Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 02, 1851, Image 4

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    , 0.0,1*.93,0 . V148' .
ma3o:.tuinLzi 6.
j„ax,wl,l4.tps Jamaarr
rtitber 'aura;
t..' Than tor the
7'Y'hatia'ar in s co,fror,, shone,.
j_plan all their diadems
./sjay, weradha seas ono.dlirylmlitsi:
The.eartil a- doldea ball, - : • ;
' And ditimOnds all the stank
bcmk were worthth'em all.
:How b pslut to.anthltlon'i Stye • -
Ills blood-wrong spoils must gleam, 7 .
- when htaatles.uphtted hand Is nigh.
, Illir4lnf,tuatthlshed 'tlreant I
,Then hear him Irvlih.hla gasping hreath
• For one Poor moment crave !
Font Vwouldit IhOU atoy the arm of death'?
, Ask of goldso save I.' ' •
-Na. No S the Bout ne r er,frinad rellef
~ • in glittering hoards of tvealth;
Gems dazzle northe eytta of grief, ,
" Gold ea tmot;pareliase health ;
here a blessed balm appeare,
To heal the destsest , tvoe
'Add lie that seeks this book In' tears
rifts tears shall cease to now; •
u:I(ero he ivhordledOn . ealiary's tree,
. Hub model hat promise bloat :
"Ye heavy, ladon, co;no to me,
, And I will g life you rest.
.. A bruised reed I will not break,
A 'contrite'haart deise ;
Illy harden's light, and sp Who 'hall take
Yee, yea, the little book Is worth
All Meal° mortals glvsn;•
For what are all the Joys ofearth,
Compared to Joys in !leaven 1
This Is the guide on Father gave
To lead to realms of day— ' -
A star whose lustre gilds the grave—
" The lightthelite7tim.ray. • .
TUE QUEEN or soirca.
Thbre is hi preparation a grand con
cert of music, which will infinitely sur
pass those of Jenny Lind. None : but
perforiners Will be' 'admitted there, and
. shall unite in that concert who have
not. learned the song of Moses and, the,
Lamb. Instead of an orchestra of sixty
performers, unnumbered millions with
dolden harps-will join the grand chorus,
and the thundering note's of cherubim,
and seraphim will break forth in a strain
that shall awaken the universe. Miri•
am, the sweet songstress of Israel, will
rise to sweeter, higher, notes than when •
she sung•that song of deliverance On the
banks of the Red Sea. David will .
sweep his golden lyre in strains to mill.-
tal ears unknown. Harriet Newell will
there sing the song so suddenly broken.
off on thotlone We or the, ,ocean; and
thousands tupon thou Sands of redeemed
shifters will there sing loudly and joyous ,
ly their rapturous song of salvatiod.—
Reader, thou art invited to that heavenly
concert. Despise. not the invitation, else
for songs thou shalt have tailings—for
glad notes of joy, lamentations_ and.-deep
13toliness of EiCeo.ven
How vain thug be our hope of enter
ing into heaven, if we have no present
christian finds his happiness in holiness.
—l VhifiTiElooks forward to heaven, it is
the holinesrof the sceno and associations
• pnwhich he.ftistens ns affording happi
hiss. He is not in love with an Arcadi
au:Paradise,'with the green . pastures, the
flowing waters, and the minstrelsy of ma
ny harpers; He is' not dreaming of a
bright island, - where he shall meet his
buried kindred, renew domestic charities
and again live human life, in all but its
cares, and team; and pantings. Be ye
holy the precept attempted, confor
mity to which is the business of a chris
. tian's life on earth—perfect conformity
'to which shall be, the lih;ssedness of
Heaven, Let us take heed that we de
ceive not ourselves.
The apostle speaks of tasting the,
powers . of the world to come," as if
grave. , We may be enamored of heav
en. beeaule we think 'there the wicked•
cease from .trotibling; and the weary_ are
attest:' We may be enchanted with
take poetry of its descriptions and fasci
nated by the brilliancy. of its colorings,
as the Evangelist John relates his
~aiotts, and sketches the scenery on which
hotas privileged to gaze. But all' this
does pot prove us on the high road to
heaven. It it be heaven towards which
wejourn'ey,-it,w;li be holiness in which
we delight; for if we cannot now re
joice in, Itavrrig . _God -for, onr portion,
where - ts our meetness lova world in
which God is to be all in all, forever and
forever.—Mellaille's Bible Thoughts.
ANOTHER supply of Winter Goode wl
be received from New York and Philo
dolphia this.week, to which the attention of the ,
ladies- is particularly requested. -Among the
lot will .be found a full assortment of
such as Tura Saline, Silks, Cashmeres, Mori.
”oes. Irish Poplines. Moue. do Laines, Figr'd.
and Plain Lustros; Etgurod Cameletms, lxc. k h .
Long and Square Bay State Shawls, Cashmere
Shawls, ..Thibet Shawls, black and colUed
with silk fringes,. black cloth Shawls.
A beautiful assortment - of Bonnet, Cap end
Belt Ribbons, - French Worked Collars. Cuffs,
Also, some new
Kentucky Jeans, Postings, &c.
Another supply of those prime Lofielltoots.—
Also`•a full 'nesortment of the cheapest -and
best Shoes ever brought to Carlisle. ,
- Another .lot of.lngrain, Cotton and Girthing
• Soma() fresh-Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spices, &c.
The goods will be received and opened dur
ing the week, and all persons wanting to save
money in their purchases, will do well to call
— at the old stand East Main street, where the
largest, best and eheapast lot of goods is sure'
to be found,
nOvl7 - • ' OGILBY.—
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters.
FrTeT 111011 simAreOrPOBIT*
i7LTIIi: Ai. cuustml.
PORTHR invitee the.attemion
the public to hie lime' and complete es
sortment or IRO 0 TS. •SHOES tr. GAITERS
just received from rhiladelphin, including* ve.
noir of flew styles. . His orperience in the She ,
budriese, °noble* hina - to select Work of the beet
materials and workrninehip;;tvhich be bold
at the' catdrprice •and,weirsinfed.'
titre uetOmer work attended tip n usual."'
. , .
;SEVERAI; .iwur fifnol{.' TIOItISES'
—' on tile 011 flt tOrnor of file poblio
IfF square in tho row.ktioirrn an,"lferper's
Ml' Row." For 'terms, 40. i Inquire of 'the "
inhocriber. • ' - •
• ~6n:•nitrOal. ROB"T. IRVINE.
. • •..
