Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 21, 1851, Image 3

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    .Ict At-.-zmcmganzm)
At i‘lechanicsburg, on Thursday last, by the
.1 ,he N. Huffman, Mr.: Lovi Zigler; of
:.:4 Jliddtcton, to Miss FuntirMartenq;
U 1
. - •
la.mden. .
On . Tuesday list, by the same, Mr. Joseph
Newcomer, to Miss Fanny Snell, both Of Sil
verspring township.
On Alio same day, by the snore, Mr. John
Ward, of North Middleton, to Mist Jane Aun
G smun,of Sibrersprint township.
On Friday,the 16th inst., William 8..- 1
roy, of New ville, at an advanoed pp./.
CEI)e 1/lark-eta,
C...nismag, 'Wednesday, May 21.
Butter- -plenty at 12a . dents. Eggs—not ve
ry plenty=sold at B.and 9 cents. Potatoes—.
50 cents a bushel. Chicken —sery smallspeo
linens, 20 cents a pair. Green Peas— , 3l cents
a peek, brought from the South. Lettuce,
onions, radishes, rhubarb, dried fruits, &c. &c.
quite plenty and sold according to various
qualities. •
Philadelphia N. American Office
Weekly'Review, May 10, 1851. f
REMARKS.—There has only been a moder
ate business 'done in most of the loading arti
cles of .produce during the last weelc., Cotton
and Breadstuffs have been further depressed
by tho late foreign news, and prices generally
are lower, artlaularly of the former article,
which i oiling at very irregular rates. .
FL R AND MEAL-'---The decline in Flour
noticed at the, close of last week, induced very
little nativity in the demand, and the' market,
with a very limited inquiry, closed dull at our
lolvest figures, ,the week's sales only reaching
some 50096000 bbls for export at $4,25 for
standing superfine, $4,311054,87?,, for selected
and choice brands, and $4,68rel bbl for extra.
The home trade-have also been operating to a
limited e , it,ent_within the above range of quo
tations; including fancy brands at $595611
bbl. Corn Meal is dull, and with a limited in
quiry, about 2000 bbls Frenn'a Meal wore tn. -
ken for shipment,- mostly at $2,7511 bbl.—
Rye Flour is scarce and in demand, and about
1-100-bbs sold in lots, mostly at $3,37193,44,
closing at 3,6018 hbl,,,which is in advance.—
The inspeetibas for the week ending. May 15th
are 18,531 Ws Flour, 175 half bbls d 0,863
bbs llie_Flour, 2031 do Corn Meal, 100 half
bbls and 30 !Olds 'do.
DRAlN—There is not much Wheat arriv
ing, but with only a small milling demand,
Most of the receipts have been stored, and
sales only reach about 18,000 bushels at 05®
079 for_reds_and 100 .9101c:for. prime white,
mostly of the latter description. We quote
the market full to-day at our lowest figures,
afloat. Rye is about steady, with' sales of
(50009700 bushels Penn'a at 709. Corn has
been in good demand at a further slight de-,
and over 60,000 bushels have been ta
lcen for shipment, part to arrive, at 629 629
for Delaware and h'enn'a yellow, afloat, inclu
ding some lots in store at higher rates. Oats
are, in moderate request with sales of 10,0000
12,000 bushels at 449 or Penn'a, and 41 429
for common and good Southern.
Don't believe it, but call on N. 33. Pyott 1 5.
Kent, General Lump Manufacturers', No: 64
SOCAII SECOND Street, and judge for yourselves.
We will not only sell every article in our lino
as cheap as any other establishment in the
country, but we can, and will furnish better
articles for the money than can be purchased
elsewhere. We have constantly on hand the.
largest Variety and Handsomest Assortment of,
LAMER of all kinds: Stich ns Dyott's Patent
Pine Oil Lamps (their supericrity over all oth
ers is so universally conceded, thelt it is use
less to say anything of their merits;) Solar,
Lard and Oil Lamps ; Fluid Lamps; Candle
bras ; Fluid Girondoles, (a now • ornament for
the mantle;) Boquet Holders, all of new de
signs and patterns; Chandeliers of all sizes,
to burn Pine Oil, Fluid, Lard and Sperm Oil,
suitable for churches, Odd Fellows' Halls, and
in fact all places where light is required.—
Our goods pro manufactured by ourselves, und
finished in the best possible manner, in Ormo .
in, Gilt, Silver, Bronze and Damask, Pine Oil,
Burning Fluid, Wicks and Glass, &c.; Sze. at
the lowest market prices, wholesale and retail
Housekeepers and Merchants will find it their
interest to call on us, before purchasing, and
examine our stock and prices. M. B. - DYOTT
—:&-gEsz_Llunp..._Nannincluzers,_No. 64 South
Second Street, one door below Chesnut, Street
—To those afflicted with this distressing dis
ease, we would, as friends and neighbors, say
one word in favor of the above medicine. Just
as sure as you try these Bitters you will be
relieved at once, establishing in the end a per
manen't cure. This is saying a good deal in
favor of patent medicines, yet we mean it.,—
Theusands have been cured by these Bitters,
and hundreds are cured weekly. It conquers
that distressing complaint—cures the distress
ed, and causes perfect health. Any one being
afflicted with that tyrannical monster, should
not fail in granting this invaluable medicine a
faithful trial. Thgl,,.Circulars, containing the
Certificates of Remarkable Cures, and the high
estimation in which this Medicine is„ held by
the public press, can be had of the Agentl3,
free. Principal Office, 122 Fulton street, N.
Y., up stairs. Sold in Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT.
uS.Price 50' cents per bottle.
New' 'Abuertiscinints;----
THE subscriber lias•just opened a general
assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods,
suitable to the season, among which may be
found a most splendid assortment of
such as forego Do Laines, Barnes, Poplins,
Silk Tissues,French and Scotch Lawns, Plain
and dotted wiss Mullins, Silk and Linen Lus•
tree, Ginghams, English Chintzes, &c. A full
assortment of Bonnet Ribbons,
Lace Gloves
and Mite. Kid, and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hand
kerchiefs in great variety, Lined andTlnin Par
abols, Wide Silk TruhmisgLaces, Worsted La
ces, Ribbon / Dress Trimmings, Bonnet Caps
and Puffins, with a general assortment of Mil—
linery Goods. , •
Mac2l,'sl. . G. W. HITNER.
N. B. An experienced salesman wanted im•
A valuable LAW LIBRARY, belonging to
Judge Drandebury, and consisting of most of
the Pennsylvania Reports and a number of oth
er standard Law' Works, will be sold very low •
to:any person purchasing tho lot. The books
can be seen and the prices ascertained by call
ing at the office of W. M. PEN R osg, Esq.,
in Main Street, Carlisle,
The.Univeirsal Refrigerator
— . The subscriber wOuld.invite the citizen's 'to
examine the Universal Refrigerator with Wu
ter'Filier ajtached, which may be seen at his
Yesideneo,'.now in operation, and can be fur
nished at city prices, thereby saving freight,
May 21;'511. G W MTNER.
