Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 25, 1851, Image 1

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I b r EAT'Ilt, JP I 47 iletior,
. ,
• • 'DR: H.'MEINICLInr,• ''''• -
AND gURGEON:--Pffice--
afain :street,. mar! the Poo. - Pi/ace: Pocti .
will give his
,purtieular 'attention to Surgical .
diseases; and ' &genie's
also give hitruttenticiW every -Saturday;
morning.. office,.gratis, from I „to 12
clock; to aurgiical:catias , unibne ,tlie poor; '' • '''
'•Jantiory'22.';lBsl. •; • • t
11'4 11 Ot - t i ttnifr fi r PO r i r i n :the
Toeth,that are requi
red for their preservation; soaps Sealing,Filing;
Plugging, &c, or will restore thejess of
by . insortingArtiklal Te:6,tlijrotn,aingle tooth
To a 'full setti' 'lltrOille'einv. Pitt' infect, a few
oars south of,tho Railroad getel. • Dr. L. is ab •
ent theliast 'ten • daili 'Of 'e'vet rebiith. • -
• • ' DR: l ' l *mummy.
succeeded Di: Lippe, formerly praCtising lhy
Sicium of. this place, solicits the patronage of, the
friendiof 7tio , pro.deCessor, and shall be happy
Wait: ution . all who'may favor hiM with a call.
'flovl.3.lm - F'.
33,01401101',11.2 21 10'
Practice of Medicine, Surgery and!. Obstetric:
Drs. A. M. ea 4. STAYMAN, respectfully,.
announce to the eitizens of Collate and vicinity ,
that they have taken tha,offiee 'recently peen
fliedrby Dr. .
Senith, , in -.Snodgrestes Row, and
will be happy - to attend to all 'who._rnay_favor
—then—with--a--.6a11-in—:the_various_litaneh ed _ of
tlteir profeseion: We rife • preptired"to visit pa.
tietits to the coantty.atlany,,distanco. , Charges
..moderate. . fap9tf
WILL perform al
operations _____
'`"- teeth that may be re
required for their preservation: Artificial teeth
inserted, from,a single tooth to an entire set, on
the Minn seieritific - pruiciples. Diseases of the
mouth afid,,irregitlarities carefully — treated. Of
fice at the residence:of ,hia brother, on North,
Pitt ,Street,•Carliale:
tikß. J• W. HENDEL, Surgeon Dentist
informs.his - former patrons' that ho has re
glad to aUend - to
till calls in the line otitis profession. loet3l
• . .
DR. Jr. DADMIIVIA:N; informs his friends
and the public, that lie will continuo' to attend
To ttll profetaional calls, na heretofore, (notwith
standing reports to Mo . -contrary: OFFICE—
Pa - EWA:High street. _ ' . ;-. • '. Miars-3m
wage. reac. TENRosE,
. ,
'4; TTOII.W.E,Y 'AZ LA.W., , q practice in
.t 4 A. the.soveN Geniis of Cumberland- county.
OFFICE. in •IVinin,Stteet; in the room • former
y eaeutiied . hyt: G:'Bdebury;•Beq.., • •
calonqm _MGM,
. ,
• `,-" TICE at his residence, cornernf 'Main'street
and the Public Square, opposite Burkholder's
Hotel. ' 'to the duties of Justice of
the- Peace, will attend Wall kinds of . ..writing,.
a qat ny-deeds,:itendi, mortgages, indentures„
drtielen Of itgreernentototes, ;'t
'Carlisle, ap, 0- • •
Fresh Drugs,-, Nealchies, to.
F• - Ihavo lust •roc.eived from Philadek
phid and Dlew-York viry_extelisive:
' additions' to iny former stock,. einbra
'• • I
y.evort article et Medicine
• now, ,tn. ,uso,_ together with . Paints,
- -tiilic . -Vamishoe T
fuary.,.Snape •
Stationery, Fine. Cutlery, , Fishing - Tackle,—
.13ruhen.of altriost l every, description,. with an'
endless variety of other articles, whieh,Tint do
t etinined to - Bellit the VEEP towßsi• prices.-
All,Physicianti, , Country Merchants,
._•.a.rukotliors are respectfully requested not to pass
the •0 I, IY'ST D ife • they - May — rest . ; assured
that' oveiry articloWiWbe,sold of a good quality,
end upon reasonable terms. •
• '. r - • ". -:;•••• .Z.SLLIOTT,
Plainfield'Olassical Academy,
The Tenth 'Session: will commence on 010.7r
tt • • • DAY, .4,1.4 Y sth, 185E'
11111 HIS InstitNnion halt been established near-,
Ay: five - yeard,:during which time sublx.
dawns and improvements _have becn inside as,
,to - render' it one ni - thh 'utast . ..contrite flints lind•
:Convenient in•the•State. , •, - ; -, vi :!,••!7t t
In regard to healthittinessAt,tatty be, Inen r ,
tioned that no matt olOefiend sickness has oc.-!
.curred inAlni,inatittitiontlinde tt ivaa'founded.H
Tts moral richly is• attested the ittet 'that.
•ilepraVeld asenciat'ai - iiicenes avice,:tind•resorts'
dissipation iIOS/3,llo..eiigtotico in. the neigh-4
orhood• .
'!:The' Canine 'Of insTruction-'comptiseit all tt.e'
?branches required by2the.rnerchaut, profession
,..citnan,or collegian. ~ Metr e; mOdern languages;
vocal and itistrutfienta music; '&c. • - • -"
is the' etermination - of •ther Proprietor that.
:the institution shall sustain the reputation it has
already, acquired for imparting thorough in,
'etructihn; and inculcating . and establislung vir=-
^itoous principles in the minds' of. the youtb,sub•
niitted to his chare.. , . , • • '
ernis (per Sesazon Months) $5O 00: -*
For catalogues containing references Ike.'
,address • • ---R• B URNS,
• •. Principal anc!..Propriqor,:
Plainfield„. 9., czonberza44 Corttigy .Pa.
April 2, 1851 •'"'
IVJUIZZP:ZiakT a. 4 C 41 1 A T
' Thivit mites WeSt'of Hatrisbltrg; P,
THlS'4ristitntlon will ba Otian'foithe'recoo
- L.of Studentsony .M.C1i5i14:1(,,;49 , ,541
play, noxe. , ~conyaa of InstrAintioni , will
`.innbraeo:- the 'vai biaanlied'af' '
Engliala Education , - fogotbev Latin; .
Groek,• noli-and, German-Languagaa, and'.
;Nonni and Inatt'llmontal
,TPaugs: ; ;;,
. •
nin.tha English - branche.S . poi
5 00
'French or
~-Germanf !.; , • 500
itinetrurnantal-rhinikr'n . .. , . • 10,011
Vor-ftirthar information - cnidress
' .
';o4r9bt t.4."o c ' ,qA711017:41011rg.
Aather — itt""J
• 1 -
w l open ccr 413 c TccoP,` - •
tipri, mo.Npio AY, , tlie '6dx ,OI
h c
- All .111110, 6 ,6nd 'cir a aonfid'Etigliet
• ' CtiOcal)VdtioationaiilllVe:Mngtii;end,acifthnte
• t`
"ColIdge;•oi tiOd bneinese
ii, v olibasidari the'c, first :commencing
rirei :;Mondays ut May 7 ands the second'
aes aiorran..ahMfirat fr,blondey;
n.overy year., 'Pircalatirivill, tnatlornndmd; an, up
. l o plication ingpareen,trelly, lettose addxceseil to t4''
g, aubemibor at .Rew virge, P,:.p tr 'Cnintgerlatid c 0..;
, 'R',I4Z7N,
I ITTig, Porfittilpyincre 9,llmberittP
4eqfp, y r ,pr f ip e r A q lAgiipil-:tllo:puttli6Attqt tl
d. iirSipi,fitittnY o f chntitlfisit*Et
7,b*, on" :the, '3o'oo 'plqttdayd.
lierpOns rh)ivula,
,0 ,,, (v0.0rt A
I' • .1
."40/13 ,1 6r01,WitagOileIVIMritil
,rl.O !'.i't ; , .. ; , :.,,Evoittti t koirinl.l, , g4'lA 7 ':1') - 41 '''
IV l V l i i i i tOtlgi n iffi r eii i4 il l
1, 061001164 iii p. li td" , bh*ittbiiii , ; l 4 3 i4Alikt B e u d i* * 1 2'11
li‘;:niffie*RatiliOnitiitiiiti ' , . 41440•:' 0 • '34li ' • l i .
