HERALD ,AND : EXPOSITOR, CAtqaPraE,:r.A.:, , WEDNESDAY, AP*li 2; THEI.,ARGEST AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER C6UNTY „ Term,— Tuio Pol . lars.a year, or One Dollae and Fifty Cents. if paid -puilettitaryPite,:afivahee $.1,75 if pai.?? Wiiati` the fleak . ; TO THE 1171110111 OF PENNSYLVANIA. jvarA State Conyention will be hold in the City of In:meager; on TUESDAY,, JUNE_ 24th, 1861, fortliti,p'ttime 7of aelectini :candidates for th - e - ;itiCes of Goverrier MidCann' Ctitiamia 7 sioniC; find ids° for Judges of the Supreme Court'. ' ; . Joseph It. - Flarmigen,. Samuel MoMenamy, F. Knox Morton, C: Thompson Jones, Williain-H. Slingluff,- . Samuel B. Thomas, Samuel-8011, • . . John S. Brown, Natintniel'Ellinaker, . T. Taylor Worth, Robinson, 'Alexander E. -Brown,. Wordon M. Preston, Williauf Baker, Thomas E. Cochran, • William 11i.. Watts, --Thmry,„Johnson, - jams Clark, Charles .13. - Bordinan, Sherman I. e ps, George' C. Wilson, —D-4 Finney, John Alison, C. O: Loomis, • ' Daniel McCurdy, John Bauman, . George Monson, William Evans, Alexnuder K. McClure, John C. Neville.' Francis Jordan. • lIENRY M.:FULLER, Chairman, R. BUNDLE SMYTH; Secretary, •. Atkrouniossur THE , LEGIBLATIIIIE.—The joint rosolution to'adjourn on the:lsth of April has passfuthothßSOUses..: The .I„,ogislature *ill accordingly ternainato its session on that day. DANIEL WEBSTER The Hon. Daniel Webster, Secretary of-State, of a nts United Stays, arrived in Harrisburg yesterday:: He'vkaits the.capital to'return his acknowledgments', inperson, to the Legislature, for IliUnaniihouts:VOto of thanks for Lis able . • , , • .._ vindication of the principles and policy of our governMent, in hie reply to Chevalier Hulse matin. Due helnot will be paid the great statesman and .orat .by the Governor and Le itilatiie bodies: ii3c.v. Johnston in transmitting the vote of thanks for the Ilulsemann letter, took occasion to (*prose his own cordial concurrence in it, which Mr. Webtiter in his reply acknowledges in the w armest terms. FREE m SPECIAL BANKING. Now thatthe Free Banking , 'Bill has.-pass ed the Senate, the Volunteer. is 'warning the members from this county in the' House not to support it. Of 'course Messrs. Bonham and Scentler will obey oicicis and vigorously oppose free banking. They go, for special priv ileges, and for no other,baSks than "nice lit- . tic democratic banks. of our own." Locofoco ism used to clamor loudly against special legis lation, butenow it oppeses free banking, which is the only safe system for the note-holder and _which has stood the test of, experience. But if free banking is killed this winter, the pee-` ple will havo a word to Bay about it througli the ballot-box next fall. ' , . PEXtRY CiOUNTY ITEM. The Perry limocrat sue, we neither boast or brag over Old Mother CUmberland, but — we! do not think sho can produce in all her valley , from Shippenibnig to the_Susquehanna naa between the South and North Mouintains,' a crop of Mediterranean wheat that will aver-`. ago seventy-one pounds to- tho bushel. The. crop bf Thomas Bonier, of Toboyno .in this county, done that uji-nice--Clevon" pounds - ahead of what - tho law allows. 'The next-best productive is Col. McCoy's Ewe, five years old,,that has already raised ten .Lambs' is four years. Cita Cumberland boat that? ' THE NEW APPRAISEDIENT LAW. A i /despatch from Washington ; dated March 23, snys:-4 " The new appraisement law—generally known as lifinter's bill—was the subject of discussion in Cabinet Council on Monday, and again to-day. After a full and free interchange of opinions, it has just been determined that, under all the circumstances preceding and at tending as enactment, a proper construction of /Vs.r - trigiidd W freight as 'one of the, elements of value upon vrhich• dlities are to be assessed. The action of the, Treasury Department will, of course, be in conformity to this decision." The Washington papers of yesterday con tain the cirehlar of the Secretary of the Trea sury confirming this statement. CITY ♦DYER.TISEIIIENTS The attention of our‘readers is directed to the adyertisoments of some of the best estab lishments inPhiladelphia and Baltimore, which will be found in, our columns, REDUCTION OF FARE BY THE HARRISBURG AND LANCASTER RAILROAD COMPANY.-114D- Du9luno, March 21.—The Directors of the Harrliburg.ind Lancaster Railroad Company met in Harrisbnrglhis afternoon, and passed a resolution reducing the faro on passengers. ' over their road to three cents per rail; to take place on and after Tuesday, the drat 'of April. ..4%.They have Made' a drawbaok in Conjunction with the Canal Commissioners talu fieights coming from the Cumberland Valley Railroad ? and passing over their road and the Columbia Railroad to Philadelphia. 1/EAT 11. OP .TUDIIII BURNSIDE.':-,TIA Hon. TLIOMAS Bminsma, of the Supreme Court of PommylTania, died last Tuesday °Toning, at the residence °fide son-in-law, William E. 'Aforris,, Dui., in Germantown. He was born in the and of. Tyrone, Ireland, July 28th, 1781,.and was:consmluently in his 68th year at the time of hie death. ' Ho was much. ad mired as a jurist throughout Pennsylvania. , ml,,,llenry Clay reached Havana. on the 17th, by ;the Georgia, anti was received with the most distinguished consideration by the Cubans. Soon after landing' be received in vitations froM the Captain General of the Is land to visit the palace; and from Count Pen slyer to ettend a grand Concert given to the Aniericans visiting bir. Clay - wM; in eXoellent health, end . expected to leave for Note Orleens'ontbe 2d of April. WASHINGTON, March 81...