Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 30, 1851, Image 4

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    ' 814.igt(0-L..fficiWiiiilo,--
Methinks gocid to be here, •
If thou wilt let us build,—but for whom 1 ~
Nor Elias nor Mom appear ;
But the Outlaws of eve that encompass the C o
The abode of the dead, and the place of the tomb.
Shalt ws build to Ambit!On 1 Alt i no :
AlTrighted, he shrinketh away;
For see, they would pin him below
Toe small narrow eV/et arid, begirt with cold.clay,
To the meanest Of reptiles a peer antra prey.
To Beauty? Ah t no: she forgets ,
The charms that she wielded before
Nor.knows.the.foul Worm that he frets
The skin . which but yesterday fools could adore,
For theymootliness It hold,, or the tint which it
wore. •
Shall we build to the purple of '
The trappings which (then the'proudi
Alan i theyare all laid aside.; , •
And here's neithardresa nor adornment allowed,
Put the long winding-sheet, and the. fringe of the
To It:Wiest Alas tis in vein:
Who hid; In their turns have been'
The treasures ere squandered again
And here, Mahe - grave, are nil metels forbid
But the tinsel that shone on the dark coqiii-lid
To the pleasure which Mirth can afford,
The revel, the laugh and the jeer,
Ah I here Is a plentiful board. —..-
But the guests are„ - all mute an their pitiful cheer,
And none but the worm is a leveller here..
Shell we build to Affectinn and ,LoVe 1
Ah ! n 6: they have withered and died,
Or fled with the !wait aboile.
Friends, brothers. and sisters, nro laid side by side,
Yet none have saluted, and none Nava replied.
Unto Sorrow 1 The dead cannot grieve;
ANor a sob, nor a nigh meets mine ear,
Vhfeh compassion itself could relieve:
Ah : sweetly they slumber, nor hope, love, or tear;
Pence, peace, Is the watzhword, the only one Isere.
Mato Death, to whom, monarchs must bow
Ah I no: for his empire In known, .
And here there are trophies enowi
Beneath the cold denti,•rizid around the dark stone,
Are the signs of n sceptre that none may disown.
The first tohernocle to Hope we will build.
And look for the Sleepers ;wound us to rise
The second to Folth,which insures It fulfilled,.
And the third to the Lomb of the Greet Sacrifice,
Who bequeathed tis them both when he rose to the
skies. -,
A 'Good lischange,
shall never forget, says the Bishop
of •Norwibh,' visiting the ' cottage - of a
man- who had been all his . life a drunk
ard, rind which was an abode of misery
and - wrefehedness. 1-1 e" lieeame a -teeto
taler. and - ia six months alter Wards I found
abode.the scene of 'comfort and do
mestic happiness. This man with tears'
in his eyes, placing his hand onst
family Bible, said, This is the first thing
'that I purchased with the money saved
by giving up drunkenness ; it was an
alien to :my house before, but it has been
my daily comfort and companion ever
since I reformed."
FAxTr.v DEVOTION.—It is a beautiful
thing to behold a family at their devo
tions. Who would not be moved by the
tear that treMbles in the mother's eye, as
she looks to Heaven; rkrut pours forth her
fervent supplication for the welfare •of
children ? Who•can look with indifTer:
ence upon the venerable father, surroun
ded by his family, with his' uncovered
locks, kneeling in the .presence of Al
mighty God,'and praying for their hap
piness and prosperity ? In whose bosom
is not awakened the finest feelings on be
holding a tender child, in the beauty n
its innocence, folding its hands in pr
er, and imploring. the invisible, yet et r
nal Father, to bless its parents, its . bro
thora alma glititArsi: and its DlaYrnnTeS ?
SUNDAY SonooLs.--Bishop Beveridge
has truly and strikingly said, " Who
knows but the salvation• of ten thousand
immortal souls may depend upon the ad
ucation of a single child. .Connect with
this the remark of a living Bishop of The
church of England, that "Sunday schools
_lux ve_eayelth_e_menulacturin islricts.l
- -and - also - the - fact - mentioned by Dr. Bow
ring, that " out of, 1,065 convicts - sent
for crime to the , penal colonies, only four
teen had ever been in the Sabbath
schJol," and what an argument_ we have
importance a theso
far the import institutions,
both for time and eternity.
A GRAND lltsc.ovEnv.-?-A man, says
Cecil, may find much amusement in the
. Bible variety of prudentialinstruction;
abundance of sublimity and poetry ; but
if 'he stops there, he utops short of his
great end, for 4. the testimony of Jesus is
the spirit of prophecy." The grand se
. cret in the study of the Scriptures is to
discover Jesus dh*t therein, the Way,
. Truth, an' the Life;
GOD's, Woltx.—ln all dispensa
tion, Giod•is at work:for otir good. In
prosperity, be tries our gratitudd ; in me
diocrity our contentment ; in misfortune,
our faith ; under temptation, our stead
fastness ; -and at all tithe, out obedience
' and trust in hini.
TER.—The Sum and substance of the
preparation needed for a coming eterni
ty is, that you believe what the Bible
tells you, and do what the Bible bids
you.—Chulmers on Romans:
A Voice from the !‘ Burnt plstrlct,”
Hoopoes Randy Factory Rebuilt.
• THE subscriber would respectfully andbunce •
to his friends• and the public generally, that his
- factory which was destroyed by the late fire,
has been rebuilt, and' he is ' now prepared to
furnish them with
-manufactured of the beet' • material, which he
. • will sell wholesale or retail at the old stand
in Northlianover street, a few doors north of
the bank, where he has just opened a general
- , - 'assortment of
• '
consisting of Orangei, Lemons, Raisins, Figs,
Almonds, English Walnuts, Cocoa - Nuts, Pea
Nuts, Sm. ,He would also call attention to hie
large assortment of
consistini of toys of Glees, Wood, Gum and
China, of endless varieties. In connection
- with the above, ho has
-en band a prinie lot of
consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses,'
spices, Crackers, Matches, Blacking, Zze.— •
Also, a prune. lot of CIGARS,- of the hest
. - brands.. —
• The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to
a generous public for the patronage bestowed
on him,'snd hopes by a desire to rdease to me
rit a continuance of the - same. - Ile would also
, return (hanks to the Firemen And Citizens for
their r efforts to save his property'on the night
"of the late conflagration , •
• Carlisla,"ap2
. '.. Pure' Older Vinegar.
U 67 received ix 'fresh barrel of Pure Cider
Vinegar,.of superior quality;eud_warranied
roe fromOultarauon.
