Eli A'o'oBll l oll, eocric. CARLISLE, IVEDNESI4Y;'ASEE, 23, 1851 r THE LARGEST , AND'-CHEAPEST Ngyu.s.Wi. b. - Terms—Two Dollars a yea!, or One Dollar and ' i fygy V en tr i 'ippaid: punctually in 'advance: *- 81,75 if .paid within the year. • TO TH.Et WHIGS OF''rI +7IIIN9YY.'V'AI7 1. fter'A gitate„Coniention :will be -held in the, City of Lancaster, on TUESDAY, JUNE 24th 1851, for tikriurpose of selecting candidates for the of of Governor and Canal Commis, 'sioner,and also for, Judges, of AU. Supremo Court, , , Joseph.B., 'Flannigan, • Samuel MoMenamy, P. Knox Morton, . C. ThOmpson Jones, _William 11. Slinglia,__Samuel-B.—Thomas,----- Samuel Bell, - John S. Brown, Nathaniel EUmaker, . T. Taylort Worth;' Wm. J. Robinson; Alexandei E. Brown,' 'Worden M Preston; William Baker, • Thomas E. Coohian, William M. Watts, IlenrY Johnson,James Clark, Charles B. Bondman, ' Shermap D. Phelps, Goorgo Cress, r, Edwin C. Wilson, • D. A, Finney,: John Alison; A Loomis, _ - Daniel McCurdy,. . -- Jtjhn George - Meason, Williain Evans, • Alexander IL McClure,. John C. Nevin°, Francis Jordan.' HENRY M. FULLER, Chairman, . It. 'BUNDLE'SMITII, Secretary, fair The acti'' of the 'Legislature of this Stite, passed during ,its last session, , number 431, and (menu twenty-four imge of rkoloso ly printedpampldet. , Many of them are om nibus bills of the Most hoterogenous 'charac ter, and by.far the . greater number intended to promote some private and speoial interest Few of thorn are of any publio importance. co#R.:DELEctATEs. Tho delegates to the LanCaster Convention, Messes. MoCnunn and CATIIOART, appointed 'at the Whig • County Convention .on Monday last, are excellent men and sound and devoted vrhigs. The appointment of tion. SIMPSON, of Pow county, as tho Senatorial delegate, Ins also concurred in. The resolution passed by the Convention approbatory of the administration,' of Gov. Joranrion indicates the course Which' our del egates will pursue in reference to his re-nomi nation: In the passage of this resolution the 'Convention has baexpreratifid too general feel ing of the Whig party of Cum4rland bounty. Among the hardy yeomanry of Cumberland county there is : no'diminution of that enthusi astic friendship for Gov. Johnston which car.: fled him in triumph to the gubernatorialchair in 1848. pn the contrary every public act of Gov. Johnston has Won for him tho increased affection of the Whigs, not only of Cumber land county but - the State—__ln.his-fam—stand agniFist any increase of. the State Pebt- 7 in his successfulandeavers to effect a reduction pf the Debt,.while-at the same time he has rc. established our - publienredit=Gov. Johnston has commeneed a work Which lies nearest the hearts 'of our Tax-paying Farmers.- That work they Will not 'permit to be oheeked; but will bend their energies' to the re-eleotion of Gov.. Johnston; in order - that - the Work, may be carried en to still more' triumphant ri3 7 sults. 'The'Plan rethicing 'the 13tato Debt belong's peonlittily . to Gov. Johnston. He o riginated it--to his energy and sagacity we are indebted for' what has already been as oomnlielied under it—and ho is the man to carryit on, until a monster Debt and grinding Taxes shall no ioriger eat up the prosperity of the toiling Farmer. • 41 •• • MATUToTa AIiPROPRIATION Bir.x..--A/nder this Caption . the Herald Of yesterdaymmke's,o. terrible ado, about the passage of the appro priation bill, by, the Legislature, • and one of our late Representatives (Mr. Bonham) comes in for a free share -of misrepresentation tour abuse.