Tvi! ,l 4.97tiP:q.of, ci4pit0,,,..44.d0t ,i itel i. .‘e , -r° '''''! c'.
liPlig 91-10?,mt Noititi44'o4:l4,;.
i AFRX Jpetn.; tile rc 1-4
'451 M 1 i 144241 0 1 2 1 1 1 M05 1 MP
' 'Oa Rif d iinfo 210 1 :0-or'- , -+-7 , -- , --,-. , ; , 44... , :
rn4o9 : ' ''' JOHN i' LYR E
• o,t ' t st.n tt rle
'',:.:';:elX-I.V . PN - 16tipir .` .. ' • 3 . 2 , 1 4 . 1Nr
f7') ,• - • - p,;:;1' sr; , trt! u•,,..1,7;:v0ta
. -
•• :• - •• • •-•
- Attfli'Vit . TR - 11'7G P; SAlTit,'l,;;ill4)' 0..' 1 1.00N,1 WHICH' TtAltE
,Mt'gt l g.ft.attilt#: - -
. roa 4 1 1 1311 ZEOLILDAY,S
Sptoudild i Fancy.tilootis; Elegant
Gilt Books, &co&ó. , .
HAVERSTICK 'received
1).7•,.' from the oily and opening a eaten&
did disPIO.Y. of FANCY., GO ODS,,s e itable. for
the 'approaching' Holyday Season, to ,which he
desires to cell tad , attention of liis:fiiends - and
'the public His assortment in this lieo-canrint
surpassed novelty _and elegance,. and
both in quaiity'atid • Price of the article's, 'can;
not fail to:Please•purchasersr It:Wbuld • beirip
possible to enumerate his • :.
which comprise every - Viiiiety of ihncyaiticles
of the most••novel• styles and exquisite fini sh;such ,s
Ladies' Fancy Laskets, - -
- Fahey Work Boxes, with-sewing limit-duets
Terracotta Work, (a recent novelty,)'
Paper Macho Goods. •
- •Elegant alabaster and •porcelent r :ink-staride
Fancy ivory, pearl and shell.carteasee,.
Port Monnaieti, of every variety,
• Gold pens and pencils,
Fancy paper..weights,
Papateries., with: a largevarfety. of ladies
ncy stotionery,'' • •.
. Motto Sonia and wafers, • ••1
Silk and"beed purses, • •
Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished,
Ladies' fine-cutlery,
.;.Perfume•baskets and bags,
Brushes, of every kind for the toilet,
• Mussel's perftimes of the various kinds,
Musical instruments, of all kinds"al
prices, together with an innumerable variety o
article's elegantly finished and suitable - for ho
lyday presents, to which he invites special at
t6-ifio - n - r -
Also, an extensive•and elegant - collection of
comprising the various English and. American
ANNUALS for 1851, richly embellished and
illustrated POETICA L W 0 R 11, S, with
for children of all ages, t tan which nothing
can be inore appropriate or leasing as holiday
'gifts. His assortment of cheol Books ' and
School Stationery is also omplete, and com
prises. every thing used in Colleges 'and the
Schools. He also desires to call the particular
attention of Families to his elegant display of '
from the extensive establishments of Cornelius.
Archer and others of Philadelphia, comorising
every: style of Parlor; Chamber and Study
..La.mps,..fsr burning either lard, sperrn or ethe
real .oil, together with Flower VigercFitii - CY -
Screens, &c. His assortment in this line_is un
equalled in the - borough. A 150,.. • . :
-ins every variety and at all prices, all of which
aro pure and fresh, such as can be confidently
recominended to his friends and the little folks.
His stock embraces everything in. the-line of
Fahey Goons, ;with many other artidles useful
Co lioudekeepeis,tvhich the public are especially
invited to call and see during Oct holidays.—
Remember thelold Stand, nearly'oppositc'the
Bank. on North Hanover street. '
,deal!S W. HAVER sTIcK.,
lUf, if failing, to clire.atiy case
of disease that met come under his 'care, no
matter how -long standing or , Milieting.' :Either
sex: are invited to this private roam ! 38,North!
SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, without fear
'of interruptiori by 'other patients. 'Stritigeis
--tindothers:who:have been unfortunate: in the
„ selection of a physician. are invited , to .cull.r--
"!'Those Who have injured themselves by olitary
i! - Vicetara oleo invited. - • • • x• - • "
„READ, AND REPLECT.-7-The afflicted
'• Would:do' vAill to reflect before trusting their
haPpiness, and in many eases, their lives
.: id the hands of physicians, ignorant of this class
..of'is certainly. impossible for one
'roan to understand all the ills the human family
are subject to: Every ' respectable physician
'has his peculiar branch in which he is more euc
, co eafflTiliTurrieVollo7priireliiiiiii,iiiineal - iii
be devotee moth his time and study:
-,YEARS 02 P.RACTICE, exclusively de
voted to .the study and treatment of diseases of
the organs,together with ulcers upon the
body. throat, nose, or legs, pains in the head or
bones,-mercurial-rheumatism,-gravel, irregular
ities, disease arising from youthful excesses pr
impurities of the'blood, whereby th-e---constitm
tion has: enfeebled, enables the doctor
to offer speedy relief to:all who may place them
selves tiriderliia ' '
, .
mom subscriber having just returned from
.I.' the East; Offers to the public a more ant
pie' and icornplete assortment of 'goods sin:his,
line, than,ever.previously offered, and respect-.
fully: solicits dealers and otherd to give hitn n.
call; when hd will show than' geode alaston
ishingly.iots:Pnices. ..1 .
To Builders, Carpenters and Others..., - •
His stock 'comprises a fell assortment of:
Locks and Latches of overy,description,
gos.and Sere - WI, Winda Springs and Bolts 01;
.various hinds, Window Hies?, Putty „ Paints;
of fill 'dialers, Oils. !turpentine, — Scc:,' &c.
Also, Mill; Cross-cut•Und Circular Sawa; Hand!
Pannel,T,ipping and 13ack Saws; Augurs, Ghi
Brond,Hand and Chopping Axes, Hatch.:
Platiee• quid Plane 'Bills, Steel and Iron;
LSqtaaree,::. , Files ..and- Rttaps, :,_Brads and:
~ Spikes of all sizes.
. .
A:complete assortment of Saddlery ToolF,';
Silver: Dynan nadlapaped mounting, Carriage
trimmingif,Brond pasting.and- seaming Lace,.
pinin;nnd figured Canvass, Drab Cloths, Rati: ,
netb•Serge and Bacrarn,, and Deer flair'
patent an enamelled Lenther,'LamPs'and 'Da..
; ilso,Alubbs, Fellows •andi Spokes,!
Ellpfic e prings, Iron A.lea,;Mallable Cuetings4
• To 'Cabinet and Shoe Nakere.
, •
Steck,embreces -a complete assortment
,tif-gooddin your line.; —Morocco's ; lining end ,
Tlfratal; - Pegs by Ttlie•
hoick or ainallor quantity, Tools ovary de- ,
setiption;&c.: . Curled Hair Cloth, Var.=
nisif, Mahogany. and Maple Veneers ,Mould.:.
ings and Rosetts,.Soid Springs , Glaes: - Mallog..
riny;'Mineral and Veneered Knobs Of all'sizes.•
Bltiekiaitithe; - ./briiiers;thld'others; whe•rritly be
• In' tonal qt good 1r0n:::::.......
