„~ ~s' .. Storit'' i &"ol)olYs': DM GitgAT ATTit-AcriviNs role it& __zioiyaqiirs. .9c /6.4l . h'itigks, , -giailf. etupler:i; NORTH HaNi)VER si i -.- c4R.L.tax, PA wMIRE.the iiitizeni of this place arid all' thhsa who may visit lito - stnne during tile' Holythfys,:will finchho !attest assortm . itnt of , CVNFECTI6NAttIES; (of every variety)...ey.Or otrercd, manufactured of ; the bat Materials,. expressly for the apt , prom:Mug . festivities, which will ho sato or retail,- at reasonable rtttes iz at •the old, stand bl* tbe. subscriber in - North Hanover st;,. a lest , door.stitorth of. the Bank..; Where,may also befoapll.a complete, assortment of FRUITS AND NUTS; consisting in part of Oroigss, - Lenions,,Grajkes, Figs - ,ltaisins - r7PrulieV , tirftin4 - bakes, Cut rants, Pates, Almonds, Filberts, Cream; Coco and Ground. Nuts. J - le)could also, call atten tion to the largest of , . • TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, ever ofli•red 'Caijiki consisting of •' CDINATAND GLASS TOYS, Card Trilyis, „Vases, •Mugs, Tea Sots, doll heads, Motto Cologne Bottles: • biers, ossorttd Figures. Ate. • • • APIN,E"FIN TOYS, such tts ' Carriages, Carts,. Cradles, tables, chairs, nnifnals, buckets, t ups, ?attics, wash stands, candle 'sticks, &c. • t'. GUM TOYS, pure India rubber and elastic doll _heads, rat tles, dogs, teething rings, c9ricaturd faces, &c. WOODEN TOYS, cups and saucereq. ninepins, towns, soldiers, furniture, tools in bezces, gameii and puzzles, drums, guns, trumpets, wagons, wheelbarrows tubs, Noah's arlts,:hprsemen,. tringnetWfish,! boats, fichllos, guitars, harmonicans, &c FANCY GOODS, Fine sewing, ca^d and knitting baskets, fancy boxes of wood, paper and glass, hair oils, soaps, colognesi,, hair, brushes, and hundreds of other articles not Mininetated above, which all ure invited to cull and exainine. 'rho-subscriber' returns his sincere thanks to a generous publietiorthe patronage bestowed on on former- occasions, and hopes by a de sire :to "please. to- merit a continuance or the same.' . Peen) P. MONYER. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF ./ I r. 070 0 .D S! ?'JiIIE suhseriber has just received from the city another addition to his Stock of Goods embrainng a lar&e• and varied assortment, in lotnid Cloifie. Cassimeres, Satti - nets. Changeable Tare ?Satins, Mons,-; ao Litines, Cashmeres, Shawls, Gloves, Cie . ten and Woolen Flannels, Mullins: Alarge STOCK OF MUFFS, just which will Vie sold very low, 0 LTS; DE - LADIES, Very destrAble styles have just been opeded - I,y•rbe subscriber, to' which the attention of the ladies is invited. , SILKS AND SATINS,' _ Just received a hat dsome assortment of bl'k n t ul ch,ing,eable_ SILKS,and —Turk -SATINS, fur tindies dressds which will be sold cheap. BOOTS — A - ND — SRO - ES, • in great varicty,style and size. • GROCEItIES, of all kinds, such as good Coffee, at 12 1.3,.5u gar, Molasses, Spires. Also, -- Teitkin's F 3 Cd.'s Celebrated --GRE'EN ,AND .BLACK TEAS, The. attention •f the Public is respectfully solicited, inasmuch es D.p feels confident of his a Mini tt-give luetlim to all who may favor him with their uironage. janS • N. W, WOODS, Ag't UNRIVALLED DISPLAY OF 31M16 TER soopps, tLNOTHER supply of Winter Goode ,vi be received from New York and Phila delplua this week, to which the attention of the ladies ds partieulatly requested. Among the lot will be found a full assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, snob as Turc Satins, Silks, Cashmeres ' 'Merl. uses, Irish 'Wines, Mous. de Laines,Figed. and•Pluin LustreS, Eigured Camelesms, &c. SHAWLS, Long 'and Square Bay State Shawl's, Cashmere Shawls,:Thibet Shawls, black ' and colored with sil fringes, -black cloth Shawls. BONNET & NEOIt RIBBONS, A beautiful assortment of Bonnet, Cap. and . Deli Ribbons; French Worked Collars, Cuffs, GLOVES — AND HOSIERY Also, some new CLOTHS, CASSIMERS SATINETS, Kentucky Jeans, Vestings, &c. - BOOTS AND — SHOESi' A n ,ther supply of-those prime Long Boots.— Also' a lull 'assortment of the cheapest and best Shoes-ever brodght to Carlisle. CARPETS, Another lot of Ingrain, Cotton:,and Girthing Carpets. • • GROCERIES & SPICES, Some. fresh Tea, Sugar, Coffee;,Spices, &c.. The goods will- be received and opened dun ing the week,-and all persons - wanting to save money in their purchases,- will do well' to call at tine , Id stand East Main street, where the lamest.,,best 'and- cheapest lot of, goods is sure to he -found, • ntiv"7 - CHAS. 0 GILBY. VOTI. TEE' ECOLTDAYS Splendid Fancy Good', Elegaiut • piir Books, &c dm, Gi W.-HAVE RSFICK--has just: received - s• from the city andis now opening a splen did display'of FANCY GOODS, suitable for the approaching. Holyday . Season r •te which' ire - desires to cell trio attention of his friends and the public His assortment in this line cannot he surpassed novelty and elegance, and . Will. in quality and price of the articles,,can, not fail to please purchasers.. It would be im possible to enumerate his ~ H OLIDAY FANCY GOODS,- - wl:inh comprise every variety Of fancy articles of the most novel styles and exquisite finish, such as - Ladies' FaAy Baskets,' _Fancy Work. Boxes, with-seiving instrunt'ts - Terracotta Work (a recent novelty() Paper Macho Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stande and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and Sh - ell card cases,. Port Monhates, ofevery. variety, Gold pens and pencils; • Fancy paper weights, . Papeteries, with ,a large variety of ladies fancy stotionery,, - -- Motto seals and' wafers, c, Sillt . and bead purses, • Ladies' riding -whips, elegantly. finished, . .Ladies' line cutlery; • - • Porrurno.baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, noussersperfumes of the various , kinds„ Musicalinstruments, of all`kinde and atial , prices, together with an innumerable variety o" writhes elegantly finiehed:and suitable forleho. lydayplesents, to which, he. invites special at tention._ • , Also, an extensive and elegant collection of HOLIDAY, GIFT BOOKS, omprielng the , various English and American'ANNUALS, for 1851, richly embellished and illustrated POETICA L WORK S, with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL B 0 0 IC 8, for,children of all ages,, than, which nothink, can, be more'apprepriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. His assortment of "School Books and School Stationery; is also .complete,' and corn priSes every thing, used in', ; Colleges and , the Schools. _He also desires to call the particular attention of Families to ins elegant display or LAIVIPS;ifG ELAND OLLS, Sec.' frimi the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia; comprising. every, style .61' ''Parlor, , ,Chamber: and Study Vauts; for burning either lard; sperm •or cam.: real uoili together , Whir Flower Vdsce; Fancy Screens, .Sce, 'Hieassortment in„thislizie is un equalled in tlict ben:nigh.. - FRUITS:. FACY CONFECTICrAIIy NCTPRE N SSIVV.CD , FRUITS;rdtc • id every valtietr,sinkavall prices, all of which are pare and "fresh' fresh; mush' es. mambo ,- confidently recommended tti'hiefrtends , srldthe little fOlke., Hie' toolohtribrades . ..trintrythiejr-ixt • ValidfaloasPwithquany'ether artidles, u s ef u l, to househeoperit,whioh.the,publie sircespeeially , invited to Oelhand seeduring they koltdays:~:; HenteMber the'Old'Stand, nearly:oppeiltelthe" Hank on N nth deal . • 5t,r..,44:11E . R ' mat ; , q,cl-1.51 tOttO OT, I)ops - Mill :,‘DRIIGO.V . DititfOi.;:lißli , i . --. 