— Volunteer. tr.uo,Ale.—Airn are_not-in,tho—habit—of doing either- of these — ilui7igi;and-E;iire done so towardMt:. Bonham, unless publishing the items of the bill and the yeas and hays may be called w'misrepresentation and abuse." Mr. Bonham twisted and turned With consid erable ingenuity anrin&thepassage of the ap propriation bill,,hut it is afoot that as the ap propriation bill first passed the Blouse it con temed a provision for two newloails-and it is equally Ea feet that Mr. Bonham voted for the • =.6.S thOldirfinally passed we have no ob jections'to make to it. But we wish to call the attention of the people of Cumberland county to the fict, which .deeply concerns them, that Mr. Bonham, one' of their iteprs acntatives, did support what was really a mammoth and monster . appropriation bill Whioh would have involved the State in new debt. That this bill did not finally pass we: owe no thanks to Mr. Bonham. The Senate killed it, hut if that body. had not done so Gov. Johnston would have. glien it a bavo no atteution to abuse or misrepre sent liir.,,Beekimm,,but bi —: view, of the danger of .sendieg Amau to Harrisburg who is' ready to vote for an-increase tho State. Debt, we have no doubt the people of Cumberland oo‘ls l ty will at ,the ballot , boxin•October continudto hint the title with' which he le so significantly dubbed in the Volunteer, as the ' late ropreeen tativo ". of ,Cumberland °pulley. • . ViumnlcacT,,APr il 20, .1861.- 7 DespatehTs wareyesteFitsy, received. from lir. McCurdy, Charge,at, ,yietuns, of the, date of March arch the Austrian Government had yefilsedthe application of the t ultart for peindision to release . Hossuth and thenungs, . 2414 1 1Pt tr . 15 10.5. 11 , 14 'Lawn,P a nianig , _fron 2 , ,u,y confine want., existing between Aus tria'and:'Orhiy, , the latter power was charged with and 'asicepted the !surveillance of .these , unfortanate , l ex i llos; numbering tsoyetal,.hun drods; brit finding the expense of their main-. .11tal00 becoming hurdenttome, - sho cubed : to be ieleased the incumhrance. Permis sion was granted In reference tq all 'MOOpt • KoSsitth' and - 6ightiik:to'n'othisia."'Thia li deCia= ion 'watiNaiiiinitnicated` heft!rO''infelliOncq_ reached Vienna phi:l°o44' the regent intion'of our Governnient2' Ai urgent appeal .will be addressed, to Austria on this subject • • • COMPLIIIHNT TO 'TIM P4llB f;I; =bun oppollellta in a number of emantios notino have resolv ed in 'favor of Mr. Bretton; our neighbor of the Volturtoor,,for Canal Commissioner. We alutn . t,eonanitaurself to his support just yet, but we congratulate hint on this ;nark of party estimation. - • • • • i67 . 4welviliemoorntio denatOre, of ,tho York Legislature, reellinO4 the said!' 'on Thuridsi,' as ivlr4i expediOnt'i#lll;foitiiliO bill foi the eimlnioniont Of the triti,CaiinV ;Only three I)emooratio Sen4ors rioaain;inid eoTO•- te4 - 1010, .in trfeeiO l tiolntiai'vi/pr6iont In 030 £4e4t4)..4. bill raying • tox. or ' inalfineili-4044(4ixf can VOW idoOiditit to' the Conatifutioni.: Merit e•Oltenient at Albani in aonsoquenoe or hie iito*e. • • 1, , ' , 12111121 • _, __ • vuON.l3co.,rA' CLPICIPRIATIA, The Cincinnati papers of this Bth inet. give lOwing amounts of ithe,xeception of*reral ;cote in, th'm city on the previous ,day.Mq.he I.tro's 'sive, the reeeptien given to Gen. Sctott wet a stiffing' scene.' It'Was ;One of •th 0.40 spentaneeus outbitists:' enthuilasminlich . the presence of e:ialblie favorite is aii'vaYs sure to awaken in the, West;*andwhioh--indi ,..,:cating-unerrirtg)yras'they do, the . ' heafingi of ,theliopular:hciiirt-4daYtvellAtl ,coniidbiedee ) among the riohoet rewards of public Service.