--4 he Hon Pallid Webster is expeeted Asleave to-morrow on a /Vteit to:llarristiurg aud,other places .in Penn ia preparing for a tour of iospeotiouaouthwards and westward. Polttiaal,lpa,ttcra are Viet._ There !Ire 111- Irau,r." ( 4, pveral, rainrids, and aripapitutenta, in the HOUstOopiftisieat. corwin's, heaitTc is iruprorlug: tic attended, another --isabinot • '• , glajudge, William Clark; distinction in tke interior of tho State; and One vtlielsut held:vith honor, distinguished -post- Cons in the SUate.and Union, died on Friday st , his residence ' Middle Paxton D,AtipliksOoMity; Pa: '• • goirCion. Scott oxpooted at Cinoinnatti April 1% and will.be readied by the military. '" TOTEM:ENT. I; - 4. The .I:uniata n Sentinot ii - spirited Whig paper- Says, the - Ferrier ,maitfeetatio4 throughout the - Couhtry favor efie - 1,34hn.1X;-poin't , t f ewa all \ o ar4 3 5 the man for the conteet t 3W185g;:, mg Where{ there - `:le such; xtraordinary nnlinireity 2tha r queiltiort as there is Penneiliarde,-it Matteis phether the p sat.they prefer, him now; or vraita.year 'irence.to , avow That ho ie okedloVi The niiiiCtiVallidelo and most meritorious Candidate by the .Whigs of our Statei . ;ilentiqUestionable, andfjuei'Sonu'oh , 4 6l ; - - - beeeMeant the action tliat'lMs been taltiiir,' „mid nothing..more. Those who have .prolific imaginations may profess to see coolness or positiic hostility to the National Administra tion in these movements, but all who have not the facqlty of "seeing double" will not be troubled With 'such irrational fears. So - far . ni we know; and so far as the sentiments of Whig meetings that nominated Gen. Scotthave reached us, we find a cordial, and decided dec laration of confidence in the National and State" 'administrations; and' we 'can question :their sincerity in that particular no more than we can question their devotion to Gen. Scett:. We would pity a national' administration that had no more friends 'in Pennsylvania than tho Se., w.O think tat lien. tsc.ott should nochirc - Tili" next President! The Whig candidate for Governor next fail. will unqueStionably be WM. V. JOGNSTON, Clio presentincumbent. Alois a man'of deci ded ability, purity of purpose; andindomitable energy, 'and in every capacity,that he has ever served, ho has fully mot the most sanguine hopes of hie friends. His administration has been the most brilliant and successful in the history of our State, considering the (loaded disadvantages miller whisk it started, and with which it has uniformly been surrounded.— With an adverse legislature two-thirds of the time, whose highest ambition seemed to ba to cinbarrass.and disgrace it, it has uniformly triumphed in the end, and commend. it self to the candid and virtuous of all pai-tios fgr the many abuses it Juts corrected, and - the wisdom and nconomy.with which it has been conducted. With ouch a candidate, hacked by such an administration; the Whigs of Pencisyl-' vania can achieve a most Oubstantial victory if they are true to themselves and trim to their country. With Win. F. Tohnston as our stan dard bearer, we shall know no such :word as fail! SCOTT AND JOHNSTON MEETINGS. meeting of the' 4 1 1higs of Huntingdon county, favorable to the nomination of Gener al Scott for,the Presidency, is to be held in the borough of Huntingdon, on the 15th of April. The call is signedby 333 Whigs of thO county. A large public meotiq of the Whigs of Arm strong county, held at the Court House, in Kittanning, on, the 19th ult., appointed Dele gates to the Whig State Convention,, and pass ed a lengthy series of resolutions in favor of -Scott for President and Johnsionfor - Goiernor. The following-resolution is Of interest: Resolved, That We coincide With the Whigs of Union county, in relation to the propriety _andjalportanee.. of liolding:two_ , mass- conven-• tions on the 20th of August next—one for — Western PennsyliiT - Pittsburg, Pittsburg, — the Eastern Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia; and that we will send any number of delegates. to thoTormer. • ' The 'Waukegan, Illinois , gazette, has hoisted the.namo of- General. , Scott as a candidate. for nomination for the Presidency. 4t. says:— Wo °MAL also use our influence to help to the nomination, and we have no doubt but that, when the proper time comes, Illinois, like In diana, will show her hand, and we hops to see her. in 1862 fall in lino with the 'Whig States. Ono week's later advioes have been received by the steamship. Canada at Boston, on Friday. In England the government of Lord Alm Rue= 801 l is still very weak. Ile cannot get his friends to rally around him, and it is now an ticipated that there will soon be a dissolution of Parliament, and a general election. On Tuesday week, in the House of Commons, he sustained another :defeat on the question of woods and forests. Lorekuncan moved a res olution demanding reform iniheir management. The goieriiment strenuously resisted, but on a division there appeared for Lord Duriinqs res olution 120, for the Ministry 119. With"their partialabanslonmentofiliePapalmea awi". their defeat'upon Mr; Ring's motion of electo ral reform; and this defeat, it is thought they cannot hold together beyond Easter. The Times indulges in severe remarks upon the po 13ition of the government.. The agitation 'of tho Catholics in England and Ireland, against the proposed final meas ure of Lord Russell, continues unabated. The protectionist party is making a strente • ous effortio carry a majority in the Houseof Commons who shall favor a duty of 45., on all foreign corn, and ls. on breadatuffs. Mr. Martin Farquhar Tupper, the Friglish poet, whom we greatly admire ae , a gentleuaan and a poet, made a regular spooney. of hiui self when ho tried speech-making on a public occrfaion in Now York the other day. 'How could such stuff as the following be, palatable to an Atfierican audience ? Mr. Tupper then said—My dear friends, I have not prepared a speech. All I have to say is, that I love you. I have come over the Atlantio - Ocean to pay I love you—to tell you that England loves you. You have some faults 'which I do not mean to flatter; but you de serve to - be.. called . Englishmen. (Cheers, mingled with' suppressed murmurs.) ' I find no difference. I have crossed the ditch, and I find yee4re Englishmen at the other side.