..5t0ttf..6. - $.t:..,01) - !Sir,f ,, ,' , '
Bilk/if DRUG§ t• DRUGS I'
. . . .
' ":Fresh Opprig . : SupSt!T -'',- '
7. - RAVE; just received a. , ,iretill atilei:of. Iliad;
1.. ) !tellies; ; Palma, :Glees; - Gil . ," dee., ..Which
having4teeii=lpurahestid'with great care at the
beat citwhouses, I car .ccinfidentlk recommend
to. Families; Physicians, • 'Country Merchants'
and bealers . as beinT fresh and' pore. •
l i
'Patent'llledleint.;,e,' Horhsand gititiets, "
Fine!liemi cale, ' •,grounditnd whole.
Instraments.. tesencee,• -
Pure F.ssen'l Oiis , Perfumery •&e.
cpd:Li•Vei.. • Oil- ,, -Wcirratitecl G enuine.
• • " DYkI ; STUFFS:.
, 7 6 '• Leg and Cam'WOode,
. - .
Oil' Vitriol ..: '•".. ~ :
-.. Copperas,: .. 7 .
..Luc Dye'. ~. .: . , :•
..".. • PAINTS. , , '
„•,Watherill. k. Brother's Purerild, Chrome
Green and.Yellow;•Painf and•Varriiihilrushoih
Jersey Window Glees, Linseed, Oil, Turpen
tine; Copal andcoaciryarnish, and lied Lead.
All of svhich'will be'. eidd . at •the very lowest
market price;- Alao,a fresh and splendid as
sortment of , .
Confectionary, and innumerable other articles
calculated for use and .ornament, all of which
are offered at the lowest cash priceir; at the
scriber on .North Hanover street..: : .
May 22. 1850
Moots aiid. Shoes
Zfaitoitreet,"niar the Rail : Road .Pepat, :
Art OMPRISINGMen's ' Boy's' and Youth's
Calf,'lCip -and' coarse Boots and Brogans,
which are warranted to he of the best quality,
Ladies Gaiters, Buskins, and French Ties,
Misses and Childrene boots and shorn in-great
variety. Also, an elegant assortment- of GE/111
SHOES and nooTs, with lathe late' im
provements and warranted 'perfect. Having,
purchased these gum shoos from the agentoA,
tho manufacturer, lam - authorized to. own
NEW rein in place of any that prove defective
in wearing.'
Having a large stock of French Calf Skins,
Morocco, Kid, &c., and good workmen, every
attention is given-to customer work as usual.
-•septle . WM. : M. PORTER. .
. . • - •
. ,
AVING just rettirned' Irom New York &
La Philadelphia with. 'the best and Cheapest
brought to Carlisle, I would resqectfullyrequosi
dealers and consumers and all others to give
me a call and see Whether they cannot.get more
and better goods for the slime money than at
any other place in town. My stock of Locke,
Latches,Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes,
aints, kc., is complete and verfolleap.
Carpenters' Tools,T have a splendid assort.
morn. Also, Cabinet Maker's 'Pools and-Ma'
teriels viz :—Vancers, Mahogany, Mineral and
can have everything in their line cheaper than
- I have a first_rata stocktaLMoriacco and Lining„
Skins, Bindings, Pegs, l'hread and Wax, rind
a supalt assortment of Shoemakers Tools. I
havealso a complete assortment of Ball's Lasts,
made in Harrisburg, which can be had at no
otherlace in town, - ifit - Bitirs - Pricctr. — To - =
gather with an assortment of all kinds of Ham
-mered-and-Tholled-Ifen-and-Steel. Of House , '
,keeping Articles, I have Knives. Forks, Spoons,
Waiters, Snuffers — and Trays; Tube,'Bnelsets,
Sec. • WALL. PAPER -•-
I have the largest, Handsomest and Cheapeit
Assortment in town. And to nil Nvho want
Good and Cheap HARDWARE, I would say
come and see for,yourselves
Harrison% Columbian Ink.
E subscriber has on hand a large supply
g of the'abovh ink, which, by a special ar
rangement with the proprietor, he is able to fur•
nish to merchants and others, at the manatee.
wren wholesale prices.
Fresh Cranberries.
HA YE Just been recoiled, as oleo a lot o
new FARINA and HOMINY, and for sale b
C arlisle, Dec. 25;50. J. W. EB Y.
New ran Goods.
...91 the Cheap Store corner id Hanover and Lou
ther streq4opposite Bunter's Grocery Store _
The undersigned most re4ectfully informs.
his friends and the public generally, that he
has jest returned from Philadelphia with a well
selected assortment of FALL GOODS, pur.
.chased at the-lowest prices, and which he is
- deterirrimod - to - aall at ninali-proairrnmong-t hem
• VESTINGS, Sattinets, Velvet Cords, • Ken..
tacky Jeans, &c. • '
LADIES DRESS GOODS, -consisting: in
_part_of_Black_Silks,_Crialitneres .klouaeljn.,de
Laines, Alpactia, Coburga , Gingh ams, Calicoes
Sack Flannels, Collars, Laces, Fringes, &c.
DOMESTICS, Tiekings, Checks, Flannels
Drillings, Osnabur Linseys,•Muslins, bleached
and unbleached Also,Groceries in all their
variety, viz: Sugar, offee, Teas, Melee:ries,
Spices, Cheer:late, &c , Rags and Country
Produce taken in exChange for goods Please
give me asall • ' A C FETTER •
oct9 -
L.Xeeentfyfrom Philadelphia.
ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of
1 . 11,
Carlisle' and its vicinity, that they have
now at their Marble Yard in South Hanover
stieet, a few doors south of the Court House,
and nearly opposite A & W Bentz's Store, an
elegant stook of pure • •
AIIIERIC IN WHITE ..711.4.R.111,E,
and are prepare d to execute in the:most. finished
Grave Stonel at all prices,
Door and Window Sills, Steps, 4.c.,
weather with overy.otiiev article fit their lino,
and prorniiti that in fineness or finish, chaste
ness of design and. quality of Alsrble y their
- work-shall-not bo surpassed by-any other natal) .. .
They are also tho authorized •agants of A te _
Robert Wood, of Philadelphia, and will fur
nish from his manufactory . all varieties of IRON
RAILING, for tlie enclosing of Grav,e lots and
all other purposes, at the shortest notice and at
Philadelphia prices. They will also finish or
manufacture all kinds of Building Work, - such
as Sills, stops and Platforms, &c., at the short
est notice and on the most reasonable terms.
