constantly using your ChERRY PEczonm, in my practice, and prefer it 'to any oilier medicine for pulmonary complaints.. - Front observation -of many severe cases; Lam-convinced it will Cure . coughs, colds; and diseases ' of the lungs , that have put- to defiance till other remedies. - - --- I invariably recommend its use incases of con sumption, and consider it much the hest remedy known for that disease. Respecqully yours, • I. S. CUSHMAN, M. D. PREPARED AND SOLD BY JAMES_C AYER, PRACTICAL CHEMIST, LO WELL MASS.• -- • • . . Sold in *Carlige by Dr. S. Elliott. S. A. Hubbard and Dr. Raw Mechanicsburg byDr. Ira Day—in Nowville by J H Herron—in Shippens burg by J. C. ,& U. B. Altiek, and by Druggists generally throughout the State. June 18 • 1851. ' ' - DR. itrir.zant.iss - - Celebrated - Family -Zediebtes. It concerns every one. Cholera can be cured Dr. Keeler's Sariaparilla Panacea• For the removal and permanent cure dal • Diseases arising from an-impure stata of 'the' Blend and habit . • -- of body:'. The All-wide Creator has implanted in all '- organized bodies an inhale disposition to self preservation. The vital powers Raabe!' the property of resisting the influence.erbiternal causes, but as the BLOOD is the common par. bulum from_which all parts of living matte derives Its renovating elements, and consequent_ ly, upon which the life of organized beinga de pend, it is probable that in cases of accident' or where artificial means have been employed' , to deprive it - of an . essential property, the vital eftcts of the whole ayetem will be directed to. ward restoring to it that property. In all, con atitutionaLand_hcreditary_affectiona,thia.laid_ has undergone some primary alteration, which is 'the cause of the aFecial disease, or,ivbich es sentially contributed to its production. i.Resto ration to health curl only he obtained by a re inure!, of the merbiffaause through the - eircultitidn - , - and - DttKellit'irSarsa -- parilla, is the most powerful modifier Of agent effecting this fluid known.' See pamphlets. - -Bieck wood town; trk.l.. June• 6; 1848: -Dr. Keeler—Dear am entirely. out of your Panacea. '.l was called upon day before .yesterday for half a' dozen. • -Your medicine. ii becoming very popular where 11:11aveinfroduced it: and I think the nide ii.,is used the morn pop ular it will get: .Respectfully yours, • 2 WM. PAOAIII, M. D. rCg-For details certificates, &c., see circa: are, &c. Prico ed per bottle, largo aim, 6M ies $5 . _ DR. REELER'S COUGH SYRUP Among all the remedies' bofore tho public tbis,Stande pro-eminent in incipient coneurop aronchitie, Catarrhs, Coughs, Mammas, Whooping Cough; flourisy, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, nod for all affoctlone of the pulmonary organs occastoned by cold.. ,Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon this remedy, and the •propriatOr urges ovary one afflicted with any of the above complain& to secure it at once. It is warranted to cure or no pay. Prie'o only 50 cents.. DR. KEELER'S CORDIAL AND CARMI- NATIVE. Every family whether-rich ur p or ' .who val ues health and all its bibtwinge, ahould have.this invaltiable remedy at lima It is infinitely the best remedy. known for Dlarrhma, Dysentery, Cholera,- Morbue, Cholera lutetium,. Cholic, Ylatolandy, griping pains,- cramp, etc.. and for all4liseeses of the stem:reit:and bowels - caused by Teething:, ,The numerneslestimoplals from physicians and others' unsolicited has given it ■ reputatiop as firm as efir adamant. trice 25.cente per - bottle. . • DR. REELER'S VERMIFUGE SYRUP. •n'fbis remedy is pleasant to the taste, harm lesi to the patient and all p'owerful in.remoinng all kinds of worms from the body : It ie with-° out doubt, the cheapilst and boot worm destroy ing medieino borer° the public, end will if ad ministered oceerding to directions,: remove them within'fire or. Nix hours tiller taken.'