Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 30, 1851, Image 3

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    DISTILESSING.4II73 Peitz, of Manhe'rn,
Lancaster — cciunty; attenipteri - Lo chastise ni
small child witlre. switeli. The child began to
cry Violently, Uccame in ich exlited, .plan ed its
hands to its mouth, and Checked respiration,
which it had often dolio before. During this
fit of passion, it fell upon the floor, where the
mother left it; supposing the child would re-;'
co'verTropi its fit: The 'nether shortly after—
ward returned to her child, and 'upon taking it
upiesife found 'it dead.
r•lly the census returns of five counties
niljoinirig Philinlelphia, it. appears.,that they
produced in:lB5D, 11,385 poutuht of butter.—
The average Pelee - of butter in the Ilhilatlet.;
phis market, wBich these counties supply, is
No LIQUOR ON SoNnAY.--The district attor
ney of Schuylkill county, in accordance with
instructions from the court, has ordered the
PrePrietor.3 of "th'e .dilferent hotels and licensed
thinkidg establishtnents, to closo their bars on
Sunday, under the penalty of prosecution.
believe if, but call on H. B. Mott
Knt, General Lamp Manufacturers', No. 64
Mouth Srcoan Street, and judge for yourselves.
We will not only sell every 'article in our line
no cheap as any other, establishment in the
country, but we can, and will furnish_ better
articles for the money tban-cau be purchased
elsewhere. We have constantly on hand the
largest Varietyand Handsomest Assortment of
LAMPS of all • kinds: Such as -Dyott's Patent
Pine Oil Lamps (their superiority over alLotb,..
ers is so universally conceded, that-it is use
-1 •so to. say anything of their merits;) Solar,
1.-rd .and 011 Lamps ; Fluid Lamps; Caudle
b:• FlubrGirondoles, (it new ornament for
the mentle;) Bognet Holders,'all de
signs an l patterns; Chandeliers of all sizes,
to burn Pine' Oil, Fluid, Lard and Sperm Oil,
suitable for churches; Odd Fellows l ,llalls, and
in rnht all places where light is .required.=
Our g - midS are nianufautured - by OurSelives - ; and
finished in the best possible manlier; m Ormo
lu, !lilt, Sllver,..Brenze . and
,Damask, Pine Oil,.
Burning; Fluid, Wicks and Glass, &e., &C. at
t.-i• in‘vest market prices, wholesale and,retail
1 1. - MTkeepers and Merchants will find it their
interest to Can on us,•before purchasing; and
examine our stook and prices. M. B. Worr
KENT. Lamp ?kfonufacture.r3', No. GI Month
;:kooand Street,-one door below Chesnut titruct,
• avith.tbie tliEtresst . ng
• w , ,r-I in-fttver er the above in:pl:eine. -.1,1A
11 , ' , lr.: 11l vote try tfiese lilt tees. yen will be
r.•:.eve 1 at ?mee,, e,tablishing in the end a per
manent enre. This is saying a geed deal in
fa v.: • , f patent medicines', yet we
loave been cured by 'these Ditters,
aad Inrt ire 14 aro cured weekly, It OfollifllOTH
eumplaint—cures the distress
:lll'l ceases pet-feet health. .A,ny one being
:ollieted with that tyrannical mounter, should
not !Si! . in granting this invaluable ntedieine a
flith:al trial. MD,..„,Circulars, Containing- the
I 'ertilleates of Remarkable Cures, and the high
e , timatien in which this Medicine js:lteld by
the puldic press, can be had of the Agents,
bee. Principal Office, 122 Fulton street, N.
Y., up stairs. Sold in Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT.
LICA,PriCe 50 cents per' bottle.--,
Near "Abu crti..scincirt9.
10 - OU aro ordered to parade for review and
inspection at the public house of Mr. Ko—
zer at Mount Rock, on MONDAY, the 19th
of May, at 10 o'clock, A. M., properly equip
ped fOr drill.. By order of Captain
3nui) - PHILIP BAKER, 0. S:
N. P. Youavill also return your arms on the
some' day at said place..-All absentees from
the abovtilperathr will ba considered as Imairt
1.0 claims on the Company. By order of the
.Captaiu. PHILIP BAKER, 0. S.
Harrisburg Steam Wood Taming
and Scroll Sawing Shop.
WOOD . A.../711.1V1 n-s — oranenes, In
city style and at city priers. Every variety of
'Cabitiet and Carpenter work either on hand or
turned to order.
Bed Posts, Tulle Legs, ../toning Posts,
Bulustra, Aline!! Posts, • 'Tfitgon Hubs,
Rosetes, Pniteip, • Columns,
tatin—.lifolthting,r,- - nonird - or - Or.tagnsi
Chisel Ilandles,lv.
This shop is in STRAWBERRY ALLEY.,
near Third Street, and.. IAT intend, to please
idlonr,cus oniers who want,good work done,
It is hoped the hods will give us a call. Ten—
Pins and Ten—Pin Balls -- made to order or rep
W. 0. 'HICKOK'
Harrisburg, April 30th, 1851-Iy.
New Und Populdx School Book: •
NIVERSAL 'HISTOR together with
PERSONS. Po which is appended an epitome
of Heathen , Mythology, Natural Philosophy,
General A tronomy and Physiology. Adopted
in the Put,lte Schools of Philadelphia.
E. S. JO NE3 & GO, Publishers,
S NV Corner of Fourth and, Race sts. Phila.
Teachers and School Committees 'addressing
letters to us post paid, will be furnished wi;h
espies I; o- exttmination.
full assortment of Books and Station
ery for solo at the Lowest Prices.
Caution to the Public,
YDIVV-D-LIR,-intittutactu red-by
iP7 strc e t, Phibuicipiile, has nc
q tired for o wonderful celebrity for its
malty valuabfe medicinal qualitiee, and as nit
tl4 , :git to ioercuse the 5100051 of brit, Milk and
Bayer itt -the perfectly heal'hy animal ; and
w 4,. 1 .,,e 3 ifs itnnwnse popularity among. the
Fanners and Dairymen, wherever it has been
introliced, has induced several persons to get
up an kit imtioo dour t',ATTLI. I'o WDE
and have -taken the somei,..igtiogo almost
word for wordOis we have-in our small
and put on th...irs: - We therefore Caution all
persona'', •Storekeepers, Farmers and Dairymen
against the deception - thus practiced by design- .
ing mem , . .
The. Proririctors have investigated thissub
ject for yenta, duritig a long resideitee in the
country, antOlo now challenge' the world 10
produce aftYthiag equal to. their CATTLE
POWDER. They want' the public Jo bear in
mind that. their powder is their's alone, boast
in, not of a Gorman, Der any other-foreign or
, iglu. ' they wish its Quality (not its name) to
'be the source of its volite. It has .already a
Character (although of but, about Five years
standing) which enables it to stand upon itseiwn
Several orders have been sent to this-city for
Cattle Powder; which 'have been filleib , by send
ing an article. get up in imitation of our own.
We therefore say again, Storekeepers, Farm.
ers and Dairymen do not 'buy pound unless
you look for the name of Circling, Fronefield
he Co., written signature. on the end of cacti
pack, do not allow yourself to be deceived, the.
'LIFE end HEALTH of your tattle del - tend:
upon this Ciution, aelvellms your interest.—
Look gut—" Vigilance litho price of security."
