'EF,01 ; LI): AND EXPOSEIDE, • tlfffl., 41 • 10 •VA I • dAritrizsx,Ell IIIBMESI)AY, MAY 14, .1861 'THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN CUBIDE . RL4ND COUNTY! 'Perms-,—Two botlars a_yeat, or Otte Pallor and Arty Cents. if paid punctually in advance. • `11,7.5, if. paid within the year. • rib , riflE tiVHIGB OF.ilE.NivsyLvANiA. terq Stab Cottvohtiot will bo held in the City of Ldncastee, on TUESDAY, JUNE 24th 1861, for the purpose of selecting candidates for the_offices of _governor and Canal Commis sioner, and also for Judges of the Supremo Court: Joseph It. Platidgen, Samuel MoMenatny, P. Knox Morton, C. Thompson Jones, 'William H; SlinglufF, Samuel B. Thomas, Samuel 8011, , John S. Brown, Nothaniol•Ellmaker, T. Taylor Worth, 'Wm. J.' Robinson, Alexander E. Brown, Worden M. Preston, William Baker, Thomas E. Cochran, William Ij. Watts, Henry Johnson, James Clark, Charles B. Bondman, Sherman B. Phelps, George Cress, , Edwin C. Wilson, . D. A. Pinney, John Alison, C: 0. Loomis, Daniel McCurdy, John Bausman, ileorge Monson, 'William Evans, Alexander R. , llleClure - John C. Neville. Francis, Jordan. HENRY M. FULLER, chairman, R. RUNDLE SMITH; Secretary, - ' Who Time to Subscribe 2 The now Postage Law goes .into operation on the Ist of July. All mail subscribers to the CARLISLE HERALD after that date will pay postage as follows: Yn Cumberland county, - postage rime. Under 60 miles, 20 cents a year., Over 60 and under ?co, 40 eta " ' 300 and under 1600, 60 1000 and under 2000, 80 4 ' 44 2000, and under 4000c100 Asihe Herald will then be amOngthecheap - :est-papeilihtmii - Tio - procured, we hope to have •a large accession of new . subscribers to receiie their papers by mail, and as anindiite- ment to our friends in and out of the county In interest.themselves in thimatter, we. will, from' this date, , furnish a copy for ono year gratis-to any person who will procure — six. new subscribers and pay Us the cash ($1,60 for each) y .... in advance. Oar present subscribers, b men tioning these terms to their neighbors w do not take the paper, will confer a - favor on us which we will cheerfully 'reciprocate whenever in our power. RECEPTION OF THE PRESIDENT S The Philadelphia papers of yesterday give glowing accounts of the reception of President Fillmore, who with Messrs. Webster, Critten den, Graham and Hall, of his Cabinet, arrived there Monday 'afternoon, 'on their way to New York, to attend the opening celebration of the great Erie Railroad. The President and suite left Washington, at '7 o'clock in the reforming, wand wore received with 'eta° public honors by the zat , iretittles of Baltimore. A- long the Tout& freta s Hiltimore to Philadelphia the utmost enthusiasm was manifested by the people at every point. At Wilmington the party were met by the Committee , of Reeep _ tion front Philadelphia, by whom a special steamer, the . "Roger Williams," had been provided for their conveyance to Philadelphia. The North American says; at Chester, Fort Mifflin, and various other points salvos of ar tillery were fired as the "Roger Williams" passed lip the Delaware; and upon reaching, the NavY Yard the PreSident and escort land ed amid the roar of the cannon, the huzzas of the:multitude, and the spirit-stirring strains of martial maxis. The Naval officers on the' station, headed by Commodore s liced, and a full company-of marines under command of --Lioutenant-Graysow - receiTed — tho — Presidentt, and party, and conducted them to the gate of the Navy Yard, where they were placed in car riages; and, followed by a long procession of _ citizei_p_assed over the route which had been designated. Along the entire extent of it, the enthusiasm ofthe People - expressed itself in rapturous cheers and the waving of hats and hatidkereheifs, until the cortege finally arrived at the United States Hotel. At thl hotel the President and Secretaries ~..Iyere received with tumultuous and continued applause. Clanierous calls for•the PreSident being loudly persevered in, ho came forth upon the piazza over the entrance tp the hotel, and after the vociferous applause had subsided; ho addressed the multitude in a few eloquent words of acknowledgment for their cordial hos pitality, as displayed toward himself and the at,companying members of his Cabinet. _lle assured his felloi-citlzens that such a demon- - ' 3 his city,—the consecrated Qound • stration in of our common country of the independent...-. _ was truly .gratefol to his heart. ' H p them hismost sincere and profound thanks for --their generous demonstrationo of respect to - him. He said that he could not and would not trespass upon their" attention by making a ,speech; and if ho had had any such intention, a scene like that before him would have de feated it. Again he returned them a thousand thanks, and retired. These few remarks were frequently interrupted by the most enthusias tic &eine. • • Subsequently Mr. *bate appeared in an swer -to continued :calls, and made a short speech in his usual terse and sententious style of eloquence, The ceremonies of the day • closedwith•U'sumptuous entertainment to the distinguished guests, at which the city author ities and otheis were present. The President left Philadelphia yesterday for New York. ARRIVAL OS TIM EUROPA I—The Steamer .Europa, with dates from Liverpool to the 26th April, arrived at Nan York on Thursday morn ing. The news is not of much importanco.-:- Grain &•Flourhad h ,declined and Cotton very materially. •The Protestant agitation is still. carried on in England. In London all was preparation for the Great Fair. There was also an election riot in London, termppress' which il;o-frailltary were called out. The Presidential election is the all absOrhing topic in France.,. CHANGE ON.ADMINIBTEATION.-A change of • administration in two of the important Stato departments took place on Tuesday last by the Oncoming of T. Porter 13rawley, as Surveyor General, and Ephraim Banks as Auditor Gen._ AraL Thesp gentlemen were oleAted last Fall, and by-the act of Assembly were to botkom ;misdated the first Tuesday in - May. They are nOw in 910 discharge bf their 'duties. • THAT CUHA Farentrtott.