Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 23, 1851, Image 3

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    r 1
- Aitv - Illiirlieto•i
Ishilloololli% N. Ainetiniin.bfricel
Weekly - Review, April 18, 1851. f
• SlitAllKS.—!Tlkerc has •bean n.good
mend for mcistoVti'lemlift . articles of Pro
due e,. a n (I,:ccisitlerink . the: unsettled 'alitte of
the weather, the transactions of the past week
have been to a fair extent-fer the season, and
with sonic few exceptitms, af Very full prices,
which, in most cases, have a tendency to ad
vance: Flour and Grain have beorr' in hotter
. .
demand, :• Iron continues dull, and-Cotton has
been almost at a stand. The late fcireign news,
however, has had but little effect on the mar-
• ket
FLOLT . I2 MEAL - --Receipts haVe been
rather light this,,week, and with an increased
demand the market closes with an upward ten
dency. Monte 0,010,000 bbls. Fleur have been
taken for export, mostly'standard superfine, at
$1,i50 `g4 bbl. including extra and, fancy brands
at $4,76e5, and half bbls. at $4,76 the pair;
no sellers at our lowest figuresi and , standard
brands are held at an advance, without finding
bnyerd. !the home -demand has also been
more active, within the above nine of prices;,
and Jitney brands at- $5 5 25R6 Corn
Meal is limpet', and about 8600 bbli. Sold in
lots at r30,871- , -41,olders novPasic $8 `fl.bbl. for
Pennsylvania Meal, Most of the 'stock being
limited at that, rate:. Rye Flour is imtleinand,
and ribout 1000 bbls. sold mostly_at WO -
bbl. The inspections of the weeknnding the
17th instant, are 12059 bbls. Flour; 1101 bble
Rye Flour ; 664 bbls, and 60 hhds. Corn Meal.
GRAIN-L-con,inucs lit' goad demand, and the
receipts of Wheat, which are
_te a moderate
extent, kayo been.freely taken:' atisteatly rates,
the market closing with rather more thinness
on the part of holders. Sales reach about 35,-.
000 - bushels, mostly prime white, at 105ots,
/oluding good 100 tits., and some infe
rior lots at less.-rates.....ltye has further, ad
vanced, and 5C0000.: bushels Pennsylvania
sold pj,. D®7l ets., cloiling.nt the latter rate.
Cornis also baiter,. and'about 30,000 bushels
Southern and :Pennsy!ram yellow sold at 65
®65 cia . ., l cloSing-at-our highest-- figures.—
at ti inAletnand, and wanted, with free sales
of Pennsylvania at 45016 cts., but holders
12(0)9 ask . more. • ' " .
WILISKEY ba,s idvanced, with sales of bbls
to soma extent, at `2BKie,24c. and hials at 280
closing rather quiet at our highest fig-
— l l.`n those 'afflicted -with this distressing die+
case, we would, as friends and neighbors, say
, one word in_favor of the above medicine. Ins
as sure as you try these Bitters yoit 'will be
relieved at once, establighing in the end a per
neatiout cure. This- is/ saying a good deal in
'.fitvor of patent medicines, yet we mean - it.—
Thousands have boon
. cured by these Bitters.
and hundreds are ,cured weekly. It . cOnquent
„. that distressing complaint---cures the distress
oil, and- causes-p'erfect health.— .-Any-One beim=
afflicted with that tyrannical monster, shoult
net fail in granting this invaluable medidine
faithful trial.. Y![ Circulars, containing th.
Certificates of Remarkable Cures, and the higl
estimation in which this Medicine is held b'
the public press; can bb had of the Agents,
free. - Principal Office, 122 Fulton street, N'
'V., up stairs. Sold in Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT.
I) Prire rjt:i cents per bottle.
New -2buertis,entotts i-- -'
Attention Old Soldiers.
711 1: late Commissioned and Non-Commis
stoned Officers Musicaniand_Privates
. NV fiat her- of-Alto-regalia army i -voln n teers--,o
militia ' who served at any time, in the Unite(
States Army, in 'any of the wars since 1790
and who are now Bounty Land, at
• loquested to attend at the pitblic house of Mr
John Hannan, ih Carlisle on.. --
MONIDAY, - ”the sth day of knY,' next,
' at two o clock, P. M.., to make arrangement,
for locating their respective warrants (who
received) for said land, to_ the best possible ad
Jacob Squier,
r . George AlCPccly,
-TV Foulk,' •
• ' E! Armor, • •
M, HOlcomb,' '
Carlisle, April 28;51. - +.7 P Mantic,
A groat btirgant;' "Apply- tu- - Mt
er Chas. Springer, in Loather
April 23,tf
Town Property For Sale,
MSS underaig,ned ryill expose to public sale
JL on the premises in Shepherdstown, Cum
borland county, on .THURSDAy„
----1851 TA — L -O T - OF - G_ROMNOT_Contiiintng__ a
bout two and a•linlf acres, adjoining the Stat
Road leading from Harrisburg to Gettysburg
having [hereon erected a small 1;00 HOUSI
Said property will be sold in whole or in tw ,
equal parts 118 may suit purchasers. Sale t
eummence_ at one_o'clock, P. 114--.-when
&c., will be made known by
22ppte_ Adm'r. of Wm. IlarkneSs, dec'd.
' • Hubbard' Female. School,
fIATIHE second quarter of the. Female School
under• the direction of J, W. Hubbard,
will, continence on MONDAY, May 12th.—
All the braliches of alhoroutvh English Edu
cation will be taught. Also, the Latin, Grebk.
and French Languages. Tuition, fob the'Eng
Itch Branches, frorr $7 to $9 per quarter. -Ati•
cient ;Languages and French $3 extra.. Scho
lays can commence at any time ifiterniediati
between the beginning and• close of each quer
ter: by paying for time of attendance' only.
123.ap •.. J. W. lIUBBAItD.
Great 11Bargpliii,S •
WATCIIES, awivEntane - ,
Tut , . undersigned,. intending to remove IV
their new store in a few "weeks,.and wishing t(
roducaineir_praseht_atocks9,analte. room _for
now Goods, hats determine&th
their lorge - stock df WATCHE , S, JEWELRY,
siderable portion of which is of this Spring's
importationi,lit grindly reduced prices. Many
of the Goods will be sold without regard to cost
and 'purchaseSs.inay rely on getting bargains at
wirolosble or retail..
No. 227. Baltimore strew,
corner of Charles st, Balt,
23n p2m
• • • • CIAME to the pre•
• , mises of the sub-
SVlNseribor, •
seri or • in; Silver
11 •
Spring. tp, Cumber
, 4101ra lung !county, .on the . , fik;of April -inet4 a
catzeL.-_ RED COW, with a
white face. Her hip' is. somewhat knocked
down. She has no-other marks. The owner'
is requested to 'come ;forward, prove preperlY;
pay charges, and take her-away, or she will bg'
disposed of as
23ap4tpd I-wit:4lAm .170.14F,Y.::i
Ten, Dollars 'lletthrdi
viTILL tie paid by the subscribar;th
pereon wliti will giye such ,hiforroutiop
as will• hind' to the clidcovery-ot JOHN
KIN : SON, laty of Exeter, England, who,left
the city of „Need. York for Cuilisle; Pei on, or,
about thci middle of 'August lost, %Should this
meet the eye 'of John Wilkibeou, ad.
dresend to the subscriber will ,TOCeiVO dtie at.
,G 1119: 13; W,ILKIIISON,',
'23;11)4. Ferdhativi: Weetcheeter co, N.
ri, ?'i „ , • ,
*45 ,c,l - 0 k, ,• , , „-,
4 Klitt-e--• :r I. • •, - -
......,,,,. swag • :01•03
.r , A '• '
•A ''i '. ,
.11 . 11 g SprAng• Adaniardine'Guar ..
ordered to •Paradh on MONDAY,: the 'bill of.