' novS
DR. .7r,: D.PCITI4OCIE • •
"KW" ILL admit . on;n4c,om od ming • terms,-into
- yV his office .seyerei STUDENTS ',for
inetructiop in thesaaticniabranchas of medicine,
4nammy, Physiology. chemistry, Thor—
Surgery, Theory and Practice of
Profeanionarcalle attended to
iniown and eountry as.heretofore.
Carlisle, Feb . •
invainnixas is& FAILII.4OLEI.
6:ttecitled to quit tha‘.,tuttlituis s ,
• WI propose to sell my stack ,at Ulf low pH
. cos. It embraces the newestmd.meat demo.
• lxle Styles:" . You .- areinvited to call and exam
t.. 40. ;WM. .H.% RICHARDSON', • ,
10.9 . 20-2 m 6. N 0.104 /111r1Otst.
. • • •
- Illi.6ctlatttous„
Extensive Cabinet Ware-Rocims.
lI°BERT . 11. - SMILEY, successor to Vim.
DERTAKER, North Hanover street; Carlisle,
would reapectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle
and. tho public generally that ho now has on
hand a large assortment of new
17-4tl=';?4T and elegant FURNITURE,
consisting in part of. Sofas,
• • Wardrobes; Card, and other
Tables, Bureaus; Bedsteads, plain and fancy
Sewirtg, Steads, &c. manufactured of the heel
materials and quality warranted. Also a gene.
rid assortment of-Chairs at the lowest prices.—.
Venitian Blinds, made to order and repairing
promptiy attended to. orCOFFIN3 made to
order at the shortest notice. and having n
country. Krllont . forget the old starlit of-Wm.
G. Gibson, in. North Hanover street, a few
doors-north of Glass's Hotel.
Sept-4-Iy. 11 SMILEY.
Corner of Hanover and Loather :to., Carlisle.
THE undersigned has always on hand a largo
stock of superior Cabinet Ware, in all the
dihrent styles, which ho is prepared to sell at
the lowest prices. He'invites attention partic
ularly to the Patent Spring-Bottom Bedstead,
in)st useful article, which entirely obviates all
objections. The bottom can be attached to old
Bedsteads. They have given' entire satisfac
tion to all who havo thin in use;
nrCOFFINS made to order at the shortest
Carlisle, Jan . y. 1851.—1 v. '
Extensive Furniture. Rooms
JAMES R.WEAVER . would respeethilly
call the attention of House Keepers and the
public to his extensive stock of ELEGANT
FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centre and other .Tablbs, Dressing and plain
Bureaus and every ()dier article in his branch' f
business: Also, now on hand the largest as
sortment of C 1 IRS in Curti:9le, at the lowest
prices. P:7"Cotlins made at the shortest notice
and a Hearse provided fur Ihnerals. lie 'solic
its a call at his'ostablishinent on North Hano
ver street, near Glass'.s IIOTEL. N.B.—Fur
'Mitre Itired mit by the month or year.
Carlisle, March '20..1850.-1y •
XiARBIZER'S mitrorauriel
1 IIF. subscriber would respectfully invite
the attention of farmers to his assortment
of PLO WS, .nnw mantifec- -
tured near Craighead'e 113111
in South Piliddieton township,
-four -- miles-south- of- Carlisle. -
• •---•`- ••• 'assortmen't consists of
WithroW's, _Stuckey's Ball's patterns.—
The Castings will all be ground- I will also
make GRAIN CRADLES. of the 'most im
proved patterns. All orders directed to IVm
L. Craighead, patterns.,
will be, attended to
with promptness, and Plows or *ladles deliv
ered in any part of the county free of charge.
WM. L. CRAIGHEAD, Propt,r.
DAVID STUCKEY, Jlianitlaer
Feb.l9 6m
A srLiwzon) STOWS 1
THE undersigned respectfully informs his
J 1 friends and the !public generally, that he
hablust returned from
Philadelphia,. ha ving
purchased the most ex
It tensive, as well as the
• ' cheapest assortment of
;;;;. s
• Watehes,, Jewelry,
&e., over brought tsi Carlisle His stock con
. •
sists in part of
Gold and Silver Paknl Laver Watches,
Mid and Silver detatched do. do.
Goid i om' Silver Lepillt Watches.
in short every variety of Watches nt all pric - en
Gold Guard and Vent Chains. Medallions,
Watch rceys, Ear Rings. Finger Rings, Breant - 1
Pins; G - old and Silver-Pencils, Gold and Silver
pens and cases and Bracelets in greatAtariety.
A splendid article of Gold, Sliver, German
Silver,. and Blued .Steel SPEC
TACLES, which are unsurpass
- ed in qu a lity by any other t.rticle went of Phil'
cent clroaigifintiirWSllßMVAET.ll[!_t
in tho country. Also a large - 16i of
comprising Table and Tea Spoons, Butter
Knives, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles,
dr.c. Ales, Card-Cases. Porte Monnaies, Port
Folios,- Ladies-- W-titing- Dentin. with a -great
variety of other fancy articles unnecessary to
mcnfioti. A large lot of CLOCKS, assorted
patterns, which will •be sold low, and warranted
to - he gaud.
Mai and Jeiodry Repaired,
He invites all to call and examine his stock,
assured that none can fail to be suited in qual
ity, quantity and 'mice. His articles are cash
Tfurehases, consequently , lie -can afford to sell
lower than the same articles can be purchase/.
dram - here. "Call" nitli " e oklistitatl; — tiToir - Zoors
west of Burithblder's Hotel.
Jankutry 15, 1851-1 y T. CONLYN.
China and Crockery Ware
White Granite Stone Ware,
such as Dishes,. Places, Tea pets, covered and
uncovered dishes, bowls, toilet and chamber
sets, pitchers, &c., togetner with a lot of
o Blue Liverpool Ware, •
all of the latest style and shapes, also, all the
various artit'tes of the best common
While and Edged Ware.
The assortment includes a few plain
While and-Gold Sand, hina Tea Sets,
of the best quality-And style, and also all the
necessary articles of the best Granite, &one
and Blue Liverpool Ware suitable for any sized
Dinner or - Tea - Ects;
as may bd wanted, together with a vtrthty of
Glass. a tine aasertment_of
Bar and Table Tumblers •
dishes, footed and other bowls, goblets, wine
glasses, lemonades, ' lamps; &v. The prices
tor all of which are fixed at the lowest.sosil
prices: We invite our friends whO are in want
of articles in-our lino to give- us a call.
mars J W EBY. '
wM. M. PORTER. invites the attention o
the public to his largo and complete as
aortment of BOOTS, SHOES tx. GAITERS
just received from Philadelphia, including a vit•
riety of now styles. His experience in the Shoe
business, enables him to select work of the best
materials , and workmanship, which will be sold
at the lowest cash price and weriantei.
