a Ztoro ~01)01.10 .4 FRESH ARRIVAL OF , Enslisb, and American Hardware Cheaper than can te found this side of the Fast Fr HE subscriber laving just returned froth the.Eastarn cities with a full and Imnd• some assortment of all kinds of HARD WARE of the very best makers and well Selected, is now opening at the Cheap Hardware Stand in North Hanover Street, next:door to Scott's Ho tel, formerly kept by Henry ,Olass, where. he would invite all that are' in want of good and cheap Hardware to give him it call and. sec.and satisfy. yourself of-the-truth, es-we are-doierm , fined to sell' at a. very small, advance. Sthall profits and quick sales are the orttor of tlie,daY, To Builders, Carpenters and Others. • ' A full stock of white, mineral and' Japaned. Knobs, locks and latches, of every description price and quality, hinges and screws, window. sash and shutter springs, strait-necked and barrelled Bolts, of every kind, mill, cross cut and circular Saws, band, panel, ripping and back Saws, brightAblack and blue. augurs, o the very best makers,, Chisels, broad,pointing Rand and chopping-Axes,mf 'different . makers hatchets; Planes and plane bits, steel and iron squares, fling and rasps, nails; brads and spikes' of all sizes and warranted of the best quality. To Saddlers aril Coach Makers, Our stock consists of Vcomplato assortment - 6T articles in your line of business, saddlery tools, brass, silver and Japaned mounting, carriage trimmings, broatt pasteing and seaming laces and fringes, plain and figured canvass, of cloth, top lining cloth and serge ' lining of vari ous kinds, white, red, blue and black patent loather Dashers,, silver' and brass plate, Deer Hair, rosette, hubs,fellows,.spokes, bows, clip tic springs, iron nzcles malleable castings, dsh. To CAW and Shoe .11Iahers, — A full stook of shoe kit' and findings,o3oot mo rozeos, French kid, straits, morocco and•lining and binding skins, lasts, tacks, pegs, hammers pinchers and French morocCO, kit of every de scription, superior copal varriish; JJapan and black varnish, mahogany and maple Vanoers, Moulding, beading, resets, glass, - mineral. and -- palusgany - knobs of every size and style. To Blacksmiths, Farmers and Others. 10 to.ts of assorted bar iron, a arranted to be of ;the best quality. A splendid assortment of bar and rolled iron, hammered, horse shoo, scollop, plough, broad an 'narrow tire, rolled, horseshoe bar:timid, round and square iron, cast, shear, daring. English and American blister steel, Eng lish Wagon boxes, Carriage boxes in setts, an vils, vices, files, rasps, horse shoe nails, &c. . To Ildimelcdpers. • A beautiful assortment of cheap fancy goods, such as waiters, trays, plain and' fancy knives and forks, butcher knives and steels, brittania lamps, brass candle sticks, Brittannia and silver table and tea spoonscplated butter knives, pre. serving keitles, smoothing irons, iron and tin ned ten and oval boilers; iron. frying and bread pans, _washboards, tubs, churns, buckets, iron pots; wash kettle ,s - and stew Pans &c, - To Gunsmiths, Jtfarksmen and Others. Rifle and Gun Barrels, tone action, plug, nipple and back action Gun Locke, gun mount ing and gun breech cocks, sheet brash- - and German.silier ornaments, &c. .- To Painters. • -A fresh lot •of Werberill's pure end extra. White Lead, oil_and turpentine, varnishes, in pound an, N,vbite and whiting yellow and 'Green paint,'gr in oil, h, yellow ochre, Ste. To Blasters and Marksmen. • A good assortment of double refined powder rock powder of extra quality, safety-fuse ' shot, flints and bar load, ropes of all kinds, for .threshing machines nod well diggers, and a thousand - other articles too numerous tb insert, --- -till we ask is to give us a call, and wg are con fident youvlll find n good assortmentof Hard-- ware and cheaper than ran be found in ony other House this side of the east. Give us n call is.alt we ask, at the old and well known Hardware Stand formerly kept by Lewis Har - lan,in--North -Hanover -street, • next - door - to Scott's Hotel, formerly kept by Henry Glass. nov6 JACOB SENER. CHEAPER THAN EVER. /SHE subscriber having just' returned from the East, offers 'to the public a more am pie and complete, assortrnent of goods in his line, than ever previously offered, and respect fully solicits dealers and others to give hiztra • call, when he, will show them goods at aston ishingly low prices. To Builders, Carpenters and Others. His stock' comprises a full assortment of Locks and Latches of every description, Ilia --gcs-and-Serews,,W-indaw,Springs-tuuLltelmo various kinds, Window Glassi Putty, Paints of all colors, Oils, Turpentine,' &c.,. &c.— Also, Mill, Cross-cut and Circular Saws,liand ' Pannell, Ripping and Back Saws, Augurs, Chi sels, Broad, Hand and Chopping Axes, Hatch ets, Planes and Plane Bitts, Steel and Iran ---- Ermares; -- Files - tintl 7 - Rasps, - MailN - Brads - and - Spikes of all sizes. "' To Sadlers and Coach JlTakers. *- A complete assortment of Saddlery"Tools, Silver, Brass and Inputted mounting, Carriage trimmings, Broad pasting and scorning Lace, plain and figured Canvass, Drab Cloths, Rati qiett,Serge and Bucram, Moss and Deer Hair ,patent a enamelled Leather, Lamps and - Da: share. Also, Hubbs, Fellows and Spokes Eliptic springs, Iron Axles, Mailable Castings El To Cabins!. and Shoe Makers. My stock embraces a complete assortment of goods in . your Moroccos, lining and binding Stuns Lasts, Thread, - Pegs by the barrel or smaller quantity, Tools of-every de aeription, &c. Curled Hair, Hair Cloth, Var nitihr Mahogany and Maple Veneers, Mould ings and Rosette, Sofa Springs, Gloss, Mahog any, Mineral and Veneered Knobs of all sizes. To Blacksmiths, Farmers, and others, who may lie in want of good Iron. - • • - Ho - offers a full -assortment - of Hammered, - Horse Shoe, Scollop, Plough, broad and nur row . Tire Iron. Also, Rolled' Horse Shoe, Bar, Band, Round, Square, Tiro, Hoop and Sheet Iron; Vail Roda, Russia Sheet Iron, Cast, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel, English and Arneeiecin Wagon and Carriage Boxes, Anvils, Vices,;Files and Rasps, Horse Shoe . Nails, &.c. . To Housekeepers and those about entering the ita trimonial State. I would invite attention to my beautiful as sortment of waiters and Trays, plain and Po ; thic style, knives and forks, Butcher Knives, Scissors and Shears,!Brittannia,German Silver, and Silver Plate, Table 'and .Tea Spoor.e, - Brass and Emerald Preserving Kettles, smooth. ling Irons," Hollowware, Tills, Buckets, Chnrns ' Oils, Paints nod Dye Stuffs, ,Fire and Water Proof Paint, oct3o Fresh ArrivEd of Hardware. catBApErt THAN THE CHEAPEST. inFAVlNGijust returned from Now York .St 111. nitride phia with tho best and Cheapest Stock of HARD WARE, CUTLERY SU I LD ING MATERIALS,. PAINTS, &c., ever brought to Carlisle', I would resstectfullyrequest doalers and consumers and all others to give. me a call and see whether they, cannot get more and bettor goods for tho same money than at any other place in town. My stock of Looks, Latches, Salts • Hinges ,, Screws , Nails, Spikes;; Glass, Paints, ice., comploto' and very, cheap, Carponterst- 'Tcto n o t ' have a splendid assort. mont, Also; CablVlalter's Tools and Ma. terials ' via :--!Vaneors, Mahogany, Mineral mid Glass Swoon Knobs and Varnish.. r . S a kDDLERS do COACH MAKERS; -! can have everything ititheirlino chooper than FOR WIOLMAKERS, •' have'a first rata sionliof Morocco and Lining • Skins; Bi ndinge;Pags, , Thiancl''and Wai,,and . n 'superb . ' assortment, of .ShoontalteraTooli. I haVealso acomplattvnisortment:ofSalPit taste,: matioin,:liarriabOrg g which can be had' at no other:plies in toWniAtykal_ -- gether:Withjaalsortment of all,kinds,SCHitm. snored and Rolled Iron and . Stash'. Of House.: keeping Articles; limo Kniv'es. Forks Spoons, Winters, Snuffers, and Trews Tabs, Sunhats, &a: WALL PAPER . , have'‘largost, Hodsomesr•and Cheapest Assortment in , town. ~ And 'went Ontnl'and Cheap:HARD WARE,I,VvouId say . 'cents and see for yinunolves,' , • • . • Ohildki3 . Ws , Stookinga., . . A rUL r, assortment.. ot:Whito , and „EL Merino Hose of all SiZee for cbildren.--- ..adioti Hobe intent variety pet °pilled , G WHITHR. Extensive Cabinet-Nara-Rooms. OBERT IL SMILEY, suecessor tri Wm. 111, C. Gibson, CABINET-MARER & .0 DERTARER, North Hanover street, Carlisle, would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally that ho now.has on, - hand a largo assortment of new ad elegant FURNITURE,. X - Ssigf:' , /.1 consisting in part of. Sofai, Wardrobes, Card and other, Tables, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain' and fancy ' Sowing Stands, &c. manufactured of "the boat. Materials and quality warranted. Also a gene. ral 'asiortment of Chairs at the lowest priceiti.— `Venitian Blinds, made to order and repairing promptly attended to. FrCOFFINB made to order at the shortest Renee. and having a splen did Hoarse ho will attend funerals in town or country, ilt:rllont. forget the old stand of Wm. C. Gibson, in North Hanover street, a few doors'north of Glass's Hotel, Sept4—ly • I 4f:l s ous CPS .1154 , 1L v 14,.1 aorner,of .11anover and Loialter sta., Carlizt. .19FIFIE undersigned line always on hand a large stock of superior Cabinet Ware. in all Abe' different styles, which he is prepared be 8.011 at the lowest prices...lfc invited 'attention partic, ularly to the Patent Spring l ßattom Bautatetid, a most- useful article ' which entirely obviates all objections. The bottom can be attached to old Ile/nerds. They have given entire satisfac• tion to all who have them in use. VrCOFFINS made warder at the shortest notice. ,TACCE FETTER Carlisle, hey. 22, 1851 --iv. AMES R.WEAVER would respectfully tP call the attention °Mouse Keepers and the public to hie extensive stock of ELEGANT FURNlTURE—including Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other !fables, Dressing and plain •Bureaus and every otluir article in his branch of business.. Also, now 'on hand the largeSt as sortment of ca AIRS-in 'Carlisle, at thwlowest" prices. [o7Coliiiis'thade at the shortest notice ; and a Hearse provided for funerals. Ile colic-. its a call at his establishment on North Hano ver street, near Glass's HOTEL. N.B.—Fur 'thture hired out by the month or year. Carlisle, March CO: 1850.—1 y . . - - -ronarm-mvzPoicaural - TllE subscriber would respectfully, invite the attention of farmers to. his assortment of PLOWS, now manufac- N. • • -tined near Craighpad's- Mill •-• in South-Middieton township, fon"r• miles south of Carlisle. My - assortment consists of Withrow's, Stuckey's and Ball's patterns.— The Castings will all he ground. I will also make GRAIN CRADLES. of tKe most int proired patterns: All orders directed to Wm. L. Craighead, Carlisle, will be attended to with promptness,' and Plows or Cradles deliv ered in any part of the county free of charge. L. CBAIGHEAD, Pro l,r q DAVID STUCKEY, illanufseer Feb.l9 Sin THE undersigned respectfully informs hip friends and the !public generally, that he ~,e r . r , . has just returned from it.„,„..... 5) i t - -z- 4 - Philadelphia, having • .:I,' u , •‘,.‹, purchased the most ex.- ~,...,: .f .0 . 2 At.: tensive, as well as the' •-.., . .9 . T.Z.4`. cheapest assortment of 4 k. :: 3 ri . 4;' ' -;: ~. ~... :, -7 ...,- 4 :/Y.. Watches, Jewelry, .., &e., ever brought to Carlisle. Ills stock con sists in part of Geld and Silver Patent. Lever Watches, Glad and Saver detatched do. ' , do. ' • Gold and Silver L.lpte Watches. in short every variety Watches at all prices. Gold Guard and Vest Chains— Medallions,. Watch Keys, Ear Rings,-Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Gold. and Silver Pencils, Gold'and Silver pens-and cases and Bracelets in great variety. A splendid article of Gold, Silver; German - eAsM,,-Silver, - and-BluocL-Steel-SPEC. TACLES, which aro unsurpass• ed in pip lily by any other article west of Phil adelphia, and which can be sold at least 20 rer cent cheaper than in any other establishment in the country. Also a largo lm_of SILVER-WAWA comprising Table and Tea Spoons. Butter' Knives, Srit Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles, . &c. Also, Card Cases. Porte Monnaies, Port Folios, Ladies Writing Desks, with a.great variety of other fancy articles unnecessary to mention. A large, lot of CLOCKS, assorted patterns, which will be sold low, nod warranted to bo - good. Watches, Clocks and :Jewelry Repaired, , — l.la - firy fetrtil fcrcill: a rick - examirraltio-otcrcki asstrod ffit none can faif to be suffed in qual ity, quantity and mice. His article; aro cash purchases, conseeuently. he can afford to sell lower thantbe same articles can' be - Or - abased elsewhere. Cull at the old stand, a few doors _meet. of_ Rurkkoldarls_lio tel.