Having had great experience,•and being-em
ployed in the beet shops of Philadelphia, they
aro therefore enabled to manufacture the most
fashionable work, and respectfully ask a share
of the patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding
country. ' [Carlisle, nov6 18501
. '
THOUSANDS of bottles uf the AMERI
CAN COMPOUND have been sold dar
ing the past year, and was never known to
fall of curing, in a .few.daye, of a certain.delt
onto disease, Seminal weakness and all diseases
of the Urinary organa: - Persons afflicted using
this pleasant and popular 'remedy, need fear no
exposure, as it leaven no odds on thit - breath,
'requires no restrictions in, dint ur: business
contains nJMercury - er noxious drugs injurious
to the Ryden), and is adapted to every age, sex,
'or condition. It is also the beet remedy known
for Fluor Altars or Whitci, (female complaints)
with'which thousands suffer, without the know
ledge_gf a .rentedy.:-. 2 7ltie ~. oelobrated- remedy
ong been used in prientopractice oft play
sician and with unerring succeen i 'radically
goring ninety-nine of the 'hundred CM/ in a
few days.. Around eaoh bottle era plain and
ilrll directions.
CAUTION—Ask tor" the AM E R f C A i N
COMPOUND, and Introlisee only of the Agent's
Nips Cl per bottle. For silo lot 8. ELLIOTT
Carlisle; 4: •Wpith, - Harrisburg; R. -Williams
Columblat by A. !Kilter; Lanottsterr Bp - Morris
dr. Co4:York. ' •••,'• . (January, 15, HRH
• Sacirrlasinela, • •
JUST reediiro4C gotiorOtogooitinon't of Col,
OrednormOls fof Ladiee,Saelce.
Or*, Blue, :Red.".-Groon; rink And. Changei4-
White. Woolen liiid^...Cotton_ non.
CON 'lllTlif34, i n:gr
. •
RNQLDS:ivritiUg fluid, :a var'y'ao ..
p6ellritink..tor sale 11 H 111304 RD
• .„
- ItST P 4 - '
-ILIII'BZPI3 id& .o•4.o l3 gra_ Pg ' 2 -1;
. 7 1:iciriufteeturer's,: Abs.' 8, 9" and E:tiurso
Street, Baltimore, .711(1.
NANO FORTES, fron'i 6 ) to 7 : oetaveS,,in
tin Rose w od,‘Ma h ogan y and, iWailm t,casts ,
of varions stiles, with - ortdnvitthoullion.fractikft,
cotnbining all the
superior instrument. • •
K. Sr, Gl.. have- reeeived', (rpm . tho Maryland
institute the. rat pretniuni'fOr, their' Pianos i in
three successive years, 1848, 1849;1850: !They:
haveldso been honored with nurnerous tesilmo,
nials'frorn ail "the most Cerebrated' it-68104d
have used their instramOies :Titiobitt iron] their
establishment have heen IMO at
,ihe: concerts;
os HolinstOck;' - Bishop, Laborde,
Knodp, and other eminent performers. They I
guarantoe durability- for five years, under g00d.%
care. and, will replace 'Pith others all which :
may not givens fiefs etion,,if applicationim made i
within six. Months after delivery.
Their .flanufacto4oming conducted -on the
most extensive scalbVenables them to 'furnish ;
inatiuments at the very.lotkost prices; whole
sale 'and retail. • Constantly on hand; A. P.
Hughes' Melodeons, ranging from $45 to $2OO,
for which they.are solo agents for th's city., ,
Perfumery, Fancy Soap 8c P: per Box
48 Market street, below Second, Philadelyhia.
dri . LEGG & "CROMPTON, Manufacturers
of Perfumery. Fancy- Soaps and Fancy
Paper likes, respectltilly•call -the attention of
the Druggists and Dealers in . Carlisle and the
.Cumberland Volley, to their extensive stock of
Goods. comprising Perfumery; Fancy Soaps
Powders for the compleximi,-Toilet, &.c. &c'.
of every variety. Also, a full Mid complete iik•
sortment of Fancy Paper - Boxes, of every' de
em-lotion, large or small, round or square, made
to order at the ahortest notice. .
Ir - Don't forget the place; 98 Market street,
Philadelphia. All orders will meet with prompt
attention. janls
.JVb: 171 CII4'SJVUTSTREEI, plisr.L.A.lva:
TIIE OLD STAND, occuf ied. for wore limn
one-Mira of a , c'entu ry Esq.
lentlE undersigned would, most respectfelly
I. announce to She public tlint he is AG,ENT
more than twenty of the most
t,=-.."5..7„!-.7tr.:-ri - tcelobrated•-manufncturers of 130 -
DELPHIA, and elsewhere; and
Isiconstantly receiving from them PIANOS o
the'richest-und most varied styles, of superior
tone; and-of the most superb finish, orb. 61, 61,
61., and 7 Octaves, Which"are warranted equal
to any manufactured either in this country or
in 'Europe. _
-Just received, also, a furtheraupplyof Church
and Pailor Orgaiis, of beautiful patterns and
fine tones.
His - WARERO OM - is 'constantly supplied
with a choice selection of SERAPHINES and
MELODEONS, from the oldest and most ex.
tensivo inanulactories in the United States; a
mong whicn is a neiv style of REED ORGAN
having Carhart's patent improvements, with
gilt pea in front, and case elegantly carved,
and highly ornamental.
'Tuning and .11,efig.ring— , Si. -Salvador La
Grasse. a distinguished Piano torte Manufactu
ievand Organ Builder, will attend to all
' so pt1,'.50 •OSCAR C B ARTER.
.DON'T' be deceived. Country' Mereffrgits
and Dealers .who want good and'Clie'ap
call upon JOHN T CLEGG, Perfumer end
Chemist, 48 Afdrieet
tcho - has constantly-on hand PERFUMERY
and FANCY SOAPS of 'every description,
P . owders, Hair Oils, Ox Marrows, Colognes,
Hair Dyes, &c., &c.‘ •
in the Public Ledger, hundreds of whom have
called ankbeen-convinced of - the advantage-of
purchaiing direct, from the manufacturer.
Agency for Ferran's Circassian' Hair Oil,
Curfins , Fluid, &c.
Orders from any part of the United Stws
will be promptly attended to.
aug4'so,ly • 'JOHN T CLEGG.