- The'shortnatite7 thatluid _intended arriyal t left no,finte to make prop rationii for O.formal wehionni by a 00Fimi!kio., irtia therefore emphathially a reception by _ the .people . themselves. The,. people resolved 'themsolvos ; inton committee of the whole, and did the whole thing in taeir own peculiar style —handsomely, cordially, and enthueiastioally. ' It was expected ho would arrive about : ten o'clock,' in a' eat froir(Pittalinrg, but long be fore the appointedtime, however, the artillery - a - ctlfoliaidingliegan - to ioolferate—announo ing the.tipProaele of the expeoted geek.. 'The . streets 'leading to the river • were of Once thronged with'erewds hurrying to join in the work of welcome; and by the tine the inlet had reached the landing, it is estim'ated that some five to ten or fifteen 'thousand people had assembled to receive him. The boat was in -stantly thronged - WI th - Vi tliforii,* hll:attxtou'lle: pay their respects •to one whose fame had gone abroad so widely, and whose deeds formed so brilliant a page in American history. The.Gen ' eral stood on the hurricane deck, surrounded by a dense throng of visitors and friends. Soon, however, the'erowd opened, andn ‘ iall. 'formwas seen, standing uncovered, by the mtlb titude on "shore. It wag WINFIELD SCOFF.— No sooner was ho recognized by the assembled thousands, than a about went up _that made the welkin ring and spoke the cordial feelings erthobe who had assembled there to greet him. It was a fitting welcome from the first city of the Wdst to the first Captain of the age.. It was, with difficulty the Old Hero was able to reach his carriage, So dense was the .crowd. Haviitg gained the carriage he was escorted a midst the cheers and greetings of the throng to the Burnet House,. where another wblcome awaited him froin the multitude 'who' had as sembled there to 'Witness his arrival. In a few minutes after his arrival, ho made his appear ance on the balcony, where he was warmly ceived. He Nddressed those assembled in a 'brief speech, and retired. Shortly after seve ral of the military and fire companies paraded onSinenntl_Third streets i -upon -which Hie - General kohl made his appearance and brief ly addressed them. During the day, the Burnet Huns was crowded with persons desirous of paying their 'respects_ to the brave old soldier. Among oth ere who called, were four men, the remaining remnants of a company who hadbeen engaged at the storming of .Clinpultepeo., The Gener al received them with_great cordiality, and_as_ he hold them by the hand and spoke. of the dangers they had shared together, these shat tered relics of that terrible scene were moved even to tears by the kindness and sympathy of au uld commander. - The military.and fire- . men of the oity•emulated eaoh other in their devotion to the General; many of them had fought under his command on fields made his toriCaVy their valor: . The Cincinnati Gazette gives an oquallyvivs id description of the reception of this distin guished citizen of the Republic, and one who de destined to lead.the 'Whig. party -of the .U -nion•to a glorious victory in 1852. • CII.4.RGES DIALICEpIit3nD., The Baltiinere Adierican, of Friday says, the l'resident of the United States, after a careful examination of the evidence taken by the Commissioner in the matter of the char ges preferred against Mr. Collector Lowis.and Mr. Surteyor Norris, of the port,..of:Philadei phia, has found that dose chaiges are notsne tainedby the proof against either:lacer, and has,dismissed them accordingly. It is known Altir,ollo73EafetiiiiiliftriefTieasury had pre yiously given all - the papers" a full' and satis factory: examination, and that ho concurs en. tirely in the decision of the President. The following, is the ;official anifbuncoment that the charges.against Mr.