Dr. GEORGE z l .murrz,
•ILL perform n 1
-'lo VatittiV: 7:•\;Ce v
oper . ntlone upon the
, teeth that may be re
required for their.pretliervation. Arliacial teeth
inserted, from a single t00th.46 an entire set, on
the most BelinliiflO principles. Diseases of the
mouth and irrebtilarities carefully treated. Of
fice at the rpsidence of his bfother, Gn th,
Pitt Street, Carlisle.
Adams & Cots. Express,
rpm: business comMunily and public gene—
rally ate infortned that. the proprietors
have made arrangements for "ti DAILY Ex.
PRESS LINE over the Cumberland Valley
Rail Road'. All goods delivered at the office
in Philadelphia or Baltimore before 10 o'clock
at night wilt roach Carlisle by. the Morning
may 7
HE' subscriber, Assignee of Daniel Heck,
, of Lower • Allon township, Cumberland
county, hereb;yr nolifiea, all persona having,
claims againsisaid estate toband than irt with
out delay, in order:that the ,estaib - may he sot.
tied up. • • • .
muy7Pd4t C. EBER:LY.
J '
- New '2tbattisenients.
bonnets: ~, l ilotmetit
Mrs. .M. N V FF-'ll a g opened a splendid as
sortment of Spying and Fancy lllMlnory,,
Her stock consists of Straw and Fancy Silk
Bonnets; Childtkin's Hats, Ladies Dress ..,aps,
and en as(ortment of Fancy Goodsoepabracing
in part;
. ..
, ZRibbons, ' • ' • Crap's Shawls,
~ Flowers,
: Parasols,
' Bonnet Caps, Cornetts,
Collars, • • Dress Silks,
• Combs, " Capes, ,
' Curls, Sleeves,• ' .
Hair Braids, "ST. ,
Bonnets altered in:the neatest and most fash
ionable manner. Please call and examine . my
stock. [my7] . M. N EFF.
THE subscriber has .just received a - large
I;;L itt ' 6. supply of BOOT S & SHOES,
for Spring and Summer Wear,
• which mikes his assortment very
It comprises' Gentlemen's French Calf Skin
and Morocco Boots, Congress GaitersOack-,,
son Boots, Men's, Boys' and Youths' Enam
elled Congress Boots, Calf Skin, Goat and
Kip Brogans, Morocco Boots, Slippers, &c
Also, Ladies' Misses and Children's Gaiters,
Buskins, Ties and Slippers. Every effort will
be made to please the citizens of town and
country, who are respectfully solicited to con
tinue their patronage.
' Carlisle, may 7 WM M PORTER.
From Barnum% American Museum,
THE great French Moving Dioramic repre
sentation of Emperor NAPOLEON'S' FUN
ERAL will exhibit at the EDU CATION
HALL on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings, MAY 26th, 27th and 28th, 1851, and
on Wednesday - afternoon, May 28th?
This Magnificent 'Spectacle was gotten up
by-fhe first artists in France. expressly for Mr.
ißarnum'e Museum in 'New York, at an ex•
ponso of six thousand dollars. It is not a paint
ng, but consists of n combination of Mechani
cal and Artistical skill.
be in attendance.
Doors open at 7—to commence" at 8 o'clock.
ikrAdmissipn 25 cents.
mayi G W NICHOLS, Agent.
John 13 Perry • _
14 7 00
Henry Snider 14 7 00
John Ernest, liquors 14 10 50
Rohert Snot:Wass 12 12 50
Valuable Real Estate For Sale. Edward Schuil 147 00
'THE subscriber will sell at private sale the
following Real Estate, the property of the wi
dow and heirs of the late Dr. McCosltry, dec'd•
to wit: Allthose two full I,OTS of GROUND
• ' situate on the north side of Main
street, in the borough of Carliple,
and numbered in, the genel'al
I plan of said borough Nos. 21'
and 221, having thereon erected
a double brick DWELLING HOUSE, with
back buildings and a brick stable. There is a
verrsuperior garden Yin the -premises; contain—
' ng the choicest kinds of fruit and shrubbery,--
A perfect title, clear of all ineumbrances will
b e given to the . purchasdr, Persons wishing
to buy can learn the terms of sale by opplica.
lion to W M BIDDLE,
Attorney in feet for the Widow and heirs.
purchassd by the undersigned, and the
highest market price paid in Cash. Also, good
Family Flour and Mill Food of different kinds
for sale on reasonable terms. Apply at the
Farmer's Mill (formerly Good' Hope,) West
Pennsgorough township, Cumberland county.
Carlisle. Deposite Bank,
May 6, 1851. '
THE Board of DireCtors of this Institution
have this day declared a dividend of THREE
PER •C-EN'l'. for the last six months on the
Capital Stock paid in T which will be paid to the
stockholders or their legal representatives on or
after the 19th inst.
may? AVM- Ai BEETEMY CaShier.
O, it came o'er my car like the sweet South,
That breathes upon a bank of violets,
Stealing end giving odor.
Several hundred pieces just received from
Lee & Walker's, and sold at city prices. ,A
liberal discount made to those who buy by the
quantity. Call at RAWLINS' next door to the
P. 0. Imay7
'ComoJet me make a sunny-realm.nround thee
Of thought and beauty. Here are books-, 1 .
A fine assortmentjutit received—Historical,
Poetical and Religious, at RAWLINS', Main
at. Carlisle. Arrangements era made by which
Sabbath Schools can be furnished at Publishers
TrIURSUANT to an order of the Orphans'
ilE__Court__of_Berk.s_ count.Y.,ldll_W Sold_at
Public Vendue on MONDALY,_the fjth day
of June, A. 13.0.851, at the house of Isaac
Liv'ngwood, in Amity township, said county,
it being part of the premises to be sold, A cer
tain messuage, tenement and trnct of-land,
situate in said township and county, bounded
by lands of Jacob Kline, Charles Griesmoyer,
Reading, and Perltiomen Turnpike, Hannah
Royer, Samuel Wetzel, and the river Schuyl
kill, containing 74,1 ACRES, -including the
space laken up by the Railroad. The imprpve•
rrents are a Iwo story stone WEL
:aaa ING HOUSE, and two Te ant Hon
''• 5 ses, Spring House, over a ne er-failing
spring of water. Also, a pump of eater near
the door, a stone Barn, and other out-build
ings, Apple Orchard, and other fruit trees.
