Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 26, 1851, Image 3

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itel„,Tonny tiid ) it hi eaid, refused to leave
Now Orleans on'the Sabbath day; althougbher
- resolution watt.tahon es! of, loeing, the,
proceeds pf*,ised ieneerte atNatoliez
and. Memphis, - is 'a noble one,
a . of worthy of allltnitetion:: -
vEgy„Casidue M. Cla , ituroPtireY
and th,irt6oa:p'tktr . pe't.tions; .hitt ll
for a "State Convention of...tho.Emanelpation
lets of ,Keettioky;": , td` ; he held at;rankford
on the 27th inst., "for:: the'neirpo'so of notot
noting candidates for- thO NaTlOU9 . State offices,'
and attending to auth other'Suhjeets as the in
terest of the cause require.
lleirtlitnnjsatic Hill, Of New , Hampshire,
died in Waishingten City; D. C., 'on Saturday;
aged about
. 70 years. He yr as the editor' of
the New Hampshi s imPatriat, and had filled at'
differegt periods the stations of Uldied.States
____S.enntsLazi6loiericar_w_ltaro shire.
faSs..Hon. Danipt.Wobster has Jaooopted an
invitatfon'frofif tbo menibers' of the Maryland
:Raton* Conirention, :to r .partake of a publio
dinner: It domes off to-day.
fle";lho,011io-airived at Now fork on Sat
urday, -vdth the California malls to , Feb: 11th;
She brought .$316,800. gold' dust on: freight
Renew Totw Sui!sorlptici
The present month , clesas the year ror a
large number of. our, subscribers who have a
dopted the Plan of pairing $1,60 ir, advance.
They are therefore respectfully ; 'reminded of
the necessity - of renewing tholr subscriptions
for the coming year they idaire to secure
the benefit of the reduced tOrmei. We must
strictly adhere to our terms, which are set out
at the head of our edlte:rial column so that
__"he who - runs . thay r'eTad'-'----$1,50 if paid at
7u beginning:o:j the dear-sl,7b - it paid within
the year, or $2,00 if paid after the-expiration
of, the: year.
iirfllV is th e Time!
ADVANCE !—On and after the lst of July next
our sobScribers in the county will receive their
T .E
. papers Run - •OF POSTAGE. .Thase who
have been - deterred frem becoining subscribers
on account of the postage, which now amounts
to more than one-fourth the price of subscrip
tion, will have no excuse after that, time for
longer remaining ignorant of the events week!
ly transpiring in the great world around them.
To persons residing ouf of the county the pos-.
tage will be a mere trifle compared with exis
ting rates. . ___
iCitorinriuna.—Alberti and Prica the Kid-,
mappers, were sentenced in Philadelphia, on
- Saturdarto-ten - yearsnach . in-the--Penitentia--
Philadelphia N. American Office I
ti eettly Revieurc - ISarCh -, 22, - 1851 - . — f
REMARKS.'-',Owing in some measure to the
inclemency of the weather the early part of
--the-week, -the-market-generally has been
and the operations in most of the lending arti
cles of produce. on. a moderate- scale for- the
season. Supplies. are coming for‘ward more
freely from the inferior,. and Grain meets with
a better., demand. Flour and Neal arebutlittle
inquired for. Cotton -is 'held more finely un
der the late advices from the South. Coal is
lower, but the demand is imp . roxing. Ironis
,iather quiet. Grocerisa, not much doing, and
in salted provisions there is less activity to no
tico. Other articles remain about the Immo as
at the close of last week.