.-IrrCustomer work attended to a usual. '
• on the north -east corner of.the public
square in the row known as "Harper's Row." For terms, &e., inquiro of the
6a- rnvon.
A great variety of these useful articles Je
fared for sale,aonsisting of Whitewash, Sweel
ng, Scrubbing, Painters, loth, Shaving, Hair
Peeth and-Nail, Flesh and Graining !hushes it
„Treat variety, all of which aro of the best qua
ty end will be sold at the lowest prices
June fi. •• S ELLIfT'T
. •
- risRE wATEA. Paoor.,
BLAKE'S Fire and Water Proof PAINT,
which has been, so - extensively,used for
he last six years with .the almost success on
Alp roofp of Housed, Steamboats, &e:, not a
inglo instance is known where it has failed.—
SO sale by , SAXTON,
'To Milliners. • , •
U.S roceived anothor • lot Of Donno
FriAes of tho latest style. Alai), Bonnet silks
;ilk and Satin Linings of various calor&
deoll NV HITHER.
125 S fo A re r il a e cheapa S t A theTw r a a ra ce l i t v o l u n fe :I Pd.
deolB W B MURRAY, Ag'r.
G W Tit t NER
A.. swirmn,, - .
.NO. 8 Xarket Street, tgar the Bridge,
!irk BALERN N N F i tt
t itt i ltia..
OVNnS, 14,141.1
to. tom
.4 0 mos;,..3ol,ebtOted Lamack,
. lanuraotoriai: igrFurnisilled Minuractur.
a PriceP,,a '.• trugilltam
'To those interested. •-•
,r •
11IIE subscribers wish - nil indebted to •them
, IL 'to call and settle thd same by OM Middle
I, March, as it is 'necessary their accounts
bould lm paid off .by that timo ! Just received
find lot of .view Floods, Which we are - selling
if at our usual low
,prices. Call and see.
_F e b 26-31 . A& NV TWIT&
~..8 0 , U , s
• C PS S _ A•C-s.
Boots, Shoes andGittor.s.
Brushes I Brushes I
o-,efores .5110p5..
• Fresh Spring Supply:l
I. HAVE just rogoivi3d a fresh stock of Med,
iciries, Paints, Glass, Oil,, &e., which
having been. purchased . with - mat care at the
best city henries, I can confidently recommend
to Families, Physicians, Country Merchants
and Dealers, as being fresh and pure.
Patent Medicines, Herbssnd Eitracte,
' , Fine homi eels ; Spices, graund and whole
Instruments, Essences, : •„
_ PureEsnen". Oils Perfumery, Si e.
- Cod LiiiiFoll--11'iii•ranted Ceimine.
. , DYE-STUFFS. ' - • -
. ' Log aril Cam Woods,
_lait..l l _l . 4i ol ..L_____
Lao Dye* • • -•-•
Wetherill dc•Brother's Pure• Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow, Paint sand Varnish Brushes,
Jersey Window Glnss, Linseed Oil, Turpen
tine,_Copal and coach Varnisilt, and Red Lead.
All of which will he mild at the very lowest
market price, -Also,a freen and !splendid as
hortment of . .
Confectionary, and innumerable other articles
calculated for use and ornament, all of
are racked at the lowest cash pricee,. at the
cheap Drug Book and Vancy Store of the sub
scriber on North Hanover street.
lie) , 22. 1850.
B®ois and .hoes
Main erect, near the Rail Rood Depot,
gr - 1 OMP G Mon's, Boy's and Youth's
Calf, Kip and coarse Boots and Brogans,
which are warranted to he of the hest quality,
Ladies Gaiters; Eusltins and French Ties,
Misses and Childrens boots and shoes in great
variety. Also, an elevant assortment cif GUM
SHO,ES and BOOTS, With all - the late irn.
provements and warranted perfect. Having
purchased these gum shoes triim the ogenton
the- manufacturer, I am authorized to .nfrt:
NEW PAIR in place of any that prove defective
in wearing..
Having a large stock of Fren'elt Calf, Skins,
Morocco, hid, &c., and good workmen, every
attention is given to customer_work ae usual.•
sebtlB WM. M. PORTER.
Now rail Goods. • • •
31 the Cheap Store corner of Ilanover and Lou :
Mar streets, opposite 7.lltnier'z Grocery Store .
Tho-undersigned-amat..respectfully -informs_
his friends and the public generally, that ho
hoe just returned from l'hilndclphia with a well
selected assortment of FALL GOODS, pur.
chased at the lowest prices, ar:d which he is
determined to sell at small profits: among inem
VESTINGS, Sattinets, Velvet Cords, Ken
tucky Jeans, &c.
LADIES DRESS GOODS, consisting in
part of Black Silks, Cashmeres, Mouselin do
Laines, Alpacas, Coburgs, Ginghams, Calicoes
Stick Flannel:3, t‘.ellare, Lades, Fringes, &.n,
Tidltings, Checks, Flannels
Drillings, Osnuburg, Linseys, Muslins, bleached
and unbleached Also,Groceries in all theft.
variety,-.-viz: Sugar, ofce, Tens, Molasses,
Spices; Chocolate, &c Rags arid Country
Produce taken in exchange for goods Please
give me a call A C FETTER
liecentiy from Philadelphia.
fIESPECTFNLLY inform the citizens ol
Carlisle. and it 3 vicinity, Unit they hove
now at their Marble Yard in South I Innoviu•
street, a few doors south of the Court -MIME.,
and nearly opposite A_ & W Bentz's Store, en
elegant stock of pure , '"•
and are prepared to execute in'the3most finished
style .
- - Monuments, - - . Tombs .-
g„. _Grave all prices,_ Jllppttes,_ _
Steps, Bee, _
toceiber with every other article in itic.. a..,.,
and promise that in fineness of finish, clmste
ness of design and quality of 111nrble,'Ilieir
work'shall not be surpassed by any other estab•
Bailment. , •
They are also the authorized agents of. Mr
'Rdliert Wo - dii, of - Phitadelphiannizi — will - fur ,
'fish frqm his manufactory all varieties of IRON
RAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots mid
Al other purposes,•at the ehorterte notice and at
_P_fi i litiliirLipile7el — ._ - _ -- T_IITYT.:W i I r - lilad - Ifni a - OF
'manufacture all kinds of Building Work, such - .
as Sills, Steps and Platforms, liec.,.at the short=
est notice and on the most reasonable terms.