3P LYN "
Light! Light Light;
Pine Oil, Oamphlne & Medal Fluid,
OF acknowledged superiority and amity,
manufactured and for solo at the lowest
Wholesale prices, by DAVIS & HATCH,
at the old established wend of the Into ,Benja—
mitt T. Davis, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY,
where orders by mail or otherwise are solicited,
and prompt attention given. The voice of the
public for fifteen years, awl the award of a
Silver Medal, and complimentary notice by
the Franklin Institute over all competitors, is
sufficient evidence of the excellence of our Oil.
Alcohol, Pitch, Turpentin.,c Rosin , Enid Sit
its of Turpentine; W
for sale holeSale - nrair•
tail; at tho lowest prices. lOO4l
OE eAI. Rowe,
ANUFACTURERS and wholesale deal:.
_train R R n (in S,B-AS-IC-E-T-S-end
WOOD WARE, have removed to the large
stare lately occupied by Messrs. Sellers & .Da
zit where they have opened an extensive stock
of Eastern and City made BROOMS and
00D WARE, which they are now selling
4 ,t-thelowestmanufacturers-prices,
it full assortment of Bristles, Brvshes, .71/at
Cordage, Fie.. constantly on hand No
Nprth Third Street, 3 doors below Race, Ph
delohia j try 7.'60 P.
Steam ifrowlgaillitg.
Corner of Ridge Road and Broad Street,
WOULD call the attention of purchasers to
their elegant assortment of Wrought
and Cast Iron Railing for
Railing for Churches, Public and Privme
Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with
all kinds of Plain and Ornatnental Iron Work.
Moro & Gallagher's Book, of ORIGINAL
DESIGNS, containing' the best selection o.
designs that has ever been issued, will bo sent
to any. pers,on who may wish to make a select
tion. , • • [fabl9,sl.
FOR TILE -.110.114110-
at Krim Kingles' Head-Quarters,
WiIERH - tlio - tiiiions of this place and'all
those who may visit the same during the
ffolydays, will find the largest assortment of
overy variety) evor offered, manufactured
of the best. Materials, expressly for the pp
prmiching.festivities. which will be sold wholc.
sale or roma, nt reasonable rates, at the old
stand or the subscriber in North Hanover at.,
a few doors north of tilt) Bank. Whoro may
also he found n complete assortment of
consisting in part of Oranges, Unions, Grapes,.
Figs, Raisins, Prunes, en fancy boxes, Cur
rants, Dates,
Almonds Filberts,. Cream, Coco
and Ground Nuts.' de would also call atton.
lion to the largest stock of
over Offered in Carlisle, consisting of
'Card Trays, -Vases; - Mugs, Tea Seta, doll
heads,..lllotto Cups, .Cologne•,Pottles:- Tum
blers, rationed Figures. &c.
siich as -CarriNos, Carts, Cradles, tables,
chairs, animals, buckets; c ups, rattles, -wail
stands, candle sticks; &c.
• • , GUM TOYS,
pure India rubber and elastic doll- heads, rat
flee, doge, teething rings; caricature faces) &c
cups and saucers; nine' pins, towns, soldiers,
furniture, tools in boxes, games ;and puzzles,
d rums , guns, traumata, wagons, wheelbarrows
tubs, ICzah's arks; herdsmen, magnetic fish,
warm; Wahl, fiddles, guitars, barrnonicans, 4c
Fine sowing, card and knitting baskets, fancy
boxes„of wood; paper and., glass, - hair oils,
soaps, colognes,,how brushes, and hundreds of
other oirtic.lec net min:norm ekabeys, which: all
are invited touell trid'exarnitte. ,
The subscriber ' returnit his sinceeed thanks:to
a generous public .for the patronage beetOWed on
bim on .foriner °sensitise, and' 'hopaa by a de•
siretto„ please, to' Merit ',a conlmunnco ' of we'
--s'- Ohltdren's ptockinge. • •
A FULL, assorttrAnt. Virhisor . und , Mixeo
ritarino•Hoite of'aliAiieerfor • Children. - 7
Alsti,'Litdieb Ms3'o yikiinty'iustopenta
Air:. '!:iNi :'. c 7- - 1 . "" `.. -: C . 4 -7 - 1
Witsitraurt - citompanit ( , t I
Trio'f. taws , Arie ,v4re
__Ann trawt.wq.,politony.,:
•. ..' !,',l;',;• - 1(21..i, ( , ,
. 1 -44r* ' , i'cristio/1+106E1M1,05 ;4) e+`.: Oda
T" 'Constant, mnsoliaited applichtion for
. Life Insurance , , gives' : the most .d . undant
:. and gratifying proof that the public mind is
deeply impressed:with' tha test : Importance:of
', this. subject: The groat, object,•thoWever; .of
,;, ' IrismiantleabOuld be aafety, otherwise' . the Whole
olive tha insure ! . may.' be theappointedo •: 'Too
yirtrffith care cannot be practised in 'the selection.
oil an office withwhich. la: effect the contract.- 4 -
The choicetthould be regUlated not by present .
„ o
and constant large inducements, as this; cer- •
~:talnly incompatible with' : future • benefit. ;:The
premiums cinffifewre calculated for thefulltrei
if Proseat and prospective benefits therefore ate
given, this result ultimately, mast torninuto in.
I litigation, disappointment and ruin. The object
1 ; ilimed at by this institution is stability •and per
,pethity. - The-rates Of premium have been care
iully prepared' with reference to 'fluctuations.—
. The (milli, system . of-payments has' also .bben
adopted. 'Unpaid premium holds constitute no
, . part or them:meta of this company, and every
contingency being , fortified with an ample 'cap..
ktal, secarity.stampe toe *hole system. This
feature, paramount to all other considerations,
t commends theeompasy to public favor.
_placatory pamphiebt,_blaplication papers
i intormation arid every facility wrilliemerlullT
i furnished the public by Mr. E. BEATTY, who
has been duly appointed agent of this company
for. Cumberland county. • Dr. H lIINKLEY
his also been appointed Medical Examiner.
Directors.—Stephern ft. Crawford, Ambrose
W Thompson, Benjamin W•Tingley, Jacob L
Florence, William MGodwin, Paul B Goddard
Lawrence Johnson, George M'Henry, James
Deverenx, John L Linfon..
Preside/IL—Stephen R. Crawford.
l'ice-Prettident.—Aiiibrose W. Thompson .1,.. 6
Sectaary & Treasurer.—Charles G Imlay.
am/tam—Manuel Eyre.
Cannot & Aterneg.—Thonias Balch.
AUdical ,Examiners.—Paul,B Goddard, M.D.
