Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 02, 1851, Image 3

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    - • A
-lotet-of. theignitslisideepseatedartichOhe,
peoplik.. 4.eittelnillgifte l iee the
probrilulltt., 7 of*AlissOlatibir:. ThSdetennination
to transautiminipaired to 'posterityqbe
.. _lntions.we reeteivectfretri our:fathers, preterits:
thhta from ohdharboriiig ibb thotntlit:for' an
bata t trifliblir. opirdonds'healtbrotrthe sob-
See!: TStrein'te fleet' tait;Ope'iiti
upon so,alight„ a giretipastalice As . the modifies
tibli'nrklackVf tongies'e • to
intelligonee„Airfulf; - iiad integrity of .the.
L:theetexa my. vielle-tx:,eelii,o4:AV.4..Oki,Y.i:.fliYA.4l ,
Whatever representations MaY•oo. , ,made,ltin
these and nensilitheir k a reFet.' '
PP r qi n t t Lo l43l *P.7, 4 4 ,1t _ t.°A / OR4:.
al v invito t yourztittention,; ! „ -
When before the people ' ', In' .1848 r ,ripledged.
Myself, to
,adVegate Indification of the Tar
-4.1846,;1 . rlu trio reComended,a o
:Alification.' in tacli,:.efiny_'Messagei;biit:tlie .
Acornisels of the- opposition prevailedand the,
norbeen ohangfilf. - It litill4remainsit
doing-its work of liarnictonur•State and
Minufactutes 'are &pros 86d • our
• ,cool jilteßitsh . Uvrilehing,; the Main Pink'',
'of ~ thofaratiir-thd.' home' triarketis.-beconi
less. and. leisynluahle ; the prices Or, grain,
wad othor dap ts ,Of the narth. are :gradually ,
'sinking;-in ports of the State, property has !
meek depreciated in 'tablet-the trade •on the'.
`Publie Verks is not so active as if - ell 'Were
prospering; the rovenues'of IheSfataa're'cont'
sequontly less in amount,
lin"the Commonwealth is the leter.' ,, • These iirethif
• necessary results of tlio,Tariff Of 1846-whieh
.fainis the Iltitisll'instixad"Of the' Ameriban
manufacturer; 011CrihiCh . is sloWly but surely
'tlapriving the - Americtinfarmev of goodniar
:..lteeforhis..,producticini.'' have of
,forts to _ avert theXoevili,:;l'ha:vti'init boon see
of dad g the...other •pnf- tY.Who had a 'majority. .
• in COngrese,nad hence these diffieultimnA ;-
have disehm . ged..toy4dnt . ,y,:i.l'lt;:r9lactinsfer,ithe
peeple ti:Alfschargetliewsif-to exp:cps- at .the
ballot box their,apprOvalor.disiapprOval,of the.
eenduckof who enacted and , keptin.,-
force.the Terrill of lank • -.. • . -
Ai d
noon ifi few, words-about:the bill repeal
jig the - sixth . eebtien or nnti t kidnapplog: '
, law - of 1'847:' iii,rePresentell that 'Aip.'Re my
• signing this'bill imniediatelg the 4afe.t7, 4
• _6,9
Union debetide. . The faellitiliith. Which the
atginneritl disselution of the ihnOn is .
isiod'idieniiiikable. •, „ .• ; ••
Permitins to call your, attention to tho facts
of.the case; and sco how far they sustain me
id my course. , -This-laW *AA illAssed in 1847,-L•-,,
was signed by . trirrpredecessor in office Fran
' -- calt,"*Shuidc; 'then Governor lof.tbe
continued•mi the statute bookfouryears.
. If what is said of -the importance of. the bill
repealing the sixth 'section be true, is it , not
singular - that the Unioil exists at this day ?-
Not only this. The section °upon which it is
, alleged so much rests, was
,repealed, when?-
' At the beginning of the last`session? ,At the
stillest praticable moment after Uie
' ration? No. 'At the middle of the session ?
No.. When did they, who.had the power, pass
this bill upon which it is asserted the Union
hangs? Aboitt one hour before Me final adjourn- .
ment of ihe Legislature! Could. any thing more
clearly show 'the folly, and, inconsistency of
- thOse,who are pursuing me for not having act
ed ,upon the bill? It they-could postpone ac
den upon it until all , other business was trans
fieted, why may noti I be excused from being
'The Paiiphlit haws Of the last session Will
cover about 800 pages.'. An examidation will'
- show;Jittit - theltsivs - which - cover about-400-of
these pages , were passed on the last two, days
or the session. These bills wire presented to
. me for-action and it, as after the most labo
rious applicalion,d was enabled to rend, ex
aminnand dispose of oven part of - this mass of
enactments.. The bill to repeal-the - sixth sec
tion was:presented to me after almost all, oth. -
ers, about one'hOur , before the final adjourn
ment, efferiteminittees had been appointed to.
---- itiforinine'lliatthe - tivo - Houseriere7rearly to
adjourn, and while a large, mass of business,
. including the appropriation bills necessary to
-carry-on.the government,..stiltremainedundis , -
posed of. Under these circumstances, -I • have
held the bllit over in the exercise of a privilege
vertu:deed - 10 the 'Executive by the Constitu
tion, to prevent invasions. upon his rights by'
the Legislative- branch of 'the government.-
Whet man who venerates that instrainent as
he:Sheeld, Will intimate that the , '
provision is ,
twang? ~ And who
-can justly.blatne me , for an
' unnillingriese allow a . tardy LegiSlature to
deprive nie.of the right of, considering an• im
-portant public bill, and of 'communicating my
nation thereon to the people'slepresentatives?.
- .r had often pressed upon the Legislature the
necessity of acting upon public bills at a peri-
Of the - session eufficientlynarly to give the
Eitebutive time. to examine and
,deliberate. .
Trie'Legiilature 'sew fit to disregard this roc
their coniteay, I insist upon the Constitutional
rights:of the Executive, which, as a 'sworn of
-bier, lam bound to protect - and defend, as
muckas - these of any ether "department 'of the'
- Government. With. the peculiarly domestic
institutions of other States'l -have-no wish-to -
interfere.' Neither by word nor deed will I
seek to influence the local legislation of any.-
The right of possing-,their own local laws, po
lioo laws, which I cheerfully nccord to--them, .
• I demand for Pennsylvania, and whethera pub
lic officer or a private citizen, - I shall over pro-.
test against my native State 'surrendering any
of those 'glorious rights of sovereignty which
belong to each member of _the Union-a well
piized legacy:of the days in irhich the founds
tions of the governmentwere laid. PennsylL
vanions are abundantly„Compotent to the gov
e4ment of themselies,•and they will not, and i
should not,:sunmit to the - dietation Of others.
outside her limits. Giving one's whole atten:
tionto his own concerns admirable rule
among private individuals. Those who prac
tice the - wipe precept are generally respected
members of soeiety, and
,'grow prosperous and
haPpY,, Ite 'Observance among States, Could
ndt be otheriviselliiin beneficial. •, .
With these epinions lam willing to enter the
canvass and'Eolabor.for a party which cannot
fail to succeed'if harmony and a spirit of fra
ternal feeling, animate 'the whole. I will- be
found'in the front of the battle, and' will be
glad to bail as cOinprutions is arms in the 'glo
rious cause •of Justice and Truth the active
and faithful spiriti; who, without feat' or favor,
crintentriatnestly forlhe Right.,, •
'[Nora.-:-The above is is full and accorate a
report cif lhoVincitior's speech as the conve
niences for reporting:, would admit of. qur fa 7.
~ -;~ t c t _
ln Mcclianicsburg, on thomorningn of tho
2:.:(1 inst., by thollov.,John G. Fritchey, Mr.
Jacob Eichelborgcr, - of East Pemisbaro .tp,, to
Miss Itabecca Redcbaugly of Fairview; all of
On the 19thinst., , by therßey...A.-,Ovren,'Mr.
John Rutz, to Mise Lavinia Brookbill, both of
Eldromanetown, Cumberland no.
