Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 23, 1851, Image 1

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E. BEA.TTIV; 'F'rOpi•ietor .
ectrbs. ,
aE • =3.12. 4
Main street, nein , the Poet Officer Doct.
will give his particular attention to Surgical
diseases, and diseases of women-and children.
He will also gitic his attention every . Saturday
morning, in his office, gratis, from 11 to 12 o'-
clOck, to surgical cases among he poor.
January 22. 1851.
ma. X. C. zotuvrib,
WILL perform all
--Fi tu t t .w openitions upon t he
• Teeth that are requi
red for theirproservation, such as Scaling,Filing,
Plugging, &c, or will restore the loss of them,
by inserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth
to a full 88f t. " 1:t...7 . 0f1ice on Pitt street, n few
oora south of th. Railroad Hotel. Dr. L. hint ,
oat the last tenidly& of every month.
• DR. P. XVILLLER., • ,
succeeded Dr.,Lip-pe, formerly practising phy
sician of this - piano, solicita thcipatronage - of the
friengs of his nre•decessor, nud shall he happy
to wait upOn.p.ll who favor him with a coll.
novl3.lm . F. MILLER, NI. D.
R. J• W. HEN:DEL, Surgeon Dentist
miorins his fo. - nter patrons that he has re
urned to Carlisle, and will be glad to attend to
all 'calls in the line of his profession. foet3l
DR. J. DAUDIIMAN, informs his friends
and the public, that Ito will continue to attend
to all professional calls, as heretofore, Motwith.
standing rhports to tho contrary, OFEJOB.—
On Oast High street.
A' I'l . ol=Y. Al' LAW, ill pructicein
thoomvcial.goutts of Cumberland county.
OFFICE. in Main Street, in Om rourn•former
y occupied byL. G. Brandobary, Esq.
7,,61.1MCES R.,S3EffrE23,
MO VED'llis office to Beetem's Row, two
ours from -Burkholder's Hotel. • [sp. 1 - '
Cr.MORGE 3130211,
noc at hit residence, corner of Main street
-- nnd the blic - StinareT - oppostre — Mirklinrda'S —
Hotel. In addition to the duties. of JustiOe of
the Peace, AVII/ attend to all hinds of writing,
soar a 3 deeds, beds, mortgages, indentures,
articles of agreement, notes, &e.
4 I
Fresh Drugs, Medicines, Etc. &c.
I have fuse received from Plille'del
phia and New York, very extensive
•z additions to my forer Stock, embre
-154: a y—eerfa rmerng nearlvarticle of Medicine
now in use, together with _Paints,-
Oils, VarnislieS;TOrgientine, Perfutnery, Soaps,
Stationery, Fine Ciftlery, Fishing. Tackle,—
Druhes of almost every deser O pon, with an
endless variety of othePartile . e, which I sin de
termined to sell at the vsnir "oWs.s.r prices.
All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars
addmhers, are respectfully requested not to pass
the - OLD STAND, as they may - rest assured,
that every article will be sold of a good quality,
and upon reasonable terms,
May 80
Main atreot: cattalo.
Plainfield Classical Academy,
lyre Tenth Session will commence on 410, , Y=
DAY, Ysth, 1851.
Ms Institution has been established near
ly'', five years, during
. which brae such ad
ditions and improvements have been made as
--- toreirderitmme — of - themrost7cornin. • =
convenient in the State
In mord to' healthfulness it may be men.
tinned that tin case of serious sickness has oc
curred in the institution'since it was founded.—
Its-moral purity is attested by the fact that
depraved associates, scenes' of vice, and resorts
f'r dissipation have no existenca in the neigh—
'rho course of instruction comprises'all tie
branches required by the merchant, profession.
al man or collegian. Also, modern languages,
vocal and instrumental music, &c.
It is the determination of the Proprietor,that
The institution shall sustain the reputation it hits
already acquired' for imparting Jhorough in
struction, and' inculcating and establish tic vir
tuous principles in-the minds of the youth sub•
niitted to his Charge,
7 erms (per Session Five Months) $5O 00.
For catalogues containing references, &c.,
,address R K BURNS,
Principal and Pro/Me/or,
I Plainfielil P. 0., Cumberland Poway, Pa.
April 2, 1851
THIS Institut im be open for the recep
tion of students, on MONDAY, the sth of
May.' All the branches of a sound English end
Classical Education willibe taught,and students
thorongbly qualified for Offering any class in
College. or fitted for business life. There will
be two sessions a year, the first' commencing
on the-First Monday in May, and the second
session on the first Monday in November, of
every year. Circulars will be furnished on ap•
plication in person or by letters addressed to the
subscriber of Ne . wville , P. 0., Cumberland co.
Pa. PaelY] • W It LIN N.
Three miles West of Harrisburg, Pa..
THIS Institution will be opsn * for the recep
tion of, Students, on MONDAY, the sth of
May, neXt., The course of instruction. will
embrace the various branches of a thoroulth
English Education, together with the Latin,
Greek, French and German Languages, and
Vocal and Instrumental Music.
Boarding, Washing. and tuition
in the English brunches•per ses•
lion (5 months)
Latin or Greek .
French or German...
Instrumental Music
For further information aildeess
march 5,1 y •Pt`itteipal, lldtrisbutg, Pa.
zupcsint wAx.p.
THE suhschbor would respectfully inform
his friends and the publicgenerullyklutt-he has
just opened a new ••LUliffiEß AND C 04. 14
YA . RD in West High eth , ,aret, a fm m
t doors ca
of & p Ithouds W,archouse,,wheru -
he now has and , will ; keep,;
hand a first rate aseorthient "of ell kinds' dl tied . .
gonad pine hoards end plank enatill other kinds
of stuff,'all of-, which' he will sell . low•for' cash
April 3,18.501: JOHN IiI.•ARMSTRONG
-' •
• THF, Commissioners-of cuniberland' county
actin it proper to informlh'e public, that the a 11'
od meetings of the Board'of Oommissioneis
be held. on the second; and fourth PtlondsyS of
esSh .month,mt whieh' tane.,any persons boring
busiaoss mOth Dahl lioard,will 'meet:Them: at •
neitollice la Cgrltela. •••
• ..:WAT RILEY, Ct!ic.