,No. 187..n. 1 / 4 Third ! Street, Pidlada,
A great bargain. Appli to Mr
r Chao. 'Springer, in Lowlier et.. '
April 23;rf ,
Town Property For Sale.'
THE undarsigriod will °voile to public sale
on the promises in Sliephordstosin, corn-.
berland.oounty; on THURSDAY,' May 151 h,
18'51, A LOT OF GROUND., containing a
bout two nfid n-half-acres, adjoining the, State
Road lending from Harrisburg to Oellysburg:
thereon.ereeted Osman lop•HOLISli
Said property-will bo sold .in whole, or in two
equal Parts as may suit pareltasers.: Salo to
commence at ono o'clock, P.'M . when terms,
&c.: will bb made known by •
_,„. •
Adm'r; of Wm, Ilailcness, deed.
Ilaipardrs Female School,
iiiitiona quarter of the - Fenittle - Schooli
. under lie direction •of J. •• flubliard,
vill comMence, our...MONDAY, May,fl2th.•-•-•
.11 tlic branches of a thorough . Itinglish•
wiq be taught. AlsolOtho Latin, Greek;.
nd French.Languattca. ' Tuition, fertile Erng
ish Brnitettes, liun 57-10 4t9 . per. quarter. An
'cnt fangitages and Frencli•S3 extra. Scho
Impai, commence at any untie intermediate
;,wean die beginning and i close of curb quer
loy pay, ,, inct for Limo or attendance only.
, 4 311 P ' • • • ' NV, RIMBAUD, -•
• , . •
Borough Receipts gc Expenditure.-
Account of' 0 KOROP WEISE, Jr.; •iSva,surer
rf the iloropgh of
: Carlisle for 1850; ,
Cash received of A.W. Bentz, late
BoreVressuret $ 27
John Spahr, Bore Col
lector for 1819 , .201
" Amount of duplicate
assessed ia,1830 2800
-. • Joa. 11. Blair, Chief
Burgess, licenses ' •83
p • Jas. Postle.wait, Cl'k
to Market & hay scales 72
"."." Sundry persons - state
--•---- rentof market house
' • Jacob Shilling, high
,constable pump-rent.
Cash paid N.L Spongier for qualifying
Borough Oflicers
Paid Win. 11. Miller, Esq. proles-
sional services
NJ James M. Allen, curator of G
Yard, salary for 1849 51
Paid.officers..tor.kohling_bcral. ele.a.t!it._-- -____lt
Paid Win Breese, Blablomithing • 33
Paid Catharine WtinderliCh supper •
fnr patrol.. - 4
Paid W B Matthews, salary ns streqt .
Crinunissioner, and work dune by
' him and others 503.
Paid Street Coalmines, cleaning Le.
tort Sprinti t
Paid sundry persons interest on Bonds
held bylitiqn nuainst the Boni
Paid Martin Crirtunan salary Mes
senger to council
limes Dunbar do
Paid John B. Bralton for Printing
Paid .1 K B ,yor do do
Paid Id Bchtty do do
PA Jarob Shilling, salary as high
Po,d A S Soner salary as clerk to
Paid James Postlewait salary as cl'lc
to mai ket and 11ayscales
Paid John O'Neal, tanking. grading',
• • &e. Wcs:t Sonth tieet
raid Peter Spahr, waking, grading,
&e. West Loather Street t ,
Paid Win Riley making copy of Du
plicate fir 18:10
l',. Davidson, Street Regulator
and •nites._remtituing streets
.folui 1, flays salary as. curator
In Chart: Vurti
Senhr, collector, rxenera
unu+un tl uplica to for ISIS
Pao] .1 tr. Woultingten, Trust of AI
C. repairin, , got*
Paid IV.] Scull. supper for patrol
hid James Postlewait, fornitlung
bell, brooms. &e of AI ILw-c
Paid jr. Treasurer,
small nob' canceiied iivere:t
repairing, Grave
Paid 11 S Ritter, Tulasurer of Climb
Fur , nadual ntlpropriqiia e n
Punt Peter Monynr, Tien. of Onion
Flre Cyr., annual npprnpliation
Poi.] .1 Sp:itygler repairing Loather
Slit el thide.e
Paid GE'Ol O, Wei3O, jr., s:dary us bo-
tough ileum:ter
Paid Sacub Sill lun g renfng nuisances
Paid John Armstrong' per lumber
Paid Saiimel Efliottper oil
- Paid Win AT Porirr, Treas.
slur 3 of Tuwn cloak
Paid S M [louver per' Lumber
Paid C Huffman supper for patrol
Paid S W fintroitiuck Kr oil
P.fid Jaen!) Saner per.liani ware
Paid J I) Gorgns repeng lanfliurns.
Paid .I Colic, Cnllectm exont'as .
Paid James Calk), fees for collecting',
Duplicate of 1:350 , - , '
Paitibalaned of outstanding taxes on
`Duplicate of 185) _ ,
fialaii'co blot ods of Treastirer
Tim - shave end foregoing account of George
Wfse. jr., Borough Treasurer has this day been
examined and epproved. •
,Carlisle, April Ist, 1851. 'Cony. of Accounts.
WE have just returned from the city with
11' a large and extensive assortment of.,
Linea and cotton pantaloon stuffs, for men and
boys wear, tweeds, black summer cloth!, Ken
tuckyieens, &e., cheaper than ever.
,-- DR.BSS GOODS, - --
Mous. de-Laines -1000 yds Chinlies,
Bar ye de _table's, Dulled S W1 . 33C3,
Lawns, - . Plain &plisses, ,
Oingbalal, . Plain J irCOIICtS,
A/put:has, . Barred, do.
-Silk l'oplines, Bombazines,
Colored Bar yes, 15T-, J'e-, ti'c-
. 1.1 0 X -V g 7'B,
A goo.l assortment, from 50- cents to V. 50
Palm Leaf, Ly•gliorn rind Rotte,it and Ready
Hats, &c.
linen and cotton diapers, nankeens, and nn ceP
cellein stock of Mullins, that cant be beat for
cheapness, Edgings, Inserting°, Gloves, Ho.
siery, Suspenders, and a largo lot of
which will be sold cheap. GROCERIES,
SI',ICE3, TEAS, &c., which will be sold at
lower prices than the saint) cad be bought hero
or aloe white
I (ix,
A & IitNTZ
Great Hargai?as •
IN IvATemEs., JEWELRY, &c.
T underiskgned,^.int ending to remora to
their stot'o iii haw - wifolcs - , -- iroil — w igliiTar
red*te their present rood:, to make room for
no v.. Gu.nls. rice doter inintyl 10 sell off /or cash,
their large stack of W ATC HES, 1 Ii!WELRY ,
ILLT All X nod FA NC 1" COOL? 'S, (a con
siderable liortion of which is of this .Spring's
importation,) tit greatly reduced prices. Many
.01 the Gohds will he sold without regard to cost
and pitreltaser,s 'nay rely on getting bargains at
wholesale, or retail. _ .
No. 97 Baltimore street, ,
corner of Clins!es
fIAME to the pre.
