;Stores kil) op FREsir aitlllral, OE English and Amnrican Hardware Cheaper ,than can belound this side of the Last V IIE subscriber' having, just returned from 31_ the Eastern cities with a full and hand soma assortment of all kinds of HARDWARE of the very beet makers and well selected, is now opening at the Cheap Hardware Stand in North Hanover street, next door to Scou'a Ho tel,. formerly kept by Henry Glass, where he would invite all that - are in want of good and cheap Hardware to give him a call and see and satisfy yourself of the truth, as we are determ, mod to sell at a very small advance,. Smell profits and quick sales are the order of the day Ccopenters and Others. A full stock of white, mineral and Japaned Knobs, locks and latches, of every description price and quality, hinges and screws*, window sash and shutter springs, strait-necked and barrelled Bolts, of every kind, mill, cross cut and circular Saws, hand, panel, ripping, and back Saws, bright, black and blue augurs, o the very best makers, Chisels, broad,pointing hand and chapping Axes, of different makers hatchets, planes and plane bits, steel and iron '" squares; files and rasps, mals,brads and spikes of all sizes and warranted of the best quality. To Saddlers and Caaeli Makers, Our stock consists of a complete assortment of articles in your line of business, saddlery tools, brass, silver and Japancd mounting, carriage trimmings, broad pastong and seaming laces and fringes, plain and figured canvass, of cloth, top lining cloth and serge lining of vati ous kinds, white, red, blue and black patent loather Dashers, silver and brass plate, Deer Hair, rosette, hubs, fellows, spokes, bows, clip tic springs, iron axles malleable castings, &e. To Cabinet and Shoe Makers, A full.steck, of shoo kit and findings, boot mo roecae,;Frerich kid, straits, morocco and lining -and b4ding Skins; lasts, tacks, pegs, 'hammers pinehorannd French moroceo, kit of every de scriptidn, superior Copal' varnish; Japan 'and black varnish, mahogany and maple Vaneers, .moulding, 'beading, resets, glass, mineral and mahoganpknobs of every'size and style. . To - Blacksmiths, end Others: 10 10.. s of asserted liar iron s nt al. ranted to be of the best quality. A splendid assotimqnt of bar and rolled iron, hammereil, horse shoe, scollop, plough, broad an narrow-tire, rolled, horseshoe , bar; band, round and' square iron, cast, shear, sprine, English and American blister Steel,Eng lish Wagon boxes, Carriage boxes in setts, an vils, vices, files, 'mans, horse shoo nails. &c. To Housekeepers. - A - heautifill - assortment - of cheap fancy goads, such as waiters, trays„ plain and fancy knives and forks, butcher knives and steels, brittania lamps, brass candle sticks, Brittannia and silver table and tea spoons, plated butter knives, pre. serving kettles, smoothing irons, iron and' tin ned tea and oval boilers, iron frying and broad pans, washboards, tubs, churns, buckets, iron pots, wash kettles, and stew pans, &c. • To Gunsmiths, Markman and Others. Rifle and Gun Barrels, tone action, plug, • nipple and back action Gun Locks, gun mount ing and ; Sup breech cocks, sheet brass and German silver ornaments, &c. To Painter-S. A fresh - lot of Wetherill's pure and extra White Lead, oil and turpentine, varnishes, Ja pan, white and red lead, yellow• and Green paint, ground in oil, whiting, yellow ochre, &c. To :Blasters and Marksmen. A good assortment of double refined powder rock powder of pairs quality, safety-fuse, shot, 'flints and bar 'lead, ropes of all kinds, for threshing machines 'and well diggers, and a thousand articles too numerous to insert, - all we ask is to give us a call, and we tire con fident you will find egood_assortment_of_Hard ware and 'cheaper than can be found in any other House this side of the east. Give us a call is ware ask, at the old and well known .• Hard ware,Stand lorinerly befit by Lewis liar lam 'North lanayer_ctrre neX t-door- to - S - coirs - tirelel, formerly kept by Henry Glass. noc.q JACOB SENER ro TH. EICOLIrDAYS • • Splendid. Fancy G'oodo,-Elegant Gift Books, &c. W. lIAVERSTICIt has just received from the city and is now opening a splen did display of FANCY GOODS, tl unable for • the approaching •Ilelydargaiiiiiii:tO which he desires to cell tae attention of his friends and the public His r {assortment in this line cannot , be surpassed in \novelty and elegance, and both in quaiity aiirice of the articles,.ean. not fail to please p r int Masers. It mould be im possible to enumerate his • HOLIDAY FANCY GOODS, which comprise every variety of fancy articles of the most novel styles and exquisite finish, such as _ • Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with,siming instrunets- Terracotta Work (a recent novelty,) Paper Mache Goods, • Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy ivory,. pearl and shell card cases, ____Port - Mentiates,--of-every-variety, Gold pens and pencili, Fancy paper weights, Papeteries, with a large variety of ladies fancy stotionery, Motto seals and warm's, Silk and bead purses, ! Ladies' ridifig-whips,-elegantly finished, • Ladies' fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, I Brushes of every kind.for the toilet, Roussel's perfumes of the various kinds, Musical instruments, of all kinds and at:al prices, together with an innumerable variety o nrticlos elegantly finished and suitable for its lyday presents, to which he invites special at tontion. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of • ' HOLIDAY,GIFT BOOKS,' comprising the verb:nib English and American ANNUALS for 1851, richly embellished and illustrated POETICA L ORIi 8, with CIfILUREN'S PICTORIAL BO OK S, fur- children of all ages, than which nothing can bo more fibpropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. His assortment of Scheel Books and School qtationCry is also complete, and com prises every thing used in Colleges and the Schools. He also desires to call the particular attention of Families to his 'elegant display of LAMPS, GIRANDOLES, kc. froth the extensive establishments of Cornelius. Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising - every style of Parlor, Chamber' and Study Lamps, fur burning either lard, sperm or ethe real oil, together with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, &c. His assortment in thieline is un equalled in the borough. Also,' FRUITS. FANCY CONFECTIOARY— NUTS—PRESERVED FRUITS, &P., in every variety and at all prices, all of _which are pure and frosh,auch_as-can-bo-confidontly • recommended to his friends and the little folks. His stock embraces everything In. the line of Fancy Goods, with many other artidles useful toheuselteepers,which the public are especially invited to call and nee 'during the holidays.-- lteinember the Old Stand; nearly opposite the ' Bank on-North Hanover street. ' decl 5 W. II A.VE RSTICK. FRESH GROCERIES I - A NEW supply of fresh Geffen. White and BroWn Sugar's, Spices of all kinds, ground and unground, with all the other varieties of a Gro eerylStore, Including also a nets supply:of Jen• kin's . 