• . en a - 0 . ,
eldia l7-77 ii eking!' -ri " --7
,c.ruLt, nseortinen, l of `White Old , Mixca
/IL Morino fink:lo q '!all,:siiily for. Children. —
Al4o, LagiOs i lioso k , giiiot intriety ion o SPned
'bY; - :, - :' .. 1.;:' ... ..CE W MINE 1 .
lt' RATE , 0 F - IVIA6NtSIA.,:-.-L, p `ngrao:;..
Tl.J,!;,abloitanr Inildiittictigtrant' n i nl!ilnnitinie• •
ortntalad , Py•filii3WAßD-.
sadeViilol64 - "'"
JUST.receivad,a Tonnial assort inent-nr 1.701;-
Laclina, , Sau Its; ta B la; It.
GrAlt,Etlttaid Rad., GraenoPinki and, Changea-:
"%Joni , . Whitt ,IVnoten and araat .
RN(..-)LDS' writing'fluid, a very' "au
..Jlo,.padrini'lnk, for sale at
1 ' " gag ~I.,tiim:il4o4',•-.L::±,'...,-t.i......,:eritt.tittit.i..t,,':,:...i,':::.eittt.Otioit:::::.:
:Who lags. for dread :of daily:work,
And his appointed task would shirk,
Commits a folly and a crime;
A soulless slave;
A:paltry knave;
A clog upon the wheolai of time,
With work to do, and stores of health,
The:Plain's uhwortlay to be free,
who will not give,
That ho may live,
His daily toil for daily fee.
No, let us work! • We only ask
Reward proportioned to our task,
We have no quarrel with the great,
No feud of rank;
. With mill - oy bank;
No envy of a lord's estate.
If we can earn sufficient store
To satisfy our daily need,
. • And can retain,
For age or pain,
A fraction, we are rich, indeed.
No dread of toil liare we of ours,
We know our worth and weigh our powers,
'The more we work; UM more to win;-
: • Success to trade!
Success to spade I
And to the corn that's coming in,
And joy to him who o'er his task,
Remembers toil is nature's plan,
Who working thinks,
And never• shrinks,
Rio independence as a DIAN!
Who only asks for humble
Enough for competence and health,
And leisare when his work-is done,
To read his book,
• By chimney nook,
Or stroll at setting of the sun.
Wlro toils as every man should, toil;
For fair reward ; erect' and free.
These are the MEN,
The best of men,
These are the men to be! •
• •
Or, the Merchant and the Farmer.
'Good morning, friend Iloehandlo.'
'Ali! Yardstick, I am glad to see you.—
Come mit to,smell-tbo fresh nir and hear the
birds sing, I suppose Well; Inm glad to ice
you; walk into" the house, .Mrs. Hochandle will
be most happy to see a city friend; that is if
you will not quiz our style of living. Wepinin
country folks are not quite up to fashion; and
it is well wo,nre not, for we could not; afford it
if wo were. .Ah! Yardstick, you are a lucky
dog- -hero wo aro, about fifty years old, each
of us, and—' „ .
' Good gracious! MOO:Idle. Why, what
can you meant-11(bI am but forty, or say
n trifle over, and quite young looking-,so they
sayat.tlaat.' • .
Ha ! 4a 1 jha! Yardstick, it won't do. Still
playing. the bean, I see, but mo matter. As I
was saying, here wo are. .You aro a rich Mer
chant, never did any work in your life, and I
a poor farmer, woik hard all my•
together_-Lstarted_ on, nothing—everything.. in
luck, everything in luck.'
'Well, well, Hoch:lndio, you ,are a modest
, l-won't-ywf-goilifficiin_argument
you on our oompai.ative positions in the world;
that is, I will get through another matter first.
I want a thousand dollars for thirty days, if
you ha . vo it over.'
, Ilavo it over!—over what, Yardiitiok?'
mean, friend Hoehandle, that if you aro.
not short, I.should lilac to—the fact'is, I am.
out on a shinning expedition, and must raise
some money.'
'Alt! I see, .have it over—short—shinning,
---711161113 that you want .to borrow, and that I
must lend youall right, sir. I have it, I
have. it, and Yardstick, I am proud to' be able
totem' it to. you. Want a thousand—well,
hold, let us go thrdligh this matter now, be
fore my good :wife comes in=these women al- .
waytwant to know all that's going on, and she
will inquire if I sin indebted to you. Indebt
ed, ha! ha! she would be astonished if John
Hoeltandle should owe a man a thousand dot : .
lars—hillol• don't sigh• so, mam—what's the
inattertay,_Tape,-Yardstick-& Co.--There--
you are, sir, hero is the check.'
Thank you, Ilochandle; hero is' our note;
had it ready before I left home, knew you
would oblige me.'
'As I
was observing, Yardstick, you city
merchants do have an easy time of it. Go to
New :York, buy yottr stock, sell at a profit, buy
again; sell again, roll up your hundred thou-
Sands in a few years ; and poor Johnlloehan
die works like rtslave six months out of twelve ,
up in"tho morqing at daylight, and works at
least four hours before dinner, and sometimes
two - after dinner, andin harvest time &menu
riso to sunset. Yes sir, it ie a fa4t, and whqt
have wo got to,show for it f What have I got
to show Why, after thirty years' toil,
sir, I havo onty..this ;farm, of three hundred
- acres, worth, perhaps, thirty dollars .nn acre,
and perhaps a. little bank stook, purchased with
its yearly profits.'
'And pray, my good friend, *hat have you
averaged.per year, clear . profibi, ovor . all <ix-,
penditures,-foi all this terrible labor,for thir
ty years?'
$5O 00
5 00
5 00
]0 00
'.Net • over two
.'thoUsaid dollars a yetir,,,.