Having had great experience, and .being ern s
ployed in the best.shops of Philadelphia, they!
ar_e_t horofore _on ab IC d_m_ma nu fpctu reAmmost.
fashionable work, and• resceethilly ask a stuaie
alb° patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding
country. • [Carlisle, nova 1850 t,
11111-10USANDS of bottles of the AMERI
CANS. COMPOUND have been sold der
ing tho past yenr, no& was never known to
fail of curing, in ii.few days, of i t certain deli
cate disease, Seminal weakness and all diseases
of the Uritiary .organs. Persons afflicted Using
this,ploasant nod popular remedy, need fear no
exposure, unfit, leciseo no odor on the breath,
requires no restrictions in diet ur business
contains n r Mercury or noxious drugs injurious
to-the-systenti-and-is-adapted-to-every—ago r sii;
or condition. It is oleo the best remedy known
for Fluor Albus Or Whites, (female c:lnpluinton)
with which thousands suffer, without the know
ledge of a remedy. This celebrated remedy .
has long been used in private practice id' it pity
-sician_and • with tin”'
nerring success, radio
Of the hundred cases i
curing, ninetynme
fow days. Around ouch bottle are plain and
full directions. ,
COMPOUND, and purchase only of the Agents
Pile° $1 per bottle. For sale by S. ELLIOTT
Cailisle; J. Wyeth, 'Harrisburg; R. Williams
Columbia: by A. Miller, Lancaster; E. Morrie
& Co., York. (.lunuary ,15' 1851.
rilffEsubscribers desire to inform their friends
andAthe public that they have reinoved
MANUFACTORY' to the roan nearly oppo
site their .old stand on North Hanover street
and may now be found in their new and com
modious manufactory on the West side of the
said street, few doors above Louther street,
where.they still continue to keep on hand a hill
assortment of every kind-of
. ,
• T4B, Copper and Shoot-Iron Ware: '
which may be needed by housekeepers end
others, Their articles: are manufactured by
themsefißes, of the best materials, and in point
of finish and durability cannot be surpaesed.—
They will also manufaelure and repair 'at - the•
shortest notice all kinds of Distilling Appqrams.
They will promptly attend to the lame of
in town and country, and on the most reasona.•
tile terms. Every branch of their business
will be carefully attended to with the utmost
They also keep constantly on hand a Nig&
variety of
comprising every varidty-' Of plain ten.plato
elogunt wood end coal air-tight
PARLOR Si 0 VES, of -the :latest 'styles,
COOKING STOVES of the newest anti Most
improved inventiona, at miens prices, which
cannot fail to . piastre every tome . They re:
epectfully, a n i aexamination f hy.,tholpubk
of their lutge `v ael e CaSstilt in en( of stoye I.
Thankful to the public- for favors heretofore
extended, and - being . determined to relax no
exertions - to give sattsfaction, • to their custom.
era they-hope to merit a continuance of pa
- 91 - The highest oasis price willlte paid fur,
old Copper and Pima... •
.• . - MORRIS &
Carlisle, Mareh 19, 1851-71 y
ar3 „,l9.__Siog
• THE subscriber has on hand d-a large and
well seleited' assortment of MUMO or an
Enda,(consisting of Songs, Alarches, - Waltm,„
Polkas? &c.; also. instructi o ns for. Plana and•
other ;thetruinentit._'"Bertini'e'Mothod" -for
Plarldi."Zazne Method for the Violin;•dt.e. and
supply of Violin- and. Oniter,Strings,..of first
rata:, quality at city prices;
;(',Having made an arrangement with skim.
'pertingstid publishing house in,l'hiladelphia,
he wili v -be tonstantly supplied with now Music
and ablo•to:furnishanythlng-in that lino at short
notice- and Upon 'realguable Musio
Teachers will find it for -,;heir, Interest tonsil
and.,examine for themnolves at,the Corner:of
Pitt and High streets, opposite the -
' Hones' (ml9l' S. - A. RUMMEL): .
eito ahttlistutcytts.
braid arid. Square PIANOS.
zit vi 833 & ciazoalm, ..•
.11tinufaci rers 4,74 8,•9 and ; 1 f
• .‘; Street; Baltimore, ~41d.
- MICA NO FORTES, from 6 to 7 octaves, in
in Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut oses
of various styles, with and:without ironifriiilies,
combining all th e' improvements requisite two
superior instruinent. '•'• •
R. &:G. haie received iron' the Miryland
Instilittethejyrat premium for their. Pianos, in
three succosstve yenta, 1848, 18490 . 859:" ThOy
hcive also been honored with•numerous teslimo•
vials from all the most celebrated artists who
have used their instruments. Pianos from their
•establishmom-have been used at- the_concetts,
os Lind, Herz, Hohnitock, Bislio:p, Laborde,
Knoop, and other eminent perfordlers.'"They
guarantee durability, for five years, under good
care. and will, replacb with others 'all which
mar not give satisfaction, if application be made
within six Months after deliv.erY•
Their Udnufactory being con ducted on the
most extensive scale enables them •to furnish
instruments at the very lowest prices, whole
sale mid retail. Constandrup hand, N. P.
Hughes' Melodeons, ranging from $45 to 6200,
for which they nro solo agents for. this city. '.
Perfumery, Fancy Soap BT. Paper Box
48 Xarket 6clow Second, Philadelphia.
tri LEGG & CtIOMPTON, Manufacturers
-V.,/ of- Perfumery. Fancy, Soaps anth.Fancy
Paper Boxes, respectfully call the attention of
the Druggists and Dealers in Carlisle and the
Cumberland Valley. JR their extensive stuck of
Goods, comprising Perfumery ; Fancy Soapti,
Powders for the complexion; 'collet, Sac. &c
of every variety. Alao, a full and complete as
aortment of Fancy Paper Box - es, of every de
scription, large or small, round or sondrii, , ,made
to order at the shortest notice. • ,
ri - Don't forget the place, 48 Market street,
Philadelphia. All orders will meet with prompt
attention. kali 5
M. 171 CIIESWITT NTREET, pirruwy.
T Ali OLD STA ND,, occupied .for,,utore .than
one-third of a century by G. Esq.
r tJE undersigned would =sir respectfully
..1. annourMe to the publid that he 114 AGENT
fbr more than twenty of. toe most
celebrated manufacturers of BUS-
DELPHIA, and elsewhere; and
is constarttlyrappiv,lng, from them PIA N OS a
the rialst and most varied styles, of itpdor
tone, and of the mostluperb finish, of 6. 61, 66,
61, and 7 Octaves, which are warranted equal
to any manufactured, either in this country or
in Europe.
