Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 23, 1851, Image 4

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Tiie•lidothces Reiin,ird4
I saw a little ... cloud rising in the wes
tern horizon. In . a 'few rribmentsit spread'
. over the'eitpanse of heaven, arid watered
the eart' with a general shower. I saw
a little rivulet start from a mountain,
winding its way through the valley and
the meadow,receiving each tributary rill
thin it Met onus course, till it became a
mighty stream, bearing on its • bosonathe
merchandise of ,many
,nations, arid the
edjadent country. I saw a little seed
dropped into the, earth. The dews des
cended, arid the 'situ, rose ..,npon it ; it'
started into In a littletime it spread
its branches and(bectune it',Shelter , from
the heat, and the fond; 'of heaittn' lod
ged itfils. - branehee." '
I saw
. a little smiling boy standJi,y_
theirde of ' mother,
repeat from her lip's .. one,oEliti v k,44veet . '
songs of Zion. I saw hiin kneel at ler'
feet,,,and pray that Jesus wouldbless his
dearlarents—the world of mankind,,and,
keep him from temptation. In 'a little
time I saw him with the books of. the
buried in deep thought. 'I went 'into a
Sabbath school, and heard him saying
ton little group that surrounded •him..."..
Suffeilittle children to corrie unteme.",
Long after, I went into the sanctuary and
,him.reasoning of " righteousness,
and temperance, and the judgment to
come." I looked, and saw that same
mothei, at whose feet he had knelt, and
from whose lips 'he had learned to lisp
the 'name.. Immanuel. Her hair was
whitened with the frost of winter, and
on hetelteek was many' a furrow ; but
meekneSs sat on her brow, and heaven
beamed in her dim eye glistening with a
tear; and I thought I saw in that tear
the moving of a, Aother's heart; while
she'reverted to daystone by; when this
Betinerges was' first 'drawing into life,
hanging on lips, listenipg to the voice
of 'instruction, and inqUiring in childlike
simplicity, the ,way to be' good, and I
said:—This is the rich harvest of a mo
ther's toil ; these are the goodly sheaves
of that precious seed which probably.
was sown in weeping; and your gray
hairs shall not be " brought down with
sorrow to the'grave, " - but in the -bower
of:rest you shall look down on him who
" will arise 'and call you blessed," and
finally greet yea - where -- hOpe .-- is'stival - - -
' lowed up_ in fruition and prayer in
praise. ,
Marly_Traiging:of .Children. .. _
'lt a
. wascharge givento the King o
Israelto ~ Train up a child in the wa
. he shouldio, and when ho is old he wi
not - ei - d - 7 — Hartlidffil.''' . .
Observation and experience have con
firined.the truthof the declaration to ev
cry careful observer, and urge,upon pa
-,„—rents lattd_rtll4vho_may—have—cha rge - of
the young, the necessity of a close at
tention to a subject of such viffirimpor
mace to mankind, and which may affect
the welfare of millions -of the human.
race." It not unfrequehtly occurs that
persons convicted of crime of -the gros
s* character, reflect upoh their parents,
as. not having discharged their duty to
them in , early. life, by enforcing upon
thar young and tender minds the impor
tance of carefully observing the law of
. , G6d, phich cannot be broken without in
curring the penalty affixed. Parents
cannot confer grace upon their children.—
This comes from a higher source; but
they may precept and example, which
have a most powerful influence over
Thing and tender minds,'be led in paths
of the strictest moral rectitude, and the
precepts of the Divine law ° become so
initilledinto their minds as to - be ohser
ved through. lile,, and never disregarded.
Happy, indeed, is the condition of such;
- taiii - daroly:to:whorcYleCtletirfitiTteittffe - G;
tion with those, who, for the want of ear
ly and parental bare, to, train them up in
the way they should go, haVe Ohoesn the
.4 downward road ° that leadeth to, destruc
USE Su.r.—Use sin as . 4 will melon ;
spare, it not, for it will not spare you ; it
is your murderer and the murderer of the
world ; .use it, therefore, as a murderer
°should be used. Kill it before it kills
you ; I and though it kill your bodies, it
shall not be able to kill your souls ; and
tho Ugh it bring you to the-grave, as , it did
your Head; it shall riot be able; to keep•
votilheref. If the thought of 'death, and•
rottenness be not pleasant to you, heark
en to every- temptation to sin as you
would hearken to a temptation to self.
murder, as you would if the devil bro't
you a knife and tempted you to cut tour
thfoat with it; so do when he offerd to
you the bait of sin. You love not dent.'
—love not the cause ordeath—Baxter.—
'lszrThe zreeter,;the submission, the
more grace. If there
,be one hollow in
the valley lower than another thither do
the waters gather. The more lowly we
are in our own•• eyes, the'more lovely 'we
are in the sight of God. When to our
selves we are acceptable, we are unwor
-Ithy,;e let us ho lowly. Job was coming
near to the blessingwhen he I am
vile what !Mail I
. .answer thee'? "—R.
Young. • , -
tr -- 3-The belief that guardian apirits
hover around the paths °Linen, covers a .
mightytruth ; for every beautiful, pure
and -good thought the, heart hoidt, is an
angel of mercy, purifying and guarding
the - soul. , ' ' ' •
VOce fri*;ttib Xturht
Miyeris - ' Candy , `rictori, Rebuilt.
THE subscriber would respeptfullyUanounee
to his friends-and the pahlio generally, that his
Factory which Was destroyed by the late lire,
has ..heen , rebugt,,..aitd. he itr'now prepared to
furnish, therewith ; :
, manufactured of .the , best, material, which he
will Sell wholesale or retail .' at the - , stand
in North lianOventreet,foW. doors north of
the bank, Whore' he hes just pined a general,
, •• „ „
aestirtment of . . . .
consisting. of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins,-Fie, - Almonds, Englialf`Walnuti;.Cocoa Nuts, Yea
Nuts,. Ito would also call attention to his
consisting' oftoys - of - Glass, , lVood; Gem Mid,
China; of endless Varieties. • In connection
with the 'above; he has an - hand a prime lot of
cons - 4;01g of Segura,. Collbea, Teas,l/Kolasses,.
Sekes, Matchase, , Blaching,
Alsp t a prime lot of CIO/Ma...of ihe beet
brands. ;. , .v r, ,
' ,The subscriber returns his sincere %mike to
a generous -publionlor,the:'pattonsgeibestaWed,
o n lrial,lnd,hopes by dennotte.please. to mai.,
rita Contintiance•of the storm'. lie vrotildialso
returalhanits to, the Firemen and.Citizone for
bone offortn-to Bole.hi i p pet t the - ;night
of the late conflagration, . . •
• Carlisle' apt ,• : P. ratirrYhit;
Older • •
Pure,' Older
?IrUST. fraphiarrid ofT.tira - Cider
Vinegarof superior quality, and waivantod
roe from adaltaration. ' • •
nov6 .. G W:-1161NEtt.',
' :-'-'''''*iiiiliiiiiiiii:
Xxtensive Cabinet Ware.R4ioms.
T 1 ()BE RT ,
B. S:VII LEY,' successor to Writ
it C . , Gibson CABINEVBAKER & UN.
• DEBTALCER,'North Hanover street . , Carlisle,
-.would respedtfully inform the citizens of Carlisle
and the public- generally that ho now has on
hand a large assortment of riew
Ond 'elegant 'FURNIT,URE,
consisting in• Part .of Sofas,
.• Wardrobes, Card and .other
Table; Bureaus, Bedsteads,, plain' and fancy
Sowing Stands, &c. manufactured of the best
materials and quality warranted. Also a gene 4
ral assortment of Chairs at the lowest prices.—
Vonitian Blinds, mado -to order and repairing
pi•omptiy attended to. 11)COFFINS made to
order at the shortest notice. and having a splen•
- did. Roane he will attend ,funorals in town or
country. , l3'Dont forgot the old stand of Wm.