He offers a full assortment -of Harnmeted,l
- HaraSlSlMis,
row Tire Iron. 'Also, Rolled Horse Shoe;
13ar, Band,' Round, Square;. - Tire,-Hociff and
Sheet •Iron, Nail,,Rods„ Russia- Shaer , Xron;
.Cast, Shear, Spring and Blister' Steel,
American Wagon' and .Carringeßoxee,
Anvils, .Vicein mart:l:nape, IHATI3O. :Shod
:NAP , A. c• ,- , 1 , • - • i:,.!;
Hoy,sekeepere And those about entering the Jgaz•
trimenial State, " .
would. invite. attention, to mi,heautiful,•at4
sortinent of waiters and Trays, plain and Get
thidbtyle,.kniVes' and . forks, Butcher -KriiVern
Scissors and Sheens; Brittannia;GormanSilxoc‘
rind Silver Flom, Table And • Tea 'Spoons;
Brass andtinerald Preporying Kettles, smooth.
'hit 'Hone; - -HollowAvere, TubS,;''lluckets, l
Sreci• • • „:, -
Paints apd Biafra; fire and: 'Water
.Pkiptilocii.l -41ENRY5.8A:XTON.
I Waye'fresh.
Ily:ltopt.onf hood fIUIIa.ARP,!B: ,
.i B tfOri - 4,l)4iihb trtf"...l.7r: .-! , Arna.r2"
JUST. received alreeli lot of GROCERIES
Avlocit,wili be pold ,very,Jow tit,the ,chow` •SieFiV,'Elielikliiiii'Street." . .; • ' • • •s's-""
cdrW elf
ZP't f '11•10,0K/IPAP4413t,'
4 ! - 116'1111kftEt . • 10b(4111'
6 tbl , ilib'Aift En fug 'a'
- - .
OCIY ,i7.)112 - 61#2,111t
JUST` rodoivadVVidi p balite.]
' '
etlyiool Rog., y. A:
.To, ! Sattlora and Coach Jtfakors
~ , ,I ,-:,•:, •rA:::•,..;: -.., .(,,,,,,.
i,- : :-..., ,.. .: , ,.. „. :; . . i u:,.. , ti t t i fi . : : „ -;,,
• iffonimbrit. nt.ot,s.somek.,,
BY CHARLES SWAIN.. , , . • .
Oh, for work I have 'never to'n'tilt,..
, ;: And working:l ean't.doWithont;. - .
And. though, ntany . arc! born
.to estate,
'They're aa often just born to the gout!,
free' Use'of my feet; '
hundqbat•true industry tihOWs;'
:or labor mokocappetito , sweet,
r , And a. fino,, manly : vigor bestows!, . •
Itni Worker- 2 tnad working's my boast;
A liloddetiz—Und love - those that plod ;
Far Nature; .froni city to Coast, '
Shows Virous is. the wiadOin of God
All living nced something to 'dot' , •••:'
The idlelatt grenade. and grieve;•• '
They .matit igork, and work , heartil t ytoo, •
' Who would relish the life ,thiyreceive,
' And Out..
; To- sing. et - my.labor;,'• , ' .
Though I'moaly a poor, working
iret Ifanoy, know, what.' say I . , .
I'm 'a worker=-and working's boast
A.plodderandlove those that plod
..ror Nature, from oityto coast,..
. Shows Wong: is thewisdom of God I ,
In the future history of mankind, if present
appearances are to be trusted, the counties of
Wayne end OntariO, N: Y., are likely to derive'
an interest and importance, in the eyes of a
numerous body of - people, from'a circumstance
wholly unconnected either with their-social'
progress, or - with their natural pioductfons or •
capabilities. 'ln these Counties lie. the scenes •
of the early passages in the life of Joe Smith,
the founder of. the sect , of the MOrmons. "
Born in-Decernber, 1805,:its Sharon, Wind.:
sor county, State 'of Vermont, lie removed With
his father, about 1815, to a email farm,iiiTal
myra, Wayne'countY; - New York, and asaeted
him on the farm till lkiG. received
education, read indifferently, wrote and.•spelt.
badly; knew littlo of arithmetic, and, in . all
other branches-of learning he was,to "the da3s
of his death,.eiceedingly ignorant.
His own account ef:his religious progress is,
that as early as fifteen years .otage r he began.
to :have serious : Ideas.,regarding. the future
state, that he at into occasional oestaciesiand
that in ,1823, during one: qthese. eostaaies, ho _
was.vipited angel, who:told him that his
sins were
, fcrgiven--that: the time was at hand_,
when,the gospel in its fulness Was to be preach, nations—that the American, 'lndiana
were e. remnant of "who, when thOy first ;
emigrated to America were an enlightened pao
plo, possessing a kno;ledge of the true God, :
and enjoyinglds fav'er-::-4at the proptie4 and:
Inspired writers among them had. kept, a. his
tory or record of their proCeedings—thatthese . ;
recordi were safely deposited- , --and that,: if
faithful, ho was to be the favored histrunteitt
'On the', according to inStrite-,
tions from the . angel, ho went . to a hill which
he calls Cumorab, in Palmyra township, 'Wayne
county, and there, in a stone chest, otter alit
tla-digging,"ho-sawtho records; but it was not -
till four years efterYin 'Septimber, 1827, that
"the'angel of the 'Lord deliyered the; 'records
into his luteds:-
• " These rectirds , were enE l r' aved 'plate's,
'which badthe appearance' of gold, were seven
by 'eight inehee in size, riniftltinner than
nio~ tin, and' were 'coVored• on b'eth siCtee' With
Egyptian charietore,:smill'ancl heantiftilly on=
graved.--,They were hound. together in a vol
.unte theleaves of tt,,,book, and wore fas
toned at•one• end with three rings running thro'
thol . The.volunto was about sit,
in.thichttess,..bere_nsany marks of antiquity,
and part La it was; sealed.., With tho • records!,
was fOund"a - carionit •inidruraent, j called by- the ,
ancients I,Trim and .Thummint,Terhich consisted •
tf-J,wo; transparent .stones, clear, es; .crystal,
,and set,in tpo rhus.'bf'n boat' - ..a
ble speolacles;,ilt . othei., words, or "helps to'
road", unknown tengties., • •
The report of his. discovery having got n-;.,
broad, his house. was beset,,he was, mobbed,! ;
and his lifa was pridengered by, persons who
....... ,
. ...
ittehed to pos&cs.s,sthenmelyes of the plaice.—: I
go thereforo,pnoked, up his goods;concenlod! ;
UM plates in a iarrcl of bcalia, and proceeded!
across .. the country to ,the northern part` Of,
Pennsylvania, ' near` the 'Susquehanna river', i
ilaere , itici . :fathorn-lmq reideted.
,llere i!.1iy,..1
the giftand pOwer of dod, thrOngh the means
of Aie Frirn ancillinnanim, ho beganio trans-: '
late the „record, and, heing a poor ;miter, iia:
employed a 4oribs ,t,! . .,; yrito tho translation. as
it came froth hie mouth.":, 'll:llE33o,alarge e- ,
ditiOn of the. Book of. Mormon was published ; —j
!t: j prefensas to bp , an al?ridgrnent of tlrre.C.oi.As
1P,0 6 i7. the; P-Y°Po.l6r.,ncT+:4f-4) people . of •
the Nephilis an 4 left to bia son Aloradi to !jai
Mit. - ft, is regarded by tlio, Lattdr Day,Saintei '.
iiitli tho , same veneration as the New Testa.; ,
went is among Christians,. _ • • - i . l
' The Church of the - Tatter:day''Soints was
~ I
'Oriiiiiized on` the Oth 'Of April, 11130; at'Mant . '
;theater, :in . 'Ontario county,, pi* York. — '!,tel
initiallers 'tit fiistirer'i few, but they rapidly tiv i I
creased,, and in 1833 removed to 'the State tl ,I .mi.diiri;iid inielnit'ie4 a laige, - 4`iit pr;ian4 ,
in Jackson bOuaty. ; Here their neighbors ,tar.i.,
rod and feathered some, killed others,and , corni r - , ,
palled too relkolirto,rorce4.; - Thi4‘,then:establ
li!dte,dthemeo . :eas in i Cl4.oe4rity,,in
State *4 On ! .ii„.,sppoei t e pide,Of :tin; ' river, 7 4 . ..
