117WLD EXPOST,FOR, CARtiSLE; PA: , NESDAY,.APRIL 30, 1851 THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN C!IDIDERLAND COUNTY!. re`rmit--Tno Dollars a year s or One 'Dollar and Fifty Cents. paid .punctually in Advance. • $1,75 if paid within the year. . . TO THE WlllO5 OF toENNgYI..VANIA Xigc`•A State Convention will be held in the City of, Lancaster, On TUESDAY, JUNE 34th. 1851, for thit purpose of 'Selecting candidates , forthe--(lffiCoEf.-aMoyerntrWthrCM-dirCtillifals sioner,- and also for - Judges of the Supreph • Court. Joseph It. Flannigan, Samuel IlleMenamy q F. Knox . 11.torton, C. Thompson Jones, William- U. 81ingluff, Samuel E. Thomas,' Samuel ' John S. Brown,• - - Nathankil Ellmake;., _ . •Wm. -Robinson, : -- - Worden M. Preston, William Baker, Thomas E. Cochran, _ William M. Watts, Henry Johnson, Jathes Chhrlcs B. Bordman, Sherman D. Phelps, Gddrgo Cress, Muhl C. Wilson, D. A. Finney,- • ~." John Alison, C. Q,•-Loomis; . DanierMcCurdy, Miff Hausman, Cobrge Me'ason, William Evans, . Alexiinder K. McClure. John 0: Neville. • • Erancis Jordan. HENRY M. FULbER, Cliqirman, R. RUNDLE SMITH, Secretary, - THE . AtONIPTLEDERICE WATT S The Hon. F. WATTs,,is beyond all shadow of doubt - ono - of the- ablest, Judicial officers- in 'Pennsylvania. Wo have never known a man who-transaoted 'business' in the seine rapid and correct manner, and with so little apparent ef fort. Hp is a straight-for Ward, bullet-minded Judge. 'He goes directly to the point by the nearest and best road or ambiguity about him. Ito says • eNactly what ho thinks—nothing _more, nothing less; and - generally thinks right. Ile is polite to the old members of the bar, and affable to the young. Ho is siker o gentbimah, although al ways decided his Sis opinions.—Politically we aro opposed to Judge Watts; but we cannot belp_recording our humble opinion hi regard to' his Worth as a oitizon, and his exalted abil ity as a Judicial officer. He wears the ermine and holds the scales of Justice nobly andive — 7 Deniccrat. - Thig_does-but.simploAlpti9o-to-the-eminent tharactei of Judge Watte as a jurist. We honestly, believe - that no distriot in the State is blessed with a President Judge of greater ability, or ono who with more impartial spirit -administers—exact—and—equal- justice.- The question then arises Will the people of this district voluntarily dispense with the services of such a Judge because he happens tn,be of -nne-political-faith r . while-the majority-of-them probably-hot& another?- - Why-should they ?-- Tfie Judges of our Courts have uo "patron age" in their gift, no offices to bestow. The question is an important one. An -.upright, impartial and able Judge id..hn officer who can not beliglAy_esteenied,_,Re_is_the guardian of the highest. interests of the community.— And the question whether they will retain, or dispense With his services on the bench, is one ti)` be deeply thought of between tide and the second Tuesday of October. ADAMS COUNTY We learn from the Gettysburg Slur thatnt the opening of the April term of Colift, on Monday a week, the Grand Juay .dre* atten tion to the general' and almost constant viola tion of the law against selling liquor on the Sabbath day. The Court strongly and warm ly endorsed the action of. the Grand Jury, and, throughliis Honor Judge DUIIICES, announced its determination hereafter to refuse to license any house where liquor maydiaveheen sold on the Sulibath day - : Thisdecision — of the -Court -will I hailed with pleasure by every good and vir tuous citizen, and it is to be hope that it will Another large meeting of the citizens of the county was held ori Tuesday to adraneo the rsil road project. The meeting was addressed by Judge Durkee and the Hon.,.tames Cooper. The_Commissioneraintend_opening the .books for the, subsoription of .stoek without THE COLLECTOR AT P/lILADELPRIA,--NO pub lic officer has ever been subjected to a severer ordeal than Wm. D. Lewis , the Collector at Philadelphia.- lie was appointed by President Taylor, continued by President Fillmorea and confirmed by the. Senate, having at each point 'et and triumphed ever the bitterest opposi tion. Ile has lastly satisfactorily met and yin: dioatelhis character against certain charges preferred, his accusers being fully hoard be foro:a U. S. Commissioner, and President Fill morO has dechlecl . tlie charges to have been un eustained by evidence. President Fillmore has also decided that he shall retain his plaao.— . What profit therefore' can arise from the con tinued controversy in relation to his appaint meat on the part of IVhig papers? . His ap pointment they say. was not popular, but when was there ever an appointment . which satisfied everybody? . . , ° ARISTOCRACY 14We *Oro going to ask our neighbor of the Democrat in all 'seriousness. who he really was (Hiving at in his railings against "the federal aristocracy" for some weeks past. But wo are' sufficiently enlight ened in his last .by , finding our humble self styled "the editor of the Herald, u leading mcinbcr of the eti:latratic . clique"!l That's sufficient, theonYstery is at an cud. You nced't give the rest of the names, funny, friend of the "new wagon lino! " It might diminish the distingiiished honor you'd . ' courati intend ed to put upon us—'oyer the left.' Well, some persons are born great, otkeriaChieve greatness, 'and others have greatness thrust' upon them, which they cannot refuse, rt . S" in our present case. Our old friends we hope will not cam us, however, an they. will really not find us much Pattie - lc up," about the thing. And besides that, not to ;forget the shop, ritiw sUbscribers thankfully'redeived at• $1 . .60 in 'advance, •an heretofore, and "job printing dono with neatnois,und despatch," as usual. Give us a call. • Tho llerald talcei great credit to the Governor for vetoing the Judiciary Bill. The Transcribing ,Clerks ^we - understand, made n mistake in traiiseribing the . bill, Otherwise it was perfect. Great wisdom in the GOvernorl • Oh, yes, it was perfect, especially that' sce , tiori whioll made liuntingdom . Blair, Cambria and "Indiana a judicial district, and then ,mads the Courts to open on Abe 'same thiy in. both Iluntingdon and lin4lanni . Great .wisdom in the Logiolaturo,thott:' Pity'it,hod ouch blun tranoeribing clerks; or tnioh bluiuldring law-makors,_ ono of the two 'I Dxsonoon Oa A.. Gutur.