C. Gibson, in North Ilinoyer • street, a few
doors north of Glase's•Rotel.
`Sept 4-Iy.' •' ' • • R. B. SMILEY.
s s fitil .so . . t.t o tts
• 1 -41'
, . ,
'Corner of Hanciver and Louther ate., Carlisle.
undersigned hits alwaVs oil, hand rvlaige
AA stock 'of superior Cabinet Ware. -- in all the
different Styles; which ho is prepared to sell at
the lowest prices. Ho invites attention pantie:
ularly'to the' Patent Sprihk-Bottom Bedstead,
most useful article, which entirely . Obviates all
objections. The 'liottorn Call_ba.aitached_to-old
13adsteads.----They have: given entire Batista°.
tiOn to all who have thetruoin use. .
I:COFFINS made to ,order at tho shortest
notice. ,
CArriale, jon'y.
Extensive Furniture hooms.
JAMES R.WENVER would respectfully
call the attention of House Keepers and the
public to hie extensive 'stoek of ELEGANT
FURNITURE. including Sofas, Wardrobes,
Centre and other Tables, Dressing and plain
Bureaus and every other article in Ins branch of
business. Also, now an hand 'the hirgest: as
aortreent of CHA IRS in Carlisle; at the lowest
prices. Kr-Cotfins mode'at the shortest notice
and a Hearse provided for funerals: solic
its a cull at lets establishment on. North Hano•
vor street, near Glass's HOTE. N. 8.-Fur
niture hired out by the month or, year.
Carlisle,- March 20. 1850.—1 y
ranivnues Entriviiitrritr
T"galific!ibei7. Ir/old respectfully invite
the attention of farmers to his assortment
of PLOWS, now rhanufac•
tured near CraiheadretMill
• In South Middleton township,
four miles south of Carlisle.
• My. asbortment • consists of
Withrow's; Stuckey's ,snd Boll's• patterns.—
The Castings will all heground. I will also
make -GRAIN CRADLES. of the most lin.
roved patterns.u - All orders- .-
Crsighead. Carlisle, will bo attended to
with promptness, and Plows or Cradles deliv
oredm. any part of the coun.ty free, of charge.
Feb.l9 6m
AHE - midersigned:respectfully informs ''his
: friends and the public generally, that he
,'17....: has just returned from
. t.
~... .
~. , Philadelphia, ha vi ng
.. . 1 i '7..-...,.. ‘ purghased the moat ex.
•;''''-'—: 2 . . 0 .:...,',..1.C118i1.13,-Illt-WOll-1515-tht3
1•9 r, ,, :k . cheapest' assortment of
- 4.•
--''. a
Watches; Jewelry,
&e., ever brought to Carlislo. Ills stock con:
slats in part of
Id niui" ~i 1 ever Widaes,
Gldd and Silver dal:felted ,do
Gold and Silver Lepine Watch.s. -
in short every variety of Watches nt all prices
Gold Guard and Vest Chains. Medallions,
Watch Keys, Ear - Rings, - Finger Rings, Breast
Pins, Gold and Silver• Pencils, Gold and Silver'
pens and cases and Bracelets in great I,i6ty.
A splendid article of Gold, Silver, -- GMnan
:PsPtak.BilvPr,-:and Blued
. Steel SPEC. -
TACLES, Which are unsurposs.
ed in quo lity by any other article west et Phil
ttdelphia, and which can be sold at least-2d icy
cent cheaper than in any other establishment
in the country. Also a large lot of
SILVER-177093113, •
comprising; Table and Ten Spoons, Butter
Knives; Selt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles,
&c. Also, Card Cases—Porte Monntties, Port
Folios, Ladies Writing Desks, witfi a great
variety of other fancy articles unnecessary to
mention. A large lot of CLOCKS, assorted,
patterne,which.will bo sold low; and warranted
to be good.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired,
Ho invites all to call-and -examine-his-stock,
assured Oat none can fail .to-he suited in qual
ity, quantity and eaten. His articles are cash
nurahascs, consequently, he can afford "to sell
'west of Burkholder's Hotel.
' January 15, 1851-ly T. CONLYN.
China and' Crockery' Ware; -
TVhite Granite Stone lfrare,.
such as Dishes, Flares, Tea Sets, covered and
uncovered'dishes, bowls, toilet and chamber
`sets, pitchers, &e., together with a lot of
Blue Liverpool Ware,
all of the latest style and shapes, also, all the
various articles of the hest common
White and Edged Ware.
The assort en( includes a few plan .
Whitlaru! Gold Dalai China Tea Sets,
of the lUesi ld quality and style, and - also all the
,ticles of the—boat-Granite, Stone
and•Biue pool Ware suitable lor'any sized
Dinner or Tea Sets,
as n r iayle wanted, together With a variety of
Glass Ware, . including a _fine assortment 'of
dishes, footed apci , other bowls, goblets, wine
glasses, lomonafice ? , . lamps, &c. The prices
tor all Of which are• fixed nt tho lowest cash
prices. We inviteour friends whp aro in want
of articles itiour lineio_give us a call.
:mars • J W EBY.
Boots, Shoes andacd tees.
w*M. M. PORTER invites the attention o
the publiclo his large and complete as
just received from Philadelphia; including . a va•
rimy of new styles. His experience in.the Slam
blueness, enables him to select work of the best
materials and workmanship, which will be sold
at the lowest cash price and warranted ! attended to a urinal.
on'thd north. east corner of the public
FE square in the row known tie"llorper'e
. For terms, inquire of the
subscriber. • ' • '
• Invo3 1 Ott'T.
''" • Brushes 1 . Brushes '
, .
. 0 -A groat variety of thood'usaftil articles. is.
forod'for sato;
a onsietind,of Whitewaish,Sweitd
ing,'Snrabbitig,Paintore, loth, Shoving, firth,
Teeth atild.lsrail, Flesh and Graining Brushes in
great_ variety, all bt of_tho..beat_qua
ty and will bo sold at the loviteat prices
'June 6.-- • S . ELLLO'I'T
11511a,AIIVS'Fire.and, Viraier
Proof PAINT,
JUr:which has. boon 'tie extensiyely. ueed.'for
,tho last six years with tho , utmost .siiimoss on
thil'ioofs' of Rouses,' Stoamboutei,' &o.", not a
. single instanso is known whets it !has'
For sale by Ernl2]. ,VAXTON,;:,
•• • -
J U.S T: received. anothor.,lot of "•Bonne'
Frames of the latest. style. Also, Bennet silks ,
Bilk and Sutra Linii)gs ot - roxious'ettrow
dean. . • ,• IfITNER;
. .
, 1,, SALT. : *; 7
12'. ,*
ACKS recervjeg .atid
0 for ealep cheap at the ware house - of
00018 • 'W'S MURRAY,'AgI,'
• ' • • Age. 4; •
Afisi-ket ' Stred;ieCir j '' . "`
1E sum.
„die rnqu, caloiSratea -lowan)
, Ihrtiouraopiriea. •1):tr-FiirhiOlodal.. - Illantiractur•1
p ‘• — •'•'2 o ;'[.3. ll 'aro - 300
~ ,T o4hoseinterefitou
FTG auliieribere,"l43Bl( off haielited 01'i:thorn
to eaff-rincl settles 'the ha .laltl
of Maroh, tte , ',.t , js , „TiOtsos49'ry :their:Oceania paid tume,l2,..la4'reoivetl,
• a ,fi r i e l o t OC . Ador Goode, *oleo' Wont.° ailing
off 'atioir".4644,ll*Pri4434* . and
rob 06;7 ,,, 5t' ' ' &
, -,V1)01353:
'.; 'Fresh Siltikieltupti* L. 3 : , -
- utlAVEljust roceived'it fresh.stoek a . Med-
IL ' ;eines, Paints, Glaiki; -.7'pilirSett:;, - ,:ri bleb
baying been purchased Mite drain olejtit - the
beat city honey, reap .Ssnfidenthi-ieconiinend,
ter Familiesi.. .hyaielanS,:.."Country Merchant's
Rnd Dealer/4: s'beinklieell'and pare:
''''' a , :, - 0:,1;k11:11GS. .. .