May next, nt„l9 o'clock. A•M• t 1 1 , 1 ,Stouphs.,,
town, properly equipped - Tot *ill. - 1 3 y order.
23aptp JAMES , ICINCAID, .2ti Sor'gt'
9:7 - An election will be' ltold on tlia'fiame day
and same place (6 4 Cornot 'Mik opn
a Cmay... ,
_ ..
- • 042 . 4,9eartar.uszi ••
. . • .
ArkßDElle fat tlie . idl)
uadasigeott. , ui.' their Al antliaciary,
nearAechanicahurg,• Cantbarlapcitoura
will moot with 'praeipt ., attehtioi - t, , ,attd be'fillba
at the lewastleasti,p,ticeeti
- • • • " GEM'
:23arstv PEl'Elt GINGRICFI;., r"
• • `•
p. z writingLiitudi
New, 'Abattiottnento.
Borough Receipts - At - Zipertditrures:
• 2 --•—•••••-•
„account of GEORGE WEISE, .1)., Premiirer
of .11ac Egrousk of Corti:Wm: 1069.
Cash rebeived •. .
Bona Treasurer $ 27 84
" " John Spahr. Rom Col
lector for 1849 ..
' - " • Amount of duplicate
oaseased . in 1850 2900 50
Joa. li. Blair, Chief
I3argeas, licenses
tf Jas. Poatlewait„ Cl'k
to Markot & hay scales, '72 65
" Sundry persona stato
• rant of market hens° 203 02
" • •
Jacob: Shilling, high
' , constable pump rent
Cash paid A L
— l3 - orougri - - Officers
Paid WM.. H. Miller, Esq. profes
sional services -
Paid JameaM. Allen, curator of G.
Yard,-salary for 1849,
Paid officers for holding born' elect'n it 00
Paid Win Breese. Blacksmithing ' 38 21
Paid Catharine Wuridorlich supper
for pa trol 4 Si)
Paid •W 13 Matthews salary as street
Commissioner; and work dune by
• Paid Street Committee, cleaning Le
tort Spring
Paid sundry_ persons interest on Bonds
held by them against the Bore'
Paid Martin Common salary Moe-
Ganger to council
Jri'mes Dunbar do do
Paid 'Jelin 13. Bratton for Printing
FaidTK Boyer do, do
Paid E Beatty - - do do
Paid Jacob Shilling, salary as, high
Pnid S Senor- salery as - clerk to
Council .. -
Paid James Postiewait salary as °Pk
to mn diet 'and hay scales
Paid'John O'Neal, making, grading,
&c. West South 'street -
-Paid Peter Spahr, making. grading,
Bee. West Loather Street _
Paid. Win Riley making copy of Du
. plicate fir 1850 • •
raid P.DaVidSon - Street Regulator'
and others, regulating streets
PaitrJohn L Hays salary as curator
.. to Grave Yard
Paid John Spahr, collector, exenera
dons on duplicate for 1849
Paid Jeff. Worthington, Trust of M
C. repairing gutter
Paid Win Scott, supper for patrol •
Pnid James Postlewait, furnishing
bell, brooms, Sr,o. at M House
Paid Geo. Wise, jr. repairing Loather
Street Bridge
Paid George Weise. jr. Treasurer,
small notes cancelled with interest
Paid John Gutsliall, repairing Grave
Yard Fence,
Paid H S Ritter, Treasurer of Comb
' Fire Co., annual appropriation
Paid Poi& Monger, Tien. Cif Cniori
Fire Co., annual appropriation
Paid J Spangler repairing- Loather
Street Bridge
Paid George Weise, jr., salary as .bo•
rough treasurer
Paid Jacob Shilling rem'ag nuisances
_Paid John Armstrong per lumber
Paid Samuel Elliott per oil
Paid Wm AI Porter, County Treas.
Born' share of Town Clock
Paid S M Hoover per Lumber
Paid C Hoffman supper for patrol
Paid-S -W fltivetstielc- per oil- - _
Paid Jacob Setter per hardware
Paid 4 D Gorges repr'ng lanthorns
'Paid S Callio, Collector 'axone/is
Paid James Gallic), fees for collecting
Duplicate of 1850
Paid - halcmco - cif - outstan - ding - ,
uplic te tirlBsll —1519-2-72
Balance, in Bands of Treasurer
The above and fpregoing account of George
Wise, jr., Borough Treasurer has this day been.
examined and approved.
JACO? 1311ETZ:
Carlisle, April let, 1851. Corn. of Accounts.
°.7frElP -SPRiala GOI;DIPS;
AT THE , dFir,AP sToRc. ' "
• lirE have just returned from the' city with
a large anci,extensive assortment of .
- Lion and ciition pithlimn stuffs, for men and
boys wear, tweeds, black summer cloths, Ken
tucky jeans, - &c., cheaper than over.
HMIs. de Lane.: 4000 yda Chintzes, '
Bareue de Leine', - Dotted Swims, -
Lawns, , ::,;•-••-• Plain Swine:, ,-- -
o isimmei ------ • -------- Plairr - 3.aeorretiri• - •-•'• - "-- - -
Alpaeha,• Barred - do.
Silk Poplines,
Colored Bareges,
6 . r. , -0.,d te•
A good assortment, from 50 °puts to ,$2,50 .
TalM - L6 - dr; Lithorii - and Rough and Ready
flats, &c. .. . .
linen and cotton diapers, nankeens, and an ex
cellent stock of Muslins, that cant be beat for
cheapness, Edgings, Insertings, Gloves, lio
.siery, Suspenders, and a large lot of
. .. RIBBONS .j. PARASOLS, • -
which will be sold' cheap. GROCERIES,
SPICES, TEAS, &c.,`,which Nyill be sold, at
lower prices than the same - can be bought hero
or elsewhere, .
L (C) 11 N- aI !
TUIVERY BODY should embrace this op.
.11-4" p,ortunity to buy CLOTHING for Mon,
Youth and Boys, at such mimeos liaye nevOr
yet boon known to this Borough, at -
West Main at, next goo?. to Burkholder's . Hotel
EMbracirig a choice of the best, most desira
We and fashionable
TWEEDS, &c., -
Together with a groat variety of English,
French and American 'CLOTHS and Summer
Fabrics, adapted to the .%tiants of Mon and
Boss, both for Dress and, Business' Garments.
Particular care has been taken to procure
• the new style
To which ho would tnvito special attention.—
FURNISH I N G G.O 0,0 S,'conaist,ing of
Shirts, Stocks, Handkerchiefs,„ all of
which are offered •at tho lowest' possible cash
prices, and as , Cheap as any other Clothing
Store in the Union,. ••Parente who desire Boys
Clothing, are ,earnestly 'Wiwi to examine tho
titobk%. COttatry ti-ero 'keepers:can:be accom-
Modatod at, ery low rates for cash. • [Map
Conveyaneingi Auctioneering, &O.
lr OSEPII •MOSSER, formerly of NsW Curn•
01 ' borland, has' rinnovod' his residence to Me.