--Alexander. Gunn was disokaige4, file Custom-IWe°, at rtlinburg, for a inal-praathie. The entry in the books stands thus . was discharged for malting a false report .5 7 4Carp: , '.„.: politeness, to ppm, is said to be raising.your hat to bow to a young lady in the street and allowing a, couple ,of dirty rt 3 any} a yak of soaks to fall out.upon the AhlbWolk,, (Mr. Ifonliam's) vote was given in favor of a LOAN, along with t 1 mass of the dom . ' =ratio meinbors, in the first instance, to head off the'linfamous 'project of' tho' Governor to foist upon the people the issue of a million, of dollars in Relief n ot et ribb ihker. Yes; but neighbor, this don't happen tole true.. • )1 7 hailer the proposed issue of a million of Relief notes was a project of the Governor's or not, it was not prOpoied at all until after Mr. Bonham h . ad voted for the net a.loans. It was proposed in the Senate after the bill went over from the 'House, andtonsequently after Mr. Bonham bad voted for . the bill containing the provisions for new loans. That is the fact . which, the TalL-paying voters of. Cumb'erland county should bear in mind. Mr. Bonliatn's colleague, Mr. Sconller,"did not seem to be . im ressed•with the same view of the.case, Ile did not think it neoesSartto 'Mead off"-the Relief notes by voting for loans which would inevitably have led to it new debt ,of two or more millions.. No; Mr. &miler (himself Farmer) knew too well thetecling of theyarni ers 'of Cumberland county to think of voting for-MORE :-STATB -DEBT: ----- - Mr. Bonham's hatred to small notes'ilike his present support of new State Debt, •wo presume grows- out of the change of circum stances. When he was a eldmegous orator and' leader of the Anti-Tax party, he violently de nounced State Debt and grinding Taxes. But now, in the Legislature, he' votes for theirin ereitse. A few years ago ho advocated and lick ed to elect a WWII Council who issued a del uge of smallnotcs, which Nr. Bonhanl himself signed as as their Clerk Now,,in 'the Legis lature, he denounces small notes as ho once de ' naucced State Debt which he now votes for! The Tax -payers ofoumbeilaint county will not fail to observe in the brief extract we quote above ft'om the Volunteer a distinct ad mission of Mr. Bonhatu's having voted for a loan. That is the great fact W 9 wish them to bear ju mind. The Whig Senate and the Whig Governor deli 4 ated the scheme for ilising new loans. But the project is only cacked, not defeated. If Was, BIGLER is elected Gov ernor, with a Legislative majority at his back, composed of such men as Mr. Bonham, these loans will he rased next winter. Mark the pre diction.. We know that your faces arc set as flint against any increase of the present enor mous State Debt. Take care, then, that you 'arknot-b-etraged-!--- T. Taylor Worth, Thero•in no vnaillntio In allusion to the attempt which has been made in certain quarters to produce the im pressi on that-an- unfriMlly-feeling,existed-be tween President Fillmore and Gov. Johnston, the Harrisburg states in contradic tion of any such impression, "we have reason - to believe - that-the-most friendly state-of feel -ing has ever existed betweeAlkove l kor John ston and President Fillmore, and we think we can assure the Whigs of Ponnsylvlinia, and of the entire country, that they axe both men of too much discernment, and too much devotion to-the-great--IThig-eansa,-to-suffor—themsolves- 1 td be arrayed-in:oppositionz,to each other, or individually to any branch or segment of the • Whig party, by the intrigues and,machinations of the desperate and misguided faotionists, - who set up the gratification of their own little resentments; and the accomplishment of their personal aims, against the success tullarmo-:' ny of the great Whig party. Let who will insinuate the contrary, we now tell the Whigs of Pennsylvania that the Nation al and State Administrations are in perfect harmony with each other upon all the great cardinal doctrines and prominent measures of the Whig party; „and that however a few mis guided men in the Whig ranks, consorting, for the time beiug,',with the common enmity, may labor. to produce a result so disastrous, they cannot be separated.." For some weeks Pesti - the newspapers have been giving hints about another "Expedition to Cuba." We learn from a newspaper of Sa vannah, that a number of young ,men were proceeding to that city, 'armed and equippe.l,' - upon some inforination of being wanted "to sail at a minute's warning," but returned to their homes on ascertaining that the inforrria tion was erroneous. No also learn from New Orleans and Mobile,- that some Movements in those cities indicate preparations for another descent tipoil Cuba: And last, but not least, is an account from New York, of preparations by the Marshal to intercept a• vessel in that port, loaded with arms and ammunition In short, appearances indicate Mot only , that- aMt other expedition has been planned, but that the Federal gar - Omni - ea understands •it thor oughly, and are not only resolved, but well prepared, to prevent its execution. • In consequence of these movements Presi- . , dent Fillmore has issued his proclamation, showing-thellabilitiest incurred_by_thosewho migage in such a marauding undertaking. It states the facts, lays dawn theiaw, and warns offenders of the consequences of violating it in - plain: and explicit language. Cubit is pre : pared to repel aggression. The Government of the United States is determined to preserve our neutrality, and to punish its violation.— We apprehend that - between the two govern ments, pirates'and. plunderers will stand butli pop 01=9. THE Ia',CHOUIST CHURCH SUlT.—This much talked of case, a result of the separation of the church, has finally been Bet down•for hearing in thoijnited States . oMirt in N. York, city, on the 13th of May next. Counsel .for the complainants, the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, are Daniel Lord of New York, Revordy Johnson; of Maryland, and Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts. For the defen'co, the Methodist Epfscopal Church, E: L: Fan,. cher, and — Georg° Wood, -- of -Now York, and Rufus Choate, of Massachusetts. 'Nox Tann.—Thatl - story of fifteen 'Americans being murdered at Nicaragua turns out to be not true. There vas but one killed, a Mr. A. c.: Maynard, and the authorities of Niodi•agua htivo khd the 'murderers arrested, , tried :ntici condomod to be'shot. . • • Now ITU:pi 1f0Tr.n.. 7 . 