Also, a tract of CLEARED LAND,
situate in said Amity township, and county a
foresaid, 'bounded by lands of Abraham and
Charles Gtsldin, Jacob Hartranft, Catharine
Cleaver,:wife of Thomas Rady, Samuel Weit—
zel, and Reading and Perkiomen Turnpike,
and Charles Greismoyer, containing 71 ACRES
and 124 PERCHES Also, a tract of WOOD
LAND, situate in Amity township, said coun
ty, bounded by lands of George Dangler, R•
.Bover, Samuel Ache, and land of Moses Yo
cum, d'd. ' - Catharine Roily, now the wife of
Thomas Rudy, and jacob Hartranft, contain
ing Seven Acres and Five Perches.
Also, another tract of WOODLAND,
situate in some township and' county, bounded
by lands of Samuel Ache, Henry Boyer, Catha
nne7Cleaver. wife of Thomas Rady, Jacob"
Glefger, Jeremiah Hine, and land of said Mo
ses Yocum, doc'd., containing FOURTEEN
Also, one other tract of WOODLAND
situated in Earl township, said county, bound.
ed on the north by landdi - of Henry Arms on
the east bS' land late of Jacob Weaver, and .on
the south and west by lands late of -David
Ludwig, containing TEN ACRES and twenty
four . Porches. . '
Also, one other tract of WOODLAND
situate in same .township and county, bounded
by lands of Samuel Francis, George and Jacob
Kline, and Abraham P. Ludwig, containing
TWO ACRES and ,thirty-one _perches.
Also, one other tract of WOODLAND
situate in Union township, saidcounty, bound
ml by lands of Henry Kupp and'othera,sontain•
Late the property of Mimes Yocum,
• Sale to commence at 1 t o clock in the fore:
noon, when attendance will be given andlerms
Made known by
By order of.thet Court,
• Wet. W. DiOnt, Cl'k.
Readiig, May 7 to. _
ALL persons indebted to the estate of Hen
ry Church, dec'd., era Irequested to , call
on the subscriber at the Mike of Church, Lea
& Feeman, Lumber Merchants, in New Cum—
berland and settle tliffeame wilhout delay, as
a further indulgence cannot be given
may7tf , • Adm,r.
To the Ladlesl—Wlll M PORTER would
respectfully inform, the Ladies that he lies
fitted up the room 'recently occupied •by Miss
Betsey Kbrnnit, next'ilicr to the old stand ass
where they will find n we k selected assortment
of gaiters, buskins, ties, slippers, from the best
manufactories in. Philadelphia, and also o 1 his
own rrilter, to which their attention is iniritt d.
Carhsle, may 7 • —*AM OWN .4
Linen Drilling
- A goneral morlment of while and 'colored
Ulm Drillinga foelMen and Boy's .wear, just
recaived by ~(May, 2.1,'51) G
Bonnets and Riblionii.
WE havo just rocoived our third supply of
to which wo invite the 'attention of the ladies.
may 7 " 1,, ,A &'W BENTZ. •
JUST rgeoive!tl'leOtt supply of the lawn
tyle of BO t . A C FETTER.'
.-4 , 40 , & , ) , Lte , “:g=
,r k F Goode, Wires and MerchandiiV: Also,
'l.-1 Millers, Distillers, Lumber Men,' &c.,
within the County of Cumberland, returned
and classified, iri accordance with the several
acts of Assembly, as follows, viz :
' • Class. $
J W Ehy ' ':z 13 10 00
Joseph D Holbertl3 10 00
Samuol Elliott ; i ' ...,.,.
14 7 00
Charles Ogilby. . 10 20 00
George NV H.tner fi 13 lO 00
A& W Bentz . . ~., 12 •12 50
Daniel Eekels, liquors • ' 14, 10 50
John Faller do • - .471 t . 14 10 50
J & D Rhoads ' .14 7 00
W B Murray ' 14 700
S W Haveratiek,,liquors . 14 .10 56.
Robert Snodgrass l4 7 00
S A Hubbard 14 7 00
Thomas Conlyn 1` . 'l4 700
Henry Saxton LL: 11 15 00
Jacob Rheom , 14 ' 700
John Humor, liquors 13 15 00
Peter Monyor 14 7 00
. , . ..
John P Lyno
Jacob Wolf
• - . -
Jacob Senor F . 13 10 00
Jacob Leiby, liquors 14 10 50
C. Inboff, Ag't., liquors 13 15 00
George FdlanclOquors 14 10 50
S M Hoover - 14 7 - 00
T H Skiles 14 7 00
K;;', 14 7 00
J W Rawlins
Wm M Porter -1
Arnold & Levi 11 15 00
Arnold & Livingston ' in 14 0 , 700
David Martin 14 " 700
John Keeney 14 7 00
N W Woods, Ag't: 13 10 00
Haller & Conner . ' ,14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 10 50
14 • 700
14 7 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
Lewis Steiner
S Broil
.1 L Sterner
John N Armstrong
John Gillen, liquors
Philip Messersmith
William L Sellers
A C Fetter
Henry Glass
- . . . _ ...
John Gish •• 14 7 00
C F Kunkle -51 19 700
S Kunkle 14 7 00
John Stumbaugh . 14 700
Philip Koontz , 13 10 00
Peter S Artz, Agt. - 14 7 00
Joseph P Nevin & Co. 12 12 50
W.D En-In , e , . 19 7 OD
S.O & G B Alti ck .1 34 7 00
Selnuol Sitere, liquors 'l4 10 50
i S D Wonderlich 14 7 OC
- - -
JaeohYagne,,,liquors l 4 to ot
John Fulwiler, Agt A 14 VOl
Brinker & Miller 14 7 0(
Arnold & Co
Stambaugh & McKesson ! ;14 7 0
Jacob B =Mager 14 7 0 ,
Andrew G Miller
Russel & Dice
D.l. Beehuan 1. 13 10 0
Newcomer & Kurtz', 14 7 01
Thomas Stough
Wm Bnrr, Agt.
Hunter Herron
• . .
Jamison Hopson, liquors 13 15 0 ,
T MeCandlish 13 10 0• .
Jacob Swoyer , 14 7 0 ,
Williams & Brother ' 1 14 '7 01
S W Sharp'
-John Diller, jr
Silver Spring
John Coyle
George Leiby
John Reed
Jacob Simmens
Glover & Co.
J. 13 Lackey & Co: ' liquors l4 10 5.
3 Mellison Sr. Co., liquors 13 - 15 0
Simon Arnold, liquors . l3 15 0.,
Ephraim Zug ' 13 10 0,
J L Reigle --- k 1,.1 :....e,% . 3 13 10 0 1
Henry Leas ' - 14 70,
Ira Day _ - 14 70 ,
J I' Spahr 14 7 0 •
Swiler & Emminger - • 14 70 :
Webber & Swisher 14 T 0
Maiden, Zechariah & Co. 14 7 0
George Singiser 14 - 1 7 0
South .Middleton.