Ohnnioeburg, a few doere Coat of Webborts 1c
Swo.itzer'setorei,whete'ho will be reedy aftill
,tics; when riot absent from hOrne,'to attend to
tire Writing of nEEDS,-'moRT aA' •8,
WILLS, AGREEMENTS'. Sta., and will at
'tend to the GALLING' OF SALE either
personal or real, in town and country. r . 'holm
wishing to employ t him in,thot vivacity Will
please •to 'call' betoro•-advortisingi or ad reins
him by mail. Thankful to hie- friends for their'
•pust•favors; he , hopbs to' be , patronised , further '
by them a9d twill •be ' happy'to. attend 'to all
'others who • may favorlhim with'a Calt,:.' He is
`also goneral 'agent for Cumbettlandt,codaly;fei
the American' Life and Health Insurance Cotit;. - .
puny. of Phi Itidelphia:. end' is prePared to elreq I M o n roe.
insurandes on , the mdst. kriorable Aerate: ' ''''''-',!• pavid, t.ogiastmg,•, >.h". , '
',.(sliSelitll*Sl7ilrg, .Up,rofi, tylpdi M ':''''''' ' ' ' O M ' kV; 4 P98 .0 i . 'l' . ‘''
~ .
- ! ''
. Oplattiramns. : cW ' 'll . • '
4 . '
THE subsorlbers a Committee orthe,SehoOl ', i t' -
i 1' Gibh3i ''''
Ilirectors , oft, West, Penneboro' township, will l en - ain 4 .* , . _,. . .., , , .
meet at the , publie ,, houste.of,Daniol 6. Dunlap, ,t . ,-...• • •,: '' ,IVOIIIi• Middleton , ''' '-•:• • . ,
,N.ewyille, on'SATD,RDAY, the•Sd Of May , •WnitlVflienderson St Son; ;,...,i . ';,t1.3 ,, •t, 10 .0 0 '.'
11151, at:3 ro'alocl(',,e. i'VL ; to/,-,reeeive,Pro,posole :Writtaltkletidereont, ("ye mills) t . 14 , ; • 7',t,o'
lOr building aBC NO C44IIOEBE, in: satd„tp:, ',Gould tHoSvir --•- ',•'• 't •t , ',,,,' ‘t t" - ' 14' ,-, • 7 -' 7 , " 0-'
0 { 1 ,0 0 , 4 11W from 'Piper's Mill to 1110 turopHcO, ! . '4- , mm i l i rot :& 11 08 . 6,': •-:. ~. ~ i/ • :12•:, 1 12 to,:
, The , Itouse•tm be ;a6 feel square , *hit a white., ' 7, - Ty.',l:l';,) ~-..;,Aid . i n' o ' n .. , 1 • , .',','
'pin,o.rcxof;aotl relloWplnefitioringi•to:baver'xiino, , , ....,.,.. .
~.., ~.,. ‘ •,, . ~•_ ..:.:• , ~,..„
~s indowa, with double,panal:shutters', theetilea .4%; fl 4111111 )iii ,. . ,. .'• l ' '. ''; .' l •'..: .13 --ig , ,r
,6 b Q ()111.) 'OW it( half Melee thick:. ' Aletp, , thick, ;Jahn' Meorelo,4ater). • .
~ IT' ~I A 9,-.
p'snol A • - with.the,..huimbar .40 It.thOhett Oat, - ,11i'410 Tlr,litkee.',:.. P.'" , -;. '; , ,1 ' .'•': 3•-• , 10 h ili
,„..0070r- ,', i 0 •• eel ~,,, , et..i.4.,4,1ti 0 ,mr -- ,i; - ,--,,: -,. • ... . s t,:ttz- to 13 ~-, 1- 1 0ffir"n - r"
•desks ,'S Ain f/S o ol9 l akki ni t'9,PI II I/111c9t , 4 1' , ',,'• 7' ',, 4 0 x .; ••.,,..,' -`,,, ••• .v. , : 2 , 4 ~. : , 00
1!Ilty, wADV;:to:bu :or t#J9.k;, pipe:AT:l lo c' t hi0k?' , 441 , 0 , ,,',Rimp..2, -:..... ,--, . i ...,,- ; • ,, ..• , , ;.. , ~..,-,„
laid ..t,i,stOite tenni] ritions, ~, ..,- •,..c., - •' r !, '
..,, ! ',
.: 1 ':
, , j Yte l !? , ~ , , :,, , ' r
r , ,
' ' ' JAMES Ai6svri,T....ou,pg,,:. „. :: -11obdrt lilltnii ,• - '.._ •,:.-; ..., 4 . 7 t 0,,
, ,
~ ' • ;'114 , 11', Z • 4r 9 LEW ; —: . ' ' 'l, l ‘' ' ,' r ..,-,.;• ~ 0 1: % '..
i i3iPitid -'ir‘ .1
001111 ntile 1 i , . • ' 6 1 41 ' Licto-- r':'
. . . '. 1 1.'." , ,T,.o):' , 1
l' 'rt " ' ' • .•.. A , i ',' • ' 71, 'l'..ii "i/. .", .. ' ,='.'.
'New' 22tucrti.octtunio.
OF -Goods, Wires and Morehead ize. Also,.
Dietillere; 'Lumber Men, &c.,
Within the County of Cumberland, returned
and - classified , in accordefice with the several
acts: of Assembly, as follows, vies
J.W'Eby .
iToseph D Halbert'
Samttel Elliott
Charles Ogilby
-George. W. Harter .
.&,W Bentz
Daniel Eckels, liquors
Sofro Faller do,
Jacob S Faint do ' •
J & D Rhoads
W B -Murray • ,
S W Haverstick, liquors'
Robert Snodgrass
S A Hubbard • ,
Thomas ,Conlyn
Jacob. Rhaem
John Humor, liquors
Peter Monyer
John .1' -Lyn° 4.
Jacob Wulf
"Jacob Saner
Jacob LeibY, liquors
C. Inhoff,' Ag't.,
George oland.liquors
S M Hoover
7 W Rawlins •
Vim M Porter
Arnold'ik Levi
Arnold &,Livingston
David Martin
John Keeney.
N W Woods, 'Ag't.
Haller & Cermet ,
Lewis Steiner
S Brell
3 L Sterner
John N 'Armstrong' _
John Gillen, liquors
William L Sellers
A C Fetter
Harry Class
201 14
83 3
6 05
4 03394-0
I 8 00
58 00
IR 50
9 00
8 00
23 00
13 (0
29 25
110 00
80 00
76 00
464 00
John B Ferry
Henry Snider
John Ernest; liquors
Robert Snodarass
Edward &hull
John Gish
C 'F Kunkle •
S Kunkle
Philip Koontti
Pater S Ariz, Agt.
Joseph P-Nevin & Co.
W'D E Hays -
JC& GB Aida
Samuel Sitors, liquors
S B Wonderlieh •
Jacob Pogue, liquors
John Fulwiler,Agt ^
Bricker &Millr
Arnold 4/.. Co.
Stambaugh & IllcKasscdr- -
Jacob Bumbarger
910 00
10 00
25 09
4 00
10 00
0 BO
6 70
27 50
15 60
34 00
34 00
Aridrew G
Russel & Dice
D L Beelman
V A Weaklev •
Newcomer &-Kurtz
11 00
90 CO
17 12
8 45
7 07
Wm'Barr, Agt.
Hunter Herron -
Jpmison Hannaii, liquors_
TIII6C andlish
Williarrislc Brother - •
S W Sharp
John Diller, jr. • 0
161 00
2 25
1 50
1 72
I 00
86 59
140 00
George Leiby
John Reed • 'WO
Jacob Simmons
Glover.& Co.
3281 84
112 70
83394 54
J li'Lackey & Co. liquors
J Mollison & Co., liquors
,Simon 'Arnold, liquors
Ephraim 'Zug
J L Rai le
Henry Leas .
Ira Day
J . 1 7 Spahr, • , • -
..SvOli4r & 'Enarilinger '
Webber . & Swisher
Mellison. Zechariah & Co..