• In Clutiaborshurg, on Sunday, the 2.24'
mr,.AIPAILLII itITNRII, son of Ex-Idov.Ritner,
of Cumberland county, aged 88 years and' 7
months.- - (Obituary. crowded put—.will appear
next week.) is:.. •
Died, on the morning. of the 12th of .June,.
in .Meohanicsbiarg, ht the .residenee. of her fa
ther, 110V2.4.. G. Fritchey, Maar :E. Fattens;
aged 46 years, 6 months and 16 days; •
"Few years proofa of dilatke
To. cull hie-A(36am from-the fairest Sold,
Anil:sheath-ids shafts, in all the pride'
And ' hero truly has, been a lrdof.'
carious—beet innumerable, his shafts.' They'
fly unerringly., from the 'quiver around
Six mouths has .isdarcely....olapsod einee.this
young lady. was called upon to followher sister
to, the tomb, by which she noir sweetly repoties
Of her, we speak but little; for her just cha
racter will look like fluttery, and the least a
batement of it is an irdury , to her memory. She,
aiipearedludattess of. those ;peaullarAuilitiod,','
whieh.vicre'regtheife ,to,„conduct her .thlbugh'
life - with honor and- credit: - Her spirit gently
loft Ito-frail' .tenenient, leaving , strong hopes. '
She uorLeß)437o R blissfnj, immortality,.. She!
spent much of..ber last : days'in lisping_ praised.
to her Redeemer. and fitting ber mind for.the
['Waited change. - o.The.bratizo . notariwafti '
are.the-.6Orteri,-.'siiiefeli lilting". thiiK
era. that lefelYaPruntr Aid:steed,. , .„
In. brighter -light, , auselter , :jalre„ beauteous
'aistgho?4''„ 4
.In hear_qii;
heart etriakod pare eta; 'thin. ei 111 ' 6 0, 0 , , .•
they:have - been - called upetiLto folleii two love. ,
interesting datighterd.:l6 . th,i
INltiy:iheichones, bet. 6rMly:dettited:f.o.,scititetit: ,
reiuniontlia:liaien; and .•shbmidelively - .ba*
his daa.foO,i tlibigstfor no!
°Yon -good.'! Q. ,
2 0Vc0/ s PMP irs: '
t3 % .:‘1 : 4 : 1 ( 617 171 r- b a t i -
qPhrl)e. t y ":1 : : :! 3 ° a' .ll !
, t) ; t ;
1 1 : . 4 ,4
tton„rb ql nme ln o Lu r .;
.; 11)141,LED rapPoselits ,
-I1 this. Town Pounciiitof
'3l3l . 3 l BOrOu'r,rii 'Carliele; - at thole next
meeting, on Saturday , evening, July 12,1851,
for setting,and adjoining., accordinwty rogula
.4RoMoot of CURB 'fill'ONEigl•
_on ,Sa_utit rnroot, in front Of theqlUblio Geavo
Yard. The , qurb Stone muot - belwell dragoon,
and planted in the 'grOund,at,least one foot, and
the contractor required' RI be governed by the
'direction of the Streot,Comrritte. „ •
• - • ' ' • Ptesirlent 'CoUnce. '
• •
;.• tawny' sutilith'itttiiiti" .
T."`rottowlNGlrs'ilinong the 'nazi
T • 1
••,ri nil cheap publications . ju sfrei en ive d'ar the
. r7ra book and Periodical Store of•the
' - r , Yeßat,le.subscriber clate Martin',s) on Main
Thr,,ti, Street..
,• , •
lierper'd," the Intornationbl, Godey's, Prot 7
harn's and:-Sertain'e-Magaeines for leily-25
cents each.
David COppbrfield, by Diekehe, 50 eenti_
- Leo Hente'wnew story - 3 •50 de'
The Heir of West Wayland,by;Mdry Hoivitt;
50 eeitis. • • • . • k by Mrs. Southwor:h
50 cents.. ; ' ' "
Rose Douglass, .or the Autobiography of a
Hiergymniils daughler,, 50 cents.
The-Daiteiler of Night-25 cents.
Lord and Lady
. 11arcohrt by Carolina Sinclair
60 cents. ' '
The Denninge ancl%their Beaux by
Leslie. 25 cents. •' • "
• The DucheSs, or Wihnan's?Love and Wo
man's Hute. 5000ots.•
The Widow Rugby's Ilueband-750 cents.
Telly Pea Blossom's Wedding, 50'chnts.
Togeth'e'r With a large variety of. other new
works, • All the new publications received as
soon as published, ftruf sold at publisher's prices.
A complete assortment of Stationery, Enve—
lopes.,&c. always on hand, with a large varie—
ty of Books in ever Department of Litefature,.
Science, History, Biography, Theology, Tra
vels, "Soc. Ales, School Beaks of every' kind
in use, at the lowest cash prices.
July 2, 1851.'.. A. M. PIPER, vggent,
Assignet'3 , s Notice.
'NOTICE is hereby given that Messrs, Sail.
IN or &. Elberti, of South Middleton town.
ship, Cumberland county, Pa., did on the•2sth
day of June last, convoy all their property, real
and personal, by does of volnntary tissig . nritent,
to-the-eubscribern for the benefit.of-thear-cred 7
itors. All" portionshaving claim against said
Sailor & Elberti, are requested to present them
for settlement, and theme indebted tcemake im
mediate payment to
July 2, 1851. • .4ssignees.,
Abtice.- -
ikroTrcE is hereby given that application
.1.11 will be-made to tho next Legislature, agre
'ably to the Constitution and' laws of this Com
inonwealth, for'bri alteration in the Clihrter of
the Carlisle -Deposit Bank, so as to confer on
shid.Bank the_rightaand.privilegesoft_Bank_of
issue, and to change the name of slid Bank to
" The Farmers & Mechanics Bank of Carliele."-
By order cif the Board of Directors;
WM. M. BEETEM, Citable!. -
Car Dep. Bank, May Beth, 1851-6 m.
Ten Dollars Reward t )
TRAYED OR. STOLEN from the stable
yard at the Carliale Brewery,
.on the night
of the 2,3 d of... June; a B
ITORSE,about sixteen hands high
with three white foctnd bald
I ‘-face.: On the rump he, is die
_-' • ttinctly-marked With-a - roan color,-
r` which will enable almost any-one
to knevi Lim. A reward of TEN DOLLARS
will be paid for his delivery to the, subscriber,
at the Carlisle Brewery, or for any information
that will lead to hie recovery..
--July 2 WM. 8ARN1TZ.......
• - •
• Silver Diode's Awarded .
To E .11P OLA IT for, Perfumery • and Fancy
Soap, 1849 rind, 1850. , •
I..,M'CLAIN continues to manufacture
his Celebrated•Firet Premium Vegeta
ble Hair Oil, Patent Magnetic Soap, Orris and
, Tenberry, Tooth Paine, Lilly, White, 6cc., -pre
pared-at 83 North 7th - street, - above — CherrY.
Philadelphia. And sold by S. W. HAVER
STICK, at his 'Drug and Book Store, North
Hanover street Carlisle. fjuly2,lBsl-6m
A Challenge of $5OO
WS OFFERED by E.. McCLAIN for a bet
a--ter article of Soap than his Patent Magnetic,
either for removing tan;lunbuth, and Punplee
from-the' shin,
~or for shaving. Manufactured
by E: - McClain, 83 North 7th !Street, above
Cherry. Philadelphia. Ana sold by S. W..
HA VERSTICR, a his Drug ned Rook Store.
North Hanover street,
,Carlisle. Ljuly2.6m
,LlgEsii . No. 111 .MACItEREL of the new
r catch. -Also, other qualities, together
just received by J. W. _
DR. S. B; 8 • Ert,23,a,
OFFICE in North Hanover, street adjoining
Mr. Wolfs store. Office hours, more par—
ticularly from - 7 to 9 - o'clock, A. M. 7 and from
5 to
,7 o'clock, P, . riunewm
-THIS Institution Will Vontmenhe WI next term
on the,tst of September,' tender 'the care of Miss
phobe Paine; assisted by competent teachers;
Ittstructiotfin the languages.and drawing, no
eXtrti charge. , • • 1;1
,Music taught by an rexperienced teacher, at
ap extra,clirge., (june,2s,'sl,—tf.)--
A young man perfectly •acquainted , with. The
retail dry gOed . business and having had four
yours experience in it in_ the city , of Philadel
phia, Wishes to secure a situation in the country
by the first of Septeniber.. Satisfactery refer•
eneo as to detractor. mid 'capacity cad' be had
from: present employers. A note iiddresied to
!` Saiesaihrtll: at this office will meet with'
mediate attention... {tune • 25,-4t. chwinyii
Farm.cin:which.! - reside in_ t..fie vidinity
TTof Newtown, contaming4.l-NE H U N'.
is well set in grass and in n good , state of im•
koircinieiit; and satiated immediately , on the
Valley Tutiniiike Road 'from. Winchester to
Striunton, - seven miles 'from t li o former
which is oiled:llia best ' flour nisiltsta
State'of Virginia. ''ho imprOve..
• .tnents are a large and handsome
Dwelt Divara.nia, together :with.
ilr . 4 every necessary:outbuilding, and
all in a good state of repair.
I WI also sell another farm hdjoining•the m
imic). containing TWO RUNERED & FIFi
TEEN AC RES;fill Wellitet in - grass, and In a'
highly improving condition. ,
.ot - These two lemma will he °Old: separately
or' together td suit purchasers:
, •. • ••• ' ••JOSEPIINEILL.'
• :Newtown. Fredericka°. Va. June, 13'51.3t.
Alw,rgow ischester, va. republican.. • • •
7;eoa. . .
iro „ :
J.1351.1' roceived, at ,P O,R T E WS 8 E
STORE ; ' a nosh lot of Men's pegged siiiiDera;
Mona' flop? Irip„Bragana, &e., &0., suit
able far those 'who wish a prime shoe , for sum
mar' Wear.
