Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 21, 1851, Image 4
,SuAVegi A WAKING THOUGHT. Borne gently to the arme'of rest By Bleefee Mysterious band., • prayer half - lingering on the lip, -And meekly folded hands, How genet to close the weary eye Upon a world of care, And lose In calm - forgetfulness - , . ,The chain our spirits wear I • • From brief oblivion, like(the day, Fresh Into being arms The soul, walls to sing,„ • As hvLite's early morn ; , Shakes`OlT the dew-drops from her wing, Sohrs to liar native air, • As all unconscious or her doom, , The totter still to wear. Thus gently to tha s arms of Death, My eoul•to angel. bear. • Unlink my chaln,,and let my breath Floy out,4lbw out in-prayer.' • Thus may I, from lon steep, -Martlnto being new,' And onwird to eternity pureuel 'L'ELE BIBLE. I r In a charge to the Grand Jury of Es sex county, in 1843, Chief Justice Horn blower, - !of Now York, made use of the following beautiful and impressive .lan guage, which does honor to his head and heart : "We have in. the Bible a ,wiser and, holier rule of action than the 'Wisdom of man ever conceived, and in fewer words than all the learning of the schools ever compressed the wisest of their maxims;. Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do you even so to them."- This is emphatically the golden rule.— It is universal in its application, and e ternal in its principles. It lies at the foundation of our jurispradende, lead and equitable, civil and criminal; and acted on this would do more to purify society, and. elevate man to his-true dig nity as a rational anil 'immortal being, than all the learning of the schools and 'the vain philosophy of the rid. "It is a short and simple esson that all may learn, from the lis inn- child of civilization to the gray-headed and untu tored-savage of the wilderness—a lesson which, if all would inculcate and prac tice, would smooth down the asperities of life, mitigate the sorrows incident to hu manity, sweeten the springs of domestic enjoyment, strengthen and benatifY the bonds of-the social compact, dispense with the officers of justice, demolish our prisons; and pull down the last scaffold that should ever be erected for the exe cution of the convict. • "But instead of this, we are constant ly told of the dignity and perfectibility of human nature, the noble qualities of the mind i sindihe_elevating influence of. ed ucation in the illimitable fields of art and science upon the happiness of man ; and each lecturer, in hie turn, has just- die-, covered some new principle in - nature, which is-to-rectify all ilie ills of life. • " When the giants: inhuman 'intellect can tell me whence Moses derived his science of legislation without -admitting the supernatural and divine authority of the ten commandments, I shall . begin. to listen with more reverence to the teach ers of human perfectibility. In that short and comprehensive code, we.find a rule of action covering the • whole, of man's existence ;_ n rule not only prescri bing our external behavior, but reaching .to the secret thoughts - and feelings of our hearts, in eveny.p,ossible condition of life, and in all our - relations to our Maker and our fellow beings. The wisdom of ages, the le,arning and philosophy of the schools, have never discovered a single defect in that code. Not a virtue which is not there inculcated. Not a vice in its most doubtful and shadowy form Which - is not lot - T - •e prohibited. — Whence then . ' ask, did the great Jewish law-giv er derive his spirit of legislatiorit — lf that cede was written by the finger of ..11.1nughtv,let,,,aslaiwi with _ - holy - rover s ence, and seek no better rule of life, nor any wiser principl& of action. But if they emanated only from the capacious mind, and were dictated by the fvisdom of Moses—this Moses was a wiser and more learned man than any of onr new teachers; and I had rather be under his jurisdiction, nnd ke,ep his commandments, than learn new rules of civil polity and social intercourse from the most learned and wise of the present day." Trust in God. I could write down twenty cases when I wished God had done otherwise than he did:; .but Which I now see, had I my own will„wonld have led to exten. .sive mischief. We must lay hold, on God; we must follow/hard after ,him; he must determine mot to let him go, And yet we must learn to let'. GodLalone.-- tauletness before God is ono of the most difficult of all Christian graces—to sit where he places .us ; to be what he would have us be,.and this as long as he pleases...—Anon. CHEAPER THAN EVER. mliE subscriber having just returned from .1.. the Enst, offers to the public a more am plo and caniploto assortment of goods in his line, than ever previously•offored, and respectz fully solicits dealers and others to give him a call, when ho will show them goods at aston ishingly lout Prices, .r To Builders, Carpenters and Others. His stock .comprises a full assortmont of Locks and Latches of every description, Hin ges and Screws, Windcw Springs and Bolts of various kinds, Window Glass ) Putty, Paints of all colors,. Oils, Turpentine, &c., fir..o.= Also, Mill, Cross.out and Cirqulaf Saws, Hand Patina., Ripping and BackSiws, Augurs, Chi. C pping 1:0 1 3 R nelg, Broad, Hand attd, ' Axes, Hatch ets, rhinos and Plane tits, Steel and Iron Squaresr Files' - and . spa/ Nails, Brads and Spikes of all sizes. '. • To Salters and ads Makers. A complete assortment or Saddlery Tools, Silver, Brassand Jammed mounting, Carriage trimmings, Broad pasting and seaming Lace, Plain and figured Canvass, Drab Cloths, Rati. nett, Serge and Buoram, Moss and Deer Hair patent an enamelled Loather, Lamps and Da. shore. ' Also, flubbi, Follows and Spokes, springs,'lron Axles, Mailable Castings, iftc. To Cabinet and Shoe Xi:Jars MT stock embraces a complete assortment of goods in i your line. Moroccos, liningond 'binding' 'Shins, Lasts, Thread, Pegs 'by the barrel qr smaller quantity, Tools of everyde epriptioh, &a. Curled Hair, Hair Cloth, Var nish, Mahogany and Maple Vaneors, Mould• lags ania Rosetta, Sofa Springs, - "Glass, Afaliog• any, Mineral and Vaneored Jellaba of all sizes. To BlaCksmiths, Farmers, and others, who' may be in want of good Iron. He offers full assortment' of . Hammered, Horse Shoo Scollop, Plough , broad and nar row Tire Iron.. ANN; Rolled Horse Shoa Bar, Bap,d,- Rounds Square, Tiro, Hoop anti Sliest Iron, ,Nail Rode, Russia Sheet Iron, Cast,, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel, English, and American Wagew,,and Carriage Boxes, Anvils Vices, Files - and Rasps, Horse,' , Shoo Nails, , ' l ' To - Roueekeepers and those about entering the Ora- Aintonial Suit." ' - ' • . I. would invite , attontionlo my bountiful as• s'ottment of waltera,and , 'rrays, plain and Go rbaestylp, knivek.and forka," Butcher Knives, Scissors and Shears,-Brittannia,German and Silver Piave;:Table and Tea Spoons, Braab and I ,•`' 'Preserving Kettles, emooth• idg ' .Y•Wit!fl, Tubt!,, Buckets, Churns ; &o• Oils, Paints and Ely° Stuffa f Firo and Water "Proof Paint, ' • HENRY SAXTON. .American 011e-' ,, JUST received a:freeb euriply of Ameifeen• Oil. For Kilo by A C FETTER', Lart23 No 148 North flairov, Stings & OBERT B. - SMILEY, 'successor to Wm. Gibson, CABINETMAKER & UN• DEIITAKE ft, North Hanover street, Carlisle, Would respebtfully inform the citizens of Carlisle riand tha public generally that he now has on , • • hand a largo assortment of new ',z74.,7 'and olegant FURNITURE,' .r- , •;‘ , "^" .4 i , ; . `"?