• South Middleton
A W, Loidich
Rider-& Woakley-
S N.Diven
Wherry & Rhoads, liquors
Snider & Deihl, liquors
Mr. Wiley
Joseith Smith
Josiah Mud & Son ,
Donaldson & Groan -
Thomas Greason
C Ronniiigor
J W D Gilliland
John W Clever, liquors
Jacob - Hofflebougher & Co.-
North Middleton
Samuel Barr
Elide Light
re let
G & Wles
Henry Rupp
John Rutz .."
East hansborough,
scab lleninger, liquors
Adam Eslinger
Joseph t..) Banks •
Flosher & Eshenbour.
P , iglar,'McKinley& Wilt
Rummell & Kerr
Tames IC 'Boalc, liquors
John G Miller do
AdaM Beckley
Mosser,-Jumes & Co.
Church; Feemon & Co.
Valentine, Feeman_ 8 4*C 4 - 0
Charles Oyster
A L Cathcart
Matthias Bitnor, liqu'ors
Ihirton,. liquors
Jacob Epley & Cow
James I? Lutz:,
Stiocak.& Brandt'
S Marren
Stet's° & Gessonmon
S Holliday
Thomaa'l3 13iypon
George H Blichor.
' —• Ead Pennaborough
Jacob Holderman
Jona Heck
Jacob Lontz • •
.John fleck • •
0 nb'erly. • '
Bitnor , -• .
Iy William lirooke • •
,anamtin 4cTitting ' • • •
. . lampden.
John Snavely ., • •'
- -
John Kelll, . ~•
;Wm.ll , lnoro (Clepper)
Peter F Ego (Stoinomktz)
< Gardener
Jacob Shealrer -
Clan: $ eta
13 10'00
' 13 10 00
14 7 00
' •.10 -20 00 •
I'3 •10 00
12 12 50 . .'
14 10 50
14 10 50
• 14 10 50
•14 7 00
14 700
/4 . . 10 50
•14 7 00
14 • 7 00
.• 14 700
„ 14 ": 00.•
:13 1500.
.14 700
/ 2 . 1,2 50 •
14 • 700
12 12 50
. 14 10 50
13 16 00
14 10 50
14 700
14' 'ton
14 7. 00.'
14 .7 00
11 15 OP
14 :1 00
14. , 700
14 7 00
• 13 10 00 .
14 • 7 00
•14 . oo„
14 7 bo
. 14 -7.00
14 7 00
14 - 13 50
14 7'oo
14 7 00
J 3 ' 'lo'oo
14 7 00
' 13
: 1 4
10 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
IV ea villc
14 -
14 ,
10 00
10 00
7 00
1-5 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
- Silver - )Sprin
1 - 37 - 10 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 • 7 00
14 " .7 00
14 10.50
13 15 00
13 15 00
13 10 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 • 7.00
/4 7 00
13:. 10 00
14', 7' 00
14 TOO
14 '7 00
13 ' bo oo
13 10 o
13 - , 1000
13 15 00
13' 15'00
14 7 001:
14 7,110.,4;.
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
10 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 50
7 00
.7 00
10 00
10 00
Nero Cumberland.
10 do
10 50
7 00
10 00
.10 - 00
10 00
10 00
I 1
- '-13
Upper Allen
12 50
15 00
Lower Allen
10 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
Silver Spring
10 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
13 ,
10 00
/0 00
Upper Allen
7 00
7 00
Lower Allen
ti 3
x 3
7 00
10 00
10 00
. 7'oo
10 00
10 00
Y 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
13 " 'lO 00.;
13 - ..uo
John Hays . .
gosfaampion. I
Teter Cramer:.-
~,n 14
C Gagmen- • -• 14 7 00
_ , • Shilpertaburg
4stevin's Heirs • 'l4
'Jacob Fiesol
Wed Penneboro4h.
19 to, 00
C Frehn -
:Siter '& kitties -r" ''' IS' '. 'lo'n
Jenne Shellnbarger •''' ". - 13 ,;10 'J o
:I , 4 l lllintri DPhilipe • 14 °.7 'n o
Peter Faust • 'l4 7 r . O
John Laugliitti-'•l' -14 760
PeteT 7 ltlyere - ; " 140 q
Jaeob.Shellabe'rger. , ' ' " •13' 10' .
Jentieon'Hannon • ' •
Hopewell. ' •
;Jacob Ramp
A SeavOrs
'John Ernest
Janina Lontz
Christian Au
Joseph Quigley
Edwaid Showeri
s N:
C Inhoff, Ar.l," •
• H eirs Wm Hikr'cndss' ueirs
Wm Harknes' heirs
_Bowman -
Robert Linn
• , Norlhilliddlelog. ;.
ITIM Henderson 8 12 80
South: Middleton;
ItoberiGiven . „
John M aood,,Ait.
M Beltzhooyer
Robert Quigley
Jacob Au
Ramp & Grove
Brewers. .
, .
William Alexander - .
~ • •- .-
William Barnitz -, , , • ..e ' . i
• 7 00
7 00
10 50
Beer,. by.stei and Eathig Ilopses.
Carlisle. :-
aeob Low
osoph Markle
8 5 00
ames Maloy
Philip Ditrich
Rgtall9re of Patent Mcdicittes.
.1 ewville
Wrii Bruton
Eazt PennBborough.
Joseph 0. Banks
Stews & Gammen
tl:pper, Allen,
A Lheart.
Elijah Switzer
Mr. Mitchell
Mr.. Cramer
Merchant - a and all concernediu-the-above
classification will take notice that twill hold
an appeal at the Court Honsein the.Hoieogli
of Carlisle, Oh Situ:l'l thO 3d drky.of May,
1854, hiafford,all persons an opportunity, who
may feel themselves aggrieved by the above
Classification to•appeal, it they think proper.:
IHercantila Appraiser.
, ---noivaomoriamac .
.fraelice of kcclicinc, Surgery and Obstetrics
- _
announce-te-the,oitizens of-Oarlisle-andyicinity
that. they have taken the office reently occu
pied by Dr. Smith, in Snodgrass's Row, and.
will be happy Co attend to all who may favor
them with a. cairn the various .branches' of
their profession.' We are prepared to visit pa
tients in the country at any distance. Charges
moderate. • -I ) .; [ap9tf
BONNETS, 'Bormr:Ts,
The subscriber is just receiving a large and
varied assortment of Straw Ronnets, of all, de
scriptions. Also, 100 Bolts Bonnet Ribbons,
-the . cheapest Over offered in Carlisle. • Call
loobti . ar yea will miss bargaiaa3p lionacu Rib-.
. .
Wo arp,notv_ opening a veitclfoice fermi La.
dies's:aid Gantlarnon'ir. Linett:.CaM Cambric -Hand
kerchiefs, at . various: prices. decidedly the
cheapest lot of handkerchiefs ma have over of
.fe!ecl to the public. ;Ladies do not miss them.
We arel tat 'receiving a large loti Irish 'Linens
from the best Bleachories and at low prices.—,
Barnsley' Shootings, Pillow case ,Lineri
and Muislins, with a generalussortinent of Li.
Suet' received the new style Quilted Rib
bonfacir Trimming Lrdiea Dresses. Alto, new
style Buttons of various kinds lor Ladies Drones
Just opened a general nssortwcnt or Blue and
Colored Silks and 13erego de Lain; with other
dress goods. ; .
apB . • G HITNER.••
Al the Cheap Store, 148 NoithElanover,et. •
I' .
AVt N G returned tram Philadelphia with a,
selected aesoriment of Spring and Slim—
mer Goods, 1 would respectfully invite all per
sdne who wisli to purchase ; now goods to call
and examine thy stock, as I am', determined to
sell at small profits. Among them may bo
Such:lie Tiosnes,'Ok ,Luaire's, Foulard
Silks, plain and figured Do' Lainos, .13;orego,,
'Borege de Lollies, Liwns.