•" - !C•• • ••'L !•, L EXTENSIVBEi
sinHE - auheeriber respeatfolly. inform
JEL ttla euatOrnere and tlie frubliO generally that
ho still continues the LUMBER AND ,GOAL
BUS.' ESS,- and tar having lately - purchined
in addition to hie fOrmeibuetneee the
lei& 'and aoriveniont Warehoeseinid,Coar Yard
lately oneupieftby Mr. Henry Wright," opporille
the well krieWn Lumbar and Coat Yard of
`subsorittor, ,Itilllttte along 1 hal Rail Road and
College Luna r ho now spore
t 6, e 12 14t8; 111 . 1 1P 13 .04°0 1 ?.. haq 4tbletime,tuti
is heepieg eptstaitlir hatri• , :a.solf i ardoetodt•
;Iltalartiritst - of2 - • . -,.... .1
1 ,4;111 ;Idnila, - setter utici eidos :,"'. Likewise' the
,diflaterii - kinds oI•VAIRILY'tiOAI4:
•stose' ldoal. of dile i fi tfereisiltlisds; Lim&berntrii,
;Slid Coal t of 'the', !best'
A`l of. which ' Its ' dotit,-,for.
C - Mari driiiip, , ,,seisstalitly'etiliinrid'
i ritART ER. SALT,' , FIS/1„ .. deq,...:,, ,, i
WitW - ull'the different - - allidlts ; Lienerally,rciund
in a well stored Warehousb,... Bloc will . also et
41,1.4013 e ,buy Pitoplicp, no;RX.quR,;!:O.,T,
i, L inh,iniltißßni,ani'4inhoik9u,r.fAnt:PriP.ll!?"+. ;
mijiik;y,ery.tuttniffel ; past ~,sasere,
rndA , T4 l lA l 9qPit,Olikt
a ratustinahle‘saarool, !Ode, P99romige , '
nitill9 • EOM BA AV.L. M. fit, 0 VLR. •
a• •
v;h.:,.,:ot ort y-s z ghoi t a l ifft
f, L EZ:v
ew Supply or, •
4;0 - 4iiirtiAP::driKOhEoT , tiliiAitint"'''-
...,,TEAS,, L . - • VICI;St,, x
T 11:7;:r.*:)LAsSE18,1:,s.yrk .
ittot ten.
4;40n 1 1 44 ,11 1,4 0 1 i MOM. ,
~ F ROM,thol*oro 'of ibo:nDfootrii. , Jenkins
or •Philddolphiti, - of - die - boittialttise, and ;
weYorfreehi.vOnstontly for solo it?y , ~.t
1, , , , ;, :,‘;
. . .
ratiVittioons t i unrw. "00=1
• .2; • ~!: it '11,". ,
:THE itioertottettelvti assortment cif 'SPRING. ,
GOODS. ever brought to' Carlise; now openin g
and offering . by.thasutieeribetionlbo., most nG
commodatitm terms and :uncommonly, elmip.•— ,
Among theilcit Villlbe-found ,sempaV aidendiff
assortraent7ofn '!.. OW . 1.1
eneh no.linrus and Feultall
nen Poplinen,*Vaieger De Laines, Frig!ii , ,Bartr;
Lawns, Baragesclisouna; ,, fflareelinesi Brit.
lianOne,,:dr f e. 12MI
An immense stock „Bonnete,:ull t iqualitiea
and prices. Aten,,flonnet,Ritibens and Flow-.
era in gatm variety, and very ; beautiful., • • ;ime
A. full'aesiiitmont ol all_ ituida Carpotinga and
Igattingti.• Wiwi, and pplored •
sanio ' new - rind Asgard Avis Ch. Clothe - and
.Cassimerea.tit reduced pricoa. I.lWoidine - ,
ins, Checks, Hosiery, Baggings,.&c.
- The' pablic : hie; lnytted ,to call . and - tiatintine
this '
taiga; and Splendid stock now goods,,und
they will 'certainly be suitedwith the goody and
prices. Recollect. the:old.itanCErist.lVlaut et.,
Carlisle. -,* ratqj',."
. .. • ,
Call and Seiliefoii Purchasing elsetMere !
THS .subrcriber just . 'receiving and °IMP
• in g ,at hie ''Cheap FrimilY',Groadir, and
QueeneWare'Store in' West Main street, Car , .
lisle;' e' 'very large assertinette of all' thu,,arti.,
cies in his line 01 Iniaineas.' '"I ' '
R in„ Coffee from 12:t0,',i4 'coats per mind;
far 'good, to a. strictlY' 'prialti, = article',,Aleo,
Brown. Sugars of quelifi,,frdir,to,9.
cents' per 'poutid;'Lov caries best crushed and
pulverized 'Sugars froth ,I':2' cents* per
pound, 'N. GI Sugar, HpOse d • Syr tip . Moles.
sea of all grades from 32. to 62 per gallon,-;-.
supply fresh' ground SPICES of all
kinds,•wrirranted pure. ' SOAPS, Fancy,:cas- ,
tile, Rozin and !Country
,Soips,, phOcolate i pul-,
verized Safaratus,-IndigO, Mould end 'Dipped'
Candles, Common and Winter Strained Whale'
Oils. Also, 'a supply of fresh.Dousiny, cheese
from the best Dairiesalwaysi on hand. Finc'y
sewing, traveling„ . clbthes and market Baskets,,
together with a general assortment of ChsVV
ing and smoking Tobaccos, Spanish and'half-
Spanish 'Cigars. Common-do., ropes, twines,
and Brushes of all kinds. •
CEDAR W A R E.—Housekeepers, and
others'expecting 'soon toArribark in the same -
business, please call and examine my stock of
Wash tubs,- Wash :Rubbers, .Churns, Cedar
Buckets, fanny, piftnted and varnished Buckets, .
Brooms, Ice., &c:• •• '• -
subseribet had, just added to, hit! nh-eddy large.
stock a number of white.Granate, Gold Figur
ed, Blue, Marble, Plowing Blue and Ildulber
rv'Tea-Sets, of 48 'pieces. Also. Plates and .
, -Dishesv-Tuniblersi - Preserve Dishes; Syrup,.
Bottles, &c. of every description and
,price so
that he will be able to meet the "wants and
means of all in the - community who may favor
htm with a'eall.
mars . , . J D HALBERT: ••
-THE undersigned has jail returned-from the
city- with a SECOND SUPPLY-of Goode
suitable for the season,_embrecing.Eloths..Cas
simeres, Vestings, Summer Cloths,"Barege de.
LaMes, Silk Tissues, dress silks, Black Canton
cloths, bombazineS, :Apaches, ginghams, Metres
muslins, , ebecksoicktngs, pantaloon-aulTs; Alao
' BONNETS. • -
A largo lot of Bonnets including all the new
and desirable styles, at greatly reduced prices. -
Alell - assbrtment of Hoots and Shoes of every
description, from the.most celebrated menufac.:
tortes of Philadelphia. •
such esDoffee, 'Sugar, Teas, Molassesi.Spices,
&c. the beet
. quality of Colored,Carpet-
Chain. • The public in general _ aro invited to,
call, inasmuch as I can assure my . customers,
that my goods rtie•laid in at such, prices, as that
I can offer great inducements to purchasers,
Batter; Eggs, Rage. and Dried Fruit taken at
market prices.
Medicines, Medicines!
Fresh Medicines'recently received at Raw
lins' old ogand,• next doer to • the - Post-Office,
Main street, Carlisle. . "
Dr.-J.-McCulloch, a - graduate of the .Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, is now a partner in this
establishment, and will give his especial super
vision to the compounding of prescriptions:. •
All• Medicines warranted pure and genuine,
andriold:of the lowest rates. Fresh Pine Oil
and Fluid constantly for sale. . '•
May 28,'51, H M RAWLINS.
THE subscriber has just opened a general
assortment of Fancy 'and ,Staple -Dry Goods,
suitable . to the season, among, which may be
streli'as Barego Do Laines, Bareges, Poplins,
Silk Tissues, Ekench,and SCotch Lawns, Plain
and doited Swiss Muslins', Silk arid Linen Lue.
tree, Giiighams, English Chintzes, Ike. A, full
assortment of Bonnet ,Ribbons, Lace, Gloves
and Mite. Kid, and Lisle Thread Glovec'Hand
kerchiefs in great variety, Lined and Plain Par
asols, Wide Silk TrimmiagLaces, Worsted La- -
cos, Ribbon Dress Trimmings, Bonnet Caps
and Pdffings, with 'a general assortment oflllil
- Goods. ' ' '
Mny'2l . ,esl. • • • • ' -G. W. HITHER.'
N. 13. An itiperienced salesman wanted im
mediately. ' , • • • .
Ai NEW supply . of Posh Coffees", White and
Brown Sugars,'Sptees of all kinds, ground and
unground, with all the other varieties of a Gro•
coryiStore, Including also a new supply of Jett.
kin's Aro: I Quality of *-
FINE GREEN Sp BLACK TEAS, • inmetallic:.packs of ; quarter, and_ pound
oackades from 50 to $1,50 per potindots also
n the hulk. All just openotland for eakkat the
store of , (ml2l I W EBY.