=, consisting in part of Sofas, Wardrobes, Card and other Tables, Bureaus, Bedsttinds, plain and iancy Sowing Stands, &c. manufactured of the best materials and, quality warranted. Also a gone. ral assortment ofChairs at the -lomat prices.—: Venitian Blinds, made to order and repairing promptiy attended to. 'DI - COFFINS made to order at the shortest notico. and having splon• did floats° he will attend funerals in town or country. • Itzi-DOnt forget the old stand of Wm. C. Gibson, in Worth Hanover street, a few doors north of Glass's Hotel. Sept 4-Iy. R. B. SMILEY. . 1 ,0 us. WI ; gyp,, Corner of Hanover and Loather its., Carlisle. ILIE undersigned has always on hand a large stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in all the dilforetit styles, which Ito is prepared to sell at the lowest prices: -- IfYiii - v - ifas attention partic ularly to the Patent Spring•Bottotia Bedstead, a most useful article, which entirely obviates all objections. The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have given entire satisfac taon to all who have them in use. _ _ _ _ -• ttr COFFINS mado to order at the shortest notice. ? • JACOB ITTTCR Carlisle, hair. 22, 1851 *—lv. Extensive Furniture Rooms TAMES R.WEAVER would .rospectlully _,ejl call the attention of House Keepers and the public to his 13Ktensive stock of ELEGANT' FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes„ Centre and other Tables, Dressing and' plain Bureaus and every otli erticle in his branch oft business. Also, now on hand the largest as sortment of CITA IRS in Carlisle, at the lowest prices. {);-Collins made at' the shortest notice and a llcarse provided for funerals. -He solic its a call at his establishibent on North gnao, ver street, near Glass's HOTEL. N. B.—Fur !Inure hired out by the month or year. Carlisle, March '2O, IMO.-ly EratORITTM! Ta subscriber would respectfully invite the attention of Tanners to his assortment - of PLOWS, now manufac --,44, tared near Crpighoad's Mill South Middleton township, four miles south of Carlisle. -- --- My assortment consists of I ,Vithrow's, Stuckey's and Ball's patterns.— The Casings will all he Lirothid: make GRAIN CIADLES. of the most im proved patterns. All orders directed to Wm. L. Craighead. Carlisle, will be attended to with promptness, and Plows or Cradles deliv ered:Many part of the county free of charge. WM. L. CRAIGHEAD, Prt,r. DAVID STUCKEY, Manu acCr Feb.l9 Gm 116 spra-max• STOCIL! 111 HE undersigned respectfully informs his IL friends and the !Public generally, that he ",:..1r• , has just returned from y ..-,,- ... Philadelphia, ha vi n g M „is , ~.- 7 4 - , purchased the most ox . .en • '....! . i1t-;3' tensive, as .well as the ~N '9 . - ';'".l,< cheapest assortment of , :'T.:''''''''! 7.a .4/C, Watches, Jewelry, . - t , Ste., over hrought_to.Carlisle. His stock • Con sists in part of ~..4,0 Gold and Silver Patent ,Lever Watches, Gbld and Silver detatched do. do. Gold and Sillier Lepine Watches; in short ovOry variety of Watches nt all prices. Gold Guard and Vest Chains. Medallions, Watch Keys, Ear Rings; Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver pens and cases and Bracelets in great variety. A splendid article , of Gold, Sliver, German Silver, and Blued Steel SPEC TAMES, which are unsurpnss• od in qu P lity by any oilier mulch) west ot Phil adelphin, and witich can be sold at least '2O per cent cheaper than in any other establishment in the country, Also a large lot of SILVER-WARD, comprising Table and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles, &e. Also, Card Cases: Porto Monnaies, Port, Folios, Ladies Writing Desks, with a great variety of other fancy article's unnecessary to mention.- A- largo-lot-of CLO-CKS,assorted patterns, which will be sold low, and warranted to be goo,r. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired, Ile invites all to and examine his stock, assured that none can fail to be suited in qual ity, q uantity_atul _Trues —1...1-La_articlea..aro_enah purchases,-consequently, he can afford to sell lower than tho same articles can be purchase( elsewhere. Call at the old stand, IT few doors west_of.j3urkholdoes Hotel. January 15, 1851-ly T. CONL'YN. China and Crockery Ware. White Granite Stone Ware, such as Dishes, Flares, Tea Sets, covered ad uncovered dishes, bowls, toilet and cite Aer sets, pitchers, &e., togetnor with alot o • Blue Liverpool Wdre, all of the latest style and shapes, also, all the various articles of tho best common While and Edged Ware. The assortment includes to few plain • While and Gold Band China Tea Sets, of the best ,qunlityand style, and also all the necessary articles of the best Granite, stone and Blue Liverpool Ware suitable for any sized Dinner or Tea Sets, as may be wanted, together with d variety of Glass Ware, including a fine assortment of Bar and Table Tumblers,— dishes, fortied and other botvls, goblets, wine glasses, lemonades, lamps, &c. The prices tor all of which are fixed at the lowest cash prices. We invite our friends who are in want of articles in our line to give us a call. mnrs J W EBY.. A Voice from the 4, Burnt District:, Monyer's Candy Factory, Rebuilt THE subscriber would respect fully announce to his friends and the public generally, that his Factory Which was destroyed by the late fire, has bean rebuilt, 'and he is now , ' prepared to furnish them with CI3OICE CANDIES, manufactured' of tho best material, whirls he will sell wholesolo. or retail' at the old stand in North Hanover street, a few doors north of the bank, where ho has just opened a general assortment of FRUITS AND NUTS, donsisting of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts,'Pett Mute; &e. He would alsb call attention to his largo assortment of ' - TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, consisting or toys of Glass,Wood, Gum and. , China of,endless varictios.'f In connection with the above, ho has on hand a prime lot;of . FRESH GROCERIES, • consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Toes, Molasses, Spices, Crackers, Matches, Blacking, .4r,c.