-Lerie-are-disinissedt-- - TREASURY DEPARTMENT; 'April 16, 1851. Dear SirL-It becomes my duty to advise you that the President has carefully' examined the evidence taken by Mr. Dunlevy, in the charges preferred against you as Collector, and Mr: Norris as Surveyor of the Port of Philadel, phis. Tho President instructs me to say that ho.finds the charges are not sustained by the proof agiinst either officer, and. they are ac cordingly dismissed. I had given the papers a very full and satis factory examination myself before they . 3vere submitted to the President, and fully concur in the opinion that the evidence does not sustain the charges against yourself and Mr. Norris. I am, respectfully, your otet serv't, • (Signed) , Tiros. CORWIN. Wm. D. prists, Esq. Colleotor,•&o., Phila. Wig IPU * 5.g.% 0• fAMFZ) CO= MEM •The secession movements in South Carolina . 4e evidently approaching . a' "crisis." pleal 7 riled is now openly Proclaimed, and the most prominentmon of the State do not hesitate to say the Federal:Government is but another, name for the despotism of the majcirity. That under it the Southern States Lace been plun dered and ins_ulted, until it haft beeome thou duty end mil); road of escape, to diesolvo their connection thorowith.". Such, 'and other Hen areboldly put forth by these men, un til at length the feeling has been excited to such a degree that meetings, are being hold in various sestions'of the State,, to eonsult upon the seopssion: . of',Senth.Carolina from the U nion! ' The most proirditent-men at Cl/6omM) tinge' are A. P. Butler tind'l4r. ithett, U. S. Senators. - ' ' Trin narlitsOr ''Annaz..Llt is ono 'of the characteristics of the _American people 'to laugh at abuses they ; :eannot remedy, and to avraitimtimitiv referMs which the present Mi . - lore may not be gulfs, ready: In fJpiri "' 'thf *t; the LauiSilile Journal, hi'refeiring the re=_, Sent_exploit of Sonatai: Tlerland, of Aric: in franiting . te hinntlelftabtildl:falf 'a;ienef backe r rays' e „eommitted a little oversight.„ After franking Lis books, eld,.olothea, and, ether moveables . frem, Washingtoncity' to : . 1 . 4410, ho ought to have tanked himself. .13y crawling into , the same mail-bag ;with -Ids - „eld clothes, taking with.;hira• at the same, time,- Under franlf, a sufhclenoy of broad and cheese, he might have , got home withoutAke expend'. furor of , any - of his mileage. We could sug gest to the josttnasters to have the, mall bags handled very , carefully. There's no telling hoW many of them may contain d Locefoce member, of COngross, ;Who might,be sadly_ 'ile;nuigedby rough handling. . • , York, 4erald thivin'orahere or the 4oly dounoill at Xterrio,'lleehifitt•iir the fetioli of eroatlni ;pf llogusi ii 0400, n lied td the mihjoot, and:ibat they Vivi: , Jaistiteatevor the ,oligotiotiif,' which` de0i40,,, 41101414V' gt&it 8 1 / 1 4 , 6 it; in the 14/434.004e-gif: v.• . 