- Patent Ntenifeities, Herbsand Extracte,'
' i Fino(bemi: ea's, '.. Spices,ground and whole
• InstrutinentS'i • Besellces, • • ..
' Pura Essen'r ON, Perfurnery,dEst.
Coci.Liveroi/--Warianted:Utentriite. '
DYE-S'C'UFFS.:- ... ' ',-
• I;og dna Canilirpiids,
. . Oil -vitriol
• • ~ C op'pefas,
LturDya* .
- + •-,, ,'', '; •, ;•,,f,
Wetherill ,& Brother'S.-Ptire ,Lend, Chrome
.Greeirand Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
Jersey - Window Claes, Linseed Oil;
All.of which., will be sold .4st - the very lowest
market, price, Alen; is (Mon and "splendid :os
sortmcnt of. • .
Confectionary, and innumerable other articlea
calculated for use and ornament, all of 'wLiall
are offered at the lowest coati- prices, at the
Uheap-Drugßooltrind,Faney Store of the sub..
-- aeriboron — .North — Harrover streut.
May 22.
„Mots find ,Shoes
Main Ririe:, near the Ron Road llejvi,
Boy's and Youth's
Calf, Kip and coarse 11,00te and:Brogans,
tell are warranted to hoof the hest quality,
Ladies Cohere,. Buskins
.and -French Ties,
Misses and Childrens hootiand shoes in great
variety., Also, an elegant assortment of,,GUM
.SHO.E :and -BOOTS, with all 'the late irk.:
provementa and warranted peirfeCt. ~Hriving
purchased thole gum shoes from, the egentoA
the manufacturer, Lath authorized ,to oirc
New rAts in place' of any that prove defective
in wearing. - . ' .
- Having a large;stock of French Calf 'Skins,
Morocco,-hid; Si.c.,•and. good- work men ; every
attention is given to enstomerwork as usual..
,septlB WM, M. PORTta.
New ran Goods..
At the Cheap Store corner of Hanover and Lou. ,
the r streets, opposite .11unaer!s Grocery Skirt' .
The undersigned most respectfully informs
his friends and the public generally, that hit
has just returned from Philadelphia with s well
selected assortment of FALL .GOODS,
chased nt the lowest prices, nod which he is
determined to sell at smAil profits : among 'nein
may •be found CLOTHS: - CASSIIVIERES: -
VESTINCS, Sattinets, Velvet Cords, Hem
tacky Jeans, dcc:
—LADIES- DRESS—IGCiODSi--consiiiting-in
part of - Black Silks, - Cashmeres, Mouselin do
Laines, Alpacas, Coburgs, Ginghams,,,Calicoes
- Sack Flannels, Collars,Laces, - Fringes, &c.
•DOMESTICS, Tiings, Checks, Flannels
Drillings, Osnaburg,Linseys, - Muslins, bleached^
end neblenebed Also; 'their
variety, viz: sugar, Coffee; Teas, Molasses,
Spices, Chocolate, &-c -Rags and Country
Produce taken in exchange fur goods Please
.give,ma C FETTER
-"OWENS dr:
I[eccntZ~ from '
niESPECTFULLY inform tho citizens of.
now at their Marblo Yard in• South "Hanover
street, a few doors south of the Court House,
and nearly,opposite A & W Bentz's Store, an
'elegant stock of pure . . .
and are prepared to execute in the/most finished
Monuments, : •
Grave Stones at ay prices t
Door and Muttons Sills,
together with every other article in their line,
and promise that - in fineness of finish, chaine
nese and quality of Marble, their
work shall not be-surpassed by any other °stab-
They are also th . eauiltoiiind - agOnte of Mr
Robert Wood, of Philadelphia. •and wilt fur
nish from his manufactory all varieties of IRON .
RAILING for the enclosing of GraVe lots and
all other purposes, et the shortest notice and at
Philadelphia prices. They will also finish or
manufacture all kinds of .Ruilding Work ,o Melt
as - BilbsVStepsarrds.Platforri*,iltb.Takthir, 010 TV
est notice and on the - most reasonable . terms.
Having.had great experience, and; being.e&
ployed in the best shops of Philadelphia, they,
aretherefore-enabled-40-manufaosure-the-most •
of the patronage of Carlisle.and the surrounding
country. "[Carlisle, nov6 18501
.w.usr WILL ,'goy surrim!
frit HOUSANDS of bottles uf the AlitgRI
•CAN' COMPOUND, have been sold dur
ing ltio, past year, and was never known to
fell of curing, in a few days, of a certain deli
cate disease, Seminal weakness and all diseases
of the Urinary, organs. - Persons afflicted using
this pleasant and popular remedy, need fear no
exposure, as it leaves no odor on the breath,
requires no restrictions in diet• or business—
contains no Mereurpor noxious drugs injurious
to the system, and is adapted to every ago, sex,
or condition. It kaki) the heat remedy known
for-Fluor Albus or Whites,•(femaip complaints)
with which thousands suffer, without the know
ledge of a remedy. , This celebrated remedy
has long been used in priiiate practice, of a phy
aloha' and with unerring success; radically
curing ninetymine of the hundred cases in a
fear days:' — Around each 'bottle - are plain and
full directions.
CAUTION—Aok for the AME 11 ICIAN
COMPOUND, and purehnee only of the Agents
Price 61 per bottle. For mile by S. ELLIOTT
Carlisle; J.. - Wyeth, HaFriaburgi R. Williams
Columbia: by A. Miller, Lancaster& E. Morris
& Co., York, (January, 15, 1851.
. _.. .
trillflE subscribers desire to inform their friends
it_ andrAthe public that they have removed
MANUFACTORY' to the room nearly, oppo
site their old stand on North Hanover stroet
and may now be found in their new and, corn•.
• modious _ manufactory on 'the West side.of the
paid street, 'a few doore above Lowlier street,
where they mill continue to hoop on hancla lull
assortment of every kind of , •
. ' Tin,. Copper 'and Slicet4ron Were:
whichmay be needed by'housekeepers and
others. '1 heir ..artieles aremanulacturod by
themsolves, of the best ..r .
iaterials, and,ip
of finish and,durability cannot he eurptiesed.—
_They will also, manilfsore end repair at. the
shortest notice all kinds o istining Apparatus,
They will promptly nue d to the layingOl
ai r
in town and country, and.on the moat reasona
ble term& Every. branch:of their. business
will be carefully attended to with the utmost
promptness,' • -.' . ~ .
.They also keep ..consiarttly.on Imed,alerge
variety of '' ' •' - "- - .. -
comprising every AtarietY of' 'plain ten•plate
STOVES, elegant'• wood and• coal air-tight
•PARLOR Si OYES, of the' latest styles,
C 0 ORINqc . ST 0 VES , of the noWest ifidaloin
iniprovad triveritions,At,various , prices. which
cannot fail,,,to please every, taate. , l,They , -re
spectfully,eolicit an examination •by!the public
.of their, large, and, varied. assortment of .stoVetr,
-Thankful. to the .poblic Jor.lavord heretofore
-eiteintled,.tind,,betug. datermined: to:-relax no
exertions to, give satisfaction ,to,their ouotorn.
me they, lupe to . , merit -a continuance , i3f.ih,
ikir he • highest: cindu'price- will bo,'paid for
-old ; Copper-and Pewter... - , . , '• •,• :,
_..:;.T.') , , mums & HERSHEY. '-
' B Carlisle, March 19,18.51- , 1y...: ,- '. , .