— Also, a prime lot of CIGARS, of the best, brands.. .The subscriber returns hie einem:et thanks to a generous public for the patronagot-hoefetwed on hint, and hopes by a desire to please to mo• rit a continuance of tho same. Ho would also return [hanks to the Firemen and Citizens for their offtirts to save his property on the night of the late conflagration Carlisle, 00. MONYER FOR RENT.. SEVERAL two story BRICE HOUSES on the north east corner,of the public 4!1111 square in the row known ne,"Harper's itliVl Row." For terms, &c.; inquimof the subieriber. Gn-m vo3l RaRIT. 1 , 4 N Sack Flannels. JUST received 19, general assortment of Col, ored Flannels for Ladies Sacks, to wit—Black. Gray, Blue, Red. Green, Pink and Changges• ble. Also, 'White Woolen and Cotton . Fran . imgreat variety. • W FOR RENT. . ' TIIXT Largo Twol Story HousE,cm • , . corner of. Main .rind Pitt — stream, ~• ' • and opposite the Rail Road Depot • .11111 This houee is , largo and roomy• ;• 4 , Li 1 and having ev,ery conuenienoo. Is - nuked for a boardinghouse. Poesession, given immediately.• • For terms, • which are reasonabio, enquire, at jho pretrili3es. JUST. received new eutiply'of Inteet 'Vie of .ES 0- 4 •,• • "fl. YETTER. ititottlanta tz DRUGST' DRUMS ! DOGS t • - . . . . .• . • r rresh Spring Supply ! • IHAVE just received a frash.steek of Med- Wow!, Points, Glass; Oil, &c., which having been purchased with great car e at the beet city houses; I can confidently recommend to. Families, Physicians, Country, Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh and pare. . DRUG'S. . . Patent Medicines, .Herbsand Extracts, Fine homi eels, Spices, groundand whol.i - Instruments, • , Essences, Pure Essen'l Oils - Perfumery, drc. ' God Liver Oil—Wcrrcinted airtuine., •.' DYE.STIJFFS. • . • Indigoes, II Log and Cam Woods, Madders, Oil Vitriol Sumac Copperas, Alum, Lae Dye• ..'— . " PAINTS.' Wetherill— & Brothei's Pure Lead, Chron— Green and Yellow, Paint and Viii‘nish Brush°. Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpei • tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Red Lead, All of which will be ,sold at the very lowa, market price, Also,a fresh and splendid b soriment of FANCY GOODS, FRUITS Confectionary,urict innunterable - other article calculated for use and ornament, all of are dffered at the lowest cash prices, at tl cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of the sub scriber on North Hanover street. S. W.' HAVEHSTICIt. May 22, ISM. Mr T M OWENS 4St. EXCHARES, Recently from Philadelphia. RESPECTFULLY inform the eitizens Carlisle and its vicinity, that they hav now at their Marble Yardin South ilanovi street, slow 'doors south of the 'Court Heusi and nearly oppoSite A & W Bentz's Store, a elegant stock of pure AMERICAN WHITE :MARBLE, and aro prepared, viexecuto in ❑io:most dnishe• style .111onuments, Tombs, Grave Stones at all prices, Mantles,. • Door and Window Sills, Steps, together with every other article in their line rind promise that in fineness of finish; chaste ness of design and quality of Marble, thei work shall not be surpassed by any,other estab lishment. They are also the authorized agents of : Robert Wood, of Philadelphia. and 'will fu nish from his manufactory all varieties of IRO RAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots an all other purposes,, at the shortest notice and D Philadelphia prices. They will also finish o manufacture all kinds of Building Work, sue as Sills, Steps and Platforms, &c., at the short est notice and on the most reasonable terms, Having had great experience, and being em ployed in the best shops of Philadelphia, the , are therefore enabled to manufacture the mm fashionable work, and respectfully ask a slier of the patronage of Carlisle and the surrountlin 'country. [Carlisle, oov6 1850 i WEIN' WILL HOU SUFFER! THOUSANDS of bottles of the 'AMER.! CAN COMPOUND have been sold dui ing the past year, and was never known - t fail of curing, inn few days, or a certain del , cate disease, Seminal weakness and all disease of the Urinary organs. Persons afflicted usin this pleasant and popular remedy, need.fear exposure, as it lollies no_odar- on the breath requires no restrictions in diet or business contains no Mercury or noxious drugs injpriou to the system, and is adapted to every age, sex or condition. It is also' the beat remedy know. for Fluor Albus or Whites, (female complaint. with which thousands stiffer, without the knee lodge ofn - rerrietly. -- This celebrated reined_ haelong been used in private practice of a phy sicisn and with unerring success, radical) •curing ninety.nine,of tic hundred cases in few days. Around each bottle pre plain an full directions. CAUTION—Ask for the AM ER ICA I' COMPOUND, and purchase only of the Agent Pr ice $1 per bottle. For sale by S. BLLIOTI Carlisle; J. %Vyoth, Harrisburg; R. Williams Columbia; by A. Miller, Lancaster; E. Morn Air. Co., York. = • (January, 15, 1851 REIVICOVBL! STOVE WADI ROODS AND TIN MAN . UFACTORY. 111 HE subscribers desire to inform theirfriend, - t andithic - , public that-they - have -removed their TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY' to the room nearly oppo site their old stand on North Hanover street and mny now be found in their-new and com modious manufactory on the West side of tho said-smea r -a...few-doors...allay c-..Louther_atrent, where they will continue to keep on hand a lull assortment of every kind of Mu, Coirper and Sheet-Iron Wee I whielf - may bo Medal by 'houselebbluirertfird others. Their articles are manufactured by themselvcs,of the best materials, and in point of finish and durability' cannot be surpassed.— They will also-manufacture and repair at the shortest notice all kinds of,Disrilling Apparatus. They will promptly attend to the layinvol TIN ROOFING and HOUSE SPOUTING I in town and country, and on the most reasona ble terms. Every branch of their business will ho carefully attended to with the utmost. promptness. They also keep constantly on hand a large variety of COAL AND WOOD STOVES, comprising every variety of plain ten•plate STOVES, elegant wood and coal air-tight PARLOR STOVES, of the latest styles, COOKING -STOVES of the newest and most improved inventions, -et various prices. which cannot fail to please every taste. They re• spectfufly solicit an examination by the public of their large and varied assortment of stoves. Thankful to the public for favors heretofore extended, and being, determined to relax no exertions to give satisfaction to their custom ers they hope .to merit a continuance of pa tronage. I)::rThe highest cash price will be paid for' old Copper and Pewter. momnis & HERSHEY. Carlisle, March 19, 1851-1 y Fresh Arrival of Hardware. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. EniTAYING just returned. front Now York & DH Philadelphia with the boat and Cheapest 'Stock of HARD WARE,CUTLERY I LD IN G MATERIALS, PAINTS, St.e., ever brought' to Carlisle, I would rose ectfully requee! dealers and consumers and all others' to give mo a call and sea whether they cannot got more and bettor goods for the same money than at .any other place*in town. My stock of Lucite, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes, Glass; PaintsiSlc., is cumpleto and vary cheap. Carpenters' Tools, I have a splendid assort. inent. Also, Cabinet Maker's Tools and Ma• terials ' wiz :—Yrineors, Mahogany, Mil - lora! and Glass Bureau Knobs and• Varnish. SOLDDLERS & COACH MAKERS, can have everything in their line cheaper than ever. .FOR SHOEMAKERS, I have n &tit rate stock of Morocco and Lining Skins, Bindings, Pegs, Thread and Wax, and a superb assortment of Shoot alters Tools. I haveulso a Complete assortment:call:lll's Lasts, made in Harrisburg, which atm he had at no other place in town, and at BON Prices. To gether with an assortment of all kinds of Hain- Meted and Rolled Iron and Steel. Of lloutte keeping Articles, I have Knives. Forks, Spoone r Waiters, Snuffers and Trays, Tara, Buckets, &e. WALL PAPER' I have the largoet, llnntlininniet and Cheapest Assortment in [own.. And to all who want emod-nntl-filp—in- TT NRDWARE,--I would say Goma and bl);.1 'Jr yuta.oth,,s. oet3o P LYNE. 171VIEBRZILLAS & rAxtasoris. SELLING OFF OHBA?. RAYING thioidecl to quit the business, I ell mrefock et very low un tldd.`'Pgrara to B cosi the newest and most desira ble styles. You arelnvited to call and extim • - WM. H. RICHARDSON, ntr6.2nt Ho 104 Market at. Philnds. To Milliners. '7 US T received another, lot 'of Bonne' Fremos of the latestetylo., Also; Bonnet silket Silk and Satin Linings of various colors. ° deoll • • , W. lIITNER. FULIt ussorttne4 of ROPES just received by the subscriber. Also, Gloat'Tubes Tor Saelng . Rods tbr soths chenp by .nuD 2 s ... • . SAXTON (Eitv Staitrtionnento. FIRST PREMIUM Grand and Square PIANOS. ENA.I3,I2CLAZUZLE, • . 071 / a ltufacti4tere, .7.1113. 4, , 6, 8,0 and 11. 'Eutaw Street; 414Ittutore, 'p EA N 0 FORTES, from 4 to 7 octaies, in IL — in -Rosewood, Mahogany and:Walnut cases 'of various styles, with and without iron frames, combining all the improvements requisite to a superior instrument: -" IC. & G: have received from the Maryleind Institute the jyrer premium for their Pianos, in three successive years, 1848, 1849,1850. They have also been honored with numerous testimo• nials from all the, most celebrated artists who have used their instruments. Pianos from their establishment have been used at the concerts os Lind, Herz, Hohnstock, Bishop, Laborde, Knoop, and other eminent performers. They . guarantee durability for five years; under-good caro.'and others all which mar not eat give satisfaction, if appliton be made tldthin , six Months-after delivery. nita , TX' -Their Unnufactory being conducted on the most extensive scale enables tlfem to turdish institunents- at the very lowest , prices, whole sale and retail., Constantly on hand; A. P. Hughes' Melodeons, ranging from $45 to $2OO, for which theY•are solo agents for this city. —January22-.1851-ly Ferf'unkety, Fancy Soap & A'aper Box IVEANUFACTOB.S. 48 Market sired, below Second, Philadelphia. jrl LEGG & - CROMPTON, Manufacturers NU of Perfumery. Fancy Sofipq and Fancy Paper Boxes, respectfully call the attention of the Druggists and Dealers in Carlisle and the Cumberland Valley; to their extensive stock of Goods, comprising Perfumery; , Fancy Soaps, Powders for the complexion, Pellet, &c. &c of every variety. Also, a full and Complete as sortment of Fancy Paper Boxes, of every de scription, large or small, round or square, made to order at the shortest notice. _ . - Don't forget the place, 48 Market street, Philadelphia. All orders will meet with prompt, attention. janls MANE FORTE WAREROOMS, No. 171 CRESNUT STREET, PHIL.RD'a. THE OLD 'STAND, occupied for ,7110 re than ate-third of a century by G. 1171lig, Esq. %VIE undersigned would most respectfully - .L . announce to the Public that he is AGENT for more than twenty' of tile most celebrated manufacturers of 13 OS # ~1 # iToN, NEW YORK, P MLA DELPHIA, and elsewhere ; and s censtantly,receiving from them PIANOS. o the richest and most varied Styles, of supetior tone, and of the most superb finish, of 6. 6.1, 6ii 61-, and rOttaves, - tvhielt 'are warranted equal to any manufactured either in this country or in Europe: Just received, also, olfurther supply. of Church and Parlor Orgasm,, of bountiful patterns and fine tones. Ills WAREROOM is constantly supplied with a choice selection of SERAPHINES and MELODEONS, from the oldest and most ex tensive manulactories in the United States ; 'a mong whicn is a now style of REED ORGAN having Carhari's patent improvements, with gilt ppes in Wont, pad case elegantly carved, and highly-ornamental. Tuning and• Repairing--Sig. Salvador La Grassa, a distinguished Piano Forte 'Manufactu rer and Organ Builder, will attend to all orders. sept4,'so OSCAR C 13 CARTER. PERVUIILEERY DEPOT. • AON'T be deceived. Country Merchants and Dealers who want good and cheap PEIFUMERY and FANCY SOAPS should call upon JOHN T . CLEGG, Perfumer and Chenuat, 48.01arket St., helms 2d, Philadelphia. who has constantly on hand PERFUMERY and FANCY SOAPS of every description, Powders, flair Oils, Oi Marrows, Colognes, llnir Dyes, &c„ &c.' 100,000 persons have read my advertisement in the Public Ledger, hundreds of whom have called and been convinced of-the advantage of purchasing direct from the manafacturer, Agency for Ferran's Circassian Hair Oil, &c. Otders from any part of the United States promptly attended to. , ;attg4'so,ly - JOHN T• CLEGG. ECONCMY IS WEALTH -Efight Light! Pine 011, Camphine gc lYledal Fluid, ArIF acknowletfied superiority and nurity, V/ manufactured and for sale at the lowest Wholesale prices, ,by DAVIS & HATCH, at the old established stand of the late Bova min T. Davis, CAMDEN, NEW ,JERSEY, where orders by mail or otherwise arc solicited, -- .and - promptuttemitm - griven.--The voice-of--the public for fifteen years, and the award of a Silver Medal, and complimentary notice by the Franklin Institute over all competitors, is —sufficient-evidence of the - excellence-of our Oil. alcohol, Pitch, Turpentine, Rosin, and Spit its of Turpentine, for sale Wholesale and Re tail, at the lowest,pricos. Eoct3o J. .717. 