'Fioi* tiiieplarce again, itt,lSSit theYinincyo
Miitiiarilin the State of clAo';;ii 6,0164 ,1t icirt4'i,
failitiii , tiel.ili ... 44:7: - 4 6 !0 1 i 1 1, i*4i;4411 ''
0 4 A . 'cji , .9 . !fiA1,..p.,0„'ii , 30 . ..4R.0.:! , ,`t:iii!p•
~ 4pi, . ,t4ilA- f il*.t.- y .:,-tlfcrpc., _ .34'idous*, ' , , ,,, P c
pefuled., :41,1kirtlarid tkbankiemincorporato
litlibelstiid!l.iis ‘ftiettdiPPivlse,i f lie".lf .. .i‘Yisilei ..
'0#1."fititc4ii,1`44:".;0:0'.,..0,6, , ,f A1Ai.4 4 0.40,').,fr . ‘''
tirr,4l4,' !lig: t 4 9 4 4 1 ,00 - 7At*P•n7i°og,re Ald -'
about tlitaamnrfinatinifOlido):!'ecame4oi)lio , P,
fi;r l :}6:6 - itiarx6iiii, , .Again, ~', theinfaikr;? ilia
'Pj.o.4tsl9l4)llo:t l 9llt 7 ica,aik , ifriWitis!.4iyo)tb°
PAV,Vif 1 9M ktaß , l,P.i'ftl49?,o4MP94l4 l Titt4 ''
fiitif 0 /I°AdiiP). 9, MAtigk a Mtef Nirg..ii ''•
A l i-, SI'S'AA *Ak r Aiati a lif .f`ttlaid.A.lik,rlq,VAtti • '',
8 ° N.01...1i i !,11i1A 3 4.1 . ) ) ..90. 0r iA;if,00 1.4t #9":.
vsit, , xmittA'gs.;singlitigoimpAstoil"lo., ,
." - Austu36'cl of3,.boosmo'-so, serious thus-
e!tiffl;7:',.:4 ,Itl-7r,ktC1i . .q?.6 , 131115:N5f 7/Tcr
• , ttat • I:I •
RA954uP, 11 . 8 ...1-4GRPATZ,ve souk oil , . B
.'" l '/ , 10'
the Military-were - called tar aud,therlklermons
were finally driVen, unjustly, harshly, and op
pressi•relyi by forc'ept Arras; rrotivtlietState%f
„ mie , ° ? uz i , a nslo ,9o,4,PFßll °tim „ l/ t'ke.Ptf4P o f
Pjmin, ~ fliqP)FßiPoiP*
pi; :They werolveiirerejyedintUisState,and
after runtering for somf, timq 7: -wmfr their
'leader, Joe Sll4th, Ras In , 1:1011,04 ' t
tratit of, isaa in flincoekcounty, and,
iu 1840; begak 4 )- build the city
and temple of
at' trit plased an Ad giving gloat,
arid, prol7ably4 injudAlo4S :iriiihgeitto this
city:: which, 'in 1844 was ahead:) , :the largest
in the' 'Sigto:and o'ontamod , a , po pulation '
.tibout twenty -thousand nettle. The temple,
too`, was of great size andSnagel cence-being
128. feet song na 77 fcet i lug s, and etiodon'an
elevated situation fram, was visible - to
a-ilistance of 25, or , Bff nples.. , interior'
f ?'it'.P7q tation
'or ih urazencea of_ tomcsion--' if stone re
servoir„resting,opon.tlut brtektof :twelve oxen,
also cut of seem), and"as large. o,B l, l fer!
ir?"l4 rx Wein,
provoked in ; smite' degriie;)i6 Apt, by their
own'behavior; e'sPeciiilly'in nulitf4and cnixi r
ing into effect city eadiriatleeti','whickwere bon-
teary' to the laWs of tfie Stife. ' The People of
the . adjoining townships' rose in arras, and were
joined b nembera the!old 'enemies' of 'the
Moirnons' Tre'`Millifi , l6; l o
called-out;-and; - to , `
Smith and one of his ftrOth'e`iqwltht, several.
[ other, Intluential Sluts, on , ; An ,1191;U ?RICO of
safety and protecticin front tha Gloveenor of the
State, Were induced to surrender Themselve's
for tri, i:eimot or the. charges VrOugh:t
g ain . at them , 4, 0 wore conducted to prison.. .
HOP 4hoy were inconstderateiy left by the
tlovernor; on the , followiai:dity, 'under n guard
of seven or , eight pen. Tye's!, were overpow
ered the Ramer afternoon by: an armed mobiwho
killed Joe Smith. and' ils brotheti,frind then
made their' otiiiie;; ; ;',',7!Up 'e411747pi;0 : Mormons
remainedti'llhicit time longer in the HoliCitY;
brit tha
pernlarieut,quiet and thay were
at last driven out_by_ force, and compelled' to
• abandon Or , , j !! 6riti - dii tf.4 ; , ii.;iprti.,l - ilch as
escaped` this. lastioriecutien; after traversing
the boundless prairies - the deserts-of Alm Far
West, and
. the Rfiblc3r.Meniitaine, appear at last
o.havo found a:retiiii;-plaem •neix...theAreat
Salt take; in, are in'ereasing
faster' since this last catastrophoL,Jhan over;
and aro...daily receivinghtiie aCeesldons of now
bore from . tnieis,
the; foria' inichini . of Om new
State - or Utah; this 'yearA eAtted into . a Ten*
taxi `of • SIC Milted States, and likelY; . in the
next session or 00.'0,41 4 0'14 elevateiltO the
dignity Of ifideiblifent state: So rapidly
has persecution belpecf on this ofiaprinr . or 10-
nOrarica; lopde'd tt; give"a;permaneat es
tablislaient; and futard,-itia'sYstein,
simply 'of 'Pure - invention, Int 'Of • blasphe
mous impiety; and folly"tho t6iit
- The Book 9t - ,lfortiio#, which is' the written
guide of this now sect,-consists of a series of
protessedly`histc;riatittooki-L'n desultory 'and
teibliFirelfelleirettlie - 736Wigh = ehrettictea - tred
prophetical booksin Whit,li, for the` poetry,
and; warningsof the 'ancientprepitits; are:'sup
stituted h succession' of unconnected rhaiso
dies.andrepetitions;:such.Arkeight form. the
perorations of ranting. 'addresses by a field
preacher, to - 174117 ignorant .endience".' '''; " '
The book,. in the . edition, I possess, 'consists
in all'of 634 page, of _'which the'first 686 eon
tidn'the hi:storj pf jafifnitiptielmitiot . unie called
PaUj'ai4,4l4'4rliii4i,6ol4l4B.if4 the space
of, a thouaandfyearS.:l , :t. , ...L..„ ;.•,, , ' •.'..
This Lehi al dededlidstukA Joseph the eon
otAseet4,Witkhii„l*ii left Jerusalem
beginning P:,thF , .1:46 12 z - of dc)E,it4li'l!ix.,,lnin
dred yeambefora Christ, and; passing the Red
Sea, journeyed eastward for eight yearn till
they. reactied , thppliori,ef ii.'; . kid,e;. ate.
. 1 .. There
they built a chip, and,
.embarking, were. oar-
'tie - drat le il gth. to.-the p6triliedlatid;:Whera they . :
, 'settled and multiplied:.: Among the +Abe sons
of Lehi one nee called Leman , aintl:tinollier
,Naphi. ," The former wee wieltek.ail a tlisbe-
Hever in'the law; of Moses and :the prophets;
thelatter, obtidieht and faithful, and a 'believ
er iu the coming .of Christ. ..Under • the leader
ship of ',these twU opposing' . .brothers,. the `rest:'
of 'the family ,and their - deseendants' , arranged,
. th e m servos; forming the'lLamaniti, and the No-!,
'phi tea,. lie t weena.till mit' - nere:and p'erii e turd hos-'
1. Unties aroie.' rTito Lan:Limits 'were idle' hunters,',
' living in '. tin to;': eatink:i raw 41eeli,-and Le'ving'
*only tt- girdle' :round their bins;'' . : Tim akin of
Laman and•hie folliiwertiheetaiie r blaoki, c ..tvlillo:
that "of- o,Phi end 'ids .. .ttopi,e'-.16::,- tiiled :ill e;
hied,: retained i*, erigjnal ithiteneott. : At with!