1 Vo• 1 Qualiht of FINE GREEN & BLACK TEAS, in metallic packs - of quarter, half and pound packages from 50 to St,so per pound, as also . n the bulk. All just opened and for sale nt the store of, [ml2l J W EBY. Patent Starch Polish, FOR giving a beautiful gloss to Linens, Arm. liiis, Collars, Ike., and prevents dust from sticking to Linens, Ste. It contains nothing injurious. , Just received by - • dee' I G W liITI' ER. - 'SOOTS & SEOES.' JUST received a large assortment of Men Womon and Children:s Boots and Shoes, Wit. ie' Double Soled - Buskins and Jenny Lind Shoos, which I can sell'very chenp lects33 N W woons, Ag't. - -_ • . SALT. Inom SACKS Or SALT receiving and .G.fkl for, sale cheap 'at the wore hotise of . IV 13 IVIURRAY,.Ag't. declB • EVE. AL. .N;?.: a Awful' Street, near.the Bridge, HARRISBURG, We iI4A I NCLVT S ONt " ; C. rom t o 'moat celebrated baster., anufactories!. 11:1 - Furnishod at IVlanufactur. a prices -4X ' • frruirs-3m - -. ' • . - American Oil. JUST received a fresh supply . of American Oil.' For solo by - A C FETTER, -.,-- - oct23 . N 0.148 North Hotline's' . .. • - ,ta - i:e6 . - . - $:., 01)0;P:9!r,' Mill Extenilve. Cabinet Ware• Rooms, °B VitT U. SIIIEY to altCbso CALIIB DEItTANEt, North Ifittioyer street, Carlisle, would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and tho public generally thtit ho now has on .„„ hand a large assortment of new ?."4,v.v., a eo n elegant nsisting n f: p U a f r i. t o I f T Wardrobes, ard und other • Tables, Bureaus, Beds"tends, C plain and lane) Sewing Stands,'&e.. manufactured of the hest materials and quality warranted. Also a gene,• ral assortment of Chairs at the lowest prices.— Venitian Blinds, tondo to order and repairing promptly attended to. 0:7 - COFFINS made to order at the shortest notice. and haying a splen• did-Hearse he will attend furierals its town or country. fkrllont forgot the old stand of Wm. C. Gibson, in North "[allover street, n few doors north of Glass's Ifotdl. • Sept 4-ly :'l.l P.• • Yhf • •',/, n -- Corner of Ilanover and Lowlier - stsc - Cflidi.fte: — TIIE undersigned has alivays on hand n large stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in all the ditliirent styles, which he ll,prepared to sell at the lowest prices. fie invites attention panic ularly to (he latent gpring-Botrom Ileddend. a moat useful article ' which entirely obviates all objections. The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have given entire satisfac. tion to all who have them in use. • iI..I"COFFINS made to order nt the shortest notice. • JACOB FETTER Carlisle, Jaii"f: - 22;1 - 651.-1 v. Extensive Furniture Rooms 'FAMES R.WEAVER would respectfully call the attention of House Keepers and the public to his extensive stock of ELEGANT FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tablss, Dressing . and plain Bureaus and every other article in MS branch of business. Also, now on hand the largest as sortment of CH 4.HIS in Carlisle,' at the lowest prices. 11:3 - Collins made at the Shortest notice and p Hearse provided for funerals: He solic its a call at his Establishment on North Hano• ver street, near Glass's HOTEL. N.8.-Fur niturc hired out by the month or year. Carlisle, March 20, 1850.—1 y rARRIXEIIt'S mavaronivr.ws! roll.E. subscriber would respectfully invite the attention of farmers to his, assortment of PLOWS. now manufac . tared near Craighead's Mill 4t..„.„ in South Middleton township, four miles south of Carlisle. .My assortment consists of Withrow's, Stuckey's and Ball's patterns.— The Castings will all he ground. I will also make GRAIN CRADLES. of the most_im, proved patterns. All orders directed to Wm. L. Craighead, Carlisle, will be attended to with promptness, and PloWs or Cradles deliv ered in any part of the county free of charge. IVM.- L. CRAIGHEAD, - Propt,r. DAVID STUCKEY, Manufacer . Feb.l9 Gm FOR RENT SEVERAL two story BRICK HOUSES non the north east corner of the public ill square in the row known as "Harper's It For terms, Se.c., inquire of the J subscriber. 6,t-.n vo3l ROB'T. IRVINE. ~ VAT.II.NTEID I THE subscriber is in 'want of a quantity 0 BLACK OAK BARK, for which he will pay $3,5u per cord for the best quality. inay7 JACOB SIIROM. A SPLIFNDID STOCK ! min: undersigned respectfully informs his IL' friends and the !Public generally, that he _ •- has. just returned --from , Philadelphia, ha ving . purchased the most ex • , as well as the 9 • s ;.?, - a,'-cheapest assortment of . . 7 1--, 1 „4,01,. , -,Walehes, Jewelry, &c., ever Mouglit. ; to Carlisle. His stock eon- Lists in port of , Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watekes, ld and Sliver detatehed do.' do. Gold and Silver Lavine Wale/tea. in shmt every variety of Watches at aIL prices. Gold Guard and Vest Chains. Medallions, Watch Keys, Ear Kings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Gold. and Silver Panella, Gold and Silver pens and cases and Bracelets in great variety. A splendid article of Gold, Sliver, German and Blued Steel SPEC TACLE'which aro unsurpass. eil in au lily by any Efi T article west of Phil adelphia, and whichl can e sold at least 20 rer cent cheaper than in any other establishment in the country. Also a large lot of SILVEII.-WARE. comprising Table and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles, .&c._ Also, Card_Cases, Porte_Monnaies,.Pbrt Folios, Ladies Writing Desks, with a great variety of other fancy articles unnecessary to mention. A large lot of CLOCKS, assorted patterns, which will be sold low, and warranted to be good. fria - clie§, Mks - and Wieltry .Rciiarred, Ile invites all to call and examine his stock; assured that none can fail to be suited in qual ity,' quantity and paten. His articles are cash purchases, consequently, ho can afford to sell ewer than the same articles can be purchased elsewhere. Call at the old stand, a few doors west of Burkholder's Hotel. January la, 1851-1 y T. CONLYN. China and Crockery Ware. White Granite Stone Ware, such a\ Dishes, Plares, Tea Sets, covered nd annoy,: ed dishes, bowls, toilet and cha ~bar sets, pitchers, &e., togetner with a lot o Blue Limped IVare, till of tho latest style aad shapes, also, all the. various - articles of the best common Male and Edged Ware:— Tho assortment includes a few plain While and Gold Band China Tea Selo, of the best quality and 'style, and alio all .the necessary articles of the best Granite, Slone and Blue Liderpool Ware suitable for any sized ' Dinner or Tea Sets, as may be wanted, together with a variety of Glass Ware, including a fine assortment of Bin and Table Tumblers, • dishes, footed and other bowls, goblets, wino glasses, lomonados, lamps, &c". The prices for all of ,which aro fixed at the lowest clash prices. We invite our friends who aro in want oLarticles in our lino to give us . a call. mars J A Voice from the " Burnt District.” Xonyer's Candy Factory Rebuilt: THE subscriber would rasps etkly announce to his friends and the pUblic generally, that his Factory which was tlesyroyed by the Into fire, has been rebUilt, mid - hoe now prepared to furnish them with CHOICE CANDIES, manufactured of the hest material, which he will sell wholesale or retail -at the old stand in North Hanover street, a few doors north of the bank, where ho has just opened a general assortment of FRUITS AND NUTS, consisting of Oranges, Lomons, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, You Nuts, &a. Ho would also call attention to his largo assortment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, consisting of toys of Glass, Wood, Gum and Chinn, of endless varieties. In connection with the above, lie has bn hand a prime lot of FRESH GROCERIES • consisting of Sugars, Coffees, TeaS,.Molatisee, Spices, Crackers, Matches, Blacking, &c.