1!ESI nur AN UFACtURMRS . and wholesale deaI ersinBROOMS,BASKETSand WOOD WARE, have removed to the largo store lately occapteli by Messrs. Sellers & Da vt`i where they have opened an extensive stock of Eastern and City made BROOMS and IA COD WANE, which they are now soiling ta the lowest manufacturers prices. . - - A full assortment of Aidlea, Prudes, Mat Cordage, &c.. constantly on hand No North Third Street, 3 doors below Race, Ph dolphin j[yl7,'3U P. Simla Iron Railing. MORD di GALLAGHER, Corner of.nidge'Boad and Broad Street, WOULD Call the attentjon of purchasers to their elegant assoftment of Wrought and Cast Iron Railing for • . CEMETERIES, BALCONIES, I VERANDAS, Railing' for- Churches, Public and Private Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with all kinds of Plain and Ornamental Iron Work. , Mire & Gallagher's Book of ORIGINAL DESIGNS, containing the best selection designs that has ever been issued, will be sent loony person who may wish to make a select lion. (1eb19.51_ M. S. OdRDON, PRODUCE; COMMISSION AA D FOR WARDING MERCHANT, , No. 78Noth street, Baltimore. Fr HE Ondersigned, Agent for the , Ponnsplvanin and Ohio Line, being cen trally locate on the Baltimore and Susque hanna Railr ad, klitts made arrangements for transacting a• General Produce ComMision Busineea,, n. connection avit • FORWARDING 'BUSINESS. • and respectfilly . solicits consignments of Whis key, Flour, Dram,-and Country Produce . gatio. rally. Respbetfully, - . L 9 GORDON. , Baltimore, April 2-31055. N. B. Orders for Grocories, Salt, &c.; will be promptly executed.' REFERF.INCES Messrs. John Sullivan & Sons, W. Starr & Banal Thomas J. Carson & Co., John M'Cul• logh & C0....Wy1i0 & Wilson, David Hays & Co., Duvall, Keighler & Dorsey, Miller - end Mayhow,. Turnbull, Dalt & Slade, Robert Garrott Sous,is James George, Baltimore. Messrs. Cyanglo & Co., Wheeling, Va. Messrs.fruit & Thaw, H Grail; Pittsburg. Mr. J. 1 Kerr, Harrisburg. James Cowden, Esq., Columbia. • Messrs. Mulhollan & Ray, Blairsville. Messrs. P. A& S Small, York. • • Messrs./James Steel & Co., Lewis & Butler Philadelphia. ' . , . . . , . ...,., & , avuntszir,Co.,. iLOURiAND PRODUCH - COMMISION . • !,..„ MERCHANT& ,_ 3fisßaltimore St., opposite Eutaw House, ' '. BALTIMORE. ' • . xi, EVITE their whole attention to the sale up Fia r, Grain and Seeds, ,IPhiskcy, Bacon, lard, Bi :kr, Wool. Dried Fruit, C4F., fjc. on the most , reasonable terms., Purposing e soon to remove ,where they, willhave the use of Rail Road track connecting _with the Suismehanna Road; they, now respectfully ,solicit consign 7 meats ovim that road, and will •themselves,pay drayage n , produco to their Wathh,ouse, when received a Woof alarm! , car load or more at a , 1 1 REFERENCES. Siciwart &. Co. „ Mr. Johq . Early, • S o P. Mr. Upton Waallabaugh, Chumbei•sburg. iy2-1111pd , Jusnranct 4gontpcmieo. Tho 'United States Life Insurance • • . Annuity and Tina Company. • . crier Per:pet:tell—Capital ( sr,ss L alit - Suet, tn. THE constant, unsolicited .application for Life' Insurance, gives the - most abundant and gratifying proof that the public mind is deeply impressed with the Nast importance of this subject. The great, object, howev . er, of Insurance should be gaiety, otherwise the whole motive to insure may be disappointed. Too much care cannot be practised in the selection Of an office with which to effect the contract.— The choice should be regulated not by present and constant large inducements, as this, id cer tainly. Incompatible with future benelts. The premiums on life are calculated for thefitture, tl present and prospective benefits therefore are given, the result ultimately, must terminate in litigation, disappointment and ruin. The object aimed at by this institution is stability . pnd pee whitty. The rates of premium have been care fully prepared witlrreference - to fluctuatiOns.— , Tfie cash system of .payments has also been adopted. Unpaid premium rotes constitute no part of the assets of this company, and every contingency being fortified with an ample cap• ital, security stamps tne whole system. This feature, paramount to all other considerations, commends the. company to public favor. Ex planatory pamphlets ;- lilanksr application papers information and every facility will be cheerlully furnished the public by Mr. E. BEATTY,,who has heeniduly appointed agent of this company for Cdrfiberland county. Dr. H has also been appointed Medical Examiner. Directors.—Stephen R. Crawford, Ambrose \V Thompson, BeniaMin . lV Tingley, Jacob L Florence, 'William M Godwin, Paul 13 Goddard Lawrence Johnson, George Wllenry, James Devereux, John L Linton. Prestdent.—Stephen R. Crawford. rice- Pres ident —Ambrose IV. Thompson .t S'ecrenuy Fir '!'ensurer.—Charles G Imlay Actuary.—Manuel Eyre. Cowiset Ef".thiornry.—Thomns Balolo • .34 'dicta E.',ranziner . s. Pauliß Goddard, M.D. William Pepper, M. D. faug7 ly rIRE xwsun.a.riscz THE Allen and Bost Pennsborough Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland county ncorporatcd by an act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and in operation" under the manage ment or the following commissioners, viz: Jacob Shelly, Win R Gorges, Michael Cock in, Molchoir Brenneman, Christian Staymnn, Simon pySter, Jacob Ii Conver, Lewis Byer, Henry Logan, Bonjam& II Musser, Jacob Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wickersham. Tho rates of insuranco mesas low and favora bln as any Company of the kind in the Strite;-- Persons wishing to become members are invitedF to make application to the agents of the comPa ny, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. JACOB SHELLY, Presidait HENRY LOGAN, Vice President. LEWIS LIVER, Secretary MICHAEL COCILLIN, Treasurer. AGENTS Cumbrrienri rountli.:—Rudolph Martin, New Cumberland, C B Herman, litngstown, Henry Zcaring, Shiremanstown, Robert Mow and Charles Bell, Carlisle, Isaac Kinsey, McAllen icsbnrg. Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown. York county.—John Sherrick, Lisburn, John Bowman, Dillsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin John Smith, Esq., Washington, ♦V S Picking, Dover, Danielltaffensberger, J W Craft. Harrisburg.