--4ho Savannah Republican learns from azontleman from Flo rida, that Aha uomigrating party". , v!bialt _taollootedlnear Jacksonville haws' nil to their 'houtes.. abouethe • lilt.; numbered some: 600 men, 60 rot itkunt, ,vroro,to be mounted. They expected , to have loft,Eloridgin tho Cleopatra, and her detention • •: - . : „TriNour•YorltOs add bo lho.inunediate cause of the break up. ' , . , ic:-!lnpromo Court is oittirtt•garriointrg. run 'vital , tr.tEtwoia. Whig Ar, Loco Trouble. dz. Prospeeto.. It seems bo as gni:lll'4' settled, : mays ,the Heading Journal, ihnOOHStiTotr and' Birimnt, • are to be Whig and, Loco candidates 'fat. Governor at the next election:. Bigler will be nominated onthe first ballet ' Johnston will be •named • by ncelamationi tind'we presume ,without a single diseenting'voice. Who will be elected?' The Locos think they will have us at disad vantage. They spare no pains to create the im presSion that a terrible and irreconcilable mis understanding exists in the Whig ranks. The . State - Mid NatiOnal administrations aro repro iiented'aS antagonistic. - The private quarrel (for it amounts to nothing more) in regard to the Philadelphia Collectorship, is hailed by our friends on the other side as a symptom of wide spread disaffection - This is all moonshine, and they will find...it so nt the out-set of the campaign. • Filfifitore • - and Johnston are on the best terms with each each other. Their administrations harmonize upon all the cardiaal doctrines and plmminent measures of the Whig party.. The friends of ono are the friends of the other, apd this too with scarce an exception throughout the length and breadth of the Commonwealth. How stands the caso on' the • other hand?— Are the 'Democracy' harmonious? •Ftir from it, They are 'splitup into all sorts of factions —Campbellites _and. Anti,Caiiipbellites—l3u chanan men and Cass men—Cameronians and Anti-Camerimians!—real Simon Puree and false Simon Pures—Hunkers and Darnburners— Tariff men and Anti-Tariff men, &c. Szo. &c.— Eimry leader and would be leader has a knot of hangers-on—ln fact the great Locofoco platform rests upon a mine, and it needs but tho application of a match to blow their miser able organization to atoms. We never yet at tended a Locofoco State Convention without witnessing a scene of glorious confusiCn and disorder. This year the party have two, so look out for breakers.; Upon the whole, thlfore, taking the quar rels and misunderstandings of both sides into the account,:we-think the Whigs have_the_best chance. What , we most fear is the shameful APATHY sometimes manifested on our 'side of the house. With a full vote of 'Whigs, as well as Locos—we cannot fail to come off vie- • torious. The Whigs should turn out to a man next fall. . The election is a most important one.— A Governor, a Canna Commissioner, Judges of the Supreme Court, Judges of the District' Courts, Members of the Legislature, and. a ) large number f local officers are to be chosen. If the Whigs ant a Governor immovably op posed to ..Einy • crease of the State Debt; if they want a C nal Commissioner prepared to expose the c rrnption, profligacy and favori tism along our intern - al improvements; if they want a Judiciary* that will honor the bench and maintain the purity of the judicial er mine; if they want n Whig Legislature to car ry into effect the recommendations of a.-Vithi.. Executive—above all, if they want to kehp Pennsylvania k the noble many of Whig States, and tinve the way for giving her elee feral vote to the Whireaudidate for the Pres idency next year, they must forget andfcfrgive all past differences—and march Shotdder to shoulder to meet the common enemy. DISUNION DIOVIIIMENTS It is a little singular that just at this time the ultra Slavery propagandists, South, and the ultra Abolitionists, North, aro each assem bled in Convention, anntritiing to dissolve* , Federal compact. The proceedings of the “Southern Right's Convention at Charleston are noted below. . Tue American Anti:Slavery. Society, which 'created:such a row at the Broad way Tabernacle, N. Y. last-itar; met o at Sy racuse, on Wednesday, having 'first been ro quired to give security in the sum of $O,OOO . foe any ia — magtilb — thif their speeches and proceedings. ,Amorig those present on the. first day were Abby Folsom and husband, Geo.,Thompson the English Ab -olitionistt Bred rituglass,___Lloyd___HarKison, President of the association'Burleigh, of Penn sylvania, and others. On opening the meettg Garri:on made a speech abusing Henry Clay, Lew': eass, &c., and lauding Thompson!— The attendance was not large and thus far • the 'e was no excitement. ..,..,,. rri l 0 V ,r SECESSION POSTPONED. The great convention of Southern Rights 'Associations, which:met at Charleston, on Monday week, adjourned on TharSday The proceedings consisted of a good deal of gassy discussion and the adOpiton of en ad dress and resolutions. The ground is broadly taken that there is no safety for the Sotith in the present 'Union. South Carolina •(says the address) has heretofore Mired to follow the other'Southernitatesi --- and uot: to -load; but .to act for herself,.she shag made MZE=!I up her mind that she will no longer to, Tiorthern aggression. • Still, however, she is willing to adopt the action of any other 'State likely. to promote 'the end in vie*. 'The right of secession is regarded as guarantied 'by the Constitution, and its denial by the General Government is a eutSolent canoe for resis tance. It were better to be conquered than yield without a :struggle. Any State 'has a right to secede without moleiiation. • - It is hoped, however, that the necessity of separate action by South Carolina tzs,y be a voided, and that other means may be devised by a Congress of Southern States. If not, South Carolina, will go alone, at some 'future time. FELLER TRIUMPHANT Tho taking of testimony in the matter of. the contested_ election for" Congress, in the:Lu cerne district, was concluded at Danville, on Monday of last week. Mr, Wright's. attempt to prove that fraudulent votes had been given to Mr. Fuller, his successful compititor, in Montour, county, proved an utter failure. _The only' illegal votes proved were given, it was ascertained, to the Locofoco candidate! So it is in all contested election cases. Wherever rascality and cheating prevail at the polls, the Looefecos are sure to be at the bottom . of it.