____ January 15, 1851-ly such as Dishes., Flares, !Tea Sets, covered and uncovered dishes, bowls, toilet and' chamber sets, pitchers, &e., together with a lot of Blue Liverpool Ware, • all of the latest style nad shapes, also, all the various articles of the host common The assortment includes a few plain White and Gold Band China Tea Sets, of the bent quality and style, and also all the necessary articles of the best Granite, Stone and Blue Liverpool Ware suitable for any sized Dinner or Tea Sets; as may be ,wanted, together with a variety of Gtas - s - Warer; including a fine assortment,of "Bar and Table •Thinblers dishes, footed and other . bowls, goblets, wine glasses, lemonades, lamps, &e, The prices for all of which are fixed at the lowest cash prices. We invite our jriends who are in want of artleles,in our us a ball. rnars W Y. 'wM. M. PORTER invites the attention o the public to his large and complete as sortment of BOOTS, SHOES 8i GAITERS just received from Philadelphia, including a vs-: riots , of now styles.' His experience in the Shoe business, enables - him to select Work of the best materials and workmanship, which will be sold at the lowest cash price and warranted. 03 - Customer woi.k. attended to a usual. HENRY SAXTON SEVERAL two story BRICK HOUSES Squareon the in north hesvv kw t r east corner a r of s , a the public Roiv." For terms, &e., inquire of the • subscriber. 6n- mvotl ROB'T. IRVINE. A Voice from the 6. Burnt District." bionyer's' Candy., Factory Tlih subscriber would respectfully announce to his friends and the public generally, that his Factory which was destroyed by the late fire, has been rebuilt, and he to now. prepared to furnish them with 'CHOICE GANDIES,—. manufactured of tho best. material, which he will soil wholesale or retail at tho old stand in North Hanover street, a few, doore north - of the bank, whero he halt just opened a general assortment of , • • consisting of -Oranges,. Lemons, Itaisins,-.Figs, Almonds, English Walnuts, _Cocoa Nuts, Pea Nuts ' Sze. He would also call attention to his large assortment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, nd emmisting or toys of Glass, Wood, Gum Mins, of endless varieties. In connection with the above, ho has on hand a primp lot of • FRESH GROCERIES, consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses,. Spices, Crackers, Matches; , Blarling; dr..e.— Alsy a prime ; lot C,IQ.ARS„ of the boat' Tho - tulaseiibeiTetuini hi_e eincereilmikuci bosto)vod on him, ned,hopoe by tir.deente to_pheaso tic a tontlntia,ico'or Ofo' eemo., hio , would , Cho O ihRS tO, tlio • Fitemen Ciiixpna for prep ( litY. 6 n'.!he . nighi 'or. the • • • ; Brushed Brusheif;— A groat variety firthcso useful articiee feted for eale, oonsioting.ol,Whitewash, ing, Scrubbinv,;Putntere, loth, Shaving; fl a i r , and. Graininr„ Brushes ; greet variety, all of *hich.aro of the'beat qua ty and will bo sold at the lowest'prices June 6. .6 ELLIO'VT Albrllaittoitt.'. - R. B. SMILEY Extensive Furniture Rooms. 4. SrLzirmxxo sTOCZ.! China arid Crockery Ware White Granite Stone Ware; IF:itye and Edied Ware -Boots, awes and Gaiten. WEST HIGH STREET I OITOSITE TILE METHODIST MELO VOR RENT. FRUITS AND NUTS, ,Citorccis .%13/10. 1 - 11RtIGS DRUGS ! • rresh Sprin g Supply I . ' . - Ir FIAVId jut. received a fresh eat. of Med-' i . Wiles, Taints,, Glass,. Oil, &c., 'tvhith having been purchased with; great care at the best city houses, I can confidently 'recommend to Families, Physicians, Country Merelu7 and Dealeri, as beinwfresh and pure. p l i Patent Medicines,Derbsarid Extracts, Fine homi eels, Spices; ground and whole Instruments, 4 Essefices, .- ', ' Pure Essen'l Oils Perfumery, &e. - • Cod Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine. • %. DYESTUFFS. - • ' • Indigoes, I Log and, Cam Woods, Madders, ' IOW Vitriol Sumac , ,: - . Copperas, . • Alum, . Lac Dye . . ' PAINTS. Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lerid, Chrome' Green and Yellow, paint and Varnish Brushes, - Jersey - Window.- Glass,--Linseed -OUT-Tarpon tine, Copal and coach Varnish, turd Red Lead. All of which will. be sold at the very, lowest market price, Al.so,a fresh and splendid us sortment of - , FANCY GOODS, FRUITS, Confectionary, and inntnnerable other articles 'calculated for use and ornanient,..all of.-wl.ich are offered .at the lowest casli prices, at the cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of the sub scriber on North Hanover street.. S. W. HAVERSTICK. lkfay22. 1850. FIRET ARRIVAL OF Moors and Shoes -OR LITE .S-ALL. SEASON AT PORTER'S'S:I - ZOE STORE, Main Weed, near' Me Rail Road Depot,- -' OMPRISING Men's, Boy's and •Youth's ailj Calf, Rip 'and coarse Boots and Brogans, Winch are warranted to be of the best quality, Ladies Gaiters, Buskins and French Ties, Misses and Childrens boots and shoes in great varipty. Also, an elegant assortment of GUM SHOES and BOOTS, with all 'he Tote im provelnenks and warranted' perfect. Having, purchased these ; guns shoes from' the _agentat, the manufacturer, I am - authorized to otvx Ny.sy 'PAIR in place of any that prove defective in wearing. • Having a largo stock of French Calf Skins, Morocco, Rid, &c., and good work:men, every attention is given to customer work as usual. - septle " WM. M. PORTER. ORNAMENTAL"MARBLE WORKS. OWENS 454. AIM:TAMES, _ Recently froni' Philadeiphia, ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of rg. Carlisle and it, vicinity, Huh they have now at th . cir Marble Yard in South .Hanover street, a fey doors south of the Court House, and nearly opposite A & W Bentz's Store, an elegant stock of-pure, 411ERICAN WHITE .111.fiRBLE, and are prepared to.oxocute in the:most finished style - Mcolumettls, Tombs, Grave Stones at all prices, Orantles, Door at Window Silts, Steps, 4c-;',` tnether with every other article in their line, and promise that in fineness of finish, chaste ness of death and quality of ilhrble, their work shall not be surpassed by any other estab lishment.. They are also the authorized agents of 'Mr Robert Wood, of Philadelphia. and will fur nish from his Manufactdryall varieties of IRON RAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots and 'all other purposes,' at the shoriest-notfed and at Philadelphia prices. They , will also finish manufacture all kinds of Building Work, such as Sills, Steps and Platforms, &c., at the short est notice and on the most reasonable terms. . . . Having had grearefoeriencinlitid being - era= played in the best' slame of Philadelphia, they are therefore enabled to manufacture the most fashionable work, and, resyeetfully ask a share of the patrenage — of Carlisle and the surrounding country. [Carlisle, n0v648501. --WEIMIXTIL'L 1r ou -surnon! /THOUSANDS of bottles of the AMERI -CAN,COMPOUNP have been sold dur ing the past year, and was never Ictioyin to fail of curing, in a few days, of a certain -deli cate disease, Seminal weakness and all diseases of the Urinary organs. Persone afflicted using this pleasant end popular remedy, need fear no exposure, as it leaven no odor on the breath, requires no restrictions in diet ur business,— contains no Mereury_m_noxions drugs. injurious to the system, and is adapted to every ago, sec, or condition. It is also the best remedy known for Fluor Albin' or Whites, (Femaleocinplaints) with which thousands suffer, without the know ledgo-of-a-remedv,—This-celebratcd-remedy has long Feen,itsed iii private practice - uf a-phy sician and with unerring sdreess, radically curing ninety.nino.of the hundred cases in a few days. _Around each bottle ace plain and full directions. - Y AU PlON'=Ask inr tho - All - .E - 11:1 - C - A•M COMPOUND, and purchase only'of the Agents Pr ice SI per bottle. For sale by S. ELLIOTT Carlisle; J. Wyeth, Harrisbiargi R. Williams Columbia; by A. MillCr, Lancaster; E. Morris Sr.. Co., York. r . (January, 15, Ibsl. REIM° VAZI STOVE NV AREROONS AND TIN MAN - IMACTORY: rilrlllEsubscribers desire tl?inform their friend; anolthe public that they have removed their TIN,- COPPER AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY' to the room nearly oppo site their old stand on North . Hanover street • and may now be found in their new and corn• motions manufactory on the West side of the said stre - et, a few doors above Loather street - , where they will continue,tokeep on hand a lull assortment of every kind of TM, Copper awl Sheet-Iron Ware: -which-may-the _needed_by imueelteepere_and_ others. Their articles are Manufactured by themselves, of the best materials, and in point of finish and durability cannot be surpassed.— They will also manufacture and repair, at the shortest notice all kinds of Distilling Apparatus. They will promptly attend •to the' laying of TIN ROOFING and"HOUSE SPOUTING in town and country, and on the moat reasona• ble terms. Every branch of their -business will be carefully attended to with the utmost promptness. They also keep- constantly on hand a Imp variety oCOf AL AND WOOD,STOVES, • comprising' every variety .;oll' plain ton-plaie STOVES, elegant wood and-coal air•tight PARLOR Si 0 VES, of tho latest styles, COOKING' STOVES of the newest end-most improved inventions, at variuus prices. which cannot fail to please every taste, They re spectfully, solicit an examination by the public of their large and varied assortmentof stoves. Thankful to the public' for, favors heretofore extended, and being determined to relax no exertions to give satisfaction to their custom. ore they hope to merit a continuance of pa tronage. .97 - The highest cash price - will be paid for old Copper and Pewter. • MORRIS, HERSHEY. Carlisle, Mareh 19, 1851-ly 1)1t. S. rivaintaiocxx, WILL admit on deeornodating terms, into his office several STUDENTS for instruction in the various branehes2of medicine, viz.:. Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry; Thor—. apitinielca, Surgery, Theory and Practice of Medicine, Ace. ,Professional calls attended to in town and country.-es heretofore.- , -Oarliebi, Feb 26—St .. UMBRELLAS 4116,PARASOLS SELLING OFF CHEAP tIAYINC, - decided to . miitoluiT buelnets, , propose to sell my stoaktmt very low pri cos.' ft embraces tho, newest and most'deettn Me styles. You aro invitod to call and exam ,ino. WM. 11. RICHARDSON, Mr26-2tn • No 104 Market M. Philada. maxi 41. WATER PROOF. DI LAKE'S Fire and Water Praof PAINT, up . which has keen en extensively used for tho last six years with..the utmost success on the roofs of 'Houses, Steamboats, dr.e.,.not a single instance is known where it has lailed.-r• Tor-sale-by To -MiAinere,- T received another - lot of 'Bonne 'Franee ofJholatearßonnot silks Silk and Setio . 4inin4a of, - Various. colors. . „LUIVEDMI. YARD. , nabsciitioi)Wauld .rpep,t3ofully, Inform hia'friondAtaid the ,publto generally that, he has illist•'.4pentid:*now;;'l , llM.BEß:4l!TP, COAL . " YARD in, Ntrese.fligh et roat;;ri,:taw, doors cant •forawailarsl,.•Tittoado!o Warohouso, 'wharo hri..qtiottrrha 64 o ii..;:p:na , ..witt...keop • constantly , ;an hand a firot raterartiOttoota .of , somidjoine boards tind'plailk and altottibr.Wrids" ~all f f r •ca al atutt, a._ o , a 4h April 3,1850. JOHN N. AR 5T.11,0/1-G'l 2buctitactitento. FIRST PREMIUM- a • • *rand- and 'Square- PICASTOS. f lEN,4l332Stik. 0.840, 311altufactuters, .1ifd5:' , 1;6,%8, -. 6 audit Eutaw Street Baittideetqlld. ,• • LA NO FORTES, from 4:to 7 ectaves; in "JOI in Rosewood, Mahogany . and Walnut cases of various styles, with and without iron frames, combining all the improvements requlsite to a ,superior instrument. K. & G. have received from tho Maryland Institute thejyrat premiusi"for - their Pianos, in three auccoseive•years, 1848, 1649, 1850. .They have also been,honored with numerous !cairn°. nials froni all the most celebrated artists who have !feed lheir instruments. Pianos from their establishment have been used at the concerts os Lind, Herz, .Hohnstock, Bishop, Laborde, Knoop, and other eminent p'crformers.. They guarantee durability Cur fire years, under good nare. , and replace ' , int. others all which : may not give satisfaction, if application be made _within. six Months_affertieliverY; Uanufactory lining con ucted — Ofillitf most extensive scale enables them 'to tarnish instruments at the vet y lowest . priees, whole= sale and retail. Constantly A. P. Hughes' Melodeons, ranging from $45 to $2OO, for which they are solo agents for this city. January22,l4sl4y. Perfumery, Fancy Soap Sr: Paper Box EVIZI1:12"11.C 1 2 1 010r. 48 Markel street, btloto Second, Philadelphia. LEGG Isc, CRoNPTON, Manufacturers 4J of Perfumery. Fancy Soaps and Fancy Paper Boxes, respectfully call the attention of the Druggists.and..Dealers in Carlisle and the .Cumberland Valley. to their extensile 'stock of Goods,. comprising Perfumery; Fancy Soaps, Powders for the complexion; 'Pellet, dee. 4fte of every variety. Also, n full and complete as I: _fortment of Fancy Paper Boxes, of de scription, large or small, round or square, made "to order at the shortest notice.' 