"the Jews; tfta , Net.hitea . :•miro , suedhaful :when'
they were obedient:to: the' law) Clind, when illej;
felt a •- tiraityleiliethi'eati.ciad ‘iiii3' h • 4' .."
'''ih 1
Lamaniies bed ;better,- and Tut. seamy: t o
ließ ki l l: . At. the ; end -of, about four., hundred
yeero,:tt portion of the rigktetius'Nephifekhn.
clot: 11;%fo'llali,'kiiiii . ini i ldf , t:thelt 4 :::lend,'XiitVolieli
fai tteiegetheiyildernege, and IdiectileFe4 zilid
'city of .ZaraliOnde,iirlireh;Tilia4 l oosll . Py , t l u;
'deitendahtlf:Wf',4;99l, 6 #c4' Jilii!illiO!?4( l ,o4.4
cireti f ' ''‘#4:o:=TOpi4 6 F. ,l o4: 3 4 6 .,l t rit i V:iyaii
:nariled awAyiac‘ptlye kir-Babylon; Mvolve years
after the-emigration,of-Lohi...-.But they wercl,
I '. ng 4. / !Ra a !PaV e,s ag : Ar aa.Py.i VFo9ka *ln;6`.? and
997uPte,14410t1P4‘, 1 .,g0t •, ,, alm tv , PiTed,
t l in-. l. zlPhit9 s, Tlfq
...p11.).5 11 q.YPIR ,. 4qaTxklg f *Ph
la n guage, ctudxlagy„acAoptell q thtllayr o ef Jo
I!lea ' ',• •• , nril , . ~ .,.;, , ,10.',',- . 1: ,:i,,, e< ./...''A 'lp 1.1:: 1
~This slepupips AiB , pagoe., :Who lielory 1 oe
the next twolAndte*TP4l4l9,ll9Ym.:thio :Atw!
people, and that of . occasional- eonverti fron
tliotoinianitelalhalled still by the ginikeit4tanq
'Of 14pliithille:ifibitl ittidgileeiitEtl;erSlnttal
itass;'iad . brie failei ilati.; iitl %I (Waif and Mie'oh4
'iibieli gigeoiQiiiiipirlActiaiiiiiiist i illiV i ogiitl.a.'
"iii.ri nib o'aiiiitee"iii4'et:iti• :Odoluir',''irdita"bilig o e
neitd * t1t0'4864-' , fiiii -l iticti• tblildithidl'ie,lbe
lidi,ii it , tobriit.iltillfyiiiii'llt4ol4 . ol , i : tha
I "°9 l6''i f f :Kk'i l tfO k!'ii i fl! fft 4 4l. 4- . l p ol,
;r9e4,4n,i3 . 14.4,144kii10 , d i g.i , Ap oirt
iii , ,orec,voaxitgoowokkore'lo4 Alarklkill.; 1 to
thiei-diitiP•atia.looo 4 :thitieb l 4 24 4 i tticialiicligl 4
niikiliellitqulifilT , voidqiuttfAskiTi•% l 4
( KllVO l gil'irt s W3 ,. .4oli 6 '' .l O 9 P Air PP' 1
, , 13 . . '',, „ ,' 1 , I. 4' ... , • 't
00 0 ; hl444olF4oPO.AVAK*looioopinr. .iti:i
nAinik - ,in AninVing.iffirideq# , Ohilkientiviiil4
4i i i • kile t t : ll °) l tii i(44 .lloAki e t i .O t ii ;
014, § 1 1 1 ,9,411i 0 fia.C1:4 4 40f90) nit:ti"tA . k. Rflafi,":l
ohoosin teTpin.,,higtSprttlit4Prelt4loTlMP
tine; and thendisappears. . On:occasion of a
-114:!, ,,, V0 -laa:yi . 1 I.ed to - f .1 f.. -- , ... i3',j.-r4ii.T.'17.4.E F15..).5i...1: - {:',1153-7,0 .1f),:. 1 ,7, ,, -,,5
..,.: ”.: 71 . t .„ , ;;;,:, :l .; : - ,,, , , , ,
tHiii 02-itala';,,i,.
.-'? 7, ";-... 5 * 1 - '' -- - 7- -Y"'?- 4 .)'''' - - 1- ' 2ll-- ' - ' - ''' ' ''''T--'' , - ' ,7 ''''' : d 7 = - • - ' - ' 7- ' -- -- t 7- -=" 7 -- : '!-• ta/ T -. - =:--='s .• " ÷!',,-- , -...;:- -- ,--- -,' = ' ''.,-.. -.,:,
I - '` . l '.. • .----='-,-- t . ' 7 P -7, !.."7 - 4-• V . . - -C , F-;' , :' ----- .21-':.'' . ' ....' Fl-1.1 , ..-
:/;1: : iZI1:g: :44) , ', 7 : 1 -4 ilit ''3_2'Z:7 ~ V 4 4,.p i „ . 4 6 . 6 ,
~,i;; ;... „, 8.:, - _---- - -, 'O - '❑::- , -n- v' " 3"ot ' •-- ' - ' 7 ' '- • -
- -4':. r. , I)" E• s i 1 - - . 7-..* e. t ..
'' l 2,4..litt ' ''' l ' l ? : ' l - -: =-77 .- -- -: ''' - ' f 2...._ . !r:' "---. :,.. '''=:::::, =-- --1- -- ' :0 fl .11 , , I.J-_,-- --- :.. , t Alti -Al so .:-1::- -Z , i'. l!),,
Iti.,:Mti'irriii ,;i--7--- , 17 - Z-1,:---;? - -jitf-.- 1 : - .0- ,-,- , 7-77---AF:7- 7 . ..t -..--.7-,.7_ , -- , 71- - - - ., ' ealmi s, k'": . s": 5 - -- ,- ;-..- -.: - .- -- Z...t T . .?;::i;
j.. arfrf kp:
~.,tte). -.:= ? - ... , ':: , :l , :a_'_i _l-A ?s' e T .7.. ,, .:!1q:i._ - -M ;:...c-f= 4 ii . ..fs - 77 . ,It,...‘'a: - .-,1-7.7 •.i I
••.' - " ' - ~ -,-,-----.----& , 4 E:- _ -- - - - 114.-- ' -tk-- - =----g - .- - .„ii - ,,-: -,- - ; - Z.,—;=. -t,t--
:tit.:,":ronls-roil, „w .P.-.. ----- - , --- ,--• .....„...".....04 , ~ ~, V....F : 1 . 1 s - t„.:.:;, .1 .r - .''Lz-=.4 O.'''. t. 7":,7----7,1 ..=-_,.....-='-. . ~. -, '--7-7 , __._;,......., .1 ,- ....-- ....-
- '=.4l l "l .7.' ' ' '` .... '1 - - - ..i . .7'' '..-
- -'','::f : , - :1;i1u , : - (1 . .; . is- 7 -<." MI 0 v , t , ---,. 11116 -«, , ,'A . c±=" 7 -1, ' I--_ - = •n : i :71...
'-'re•--z-rt; , : l4 -LF 3 ;:'lii --- , i'.."-'! -, -, - 1 - , ' - --..,, --..,, :,‘,ll- - , .- : -- s IN alt(1.1 '' ‘ 's :- t..:1.1 i't.% -"; :1'1;:: ' ' - ; ..4; ', ..--.' " 7 ; 771 -
e J • ,
f,' t
4 7
* 7
. 1 7 7 4 2# 4
.4 441,t 1 4 f1 4 3 t Mutt . si
etlitt4l ,ql6.orlßation -
IL it utr. )
rr.r.r t fir .74 LI , tr" I r
3r,ont kaptieipg,lv r tll9 , ..appktloprhoweyer,lo
appearp %ain ' , zmparto,6he tr.slyl3pn to, all,.
makps ; 4 3 9c!ursqs , ,t+ 1 4 1 -.O. I aPP° 9 4 . 1')
Inally; to th9 : aßpOleE! llienpelycp ; ;heNp!!Fis .