- Xlarg'oussurtmeitt of Bun'neti L ail gbalities and
of the newest • Envies,. Also,' Bonnet Ribbons
Kid Gloves and Parasols.
Tweeds. Jeans, Glimbfrione; Velvet Cord's,
131ue Drills; &c. Also; Mullins, 'Pickings 'Pa.
hie • Diaper, Linen Table Cloths, Checks, Ho
siery;Tagging,..k.c. • •• -• • ' ••.
Coffee, Molaseeti, Greed and Black Tins and
Spices. • Butter, Eggs,.Rpge and Snap,..and
kinds of Country_Produce taken . at market
prices, in exchange ,
for goods.. • •
ap9 ':••
For the. Benefit. offthe :Public.
• . THE. subscribers ialse this, loathed ofiriferm'•
ng their old customers and the ForlSiegenerally
hat they. have removed their. ostensive
. .
ono door north of their. old stand, to tho.romii
formerly occupied by 'B . ,Coyle, in North
- Hanover etreot, Carlisle, where theY'heie kid
ded to their stock an extensive assortment of
TheY keep constrintiYron band full assort Mani
of every lund.of Wonting Ottheri for dread' or la.
bout,. Their stook correlate in.pary, of fine clotk
Dress and Frock Coate, Casitimerci ants;.Bilk
arid' Satin' Vests, and also ,Cotitti of sat t inett
Tweed, Croton Cloth, Catilimerett,'Dinon, &c.
and a full assortmout,of pains foreummor wear,
and to their assorttimint :sir Clothing, there, is'
acarcaly, an end, ombracing almost,av,iry•varie . 7
ty of pattern, make and, prioe;' they also ircen,
consiantlyen hand .an ergolyine,oesertinent of
goods for •
which they' aro piopared to ' tnpke 7 up. to , bider
at.eltort notice; They 1490 !k, n
hand au assoitmeni orltotttbefand , ./2airtkuinte
valises, carpet, baga, uhabrellasetatteland:Capai
ouspertdere, dress fintkintdirtilikl9.4tialonlin ithd
,fane, and' platMeilk 'neck' aiitt &MR.&
handkercitiotaiand. !Ma Af notiOntrafnuiriniMia
to mention. W 9 invite you to - lii/e. , uiEti'call
and. exam irio lor .yon reelves, um° ..have. the
stock and aro ptorinrod tereelvvittnpatomere.,
Thot ytoyldldalmOntis4.)l4osoolM7e
cldtimig,'.lint"`thatlltair;ga'rhaoittarare'all - Mallfic
iu Carlisle under tlfiiir oWn aupahrteion.
- flap3m
. ,
't .!' 1) ! ). 04 3. ": '1 U '4/ 4 P""'V07,7 -r)
TAW subscriber is:libUroperii.i* the
pert Lit of, B °neat add Cap' ',Ribbon? tiveralaitti
aiYomfind:ge .ther barlitaillego
'OOlBO6 i,
'!: :4311"ZieraVION •
y u wltrparAtro , Waif." etlrT)%4. 11(3 Ide to
S 11,1 N C4l O lll - `, (.1), on.- MONDAY !ha • D l l l `.
day of 'Alny . next:.lUl,l(ll A. Prco
sorlyuquipt .dapii'aiuir,pt497.
/6 "P t P ?' ;!(i;oi:' 1 9).0 b.Orit t`..9ttr;,
r 7 CO
1 4 §7 06
, 14 . 7 b o '
~ 14 7.00
14 . 7 'oo'
14 7 00
13. 10, - 00
. , /4 700'
8 12 :90
9,.. 8 00
.6 . 860
10 .. 5 0.)
8 00
i___6 00
8, • 12 , 50
10 ,v 5 00
8 12, 50
•0 . . 800
10.: 500
9 8 00-
10 s'oo
10 5 .00.
WtigCnismi, March lith, 1851. This is to
certify that Uhave -hod in use two of Porter's
Patent Twyeres in my - shop' for• hear thiee
years, and I am certain that they have benefit
-1 ed inn at 'least 'twenty dollere a year over the.
old Twycire.. HI could not get the same Twyetc
I.would no part with these fOr fifty dollars.
• • A G-AFFLECK.• •
WtrEstera, Sept 27, 1850.
Mil. ROBERT D. PORTER—Dear , Sin—Wa
lleye had . in use on trial in our establishment
two of your Twyercs, and aro determined Co
use them in all our fires,_as wo regard, them as
a very grem'anprovement.
Tho advantages are—less. time in taking a
heat, and also a considerable saving of Coal—
The smith is. more certain of a good heat, and
lutsiless-trouble-in producing-rt.- We think
year Twyarollie best we have ever use'd. We
linve been using the Water Twyere and find
yours much more advantagdous in many whys,
and take pleasure in recommending its use.—
Yours respectfully BUSBY & LITTLE.
We have ono in our Shop, and corroborate
the above. _ . _ _ _HODB,S_& TAY.L0.13., . _
Persons wishing to examine the above twyere
can do so by calling on the undersigned at Wm
M Porter's, Carlisle. Rights for counties or
States aro offered fOr sale. Early attention is
requested. [ffin] -- ROB'T - D PORTER—
10 , 6 00
9 18. 00
8 5 . 00.
.8.: 5 OD.
4 D OD
4 500
4 500
4 5 00
4 5 00
4 _ 5, 00
Fresh Drugs, dlledicinea , Perfitinery, Fancy
- • articles, FA. _ .
_ .
rgifiE subscriber has just receiveditle_Sp_ring
supply of - D - RITGE - , -- ME - EICINES AND
CHEMICALS, among which can be found
scriptions, to the putting up of whichrhe will
gir, particular attention. Also,
aint s , _olliol3' ; -Pe rfu ory ,-Soaps,
a ,- variety - of - rancy - nrtroler - Pro - nunr
crone to "mention, together with n superior lot
of TOBACCO AND CIGARS of various
brands, all or which, having Purchased in per.
son, upon • the 'most favorable terms, he will
uaranteo as being of the best 'quality, and id
willing to- sell, not exactly at City Prices, yet
for a very small advance for CASH.
Ho would respectfully invite the attention of
Physicians, Country Merchanta and Pedlars,
to whom he will make a liberal -doduction.-z-
Opposite the Rail Road Benet, .corner.of -Pitt
and High streets, Carlisle; Pa.
mnrl9 . • S A HUBBARD.
Splendid- iraney Goods, rletanl
Gift Miens, &c.
W. HAVERSTICK' has just received
from the city and is pow opening a splee
did display of FANCY GOODS, suitable for
the 'approaching HolydaySeason, to which ho
desires to cell me' attention of his 'friends and
the public His assortment in this line cannot,
lie surpassed._ in novelty and elegancit, and
both in quality and price of the articles, can
not fail to please purchasers. It would be im
possible to enumerate hie
which comprise every variety or fancy articles
of the moat novel styles and exquisite finish,
such as
Ladies' Fancy Baskets,
Fancy. Work Boxes, with sewing inetruni'le_.