ILI tames of the Bah.
ran seriher, in Silver
:',f..itq„, Spring tp, Candler•
hind county, on the
,fl ,l 7th of,April inst., a
• : .11.1 ZED COW, with a
white face. Her hip is somewhat knocked
down. She:has no ether marks.. The owner
is requested to come forward, prove property,
pay charges, tend take her away, or she will be
disposed of ag the law directs.
.71Tett-I.Pollars Reward..
irxrlLL be paid by the subscriber, to any
V V person who will give Such. information
as will lima to the discovery tot,/ OHN WIL
KINSON, lam of Exeter,. Eng[slid. who left
rite city of New York for Curlisle, Pa. on or
about the middle of August last. Should this
meet the eye of Min Wilkinson, a letter ad
dressed to the subscriber will receive due at.
tention. GPO. JI. WILKINSON.
23,1p3t Fordham. West Chester co. N. Y
ft teh t at! I
• ,
Big Spring AtlantaXtUno GuArdsi*ln are
ordered to parade oti MONDAY,. Om' Mr of
,Mq. next; at It:Pelt:lm M., ta.Stettgliti.
town, properly erchipped for drill.' 13k order.
Otiptp. , lES KINCAID, 2d'Sergt
election will ho'hettl on the earne•Xlai
and 'earno place forCarnet'or the convikio.'
ATTtNTIONI . ' , :!. i :f. : -:':!;
~ , ,
you ~ iill.parado a the-horse of D'S'Paittor id
'':.3l l ' WIN OFIELI), on MONDAY; 'ilii'i..Blll
lay- of .May next. at ; .10 ...o!cloolt.,A rifyiili.
perloguipt for drill, in 'Sumner unifortrty
ord r of'.'
14 . ' tp 'JOILN lICI OD, 'Capt:''' '
. .
. Liarrisonis Columbian Ink. :
r' .': .
fin . oubscethor has on hand a.largt supply'
,ottlio above Mk, svltioh, by a special ar .
rangornout ~, ith the proprielor, he liable to fur
ttishlo merchants nail other.% at the laudable•
tutors wholesale. prices: • • ,:-., V..' . . .. '
--' attql •• ' • • ... "8 ..A: 111../11BAliD.
iN:4l'cw — lbutrtisements. '
. .
(IF Goode, 'Wares and
lUPMillets, -Dislillore, 'Lumber - - Men. &c:, -
within the County of Cumberland, _returned
and classified, in accordance with the several
acts of Assembly, as follows, viz:
• • Class. $ eta.
J W Eby , ' ', 13
Joseph.D Halbert 13
Samuel Elliott l4
Charles ,Ogilby /0
George.WALtner • • , 13
A& 1V Wentz , - —• • ' • It
Daniel Echols, liquors • 14
John Faller do - , 4 7 -• 14
Jacob S Fault do' . . • • •14 '
J& D. Rhoads , 14 ,
W B Murray ,14
- SI,,Y - 11iTiel'ali• - dicTliquorti • 14.
Robert Snodgrass • - 14
S-A. Hubbard ' - • . 14
Thomas - Cooly') 14
'Henry Saxton • • ll
Jacob Itheem , , 14
John Butner, liquors • 13
Peter Mouyer 14
John P Lyne • 12
Jacob Wolf : 14
Hicob Rctiet_ __ _ LI
Jacob Leiby, liquors - •14 —,
C. Diboll; .Ag't. liquors . 13 '
George Folantl:liquore 14 •
S,M Hoover. - 1.4
'l' II Slides 14 •
J\V Rawlins • 14.
Wm M Poker .
Arnold & Levi - 11
Arnold & Livingston , . 14
David Martin 14
John Kenney • 14
N W Woods, Atet. • 13 -
Haller & Conner' 11 .
ewis Steiner l4'
S Breit 1.1
J L Sten - ch. -
John N Armstrong. 14
John Gillen, liquors
Philip Messersmith • 14
William L Sellers ' ' 14
A C Fetter 13
Merry Glass . - l4
11=S I EMI
1 93304
John B Perry• 14 700
[henry Snider •
John Ernest, liquors, ', 14 10'50
• Shippcnsburg.
Robert •Snodarass- 12 12 50
Edwar'd Scholl . . • . 14 700
John Cish 14 7 00
C P Kunlklo ", -14 .. 700
S Kunkle . . .. 14 .7 00
.lolin Siumbruigh . l4 . 700
Philip Koontz .- 13 10 00
Peter S Artz,Agt. 14 . 701
Joseph P Nevja. & Go. 12 1 50
\V I) E flays 11 ' 7 ot,
.T--E,-&-(-1-,l3—Altiek . - —l4-- —7-00 '
Samuel Stiffs. liquors 14 10 50
S 1) Wonderlich ' ' „ _"
Jacob Pagno, liquors 14 to 50
John A
Fulwiler ' gt - l4 7 00 '
Ii richer & - Sliller 11 7 00
Arnold & Co. 13 10 00
Stambaugh tsr.lllcKessian , 1:14 '7 00
Jacob Buinbarger . • /4 700
Andrew G Nlil:er ~ 13 10 00 ,
Rus , el & Dien 13 10 00,
I) L Bechnan - 13 10 00
\V A Wealtlev 14 7 00
Newcoiner & Ktirtz 14 7 00
90 90
17 12
8 45
7 07
Thomas Stough ' 13 . 10 00
Wait Barr, Agt. 13 10 00
Hunter Herron 14 7 00
Jamison Hannon, liquors 13 1500
'l' 111cCandlish l3 . 10 00
Jacob Swoyer . ' l4 - 700
Williams & Brother 2 14 '7 00
S W Sharp .' .. " • 14 ' -7'oo
John Diller, jr. 13 10'00
161 00
2 or
1 511
86 59
141 00
Silver Spring.
John Coylo _
George Leiby
John Reed
=Jacob Simmons
Glover & Co.
,602 72
112 70
$3394 5
3 B Lackey &t '
ar. 'liquors i 4 10 50
. Afcchanicsburg.
. _
I illellisan & Co., liquors . 13 15 00
Simon Arnold, liquors . 13 15 00
Ephraim Zug ' 13 : 10 00
J-L-11,eigte 4 i t; - ------13----10-0Q-
Henry --;--13--- Leas - 14 ,- —7 00'
Ira Day 14 7 00
J F Spahr = 14 7, CO--
- WiziZswisliTi - 1-I 7OO
slellison, Zachariah & Co. 14 7 00
George. Singiser ' 14 *7 00
South Jliddleton.
Rider & Weakley
N Diven
Snider & Deihl, liqurFH ' 13 15 00
.:1 - clvton.
Mr,..Wiley N 14 7OP
Joseph Smith , 14 7 00
Kyle & Piper • 14 7 (0)
. I Fest Pennsborough.
. _
Josinli Hood & Son 13 30 00
DunnlcUon & Green 14 7 ~ )0
Thomas Grensnit' - 14 .7 00'
Cltenninger • 14 "' 700
J W D Gilliland , 13 , 'lO 00
John \V Clever, liquors
Jueol) Ilelllebougher & Co
Slinuel Barr
Elias Light
J W Fester •
& W Q Eckles
Henry Rupp jp:.•l
John ICUtz
Jacob [lrminger, liquors
Adam Elslinger
Joseph U Bunks
Fleisher & Edienbour,
ligler..,„l\leKitileyti.:\4! i:t to 00
lumniell& Kerr . 13 10 00
New Cumberland.
la - rnos li. Boak, liquoVS . _ 1•1• • 10 50 ,
John G ;hiller do • - 1 , 1 10. 50
Adam lfecliley - 1.1 7JO
Musser, Jams & Co. 13 10 00
Church, Feenitin & Co. ' 13 10 00
Valentino, Feeinati & CO. 13 . 10 no
Charles Oytier 13 - 10 00
A L Cathcart
Matthias Bitney, !hit-tors
Isaac Bprlon, liquors
J neat, Epley & Go.