— The District AttorneyshiP in Philadelphia is a • striking case in point. onoLigaiL AGAIN 1 A number of 'oases of oliulera have, already been reported.in tho Western Steamboats,; and a few . in the prineiphl: Western cities. It has also broken out in Louisiana, as-we learn from the New Orleans Courier of April 80th. 'Fif teen slaves had died of It near Thibodeaux villa, and 13 curia fatal oases had oaourrod. in Attakapas. ',lls'Of course 'well join you, noighbor of tLo llenwercti, in pushing forward,. the good .oanso:afi'amporanoo,—See who will keop the ploilgelougast.- •• • . . SoOtt l inoeftygo hare rooontly been. hold in the °rough of. Me; and: Ihirrislairgy',nad Oita Harbor, near Laucastur, at *Mali ;strossi resolutions.favorablo to the nonitnatipu . of, the . of;.'Mxiety *ere poised. ' A PitcAticiAi BTOnM isior.vvirro. ExPortntion of Spools.' , . .74 amount or'specie exported from Now York.for -the "week 'ending 4 thl •instant, was ' $267,845, which, ,ridded to the amount pro vlintq rerorteLl, .$7 1 880,780, snakes a. ,total'' for the year thus far of $7,948,075, or at the rate of about $24,000,000, a year I—The main causes of thisimmento drain, says the -tend: big ietsrard, are ,the heavy introits of f ore i gn goods Which the policy of Locofocoism emit-sr ages. •This is apparent the facithat the present shipments are not made in silver on account of the premium which it commands in Europe, for the supply of that:metal is sonenr ly exhausted that no further supplies of any a mount can Ito raised. Nearly,tho whole of the exports now going forward are in gold, and by far tiro larger portion in American coin. The large (mounts of the - precious metal coming from California,. arc shipped almost as soon as coined: The probability is that, if. things con tinue as they arc, gold will soon be as scarce as ; silver in our sank vaults. In that 'as° a suspension of 'specie payments by the banks will ensile as a matter of actual necessity. Another,, and by no Means inconsiderable drain of the precious metals:is occasioned' by the fact that thousands of citizens of this coun- try aro leaving - for the World's Fair, all of whom, it, is to too suppoSed, are carrying with them large amounts of coin or its equivalent. Weeny of these persons will - take the advantage of their visit to import goods on their own ac count, so-that the importations for the - next half yee:r will doubtless be . awelled to a sum far exceeding previous amounts. Add to this the interest on stooks and securities in this country, held by' Europeans, and it is plainly to be inferred that all the gold and silver we can scrape together will soon gop the oilier side of the water. We arc 110 t oro akers or panic inakere, but it does seem, as matters are now going, the coun try is on the verge of a general bankruptcy, destined to be more disastrous in its effects than any revulsion that has yet taken place.— The nation flint IMys more than it sells—that consumes macThanit , proiluces, must soon be in a condition to owe more than, it can pay, and this, unless we mistake the signs .of the times, is what we ore comming to, if we have• not already reached that point. .Glorious Tariff of 1846 ! = Wisepolicy of Lc eofocoistu !—llow admirably are they adapted to cripple our ommerce and crush our manu-. factures! The ilmerican gold that has Beau transferred to British - coffers by "casting vote" Dalas, should entitle him to the highest regards and most distinguished consideration of his friends across the water, and commend him to Queen. Vic. as ono of her .most loyal subjects! JOUNSTON AND BIGLER The Clearfield Republicanef May the 2d, • the organ of Col. Bigler, states that intelli gence enough has been received from different parts_ottlie_State to...seeure the nomination of DiOtsr-liy a majority of MO delegates' out of MS.. The Republican expresses the opinion, thnt by the time the. Reading Convention meets, the Democrats will be so atarmonious, that Big ler will bo nominated by acclamation. The ' Republican adds,-- "The struggle will ho a spirited one. Gov. Johnston will bo tho Whig candidate, and hav ing achieved-what-no-other Whig ever did in this State—received n majority of votes for Governor=will bring into the contest a repu tation of strength. Yet the two cases are wide; ly different. Gov. Johnston then had the ben efit of the popularity of "Old Rough and Rea dy," and besides that, ho stood in a state of "betweenity," and could be called Whig or De mocrat just to suit the company he met with.- Now Le runs alone—and no man can doubt his hatred of the democracy, or shield' his Whig gory.. But while we look for a warm and en ergetic content, we have strong hopes that it will be distinguished for prudence and gentle manly courtesy, and the absence of every thing like personal dotraotion." . parevapk will not bemi l heeded by the Bigler presses. Tho Republi oan - thinks that -Gov. -Johnston'was aided at the. last election, by the popularity of Gen. -Tay lor. This may be so, says the Harrisburg ...4- -ercricateitut-now-he-will-be-ohled-t-by-the ex cellence of his administration, the plans for decreasing the State debt, his opposition' to every' measure of taxation, and. the general oonfidence the peoPte now have in his ability and integrity. We hold the opinion that Mor ris Lopgstreth was stronger than Bigler, be cause he had no assailable points, was a new man, and all the leaders were united upon him —Miller, Laporte, Buchanan, 'Frazer, McCan dless and Black, were 'all active for longstreth. Cameron and his men were active, because they thought that hiselection would secure the election of Cnss. The Presidential election • harmonized all factions, and the National Ad ministration sent men and money into Penn sylvania to elect Longstrcth. - Longstroth had been elected democratic' Canal r by a large majority - ..,emmissioner ernor. when ho run for Gov . eceived the largest democratic vote ever given in Pennsylvania! So far from Bigler be ing a stronger man, he-actitallylmenot the ad hvantages of Mr. Loegetreth. , • .i. EEEPIT BEFORE THE PEOPLE! Tho following are the yeas and nays on the passage of the Minumnioth APprppriation Bill through the Pennsylvania House of Represen: latives,- at its last session, in- which Bill two new STATE LOANS were provided for—one of $250,000 for avoiding the Inclined Planes on the Allegheny Portage Rail Road (which will eventually coat over a million!) and the other of $OB,OOO for improving curves on Co lumbia Railway. " Tho entire amount of 'ap propriations made by the bill was $4,298,002,- 80! On its passage the yeas and nays were as follows:—tho yeas all locos but four. YEAS—llessrs.