— (Cheers ad hisses). Yankee Englishmen, I raven. . (Gheers and laughter.) I wish to write a bock about you. A voice+Not in the Dickens style. ' • ' Mr. Tupper—l want. to_tellthe truthidiaiii you. ' I will protect you, though I am aware you do not need protection. I find England here as.great as at horn., I have come into I the land of rators and statesmen. I 'lrma to say a few wo xis about Chip institution. I have come among Fu—[lnterruptions, with cries of "Go on, midst which Mr. Tupper sat down, while p..horn-was sounding in vain for silence.] In .a note to the Philadelphia papers since, Mr. TUPper says the ,word not was mittedin . his - speech by' the reporter, in the reference to writing • , book.He does not intend . wri a "writing a . . book: But the speech is a very foolish one, at . any rate. - ~ -- , . MdPidden - , drfiggist, rho was sontended by the Philadelphia Court Of Quarter Sessions, on Saturday last, to three montheimprisommint, on a, conviction inof 'in voluntary manslaughter in causing the olan dimly death of bliss Nell,. of Moyamensing, by au.unforttuutte mistake' utlputting np' a pre. scription, has been pardoned by,. Gov. John- pUin. The Judgei.uf. the Court united in the apPlicatiOn for the pardon.. . . . . . ‘, One' of those was',.Judge arsons, who ens termed the prisonersind who as lately quoted titbit Volunteer -As haVing eta ' d that'"crimi nals' were pardoned as fast as he chnricted them." Now the tsborepardon'e4ery hot:lg.:will admit to Waniostrighteonely . gninted, but we :presume the Volunteer will atilbgo'on with itis denunciation's' of ttier. 'Johnston ItCr the Ozer '.Oitio Of Vie pardoning pOWer, although in Wier); Mice he has doubtlire had ats'good grounds:to e xeipiee it es iti the ahoire,' ?'-,-.-' ~', ' ,_=',.,. GERM EKON EUROPE FUNNY IN MR. TUPPER. Ml:O:l4bUN' LEGISLTATIO* '.ln'Congriss; theinstem is.novf established to do 'nothing till - the' last day •'and 'theri'on :thek - pled of haste; " - you may do, -,anything lyith imp,4rdty..;lllo:' same CIAStOIII; 811311 . ,:hp itedgtr,Prevals, to'tolr*est.tue extent ;411 'the fobnotions, and pertij4et!si: bills tire'to be " rnshad.through". on thelaet„ ... • day.. In, the: Meantime, Legislators do little else than .tvasto :with . the - publid literesl; and iiquarider 'the 7 pliblio" money„..: ono i fired . days .allOtcd . to . legpdation,' 'arer:itecli t(ea:l!Oired.for li'ober, and deliberate action.: 7,be'Peo ple aroma longer indifferent to this,groring,a= huse of :the . representative system ;:iividelt too valuable to be trifled with in this manner,' We aro becoMing more firmly convinced ev cry year that One great legislative' , reform thiAis,needed hi - Pennsylvania is Bienial Ses sio6 of the Legislature. ~ • CONCILIATING Trir. SOUTH The bill repealing the obnoxious sections of the Aot of 1847; for the prevention of Kid-' napping, &to., after having been amended so as to repeal only the, sixth seotion;passed the Senate on Wednesday, byg% vote of 17 yeas to 8 nays, as follows: • . lira—Messrs. Beily, Broolce,"Cratho For:. non, Forsyth; Fulton, Guernsey, 11Oge, ? Jones, Konigmaeher, Muhlenberg, Myers, Packer, Sanderson, Shims; Mathias,-Speaker-17. Nays-Mossre. darothea, Carson Cunning hum, Frick,,llaslctt, .111olone,, aavery,,, Absent or not voting 3,lesin.s. Buckalow, lingua, 'yes, 111'Caslin,•M'Alur.trio, Laurence, Robertson, and Stine-8.... Tho section repealed by this bill, roads as follows.: • . . „ It shall not be lawful to nee any jail. or prison of this Commonwealth for the detention of any person claimed as a fugitive from ser vitude or labor, except In cases where juris diction may lawfully be taken by any judge, under the provisions orthis not; and any jailor or keeper of any prison, or other pox son who shall offend against ,the provision of this section, shall, on contiction thereof, pay a - fine - of five hundred dollars; onotalf-there •of for the use of the Commonwealth, and the othei half to the,person who prosecute§ ; and, shall, moreover, 'thenceforth be removed from office,-and incapable of holding such office of jailor or keeper of - a prison, at any tithe during his natural life.” 70- .. 1 LOCO E'RESS sON-BANICINo Two Navy %NEB.—The bill for the ohartor. of the Farmer'a_and Mechanic's.ltank.Of Ens, ton, passed a secondreading.in.the House, on Saturday, by a vote of 48 to 87. Our advices from Harrisburg aro that bothibills'will pass. —Easton Argus. . . And is this the way the anti-Bea men,Und Democrats oppose banking. A judiciously de vised free banking is fax preferable to the present special privilege system; and yet, while it is berated as a hydra headed monster more fruitful than the fabled Pandora Box, they will pass two bank bills in one small town.—Potts tam Ledger. Both these papers ap "Domoertitio to tho core. " AFRICAN 'COLONIZATION. The total receipts _of the American Coloni zation Satiety, from its organization in 1817 to Vecember 81, 1850; here $918,'686 The - mnount-expended-14-Stato-Societios,----du ring their independent action, was about s3l2,ooo—thus making - total - ref $1,226,- 626 83, which represents the costs of-coloni zation since the organization of the society. During the existence of tho Society it has sent 6116 emigrants to Africa. ' This does-not include the number, about eight hundred, sent by the Maryland Colonization Society, to its colony in Liberia. , Mona Kinnaproo.—Kidnapping outrages are becoming frequent in the eastern. portion of the State, and much excitement prevails on the subject in Chester and other 'counties.— Last week, ono night, the house of a respec table, industrious colored man by the,nanie of Hall, in Chester county, was broken into by a party of ruffians, who, after beating down HaWand his Wife WiP,olubs, dragged the for mer into a wagon and made off. Hall's house was within hailing distance of a dozen other houses,- rind lihr cries were beard, but the work of the kidnappers was so rapidly accomplish: od that all effort to detect the party failed . A six barrelled revolver, a silk handkerchief, and an advertisement containing the annoUnce ment-of-a-bear..beat tb.t took_placo_at-Em mlbsburg, Md., in Deceinber last, were drop ped in tho struggle, fom which it is inferred the kidnappers may have been from that s,..cc tion. • LEGISLATIVE CORlC,llPTlON,—Aninvestigation is going on in the New York Senate, relating to charges made against the Seigeant-at-Arms of that body, Mr. George W. Bull. to the effect that he, seconded by certain membere;has boon attempting to levy black mail onlhe prietors gimbling' houses in Now York, by promising to Suppress a billlending in the Le gislature, for the More offeOuid suppression of gambling. The matter hast4eitreferred to select committee of three, who aro authorized to send for persons and papers, and to take testimony. , DEATH IY THE Cons.