1 - Fresh Sprtng SuptilV! ,•,' - ' ' • lir 11.4.VE juet„..recolved,p fresh steak of lifed, i icines; Paints; Glue- ' .. Qi.k &c;, Which • haying been,.purchneed wi,th — great_cgro et the :beet city housetClOnn .. confidoutbi tecOnitend to 'Parka* l'hypicitind, 'Counto...gorohorty, and Dealers, Mi .beini fresh.' 'and pOre'.,;-: ,' .' • • ' ',, - • DRAMS.' '; . ' ' P . ''''.. 1 . Patent'lllddiqhitte:, ,Heibeind Extracts . ' Vino henit:ottle; Spicoo,ground told whole • instruments; " . ' 'Es B engqs. .. . • !Jure &sine' Oils' 1 Perfumery, te. ' - . .Ced Liver Oil—Warranted Genuiixe. • : DYE-STUFFS. • 'lndigoes,' Madders t , Surnat Alum; Log and Cam )Votabi, Oil' Vitriol , . , .Copperas, ,Lne Dye* PAI*TS". 7 & Riot Pure'lead,:%Chrome Green and Yellow; Paint and Varnish Brushes, Sersby Window Glass, Linseed Oil,.Turpen. tine, Copal and coach, Varnish; and Red Lead. All of which will be sold at the very lowest market price,, Also, a fresh and. spleddid 'as sorttnent ' • FANCY•grOODS, FRAJITS, Confectionary, and innumerable other articles balculatad for use and ornament, oil of which are offered at the howest cash prices, at the cheripPDrug Book and Fancy Store of the at. on North lianover'street. May 22, 1850 FIRNT ARRIVAL OF, Roots and.: Shoes TOR CHE' zAiL SEASON AT PORTER'S'SI-10M - STORE, _ .Main street, near the Rail Road Depot, I 3OMPRISING Men's, Bay's and Youth's j Calf, Rip and coarse. Boots and Brogans, winch are warranted to be of the'best quality, Ladies palters, ROSltins and French Ties, Wises and Phildrens boots and shoes in great variety. 'Also, an elegant assortment . of GUM SHOES and BOOTS;•With all the late im• provements and warranted perfect. . Having purphased these •gunt shoes from the agentoA the manufacturer, 'I am authorized to ofvx• NEVI PAIR in place of any that prove defective in wearing. Having a large stock of French Calf Skint, Morocco, Kid, tte., and good workmen, every attention is given to customer work as usual. septlB ' WM. M. PORTER. Fresh Arrival of Hardware CHEAPER THAN TI-lECHEAPEST. rffAVlN.G.jiist returned from Nei& York & Philadelphia with the best ane - Cheapest Stook of HA RDIVARE,C UTLER-Y BU I LD- G MATERIALE„' PAINTS, &c., ever brought to Carlisle, I would respectfully request dealers and consumers - and all others to give me a-call-and see-whether-they-cannot-get more and better goods for the same money than at -any-other-placo-br uwu. My - stock - of - Itor,ke, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes, Glass, Paints, &c., is complete and very cheap, Carpenters''Tools, I have a splendid assort. anent. Also, Cabinet Maker's T'ools• and Ma telials, viz :—Vaneers, Mahogany, Mineral and Glass Bureau Knobs and Varnie.,,,i SADDLERS & COACH MAKERS, can have eyorything in their line cheaper than FOR SHOEMAKERS, I haVe a first rate 'stock of Morocco and Lining Skins,,Bindings, Pegs, thread -and Wax, and a superb assortment of -Shoemakers Tools. I have also a complete assortment of Ball's Luigi, mode in Harrisburg, which can be had at no other place in town, and at BulPs Prices. To gether with an assortment of all kinds of Ham• mcred and Rolled Iron and Steel. Of ,House• -keeping Articles, I have Knives. Forkff, Spoons, Waiters, Snuffers and Trays . Tubs, Buckets, WALL PAPill. I have the largest, Handsomest and Cheapest Assortment in town. And to all, who want Good end Cheap HARD WARE, I would day Come and see for yourselves, oct3o' ! I P LYNE. ' Harrison's. Columbian Ink. • E subscrtber has on hand a large supply of the above inlc, which, by a special ar• rangement with the proprietor, he is able to fur nish to merchants and others, at the manulac• turers wholesale prices. au2l S A HUBBARD. 11-A-VE-jurn-been--receivedf.as--nleo-a—bas-o -ne w FARINA and HOMINY, and for sale b Carli;le, Dec. 25;50. J. W. EBY'. At the.Cheap_More,_Corner_d .ilatiater_anCtom, thor streets, opposite ilumer's Grocery Stops The undersigned most 'respectfully informs his friends.and the ',public generally, that lie has just returned from Philadelphia with swell selected assortment of FALL GOODS, our. chased at the lowest prices; and which he is deleXmined to•sell at small profits.: among them may--be' found CLOTHS, .CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, Sattinets,. Velvet Cords, Ken: •tuoky Jeans',. &c. LADIES DRESS GOOD ' S, consisting? in Part of Black Silks, • Cashineres, Mouselin de Laines,,Alpacas,,Colmrgs, Gingharpe, Calicoes Sack Flannels, Collars, LaCes, Fringes, dr.,e. DOMESTICS; Tickings, Cheeks, Flannels Drillings, 0 snliburg, Linsey's, Mplins, bleached and unbleached Also,Groceries' in all their variety, 'viz: Sugar, free; Teas, Molasses,' Spices, Chocnlato; t!Ste Rags and Country Produce taken in exchange for goods Please give moA C FETTER oct9 -.• , • . . ORNAMENTAL PIARBLE WORKS • OWENS & RICHARDS, • Hem(ly front PlularlelpJiia. , ' • ESPECTFU.LL I Y inform tho citizens of ja Carlisle and 'its vicinity, that they have now nt their Mrirble Yard in South Ilutiover• street, a few doors south of the Court douse, and nearly opposite A •& W Bentz's Store, an elegant stock of pure • aft TERICAN WHITE JIMIHILE, and are prepared to execute in the most dnithe style Monuments,. Grass Stones at all prices, Door and IVindow Sills , Steps, 80., • • . together with every other articld iu their line, and promise that in fineness of finish, chaste-, nose •of design and quality of Marble, 'their work shall not be surpassed by any other estab lishment. _ They are also the authorized agents of hfr- Robert Wood, of Philadelphia. and ,will fur nish from his muneractory all varieties of IRON, RAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots and all other purposes, at the shortest notice and at Philadelphia . prices. They will also finish or manufacture all kinds of Building Work, such as Sills, Steps and Platforms, Ste., at the short oat notice andon tho most reasonable terms. Having had great experience, -and being ein played in the best shops of Philadelphia, they are therefore enabled to manufacture the most fashionable work, and respectfully ask a share of the patronage of Carlisle and the surrounding country. -Maths'°, novt3 18501 mint WILL Vox). ST/PFEILI fiOUSADiDS of bottles of tho _AMER!. „IL CAN',COMPOUNp.. have been' sold dur ing the pant year, and wee„never knOwn to foil of curing,in few'daye, of a certain - deli— Ciao dirM/180, Sominal.weeknese and ell diseases of the: Urinary. organs: . •Pernons afflicted using this pleasant end-popular. remedy; need . fear 'no' exposurci,los it leaves no eddy on the breath, • rdquirce nif reetrietliiett' ~diet• tor bunineee contains no Mercury of noxious drugs injurious to the systanWand in adased-to every age, so*, Or condition. It. is also the beet remedy. known far Fluor Albus,or Whites, (female complaints) with which thensande suffer, without the know. 