'Terracotitt - Work (a recent novelty,)
Paper Macho Goode,
Elegant.alabusier and 'porcelain ink-stands
and, _ , ,
Fancy ! ivory ; pearl and shell card cases,
Port Mon nines, of 'every variety, . •
Gold pens and.poneils,
, Fancy paper Weights,. •
. Papetcries, With a largo variety of ladies
fancy stotionery,
. ,
,Mottmeetils and wafers,
Silk and bead purses,
Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished;
14sdies' ling cutlery,
Perfume baskets and bags,
Brushes of -every kind for the toilet, -
• Itnusseeeperfumes or the various kinds,
Musical: instruments, of all hinds and ati'al
wices, together with an innuMerablu variety o
..r(iclos elegantly finisbed:tilid iiuitahle for - ho
ydity pissanti, to_Which he invites •Special at
, Aldo, eh extensive and elegant collection of
, Amerkan
ANNUALS for' Mt, riChly embellished and
illustrated POETICA L WORKS, with
for children of all ages, than which nothing
can be'moro appropriate or 'pleasing aslioliday
gifts • d[is assortment of School, Bunks and
School:' Stationery ie alsO complete, and corn-•
prises overy thing used in Colleges and thi;
Schools. Hs also desires to call the portieuhir
attention oI Families to his elegant display_of
- -
, •
from the extensive establishments of Cornelius.
Archer and 'ethers of 'Philadelphia, coniurisiga
eiMry style of ' Parlor, 'Menthe, arid Study,'
Immps, for hurnin4 either Imd t sperm or etho,
real, oilOOOther with - Flower Vases, Fancy
&icons, Sic: ':His'nasurimentin this line is unk.
equalled in the borough: Also;
punts. CAN. 1r C 0 NFECTI6ARY-'-
in every varibiyMnd II priees, all of which
are pure and fresh,'such as can be ,confidently
rdcorritnended tolls friends and thb little folks;
:Ills stock embraemi everyihing. in the line of
Frinek 'with .friany other artidles useful
to housekeepers;which the public ate especially
Invited to call..and see during the holidaYs.--,
liontegiber the Old 'Stand;' noarlylopPosite, the
Bank on North Hanover street, ' •
'dealt • S HANE it MK.
V,q, CDNFORMITY with the Militia Laws
of Penna. , passed .410'171 h of April:
1849,.to,Reviso and provide for Training of snob'
wily :Oh ' , ehtill . : be.' uniformed. :Thatistore,i the
severallattalions within'tho bounds of the. lat
Biigadoi 15th Division; will meet for review and
inspection, as followw:—Tho tat Battalion comp'
mondlid,-hy-Major Incob•flowmanovill-meoglit
-101 0".c.1cick.)A.,111.; on , Saturday Ihe 17th day Of ,
, Mechanicsburg_; the 2d Battalion amp')
miatledlby.Capt:Da - vidtilfflierrjr, - Will moot at,
Ibt o'clock, A. M., on Thtirstlay'tho , .27th ,tIUY'
-ofl May - ,,at'suelf place .61;ilie commanding off.'
ecr may, designate: , .I,lic :3d i Battalion ' ielifri=-
.mtinded - by Majordohn.."F.- Hunter - rwill mem
latt,en o'clock, A.„1111 - ",..iti:Carlisloi-On TUesday.
thp , 13th ' day of :May:. -:Tho• k'irOt Regiment
'Climlierland courit9 llr Ounteifix,ivill meet .at
Nhivvillo on<Tnesday te Mb •tiay Oflit,"""'
A . Battalions ''ill' MaltUi it' 9OgeFt.rei. ,
Luke- of 'the:Pield - Olrfeers arid liiirl::odTplilpjoy ! ,,
end sitifP itif ito.)d!dii &Of tioirlitni:' ::1,..: ' ~ : , ~ 1
J paWltaispV. Or QOM 0001,4/01444111cRi.04'',
piesiWilt iniorequi ottmal.inalta. coir o .a. .t' i li B l9 l ,
alb* ciontisailiti :on; thb abkiVcr:OhY# , F.' , . , i. ;•1
; iirdtielleirVlagii. , will'be',"Jectufoil und:OeCok..
lA' tine reincttoor to ibe -. odi.mowilling ofli , dt,•
:it aPPeotia.'hs'tribOa iiYy!4;9,0'19;404,410•°,1::
Ate .1.1.; , .5PA'...3 ," ":-, '.. ,' , .- ,„; .u.., ,- ,
.., ..„: i,
.i The sceond`Pllt t's lion' Will dloe,l,'osio;ftialei":ll;
roeni'df. iftlf6V Vitti'tit,icsigiled.':9 e'
1 ,, i1W-Wtfi'llieiiiday.:Oio - .,244.,0f aoy.,;: . .
.',,, Cdpv, , EllsOofile'l coop 'will:oiOdi;,ilt k l ai.pia-c e
'aeike oiO.ii
,dirOdt; 'Ohdineuritil•tlio oiido reiti ed.
.r, / fa -,.., '• • , kI.'CR.OP; Brfg:los,
JUi clt itsouo.
. •
• Pr . or Alai 11 n: v• 0 •
Patent Graduating Tiegere
THE undereigned,ralter 'considerable ex;
petiaa and experiment, has succeeded in produ-.
eino a TWYDRE• for' Blacksmith's Forges;
which, wherever! it has been tried, has proved
itself superior to anything,of the kind ever be
fore invented. It .hal advantages which no•
other Twyere posheies: - • " " •
let. The - blast can - eiliCregulated effebtually
so Ittl to aeit.any_kind
can be kept clear at all= times without the'. use
of a poker, or' without breaking- and 'sliakipg
the fire, thus enabling , the smith to take d clean'
clear heat. Sd. By, actual experiment •it Bfll7oB ,
one-third.oi the 'Fuel,-awhile the work.
done one•faurth fester. 4th. The blest is re•
Moved eight- or. nine inches from the back
which in a great advantage to the smith, doing
Brooked or difficult work. sth. It IS not•liable
to get out of order and will last many -years. -
ny in the possession of the Patentee, will show
that it has given complete satisfaction, and also
its great superiority over all others. ' •
This is to certify. that I hued bad two-of Mr.
Robert D. Porter's Patent Twyeres in constant
,use in my Coach•emith Shop for three years,
and am convinced .they are a great saving of
coal and timein taking a heat. During the'threo
years mine have been in use there has been no
occasion for repairs, and I believe they 'will last
foritwenty years or more without repairs.
. .• -.-. W A WIC S, -Coach Maker, -
Oharlcatawn, Va
Brigade Inspectorts Orders.
C - 11 •
I .
amonex z: BRET'Z A - :
URGEON DENTIST Having lateli
o„graduaterl at the,' Baltimore College sof
Dt mai Surgery, would reepectfully inform the
Millie thralls le now prepared" to perform all'
operations on the Teeth that may be required.
Artificial: Teeth inserted, from a einglo tooth
to on entire eat, upon the lateSt•and most tql
'proved 'principle. -fhb 'patronerge of the public
iq respectfully solicited. , 'He may he found at
the •residence of hie 'brother eii — North
street; .
Carlisle, April 2, 1851
- Town.Property .
' 'For Sale, "
• ,
THE subsCriber offers fohale rho HOUSE
AND .LOT situate on West street,
4Al,' ',adjoining thdresidence"of Wm, 8 .
Hp 'Pobean end Mr. Feller, in the 'M
IEN laugh of , Carlisle. The. lot is 30
feet in,froni and 120 feet deep rum
ning: to.'an alley. The house is substantial
fiame•building: ono ,storsr and a half high, and
la good order. There aro a number of choice
ruirtreca - on - the - loti - and - - pen=
senses the right to, the use of a pareP nearly
opposite the. house. For further particulars
apply to fap2l • F. c.'ARDNER.
To be Sold , at Private Sale,
ALL that certain HOUSE AND LOT
situate in the Borough of Carlisle, bounded on
the east by a lot of John Moore, on the north
by a lot of ReV. John Ulrich•. an the
West- by lot- of -jaeob Weaver,
la••lthe south
North Street,
gill . containing 160 feet In front, and 240
feet in depth. Hriving thereon e.
rectod a two story double STONE HOUSE,
with a one and a half story KITCHEN attach
ed thereto. An indisputable title will be given
by the owner.