FLOUR AND MEAL.—The market for Flour
continues very dull, and the export demand of
eery limited character, prices however, show
no alteration, and the sales for shipment only
reach some 5,000 barrels, mostly taken iu small
lots at $4,44 for standard, $4,50 .for choice
brands, and $4,75 for extra, including fancy
brands rit'ss 11 barrel. at which rato,holders
• pre generally free sellers: 'fie home demand
has been rather more active -within the above
range of Yr:ce - s; including - No - 1v York extra at
$5,25 (B,sti2s ypl barrel. Corn Meal has
slightly declined, aniLabout 2000 barrels Penn
sylvania Meal sold at $2,75 barrel. 11. Ye
Flour in limited dernand and steady, with sales
.(43.00 bu nls at 9tB 377 -UUI mho in
' were 18,988 barrels Flour, 305 half bbls. de.
854 bble. Rye Flourc - 2287: bbls. Corn Meal,
" and 80"hlids do - • • • -
mandfor Wheatrather better; some 25®30,-
000 bushels Pennsylvania have been disposed
of mostly - At 9743. - fok reds; and 1020. for prime
white, afloat. Aye iii:searge and in demand,
with small sales of Pennsylvania at 60e. some
prime at a higher rate, and 2000 bushels on
terms not public, - Corn in steady demand and
firm, with further sales of about 85,000 bush
els, indluding Southern at -60 c. and' Pennsyl
vania yellow at 60800&o. Oats-;but few ar
riving, and sales of Pennsylvania are making
at 43e. 'll bushel. -
On the 4th inst. by 'the .Rev. John C. Dice,
' the Ilev. Jaines IL March, of the DaWittier°
annual conference, to Miss Laura Alice, daugh
ter of ,H: L. Eby,' Esq., of CharlestoWn,,,lef
ferson county, Vu. •
On the 20th inst., by the:Rev. J. F. Mesich,
Mr. Joseph - Vilson Fleming, (formerly of Car- -
lisle,) to Miss Elizabeth Grods, both bf Peters
burg, Perry. county, Pa. ,
On Tuesday, February 25th, by-the Rev. A.
Brown, Major_James_P:per, (formerly of this
county,) to Miss Elizabeth, daughter. of Wil
liaM.Dodd; Esq., of Woodford countyo.ll.
On the 18th inst., by the Rev. C. M. Klink,
_Mr.' Joseph Weakly to Miss Jane Hamilton, all
of Dickinson tewnshir..
~;. Suddenly, in Alifllin township, on Tuesday,
- the 18th inst.,- Mr.,lllilliam_liarper,.aged about
o . 45 years.
04 Friday last, Emma 'Kate, infant dough
_ , ter of Benjamin and Elizabethils,lilemm, aged
7 mOnthwariil Ave days.. "
ier fading 'dust shall sweetlyslecp
Al/lterii lovely
. flnwols bloom,
And";ingols" will their vigils keep
Around her silent tomb. '
• Thie glooniy yule was not her hothe,,
Then dry (mob tear of sorrow-; '
And know that Mtge' bands hoe li:rich
' 'Thy bubo to realms of glory. ",•
;New' '2.bpertil'igiricitts;
rrifiE undersigned informs hie 'friends and
IL , nuineroas epatorriers, that he hub_ just re
turned .from Philadelphia,: wjilt, a' large and
carefully seleetOd assortment of ••
purchased lit •the lowest pricecvwhich ho le de.
torrnined to sell-af emallTrcifite: 'e;
• sul)Enfoß:.'cLovis " •
at from 75 centat,tl4s,a yard; Cassimoresi -
Cassifista sail" Yostinga, ¢t yaraius prices.
such as Delainee, tferago tio'LainCs, a splendid
assortmont of Silka,,eatioges,Girtharns, Ch'lts
Table Diapers, TAckings,"Mupins, Bonbetoi
4 '
B . rs ; AND - SHOES, ,
• .
A good asnostment.'Of IVISM,s, Women and
Childron's.floofs. and Shoes;ol enperlor oaf,.
*shoin.•• Also ffoy'S ,and
Anditor%:Notice." -- • .