Just received, also, a further supply of church
and Pador Organs, ol beautiful patterns and
'fine tones.
His %%PARER 00:LI is constantly supplied
with a choice sclectionof SERAPE IN ES and
MELODEONS, from the oldeat and -most ex,.
tensive manufactories in the United States; a
mong which is a new style of REED ORGAN
having Cnrhart'Et patent improvemMits, with
gilt p , pes in frotit, and ease elegantly carved,
and highly ornamental. •
Tuning and Repa.ring—Sig. Salvador La
Gretna, a distinguished Pinn6 Porte MnnufaCtu
rer and Organ Builder, will attend In all orders.
sept4,'so OSCAR C B CARTER.
D"N'T be t:eceived. Country Merchants
and - Dialers who want vett and &lean
PE , /FUMERY end FANCY SO APS should
call upon JOHN 'l' CLEGG, Pet:ismer -and
Chemist, 48 afortet St ; below 211, Philadelphia.
who has constantly on hand PERFUMERY
and FANCY SOAPS of every - description,
Powders, Hair Oils, Ox Marrows, Colognes,
Hair Dyes; &c.,
100,1100 persons have rend my advertisement
in the Public Ledger, hundreds of whom have
called and been convinced of the advantage of
purchasing direct from the . manafacturer. .
Agency for Ferran's Circassian Hair Oil,
_Curling Fluid, dt.e.
' Orders from any_part of the- United States
will ho promptly attended-to.
Light: Light .! Light:
OF acknowledged superiority and' nority,
• manufabtured. and for sale of the lowest
--W-holeriale--prices,-by-DA-VIS--&--1 - IAIII,-
-mr-i he - old - established - am d - o f - tlre - lat e - Derpo
• miss T. Davis, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY,
..",where orders by mail or otherwise are solicited,
and prompt attention given. The voice of the
Public for fifteen years, aid the award of a
Silver Medal, and complimentary notice by
— the - Frunklin - fnstitute - uvermll -- competitoraNs
sufficient evidence of the excellence of our Oil.
Alcohol, Pitch, Tarpentine, Rosin, and Soil.
its of,Turpentino, for sale Wholesale and - ' p
tail, at the lowest prices. ' [oct3o
j. &Pl Rowe,
It /ft' A urAcTuRERS "st n d wholesale deal
.l.Vilmers in B R._o 0 MS, B AS IC ET.Srind
WOOD WARE, have removed to ihe . largo
store lately occupied by Messrs.. Sellers 41 Da
where they have opened an extensive stock
of Eastern ,and City made BROOMS and
V 0 OE' WARE, which they are now selling
Lt the lowest manufacturers prices.
full assortment of Bristles, Brushes, Mat.
• Co'lisS'e; fd4., constentlyi on hand No
-- N - Fnih, - Third Street, 3 - doors below Race, P 1
del phia 17,'50
Steam Iron Railing.
ivrost,E-a. GALLAGHER,
'Ridge Road and liriOad - Stree,
ViTOU IX call the attention of purchasers to
their — elegant assortment of Wrought
1 and Cast Iron Railing for .
Railing for 'Churches, Public and Privam
Buildingsi Public Squares, &c., together with
all kindsmf Plain and Ornamental Iron Work.
Vlore & Gallagher's - Book of ORIGINAL
DESIGNS, containing the beet seleetion
designs that has ever.besn issued, will lye sent
to any person who may wish to make a. select
Lion. • • itebl9,sl
. .
• No. ll§ -Noth • Street, Baltim ore.
rilpHa,rundersigned,, Agent for the
Perfiewivitnia and Ohio Line, being cone.
iraity located. on the Baltimore and Susque•
henna Railroad, has n.ade arrangements for
transacting a 0 .
General Preduce.Conuntsion Business,
n connection' with the
and reepectfully.eolicits consignments of Wide'
key, Flonr,-Gratn, and Countrs Produce gone ,
rally.' Relapoctfully, o'
- 'L 9 GORDON.
, Baltl4O're; April 2-3mf95. ,
N..l3gOiders for Groceries, Salt, &P., will
be, premtttly executed. . •
•Messm. Join Sullivan & Sons, W. Starr &
Sons, Thomas J. Carson-&-Co. i -John 111,Cui
logh Wype '& Wilson, David Hnys.&
I.,{eighlor br, Dorsey, Miller and
'lll4llo*, Tunbull ; ; Doll..& Slade, Robert
Carron& Sons Jamds George, Baltimore.
" ssio ertirtgli3"&" Co. ;•WVSZ.iiim
14Icsske. Clark& Thaw, H Pittsburg?
.Mr. J. W. Herr, Harrisburg,
Jame Cowan, Esq., Columbia. -
11fes4rs..Mulhollan & Ray, Blairsville.
Messri. P. A:&S.Small, York. '
Messes. James Steel & Co., Lewis &. flatlet'
XV2.131 - ICSIIL di. CO, ' '
• ..
. 30 - s.A2attimore St., opposite - Eutaw Mouse,
, EVO.TE' their whole attention to the sale
Flow) grain upd..Sieds."fnikey, Bacon,
..art4ißuttets ,. /Kroi; Dried 'Ertl{, Ede. on
-the meat :roam:inn* terms. - Purposing, soon
t o re - clove' wherothey.will iIIWO the' use of Rail
, Roneftracit connecting with the Susquehanna'
Road,, they; now respectfully ,consign
.monts ovot that road, and' will themeelves pay
. drayage on (produce. totheir AVarehOusei. When
received in lota of 'a large tier load or make eta
. . .
'': •'' ' ' " REFERENCES. ~. ' - • • .''.
, . ,
Mener::Povid Stawnry dr.,.Co. Mr ... pai.ti
. lOlipv.a. Early." • ‘ . e , !...,,
Mr: Upton 'Wetehatioitgb; Oftotnlaorillurg..
11 41r0p4 ^. ti ... ' I —......;.....,.
Jwiranci. 4tompaniCs.
The Malted ,States Life Insurance
Annuity and Tiust Company.
. ,
/tarter Per pc'ttini--.Capita/ 8 . 25,000
' Sysrem.