.The dose is small, and each bottle contains twice as much as similar remedies. Price only 25 gents per bottle: PR. KEELtR'S LIVER'AND, SANATIVE PILLS ..Although . not recommended as a "cure all," Yet they. are the Mildinit and best remedy tore, move Canstipatinn, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, IW , fewness, Nervousness, 'Foul Stomach, Hoed, ,ache, Indigeotion,'olP. Ulike other- purgative modioines they leave , ,the bowelsalwar relaxed and consequently are , the :proper medidine for forlemalea end persona loading a solitary life. Price 25 cents. ! ~ '' ' ' , DR. KEELER'S TIJIBMIATIC UQTION ' A ju.vtly:' celebrated' external 'application for Pains kif the Cheat; Neuralgia, Headache; Spezia Bruises, Tie Daloreux, Swellings of the Joints; Rheumatism, Gout, sciatica and, for, aktdisor ) decOrhereiri a - sedative end rubitfaeleh retne: dy le• applicable, -- priaa . ,twot.y,fiv.e, co (11 Oe,r :.,Aft c1f , ..04.:a110vi7! celebrated Mitt.extensively . tkeedinedietnes, are prepared rend Vold Whole sale )indl ,Retell; at 294. lotticpx EITREET, .Philatlerphie.:,•;, -: ~ „ , . ;, ~ , - , 'Qr 611 16 by ,S• ELLICar s thirlielq'; A, Gi Tiller, Dick imorw,,Mossro, :AMA, ,Eihippenti4 burg, 1.:F.: erfrrihr, Illoohani4b!irg, hi„ StrittrnAlWriwn: ourl otprji' town' throughout tiro' c'24llty ti 0,18.51. run 1 ti*E . 44lcor • ,1741 g AslA' wkve' rigpf 1. . .W* tiebn"-415,11401111.tv0Y.uee for. tho, - ; utptimt,aucP9.44 qx.ip ,q9ca' qf mpe v atettin.l4li.py 'tingifj illatOPA icnow4 . /illgt 4: has rot. lap* 'ff.-AAA/ 1 ( 1 N ' , • L'lntt'NY 44/4Di `-11,,,antqlooiair_st=totobar,&‘!li iopetil!si pa. andyferfuerndri rif..thet_ ccn, trig' not door ityttate Pdat jeffiffl t , u , geif/VPINS ffet`Mcf.44l.4.looll. r • * tiliotella neono.- MI Price "'B educed :T , •.!',":;':'( , ',',,..„ - ,:',';',.,r.i,"VA:ual.AN , s:f 7::i.:''7'.":.';' . . U'T.iio.2oX:i:,*:',P.::rk:iiilThiio.l. I,iltE Ilottlo~~ = On-ly One Dollar, , . , rh. PrOpthAnYlit,tbe Grost'g . lthon ,i 3 vi Rounds " Vnintne VganiAtiLt Ittnowrittyyt , 0 M. txT,Flg."'lndocod by tb orgoai 'or. lab AL ;Tonto:. throughout the Unita etutog and 'Canada': big now- '. • -•' • - i .. Radioed ii , `u3 1 Prime .-. ~ . . it ilLipitilit , ana - 1411 iiiciwi, '''. , iti , ' 'l° t'sad, ,fietw a& date wwwifertb. he will put elp but '', 6 " Au , Olatr."-Lia QUM eittlal:=l27eviall priosi 714:6.': ' •', \, : ' '. •,: ' ?: . . . ONN - D,914 ' , Atag; the Pilbli• olity nit teetir;e4 that if' a , thanm‘ Of the mai Mn., its ittnnath; and aunties pro Pe:ries WILL 1011141. 100 : . artd Sit OA INA l t o ifod Al Pia lartiss,it.as-hiistofora: , • - . As this msdiolost ander ite Waited tnW ill hontoehese ni thou Wbo have not hithsrto.nade tL ~ 'l ,l4° l l. A. a nrinaintir. with its virtue. the proprietor would bet intiM " i 641 IA ie not to be clawed with dm oak rani " Itemedb if the day;" it claims for A 'talks' Dower; all diem's, than 'Say otter irsporatios . !". 