— Also, a prime lot of CIGARS, of the best brands. . „ The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a generous public ,lor the patronage - bestowed on him, and hopes by a desire to please to me rit a continuance of the same. Ho would also return Thanks to the Firemen and Cititons for their efforts to save his pro arty on the night of the line conflagration `Carlisle, cps, P MONYER. • Books and Music. CALL atltawlins' next door to the P 0, and you can buy Books and Musfc at Use than city prices.` ' (May .428,',51„ Turquoise, Alabaster, and other Fancy Lamps.—Lamp Nate; and paper ihades,—just received, next door to to the 1' 0..,• - [May 29,'51. Sack Fkuinels, JUST received a general assortment of Col, &tad Flannels for Ladles Sacks, to wit—Black • Gray, Blue, Red, Green, Pink and Changgen• blo. Also, White Woolen and CottoniFlart• in great variety. Cr , W 1 - 11TNER.' • DRUGS !;DRUGS!, DRUGS I • Vresh Spring Supply I HAVE just rec eived a fresh stock of Med Pciries, Paints, Glass, Oil, which' having been purchased with - great care et the best city houses, I can confidently .recommend to Faritilies,• Physicians, Country ,Merchants tad Dcalers,-as , being fresh and pure. .. • DRUGS. - r , • • 1 Patent Meilicinas, Herbsand Extracts, ,- Fine Komi cols, Spices,grourid and whole Instruments, Essences, - , • - Pure - Essen': Oils I Perfumery, iSi.e., .. - Cad _Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine.. refEM DYE-STUFFS. Indigoes, I Log and•Cern Woods,' Madders, Oil Vitriol SumacCopperas, Alum I , - Lae Dye' , ;:, - .'. PAINTS. R. B. SIILEY NVetherill & Brother's Pure Lcad, Chrome Grcen'and Yeßow, Paint and Varnish, Brushes, Scrsey WindoW Glass, Linseed Oil, TurP9ri tine, Cdbal and coach Varnish, and lied Lead. -A-11- of-which-will-be-sold- at-the-very-lowest markbt price, Also,a fresh and splendid as sortment of Confectionary, and innumerabio-other articles calculated for use.and ornament - , all of wl.ich are offered at AIM lowest cash prices, at the cheap Drug_ Rook and Fancy Store of tho sub scriller on North Hanover street. May 28. 1851 ORNAZIEIVTAL MARBLE WORKS O WENS aSt. necenizy from Philadelphia. lIESPECTFULLY infoim the citizens of Carlisle and 'its vicinity, that they have now at their Marble Yard in South Hanover street, a low doors south of the Court Hou and nearly opposite A & W Bentz's Store, an elegant stock of pure AMERICAN WHITE =TWEE, and arc prepared to e.y.ecute in the most finished style .11tanuntenls, Grape Stones Al all prices; Door and Windot together with every Other article in their line, and promise that in fineness of finish,•chaste. ness of design -and--quality of --AE.rble,- their work shall not be surpassed by any other estab lishment. They are also the authorized agents of Mr Robert Wood, of Philadelphia: and will fur nish from his manufactory ail varieties of IRONI RAILING? for the enclosing of Grave lets end- all other purposes, at the shortest. notice and at Philadelphia prices. They will also finish or manufacture all kinds of 13 uilding Work, such ns-ail s ; and-Platforms,-&c. r at-the-short. est notice and on the most reasonable terms. Having had great experience, and being em , ployed in the best shops of P,lfiladelpltia, they are therefore enabled to manufacture the moat fashionable work, and respectfully ask a sham of the patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding country., [Carlisle, novll 1650 t WEE r. WILL IE IP surrEi. THOUSANDS of bottles of the AMERI CAN COMPOUN D have been sold dur ing the past year, and was never known to fail of curing, in ri . few days, of a certain deli cate disease, Seminal weakndss and all diseases of the Urinary organs. Persons afflicted using this pleasant and popular remedy, need fear no exposure, as it leaves no' odor on the breath, requires no restrictions in diet or business— contains no Mercury or noxious drugs injurious to the system, and is adapted to every age, sex; or dondition., 11 is alro the beat remedy known for Fluor Allies or Whites, (female complaints) with which thousands suffer, without the know ledge of a remedy. This celebrated remedy - hail long Eeti7firmd_in private practice of a phy sic ian and with unerring_ suecess,radieally curing nin'ctymine of the hundred cases in a few days. Around each bottle are plain v and full directions. - • CAUTION—Ask ler - the AM ER ICAN COMPOUND, and purchase only of the Agents Pr ice.sl per bottle. For sale by S. ELLIOTT Carlisle; J. Wyeth, Harrisburg; R. Williams Columbia; by A. Miller, Lnueaster; E. Morris &Co., York. (January, 15,1851. STOVE WAD EROONS AND TIN MAN VFACTOR Y. ILillE subscribers desire to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their TIN, COPPER ANI? SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY' to the room nearly oppo site their old stand on North Hanover street and may now be found in their new and corn. modicum manufactory on the West 'side of the said street, a few doors 111)&0 Loather street, where they,,vill continue to keep on hand a lull assortinenttif every kind of Tin, Copper and Sheet—lron Wae I which . Mil) , be nee:de - EV} , IthuickeopMS anti others. Their articles are manufactured by theinselves,of the best Materials; and in point of finish and durability cannot be surpassed.= Titey will also manufacture and repair at the shortest,notice-all-kindsM-Distilling-Appitrains, They will promptly attend to the laying , of TIN ROOFING and HOUSH SPOUTING in town and country, and on the most reasona, ble terms. Every branch of their businests! Nvjll be carefully attended to with tho utmost promptness. • They also keep constantly on-_ .. hand a large variety of • COAL •AND NV 00E0 STOVES, comprising every variety of plain .ten•plate STOVES, elegant wood and coal air-tight PARLOR STOVES, of the latest styles, COOKING STOVES of the newest and most improved inventions, at various prices, which cannot fail to . please every taste. They re spectfully solicit an examination by the public of their large and varied assortment of stoves. Thankful to the public for favors heretofore extended, and being determined to relax no exertions to give satisfaction to their custom. era they hope to merit a continuance of pa trenege. ir..rThe highest cash price will be paid for old Copper and Pewter. MORRIS &. lIEKSHEY, Carlisle, March 19, 18.51-1 y Fresh Arrival of