. .
Dr. Jr. C. NEFF,- Derstia,' respec tfully , in
forms the ladies-and dontlemen of Carlisle and
vicinity, that he is prepared to perform all ope.
rations-on-the-Teeth and Gums belonging to
his-profession, and' will be happy to-render his
services to-all who may require them., •
Dri -N•liats receotly returned from thexity,ol
Philadelphia, where he has made himselfE•
quainted -with all the' latest' improvements in the
:art, and flattere himself that he will be el is
insert lull `sets -of: - teeth on the - - atmolipher d
'presture principles,:- or with -springs, quit: o
any, made in that city.:. OFFICE in High st.,,
one,dooreastof the Poet Office. Persons wish.
' specimens of his workmanship, will
please:call:at- his rooms, where they will have .
an onportimity to see and judge for themselves.
1 1117opb,
, . .
RESPECT I YIII.I 4 T informs the public gen
erally, tha t , hp. has Inst retained, front the city
with,a large and splendid assortment °Cuticles
suitable for 89411041°n and . la - 608'3011m, such
Rois A sons Ro aninbrosialshav 'creinri l ,
• 1 ,, t . se d A
.t. ,
" Circaseinn Soappe:""`.•` .
• e
" - Fancy - Toils! 800 i, &o:, •
cOlingne ~Cologni3 r
CoMpotind Onfhlarroivieomodo.lll.
, Idgethei:isithi'Goraninln
;Togo hair oil, ms nierroWs. , .lMars'Oil, &b. Also
faro assort Mont, of broishopdiuolr no hatibrush , , i
ow. dOw..olothosit,
tot orappub..non.risor „otrops.! Also on'
haka forg9 sisortmont Of, hu'ir,Nroyhe ouch: Do
'; .",r)
4 . of,mthSr ,-,
pmelos 6.1.4110h,the altoPliolf , Pr; the ; In4olio-'115',:
reallnlquilly invited, , t
:t , 4:llggir
0EN,*..4454,14 ; i
• - .„
r E ° 7 l l - A : ta.P.:2:i
• - -
• )111MMETIVWDlatig,i-c•.• •
' c•
r 4;
''.'iitE,llt,B , ; - / f iiio,o4444l4Atitiiiii:: lot
cite •onrihic brio:orlior.mouptaAi. l ic t av of
uccassiarid ill,aurtoimded)ikkllPOPltOtittrahle
itiOnN i pmatit';anCrbereptioriii,ixoyomi
AnNuttErfis .ogfir,oo.4\-341,bert,elOCrech
Nowydle,inyt vcarpi-iliencei.ahkLalpgeon i gi,
briers , travel, Ot dee kir 4my; 94exstipt,,
the„two firat-oante4lottett,„-: 1 ,;; , t
• i go'careettootioje:sholl brvttf,nottog,to rent
der,o,statat: these- Sptingstaggra 04 ; 411.4 1
i.• , A •
Ela9 o .100, t •fitlatlNO.•
~ , • •: r
: ( 213E Propiietorioftthat &befit and delight!
fuli Nona, feeling highlygriatified;•with
,the,suceess which lima -‘ attended fide- hientise•
13ierit ; of th - e7itheve eitabliOniatitditring thi3 firpt
miaseni.bas inpronsed hiveffortaftelfroaderilhw
;pleee`and •accommoclationtketaii:muirial,itiviting
andcomfortable.- 1 , ,,gf
The • War hi,Sprinks , atmaituated *Perry ea;
Pe. Ari the bank,!sef:Shernian'elereeliicime 'of
:00.hoolthiest,sitnatieneArCethe . iSitifd:',Thesii•
watore ere well.luniwn,•for , theirexcellent , 'mog.;
.icinal qualities, and ore the;_hostinrithe,porni o ..,
nent- cure of Scrofula,.•Tetterand , all-diseftsert
•of the altio - ,,thathas; twig heetrretietArtined; lEl . 'l
the Springs are „accqslihle e. central
Ituilibed to Diinenerioniwlerierlebrielr will al•
wo ye le in' re ad iness4vn, the tirriVahodlieTeirs
; from the East, to coaveY peasengers' who desire
te9(loit. the 4tiegeo 4 miles hr , W% Of,Dimeatt
nen. Tarions,letiving;PhilidelPhiaM,the morn,:
ink ',cars can arrivetit;the Springs early;
the aonie evening. :, The; enCeii will „commence ,
rti:Oning daily on aod after , the As,eli" day: of,, ; f 0 0 0 ,
next, and'oontiime duritig , , the,. Inimical, leaving
the' g pringa every . 'morning, so mi.' r oac h
, t h e
cars going east, AIL cmormieieritions •for -the.
Warm Springs should be directed to Duneannon,
P:0, and, will then, arrive,ta the:Springa-daily.—.
"The minis for bearding ;Will be.moderate,:and.
every attention paid to thoseWho.shidl be pleas.
ed to, pny . him a visit dialog ;Ike .; , posaon,
Ample provision has bean Made . for gyinnastic
exercise, and passlime =osmim's. ..while Sher
man's reek deliehtful fishing.,
•T" priipriMor teenetrullY. - infeirms
friends and 3 tine,pnblie generally..tharhe:has
kited un' the. eqatilpthnisnt tif ths .cAntor,E
SPIc.,N GS, for the adeommodaiiaii:eninlOrtably
of a leirgo number, Visitors and.
--illoardergv„Ttio §prinissiore situ.
• aie d louPmdes north ;of * , Ctirlisle;
17 L 1• is "a fine;; heiltl4. and , romantic
ace:where'eiery osmium odutiem
far Pave fere "and.yisiters 'maybe irelied;on.7—
Cold' and' Wrifin bathe good artier.. . •
Vinitets minting, in .the, car '
s, frein:` any
Cities will be premptly attendd to by any rho
Liverymen with Ulna...fine earringen,,and eon •
iiiked to.. he came Any. , desjred.
june2.s;6t . . ' P. C 011NIILA N.
THE subscribers would respectfully inforni
the public that thoy,,have commenced the bu
sinew. of- Upholstering, in ell its branches, at
their shop; on. Loather street, neari-Leonard's
corner, where they are preparedtornanufacture
to.order all kinds of MATTRASSEiI, such all
the newly, .patented- 'Spring Jlfairrenys.
Curled Riser Matirasscs, Ifusk".ficdr, cgc4 all
'of which aro mado'in the beat style, and at very
'low prices.
The publi•c iitWming.awarc OfthOhoalth
,ful and Invigorating influence of these beds, in
profer,ence to. feathers, and the experience -of
eminent physicians in citimtanti -elsewhere; tt,'
. niversally recommends thern,as the best to,be:
Used hi: persons in health- as well as-the- infirm
and invalids. Principals of • Colleges; Acade
'mice, and Hotel keepers, as well as
are respo ctfdlly inyited to ; give' Its a 'call:
0:1 1- SADDLINGin all its yarious branches
carried on in the same shop.. • . • •
Patent Gradiiatiti
- .
TIDE ` Undersigned, -. after...conalderdble_
,pones and expertrnent - ;:hai succeeded in produ- -
ctitg a TWYEftlg for 'lllacksmith'i "Forges;
Which, wharever:'ithas been 'tried . , hail proved heal:aura-ion!
lore invented. It has advantageti which no
' other Twyere possesses. •• . • . -•'`
/At. - The blast can be'regulatect 'effectually
so as to suit any
_kind, of Work. "
can !wimp' clear at all times Without the use
of a poker, or without .brdakitm and shaking:
the bre, -- tliiis - uttbli - rig - iti - a - sinith to lake &clean
clear heat. 3d. By actual experiment it saves
.one-third of the Fuel, While `thirwerk can be.
done one-inafth ;faster. - The blest is re , '
moved eight -or' nine 'inches . from the back
which is a groat advantage to , theamith, doing
crooked 'or difficult work. sth. It is,not - liable
to get out of order and will last many years. •
The followidg pertilicatee selected, from ma
ny in the possession of the - Pattmteo; will show
'that - it - has - given complete iatisfaction, and also
its great superiority, over all others,. t-,,_
. . . ,
Carlisle, April 28th, 18&1.— toleirtifY
that one of P9rteesTwyeres.
and for the short time that I have triad it I can
Bay that I,cando More worl(by epe-thiri than
I could do with the old Twyere. Of all the
different -Twyeres that - Lhave .evertried,l-can
say that Porter's is'ihe beet, on account of the
facilities of the VaiVi:lB. •• WM. WORT.
Carlisle, April 29th,,11i51.-.—Thisitt to certify
that I have tried the .riiyeiv: of Rotiret D for,
anjj I find that it is r• moat axcelleni:articte,
',for I have tried severat•Twycres,,bitt:.fitis is
far superiot., to any that't have' ever seen' used,
forlt heats quicker and more regtilar,' and with
it I can do ,one.third more work in the slime
time. I, therefore recommend. its use tt?