—Houser & Lochman. ' Members iof the company having policies a bout to expire can have them renewed by mak ing application to any of the agents.. gIOCTOR YOURSELF —FOR 2 5 CENTS !! —By means of the - pocket . lsculapius, or, Every one is own Physician ! Twen r-fonrth edition, vith cords of a hundred engra logs, showing private dis .ase ever) shape and wrrr, and malformations r the generative system. tY - The time, has now Ar ,ripg from secret disease 'IC VICTIM Or atrAcKEnv „is contained' in this hook any one - may 'Cure himself, - without hindrance to bu, slums, or the knowledge of the Most intimate friend, and with one tenth the usual expense. In addition to the general routine of private disease 'it fully explains the cause of manhood's early da cline, wttli observations on marriage—besidee many other derangements which it would not by proper to enumerate in the public priets. fa'Altyperson sending TWENTY-Fltr. CENTS, - Miclos - ed iu a lettei; - ail! receive one copy adds book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one Millar. Address, "DR. \V. YOUNG, No. 152 S PRUDE Street, PIIILABLEPIIIA” Post-paid. YOUNG can be consulted on any 01 the DiSeases prescribed in his different publioa ..ions,.aLhis_olliees.,.l.32__S_PßU_CE_streel, el/O). day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sunday s excepted. May I, Ibso. - SUPERIOR FRESH GROCERIES ! Call and See before Purchasing, elsewhere"! raIHE subscriber is just receiving and oenp- II e.t his Cheap Family Grocbry and Quecnsware Store in West Main street, Car- lisle, a very large assortment of all the arti cles in his line of business. Rio Coffee from 12 to 14 cents per pound, for good, to a strictly prime article. - Also, Brown Sugars of the best quality, from 7 to 9 cents per pound, Lovering!s best crushed and pulverized Sugars from 10 to 12 1,2 cents per pound, N. 0. Sugar House 'and Syrup Moles. see of all grades from 32 to 624 per gallon.—, Also, a supply of fresh ground SPICES of all kinds, warranted pure. SOAPS, Fancy, Cas tile, Rozin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, pul verized Salaratus, Indigo, Mould and Dipped Candles, Common and AVinter Strained Whale Oils. Also, a supply of fresh Hominy, cheese from the best Dairies always on hand. Fancy sewing, traveling, clothes and market Baskets, together with a general assminient of Chew ing and smoking Tobaccos, Spanish tinclitalf -SpaniSli - Cigars, Common do., ropes, twines, and Brushes of all kinds. - - - CEDAR W A R E.--Housekcepeis, and others expecting soon to embark in the same business, please call and examine my stack-of Wash tubs, Wash Rubbers,, Churns, Cedar Buckets, fancy, painted and varnished Buckets, Brooms, &c., St.e. GLASS AND 'QUEENSWARE.—The subscriber has just added to his already large stock a number of tyliite - Granne, Gold Figur ed, Blue, Marble, Flowing Blue and Mulber ry 'Pea Sets, of 48 pieces. Also. Plates and Dishes, Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, Syrup Bottles, &c. of every description and price so that he will he able to meet the wants and means of all i he community-who-may-favor htm with a calf. mars J D HALBERT, FILMIC GROCERIES! A NEW supply of fresh Coffees, White and Brclyn Sugars, Spices of all hinds, ground and 'unground, with all the other varieties of a Gro coryiStore, Including also a new supply 0116/- kin's 11'0. 1 Quality of FINE GREEN & BLACK TEAS, in metallic packs of quarter, half and pound packages from 5O to 51,50 per pound, as also n the bulk. All just opened and for salout the store of [ml2] a J W EBY. ' Patent Starch Polish. • 1161011. giving a beautiful gloss to Linens, Mus. .112 lins, Eollars, &c., and prevents. dust from sticking to Linens, &c. It contains, nothing injurious. Just received by . G W lIITNER. BOOTS 0. SHOES. JUST received a largo, assortmerda Men Women and Children's Boots and Shoes, WO, is' Double Soled Buskins and 'Jenny, Lind Shoes, which I can sell very cheap. 10ct23 - N\V WOODS, Ae.t.' ' • SALT. /2m, SAcics OF SALT receiving and e_P for sale cheap at the ware house of deci 8 -. W 13 MURRAY, Ag't. ilk. 8. SIVITILMR, k : No. 8 Market Street, dear the Bridge, • HARRISBURG. , EALER IN .TIN NEWS lit* " f• CHINES,\ HAND TOOLS , .rrom the most celebrated Eastern Manufactories. I Furnished at Menai-new • e • - [haars-3m . • • Ohildrepit Stockings, • A.FULL asi m emont 'of White and. Mixed Morino Hose of all sizes for Children.— .Also, Ladiee Hose in gloat variety just opened G W Brushes! Brushes! •• , • A great- variety of these useful articles lie feied for sale,'donsisting of Whitewash, Swett's' ing,Scrubbing, Paiiiters, loth, Shaving, Hair, Tooth and ; Nail Flesh and Grainingltruithes in great variety , all of which are of the host qua ty . and will be sold at the lowest prices Juno. G.. • - s ELT I err'P Aleaclnes. GREAT COUGH REVIEW, TAT NE 9 S s ILL CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Cure of COUGFTS, COLDS, rcoAßpEisrmss, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH.; DIA, WHOOPING -COUGH AND COATSUIVIPTION. In offering to the community this Ostly cele brated remedy- for diseases of - the throat- and lmmo, it is not our wish to trifle with the 'Jive or Cealth of the a flrcted, but frankly to lay be fore them the opinions oh distinguished men and some of the evidences of its success, from which they can judge for themselves. We sincerely pledge our selves to make no wild assertions or (id se statements of its efficacy, nor will. we hold out any hope mincing humanity which facts_will toot warrant. Many proofs are here given, and we solicit an inquiry from the publib into all, we publish,feel. ing assured they will find them perfectly reliable and the medicine worthy their best confidence, and patronage. FROM patronage. SILLIMAN. Mv..D.,1” L. D. Eee Professor of Chemistry, ineraology,&e., Yale College, Member Off-the Lit., Ifist.,Med. l'h.lo. and Seism. Societict of America and Europe. "1 - diem the CHERRY. PECTORAL an ad mirable composition from some of the best ar ieles in he Materia Modica, add a very effect ive remedy for the class of diseases it is intend ed to core." New Haven, Ct., Nov. 1,1849. Prof CLEVELAND, of Bowdoin College, Me. Writes—" I have witnessed the enacts of your 'CHERRY PECTORAL' in my own faintly and that of my friends, and it gives me satisfaction for state in its faVor that no medicine I have ever known has proved so fill/inently successful of curing diseasei - of the threat and lungs." REV. DR. OSGOOD Writes —"That he considers 'CHERRY PEC TORAL' the best medicine for Pulmonary affec tions ever given todhe public," and states that "his daughter being obliged to keep the room four Months with a severe settled cough, accom .ponied by raising of blood „night Sweats, and the attendant symptoms of consumption, commenoed the use of the 'CHERRY PECTORAL' and bad completely recovered." HEAR, TIIP, PATIENT Dr. Ayer—Denr Sir: Foe two years I was afflicted with a very severe cough, accompanied ho spitting of•'blood and profuse night sWeats',,, T .- By the advice of my attending .physician I„was induced to use your CHERRY PECTORAL, and continued to do so till I consideyed myself cured, and ascribe t h e etli et to your preparation. JANIES RANDALL. Ilamtv'en as. Springfield, Nov. 27..1848. This day appeared the above named James Randall, and pronounced the above statemens true_in every respect. • — LORENZO NORTON, Justice. TILE REMEDY THAT CURES. PORTLAND, MC. Jail. 10,1847. Dr. Ayer I have been long afflicted with Asthma which grew yearly worse until -last au tumn, it,brought on a cough it loch confined me in my chamber, and began to assume the alarm ing symptoms of consumption. I had tried the best advice and the best medicine to nopurpose, until I used your CHERRY 'PECTORAL, which has cured me, and you . may well believe me.