- Tl-111 undersightid,. auditor; appointed
tho Court toimartbal and distribute the balance.
to tha hands of John'•Plper;iAdministrator
Capt: d o p'doimong,thecreditors .
of said deceased gives notice that- ho will at
tend to that dut y sit hie, cffice in Carlisle, on'
SATURDAY, the )2th of. April, 1851 - ,' The
creditots"arehoieby. notificA . to , present their
claims ot t - Or hefore that•day:'•'' .
' • .A. 'fiI..pHA.RP, • ' •
m 26 AOffitor appointed by the.'Couft. •
Estate of. Susan' A. Eisenhart, dec'd.
Non.. is hereby gilien, that Letters of
Administration in due form of law, have'
been' granted to the undersigned, on the estate
of _Swan ,Iliscaltart late of Monroe town
'ship, Cumberland county, dead. All persons
indebted to said
,estate Dr,- therefore required
to 'make poyident immediately, and those hay
ing elaiMs will please present them for Settle
. .
. . „
. ,
- 4 - •. Rst - ' - ', — V I S '
._._. ...t ,
...;0%*iq ... W . g4 . / .•
/- 7 1 ,0) V . l• •.I. . ' • '
.... .
HAVE received . from Mr. Landreth,' my
Spring supply of 'FRSH GARDEN
SEEDS, which are warranted genuine.
mar% . . S,ELLIDTT.
RESH GARDEN SEEDS, .orthe best
mtiny, from the celebrated establishments • •
of Risley & Co.,'New York; and. D. Land
reth Philadelphia. nil of which are warranted
fresh, just received and for sale at the Cheap
Drug and Book Store of . •
.ntre6 S. W. HAYERSTICK.
C O f D excellent article
•.mar26 . HUBBARD.
WITHERrAL OlL—Alwnys fresh, constant
ly kept on hand .at HUBBARD'S Drug
Store. [mar26
able and mixed refrigerant and laxative,
for sale by HUBBARD. „ Bnar26
ARINA COLOGNE—A genuine. article
A' for enle by 'S A' HUBBARD. • (m 26
IN a Flour and Produce(' Commission House
in Baltimore City, A YOUTH of 17 to 19
years of age-, who has lulu some experience in
business, to act as general assistant in writing,
selling, &c. lie must come well recommend•
ed as to moral character .and business habits,
and have'n fair prospect in the course of time,
of influencing some produce business from his
neighborhood. For the services of a suitable
one, boarding. (which will be in the adiertia:
er's own family), and a ,small salary will- be
given the first year. For, further inforMation
'address — '''Pß IME-,'" BitLTMOREjj-irl- the
hand writing of the applicant. [mar26
T. rzuturat, & CO. -
yRA -L tes;-Ameriean-,-Eng
fish, and Russid-Sheet Iron; Boiler end.
Flue Iron; Hoop - . and :Rod Iron; Iran : Wire;
'Pinner! Copper; Zinc; "%letter . ; Pig and Bar
Lead ;--liend-Pipei-Sheet4.ead ;-B lock-and-Bar
Tin; Brass Kettles; Tinner's Tools• and-Ma
chines; Stoire,.Trimmings; American Rivets,
all sizes, Tinned and Black, &c.
March 2f,, 1851-lypd..
AVING, decided to quit the business, I
UR propose to sell my stock at very low pri
ces. It embraces the newest and:most desira
ble styles. You are invited to call' and exam•
mr26-2M No 104 Market it. Philada.
MEMBERS of the Allen and EastPenubo
rough Mutual Fire Insurance Compilny;
are hereby notified, that - the' Board Of. Mana
gers; have ordere4 an :assessment of FOUR
PER Oppz . pi on all-the premium notes duo
the company, on the eleventh day, of March,
1851,.tb be - ,paid - previous to the 10th , day of
June next; to the Treasurer or Receiver. As
- the Treasurer-intends veining on the members,
personal:3g before.that tinie, it would be advi
sable to be ready. '
_ _
LEWIS HYEE, Seiretary.X
I March 2G, 1251. 10 - Gazette and Republican
York-- , 4lnion-and—Tolegraph,Rarrieburg=cop
to amount $2.