7 An iron house, for alto tel, is.abont to be erected iu Philadelphia, in. Third, street, near Arch. It is five stories' high: Several iron Ivarohouses ore to be erec ted in that city, this summer. The' iron .buei_ nose in this country will be ilnmenso in a few years from tho erection of iron builidngs ' -, Tnn Tins CIINT COIN.—The Nt/lona& tellivircer:says thoe,:the ,throe cout Odin will . not he reedy for issue beforO the lit of May, tie Treasury Doperlnput hiving authorized the mint to Ilf th bpi d the issue until there shall tio'nulaeinunitiollon.of heir n Million of pleeos. to start mith. • ', 160,DL4T11 AnizOntstiOr_l3imr,ntixoti....--Aroh7 bishop reeloston, pi - Baltimore, Iliad at. floorgetown.Converit;;On tho night of thO'2lst inst. Ho tyas in tie , GOtb year of Lie nge, and had'exeroised tho ~fun- M ions of Arebbhihop for 16 years. Ho ins tin estimable man, aro: hie d.fkiii.is ! .lcoply lamented, MR. BONHAM'S -VOTE FILLMORE. AND JOHNSTCON MORE CUBAN INVASIONS CONSERVATISM GIP THE WHIGS. The.,.lVbig party,:balda,, says the Dartford Couratitlivheso'iamarks copy. as exactly in point,) an interMediate . place between Abe ex- Ironies that hew agitate the nation. They are strong Union men, and, On that very .account, .depreente.tho continued "occurrence of those topics that will! have a tendency to shalt° its . foundation. But they equally respect the rigbts or constitutional privileges of 'every section of this greatcomniunity and:dote:lnd that equal justice should be motedmit to all. While the Abolition party advocates exclusively the rights of the North; and tu;a_ desirous 'of destroying a destroying the privileges which the Consti tution has conferred upon the Southern States —while the Secessionists, at the South, look. only at their own sepatuto interests; With no l_attention_to—the_feelings- andlriglitsLof-th North'—and while the Democratic party,.in their professed desire for the. Union, are lean ing towards the Slave States in their portion ties,,and are more ready. to see the laws -exe , cuted the - Northern than in the Southern extremity 'of the land—the Whigs are•for sup porting the 'rights - 6f all, 'fdr guaranteeing' to the South all such privileges and immunities which the Constitution has conferred upon them, and at the same time' for upholding all the correspondent obligations which that in strument demands every section to render to us. They will not oppose the operation 6f the Fugitive Slave Law, not because, they approve of it, but becaus'eit is late. They feel .that the inherent right'Or justice 'of any law is not to be taken into consideration in tho question of obedience. Um, la* ,manifestly opposes the Constitutio'n—that great contract to which We have all agreed, and under which we all enjoy protection and prosperity—let•the prop- , er courts decide against-that constitutionality_ It toes not become the conserVntis'm 'of the Whig party to oppose it in any other form. '• AN ELOQUENT !TRIBUTE The following remarkiwere made by Charles B. Penrope, Esq.,' kn announcing the death of the Hon, Thomas Burnside, to. the Suprgme Court. They are copied from a Xhiladelphia paper:, ~ • If the Court please: I have just now been honored by the request that I should thus publicly announce to your honors the melancholy fact:that ono, long Ith sociated-with-you-inypur-judicitil -labors,- has gone from among.yon, to his final account, Ife_who.sat in this nourCk many years, he who had participated so recently, and so long, lit ninny "a bed of justice" in your 'conneils, to determine the great questions of right Which dtelthig-do your jurisd}ction has departed.— There is " a fine of his fines," end the place Which knew hits so long, "shall-know him no more for_ever." There was among the courts of an ancient, and enlightened :people,_one,• somewhat dike that which is the occasion of the feet remarks which rshidl sUbmif, in honor 'of the -depar ted, and, fur the improvement of those who survive him. On the death of it citizen who bad served that republic, and before his final sepulture, his deeds done in the body, were subjected to review in an assembly of the peo _pla,_for_tliejud_gmeni,uf.....tiwt tribunal._" There are few among us, who,, if sushi were_ the scrutiny here, could bear that scrutiny bet ter than your departed brother. .• Judge• Burnside served the people long, and in every station which lie has occupied, he has served the people well. There is in his long' career Of usefulness, a beautiful illustration of the excellence of our institutions of govern ment. Here there is no "poverty's unconquerable Liu •" to forbid the onward, progress from •life's low vale' of the youth, who with just ambi tion, aspires, as he did, to distinction., • With the energy, the industry, the single ness of purpose which Marked - his whole-ca reer, he met and overcame the early diflicul ties which beset his path. He went from one station of honor to another, cheered with the confidence of the people, until ho arrived, at lout, to the highest distinction among earthly honors— a scat on the Supreme judicial tribu nal of his State. But }vliiTc to tTic fa - fink — lTU are 'entering upon the struggles of-manhood, tho incidents of his life furnish much to encourage -and to ..ommernLifis_annrgy-find. .perseveranco•tc.tiicir. imitation; it must hot be forgotten-that-much of his success is attributable to that which was in him a distinguished characteristic, the excellence of his heart. It was this quality which attracted toldm his numerous friends, and pieserved their affection for him. It was this quality- which _is theseeret_of_liis_ .0 Cntin poliularity among the people., - • , _ And in a world, where coldness and selfish ness aro pro'verbial and great endowment of intel leaf, are not unfrequently !sinned and absorpd' by uutuniable qualities, it should ho remem bered that here we have an instance of the value of that "immediate jewel of the soul," a kind, an amiable, and a benevolent heart. But while in the life of the departed, we have for the young who arc at the threshhojd of active existence, motives for encouragement to a just ambition, to us, particularly, who so lon , linve been his companions, and aro fast reaching the age at which be has been called to rest from his labors, we have, also, in his death, a cogent motive for that ambition, far above " the low ambition mud the pride of " kings" of the world, the ambition, so to ap ply the facilities of our minds, and the affec tions of our hearts, with ;ivhich our great cre ator has endowed us, as that we may be fitted to-enter-that highest circle of-society,lo Svlaiclr we trust ha has gone—the society of •!