Who stand, in need - OT elicit:an at:dela." - '
.O:LANPINq; qop.oßmith
:This ie to'eertiry that - Lit:we my forim
one or Pintor'ii Patent Viadliating TO/yeritand
it is the Lest th'se laye e.tre'r, POS, and sustains'
all the advantage's 'Claimed';'fdr it over other
irt..6`yoroc, I would not take twenty dollars and
chi without it..
. ..ZEIGLEE,E, 'Middleton. ,
',Perporai'wishiuglo,exairtiniitho aboyo tvvyere
can do sodiyonlimiron - thOninionsigfied ht - Wm -
M Putter's, Carlisle;' , Itightii. for 'Counties or
are ofrorcA..for sale, ',Early. Attention-, is ,
re'dilested. Itgatt D POUTER.'
'V411..._. FOR
. : .
IN .PJJRSUANCE,of the leet., Will and 'rep,
I. fitment 'of MattheW Thompson, sr., late of
Mifflin township, Cumberland county, dee'd.,
Will lie field - ei public, able iiii - 101RII)A.Y, the
21jthef'SPPTEMBElt, 1851, 'flt,i o o'clock,,
A. IVl:,'Oit the Premise's, ti tract of land'aiivate
in the,eforesaid township of Mifflin and botind
ed by the Conodoguinet Creek and l ands of Jo.
eeph fierghey. and Seeing': Wesihaffer„ eon
taming 235 ACRES, of which ahout:fifty.,acres
are timber land and the„rtisidue eleartidland in
a.good state of cultiyption.: , i,•,;•,•,' ,
•• • The "impriveineente are as. large
sable Iwo story STONE.IIO USE
On P
"and' ICITCITEN; a.; largii . 1.31t.101c
vi I RANK -BARN I ,"10,) , feet long, a
- Wagon Shed, Cein. 0' rib; it Spring:
Ilmihe and'Smoi:e. Ileum, a,Well of welereon
veniont to' the,:door and a good,MPPIF; - oroherd.,
The a bovi3 . described. land 'le i ttrtWel, With .a
considerable . quantit4of alluvial, Aottoni•of the
best quality. It is •withiri.a Mile Of, thelline
stone land. - it is situated abinit four Miles Arent
of Newville, and near ~ the-Ate4o ,Itoadffrein
Carlisle to RaiburY.'.. •• , /..., ..... ..**
~, ..1, -...
The' terms of saki 'will be $lOO iiil3,a,peid.hy
the purchaser when the property 'is ' eirtelien
down -half - 0f - the . whole introlilleif inioifei ,
includingthe aforesaid t IslooZon , the - ,Jst of, A
ddl. 1852 i. viliart , ,posseesliorr will tteliken , mood
ii.deed -, the purchaser; itritf-the reeldue
ha three equaltinnual:paytiontir,•Wilthelit. iiitort
est, to. be..secured :brludgmiTt'ertnmktgaVl
thellandlord!s 'shire
, 91,!theigr,ailt`to:•00••te:,t e
purehtteer.‘: ! . .•••,7.),, .:“.9ihei ,, ,,q4",'W, 1 :0 ,1 1 1, ,? ; *-0,'..' , 1 •
The'lapd ,itt_palented '.....Mid••:44. l fuliaft,t4abh,4-,
title will he gtven.tdettil44l •te,irrabronees.; ,
. Persona wigthitt tiW! caforestud: rpm
0t1'a11,•0n . ,ititue5 , ,119y44 , 4, 4 o : s.#s‘4kao k iO4 . •,At . , , .
opposite side ' tif-the'oretkikao owairqfpi''.„'. - t - t
~,' -, .' . :NTAREs'iO qY'rt, r•. , ;'", 4- • , .,''', 2 ,...,• ' ' '''•
-: -,, ' , ;"•.-11447riffMnfr11011143aig ;''T .4 . - ' - '.'' '
Adtiiir.i de hohli,rtuti.with Ahilittilotai s telk,O,
'if Mattlie*V ll6 . l iituktiOt4i4ii t d,: , : ;!, ..i! ' .f.' , '
lime i.t... . ~. . `• !,,, ',....',,,;.':',',17.• . 2Nt,2„,..
E 7'1 , 11 ,17 . 9. R Prr 1'l 9h 44 : 5 141 4 111 HR 4 # 1. # 61 4 / A lr it titrul i
14 1 1 0, 1 14 ,
qr. , CO. 1 ~ 11'6
• Ft: 1 - SAWA
j.'AP irSt: 0 "ide , aiving 004
' eV.° "a!prin . the *are hOuso or -
declB ' 1 W 130. MURRAY,
- ill
.....„. ; „,,,,,y...,.„:,._ ; ,..x . „....-,.: 4 a 2 ,..y.„ ? ...,,,„...,..,,.„.....,„,..,,..„
.zirovio': , , , Nxi , , 0pixt , ,, ,, ,, , , k:
. .•..„. - ..,...i.,.-....,-,, , .._,-,:,.....,„, 4, - .. 4 ;'. '. - -
1 , rimy zisr: , , ITC.l7l,'_ .' •
. :ill. 1 , -' •
~;..-4 4: 1 ' i
ihrikttiil — SlaOraMi!d ' iyliei t y ' rj e ki;fi:
2" '' ''' '':
Y i rjfPd a ii,l k; , l l
..) i ''
I tlilikeribtir baitlupliZe r celyed iiis Spring
shi Ii'efDR,PGIitr k .4IEDICINES,AIb,ID
EM GALS,' limorigSiph can be 'found
very arthle. need bit,njeleutes I 9 their pre,
90Plitles h ,te, the put4pg il `Fif, 7!rhichrfie WiR
tve 13driiculiir "aftektOpitt,, Ise, ~ , i,- i
alias, 011 e, Dire Sinai . erfltutenr•OaaPtl*
0., and it vairiety'or , Fatioy hitieles •icki iihno
rens to• mention, toge,ther•With I , a superior lot
f TGRACCQ,AiD , ClGARSveriouti
rattle; 'till'ol"whieli, havinkr purchasedlii por
tion, Upon the Most faiiorable terni, he ;will
patentee se being of the ; heat quality, alcif is
villing to sell, wit dAddtlyrpt City Prices, yet
for a very small adVandelor C c ASII.
L i ge,:mould• reapoothillyr , in4ite thit attention lif
EbY9lPlenVCoil_ntryr.blerettantsrland - Pediars,
I..ct wlionv he, will make' a liberal , deduction.--
pposite •the:Rail Road Depot., cornerof Pitt,
tind,lligh streete,4 Carnet°, Pa. 'li., •f , Rai
i renrl9 ,if , . 1A..... - . S A..11U138ARD.: , ,
rit 4 f,,C1C ,.. t ,, 5 171 . 4 1 , n0 , Mt , ' CIOODS,
i A€. e ,,, .ea.P,A-ovos, 440 aorta Sanover ste
jneAVING returned from Phildtio'fibia with, a
Kau ti elected assortment 'OPElpYilig dint Stint- ,
Mar Goods, I would,respectfidly'lirVite hll'ilerl
ilons;.vlid tylih to pinohnee'new goods to call
dad examine my stock, as I. am .deteirmined to
sell - at small - profits. Among' tharp may be
foimd ' ,d -i , , '.. +
Such mr Silk *Yiesues - , Sillt "Inibrres, Foulard
Silks, plain and figured Do "Laines, Berege,
Boroge de ',ulnas, Lawns, Ginghams and Cab
oose. ' ,
t , , " `BONNETS
A large'rusdltment of Bonnets, afil qualities and
of the ‘ newest styles,. Also, Bonnet Itibbona
fitd Gloves and Parasols.
S 4 1 VESTpros
Tweedsi Jeans, Gambreens, 'Whim Cords,
Blue•Drilla,. Sue.Also,JVluslins, Tickings To
kle Diaper,. Linen Table Cloths, Checks, Ho
story, Bagging, &c. -
'‘', GROCERIES, .'
Goffee, 'lntones, Green and Black Teas and
Spices. Butter, Eggs, Rugs arid Soap, and all
kinds, of Country, Produce taken at market
prices, in exchange for goods. •
' eP 9 A P. riVi7hß•
- nit' th e Benefit o the Pubilo.„
! THE-subfaibers take this niethad of inforin
ing their,old Customars•and the public generally
thatrthey bare removed .their extensive ~ •
one. door north of their old , stand, to • the room
formerly occupied by S'A .Coyle, in 'North
Hanover •etreeti•Carliale, l 'whero: they have ad
ded to their stock 'on extensive assortment of
they' kOep - co'netarltiy an timid a - full assortment
of everyltind of clothing either tor dress'
hour: Theiratock Contests ln'pert of fine cloth
preetranfiTroek Coats; casalmere Pints; Silk
land - - Satin - Vests; and also , coats of sattinett
I -Tweed, Craton - Cloth, Cashmerett, Linen, &c.
and a full assortment of pants fOreminer.wear
and to their-assortment of clotifing there is
scarcely an end', embracing almost every . varie
ty. of pattern, make and . .price; Alley also keep
constantly on hand an-excellent assortmanl of
which they are prepared to make up to Order
at short notice. They - ale° keep conatantly on
, - an assortment of LT - Mtlieretlid Mir trunks
yaliseKcarpet bawl; umbrellas hata.and Caps,-
shipenders,firess and under ahlite, b.osurna and
dollerS, fancymnd "plain silk neck. and pocket
handkerchiefs; and lots Of notions to numerous
toMention:' We invite Yon' to•give p call
and' examine for yourselves, 'tut we hails the
Mock and art prepared to' sell to suit custoMere.