0:1 - Don't forgot the place, 48 Mar,liet street, Philadelphia. .AAI orders will meet with prompt attention. ' , ja0.15 PIANE FORTE WAREROOMS, JVb.l7l VHES.NU7' STREET, .P.IIg..II.D'A. THE OLD STAND, ocouPied for more than one-third of .a century by 011 ii ig, Esq.. - . . I.IE--undersigned would most respectfully X announce to the public that ho is AGENT for 'more than twenty of the most !-- - s , trieelehrated manufacturers - of 13 0S• a TON,• NKW YORK, PHILA. • -,`-' -DELPHIA; and elsewhere; and is constantly - receiving from them PIANOS o the richest and most varied styles, of superior tone, and of the most superb finish, of S. 6.1,.6h, 6i, and 7 Octaves, which aro warranted equal to any manufactured either, in this country or in Europe. , Just received, also, a furthersupply.of Church and Parlor Organs, of beautiful . patterns and fine tones. .. . His WAREROOM .is'constantly supplied 'with a choice selection of SERAPHINES and MELODEONS, fret& the oldest and mosi , ort• 'tensive manufactories in the:lThited - States; a. mong whicn is a new style di REED ORGAN having - Gerhart's' patent improveinenti, with gilt pipes in from, and caso- elegantly carved; 'and highly ornamental, . Tuning mid Repo:ring—Sig. SalvadoC La Grassa, a distinguished Piano Forte Manufactu rer and Organ Builder...will attend to all orders. sept4,o ~ ' OSCAR C•a CARTER. . • PEREVICEfiIt DEPOT; rtiON'T bo. - Mciehants 11...1 and Dealers who '-vititt• good and •-cheap PF..I:I.MERY.end VANC-Y - SONFS'allould call upon 'JOHN' T . CLtGG,' Per/osier -and C . /veil-8448 Market - SC, WEZoto. 2 d,P . hilade/Phia, -Who -has-conitcartly-on-liand-P ERFUM E Y• 'and FANCY. .SOAPS of every description, PoWders; Hair 'Oil's, Oxlliarrows, Colognes, Hair Dyes;&O., - &c' • 100,000-persons have read my advertisement in the Public Ledgeri•hundreds of whom have called and been convinced of the advantage of purchasing direct Thin the minalitcturer, Agendy for Ferran's Circassian Ilair Oil, Curling Fluid, &c. Orders from any part of the United-, States will be promptly attended to. nug4'so,ly JOHN T• CLEUG. ECON Light: Light .! Light! Pine 011,_,Camphine & Medal Fluid, (IF acknowledged superiority and purity, manufactured • and for - sole at the lowest Wholesale prices, by DAVIS. & HATCH% at the old established wand of •the late Roue miik.T._•Ligoix,_WilidD EN, Is;.ENV JERSF,Y, -where-orders by_mailoroilieriviseLaielielreitid,. and prompt atttintion given. The voice 'of the Sublic for fifteen yoare, and the award of a ilver Medal, and complimentary notice by the Franklin Institute over nil competitors, is sufficient evidence of the excellence of our Oil. its of 'l'nTentine, for sale Wholesale , and tail, at the lowest prices. • foct3o , OH. A" .P: Rortre,. pIimANUFACTURERS and wholesale deal -IYli era in BRO 0 S, B E S and WOOD WARE, have removed, to the largo store lately occupied by Messrs. Sellers & Do. vi where they have openedim . extennive stock of Eastern and City made BROOMS and V OOD WARE, which they are now soiling Lt the lowest manufacturers prices. • 01:full assortment of Bristles, Brushes; .11Iat Cordage, conufantly on hand No North 'And Slrect, 3 doors below Race, Ph delphia , - P-. Steanli fro" n MORE & acarmAatztEn, Cornir of Ridge Road and Broad Street, ThILADELPHIA. WOULD call the attention of purchneera to V • their elegant asaarttnent of Wrought and 'Cast Iron Railing for . "CEMETERIES;' • - BALCONIES; l. • • VERANDAS • • Railing for Churches, Public end Private Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with ell kinds of Plain and Ornamental Irolt Work. More -&- Gallagher's Book of • ORIGINAL DESIGNS, containing the best selection designs that has ever bean issued; will be sent to any person'whii may wish to make a select Lion. • -' L. S. GORDON, PRODUCE, COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, N 0.78 Wirth Street, Baltimore. AHE undersigned, --Agent for .I the Pennsylvania and Ohio, Lino, being cen trally located on the Baltimore and Susque hanna Railroad, Oink n.ado arrangements for transacting a General Produce n connection with ° FORWARPI.N and respectfully solicits consignmantusf Whig. key, Flour, Grain, and Comm . " Produce gene. rally. Respectfully, Baltimore, April 2-3mfes. N. 13. Orders for Groceries, Salt, &c., wil be promptly executed. Melt :re. John Sullivan & Sons, W. Starr & Sons Caraon & Co., Mtn M'Cul logli ev. Co,. WOO & Wilson, David Hays & Co., Duvall,. Keigbler & 'Dorsey, Miller.anti Maybe*, Turnbull; Dall & Robert Garrett It. Sous, James George, Baltimore. Messrs K. Climatal: Co. Wits.iling..Va Messrs. H Graff, Piiiaburg. W.. Kerr, Harrisburg. , Jail* Ctivv:lo, • ' ..11t essra.'Muthollnti & line, Bliiir6;4110: .1110asni..P. A & S :York. Alreprii. „Tames Steel &. co., Lewis' & Butler P , . ELOUR iitiD! PRODUCE COMMISION • MERCHANTS, • 365 Ealtimere "opposite Eutaw house, •=7. —` , EVOTE whole attention to the sale flour, aratn'aind Seedo c .irhiakty, Bacon, .Lard, Better, Woof,'Pried • Frail, Eec.; iii.. on . 111w.meet,reisionable - toning . som to' remove villetti.thOt rill4have 'the, use ill Rail Rood track coniteettpg with thp, Susquelinnut, ROW; . respeet fully solicit o•te sign .• ; trierita op!. thql pitetti and Will . therneelyuetv drayaieen pit:IMMO Ito - etitiso,; w hist jolo001•1arge car load - or more et a, 601 , 4.7 •-•-• • • • • • - • .REFERENCES. Me • stet - David Stewart & Co. i B u m l :i ) Mrr Sohn , D. Early, -: Mr. Ilpto=stigh, Cllamborsburg. • ==ala WEALTH. ommision Business, G tIySJ.NES, L S GORDON. EMMEEM ,Intittrancr Tlie United States . Life Imp:lmm • Annuity and.dust Company.- hatter Perpzeual—Capi tal $25,000 0 614 THE • constant, 11*o/it:lied redicalion for Life Insurance; gives the most abundant and gratifying prool .that the public-mind is deeply' impressed with the test importance of this subject.' The 'great' object, however, of •Insurance should .be safety, otherwise the whole • motive to insure may be disappointed. Too much 'care cannot be practised in the selection of an office with' which ,to effect the contract.-- The choice should be regulated 'nOrby present and - constant large inducements, as tins, is cer. tainly Incompatible with , future befic4ts. The premiums on life are calculated for the Attire, if present and prospective benefits ihorefore are given, the result ultimately, must terminate in litigation, disappointment and ruin. 