‘ just men made perfect,,apa the angels in heaven." I move - that in lion s or of the, memory of Judge Burnside, this:Court do now adjourn. A New MYs•rznY.—The Now York Trillium 'mentions certain experiments Made in'that ti a few evenings since, 14-a Mr. Condon and his nephew, indicating a community of mental impressions between thbm, without any :appa, rent medium of communication.; They were placed 'in separate rooms, forty feet apart, wlfon words, figures, &c., shown to the uncle, were immediatelyand acOuratelyt-every in stance,' named and pronounced by the nephew. BOUNTY LAND CLAlblS.—Those who have claims for Bounty Lands under the lets act will.find it necessary to exeroise a - cousidera; bl'o' degree of patience. The number of apl; plications.received in a 'day have rUit up as high as 1000. They now average' about. 400 a day. There 'aro 100,000 applications - anfilo' which have not been touched.' .The number o ,warrants which the &pertinent have found it, practicable to issue is about 200. • ABOLITION OI TUB DEATII PBNALTY.—A joint conimittee of the it laSsaollusetto Legis lature, to whoni the isubjeet'Was referred, have reported a bill, providing for the ilbalitripii of punislireenthy death for all offences to which suelt.pcnalty is now applicable by the statutes of,that State... • The..rcport is said to' occupy about fay pages, and was ordered to ho print ed. The brims - alluded . to are 4 itreason, nuir r der, rape and arsou.". , , Bovril CAROLINA . SROEBBION.—It is stated that the first movement in favor of Secession, or i•evolnilom in the Southern Stites, will be, made - in the city of Charleston, 147 a oonVoca tionor convention orall the State Rights As sociations of South Carolina, whit% is: to Ito .hold early in the 'montitof 'lllify for the pnr- Roo of discussing the great question Of ems . . slop. • CUnE von VIE Toorusons.—Fasten o t strong pleSoluf . twine to the loothibot Is _to bo Orawn; aril attach the, otiVer, end .of ! tho. twine to w brick, Thon,lf tlio,tootlk bon tbilupporjaw,. RG1'14;0010 kopop;orLdlok,the 4riok, drop sysi. 7 aontydoWn.. tl4,,toopi bo .tbo under jaw, stand' bohind; (ono ancl tbrow l .it OfOr. That'll fix 'cm: • : . , ' VAILIATIONS OP LOOOPOCOIS➢I The principles of the Locofoco party are luminously definite, to be alike, and' wonder fully elastic,. Capable of being adapted to every latitude and : every local..projudice- - especially if oPee is to to' gained by it! In the 'ever f` demeeratie"' strao of Arkansas, the Leigisla7 which -has just adjourned, has panted that for • the future the:-elections' shall take place viva voce, thus doing awayiwith the se cret ballot. The •Arkansas Legislature has also refused-to exempt the .IThmestead. What 'a curious"Monipound is Locofocoism ! S: Carolina it MettirS secession; in Rhode Island it goes for the secret ballot, land.reform, &e. ; in New Jersey it is dead againstliailroad Mo nopolies, and at'the stnnO•thne sends the Pre sident of the United Monopolies to the United States.Sestate-in-spita °ECM :renibißeil_exer., tions of the Whigs and Loud Reformers. Throughout the NevrEngland States, where the Anti-Slavery -feeling is' predominant; Lo cofocoism,is over ready to coalesce with Abo litionism to - elect - members -of Congress:' Tn Massachusetts it lias just elected a H. A.Scna • tor - in - this-way: - -Tr; Now -llampshire,,one_sA • the strongest' locofeco States in the Union a ILoman Catholic is not permitted to hold office! A short time since a convention well held and the Constitution altered so as to do away-with this odious distinction. But when the new - constitution was submitted to the people ter approval it was - voted down by the-Locos ! The Dover, NeW Hampshire Inquirer, referring to the rejection of the Constitution, says: "Nearly all (he support which the Amendment ' abolishing. the religions test and property cation receivetkhqs been given in the Whig toWIIB. IV/tile the Lotofoco towns hare.gone dead against it, and MT abet' amendments, - the •Whig-toikup generally havd . giveri - a Strong vote hi their fa-. var." AIR. WEBSTER. IN BOSTON .The-liotird of Aldermen 'of - Boston have been compelled:by the force of public opinion retrogado'in reference to the matter of Their refusal of Fennell Hall to Mr. Webster, and have now by a unanimous vote tendered him an invitation - to meet the - citizens of Bostod in Fennell Halt and address them. By another resolution, also, they invite President Fillmore to visit-Boston, at such time as ma§ be most _agreeable to him. Mr. Webster has accepted the invitation 'to speak, and in an eloquent re "l shall not have the pleasure ,during my present visit of meeting the citizens of Boston. What I have done during the last year to main tain the Union, and to preserve -the relations of peace, friendly intercourse, commerce and _business among all the States, has nut been done in a corner, and I shall not go into a cor ner to perform what may remain to be done. Nor shall I enter Fennell Hall until its gates shall be thrown open wide, not with impetit- grating harsh thunder, but . with . the hariuonious sound.of•golden hinges, iitor:' ing to let in freely, and to overflowing, you and our fellow-citizens, and all men of all parties - who. are true to the as well as to liberty—men who can look around on the faces - of the Patriots which adorn the walls of the sacred temple, draw in with their deepest - inspiration, and stand upriglit and e•ect,-upou its-pavements, in .mind and heart elate iirthe consciousness that' they too are Americans, lovers of -their country, and•their _whole coun try, and. not unworthy -to follow in the foot steps of theirtiblit - To - refathers. - If Providence but pleases to spare my life and health until that hour comes, I shall meet the citizens of Boston, and my voice shall be heard once-more in. the cradle of American liberty. TUE WAGES OF LABOR. We have the statistics, bays the Harrisburg Ttllncrican, to show that the tariff of 1816 has taken live Millions of dollars a year from the pockets of 4.he iron-workers of Pennsylvania. This fact Las been demonstrated . by figures.