'taiga of a remedy. • This. celebrated remedy, his, long' beet' need in' private preotice,of a phy Brehm ' and vrith!',urieriing lidleally caring, ninety•ltine of the litindred 'cases,in a tty B. ; Around ',each, bottle are plain:and dlreotlone. • . , 'iCAUTIONASh ' , tar - the E JEAN COMPOEND,:itrid prelim only - of the'Agenti :Pelee OW per bottle." Yor sale' by 8. ELLIOTT Cprhiele; 3.. Wyeth, Harrisburg; r Cylumbief A7 , ,i4ElTer;LinneasterrE:?.lilorele, dr,Co...Y.ork 18. WI: , . ,:.,y,::',....ii-JiI.;:::: ii'i:-..a.i"D • i S. W. HAVERSTICK Fresh Cranberries, Now rail Goods. Tombs, Jllantles, ( iil,r,-? , ..1. ~'ir,',."...,-f 2 :1 "-‘ r ; _Ii•• ito._PRP,I •;„ - ran and la are ZAINT . , • "ENAL.I3E'dt. 041.11,13 LE,. manufacturers, Was. 8 1 ,9'atid it Eutaw • Street, Raltnnore,:,•7ll4'.;: 8111 (.••••-:•-••.-....1:414'E.' 0 - • • y -n6 .FORTHS, , frtine,6 to 7;:tacta:r.esvirt ;IF ; t in lidsoifOod, Mahogany'and Walnut case/ .of ; various styles, with.andtwithout irontframes, •coinbiniioll3lte imPrOentepts requisite to d superiot`tnstrnment. APG.: have received: from the „Maryland, InStstute:thejrat preiniuni for.thetr,Tianos in three successive yeara,tlo4B,lB49, 1850. T hey have 'also been honored:with uumerouttsestimo. nialefrom all: the most celebrated artists whet hay° used their instruments. Pianos from their establishment have been used at the. concerts _oa..4.tind,alerz,,Holipstoclt,_Bishop,JAbor.e 'Knoop, and-other eminent performers. ,They durability far five -years;under good care. and will replace with others all Mar not give satisfaCtion , if application-be:made within.six Months after delivery. I Their Uanufactorti being- conducted On ,the most e'ltensive scale enables them' to furnish inshuments at the very lowest prices, whole sale and: retail. Constantly on }rand, •A., P. Hughes' Melodeons, ranging from 845 to $2OO, for which they are solo agents for this city. Janutiry22-1551-ly - Perfumery, Fancy Soap & Paper Box Pii.cuqurvicirovar. 48 Markel street, below Second, Philadelphia. iriLF.GG & CROAI PTON, Manufacturers J of Perfumery. Fancy' Soaps And Fancy Paper Boxes, respectfully cell the ettnntion of the Druggists and Dealers in Carlisle 'and the Cumberland Valley, to their extensive stock of Goods; comprising Perfumery; Fancy Soaps Powders female complexion, Toilet, &c; &c' of every variety. 'Also; a full and complete as. sortrnent of Fancy. Paper Boxes, of every -de. seription, large or small,.round or square,' made to order' t the 'shortest notice. . . . „ IKYDon't forget the place, 48 ;Market etreet, Philaderphin. All orders.will meet wittipilinipt attention. - ' 42 janls PIANE - FORTE WARERORMS, No. 17.1;CHES,XU7' .STIZEE77,IIIILAD'A., . , THE OLD STAND, vccztpird tnor6 - than one-third of a century Pith!, Earl. lIE undersigned would most respectfully a announce to the public that he is AO ENT for more than twenty.of.the most -c:', , ;-. 4 ...rfr - Zraiicelebrated Manufacturer's of BOS. p j ITON, NEW :YORK, PIIILA DELPIIIA, and elsewhere; and is - constantly receiving from them PIANOS o the richest and most varied styles, of superior tone, and of the most superb finish, of 6. a, 61, 61,` and - 7 Octaves, which' are warranted equal :to any manufactured either in this country — or in. Europe. . 'just received, also, a furthersupply of Church and Parlor Organs, of beautiful natterne. and fine tones.- . f His WAREROOM -is constantly supplied with a. choice selection of SER ADS IN ES and MELODEONS, from the oldest and most ex• tensive manulactories in the United States; a mong_whicn irr a now style, of HEED_ORGAN. Carha'tt's patent improvements, with giltlpipes_in—frorit,-and—eas'e—elegantly-carved-, - and, highly ornamental. Twang and Repo.riOr—Sig. Salvador Lo piassa, a distinguished Pianol r orte Manufactu "refond Organ Buildei, will attend to all orders. liept4,'so OSCAR C B ARTER. BAY STATE SHAWLS IrrHESE celebrated andjustly acknowledged 311„ ,superior ,goods, in the latest colorings and mostimpieved styles, will be furnished - by the subscribers in any quantity, at the very lowest prices. Purchasers will please notice tharthe - gemiine — Bay - Strite fabricalieartiCkets corresponding with the above cut, and they will alba be distinguished from all other Wool en Shawls by their superior finish, fineness of lexture and brilliancy of colors. Orders so licited from all sections of the country, and the .santie...wilLbe _promptly...ill to nd.e_d_to eh az.. sers will also find in. our Shawl department a large assortment of all the other most approved makes, and newest designs of American, French and Scotch Woolen Shawls, embracing a great variety of plain,and medium styles for -friends: . Also, Superior'. Long and Square Shawls in latest styles and best manufacture, High lustre black and colored silk Shawls, Lupi s Black and Mode Colored Thibet Shawls, with silk and woolen fringes; Paris . ' Printed Cashinere and Terkerri Shawls, - Plaini and • Embroidered Crape Shawls New. Style printed Palm ShaWls Neat Figured'Paris Brocha'Shnwls' Lupins Black and Mode Colored Thibet Long Shawls, Bound Seal Skin Shawls, Plain Mode Colored French Terkerri Shawls, fringed and bound, Eight•quarter French Mode Colored Thibet Cloth, measuring yards ,wide (or Shawle,binling to match, White and Col. rod Barceloba'and Genes - se Shawl% &o. VTWII 0 LES A. LE AND It ETA .ROBERT POLOCK dr. CO No. 18 SOUTH SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA 'l 4 IniON'T be deceived. Country . " Merchants MY and Dealers who want'gmd tnid cheap PERFUMERY - end FANCY SOAPS 'Should call upon JOHN 'l' CLEGG, Pirfttmer and Chemist', 48 'Market St., below 2(1, Philadelphia. Vrlio hns an constantly on .hand PERFUMERY d • FANCY -SOAPS' - of every description, ; Powders, -flair;• Oils, Ox Marrows, Colognes, Hair, Dyes, &ci, &c.