„ Benedict, Bigelow, . Blair, Zolguara, Brindle,' Cdullen, Delmore, Dorian,- Downer, Dunn, Ely, Evans, (J3orks,) Feather, Fegely, Freeman, Gabe, Griffin, Hague Iluplet, Jackson, Leary, Leeoh, Led, Lilly, Linioll, McCune, McKean, MeLee, Melleynolda, Morris, Mowry, (Wyoming,) o,lwine, Patten, Penniman, Reckhow, Rhey, Rhoads, Bess, Shull,..,Bimpson, Skinner, Sondor, Steward, 'Thernas, Walker, Cessna,'Speaker 2 -4, O. • NAYS—Messrs. Antastrong, Blaine i -Bowen, Btomall, Brower, Alexander E. Brown, Joseph Brown, Cooper, Dobbins, Dnn gana.vans, (Indiana,) Fife, Fretz,-*Gosslor, GOY, Hamilton, Ilmnphill, IfunSeelcer, Killinger, Kunkel, Mae*, McCluskey, Mc- Curdy, McLean, Monroe, Mowry, (Somerset,) Nissloy, Packer,, Reid, Riddle, Roberts, Rob ertson, Scofield, 'Smiler, Shaeffer, Slinger, Sli for, Smith, Struthers, Trott°, Van Ilorno-44. CLOSIENCIOF BARS ON compli apes with a recommendation of the Grand Ju ry, and EY.direotion of•the Court of Daiiphin county, all the bare and liquor soiling estab. lishments aro required • to' be closed on the Sabbath: Last Sunday all the bare and tip pling establishments in Harrisburg were 010, sod for the first Gait): 'The order is Tory gen , orally enforced. . - • Orsitit TasttM4-11onry A. Viso, in a late speech in tho Virginia Cottretition, stated that one firm Ipßaltlmoxo had,,,tn ten years, amins • - sealitlortuno of 43250,000i* pimply transpor. Ling oysters to tho ; Weiterritates, , 'and that they laulpaid the, BaltiMoro unit Ohio linil - $65,000 forharfyingl oysters • ' ' ADkrortiA.r. NoTillag‘ , The Irtrthtalilotatitiiti Wad's Vistble't -• Among tie. he* ;it'd 'Wonderful discoveries antsy annotineed; is thatof, rendering the di urnal rotation of ,the earth sill" able to the severs. , .. L As there are still a good - Many 'humane - Whose . , .• -minds are, in Muddy doubt respecting UM 'fact of the earth's daily rotation on' its axis, and 'folio are sure that it'eantiot he so without tn rn ng overpthing topay-tUrVy and Malting an eV . erlasting smash of crochery, the new discovery May be 'of some practical ,iinportance: !the experiment was first tried in Paris, and gave, At is said, a remarkable verification of the the- . ory. Of course it lias not failed to arrest the attentionof oar own scientific men. eit periment is so simple that ,it may bo readily repeated in one's own house. „In -a late num .ber of -the. Boston -Traveller, we ffed two com_ ,munications en the eubjeot, ono from Profes , . , - ear Bond; Of Harvard; the other, from Prot. Horslerd. As the latter de;eribes a familiar and easy mode by which the experiment can bo tried in private, we veto it for the benefit of - curious readers: "It may not be uninteresting to your read ers (says Prof. H.) to know that this beautiful experiment is so:Mamie that it may be readily repeated in motet ,our:divellings. Wherever a clear space of from twenty-five to forty feet in helght, - even if it be not more than a foot in breadth,.eanbe commanded, there tip experi ment Maybe iniide: The continuous stairways. from the first floor to the attic, in many houses, "provide - the desired space. 'Over this a screw driven into the ceiling furnishes the point of attachment. •From the screw by a slender cop-, per or iron wire of a diameter less than that of a medium sized - pia, a weight of :about four pounds may he suspended. An ordinary steelyard weightof the larger size attached to the-wire, not by the hook, but by.the eye to which the hook is fastened, will answer thipuipose.well. Tho weight - should come within two feet of the floor. Place tivo chairs back to back, at the extremes of the sweep of the pendulum, some four feet apart, and fir:by pins a strip of finely ruled paper, (the lines perpendicular) on the top piece of the back of each chair,--on the back of the chair More distant, on the inside or front of the chair nearest the observer. -Now, having tied a thread around the weight, 'draw it neer to one of the vertical marks.- When the weight and.theWiro,have-comeentirely_to,,rest,_b_urn the thread; and the pendulum will commence its oscillations. Note the. point of departure and the mark to w,hiclt it sweeps on 'the back of the chair oppetito. It will bo observed in a few =meats that the pendulum will return to k:nutrit a little to the left of that of ,its first -departUrei and-will sweep to a point a corres ponding distance to the right of the mark on the chair opposite." - Ladiest - Direeles—Lateet Fashion ._ We mentioned a few weeks ago_thatsome_of the ladies of 'Syracuse, &ew York;hail adopt ed short dresses and pantaloons, ala Turk.— The New York Tribune thus describes the new apparel: • . • "We understand that it consists of full Turk ish trousers, fastened at the angles, and skirts Coming down a trifle below the knees. . The' waist is made loose, and according to the taste of the wearer: - The lady- editor of a paper at Seneca Falls, and several ladies at Symons°, have lately adopted this style of dress, - which they claim far preferable to the street-wiping skirts now in vogue. - A daughter of a distin guished philanthropist in • the central part of this State, his also adopted' this new fashion, and on a late .occasion appeared in publio in such a dress, made of the most costly materi .als. The editors-of the Syracuse papers speak glowingly of the beauty and effect of this nov el inn:notion." Lady Subscribers. The editor of a Southern paper pays thefol lowing compliment to his lady patrons, whorl he justly regards as:model subscribers. Hay ing a number of- lady subscribers ourself, we can fully.ondorso the compliment: -"Women ;ere the best subscribers in the world to newspapers, magazines, Sze. We have been editor now going, on eight years, and we • have never yet lost a. single dollar by . female subscribers. They seem to make it a point of conscientious duty to pay the preacher and the printer—two classes of the community that suffer more by—ball—pnyland no pay nt all} than all the rest put together. Whenever we have a woman's name on our books we know it is just as good for two dollars and a half as a -plcaynneltsler-w-ginger-cake.