They would Just mentiortihat they have no city
clothing, ,but thit their germents ate all -made
in -Carlisle under their own supervision. , ,. , •
normrirrs, BONNETS
; The subscriber is-juet .reaeiving large and
yerk . ed assaittnent of Straw Bonnets, ot,all da
aeriptians. ~ A leo; 100 Dolts 'Bonnet ,Rihbons.
the 'elieetleet ' ever offered- it Carlisle., Call
aeon- or 'yet;will , miss hargaiiis in_Bo4net
. .
We aro now opening - a very ohainelot of La
dies and. Gentlemon'sLinen Cembric Hand
kerchiefs;. atl..vatioue• orices;:deeidedly*, - the
cheapest lot, of handkerchiefs we have ever of;
fared to, th9_public. Ladies do, not miss . there:.
:LINENS, (Sic,• -
. . .. .
We ,are:jasEreceining ti lorgn 'lot , ItislvLitiens ,
from the ' best.Bleachetieo and at low pricte.—.
Also,. Barnsley.; Sheetings, Pillow case Linens
iliodigOoling,with a general assottment,OULl.
nen Pant Staffs..: ~ : ~ '1):,,•:•
bons for Trimming Lrdiea Dresses. Also; new
style Buttons of trillions kinds for Ladies Drams
Just opened a general essurtwent of Blue. and
Colored Silks and,Berege do Laina,.with other,
dross goods. , .
apB . G W HITNER.....
- L IVERY BODY should embrace this op buy CLOTHING for Men,
Yotftlt and Boys, at-such prices as have never
yet been known to this Borough, at .
Wear Main et, neat door to Burotholdee;
Embracing a ohafc'e of the best; most desira
ble and fashionable . .
HABIT CLOTH' " 04 71 •
- .. TWEEDS,'Ikei, eie.: • . ,
. • . ,
Tegether with ':n great variety. ; or
French arid American CLOTHS andr,Susynor
Fabrics; adapted_ to-the' waffle or Men. end
Hove, both for, Dread and, BusinessiGarreents.
• Particular' care has been taken tO procure
the now style_ • . • .
SUMMER COATS, • - 1-4 . "
To which he "woiddirivite
FURNISH ING GO O. D 5, consisting. of
Shirts, Stocks, Handkerchiefs,- all of
which are offered - at the lowest.,poesible 'cash
prices,. and Cheap:aa tktik, other Clothing
Store in the - Union.• Parents 1,1 ho' desire Boys'
Clothing, are. earnestly invitee to examine, the
stock: .L'Ountry a ore •Ireepera can he. ace;oni
niodated,at yery'lciw rates for cash , - • [l6Eirr
- .7,11"Eir SPREPG GOO,D I S:
this City vtith
W have ju n at returned from '
i aotiniiint Of
° °x
Linen and tetitton'panta loi] ottani; 'for tnedand
boys' vtreer, tweeds, black sumtner'eloths, Kan.:
tudlty, jeans, '&6., cheaper than 6105.: '.""
0 60 -P.S;
Mous.' drLaines 4000 yds
Barege do 'Lanier; •"- DoileciSnieses;" •
Lawns, Plain r kW4B4; • •
ilig4 a In
4ipaelias" Barred
Sill: Po? ; •
Colored Barves,.. . •• • • . 1 •
' BCH:11B TS,
A good nssortmont, 'front 'so"curite: to 5,2,60
Paint' fienc.Leghorn', and Rough end. Ready,
HHSLIHS, Trcieinfos, auk eA - s, , • •
llnen•and.ootton.diapers, nankeoite, and an etc:
ceitent stock of Muslins, that cant be:bent for
oboapnessi.Edkings,ilnsortings, .Gloves, , Ho:
olorY.Stispenders, and a largo lot of ." •
bo `sold ' : cheap.: GROCERIES;
•sold :at'
lower priced than the' same-eatibo'bopght. hero
of 'elsewhere:lo: ,•.: -
A, et,',..vv:nppl7zt
The Universal lierrig9!•ator.':
The Setidaritier• would invitie the' citizens
extunine the Uttivetattltaftigerattit
tsr_Filter attabliOA,Aihicli'ensy. bet. seen at his
ritisid spa wit itut;,ctid
,catt,,tior fort,
nialiseta ps4slo.;llliite)kyenvliiii
wst: :•'' "Th,q,:iNYAKTANP•4:-,.
! - 1 : 403A1---tu 1t u
v A '7,
oxeta)of.gtwd.;:TEAir.dan Ii
^ r ; *applied
' l 4
s i r _ 'vane ellherjeose,oe put- up
-' • in, fehrtiloy'bell;.ortP 6 i l 4o
kettle paelta,,b; andt.ptiiohaseit etiprinee,rangtn'p'
limn 50 aenta*P;lP par,poOnt, all
t likataer; b', PE 113 ,‘
tielattillat/51; 4 , ,
'tilf4ttO;ilVell'-&flehilt l Oraillatti RIE6'
' which will be told very low et the old .chottp
Store, East" Alaih Streot. C.
oGitßi t
„ • • w.— f _, J y.r.i
' l ' ;
1.; I,tlifilotitodoPagliiC,"..
Albert Binset &Niue' EGoenfhi 7 Philtreldphid. '•
'..:Lcommenodtmnually SECONit
AIONDAY of Octocen,*!tl',continu9lintil,tf,p.
grat of Match entsuin4. • ,
' e 'OO
Ariet of ftsi for 0, FUree of go ;amp ' 0;
dtudems, who - Itelidecrt •
comvedini Qth4i Bell 016 f,. ' 3 g 0
Fee;ptil „ „
grailtool•An4tomy, '
~ • 10 00
GradunnaurFee •• • ' ' 3 ° , 9 4
,Cofnmerion'iditt +lll'Mko m
YACUI;TY,'• • •
CAtitii`b l MertaaitN, M. D. PtoibssoY of Ma:.
4fiti:Me4iaa anii_Therapoiltico,_ •
WlL.wara S. flaimpTa; M:l4.Ptafesaor of Ho
mne oeopathic Institutes and iha -.Patellae of Medi
la. • .
smAt.tate Vilssll4ir; M. 8., riolbssof 'of .Boiany` -
'and Medical Joriaprudence. .
141. - D;;'P;othesur of Chemi.
cat' Medidino.
4M,eurra , Wu:tient:mit, M. D.,'Professor of Oh-
Adirtmea and 'the Theieases of Women and Children.
'llli D., Profeasy. or Pltyatol
ospY and. Pathology. ,
Marrukw: Sntims, M. f:t4Profesaor of Coom
ietry. and To:ie.:4oEly. t • "' • ! '
Fnailms Snap, M. D., Professor Of S u raety.
WimittivA..G.intnnita, M. Profeasor 'or
J. , 3'4.nm:twining, M.D., , Demonstrator. of
VVM. A..bAiLDINEfi, M. D., Doan,
lio,3o3'Areh Sixeet,lldiada.
Jtini le: 1851-6 m.
Corner ,of Secenth.,and Chestnut Street*,
V8.N.41, Proprietor. ~RENItY ,tAND—
Fi); ager. ,F 0 R,T:u F 'LPL Y,
ORAzio., CELEBRATION. Arrangements.
have been made by .the City. Councils to corn•
meniniat4hO: day 14 , a splendid, exhibition of
FIRE • ZArCRKS., Unrivalled , . attractions will
be dfibred ni'.l3iirntim'e., The., DRAMATIC
CoßPs'ivill present interesting' comedies and
..F.arces. -PapulaC`Bettltute. by an accomplished
vocalists. Dances by.two _proficient artiste.—
The celebrated 141 - raT)parrf Fisstlit*, formerly
a part'Of the fainouillAvst,F4simv, will per.
fortri their most astonishing feats'b n the Stack
Ropc,'• tind intareSiing• .Pauton i es: FA AS'
AUTOMATON .BAND; consisting of nine'
'figureS, of the full size of life; playing acurately
24 different Sirs, Will he 'exhibited for the, first
time. The inventor has been ten:Years - eon.
summing these, aut cost of $20,000, and it isthe
, most wcindeifut triumph of art in the known
,''reifortuances will be given during the
morning, afternoen'iind evening. The Saloons ,
ere'filled with 1;000,000 of, curiosities. Admit..
tence to see all these, and-to eaeh exhibition in:
the Lecture Room; 5 cents. Children under
10 years of ago, 12} cents. OW 4) ... •
Street, opposite the Suquehanimh Rail Road
Depot, Baltimore, Keep constantly on hand
for sale; Fish, Salt, Guano, Plaister, &d. Ltb
etal advancei made on consignments.