` • 100,000 persons have read my advertisement in the Public'Ledger,hundieds of whom have called-and. been. convincedmf the advantage pf purchasing direct from the manafricturer, Agency for Ferran's Circassian Hair Oil, Curling Fluid; &c.: •_ . • - .1 Orders from any part of the United States will be promptly attended to. aug4'so,ly__ • __._ : ___JOHN T _C_LEGG. _ ECONOMY IS _WEALTH. -Light: . _Light 1 Pine 011, Camphint# & Medatlluld co. acknowledged •superiority and mirky, iLlr manufactured and for sale at the lowest Wholesale prices, by DAVIS & HATCH, at the old established stand of the late Betija— min T. Davis, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY, where orders by mail or otherwise are solicited, and prompt attention given. The Voice 01 the public for fifteen years, ani the award of a Silver Medal, and complimentary_ notice by the Franklin . Triatitutti- over all competitors,.is sufficient evidence of the excellence of our Oil. .91cohol, Pitch, Trirpentine, Rosin, and Spir Rs of Turpentine, fon.sald Wholesale and Re-: tail, at the lowest prices. ' loct3o. ax; IP J... 11; ROlve, kirANUFACTURERS and wholeaalo.dcnl• era in .13 R 0 O , M S, ThAS "P'l3 and WOOD WARE, have removed to the large store tritely occupied bydkicasre,'Sgltera El Da• tit, where thoy.:have:opehetran:oxtenaive stock of Eastern. and City . mado BROOMS; and tO OD WARE, .Which they are now sailing 't:t the loweetuitinhfaCturera prices; ' • A. full asaortntent of 31riatlee, Brzialiee; afdt Cordage, Ebb.; :.cotratatitlY, on hand • .11/O . t IsTorth-Thirdfdreet, 3 doors below - Racti,Th • delp hia tt,. • j (yl7 'SQ P. Azed T-,•1404t11.41. 0,74.0 , of Ridge Road coaftrs49 IVlrdat, `; • ''" i'.IIILADEPP • IE77((TCOULD call 'the ettontilinof purchniere to their: flegonf• boort:PM Pf — Kought and vast iron Malin for . • CEME'rE:MES; • • "• • -• H'I3ALCONIESi, • - priviata Buildinge,,Public=aquaresi dr , c,i.fogorhotwirik all Ainds,Of -Pion and Qpnorn.ontolf on 'work: . Moro dr, Oallaglipee - r illoolp. - of ColtiralNA.l4 JOSIG/!l§,,santoining -seAirotron- o- MIZEIM • /411)0XAMit.0 ..,;0/ 1 11 3 .4.0%0 • • fi lyted . -Statell' liffe liniurancp lininftrand. TinafijOipal4r? • . Auto , .Psrpetita/—CopihttLiODO • 6 ' l conetant,:i4insidlikifedl;tiPtflicniiort -flip Life Insurance; giseetri - tlielmosr abundant , and i ghtiiifYihi proof that the public, mind ie :deeply • impressed with' If hisiArtuir•imp Or t nce of thie 'Bade& The great objeCti, hilwever, %of dnsuranceehould becsafeyi , otherwise tho whole'' . .motivd to insure ;Mar:be disappointecL T : - oo• Much care cannot be practised in the selection of an office with which tri effect the contract. , --2 The chide& should be regulated, not by present and.conatarit largo indueements,Lae thisoeber-. tainly . IncOinpatible with 'fund° beneits; The premiums' on life are calculated fur the fhtuie,- . if present and prospective benefits therefore fife. _giv_erriLtherresirtf ultimately-;-nifst-tuminate-in 'litigation, diSapi3Ointment and ruin. The object, . aimed at byyy this institatiomie amilpei.•• -pettoty. The rates of premium juive•heen care. tally prepared with reference to fluetuations.— The.cash system of payments has also been adopted. • Unpaid premium rotes constitute no part of the assets of this company, and every contingency' being - fortified with an ample cne• . ital, security stamps tne•whole system. This feature, paramount to all other considerations, commends the company to public favor. Ex. planatary pamphlets, blanks. application papers. information, and every facility will be cheerfully • furnished the public by Mr. E. BEATTY, who ' has been 'duly appointed agent of this company far ,Cumberland county. Fir. H HINKLEY has also been eppointodMedical Examiner. Directors.—Siephei; R. Craw ford,' Ambrose W Thompionißoujamin W Tingley, Jarob.l. Florence, William M Godwin, Paul B - Goddard Lawrence Johnson, George M'llonry, James Deyereux, . _ President.—Stephen R. Crawford. 4'ice-President.—.A:mbrose W. Thompson. , . Secretary eg Treasurer.—Charles G Imlay. .9ciructry.—Manuel Eyre. Coblual 6.4 w7ttornery.—Thomas B alch. • Examiners.—Paul;l3 Goddard, M.D. William Pepper. M. D. [aug7 ly X'XRD INSTMANCn. THE Allen and East Pennsborough• Mutual Fire Lnshrance Company of Cumberland county ncorporaced by an act, of Assembly, is now fully organized, and in operation under the manage. mein of the.foliowing commissioners, viz: Jacob , Shelly, Win R Gores, Alp:heel Cock. Melclioir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, Simon Oyster, Jacob H Coovor, Lewis flyer, Henry Logan, Benjamin II Musser, Jacob Kirk, Samuel Trowel], Joseph Wickersham.. The rates of insurance are'as low mid revere bl° as any . Corriph:riy;ofihe kind in the. State— . totecome members are invited to make application to the agents of the comps. ny, who are willing to wait upon, them at.any time. r _ • JACOB SHELLY, President. lENRY LOGAN . , .I . lite President. Lime IhrEn, SeciTear.9.. MteuXEr. Cociumi, Treasurer. 0c.47',49, • Cantherkinileounit.—lßuielioli Martin, :New. Cumborland..o 1.1 fferman, Kingstown, Bent) , Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore, and Charles Bell, - Catliale;lsalc 'Kinsey, Meelbm iesbtirgl.„Pr—.,L,All4:_atturelitown York county.—John Sherrick, Lisburn, John Bowman, Dtllsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin John Smith, EsU'., Washington, W S Picking, Dover, Daniel Raffebelberger, J Sir Craft. . Harrisburg.—Houser &11...oclunno; ' Members sal the company having policies a . ; bout to expire can.haie:them.reneued by mak ing application' to any of the agents. Cr" ZELLP CLOTEEING. & L. S'PSII 4 JEB respectfully invite the attention of their friends and• the public generally, to their large lot of Goods than have been purohased ate great sacrifice- in lee city' of Baltimore. 'They will sell them at smalladvance, as thereis 'no room for them in our little store room. • So come ono and ellind take them at almost any price, as we are deter. mned-to sell chimney than can - be bought in Philadelphia, New York_or Baltimore. Hang out youfbanneral . • —• • Hear the trumpet! Here they come! 'hero they' re! What's the-matter? what's the matter t Only look at the crowd, Come on ..top; Jim and Sam Hatter, Let us see whitrt out. ' • ' Hey, ho here seines Bill," We'll ask himityltat's the muss; See how ilia • • -----T-here certainfr-trinst-be-trfussl- • -------- O, no boys, nefuss at all, . Only_anothee-great arrival, Of beautiful'Clething • for the - fall,' At M. L. STEINER'S Clothing Huth I have just bought a suit so fine— Tell ine, how do you li_kcit_Joel --- Driteryinrj*Tkiii — j7iii like mine! Coma on, boys, let us go. Now let me tellyou, _ • What there you can'filld4 ' Coats of-all colors end--Pants-o.9dt kinds. • • , Waistcoats so hjndaome, . , And CravatesoMee, And they will not think it troublesome, If you give diem a cell twice or thrice,' They , will Wait on you with kindness, , And, they can suit you with a"nice Cap, . Whiclifonate - cmality and cheapness, You . can only find at • . . . STEINER'S, West Main Street, next oor to Burkholder'a . . ' IrrA, first, rate assortment of Cloths,-Coesi mares and. Vestings always on hand, which will be made to order in -the most fashionable* slid best style by a first -Fate worltman.. Oet2-3m • SUPERIOR ,FRESH GROCERIES I and Sec before ,Purchasing elsewhere! . . frtHE - s - übreritiei is just receiving and' oenp hig. et his Cheap Family '.Groceiy•• and Queenswzire Store in West Main street, Car lisle,- a very large 'assortment ot'all the arti cles in his line Cebusinois. • ~ - - • Rio Coffee' from 12 to -lit cents - per pound, for good-to a strictly prime . article.. , Alsoi Brow,n Sugars of the best quality;:from S.to9 cents per pound, Loveririg's Vest crushed and pulverized Sugars friim 10 to 12 1.2 cents per pound, N.. 0. Sugar House and Syrup' Molar ses of all grades from 32 to 64 per gallon.