THE most extensive assortment of SPRING
GOODS ever brought to Carliee,.now opening
and offering by the subscriber on the' most ac
commodating:terms and uncommonly cheap.—
Among the lot will be fotind a most splendid
such-as Cheryl and Foulard Silks, Silk rind Li
ncn Poplinds, Barego Do Lainos,, Fig'd Surg
-Lawns, Barages
-Tissues. - Mareelincs, Brit.
An immense stock 'o(, Bonnets, all qualities
n d prices. Also, Bonnet Ribbohe and Flow
er!. in.great variety and very beautiful.
A full assortnient of all kinds Carpetinga and
Mailings. White end colored'
Some new 'and elegant French ,Clothe and
Cattaimeres at reduced prices, Muslim, Tick
ings, Checks, Hosieryi . Baggings, &c. The public are invited to call and examine
. - • - •
this large and splendid stock of new goods, and
they _will suited..with the goods arid.
prices. Recollect the old stand East Main at.,
Carlisle. [np2] C. OGILI3Y.
-- rarzworma --- di. COAL 3r.a.8.D.
his customers and the public generally that
ho still continues the LUMBER AND COAL
BUSINESS, and that having lately purchased
.in addition to his lortner business facilities, the
large andsonveltienttWarelionse.muLCoal_Yard
lately occupied by Mr. fferiry Wright; opposite
the well known Lumber and Coal Yard of the
College Cane,.lie, is , now more fully prepared
to enlarge his - Misiness. He has at this time and
ie Iteepilig constantly _ on_hand_a_welLseleeted_
- assortment of
__ '
_ .
of all kinds. sorts, and sizes. Likewise the
'different kinds oS FAMILY COAL, such as
stove Coat of the different-kinds, Liano'borners
end Blacksmith's .Coal, of the., best quality.—
A I of which' h 3 wilt sell unusually low, for
Cash. Ho will 'also keep constantly on hand
With all tile different articles generally found
in a well. stored Warehouse. kle will also at
all tunes buy PRODUCE' and FLOUR, for
which he will pay the highest current prices: -
Being very thankful for rat fi/ors, would .
most anxiously solicit a continuation of at , least
a reasonable share of public patronage,
marl 9— -SAM'L, M. HOOVER.
Booksellers, Country Merchants
and Teachers,
faVE respectfally request the attention — of
, . all dealers in SCHOOL, MISCELLA.
to.our superior facilities for supplying at unu
sually low rates, for cash or approved credit,
every artic e p&rtaining to our business. . • -
A long and active experience warrants us in
saying -that we can offer inducements to pur
---Equalled-hy-lffew4.-Excelled-by-None I
We earnestly ask an examination'. of our
mode of conducting business, believing if an
experiment is made, it will be found for the in
terest offilltose desiring goods ;in' our Tine to
combine operating withus.
Our stecic - is at . iill - seisens larg6 - ; nnd select
ed with pnriieular reference to, the wants of
Pennsylvania, Ohio and the near trade gener
Orders. by- mail nr otherwise despatched
promptly and at the lowest rates known in any
KrThe highest-price given' for- RAGS in
.Vhrth•East Corner of-Third & .d-eh vs.
mat.s, - PHIL AD ria,l'HlA.
Southeast Curlier; Market et Sixth Streets.
in. „
It McNFILLE & CO.„;,,invite the atten
tioti 'of 'WholOsalo and Retail buyers; to
their extensive and complete stock oof Spring
and Summer CLOTHING, colnprising,every
variety of styld 'that can be produced. Our
aim is to please an accommodate. all, and. in
order to du this, wo manufacture , Clothing at
almost every price. Selling FOR CASH
'ONLY onablea me to offer Clothing at a very
trifling advance. Our motto is Small Propi
and Quick Sales. ,We aro, conlident.that in
examination 'by that. tit necessary to
confirm what wo say, andi secure yburcustom:
---Anarl 9-3 in • '
THIS Establishment 'has. just' coMitionead
operation, - and is prepared to manufaeture•,-
Steam Engines : and Boilers,Tflowing Cylinders
and Hai Blast 'Pities,' Retorts, Lamp • Posts.
Gas and Water Pipes, Car. Whtiols and Aisles,
Rolling Mill Castings, Grist , and Saw Mill
,Camings,'Horse:Pciwari:Threshing Machines,
Plough Castings, Castiron Frontsror Houses,
:Cast Copoing and Railing,'Patterns and Black-
Smith's work made to order, .•
• • • • , • . .J. H. JONES. ,
Harrisburg, Pa. ap2'sl-12mpd
SAVX2 SOU PitaltoP . ,EßTV
fli,'Qß A TRIFLE! . . .
LL persons wishing to rescue their proper
ty from fire without the aid-of insurance
companies, Aliould'have their roofs covered with
Blake's Patent ..linitation Slate, or Fire ancl
Irater'Proof Paine.. A root, well covered with
this article will' ast 'longer than MO roof
unpainted, acid will render it entirely Vire and
Water Proof. • This article can be had•eheap at
the Hardware, 80 ••• To, of • •
marl 9 , JOHN P. LYNE.
. •
5C3,111141. I • TEA I. TEA!
, . .
;4 loyers of good 'TEA' can:be
1 - .,57'? 'supplied & Co's
A uporloi G ofin' nd- e I
'ow, • 'Terts, '
al the:: loos: • or . put d up i.
• iii fourth, half "bipound
Olt packs to atilt purchasors pr ices ranging
rom GO cents up to 'Bl per pound, by calling, at
hiVetort of frars] .114,L13g12 , 1%."
. „ .
Jissolutkm. ofTartnership:..l ,
OTICP,IItt hereby given that the peryt3r:
eldn . heroofore exunitexhetwourr thif7sub. -
eeilbers, in the Blacksmith:lig business,- under
"thelirtn.ufißretx Cortoneu,Anuf.biietVallok
veld by 11111,0111.,C011Sult.'••1
nehountebeeniplii6ecein'the 'b'etido
lielnoatb,-'lNquire, for nettled* , n The butd
ecias will hereafter , be ,53arried:.a, bit,:George
.Cerrunnn;:urhuoypt hnthatthttil.for conlieu—
once orpntronege Customers. ~ •
. • • .iJACII 01141RETZ ;
. ..
, MAseli ti oitr,i.',.';`' , ,,. 4••..•
~,2,;; -.:. •-..... ..
5tri.120,•!,.:,p44.i'•.: ... , , ...- ,: , , • •
•ark.r.4Vp.i5f:.....,. i ,,...,,,,
,od.ciitstorlily.on liond,fi' -
11k.112,AT.A140; '' . .' for sale by . .
1A1011K, : •• , ' .. o '. r . : • .._ `, J PALAIER $ :- CO., A111) , :e1012..1§, , ,: Mitylaki, M.AViinri,
`Rh° or,DER?:' ' . 7lr ; 11 APErzi,11.4:,
lin it..ty - & -, clif,osr - ,, 1 , ~. ~-: ~-. ~ - , ~
, • .8111191'10a ;
4 froJli y.of Anio'rioao ,
Oil.. For stile 11 , ,y‘ . A. (,
00t23 ' ~ NO Lis Nortii
Stotes -& Oljops
:: ,, 0013.0CM21.413jr,-
.. •
JUST received a fresh lot to
which will &field very' low ai'the old cheap
Store, East Main Street:; • .
ap2 . .• '
moos 8i
. s.
- •
Attl now opening my Spring stock of •idz
dieis and Gentlemen's Boom and Shoes.--=.
Also.' alarge lot' of Boys "Miles aind'dbildren'ts
Shoes, All of the newest style; best quality;
d'hd beet of all very cheap.
a p t : C. Q
. .