William Pepper, M. D. ' [aug7 ly
THE Allen and East Pennaborough Mutual
rire Insurance Company of Cumberland county
neorporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully
organized, and in Operation under the manage
ment of the following commissioners, viz :
- -Jacob Shelly, Wm R Gorges, Mtehriel
Melclioir Brenneman, Christian Staynum,
-Simon Oyster,. Jacob II Coovor, Lewis flyer,
Ifenry..Logan,• Benjamin 11 . Musser, Jacob
Kirk, Samuel ?rowel', Joseph Wickersham.
'The rates of insurance areas low and tavern
bl*as any Company of tho kind in the State.—
Persons wishing to become members are invited
to•ntake application to . the agents of Hier compa;
ny,-who are willing to , Wait upon them at any
JACOB SHELLY, President.
HENRY LOGAN, Vice .President. r
LEWIR HYER, Secretary.
COCF.IN; Treasurer.
ivititity.—Rudolph Martin, 'New
Cumberland, C B Herman, Kingstown, Henry
&tiring; • Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and
Charles Bell, Carlisle, Isaac Hincey, Mechan
icsburg. DC. J. AM; Churchtown. '• • •
79r* coiudy.—John Sherrick, Lisburn, John
Bowman, Dillsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin
John Smith,.Washington,
Esq., W B i Picking,
Dover; Eael lialrenaberger, J W Craft.
Haerisloirg.—Houser & Lochman.
MeMbers iof the company having policies a
ing application to any of the agents.
& L. STEINER respcctfully_invite
M G the attention of 'their friends and the
public generally, to their large lot of Goods that
have hompurchased at a great sacrifice in up
city of Baltimore. They will sell thorn at e
small advanceons there is no room for them in
— ourlittle - altire - rOcTm. - Socoine one nurrililirdl . -
take them at almost artypric_p,_as we are dete r - wined to WI cheaper that; can bo bought in
Philadelphia. New York or Baltimore.
Hang out your banners!
- Hear the trumpet!
Here they come! here they are!
---What's the matter, what's the matter I
"Only look at the crowd.
•Corne on Jos; Jim and Sam Hatter,
Let us Seeisl - at's out.
Hey, ho hole comes Bill, -
We'll ask him what's the muss ;
•See how . theeitreet does fill, •
There certainly must be a fuss !
0, no boyeepo fuss at all. • .
Only anal ter great arrival, - '
Of beautiful Clothing for the fall, "s,
At M. & L. Pr:mutes Clothing Hall!
I have just bought a suit so fine—
Tell me,fievv do you like it Joe f
Don't you want one like mine t
Come on, boys, let us go.
Now let me tell you,
What there you can find,/
Coate of all colors,
And Pants of all kinds.
Waistcoats no hnndsome, .
And CraVateso nice,
And they will not think it troublesome.
If you give them a call tviice or thrice.
They will wait on you with kindness,
. And iheyean suit you witri a nice Cap,
.You can only End et
STErNsn's, Went Main Street, next door to.
Burkholdor's Hotel.
Inr.l. first rate assortment of Cloths; Cassi.
mares and Vestings always on hand; which will
--be made-to order in the-mast--fashionable-acid
best style by a firet.rato workman.
Call and See before Purchasing elsewhere !
/11.14,E subscriber is just receiving and oenp
ing et his, Cheap Family Grocery and
Qua r ensware Store in West Main street, Car:.
lisle, a very, large assortment of•alf the arti
cles in his lino of business. •
Rio Coffee from 12 to 14 cents per pound,
for good, to a strictly prime article. Also,
Brown Seger/3-01 the best quality, from 7 to 9
cents per pound, Lovering:s best crushed and
pulierized Sugars from 10 to 1.1-2' cents per
pound, N. 0. Sitgar House and Syrup Molas
ses of all .grades from 32 to 62i per , 'gallon.—
Also, a supply of fresh ground SPICES of all
kinds, warranted pure. ~SOAPS, Fancy, Cas
tile? Rosin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, pal
-yen-zed Salamis, Indigo, Mould and Dipped
Candles, Common and Winter Strained - Whale
: Also'; - supplyof freiiklieminy, cheese
from•this best Dairies always On hand.. Fancy
sewing, traveling, clothed and market Baskets,
togeiher with a-general assortment•ol Chew-.
inn and ismoking'Tobaccos, SOMA and half,
Spanish' Cigars, Common do., „ropes, twines,.
and Brushes of-all kinds.
CEDAL * A R E.—Hausekeepers, -and
others expecting- soon to embark in. the. same
business, pleasis call and examine my stock of
Wash tube,-}'Yeah-Rubbers,;-..Churns, Cedar
fancymainted and varnished Thickets,
Brooms, Bce: ' &cc. • :
subscriber hail just added to his already Urge
stock a number of white Granite, Gold Figur
ed, Blue, Marble, Flow.Mg 'Blue and Mulber;
ry Tea Sets, of; 418 pieces, Also. Plates and
Dishes,. Tumblers, ~Preserve Dishes, Syrup
Bottles, &c. of every description, and price so
'that he will 'be - able to ingot the wants and
meansiof all in the community who may favor
Patent Starch Polish.
"giving a beautiful gloss to Linens, btu!.
lint', Collars, &c., and prevents dust from
sticking to •Lioans,.&c. It contains nothing
injurious. Just received by ' • •.
deal I
JUST reOsiiod s, -large assortment of Mon
• Women end Children's Boas and - Shoes; Wa
hl' Double, Soled Businne and .Jenny Lind
Shoos, which I can hell very chetip.
1 001 23 , .
in7 , 2 1 , 3 # #
usOUR CR 'FIVE B OARDERS will meet
With aaderiunodatioile on reasonaLls terms,
by c'alling on Ms aubscriber in South -Hanover
att.*, Carlisle. ~ •
, iivary 22 1,851.-3 m.
r ' • Tatiestiir, I Proratpd.: . „
JUST opened tigeneral aelortment'of ttingT
try Worsted in various colours for Kninpee
s ou r s , mobpore; Shawls, -Zr.e. • Aleo,•an 'addi-
Jona! supplyot , gophyr Worsted -
• septps •• • .t• , G W 'HETNE.R..
• - • rzszti or o •
-THE atiboorkkor hat; in atom- ond'for bolo qs
the lovvOst'Otiopiihoo a few' bin•rdlo of p rimp NO,';•,1; 3 ' KAPEEREI 4 ,. 100
Sacks of .