1° , 11 / 4 " acrid ; and hu nitwits° 'lself for Wert 'yea "A`. Al Its nitwit virtues; and. mull this reduction. own is And!'d deabi .he price of any other article to this line. Ifor ti.ti treat has ioLnavrican.a.icv, Pils adlois • is Rowse and cintainty, upon the . . Blood, Liver, Immo, Lungs'', sad all Stier bream, upon the proper salon of .wit , sesltit depend. This 'medicine bu srepute u s yeas t6V foe Dropsy. and (travel,' tad all disuses of that manse. It-may be rolled opt :be intelligent phyrlsro has abandoned his pitiut;-w Arm A - /sire distressing dhow., mere sitiecially,DaoriY. the . props Kw would earnestly and honestly recommend At I ensent price it is easily obtained by all; and the trial will, Pi . " the whole to be the - • . Cheapest Medicine in the World! G9' Play ask forpampblw= the rimer tire them awe Ir Limy metal," over sixteen pages or recants, (In addition to A. t radical matter) rideable for household prdpore, and whit will earl many dollar per rev to practical boarkeeparL - Thew receipt' err s inundated to mak* Vie- boolCiiferry.., value, ride lion It. character as an adrenaline median' fe • the redid* the testimony In favor,of which, In the form letters from ill parr of the 00011t17. Y_be *lO4 uppn. Venetia's. Vegetable Lltiontripiloldirtuti Oraai'American Remedy, now for gale in quart bottles al each, small bottle" et 60 ots each: No email bottles will • honed after the preent stook ia diapord of. Tiincipal Office. Ralalo. H. T.. SOT Main &mei. • G. G. VAUGHN. tibild Whole's!, and Retail by OLCOTT MaKESHON CO.. 171 Maiden Lena, New York car: N. L.—All lettere (excepting from agent" and dealers wit wheat he Murals bminee) rut be poet paid. or no Ernie Ni be given to them. S • W Havoretlck, Carlisle, 'J'C & G B Altick;Shippensburg, Russel & Dico, Dickinson, J. F - Spahr, Mechnniesqurg, • • - A 1 - I , Zagor,-Kiegetown. Octl6, Valuable — School - Booksr IVUBLISHED BY' HOMAS,COWPETH WAITE ik - C0.;253 MAHKET , STREET; - lADELPHIA, and for' sale by all_the book sellers in the United States MITCHELL'S PRIMARY; GEOGRAPHY, • Ao easy ii 'theattidfUt Geogra:' phy, designed for children, and qomplely il lustrated by 120 engravings add P. colored. maps. • MITCHELL'S INTERTISEDIA2E , The test, tho exercises-tbe illustration's, and the forty beautiful maps are printed together'in one , quarto volume. --- Mixcur.ses - Seatoorlaro - osixturvicAmtsi, a.system_of modern Geography,_•comprising a description.of the present state of the world and its five great divisions. Etilbellislied with nu merous engravings and illustrated bTatirexcel lent _Atlas containing 28 handsorim and accurate colored maps. -This•series•of Geography by. S. Augustus Mitchell has been wholly or partly introduced into the public and private schools of all the prinCipal cities and towns of Omaha,- ted States; and after a full and fair trial of its - merits in these - sehools;itinisreceivedlrrainiost -- • - - - univerall recommendation. ' • MITCSELL'S ANCIENT .GEOSIIATIIT St, ATLAS An ancient, classical and 'sacred. Geography, embellished with engraving's of remarkable events, views of .aficient cities; etc.c.ilnd'accoin. paned by ancient Atlas containing f 2 benhtiful colored maps.. ' MITCHELL'S ATLAS OF OUTLINE-MAPS Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School Geog raphy, with Mapsand embellishinents. Mitch ell's Key to the study, of Maps. 'and Carroll's Key to . Mitchell's Geography, are excellent and popular books, and are becoming very eaten s.tvely used in the best schools of our country. GIIEENE 2 E PIUST LESSON IN GRATIBIAII, based upon the construction and analysis of sentences; designed as an introduction to the "Analysis." - GUEEIVE'S ANALTS3S—A treatise on the strucs titre of 'the English' language, with illustrationt and - exercises adapted to the'use - of - schools, by Samuel' S. Green, 4. M., Principal of the Phelps Grammar School, Boston. These books hove already -hi the short limo t icy ~adeTieeri;m • LlieheT'o6fiiiiiiii - ii fiery' ax- "" tenaive circulation, having' been 'introduced into the public schools of Boston, Baltimore, Pitts burg, Cincinnatti, -St. 