Yardetlek;_while you make ton.' - ( . 1
...let me see, farm, worth' niuo thousand—
thirty yearei thou land, end
a large yearly income beside; poor fellow—
you are to.he pitied!' •
'S lcnoiv it, know it—Lall in' Nab; all In
luok. Ahl if rhild only been a wierohpmt,'
•'.314t me 4Lelt,...linehlindlelyour products are
all sold far coin titiwri;l think.' Noior • Credit,
out, do you?' ' ' • ,•:•
'Credit? What;': credit drain wheat!=-
spotlit niy weal? • Credit my livoirtoOk? , 'Ex.-
oufo me, hal lull You do-riot know : What
.f . atitiini is, I sec. 0, ne ourjmoduee is
Dash. All we raise is.dash, , itethe door. Wily,
nil' plagued 'to deatliby .prOduao.buyers, and
ptirchaseraoft live.stimk' moot buYers' dud all
. ,
the reit. of. , therui.who 'attianei. me
igighty per-
It.4'Oh MY ,''
loathe otlferritwthity,ifr4l4hitY,thOi''Cie'llit'
do liVow
1 1 . 1 4 .
! !.,llocliandlo . ; • Ism, will yot,olollcmgop iropet7;
:''with the,".ttneight,.uuseenirattle . boyeeity:V.
You know , howhow I stand-41(10 Mohan-.
' Stend, yes ,oir.; why the firm of Tope. Yard 4,
stick St Co.'. 'ar;e:goed 'TM.. two hundred thou-
senctatany.mOment. They say that you, 0 77- ir
that..amount last year alone.' • -
True, so we: did; on„,,paper, and we are
worth 'something 'inflame, too, on
. paper;'
but sir, we cannot feed ourselves on
nor build houSes with paper.'
Well, :well, I see—all 7 gammon, you dog
you. — You are rich, you know you are. I am_
sorry that thirty-five years ago, I did not Make
myself' a dry goods clerk ; but hero lam, toil
in, year after year, and show but little for it,
while you sit at your desk and count up your
wekikly xeceipts- its they rain dowayek; fait-*
ly rain down upon you. Ah, me, nothing but
a farmer, and not worth,mueh-at that. Yard
stick, I'll give my farm and all the balance of
my property, for your share in your
Ter all your property, at a venture, there.' •
'My good friend, you aro really envious of
my good luck as you oall'"it; be frank now,
aro you?'
Yee, •I and, Yardstick. I can't help it.—
Here, it ie. only dig---tlie- 7 dig. I want; before
-I die, to-1 e-a merchant.' •
'-And befOrel die, I want to be a farmer;
so:if we do not exchange property, mind you,
my good friend,- it will be your own - tatilt.— :
Nay, don't stare so.' , - -
'What! what! Yiirdstick,'"S'Od astonish me. ,
You wan't to be a farmer, ha! hal a man good •
for a hundred thousand before he dies, in a
splendid business, rolling Up his pile, to throw
away his prospects and take hold of the dirty
plough-handle good joke—ha! hal You
take my.offer then, do you ?'
, lloehaitdle, my friend, a sober word or two
w you. I have done business thirty years. -
Have -sold millions!,of.dollars .worth_oLgoods._
Nave made and lost much money. Havecred
ited large stooks of goods out, which I myself
bought ori_credit, and- have stood year after
I'ear - , over the' brink *Oen' ice - At-Up volcano, es-
PeCting that those-who owed me would etplode
and blow me into' atoms. Sleepless nights—
weary days. headaches arid heartaches. Con
not-keep my . cliin above..
water. Obliged to raise money at . high, 'et
horbitavat rates of interest, to take up my pa
poi .with,_because_my_delders_were_so-long
winded in their payments to me. :Stocks de
preciating. in •value. Fashiona changinglL:
Dishonest clerks 'speculating from my money
drawer. Ah, my - friend, Ido not' wonder you'
stare_with_astouishment. Let-inc-hear-yon
laugli, it hag ri_clirtim for me. ',Sunshine, sir
a merchant's heart, if he cires for his reputa-
tion and his credit, when:elan/riled in such a
hazardous business as 11, wholesaler, has no
sunshine. He•iinn't. know the feeling,
ParS,_corroding care;.otitsiip his heart ;-worglis
him down; turns day
: into. night; be cannot
shako it off ; it is a horrible night-mare. He
goes to New York, sir;, ho buys fifteen 'then
sand dollar!' worth of, gopds on timo,andgives .
notes, 010hoso bank notes—fearful worrds
to a man who has a aredit nt stake, and relies
upon his' customers to pay their notes by, which
be:tricii.4,...tibla.lo,trieot his own. ee
fairly• * embarked - 11W ship — nt setyand" -
thin ship it, surrounded on all, sides by huge
icebergtaperfect mountains-,- . -no chance of es
down upon him; he is hemmed in; slowly and
quietly those lingo piles • advance; steadily
they come; the ship will surely bo crushed.—
Aye, not a chip left of her—down.--down they
come. Hold! a little blue sky is seen, she
escapes, sho',gets into the sea once more.,
The ship is like the merchant; the motww
tains of ice, the bank notes, the bills payable;
the blue sky, the bills receivable: • But some
nines tho bills receivable arc not met, and the
ship ie, crashed to atoms. '
.11(4 tie you like the picture, my friend?—
So much for a merchant's life. We are not
what We Segal. Our eit s ell'sive business is.all
on paper—mere trash; the great • noise we
make is produced from the - -emptiness "-et
pretensions, NOw, • sir, will. you take your
plaCe at the desk, and let the cash rain down
'upon you? Nay, you are too sensible a man.
Stick to the farm; youhre a lord—aye, nkidg;
independent; owing no man, - while theAmor
Tifdlehamust — c - iinge and fawn upon banks
and money lezufers. Yes, Sir, go down on his
knees to - get money to save his 'Credit. Sir,
producers can saiove ask nothing of this banks,
mocking of the merchants; both ask everything
that constitutes the whole of life's comforts
from us. Give mo now your property. for
mine, with my kind •of life With it!
when I tell yeti that one disastrous year, with
the business I One doing would sweep away all.