#o.(lttyao , and ; ricldresqes them,
101 l extracts , andoparaphrason of bin ;Nett _Tee
;tamb;lnt.; • -. 1. ';' • •
the dcdouttCof these ‘ 4 figiii : of our • Stvviour.
to thii . Ainorioail'NiphiieC' and of bit sayings;
Oco4ieo ptige's,i For , abOat, 40Q' years
ea niikinit , , theinitiyiiitifilliid 'rafione_ fortune
incitioifig Ot:CiO4 l . 'raid iitOoieriiii; lint,' as toor
eriiiiiiOs; kind
'corrupt' dectrine began to :
kevdil:aineng ille't i ltritititine; the 'Lereitnitee
gaiiiic More , adiinteges. It. 46111 d 44y - etc.
troid'Jde Snifth'ir descriPticuisithit he:mearis:
kli war have-begtiii el 3the Tettnitue' of "Do=
Aphid th' confitri tb' rieith ;' while ; the
.irltiiriziltes' lived eolith of the. isthmul. -' , ;Froin
ffie istluittui
firiall3i, , at "the kill :of
cl;MOralii near 'Palmyra; in i*aytiii 'County, ,
Nntv'York . ," . the ;teat hattlevrati fought,'
in Whieli, ;with :the , lose; of 280;000 , fig4ing-
Men, the Nephitek ivere - eiterminated I 'Among.
verie . • few.initiverS;: wee Moroni, -the 'last
of .the Seribei,"vrho "dePoisited is thin bill .the
Metall phitea Which the virtuous Joe 'Smith was
ectir ---- ii.V3reeeive'fre - m tie lia - n - dif - cif the an
gel. Thie ocetipiei to the 580tik page.
But now,;.iri the book of Ethei, , whieh fol
;lowe, Joe becilimes more bpld goei back to
the teWer 'of 'babel for another 'tribe ;of fair
he'brin6 over andeettleti in A
trierica At the' confusion of the •lengnageS;
ther. and his brethren journeyed to the gent
'sea; and, after a 's'ojetirn of fotir year% on", the
Tsbore,:bitilt-boati- Under:AS divine' direction;
'meter tightirand: Covered Over like:welnuts,
aibrightiteno in -each ' end 'tergii , o' light I
find theyl'haT'etbarker theirn tight
ib onto, ' , a. etroiii wind anise; blowing toWard •
!promisedland; and for 884 . it bleThenin
:nlOrig the wnier, till' they arrired safe at . tite
Ffeii,like the 'sons of they in,
creazed'and prospered, and' Ited, kings,• and
prophetti - ware; and Were 'split into parties
i ivhd fought each other:: Shiz
.rose inrebellion against Carientenir,-the?atit
;kingiluid iNet-fofight With'ilteiriateiuecces;
till two millions :of. mighty jnen,.
ni4 - 61tilqen;lad . been Aqui; of
-ter thiti, tlie r pe Wel were - gathered• either on
the one side"'or the j other; and fought . fer many
anion; till only OorlantuMr alOne remained'
-This foolish hietotTie.written pith the pt . &
iehrtent'fiote the trend of G d-which .worked
behaviour `.
hehe.yjoer . aertairiljentaileipd, with some
tiOiepletee' the
Ildok.o Mormon.
Joseph Smith dells..not affect „in this .gOtiPei
of,his to bring in 44 new, doctrine,
persedy,thet - Bible, but to restore many_Piaitt
and precious things; which . have been taken, ni
way--from T,the-abominah
churck, l the MotherOf Harlots:" ' , lt' l l; full of
sillinesses, , follies, and, ,anachronisms; but I
have not diecovcrod, in my curSory review, any
'of the irompralities or positive licentiousness
which ho himself practiced, directly inctilea - -
ted,, .I.le teaches • faith in Christ, human -de
pravity, the power of the Holy Ghost; the
doctrine of the Trinity; - of theateiteinent; and'
of saivation Only through' Christ. :11.4 . recom
,the sacraments of baptism and the
Lord's Supper; and, whateier his nyvn dendect
and that 'bit! people Mitylk,e;'ertainlY in his
book prohibits . olygantY and . priesteiiift.-:':,:
• The wickedness - of.litrbOok:consists of its
being -a Hi; 'iro*leginning
Reit being tbrolighinit' liaposter;:: f!reterni
ing to hci.a;. ; < soir:' l - T mhich; snysple, great ! .
er than a prophotholmits into 'the:hands of.
liis fonimpri.a work re
monglds followers,in to Attlus , Abe:pled° of the'
:Bible. • , Thinigh tin ignorant , elait?he 4rtierioa- •
seesed of •much-shrewdne'ss. He mnitied 'Per
secution, though he hopedto protit,, not to - die
by it. :. lisfertunately, his enemies, by their
incOnsidersto .persecution„ have made him a'
martyr, for his opinions ? , strid, have given, a eta
,bility to his sent ; which ? nothing may., now hp
nble teebake....,ltltee ; uTge4
that the.NewlYerid, was n
an g.
dirnct revolationast,ol4l,ar-I4 4 . . p. spirt; es!
preasnpon their hearers that, as an ibneriean
revelation, this system hqa peculiar claims upon!
-their-regard-and-acceptance.---The-=feeling of
nationality being' thus connected with the nowt
spot, ,weak-minded nntive-borni imorionns
might be swayed by patriotic znotives'in conl
neeting themselves with it. , Nit 'it is mortify-,
learn that Most MiineronsaaeS;Ohit area
iiCinkitaidi;id`the'VodYin•theii note horns
'Cu' mica Latier-iley'Salt4,`"
sing the doctrines oftholeSlief, r - the'
ef, the systOlfairPhiddin front .the, masses by!
the • MniesariesWhO,havebeen diOatetiOd into!
various tFk
- °r T t .. 4 ? l i r
thong the ignoin4pig.ilevOutly:•molined
7. hz 4.1 t 7 . e , °4tl 3Tl'l
41 : 1 1 1qP r16/ ;.: 11 T?1
;##511, 8 !Pt 1 7 1c 6"71.."
itialipowob'entlthititia thclifokJ
in ,
attl.etnigratiptufrom LiverpOolr alone ,itp!tc;
,has baen,rls,,§9,9, at;d. that;
thOthaVe; wholsi.l3Pore superior to and:
'bettoPpiirildod 'dish the ntlier r eleSses
grants OF ,00terssi Intsny/ More 7,ol , J l his sebi l
must 'have emigrated.frent; ilther.:POrtd. And,
many even from the port Liverpool, whosts
faith and ultimate desiinstion riut , 'mkt known)
1,01 Imin:dw,
- 0re.:+,111,1,T
• ~ 4 1 1 Tin-stick pf j typililatA j
J , l4dElilugblitlirogetent ditirdowbillel,!; ,[ ir
•v / , Rao • siilanavivw
'MO ;hie AtetfiiicoilieWlMeitoaViattistli
tiken - oeives in itnptirinilfitilt!filiiitalloliciififr
Plnjz,ientso - LtriqkEiskple - wswsit
Ack c tligni;
r ,ili l dt*iiiiuldquiT#4olo l e 6 A4't 4WINV4iI
*4-#4loo l olooliwoaiimiVip T(644-
editoz;,- . Jurre wieldn4 fad
tLo doptioloi of ziotiOnp. • '
T H E ' MUST AND 1,1 41' PINNER.
; Trielve friends; much abont% the, same 'Age';
nnd'fixed b their pitraniti, their family' , Coni
nexhilis ' and'other'hical intereets, . gni perms
p .