— Cratefully yours. _ • 3. D ; PHELPS. If there, is any value in the jpalgmest of the wise, who speak from experience, here is 11 med icine worthy of the public confidence. • • PREPARED Ii J. C. AYRES, CHEMIST, LOWELL I= Sold by 1)r. Rawlins, S. A. Hubbard & Dr. S. Elliott, Carlisle; 1)r. Ira Day, Mcielutniesburg; .1 11. Herron, Newyille; .1. C. &V. B. Altick Ship pposburg; and druggists generally. DR., DUELER'S Celebrated Farnily Medicines. It concerns every one. Cholera' can be cured Dr. Keeler's Sarsaparilla Panacea- For , the removal and permanent cure of al Diseikses ariaing- from an impUre— staff of the Blood andleabit ' • of body. The All-wise Creator has implanted in all organized bodies tin_inrinie disposition to self preservation. The •ital powers possess the property of resisting the influence of external Call.* but as the' BLOOD is the common par bulum from which all parts of living matte derives its renovating elements, and consequent ly, upon which the life of organized beings de, pend,•it is probable that in cases of accident, or where artificial means have been employed o epffve"Trorifn essenfilirproperty, The viteT effects of theArhole system will be directed to. ward restori4 to it that property. In all con stitutional and hereditary affections, this- field has undergone some primary alteration, which is-the cause of the special disease, or which ea sentiallreontributed to its production. Resta • ration to health can only be obtained by a re . moial of the morbific cause through the medi urn of the 'circulation, and Dr. Keeler's Sarsa parilla, is the most powerful modifier of agent effecting this fluid koown.• See pamphlets. • Blackwoodlown, N. J.. June 6,1848. Dr. Keeler—Dear Sir: I am eillirely . out of your Panacea. I was called upon day before yesterday for half a doon. Your medicine is becoming very popular where ll,have introduced it, and I think the more it is used the more pop ular it will get. Respectfully yours', •,• War. PARIIAIE, M. D. '•-=•For details, certificates, &c., see circus lars, Sec. Price $1 per bottle, largo size, 6 bot tles 65 DR. KEELER'S COUGH SYRUP. Among all the remedies. before the public , this stands pre-eminent in incipient consump tion, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Asthma, Spitting or Blood, and for all affections of the pulmonai y organs occasioned by cold. Too much praise , cannot be bestowed upon this remedy, and the proprietor urges everyone afflicted with any of the above complaints to secure it at once. It ,is warranted to cure or no pay. Price only 50 cents. DR:,KEELER'S CORDIAL AND CARMI NATIVE. Every family:whether rich or poor, who val ues health and all its blessings, should have this invaluable remedy at hand. It is infinitely the best remedy_ known for Diarrheea,.Dysentery,. Cholera Illorbus, Cholera. Infantum, Cholic, Flatulency, griping pains, cramp, etc., and, for all diseases of the stomachl and bowels caused by Teething., The numerous testimonlala from Physicians and others unsolicited has given it • reputation as firm as adamant. g' - Price 25 cents per bottle. • DR. KEELER'S VERMIFUGE SYRUP. • This remedy is pleasant to the taste, harm. less to the patient end all powerful in removing all kinds of worms, from the body:. It is with out doubt, the cheapesit and best worm destroy ing medicine before the public, and will if ad ministered according to directions, remo4 them within five or six hours after taken. Tim dose is small, and each bottle sontainstwice as much as'similarremedies.• • Price only 25 cents per bottle. , DR. KEELER'S LIVER AND SANATIVE - -•, " Although not:recommended os . a name yet they are the mildest and best ririned,o to re. Move Constipation, Jaundice, Dpmepsia, icasneti's, Nervoinness, Foul Stomach, • Hpad• ache, Indigestion, etc. Ulike other Purgative medicines they leave the boivelsalways relaxed and consequently ere the prnper medicine- for for females and persona • leading u solitary life. Price 25 . emits. • • • DR. KEELER'S' RHEUMATIC LOTION A justly celebrated external application for Pains °film Chest, Neuralgia, Headache, Spr'ne Bruises, Tic Doloreux, Swellings of the Joints, Rlieumntisin, Gout, sciatica and for all diner . ders wherein a sedative and rubefacient sly Is applicable. Pries twenty-five cents pet bottle. • -All of the above' celebrated and extensively tiled medicines, are prepared and 1- 4 / 4 Whole,. • sale and Retail, at 294 MARICET bTßEETPhiladelphia. ~ ' For sale by S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle • 4. G. Miller,Dieliinsom• Measre. Altick, Slappena bmgJ. F. Spahr, Mechaniasbiwg, M. 131 trier, Shiaemanstown. and . In every town throughout the county and'State. (January 14,1851 CITTRATE OF , MAGNESIA.—An hgroo• ll able and mild refrigerant and laxative, or aalo by 111.IBBAR • (1)1[11" &. WATER prom LAKWS Fire and Water Proof NAINT, 111 :which has boon So.,extensively used for, the last six years'with thb 'utmost &unease on the' roofs of ITml=rs, .c-, . n .1.,• I. . t, For t.:110 . 1 . 11. Aliocellancouo. Price Reduced ! VAUGHN'S LITHONTRFenO IMMURE! Largo Bottles—Only One Dollar. The Proprietor of the Greet American Remedy " Venom(' VIOZT/BLE LITIIONTRIPTI9 MIXTUAL." induced 1 , 1 tie argent milcitations orbit A g ent., throughout the Unita . Otataa and Canadi, has now Reduced the Price of kin minuter and well known article; and from We date weefortb, he will put up but oni Mae only,—ltle you ;Mlles : —the rata Pricw will be ONE DOLLAR, The public tnny rest word that the character of the Midi line, .atrenarth, and euratire properties' -wit'. Ramat /NCUARGIND, and the acme litre will be bestowed in pm tering it lie lienetofenr. • midleine, under its reduced price, will be purchase ty those who have not hitherto made themselves ■onrsainte with its virtues, the proprietor would beg to intimate, that hi article is not to be clawed with the vast amount of " Remodir of the day ;" it claim. for itself a greater Are/in power, ell diseerau, than any slier preparation ' Ella before to trld; and has ousteinso `twit for eight yews by its outwit •edical virtue., and, until tiax reduction, commanded doubt ho Price of any other article in this line. NOTICE PARTICOLA.I.Ly, tide article ,asts with great hoa, at power and certainty, upon the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lunge,end all other organs, upon the promi agion of which lila an lealth depend. • This medicine has a .iestly high repels u a remedy for Dropsy and Gravel, wad all dieerwee of that nature. It may be Yelled now whe :he intelligent phyeletan has abandoned hie patient, and fi Immo dietrewing dimmed, more especially DROPIST, the props .