Hardware. --CHEAPERTHAN . THE-CHEAPESTi-- nrAVING just returned from New York & LK Philadelphia with' the best and Cheripest Stock of HARD WARE,,C TLERY If ILD IN G MATERIALS, PAINTS, &W., ever brought to Cailisle, I weuld'resqectfully mouest dealers and consumers and all others to give mo a call and see whether they cannot get more and'better goods fur the same 'money than at any other Place in-town. My stock of 'Locks, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes, Glass, Paints, &e., is complete and very' cheap. Carpenters' Tools, I have a splendid assort. mom. Also, Cabinet Maker's Tools and Ma• (dials ' viz :—Verieers, Mishogany, Mineral and Glass Bureau Knobs and Varnii.h. SADDLERS & COACH MAKERS, can have everything in their line cheaper than ever. - . , FOR SHOEMAKERS; ' • ', have a first rate stock of Morocco and Lining Skins, Bindings, Pegs, Thread and Wax, and a superb assortment of Shoemakers Tools. I havealso a complete assortment of Ball's Lasts, made in Herrisburg, • which cant be , had at no other place in, town, and at Ball's Prices. To gether with an assortment of all hinds of Ham mered and Rolled Iron Steel. Of House keeping Articles, I have Knives. Forks, Spoons, Waiters, Snuffers and Trays Tubs, Buckets, &c. • WALL PAPER I have the . largest, Handsomest and Cheapest Assortment in town. And to all 'who want Good and-Cheap HARDWARE, t would say come and see for yourselves. t 1 oct3o J P LtY.NE. ee. rAnaso - zs. - I. SELLING OFF CHEAP,, II - AVING decided to quit the business, I propose to soil my stock at very low jai cos. It embracertho newest and most desira ble styles. Vitrare invited to call and exam• ino. ' WM. H. RICHARDSON, mr26 r 2in ' No 104 Alarkot st, Philada. U 8 T receiged another lot +of 'Bonne Frames of. the latest style: Also, Ifonnot Silk and Satin Linings al-various colors. ' daoll , • 'W lIITNER. ALrut,n. assortment'of ROPESjust:reoelv by the subscriber , : 'Abio, Glass Tubes fd ightning Rods for'salo ' artglS If. SAXTON lithocellanotto. FANCY GOODS, FRVITS MM=MI Tombs, kmdies, MEE It 10 11110 To: •:_ 4 4 , ittiL:-.%blNO t o,onents. FIRST PREMIUM • Grand .and. ETAINOS: • lEMEIIIII- 44. .1111,M21.15n, f,rentrActurcrs, JVite. 4i . 6, 8, 9 and 11 Eutaw . • Some, ..11aininorv, At d, ' ajOBENI4 VpRTES - , from 6to 7 edtdvas;•in L' i inltoseiond, Mahogany ainMalntii cases of Various atylts, witlvand without iron frames, condfining alb tiro improvements requisite to a superior instrument. ' •• ••• IC. & G. have reeifiVed from the Maryland Institute the:first premium for their Pianos, in' three'succeisire•yeare,lB4B, 1849, 1850. They have also been honored:Vvith numerous testimo• 'ads from all the, most celebrated artists who have used their initrumente. Pianos fromltheir establishinent have been used at the concerts 'as Lind, Herz, Volinstock, Bishop, Laborde, Knoop, and other eminent performers. They guarantee durability for five years, under good cars, and will replace vial others all which mar not satisfactioneif application be made within six 'Months after delivery.' • Their _Uanufriatory. holng conducted' on the Blest - extensive — scalrrenables — thom—to—lurnish instruments at the very, lowest prices, *hole sale and retail. Constantly on hand, A. P. Ilug,linn' Melodeons, ranging from 645 to $2OO, for which they are solo agents for this city. January29.lssl-1y) I Perfumery, Pitney Soap Sr. Paper.Sox MaNurAcToli.x. 48 Nal het street, Wow Second, Philadelphia. CILEGG & -CROMPTON, ManufacturArs .J of Perfumery. Fancy Soaps and Fancy Paper Boxes, respectfully call the attention of the Druggists and Dealers in Carlisle and the Cumberland - Valley, to thcir.cxtensive stock of Goods, comprising Perfumery; Fancy Soaps, Powders for the complexion, Toilet, &c. &c of every variety. Also, a full and complete as sortment of. Fancy Paper Boxes, of every ,de• sedation, large or small, round or square, made to order at the shortest notice. - forgot the pleco. 9t3 11ThrItot streci, Phillidelphiai All orders will moot with prompt attantioti. .PIANE PORTE WAREROOMS, 171 CHESNUT, iTREET, P.IIIL.dD'.d. °THE OLD STAND, .OccuPied,Or - more than one-third of a century by G. Esq. , EIG - Undersigned-would :most • respectfully announce:to the public that he is AGENT , fOrYtnore . than twenty'Or tiro imeat ".• nnsj: celebrated manufacturers of B S- I 1 it TON. NEW YORK, PHILA. DELPIIIA, and elsewhere; and egnstrintly_sacciaing from them PIANOS o the richest and most varied styles, of superior tone, and of the most superb finisit;of 6. 0, 6 i; GI, and 7 Contrives, which are wnrronted equal _fo_any_mantifnaturod,eitherin-this-country or in Europe..,, Just received, also, alurther supply of Church and Parlor Organs, of beantiful patterns and fine torieb. -* _ - •- • _ Ills WAREROOM is constantly supplied With a choice selection of SERAPIIINES and MELODEONS; from tinaoldest and most ex• tensive manufactories in the United Slates; a mong which is a now style of REED ORGAN having Carliart% patent improvements, with gilt pipes in front, and case elegantly carved, and highly ornamental. Tuning and Rena.ring—Sig. Salvador La Grassu, a distinguished Piano Forte Manufactu rer and Organ Builder, will attend to all orders. dept4,'.so OSCAR C 13 CAR'T'ER. PERFUNCERY DEPOT. rhON'T, be' deceive:E.' Country Bferchants and Dealers _who want good and cheap PE' FUMERY and FANCY SOAPS should call upon JOHN T.cLEGG, Perfumer and Chemist, 48'J:tart-et St., below 2d, Philadelphia. who has constantly on hand PERFUMERY and _FANC-Y---soAps,pf--every—descrirrtion7 Powders, Hair Oils, Ox Marrows, Colognes, Hair Dyes, &c„ &c.` 100,000 persons kayo read my adVertisement in the Public Ledger,' hundreds of whom have called and been ,convinced of the advantage of purchasing - direct front the manafacturer, Agency for Ferran's Circassian Hair Oil, Curling Fluid, &c. ' Orders from nay part of the United States will be promptly attended to. aug4'so,ly , ':JOHN -T CLEGG. ECONOMY IS. WEALTH Light I~~b lit ! .Ligh 1! Pine 'Oll, Camphine & Medal Fluid, OF acknowledged superiority end nanny, manufactured and for sale nt the - lowest Wholesale price's, by DAVIS & HATCH, at the old established stand of the late ileum' , min. T. Davis, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY, where orders by mail or otherwise are solicited, .and prompt attention given. The voice ot. the public for fifteen years, and the award of a Silver Medal, and complimentary notice by' the Franklin Institute over all competitbrs, is sufficient evidence of the-excellence-of our Oil. alcohol, ,Pitch; Turpenthio, Rosin. and Spin its of Turpentine, for sale Wholdsale and Re tail, at the lowest prices. [ocl3o • rarA.NUFAbTURMRS end wholesale deal- IVJ in BROOM S, KETS and -WOOD WARE, have removed to the large store lately occupied by Messrs. Sellers iJ Da• Dir where they have opened an extensive Mock of, Eastern and City made BROOMS and 5' 000 WARE, which they ere now selling (a the lowest manufacturers prices. k full assortment of Bristles, 'Brushes, :lint Cordage, &c.. bonMantly on hand No North Third