-Besidesi-what ever they subscribe for they read, whether it bo good, bad; or indifferent; if they once sub • Scribe for a paper, they are sure to read it— ; upon the principle, we suppose, that if they did not their money would be thrown' away— as nnLildlifdyWhom - vintnewforwhose -- siek -- tiervao girl -the doctor prescribed. a dose of oil ; 'but as the girl would not take the oil, elm took.ithersolf ratherthan let it be wasted.— Hence, we say they are the bestreaders. For those reasons, we had, any time in, the world, rather have a dozen women on our book than fifteen men. . - To the Ladles--Mouth Making. As it is essential that the fair Sex should know how to make aid place their little lips when they desire to look 'killing,' we give the following advice gratuitously for their•benefit ; " When a lady would compose her mouth to a bland and serene charaCter;she slion!- 7 habil) entering the room; say the expression into whir'. ulatil , the desired. , ef r evident •-•"' .; j ust and keep we mouth subsides _..cat upon the company is ~'on the other hand, she wishes tb assume a distinguished and somewhat noble bearing, notsuggestiveofsweetness,sbe should say brush, the result of which is infallible. If she would make her mouth leek small and pret ty, she must say flip; but if the mouth be al ready too small and need enlarging, she must say cabbage. Perhaps a duo attention to these rules might be Useful to all persons intending to Submit to the modern process of daguerree: typo portraiture." Pitiable Fanatical Nonsense. The Hutchinson Family, whose reputation as concert singers once stood very high in the Eastern and, Middle States, and who have late-1 ly been mixed. up with's:ll.oo isms and new fangled theorids of the day, seem to be about half crazed. On the occasion of a Into concert the following singular' announcement was,ap panded to the programme:— Tickets twelve and a half cents, admitting a man, woman, and two children, and two of ' thenetglibor's children, and two o' - the neigh bors themselves, for The extteme low price of, seventy-five cents. Old bachelors, accompanied with a sympathizing„ associate orthe . gentle sex, free gratis for nothing—and ner Fugi- 1 five Slaves, not only free, but every ono who will present himself shall ho presented with a `,:dollar and a quarter." 4 At a concert in Lynn, Mass., they. made this nnnouncoment.—" A meeting of the Citizens of Lynn, male and fe male, without distinction :of ago, sex, color, character, or standing! And they Promise to give songs and senthnentli froin Judson, the Crazy Boy? and his two sane brothers, who . Watch over him, Sohn and Aso. ":Tioltetikto be, had at the places whore theyore sold.- 'floo,rs ' open as soon Rath° _People begin to come!". An Extraordinartfilinklmen. • A 'woman Islso neither oats, ' drinks, or dress o's`,.'and is averse to all mariner ofchange, in, indeed; a curiosity I Among the news 'by the. late foreign arrivals;Sucha phenomenon isthus desabed: , A very curious phenomena of physiology is.now existing et Jpjurieux, in the department of the Ain. There lives a young girl, who for the last three-years, bus not token the smallest 'Particle''of food 'or drink, She is of course week, and her legs are' Paralyzed. • 'With the 'exception' of this infirmity,. she is in good ~.Pealth, and dogs not feel in pain. Her thinness is-extremo, end it isiald that her, bowels nro ."so dry; that when she moves; tin:yr:eke a noise ' similar to that produced by' the tail of the rat tle snake. This girl is alwaya in bed, and does not feel, any desire to change, her motto (Os • ing.7 , A 1110:16T111113aLtoos.--birOVioc,' the groat AmeriOnn . toronaut, bon now in• proparatio'n nacinoir - balloon, holtiing fifty thousanil.oubiO foot o gas, and capablo of carrying up six teen parsons of ono .bitqrad pounds caolt.-- lio oxpocto to have it roaily:ffao, asokision a _ bout s the first. of Juno. rdiVrriati •iittar From klilbrnln . . . An interesting letter from, George Fleming:: tag., forinerlS , of .Carlisle, but now living in. San Fransieco,Catifornin, be found on our -.- - first page, . "., P9filpolioirketits AVo are'reUnestott to state that the, exhibi tion of the diorama of Sap°lootes l'utteral is postponed to Monday, Tuesday, hnd Wednes day, May pth ) 27th, and 28th, . • Special Courtt ,A'tiptcial Court for the trial of ceFlaiti Ca ses in which Judgd Watts was counsel, was held. this week, dud adjourned Instevening.— Judge Pearson, of the Dattpldn'and Lebanon district, presided. 1= Tho Rev. 11h•. Moose, recently called to the RoctoFahip of St. Jahn's Episcopal Church, in this borough, hqs entered upon his citified, and' 'as we are gratified to learn, under auspicious circumstances, which promise to render his ministrations in the highest degree useful. The Rev. GEonan DUFFIELD, jr. son of the Rev. Dr. DUFFIELD, now of Detroit, who was for twenty years or more the rertered and influ ential Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Carlisle, preached in that church on_Sundny Dist, being in town on a short visit after an absence of sixteen years. A church. filled to overflowing greeted his appearance - in - the pul pit and the speaker's appropriate and touch ingullusions to th.: circumstances connected with his re-visit to the home of his boyhood and the sceit,S of hie distinguished father'scarly labors, made the occasion - one of deep interest, and worthy of being noticed among the house associations of our borough: iltilitary Parade Instead of the annual. May training of the invincible Militia, as in days of ,yore, we had yesterday a handsome parade of Volunteer conpardes. The sovroign people, instead of being compelled to shoulder deStractive corn stalks and dress in lino along the rail-track, were allowed to stay at home and attend to their business, or to stand in pence and quiet ness On . the sidewalk, enjoying their ginger bread as gratified spectators of the,gay suers. The companies on parade yesterday were the Artillery, Capt. Hunter, the Infantry, Capt.. 