— But what It:rs been lost by the iron-workers of Pennsylvania, has undoubtedly been made by those of Great Britain. During the year ending -the 30th of June, 1840; Britishiron of the value of $,915,050,061, TilirGiiiiiglit=thafaiiitir - jiTh6;lldAST7' this value consists of labor. hence -ten mil lion.; of dollars seers last year sent from this country to -Great Britain to pay the wages of Bnyliskand Scotch Iron Workers! At $3OO a year r -ton,millions-of dollars will give employ ment to 20,000 men, and support to a popula tion of sixty or eighty thouSandsouls.. Of these tea millions paid to foreign arti sans by Anierican consumers, one half passed into the hands of foreign agriculturists! Come quently, of the fifteen _millions of dollars of value embodied in this imported iron, five mil lions consisted of the beef, pork,, potatoes, wheat, &c., &c..; consumed by ,thoso employed in its manufaCture. Hence, while we are send- I ing ckne‘bushdl of , wheat abroad in the form of flour, w 3 are bringing two back in the shape of iron. For , it must neVor be forgotten that part of the value of every article imported is made up of the agricultural products consumed by fabricators whilo in, its manufacture. _theidare, there is English 'ildtu• -and_ English beef, in every ii:pss of 'needles, every piece of.ribbon, every lon 'of iron, and every yard of cloth, which is purchased in England for the American market. GENERAL-SCOVI• MASO.II GRZIEIIAt SCOTT'S progress throligh the West and South has been one continued series of triumphs. Ile left Louisville on the Ifith instant, for New. Orleans. 'Although he remained in Louisville but a day,•anir Arrived there unheralded, howas called upon by hun dreds of ilie.oitizena of ,the place, and greeted with a warn lh that must have gratified the heart of the-Veteran chief . . The Louisville Courier of the lhth says: " At Madison, on his way .ilown from Cin cinnati, ati ,iMmense ‘orowd" had colleet4l at the wharf . , is the boat'approached the lauding and on her reaching Inie moorings, there went up a shout trom the multitude; that compelled he generaWo' present himself on the guards. He said 4 'fovr. words- to the crowd, merely thanking their for their warm greeting, which .waS,receivekwith,great enthusiasm by allpre sent: .0o hiq,reachiog Louisville, a few salutes with a :Minion 'Were fired, but owing . to lila particular Yrequest, ne public demonstration was made," 'The Goners] is bound to bo the, next Whig candidate for.PrOsidont. r.S, , ..Tho.,foneral of pelletal Brady took place in petroit on the 18th inst,, with full military nncialyin honors. All tho Voluntees were ant, as-,Well'riptho Masons, Odd Fellows, Sons of, Teroperange,.Firenien, Cadets,orTem perance,.Bolphers, Drovers, Draymen, Lima all the , civil' °Moors of tho locality. number of persons In : the. prooossion . was very -large, the lino being morel. than a. mile in length. tho lorooeSsion vnis inn old volunteer company 'named in honor ettlni'deoeaSotli_whiolcaided. him in quelling the diflioultles on.:1110 Wonder in 18117—'88i,with a large nuinber of U. S.. naval and military ofliqrs in unifornh'as as SOVerfd' British' ,ofricers 'stationed , at. pot 4. ,Mah.lon, who 10,tanqactby .. • Tux Fgarrrito3.ni' Iloqtots, Teat;eller, - or Tuoaday learnt', that a leleirapido•diepatell • dated 10, froth Job nll Riley, one of ,tlici:Dobuty Islarehala, who wont in the brig Acorn-:with Onle, the ...fugitiva !lave, „wee :received inlhat,oity.on Tuesday morning, an , that, ' they, arrived iu the , aage.Or five de3i—i-1111 wyl), , • ; ZWVERS e ALBOUT 1101 WE. VillsiinousOutrage..."Nocossity of NI AVEitaimen. . . A large portion of the—irou railing' which surrounds the CoOrt liouseuquare in our bor.: Ough; wag foun&tO be torn down On Sunday morning last, the act we prosurne of some of the Midniglit miscreants who almosenightly leave some marks of outrage orAcpredation in some part of the town. We can conceive of no particular Motive' for this hist not of, violence, and presume it was'piompted by the satanic, spirit of mischief -alone: We trust this last outrage wilt, armiso pur citizens to the absolute incesSlty of putting an effectual check upon, this spirit of mischief,: and crime. The town is not safe. Special pa trols frequently,ordered.one by . , the Chief Diirges_OvlrPn_there_is..reason_tojear_ilistnr bailee of the public pence, but this is not suffi cient.' The foirn needs NEC Iff-WATCIINIEI, permanently appointed, - Wko will keep watch over property during the night, oral preserim -the public Pe:lee-and-good order: he urgent necessity for such officers mast now be appa rent to every citizen, itnd no consideration of expense should bh permitted - to-prevent-the employment with out delay of at least one trusty Watchman for each of the four borough wards. Tide is"the onlrway to prevent a re currence of such otittnes as that of Laturdey night. , _ I We understand that rt furious and bloody riot tool.• place at- the Circus on Monday even ing, *which resulted in some very severe inju ries to one of the men connected with the "Cir cus,„; lie was so much bruised and maltreated, we nnderstand, as to be unable to leave with the Company on the following morning, but is still in town UMW Medical care. A number' of warrants were issued yester day Morning, on information' iven before Esq. Ego, 4iSfr the arrest of persons charged with be ing concerned in the riot. But two arrests have however yet been made, the others having chided the officers by suddenly leaving town. At.our last advices the wounded man was iu n pl'ecarioun situation. Supply of Wnter. We learnthat a committee of the Town Council has been apPoititetl,to inquire into the practicability of introducing, by artificial mettifS;lVatillitient - supply Cf-Vater-inte—turT borough. This is the great desideytum need ed by our borough, but we fear it will be ma ny years before its advantage are realized.— We hope, howeier, the Committee may be suc cessful in their inquiry. = TO3I 11. \ CCR7 ET AND II IS 1 . 11111:1: MAI URN Ausrs.' , --This.is the title of a new Novel, full of fun-and drollery, somewhal after the style Of Thackeray's, "Vanity Fair." It is illus trated with several humorous engravings.