857,0TT: Gov. Johston has concluded to'hitch his sled to Gem-Scott's lbooinotive ' • and hopes by this , trials again slide into the office of Governor. -= Yofunteet• The: o_ut~usi - eiprossions in , tho whig . ranks ih fav'or - 'oi Geis. Scott for the Pfelidosi eV have made an awful squirming among .our opponents.' TIOQy well; know it is the..:tiontit-' knell : Of their mopes, and. that Case ofi , fbro . - - .ken sit mil?. minOry, or the, old ..Fedoialiat, ; lathes Iluchanan, havo no more chance against , Genr Sodtt thrortheyhad . agairoartheThld'Avai rior de-Buena Vista. l llencle the tattempt, on the inirt of thesolvCrY diiiihtere'sticl. advisers,: .te.initke it appear that the Scott - MoVeMent is in opposition t2,..-TFesioe4t Ralinero.ancl. Henry. Clay. As fot:Lbov.' Johnstthi; - •if he 'IS iriontli'y to Con. Scott now it is no now feeling with him. Ile was well known as his Metal' ad ;sipper ter,inthe blration4 ; Convontion,,ef- 1848, having as a , delegate L that _body, ,given his ToteloLlEteil. - _l3COiCon.:o;ory-lhhllel. - =l2lO -now retintrue to his firat . Choiee.sWeste Wucimml, 20:—Jenny Linifs West ern tour is'iaplilly ceiniag to a close. She is anno'u'nced to sing in this place on Thursday evening, and at Pittsburg, (where the new 'Ma sonic Ball is being, fitted up for the occasion,) on Friday evening. She will then proceed Lo Baltimore, 'Philadelphia, and, eastward. The Boston Rioters .BOSTON, April 10.—The Grand Jury of the r s.,. , .Distriet Court tide morning brought in new I.lille .of indietment.against -the pergiins chatted resetting the fugitive Shudraci: PALLADELPIITA, April 10.—The public .T7f1.9 . again disappointed this morning in the Judges - oftl;m:Pommon - Pleas. making no - ireTiiieUcin the contested electibn ease. 'Six months have now elapsed, since this suit ,r: as instituted . by the, contestant, and • more Wan amontli sit e° the Tudge; took the matter under considera tion. This delay is enabling the present in 7 cumbent, whom he decision will doubtless displace, t'o'reap the perquisites of the crimi nal court for the Session noye; in progress..°, Draves demagogues who hare forlid Ton'g'a time been keeping iip a State of exciternont in South. Carolina on the subject of - disunion,: rim 'doubtless, a source , of intol erable* annoyance to the wise and virtuous pot;-:' tion of .the 'population of that State, and we are notnt'all'surprised at the following para graph: which yro clip from the Greenville. Sonthein Patriot: • "We • 'know of somo gontlenten of wealth and yforth who. aro:about leaving South Caro liath.,on account of ,tho continual political tur moil and warfare with the general govefinuent Which characterizes her t If she persists in her road scheme of - secession, her boat citizens will 'Cave in 411.0-es:qid move, ad ono told •us t.t . i/m.dttyki.milie,c,. 'into Iheanited States:':!? JURORS IN CAPITAL ,CAFIES.—Tho Supreme, Court' of Pennsiivania has decided that Jurors , in capital cases ..cnnot be separated,, even Consent of prisoner, counsel and. court. , A , from Schuylkill ; where a man had been convicted of tile , snurder of his wife, 'and R9_14151.90 to be. hung, ~Thegrotui of op= ~tl 3 P,,,f7 lllT ,Sl4ftr, being .sworn, were 14;0r3d, / to . cepapate and go to their INes. th(4 , :t4P f ) ,RIAO l bth Odes, 'and the court, had consented that the. Jury' 31,r9tildse.,„sepurtyte. ~But the §upretue s Court t 0w4 . 0 i1 94 . ,.30 1 0,appeal sand fien, , ,t,l3 9 prisoner, b0!9. 1 c,-,f 0 1;A14. 0 ) 7 41' 4 4-„ ' : , . , • ie. - OFacialiitro SCOTT 1 ,Dotdoi(A:tittii:44 referring AO the.enthu ' - M,Ostio,,*elcon,ie! . Orith:.whiell the p6cple Cin einnati:mni. Pittsburg. have lately greeted Gen; . F 4 P.o4i OA 4 1 0 4 1 4,) to th?Ntest;:evki f : ! T,he reception..