,THE subscribe es on an a lurge a nd
1 1 4 0
well se acte ll )l
d , assortment 'of '...11V81C of ; all
Weds,' onsieting . of,Bangtc . 016 fiL.Wititg,itli '
Polkas &c., also . .ipatruotlitthe :fer".' rhino.. anti
tether' t' netruiniehte: !,`l3ertliii'd- MoOted'!:.".llx,
piano, 'Masai Methodfoetha . "Violini,4e;'and
a supply of: Violin , Old- Ottititt.StriaMiOr Bret
rate quality areity 'Prices. . ' ' '. _,,. _ .. ..„
Having. made . an. arrangement witli 'an ini..
Parting.and . publishing house ' in PhiladelPhie,.
tua . will be ceneterdly 'supplied : with new Music
and able'tolfurnishenything in that lied at abort
notice inn, tupoit reasauable. !emus.- . ' Mutno
.T4Ohera will Bait for their , interest to call
ancE,'examtila \ fo r, themselves'. at; the ,corner of
Pitt and', High - ,strpets,•apposite .the Mansion.
.1.4911 , 3,:': (nor ,"..±.--' 5.:.,,A; HUBBARD. - '
, - _ ...
I ran and square riiiStbAir
..711anufact4rers, Nos,. 4,6, 8, 9:aia 11 - 'l;ittaw
Street Baltimore, 41d.
. .
P lAN eoe ' erW ° oo ß d T ; ho f ran7rtd Walnut rG
o l° . 7 -°4i
canal ei'in
of Various
e tyles, with and without iron ,frameef
improvements requisite to a
,superior metrument. • • • ~•• •
.. K. & G have received from .the Maryland
Institute thefirst premium for- their
three successive years, 1848, 1849, 1850. They
have also been honored with numeroua teatime.'
nials'from,all-the finest celebrated artistewlta,
'have used their instruments. Pinnate frOm thew
establishment have been midi et the concocts
oe Lind, Herz, Hohnstoelt, Bishop, 'Laborde',
"Knotan,.and r ether eminent performera. :IThey'
guarantee *ability ler five years, under good
• earei, and - replace with others, all which,
•mac not give satisfaction, if application be spade
icithin six Months, aftefdelivery. i•• •
'moat extensive sc`ale-erieblce them to furnish
'inalratnents at the vary 'lowest pricee,-wholes
isle and retail. Constantly on
Hughes' Melodeons, ranging from 645 101200,
for which they are 'solo agentefor this
Perfumery, Fancy .Soap & Paper Boi
nrarrtrraoromm. •• -
48" larkei itreetilehno Secondinsilade4
. .
L GG & CROMPTON, 'Manufacturers
VL../ 'e Perfumery. Fancy Soaps and Fancy,
Paper oxee, :the attention' of
the Druggists and Dealers in Carlisle and .the
Cumberland Valley. to their extehaive Stock of
Goods. comprising Perfumery; Fancy 'Bonn;
Powders for the complexion, Toilet, &c, &c
of every variety.. Also, a full and complete as
sortment of Fancy Paper Boxes, of, every, de
scription, large or arnall, round or eqUard, made
to order at•the shortest notice. • • '
. • •
itfrDon't , forget the place,' 48 Market. street,
Philadelphia. All orders will meet with prompt
.nttention. . janls
THE' OLD STAND; occupied for inor;4han
_one-third of -a evidury by. G. 477._ _
rpHE • undersigned would most-respectfully
• annuls:nee to the public that he is AGENT
`for more than twenty of the most
•;•;&;' celebrated manufacturers of .130 S•
i• t - I
• - DELPFIIA, and els ß ewhere ; and
is constantly Veceivino from them PIANOS o
the richest and moat varied styles, of superibr
tone, and of the most superb finish, of 6. 0,61,
61, and 7 Octaves', Which 'are werr,anted equal
'to any manufactured either in this country , or
in Europe. •
Just received, also, rtFtirthOr supply of Chitral
and Parlor Organs, of beantiful patterns anti
fine tones.
WARERO_QM_is constantly_supalled
%%71th-a cliWico selection of SERAPIHNES and.
MELODEONS, from the oldest and most ex
tensive monufamories , in the United,States; a
mong whien is a new style of REED ORGAN
hailing Cultures patent improvements, with
_gilt pipes. in -front, and-case. Olegnntly..earved,
and highly ornamental.
Titian and *dienaying—Sig. Salvador• La
Grassa, a distinguished Piano Forte Mnnufaciu•
rer and Organ Builder,. will attend 40-all orders.
- sept4,'so' . OSC AR C' B A R .1 I,
DON'T he deCeived. Country. Merchants
.g." and Dealers who want good and cheap
—P F-U-M E R - Y - rtn d - FAN CSOAPS - slfotild•
• 'ti
call upon JON' 'P CLMIGG. , Perfume? , rind
Chemist, H
48 Market St,,t6zlme 2d, Philadelphia,
w to fiits eonstantly .
on hand PERFUME - n
and ' - FANCY • SOAPS of every description,
Powders; Hair Oils, Ox Marrows, Colognes,
• Hair Dyes,
100,000 porsons•have read my advertisement
in the^Public Ledger, hundreds or whom have
called and been convinced of the advantage of from the manafacturer k
Arie - de - y..for Ferran's Circassian Hair Oil,
Cur Dag Fluid, &c. -
I. Orders from any part of the United - States.
will he `promptly attended to. • •
- aug4'so,ly_ . JOHN-1* •-CLOG.
Amite ,
Steps, 8f c.,
Light! %Light 1-hit
Pine Oil, Dauphine 8c Medal Fluid,
neknoWledged superiority and nut,ity,
NV. trianufeetuivd — ind for enle of tho'loweet
_ .
W r holesale- prices,' by DAVIS & HATCH,
at the old established earid Of the late Benja
where (Weis by r mail.orbtherw fee 'are solicited;
nd prOinpT intention giveC. The, vpice.ot ,the
public' far 'fifteen years,' and ' the sward,..of a
AiHret Medal4_,AiPaLcbtuPtirnMar-Y--11Q1k0--b.y
stiffiaiiiiit evidence of 'the excellence of our Oil.
Akohol,Pirch,iTurpentine, Rosin, and Spir
its of TisriSentine for sale' Wholesale 'and Re,
tail, at thelioikes't price& ' , . foe.t3o
_JUL al; Itowc,
MANUFACTURERS and wholesale deal-
MI ars in B R.O 0M S, B AS RE TS and
WOOD WARE, have removed to the largo
store tate!) , occupied. by Messrs. SeWre fd Da
tit when they have opened pn extensive stock
of Eastern .aild City made 'BROOMS and
OOD WARE, which they are now stilling
Lt the lowest manufacturers prices. '
A. full assortment of Bristles, Brnahes, Otat' ,
Cordage,Elc.. constantly on hand No 1
North hird Street, 3 doors below, Race,
delphia fYl7';'so P.
Steani:. Awn: Railing.
Corner at Ritlga_Bond and Broad Street,
wr - oubp, call theattention of purchaters - td
their elegant assortment of Wrought
and Cast Iron Railing for ' • - .
Railing for .:Churcheti, Public and Private
Buildings; Public Squares, &c.; .together with
all kinds of Plnin,'and Ornamental Iron 'Work.
More fS6' Gallagher's Book of ORIGINAL
DESIGNS, containing'the beet selection o
designs that has ever bean issued;•will be sent
to any person who may wish to make a select
tion... . ' L1eb19.51
• Lill GORDON,.
HE: . undersigned; AgOnt for' • the
; • Panntryliania and Ohio'Lino, being can.:
trill y located on the 'Baltimore amL,Busque•
hanna , Railroad e has nr.ado arrangemonta for
transacting a -
Gonbral PriditeO, s CoMmialort Bushings, '
in conimetioa With tho '.N • .., , . . •
and,RiCits consignments or Whis-
Fjoui, Ornm. and Csmotry Proquce gene ! ,
1 0-.Y‘ /0* (16 4 1 . 11 . 1 Y! •
L s ON , •
• G ORD .