'flie object aimed at by thisfastitetion las/ability end per petaity. The rates of premium have been care fully prepared with reference-to fluctuations.— 'l'he cash system of payments has also been. adopted UnPaid premium Petals_ constitute no part of the assets of this 'company, and- every contingency being fortified with an ample cap ital, security stamps tne•whola system. 'Thu, feature, paramount to all other considerations, commends the compssy to. ROBE: favor. Ex planatory pamphlets, blanks. nOplication papers -information, and every_ facility will be cheerfully Illelli9llC4 filo public by Mr. E. BEATTY; who has been.duly appointed agent of this company for CdnYbeiland •county. Dr: H. fII.NKLEY has also been appointed Medical Examiner: .bifectors.—Stephen R. Crawford ; -Ambrose \V 'Thompson, Benjamin \V Tingley, Jacob L Florence, William M Godwin, Paul B Goddard Lawrence Johnson, George l‘Pllenry, James DaYereitx; John L - Lintnn."_ President.—Stephea R. Crawford. Pic& President.—Anibrose 'W. 'Thompson,...", Secretary & Treasurer.—Charles G Imlay . Actuary—Manuel Eyre. Calmed .F..s Attornell.—Tlionin's Balch. ' ..Medical Examiners. Paul,B Goddard, M.D. William Pepper, M. D. [rine ly FME INSURAIITC.V. TIIE Allen and East Pennsborough Mutual 3. 7 ire Insurance Company of Cumberland county ncorporated by an. act of Assembly, ienciw fully organir:ed, and in operation under the manage ment of the following commissioners, viz: . Jacob Shelly, Win It Gorgon, Michael Cock in, Melehoir ,Brennoman, Christirin,Stayman, Simon-Oystor,Jacob-II -Coover,_Lowis Byer, Henry Logrn ' Benjamin ;Musser, Jacob kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joseuli Wickersham. The rates of insurance are low and favora bl n as any . Cempncy of the kind in die State.— Persons wishing to become members are invited to make application to the nzents pf the compa ny; iyho. are willing to wait upon them at any time. . - • • JACOB SIINLLY,, President: LENIZY LOGAN, Vice President. •,. ..LEVVIS lIYER, Secretary. . MICHAEL COCELIN, Treasurer. , 0ct17'49. AGENTS Cumberland county.—Rudolph Martin, New CuMberland, C B Herman, Kingstown, Henry Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and Charles 8011, Carlisle, Isaac Kinsey, Alechan.. iceberg. Dr. J. Ahl; Chnrehmwn. York county.—John Sherrick, Lisburn, John Bowman, Dtilsburg Peter Wolford, Franklin John Smith, Seq., Washington, W S Pinking, Dover, Daniel Ilaffensberger, J W Craft. tr Harrisburg.—Houser & Lockman. ".• Members tof the company having policies a bout to expire can have them renewed by mak ing•application to any of the agents. .J -FOR 525 CENTSA ! —By means oF the pocket Emil:mins; or, Every one his own Physician ! Teen ty4on mired' t wards'ot a hundred onus ngs, shotringprivate (Ili :tans in every 'shape and form, and Talformations of the generative system. BY \NM.YOUNG,_M.D. -The time has -now •r -'tring from secret disease VICTIAI Or QUACIMAY . _ ,—ons contained 111 this book any _ . one may.cure himself, without hindrance to bu- , siness, or the kno . wledge of 'the most intimate friend, and with one tenth the usual expense. In additjon to thh.general routine of private disease it fully explains the {muse of manhood's earl., da cline,'wuji, -, observations on marringebesidee i i ti many othdr r lera,gements which it would not 'by -proper to c umerate in the public prints. 221:Any persuts.sending. TIY ENTY-FAVE.CENTII, . enclosed in n letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will he sent for one dollar. Address, "DR. W. YOUNG,No. 1'52 SPRUCE Street, Pit ILADLEYI (IA" Post-paid. jDR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of - 11fisumniS - preseribilf in- his-different-puhliva ions, at Ms Offices, I 52 SPRUCE - friTetieviiry day between 9 and 3 o'cliNk, (Sundays excepted. -May I, .1650. . SUPERIOR__PRESiI__GROCERIESA Call and See befra;e Purchasing elsewhere! /ECHE sub:criber is just receiving and oenp, ing e.t his Cheap Family Grocery and ~ Quecnsware Store in West Main street, Car. lisle, a very large assortment of all the,arn. cies in his lino'ol business. ' Rio Coffee from 12 to 1 . 4 cents per pound, far good to ~,a strictly prime article. Also, Brown Sugas of the best quality, from 7 to 9 cents per pound, Lovering's best crushed and pulverized Sugars from 10. to 12 ° 1.2 cents per pound, N. 0. Sugar litmise nqd.Syrup Molar sea of all grades from 33 to 62i per gallon.— Also, a supply of froili ground SPICES of all • kinds, warranted pure. SOAPS, FancY, Cas tile; Rozin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, pul verized Saiiiratiis, Indigo, Alotild and Dipped Candles, Common and Winter Strained Whale Oils. Also, a supply of fresh Hominy, cheese from the best Dairies always on hand. Fancy sewing; traveling, clothes and market Baskets, together with a general assortment of Chew ing and smoking Tobaccos; Spanish end half-. Spanish Cigars, common — do., ropes, twin - Ce, anirßrushes of all kinds.,. 'CEDAR W A R E.—Housekeepers, and others expecting soon to embark - in the same business, please tall and examine my stock of NVash tubs, Wash. Rubbers, Churns, Cedar Buckets, fancy, painted and tarnished Buckets, Brooms,' &c., &c. . GLASS AND QUF,ENSWARE.--;The - subscriber has just added to his aheady large stock a number of white Granite, Gold Figur ed, Blue, Marble, Flowing Blue and Mulber ry Tea Sets, of 48 pieces, • Also. Plates end Dishes, Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, .Syrup Bottles, &e. of every descriptioh and priee.so .that he will be • able to meei.the. wants and means of all in the community who, may favor htm with a call. inar6 .1 -H A L TWIT . 1 4'c * ;PI c** A NEW supply ; of fresh Coffees, White and Brawn Sugars, Spires of all kinds, ground and unground, with all the other varieties of a Gro cery:Store, including also a new supply of Jen kin!a No, 1 Quality of FINE GREEN & BLACK TEAS, in metallic, Packs of quarter, Kali and pound packages front 50 to $1,50 per pound, - as also n the bulk. • All just opened and for sale at the store of Lml2] J W EBY. • Patent" Starch Polish.. FOR giving a beautiful gloss to Linens, Mae• lies, Collars, ten., and prevents dust from sticking to Linens, &c. It contains nothing injurious• Just received by decti G W HITNER. BOOTS &" SHOES. JUST received a largo assortment of Men Women and Children's Boots and Shoes, Wit. is' Double Soled ,Bnakins and Jenny. Lind Shoes, which I can sell very cheap. 