Jutnes F Lutz
ntr~ck & Bi and t
& S Morrett 1
Sloss° & Ge'sepamen
S If olliday
. • - Silver Siring.
Thernee 13 Ilryson 13 10 00
.101111Sheirrier 13 10 00
George [1 13ucher , 13 10-00
Levi .111iley ' .14 " 700
Jacob lioldatioan
411.1 Hock
Janes Wdlinhteon
„Mr. Ginerich
Jacob Lontz 14 7,
John Heck • 'l3 1
C libeily ' 13
Minor & Udell • . ' j 3
William Brooks • 14
Protium' & Fitting . ' 13
. ..ilitTpden.
john Snavely • • 13 •10 00
• , South !don.
John IColly 11 ' 7 00
Moorq , (Clepper) 14 7 1.9
Poor Ego (Stelnemitz) 14 7no
-B GtirdetioT • _ - - .14 7Ou
Jacob Shooffor Ll ' 7-00
David To - ectsopg , _ .13 10 e n
JOn Prosser -' 749.
NV Alil • • 13'., -:10.03,
'Dayl4 ' 'l3
il3oppthinailijor • 13 10 Od
• ; ' North - .
Wm M IrenclOrpon & Son . ; 13 10' 00
Wm 11 liondorson.(cavo-mills) 14 .7 I.4:1
;David Hoover- • ; 14 7 0
, 'l2 12.50
, All.l3arnitz• • :
;John' Mooro'(GtAlet)
;Ismael Drinker ,
Jonio's Woakloy •
Jams ;Logan:
111. Gray .
Joseph 'Llisso7 • '
12 50
10 50
, 10 50
12 50
7 00
1 e sQ___
10 50
15 00
13'10 00
14 7 00•
14 7 00 ,
14 .700
F ankford.
13 10 00
13 TO 00
11 '3
0 50
14 700
North Jlliddleton
14 7 00
14 7 00
11 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
East Poinsborough
14 - 1050
14 7 00
11 7 00
14 7 00
Upper Allen
1:1 12 50
13 15 00
In 16er Allen
11 10 50
11 7 1k)
1•! 7 00
4 7 00
14 7 OU
13 10 OU
13 10 00
13 'Yo 00
Upper Allen
14 7 00
14 7 00
Lower Allcn
0 00
10 00
7 011
13 ' 10 110
.13 10 00,
3 10 OP
13 10 00
H • 700
7 0j
7 0
. • ..Pranklyrd:''.. - -• •
John !lays: • • • '‘:l4 7AO
- - • .Sbuthathipn. • • - "."
Peter Cramer • • - • '44._ • 703
C Gayman • -. • ; 14. 7 00
, ENppensbur:q "
Nevin'e Heirs. • „ 14-, 7-00
Jacob nisei
. . . .
' ' ' -,.
irest Pennaborough. '.' ' ; - 4
C Frehn, • - . 13 10 00
Siter:Sa Joiles . ~..- 13 10 00
Isaac Shollabargor !' '', 13 ,' 10 or,
William 1.) Philips .' 14 , ' :7 6 0
Peter Faust..—
- - 14. . 7."0
10 00
10 00
7 00
20 00
10 00
'John Laughlin
Peter Mycra -
Jacob Sheilah:nor
nicob Ramp I Ml 2 .14 ti 00
_Weirton.. • L
A Soavers ". on
, 7 00
7 00
... . . .
John Ernest • .. 14 ..
T — `s faiard — , e , 1 - 1 - . 100
James Lantz • 14. 7 00
Christian Au -- .• - 13.. s. 10
,' 00
10 - 0
7 00 ,
7 00
7 00
.../. . . V.
. -...
'' Distillers.
lid ward Shove s 8 19 50
C Inhoir, Agt. •
~: ' 9 • 800
15 00
7 00
7 00
Upper "Wen.
_Wml - Ini'cness'..Beirs. ' - -9
___.B' 00
Wm ilarknea' heirs lO 5 OJ
John Bowman • - • 9 8 03
Dickinson. , ' . .
30 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
Robert Linn 40 . - 6 CO
North Middleton.
Wm NI-Henderson 8 72-00
. South Middleton. ~
15 DO
7 00
7 00
7 00
Robert Given-
John M Good, Av.'
M G'Beltzhoover 8 12 no
.C:W & P A AM' 9"..8 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
nartin Coover
Ho . 'area.
Robert 'Quigley
Jacob Au
13 50
7 00
7 00
Ramp & Gro've.
10 00
7 00
William Alexander
Nilliam Riirnitz
Beer, Oyster and E.atilig 110119C13.
Carlisle. "~
Jacob Low 8 5 00
J oseph.lllark le - 8 500
James Maio?• - - 8 500
Philip Ditrioh 8 - . 500
Itetatlers of Patent hiediclhes.
Wm Ilratmn 4 5 00
Joseph 0. Banks • . 4!. SIP
- ' Monroe: --
Slcssc 8i Gcsscamen 4 5 -00
Upper Allen.
A L Cathcart 4 5 00
Elijah Switzer
Mr. Mitchell
Mr. Ciamer
hlerchants and all concerned in the above
chesiificatiou will• take node° that I will hold
an appeal itt the Court House, in the Borpugh
of, Carlislc,.On Saturday, the 3d day of May,
1851, to afford all persons an opportunity. who
may feel themselves aggrieyed_by the above
classification to appeal, it they think proper.
ap9 Mercantile Appraiser.
Practice of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetric:
Dr,s. A. M. STAYMAN, respee. fully
announce to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity
that they have taken the office recently occu
pied by Dr, Smith, in Snodgraes's Row, and
will be happy to attend to all wh6 may favor
them. with a call in - thpwakiotts bronchea of
their profession. We are prepared to visit pa
tients in the country at any didtance. Charges
moderate. [np9tf
Thii subscriber is just,receiving a large and
varied ass@itnont-of Straw-Bonnets,
scriptions.— Also, -100 ' , Bobs Sonnet , - I 2 i bbons,
the cheapest ever offered in Crartisle....,Sl9_l
•-• " - • - •
We are now 'npening a very choice lot of La •
dies and Gentlemen's Linen. _Cambric lland•
-kerchiefs,- at Lvarious—prices, - _ decidedly _.,the
cheapest lot of handkerchiefs we_have ever of
fered to the public. Ltdies do not mien them.
We are just receiving a-large-lot Irish:Linens
from the best Bleneheries and at low pri•cs.—
Also, Barnsley Sheetings, Pillow cam Linens.
and Alesline, with, a general assortment of Li
nen Pant Stalls.
Just' received the now style Quilted Rib
bons for Trimming Lrdies Dresses. Also, new
style Buttons of various kinds for Ladies DUSCS
Just opened a general assorituent of Dlue and
Cq)ored Silks and Berege dc'Lahis, with. other
dress goods.