'McCartney; and tlie Rifles, Capt. Crop—the - whole under command of Col. Hunter. The Garrison Band paraded with them and dis 'coursed most spirit-stirring music. The bat , tallion was inspected. by Brigade' speeder Crop„and reviewed'by Brig. Gen. A . or and Staff. No Wat ehmen We learn that the ordinance providing for the appointment of night watchmen, after hav ing once passed Council, was reconsidered and defeated at a mooting ofo,Council on . Saturday night last. The midnight rowdies may there fore go on with their usual disturbances nud depredations without fear of molestation.— We'll venture to aseerti however, that the coat of supporting watchmen . will bo expended in a way gear lose profitable,to the Rublio inter .eet. Business Notices Our friend HAvEttsrlew is just now opening, at his store, on North Hanover street, a largo, varied, and beaUtiful assortment of Fancy Goods, Fruits, and other seasonable articles, in innunierable variety, such as ho is famous for keeping in liis widely-known and attrac tive establishment. fe—ln this sweltering weather we know of no more grateful source of relief than a goblet of the MinerieWater, which Mr. llunnAnn, at his Drug Store, on High street, serves sparkling and. bright; ,and bubbling, to nasty promenaders. Call and try it. Distressing Accident We regret to learn, sus . the Harrisburg A merican, of fili A T day last, nt Wm. James, a worthy young man, residingln New Cumber land, opposite Ilarrisburg, lost his life yester day, on the Baltimore and York railroad. It -appears-he was standing-ondko-eutsidc-of the oars while they were y nn their way to Balti more, from which lie must have fallen when going at a rapid rate, as he ,was found' fivo miles below York on the track of the road, with his neck broken and life extinct. Cattle on the Rail Road We r pfiderstaiitl that the number of cattle killed on the railroad is very great, scarcely a day passing in fact witii^ the kind. 7 ...waters should be careful and CLl deavor to 'prevent their cattle frOm straying on to the rail road track ; as no damages-can-be recovered in such cases. NOTICES TILE HEIRS OF DERIVIINTIVATER.—This is 1110 title of a new work of fiction, from the pen of E. L. Blanchard, Esq. The story possesses deep interest—the hero., being the last of a long line'known in history as the qlladcliffs of Derwentwater," whose estates were segues terad and themselves attainted for the part of the Earl took in the affair of Charles Stuart, commonly called the Prbtender. The writer ha. 4 given us a graphic picture of men and manners in the reign of George TA and shown what a slight moral difference then existed be tween the. fashionable and aristocratic roue, and the most degraded of those who minister ed-to her success. New York—,Dewitt & Day- , enport. Price Wets. TILE SISTERS; OR, TUE FATAL MARRIAGES. —A new novel by Henry Cockton,' author of• "Valentine Vox," "Sylvister Sound,' &e., which, wiAdserve, is praised by a number of British periodicals as possessing great merit, and illustrating its morals, the 'evil of ill-as 'sorted marriage, with much- force and inter est. The literary reviewer of the Philadel phia North American however remarks of the book :—Our own judgment is not so favorable; and indeed, from what we have read 'of it, it appears' to us to be iv very unnatural, disa greeable, and, in some respects, disgusting book. Published by H. Long & Co. No: 4 Nassau st c Now York. Price CIO cents.' VREAT RI:DUCT/ON IN PlialES of' LAMPS.— Don't believe it,. but call on N. B. Dyed 4- Kent, General Lamp Manufacturers', No. 64 South Sacolin Street, and judge for yourselves. .:We will not only sell every,articlo in our lino its' cheap as any other establishment in the' country, but wo can,-and will furnish better nytiCles for the money than can be purchased elsewhere. We have constantly on hand the largest Variety and Handsomest Assortment of LAMES of all kinds: Such ns Dyott's Patent Pine Olt Lamps (their superiority over all' oth ers is so universally - conceded, that ,it is use- less to say anything of, their merits;) - Solar,_ Lard and Oil Lumps; Fluid 'Lamps ;.thindle bras ;„Fluid Girondoles, (a new orunmeitt for the mantle;) Depict Holders, all of new de signit and patterns; Chandeliers of all sizes, to burn Pine Oil, Fluid, Lord and Sperm Oil, suitable for - churches, Odd Fellows' Halls, and in foot all places where light is ,requircd;— Hur gods aro manufactured by ourselves and fmishe In the best possible manner; hi - drmo- In, Gil ; Silver, Bronzeund ' Damask, Pino Oil, i t Burning Fluid, Wicks: and Glass, &0., &a. at the lowest market prices, wholesale and, retail Housekeepers and Merchants will find it their interest to call on us; before 'purchasing; and exnthine our stook and, prices. M. B. DI - OTT & KENT, Lamp Manufacturers', No. 64 SoUth Second Street, one door .below Chesnut Stroct, rhiladolp4iow—Binfs4cjw. . . . __ We learnlktitii the itanthtt7itinetin, of the American Art UniOn, New York, •(which having been enlarged and. ituprolied, •is now an eleganland;interesiing' publication) that the gallery of the Union Wits ,Opetted for the senspn on Monday the th inst. pith a collec tion of abotet two hundred paintings') Tang of them Of groat vain° and beauty, l'he angra vingi for the members' of 1950 it is also an nounced are non. ready, and are being dittrib utod iii thO order in which the subscribers are entered. Those for Carlisle Wilethereforc soon bo received, The list of members for 1851 Is 'rapidly filling up, owing to - the desire to secure. the Bulletin, which is sent to subscri bers from the date of their subscriptir.— Terms of membership $5 a year. Subscrip tions recnived In Car Milo by Mi. F. A. Kenne dy, or the editor of the Herald. .Aier Limo:v.or Pin LADE lA.—Every mem ber for 1851, will receive for each subscrip tion for $5 a print of Huntingdon's "Christi ana and her Children," engraved by Joseph AinlreWs, Boston, and "Mercy's Dream," by the seine artist, engraved by A. 11. Riehie, New York. Also a copy of the "Philadelphia Art Union Reporter," a monthly pamphlet, containing a report of the transactions of the Institution, and information upon the _subject of the Fine Arts generally. This Union-a wards prizes bras own certificates, with which original American. works of art may be pur -chesed in any part of tho United States, at the option of the person - drawing a prize.