~~ 0
, .
HAVE received "from Mr. faindfetb, . 1A
A S'priimlinpply of FRESH GARD pN"
SEEDS, which are widowed ienuine.
mar 2 6. • •
"MESH - (i/ARD_ENSEEDS,-oftbe-beet---
.11.7 quality, from the eels firated eslab D lishments
of Risley & Co., New York, arid . Land
reth Philadelphia, fill of which "are warranted •
fresh, just received and' for ea!e st the Cheap
Drag and Book Store of • . • •
• •Inr2G a W. H.OERSTICK.-
C" LIVER. OIL.An eacellem article
for. ado •
161THERIAL OlL—Atways Dash.. a:instant. ,
kept,on hand at HUBBARD'S Drtig
,Store. - - ttnar26
jAItINA COLOGNE—A treinuine article
for lade by , 8 A HUBBA4D- ' rln26
z.. vakzurat Co.
B . ALIMS in in Platesp - American, Eng
lish, and Russia Sheet Iron; Boiler. and
Flue Iron; Hoop and' Rad'lron- ' Iron Wire;
Ti gnen Copper; Zinc; Sp.dter; Pig and Bar
Lead; Lead Pipe. Sheet Lead; Block and Bar
Tin; 'Brass Ke ttles; Tinner's Tools and Ma
chines;. Stove Trimmings; American Rivets,
nil sizes, Tinned and Black, Ste. - -
March 26, 1851-lypd.
urannELLAs lutaulsor.s.'
IMAYING decided to quit the business, I
ELUL propose to sell my stock at very low pri
ces. It embraces the newest and most desira
ble styles. You are invited to call and exam
mr26-2m No 104 Market at. Philada.
. , Family GrocerFiStore. , -
THE subscriber having removedhis Grocery
Establishment, on South Hanover
''.._,'"::l street, to the largo building pearly
'lti i l. : • opposite his old Etaud desires to call
- 1 A
c e_nuentionf-the-publicto-theitu
-11 1•- -o
th perior. stock of FRESH GROCER
IES Which lie has just opened, and which he
_will sell on-the-most-accommodating-ternim----- -
The arrangement of his new Establislunent will
• be found of, the Most complete character, and
his assortment compAsee e_very_artieleihatxtut___
- b - a - oil - ad - in a - •• •
reifect Vairdly Grocery, • .
such as sugars. coffee, Mae, -spices, hams, dried
beef, cheese, shad,-mackerel; herrings dried
fruit, soaps, &c ., together with .an elegant as
sortment of China and Crockery Ware of 'eve
ry. style mid quality,-. queensware, brooms,
brushes, baskets, and an endless variety of ar
ticleswhich It is impoSsible to enumerate: „
For 'cheapness and excellence his articles can- -
not be • surpassed A call . from tha public. is
therefore respectfully solicited
mais'• . ' . INITOFF.
ITIFIE undersigned informs; his friendsand
nurnerous-customers ; that-he has just re
turned from 'Philadelphia, with a large and •
carefully 'selected .assortmaiitaf ' • '• • •
purchased at.the lowest pikes, which ho is de
termined ta sell at small profits'. ' 1 - .
- • •
at from , ls cents to - $6 , a yard; Cassimeree.
Cassinets and Vastings, at various prices.
such as solore'go:de-Lnines,a , gplendia--
Table - Diapers,: Tickinge. Minims; Bonnets,
Hats, &c.
A good assortment of Men e. Women and
- Children's Boots-and-Slutes,-of-strperior-nual.:-
itr and very cheap. Also. Boy's and Men's
Ooth Cops, Paint Hits and a large assortment
of Bonnets.
.such as "Sugar( Coffee,' Molasseo,Venkin'o.
celebrated TEAS. Constantly on hand the
hest quality of Curpei Chain. . •
The su , bseribei respectfully' asks all who
wish bargains, to give him .a--cull, at his stand.
opposite Wm. Leonard's. North Hanover et--
Butter, .Edge.„,,Rage!, Soap, and Dried
takeit'attnarkerpmee. ";..
ntar2d r" . N Vir! WO CillS; Agt. .
Eiate of StisdO A. Eisenhart'ded.
OTICE,is hereby given; that Letters
VC Administration in due lorni of have
grunted toth'enndersignekl, on th 4 estate
orEttrun At Eisenhart late ,of Monroe town—
ship, Cumberlandi county, dec'd. All. persimst
'indebted .to said estate are therefdre requirod
to make payment immediately, and those hav—
ing claims wilt please present them for settle.
ment to : BEN:TA:111N NIESLY,
Estate .01 -: Stritur ;deceas ed. Piouarri
• ALL persone aro hereby notified that letters
'of admintstnititio on tho estate uf Susan Plough
late of Shiremanstown, Cumberland county.
Pennsylvania, have this day boon issued by the
Register in and for filo said county, to the sub
scriber wlio resides in Shiremanstowu aforesaid.-
All pereous having claims 'or'deniande 'against
the estate of the said deceimed are requested to
Make known the eame . without delay; and those
indebted to )bake payment to =•
.March 19;51,-.-6t. DAVID WISE,
• ' , Administrator.
Estatfi. of Saco]) .s.
raust,. decid
MOTICE is hereto,* giien that Letters Teo.,
tamotuary on the estate of Jacob S; - Faust
late of-,the borough . of Carliale,_ dee'd4"have
bon ganted to the subscriber, residing . ititha _
same. place.' All porscina Indebted - to - said' CO;
tato are, required to- co - me:forward. and make
immediate payment; and..xtoso:haiing Claims„
'to present them for settlement to
116ap'' ,LENORA FAUST*, Executrix.
Estate's ". deeld...
. ,
iv °TICE. is hereby given that - Letteri of
1.71 Adrninlstratiht-od- - the Estato :of Eliza
Lawson, late, - of .Cumberland county decd,
have iteen.granted to she eut!?criber.iesiding nz
SOutly. Middleton. township:;, p:eraima
'delitectiesaid estate ha 'requested to 'Milk° itn
mnd tate payment.- end those having elahns .to
present them duly authenticated (or settlement.
11.0saGt ' - NM; SMITH, Ad i n'r.
... AiEMBER.S'itf ihr3 Alhirt'and'Eastwinriaii. ,
. rough Alutual Firo Insurance''Coopany,,
tap hoeby,ticitiliedthatithb: Board'. of-Mina
ars,,havo ordercd:an assessment of FOUR
PER:Egg:I' ou all iho premium .notea duo
tlat:cciinpaty;lnli the elevontir day 'r,f [ - March.
17331, io be 'pid, prey/ions re: t;to ~101,1 s ay of
J one- next, to , "Proastifir Or- Receliet.
tiro 'freaaufbrintitirtla ralling . olll the' members,
; personally.; before:lime time r a.miould• bo' ndri.
sable to boready..'2 •:•-•
LEWIS HYER. Secielary.3
Pocat.iN,-7'nueurren ,
March 26 .,• 18 5 1 . - •inrGaiettainhdlleptiblican, • '
.Y'ork-Enton and:Velegraphi Harrisburg-copy '
rto!amortint $2. d T .. - : ::„• • .
• :
11 MT, necoteauftitVirg':fritts. into
V - - 'hie •ORICO - several STUDENTS for
Inatiiitttirin in tlid.Caripuablticalri's of ? nedicinc,
vii r. Anatontii'Pliyiphlogit'Uhemlairy; Thor-
Eargoll4-. Theory and :Free: ca of: -
Icori anal calls - atterided?to
wn and country. as beretofory , " , ' , .. l.- -
Coale:lt Febl2Ql-3r .