LIVERY BODY should embrace this op-
AJ aortunity to buy CLOTHING for Men,
Youth and Boys, at such prices as have never
yet been known to this Borough, at
West Main et, vat door . to Burkholder's ROM,
Embracing a choice of the best; 11106 i desire
HABIT G1..0111 do. -
'WEEDS, &c., 6ta
Together with a great Variety of 'English,
French and American CLOTH'S Mal Summer
Fabrics, adapted to the wants of Mon and
Boys, both for Drees and Business Garments.
Particular care has bpcn pro4tieo
the new sidle
' V.Es - rs, &a,
To which he would i n vite epecial attention.—
FU ItNISII INC G On_ S, consisting at
•Shirta, Steaks, Handkerchiefs, !Ste, , all of
which to offered at the .lowest possible cosh
prices, and as 'Cheap as- any othei. Clothing
Store in the Union. Parents , who desire Biqa
Clothing; arc earnestly invited. to (Outline tho
stock. 'Country a ore keepers 'can' ho, wccom•
modutcd at very low, rates for 'cash, [l[6ap
Conveyancing,- Auctioneerbg,
7 00
IrOSEPIIIIOSSF,R, lorinerly of New. Cu
m-01 berland, has removed' his iesidenee to itre-.
elianieshurg,lrfookdoors. east of AVehherts , br.
Sweitzer's store, whe o hit'iWillilie ready at all
times', when not absent troniyane,Jo attend in
d i
Mo\ riting of DE EDS,'.ltl, ,R.T.G A; q 14 8,..
wit, .s. AGitanrENTs.--&c.-..ntid;will at.:-
ten. to ilie.'CALLll‘l4.o.F.'SAl4S;either•
pessonal or real, in town and countitf:t . Those
piing to employ him in that ellty, will
••lease to call before riclvertisingrvh address
,ini by mill. Thankful to his frieffilt or their
I past favors, ho hopes to ha;,patrotiisactifurther
by thorn, and '4.411' he _happy to attepil to all
others who may favor him with a eel., 'Haas
also general agent'ler'Cumlierland obOiy; for
tlto American Lilo and.flealth Ineuranqo Loin;
my of Philadolohia,'lnut is prepared'ts7efleti
insurquices on,the 111,103 t. Invorable term. .
Mechanicsburg; nprilln,' Impd. • . 1
c`. To muirmEns,
THE Subscribers.n.Conunittdo of tha School
Directors of West •Peonsboro', township, 'Will
moot at the public .house of Daniel S. Dunlap,
in Nowvijle, on SATURDAY, tho 9d of May
- 1851; at 3, o'clock, P...11/1; to-te:olio , proposals
for buildino a SCIIOOI. lIOUSF,; in olden.,
mike road' front l'iper.'s to_the .turtipike.
The house to Mt .26. feet ,squarer . with a white
pine roof anti 'yellow pino flooeitim to have :nine
.windowa with.donble -panel itutteis, - thetitils
tO.he ono and a half .I,m:lms thick,- A liooltielt
"panel doors, with,tho Audiber •of , limichea and
desks that -arc in- the , school ,qt
Tho walls_ to h a rielt; nine Anchos thick;
Icid mrstootcloundiithiiii:• ' -
••,' ' i'dAhtE,S'AfeCULDUOGIL
ia,apatpd Committee.„
Foit 131.A.s1;INg'ItO'CX$!
iniRDE,RS for the 'above artiebvet3ilreoselqo
tho , undersigned tit their Atunufactory
near Mechanicsburg, Cumborland county,•Pn,-,
will'moot with Prompt : at tention, and be, filled
at tito lomat cash.p . Aceii. . .
i3aplyptl .'PET.M.I3INORK;II,"'
, - atom Oljop
Fresh Drugs, Afeelicines, Perfitpsery, :Fancy
Articles, Zgc.,
1 11 1 1E.Sitliiicribariasjust rticeived his Spring
CHEMICALS, arriong which can be found
every article, used by Physicians in.thcir bre
iariptiOns, to the puitingmp of which, he will
give particultir attention. Also, '
01114 Dye Stittliii Porftimery, Soape,
4,13... and a variety. of . .Fancrariieles.tim num
erous to mention, together with a superior, lot
of TOBACCO .AND 'CIG-ARS of varietal
brands, all of which, Waving purchased fit per
son, upon the most favorable terms, he will
guarantee at 3 boing.of the best quality, and io
tYillina-to-sell, not•exatitly at - .City-Pricesi - yot
fore very small advance for CASII. • .
HQ would_respes.tfullyinxito_the_allention_of
fr,hysiciani, Country Merchants and Podlars,,
to whom he will make ' a deduction.—,
Opposim• the Rail Road 'Depot, corner of Pitt
and High streets,-Carlit4e, Pa. . 7.-
mnrl9 S A HUBBARD.
14 7 -
13 10
14 . ; i 7 OD
SPRING d 4 suntran.Gobros,
At the Cheap Store, 148 North Hanover at.
IEIA.VING returned from 'Philadelphia with a
HA selected assortment of Spring and Sum—
mer Goods, I would respl'ectfully invite all per
sons who wish to purchase , nowloods to cull
and examine my stock, as I am determinedl'o
sell . nt small profits. Among them may he
found •
8 12 50
10 5_ 00
.Such as . Silk Tissues, Silk Lustres, Foulard
Silks, plain and figured 'lle Laines, Scrag°,
Berege do Laines, Lawns, Ginghams apd Cali
coes. •
.1.1011:WETS, .
A fares assortment or Bonnets, all qualities and
oldie newest 'styles.. Also, lkorliet;ltibbens
hid Gloves and Parasols.
10 s 00
9- 900
10 50-'
10 • • 5 00
T weeds:' Jeans, GairibroOns, Velvet Cords;
Blue St.e. . Also, Muslins, Tickings 'l'a
blo Dispor t Linen Table Cloths, Checks, Ho
siery, Bagging, &c. • • - • • •••
.C.,free, Molasses, Creenund_ Black Teks and
Specs. Butter, Eggs, - Mnds,and Soap, and all
kinds of Country Produce taken at market
prices, in exchange for goods.
ap9 - A C FETTER.
10 501
9 8 CO
For the Benefit of the Public.
TriE subscribers take this method of inform
ing their old customers and the public generally
that they have removed their extensive
one„dour north,ofrhejr old stand, to the room_
formerly occupied by A Coyle, in North
Hanover "street, Carlisle, Where they have ad
ded to their srock an extensive assortment Of
They keep constantiy on hand a full assortment
of every kind el . clothing either for dress or la
bour. Their stnk consists in part of line cloth
Dress and Frock Coats, Cassimerc Pants, Silk
and Satin VCSIS,. and also coats of sattinett
Tweed, Ctoton Cloth, Cashmerett, Linen, &c.
and a full assortment of pants fur summer wear
and to' their assortment of clothing there—is
scarcely an end, embracing almost every varie
ty of pattern, make and 'price; they also kr ep
consmntiv on hand an excellent assortment of
goods for ,
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 5 03
which they are prepared to make• up to order
at, short notice. They also kebp constantly on
hand au assortment of Leather and Hair trunks
valises, carpetbags, umbrellas, -hats med - Caps,
suspenders - , dress 11114 Under slrrts, bosoms and
co' lars, fancy " and Plain - silk=neek - and pocket
Itandkerchias, , and lots of notions to numerous
to mention. We invite vow to give . us s call
and 'examine .lor yourselves, as we .have the
stock and are prepared to dell to suit customers..