-. Also, a supoly_of : fresh ground SPICES of till kinds r .warranted pure. SOAPS, Fancy,,Ciis tile, Rosin and Country Soaps, Chocolate, Pul verized Saiarnius,;ndtgo, Mould-and Dipped. Candles, Common and Winter Strained Whale Oils. 'Alite;- inaupply.,of freshllominy, cheese from the best Dairies always on hand. Vane) , sewing, traveling, clothes and Market Basketei together with a general assnrtment ot Chew ing and smoking Tobaccos, Spanish and half. Spanish eigtiriz.'COrnnion and Brushes of 4 11 -kinds.' • CEDAR. W- A rt s.—Housekeetutra,,and othein - expactine seen to embark in the same bueifiess, please call-and examirie . my stock of Wash tubs,.:Waidt Rubbers, Churns,-Cedar Buckets, fancy, painted and varnished Buckets, Brooms'&c.,•Ar.c. . • • GLASS .AND QUEENSWARE.--I.The subscriber bail just added to his already large stock a number of:White Granite, told-Figurn ed, Blue, Marble,•Flowing Blue and , Mulber-- ry Tea Sets,-of:48 pieces, Also. Plates-. and Dishes, 'rumblers,: Prtserve Dishes, Syrup Bottles, &c. Of - every descriptlon'ond price so "that ho will be able to meet the 'wants. -and means -of all in-the community who rhay.favor him with a call. mars .• . 1:0 FIAL4ER"Pr Patent Starch VOR giving n'beitutiful gloss to Linons, 'Nun. !huh, QuilarcAo.,, nod provonts,aust fr9m sticking to Linons, &o. .It pontsins injurious. Just rodolvetl:kly 'dqc l /' ; • 0- . „ . EociTs &Ago:vs; Ju,srt , t;,,,,,eiv4 - te. largo assortment .01, Men Wiemexpand:Cliihfron'a 'Boots and. Shoesi il• is'Dophla", pnle4lllpalsins D 0.401111 Xiind. Shoes. Nvltielul..arpsell.vary cheep. - - ket l 23 . : ; %;. 1 N '3llo4.ll7Dltifa,c. ,•, 0: • •VO UR 'OR, piyv meit' a: with ecerinlroodetiontfon reasquntle terms, by calling - on ther4libseriber in South Tranoser street, Carlisle;' • • :" r• " • 'JAMFP', I ITCM4T!L, January. 220'1851:.-4-3ni. • •.• • Or! 9 A ILT r yanai:ving' an ppila, at`th,a warn bon's!! of •'IIIV•II,'NIVAPtAIt!,44't•: •• . • ~,',Tapestry . Won:to , UB.l ll 4penP4 - 4'4l.lrlqTal astiort.ment of tilrigT try:Woriftdd , in various aolaute.f a r Itirkr,nm !fix- " • ' ' i -- it 'o ii } ~"; AGENTS , 7i - 11:kip:di, English and . American liardaraiv. \ ~, ‘1 All . l e p \'‘ 1 .:, - !' ' ' l' • ih., , L;grf4A,;_ - 4...!i m i .. , \‘‘, ik , ~, I r/l7 :!;:lii : : '', AOC . jilt:oA \' * \"- qi.. ' Ai' s + I I :: 'n l. '7E\ \ l / 4 , A .)-4 ' I.j: , ..: -7 '24",::;& 1 .1 1 reg).1 , --- ..,,:.--- W,' ,, , ' 1 - 1 .4., ' -- ''' ' C .3 : 3l '' ,: - -.. ka. -- - - 1 --. :lflg_ ' . -7 - :. - '.- - ' Cheaper than can . 1.g01 t 1741- tl!ia . side of the /VHS subscriber having jueVreturned from ! the Eastern' citi o s.with n full and hane.. some assortmentof aff kinds of HARDWARE of the very host - makers and well selected, is Imoo openitr,gat - tho - Clrrap — HaTelwnre Stand North Hanover street, next door to Scoter Ho tel; fortherly kept by Henry Glans, where he would invite all that are in want of good and cheap Ihrdware to give him a "pall and FCC and satisfy yourself of, the truth. as we are determ ined to soil nt a very small advance. Small profits and quick sales -are the orddr of the day To Builders, Carpenters _and O th ers. A full stock of i,vhite, mineral and japaned Knobs, lake and latches, of every description price and quality, hinges and screws, window . sash, and shutter" springs. strait-neckcd and barielled Bolts, a every kind; mill, cross cat and circular Saws, , hand, panel, ripping and back Saws; bright, black and bltie augurs, o the. very best makers, 'Chisels; briiiDpoistint" hand and chopping Axes; of different makers' hatchets, planes and plane bits, steel and' iron • squbres, files and rasps, nails, brads and spikes of all sizes and warranted of the best quality. • To Saddlers ant! Coach 411akers, Our stock consists ore complete assortment of articles in your line of business. saddlery toots, brass, silver and 'Sapaned mounting,_cartiage trimmings, brood pastotig and. seaming laces and fringes, plain --- and' figured canvass, of cloth, top lining cloth and serge lining-of vari ous kinds; white, red, blue und• black patent leather Dashers; silver and brass plate, Door Hair; rosette, hubs, fellows,. spokes, bows, elip tic springs, iron axles malleable castings, &c. To Cabinet and Shoe iilakers, A full stock of shoe kit rind findings, boot mo., roccos, French kid, straits, morocco and lining and binding skins, lasts, tacks; peg!, hammers_ pinchers and French morocco, kit of every`de.. scription, saperior copal vanish; Japan and black varnish, mahogany and maple ;Stunner's,' moulding, beading, resets, glass, mineral and mahogany knobs of every size and style. ' To Blacksmiths, Farmers and Others. 10 to..s of assorted bar iron, warranted to be' of the best qu . ality. A splendid a ssortment . of bar ,and rollediron, hammered , horse shoe, scollop, plough, broad an narrow tire, rolled, horse shoe, bar, band, round and square irorwenst, shear,' spring, ghglfsh and A merioan blister steel, Eng. bah Wagon boxes, Carriage boxes in setts , an vils, vices, fi les, rasps, horse shoe nails. dte. To housekeepers. A:beautiful assortment of cheap fancy goods, such as waiters, trays, plain and fancy kniyes and forks, butcher knives and steeli; -hrittania lamps, brass.candle sticks, Brittannin and silver'.. .table-and_tea spoons, plated huller knives, pre. serving kettles, smoothing irons, iron and tin ned tea and oval boi !ere, iron frying, and bread pans, washboarda„tubs, chnrns,_bilekets,iron.... pots, wash kettles, and stew pans, &e.*. To-Gunsmillts ' —Jdarksmen - anti - Offarr. Rifle and Gun Ilarrels,.tone action, plug, nipple and back action Gun Locks, gun mount ing and gun breech cocks, 'sheet, brass .and • Getman silver ornaments, &c. • - • To Paintas. A fresh lot of Wetherill'a pure and extra While Lead, oil and . 