—The Harrisburg A merican say! that Mr. Callender, of York, died suddenly in - the cars on his way home, on Thursday evening.. He had just effected an insurance upon his life .in the sum of $5,000, in the Keystone Mutual Ineurano . ° Company, a few houis before, and loft Harrisburg in ap parent health. GYN. CANS AND THE PREBIDENCY . .—The Gal veston,Journal says that a gentleman of Indi anola, Texas, has received nletter from Gen. Cass, in Which ho says ho ,‘ will boa candidate . for the Presttionv,, at the ensuing oleotion, if lie dlJe nominated by the Notional Can- Tendon of the Democratic parry." ' The'lett'or is of recent date, • • ' . Arrontrumirs.'--The folloivinglresidentia appointments have taken 'place: John "h Bush, - marshal of Northern New. York, vice Kellogg; J. R. Thompson, collector, Roches ter, Now York, vice Pond; J. Willard, post-' master Troy, New York, vioe•Clowes. Those' removed are. Seward 'Whigs; Unionists biking their places. .• . • Naw-Yons. ox-SLavanr.-- : Thecspecial com mittee of Jim Now York Legislator°, to : whom was referred 139 much of the Governor's roes sago 119 ralatocl to slayoryomm;le a report, con damning the fugitive slavelaw as unconstitu aortal, unreascnablo and , cruel;'&o: .Forcihle resistaimo to.tho law is, however, comiemned. A 1114 N. OW STRON4 eorre apeutleut. of ;the .711oroce (.11.1i9 is strong be oxprosaitni:of disapprobation of thoso who aro' in:feyor 'of' , the of the Union. He says: ' • ' • , "A man of. that character could not got a moat's ylotuals or a' bed 'to "'gimp , on' at my hone. My doge sliouldltirk tit him. If I was to'catcli a buzzard eatinda- disunionist, ,would &dot it.. Thcrare the last crall orett-: 'lion; fit for nothing but to bcivinkf4 at •:by iogroes; Itiolteeat by muleii,"gored'.by Und butted by'rinns." '.• ' _•‘• t. • ,tei..tho•rt.rrldburg ClottotiE Mill;,'is.-to in; , putl n'eportitibn:Without further-dolayi ,Z l ikrk4/41. 0 :CPX nO MIZE:. prinOipa. " hoe e elietenee. soitTal years . 9tthe . ,•• :CommoiiwO4*".4 • ;;;. istal Nfial . o Penilst, AlPcSgo./e.grOF!*s of . P4T.9F9 9° l 'l lego of 'Dental Surgery, thecommencement ex ercises.tif, whioh•are reported in tlic,"l34otiore Silo tO6 Friday, last, is our worthy Yonniftien" .. k .Mr. GEORGE Z.:DIETZ, of this borough. Mr. Bretz having now completed a thoroughneUrso of education in Idis 'profession, in One `:Of 'the best institutions'of the country, now confident ly. offers his services' to the -publim . IPS; card will:he found in'our advertising columns. New Spring Goode. ' The genial and, beautiful weather we have had for some .days-past will of cdursomake the ladies think of now spring goods. The elegant new arrivals of seasonable goods, which Qgilb4 I ttthis extensive establishment on High street i and'Alr. Woods on North Hanover street, herald' through. Our. advertising columns, Will .consequently draw the earliest notice•of our Aar , readers. —We are sur7 disappointed in these assortments. „ Fit*. of April What withvendering families flitting about in all:direet:ions 'With their household, goods,' and the throng of persons brought to town to arrange monetary transactions on the general “pay-day," .our streets have presented a very animated appearanee the last two days. We hear of vast amounts of money having changed hands among -re'al estate men, but we have seen but little of it!. • The Burnt District Mr. "falser, whose large Hotel was burned down at.the recent great 'fire, we are glad to see has already commenced preparations for _rebuilding and on a more extensire scale than Lis - former establishment. Carpenters, and masons are also industriously employell on other parts of the. ..burnt district, " rebuild ing dwellings, stitbles, out-houses, fences, Ste. and ore long-we presume that section of the townwill present a new and improred appear ance. Mr. ltionyer, whose manufactory was burnt down, already announces that ho has _,e new building erected and is ready again to - -supply the orders of- his customers:" The sub-. scriptions for rebuilding ,the Lutheran Church we life glad to learn hare been on.a,iiberal scale, such as will warrant the Trustees. in going on with the construction of a new . edi fice without much further delay. Cinnberlond County Produce An intelligent getleman, who is •not apt to make statements withoutcareful inquiry, re- marked to us the other day that the agricul tural produce of Cumberland county 'Sent to :11u ! oily markets this winter, would in his , o pinion amiunt to - fully one mjllion of dollara.— This must homemade the money market iitite easy for our:country friends on the first of A- prig. A million of dollars! .The tenhundred thousandth part of that is just about dturnis - byeubseribersiwarrearsrand-wo-won der whether it is Tory unreasonable in us _to expect that - bur Chime of the "miltiert" ( -4 now:L.lo into our waiting pockets, 'whei•e wo can assuro overy.botly who owes us it is great, ly nec(iod. Alitlncipus Robbery One of the boldefit robberies we have lately heard of was committed on Thursday night last, at the house of Mr. David Wolf, a re spectage *iner of North Middleton township. Ho had - Aceived a'payment of some $OO dur ing the day, which on goinghome ho deposited in the drawerefirbureitre During the even ing,-find while the family, wore occupying their usual sitting room, the houSe was entered by some persons unknown-and the whole amount of the money taken. The robbery was not discovered until' some hours Mier, and, the robbers • did their work so 'successfully as to leave no chic to their detection. The money is described by Mr. Wolf as consisting of nine $6O bills; Ewo $l - 0 - bills, three $5 'MRS on the Harrisburg Dank, and. two slo's on the Lan- caster Bank.' There was also a small amount of silver taken, making $505 in all. A re etamLor 1 0Q3a_otrerud...for...t1_e_reenery of tho. money and the detection of the thief, who we trust will yet be discovered and punished. Planting Treas. - Tho present is just the time for planting fruit, shade, ;Ind- ornamental trees; and the ground was,riever in bettor - Order at- this sea son of tho year. We would call" attention to the importance of planting more shade trees in our borough. There are many now that add greatly to the beauty and comfort of the town in the summer season;. but there is am ple room foi as many more. The planting of trees is one-tit :the cheapest Methods of im proving village property that can be devised.