..1361tiinM0;',41101411 . 56. '
Ordure ,
fot , 0 1 0.046;
R romoippiecated: • .„.
• jOhn'Sullhian & Goni, - I , V.,Starr , &
Sone:i'rhotnatil"Gareon & Cu,; John M'Cu!-
logh'&'Go4Villo, di' 'Nilson, avid
IGighler Miller - ana
. Mayhew,Vitrnbull,, Dail,.., &' Blade, Robert'
'Garrett . 1 / 4 Efette r ,jarnee , Georei Baltinnore.
,Moserp f 14
MrtWangle Sg' Co A
: Meeern,Clar dn :Thaw, LI, ra,ll; , Pittaburg.'
J..N.11 Rarrieburi. ~ •
JaineOLGiwtionprAq;, , Goltnni)ia; • ..•
:•Mbeicn, M,Whollan , a Ray, -
• 'Meagre.i,P e 4,4.0 Omni],York. ,; • ,
M,nenpf,,,jonlon Lewis 84 , 11uilor
;Kin 1 4 ,1 1 31 0 1 4.t . :.••••: . . •
, , , , • -
• ' L . .. . - . .
El, l oyfl;,4%,ip.loobtico vorvimitoh,
';'' : ..:
.: ' , #rfg,C,44NTP , . ,:
'lock Aild(l9l:l3:St„t opposite 'pilaw H o ne;
`.' EVOTE thilr'Whide 4 aitettion' iti the aide
t f' . )
. kleto,- grwin. and, +Seeder, Whiekby...llaeon,
IW, :Ett,tror, ~ Ifook.Oried Fruit, £4c, t , Feci , eva
.. 4,rilost , :rettitonible , lermal , ~ E 'erpoeinipilsoih
to remove where they will hai , e , the uao of anil
Rol, traeltlteprieoting' with the 'Suequolattina
Eoa they: , new -reem a
tfully': ech p,
; 'conerg
-'mente over that road; wair Will Ihemeelvea ; pay
drayeig , e . p. , pr74ueo tp their:Warehouse When
received i n lote.of ,it largo, ear; load mo re o're at a
:'' ''. - ', REFEREECEE ; , .:' ',,,,'
lifeeare.,Daidd,Stewart ar , ,Vd.''.3_ B i 'l , ' , ' ''''',.
Mr; John, , P: Early, ' - ;.' '''':, ° l ' m"°" .
liltr.;•Up`toiiiVVaehtibaujihi Oldirriberehuit. , ` l.---
~ .'ap2:L2nipd'..- - , 4 ,', '1 ~.. ;:,. - ; -
. . _
1- 3,rp,mt,tjgf;,:,4ltowpdnies.;.'.' F ' ,oi4e.p,:)'Si.,',,Zo,lippii:;.,:-
:The - mated' stiit'i ' - ut
e Insurance
Annuity aniL.Tinst Company. •
'karter, Peopetzta/- 1 -.Copital $25,090 _es
HP constanti• unsolicited appli - catien
Life Insuranpe, _gives -the most aliundant •
gratifying' proof that, the public Mind is
!deeply impressed with - the•Ntist imeornince of
•this•subject..: The gloat object, however, of
Insurance should be ratty, otherwise the whole •
•motive to insure may bo.disappointed., -Too
much care cannot be practised in the selection . '
of an office with which to - effect-the contract.—
The choice should be regulated ,not by piesent
and conetapt• large inducements,, se this, is cer•-•'
tainly Incompatible with future knees. iThe
(premiums on'life are calculated for the
,if present and prospective•benefits thereloro are
given,: the result ultimately', must terminate in
litigation, disappointment and ruin.-- The obje r et
: aimed at brthis institution is stability and pe t
,petutty— The rates of premium have been care. --
Jolly prepared with reference to fluetuations.—
jThe cash pritem of-payments has also been
, adopfeifi ripiddlifeliiiiiiii — Mitoe — pouatitUterrio —,
;part of the assets of-this company, and revery •:]
contingency - being fortihed with an ample car
ital, seciarity stamps the whole- system. This •
: feature, paramount to all other considerations,
!commerfde the company to public favor.' Ex.
,planatoxy pamphlets, blanks. application papers
information, and every facility will be . cheerlully
furnished the pubiic•by Mr. E. : BEATTY, who
for Cdtilbetland county. Dr. fI lIINKLEY
las also been - appointed Medical Examiner. - •
Directors.—Stephen R. Crawford, Ambrose
Alir Thompson, Benjamin W 'Tingley,. Jacob L
:Florence•,'Willinm M Godwin, Paul B Goddard
:Lawrence J,ohneen, Georg . ? M'Herty, -Jame.
Deveretix, John L Linton. _
President.—Stephen R. Crawford.
Yice- President.--Ambrose W. Thompson.`.%
' Secretary C.f. 7'reasurer.—Charlea G Imlay.
Acittary.—Manuel Eyre.
Cataset . Attorney.—Thonine Balch. '
.I{Udical Eramitzers.--Paul.)3 Goddard, M.D.
William Pepper, M. D. ' Nue ly
THE Allen and' ptiat'• Pennsborough Mutual
Pire,lnaurance Company of Cumberland county
hcorporated by an nal of Assembly, is now hilly
organized,„and in operation under ilia tonnage-
Ment of .the following commissioners, viz:
• -Jacob Shelly; Win - R Gorgss,-MiehaM Cook
in,. MelehOir Brenneman, Christian .Stavninn,
Simon Oyster, Jacob H Ceover, Lewis .flyer,
Henry Logan, Benjamin Musser, Jamb
Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wickersham.
The rates of insurance areas low and favors
hi') as any Company of the kind in the State.—
Persons wishing to become members are.invited
to make application to the agents of ,the compa
ny, who are willing to wait upon them at any
time. „
•SA C 013 SIIJ LLY, President:
lENRY LOGA*, Vice President.
• ' • LEWIs lIYER, Secretary. --
MICITAitt. COCJELIif, Trectsterer.,
octl7' 49.
Cumberlatul•couniq.—Rudolph Martin,. New
Cumberland. C B Herinan, Kingstown, Henry •
Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and
Charles Bell,, Carlisle. Isaac Kinsey, Mechan
icsburg. Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown.
-York-eolinty.—John• Sherrick i Lisburn,-John
Bowman, Dillsburg,- Peter Wolford, Franklin
John Smith, Esq., Washington, W S Picking,
Dover, Dania' Raffenaberger, J W Craft.
Ilarrisburg.—Flonser & Lochnifin.
Members to( the- company haying polieleti
bout to expire can have them renewed by
Mg application to any of the agents.
?OR tis CENTS !.!
)ius,or, Every one
et:Physician ! Twen
-767111 Ortiiiii;loll — ifp=
II Cuadra(' 'engra
showing private dia.
n every. shnpe and
and malformations
generative• syitem.
time has now , ,sr.' 'secret' disease
_.ntained in this book any
oneinay cure fiimself, Without hindrance to' bu
siness, or the. knowledge. of the most intimate
,friend., and with one tenth the usual expense, In
Addition to the general routine of private disease
it fully - explains the cause of.tnanhood'a early da
cline, wtth observations on marriage,--hesidee
many other - derangements which it' '
would not by
proper to enumerate in the public prints. •
01-Any person 9endlsg TW£NTY-FIVA CENTS,
enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this
book, by,mail, or five copies will be sent for one .
&Aar. -Address, "DR. W. YOUNG', No. 152
Oar DR. YOUNG can be consulted on anySof
iheDiseasesprescrindiff TifiriTiffeTent—publioa
ions at his Dllices , 152. SPRUCE street, every
tlttYlMt‘Veen-9 and .To'cloak, (Sundays excepted.