-- Price 30 cents.. New York—lf. Long Bro- . ther,.43 Ann street. Sold by the booksellers. - The InternationalMiw - ibPin;To May ha.4_.al ready reached us. W 6 find its ample 144 , pa-, geS supplied with the choiobst seiected and several very oxbellent original articles, and the present number fully sustains the Character' - of this, Most agreeable miscellany of litera ture, art and science. Portraits, with biia graphical notices, are given of George Wilkins Kendall, the talented editor of the Now Or r leans Picayune, Corp W. Dewey„ the poet, with other interesting illustrations. Another. valuable feature of thig Magazine alsb, is its Historical Review of the Month, detailing the situation of public) affairs in our own country '• and Europe. And all this for tweVy-five Published by Stringer & Townsend, N. York, - it, $3 a year. Per. the "Lerald." TEMPERANCE. ' • ' Mr. Editor:—The Bev. John llawkins, one of the original Waithingtonialls, delivered two lectures on the subject of temperance, in our Borough, on Wednesday, and Thursday even jugs -of-la st-week,--M -good-speaks,- - rind - pmlitryedtheTevils arising - cat of intem r peraned, in their most horrid and detolating forms.. There is ono thing, howererovhichl have often noticed:, but cannot understand, and that is when a temperance _meeting is the ladies are sure to have a strung turn-out, while there is a cotnparati.r,ely small attendance of men. Now we do not pretend tri say that this is wrong, for their smiles of - ripprobation -lead us on in all our endeavors to do good, but why does man,- for whom temperance meetings are more especially intendedstand aloof ? We do net suppose thift there could bo ten females found in our Borough, who use spirituous li quors as a heroine. For our own part, we do not know of any. To see a man or boy beastly drunk is not such a rave' sight, but to see adrunken female is a rare occurrence in deed, and yet - nt all temperenemeetings there :dead least ten females present to one man.— 'We have seen boys, 'knee high to a grasshopper,' step, 'into a tavern, and call for ' , Brandy Smashes" and "Gin cock tails;" With as much unconcern as though they wore going to take a drink of cold water, and not that hot tram' which makes man more degraded than the 'bensts , ad the Old. Should you attempt to" point out the evils of this habit to those same boys, and tell theni thnt - it would - lend them to become confirmed drunkards; cud picture to them the Judi' starved family, of the °drunkard with scarcely clothing enough - to cover their nakedness; they would tell you that there was no danger of their ever becoming, drunkards; that they detested the taste of liquor, and on ly drank it for the "novelty of tho thing."— But this is not the real reason: they think it looks manly to drink liquor. But ' , could wo .800 ourselves us others see u5, 1 ,, 1 they woidd not think so, , Intemperance is on the increase in our Borough' and should be checked with all possible speed, and the only way to chi this, is for landlords to quit selling liquor to thie-"ri sing generation" of boys, most of whein kill - become ow - dinned drunkards, unleis this -prac tice of " drinking for the novelty of the thing" is nipped in the bud. , _ _ , Schenc Ptilmonl43 Syritki. Wo have examined certifie4ea of wonderful cures effected 'by.Dr. Scheuck's "Pulmonie Syrup" Within the, past year. `.They aro from the most. respeceablo sources, and embrace ehiuds of evidence fuvorable -to this mixture:' Some of the statements appear almost lured •iblei but they 'come' With such vouchers for their- truth; that we dare not doubt them. , --L CotisumptiOn, wizen` (1(3'13p-seated; woluid Sup .posed, could not be Cured; but there are a number of Dr. Selienek's patients wi; declare it has boon by his prescription aloins.Penyi °lranian, &pt. 11. For sale' at 11, N. Raftlins'a Drug ,and Book Store, West street, Car lisle. • ' • Aynn'a!Cnintur Pi:Oronkr..—We +Men. tion to the advertisomeetof this aritolc..now • in our miner, and at this season of the year ivifon colds and coughs aro so prevalent; the information it contains will not be found uu welcome. The eminent names, lent to!recom nrolul it,:are conclusive pitiof of its value. In - Miditiorcto these - we - have. • heel), favored' witlc the perusal of letters from many distinguished individuals no well as humble sufferers who ac `knowledge their ind4todnoss to this valuable.: ,medicino for the recovery • of their health froth !'painful and dailgorous diseases. l 'ltis - at once safe and pleashnt to take, and is certainly eery powerful.te our(n . -Thohmailliotedlvith coughs, oolds; asthnia, hronoldtis, hoarseness, , 'in deed apy eflhoiarious Attoclions Of the ilhilo wolf to try Cherry Pectoral; and will have no Cause to regret the experinicht.' ..Xlerllon. Henry Cloy,teaohed Lig licuo,nt , Ahliland on Sunda,* loot . • Until abeut four weeks since, the !ltultoU tepid.) a_Whig paper published atlfc- Connelsburg, vas undei • then editorial management of Jotor McCune; Esq., forrii erly ;of Shippenshimg, 'Cumberland county. About that time he was strickeM with paraly sis, which resulted in Sudden and total blind ness. 'The, follOwinglines were composed \ by . hint ' after - .this calamitous misfortune betel him, LGe ,inapneholy circumstances of the case•bQst them with.poculiar interest. What renderif his Milietion ,the more severe, is •the fact that a yip avid children are dependent on his labe-es maintenanee./We sincere ly sApathiza with hint and th6in in this ter- Fair; lovely earth! Shall_Lno_more h'chnld thee clad in robes of green? • Shall not these eyes trace landscapes o'er !That they in boyhood's days have seen? Thy fertile plait's, thy woody vales, Thy 'river? and thy mountains high, . Thy oceans with their myriad sails, • , All now to me in darkness lie. plan yonder sun's replendent light On the_ OinTIIOIIKUISLIVS-OLLI10111?—_ And deckeac' flow'r-with spangles bright, And ev'ry blade of grass adorn? And shall it pour its golden ray, Deep into ev'ry,glassy stream, Where sports the trout the live-long day, And 1 nut see its brilliant beam? When-mei - Wry turns to childhood's hour,. And Fancy paints its scenes anew— /- When ev'ry brook, and ev'ry Iliso . up familiar to the view; And where the haunts where oft I stray'd, -:n gleeful mood in days of yore, Appear ',Tit]; all their sun and shade, 1 think, shall I ne'ersee them more? 0, what is life! .e'en wh'en we're Hest With sight,lnd health, anctuse of limb? 'Tis but a dreary day. nt best, Of sorrows deep, aUd.pleasurk.‘s A billoW rude, oil which 'must glide • !lope's fair and - often fragile bark ; A tempest mild, where sorrows ride' - 'Upon its breast, at midnight dark. 'Tis bard to stein the tide of life In darkness and in poverty— 'Oninst adverse waves, when storms are rife llpon lify's rough uncertain sea; The stoutest often tail to steer Thoir bark right onward but are lost; Thou how shall mine in darkness drear, In safety reach life's distant coast. B Lwly_despond?