• •
ilcak PRoiii.'-::--
pLAKEVICV44IIta•Water I!,rocirTAINT,
14 7 1tich - ettfitiaititAi wed , for
't latit;six., , yiLat, Witv tue , utroctet , ..sltogeoa tin
the totififSteamboats,
&Iv not' a
single instatmo . ts,ktiown Whole it . haR
rot , sato by- ,lrot2i sA r ro .
'~,~Ii~CEURItOU~.' ~ ~ ''? ~'~''
“i3 - 41lEsif alnurai •
English and American Hardware.
. .
Cheaper thcitt'can Lefoutt'sl thie.sitte of the
• East • • - •
IMHE subscriber. having just returned from
.the Eastern cities with a full-and 'bane,
Some assortment' of all kinds of HAILDWAILE
of the. very beat Makers and well selected,is
I now opening at the,Chean Hardware Stand in
North Hanover street, next door to Scott'd Ho
formerly kept by Henry Glass, where ho
Would invite all that are in want of good and
cheap Hardware to'give him a call and see and
Satisfy yourself of the truth, as we are determ
ined to sell at a very . .amalli . advance. Small •
profits and quick sales are the order of the day
, To Makin*, Carpenters and Others. •
A•fult stock ot , -. wlitte; mineral and Japansd
Knobs, locks and latches, of' every description
price and quality, hinges and screws, window •
- sash -L tind - thutter - spritigsT - striiittreeked an
barrelled Bolts, of every kind, mill, cross cut
and circular Saws, hand, panel, rippidg and
back Saws, bright, black and blue - nugsrs,o
tKe very best makers; Chisels, broad,pointing
hand and chopping Axes, of-different makers
hatchets, planes and plane. bits, steel and iron
squares, files and rasps, antis, brads and spikes.
of all sizes and warranted of the best quality.
To Saddlers. and Coach JUnkers, •
Our stock consists of a complete tissortmmit of
articles; in your line of business. saddlery tools,
brass, silver rind Japaned mounting, carriage
trimmings, broad pasteing and seaming laces
and fringes, plain and efigured canvass, of
cloth, top lining cloth mid serge lining of yeti-
ous kinds, white, red, blue and black patent
leather Dashers, silver and brass plate, Deer
Haillsosetts, hubs, fellows, spokes, bows, clip',
tic springs, iron axles malleable, castings, &c. '
To Cabinet and Shoe Alakers,
A full stock of Shoe kit and findings, boot mm
recces; Freed' kid, straits, morocco and lining
and binding skins, lasts, tacks, pegs, hammers,
pinchers and,Frentli morocco, kit of every de- .
scription, superior copal varrlish;- Japan and
black varnish, mahogany and maple Veneers,
moulding, beading, resets; glass, mineral and
mahogany knobs of every size and style.
To Blacksmiths, Farmers and'Others." •
10 to. .s of assorted bar iron, ss arrented to heed
the best quality. A splendid assortment of bar
.nd rolled iron, hammered. horse shoe, scollopi
plough, broad: an - narrow tire, rolled, horseshoe
bar, band, round and- square iron, cast, shear,
sprine,'English and American blister steel. Eng
fish Wagon boxes. Carriage boxes in setts, an
vils, vices, files, rasps. horse shoe nails, &c. ,
To Housekeepers.
A, beautiful assortment of r cheap fancy goods,
such -as waiters, trays, plain and fancy knives
and forks, butcher knives and steels, brittania
lamps, biass candle sticks,.Brittannitiond silver
table and tea spoons, plated butter knives, pre.
serving kettles,. smoothing irons, iron and tin
ned tea and oval boilers, iron frying and bread
pans, washboards, tubs, churns, buckets, iron
pots, wash kettles, and stew pans,&e.
To Gunsmiths, Marksmen an d Others. 2
Itiflia and Gun Barrels, tone action, plug,
nipple and back action Gun Locks, gun mount
ing and gun breech cocks, sheet brass and
German silver ornaments, &c.
To Painters.
--A- fresh---lot - mf - WetherilPs — pure - atid - ortra -
White Lead, oiland turpentine, varnishes, Ja
pan, white and red lead, yellow and Green
paint, ground in oil, whiting, yellow ochre, dm., .
To Blasters and Marksmen.
_-A good. assortment pf.double refined powder.- :
rock powder of extra quality, safety-fuse, shot,
flints arid bar lead,. ropes of all kinds, for
threshing machines y ond well diggers, and a
thousand other articles too numerous toinsert,
all we ask is to give usa 6111,11 W cleare_con
1. ent you wilifiTrd a good assortmentof Hard
ware and--eheaper4han can' he found in any
other House this side of, the east. Give us a
call is all we ask, at the old and well known
Hardware Stand formerly kept by Lewis Har
lan, in North Hanover 'street, next door 'to
Scott's Hotel, formerly kept by Henry Glass.
rintlE 'subscriber having just returned from
1 the East, offers to the public a more am
ple and complete 'assortment of goods- in his
line, titan ever previously offered, and respect
fully solicits dealers'and others to give him a
call,'when liTs will show them goods at salon
iahingly low prices.
To Builders, Carpenters and Others.
His stock comprises a full assortment of
Locks and Latches of every description, Bin
ges and Screws, Windcw Springs and Bolts of
vnrious kinds, Window Glass, Putty, Paints
of all colors,
,Oils, Turpentine, &c., &c.—
Also, Mill, CrOss-eut and Circular Saws, Hand
Pannel,, Ripping and Bark Saws, Augurs, Chi
sels, Broad, Hand and Chopping Axes, Hatch
ets,,Planes and Plane Bitts, Steel andiron
Squares, Files and Rasps, Nail!, Brads and
Spikes' of all sizes.
To Sadkrs and Coach J}Takers,
A complete assortment of Saddlery Tools,
Brass and Jnpaned mounting, Carriage
plain and figured Canvass,-Drab Cloths, Rati
nett, Serge and Buornm, Moss and Deer Bair
parent an enamelled Leather, Lamps and Da
shers. Also, Hibbs Feßevil and Spokes,
Eliptic springs, Iron Axles, Mailable Custingb,
To Cabinet and Shoe Makers
My stoOlt. embraces a complete assortment
of goods in, your line. Moroccos, lining and
binding Sliins, Lasts, Thread, Pegs by the
barrel or smaller quantity, Tools of every de
scription, &c. Curled Hair, Hair Cloth, Var
nish, Mahogany . and Maple Veneers,
ings and Rosette, Sota Springs, Gloss, Mahog.
any, islineral.and Veneered Knobs of all sizes.