I am worth—ill you exchange situations with ,
4 Friend.Yardstiek, I thank you ; but what'
a pietureyou have set before me! I'll cover
despise the old farmer'.agoin, never. Lot - us
join Mrs. Hoehandle in the romp, and
as vvo•, take a tptiet lunch; with• 4 thaaltful,
heart, the will drink, in' a glass 'of domestic
'eattlitba; this toast: The'll7.rmer; the . 'Mildest
man on'Oarth.'
lerhaps the above may boa fair pieoimen
of:tlio groundlessness of dispontent,' , andopf its
prevalence among all elaases.
• This false view, of others extends through i
all 'Diadems - of , society, very' ofien leading the
young, espegially, - into-pursnits for whhili.titilY 1
aro not, and never ean'he fitted: The fifriner's'''
or meohanie's 0011 wishes lie waa'a' clerk,. or a
student at law, or medioine,---the . ,student
clerk think they 'are tee-tench conflue4 and
frequently wielt.they mere in the , place of tba. ,
farther 's son—the lawyer 1 thinks, the editor is '
making money, and the editor-thinks' '
yeriti,4he r Atruter'S. , vvife, thinks ) the :Are ot
the tuerohi'eteifir of the , professional Min look'
upon thn iiiiMer's.wifo.ns.mistress of)oreitidn
i 7 tkie ,girl that ...workS at. houseWork,:sirislieli
that sholvatra;millineriToria - tailoress, and the: .
snd. tailVess Jvish', they, 'were 8011001
'7,o4i:hors, mill theiseheolteneher thinks she is
a perfect sloyir,,and longs for' some other'situ
mien. , "Thus the wahl. nide as if it was , all .
tut of ~ilneo ; Ueeausq each persenjol'ins
falkelitinitite` th 8' oth'eVe: 11 jy
6 NYOOtiiii:iit'
WoctiA!, l
1 ,14 1 ;, 1 .
: loans° eaoh.had book led into' orrotold
to the oonditionefthe other. Be o4ient will!
Xi*, 10 *, '4 l / 4 j udge froni ap*Reerapees. '
EDNESDAY, A IL 23. 1851.
Ilym D6A-It's
. - .
Tlie ancient festivities cOnriOota r iiitit
Hugo are still retained in. . the ;rural Parts of
Males. Wherithe day for that •oeremolaylna
bben.fized, "bidding papers" . ate despatched
to all friends 'within 'possible dist:nice.' The
Sluire generally finds one laid on his. table,
,rand usually responds to the.peouniary part of
the invitation: The following is a sPechnen of
,one of •these papers: ; :;ua; A(4:
• " CAMIARTIIENSIURE, Nov 16; 4850.
"As wo intend to , enter thit matrimonial
date, on •Weduesday,.the 4th day of Deoember"
next, we are enaouragedby our friends to make
abidding , on the °oda - Ilion, the same' day,' at, the
young, women's brother's housq,atWhioh time
and place the favor, of • very good and
most agreeable-ooinlianyAs respeetfOlify-sOliei
tod; .and whatever donation you may to plena . -
ed to bestow on us then, will be tbnplipillx
calved, _warmly acknowledged, Und
.. 9yee'rtuty
repaid, whepeyer oeed7
-" By your most obedient servaiitai•-"= 1 -
•• " The young man, with his brother and sis
ter (Richard.arel Mary Pride) desire that all
gifts of the nature due to thorn he returned tp
the young woman, on the above day, and will
be thankful, together with his uncle, and his
brothers-In law and sinters, and their wives,
for all additiohal favors. •• ;-;
" The young woman and her, sister. (Anne
Jones) desire that all gifts of, the almye nature
duo to them be returned to the young women
on the above day, and will be thenkful,-togeth.:
, . .
or with her brothers and eisters-in-law, and
her Uncles and 'Aunts, for all .
As soon as the heroine of the day makes her
appearmiie in bridal array among the 'assem- .
bled voids at her- father's house,-her-friends
proceed to hidelter in the most unattainable
. .
place posifible. Should the dareiling not Af
ford such accommodation, the cow' house and
_stables-aro-invaded,- or-even-a, neighbees -dein--
icil. When hidden, - notice is given to the bride
groom's:chosen representatiVes, who are four
or "fivoin number; they advance tO the door
aid diMandthe - faii — PiiiiifioirTher fitiai7- -
The_ bride's chosen spokesmen reply ili ilisd ,
outside. -All thii stock - oravit PoSieSised 'hi
either party is exchanged, amidat',geniiral hi;
larity,- until the clairimuta aro admitted to wick
the lost one. --Sometimes, she is ifcrltopelessly - .
concealed, that time creeps - altiriningly near'
twelve. When matters assume this e tierione as
per,t, seine kind Mend is found to act is guide . ;
.and oho is found, amidst univeril acelama.;
tions. ' Thebrido's pe r tila - mre by no means o
vet:; ' for,' instead of going..maietly to, church,
where the bridegroma .has been availing, his
delegakeis make en rata& upon bar liodlignard. -
The poor girl often gets very rioagh-bandling,
between.the conabatants";...and shrinid - 3 0 ,,. , PP' ,
posing ona be Yieterio!ni . ' oarried,Ml Jo
some place 'of concealment, until again res
cued. When,, at last, thef lady, , roaelms
ohurch-gate, her.betrotheidcomes_forward, , nt t :
tended by . two girls, determined, apparently,'
to make the moot of hisc:lest7llettered rain--
utea - He - then;-having-slikeraptls with - 1W
future father-in-law, receives and conducts his
bride to 'the altar. - --
The Instant the ceremony is over and the
namea_registered, a furious ccence Of racing
commences—very dangerous at a " horsOwed
ding. " , The flidetestrcon;ir l *inath . e pint of
ale awarded to the bearer of am first mtclli
pima from , oburch•to thoim . at home.'