June 118;51 , ; Gm pth• • '
.. • .
stiwin L.. PARKER. amts. A. PARSER.
1. Z. PARR Elt & co.
pEALERS in. in Platem - American, nig
, liih, t and-Russia Sheet- -Iron) Boiler-and
ue Iron; HO* and Rod lion; Iron Wire;
Tinned .Copper; , Zinc; Spelter; -Pig and—Bar
Lead; Lead Pipe; Sheet Lead; Blocir and Bar
Tina Brass-!Kettlea; Tinner's Tools: and Ma
chines; Store- Trimmings;;Amerlcin - Rivets,
and Black, &c.
March 26, 1 . 851-1 y /d.- • • • 2
New and:POpular 'School Book,
,4/.21 NIVERSAL - HISTORY, - together with
PERSONS, to which is appended an epitome
of Heathen Mythology, Natural • Philosophy,
General Asti - twenty and' PhySiology. Adopted
in th,e.Publie.Sehoole .
- E. S:PubliAhdrs,
.S W.Ciiriier of yourth are niccvne. - Phila.
SOtliopl y " - 45 . ri
t,Tdaiihers'and School dotrithifteep,addressin
.lettere•to Ala: post paid, will, be.' farillaheil , with
dopica fok'exotninction.. ' ,
Mr - A fall adsortment I cif Books 'and Stilifon
•F .
for solo at the, Lowest Prices,
sarrlstiurg Steam Wood Turning
and &toil sawing . Stunt.
-- 71V000 - 1171t*rktiriiiritirbriiiieblil;
city. stile and city prices. t very varietyof
Cabinet and Carpenter work either on handor
turned to order.,
Bed Posts, Table Legs,' Awning Posts,
Rosetts, • Patteitis; *Columns, .
Slat and Quarter Mouldings, Round or Octagon
Chisel Handles, 45,ra, - in STRAWBERRY ALLEY.
near Ifhird',Street i and as wo intend to please
all our' customers ivho want,gaed work done,
it is hoped the trade will give us a call., Ten-
Pies and Ten.. Pin Balls made to order or re•
Harrisburg, April 1851-Iy.
SAFETY rusz, '
ORDERI3 for the above article, addresselte
to. the undersigned at.their: Monti'actor,'
near Mechanicsburg,•Cumberhmd,caunty„
'will meet with prompt attention, and be filled
th9l° " B"aBh coovEß,''
:e3iptkria ' , PETER GINGRICH;
Notice, to Oolleotors.
- - -
itTOTlC:ishorebY given
,to all delinquent
.1.11 CollectorS, that their: ovena accounts
Inust she:closed with the County . Treasurer,.on
,or b6ore the.rith of July. next,..after. •Wrhich
time, no further indulgence can, be given sy;
order of the Commishioners.. - • .
t *no
. 430; z 1651.
AT a meeting
. of ihti,tilinbOrland Valley,
_Farmers Motual-Fire Insarance_Corripany
he'd in gitifffiens4urg, the 10th,tte,
191001ffierlanrod persoffii,
*era': eineteol. officers r
tz. , =sok-SA - 3VARier D 41., Presidertti
'Z'' "rl4(pryAl GEORGE .4 1 1.r,Eri,
eis;44N j e .
As Ti , l ,e„o 'h e u e r s e r r ie ' effiet' itiS9V.ROffitt
Jplid paffiestet,,444:l„:Wp j ,
"Y A.;RES.SI44f., v
1E4,00 : Of, Richard Pg.tOui
• ... . , . .
OTICk. is' bereh ygivew.that.Lettera of Ad-.
ininistration.ontthe estate . . of Richard Pattods
late ofiDickinsott township, Cumberland coup ,
Aylidecensed,;hattetheen granted:to' the • subseri •
but, scalding tn West:Pennsborough township,
is tentd county. All • persons tknoWing Ahem.:
- aolvetitiritiebtadt to suid _estate two; required .to
come-ferwitrA -malte -immediate payment;
d t 11,.;Setia nit:nu:pi - 41%th ilieni for set.
jun2s;tpd. -, • , , .2.thisinktratbr.
tstatt),ofahrlstopher ,Tohnsoni dec , di
XTOTlCRis,herobY kifen tbat ,LettorifTee r
tamentary on the estate of Gfaistophei
Johnion;late , oe . Dicliinkin'soVvnehip, Cuniber;•
inpd counlyi have been granted, by thy
Regiltex of - said .county , to thd_subticribers, ro•
siding in the same township. , All persons
knowing. theniselvtie indebted to sakr estate Aro
reniiistbil te'ethii fiirrverd end Make immediate'
payariene;fltiniF thole 'flaying, claims to prikien
them for settlement to • • .• 0, ,
, Juno , lB,4vd.! -
' • ' +.•• • ININ'D
StrlLEAT;..hrij. f o.(;:qt
purchased by, the gedersigued, d & t
ighest market pfieirptddiat Calks . zoo.
Mad Ylriohr 'reed; ef: difforee km!:
cite* .mari eatmeat4atar,M*v.A 4 PPIY th •
(ParalerlY.l9ooEll , 4ope„l es
kifiteker.9l.lB l l.l o Wriaajp_vonoorjoad urity
••'lltav7-gmPd' S.,
Oeitiona trade the, estate, of I - fon. ,
ere cenuosod tot call,
on the-enheoriber tit -the-office- of -Church, Lee
64 Feeman, Lumber M_erphante,in'.,blety Cum
berland and 'cattle the 4 aitloint' delay, no.
a urtliort indulgence cannot be Riven, ,
'14.11 cHURCIL
1:' T " r * supply . supply Of the' hitt*
t;fe.;lll9 AC rET.713,11'.
rOlt .THE;gO:44M 4 ** , :•- •
• ' 'l rblre &C eg y,,,,
T•qtrPt l ; 6 olb.K.:ll l 4 " l o o. , :r sOL I YO
Si rani hetaitybeßdifrinori_OPoltiaglt
did display Of FANCY •COODS;anitable for r
. the approachinginolydaytactes,opi4o - 2 , Whieh
. desires to ,call , tnevAttenuonoluhktiliiefidelind
Ito Public- HismssortmentiathisilinSPOOMint
surmised , irr
both in quaiity*clilidal'ilcad'Audi
rqk.,4o -
flit fail to please, purchatierei ; HAI; onid;:„Ito um?'
pOssible to enumerate
whiuh comprise, ovary,"mriety. of ; fancy articled .
of the - most - noveli styles4tad • exquisite atilaN
such as , • ` 1:.•1
Ladies' randy 13aakein,"
Fancy Work Boxes, witl%'st?ivlp `i rlaftitiil'la .:
.F - Paper. Macho G00de,.:. v ..
Elegant, alabaster •and porcelain ink-stands
slid tram'.
nay Jim petarf and shell:card cases,. ,
Port Manna's's, ol tiVeryymilityi: •
Gold pona'and'peticita,
, t
, :Fancy palier;iveighis; .
Popetortes,.:with . : a ,Ilargs,:iariety indica
'ncy etotioriery,, ;..: :
Motto sealeand Wafers! , . . .
I Silk and beati.pursette.l, , •
!Ladies' tiding whips, elie:nth ,-
!Ladies' dna cutlery, , •
'Patfunidlaiskins and bagii,'
• WIWI:Mi e'very kind:for chi' r r!teg.
Rouseare,perfyinaca.of , the various - ' •
MusiCal matrumerne, of, all kinds - and
prices, together With an_innumerablii Variety o
trilbies elegantly: finialmeand suitable fortho'
lyday presents - I :4o which he. invites ,apociallai
motion, .• ,
tAlid; 'art ffitelpithr elegatedollection of
. ' HOLIDAY: GIFT !id CORSA: , vast' '
!comprising- the ; various 'English, end :Ameristat
AN ; .for WI, richly embellished, and ..
;Maturated POETICA' L' 'W 0 R-K 8; 'With
• for Children of all sgeer, thartivrhich nothing
can be more - appropriate or, pleasing as holiday,
His' assortment of Sheol Hooka and
School:Stationery' 'is diso . .CtihiptorN arid eord='
.prises every . usedoin• Coilegna and the . .sf
:Scitdols.. Kb also debiree the particular. .
;attention bf Oat/lilies to iris cligantoilieplay of
from.thoiextensivei earObitehmeetti eMoreentte.