To Blacksmiths,. Farmers, end others, who may be
in want of good Iron.
- •
He offers a full assortment of Hammered,
Horse Shoe; Scollpp, Plough, broad and nar
row Tire Iron. Also, Rolled Horse Shoo,
Bor, Band, Round, Square, Tire, Hoop and
Sheet Iron, Nail Rods, Russia Sheet Iron,
Cast, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel, English
and. Ameritan Wagon and Carringe Boxes,
Vices, Files and Rasps, Horse Shoe
Nails, Axe.
To Housekeepers and these about entering the Na:
trimonia/ Stale
I would invite attention to my beautiful as
sortment of ivaiters and Trays, plainl and Go
thic-style, knives and forks, Butcher Knives,
Scissors and Shears, B rittannis, Germs n
an d Silver Plato, Table. and Tea Spoons,
Brays and Emerald Preserving Kottles, smooth
ing—lrons.• Hollow-ware, Tuba, — Buckets,
Glinrns; &c:
Oils, Paints and'Dye Stuffs, Fire and Water
Proof Paint.
—By means of the pocket
Escu lapin or, Every' one
is own Physician! Twen.
r-fonrth edition, with up
of a hundred engru.
inga, showing private dig- -
uses in -every shape and
brm, and malformations
d' the geUerative system.
The time •lins now sr...
log from secret disease
.tontainctl in this book nne
one finny cure himself, without hindrance to Wtg+
sinew!, or the knowledge of the most Wilma"
friend, and with one tenth the usual expense. • I
addition to the general routine of private diseases
it (idly explains the cause-of manhood's earl) d 3
dine, wtth observations on' marriage--besidee
many other derangements whick it would - nor by
proper to enumerate in the publics prints. .
- IKrAny person sending TWENTY-FIVE - CElit'll,
enclosedinn letter, will receive one copy ofthis
hook, by mail, or five copies -will lie sent for, one
dollar. Address, "flit. W. YOUNG,No. 152
no r- DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of
the Diseases prescribed in his different Lublin
ions, at. hi is Offices, 152 SPRUCE- 'street, every
day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.
May I, 1850., ---
„ .
• MOORS! MOONS! 33001/ST
/1 HOSE desiring very good-.BOOBS will
X please call tit my Dreg, Book-and- Fancy
Store, Main Mice!, Carlisle. .I am making
preparations for. the Trade Sales in. NeW York,
and will eall.the k tock. on hand at unusually low
Micas if called for . within a few days, The
works now, on Aland compriscrisomo of the very
best extaat..
mar ; . ..F 4;'14 NY,I. INS.'
, , ,
• A EW. stipply,'-offroalt•Cofreep, White and
Drown Sogais,'Spices of all kindsigrohnd, and
ungroind, with ill the.other variottes of a Cr°=
ceryiStore';lneluding also a now supply Wen.
.No. 1 Qualfly of.. .• '; •
'_•::'I•IIsTE — EIIEEN - eff. 'BLACK TEAS
in~r. . •, .•, • .
packs t;if• quarter, •Italf, and . pound
.pnekages from 50 to Sliso,por . pound, as tha)
In the lßulk. All just opened and for sole at the
store of WWI . ' J Y,
f *r - -.i- '' : ltittiiiilito; l -1 ,- • U
.-. . - ,
~~+~ F:..J
. . . .
. ,
. , .
'Celebrated - Family Elediebms.,
itidoneern" every 'dile. - dholera dart be - cured
' ' Dr.. Keelor's Sarsaparilla Panacea.;. For
••- the,removetand permanent Cure of at
..,_ c ....s., Diseases arising from an impure -
, -, t -: • ;state of the Blood end ,habit :
of `body.
TheiAll-wise - Criator has implanted In all
organized bodice an innate disposition to Self
preservation..`• The vital . pavvera.posseas the
1 property of , resisting the • influence of external
cauitesibut the BLOOD is the common pa,
•billum:lr m which all parts '
of livini • matter
derives 1 renovating elements. and consequent
ly, upon which the life of OrganiZed•heings de
Pend, tt is probable that. in',Cases-of•accident•
, sr where arti6elal means have been employed'
to deprive it of \an essential property, the vital
• effects of the whole•system 'will 'be directed to - -
ward restoring to it 'that property. In all con-
stitutional and hereditary affections, this fluid
has undergone some primary alteration, which
is the caus e of the arpcial disenee, or w h ich !v
sentially contributed tp its production. Resto , l
ration to health can only be obtained by a re
of thwniorbific cause through the medi-
u m -of-thei-eirculatiom-and-Dr:-Keere-IVSs ma- '
Faille, la the Most poweiful modifier of agent
effecting Thin fluid' kiinwri. See pamphlets.
Dr.llluckwoodtown, Isl;J., June 6,1848.
Dr. Keeler---Dear Sir: I nmrentirely out of
vest Panacea. I' wan Celled upon duy before
yesterday for half a/dozen. Your medfcine is
becoming very popular where I:have iufroduccd
it; and I thinkthe.moreit loused the more pp-
War it• will get. RespectfUlly , yours,
. •
Wu. PAR/1.411,4. D.
/*•-trUr detail', certificates
,45ce„ see circul
Tars, &:c. - Trice $1 per bottle, large size, 6 but
flea $5: ' • -
.. . .
Among all ‘the.remedies .linfOre Alio -Public
this stands preeminent in incipient -Consump
tion, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs,. Hoarseness,
Whooping Cough; Pleurisy, Asthma, Spitting
of Blood;and for all nffcctions of the pulmnnaty
organs occasioned by 'cold. :Ir,po much praise
cannot be bestowed, upon thisl'emedy, and lite
proprietor urges every one afflicied_lvitlicny of
thc above complaints to secure it at once. It
is warranted to cure or no pay. Priei only 50
coats. .