Street, 3 doors below Race, Ph delphia j [y17,'50 P. Steam Iron Raiting.! MORE 8t maxiLaqmn, Corner of Ridge Road and Broad Street, . PHILADELPHIA. - - r , • WOULD call the attention of purchasers to their - elegant assorttnent' of Wrought and Cast Iron Railing' for • . CEMETERIES; BALCONIES, f • • VERANDAS, Railing for Churches, Public and Private Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with all kinds of Plain:and Ornamental Iron Work. More & .Gallagher's Book, of ORIGINAL DESIGNS, containing. the - . best selection ()- designs that has over been issued, will ho son i to any parson whmmaY wish to make a select tion.. . . Zi.'Sl GOICX101W; - : -, . ' PRODUCE, CORIMISSION 'Ark D FOIL WARDIN,g 'AIERCHAN . - No:78 Noth letreot,lthatime; - 7 -- LHE "undeplizned, Agent_loi—the ClNtnnstdianta and Ohio Lino, being eon trally located ten the., Baltimore and Susque hanna Railroad s Jtas Imado arrangements for transacting rt,„ , • General Produce. COMMISIOIL 111/8111CSS, n connection , FORWARDING BUSINESS, and, reopeetfutly . solieits consignments of Whig key, Flour, Grain, and Country Produce gone rally. Respectfully, L. S. GORDON.' Baltimore, April 2-3mfe.s. .r N. B. Orders for Groceries, Salt, &c., wil be promptly. executed. • . REFERENCES. Messrs. John Sullivan & Sons, W.-Starr & SOnsiThomas J.parson & Co., John M'Cid logh & Co.. Wylie & Wilson, David Hays & Co., Duvall, Keighler & Porsey, Miller and Mayhew, Tnrnhull, DaII. & Slade. Robor; Garrott k Sous,. limes George, Baltimore), • Montt . . R. Crimile F.; Co., Wheeling, Va. Messrs:Clark & Thaw; II Graf); Pittsburg. Mr. J. W. Kerr, lorrisburg.s James Cowden, Esq., Columbia. Messrs. Muiholltin & Ray, Blairsville.' • • Metiers. P..41s S Small, :York. Illessrs;lameigdeol & Lewis & Butler Philadelphia.. „ . ramizsza..-dc . co.; . ELOUR AND O PRDUCE COMMISION • MERCIIANTS, 365 Daßimer!) St.i,,coipoalta Eutaw nous°, BALTIMORE "DEVOTE their w h o le-attention to the sale - Ay Flour, Grace and &oda,. It'hiaki, Bacon, Lard,' Butter, Wooli'Dricd &c : , .on the most - reasonable terms. Purtiostng .soon to remove where they will have the tnib of Rail :Road truck.connommg with the Susquehanna Rood, they:Movrreepeetfully solicit' . consign. monts over, that Keadostid wild thOniselves ,pay drayage on produce to.tlieirlVarelionee, whuh received in lota . of a largo ear loadAor more At a • . . .REFEri.END.DB. • • . • Messrs. David Siowail 'Si Co.? „ 77. Mr. John D. Carly, P4'" mare Mr. Upton 'Wasliiibauihi.Cliamberaburg7 : . , - • Jitouranct Oiontpanici, !rho United . States Life Insurantli I Annuity and Tiust Company. h oral. :Perpetual-7C( pitra . f.r.t art "S'yst, rall!E constant, uesolicited application fot N. Life Insurance, gives the must al undani. atakgratifying proof that the public mitid is deeply impressed with the-teat importance of this subject. The great" object,. however, of Insurance should be safety, otherwise the whole motive to insure may be disappointed. Too much care cannot be practised.in the selection of an Alec with which to effect the contract.—, The choice should be regulated not by prevent and constant large incineements,'ns this, is cer• tainly Incompatible,with future Lene , its.; The premiums on life are calculated for the future, it . present and prospective benefits therefore are Teen, the result ultimately: must terminate in ritigation, disappointment and ruin: 'The-object ahned at by this institution is stability and per petuity. The rates of premium have been care fully prepared with referenee'to fluctuations The cash system of payments has also been adopted. Unpaid premium notes constitute no - part - of the - asset - 07er this company, and — every contingency being fortified with an ample rep itch, security stamps tee whole system. This feature, paraminnit to all other.bonsiderations, commends , the company to public favor. Ex• planetary pamphlets. blanks. application papers information, and every facility will be cheerfully furnished the public by Mr. E. lifilArrY, who has been duly.appoilited agent of this company for Curnberland county. Dr. II HINKLEY has also been appointed Medical Exani liter. Directors.—Stephen n..C.rawford, _Ambrose W Thompson, Benjamin W Tingley, Jacob L Florence, William ALGodwin, Paul 13 Goddard Lawrence Johnson, George APllenry, James Devereux, John L Linton.: • President.—Stephen R. Crawford. Tice-President.—Ambrose W. Thompson.' Seermary Co' neasurcr.—Charles G Imlay. .dczunry.—Manual Eyre. Cof.usol.qUorney.—Thomas Balch.' Ai dicta Examiners. Paul )3 Goddard, M.D. William Pepper, M. D. raug7 ly rxr.r. 'IDISITZtA.ZECM THE Allen'and East - Pennsborough Mutual Eire•lnstuarice CoMpany of Cumberland county neorporated by an act of-Assembly, is now. fully organized, and in operation under the manage ment of the following commissioners, viz: Jacob Shelly, Win R Gorges, M!chnel Cock• in,_MelelioiL_Brunneman,_Christfan_Stayntan, Simon Oyster, Jiteob II Coover, Lewis flyer, 'Homy Logan, Benjamin II Musser ' Jacob - Kirk, Samuel Trowel', Jose oh NVieltersham. The rates of insurance are as low and favora hl 0 as any Company of the kind in the State.— Persons wishing to become members ere invited to make application to the ovine of the compa• ny, who urn willing to wait upon them at any time. JACOB S F; 14. L Y,_.J2_rcsident — CT ERRY LOGAN, Vice President.• - Lewis II yr.n, Sccrciary MICHAEL. COCALIN, Trermtrer. 0tt17'49. AGENTS Cunibrthuul Cahn( 11. -- 'Rudolph Martin, New Cumberland, C B flerman, Kingstown, Ilenry Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and Charles Dell, Carlisle. Isaac Kinsey, Mechan icsburg. Dr. J. Alit, Churchtown. York count p.—John Sherrick, Lisburn . , John Bowman, Dillsburg, Peter %Volford, Franklin John Smith, Erg., Washington, \V S Picking, Dover, Daniel Itairensberger, J y Craft. Harrisbarg.—llouser & Lochman. Members "of the company having policies bout to expire can Intim thorn renewed by mak. ing applicationuo any. of the agents. ir k OCTOR YOLTIZSft:LI. JUI-F 0 It 25 CENTS ! —By meanof the pocket I",sculapitis, or, Every one his own Physician ! 'Ewen iy-fonrilreditibm-with Iry wards Ma hundred engra vings, showing pgivate dis eases in every shape, and Berm, nod malformations or the generative system. BY WM.YOUNG, M.O. The time has now sr 'bring from secret disease the Timm OF gesexcitY ,as contained iu this„book.any one may Care himself, without hindrance to bu siness, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and with one tenth the usual expense. addition to the general routine or private disease it fully end:tins the cause of manhood's earls da cline, wtth observations on unarringe—hesidee• raany other dersangements which it would not by .proper to enumerate in the public prints. la'Any.person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in n letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five cepies will be sent for one dollar. Address. "Mt. YOUNG,No. SPRUCE. Street, PiIILADLEPHIA "Post-paid, ;r t 08. YOUNG Can lie consulted on tiny of ihe Diseases prescribed in-his different publion iiens, It is Offices, 152 SPRUCE street, ever) day between 5 2 and 3 o'clock, (Sunda's excepted May 1,1b50. SUPERIOR FRESH GROCERIES-1 Call and Sec Infore Purchasing elsewhere ! T subscriber is . just reeeiving..and r.t his Frunily r ;GrOcery and o.uccnsware -Stone -in—West-rtl ain-Istreety-Car• lisle,' a very largo asset - intent:of all the arti cles in his lino of business. . _ Rio Coffee front 12 to 14 cents per pound, for good to a strictly prime article. Also, Brown Sugars of the best quality, Irons 7 to 9 cents per pound, Lovering,'s best crushed and pulverized Sugars from to to 12 1-2 cents per pound„ N. 0. Sugar House and S3r,un Molas• see of all grades front 32 to 62.4 per gallon.