MIIE constant, ..unsulielted Mmlication far
L Life Insurance, gives the, most at - undant
and gratifying proof that the public mind is
deeply impressed with the Ost importance of
this subject. The, great object, however, of
Insurance should be eafety i otherwise the whole
motive to insure may be disappomted. Too
much care cannot be practised in the selection
oven office with which to
Tha choice should be regulated nottAxrptesent
and conetent large inducements; as 1164, is cal.
tainly ltiampatible with future beau *sr The
prennunts on life are calculated foi the future,
At i nrescut and-prospectiiie benefits-therefore...are_
gtvem't be result ultitnafely, Most terminate in
litigation, disappointment sad ruin. The object
aimed at hy.this institUtion is stability Mid per
I pep/ay. 'rho rates of premium have been cure
prepured with refereneem fluctuations.—
The cash system of payments lips also been
adopted. Unpaid prenduin notes constitute no
part•of the assets of this company, end every
contingency being fortified with an ample cup
ital, socurny wimps tne , whOle system. This
feature, parainount to all' other considerations,
conimende the compa...y lo public lay.or. Ex
planatory pviphlets. Hanks. application papers
information, and every facilit v will lie cheerfully
funnelled the pubiic by Mr. E. BEAT'I'Y, who
has boon duly appointed agent of this company
for ConTherland county. Dr. II lIINKLI. 'I
has also been appointed Medical Examiner.
Director's.—Stephoo R. Crawford, Ambrose
W Thompson, RaMarnin W Tinrticv, Jarob L
Florente, William,Godwin Pan' II Goddard
Lawrence JohnFom George James
.Devereux, John L 'Linton.
Presidene.—Stephen R. Crawford.
Fitt- Pre.ciiloo.— Ambrose W. Tho mpson.''
Sec, etary 'l'rpthazrer.—Charles G
Acznary.—Manuel Eyre.
enzaisft ur ,qltorney.—Thonans Ba
dical Examiners. Paul 13 Goddard, M.D.
William Peppee, 1 - Yr raug7 I y
r,x)itr, zaTsußA•pricm..
TIIE, Allot - Land East Pennshorough Mutual
Fire insurance .Company of Cumberland county
ncorporated by an actof Assembly, is now fully
orgauized; and in„operation under tho manage•
tnent of the following comniisaioners,
Jacob Shelly,' Wm It Gorgas, IVhithael Cork
in, Me'choir. Brenneman, Christian Stayman,
Simon Oyster, Jacob 11 Quover,- Lcwis flyer,
Henry Logan, Benjamin II Musser, Jacob
Kirk, Samuel'Prowell, JoseLdt Wickersham.
The rates of insurance areas low and favora-
131 6 as any Company of the kind in the State.—
Persons wishing to become memlicre are invited
to moles application to the agents at. the compa
ny, who are willidg to watt upon "tliem'at any
EN RV LOGAN, Vice Prrsident.
Lwarts Irvr.n, Secretary.
Cumberland counto.--Rudolph Martin, New
Cumberland, C B Herman, Kingstown, Henry
Zearieg, Shiretnanstown, Robert Moore and
Charles Bell. Carlisle. Tsanc Kinsey, Alechan- -
icsburg. Dr. J. Aid, Citurchtown.
York county.—John Sherrielt, Lisburn, John
Bowman, Dillsburg, Peter ‘Volford, Franklin
John Smith Eq., Washington, W S Picking,
Dover, Darnel BalTensberger, J W Craft. .
ilarrishrt re.—Flonser & Lbehman.
Members iof the company having Tmlicies a
bout to expite can have them renewed by mak
iitg application to any of t h e
r—FOR 5 C ENTS !!
—By means or.the pocket
Eseulapiuscor, Every one
dsown.PhyOcian I Twen
y-foorth edition, with up.
rm.& of a hund:ed engra
lugs, thowing.privato this
mses in every shape and
anti moirormations
or the generative system.
The time has now Ar
ring frAim secret diseape
IC - VICTIM Or 0.1.74C1CE1R4
contained b o okthis any
one may cure himself, without hindrance to bu
siness, or the knowledge of the most intimate
litijud . 11 1 usual ex In
it fully lains the cause ofintinhootlel;; : irtta
dine, wtth 'observations on marriage—liesidee
many other derangement's which it u ould not by
limper to enumerate in the piddle prills.
rrAiiy person aCliding TWENTT.FIVR CENTR-i
-enclosed in a letter, a ill receive site copy ofthis
honk, by mail, ur five copies will be sent fur one
dollar. Addreas . , ••DIL. NV. YOUNG, No. 152
-S PRUCEStrect, iffilfrADEXTrlTA"PbSt 7 fiaid - :
YOUND can he consulted on any of
the Diseases prescribed in his different publinal.
ions, at his ()tikes 152 SERUCU street, ever;
day between 0 nod 13 o',(SUndays excepted.
May I, 1550.
Call and Sec brfore Purchaslng 4
elseiahere !
wan; subieritter is just' receiving and oenp
ing e.t his Cheap Family GroSerY and
Queensware Store in West INlain street, Car
lisle, a very large assortment of all the arti
cles in his line of busiuess.
Rio Coffee from 12 - to 14 cents per pound,
for good to a strictly prime article. Also,.
Brown Sugars of the ,hest quality, hem 7 to 9
cents per pound, Lovering's best erelehed,and
pulverized Sugars from 10 to 12 1.2 cents per
pouhd, N. 0. Sugar llonse end Syrup Moles.
see of all grades froin 32 to G2,} per gallon.—
Also, a supply of fresh ground SPICES of ell
kinds, warranted pure. SOAPS, Fancy, Cas
tile, Rozin and Country Soaps, Choitolute,
verined &Laraine, Indigo, Mould and Dipped
Candles, Common and Winter Strained Whale
Oils. Also, a supply of fresli'llontiny, cheese
friam the best Dairies always on hand. Fancy
sewing, traveling, clothes and market Baskets,
fpgmber_with, a general assortment of Chew
ing and smoking Tobaccos ' Spanish and half- -
Spaniel' Cigars,. Common do., ropes, twines,
and Brushes of all kinds.
CEDAR WA It B.—Housekeepers, and
others expecting soon to embark in the'enine
business, please call and exatiiiiih my, stock of
Wash tubs, Wash Rubbers, Churns, Cedar
Buckets, fancy, painted and varnished Buckets,
Brooms, Sec., &c.
subscriber has just added to his already large
stock n number of white Granite, Gold Figur
ed, Blue, Marble, Flowing Blue , and Mulber
ry Tea Sets, of 48 pieces, Also. - Plates and
Dishes, Tunitilers, Preserve Dishes,"Sxrup
Bottles, &e. of every description and price so.
that he will ho able to meet the wants and'
means of all in the community who- may favor
huh with a coll.