'turpentine, VartiiShei, - .Ta; Pan, white and red lead, yellow and Green paint, ground Moil, whiting, yellow ochre, &c.. Tnißlasfrra and Afark.vmen: ° A good asSortment of double refined powilex rock powder of extra quality, safety-fuse,"phot, flints and bar lead, ropes of all kinds, for threshing machines and well diggers, and a thousand other articles too numerous to insert, all we ask is to give us n call, and,we are con.: fident you will find a good assortment of Hard.' ware and cheaper than can be found in any other Muse this aide of the east.' Give 116 call is all we ask, at the old and well known Hardware Stand formerly kept by Lewis Her. lap, in North Hanover. street, next door to Scott's Hotel, formerly kept by Henry Gloss., . nov6 JACOB SENHR. CHEAPER TFI4 IT EVER. subscriber having just returned froth the East, offers to the public a more am pie and complete assortment of goods in his line, than ever previously Offered, and respect "fdllY call, when he will show them. goods at aston- ishingly low prices. To Builders, Carpenters and Others. His stock comprises a full assortment of Locks and Latches of every deserjption,Thp, gb - Fidid - S7r - Fw - d - ,7WilideTATYPifngs an dSolis of various kinds, Window Glass, Putty, Paints, of all colors,. Oils, Turpentine, &c., Also., Mill, Cross-cut and Circular Saws, Hand hand, Ripping and Back'Saws, Augurs, Chi; - sole, Broad, Hand and Chopping Axes, Hatch and-rr-on Squares, Files and Rasps, lituile,.Brads and Spikes of all sizes. • To &idlers and Coach Makers. A complete assortment of Saddlery Tools, Silver, Brass and Japaneif mounting, 'Carriage trimmings, Broad pasting and seaming Lace, plain and figured Canvass, Drab Cloths, Rad-. nett, Sorge and Fluaram, Moss and Deer flair pdtent an enamelled Leather, Lamps and 'Da shers. Also, 'Hubbs, Fellows and ' , Spokes, Eliptie springs, Iron Axles, Mailable Castings, To Cabinet and Shea Makers My stock embraces a complete assortment of goods in your line. •11Ioroccos, lining' uud binding Skins, Lasts, Thread, Pegs' by the barrel or smaller quantity, Tools of every de• • seription, &c. Curled Hair, Hair Cloth, Var.: - nish, Mahogany, and .Maple, Vaneers, Mould ings and Rosetta, SOta Springs, Gloss, Mahn, any, Mineral and .Voneered Knobs of all sized.' To Blacksmiths, Farmers, and others, trlio may be - in want of good Iron. , He offers a full assortment. of Hammered, Horse Shoe, Scollop, Plougll,-hroad• and nar row ,Vise Iron. Also, , Rolled Horse Shoe, Bar, Rand; Round, .Square, Tire, Hoop and. Sheet Iron, Nail • Rods, Russia Sheet• Iron, Cast, Shear, Spring and Blister. Steel,, English and American Wagon and Crirriage Boxes;' .Anvils, Vices, Files and Rasps, Horse Shoo • &c. To Hatisekeepers and those about entering the dlfa- Hinman/ Stoic. I would invite attention to my beuutiful • se sortmont of wniters and Trays, plain' and 00= !t this style, knives and forks, Butcher 'Cubical, Scissors and Shears, Brittnnnia,Ocrman Silver, and-Silver Plaid, 'Pablo and Tea Spoons, Brass and Emerald Preserving ICottlos, smooth ing• Irons, Hollow-ware; Tubs; Buckets, Chorus; &c. Oils, Paints and Dye Stuffs, Fire and. Water., Proof Paint.. ocoo HENRY SAXTON. InLOOTOR YOURSELF PLY7-FOR 9. 5 CENTS'!! 'nienna of the, 'pocket' lapi Every one la own Physic:inn ! Twen (-fonoli edition, with up:.' ravdaol a hundred eegra inga, showing Drivato 'lle. "sea in every• shapii and rin, and malformationa If' the generative 'latent'. 1Y WM.YOUNG, !rho tinge has now or rit.g from georet'iliaeime Ile VICTJAI OT QtraCICICRIP! :0111.eined in this book ane ma y " I ,lre, lanslf, without hindrance to bus shwas, or the knowledge of the most intimat friend, and with'one tenth the usual iSpepse.. 1 .• addition to the general routine of private diseases. it fully explains the enuse of manhood's pful3 da din; obser'vations, on marriage-t-Tbelddee Many other derangements which it yiould pot by. proper to enumerate lo the public 037 Any. person sending Twcl•ry 7 Ftva ectsrs, enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book; by mail, or five copies will be sent for Pee dollar; Addreas, W. , V,QUNG, WO: 152 SPRUCE, stml, PHILADLEViIIA' , Pont-paid; aarrurt. YOUNG can he consulted no. noy ilto Disposes preieribed in his difrerent publiOaL.. ion's, at his 01E005,-152 SPRUCE' street', every day between 9 and' o'clealc,l . STitlaya 9cepted. May 1, WO. ' • ' . Eoortai moonsl, mpoltsr rinHosc• shmirini - vory gno`d BOOKS will .PloosO Cull Rt 11 1 Y , Dtligi Dook and:FancY ptpro, Main street, ,Parliele. I urn Raking preporationa for the Trade Soles in .New York, sail (lies took unusually...low priSep„ it nulled . for yithin ,a :few . The works now qn, ; liond - • peel ostsroi . , ' • „ „ t ;* •"4 '`,. : l ;; . ''., '.,. - ~.„41.4b. 4 ii1. e ',4. -.- =I ~,p4;:XMEInIi3X'S, . . .. _ . . . • • !:11elebrated Pam4.4ffedicines,• It:icon - 6erne every', once' Cholerit•can be clued ti.' ICCuleri' Seinifiarllli Panacea. ' , Per .f',... 'the' i'cirrioihil and'pernianent cure of all i• Diseases erisipg (rem en impure ' - -•• , ~ s tate of_the Blood and habit , .' . •• • The!All-wiecr Creator has-implanted in all organized bodies an innate disposition to ear! preservation. , Thu vital, powers possess' the property of resisting the influence of external causes, - but as the:BLOODis the common Pa-, bulum .from whiclvall- parts living-matteror deriVes its' renewing elements, and colistquent ly, upon which fee life of oron_i_zekboings_tle -peirfit-itii—pffbable that• in cases cilaccident, sr Where artificial ntearis , flave been 'employed • to deprive it of an. csaergifl property, the vital effects . of the whole spite' will be directed to. m 4, ward re'stMing to it that pr peaty., In all con itilutional and hereditary affections, this fluid his undergone some prtmary Alteration,' which is the cause, of the steeled dtscase, or which oil sentially contributed to ,its production. Rene-- ration to 'health can only be' obtained by a re moval of the morthfic Caus'=tlirough the medi ifrn of the circulation, and', pr. Reeler's Saran twilit', is the most powerfut Modifier of agent, I e ff ecting this fluid konwn.l See pamphlets. ' , • Blackwoodtowr, N. J., June 6,1848: Dr. Reeler-Deor Sir: I nm entirely out of Tour Panacea. I 'was called 'upon day before 1 yesterday ferlinff a dozen. Your medicine is becoming very popular where Ilhave introduced I it, and I think the 'more it is used the more pop ular it will get. Respectfully yours, Wit. Pieinim:M. D. For details, certificates. &c., see circa= lore, &c. Price $1 per bottle, largo 'size, 6 &A tka $5 DR. KEELER'S COUGH SYRUP .Among all thOremedies before the , public this stands prc•e h tinent in.inaipSent consump• lion; Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs„ Hoarseness, Whooping Cough. Pleurisy, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, and for all nffectionn of the polit - mat y organ■ occasioned by cold. Ton much praise cannot be bestoWed upon this remedy, and the proprietor urges ceery one afitieled with any of the aboy_e, complaints to secure it at once. It is warranted to cure or no pay. Priee only 50 emits. • DR. HEELER'S CORDIAL AND CARMI- 4 Every family whether rich ur poor, whr; vrif