They would just mention that they have no city
clothier , . but that their garments swill:made
in Carlisle under their own supervision.
9apam ARN OLD & VIN(;STO N.
_ c ar cp
.4, 9Z t
• L Sek !_tlEntl"
• •
- For thcreasre be
_ _
.raA, WIT 00PING - COUGI-1
offering to the community 4liis Justly cele
brated' remedy for diseases or the throat and
Itings,-it is not one wish to trine with the hire
or health of the a filleted, hot frankly to lay •he:
lore ihem the opinions of distill- wished men moil
some of die evidences of its succesit, from which
they can judge . for 'thenuelyes. We sincerely
pledge outset yes to Mahe II() wild assertions or
false statements of its efficacy, nor will we hold
out any hope suffering humanity which fact's will
not warrant.
Many proofs given, and we solicit an
inquiry trop the pollic lido all we publish, feel.
Mg assured they will find them perfectly reliaSle
znd the meillidne worthy their best confidence,
91141 patronage.
Professor, of Chemi'stry, Alineraologyi,Uo., Yale
College,-Member of the Lit., I list. ' Med. Pli.lo.
and Schuh Societies of A ineriea tutu Europe.
"1 01'0111 the CHERRY PECTORAL
iN1.1,051:1011 from .401113 Of the best ne
ide; In he !llateela Aloylien nth' V3i.y effect.
lye reybetly for the class of :liseases it - is hilpotl-,
ed to cum,"
New lltteen, Ct., Nov, I, 1549.
Prof Cl EVELAN I), or llowiloin College, Mo.
il — the - effeetr - of yoiu
, Cll Ell RV PECTOLIAI.' in my own family aml
that of my friettils,:inil st gives me intisCsetioti tot ,
sitite lit Its furor that Ito meilidne .I.lltive. ever
known has proved so, hIIIIIICIIIIV successful of
curing dise,tses of the (Most and longs:"
Inn'. DR. tlSGOttl..)
he consitlers'CßElllllf PEG.
T0i1...112 the best medielnit fOr
liens ever- gy'viht to the public," and stater. that
daughter heiiff obliged to keep.ibb room,
fnie - months w ah a severe settled :eeugh,
II:1111(1I by raising of bloodotight sments, and the.
atientlant oy'mpto..ns of consumptiOn, cominenoed
the use of the 11 , ,11.11Y PECTORAL' and
had 'completely recovered."
PATIENT: ' • "
Ai•c:r—lle"ai• Sit: For two gent s I Was
afflicted with a very severe cough, m:outmoded
ho spittingof bloodtint profuse niklit sweats.—
Ily the advice of my attentlim; Physician I wan
induced to use, your (11F.12 11Y IIf3OTOI2A 1.,
end continued to do so till t Considered' myself
wpredontl altribe the ellict to yam' prep:union.
•, ittup"ett ss. Spri ll
This tltTy appetwell the shove panted James
fiktailltit; and ,proitcptinr..l the above statetneps
true iit every respect. •
. I • 1.012F.NZ ) NORTON', Justice.
. 10,1547:
slyer . ; I have ,nevi lone idllktetl, with
Astlutitt whigh grew .yeailv worse until last un
worn', It betiuglit en a, c0u,211 mlueli confined me ,
in my chamber, and begun to assume the nitnla
ing,symptoms of consumption. 1 lind l.riui alto
best attivme fine the best medieinetO no otn , pose,
until I used your Cl I FART PECTORAL, which
has cured Me mel oil may well believe me.—
If. there is any value in ,the judgment of the
wise, who suenk (*roan experience, here 1.3 med. leine worthy of the public eonfhlenee. ;.,
'e5913.1. /111b1)!II'll Fi. Dr. S.
Elliott, Carlisle; Dr.. 11% Dity,
llerroo,!Newril le; J. C. Si J. B.
pciitblwg; 1111(1 tiVtIiOSIS .
11 W 41 &
THE'subscriimr —lia
onnd a bags ,tind ,
.wolli' Solooloel — fisinrentquit — of MUSIC: of all
!kinds, consisting ,if :longs,
'Polkas,' £&c.. aloe Maine:Hone for: Piano and
.otlicr . fitment - bents. "Berlinils—hlotltod" -for
piano, "hlazas ['Method fol,' LIM' Violin, &c. and
a supply of Violin 'and guitar:-Strings; ofTiest
''rate quality at..tity' 4• , •
Having' model 'an airtinkomont'ivith :an. Im-,
mortin and, p4bliehing.houim' . P hilestelphie;'
,ho, wi lttie conefahtly.etiOlidd with 'OW . Male'
'and , able 'tci - ifurtiittliOnyibing in that-lin o et
notice tied upon roa'sottablo !tai
'T.ttacbiirs ivill find it 'for theft, interest to Call
ornd , exaatine'iorr. tlidniselitos: at 'tho corner of
Pitt aid etiyete;'optiOalte', the MeneiOn
Hooso [ml9]- N:III.II3,BARD.
-Puro vinegar.
UST heeived a fresh - trarrel of rare Cider
Vinegar; of superior quality, and Warranted
:free fr6m adultatenon.• -
nova ' • -.G
THE 1321;Seriher offers fort MC . the HOUSE,
AND .LOT situate on West street,
adjoining the - residence - of - Wm. -- S
iiiiColietui and Mr. Feller, in the BO
feet in 'front and 120 feet deep run
ning to an alley. The house is n substantial
frame building. ono story and. a half high, and
in good order.' rhere are a number bf
Trio ' on the In, and'tha property pos.
right to the' use of 2 pump neatly
to house. For further particulars
tatt 2 l F. GARDNER:
Sold at Private - Sale,
ALL that certain HOUSE AND LOT
situate in-the Borough of Carliqe, bounded on
the east by a-lot of John Moore, on the north,
by a lot or Rev. Johrr•Urrich. on the
•e,de r West liy a lot of Jacob Weaver,
;;;;y,-' .. 'and on the South by North Street,
Biel jr' containing 160 feet in front, and 2.10
feet in dopth.. Having thereon a
reetad a two story double STONE (OUSE,
with a ono and a half story KITCIIEN attach
ed thereto. An indisputable title will be given
by the owner. -
THE most extensive assortment of SPRING
GOODS ever brought to Carlis'e, now opening
and offerimt by the subscriber on the most• ae
'comtnodzirigg terms anduncommonly cbcap.—:
Among the lot will be found a most splendid
assortment of
. .
such ns Clicnn rind Foulard Silks, Silk and Li
'nen Do-Lines, Fig'd Surg,
Lawns, Barnes, Tissues . . Marcelincs,
'An immense, stock of ..Bonnets; all, qualities
and prices. Also,.Bonnet Ribbons and Flow
ers in great variety and very beautiful.
A filkissortmerit of all. kinds Carpetings and
Mailings. White and colored
Some new'rnid elegant French Cloths nod
Cassimeres at gcduced
_prices: - Muslin;
'I ick
ings, Checks, HoSieryr [leggings, &c.