`ol.:GonOini;Boolr. .Cfncin, Ab.d,ot,Pittcbitrg Ara bet the niornirfe " We aro yet• end that kvithin'thir tirrelvis `months;.-its meridian 'eplendor. .thithroned in the offecnone, of the people,, 4 thOiwil.hhear, lica,;upenali and on. arci f .es the xvp4ore, iirbvmmnritg AND trorlNGsr , throe pieces being coined_ at the .Phihulciphire €4ll the outer edge of one Ade, tire the Werds."UnitVd States or, America, ji:IV! and lit the centre a eix pointeditli a shield on the other' side arcrthirteen stars, with a C. aiid the Bo rn-tin cliaritetero 111 within the' letter; th - ii piece has the whiteness of silver. Atir Horace Preelyi- Esq., left Ecw York on Wednesday, in the steamer Baltic. lie will iisit.theiVo-ild's—rair,-tindafterwards proceed' to fltiopand,:lreland * -Erance, Germany and It alt' expects to begone about fourmonths t , end intends, dining the time, to write home a EfUries' of -letters, ,whiek-will, no doubt, contain,. ihteresting memoranda of travel; ,M,;Tlip.llen. Robert B: phett, one EA° • est violent advocates_ of dishnion in South Carolina; has just recalled from Ilartard versity his son, who was a member of the Cause is said to be the resent slavery agitation in Illasinich'usetts. lirtr - Cieneral SeOtt left Cincinnati on board 'the Louisville- ritail-steitmer on the 14th inst., on hiii route 'to St. Louis, On leaving, a coo• piny of Cincinnati veluntecr artilcry honored • biro with a salute of 50 guns, He had a slight attack of sickness, but before his departure had entirely recovered. intended - making short stay in Louisville. Lf&-Barnum is going to *me a Pennsyl vanion, and take up his residence in Pliiladel phinr, ufulfilurent of this determination, ho offers his villa of Iranistan, near Bridgeport, Conn., for sole, together with" all his furni ture, fermi mittoek, &e. ~ u&.llon.ll:illiain Beatty, lately' a proud nen-t,man in the democratic party for the neat nomination of Canal,.Commissioner, died at his residence in Butler on Saturday last. 110 was foruiei•ly a member of Congrea.3 from his district. Dni c „,llr.. Win. H. Peightal has purchased. the ‘qlnnting(lon Journal" and assumed the editorial control of that spirited Whig Jour nal. I . lo—Ain extra session of the New York Le gislature laid been called by Gov. Hunt, Co -meet on the 10th of June next. The election to fill vacancies caused by the resignation of the Democratic Senators, will tube place about the 20th of May. • EIPOR'I.'.A.TIOD,I OF SPECIE 9PERAT/CtiOF TUC PIIESE: 7 ;T TARIFy :—Tho export of Specie to Europe Appears i 6 ho steadily on the increase, pining last week there was exported from the N. Yorli port a lone $1,101,030.--This drain of the precious . — metals is in consbquenco of the increasing im portation of foreign goOds under the .present tariff, and the balanco of - trade being heavily against us. At this rate how 14g -will it take to drain the country of gold and silver, and bring • about another reign of "'shin-plasters"' And how long will it be until the Deniocracy open their-eycs-to—tho--ruinous—oPorations—of-tho— present Tariff? • • • . , hers.—An effort is to be mode by those wile ontrol the &Anon of newt . „ form and remodel—it—aiti.cgetliCE—Tliiif.ettort— is -to be. Made at the approaching London World's Pair. :this idea-newts donment of the formal straight sided, and slek fur and heaver; and that the pliant, remill croWned, light felt, or something like bo adop ted in its stead. Tue NIDDLETOWN .IANK COUNTERFEIT.