A . w Leidich .. .... 13 ..-100
Rider & Weals.ley 13 10 0
S'N Divan 13.' 'lO 0 t
• Hopeiv'ell. '
Wherry & Rhoads, ' 13 ' , 10 0
Snider & Deihl, 13 .- 10 0
Mr. Wiley 14 7 0 ,
Joseph Smith 14 7 0
Kyle & Piper 14 7 01
West Pennsborough. '-.
losinh - Ilood - & - art - ' - ' —l3 10 - o 7
Donaldson & Green 14 7 0'
Thomas Greason 14 7 0
C Renninger 14 7 Ot
J W D Gilliland " . 13 10 Ot
Johri W Clever, liquors 14' 10 51
Jacob Heillehougher & Co. 14 7 Ot.
North Middleton.
Samuel Barr 14 7 00
Mins Light 14 7 01
- -
J NV Fes ler 14 7 00
G & %V II Eckles ' 14 7 00
Henry Ruppll 14 7 00
John Kutz ' 14 700
el Pennsborougli.
_ . .
Jacob Rcningcr, liquors
Adam Eslinger
Joseph 0 Banks
Fleisher & Eshenbour
Bigler, McKinley Sr. Wilt . 13 . 10 00
Hummel! & Kerr 13, 10 00
New Cumber - land.
Tames K,,Boalc, liquors 14 ' 10 50
John G Miller do 14 10 50
Adam Beckleyl4 7 00
Mosser, James & Co. 13 10 00
Church — Feeman & C0.,-.,13 10 , 00
Valentine/ Feeman,& — Co. 13 10i00
Charles Oyster r. , 13 10, 00_
Upper Allen.
A L Cathcart
Matthias Bitncr, liquors
Lower Allen.
Isaac Barton, liquors l4 10 50
Jacob Epley tr. Co 14 7 00
James F Lutz 14 7 00
Stptck & Biindt
M & S Alorrett
Stesse & Gesseamen
Mills. .
Carlisle. •
S Holliday '
Silver Spring
Thomas B Bryson 13 10 00
John Shaffner 14 7 00
George H Budher 14 7 00
John Harlorcherl4 7 00
East Pennsbo . Lugh.
Jacob Holderman 14 7 00
John Hock <a 14 7 00
Upper Allen.
James Williams
Jacob Coovor
Voiver Allen
George Lontz 14 7 00
J L Boyel— _— 14 7 0Q
C _Eberly. . 12 12 50
Eitner &ffrjelt 13 10 00
William rOoks 'l4 7Ou
Branaman & Fiping "13 10 00
John Snavely atopden.
14 7 00
south Middleton. .. •
Jacob Shoqtrer '
• rlfoni•oe
David Foglesong .
. - 13 4
John Prosser ..
John A. Ahl • ' • 13 10 00
C.NV Ahl ; i • 13 10 00
David Rife 13 . 10 00
Benjamin Gilderl3 .. Pi 00
North 'Middleton. „
Wm lif Henderson ar Son.. . .j 3 'lO 00
Writ AT Henderson (cave mills) 14 700
. boviil Hoover ~ .; 14 7 1 0
Hemminger & lleugy - 12 12, 50.
Dickinson. - , ..,
A H Barnitz I . . 13 10 00
John Moore,(Guslerl
13 10 00
Prankforg. ..
John Hays 4 , -te• -14 7, CO
. Southampton..
Peier Cramer -1 : , • 14 .. 7 'OD
' Shippensburg - .Towne*. . .
Novin's Heirs - 14 • 700
Jacob nasal 7 00
. • - i We Pennsborough. ,
Siter & Japaca• - . 13 •. 10.00
Isaac Shollabargo ' :fa. "„ ' 'l3 10 00
William D Philips , _ 14 7 00
Peter Faust . 14 7. 00
John Laughlin _ '•• 14 700
Jacob Shellabargeri_ 5 I,_ - 1,3 0 00
JaciA) Rampll 14 . 7 - 00
ohn•Rrnest 14 7 00
'Ararkward 14 • 7 00
hriatian Au . - 14 .7 00
Edward'Showern 9 ,8 00
C Inhoff, Agt., , , .
.1 9 8 -00
Upper Allen.' ,
Writ garinasa t illena , ,B 0.
John Bowman_ - - ' '9 8 0
North Middleton: '
Wm M Heindorson'
South' Middleton
Robert Given ' -
John M.Good,. Agt.
• " Monroe.
M G Beltzhoovor
Southampton. •
Martin Coover ' 10 .5 CO
• Hopewell.
,Robert 9 8 00
Jacob Au _ 10 500
Ramp & Grove 10 5 00
William Alexander 10 0 00
William Barnitz - 9 • 8 00
Beer, Oyster and Bating Houses.
Jacob Low
Joseph hlai•kle • s 5
Charles Butler IL- 8 5
Philip Ditrich 8 • 5000
Retailers of Patent MedlcitmeMßE
Wm Bretton 4 500
Ease Pennsborough.
Joseph 0. Banks 4 5!.
Stesse & Gesseamen 4 5 00
Upper Allen.
A L Cathcart .4 5 00
13 ' 10 00
14 7 00
Elijah Switzer
'Mr. Mitchell
Mr. Cramer
I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a
correct list of the Dealers in Merchandise, Pa
,tent Medicines, &c., in . Cumberland county
Mt returned to me by Jefferson Worthington,
EN., Mercantile Appraiser. All persons re
turned and classified under the act of 1899, re
lating to Distilleries, Bretveries, Patent Medi
cines, Eking FlOuseS, tee. and all Merchants,
and others, returned and .classified as above,
are notified to call and take out their respective,
Licenses without dela -
may 7 County Treasurer.
P 0 'X II B.'S
13 10 01
Patent GrutlnatingTaoyere .
13 100.
THE undersigned, alter considerable
pense and experiment, has succeeded in produz'
cing a TWYERE for Blacksmith's Forges,
which, wherever it has been tried, has proved
itself.superior to anything of the kind over be•
fore invented. It has advantages : which no
other Twyere possesses.- _
lst. The blest can- be regulated - effectually
so ns to suit ariy kind of work. 2de- The blast
can be kept clear at all times without the use
of a poker, or without breaking and shaking
the fire, thus enabling the smith to take a clean
clear heat, 9d. By actual expetirrient it saves
ono-third of the Vuel,.while- the work can be
done one•fnurth faster. 4th. The blast is re
moved . eight or nine inches: . from the hack
which s a.great advantage tiirthisiimith, doing
crooked or difficult work. sth. It is not liable
to get out of order and will last many years.
The following Certificates selected from ma
ny in the possession of•the Patentee, will show
that it has given complete satisfaction, and also
its great superiority over all others.