• Every family - Whether 'rich ur poor, who val
new health and all its blessings, should. have tide
invaluable remedy at hand. It is infinitely the
best remedy known fur Diii a rrloca, Dysentery,
Cholera klorhus, Cholera. Inientum,
Flatulency, grigng ' cramp, etc., and for
all diseases of the stomach and bowels caused
by Teething. The numerous testimonials frOm
-Physicians and Others unsolicited has given it
W reputation as firm as adamant. par Price
25 cents per bottle. •
This remedy is pleasant to the taste, haim•
less to the patient and all powerful in removing
all kinds of worms from the body. It is with
out doubt, - the cheapest and beet worm destroy
ing medicine before - the - public, and will if ad:
ministered according to directions, remove
them within five or six hours after taken. The
.dose is small, and each bottle containn twice as
much as similar remedies. Price 0n1y25 cents
per bottle.--- .-- •
Although not recommended as a “cure
yet they aro the mildest and: boat remedy to re
move Corstipation. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bil
iousness, Nervousness, Foul Stomach, Head
ache, Indigestion, etc. Ulike other purgative,
medicines they leave the howelsalvraye relaxed
a,nd e_ona_e_q uently_ara_theLpropm_medici ne—for
for females and persona leading, n'solitary
A justly celebrated external application for
Pains of the Chest, Ncuraltia,Reudache, Spr'n•
Bruises, Tic Doloreux, Swellings of the Joints,
Rheumatism,' Gout,•sciatica and for all disor
ders wherein a sedative and rubefroxient reme
dy ie• applicable. Price twenty-five cents per
Wile. • •
All of above celebrated and extensivelj
used medicines,
are prepared and sold Whole
sale Retail, at 294 MARKET STREET,
For sale by S. ELLIdTT, Carlisle ; A. G.
Miller, Dickinson; Messrs. Altick, Shippens
burg, J. F. Spahr, Mechanizsbnrg, M. Bitner,
Shiaemenstowd. and in every town throughout
the county and State. [January 14, 1851
` 777 .;t$ 4 '; ' 1 " 1 - 11 7 1.';' --' - '....-i,.. :.: 2 A11ii.7 . : - 1.:'•
a.z.,1 ~.:. U... :.;iv , it..., , ,-4.1. %. B',O•W , '''
'ski .'",. •:Y. : 77. --- : ~ ;:'% 'r: ; .. 4- '"% . .... z'.... 4 , -. . :, 1_ ft:'. - 4 -
Var 1.7a0 Care of
--1- 33 4 311RSENESS,- snolw.
.411 , 3'D CONSUMPTI,OI7.
In olferim r ; to the community this justly cele
brated remedy for , diseases of the throat and
lungs, it is not our wish to trifle with the I,live
or health of the atitcted, but frankly to lay be
fore them, the opinions of distill- Malted men and
some of the evidences of its success,-froMwhich
they can judge for themselves. We sincerely
pledge out selves to make no wild assertions or
false statements of its efficacy, nor will we hold
out any hope suffering humanity which facts will
not warrant.
, Many proofs are here given, and we'sollcit en
inquiry from the public into all We publish,feel•
ing assured they will lind them perfectly reliable
aunt the medicine worthy their hest confidence.
and patronage.
Professor of Chemistry, Mineraology,M•i-Yald.
College, Member of the Lit., Ilist.,Med. Ph.lo.
and Sclen. Societies of America and Europe.
mirable composition frotn some of the hest ar
ides in he Metcalf' Medical; add a very.aia
ive remedy for the class of diseasei n
it is d
ed to pure. '
Now Haven. Ct., Nov. 1,1849.
Prof CLEVELAND, of Dowdoin College, Me.
Writes—. 1 have witnessed' the effect+ of your
'CHERRY PECTORAL' in in own family and
that of , my friends, and it gives me satisfaction tor
state'm its favor that no medicine• 1 have ever,
known has provost so Eminently successful'of
curing diseases of the throat and lungs... •
Writes —"That he coltsiders 4 CHEßßY- PEC
TORAL' the best mediehie for Pulmonary affec,
Lions ever given• to the public," and states that
"his daughter being obliged to keep the' room
four months wnh n severe settled cough, nocom
panied-by raising of blood,night sweats, nitil.tlie
atiendant symptoms of consumption, commenced
the use of the 'CHERRY PECTORAL' and
had completely recoveiVd,":
. .
, _
Dr. Ayer-,Dear Sir: For two years I was
afflicted with-n,vcry_severe Cough,necompanied
ho spitting of bloodmut profuse night sweats
11y dm 'advice of my ,attending physician I was
induced to use your CHERRY PECTORAL,
and continued to do so till I considered my self
cured, and ascribe the effect to your preparation.
framir'en ss. Springfield, Nov. 21.1848,
This day appciireictlie , -ObOve named James
Runtish, and IWOHOUII3OI the above, Malcolm
Mae Jo every respect. .
LoitENgo NORTON, Justice.
. - • POUTLAND, Me. Jan. 10, MT.
Dr. Ayer; _have:l/cell long_afflicted
Astimia Which grew yearly worse until last au
tumn, It brought,on n cough which confined me
in my-chamber, mid began to assume the
Mg, sympto . ms of consumption.
,I had tried the
best advise and the best medicine to no put-pose,
until I used your CHERRY PECTORAL. which
has cured me; mid you may, telleve'„lne.
' • , Crittefully yours. •
J. D . PPELPS./.
If there is any vnlue in the judgment vif the
wise, who spank from experience, here is a med
icine worthy of the publio.conildence.
, „ . . , , • •
Sold. by Dr. Tiowlino,.B.ll. Hubbokl Br. Dr. S.
Elliott, Carl isle; 'lh.: Ira' Day, illreOluzaloburgi .1
ki, lierr.on,•Newyllle;J, C.,8e.1. IL, A11i01i,.. , .810p!
Nenatirgi nod .druggists gonorap.y. : t 4. •. .
Ribbons. Ribbons.
•v".TETZ iittbseriber is now opening the - cbrap•
set Ist or Rannot nnd Qttp 4ibbonr ever offered
in earhals; and wo uld,; atlytea tin) !adios to esti,
Boob and got scho. of the bargains, • •"••• .•
• . G V. iirrivEg,
Price Reduced !
=lo,ftUm NEXTOIii!
Large no:ttles—.Only One Dollar.
. .
. „
rh.rropitator.orthalltist Ammicali Rarnedy " Vsmoug'
@meat solicitatiooa or. Mr Agents, throughout dm Cabo
thaw and Canada, has now
' &limed .the Price ' .-
of hie popular and well known ordain; and,frah thls data
leacetatth, he will put, up but ono Asa only.—lda puma
aettlaa —the retail price.will be -
' The public, may reit mimed that the chiraoter of the Medi
31 1 / I *, ita •trenQdt, and crtrative promities wiir sex►t
IXCB►M2D, and the' MIMI, Cafe wi➢ be hmtowed• in pm
raring it a. hindofore. .
Aa this medielne,•under its reduced pike. will be Mohr*
ay than Who hate not hitherto made tberamairee acquaint,
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