Archer and others of, Philitdelphia,!comorising
every sty -
le* 'of Parte* Chamber mitt Stay
Lamps, for burning either lartr,:sperin: or ethe ,
real" oil, together :with, Flower Yasess Fancy
Screens, &e. ,His'assortment in Aids un,. •
equalled in the lierchigh; • Also.' " '
- - -
RES EjlArt D 1 7 121HT5,;&c.,:i...t ,;;
L oy,Cry ; variety. and,st iall prie'es,•all,of winds
are pure stiurfteshVanth aearrbe''eSonfidently.:-
recent mended' io his fridndis an:Vibe little - •
His stock. coolkniees. ,eVerythingin . the ; line of ,is
Fancy, Greotis,,,wit hjeany.o ther attidles useful
tof/housekon - otti;Wlitalitif6 public — ea '
invited , to call; 'and• see diitinit the -holidaya.-- •
Remembor.tho:Old•SiOndi nOtirlY opposite the:
Bank .on,lforth•Hatioior tinted, A
dealt'' • ''S •W: HA.ytasTicx.. •
. ..
1 5
or forfeit ot f p flin i Tto N c T uYe a v ' in W y I c L a a l e '
tl °
o &tease that may. quite 'under his care,. mu
matter how long, setrin:or , smeting. - Etther • '
sex aro invited to this private toom'eSß North ; '
SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia,. wuhbut j fear •
of interruntion• by - other ,patients. "Strangers „
nod others who Imve been Unfortifnate in the
selection of a' . physicion. are invitedlb . call.' . ,
These who have-mjined•-therneelvesby-solitary,,
± -- 7
.vise ire also invited. , ' . ' ' '
- READ 'AND:;REFLE,CT.-z4The -- tiffifeted , -.-
would de! weir tiletleetbeforeltiusting, theitt" • .
health, happiness, and in many cases, their liven- , .
in the.hands of physigianal ignordot of this class
of - iiiiilitdipe.: 'lt is certainly impossible - for sine.'. "
man to understand all tbe ill's the hnintte family , .
are Subject to. Every. restmetable .phyalcian....., ,
has' hid peculiar braneh in Titian - lib is more Sac' it '
easeful 'Huai* his brother , profiluentWand' to tlia;*
he-devotes-most of .hiatintearid.siluly t ...:,:,,... '.......,.:_..
•YE4RS Di' PRACTICE; exclusively dew- •
Voted to the study and 'treatment ot , diseases of -
the seauatorgarts,togetbor with - ulcers upon the
body. throat, nose, or lege,: pains in the head or,
bonesonereurial rhoumausmy gravel, irreguldrd
hies, disease ,arising ,from youthfeaxeesses oe :,. .
impurities of ; the blood, whereby the ,C.onetitn- ,
dim' has '. begonia - enfeebled, entibleiV the: doctoe '"
to offerspeedy relief to.till wbomay Place 'thorn- ; _„:......_,z,.,.. -cv lone 4 •
•,I[Vaittily.lGracery:Store,,,!: ,
_. .
•!THE subscriberhayingychmM:Md'hils tirecery ~!
• • , Establishmenty,pl ; Sorlth'.llanover,;•,l
! , ~,.1
, ~
_eirect, tO .the taig 'building near& J , ,
1?.. 'oppOsito'his:old itauil'dbeires'to Vat
0 7 ' .. _the:attention of the public' tertrle'ett • -
' 1 ' 'parlor stocli of.FRESIA,§ItocEn. , •
lES Whibh he'hasjist
e nsued... and .which ha.,.
Will sell on the most'accomnaddating 'terms.--"'
L.T,hemritutgementof.hienr—w.EstablistunentAvilt --.-
he found of the most,:complate: tharacter,hnfl,7,
his' assiirtmintccitenitses orrery article shut can • .
be found in a ~t• ' ,'''. '':-. -'' ''' '.-• ' - ' '
! .... , rerfeatlE f amilt:CFrOotert,y. ; . : ~- • '
.such as segare.,coffee. teas, ,spices, tiams,;.drieit'l
boef,tchaese,. shad, -maokerel,.-herrings . ,dried_:........_
fruit, soaps, '&e., together" with" an: elegene at:.
sortment at China and Crockety.Ware•ol , ere. ,
_style,: End. quality, queeneware, ' brooms. . •
brushes.bas k ets, and an, endless vdriety of ar-. .'
tidies which it is impossible
sible to enumerate.-.-
For cheapness and excellence his articles can
not be surpassed A call- froretho-public-„itt, ~. _,
therefore respectfully solicited
truirs • C. IN.IIOFF. '
atcr.Auq3A , 'll34lN VER.,
BE' subscriber haVing.jtist returned from
T - the East, offers to the public rimer° am
lo • and complete assortment of goods iii bier --
line, than ever previously effered, , and respeer.r ,
hilly solicits dealers and °then, to give, him 3. ,
call„when he will shOOrtherri . gbe4 anton.
ishinglY &reprices! • • - •
To Buillet'sy Carpenter"' and Mei% '
cle'comprieee ; a •full casstirtnietri ;of. :
Locks and Latches of.every descriptionOlia;-
gas and Screws', Window Springs and Dolts
various itinda„•Window Chris, Putty,-'Paints •
of all colors. Oils, Turrientiner .&c. , ;.•,&e.--.• • '
Also, Mill, drols-cut.and Circular Sayre, Hand - ,
,ItipPi no. and Bnalc•Saiva, Augers, CR..
sele,'Bread;Harld , itnd :Chopping Aies;
te, Planer' ~ aud Bins, ,Steel and lOW
Squares, Files arid „Rasps, Nail?, Brads and
Spikespf all sizes. .. ,
'• 'To Smilers and Coescli JlYakeis.
`A completeassortment - - of - Saddlery .Toolar----
Sillmr. Brass andlapaned
. mounting,. Carriage
trimmings, Broad pasting, and seaming Laos„
niii!S figerbtlj Ca minas i -Drab C lath s‘'.
nett; Sergo•and Btistaml Mesa:
patent an etiamelled .Leather, Ltuties'and: Pa=
shore: Also„ and. Spokes. ~
ptiptic apringai Iran Axles; Mailable Castings, •
• .
, ;rTo"•Cab!tiel.alia. sfiP;Oakol?
My mock arnbracsa a cemplate nesortMetit
et goads iTl.yoykr. Ude: lllaroecoa,"
b riding.96nm Diets, Thread, 'Pegs by the
barrel or smaller quantity, Tools of - e Very `de: •
scription, &a. , purled Raja, Cloth, iV,ar--
nish, Mahogan y 'Ma* Vaneers,
irigs and Resorts . , 'Sore Barrage; Plitits,,litubbg-'''
any, :M and , Vanetted LAE-nobs of. all'ehtes.' • =,
ToxPificksl3l.o4,Farmera,.anci elliertp t
roho,nury'r ,
in wayilii good role. ' •
Ile offers a full 4siortrdont 0 1, •Prlitinnored,..
horse Shoe, SCollop,'Plough, bro'ad'en 'earner
raw Tire Iron. ' Alen, Rolled' 'Horse
Bar, Band, %Round,. Square, ,.
Sheet Iron, Nail,' Ittidei::Rpssia Stteet_teon:.
Cast, Shear, Spring and Blister
aird'Aiharican Wit.toh,:arill'' Carriage' 13oN'es, •„
File's:and i-Riceps;,llprao,Sheio _.
To Housazeper's•• cilia those abOtit eliftritig die.
trimonial:Stalc: .
• would invite at teniion, ;
sortment,of,walters and. Tv:lye* plain and
thic utylt, !olives., and forke;. Butcher, gnivetco:•Ai ,
Salmon!, end Shmare Brittannia t Gatinal eilienp,; ; ;‘, ,
and, Silver - Pints ,. ',Table: and Tea ,
Base and garterel&PinaervingiCettlea, •
ing. , Itone, , sye.rei: 'Buel4eto;•, r , ;.„
- Pioof Paint. - •
:oct3p . HENRY
Ar t it.ll) LIVER, • ,OIL,L=A.rI. 4 4Cellarittlikic!*,*:,,
For enlb by• • ' •
hnur26 i••• .• • -
.:.:,!Bortneta• and...Bibb°
' lllll • hovik, ijuotloOoivod '.ourithird eopply of
1.10 , 1
...., „ .t • , "-' • •
dREAPBON.YEZAS'it,Troxy*T44gpms ,
to; vitc( c .f 114i‘ci' thigirliq;;; ;
• „Tx.- ' I
• 3 . . 'Th . °.' IVIZOSOrI- t
4 " . brit oftmo o l ei . 14.43ar 1 lc, ckt
, o ip*fto . 50uth, A . ,. ,,, ~ • ,
- !That brogthco,apan a bank 0 A , !rr,,,.. ‘ , . „, 4 ,
L isr.,..'lan v f han, 4
I. l,;,,vt..ftiM, Fit Tif„ . :,,,,iltill o iVO 4 ki ,
;_ d , '1 "a I' l l i . st...4,„„rtjA,t, { 6 4 bi t h e . , . ,
l e
11 ifitil a itUilini tlyAlrlif , l i r f"'' V c — Avt9'oo l4 :
1 . tiLittiV. i °aP ! k 1 'i i ''t. 7 '''''' I t
" ''
161 0 '1 1
VilV '' , '
, -,.......
- , .
ItIiOLDS writing ui4, a vay'
waltirit r iot_ male, a JUBRAEIIi