13 100,
13 10 0
13 10 0
14 7 0
14 7 0
13 10 0
13 10 0
13 10 0
14 .7 0
14 7 0
14 7
Carlisle, April 28th, 1851.-This is to certify
that I have in my fire one of Porter's Twyeres,
and for the short time that I have tried it I can
say that I can do more work by one-thiri than
I could d with-the old Twyero. Of all the
different Twyoros that I have ever tried, I can
say that I'orter'a is the beat, on account of the
faCilities of the valves. • WM. WORT.
Carlisle, April 29th, 1851.—This is to certify
that I bay. , trted tits rwymv, of Robrct D Per.
ter, and I find that it is e m,ost excellent article,
for I havo tried se'veral Twyeres, but this is
far superiot to any that I tams ever seen used,
for it heats quicker and more regular, and with
it I can do onedhird more work in the same
time. Le therefore, recommend its use to all
who stand in need of such an article.
JN O. N. GLANDING, Coachsmith.
r This is to certify that I have put in my forgo
one of Porter's Patent- Gradeattng-Twyers and
all the advantages - elaimed — for -- ift over -- other
Twyeres. I would not take twenty dollars and
do without it.
A B ZEIGLER, S. Middleton.
Persons wishing to eiamine the above twyere
con do so by calling on the undersigned at Wm
M Porter's, Carlisle. Rights for counties or
States aro offered for sale. Et*ly attention is
remMsted. ROB'T D PORTER.
t . (LAME to"th'e prq.
\-1 raises of the sub
• - 141 1 ",V s k, scriber , in Silver
eg\A ! .... ; ptt• Spring tp, Cumlier :
.:;11111161\"‘ lan d
7 co u nty,
" t the
t ofA pr ilins ~ a
RED COW, with a
white face. Her hip is somewhat knocked
down. She has no other - Marks. The - owner
is requested to come forward, prove property;
pay charges, altd•take her away, or she will bo
disposed of as4he law directs.
23afe4tpd . WILLIAM WILEY.
14 10 50
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
Caution .to the Public.
'ME POWDER, manufactured by
187 Arorth Third Street, Philadelphia, has ac
quired for itself a wonderful celebrity for its
many valuable medicinal qualities, and as an
agent to increase the amount of Fat, Milk and
Butter in' the perfectly healthy animal ; and
whereas its immense popularity amongst the
Farmers and -Dairymen, wherever it has been
introduced, has induced several_ persons to get
up an imitatiop of our CATTLE POWDER,
and have taken the same kinguage_almost
word for word, as we have in our small bills,
and put on th..iire ; We therefore Caution all
persons, Storekeepers, Farmers and Dairymen
against the deception thus practiced by design
ing men. . . • •
The Propriotors have investigated.this'sub
ject for years, during a long
,reaidence in the
country, and do now challenge the world to
produce anything equal to their CATTLE
POWDER. They Want the public to boar in
mind that their pbwder is their's alone, boast
ing not of a German, nor any other foreign or.
(gin. They wish its Quality (not its name) to
be the source urits value. It , has already a
character (although of but about 'Five years
standing) which enables it to stand upon itsovn
merits. .
12 12 50
13 _l5 00
4 7 00
14 7'oo
18 10 00
1 , 1 700
14 700,
14 7 00
Several orders have'boon sent to this eitiloi•
Cattle Powder,which have boon'filled by send
ing an article got up in imitation of our.own.
Wo therefore say again, Storekeepers, Farm
ers andttairymen do not -boy a pound' unless
you look for the name of Broitng, Fronofield
& Co., written signature, on the end, of each
Lack, do not allow yourself to ho deceived, the
IFE and' HEALTH of your cattle depend
upon .thts Caution, as well as your interest.--
Look out—" Vigilance io the price of security.".
No. 1,137 Nortl4.7%irel Street, Phitada. •
14 7 00
Town Property' For Sale.•
rpHE undersigned will expole to public sale
1• on the premises in Shepherdinown, Cum
berland county, on TfIORSDAT;IIIay - 15th,
1851, A LOT - OF - GROUND ! containing a
bout two and a-half acres, adjoining tbo State
:Road lending from Uarrisburg to iGottysburg,
having thereon orected,a small LOG HOUSE
Said property:will be. said .in .rorholo or in tw
equal, parte as may suit purchasers. Salo to
coMmonee at one o'clock, P.lll, *hen terms,
asc., will-be made known by: '
22ripte Adm'i. of Whi.llarknees, dc!d.
Great Bargaim; 0 •
IN WATCHES, ..TElWidtiflir, &c.
. ..-
TIID tindersigned, 'intending to KoMove to
their new storo , ip a few' weeks; and•
,roduce their present Jetook, to make' room for
naw Goods. have determined to 'sell eLf , jor cash,
their large stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY ) .
aiderable, portion of WhiCh is'of.'tbte: Spring's
imporiation'a'atzicatly rediteed•Viss., Many
et , the . GoddeVvill . tieaeld-Witlibniregard to cost
and purchasers may rely-en getting bargains tit
wholesale or retail. ' - ...
. 7 -
NO. 221 Detan er° street,
31 P 2 M . ' , (mlerof , gharleeat
jale .
7: 20,00
7 - 20 0 .
10 *..5 00
8 12 50
8 12150
4 5 CO
4 5 00'
4 5 00
-.. • •
Fresh Dings, aledicinee, • Pcrfianery; Fancy
. Articles,
riIHE subscriber has just received his Spring
among which can be found
overyarticle used by 'Physicians • in their pre
scriptions, to Ate putting up of which, he will
'give particular, attention. Also,
Pril,sts, GIIs, Dye Stuffs, Poribmiery, Soaps,
and a variety of Fancy articles too num
arena to mention, together with a superior lot
of TOBACCO AND. CIGARS of various
brands, all of which, haying per.
son, mon the most favorable terms; he will
guarantee as being of the best Virility, and is
willing to sell, not exactly at City Prizes, yet
for a very sins& advance for CASH.
He would. respectfully invite the attention of
Physicians, Country Merchants and Pedlars,
to whom he will make a liberal deduction.—
Opposite the Road Depot, corner of Pitt
und High streets, Carlisle, Pa.
• mar 19
• At the Cheap Store, 148 North Hanover st.
HAVING returned from Philadelphia with a
selected assortment of Spring and Sum—
mer Goods,_l would respectfully_ invite all per
sons who wish to purchase now goods to call
and examirek, my stock, as.l am determined to
sell at small profits. Among thorn may be
Such as Silk Tissues,
Silk Lustres, Foulard
Silks, plain and figured De Laines, Berego;
Berege do Leiria., LawnscGinghams and Cali
A largo assortment of 'Bonnets, all qualities and
of the newest. styles. Ms°, Bonnet- Ribbons
'Kid Gloves and Parasols. _ _
. - - -
Tweeds, Jeans, Gambroons, Velvet Cords,
Blue Drills, Sec. Also, Muslins, Tickings Ta
ble Diaper, Linen Table Cloths, Chocks, Ho
niery, Bagging, &c.