.May 1, Ibso.
cdqi and See before Ptgr s chasing elsewhere I
~ 1 1111ITE subscriber ifs Just receiving and•oenp
ing Et his Cheap Family
.Grocery and
Queensware 'Store in. West Main street, Car
-1 Tiele, a very large assoilment - oftell - tlfe. - arti- -
'cles in' hie
. Rio Coffee from I'2 to ,14 cents per potind',
'for good to a strictly prime article. Also,
:Brown Sugars of the best quality,from. 7 to 9
cents per pound, Lovering's beet crushed and
pulverized Sugars from 10 to 12 1-2 cents per
pound, N:'o. Sugar Gomm ..nel Syrup Molar
see of all grades from 32 to 62} per gallon.—
Also, a supply of fresh ground SPICES of all
kinds; varranted puro. SOAPS, Fancy, Cas
tile, Rozin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, pul-
Verized &Mantua, Indigo, Mould and Dipped
Candles, Common and Winter Striiined Whale
Oils. - Also, a supply of fresh Hominy, cheese
from tbe best. Dairies, always on hand. Fancy
sewiner, traveling, clothes and market Baskets,
together ivith a general assortment -of Chew
ing and smoking - Tobaccos, Spanish and half-
Spanish Cigars. Common do., repos, twines,
and Brushes of all kinds.
CEDAR• W A R E.—housekeepers, and,'
others expecting soon to embark in the same,
businessrplease cull and examine my stock of
-Wash tubs, Waeli-Rubbers,-Churne, Cedar
Buckets, fancy, painted and 'rarnished !tickets,
Brooms, Etc., Ire.
subscrilmehas just added to his already large
stock a number of white Granite, Gold Figur
ed, Blue, Marble, Plowing -Blue and Mulber
ryTea.Sets, of 48 pieces. Also. Plates and
Dishes; Tumblers, Preserve Dishes, Syrup
Bottles, R, - c. of every description and price so -
that he will be able to meet the 'wants and°
means of all in the community who may. favor
ham with a call. ' ,
. mars J D HALBERT.• •
lextr anocznxEs
A NEW supply . of fresh Coffees, White and
'Brown Sugars, Spices of all kinds, ground and
unground, with all the other varieties of n Gro•
' ceryllStoro, including also a 11.9 v supply:ol jai-
Ain's ito. 1 Quality of . .
in rhinallic 'pricks of quarter, half ond pound
Oackages hum 50 to $1,50 per
„ cound; as Wed
nthe bulk. All just opened an lor &dont:111e
%fora of [rol2] W EBY'.'
, Patent Starch Polish..!
101/ givind beautiful gloss to Linons,
IC !ins, Collars, ttc...'and prevents dust from
stialting . to Linens, &o. It containa :nothing
injurious: ° Just recoived by ,
(kali ' G- W HITNER.
JUST receixed a large nesortmenr:of , Men
Women and !Children'a Boots and Shoes, WU.
is' ,llouble Soled 'Buslons and... Jenny Lind
shoes,. which I.can sell very cheap'
thmt23, - ' . N W WOODS,,Ag'i;
• I ~; • , . , 313014611.D1NG. ~ 1
~.. , '..' ',„:
. .
with acconon'odatione on reasonaLle terms,:
bk.etkiling on the subscriber. in. South 'hoover;
.street, Carlisle: . ..
•JAME. 4 MOMATI4.--. ,
.Tanury 2, , ,1851:—..3m..1.;,. , , :-. cy..,
. , .
Tapestry litrarste'd.•
UST opened a general assortnterit of ttiegV
try Worsted in various colours for Klilla c rls
estle; , Slippciii, Shawls, &c. Also,7lmr n
ionaletiPply,o; Zephyr Worsted " •
• ssrit2s, • G WHITIMILL
. . „ .
airszr .
, I.rCHE , eubearribar has iil•etgro ,, and•for.eoyq at.
r Finp ,DAIRY SALT; .4"600.
u 3 e l . , p„,%llALßEltir:i'''
zioaustutoonar-Booianr, ,
. .
' HOO.E . &siring 'very good 'l3oolC9,:wiii";
, o plooso coil at my Drug,,Book 'and Fy'anc '
.StOro, Main street, Carlisle. r I,'am; makint .:
,propritione for. the Tradep SSW in Now Yorlt'i.
,and sell the stook on hind 'at unusually low
priepa: if called. for Within, a - fevir days. Tho; ,
works now o
beat extant ;.. n compfiso 1)90%6 of.tha yory .
man' • ' *ONit
En4211 - 4RE.trat or
English ,and American Hardware
irfflHE subscriber linving het. returned' front
. the Eastern cities with ,a full and hone-
Mime assortment tif all'kinds of HARDWARE
of,the. very beat Makers and well selected, is
now opening at the Cheap. Hardware Stand in
'North Hanover street, next door to Scott'c Ho
tel, formerly kept by. Henry Glass, whore he
would, invite all that aro .in want of good and
Cheap Hardware to gis-o hint a call , and sea and.
esttie Plira6ifiCittlieLtruth,..aihive-are-determ—
intid to sell at -a verramall - advance. Small.
profits and quick sales are the order of the-day
- To guilders, Carpentere. and Others.
A full ; stock of white,. mineral and 'Jeipaned•
Knobs, locks' end laicheri, of every description.
price and quality, hinges and screws, window
sash. and shuiret—springs, strait-necked and
barrelled Bolts, of every kind; mill, cress cut
and--circular—Salvsrhand,._panel,~ipping. -and
back Saws, bright, black and blue augurs, o
the very. best Makers, Chisels; brdad,pointing
band and chopping Axel, of different makers'
hatchets, planes and plane-bits, steel and iron
squares, files and rasps,' nails, brads and spikei
elan sizes and warranted of the best quality.
To Saddlers and Coackdlfakers,
Our stock consists of a complete'assortment of
articles in your line of busineks, saddlery tools,
brass; silver end Japaned mounting, earring e
trimmings; broad pasteing and seaming !laces
and fringes, 'plain 'and figured canvass, of
cloth, top lining cloth .and serge lining of vari
ous kinds; white,-red, blue and black patent
leather Dashers, silver and brass plate, Deer
Hair, mutts, hubs, fellows, spokes, bows; clip
tic springs, iron axles malleable castings, iSze.
. . To Nbiitet and . Shoe . .. Makers,
A Tull Mork of shoe kit and findings, boot mo:'
.roecos, French kid, straits,,morocco .mid^lining
and binding skins,. lasts: tacks, pegs, hammers
pinehfre and French morocco. kit. of-every de
scription, superior copal varnish;"„Japan.. and
blaelt7varnish, mahogany and maple 'Veneers:
moulding, bending, tents, glass;- mineral' and
mahogany knobs of every size and style.
To Blacksaliths, Farm ets - and Others. •
JO ions of assorted bar iron, arranted to be of
the best quality. A splendid assortment of kiar
and rolled iron, hammered, horse shoe, scollop,
plough, brood an narrow tire, rolled, horseshoe
bar, band, round and scilinre ken, cast, shear,
spring. English and American blister steel. En
glish Wagon boxes, Carriage Unites in setts, an
vils, vices, files, rusps. horse shoe , nailS„ &c.
" To Housekeepers.
`A - bebniiral "assortment of cheap - fancy - gOacfs;
such :as'wniters, trays, plain and fancy knives
and forks,.butclfer knives and steels, brittania
lamps, brass candle sticks, Brittannia and silver
talilirtind tea spoonsnAntedtutter knives, praT
serving kettles, smoothing ?lions,
iron iron and tin
ned tea and oval boilers, fry ing and bread
pans, washboards, tubs,. churns, buckets, iron
pots, wash kettles, end stew pane,&c.