10ct2.3 N W WOODS, Ag't. . •BOARDINCI. ENIOUR OR. FIVE BOARDERS:wiII meet Witlietccommodations on rensonalle terms, by calling on the subscriber in South Hanover street, Carlisle. , JAMES McMATII. January...23 o , SALT. - 1.25 SACKS O. SALT' receiving and for nate cheap at thovvare'house of . &TIE{ • .. - B MURRAY, Ag't.., No. 8 Market/Streel, near Me Bridge, HARRISBURG EALER. IN Ell S_ AitA"' P-Frl NES , HA.N T O LS, MC. om Mc. most . colobratod j bastorn poutactotioo; p:'lurpislied at Manufactui=. pricoa:.4ll , . , [mars-3ar . _ . . To 'those' Interooted. 91HE. subassiberaAvieli nil:'indebted to them' IL' to call Mid settle thositme by • the middle i,e,.maroll, AS • .nocossarf their accounts' should be paid off.by that time !..Just a.fino lot'ot• Now Goods, which wo axe aniline/ at•our usual low pricos;. , Cull and sea. ' • Fob 26-3 t • . n & W BENTZ,' D:.!- . .L.Afiii:,':.,:::. , 1:) =ME =MEM GREAT COUGH REMEDY, • VAI V IE 1 2:2 ) F oCki_l6,l4 - 45 - 7,44.3_ , 1 ' I 1,1 fi• tAILsE PECTORAL;., • For the Cure of 60U,G17,5, acizan, EcoAnstNmss;:lnioN. CHIT'S, CROUP, ASTE., iVIA, ViTHOOPIPtck- COUGH AND CONSUP.I.PTION. In offering to the community this Justly cele brated remedy for diseases of the throat and Itiogs, it is not one wish to tel with the or health of the a Weed, hot frankly to lay he• fore.them the opinions of distin Wished men rind $OlllO of the evidences of its success, from which they can judge fdr themselves". We sincerely pledge out selves to mate no a ill assertions or lidse,shitementa of its s. eflicacY, nor will we hold out soy hope suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. •• _Many pitmikare_here given, mtd,,we solicit an inguliy from the puHie, into all'we putlish,feel ing assured they will find them.ierfectly and the medicine worthyllieir beat Confidence, and patrorqe. PI tO SILLIMAII. M. D., L..L. Professtir of - Chemistry, Mintraology,&e:, Yalv College, Member of the Lit., !list. Med. Pls.lo. and Selen. Societ , es of Ameri-a &41111 Europe. • 4 g drem the MERRY PECTORAL an ad infrable composition from some of the-best-ar---- iclea,in he Materia Medics, add a very efrect ive remedy for the class of iseases it is intend ed to cure." Nen , Haven, Ct.,Nov. 1;1349. Prof. CLEAT ELAN I), of llowdoin College, Me. Writes—" I have witnessed the effects of your , CIIERRY-PECTORAL' in my own family and that.of my friends,and it gives me satisfliction state in its favor that no medicine I,have, ever known has proved so nminemly successful of curing diseases of the throat and lungs." REV. DR. OSGOOD Writes . 7 " That he considers'CHEßßY PEC TORAL' the best medicine for.Pulmytary affec tions ever given to the public," and states that "his daughter being obliged to keep the room four mouths with a severe settled cough, uccoru- Tanied - by'raisingprbloodiniglit'sweats - oind - the attendant symptoms of consumption, commenacil the Use 'of the 'CHERRY PECTORAL' and had completely recovered,''' 11E'Aft THE PATIENT. Dr. Ayer—LDear Sir; For two years I vas afflicted with a very severe cough, accompanied ho spitting of blood and profusb night sweats,— By the advice of my attending physician I was induced to use your CHERRY PECTORAL, and continued to do so till I considered myself cured, and ascribe the effect to your prepara,ion. JAMES RANDALL." -Timm 'en ss. Springfield, Nov. 27.1848, This day appeared the above named J aMes Randah, and m'onounced the above statemons true in every respect.. LORENZO NORTON, Justice. viii RENIEDY TIIAT CURES. RPonTLArin, Ale. Jan. 10,1847. 1)1.. Ayer; 1" have teen' long afflicted with Asthma which grew yearly worse until last an.; mint], it brought on a- cough which confined me in my chamber, and began to assume the alarm ing syniptoms • of- consumption. [had tried the best advice and the best medicine to nopurpose, until 1 used your CIIERRY PECTORAL, which has cured me, and you may well believe me.— , Chiteally yours. • If there isany value in the judgment of the wise, who speak from experience, here la i c:ailed. nine Ivorthy-of -the public confidence.. PREPA,REn DY. J. - 4 c. 'AVMS, CHEMIST; I.OW}:LL 199.5 . 4C/lUSETTS. Sold - 6y 7 n1% W I ing; S. A7Hubbard- St Mt: S. Elliott, Carlisle; Dr. - 11.h Day, Mechanicsburg; .1 H. Herron, Newrille; J. C. E.:. J. B. Altick peniburg3 and druggists generally. • MEL MIKELER'S celebrated Family Medicines. It concerns every one. Cholera can be cured Dr. Keeler's Sarsaparilla Panacea. For the removal and permanent cure of al Diseases miming from an impure state of the Blood and habit of body. The All-wise Creator has implanted in all organized bodies an innate disposition to self preservation. The vital panels possess the property-of resisting-the-101l uence -of-external causes, butas the BLOOD is the common par Wont front which all parts of living matte derives its renovating elerneuts, and consequent ly, upon which tile life'of organized beings de,,, pood,:it.io-probablc- t ha t-in-casee.rol ; micideut i - or where artiffmarnicana have been employed" to deprive it of an essential property, the vital effects of the Whole system 'be directed to. ward restoring to it that property. cOn- Atitutiouril.and. hereditary Affections, this fluid has undergone some primary alteration, which is the cause of the special disease, or which cs sentially contributed to its production. A-onto r ration to health cart only be obtained by a re moval of the inerbiffe cause throtigh the inedi um of the circulation, and Dr. Keeler's Sores peril's, is the most .powerful modifier of agent effecting this fluid koown. Seu pamphlets. Blackwoodtown, N. J., June 6,1848. Dr. heeler—Deer Sir: I am entirely out of your Panacea. 1 was called upon day. before yesterday for half a dozen. Your medicine is becomleg very popular whore rhave introduced it, end I think the more it is used the more pop ular it will gct. Respectfully yours, PARHAM', M. D. tFor details, certificates &c, see circa' larti, &c. - - Price $1 per bottle, large/size, 6 but, ties $5 DR. REELER'S COUGH SYRUP Among all the remedies before the public thie_stands—pre•cniinent—in incipient—Consump— lion, •Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough,Fleurisy, Asthma, Spitting of Blood y and for all affections of the pulmonsi y organs occasioned by cold. 