lies health and all its blessings, should have this invaluable remedy at hand. It is infinitely the best: remedy ltriown for Dierrlicea,, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infaritum, Cholic, Flatulency,' griping pains, cramp, etc., end for all diseases of the stomach and boweli caused by Teething. :The numerous testimonials from Phyalchins and others unsolicited has given it a reputation 'as firm as adamant. MrPrice FS cents per bottle. DR. KEELER'S VERMIFUGE SYRUP This remedy is pleasant to the taste, berm• less to the patient and till powerful in removing all kinds of wourts feont.the. body. It is.with out doubt, the cheapest and best worm destroy ing medicine hefrire tre . pulilic, and will it-ad ministered.:according to directions, remove them within five or six hours.after_tsken. The dose is small, and each bottle contains twice as much as similar remedies. Trieconly 25 cents per bottle. • DELICEELER'S - DIVER - AND - SANATIVE • PILLS. Although nut recommended as a "euro yet they are-the mildest and- best remedy te!re more Corstiptition, Jaundice, Dyspepsiti;Bil iousness, Nervousness, Foul Stomach, Head ache, Indigestion, etc. Mika other purgative medicines thellcave thelcowelsalways relaxed and 'conseqtiently ore. the 'proper medicine for for females and persons leading a solitaiy life. Price 2.5 cents. DR. KEELER'S RHEUMATIC•LOTION A justly celebrated 'external' applMatien for Pains of the Chest; Neuralgia,Headache , SpOne Bruises, Tic Dolereur, Swelings of the Joints, Rlictimntism, Gout, sciatica and for all disor ders wherein a sedative and rubefiscient reme dy is applicable. "Price twenty-livtS ,cents per bottle. AU of' the above, celebrated and extensively used medicines, are prepared and sold Whele arde_rtud_RetaiLat.:2ll4 MARKET ST-REET,.', Philadelphia. For sale by S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle ; A. G. Miller, Dickinaon; Messrs. Altick; Shippens berg, J. F. Spahr, Machaniasbnre, M. Bitner, Stilaerhanitown. and In every tow n . throuemet Piiiiiirry 14, 1851 GREAT COUGH REMEDY. T 7 ,1 6. , • - Fi1f ,,, 4 ,1.-, - 1 - • .:- A 2r,..- -.4a4 WIERRY PECTORAL: 'MO .Co re of . s i r COLDS, rto.6.4sENzps„ 8R.0N.• OROUP, AsTH 3Vd l 3; ' WEEOOPITTCV,CptrGn colT i puMpTaizza. Inolferingto the coMmnotty-this-jdatlmele brated remedy for (Messes of the throat and lungs, it is not our wish to trifle with the ilive or health of the afflicted, but frankly to lay be. fore them the opinions of distiir oished their and Some of the evidences of its success, from which they can judge for' themselves. We -sincerely pledge out selves to mese no wild assertions or fafse.staiementa of its eilicacy r nor will we bold. out any hOpe suffering 'humanity which facts will not -marmot. . - . . Many proofs are here given, add we solicit di ingttity (rota' the public, into all we publish, feel lug assured they will find them perfectly reliable and the 'medicine worthy their • best confidence, - and patronage. ' PROM BENJ, SILLIMAN. iti. D., L. L. D. fee Professor of Chemistry, Minemology,efic , Yale Goner, Member of .the Lit., Hist.,Med. Pli.lo. and Soles. Societies of Ameril.a and Europe. ' deem ilia CHERRY PECTORAL all ad mirahle- composition from somq of the hest Ili. ieles in he Mstteria . Medics, add a 'very effect ive remedy•fdethe class of diseases it is 'Mend ed to cure. ' " • .. New Haven ' Nov. 1,1849. , ' Prof.- CLIWEIJAN l),-of Bowdoin 'Writes—. 1 have. - witnessed Ithe effects of your (;111.1.12RY PECTOIIAL'. in my . own"flimily and that of my. friends, and it gives me satisfaction tor state in its favor that . ,no medioine 'I have' ever known has proved so inninchtly successful, of Miring disemes orthe throat and lungs.l REV. pa. oscoon., . • .Writes'—"Tliat he considers'EliEßßY PEG. TO,ft AL' the best medicine for Pulmonary affee tioni ever given - to the public," and states that "Ida daughter, being obliged to keeplhe roditt four months seTcre settled cough, aepom panted by milking. (..f blood miglit Weals, and the attepdatit symptoms of consumption, 'commenced the use of life 'CHERRY PlCl'ollAl_l* and had completely recovered," - • - • HEAL/ THE PATIENT. • . . Dr. Ayer—Dear Sirt rov two years I was ilifileted Ivitit a very severe cough, netionwanied to spitting ofillood noil•peoruse night oweats.— Ily•the advice: of my attonding physician I was Induced to etc your I'IIERItir,PECTORAL, sod continued to do so till I considered.-myself eurod; RIO ;manilla the efftot to yourpreparadon. : . . .. • ..JA.NIE.S RAYIIAI4.; • 'qv SpriqA Noy. qr. 1844.. • • Au% oy the shove oarnell James Randall, nqd paponuoac .1 .Alle lybcive • stater/Setts ev e ry respect. true 011E147'1 NORTON, Jtistice.' • • • ~ •I Tlllll REMEDY THAT CURES, POTITLAIM, Me. Jun. 10, 164 r. ' ,Amstel"ll have been' long, titillated with AatinhaLwlo4, - greiv yearly viorse ustil.last nu jumn, itbrought utt, n 90u,111 %Ouch. me in my4clinitibcr, and began to'nastne the:Maim.; or consumption. I bud Criell the busk adviv„e nne the beat medicine to no purpose,' until i liked Y9 - lir:CligaßT I'VfOroll4L : 4s cored 'me, ;old you may well.beliere me.— evetefully youre. . ' . , • - ..',. . • , ; , _ .... , L__lk_tilepp 4 f!ny.vnly6- iii.74le - jiiiletti r etit 'l/I . :. lii.. .. Wisp wjto.slienV,P.-- . . • _,... ' Ell itlisullantous. Price Reduced,! 1 VAUGHN'S IMIONTRIPTIC Large Dottloa—Only Owl Dollar. • .rh. Proprietor of the Gent American Remedy Vermin' Vsorreume LITAONTRITTIO MIIIITitt." induced by tie' meat eitlicitathuni of his Agent., ttionaghout the Unit. Maw and Cuitade, hae now ' Reduced the Price et Me popolei end well known Wide; and time We dale lentefortb, will pot .op but one line only.—We COM ••the. retail Dew be • 2111 DO - tLAR. The public may tat sine:wed that the charanter of 141134 ieui, its strandih, and curative .propartie. emu IJCaaauso, seems.uso, and die 'ears will be bestowed in Pit 'aria: it as heretofore,. As this medicine, underlie reduced price, will be purchase sr thole Who have not hitherto made tbemselves acquaint. with It. virtues, the proprietor would be: to intimate that id article ie not to be Oases d with kite vast amount of "Itemedir the day ;" it claims for itnelfle grader bating purser, i aU diStOM, than any easy Osparaties. IMO beers to deeirl : and has spatula.. .bolt for , eight years by , its euparit medical virtue., and, mold this reduction, commanded doabl be price of any other article an this line. • Nonce PAILTICI7LAILT,"thiI MAW, ill!' with lint bSa an powe.nrid carte* ty, upon the- Blood, - 'Liver, Manor, lamp, la all other organs, apoa the proper action of which life ea midi depend. • This medicine bat %justly high mata aa a netted, for Dropsy oatfOravol, and all amass of that natter,. It may be gelled OPOM whe Le intelligent physiman hae abandoned his patient, —and fi Jesse &strewing diseases, mare