Coffee, Molasses, Green tind Black Teas and
Spices. Butter, Eggs, Rags and Soap, and all
kinds of Country Produce taken at market
prices, in exchange for goods.
For the Benefit of the Public.
THE subscribers lake this Method of inform
ing their old customers and the pullic generally
that they have removed their extensive
one dipornorth of their old stand, to Stile room
formerly occupied by S A Coyle, in Noith
Hanover streef,'Carliale, where they have ad
ded to their erxtensive assortment of
They_lseep constantiy.on hap,tl a filll amsortmelit,
of every kind of clothing either' for dress or rei
botr. Their stock consists in part of fine cloth
Dress and Frock Coats, Cassimere Pants, Silk
and Satin Vests, and also coats of satsinett:
*weed, Croton Cloth, Cashmerett, Linen, &c.
and a full assortment of pants for summer wear
and to their assortment of clothing there is
scarcely an end, embracing almost every varie
tfiof pattern, make and price; they also keep
constantly on hand an excellent assortment of
goods for
- _
which they are prepare& to make up to order
at shott Tittle°. • They also keep constantly on
hand an assortment of Leather and Hair trunks
valise's, carpet bags, umbrellas ' hate and Caps,
suspenders, dres s find under shirts, bosoMs and
co!lars,,fancy and plain silk neck and pocket
handkerchiefs, and tots of notions to numerous
to'mention. We• invite you .to give us a call
and examine for' yourselves, as we have the
stock and are prepared to sell to suit customers.
They'would just mention that they have no city
clothing, but thattheir garments are all made
in Carlisle' under their own supervision.
The subimribor is just receiving a large and
varied assortment of Straw Bonnets, ot. all de
scriptions. Also, 100 Bolts Bonnet Ribbons,
the cheapest ever offered in
. qarlisle. Call
soon or•you* will miss bargains in Bonnet Rib
We are now opening a very choke lot of La
dies and Gentlemen's Linen Cambric Hand-
kerchiefs, at various prices, decidedly the
cheapest lot of haudkierchlefs wo have ever of
fered to the public. Ladies do not miss them.
' IRISH LINENS, &c. _ .
We are just receiving a large lot Irish Linens
from the best Bleacheries and at low prices.—
Also, Barnsley Sheeting's, Pillow case Linens
and Muslins, with a general assortment of Li.
nen Pant Stuffs. '
, Just received the new style Quilted Rib
bons for Trimming Lrdies Dresses. Also, new
'style Buttons of varlouslinds for Ladies Dresos
Just-opened a-general assortment of Blue and
Colored Silks and Berege de Lains, with other
dress goods.
EVERY -'BODY should embrace this op
portunity to buy CLOTHING for Men,
Youth and Boys, at such prices as have never
yet been known to this Borough,, at
s 33 x.riT n s
West Main st, next door to Burkholder's hotel,
Embracing al choice of the best, meet desira
ble and fashionable
. _ _
TWEEDS, &c., &c.
Together with a great variety of English,
French and American CLOTHS.and Summer
Fabrics, adapted to the wants of Men and
Bove, both for Dresd and Business Garments.
- Particular - care-has-been - taken to-procure
the new style
VESTS, Bd.c-.
To Which he would invite special attention.—
FURNISH I N G GOOD S, consisting of
Shirts, Stocks, -.Handkerchiefs, &c.; all 01
which are offered at the lowest possible cash
prices, and as Cheap as. any other Clothing
Store in the Union. Parents who desire Boys
Clothing, are earnestly invited to examine' tho
stook. Country a ore keepers can be accom
modated at very low rates for cash. .[l6ap
WE have just returned from the city with
a largo and extensive assortment of •
Linen and cotton pantaloon stuffs, for men and
boys wear, tweeds, black summer. cloths, Kan-
Lucky jeans, &c., cheaper than'ever.
Mous. do Lainea 4000 yda Chintzes,
Barege de Lanes, Dotted Stylises,
Lawns, Plain Swissea, .
Gingham:, Plain Jaeoneta
Alpachas, • Bapred ' do. • •
Silk Poplines, - BoMbazines,
Colored Baregea
d*C. t te.
.i ,
A good assortment, from 5t3 cents to $2,50
Palm Leaf, Leghorn and Rough and Ready
Hats, &c.
'linen and cotton diapers, nankeens; and en ex
celloncatock of Mullins, thnt cant ho boat for
cheapness, Edgings, insertings, Gloves, Ho
siery, Suspenders, and a large lot of
whir.h will be sold cheap. GROCERIES,
SPICES, TEAS, &e.,'which will be sold at
lower pricee , than the 8111110 can be bought hero
or elsewhere
.:. A & W BENTZ
%TA! TElik, I TEA.!
• LATEST AR R 1 V A - I,
--- FROM. CHINA!-The
irf lovers of guild .TEA , can bo
; ; : 3 : supplied with Joulcin's & Co's
Superior Green and Black
Tens, either loose or put up
" in fourth, half or
. pound me.
Mille packs to 'suit purchasers at prices ranging
from 50 cents up-to-Si !por pound, b'
the store of, fmrS] J. D. HALBERT.'
BOOM BOOZER 330011E11',.
THOSE' desiring very good BOOKS will
' please call at my-Drug, BOok and Fancy
Store, Main 'street, Carlisle., I: am „Making
preparations for the Trade'Salesin Now York,
and will.sqll.the a took on hand at unusually low
prices if called. for within a few, days, The
works now on hand.compriao scam of the very
blot extant. - , •
mar' ' 'F' WRAWWNS, •
RNOLbS - writing fluid, a vary , ‘au
r. bk. tbriale gt HMIFIARb
_S#or & gi 'joys.
Town property For Sale, '
TEES subscriber offers for tale the HOUSE
'AND LOT situate .on West Street
`adjoining, the residence of Wm. 8,
•h. Cobenn and Mr. Peffer, in th?
is rodgh of Carlisle. The lot is 30
feet in front and 120 feet deep rust•
ning to an alley. The house is a substantial
(fame building, one Mori , Mid a half high, and
in good order.'there arc a numberof choice
fruit trees on the lot, and the property.pos
sums the right to the use of a pump nearly
opposite the house. For further particulars
apply to t Dm% F. GARDNER.
- • To be. Sold at Private" Sale.
ALL that certain HOUSE AID LOT
situate in the Borough of Carlisle, bounded on
the cast by a lot of John Mtiore, on the north
by a lot of Rev. fohn Ulrich, on the
West by a lot of Jacob Weaver,
;11; and on the South by North Street,
111111 containing 160 feet in front, and 240
feet in depth. • Having thereon e
rected aim.° etory double STONE HOUSE,
with a ono and a half story KITCHEN attach
ed thereto: An indisputable title will be given
by the owner.