To Gunsmiths ' Marksmen an Others.
Rifle and Gun Barrels, tone action, plug,
nipple and back action Gun Locks, gun mount
ing and gun breech cocks, sheet brass and
German silver ornaments, &c.
To- Painters.
A - fresh pure- and extra
White Lead, oil and turpentine., varnishes, Ja•
pan; white and red lend, yellow and Green
paint, ground in oil, whiting, yellow ochre, &c.
. - To Plastereond Marksmen.
. .
— A rood rordonlile — retiiWrrpowder
'rock powder of extra quality, safety-fuse, shor,
flints and bar lead; ropes -of rill kinds, for
'Thieshingsmachince—and—well-diaerscand . “ a
thousand other articles too numerous to insert,
all we ask is to give us a call, and we aro con•
fident you.will find a good assortment of Hard..
waro,and cheaper" flan can be found in any
Other House this side of the east. .Give us rt
call is all we oak, nt the old and well known
Hardware Stand 'formerly kept by Lewis liar.
Inn, in North Hannvor street, next door to
Scott's Hotel, formerly kept by Henry Glass.
novfi .JACOB SEN.HR.
HE subscriher.,hsvingjust returvd from
JIL the East, .offers to.the public's more am
pld and •com`plete assortment of goods in his
line, than ever previously offered, and respect
fully. solicits dealers and others to give him a
call, when he will show them goods at aston
ishingly loaf prices,,.
To Builders, Carpenters and .Others.
,His stock comprises a full assortment of
Locks.and Latches of every description, Hie.'
' gee and 'Screws, Window Springs and Bolts of
various kinds,.Window -Glass, Putty, Paints
of all' colors, Oils, Turpentine, ‘;&c., &c.—
Also, Mill,- Cross-cut end Eircular Saws, Hand
Faunal, Ripping and Bacli. Saws, Augurs, Chi
-eolarßroad r -Hend-en ping-Ay:a B,llafelt.-
- ets, Planes - end- Plano Bins; Steel -and-Iron
Squares, Files .and Rasps, Nail!, Brads and
Spikes of all sizes. •
To Sadl e rs and Coach .Makers.
A complete, assortment or Saddlery Tools,
Silver, Brass and Jammed mounting, Carriage
trimminge,--Broad paating-and --seaming-Lace,
plain and figured Canvass, Drab Clothe,':Rati
netf,Sorke and Bueram; Moss and Deer Bair
patent an enamelled Leather, Lamas and Da
shers. -Also, Dubbs, FellotVs • and Spokes,
Eliptic:springs, Iron Attlee, Mailable Custings,,
To , Cabinet and Shoe Xakers.
• My stock embraces n complete assortmdnt
or goods in your • line., 51oroecos,.lining and
binding Skins, Lasts, Thread, Pegs by -the
barrel or smaller quantity, Tools of every de
scription, &d. Curled Hair, Hair Cloth, Ver.-
: nish, Mahogany and Maple Veneers, Mould:
ings and Rosetta, Sofa Springs, (Moss Mahog
any, Minerel'and Veneered Knobs of,hll sizes.
To IYacksiniths, Farmers, and ethers, trho may be
in want of good Iron.
Ho offers a full assortment' of Hammered,
Home Shoe, Scollop, Plough, broad. and nar
row' Tire Iron. ^ Also, Rolled Horse Shoo,
Bar. Band,,Rouhd, Square; Tire, Hoop and
Sheet Iron, Nail Rods,' Russia Sheet Iron,
Cant, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel-, English
and American Wagon and_Carriage Boxes,
Anvils, Vices, Files and Rasps, Horse Shoo
Nails, &c.
To Housekeepers and those about entering the Ma-
I would invite attention to my beautiful as
sortment of waiters end Trays, plain and Go.
tliic style, knives and-forks, Butcher • Knives,
Scissors andlietirs, Brittannia,German Silver,
and t Silver 'Plate, Table and Too Spoons,
Brass and Emerald Preserving Kettles, smooth
ing Irons; ..Hollow-ware, Tubs,• Buckets,
Oils, Paints Iffid Dye Stuffs, Fire and Water
Proof Paint.,
oct3o HENRY SA - XTON.
Fresh Arrival of Hardware.
chwiry,ll..yHAN, THE CHEAPEST.
11AVIgd jusi returned limn Now Yorklt
, Philadplphia mini the hot, and Clhertneet
Snick cif4Altb WARE,CUTLERY
lir - ought ta.parlielc, I:would resatictially Toques!
-dealers end. r ecipeumers,, and all others,to pita
ma a earl, end,inte Whethe thoy cannot get more
and. better:, goads for:the . same money than , at
,any,otherfplaes' in tow a.L.-M y. stook °of Lbcks,
rootelmei bolie Screws, Nails,, Spikes,-
' Glass, setiatqco.,,te opinplete and very.oheap.
Qarpetikars,,c Leole r l,.huve a'splep did assort.
ottent,;. Aiscip,OßlAnot Maker's,Tools and
vtz :.7r.Yageorti, Mahogany., Mineral and
Ghats' Buretni-Jinohe and 'Varnish,
,:B,4O,I O BI2.S ; ds'CIrIAC.II..MAKSRS,
: eikti have overythlng in their. line cheaper than
„, pop,' ii4AICERS,
1' Italie ttfirelyptumtoelt of Morciceo sad Lining
'Skins, Bindings:lpage,, Phread and Was, and
.1v superb _WWll:tent of. Shoemakers Toole.. I
taxi/eats° a comple.teasecirtment of Ball's Lasts,
MHarrisburg; inHar risburg; which.-'ean be' had at no
Mhes , Place tawny , and de Ballta'Prices:
Other wit Iran. tie sortm ent dr all , kinds of-Ilani;-
mera.d and, Itellodifiniv and' Steel.
keeping 'Aideleei Itha'verK Mime, Forks, Spoons;
VilatterN.Snuffers , amt. Tub's, Buckets,
WALL .:•,' •
,I lmve+xhit largest, Handsomeet ;and'thetiptist:
666611 1 nontlitt;t6Wrid , .,And ~ ;to t-allcsvhot want
; 00 , Cheap ARE, Awoultt . say ,
`PornOttnd4in forloakhelvesit
'1000)9 GPs LYNIa
'l'O'eub~di'tt or briv'cip,".fiand larile: supply'
'.'of".t,o:'4.b,exe-.oo.,wltteht by a r. special, O
ratlgOmen ,prefirloter , ;:he linble to fur.
nigph t a laarcliarus:ancl , pthere; at - the • manulaw,
tal.era , ;Jlttilebiifil Prices. . . . •
au?ll'..; ' •l 5 IlUlll3A RD.'
, ,
trimonini State
Price Reduced!
Large nettles—Only One Dollar.
rhs'Promistor of ,tho Great American Remedy " Vara um'
VstaITAO .a LITHOSITILIPTIO Induced by its
argent solieltailoes of his AM% throughout tho Mahal
BUM and Canada, bas now
, • " Reamed the Price
his popular hod well known ankle; and from Ws dais
saaeeforili, ke ,will put up but one idati halo
hottivs:..thit retail Mica will be "
Th. publli may tat mewed that the charaCter of the Mull
14.4: Its strength, and curative properties WILL N.SUAI
Altaginvio, and the lame can will In buttoned in pm'
gnat it as„beretoform
As this medicine, ander Its reduced priori, will be purchase
tr thug nig bare not hitherto made thenteolree acquaints_
triOrits ylitites, the proprietar.woad beg' to r intimau, that Id
srticle is nit to be 'aligned with the vast amount of " Romano
IC thstaio , It oldms for Itself a iinotorktOling porn, i
ell disease's. aim' any etisi , preparation now Worn. td
world; and has sustainerinsdf for, eight years by its - meek
medical airmail and, until this reduction, commanded tioabl
he price of any other article in this line.