— It is only to start thoAhing and it does - itself. Any one who has platted-trees n'fovr years a go, is astonished to tali hoW-eoen' they have .grown upto reward him for the frilling trouble and expense; and if you would proicso to out them &wit you will soon find what a vql, uo is placed upon them by those who have en joyed their benefit. .Warlotot know that any thing can bo said in favor of.pinnting trees in a village, that will not apply with equal ir greater foice to the improvement of country or. farm residen ces. • Too little attention by far is bestowed upon this' matter by farmers who Would; in crease the value .of - their property: • Now is the time to think on it, and ACT: ' ' - Cliati•olviown: P9lt Of ic e Our geed Whig friend eo leirrn has resigned, the office of Peat Mal (dr' at Churchtown: Mr. Ocesatnen; _a very conipoiebt mazy has been appointed in Ilia 'S. I atced.. . Renew Your Subscriptions The present month closes the year for, a large nutaber of our subscribers irho. haye—ra "dopted MI" Plan of paying $1,50 in ,advauce. They are therefore respectfully . renUn' dad,. of the necessit:y, o t e rettereing Weir ,subsotiptioos for:the ocminiyearif they desire to ,seduce the benefit of the ,reduced terms. We ~must strietly, adhere to,our terms, whigh..are,set out 4 the head of ourt editorial ecluran se that who tints may read"--$1,50..if paid_, at the begipping.#: ,the year. if ; paid within tho year, or sg o op if.paid after the oxPiralion , Pr lha.year , !:,... ' .Onto Lars.-+The_ Colubutt_lol3,l6) State Journal utterly denies the story . 'which has teen pretty. eitensfiely eiroulatod;, that ~Ohio has passed O. la* nullifying the fugitive .sltive bill in that fzltate.l The Journal ,ssytt_thst no pq&L 'anima passed‘the Legislature or eithet . . kolxotrotibie 'At tOrooy ,Soh 'oiointy;' -42`g,tki4viaiico CoOrk . lini Ordeiiol tho proptiotore, of the.:di eront pito .an lloooseq' Drinking keiamiebioirtic OlosO .thelr under iion= TOWNSHIP, QPPICERS. This follorini lisi'oonin rises thtiV'Edi ' floors elected:id the several boroiigit and iiiVrit-iLY ship elections et :Cnniberlind county on os, 21st ult : , • LOIVEIt...ALLEN TOWNSHIP,' 7 4' Judge, Meier; Inapekton4, - '• Shelley, Jacob .Cemfort,• Assm.lor; Drool - .L:, Boyer; Supervisorsruel .11007 Strong: . Soltool'Direetorsilyillininlirdoks; vi Merkel, Abrahhm itrpwe'r; Auditor, Chris ,tian.Eberly; Township:Clerk,..4ohn-B...Door bseltpEavid Wise, (tie;) Copetablii, J. Young. .UP:l'Elt. ALLEN. . • . f , BraEl .„, Justice of, the Dean; John G To tor; Con sablo,' David Devinney ; Supervisors, William Lai:abort, Jacob Keller; Assessor, George IL -Auditor, Jacob Landis; School Direc -Uri, John B. Coo'vor, Jacob - A: Mohler; 9.'oirn-, ship Cleric, ,Tplin Crouse; Judge,. John Moore; Inspectors,. George Anderson, James B. Brown. '‘. • ', CARLISLE: Chlorßtirgess, Joseph' H . : Blair; Assistant Burgess,'Jacob LeilKsr;, Town Clerk, .Wesley Assessor, Andrew Roberts. • • East Ward.—pouncil, John B. Bretton, Aix. dron ger; Charles McLaughlin, Wm. Breeze, Henry. 4. holly; Judge, Bell; Inspec tors, Alexander S. Lytle, John Cairns; School •Director, George Moreely Constable, Robert McCartney.. • ' West 'IP/rd.—Council, IL, Hinkley, Wm. S. Cobelin, Jacob Bretz, Geo'...L. Murray; Judge, Nillinm Skiles; Inspectors, Henry- Harkness, - Coorgo - L - Reightmq - Schonl - Directmr - James Hamilton ; Constable, Wm. H. Horn. . ' DICKINSON. . Judge, John King, Upper; John Mack, Low er; Inspector - 3, VVm. Galbraith, David William son, Upper; Benjamin K. Fetter, Win. Lock: , art, Lower; Supeftisors, George KisSinger, Huston Fulton ; Auditor, John 8. Dunlap ; Assessor, George W. Reighter; Township Clerk, D. L. Beelman; Constable, John Clan dy. EAST PENNSBOROUGH Judge, Tobias Moltz; Inspectors, George Oyster, John Wolf; Supervisors, Samuel Esh leman, Abraham Price; Assessor, John Holtz; Auditor, Henry Buser; Township Clerk, Abra ham Rupley ; School Directors, Br..P. Simon .Dresbaugh; Constable, IL •W. Dom bough. "justice of thnPcace, Peter Minnick ; Judge, Wm)Graham, Upper;_ Daniel Landis, Lower ;- Inspectors, John Stine, Henry Mentzer, Up per; John Mlnnich, Abraham Hickey, Lower; Supervisors ' Matthew Kamara, lionrylticka baugh ; School Directors, George Kosht, Jetties Graham, Samuel Bowman; Auditor, M. D. Leckey; Township Clerk,., James B. Leckey; 'Assessor, Peter Myers; Constable, Col. Wm. Gracoy. , Judge, John - P, Quigley; Inspectors, -Peter Drairbaugh, Nathaniel Ecitles ; Asgesnor, 'Simnel Eberly; School Directors, Robert. - G. Young, John Sprout ; Supervisors, Henry Leh- . 