On the arrival of the new couple, :they 'are
seated-at a table, each holding 'a plate for the
reception of bidding money;" and • beside
them a friend with a liftla book; in Wllich are
entered the names of the lenders; iind - the
mount,--,for. the promise to ..retut-a in. kiitd Is
taken auyied Jc itzletter... The debt is strictly
ono of honor, and if net repaid ort4the:ninr
riage of the creditor, to sureterbe" demanded: : 1
This cerernonj over; We bride retires to change'
her dress,- or make some alteration in. it; •and
on her return, attends 'upon her• &eats., A'
table is laid 4)nt with very . 'simple colck.colla
tion-_,bread,„cheeso ands
partake who ohoose. , This may seem but.poot ,
hospitality,. especially „when - ve, add: th at the
beer-and - ale aro sold . to the , 'guests ; but, any
reader who knows the: poverty 'of the Welch
peastintr,y,' : and their:sib:lnfo habits, willtind ex
cuse sufficient. " The beer is supplied by the
young woman's fatlier,und' the profits ,form
part of her dower. '
Drinking is kept up until a - late hour, : amid
singing and music. Welch, vecal,molodies aro
rather dismal. get beyond psalms, which.
are pretty , enough,
but natiOnitriisalMody 'lar'talciaie r ri'i**` of
the cow-killing tune . of :general notoriety.—
Dancingie often indulged iti s i.:.Wliert thebrido
retiree to. resi,, if a Wary,W,Onniii, investi
gates iimiarpingemenp .of hor bed-room; for
her 'friends consider it their
the ' With
been the result of one .. ;O' ethoiepreetinefjehea.'
On the.ifterneon sovedding daY; . Whet' was
supposed' to be a 'dead vier' was into
the bride's' bode-"'Tier himband, enjoining her,
bosom, with its head elevatedto:her'rcieUth:'nOt'biematinsg; "IN;rte'
thought, from fear. '
: LA,*ratts..:-tholi3ciople:of ;the United Statei s
must bo;fandOf ..lowyersi, is
so exponnire,.for we see by Livingston's. Lino
Mapazina.`thatt there istie , kenenty , oiadCi/otisinid
One hundred and aeventy-nfim, ,, lairyp's in , the_
oouuttS, or bout *on t;ol;ivory, eleientitintite . d..
irihnbitiO4i; triniUtiiut . fe,iiioA L 4l:'ittift r! Sqr:bitlig t . ":
W -. o&*"i'ii , *i , ";:1 i 0 ' 4.4 4-- 99444 , '1 )9 4.5 4 0:.
from.:- . -Philadaliiin; oountrhas faur,lhUndrodT
and 'forty-seven 1 0'3' 611 9 f661° , 60.6 ? 1 'P 1 :7,'
nine hundred porsoos;;: pouno,,lnT6, : llnEC:l-
ici: seventeen hundred hiindl:44;:?*:,'4iiir own; 4i4C01. in ;
favrea ivithLicai.ji6..TrOill4tt;4-, ' );' ' Y"'if i l ' ill ' c'i t ° .
i lium 'doitbfiliiesood,' ic;i:Vlid;* over four thoil;! , .'
' 3l .o,Pfl? ° - Uuli gFA l - a ''f*F l ,s;/ . . ' ,"& ,: ;P# 61 ,
,4T!'1 11 / 2 434 :4i,ft? 1 70AC*PTil: ?r1" 1 )'
avoraggiplolnp Ad,. n s dOO. 'if! otou !, make '
the tiggriat,6l:3 - ilfin" , f 4 V trf'tfigi'V -
~ , yr..,_li., ii), 1,1. e 4 . ,,', 31
fough Ale , 1 1 .n6rtni;441,1414 lif nmFkirkViiit.) 4. zll o
I.4ll ll sifisylif.pciAktu'i n . '4U.i1: , ,1 ..ii -.441u t. 4 , 4, ol to .i.t.a,
Nli twion olevon
Because taikob . olovon is tweilty-tliro apil, tijoo
tort ii,twouty, too;' '
.p . .,,i4t*,:'.'=,.H.,,:gii6i.l.iiiii.;-',.::;,Stt':Oii...r*'..-'..--..----4. o lri'''V.ttittiiii. :: ..itiatitititiott
Vtro- :noir not One fancy, one: recreation, so
7malloyed in all Its points, its theinildititiOn of
a garden. It sodas to afford, in common with
all the rest of the fancies, the full enjoyment
common to all, and to have a large balance in
its favor. The misei over his treatinie gloats
not more completely Upon his money - than the
gardener does upon his Amite, flowers atid veg- , 1
stables. Thelicture collector is not prouder
of his paintioge than the 'florist is of his tulips;
nor does the owner of the ancient gems of art
point them' out with more satisfaction than the
gardener shoirs his best named floyers. If the
'owner of a gallery of pictures ff - ahisltubens,
his Leonardo da Vinci, his Paul Potter; so has'
the owner of a bed of tulips. The florist cora
bines'in his single garden as many fauSies as
woidd ctocupi half the 'Population, and delights
in all of them: What if the concholegist boasts
bf his collection of shells! lie can only look
at them in ono state; they are there always
no change ; . only a- few 'people can, see
them at once, and not oneinia thousand, .tho'
they may be pleased pith -- thi beauty, ean'.es
timate the rarity of them. The antiquarian
pores over his coins in, solitude; he boasts,
perhaps, that this crown, this guinea, or' the
otlief medal, are the only known ones in exis
tence; but can ho increase them? Can •ho-o
bligea single friend with an offset'? Will it
.eveibe better! but, if another be found 'like
it, Wait not be worse? ;That hits ho rare
that the florist may not in his own estimation
equal? Thb tulip grower would say, "what
coin have-you got equal': to my fine Louis XVI 1"
And noliossesser of the only coin, of a,kind,,
prizes himself more upon his treasure than a
florist doss in twenty differentl-families.- The
lover of the ,gartlen is a general collector, and
a creator of now beauties into th'e bargain;
lie sows his seed with pleasure, he watches the
progresti — of his — Plantirwith interest, lie looks
for their opening flowers or swelling fruits'
with.anxiety; and if his hopes are crowned
by one 'solitary plant, fruit, or flower 'better
thenThispreselicifficelclie is repaid for all his
trouble, labor, and watchfulness; if not, ho
begins again, nothing daunted, saying to him
self "bad luck now, better another time."• Is
Aiere any fruit eats so sweet as that from our
own - garden? - hoes hot every day deverope
some . new Claim to our attention? Every new
visitor in. the form of a flowei,or Truit, or
vegetable is a-welcome-one. --A-man does-not
igi) into his garden as he must into a gallery Of
pictures, a cabinet Of-coins, or -a museum of
natural history; to the same things in the same
-places time after time; he finds something new
every day; his collections of tulips and ran
unculuses, hie collection of . pieotees, coma
tions,'and pinks, his pansies, dahlias, notion- .