Notice nancut.mtLY, this article lett with VW".
Cg pews and certainty, op'on
3310 4 - Liv4rOralieTil raligst . •
Ltd ell other miaow, open the ptops tuition of which life lie
*with 'depend...
!rids medicine hag a justly high mots u i remedy far
. . Dropsy' and (travel,
led aildisetwm of that nation. It maybe yelled apes win'
the intalligant phyeitinn has abandoned Ida patient, —and A
. .bniesl
, letroslng dimanca, more mpiecially the. prop s M uld amends and honestly Mcommeed it. At I
melon price If ig cagily obtained by all k tad the trial will Peel
Ma article to be the
-1/heapeat Nedidne in the World!
tir Please ask far pampbleti— the agent. give them away
they contain over sixteen pairs of mode% (in addition to fa
nedioal rnatter)'vkluable for household purposes, and whil
will nye many dollars per year to practical houlekeepers,
Them receipts are, introduced to make the book of grog
value, aside from its character elan aiverming medium ft
the medicine, the testimony in favor of which, in the form
letters from all parts of the country, me, be relied upon.
• /Mr •• Vaughn's Vegetable Lithonttiptio Iffiiture is
Great Amerieen Remedy, noir fur sale in quart bottles at
each; smell bottles et 60 ots each. NO small bade+ will it
iasued after the present stoek-is disposed of.
- Principal Office; Builidoi - N. Y.: 501 Maiii Street,
Sold WlSolisalo and Retail by OLCOTT McKESSON f
CO., igiktaiden Lane, New York City.. -
N. B.—All letter •(excepting from agents and desaltrs wit
whims he tratuneln business) Must be poet paid, or no atlantic
eel be given to them. '
S W tjaverstlck,.Cnrliele,,
J C & C. 13 Altick, Shippensburg,
Russel & Dice, Dickinson,
J Spahr, Mechpniesqurg,
A H. Zagor, Kingstown:
—Valuable School Books,
P lIA DEL PH IA , and for sale by all the book
sellers in the United States
An easy introduction to the study of Geogra
phy, designed for children, and completely il
lustrated by 'l2O engravings and 14 coiNed
The text, the exercises the illustrations, and the,
forty beautiful niapsAre printed together in one
Seneou Gm:len.sriry & ATLAs,
a system of modern Geography,. comprising a
desct iption of the present state of the world and
its five great divisions.'„ Embellished with nu
merous eill„ravinga and illustrated . by ati excel
lent Atlas contaiimig 28 hand_some and accurate,
colored maps. This series of Geography by S.
Augustus Mitchell has been . wholly or partly"
introduced - into-the-publie-and-private-selioolB-•
of nll the principal cities and towns cf the Uni
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merits in these_sebools, it has received an almost
universal recommendation,
An ancient, classical and- sacred Geography,
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events, views of ancient eines, etc., and sebum
paned by ancient Atlas containing 12 beautiful
colored maps. _
. Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School Geog
raphy, with Maps and embellishments. Mitch
ell's Key to the study - of Maps. and Carroll - 8
Key3Q,,Mitchell's Geography, are excellent null s _
popular books, and are becoming very exten
sively used in the best schools of our country. .
upon the construction and analysis of sentences;
designed as no introduction tq the "A -
GnEENE'S ANALTS/S—A treat'se oil the strucs
ture of the English language. with illUStmdont
and exercises adapted to the use of schools, by
Samuel 'B.' Green, A. 111., Principal of the
Phelps Grammar School,Boston.
These books have already in the short time
they have been published, obtamed a levy
tensive circulation, having been introduced into
•the-public-achards of-Bostoni-Baltimorei-Pllts,--
burg, - Cincinnati, St, Louis; Vicksburg. and
other cities and towns, and recommended by
those who have tried thcm in their schools, as
without question .the best English - Grammars
in existence. -
rnr. -Pllll , l/111.v- .SCILOOL-REAutat,
intended' for beginners.. It contains a lesson
upo s caeL of the elemental.) , sounds of the lan
guage The Primary Scheel Reader, part 2d,
,cantains exercises in articulation, arranged in
connection with easy reading' lessons. The
Primaiy Reader, - part 3d, IS designed for the
first class in Primary Schools, and the lowest
class in GraniniaC Schools.
II& GRAMMAR. ScnooL REAnr.R, is designed
for the Initiate Chum in .Grantfinir SchoOls,,and
contains exercises in . articulation arranged in
connection with reading lessons
for the highest classes • in public , and private
It contains exercises in - articulation,
pauses, and inflections of . tile voice with such
rules and suggesstiOns as are deemed useful.
Reading on Natural History; Science anti Lite
.l.ature designed for 6CIIOUIB.
TDB SPELLING' 11001 i..• •
Consisting of words in columns aMI snlitnees
for oral and written exercises. •It isa complete
and systematic series of exerci.e4 in. English
Orthography.- - • •
This !licitly popular series of reading books,
and this spelling hook 'were compiled by Mr.
5.4 m. D. Swan, of Boston, and judging from the
rapid introduction Into iools which they have
obtained in the Eastern and Middle States and
in many of the Western and Southern States,
we think they tire really better adapted, to the
'wants or teachers and scholars than any other
yet published. The publishers have a very large
number of recommendations from public school
1 1 committees, teachers and others friendly to edu•
cation. . •
One vol, la 0..0 for high schools and acade
mies. The same work. condensed and simplified
or. common facials, 1 vol.lB mo. - •
of : schools and families, 1 vol.. 12 mo.. with
engravings. •
aftilllAßY PIIIASOLOOV I by. the same author, 1
vol. 18 mo.
Fin sr Baal I LI AIITUInLTic, by F. A. Miami
intebded for primary and common achonla.
By 'the same ' author:. Part first—ativanced
lessons in - mental arithmetic t part sedonti—
rules anttcxemples foc practice hi written nyth]
meths, far,.commort niuthigh schools.
A Key to 'eiamples for .praclice in written
nritenietle, faFtlic - ttSe of• teachers,' hy the same
. .
autlnM. . • : .
These nrithmetles httte°' secured very, high
rectorotnandiitiOns from teachers . ; of schools and
ticadeinia's; andfrotn Professors 10 'several of our
•collegei, and frotit Othersinterested in the cause
of eficationvieimis bectionsof the 'Union.
T. keo. 'nhormi.h.mony other School
Books, which there .hof room to enumerate
lierer besides 'Law ,AfedienkTheological and
Miscellaneous Books, nod they arc fully prcpa •
red to answer orders for books In every depart
silent of knowledge. 13ooksclIcrs, School Corn
.thittees, and others, supplied on tho moht
able terms. ' .•(inept 25;'50-Iy.)
uauarnatumgdaa TrAlara
< 'AND
1,3';',,r. rit.:t. a A lAT , 1 1 013 C X. LI
r • XdliiobUrgef#::oo/1/.... • „ •
110.;tons 1.015.0 n's Vitiloy.uu; Coal roi. bu.nini
lido roc6iviog,Plid, for .sale •
, .
33I00kSthilhfile: Coil*
2000 boaliald.bleekemitlthi' coal ft"suporia
artiaiot ocoiying od; for,'l
' • IjJ•CW.D.AI34I,RAY,Agt. ,, ;
4tog l.T tm
LAt okioront.Of -ROPES just : rceeivett .
Ili the elibseehe r. Atsri,,qfas'4 , Tubee fo '4 ,
ig iog - Ro:lslorlialo'qhoovb l r t. '
' .SA XTON .:'
•,,,, 43 A
' I, E :of , Do.i t ToternueS agg . ng, 8
,0 .
In, ,
ole ,for. ?ogo tor 10ri00r9,,.10t .received, ..
P.MII oat 'clldar. ' ' '
N%V WOOPS , .40 - .