• ent inhibitante of'themetropolis,'
one day when they wore " drinking their Wino' .
nt'the Star 'end carter, atitichmond,!to
tufa annual dinner among
der these regulations: That they'SlaUld : difin'
pfteraatelipt each Other's luniel3s on the 'firth'
piid lalit . day r ef . the year ; that the firet;heithi s
Of irine`uricarkelint `tho'fiiiit dinner,
btirncorlied and init a key, 4ilttikPX biol
the la:seat-their , nuMber ; that
they . shoUld naier adiniCa new' Member - , that
When". one 'died; eleven 'should Meet, and whence
Saiofher 'died; tenaboVitti fici :'" end.'
that *hen only one , remairied,” he iliOntd;'
thosd two'dais, dine by biniself, and 'sit the
ague]. IMtiris at hie'SOlitarY table ; 'but the first
time lie itro - ri,.leit it ai6nia. be' the
he ahOulethei r uniiirkthe
ile, and in therfirst . glass; titink . te'tha
WWoe all "who 'were
' '"
thera eanietldrig"
sioal' in the; idea, eagerly , erobraded.':- . ..
They were all inthe "Prime'
fond= of Social'
enjoymenta, and looked forward , to their 'fu
ture - meetings with .unalliiyed , anticipations of .
pleasure. ,The .only .thought, : indeed; that
could have darkened those antioipations wee
not' one likely" o intrude itself at this moxiient, - ;
that of. the.hapless wight who was destined to :
uncork the first' bottle at his lonely repast.
It was high summer when,,this..frolio com?*•
pact was' entered ipto; and as. ;hair' pleasure,;
yaehtekirsimed along the - dark.lopsom of the
Thames,. on their return „to Loridon,' thilytalit
eil of nothing but their first and last' feasts oci
ensuing years. Their imaginations ran out
with a ihotisand gay predietioris Of festii-emor
riment 'They wantoned in conjecture,of-what.
,olianges time would create. :
. . .
leAii for yoti, George," - exelainted one of the ,
oho; addressing Lie brothei-in-hm " I ex-
pect I shall see, you as dry, withered, and
shrunken as an old eel skin—you Mere, out::
side of a , man!" and he accompanied the words:
with. a hearty Slap on the shoulder.'•
George 'Fortesoue was leaning, careleselyt
mier the.sid6. of tb.e.yacid,, laughing the loud
esV of any at the conversation which had been'
cutried;o`n: `Tlio sudden manual 'iihitatiOrTet ,
hie biother,hi 7 ll:4' . 19 :
and ain . :Moment- Moment-ho. overboard. .They
heard the heaVy Splash of hiti-fall; heroic theY
could he Said to have'seen
The "ya . ChtWas ' proceeding' Swiftly along;
bait Witii
The utiriegit:tiOn's ternatien novi'Priividleil. It
-true nearly dark, but F krio - Weeto'
bo an 411Cellentsiiiininer;
adoiclent`viati,'they Wiener - Jain IteWould'regaiti,
the vissoli' , 'They could Seel
listened.J. , l463y heard the' isitMd . of his `herida
and feet.
: They hailed hin::• .- An`nneWer t- Wes
returned,hut gurgling
toe ex clamation "" Oh Clod I'+
. atruck.npo'n their
ears:. - in an instant, two ot ,three, , who were
expert' swimmers, puffed into 'tire'riVer, arid
swam towards the, spot, whenee the: Orel:Una,
tieUlad,proCeecied. One,of them ; was, within
an arm's length:of Fortescue; ho: saw' him;
before ho could be reached, he,went_clown,aptl
iris di°tracttd friend;. beheld the eddyliig
odes of theiitiveyjust over the ,spot where he
had' Slink. He dived after, hini,'itrid - touched'
the bottom; but the tide mist have drifted ihe
body 'onivards, for it could not be found 1.
'They Proceeded , to :'one of:the nearest stet
dons where drags were kept, and having pro
Cured the necessary apparatus, they returned
to' he fatal spot.- 'After the lapte' o{' above an
honrthei succoPded itemising the lifeless be-
dy of, theii.lord.friend. All the -nodal reme •
dies were employed for , reetoring .suspended
tinithatioii;'htit non , ' purstedlthe
. eir'oourye to trodden, in:,njqurni
ful rematdder of
sdenio, with:the, ;corpse ; of him ~wlto had
Commenced theday of plessiire with...the - in in
tlie', Ut'spiriits; and„ of life
7lnd in their; severe grief, .they , could not,,')?4}
refleot how soon opeof, , .the joyous twelve had
slipped:out - of iholittle , festive , eircit;.
The menthe rolled . , ; prii•ead 'cold -December
came with all, its. cheering yound , of, kindly .
'greetings and merry and
came a Softened lecolliotion,of the fate- of poor
Fortesc'M'e, .Oeven,;(4' ; the twelve; assembled, on
the hist - day of thelear, and-it was itoPossible
not to feel their loisas, theYsat. dein: to . diii„-
nor, : The very Fre - g!iletitY.;q. the , * Ave
On one side and six on the; other, fereedthe
melancholy event upon their memory.
A dee o s roes 'sigh or two„ a fw,. becoming
alion"the uncertainty life,`,.piii - 14P.0 0 pulp
of teCd'ir th e Pa t "
of poop Geerga:LFortesone;vi as they proceeded
discharge .. the '.more important duties , for
WhiehAheihad time' the' third
:3 1 4114PligtrAie4 gone FePt , 4l;ia 104 -
lion torpotiations of lee old hook ,'' ands!apiel Siiitdeire47 lu tl cea'Sed to diseevei'anY
i titind'se very paillotieiddiefn'eiu'aliey,",#:*
"two sides of the table, or no melancholy in
their crippled'nUriaboi 4:4 - ,
s 1:
had . plapeed,,ltudour
111 - end!iitept f u,P*Oir t ,doithlCptil„v l ciparips,,na
hey, migLt n..l l c. ° Wo / V° 9 ° 4 l94'' l TA, /i LePF9 O7
l Y;
came po 11'!ni1P,TiaP:IP`4,4.71°4no.111F110f1
by it,calaniity,thcy wrier expeeted,to i wjteMe;
brother ahneet,Wasi keit , 1 144 0 Pkel ,
ri°7,;°,l4‘.t°, titeoree the
circle Burl ,on: morns ~ g of p disk day for
aPub siptiTpl . d,;fir , ,, hay
ing niTti W1463d0r slAiWoiV,l * Pen
7,r , L9ng s Vite4X!l..9 t lqlcr?ftq ° o.l ) )P.3 , l 3 b ex-
4,4koz,tett to,shy,.jhat
.!!dlierryi epaspn,cedd
1414110ftgle 4 Tilicwk4, 0 ,4,1 0 VVilifidffileldbultcr. I
Xto'ffliaN74ollife.rt MYidicthAtiAtle.Ylklu(ttldnot I
, Aut‘,.494 ko ffielrA,PFkes.#9.4l449ti o V.4lm4o;
fAikAiii i #llng
sVII 9 Iti r iPOWAYkit4 II
Pit574i9.9 , 009*c1 , 011 , 10,9014. 1 59.n.t5cp_40.*
the Pipee-.of "dismal, 'dh 4 9 o ',VON
and they eoperatcd-leng-befere-midnight. ; ',
since the faitc , OVA o4.944 o 6.ol Vr!i.fili:lti -
c 4; bu.M Jla oteelbs owl Ot time had writtozi
oundr9,o, l B l 2llus infiMatieeblitt_characters......—
Raven 'entailed' become griztlek tiro or three:
heads lid not litl many look's almgether as may
be reckonid a walk. of Naito ORO along the ,
Regent's Canalt-one watt antnidlycovered whin'
a, brown; wig- the crow's feet were visible im
6 inet Wt,lie er"-irg
madbirt ed it- ftgiittut r 19 9 14 Shrift sttd,tudT
burgundy, and eharepugniviistewakhaihea,' isnif
ragouts gra* into faittaiatet
4alled for to Pellet the checsi itieT 'Winner—
/rtuverituti6u grew, mut ludfiterofir and : it twit-
old chiefly on politics andllio shipper thithituliw
ir the 'mine ' of.landed - "PrOperty?-4'61410:, 1
.made ftr 1 3°Mill A t l # 3 P4iell 4 44 111 k 1 Pr
O' 'l P9rigethe Our, oral:utudswit , ,wodir 'warn
Olivetti* provided' with hat aid' amid' 13aga.;-.
the fire ittore'in requestiiiAirAnie r tgaitte otj
the. belga tkiit'A,r.e:W9l4.
d". 90 t o liT/nklilgr singing; and riotona merzi
riment.' The rubbeni, isicp' '44-'60614 ninf t
home by eleven irotoctg; 'wad• t 'the
whim:titafifth or kill glSes U pm; round
aftli tha regurtur ,Prt Alits: cloth. !At partial, t
too, there was a long ceremonk !Alba Weir:
buttoning up - great *rata, tying 'on jmoie*coni-,_
tortoni; fixing' 4Likur4fli 02/fir .tlimj
Outh And up to Bears, and grasp . !Mg sturdy.%
Walking' canes to impport , urittcady feet::
Their fiftieth anniverdary and 4eatt.
had` eort Y'r
Your little old men: of Withered'appesfirme.