Ina, .polyanthuses, oi o r floweret come In;
one after the' other; to reward him for ids 'ie
oreation-7foic-thougb there be much exertion
ociraskatally' v t9uirmly ho call it lahor.
Iris vegetables and a 'halt rnpny:hlin - for the
. ,
trouble tord'expense heincurs; and, after
there is one sweetener to his cares,. one re
freehing rewariifor all 'his 'artiiiii!tie l ri; vine-cirz
comstance thatlgiiini an additiOnafrelieh to 'all`
. •
he yers onally_ppjoys,—_ha has ncit.
to - seek - a; - connoisseurtointrtitigt - e ni - his hap-.
pinoss, for, ask whom he may to see his Os;
tablishmeneoill the eltisseS 'of sooiety are do-'
lighted with a well kept- garden. It delights
all the senses; its fragrance, its brilliancy; its
usefulness, all siteak toils in language not to
be misunderstood, upon the numerous pleas
ures Mid duties which are inseparable. But
there is one point-of which we must not lose
sight—it is the facility with which every class
of sogiety,can accommodate, his gardening to
his means, and yet 6:Keel as far as lie goes;
one cottager, with scarcely, more ground I out
side hie house than his house covers, can be
king above his, mAghbors for the .growth of
stocks; another prides himS'elfuPon his double
. .
. .
larkspurs; a third will allow nono ; to surpass
Lint in pinks; a fourth Will shine" iwpansios;
and so, acoordirig to tho moans St his d4posal,
the ownopof a garden May be ambitious, suo
oessful, and happy.
119; - ,We - tind - in -- "Vapier's Cofaronia" the
following:—" There ale few points which seem
less 'generally understood or 'more clearly
preyed than the fact, that exposure to the sun
without exercise sufficient to create free per
spiration, will produce illness, and •that 'the
(same) exposure to the sun, with sufficient ex
ercise will not produce illness. 'Lot . any Man
sleep in the sun, he will wake perspiring, and.
; perhaps ho' Will die. Let the same
man dig in, the sun for the same length rif
time, and he will p‘erspire ton - fitment' rimeli,
and be quite well: --The -fact is; that = riet , onlY
the direet'rays-of the sun, butAhe heat'of the
atmosphere, produce tilninditnee of bile,'and
powerful , exercise alone will 'carry off.thati
MAO/ 1 1 , NEIIY.—Whateirer severilabor
sakleisere, and so gives more than to' devote.
to in/olleotnal . miltivation, By' the introdue..
don of machinery , the least mental part 'of
manual labor is dispenaeclwlth and men are
engaged in more elevated and dignified pur
iits.,_yeri.fleldsvire opened-and ',now: call
ingslreated...:,Additionaloomforta are , placed
wi/hin the rem% of. all mon, and .things inee
estoemed.leauries "are: new considered indis
peusibles., It is machinery.rwitich hasmiabled
a:man to have a oarpet.otillie floor , piitllass•
ill hie windows and gives himbboks and papers,
,PAnnEnalqtrat igirwerarans.i—lt appear",
ftem stable recently published that,' these:en
• gaged ln, agriculture ere • thine. and , a',half
times groateri nomerleally thab Abell° .:ctiair
othen•4liAllions:,!”,al.4 ogricoctiiniiitod
41000 y havo the numerical power, and:cithalt:
oN , tiliQ;'o9ntrolgivery government in the itP.
Sates,:and giro term I,6pnlilic'epinlo,4.*Oro,,'
ia~ouv 'of the';
-fttrmor,alould bo:Alicirenghly,acgnainted-:with:
all, ,tho.,. , :tnaehinoir_ et lour'- geyningibut.`92'
. t
perusal tif' 11/o' , o ercor e ill, ae ,pb,l
Jiot- o,ho no,individual, or •Ooloolultr ,
mpit:=l?e,intelligently,intormed.on•- questions . of
Stator irnilzokke , 4oo4:ina - faitiptig : ttiplOerfi .: " ;,
Oita . tkelf z
‘ .l/ Eta .a.t7q,,T '.11:1Z4, 4 , "IO
ItAt7)t ua ofirtYl4.4l9,bBiVtittAdt}43.9grg;
b A ‘alif . lar4vl4aa, , lrllo pays -thrso dollars a
week fornuifilsiel water bowitolled ' a
bobrder:. . •
1 - 715ne of thelueereet,and funniest things, to
thinit.Of in 4fterlifo,.is,"Boy-love.".No soon
er doe's a boy acquire a tolerable stature than he
begins to imaginc,hixaself a man; and to 'ape
mannish ways. lie casts sidelong glances at
()Very tall girl he happens to_tneet; becomes a
regular attendant at church or meeting; sports
a eatie:carries'his . head erect,_and strata-alit_L
tle in his walk. Presently, and how very
soon; he falls in -love; yes, falls is the proper
.Word; because it best indicates his happy, de . -
lirious, self-a-basement.. Ho lives now, in S,
fidry region, somoishere collateral to the world,
and yet, somehow, blended -inextricably with
it: . .He perfumes his hair with fragrant oils,
‘seatters essences over his handkerchief, and
desperately sluires . and anoints f3r a beard.—
, He quotes - poetry in whioh "love," and "dovey"
and "heart' " and "dart, " peculiarly predom
inatel mnd as ho plunges deeper into the. de
liaibns himself filled
the divine afflatus, and suddenly breaks- out
into the scarlet rash—of rhyme. He feeds
upon the - look of, - his beloved; is raised to the -
-seventh heaven if' she speaks a pleasant word;
is betrayed into the most astonishing,ccstacies
by a smile; and itrplungoill into the gloomiest
regions of misanthropy by a frown.