The public are invited to call and examine
this large and splendid srock of new goods, and
they will certainty be suited with the goods and
prices. Recollect the old stand East - Mnin st.,
[apt] C. OGILIIY.
rut! E subscriber would respectfully inform
1 his customers - and the public generally that
lie still continues..t.he I lIAiI3ER AND COAL
EST, and tharhaving lately purchased
in addition to his former business facilities, the
large and convenient Warehouse and C 91.11 Yard
lately occupied by. Mr. Henry Wright, opposite
the well known Lumber and Cool Yard of the
subscriber;,. situate along the Rail Road and
College Lnne, he is now morn= fully prepared
to enlarge' his business. has at thistime and
is keeping constahtly on hand a well slected
'nssertmont of
of all kinds, sorts, and sizes.' Likewise the
different kinds o! FAMILY COAL such as
stye Coal of the difibrient kinds, Lime burners
and Blacksmith's Coal, of the best quality.—
A l of whitlt -113 will sell unusually low for
Cash. Ue will also keep constantly on hand
With all the different 'articles generally found
in a well stored Warehouse. He will also at
all times buy PRODUCE and FLOUR, For
which_he will pay the highest current prices.
- Being very thanfuLformgUtAyo u rs ti ngq.
afits?Arabliii:offrittilie patronage.
rnarl9 . SAIWL, M. HOOVER.
Priiladelphia Wardrobe,
l autheast Corner, tliarket SLxth Streets.
13 .R AleN 411.. LE & Co., invite the mirin
tion of Wholesale and Retail buyers, to
and-Summer- CLO-THI-N G 1 comprising-every
variety of style , that can ho producoch Our to please and accommodate all, and in
order to do this, we manufacturti Clothing at
almost every price. Selling. FOR CASH
ONLY enables us to offer Clothing at a very
trilling adVallee. Our motto is Small Prafts
and" Quid: Sales. We are confident that an
examination by you is all that is IlaeSSUry to
ccitilirm what we say, and secure your custom.
THIS Establishment has just commenced
operation, and is prepared io manufae.ure—
Steam Engines and Boilers, Blowing Cylinders
'and Hot Blast Pipes, Retorts, Lamp Posts.
Gas cnd Water Pipes, Car Wheels and Axles,
Rolling Mill Castings, Grist and llaw Mill
Castingii, Horse . Posher, Threshing Machines,
Plough Castings, Cast Iron Fronts for Houses,
Cast Copeing and Railing, Patterns and Black
smith's work made to order.
J. 11. JONES.
Harrisburg, Pa. ap`2'sl-2.mpd
1-,7 Ed, persons w ;, 7 ,hin g , to rescue their proper
ty from fire withuut the aid of insurance,
companies, should havv tlfei: fool's covered with
aka Patott liadhizon Bale, or 'lre .ahr
Praqf Paha. A root well covered 1r itb
this article will last much :anger thrill the roof
unpainted, and will ronder-it entirely Fire and
Wafer Proof. This ortiele can be had cheap at
the I hid ware More or -
marl JOHN , P. I,YNM.
•",,, ~ . irr,,zto TEA ! WELii. I .
',,,.. 7 -;21-.7: 7 • 7 t":". ,, , LA FROM CHINA !—The
"'''. r'i -— • 4 :.t a r loiters or good TEA can be
' f wMESH impplied with Jetticin'tt & Co's
3f.t.i, p rilii . % , ,Spperlur . Green . and 'flinch
- 1 4 4 ? ' 4 l 711'00§,P9'llor loose ,or put up
, . in fourth', half or pound me•
011ie pucka to suit purchasers at prices ranging
from 50 cents up to SI par pound, by calling ut of frnrsl 'J. D. HALBERT. •
SALMON, Constantly on band &
IitiRRIN&9„ • for r• - ale by
PORK, ~ .-". 'cl rALNIER-& CO,,
HAM S ' AND SIDES, Market at.harf,
LARDS CIitESE, , ' • . , -
• •
Ilmerica4 Gil: 7
JUST received a Iresti.sufaity Aelerie6
Oil. For sale by A C
oet2:l. . No 1 , 18 North Utmost!. Bt.
MCONFORMITY with the Militia Laws
of Penna. passed tho 17th :thy of April,
.1810, to Resise and provide' for Training of such
only as shall 0 uniformed. .Therefore,.tho
several BintaliOne within the bo . unds of the 5 - st
Brigade, 15th Division, will meet for review and
itispdetiort, ns follows : , --Tltst let Battalion emn•
mandod by Major 'Jacob ,liownten, willmcot at
10 o'clock, M., on Stuttrdny. the 171 h day,all
May in Maclinniasburo:; the 2d Baltalion.tioni
niandedity•Capt. David Wherry; ‘vill meet nt
It) o'clock, A: M. ; on ThMsdtity'llto' 27th day
of Majr,,at such . plaeo as the commandingoll
- ' , may , designate: Tho , 3d Battalion chin
manded by Mnjor •JOlth F,..llnittor, will most
pt fen o'clock, A. 111:,,in Cnrliolo. oh Tuesday.
the , Ititlr 'day •ot'lllay. The First Rdginient
Cumberland.. county Volunteers, will moor, at
New/villa Onl'ttesdnk'tliti 20th day of
Adjutants Of ,Battinionll wi l l: l ' l qm a correct "-
'turn -of-the FicliVOllicers•and-non-conithission
od stuiron said, flake of training :
,1-• Captains - or-domincinding Officers potnca•
nine Will lid roquiroil to Pialtp - correct • reports
of theit• Companies on the inhivOdays..• •
ttljahnlion,Vogs will bereceided'and escort.:
cd and''returned to dm: conitnntiditig'offit Or's
Punrtot t s, , Os prescribed by GOne - .11 Rule 01
i'TheatiCond llattaliort will elect ono mnjo I
room of hlnjor, Frazidr roSignad, ittAo'elcir, t,.
T. M. on Tharsday, ther':32d of May.
Ca . pti Stuttrt's Troop will meet at spelcplace
as Ito may 41roct,,Pnd inform. the.Porlorsigao
apl6 . ,
. .
J. D.
•• • •
DAS 4. w - iiking.fluid , ,- very su
PPprinthilc * .liitiAlo et ' Iit'DBARD,
Al ipaight,otto...
.. GEolterzi z. BRETZ,
'0 UIiGEON DENTIST 7--.. Having lately
0 graduated. at the
: Baltimore i Qollega of
Dental Surgert, : w.ould respectrully inform the
i i
Public thatit/13A , tle is prepared : to perform_ all
operations on '
the Teeth that map. be required.
Artificial Tee t h - Welled, from :a single tooth
to. an entire m
set, upon the lae nd most Hit,
proved principle. The patronage or the public
is respectfully solicited. Ho' tray be found 'at
.the residence of his binther on Meth Pitt
• 1 Carlisle, April 2, 1851. '' .
-Town Property 'or Se
Brigade Inspector's Orders.
JUST ficeivefl a fresh loi of GROCERIES
which -be `sold vary low at the • old. theop.
Store, East Main Street. •.• • - •
tip 2 C..OGILBY.
M • now opening •my'Spring, stock of La
dies and Gentlemen's •BoOls and Shoes.—
Also. a largo lOt of,Boys Misses and Childron'e
Shoes. All of tho newest style, best quality,
and best of all, very cheap.