WW - 4-STW;TMqq'W . WWMI
A NEW supply of fresh Coffees, White and
Drown Shgars, Sprees of all hinds, ground and
align:mild, with all the other varieties of a Gro•
ceryiStore, including_also a new supply of Jeri
kin's N0...1 Qualily of
in metallic pocks of quarter, half and pound
packages from 5p to $1 ,50 per pound, es also
u the bulk. All ja.,,nt opened. arid for sale nt the
store of ' [m12,1 3 W EBY.
Patent Starch Polish.
IMOR. giving a beautiful gloss to Linens, Daus;
IL' line,' Collars, &c., and prevents dust from
sticking to Linens, &c. It contains nothing
injurious. recoived by
deal I . . G W lIITNER.
JUST received n largo assortment of Mon
Won= and Children's - Boots and Shoes, wa.
;Shoos, ‘vhicli I can sell vdiy
N W WOODS, Ag't.
with accommodations on reasonalle terms,
by calling on the subscriber in South Hanover
street, Carlisle ,
• .Tapestry Worsted.
IUST opened a general assortment of itingT
e try Worsted in various colours for Kniapes
Scans,. Slippers,
Shawls' &e. Also,an
Tonal simply, of Zephyr 'Woreied".. •
sept2i, •
PISS', 0! PZEIZI, 0!
. .
`TILE onbacriber, has in storo nod fol. sato nt
She lowest bosh , prioos a fow• burets of primer
No. •1, 2, and 3. IVIAGICEREL.. Also, 100
Rooks of Fine DAIRY.EALT. • '
• inorchs J. D. HALBERT.
QS,E_Ao very good . OKS ' will.
„1,• ;deem enli,st, my Drug, Book :and...Fancy
.9t o ra, Main street, !making_
preparations for time Trudo'Snleifin)New-York.
end will-sell .thei tack on hand of unmuully lover
'Mewl if called for. within a Jew. &we.) Tim
works now on 'hand pomprine sonte'of.the eery.
best want,
mat m IiAWL IN,S.
.."_tort ..5 Br, 01)opo.
4.pgtsir ~ygiuv.a.z. OF
English and American Hardware.
as li
Cheaper then fan
. be found this sick of the
firißE. subscriber having just returned frEnt
I the Eastern cities with a full and hand-
Berne assortment of ali kinds of HARD NV A UP,
-of-the—very-hbatmakers—and-well-seleeted T is
now opening at the Cheep .Hardware Stand in
North Hanover street, next„door to Scott'u,Ho
tel, formerly kept by Henry Gfash,' here lie
would ionic elf that are in went of 'good and
cheap Hardware to give him a call end ree and
satinly yourself of the truth., as we nro determ
ined to sell at a very small advance. Small
profits and quick sales are the order of the day
To Builders, Carpenters and Others
A-full stock of white, mineral and Sawed
Knobs, locks and latches, of 'every description
pries and quality, hinges'. and screws, window
sash and shutter springs, strait-necked and
barrelled Dolts, of every kind, mill, cross cut
an d c ircular Sag's, hand, panel, ripping .and
back Saws, bright, black nod blue augurs, o'
the very best makers, Chisels, broad,poir.ting
hand and chopping Axes, of different makers
hatchtts, planes and plane bits, steel and iron
squares, tiles and rasps, Ands, brads and spikes
-of all-sizes and- warranted of ; _
To Saddlers and Conch Ala . hen,
Our stock consists of a complete assortritenciif
articles in yens lino of business. 'saddlery' tools ;
brass, silver and A.Tapaned mounting, earring e
trimmings, broad pastetng and seaming laces
and fringes, .plain and figured- nanvass,,oi
cloth, top lining, cloth and serge lining of sari
ens kinds, white, red, blue and black patent
leather Dashers, silver and brass plate, Deer
Hair, rosetts, hubs, fellows, spoken, bows, clip
tic springs, iron Axles malleable eirstings, &c.
To Cabinet ad Shoe Make) s,
A full stock of shoe kit and findings, boot mo
loccos;Trench kid, straits, morocco and lining
and.binding skins, lasts, tacks, pegs, hammers
pinchers and e'rench morocco. kit of every de
sermion, superior copal varhish; Japan and
black varnish, mahogany and Tnaple Veneers,
moulding, bending, resets, glass, mineral and
mahogany knobs of every size and style.
To Illorksmiths, Futures and Others.
10 to..s of assorted bar iron, vriirranted to be of
'the best quality. A splendid assortment of bar
and rolled iron, hammered. horse shoe, scollop,
plough, broad an marrow the, rolled, horse shoe
bar, hand, tonsil and square iron, cast, shear,
"aßliftr."Efi'glialiatid 'A moricturb lister - steel:Eng ,
huh Wagon boxes, Carriage boxes in setts, an
vils,•vices, files, rasps. horse shoe-nails. &c.
To housekeepers.',
A beautiful assortment of 'cheep fancy goods,.
such no waiters. trays, plain and fancy knives
and forks, butcher knives and steels, brittnnia
lamps, brass candle wicks, Brittannia rind silver
table rind tea spoons, plated butter Jtnives, pro.
serving kettles, smoothing irons,. iron and tin
ned ten and oval boilers, iron frying and bread
pans, washboards, tubs, churns, buckets, iron
pots, wash kettles, and stew pans, &c.
7's aunsinillis ' Marksmen' dud Others.
Ville nod Gun Barrels, tone action, plug,
nipple and back action Glid - Locks, gun mount
sru.l gull breech cocks, sheet brass and
Get: r. silver ornaments; &c.- -
To Pointers.
A fresh lot of Wetherill's pure and extra
White Lead, oil and turpentine, varnishes, it“
pan, white and , red -lead, yellow and Credit
pail% groundlnoil, whiting, yellow ochre, &c.
To Blasters and Marksmen
• .
A good assortment of double refined powder
rock powder of extra quality, safety-fuse, shot,
flints and bar lend, ropes of all kinds, for
threshing machinesennd diggers, and a
thousin4 other articles too numerous to insert,
awe risk is to nice and we arc con
fident you will find n good assortment of Hard
ware and cheaper than can be found to any
other House this side•ot the cast. Give us.a
call is, all we, ask, at the old and well :mown
Hardware - Stand formerly kept by Lewis Har
lon, in North' Hanover street, next door to
Scott's Hotel, formerly kept by Henry Gloss.