'Louis, Vicksburg. and other citied nod towns, and, recommended by those who have tried them in their schools, as Withinat 'clitestionTtitfb - est Englitilf Grammars. in existence. , : ' SWAN'S SCHOOL,REAEIER'S. Cat PRIMARY SCUOcii. - READER—Part ht is intended for beginners. .• It contains a lesson upo) each of the elementary sounds of the lan guage The 'Primary School gender, part 2d, contains exercises in articulation; arranged in connection with easy- reading lessons. The Priineu Reader, part 3d, is dexignecl for the first - class in Primary Schools,' and the' lowest class in Grammar Schools. . • 3 SIC GIIABEISAR Smoot. Hymn., is designed' for the middle class in Gmtninar.Schools, and contains exercises in • articulation arranged in connecticin with - reading-lessons Tut DISTRICT SCHOOL ' for tIM highest classes in exercises in articulation ' pauses, and inflections of the voice with such. rules and suggesstions us are deemed useful. Tue DSSTEUCTIVE READRE ; Or a Course o Reading on Natural Mabry; cieuce and. Lite. torture designed for schools. THE SPELLING BOON. • Consisting of words in 'columns and sentences for oral and written exercises. It is a complete and systematic series of excrci.ea in English orthography. This highly popularileries of reading hooks, and this spelling book were compiled _1 Mr. Win-. D. Swan, of Boston, and judgingliorn the rapid introduction into schools which they have obUtined in the Eastern and Middle .States and in many elite Western and Southein States, we think they are really -better-adapted-to-the_ wants of teachers and scholars tlinn any other ' yet published. Thcpublishers have a very large - - nsimher of seeomuumulations from public school committees, teaChers and others friendly to tile. cation. . . , . . FROST'S HISTORY- OF_THH sTATEs. • Ond 'Vel;, 12 mo too se mels and amide mies: The wine work oondanied and simplified or common schools, I vol.lB mo. JARVIS'S PRACTIC,AL PIIIBIOLOOIt, fin the use of schools and families, 1 vol., 12 mo. whit engravings. .PAIBLIVItY,PIIIbIOLOOI7I by,the same author. .1. yol.lB mo. FIRST Boos tit Arartiowthc, by P.A. Adams. intended, for prhoory and common _ schools. A4ltinviwric IN ; TWO PARTS, „ the samn - atithor. 'Part first—tulvtlneoll • lessons In mental arithmetiopart second— rulecand•esamples far !traction written anth i ntetiejor common and high. schools. A. ICY to e_Numpleir for. ,praetied .in written arttatnetio, for Oct use of teachers, by the same antilop. These arithractics have secured very high recommendations fromleachers ,ol schools and academies, andifrom professors in several of our colleges, and from others inteyested in the cause of education In various sections of ;the Union,- T. C, & Co.;olso paddish• manly other. School Hooka, which thei.4 as not room to mamma* here; besides Law ;Medical; Theological .and Miscellaneous Books ' and.they arc 'fully previa , red to answer orders fm' books In every depart. moot of knowledge,. flooktiellers, Splapol Coot. miiiees, and others, supplied on the' loom:favor.. able tempos.• ' (seep CHURCH ) , -LEE AND. FEEMAN rzavamatx-irmaw - Frdza: 7 4Pl4 iT4I A _ s'A;vir zittzi,s,/ ANEW' CuM.I3F;RLAND, P . A. 113011. 1 S oOluinbiarkin) subitlettio . r on hand a largo' , irapplyt— ahoy*, inki , whieh; by a special at' r a nginoont ritirtito proprietor; hp ia able to •niah to merchant* and : other*, at,lhe !turerii vv1i010,7,10 pricrat. • "an2i • S A :MOM • Atliikeart • ' • JUST' rpoolyea: 'ar Aijjaricrn blW , Foroolo 'A, C PITT ft, ',- • 00t23 'N6 148 North 14011ovr" ~ . . At 4 new, fun O surely filk`,Titinuol3, Butes,P lll Pl , nd figured Swaim ',Lawns Urid,, , ,_ Orgtlemenift: flundkefe44lB.Y (hipy'443 „AD, VgrTrat- 13