'apt • C. OGILBY.
oc.. S
HAVE Jeceived from: Mr. Landreth, my
X Spring supply of FRESH'yG A R D E N
SEEDS, which aro ntarranted:genuine.
'REST[ GARDEN SEEDS; ,:of the best
quality,from the celebrated establishments
of Risley & Co., New York, and D.,Land
reth Philadelphia,, all of Which are warranted'
fresh, just received and for sale at the Chedp
Drug and Book Store of
CIOD LIVET. OIL.—An excellent article
NILI for sale by
E. L. PARE= at CO
„ .
ink EA LERS in in Plates; Ainerican, Eng
lish, and Russia Sheet Iron} Boiler and'
Flue Iron•, Hoop, r and' Rod Iron;' Irim-Wire;
Tinneu Copper; Zinc; Spelter; Pig and Bar
Lead; Lead Pipe•, Sheet Lend; Block and Bay
Tin; Brass-Kettles; :Pinner's Tbols. and Ma
chines; Stove' :Primmings; American Rivets,
all smile, Tinned and Black' - Sic. -
Mardi 2G,'
Family Grocery Store.
Tao subscriber having removed his Grocery'
Establishment; on South Hanover ,
~ street, to the laige ,building aearl,y
,',, „opposite his old stautl•depires to call
the attention of-the-public to -the-su- --
, parlor stock' 'of 17,1tILSH GROCER
IES which he busiest openedi—nnd which - ha. - -
Will Sall on tlio most accommodating terms.—
The arrangement of his new..Establielintent will
be foetid 'of the most complete character, and
his assortment comprisbs every article that can
be found in a
Pcifect ramily Giocery,
such as sugars. coffee, teas, spices, hams, dried
beef, cheese, shad, mackerel, herrings dried
fruit, soaps, &c., together with . an elegant as- •
sortment of China and Crockery Ware of eve
fi style slid . quality, .queenSwaroi , .. brooms,
brushes, baskets, and an endless variety of ar
ticles which it is 'impossible to enumerate...—
For cheapness and excellence his articles can
fiat be surpassed • A call from the public is
therefore respectfully solicited Y • •
mars C. INHOFF.
rralE undersigned informs his friends and
-1.-. numerous customers, that he has just re
turned from Philadelphia, with a large and
curofully selected assortment of -
parehased at the lowest prices, whiehle is de
termined to sell at small profits.
ai 'from 75 cents to $6 a yard; Qassimered t
Cassinets and Vestings, at various prices.
such ns Dolnings Bdrezu dc...l4Unen..c. snicthiid
-......-tmcnt of bilks, euh , oce,bunthums, Cliks
-Table-Dhipors,-:Tickings, -Mushns,--Bonnots, -
Huts, &c. , .
A good assortment of Men s,
Women and
Clthdron's Boots and Shoes, of superior qual
ity-and very cheat). Also, Boy's and Men's
Clot. Caps, Palm Hats and a large assortment
of Bonnets.
such as , Sugar, Coffee, Molasses,Vaiikin'e
best qualltrcif Carpet Clniin. •
Tits subscriber respectfully asks all who ..„
wish bargains, to give him a call, at his itand
opposite Win. Leonard's North Hanover st..—•
Butter, Eggs, •dtriga, Soap, and Dried Fruit,
taken at market prices. •
mar2G N. AV .W.OODS,.Agt.
Not if C 9.
Estate of Susan A. Eisenhart, dee'A.
NOTICE is hereby giver], Abet Letters of
Administration in duo form of law; have
been granted to the undersigned, on the estate
of Susan ✓, Edscuhart late of Monnie town
ship, Cumberland comity, deed. All persona
indebted Co said estate aro therefore requir4;d
to - Utake payment immediately, and those hav
ing claims will please present theta for sewa
ment to. BENJANIIN
Estate :of SUSAN PLO:trail, deceased..
ALL'persons nro hereby iiciafied Eliot letters
'of ruhnintatration on the estate Of Suson Plough
Into of Shiremanstown, Cumberland county,
Pennsylvania, have thia'dny heerrtanned by the
ftogister in and - laqier - 7i --- , - mMtnity,
_scriber who re,itlesin Shireino nsto w a alorespid .
having claims or demands ogoinst
the estate of V.:7 said ricesosed ore rcrineht.cilo
mho known the same wittle;;!• delay, and those
indebted to anoint
- DAVID %VISE, • •••••
• • Administrator.
Estato'of Jacob S. Faii6t, dec , fl.'
•li,ToTicr, is hereby given that Letters Tea
trimentary on the estate of Jacob S. Feast
Imo of the borough of,Carlisle, ilee'd.,"havo
been granted to the subseriber,.rosiding in the
same phithe. All persons r•indebted to said es
tate arool.oquired to come forward and tnako
immediate payment* and those having claims
to present them for settlement to•
IGap LENQRA FAUST, Executrix.
Estate •of Eliza Lawson dec'd.
waTici , .. is, hereby, given: that Letters of
IN Administration on the Estate of Eliza
Lawson, kite of Cumberland, county dee'd;
have been granted tothe subscriber residing in
'South Middleton township. All persons
I,lobUlti to said estate are requested to make Mi.;
m ediate (foment, and those haring claims to
present thorn dulyautlientiented for settlement,
' UMW W 1. pirm, nom'r.
pi/EMBERS of iho'Alli'M and Desiponnalm.
rough Mutual Fire Insurance Compauy,,.
ore hereby notified, that thrt Heatd of Mena
• gems, have ordered no,. essessinent of FOUR
PER CENT on all the premium notes-duo.
the company, on the eleventh day 4i Marsh,.
1851, to be paid• previous to the .JO4ll day of .
June next, to ihe Treasurer or Receiver. As'
the* Treasurer intends culling . on the members,
personally, before that time, it would be advi
sable to be ready. '
, • ,LEIVIS.HYER, Secretcry.A
sr, COCIET.111; Treasurer..' .
,- , Al,irelt IrlrOizette end Republican,
YorkH-Union.and Telegraph, Harrisburg—copy
to amount 803.
Attontion Old Foldlors,
fp - lUtnto Commiesioned and. Non,Commis.
i 1 'slimed Officers? Mulcting and Privates,.,
whether of the - regular e,rmy, volunteers exc..
militia ' who served , tinio, in the,
States Etetny, 'nny of the ware- elneo,„ - 1790,
and who ire. now 0111i1104 lellounty Lend, aro '
requested to attend nt the,lntblie. house of 'Mr,'
Jelin Hannan, in Carlisle on ,
111.0111TIA4(., ilia sth day' of May,
. .
nt two clock, P. M., tq maks ailatigetiichts
' for locating thole rospsativO.waquala ~(when
rocelvdth for said lOW, 'lO - 110.1.314,poisibla ad
j 4.4 4. , .4
", aeorV
• • - • E Armor,'
, • _ - 11 ( 1 1 , V
aa,rllAq Apr1123;4.1 11.e.gyaler ,
~ „ ,
icErfle.lllAl; 011."--Alvioys ft6sl), con`stnnt, ,
ly, kept, giji .hand - 4 RBA Rp'S I)ti‘ "
- ) 9 tOro , , , . (!.9.,