And decroidid_ralk, nit:h dischettvoice4aina r ______
dim, rayless eyes,. sat down i by * the' marny: Or
Maven, (as they themeelves tremulonakr
clared,) to celebrate, for the• fiftieth trout„
first day of the,ohaerrvelllefeolfiroOmr
pact, which, half a.oentory- before,- they had
entered into, at the Star aitifilaitor at 'Waif
• .
mond." , Eight iCiaoei
thattelUPinod stool '
neon its eoafineB ;' Yte ;,
they Cidificdr . .chUoilly. pyer:thait ginse9 ough. '
they could scarcely. ini#3r: it td tlieir 'liperit
eiorci thin . half full; `end 'eSitikipt'Ai9iS l ,l:44i',l
th h'tlicy le t tiPidiit'ed:o l 4l3;.ficati
gliil l 4o-I. ll bir --
diffieeltv. They_innuable.44py_AtettedithnjtL:__
•-_ • -
14ughel, if ii t sgrt of, strangled Nbasiiistinight%
be, pidied a laugh; and srbenithet *lnes . :Assets
iheir ; ipitilopd warluirikulek:thractglii
of iheir pppkygs;, ,it r werer
• bit's yesterday that'had slipped by). - theni,4 -
Und of their future as if ip-weseir - busy_sien- '
tury ilutt ' ' '
- They wore juet:s4e,lltiol her, fat it inlet Txib-
tier ,of whist;; Wier, three. euceeialTe - : piers(
:they nat.do7 to one ; •
~Thp feurth;,otune,, and
then:their ,frti,bherwn o played :with en:ingot'' ,
:dummy;qt a ivail4:rhittt..l lllBll Plallger ijraa;
tioable • two Could only play ; et otibbage,• an&
'exibbage,teds . ., ttte,..iptdAo,,, ~ A dt. Jt. , ?dee, littler.
;?:more,tb: oll :t l 3.s l ..ily?c, , lcsvol b lphvi'l'Alldir palsied.:
I*4 I ,"O I 4k I FAIZ, 49I4t,flr.t 1 19 1 rJfeding; eight
I 4lietinguish the circle Whiletheirtorpid feed ,
I t l? a i 32,1 " / ?, th.el4,(lP.r; between _Peel( deal.. 3::;„ ,7
-14!' R il g t kli °4 Pi t ° - , tas l,i qihnr; .l2ll Allen:
,eurvivor of. the twelve nion;Whieeleed pus, :.
),! l a 6 t i”rtl,te,lt w9 l 4r l ol l 4ld ll 4Wlo4thelrentut,l'
nair):111 ! 1 :0 14 7 nosh-`3lt...;a9,4loeed:!thet; it
1°i " 1-1113 7 4 °• ii !'" , A4eq•:11 i 4 , :!al4P , •;i4i 3 7Jteil' ,
; 9'1913i4t.4 i'. liLB - .o : o ;; , l . l 9 . :ll is t'9PTlai'r ,t •Pch.hok
L' reinniped,Aer - eihtapilftzsoitritir bottler___
: theyhin.f,tinearked, re=corked;:and a whielt he:
';raeiliak liki'. ta.. 11 09 1 'k.. 4 8*-J It' "etoort be-:
t side' hiri; with a fee ble. end, reluctant kortemi.,
he took the .., frail memorial"' of. a , youthful
[Tow, and ; - inii'MO474.laisithfq
(to her Office. Shell l ie.Tl.lpop: Iter,:, long Alett , t',. -
of- buried Yeera;',and„ hie,heeit - ftrevtaled
tht:Ongli them :pp; Their 11.!4,y , ttudi,blititetentr ,,
miring, their blight end femoldeutenter; 77 thoir
ripe . tindtemperate 'tkutpureiln . ,ohlil;. bu t
not too frozen winter:. JD) , ea*, ee • it,d tpir
' ror, 116 w one by ' l one,` the. leugld n g oompent . ,
him!' of the Itherti, • frour, itt, ; ltiolunottd had
drepped:intetternity: :Ile' felt'pll ille,loneil T '
nem of hie condition, '.(forl.2;esehewed .mar
rinose;- _
end' , in the •••. -- ei . ifii„or . no Keg creature,
I ran'. a drop: of hlooct . 'Wli'oie.. seincia , was his
orni ;) oil, es her (hemp:to, &ail, wluch.holl.4
fillett . .i to 'the memory, i 4
tliol - e . ;;IM :wore
gene,", the tears elowly trickled dewp.the deep, '
ai1 1.7 8 PF I4S - L W 111 , , -171 414 .i..'. 1•': •.-I.fl r:2
,:f -.z..:: , F17
:: He hill thus, fulfilled ~., orte,-piirA, qt . :1,411 ...Tow,:
'PI l iii P'°Ar- 94 -* P i' se lf.,t° geelierge.:tlittin4
1 tThel' by pitting M ic., l .1 ;aPI' l laS;91 . heere, atf,
1 hie sd'eolit"t6 table. With p.holtyy,heort , he, re.
eiguedhimself to the gloom:of-Ida own thot's
--rp.lethergieeloep etobr.Orer :hibc-41e head
into-hie mind-Lhe.,:babbredlo`liindelf:LAiii
eifontond Whet:this aermitt behind the r reet4
alarmed by:tt ;mice. which; he lierkiiiti• liti: &ilia
his master ; stretched - , upow tho 'carpet!. of the .
foot Of ,the easy: oheit, out of 11116 h -he liod
aliPPed •in an' ap oploptio:fit. •(-3:fei , init'ef eR6I4
ageip,.uor .oneo; openid Ade ' , eyes' ' though I the'
vital epeektvo . is zot extinct WV thd • tollltiiiag
day:,. ; And : thin was • the adLEIT,:bII4III3% I 1: •,,., •1
Tlio o orr ii in t:
' 'lmo*, ,,!;
,3 C, ;; 43 Ti t . 44
Soi,e d 0 so i s I e 4;
ydr'Ssrlditr l lYoft g e Rtle tBO C(9 4 4136,4k,!*.
14 r i r d;;ei P l O ll3 . o ellYPPP,3 ll 4gt*
qiettliteiCiV " 1 41ia'`i?44r3'05t.,7,91itt,./11119 .
e#o, 4if cmitte c apk i y ik t
iitOil'th 14' - oktini*Citlnq
• -
'1 jor, t;.,f„fquf, ),_
SOMETHING 1/011., E.EgOill,--.Y. 7_og. my. omit.
Pad t4l , l4•Diterl - ti.liiis
91 7 9 0 t 11 919 1 -Ao49:4l4modiatelyi
4 ,9l'94l l F2l o likaB9o'LiiifiTititiabakritili
4`JlNTOlPt_ttecv it i 414 ,t:i
14 '
A Aties-ls IcEl.TElrakff
of t
}JaL •
urn 4.lth r ot, he
4.:i . ,h7q *tieollesiietto'
o't dOlinrimitroitbdt*iiiiiiiAgtl4tiipiot 0t . 2.
- l):.i2ilie,Aelo •
klisiebOiart4t 049 !WA
wish injoy health ;Ittit