— Also, a supply of fresh ground SPICIiIS of all tkinds,,warranted pure. SOAPS, Fancy, Cas tile, Rozin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, pul verized Sataratus, Indigo, Mould and Dipped Candles, Common and NV inter Strained What° Oils. Also, a supply of fresh Hominy, cheeso from the bestiDairies always ott hand. Fancy sewing, traveling, clothes and market Baskets, togdthor with a general assortment of Chew ing and smoking, Tobaccos, Spanish and half- Spanish Cigars, Common do., ropes, twines, and Brushes of all kinds. CEDAR. W A It E.—Housekeepers, and others expecting, soon to embark in the same business, please call and onunine my stock of Wash tubs, Wash Rubbers, Cliurns, Cedar Buckets, fancy, painted and varnished Buckets, Brooms. &c. • GLASS AND QUEENSWARE.—The subscriber has just added to his theady large stock a number of white Granite, Cold Figur ed, Blue, Marble; Flowing Blue and Mulber ry TeaoScts, of 48 pieces. Also. Plates and Dishes, Tumblers,• Pn.serve Dishes, Syrup Bottles, &c. of every description and price so that he Will be able „to meet the wants aild Moans of all in the community who may favor him with a call. In nib J D HALBERT Caution 'to the Public. WM!: REAS - the vEGETAnr,n - cmic TLE POWDER, manufactured by BREINIG, FRONEFIELD & CO., No. 187 alforth Third Street, Philadelphia, has ac quired for itself a wonderful celebrity for, its many valuable medicinal qualities, and as nn agent to increase the amount of Ent, Milk and Butter in the perfectly healihy animal ; and whereas its immense popularity amongst the Flamers and Dairyttien,'wherever it has' been introdueed,.has induced several persons to got up an imitation of our CATTLE POWDER, and have taken the same language almost word iqr word, as we have in our.stnall bills, 'and put on th..ors : We therefore Caution all persons; Storekeepers, Farmers and Dairymen 'against the deception thus practiced by design ing men. The Proprietors have investigated this 'sub joot for years, during a long residence 'in: the country, and do now challenge the world to produce anything equal to their .CATTLE POWDER. They want the public to bear in mind that:their powder is their 's alone, boast ing not of a German, nor any other loreign or. Igm. They wish its Quality (not its name) to be the source of its Value. It has already a character. (although of but about Pivo years standing) which enables it to stand upon its own merits. Several orders have boon sent to this city for . Cattle Powder,which have boon filled by send. leg an artiole.got up in imitation of our own. We therefore say again, Storekeepers. Form , era and Dairymen do not buy a pound' unless' you, look for the namb,Of Dreinig; Fronefield & Co., written 'signatiire, on. the end of span ack, da not allow yourself to bo•deceived,lthe LIFE end . HEALTH. of your cattle depend uptfn flue Cuutieit, a's well ns your interest.— Look out—" Vigilance is the price of secerity." .PBREINIG, FRONEFIELD & CO. .No. 187 Aro-th Third Street, P Mean. /30ap3t • • 'moonst' moons! Boollsr THOSE desiring very geed' BOOKS' will ; 'please call at my Drug, Book and 'Fancy Store, 'Main street, Carlisle. I am 'making preparations for'tho Trade Sales in Now York, and will sell the stock on hand at unusually low 'nines if called .for within •a few days. The works now on ,hand comprise sonm ofthe very beat extant. • mar - • • F M RAWLINS. A ENOLDS writing fluid, a very su 4IL tnorinr Ink for inklo Ft HUBBARD AlOichtco. GREAT •COUGS REDIED7i C. ' ' ‘IC A TEIt . 9 B i:' ~••••4:1,Wei.:19-ri1..... -'''.."-A-1 alril.= _ 4 .4-.2'1. 4' CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Cure el couans, COLDS, DO.O.IISENISS, C;c11."1"XS, CROUP, AtIS T. 11.• rail, WHOOPING.. COUGH AND' CONS UIVIPTION: in offering to the community this yustiy cele brated remedy ffir diseases of the throat and Imo's, it is not one wish to trifle with the Jilt, or health of the ad:fitted, hot frankly to toy lie. fore them theopintonsofrlistirr 'tithed men and some or the evidences of its success, from whielt tky can judge roe themselves. NVe sincerely pledge out selves to make tie wild assertions or false stacmclits of Its elliettey, nor will we hold out any hope suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. Jl: Ily [11 . 0015 tae here given, nail we solicit an inquiry !roil) the pnblie into all we pubit,h,r ee h ing assured they will rind them perfectly reliable and the medicine worthy their best &inMk:lice, nod patronage. FROM ISEI.f. SI I.II,IMAN. M. D., L. L. D. EA Professor of Chemistry, Minersiology.,Vic , 'Yale College, Member of the Lit., Hist., f\led. Ph.lo. and Seim. Sockt'es of A meri-a and Europe. deem the CHERRY PECTORAL an ad mirable composition from some of the' best at. ides in he Materin Aledica, add a very effect ive remedy for the class of diseases it is intend ed to cure." New I , Ct., N0r..1 Prof. CLEW:LAN , Bowdu in College, Me, NArrites.r." I , have - witnessed the of or your 'CITERRY PECTORAL' in my own Gimily and that of my Friends, and it gives me satisfiietinn (or state in its kivor that no medicine I have ever known has Komi so eminently successful of Cluing diseases of the thromaind ltr.V. DR. OSGOOD Writes —" That he considers 'CHERRY PEC TORAf.' (behest medicine Ibr Pulmonary affec tions ever given .to the public," and states that "his datighter being obliged to keep the room four mouths w Ira severe sett I ed-coughiaccomL panted by_raisingAif Wooilittight - sweats, and the attendant symptoms of commenoed the use ..or the , CII PECTORAL , and had completely recovered." R THE PATIENT. Dr. Ayer—Dear Sint For two years I was sink:it - 41 with, a very severe cough,accompanied spittingbo of blond and profuse night sweats.— fly the advice of my attending phrsician I was 'udneud_to-use-your-CITERIL-Y-,AtICTOILAL, and continued to do so till I considered myself cured, and use ribe the 01.0 to' , our preps radon. *JAMES RANDALL. Ilamm'en ss—Springfield; Nov. '27. 1848: This day appeared the shove named James Itandsh, nod pronounced the above statemens true_in every respect. LORENZO NORTON, Justice. THE REMEDY TIIAT CURES. PORTLAND, Mg. Jan. 10,18.17. Dr. Ayer; 1 bare been long afflicted with Asthma which grew yearly worse nit 01 last au tumn, it brought ON a cough in bleb conflogd me in icy chamber, and begun to assume the alarm ing symptoms or consumption. I had tried the best advice and the best medielne to DO purpose•, mail I used your CIIERRY PECTORAL ; which has cured me, and you may well believe me.