'man, Benjamin Erb; Auditors; Samuel Co over, Samuel Heffiefingor ; Township Clerk,. Solo- mon B. Reesok; donetablo David Hume Judge, Henry S. Fisher; . Inspectors, Jacob Strickler, Peter Loshor ; Assessor, S. Heber lig; Auditor, Joseph M. Means; Supervisors, John M. Mitten, John Elliott; School Direc tors, ThOmas Heffiefinger, John P. Rhoads, Jacob Cramer; Tosinship Clerk, Michael L. Miller"; Constable, John Stevick. TUdge, David L. Clark; Ingricetors, _George_ Myers, Samuel Myers; Assessor, Christian Brandt ; 'Supervisors, John Cams, David Shel ler; 'School Directors, Christian 'Baker, - -Mi .chael. G._Br;Anclt,_ Samuel_ Brielior ; Auditor, Benjaruin'Neisley; Township Cleric, idle ael 1-I.i'issel,•—Constablo,r-jonathatung„ MECHANICSBURG. Burgess, George Singizer.. Council, Dr. 11. Long, George Bobb, Jacob Eppley, D. B. Rockafollow,. George Shrader;, School Direc tors, David fiwiler, George Webbert; Super visors, David ; Wise, Henry Bold); AsSessor Samuel Eberly; Justices of the;Teace,- John Palmer, Patrick Laverty Judge,'Gee. Stern -Or; Inspectori, Philip 'Uhler, J Sensemen, Constable, Caspar B. Guyer. ; j MLFFLIN. Justice- of the Pence, Robert Middleton; Judge, John B. Perry ; Inspectors, Andrew McElwain, John M. Miller ; Supervisors, George Kuettlo, Armstrong AssesSor, Ephraim Adams; Additor, David .Sterrett; School Directors, Robert Blain, John Stewart, John Whisler •, Township Clerk, Sidnuel Me gaw ; Constable, Andrew Faildr. Judge, Wm. Orcen : reo6d, N. I John Wood burn, S. N.; Inspectors, John MeDowell, Wm. Koons, N. N.; Henry Leidy, James Kyle, S. N. ; Supervisors, Joseph .Diehl, ;Gborge Har lan; 4uditor, J. H. McCulloch; School Di rectors, D. J. McKee, Robert Mickey; Asses sor,lohn Gracey ; :Township - Clerk: - Michael Hale; Constable, Jacob Loy. NEW CUMBERLAND Chief Burgess; Henry Bauchman; Asiist ant Burgess, James Grinshaw; Council, James Henry Bienneman, John Seibert;" ,School Di rectors' William IL 8011, John Rife; Super visors, Joseph. Young, John Eisenbeger; As sessor, William H. Bold ; Judge, Adam Fee man ; Irispeetofs, James Grhnshavr, Lewis Bobb; Justice of the Pence, F. tee, J. 'G. Ketteman, tie; Constable, John S. Crist, NEW'VILLE. Judge, Wm. K. McFarlane ; Inspectors, Ja cob D. Myers Wm: Sythe; Assessor, John. Givler,. jr; School Directors, . John• Dunfee, John Waggoner; Supervisor's, iWrd. Crawford, Andrew`l.f. - ;llailing; .Tovrnship: McLaughlin; Constable. Daniel S. Dunlap. NORTH MIDDLETON. ,• Judge, Joseph Culver; Inspectors, Jacob Homer, Peres W. Quigley ; , School Directors, John Miller, Jeremiah Griner; Supervisors, John Barley, John Swartz; assessor, John H. Spahr; Auditor, John W. Ihmderson; Town ship' Clerk, David ComprobSt ; Constable, Geo. • - ' - SOUTH MIDDLETON.' . • • - 'Judge, Robert C. Sterrett ;•Inspectors, Geo: Otto, William Line; Schohl Directors,John Shaeffer, Jacob Wolf; . Assessor;SamueGleim;, 'Anditor, -- Adam -- Peffcr ; Clerk, , Henry Kelly; Supervisors, Hugh Stuart; Johli Goodyear, or.; Constable, Henry Leib. l• • ' SHIPTENSBURG. Chief Burgess, Alexehdcr Stuart; Assistant Burgess, W. D. B. Hay*, Clerk,•JaccbStoin men.; Council, C. B. Hinkel, Robert Cochran, Christian Long, George, Trone, David Kenow or ' • Judge, Ephraim Mull; Inspectors, John C. Altick,'Philip Winters;- Assessor, 'Robert . ‘ t 1 Scott ; • School Direct rs, R. P.; -McClure, Wil liam Beichert ;_.Cons idc, L. G. Miley. • , SHIPPENSBUI 11-TOWNSHIP:- . , • . . Justice of. tha Peacc, - Philip,Ro „ ontz; Judge,, Hugh Craig; Inspectors; Philip Koontz, Adam Duke;'-School Directors, John -Winger, Jacob Kitemiller, David . ;Wilson; • Assessor, John Shoop; Clerk, Hugh Craig; Supervisors, B. Hoch, Joseph IL Ratun • Aulitors, James H. Wallace, John . ShoOp; donetable, Elias Himh. ' SOUTHAMPTON. • . Judge, David Clever,Upper; Jacob Rebuck, ii Lower; 6lnspoot 're, Abraham Mich, David Shoemaker, Upp r ; Henry ,B. Ifoch, George Kimmell, LoWer Supervisors,. .John IL clress. ler, Daniel Gold n; School , Directors,,, Samuel .Wherry; Samuel Taylor; Aliiessck; Joim ger ree; Auditor, Jos. G: Creeslerr , Clork,"jamee Kelso; 'Constable, Thomas, 1 11. 11.114m4;1,Lc0n: evil Milani, Ave votes gull: * al . . .. .. .. .' ;SILVER - SPRING;;` ' . - - Judge, David Sterrett; Inspeotors, John, Trimble, Davis} Lchn ; Asisossor, Jolla Son School Directors, James Williamson, George, Bucher; Supervisors; Jacob Forney, John 'Learner; Auditor, Henry, Voglesoug; Clerk, George •Ddey; Constable, Denjamin an. . , • ?WEST I'ENNSBOROUGH.' • justice of the Peace, Wni., -G. .Davidson; .judge, john Dunlap, Upper; Wm: hI. tovid- Soti, • Lower;` Inspectors, Jonathan SnYdor i . Wm: hX Gleirn; Upper; Solomon Reer,, JaMel Groastin, Lower;., School Directoro..Jatees Ido= 'Culla* Ziogler ; Auditor, Geo. Hakes; Assestior, Yoet Spengler ; Supervisors, George Graham, William 'Alter Mork; Goo, Zinna ,jr:; Conetable, .3, etioph MEM ,46rmi, Mhttrtiy, :the :proprtoter of tho,i foilropil to tliopittOtio;;ltne gone to Eeropo fo mitifor With the tiVioiCtioveiniiao ß t; upoii FRANKFORD lIAMPDEN HOPEWELL moNn.or NNW TON Litt oi-owlar.; April torn{ of t4O ; ; Ciitirt Of AuirtoiSofielOrtts,und•ConiritOn." Plead...of thim blirland county, commefloipg on. Illopdayi April . • - '. FIRST wirmt. . ~ , Mateer fo! , use'im.'Clark's Muer. Barnlti vs. Storifter. McCulloch,. for 'use vk'Motee.: Shewaltorivi: , ..Burris: • for,uso vs.:Reynolds.- Clippinger & Co.; for - use vs. Same TlorneeoS. - Craigheadett: McCullough vs Irvine's Executor.:, ; Foreman, vs 5h0c14,§954 &40. ' Reed vs Rhoads. = • ' latatise as Woodburn: Orphans Couri'fcr,-uso , ' Commonw'h of Pa. for ustii,v.rWallacc Mishlor dco'd Adm'e: for Ilse taMielilor. Barnitr. re Penrpee 'and Watts. Hartzell, vs Burkholder. • ••:'" - Stune' Some et-al - - ps Ulrich deo'd Exceutq. flevor veTeirroSe & Watts.' • Wilson vs Same. ' Baker V 3 Rankin & ' : " Belbhoover'S liars vs l . , • Middleton vs Mitchell, t• al. - • Fultvilor vs Martin.• Same vs Same et al. Same vs Same. , Same veSame. • Same vi Same. o " ' .L_Woodburn for use vs Woodburn with note Erb, et al vs Willitunaet al. „ • The Com'wlth of Pi. for use vs Longedorf : . deed. Adm'r, • . • . Same vs Hoffer, Esq. • Foulk vs Carothers et al. Killieffer-et al vs Brenneman. . ' Fahnestock, 'Adm'r. in Barnhart et al.; •Com'wth of Pa. for use vs Roads, fie. Longneeter_ vs Oyster. Criekabauni vs Rhoada.. Shissler vs Griffith. Heffner vs' isher. • Irvine vs Grier. Enetninger vs Ritner,‘ortir -- -!....„ Sullivan vs Shrom et al. McCord, vs Cornwell. Bnldy vs Rheetn: . . Same vs Same. Culbertson vs Shrom: Kutz vs Rutz. • Tuibett vs Rielcabaugh. Noble vs Fleming. = .... . . _ _The advantage of life . iiisurance are becom ing better understo , and..that mode of mak ing provision for fap Hies if more extensively practised than forneily, though still •not to the extent it should be. A striking illultra tion of the benefits to be derived from it has. recently come under our notice, says the Phil adelphia North .Atftericon., 11Ir. r IIp - 1 - & — linpcf; a highly respectable merchant • of Cincinnati,. and a-dii ( ector of ono of the Fire; Insurance Companies in that city, effected an, insurance on his life fir 'five thousand dollars inythe Np!