— Five Tielief . issites,••new,is 'a dangerous one,: It may be detected, however, by observing that in the genuine the word •i five" in the bot tom lining of the bill appears twenty-seven times- 7 in the counterfeit only twenty-sii times=and' in theAmprint of the genuine, "Danforth, Underwood Co."—there is a pe riod (0 after the "Co.,"—in the counterfeit there is no pe'riod FMCS REDUORD.—Owing to the refusal of Congress to make adequate appropriations for the, support of the army; Ave of theseven companies-or—Light—Artillery are to be dis— mounted, leaving only two in the service—ono in the Eastern ; and another in the Western Divisiou, THE STAVE: linannAcit.-The Boston Trans cript anys that it is understood. that Marshal Doyens has the free papers-of Shadrach ill his possession-the man having been purchased— end that he will probably conic to ,Boston to give evidence at the trial of his rescuers. • SCOTT IN MAINE.—Tho Eastport Sentinel, Kennebec Journal, Skowheagan People's Press, Calais Advertiser, Belfast Signal, Bangor Mer cm-3-, Bath Tribune; tund§aco Union, have all declared unequivocally in favor of 'Gen. Scvlt for the Presidency. . . Sr. Louu Et,uoxio.s.:—The following is tho Tote for Dln,yorat thelate ele'etion in St. Louis: Itennett, Whig, 4018; Bow, Beninuite, 3335; Thaw, at:Ai-Bentonite, Sl 4. Kennett's Major ity-oceT—both-:.5.1i1;-- Kennott, , e-- majority over— Bow, the Benton Laconic°, 683. The inajiiri tiee,for all tho rest of the Vhig canilluates on -the general ticket-were about the same. IMPOILTIZIG! Shipa arrived at Savuuah ou Thursday and Wednes day lastivith 12,00OlutrO raproacl iron: • TI The Grand Jury.havo found a trua ff bill against Rauh - , the,estrologer, for obtaining money under.falso protenees:' MIL,Two fugitive slaves here Sent back to CAL: meter from•]larrisburg yesterday. • •:• 11,...e"We invite the attention of jewelers and others to the advertisement of .C.eI.SFIELD, 8110. Turn & Co., ilßaltimoth. A. rare chance is now afforded for a spoSulation in' jewelry. contemporary is very anxious to know tho exact width of a "narrmesoapO." . - . Iu Ilarrisburg'on the 18th inse Mr. GAD DAY, formerly a resident of Cerliale, :in the - 80th year of his olio.' • 7 . GILEAT . REDUCTION IN Pojocs or. rAure.—. Pon't believe but call 'on 411. B. puote ;Tce.4.,tienorta ~11.1anuthotureis, No. 64 •Stilltil SECOND Strot, entljudge for yOui•aelves:, We will not, 'only. solrovery ! artiOlo in, our lino .50 clump as any 'other establishment. in -the -, country, but we • eau; and furnish, better articles for tho money, ,than nen; be purchased ' plupWilere. We, have constantly on. hand; the,' largest Pa:riot...Y . llandsomest Assortment 0f.',.? I.,,hura of ell lsinds: , Buoh, as Dyott's Patent' Pine .oit,Lamps ,(their!superiority Over all oth. era is. ?so, univorsallroonceded, that; it , is 'use lesa. to ..,say:nnything'of 4 boir inerita;)'Sol6r; r` 'and Oil -Lamps; pum laMpa; Candle ',To; clia , midoles,. (a now , ornament for illy - mantle;)',Poqtrt„ l , l 9 l oexe , of . .new de ;signs and patterns;' Oliandel iera of "all., to burn Pine 011,, , FlUid; Lard' and,Sperm' Suitable , for churches; Odd'relloWs', undr., - fnet:all , 'Par goods .mallufahtured by our Selves, and'_' fihiallad bept,possible innuner,tin,Qrsno+ Ditnnaalr., Pins Burning Fluid,' Wicks, amtGlaaa, thelotveet market prices, - .lkholgeale null retail liouselcoopers and'lSLiiiihantS, Will Stant their 4 1 tcrest to call on usr before purchasing; and, examine our stoat 'and prioes; RENTi. i tuw„Manefeetnrein', No,L 64 'South' , 'SalWirt gei•eet,.inie deorbo h lw c St.r heauut ect;'" Philadelphitt.-BnifVejw.' . ERE