—Can...lle—wito-took,--- Not render back the sinew ? Cnn he not open out the book_ Of 'name's beauties to our view? And should Ile not, 'tis Ilis to know Why tie withholds the light he gave; Ws purpose only be but to' throw A light to lead.beyond the grave. MOVEMENTS AND DOINGS X•l:2l—The cost of the'cxtradition of the fugi tive slave Sims, is estimated at about five iliousaffirilollars. A large part orthili sum will fall upon the claimant, some $l2OO upon Boston, and $7OO upon the United States Government. The total expense, including the subsistence of troops'and officers and fees of council, not to consider the outlay's of the vig ilance committee, will far exceed the Bum of $5OOO. , `1 . ..;.,ka„-We learn from•the Juniata Sentinel, that Judge Watts will address a mectini:of the Ju niata County Agribultural Society, to be held on Monday evening the sth of May next. rarl i he Colonization Herald. states that at the present montent there is not a white per son resident in the Re'public of Liberia! Ev ery office, from that_ of the President down to the lowest, is filled with emigrants from the United States, their children, or. by civilized end christianized natives. great many people nre croaking in England about the danger of plague and pesti lence, during the great ,Exhibition. 'Others demonstrate how perfectly possible it is for 100,000 French soldiers to bb sent across, the the channel iu plain clothes, with , their uni forms In their carpst_nags lid juit few he uy±, at a certain signal, 'London would be under the dominion of the tri-color, Winfield Scott still suffers from d:sease contracted in his Illexica . n campaign.— The Louisville' Journal says lie would have protracted his stay in' that city had not the feeble state of his health made it advisable fur hierto hasten southward. . re-The Miners' Bank of Pottsville, on ac count of, the recent . counterfeits of its notes, has issued new bills .of the denominaticin of Five and Ten dollars. The engraving. is well executed, -and the' notes present (1. handsome appearance.. They are dated April 4, 1851. r...arJenny , Lind's Concert in Madison, Ind., was triveii in a part livuse. Think of the solos that Preceded it and must follow! Doesn't it stick you? Ranivoy, Governor uCtho teF i rifory of_Alitniesota, and formerly of Jlarris:= burg, arrived hi Philadelphia on Wednesday, from St. Paul, time capital of the , TerrituQ;-- 7 lie gives-a—flattering-ac'euunt-of—tlle—progresg of time new Territory. dee ' ease of Coihmodore Barron . ad vances Coaunodm•e Charleg .Stewart, the old Ironsides of t:te Navy, to the senior captaincy, andlocreases his pay front $3,500 to Vi ', 1,500 per Mllllllll. • crigl.,lt is stated in our - Western exchanges that a heavy emigration is going forward- to ward Oregon. The emigrants are princtally from Indiana, lowa, and Michigan. • The kleceetary of War has ordered thir teen, guns to ho fired at evecy militeiy station, Cs'a token of respect to the memory .of Gen. Brady. " • • "11011,10 E." Tmintimu AFFAIR.—The Corydon (In) A r gus, of the 23th, gives us the details of is ter rible affair that 'occurred in Harrison county, on-Thursday night last. On that day, a man named John Hannagan, moved into a house near Elizabeth, in PoSey township, and invi ted one of his neighhors to a 'Spreo of housc warining. He was seen about 8 o'clock, iu supposed a portion of the fain 'of John Hammon, his Wife, and childeen, 11Ira. O'Donnel, Patrick Slave, one adult person, name unknown, and ono , child of John O'Dimuel,• deceased—wont 'asfeep under "the influenco of liquor., While asleep, the house, by some means, caught ilk+, and the'roof falling in, every one of the in: mates, - twelve iu number, met with a: horrible deathl . „glieliot ; rit the lecture of Mr. Lealkey, in Milwnulcie,,was - quite ~ as -bad ns thtl tole graph reported. Several persons wore seri ously hurt, andmnong the most injured ,were Mr. E. S. 1C0110,,r, au old men; ono erthe prominent menkl;pro of. the Methodist church, and Mr. „Powlcv, , connected with theMll - Mutunt Insuritnce Company. The ciord - anqr,inoipal - laity of the lromp Patio lio churciftllny,C. l , , published.n ekird in, the. Wis consin, eii4Snidj,; , thei !! unnalificd condem n”' yklid..:nldcOlObnce", , of the nets of the:, this in to. the Oninnd3 .; ig.l3,olr2lliothedist.hrethredslinll ' ilio made gOo. #lO. It Mnt,.t.Nount:Y.;=- ., Tha tiro ftiditivo alarea, num , . . and mdfo s rpoantly taken to Maryland tram Co ltunbia;',P4,2, intd - gut, infat4 ton inontlis I.4in in freedoin, was left .bolilutl to tho 'inoroy:of strinsers. .•TOUCIiING POEM TELBGRAPIIIC ntsrATcuts Arrest of a' Despe'rate Gang• Of Ont-lows. • OLEvF.L.tnn, April 22..—The Detroit Daily 't'ribune of .yesterday, contains the. announce- Ment of the arrest of a notorious gang of des peradoes, who hite foLiacl37igantp. o,ranindorie)yitteni-, ted Jackson county, lawlessness 'rendered themselves a terror to all. We briefly announced on Saturdity, says the Tribune, the arrent'of , r ti' gang 'of mcn iu Jackson county, who. were' organized .for the most nefarious purposes‘that depravity could suggest: Our readers will remember for the last, year or two the Central Iteilroad Compa ny have been constantly annoyed along the line by persons whose stile occupation seemed to be the placing, of obstructions . 011 the road, and otherwise destroying tho.propetty of 'the ma mmy. At one time, so Systeme-tie had th e i r work of destruction become; - that the Mil:mini company'were induced to employ a couple of - shrewtl - personsi--whenimdutyit , 'shouldAio- to travel along the line-and detect the offenders. But so well organized wet' '(lie band, that for 8 mouths they eluded the ,most ,persevering inquiries. Some four weeks sign, however, into of the persons employed by the, company - of the organization, and by introit mann anent succeeded in working himself into the confidence of tits initiated.— Ilut before they lveub l _trustitimdo anyearmid _erable-eldenVif was required, as proof of his allegiance, that he should tire the depot at Niles, on a captain night, provided it waif not preliously'doneby an individual from the' who was to be sent on for that purpose. The night canto, and to 3vard ott or betrayal, as well as to necurelhe full confi dence of the gang; the depot woo tired, necessary preenutioffn having been made id a vert any serials.