He'bolieves himself the moat devoted lover
in the world. There never was Such another.
There'never will be. He is the ono great i
dolater! Ho is the very typo ,of magnnnimi 7
ty and self-abnegation. -Wealth! ho despises
..the grovelling thought. Poverty, with the a
dorable beloved, he rapturously apostrophises
as the first of all . earthlyblessings ; and " Love
in a Cottage, with water and, a crust; " is his
beau ideal paradise of dainty delights. . .
He declares to •hiniself, with 'the - most sol
emn emphasis, that he would go throu i gh fire
and water; undertake a pilgrimage to Chitla.
or -- liamschatka rswim -- storm-tossed -oceans-,
scale impassable, mountains; and face legions
of bayonets, but forsone , sweet smile from her
dear lips. , He dents upon a flower she has
- castaww — lle - bherishes - her - glovelittlo
worn in the fingers—next his heart. He
sighs,liko a locomotive letting off steam. He
scrawls her dear name over quires of foolscap
fitting - m - edium - forhis - insanity. --- He - scorn- -
fully . 'deprecates the attentions of other . tioys
of his own age; cuts Peter Tibbets, dead, be
cause he saiofths adorable Angelina had car
roty_hair;_and.passes Harry,._Bell contetptu-.
ously,. for dating to compare that "gawky
,Jane" with .his incomparni)le Angeli
Happy!, happy I foolish Boy-love; with its
hopes and its fears; its joys and its sorrows;
its jealousies and delights; its raptures and
its tortures; its eostatio foryors, and, terrible
heart-burnings; its - solemn ludicrousness, and
its , intensely, prosaic , termination.--ArOur's
Homo . :
An intelligent gentlemen:of fortune, ,says
the Bangor . Whig, .visited"B country village in
-141tvinei-not ; far from Bangor, -and• was: Itospita
blyentertained and lodged ALgentletnau
who had three ilanAters—two .ofwhom in
-rich-dreseventertained-tho-distingniiihed strtui
ger•in the parlor, while , one koptlerself in the
kitchen, assisting her mother In ,preparing the
food and netting the table ,for tea, and after
supper, in doing the work until it was finally
completed, when she also joined her sisters in
the parlor for the remainder of the evening.-
' The next morning the same daughter was a
gain early in the 'kitchen, while the other two
w-ero • in the parlor. ,The gentleman, • like
Franklin,' posSessed a discriminating' mind—
was" a close observer of the habits of, .the
habits of the young ladies-4atehed an °pot , :
timity, and whispered, something in the ear of
the-industrious. one; and then left for o :
but revisited the same family, and in about
one year the young lady of tin kitohen;' was
cOnveyed,tO Boston the wife of tbe,same .gen-
tioman visitor, where she now presides at an
elegant mansion. The gentlenian, whose for-:
'tone she shares, she won by a judicious de
pot-finer& find Well directed . industry, So
much for an industiious young lady:
FACTS.—A friend; who is .out
of town, at present, sends us the following in
teresting facts and profound reflections which
lb hid Collected during his travels.
Girls get'ripe much earlier than boys. :The
moment 'tile former get beyond fifteen, they,
are," yawl; ladies; " while boys of
,that ago
ore'only thought fit td lug water one shovel
shoWsternts. girl'at eighteen r nriews 'more,
than a hOy at twenty-ono- r after that ago,
hp7a7ever, eordurOy notnonly -overtones calico,
9hOmpagne l is all, very , well,. but a dozen,
ligh 7 breeeted girlsl ?.who just begin to burst
their coracts, Will de more to a: ,
with sentiment and4ll4lmile; than all the,
wine that was ever squeezed .
The madthdt liyOS on bioicen -- :,sio . Wrap, and
ifidoini on boia,.has nothing to fear from rereise
of fortune or high:Winds. • •
Yankee young, ladies who go out west as
school-mistressed, are not , of much uso.
stead Of
,teaching other - pooSe's children, they
noon got to toddling their own, , .
1119nrrtilliat SOLD AunTzox.==Thi'fol- .
owiniinoitlent%ooaure in it lettei written . on
tLo Ihdy; fr?m„ ,
lee' 11l ifas
. 11344
man' ItarnitbY,);'), iriqo
c:ft" atifdre'ti. lie ha hlways .lioon ilii)nnowLskt
blit§bilic;into;" fl'? so .
pr-,,hini; that 'l4'
boon fOurid` at
biro, Clio
7 At his
ilVe'piAo "fkinii'liiid",'
neypi., stlffbred by Lbi into porithoe,"iln t
..t f pre 1 7 40 t t l ! plk itc:l,lll3 13Nf(isiy,i..1 . t money,-
4 11 PSY)!;:i4,tliet.idge"‘
.I"nAt4l,nugtip 'to
41,11 .1 0°! 1 •A i cis i or. ,4giqvaLs4llN
. • ,V, •
.. )316 7t„ 11 21PP• a ti tr 1 40 1 e .. 4 I L r '' ! l ) lA f/
face was s il rbu l'l l ;49 4
whilo the'l3l l lWO's t'nuo El daelc auU gloomy;.
the clergyman was'equally 005. Rad ill'earY—
aud no wonder, for 1,40!) teert, at/ ifoj'Aita
. .