especially Daemay, the IMPS star would 'earnestly and honestly moommartel it. At a anent price it is easily obtained by all, and the trial will pros the article to be the Cheapest Medicine in the World! tir plea. eat for pamphlet,—the agents give them awe/ the, contain over sixteen pages of receipts, (hi addition to fa ',mike' matter) valuable for homehold pinitsesee, and who will on,. many dollen pm year to piamical housekreperi These rocelpte are introduced to 'Make the book of gess ♦aloe, midefrons it. character on an advertising medium, ft Ae medicine, the testimony in fever of which, in the forte" letters from ill parts of, the eopetry, may be imbed upon. Vaught's"; Vegetable Lithontrietio . Mixture ••—tk Great American Remedy. now for rale in quart bottles at g each, small bottle et 50 eta each. No email bottln will h Limed sifter the 'truant stook is disposal of. Principal Office, Buffalo, N. Y. 207 Main Street, G. C. VAUG,IO; Sold - Wholeeile and Retail by PLCOTT_MoIf.RSBOix CO., 127 Maiden Lane. New York City. N. 11.—All letters (excepting from agents and dentate wst ,whom he tramaists business) must be poet paid, or no *atingle sti be given so theca. - . t 3 tV tiavi rtitlck, J C & G 13 A Welt, sluppensburg Ruerrt Le Dian. Dickinson, J Spahr, 17eehat ,2 t.qurg, A H 'Lager, Kings“,iva. Octi6 Valuable, School Books, 113 I S EIED 13V rHoUAS,C(AVPI'AIt WAgg IT V. C. 0.0255 MAI:AiI:I' ST I( I; ET, 191 I A I/I.:L.1'111A ottl for bale It) nll the Look sellcrs in United States --MI - A easy ititroductton to the_study_ol_ticugra phyolesined for children, and completely il lustrated • 120 engravings and 14 colored maps. MITCHELL'S INTEEMEDIATE GI:OGttArrT-• The text, the exercises the illustrations, and the forty beautiful maps are printed together in sine quarto' volume. MITCHELL'S SCHOOLGEOGILACHY & ATLAS, 9 system of modern Geography, comprising a &set 'piton of theyresent state of the world and 40 five great divisions: Embellished with nu 'inucyous en„ravings mad illustrated by an excel lent-Atlas containing 28 handsome and accurate colored maps. This series of Geography by S. Augustus'Mitcltell has been wholly or partly introduced into 'the ,pubtist and private schools of all the principal cities and towns of the Uni ted Stile's ; and after a full and fair trial of its merits in these schools, hints received an almost universal recommendation. MITCHELL'S ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY St ATLAS An ancient, classical and • sacred Geography, embellished with engravings of remarkable erents,,yiews of ancient cities, etc., and accom paned by anciint Atlas containing 12 beautiful colored maps. miTeur.ws ATLAS OF OUTLINE MAPS /Mitchell's Biblical unit Sabbath School, Geog raphy, with Maps and embellishm "'M ents. itch ell's Key to the study of Maps. and Carroll's Key to Mitchell's Geography, arc excellent mid popular- books t and- -arc- -becoming-very-esten-- sively used in Ott, best schools of flllr , ..ol.llltry. tiIIF.Y.NE'S Filter Lesson is COAAIW II 2 based upon the construction and analysis of sentences; designed as a.l introduction to the , ..Analysis."- GIIEENE'S ANALYSIS-- 1 treat se on the strum! -turearf-the-Englislciangnagertv-ithilftistrafi-Mit ' end exercises adapted to the use of -schools, by ' Samuel S. Green, A. M., Principal of the Phelps Grammar School, Boston. These books have already in the short time they have been iinblislied,obta.ned a very ..-.x tensive eireplnticm, baying_been introduced into the.-public schools of Boston, Baltimore, Pitts. burg, einciainatti, St. Louis, Vicksburg. and other cities, and towns, and ,recomtnended by those -who have tried them to their schools, as. without question the .best English Grammars in eXraence. SCHOOL READER'S. run Patscsair SCHOOL READER—Part t 6( is intended for beginners. It' contains a lesson min .1 encl. of the elementary sounds of the lan guage . The Primary School Reader, part 2d. conmins exercises in articulation; arranged in Connection with easy. reading lessons. The Primary Render, Part 90 , 18., designed for the first.class in Primary Schools, and ~.the lowest class in Ornromar,Schools. Scnoor. RrfinEn, in designed ter the middle class in Grammar Schools, and contains exercises in articulation arranged in connection with reading les.ons , Tnr. DisTitier SenooillitAima, is design foe the highest- classes in public.-and przystfr schnols: It Contains exercises in articulation ' pauses, and inflections of ,the 'voice with such rules and suggesstions as are deemed. useful. INSTRUCTIVE READER OV a COurse of 'leading on Natural History; Science and- Lite rature (resigned for schools, I'IJE ,SPEI,LING BOOlt. Consisting of words in columni and sentences for oral and written exercises. It is a complete and systematic series of exerci.es in English orthography. . • This hiehly.poPillar series of reading books, and this spelling bind: - were compiled by Mr. tn. a Swan; of Boston,: nd judging from the rapid introduction into schools which they linye obtained in the Eastern and Middle States and in ninny of the ,Western and Southern Stales, We, think they are really-better-adapted -to-the wants of teachers Mid scholars 11tim - ;nty of to yet published. Tin publhbets,have a ‘ery number of recommetidations froni puldie - rehoul committees, teachers and others friendly to edu cation. FROST'S HISTORY OF THF. U. Si - AT,ES. One vol , ...olor high helinols And :made.. mien. The ti'moe work enod .used and simplified or common RIAMOIS. I vnl. IC . mo. JARVIS'S PRAR7?RAi. P3usmyooy , 1 . 01 . the USA or seller& and vol. 12 me. with engravings. ritIrJAIVF P4IIbICILOPV, by. the Aqlng'.olithor, vol. 18 mo. fins:Bao'c . Tt by F. A. Adanla c intendedyer 1 111111111 l and comjnon sOlonla. A 1111ANLITIO IN 'TWO 'PARTS: Ay the mune andlor. rarl fir.t.—advatteed lessops in 'mental arldmetie ; part secolob—_, rulea and examples for practice in writtch*tit mile', for common hod high sehoola A Key to examilles:.for.proe'leo• nritemetio t for the me •of leachers, by the *AMP aothor. . , These. nrithmetico Alava secured very high recommendations troth teachers of schools and academies, and from proressorain several of app colleges, und frorn•othero interested iistlier cause of education iioarious scenario of the Union. T. C. Es Co. also many other Sehhiol flook.O, whieldhere is not ronrn to planner:do item, besides' Theological' and Miseellinicotti Booksoind they aro fulle..prcpa- red to answer °Hera Jor , books ln eveti.departo in. cot dr kuowlogo. , floatoe)leri..Seliaol Coin, tuitteei,and•others;supplted on flingw :fan', able termlii ' • . (Sept 2.5,'50:-1y:) 6ultaco LEE , , AND FEEMAN adtriralummra.w.alualz) - ST I ISA W' VII t.Li NEA ~C MII,II.IRT;AN't); PA. .• -.T.tiMebt.tner'p copl.' • . .". .• 180 . ton4:tyken 5 Valley not coal fur b ; ligto remeivtita_antiliir,svlo EMI