THE.mOst extensive assortment of SPRIN G_
GOODS ever brought to.Carlise, now opening
and offering by the subscriber on.the most ac
commodating terms and uncommonly ebOap.—
Among the lot will ho found a most splendid
assortment of
such as Chono and Foulard. Silks, Silk and Li
tton Poplines, Mirage Do Laines, Fig'd Surg,
Lawns, Barages, Tissues. Marcolines, Bril
liantine, &c.
An immense stock of Bonnets, all qualities
and Micas.' Also, Bonnet Ribbons and Flow
ers in great variety and very beautiful.
A full assortment of all kinds Carpetings and
Mattings. White land colored
Sortie new and elegant French Clotlli and
Cetbsimeres at reduced prices. Muslins, Tick
ings, Checks, Hosiery, Baggings, &c.
The public are invited to call and, examine
this largo aneliplendid stock of new goods, and
they will m.(6* be suited with the goods and
[niece. Recollect the old stand East Main st.,
Carlisle. [np2], C. OGILBY.
HE auiperiber would respectfully inform
his customers and the public generally that
he still continues the LUMBER - AND COAL
BUSINESS, and that having lately purchased
in-addition to his former-business facilities, the
largo and convenient Warehouse and Coal Yard
lately occupied by Mr. Henry Wright ; opposite
the well known Lumber and Coal Yard of the
subscriber, situate along the Rail Road and
College Lane, he, is now more fully:prepared
to enlarge his business. He has at tbistime and
is keeping constantly on hand a well selected
assortment of
of all kinds, sorts, and sizes. Likewise the
different kinds oI FAMILY COAL. such as
stove Coal of the different kinds, Lime . borners
and Blacksmith's Coal, of the best quality.—
A I of which ha will sell unusually low for
Cash. He will also keep constantly on hand
With all "ithe different artieles_generally found
in awell ittored Warehouse. -lie will also at
all times buy PRODUCE and FLOP R, for
which-he will pay the highest-current prices, -
Being very thankful for past favors, would
most anxiously solicit a continuation of at least
a reasonable share of public patronage—
marl9 SAM'L, M. HOOVER.
• Pniladelphia Wardrobe,
Southeast Corner, Market Sr. Sixth Streets.
R McNEILLE & Co., invite the atten
tion of Wholesale and Retail buyers, to
•their extensive and complete<stoek of Spring
and Summer CLOTHING, comprising every
variety of style that can be produced. Our
aim is to please and accommodate all, and in
order to do this, wo manufacture Clothing at
almost ovary price. Selling FOR CASH
ONLY enables us to offer Clothing at a very
trilling advance. Our motto is Small Pro fi t.
and Quick Sales. We are -confident that an
examination by yoU is all that rut necessary to
confirm what wo say, and secure your custom.
THIS EStablishment has jitst 'commenced
operation, and is prepared to manulawure—
Steam Engines and Boilers, Blowing Cylinders
and Hot Blast Pipes, Retorts, Lamp Posts.
Gas and Water Pipes, Car Wheels and Axles,
Rolling Mill Castings, • Grist and Saw Mill
'Ca - Sti rig - sr; HoTstr — Powerei - Th re shiny, -- Machines-,
Plough Castings, Cast Iron Fronts for Houses,
Cast Copeing and Railing, Patterns and Black
smith's work made to order.
Harrisburg, Pa. ar2'sl-2mpd
New and Popular School Book.
NIVERSAL HISTORY, together with
PERSONS, to which is appends so epitome.
of Heathen Mythology, Natura'Philosophy,
General Astronomy and Physiology. Adeipted
in the Public Schools of Philadelphia.
' E. S. JONES & CO, Publishers,
S MI Corner of Fourth and Race its. Phila.
Teachers and School CoMmittees addressing
letters to us post paid, will be. furnished.with
espies for examination.
11:7•A full assortment of Books and Station
ery•for snle at the Lowest Prices.
, -.7.!trlp, A groat bargain. Apply to, Mr
I I i Chas. Springer, in Loather at,
, April Oa
- Hubbardis, Female School.
rirtHE seconikquarter of the Female School,
undet the direction of J. W. Hubbard;
will commence on MONDAY, Mny 12th:7--
All the branches of a thorough English Edir
cation will be taught. Also, the Latin, Greek,
and French Languages. :Tait*, for the Eng
lish Branches, front $7 to $9 pet quarter. An:i
cient Languages end French $3 extra,. Soho ,
tars can commence at any time intermediate
between the beginning and close of each•quar
ter. by paying for time of attendance only. •
23art J. W. lIUBBARD.
THE subscriber has on hand a large and
well selected assortment of MUSIC of all
kind°, consisting of Songs, Marches, \Vanua,
Polkas, &c.. also instructions for Piano and
other instruments. "Ilerlini's Method" for
piano, "Macau Mothodfor the Violin, &e. and
a supply of Violin and Guitar Strings, of first
rate quality at city prices. •
Having made an arrangement with an im
porting and publishing house in Philadelphia,
he will be constantly supplied with new Music
end able toifurnish anything it that lino at short
notice and upon • reasonable terms. Music
Teachers will find it for their interest to call
and examine for themselves at the corner of
Pitt and High streets, opposite the Mansion
Hones [ml9l S. A. HUBBARD.
13.1LIIETY rums,
inIRDERS forthe .above article, addressel to
1 113 to the undersigned at their Manufactory
meariMechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa.,
will moot with prompt attention, and be filled
at the lowest cash pikes.
23ftpl yptl PETER GINGRICH,
Pure Cider Vinegar. -
UST received a fresh barrel of Puie Cube
er T Vinegar, of superior-quality, end warrante
free from adulteration.
nov6 . G W If cls/
Harrisburg. Steam• Wood Turning
and Scroll Sawing Shop.
WOOD TURNING in. all its branches, in
citj style and at city prieee. Every variety of
Cabinet and Carpenter work either on hand or
turned to order
Bed Posts,: 'iablc.Legs; Atoning Posts,
Ralustres, . Nowell Posts, Wagon Hubs,
Rosatts,- Piitterni, Columns,
Slat and QuarfenAfouldings,.Round or Octagon
Chisel Handler, efCo .- •
This ahop is in STRAWBERRY ALLEY.
near Third .Street, and no, we intend'to please
n il Our 'customers who Want goad Work done,
It lakoped the trade will give us a call, Ten—
Ping and Ten—Pin Balls made to order or re
Harrisburg, April 30th,
,Ll .
JUST received a fresh lot of GROCERIES
which will be sold very low at the old cheap
Store, East Main Street.
ap2 0.. OMB Y.
I. A M"nolikopening `my Sping stocg of Ls
I. dies and Gentlemen' s Boots and Shoes.—
Also, a large lot of Boys Missesand Children's
Shoes.' All of the newest style, be t quality,
and best of all very cheap.