— The' annual distribution takes place on the .evening of thelast Week clay in every year.— Ilaving been solicited to act as Secretary for Carlisle, we will receive subscriptions 'to the Philadelphia Art Union. A Locofoco State Convention is to assemble at Rending, July 4th, to nominate a Governer and Canal Commissioner. The Pennsgleanian 1231 "Col. William Bigler will be the choice, on first ballot, for Governor, of an immense ma joritLof that body—atleast one hundred of the onChiniareil and thirEP.Tireo delegatOs In his favor." But, adds the editor, Thomas IL. Burrows and Simon Cameron intend to disturb that Convention, by offering a Re , oluilon there in favor of Lewis Cass for President.. .ffho editor deprecates any agitation of the Presidential question at Beading, but says, if a vote is compelled, Mr. Buchanan will bo largely before any'atlnir candidate. SCOTT MEETING At HARRISBURG A very largo•mecting of „the friends of Gen end Scott, was held at Harrisburg, on Tuesday night last, for the purpose of advising and con sulting as to the best means of securing the old hero's nomination for the Presidency. in 1852. The meeting was addressed by Messrs. Adams, Ayers, Sanders, Kunkel, and: Miller. Between ono and two hundred delegates were appointed to the Scott Convention, to assem ble in Philadelphia ow the 20th of August, the anniversary of the battle of Contreras. A MENAGERIE AT SEA:::--A chip load of wild beasts, intended for the great Museum Caravan 'of Messrs.„llarnmn & — ifowcs, reached New York front ludia on Sunday. - There were nine elephants, a zebra, or 'Burmese bull, sixteen enormous serpents inclusivb of the boa-con strictors 21 and 16 fee , t,in.length, a porcupine, add an innumerable company of monkeys on board. Among the wonders of the collection is an infant elephant, about nine months old, weaned on the passage from Ceylon. It mea suresput three feet high, and is as tame and sportive as a kitten. A native chief of Ceylon accompanies the exhibition; and mill bo as much.of_a.•show portions of the odd importation. BUCHANAN TIIE SOUTIL—We tee that-the, Montgomery (Ala.) Adrertiser, fhe organ .5r Wm. K. Yancey, the Southern. Rights, candi date for Congress, in Hillard's district, Ala bama, declares distinctly for Buchanan, of _Peansylrratia,_for_the Presidency... The" South ern Rights" editers.throughout tho-,lSouth are' highly elated with Buchanan's I.:ceent letter to an Association'lt Richmond, Va., organized for the purpose of - directly importing the pro ducts of Great Britain in preference to those of the Free States. MONEY lOU BENEVOLENT BURPOSEFL—The Receipts of ten of ire principal lio'""^''`,,"*".• cietics iii New York, for the year ending 30th of April, (unless otherwise specified) are sub joined. Though large, they are in the aggre gate-only about $15,000 greater than during the preceding year. The receipts of that year were near $200,000 greater than during the year 1818—'19: o Am. Tract Society, $310,018 00 Am. Bible Society, - 276,852-53 Am. .11. C. Foreign Missions, 176,675 83 Home Mission Society, • 150,010 26 Am. and For. Chr. Union, • ' 60,621) 83 and For. Bible Society, 46,373 41 Am., BapS. Home Mission Society, , 29,618 28 Am. Seaman's Friend Sod: 19,252 61 N. Y. State Colonization Society, 22,000 00 in. Soc. for ameliorating the con dition of the Jews, an; accident of , . DESTII.I.7OTION OF THE AmeIIICAN, BAPTIST MISSION AT BANOKI.IL, SlAM.—Letters by the- Euimpa, received in lioston, bring the intelli- 7 , t gence that the entire premises - of the Ameri. canatptist Mission, at Bangkok,' Siam, were destroyed by lire, on the right of the 4th of January last, including the buildings of the Missionaries. The fire originated in a native house, a few rods distant,, and spread with such rapidity that very few artiobie could be saved. The printing office and stock, the buil ding and type foundry, libraries, and nearly all the personal effects of the Missionaries, were consumed. The greater part of the Se-C -enci-edition of -the lcew -Testament was lost, and it was dfticult to produre miles enough to conduct the ordinary Sabbath worship. The total loss was not less than $lO,OOO, and pro -6 bably bonsiderabin • more. The Missionaries Were 'received into the roshlenco of Senor Mar,. ,ellinoyDo Arnnjo Rosa, the Portugcse Consul, tad met with much attention and kindness, from othOra: Mr. Chandler will return to 800 ton as soon as possible, to makuarraugemontS for the repairing of the foss. Montt 91 , Tun KTars.—We gather front the Now YerkTribunc; (authority in all matters 'of this kind,) that, one I. S. Hyatt, editor of the Courtland Democrat, has withdrawn;ttom that paper to commence the publication''of•a• semi-monthly piwiedical atAUtittru, L to _be •do- . 'voted to the "Spiritual Philosophy." In his raledietOry - to the readers of the Democint he says ho has mode this :change by order of "Paul the Apostolic 'Messenger," conveyed. to him through:the Rappings at Auburn,. Coiotwir. Rucoaes.--The contract foi.prin ting,the colonial itogordstia hew awarded to Theo. .IFAin & Cu., State ,printers, at the aunt of. $1,115 volume ,80Q Fame, the Edition numbef 1500 '-.There Wore twelve bide put, in, of trhioli the aboVe was the low : - nuirs ttntroikr.s. I=ll $1,008;700 8 • iffOiln.M.3o.l4lTri Arid fltiirids. . _ Thq St, i'aul (Rentnit -Cothulle). the laigeSt rind most:4lOgnitt Church edifice in Pittsburg, wee hurried to the grOund on Tues day last.. While the fled was raging, a num wits arrested in the net of firing the Bishop's residencO, adjoining.' Tho st. Paul *its the tho oldest and largest chureh•ln the Oity, and valued at $30,000.. The organ WaS‘vaitted at $O,OOO. Thero was $5,000 iniut'atiOo 55 the building. ' Page tried his electro-maguetio loconiotivo at Washington on Tuesday; lie„run over' to Blaclonahurg, at the rate of 10 Miles an hour, aud•cstablishes the fact that ridinrny trains can be propelled by his application of eleetro-magnetism. • ,Jenny Lind's fionderts in Itaitimore and - Philadelphia, het week, were She hes. distributed bur entire_ shsre of the proceeds, (eyer,li;B,ooo) among ,the various charitable associations in thelwo cities. lat7;o,,:fhe whole number of emigrants arrived at the port of New York during the first four moths of the present -yedr, is 66,000, being 0,000 more thou during the wile time lest tYl),_Tho Locusts'w•ill be =thing the woods vocal with their monotonous songs ore long.