(or would earneetly and honestly recommend It. At t *resent price Ms eerily obtained by all, and the trial will pro, the article to be the Cheapest Medicine in the 'World sZirr Flame aeli forpamphlets-- the agouti give them awl) , they oontain over eixteen.Pagee of receipts,. (in addition to to medical matter) valuable for houeehold purposes, and:wlite will save many doller per year to practical lioneekapen. Thew receipts aro introdudei to make die book of grm value, snide from its character man advertising medium ft ikto medicine, thetcetiinony in favor of which, in the form 'lnters from all parte of the eountry, - may be relied upon. Vanghn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture Great. American Remedy, now for elle in quart bunion as • each, small bottles at 50 ots each. No small hada will Issued alter tfl6 meant klock is dimposed of. Principal Office, Buffalo, N. V., 207 Main Street, G. C. VAUGHN. Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT McKESSON I CO.. 10 Maiden Leen, New York City. N. 11.—All letters (excepting from agents and dealers wit whom he tnineacle beelines) mast be poet Pahl, or no atlantic nil be given to them. S W flavarstlck, Carlisle, J C Gl3 Altick, ShippenslitTi'g, Russel & Dice, Dickinson, J h Spahr. hiechaniesqurg, A H Zager, Kingstown. • Octl6 Valuable School Books, ibUBLI SHED BY THOMAS, COW PETIT r WAITE & CO., 253 MARKET STREET, PHIAL/U.I 3 MA, and for sale by all the book sellers in the United Stales : MITCHELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY,' An easy introduction to the study of I;eogra phy, designed for children, and completely il lustrated by 120 engravings and lb colored map 9. MITCHELL'S INTERMEDIATE GEOGRAPHY—, ! The text, the exercises the illustrations, and the forty beautiful maps are printed together in one quarto volume. .MITCHELL'S SCHOOL GEC/GRAMS' & ATLAS, a system of modern Geography, comprising a dem iption of the present state at the world and its'five great divisions. Embellished with nu merous ervavingx and illustrated by an excel lent Atlas containing 28 handsome and accurate colored mapi. This series of Geography by S. Augustus Mitchell has been. wholly or partly introduced into the public and pritale schools. of all the principal, cities and towns of the Utii ted States ; had after n full and fair trial of its merits in these schools, it has received an almost universal recommendation. MITCHELL'S ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY £k ATLAS An ancient, classical and sacred CeograPhy, embellished - with engravings of remarkable events, views of. (ine}t cities, etc., and accom patied Ify' anchmt: Atlas cantmining 1.2. beautiful colored maps. MITCHELL'S ATLAS OP OUTLINE MAPS Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School Ger,- raPhy, with Maps and embellishments. Alkali Ps Key to the Biddy of Mims. and Catcalls Key'to Mitchell's Geography, are excellent and popular books, and are becoming very exten sively used in the best schobflof our country. GIMENE'S Flan. LassoNft N GRAMMAR, batrea upon the construction and analysis of sentences; designed as ea introduction to the." Analysis." - GREENE'S ANALT9§—A u the (trues turn of the English language, with inustradont nnd ex'creises adapted to the use of schools, by Samuel S. Green, A. M., Principal of the Phelps Grammar School, Boston. These books Inve already in the short time the}'have-beerrimblisbed 7 obtaifird-a-very-irc.. tensive eirculatien, having been introduced into the, public schools of Boston,' Baltimore, Pills. burg, Cincinnatti, St. Louis, Vicksburg. and otlafe - cititasi aiartoWtia, and •reeommeiiiltal by those who have tried' them is their schools, as witbout question the best English Grammars in existence. SWAN'S SCI - TOOL RP.ADER'S NIE PRIMARY SCHOOL Re:torn—Part Ist is intended for beginners. R contains a lesson upol each of the elementary sounds of die lan guage The Primary School Reader, part .2d, contains exercises in articulation, arranged in connection with easy rending lessons. The Primary Reader, part 3d; is de3igned for the first class in Primary Schools, and the lowest OA in - Grammar Schools. • - ' tiE GRAMMAR SCHOOL REIDT.H., is designed for the middle chin in Grammar Schools, and Sustains exercises in nrtieulation arranged in 'connection With reading lessons TILE DISTRICT SCHOOL ILEADINS, is design for the highost classes in . public private Schools. It contains exercises hf artictilation, pauses, and inflections of the voice with ouch rules and suggesstions as arc deemed useful. TILE INSTRUCTIVE RNABEIL ; or a Course Reading on Natural h istory; Science and Lite rantre designed for schools. - THE SPELLING -BOOK. Consisting of words in columns and sentences for oral and written exercises. It is a complete and systemntlu series of in English orthography. This highly popular.series of rending books, and this spelling book Lucre compiled by 11Ir. ”drh.D. Swan, of Boston, and judging from did mind introduction into schools which they have obtained in the Eastern and Middle States and in many of . the 'Western' and Southern States, we think they are really better adapted to the wants 'Of teachers rind scholars _than any other yet published. The publishers have a very large number of recommendatiOns from public school .committees, teachers and-others friehely-to-edu cation. FROST'S HISTORY OF THE U. STATES One vol., 12. no for high schools mid acade mies. The same-Aral: cond.msed and simplified ov common schools, .1 vol. 18 mo. JARVIS'S PFACTIL PIILSIOI.OOV ' rov the use of schools - mid families, 1 vol. 11 mu. with engniviegs. PRIMARY l'HisroT,oov i same author, 1 vol. 18 100., ' F/ttsr tioo:t na Antnuaritc,liy F.A..Adams, intended .fer primary and common schools. • . ARITHMETIC IN TWO PARTS By the same author. Part-first—advanced lessons' in mental' arithmetic ; part BUCQIIII— rules and examples for practice in written nritlr metie; for common and high schools • .A...lCcy,to examples for practicp in written mritemetic, for the use 'of teachers, by the male Autlmm. These nrithmeties halo scoured very itighi . recommendations from teachers of schools and academies; and fecal professors in-several of one colleges, and from-others interested in the cause 'of education in various sedtiono of the Union. , T. C. & lso publish many other, School " flasks, which Co.,jl tere is riot room to enumerate here, besides Law., Medici!, .Theological and i scellaneous Books, and they are fully preps• red to answer orders for books-in every depart-' moot of knowledge. 'Booksellers, School Con. .mittees, and otherSisupplfed on the '.moit. , fitvor.. able thyme . (sept 25, '5O-Iy.) CHURCH, LEE ",,AND • FEEMAR ... .12A' TgraDaMIXEI JO`a ' . A NI! 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