'ro6 much praise cannot be bestowed upon thin remedy, and the proprietor urges' every ono afflicted with any of the above complaints to. secure it at once. It is Warranted to cure or no pay. Prise only 50 cents. • DR. KEELER'S CORDIAL AND CARMI- N ATI VE Every, family whether, rich ur poor, who val ues health and all its blessings, khould have this invaluable remedy at hand. It is infinitely the beet remedy known fir Diarrheas; Dysentery, Cholera Morhus, Cholera InfantUan, Cholic, Flatulency, griping pains, cramp, etc., and for all diseases of the stomach and bowels caused by Teething. Tho numerous testimonials - Rom Physicians and others unsolicitbd has given it a reputation as' firm as adamant.. arPricto 25 cent• per bottle. DR. KEELER'S. VERMIFUGE This remedy is pleasant to the taste, harm. less to the patient and till powerful in removing all kinds of worms from the body. It is with out doubt, the cheapest and best worm destrlly ing medicine before the public, and will if ad ministered according, to directions, remove them - within five or mix hours after token: The. dose is small, and each bottle contains twice as much as similar remedies. Price only 25 cents per bottle. DR. KEELER'S LIVER AND SANATIVE PILLS AlthoOgh nut recoMmended. as a neon,' all?! yet they aro the fnildest and beet namedy to re. move Constipation. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bil iousness, Nervousness, Foul Stomach, Plead• achq, Indigestion, eta. Ulike other purgative Medicines they leave the bowelsalvrayavelpied and consequently are the proper medicine. for for ferhales and person■ leading a solitary , life. Price 25 cents. DR. KEELER'S RHEUMATIC LOTION A justly celebrated. external application for Pains of the Chest, Neuralgia, Headsche,,Speos Bruises, Tie Dolorous, Swellings of the Joints, Rheumatism, Gout, sciatica and rof all disor ders wherein a sedative and rubefacient reme dy is applicable. Price rtwenty.five cents - per bottle. , All °Nile above celebrated and extensively used medicinen, are prepared and 'sold Whole -We; and - Retail; at - 294 MARKET "STREITP,' Tor' sale by S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle ; A. G. Miller, tliel;ingent . Me9sra,Altick, Sliippens.; burg, -J. F. Spa); r,,alechanicabitrg, . Bilnet, Shisernanetown, and an erefy town throughnot Alm eonnty and Btato..,' Pinuney:l4, 1851 iNIT4A.TE OF-'II.I.AGN4SIA.—An ogroo- IL/ ,oblo and. Mild ; refrigiiront and or Odo by; . 113 I/BARD. . [ flinr26 Sack Fianna; U IlleColYbd ICiffohOyn coolortment of Col odd;kine to *it—Blot k Cliay‘ , lll4oi,geflc'Gtiotin riok' Clianiett Y.A.10; WNW 'raid lon 1 , 13 n 111 : steat yutjoty. - a'V arrNratv • , ' illi9cciktitons. Price. Reduced! VAUGHN'S urnoNrßaPric IMMURE! Largo Vonlos•Only One Dollar. The Proprietor of the Greet American Remedy " VAUOLIN . VICOETAXILE LITIIONTRIPTIC MIXTURIC," 1111111 Ced by thi argent aolleitationa of hi, Agouti, throughout tho Unita BMW end Canada. has nom, • Reduced the Pride • of b 6 poppies and well known article; and from the dale wincefortli. be will pot up but one she roan —lde untie 'oldest—the retail price will be • ONE DO.LRAR. • I,rrhe public: may rest 'assured thaktharacter of gis Medi Xing, its strength, and curative properties WILL SIZIKAI , JXCIIANGID. end the MM. oars will 110 bestorrk is pre serfsag it is heretofore. • - As this medicine, Under its reduced price, will be purchase 1 ty thew; sato have not hitherto made themselves acquaints with Its Virtues. the proprietor would beg lolntimate that Id' article id not to:be clawed with the vast amountof " nemedir IX the day ;" It claim. for itself a grower healing , power, i all diseases, than any other , oreparation now bohre fh world; and has sustalueo .taelf for eight year. by its mystic medical virtues, end, until this raluction, commanded doubt .ho prieeof any other article in this line. ' NOTICS 1 1 ARTyJII.A.IILY, thli article Lela with great box nr power and•certainty, upon the and all other organs, upon the prow Wien of ,whleh liftmeth depend. This medicine has a lastly high.reputo a• a remedy far Drcipiy andGiavol; sad all climate or that nature. It may bo yelled open who be intelligent phyeielan. has abandoned his patient. -.and l *JIM &Alarming flitlesCe, more amegially Daorir, the prop, ator would-sunnily : and • homily Moommend - 1G - Art lament prim it is easily obtained by all, and the trial proi the article to be the • , peapeat..llladicine in - 2ilairorld rsr Please ask for pamphlets— thiIMINII gin them way they contain over sixteen pages of receipts, (iunddition to fu medical matter) valuable for household purveys., and vela% will save many doltur per year to practical housekeepers. Those receipts am detroduced to make the book of grit value, aside from Its character as an ativertaing medium ft • the Medicine, the testimony in fever of which, in tie. ferns.: letters from all tiarte of the &litany, may be relied open.. fIVT " Vauglin's Vegetable LithontriptinMixture'•— tk Great Arrietican Remedy, now for ado in-quart bottles ug each, email bottles of 60 eta each. No small bottles will 6 foetal after the prawn 'took is dispoeal of. Principal „Office, Buffalo, N. Y.„201 Main Street, ' G. C. VAUGHN. - Sold Wholl.llo - and Retail by OLCOTT MUICESSON I CO., IV Maiden Lane, New York City: 5.—A1l letters (excepting from agents and dealers wit whom ho teamilets business) must be post paid, or no !Mende id 13a given n them. S W •llavcretick, Carlislo, I C & C B Altic . k, Shippensburg, Ruspel `&Dickinson, J Spahr, 14echnriiesqui.g, A H Zfiger;-Kingstown. Octl6 Valuable School Books, tHELA SHED BY `rHontis, cow AETII WAITE E.: tO., ess MARKET STREET, PHIADELPMA, and for, eale by all the book sellixs in the United States : MITCHELL'S PRIMARY . GE9GRAPHY, An easy introduction to ,the study nt Geogra phy, designed for children, and completely- il lustrated by 120 engravings -and 14 colored maps: • MITCHELL'S IHTERHED/ATE GEOGRAPHY—. The text, the exercises the illustrations, and the forty beautiful mnps are printed together,,in one quarto volume. :MITCHELL'S SCHOOL GEOGRAPHy. & ATLAS, a system of modern Geography, comprising a descviption of-the-present-Mote of-the-world and—• its(five great divisions. , Embellished with nu merous c-e ravingo and illustrated by an excel lent Atlas containing 28 handsome and accurate colored maps. This series of Geography by S. 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