— Cratefully yours. J. D. PHELPS. If there is any value 'in the. judgment of the wise, who speak from experience, here is a med. icicle worthy of the public confulenee. PREPARED BY J. C. AYRES, CHEMIST, LOWEII. itA . SACIIUSETTS. Sold_by—Dr.Rawlins ; SrAA-141thaill4z Elliott;Carlisle; Dr. Day, Meelmiliesburg; 11. Bevroli, New ville; J. C. & J. B. Altiek Ship• pensburg; and druggists gem:rally. ntELER'S Celebrated Family Medicine% It concerns every no. CI&lora can be cured Dr. Keeler's. Sarsaparilla Panacea. For the removal and permanent cure of al- Diseases arising from an impure - state of the'Dlood and habit of body. . _ ..The All-wino Creator luta implanted in all organized bodies an innate disposition to self. preservation. The vital powers possess tire property of resisting the influence of external causes, but as the BLOOD is the COIIIIIIOBI par bulutn from which all parts of living matte derives its renovating elements, and consequent ly, upon which tire life of organized beings de, peed, it ispitrobable that in cases of accident, or where artificial means lave beer - employed to deprive it of on essential property, the vital effects of the whole system will bet directed to. ward restoring to it that. propesty. In all.con -- atitutional end-hereditary- affections - , - this - Sold: has undergone some primary ,alterution, which is the cause of the special disease,.or which es sentially contributed to its pforluction. Rester I ration to health can may be obtained a re movtir of tFi touristic cause through the medi • rim of the circulation, and Dr. Keeled's Sarsa wine, is the most...power ful modifier of agent effecting this fluid lionwo.• See pamphlets. liltieltwoodtovin, N. J.. June 6%18 , 18. Dr. Keeler—Deur Sir: 1 tin entirely out of your Panacea. I was called upon day before yesterday for half a . dozen. Your medicine is becoming very popular where 1 . 11111 , c introduced it, mid I think the more it is'uSZid the more pop ular it will get. Respectfully yours, Wm. PARHAM, M. D. Fur details, certificates, &c., see circus lars, &c. Price $1 tier - bottle, large size, G.Uut tles $5 DR.. K E ELER'S • COUG Ur SYRUP. Among all the remedies before the public hue stands pre-eminent in incipient consump tion, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Asthma, Spilling of Blood, end for all afFections of the pulmonary organis occasioned by cold. Too much ' , Also cannot be bestowed upon this remedy, and the proprietor urges every one aftlicred with any of the above complaints to secure it at once. It is warranted to cure or no pay. Price only 50 cents. DR. REELER'S CORDIAL AND CARAT =I Every family whether rich ur poor, who val ves health and all its blessings, should have this invdluabla remedy nt hand. It is infinitely the beet remedy known for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Chotera" MOrbus; Cholera Infantum, Cholio, Flatulency, griping pains, cramp, etc., and for all diseases of the stomachs and bowels caused _ Teething, Thonumerousiostimonlals from Physicians 'and others unsolicited has given it a reputation_ as firm as adamant. far Price 25 cents per bottle. DR. KEELER'S VERMIFUGE SYRUP. This remedy is pleaaunt to the taste, halm. less to the patient and all powerful in removing all kinds of worms from the body. It is with out doubt, the cheapest and best worm destroy ing mbdicino before the public, and will Wad ministered .according to directions, remove them' Within five or six hours after taken, The dose is Small, and each bottle contains twice as much us similar remedies. Price only 25 coots per,bottle. DR. KEELER'S LLVER AND . SANATIVE Liffill . Although nut recommended en a "cure yet they are the mildest and best remedy to re. move Constipitind, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bil iousness, ,!sloryousness, Foul Stomach, Head. ache, Indige'stion, etc. Unice other purgative medicines they leave the'bewelsalways relaxed and consequently aro the proper 'medicine for for...females-and poreo.ns leading a solitary life. Price 25 cents. DR. KEELER'S RHEUMATIC LOTION A justly celebrated external Imph - cation for Paine of the Chest, Neuralgia, Headache, Spells Dolorous, Swellings of the Joints, Rheumatism, Gout, sciatica and for all disor ders wherein a sedative and rubefacicnt rem: dy is applicable. - Pried - twenty:five coots For bottle. All of UM above celebrated and extensively used mediomM. ari:i prepared and sold Whole sale and f 294 IVIARKET bPRELT, Philadelphia. For sale by S. ELLIOT I r, Cnrliele ; 4. 6. Miller, Dickinson; Messrs; Altick, Shippens burg, J. F. Spahr, Mochanizsburk, Siliaollianottnytt..and In every town throughout the county anifState.... [Jahuary Id, 18,51 CITRA'T'E MAGNESTA.—An agree• able unCtnild refrigerant 'and laxative, or solo by 1111,1313ARD. ' • tmar26 3E I XREI de. VITATEItiP3IOOr. LAKK' s S Fire and NVatdr'Preoi yAINT, 0 'Which kits two no eictottsivoly used for Ilto last six yours with tho uhnok ' suocetto Hie- roofs, of Mimeo, Stoombootoi.&o.. not single initfanco he known where Kline ,For sale by (mI2J ' H. 'SAITO tsr.:l 11115cellaaroa4. Pride rßeduced ! VAUGHN'S amoriaurric min= t Largo Bottles—only ouo,ioonar.. Ma Proprietor of tho Groat AltletiCarl Remedy VdlJOrt2il VEOZTADLC LITIIONTRIPTIO 151 1XiLTRIt.” induced by th srgont solicitations of his Agents, throughout tho Unita Mates and Canada, has nori • Itoihrood tho Price, , • if kti popular and well known reticle; and (rent dile ditto enneeforth, ho will 'put up but one afar only,—h6 noel 3ohlo:7-the retail prior will be • ORR:DOLLAR. The publhamay teat assured that the character of rho Medi sine, its strength, end curative pnipertim with DANA' INCILLNGIED, and the porno- tare will be bestowed In pie coring it tia heretofore. As this medicine, under its reduced price,.Will be machete, 'ay those wino have not hitherto made themselves acquaint° with-eta-virtumr-the.proprietor-would-beg to-intimate-that-Id article le not to be classed with Um vast amount of "Remedli of the day ;" it claims for itself a - greater healing 'yote,, all disease+. Men any otter preparation Auto hcfore fl teorld ; and has sustamea •iself for eight years by its !merit medical virtues, end, until this reduction, commanded tioUbl Jto price of any other article to this line. Norms Psu.mcotstscy, this article ads with great hoe rig power and certainty, upon the • Blood, Liver, Bitlneys, Lungs, other organs, upon the pro Par azaon of which:llN an arcalLb depend. . - This medicine has a lostlYinigh repute as a remedy for Dropsy and Gravel, and 4141in:wee of thaNature. It may be veiled open crime dm intelligent physienan.has abandoned his patient,—and ft Jimedistressing diseases, more especially Driarar; the props Km would earnestly and honestly recommend it. At I °resent price it is easily obtained by all, and the trial will pros the nrtiele to be the - Cheapest Medicine in the World! , CV- pleate ask for pamphlets —the