- tional Safety Lifo Insurance and Trust Com pany of Philadelphia, in September last, and though then in 'perfect health, died, after a short illness; on the 29th of November follow ing. Tho five thousand dollars insured on his life was promptly paid by the Company to his widow, and thus, by his Prudent foresight, his family has been left in comfortable circum stances:- -- Oncrof - the - best Life - Insurance COM= r - , panics in Philadelphia, the United States: Life Insurance Company—is advertised in our pa per. The editor of this paper is its Agent for Cimfberland - county ;Mid Will furnish - all necessary-information-on-application. , Literary Noiloes. ; • fiEr.Journal of the sufferings and hardships of Capt. Parker 11. French's Overland .Expe : tfition to California, Which loft the city of N. Yeirk, - May - 18 - at — S Francisco, on the 14th of December, by WilL linm Miles. ThiS ig the title of a small pain ! phlet, not partiCularly well printed nor distin guished by great literary merkt in its' composi tion, but giving a plain account of the perilous adventures, sufferings and hardships of not only the author but a number of other emi grant.; from Carlisle to California, who were led by swindling pretences to join the overland expedition of Capt. French. Personal sympa ; thy with the-members of the party, as well as the interesting'oharacter of the narrative, will ensure it a . general perusal in this quarter.— . It is published for the benefit of the author's family, and sold at a low price-by Wesley ' Miles, of Carlisle, who will dispose of it by . the single copy. or furnish to 'agents 'at a dis - SAM Gi.EASON'S DII.AWINO ROOM COMPANION Gls the •moat beautiful and unique specimen of the art-of—printing--wo,have--etver—eeenz---It--esps , the climax of enteririae in the: way of news paper I)•l:k"Aisiting, proving that "some things cad be done as 'wall CCB other things," as they say in very choice vernacular. • Christopher columbus discovered a hemisphere, and F. Gleason, a Boston Yankee; hrie astonished that hemisphere with a newspaper I Price $$ a yetir, or six cents a single copy. And what do you got for your six cents? Eight, large pages of reading matter, five line illustrations,. Your iMuvellettes; making altoathev, forty columns of choice literature" If v.old Bonny Franklin could only see this speoliedit' of the printing art, he would certainly hily himself a new pair of specs. Wonder if ho ever entertained the remotest notion that such a thing"could over be done for six cents! Se riously, however,' we regard this as the great est artistical triumph of the ago. • •• TUE PESiNSYLVANIA FARM SOUNNAL.—A.Iq: Spanglcr,•Esq., prOposes, on the, let of, April, to commence the publication of a inonthly riaultural piper, with the above title, in the' city of Lancaster. It will be edited by S. S: Harantle-tw, Professor of Zoology in the Frank lin•lnatituto:" A:work of this Idial is greatly needed, in Pennsylvania, and if conducted wit.h.the proper ability, every intelligent for iner in the State should encourage it. :The Arm Journal will be issnedin the' same size and style of that well-known agricultural pa per, thq,..4/baay Cullivator, at thole*. prima $1 a year. Clubs of ten for ;st3, .. or twenty for $l5. • , • Plainfreld Academy_ Exhibition Mr. EditorL-I IMd-tho 'pleasure of 'witnes sing an exhibition at Plainfield-Academy, 011 Friday evening last, and heartily congratulate the Principal,. as well as the students, upon their "unboulided success. The performance, Commenced 'at half past seven o'clock,, ;and . before eight them were 'more Persons 00BM, bled than could bo admitted into the "Spacious building . . 'But Seelboy . mist, and to accom- Plialt.theit• des!ga,_tkey ! stood-in groups at the elders and: windows: : All wore. pritient 'expressed. their satisfactien at the ,porforna- once. We are informed that if it had been :mop generallyhnown,. there would have been amuoh,larger ,ordir - q. What oat not ho-:,derto by . perievoninee this Aeatletny not rushy years ngo,:was'seareely known, but by the un tiring efforts • of its, lirortliy It lase . plMied Itself among the first institutions “of the State. It is patronized by some of the Most Influential families of. thie-satt other aOrMe . s , :tktvi. If Were to reedy° Its-501 dusi, it trould.still bo moll largely supipillell., T . tut, hrtirrt•PlN Nr.•T•yort.p.. , -.The lature of Neii:Yerlt htisijoet 14,41fraiiiinge -'and•Pie.t. This in • right. •Iti to bti,*tlkt.Ccfits# , W him the! finee;. • :1 TELE.GytArx-txc toxisir;Altuzins The Xakite `trierrible.:TOolltsioni.—lnfteer t . P.l,77snirao,' , lfaroh-26, 7 4Vc'have reeciVed the followine . .,Particulat4i froM a genilemen . who 4 70 s ''priiene•at the • Collision' yesterday, ' between, theiiii?aniers Lowell and.Vinton; both beaturwere hei : illy-laden: The accident took place near• Captive lelnnd, below 'Wheeling, at half paikten atnl . l3l4. , ,,s4tr,was , .very dark; and the force of The :irinten being aiiirle„ . .borit; of . 000 tons, 'the ImWeluunk in about 'thirty seconds after '.l4.lany , '9l* the' passengers and ere* escaped'in their night clothes. The fir s i t engineer, two firemen, and twelve deok passen gers were drowned. A large family, consist= ing'of a man, MS wife, and children; were a mongthe victins: They belonged to Bedford, Pa Tlio Vinteit was immediately' stopped,- and 'every assiStance:.rondered ,to the amyl vers. Joseph B. McKeown; tirSeungineer;,:drown-.. , . leaves n wife Ulld2ssevou chlldroM HO took the.. place of the ragular engineer, who \via 'tick, just aa:the boutzptishetl, out from Pitts burg, Tami!. his family resided. Tile Iteicneis , Indicted. Bosro:4,`Mnicii 411.—L-The Grand Jury of the linited_States.Di'striet,eourt,—hwCe-founeltw•--i -dictruents against all those who siCre bound o ler by Counntssioner Iranett, for having been connoted With the rescue of Shadrach the fugitive.. Tim WirnAT Cnoi; , .