— For by scraping off a few inobes'of, the'surfaCe of the earth, myriads of Chase strangers can already be seen, making their wa d y toward the I~tb The rottsciffe (Pa.) Borough election,' on Monday last; resulted in the choice of the whole Whig ticket, except two candidates. r,....- - 7)-Governor Ramsay, of Minnessota, rived at Harrisburg on Friday, and intends re maining there a-few days. ktai—The new coinage of three ccgacces, have just been issued from the mint, and will soon be in general circulation. rejit Zanesville, during Mr. Gough's lee ure;, 2,070 persons signed the 'temperance ME pag There are three preachers of the gos pel in the Indiana: State Prison, it is said, , convicted of horse stealing. kr:D .- The enlargement of the Capitol, accor ding to the Washington trnion,ii to be com menced on the Ist of Juno. liar'Cast iron plates forpaving streets are coming into vogue. The Scientific American speaks highly of thenil USURY LAW RE-ESTABLISHED, ,The Legislature of Wisc'ensin has re-enacted a stringent usury law, which establishes 7 per cent as the legal rate of interest, and allows 12 per cent by contract. The penalty for u sury is forfeiture of principal and interest.— 'Two years ago the usury law was abolished, and the immediate effect .of which was; it is alleged, to raise the rate of interest to 25 6)75 per cent. per annum, at which rate it has been ruling during the past tWo ,yeltrs. When there was no agreement between parties, the usual rate of interest was 20 per'cent.' per annum. CENSUS STATISTICS The following are 'the_number of farms in thc'several StateS, as , fepeilect 1) . )%' fists taut Marshals who were engaged in taking tho last census:— New York, 174,244 Pennsylvania, 127,743 Ohio,, 146,821 Indiana, 101,973 Virginia, 70,794 71,002 Kentucky, 77,200 HEAVY ROBBERY - AT PITILADELPIIIA , s—On - Wednesday evening, the store of John Klein, No. 197 Noi•th Third street, Philadelphia, was entered with a false key, and cleared of its en tire contents, consisting of gold and silver wat ches, jewelry, &c., to the amount of three or_ Tour_thonuand dollars. The robbery was per -pirated between 9 and 10 o'clock, during -the temporary absence of a youth IN 110 sleeps in the. gl'itire. A son of ;qr. K., -named Albert, is r in - in custody on suspicion, -and-anoi.lier_maiirna-_ mcd Abraham Landies, has been committed, after examination, on the ' charge of making the false key. Yesterday the whole of the 1-plunder-was- recovered. Ilonnuns. C 4 ASE or MAYllE:A.—Margaret McCormick and Mary Welsh were convicted at Philadelphia, on Thursday, of Mayhem, in de priving John McCann of his eye-sight in throwing oil of vitrol in his face, all because Ito would not marry one of them. The Ledger Eisa His appearcatice on the witness' stand shock ed every one in Court. His seared and sight less face was so shocking to Wien, that;-af ter the Court and jury had had an opportuni ty of'seeing his condition, an officer was re quested to place a handkerchief over his head. The physician who attended him stated that, in consequence of the cauterization of his forehead, an artery was ruptured, and that he would have bled to death, had not immediate assistance been at hand. )304 young man, named Jacob Held, wag impriSoned in the Lebanon jail last week, charged with invading the'premises of Peter Focht,' of NOrth Lebanon township, " with ores and arms" to court his daughter. Peter not relishing Jacob as a prospoctivoson-in-law met his advances with a sliot from an old pis tol, and, Jacob, not to be outdone in warm sal utations, returned tho fire—both, however, proving harmless. Tho greatest objection of .tlingold man to Jacob, is said to be his posses sion cf one wife already. 11,103 0 Micnimm—Aniong'tlie note adopted by the Into Leislature was one abolishing all laws for the collection of debt. Michigan has now in force most of the National Reform measures. No land limitation law has yet been enacted, although the hotnestead has.long been exempt ed. A number of mercantile firms and dea lers in Kalmnazoo, since the adoption of the law relating to debts, haveannotmcdd their in_ tention of publishing:the : names of• all delin quents, "belng well convinced, (as they say) that no ohm of goodintentions end honorable principles will allOWhintaelf to• be thus -rated before hianeighbOre and fellow' Governor Darr.. Pnovinr\ce,,h]ay - • ~ . 101-:•-Salutes have' been tired at intervals during the day, in honor of the restoration to his civil rights and ±,rivile ,,ges of Governor Thomas 'Wilson -Ilia partisans ord very muck rejoiced at this•toilAY act of justice, deleyed.,os it,has been, for so many yCars. ' The Legislature have Made clean work of it, and decapitated nearly every whig (Mee holder, and the.Stato is now thuyoughly under democratic dray. ' ITUTCHINGS' VEGETABLEDISMPSIAIIetTrItS. —To those afilietedivith this distressing, dis ieSei-wo wdoild, as friends and neighbors, say encrif6Yd'iu favor of the at , ,ove medicine, Just as_ sure as yott try these Bitters you will be ro iceedTicrufm - establishiin in the cud a per numeut cure. This is suing a good deal in War of , patent medicines, yet we nicau it.:— Thotisatals have been caved by these Bitters, and hundtmds are cured weekly.. It conquers that distressing complaint---cures the distress ed, and causes porfeat health. Any cam icing :afflicted with that tsvurnalcal monster should "net foil in, granting this invaluable monster; a faithful trial, VEA, iCirculnrs; coat!. ing the t n Certificates of Remarlsatdo Cures, ass the the high estimation i a _whicii.. ilhis Mediciias is 'lteld by the public press. C. 43.4 -ttiid of On Astute, free. Principal treice,,l22.; 'Nitta street, N. V.i,op stairs. ...`kal: in Carlisle by 4. itiworr. V . ),...:Yricr, lilt inktspdr 80AL • L , . .. Maryland, 21,0:.0 New Jersey . , 24,501 Delaware, - Michigan, 31,699 Wisconsin, 22,062 lowa, - 15,500