• ap2 C. - 0G LB Y.
popP7 - om
HAVE received froth Mr. Landreth, my
A Spring supply of FRESH P.A R D RN
SEEDS, which are warranted genuine.
VRESH GARDEN SEEDS, of. the bent
quality, from the celebrated establishments
of Risley. & Co., New' York, and D. Land
reth Philadelphia, all of which are warranted
fresh, just received and for sale at the Cheap
Drug and Book Store of
COD LIVER OIL.—An excellent article
V for solo by
PEALERS in 'I in Plates; American, Eng'
lishiand Russia. Sheet Iron; Boiler and
ie Iron; Hoop and Rod Iron; Iron Wire;
`Pinned Copper; Zinc; Spelter; Pig and Bar
Load; Lead Pipe; Sheet Lead; Bloat and Bar
Tin;• Brass Kettles; Tinner's Tools and Ma
chines; Stove Trimmings;. American Rivets,
all sizes, Tinned and Black, &c.
March 26, 1851—Iypd.
Family Grocery Store.
THE'Subscriber having removed his Grocery
Establishment, 'on South Hanover
, :;:, street, to
_the large building nearly
1 , 1 z.
.. opposite hut old &mud desires to cal
II 3\• • t . the attention of the public to the en
.._ 1
i 2 perior-stock of FRESH GROCER
lES which he has just opened, and which he
will tiollon - the - most - accommodating termer
The arrangement of his now Establishment will -
be found of the most complete character, and
his assortinent,compriaes every article that can
be found in a
, - Perfect Pamily Grocery,
such as sugars. coffee, teas, spices, hams, dried
beef, cheese, shad, mackerel, hetiings dried
fruit, soaps, &c., together with an elegant as
sortment•ol China and-Crockery Ware of eve
ry cnd quality, queensware, brooms,
brushes, baskets, and - an endless variety of ar
ticles which it is impossible to enumerate.—
For cheapness and excellence his articles can
not be surpassed A call from the public is
therefore respectfully solicited
mars ' C. INHOFE%
prriH-E -Anderaigned informs his .friends and
j_ numerous customers, thnt he has just re
turned from. Philadelphia, with a large and
carefully selected assortment of
purchased at the lowest prices, whichl le de
termined to sell at small profits.
at from 75 cents to $6 a 'yartli Cassimeres,
Cassinots and, Vestings, at various prices.
such as Detainee; idelego db Laines, a splendid
assortment of Silks, Cati , oes,Gingharne, Ch'ke
Table Diapers, Tickings, Muslims, Bonnets,
Hats, &c.
A good assortment of Mon s,, Women' and
Children's Boots and Shoes, of superior qual
ity and very' cheat). Also, Boy's and" Men's
Cloth Caps, Palm Hats and.A large assortment
of Bonnets.
such as 'Sugar,. Coffee, MolassesNenkin's
celebrated TEAS.• Constantly on hand the
best quality of Carpet Chain.
The subscriber respectfully asks all who
wish bargains, to give him a call; rif las - stand
opposite Wm. Leonard's North Hanover st.—
Butter, Eggs, Rage, Soap, and Dried Fruit,
taken at market prices.
mar 26 N W WOODS, Agt.
Estate of Jacob S, Faust, dec'd,
NIDTICE is hereby given' that Letters Tea
tementai,y on the estate of Jacob S. Faust
late of the 'borough of Carlisle, deed., have
been granted to the subscriber, residing in the
same place. All 'persons indebted to said es
tate aro required to come forward and make
immediate payment, and those having claims
te.preSent them for 'settlement to
Estate of Eliza Laimson, deo'd.
is hereby given that Letters of
1.1 Administration on the Estate' of Eliza
Lawson, Into of , Cumberland county dec'd,
have been granted to the subscriber residing in
South Middleton township. All persons tn.
dehted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims to
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
16sp6t. • AVM. SMITH, Adm'r.
81313ZISS1EN I Z.
AIEMBERS of the Allen and Eastpennsbo•
rough Mutual. Fire Insuraticeiecimparry,
are hereby notified, that the Board of Mana
gers, have ordered an assessment Of FOUR
PER CENT on all the premium notes duo
the company, on the eleventh day of March,
1851, to be paid previous to the 10th day of
Sane next, to the Treasurer or Receiver. As
the Treasurer intends calling on the members,
persdliblly, bolero that time, it would be advi-
sable to be ready. '
LEWIS RYER. Secretary:
MICHAEL COClCLlN,.Treasurer.p
March 26, 1851. InrGarette and Republican,
York—Union and Telegraph, Harrisburg—copy
to amount 92.
Brigade Inspector's Orders. 0 .
:4 CONFORMITY with the MilizialAws
of Penna. passed , the 17th day . of April,
1849, to Revise and provide for Training of such
only as shall be uniformed. Therefore, the
several Battalions within the bounds of the let
Brigade, 15th Division, will meet for review and
inspection, as follows :—The Ist Battalion COM-,
mended by Major Jacob Bowman, willfneet at
10 o'clock A. AL, on . Saturday the 17th day of
May in Alechoniesburg id Battalion com
'mended by CaptyDavid Whorry,-will. meet at
10 o'clock, A. AL, on Thursday the 27th day
of May. at such place as the commanding ofii:
cur may designate. The 3d Battalion-com=
mended - by Major John F. Hunter, will 'meet
at ten o'clock, A'. M., in CarlisloAn Tuesday,
the 13th day of May. The First Regiment
Cumberland county Volunteer* will meet 'at
Nowville on Tuesday the-20th day-of
Adjutants of Battalions will make a correct re
turn of the Field Officers and non-commission-
ed staff on said days of training.
Contains of commanding Officers of Compa
nine will be required to make correct, reports
- of their companies on the above days. • •
Battalion - Flags will bo - received and escort-fi t
eiLand -
returned folthe !commanding officer's
uarters,•aerirescribed by the Gene : al Rule'of
tiio' U. S. A.
The second Battalion will : elect'one major In
room of Major Frazier cosigned, at 2 olelooks
P. M. on Thursday,the 22a of May.' '
Copt, Stuart's Troop Will meet at such place,
as he may direct, and inform the undersigned.
015'16 S. CROP, Brig. Ins.
Children's - Stockings,
AC FULL assortmont of White. and Mixed
.1-11 L• Morino noon of all tins for Children.—
Mao,-Ladies Hoe° in groat variety just opened
by . G W lITTNER. •
Brushes 1 BrusheaL,
A great variety' f these wieful:artieles le
fared for . stab, consisting of 'Whitewash, Swain!
Serahhino, Painters, loth,Slinving, - Hair,
Teeth anil.Narl,f lash and Graining Blushes in
great variety; all af?,Trllich areal' the, liest,gint
ty and will be sold at the lowost niieos
Juno 6."
-! • ( 8 •ELLIOTT