The Ostia& American. says, as this is a
bout the tfeason•vihen good honianives r .oleati
their houses from garret to cellar, it' Mai* bo
well 'to say it:few.words on the subject , When
yon wash paint;, don't use, soft soap and warm
water, for that will take off thepaint as roll
as the dirt. Ifse °Old woter and hartiseap.. ,
-Serulf-the floors-with-softsoapirand-don't,put
down the /carpets until the floor is perfeetly
'dry. Always-poi down some fitte i linen '(nibid
nlean) straw under the' carpet:am:l,l4# smooth
and level. Carpets may be cleaned byliound-
In; them in strong soap-suds and washing
them out well of the soap. the andimnst be
very , strong and cold. This is dejafibitiutting
down the hard soak and disiolving it r in Warm
water. The suds should feel slipperyhetween
the fingers. Bedsteads should receive "a com
plete scrubbing with soap and water, and
should not be put up' until perfectly dry. The
Seams and holes should then be Mu:minted with
corrosive sehlimate dissolved in alcohol or
'sulphur mixed with camphine, or a solution of
the ohioride of , sine. No person should go to
,in a dampliedroom. Many people by .
overloOklng this caution during hoose-cleaning
'Season, catch severe coldS,, encl. make ~their"
beds with the clods , of the valley before the
subsequent Christmas. • Always commeope:to
clean it 114 top of the hOusei and dericend by
steady and regular • stages.. Some Teeple can
clean their henget . ; with quietness and scarce.
any disorder; others do , not any more work,
but make a great deal of noise. ',lf, there is a
dog or a cat - about the house, it generally ,dis-,'
appears until the - squall. is :over....The' grand•-
rule for facilitating work is system. Arrange
all the work-to-be done before 'commencing.--
For want of system many a job has to be done
over and over again. . . .
SMELT. DRESSES.---lifrs-131omildr,- editor-of--
theLily' has . ad4ted the " short drees_ and
trowsors," and says in her Paper of this
month, that many of the women in that place,.
(Senecti—Falls,-)--oppose—ther=nhange;--others .
laugh; ,others still are in favor; "and.many
have already adopted the dres . s."
.., Eihe closes
tho article upon the subject as follows:
—~~Th'oea-who-think-we look-queer, would--
do well toleek hack - a
- few years; to the time
when they wore ten or fifteen pounds .ef•peti
coat;and bustle around the body, and balloons'
on their.arms 'and then inckagine uhicheut the.
queerest figure; they.orwe. - We.ciire not • for
the froWns of over• fastidious gentlemen; we
have those of bettor taste and less - questions,
. morals to sustain us.' If men ,think they _
would bo comfortable in long,,heavy skirts, let
them put them on—we have no, objection. We
'aro more comfortable Without them, and 'so
have left them off: not say we shall
wear 'this dress and 'no other,;. but- we , shall
wear it for a common dress;
. and and WO hopo
it may become, so_ fashionable tliat..,tve.,lna'y'
wear it ail, tiiaeo and bull places without be
ipg-thotightlfirgithir,Te'laie alreadrhe:
ecte,e7o;ii,ttaebeCtelettai vie'44lilo :eheitssi; -
in 41 a loriit'one." •
up a pailful pf lime and - •
ter of a pint 'Of ; flour, mix. it nP, witll4atei,
then pour on it..boiling , wateri until a proper
thielcnees, and while hot pour it intothe white
wash. Stir it well together, and'it ie fit for
use. 'This whitewash will not rub eff.
= WHAT I WOULD PO,-If I ' were possessed of
the most valuable things in thdworld, i and Was
about to will them away, thefollowingWould
be my plan of distribution:
.1 would will to_tbe world truth, ina-friend
which dre very sertrae. •
I would givd an additional:portion of truth
to laWyers,. tradere'nnO nierelinte. • •
• I would give' to phystelauS anof
ing. ,
I would give to Printer's'their pay.
To gossiping women short tongues. ‘.
To young women good Sense, miktesty;large
.and natural teeth. ' ' "
. .
nomin datholie curate to free him
self from tho great labor of confession irrLont,
gaTe notice to his parishioners that on Monday
he should confess the liars ; \ on'' Tuesdiy - the
misers; on' Wednesday tho' slanderers; on
Thursday the thieres;. on Friday ' tlie fiber_
tines;:and 'on Saturday the aillylironieit.- , jlia
sohomo suoceeded--;nono attended.'''' '
gEgr-Gleorgo 11. ' , (says' o rd . Mahon), being
informed that an impudent, printer' Was to be
punished for publishing a sputierie,
speech, he answered that he hoped the inan's
punisbnient would be of the Mildest newt, be
console had read both, and; so fir eir he un
derstocid'either of theie, 4elikeifthe spurious
speaoh•bettei. than' ds own. ' '
Ear." James, recite yotir'soriptUre , leits'on: l '
!, John the baptist' wati forty days 'and forty
nights in the,wiidernees,' oloihed With Oanie:...
Mile's hair, 'with aleathO''griditron - rbraidlis
nook;' and his
" :
'Tliat's a good little bciy,.);oneaa tttliiyaap
462 P7 ! rhg!° /I° 7/310 /11 14 03 ” r004c P! 1 PM 34 tho •
InaV&u,oL.ry~ybP9l ;Jk TOPitY,Phuroli
•;I Jool4 in ynin--lio.does nnt acirnef -
' Dein 4 ,'dent4 'whit dot
I ICeniaiint lietdtl ati I 011gilt o '
Untees ILO ,I . lfit4nA :too 1.
_ .
He-might Lave owns as ytsP as not 1, „
What'phiguis — these tollows ; •
I bet IM's fast!afileep'at'heiaeP
I Or .
went 'info inil tffter a'•
shoWer tant - ta'
a‘,tici then turaiug to the waiter, ho said; trlti•lng
Mo a tankard - 1 ale; rapla
guey , .
Ni gou'i
Osman - OM atlier . .evening,..?'.ihyai!;,imlicl ea
t:Ond offieel4l"''
PO, ifi..,fk9r.l:6r.roulr, 9
1,1 . ..
9rAtroxiii;(, .3 , ..w[yonittroil4o,ic!ug yellow ) 1
ith your aliktjnonee." -,, 32ai 1 -",saitt-thaynitat a
putting hikheAd tato- hi's:pocket; find: pulling, •
oat some sa'g'es,awl my pooket - 100)aug ---
Yellow tool" , • '
C§j :