—Our accounts front dif ferent parts of. Eastern Pennsylvania, afford cheering hope of an abundant Wheat crop the ensuing season. We learn olHo.A6at in the wbeht-growing regions of Nar York, thelrop wears a promising appearance. GREAT REDUCTION IN FRIOES oc LANDS/--. Don't believe it, but call on M. ii. Dyott Kent, General Lamp „Manufacturers', No. 01 South SECOND Street; and judge for yourselvv. We will not only sell every article in our lin, as cheap as any other establishment in dm country, but we con, and will furnish better articles for the money than can be purchased elsewhere. We have constantly on hand the largest variety andAlandsomest Asscrtment'of 'LAMPS of all ~kinds: Such as Dyott's Patent Pine Oil Lamps (their superiority overall oth-. ers is so universally_ conceded, that it is use less to say, anything of their merits;) Solar, Lard.and Oil Lamps; Fluid Lamps: Candle bras; Fluid Girondoles, (a new ornament for the mantle;) Boquet Holders, all of new sic signs•and patterhs; Chandeliers of all sizes, to burn Pine Oil, Fluid, - Lard and Sperm Oil, suitable for churches, Odd Fellows' Mani, and in: fact all places. where light is required.— Our goods are manufactured by our Selves, and finished intim best possible manner, in Ormo lu, Gilt, Silver, Bronze and Damaide, Pine Oil, hurtling Fluid, Wicks and Glass,, &c. at the lowest market-prices, wholesale and retail. Housekeepers and Merchants will find it their interest to call onus, before purchasing, and— psamine our stock and. prices.• M. B. Duerr & KENT, Lanqi Manufacturers', No. 04 South Second Street, ono door below 'Chesnut Street, • iladelphia. —3mfs4ejw. . , 'RCTS .- _.,.., _:.._lrlifdlll - MGLETA ' IILL .I.IYSPEPSIA MITE RE. ___ The moot popular _Medicine of the Mir !—A val uable remedy. Hutchings' Valuable Dyspep tic Bitters, says the N. Y. Metropoii.t, is imi venally acknowledged _ to be the best prepays,- • lion tor - fliis distressing disease, now in vogue; also, in all cases of general debility it is Fllid to act lik - eTT - Pharm. TlnN"tiMliPinw - lrirs - beem --- fully tested by many of our Well known citi- , Fens, and has establiShe4 on its own merits, a character for value' and efficacy that is not ex .celled._Nothing.caule_ more .surprisingllnin_ 1 its invigorating effects upon t 4, 1 o whole system. Dr:lintehingsbeing - desir 1.. g -that the most humble should receive the b nefit of his, valu- able compound, has placed it at a price within the re.pch of all. Circulars, containing the Certificates of itemnrhable Cures, and the high estimation in which this Medicine is the public press, can ho bad of the Agente r . free. Principal Office, 122 Fulton street, N. Y., up stairs. Sold in Carlisle by l. El moTr. .Price 50 -erizts per Louie. Eitu Pliihnlelphia N. American Office Weekly Review, March 28, 1851. P.EMARRI.S.-:-The late foreign advices hero had little or no effect on the market, but the . operations in most of the leading articles of produce have been only to, a moderate extent for the season. Cotton is less nctive. Plot r ,nrid Meal, have slightly declined. Wheat and._ Rye are ti.Uo dull. Groceries . move off slowly at former prices. Provisions continue quiet, and Iron and Coal are without much demand. En-other-articles-the, o eta o tro - ma to notice 'since the close of last week. FLOUR AND, MEAL.-: 7 The market opened depressed and dropping, and holders, in order to meet, the_yiewa finyers,.thereibeing_some little export inquiry, submitted to a further slight decline, and some 6E47000 bbls. Flour found buyers mostly at .$l,Bll- for standard superfine, including better broods at .$1,871. and a:selected lop at $4,41 111 bbl. closing wit, a 'United demand at the above quotations; the• horee 'trade has been operating to a limited ex tent with the above range of prices, including v3xtra.'at $4,62/oss, tufa fancy brands nt.s;), 25006 19 bbl. Rye Flour—A slight decline having induced more activity in the demand, •ome 1201500 bbls. fold for shipment itt .31A. `ll bbl.';' Corn'Menl has also been mewing off niorelrooly, but at lower prices, and about 2000 bushels Terin'a Meal sold at 11,2,681, in cluding come at a.shade less. The following are tho inspections for the 'Week ending the 27th inat:. 16,821 .1)1)15. Flour; 727 bbls. Rye Flour; and 8,031 bbls. Corp Meal. GRAlN.—lreceipta continue moderate, and for Wheat there is not ,much demand. '.Some 25030,000 bushels only have been diSposed of, mostly. prime Penn's. 'Width, at 102 c., inclu ding some small lots of good rode at 97c., awl inferior at less rates—the market closing dull. tye has been in good demand, and 364000 bushels. Pennsylvania sold early in the webk. rtt 68c.1 it has sines been freely offered at this rate without finding buyers. Corn is in steady. demand and firm, and firm, and all the receipts —soma 85,e,40 1 b00 bnalels—hare been oaten at 60q030ic.,-for Penn's. aml !3:qalfeen including seln'e nt .. , .;aitie furdley Py , ...:* A.llltVo lit 13c. isio-f:Southerit For the ft -mid On tho 28th ult., by the Rev. C. Mc Mr. John Bdwera to Miss Hannah Ziuu, all of Mount Rock. . , ~. In Mifflin township, on Thursday . , the 27th ' alt., by the Rev: 'Robert Menehrom Mr. IVil- . limn Lenney,of Shippenshurg, to bliss Calm- , Tine Elliott, of the former place. : , . . ' , , 33 . 4.1313, .„. At her late residence at 4.llappy Retreat," on the 21st ult.,' Mre...Ann Smiley, in .the 51st year of her age. .• : : , In Cincinnati, on. the' 6th of February' at . the residence of. her uncle, Dr:11. Cox, Mrs. Marthtoene Stephenson, consort ofMr. Fred eriak Stophbnson, and danghtea ',Of 'Henry yy-..“ and Rachel 11.etnt, atThe ago of 23 yeara and', 6 days. . . . • , ‘.? ir e ad-,Quarlths,. B 4 Ctimb. , I , ril 2d 1f351. • staifiTipointlnOta of tho. Battalion are it'a'falla'veTa; gurpeon.—Dr. li. Hinkley. : .., Quotermastets.-I,ieut. James Agnew, of the, Iluntar. 11111164.; • "Aron Cornniosiopid Stair Appoinimetn.e.—Ser geiintAS49y;abrandAn bollaff, of Me Artille y. QnortmaiNfer, S'ergeone 1 4 ;1 0 Corior, of tint Light Infantry: ` Tito above 'potaonaliill .).),O" obeyed and ,r 9.; speoted aeaordingly.,• , j3y ovdoi of lutiof,z9ll4, :iiiinter. • •,, • .:•r aospyrus wita,TAm RENEbsE, Mitt. ,t.t. - 1/Z1 II IBM