slants give them away they-contain over sixteen pages of receipts, (inn addition to fa Medical matter) valuable for household purposes, end wide trill ear,oniany dollars per year practipal housekeepers. These receipts aro introdneed to maioothe book of arm value, aside from its character as an advertising medium ft ' the medicine, the testimony in favor of which, in the form letters from all pelts of the eOttetrY. may be reliekupori. tv - "Vinghn's Vegetable LithontripticAltstare tb Great American Remedy, now for sale la quart' bottles at • each, smell bottles at 60 els each. No small bottles Win b Issued after the present stook Is dis Posed of. Principal Office, Btlffale, N. Y., 207 Main Street.: • G. C. VAUGHN- Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT AIcKESSONI C 0.,, 127 Maiden - Lane, New York City. N. letters (excepting from agents and dem, rs w it hom ho transacts businam) must be pest paid, cent °Mimic td be given to them. S \V Haversack, Carlisle, .1 C & G 13. A lack , Shippensburg, •Russel Lo' Dice, Dickinson, . J Spahr, Ricchani"aqurg, — A - H - 'Lager, Kingstown. Octi6 Valuable School Books, 0 - 103LISIIED BY 1110MAS,COMPET(T U .— WAITE £0.,253 .MARKET STRIA , I'IIIADELPHIA, and for sale - by 011 the 1... sellers in the liiiite&Stnies : MITCHELL'S PRIMARY GEOGIIXI : An rosy iptroduction to the study of pity, designed for children, and completely 1,- Itisimitcd by 120 engravings and 14 colored mops. AtITCZIELL'S iNTEMIEDTATE GEocitArny— The text, the exercises the illustrations, and the foray beautiful maps are printed.t.ogaher in 01/C quarto volume. AliTenELL's Seimot GEOGRAMIY & ATLAS, a system of modern Geography,. comprising a iption of the present state at the world and its five great divisions. Embellished with" 11U- merous engraviligs and illustrated by an eiccl lent Atlas containing 98" handsome and, accurate colored maps. This series of Geography by S. _AngustuaMitchelLhas_beemwholy—or—partly introdUced into the public and private schools or all thif,''principal Cities and towns of the Uni ted States ; and aftet , a full and fair trial of its merits in these schools, it has_ received an almost universal recommendation. MIT6I LLl.'y ANCIENT •GEOGEAPIIT & ATLAS' Alt ancient, classical and sacred Geography, embellished w ith engravings 'of remarkable events, views of ancient cities, etc., and LlCCOM paned by ancient Atlas containing 12 beautiful . • colored maps. - - ITCIIELL'S ATLAS OP OUTLINE MAPS Mitchell's Biblicarand Sabbath School Geo..- mildly, with Maps mutembellishments. i'tlitch ell's Key t&jhe study of Mops. and Carroll's key to Alitelie's Geography, are excellent and popular books, and are becoming very exten sively used in the best schools of tarlebollatry. GISFILUSN's LILSBON IN GI/ANNA/1, based upon the construction and analysis of sentences; designed ns tta introduction to Hie "Annlysis."- GuEt:NE's ANALYSIS-1 treat se ott the strucs lure of the English language, with heist tient and exercises adapted to the use of schools, by Samuel S. Green, A. M., Principal of the Phelps Grammar_ School, Boston. These books htsc .nlready the short time ditty have been litiblished,ohni.tied a very ax (eosive circulation, liming been introduced into the public schools of Boston, Baltimore, Pins- Iturg; -r eilieiritialliT - SG Lotus, VlCkshurg, and other cities aim UM Ds, :Hid recommended by those who lime tried diem it their schools, as without question the best English Grammars in existents. SialOOL Ur/int.:lt—Part lsl is iulrndcd for beginners. .It contains a lesson illicit each of the clan... Wary sounds of the lan glitige The Primary School Reader, fart '2ll, amiantus esercises in articulation, arrangcd• connection ‘vith easy rending lessons. 'll.O, Primary Reader, part 3d, is deaiglicil for tire first class in PrimitiV Schools, and the lost act class in Grammar Schools. 1 on GRAMMAR SCHOOL Romer., is designed for the middle class in Grammar Schools, snit contains exercises- in articulation arranged in connection W kb rending lowous Tax STE !CT SCllthrt. ILEADF.R, is design for the highest classes in public and private schools. It contains exercises in articulation, pauses, and inflections of the voice with such rules and suggesstions as are deemed useful. Toe iNneeCTIVI: READER ; or a Coarse o Reading 011 Natural History; Science and Lite rature designed for schools. TILL SPELLING BOOK. Consisting of wort 'is columns and sentences fur 'arm and wrilt • exercises. It is a complete and systematic s ries of excreLes in English orthography. ' This hiehly popular series of reading hooks, and this spelling hook were .compiled oy 111 r. Swan, of Boston, and' judging from the rapid introduction into - schools which they have obtained - in the Eastern and Middle States and in many of the Western and Sono States, we think they are really better :•ii:i.ted In the wants of teachers and scholars it.. n any other yet published. The publishers very.large number of recomancliddliims ft.( i 1 iilic'ecliont committees, teachers and others la e.in.l;; to,eihi. cation. FROST'S 111S'FORY OF THE 13.STX-I'l' lor licant-z— -mies. 'The mine work condensed and simplified or common selinols,.l col. IS mo. - ;JARVIS'S I'llACl.loll. P.111519.1.00y ' for the use of schools and families, 1 vol. 12 mo. with engravings. P111:11A0Y PIIIS'IOLOGY, by the same author, 1 vol. 18 mo. , FIRST 1100:: 11: .r..nrrnatteme, by F.A. Adams, intended for primary and common schools. .ARITIDIETIO IN TWO PARTS: • .By the same author. Part Cleat—advanced lessons in . mental arithmetic ; „part second— roletrand examples for practice in written arith . metic, fop common and high schools. A lien .to examples for - practice in written aritcmetie, for the use of-teachers, by the same author. These nrithmetics have scoured very high. recommendations from teachers of achoola and academies, and from. 14ofeSsors in several of our colleges, (11111 from others interested in the cause of education in various sections of the Union. 'L'. C. & Co. ' also publish annoy other School 'Books, which there is not room to • enumerate' here; besides Law. Medical, Theological and Miscellaneous Books ' .and they are fully preps. red „to answer orders for books In every depart nent Of knowledge. Booksellers. School Coin. minces, and others, able. terms. suptilted on the moat fitvor. (sept 25,'50-Iy,) • • CHURCH ) LEE AND FEEMAN ! " , F3.1-:,ctuzlzatizzit AND • • . STEJLES A`lv •1V LLi - NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. lia.rrisores . Colin:111ml bk. irry3 on hand a largo so ply . of the above ink, which, by a' special nr• • .rangement ith taw proprietor, Ito inutile to fur: ..,1- nish to merchants and othersoit the mainline' torero niholosalo prices ' au,2l. 'Brushes Brushbif • Ag,reat 'variety of 'liege itscful article's is 'foKad far rode, 'consisting pi Whitewash', SweeJl itieSetrilibint4•Pitiniors, loth, Shaving, Hair, Tooth and-Nail; Flesh Ilnd.,Graining:lirusliesi gi.eat variety, all of o Welt are of the heal qua. ty and will lig sold at the lowest 'Hives . June G. • S A HUBBARD