• - nov6 - JACOB SENHR.
riillE subscriber having just returned from
• •- ruorn
Plc anti complete assortment of goons in nlns
ine, than ever previously °tiered, and respect
fully solicits dealers and others JO give him a
mill i -when he wil44iho-w them .goods -at-.rotor..
ishingly foie
TeßuildfrS, Cal ;inners and Odors.
His stock compris,, a full assortment of
ges rind St . tylVA, Windcw Springs and 130!!a at •
~varions 'mils, Window Glass, Puny, Paints
of all colons, Oils, &c., &c.—
Also, Mill. Grose-cut rind Circular SIM'S, Hand
Pantiel, Ripping taut Back Eats, A tigers, Chi
..scls,ilroad, Hand and
- Chopping Axes, 'latch
? CIF, Planes and Pliournnts, Steel,
and Iron
Squares, Piles, and Hasps, N nil , Brads and
Spikes orall sizes.
:To Settlers land Coach Jllekers.
A complete assortment of Saddlery Tools,
Silver, 'biss and Jammed mounting, Carriage
trimmings. Broad punting, and 'seaming Lace,
plain and figured Canyines, Drab Cloths,.Rati
nett, Serge rind Bucram, Inlnss and Dcerilair
patent an enamelled Leather, Laws and Da•
alters. Also; !Tubbs, Fellows 'and STokes,
Eliptic springs, Iron .4..xlea, Mailable Castings,
&c. _
To Cabinet and Slide Makers
My stock embraces:a complete as s ortment
of goods in your line. Moroccos. lining and
binding ; Skins, Lasts, Thread, Pegs by the
barrel-or-smaller-quantity, Tools of every de•
seription, &c. Curled liMr, Hair Cloth;Var
nish, Mahogany and Maple Ynneers, Mould-
logs and Rosetta, Sofa Springs, hlnitog•
any, Mineral and Vaneered Knobs of all sizes.
To Maclanaiths,, Farmers, and elfin's, who may be
itt want of good Iron. .
'He offers a full assortment of Hamtirered --
Horse Shoe, Scollop, Plough, broad and mis
tow Tire Iron. Also, Rolled Hot se Shoe,
Burrßand, Round, Square, Tire, Hoop and
Sheet Iron, Nail Rods, Russia Sheet Iron,
Cast, Shear, Spring and Mimes Steel, English
and American Wngtin and Corrine° Boxes,
• Viec's, Files and Rasps, Home Shoe
Nails, &r.
To housekeepers and those about entering the
' •
I would invite attention to my beautifid as
sortment of waiters and - Trdys, plain and Go
thic style, knives and forks, Butcher Knives,
Scissors and Shears, Brittonnia,German Silver,
and Silver Plate, Table and Ten Spoors,
Brass and Emerald Preserving Kettles, gmooth.
ing Irons, . 11°110w-ware, Tubs, Buckets,
Chnrna; &c.
Oils, Points and Dye Stuffs, Fire and Water
'Proof Paint. •
oct3o . I•IENR1 SAXTON.
Fresh Arrival of Hardware.
t?o just returned Irob esnyt a N nxt o Now T e o nf l p t..
s te t
ING ,MATERIALS, p,AINTS, &c., ever
.broug Carlisle, I Would tesqectrully Toques!
dealers and consumers and-all-others to give
me, a ctiß and see whether they cannot get more
tiTid - tiaffir — gCb - ds - thil tMine Money than at
any other place in town. My stook t)11-Locks,
'Latches, Belts, Hinges, Screws, treile t •Spikes,
Paims..ttp,,lrccentplete and yory cheap,,
Carpenters' Tools, I have a spland:d assort
ment. Also, Cabinet' Maker's 'Pools and Ma
terials;'viz:—Vtineers,"lllithogany,, Mineral and
Glass Bureau Knobs and 'Varnit.h.
can, have in their line cheaper than
'Linters a first rate Stook of Morocco and Lining
Shins, Bindings, Pegs, Thread arid Wax, and
'n ,superli assortiniani of +Shoemakers 'Nola."' I
,',llsTatilso Ocirriplitte,assortiriont oftlalPoLnets:
Cniadain Harrisburg; which can tic had at ace
Otinirl? town, and at Bull's. Prices. To•
getharwith an,assorimaiit of all kinds inTam
morettrand. Rolled Iran and Stool. - Of House
keeningAriicles, I linvoslCitivoli, Forks, SpoOns,
Wnifors, Snuffer; and 'Voir .T.tffis,puaksts,
tiOci:thili,,,litteast,'Ufandsoloost and:Cheapest
AsSortniont in!• town. And to alL'Avlio'want
\Will hail Cheap .11ARDVVAREl,, I would ;say
'route and sea ler yoursalvoli. • , ' '
our 3 Q;', , • '
Xinit/sOn pi . Columbian Ink, ..!
i 1 .rl,4ablai2tior..iins On hnnd aln o' supply
,pC i inlc • which, by a Ipecial
ruagoment tint Roprietur, ho is able to rt":
nith to. ntorehanta and
.othere, at .the menufae•
taws` win:4mile prices. • -
ait2l, A lIIIDBARD. .
rho Proprietor of the Groat Americusßemedy "Natrona'. •
argent solicitations of his Agente, throughout the Unitas --
Matte and Canada, hie now '
Reduced the Price'
tr-Ids popular and well known article; and from (hie date
asneofordt, he will -pot tip but one olio only, ,-his QUM
faileilt—the retail price will be
0 li - B 0 - 11 - A .
Tito pnblio may ma' tom rod that the character of the kiosk
tine, its ,strongth, end enrollee proportim wit!, Rama
JIICIIATIGICD, and the Same ooze will ho bestowed in, pet
taring it es heratorme.
A. tide medicine, and:Snits reduced price, will be purchkse
ty them who have not hitherto made themselves acquaint*
with Its virtue., the proprietor would bog to intimate that hi
article le not to he claseed with the vest amount of "Remi;lis
of the day ;" it claims for keel( is greater healing power, i.
all disease., than any rdhor preparation -wow before, A
world; and has sustaniao •teelf for eight year+ by its Antonia
medical vitt.., and, until this reduction, commanded doubt
die price of any other article in this line.
Plit2l6sl,llLY, this article acts with great hers
ag power and certainty, open the
• .. Blood, Liver, Sidney's, Lungs, '
tad all other organ., upon the proprr nation of which li@ tut
»aids depend. ,
-This ntedicine Ilea a inetly idgh repute as a moody for
Dropsy and Gravel,'
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These hooks ince already .iti thmshort time
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