(111111/1g,l' to the b1 , 11 , 11;:gS. The news that depot at Niles had been net on lire,. but fortnately-discovered in time to pre vent its destniction, Stence gave to' flit , DOW recriilethe fullest confidence of the gang, and he wan forthwith athnitted , to the most secret councils of the leading desperadoes. Counter feiting, horse stealing,-incendiarism, burglary. - robbery, nod the smallest petty larcenies ri the sworn objects of tltis monstrous Organ:. thin: One 'of their designs Was to blow up n • track and car: , i'lly ingeniously contrived temp. ; d. s, so arranged a.: t o he led by the locum.- motive and td eNplode while the passenger cars s ho u ld Inc over it,. The informant emithined to met with them until he had proem ed th e 1 . 15 „r their ph.ro- of reHhiri.c.., wl-ch vrere principaily in 1.1,- 11:1, .elty. On Vriday night, the time it had b een greed upon Pi-make the arrests iit t !he interior,„ an extra train of cars was sent out from this city, with a large number Of officers and :laria t/Int:I, awl such were the arrangements comical out by leaving squads along the line, that at Leona, Michigan, Centre and Jackson, men .were-arrested-simultaneounlyrnbout-darbr-eale' on Saturday morning, notl•brorrgh - geil in jail. A iroAig, the pi hioners are three justices of the Peace, five physicians, one judge and four constables; the latter belonging to the town ship of LOOMS ; not an officer of which, from Supervisor down to Postmaster, but is said. to he implicated. We omit the names of the par ties arrested, In the hens° of one of them loss found a variety-of-implements for-burning " buildings, and so constructed as to burn ono hour or three days I,)eforo setting fire to the Uuilding._TlY one 'Of these machines 'it has been disbovered that the depot-at' Detroit, wan fired last fall, - which resulte'Plu the loss of 1110,000 worth of property. " The arrests - were maile,•on. a tvrit frorli the 'U. S. Court, for stopping the mails, and for counterfeiting U. , S. coin. _ The prisoners M ill probably be detained until the nest session. of the District Court. V. S. Senator of Maseachneetts-.Sunt , ner ICleeted. BOSTON, April 2.s.—Tne result of the twen ty-fifth ballot has justbeen announced. Chtul.s Sumner received 193 votes, just the MO - Ober necessary to elect, antl was declared by the Speaker duly elected a U. S. Senator from Massachusetts for six. years from the Ith of March last. The result has been received with every de monstration of joy by the Free Sailers, and at least's. dozen-flags pro again flying- over the office of the Commonwealth newspaper, w.hich apparently are the head glarters of Nir.Z4ma noes friends. There is to' be an impromptu procession to-night in 110 /or of the result. Destri eilve Fire. - 11 . 0NEsnAix; r , April 2.6.—A fire broke out last night.i the store of Edward Mona,, on Main street, near the Canal basin, and N1'11,4 still '•aging nt vo o'clock this morning. 'l'w•, half ths_cen were destroye, , including many vainaCle stores and offices. The canal bridge- over Main street was also consumed, The loss is estimated at $500,000. The insurance is not vr•t ..oci.- tribued. Appoint ments, &c.; WASH fNIiTOS, April 28.—Judv.e Williato4, dem., of Michigan, has boon disinh,sed front the Land office, hod Wm..tiourse, of Washing ton, appointed in his. place. Lucas, a ivhig editor - of Illinois, and Reuben M. •Whitncy's son, having been. dismissed. Stanley, of N. C., has also reerivednotice of dismissal. Ved der, of Illinois, Harris, of Pennsylvania, and Randall, of Maryland, all democrats, have had their salaries rais-rit.7l - 00 each. Thompsmt, of Alabama, Whig, has had his salary reduco. $lOO. Tuc YORK' COUNTY DEPALCATIVN.—TIIO YOrk (Pa.) .1 publican publisha n btatoneut refativo to the recent defalcation of Pcler Ahr, - Jr., into treasurer of tho county, and states (not Cu examination of the accounts, his total defalcatioti to the county turns out to I.c 000,. besides t.,;2,000 to the.:ita 000 in nil, in little MOM than 'OllO. rice. Ilis sureties were to fray 4tp the inhale MEM Situ 1 t~tkct:. Philadelphia N. Americanollice Weekly Review, April 23, 1851...1 REMARKS:- -The opefatkels-eif — the' pad week, in most of the leading articles of pro duce, owing in come Measuredo the ,unsettled state of . the-weather, have been of a very mod erate character. Cotton continues depressed and drooping; Bread Stuff; close very-dull. FLOUR AND MEAL—The market opened rather lirdier, but with increased receipts, and n very limited export demand,' holders of Flour within the last few days have .generally been free sellermat last week's- rates, but trounce dions fur export play reach about.sooo ibis: at $l,OO for standard superfine, including, better brands at $4,5t,,,(3054,02.?1; extra at $4,750 $4,811, and half bbls. at $-1,8T,1 the pair, clo sing very quiet at -our lowest figures. Theo home trade has also operateitto a very moiler ate extent within the above Damage urprieeK, including fanny brands at $56.5011 barrel.— Ilye Flour has been steady murrain, with sales of 1000 bbls. in lots nd, $3,50 V hbl. COre• in moderate,request and, alma, 1000 barrels ,Pennsylvania Meal sold, part at. s2,o26PAllrm Had a part at; $3 7t bbl: 4- which latter is , the gcnieral asking. with n Quiet market.— • The inspectiolis'for the Week ending the 25th inst., are 27,210 hbla. Mut, 60 half bbls. 1257.411d8. ltVe Flour, 2113 bhht., and 20 halt' barrels Coin Mold.' • • GRAIN . 7 -11eceipta '•continno moderate,, and • Wheat. opened rather hater, sem 00,000 bncb Chi, meetly Penna, white, having been dig est:Ll . of at 1050100 e., inClinlinir rode at 100(1,101e. Within a day or twelliero has been a pauso iu ' tho demand, and: tho market closbe 'Very ; thin at 1000. for prirno•ithite. -Bye linki'been free' , ly taken; and- 4009 . or eidClQ''brieltels Penna.; ribld.at and about• aciOCIO bushels- Southern and Penna. yellow, 'only found buyerOtiostly at CiCiar. T. , -dev it WAS freely ~ • • • ,eatent, and some,has boon sold •Ly ,• • Oats in demand - and wanted,' with Hales o. 000 to 10,000 litushols, at 4Cio. for, good Vela ware and 47.. for , Penn., mostly- at the. l a tter rate: • . WHISKEY iii iiteady dentand, with nate:i of blO. to :ionic oatent at-9,1c, and ,lihdas-at.23e. , . In Philndolpltia,, on the 16th. iil9t:, by Oa Itc.v,.l.lzra Stiles lily, MI.:. 1 . 6111 M T. of (larlbalo, to Mistt, Ee.e a M. phus:aNizg, or I.•n•ing, Ciarld Plfitriot, rii.ladoly4v. • 0