~JL- -" E
7 -- THE - Sabin - fib:6F liffe on -- Ifzrd a large and
well selected assortment of - MUSIC of all
kinds, consisting of Songs, Marches, Waltzes,
Polkas, &c.. also instructions for Piano and
other instruments. " BerlinPs Method" for
Pianci, "Mazes Method for the Violin, &c. and
a supply of Violin and Guitar Strings, of first
rate quality-at-city prices. - - -
• Having made an arrangement with an im
porting and, publishing house in Philadelphia,
lie will be constantly-supplied with hew Music
and able torurnish anything in that line at short
notice and upon reasonable terms. Music
Teachers will find it for their interest te'eall
and examine for themselves, at .the 'other of
Pitt and High streets, opposite the Maitsion
House - [irfl9] : S. A. HUBBARD.
THE undersigned. will expel° to public sale
at the Gap Tavern,ln South Middleton
trnship, at I o'clock; P.;M4 - on SATURDAY
the 29th mst., '
lying about three miles from said Tavern, and.
adjoining landirof R' Woods, J Sterrett, Sites,
Martin, Spangler , and others. This 'land is
worthy the 'notice of Farmers, emit 'is easy of
access, - convenient to roads and abounding in
various ikinds of timber. It will posithiely be
' sold on 'that day, and will be offered in lots to
suit purchasers. , The.subscribet , wlll be at the
I Gap Tavern ori the. morning of the 28th, so ad .
to afford those wishing' to purchase an oppor
-I,tuniiy.of ;viewing the land precious to sale. 4--
Terms made known at sale.
- marl - •
it 1511 M OVAL!
wAltr, 061.8 AND TIN MAN=
, . .
• qHBsunterikers desire to inform their friends
and,,lthe public thtit they, have removed,
MANUFACTORY' to' nearly oppo
site their old.sitind on. North Hanover street,
atermay now be foetid In their new and corn;
et diets ntanulet.tory . on the West side of the
.said street v .a„few doors-tabove'Douther street,
ivltere they, will continue to keep on hand a lull
tissorttnent of every kind 'of
Tii, Copper and Sheet—lron Ware! „
- Which may -be - needed by housekeepers and
others. - :Their. articles, are. mandlectured, by
themselves, of tho'best materials, and in point
of finish and' durability'cinnot be surpassed.—
Their will slso' monulacture and repair at the
shortest Fiance all kinds of Distilling Appcfratus.
They will' prOmptly l attend to the laying of
town and country; and on the most reasona.
-hie terms. Evers. branch of their business
will, be 'carefully attended to with. the utmost
They also keep' constantly on hand - a large
variety of
..omprising. every variety. of Plaia ten..pinto
4TOVES,"plegant- wood. end Goal air-tight
'ARIA) sl 0 v ES. of 'the` latest Styles,
:OOKING STOVES 'of the newest'and Most
'aprOved inventions, st vanuusipriees, Which
;meet fait 16 . Please every taste.' '
' They , ri3-
iebtfullyfsollelt an examination by public
r,theirlsigo ariu :varied. assortment of eft:ATI.
'beak ful the public for; favors 'heretofore
iterided,' and deter Mine - to relax . no
! ceraorts to..give satisfaction - to:their seuetom
Ja, :,!M3y n centinuanCe of, pa-.
litrw abutitistmcnt6,._i,
• - neatriam .. on'
in-nu. admit o'n neecittiodatintbterms..iinto
'office his . .several sTu ENT& for.
instruction in'thovitions branChirs rriedichie r
natom hysiologn.Ckernist
apeudcks; . Surgety, Theoty and Practice of
Medicine, &c.- Profesaionel'colls attended to
in intim and country as heretofore.:-
Carlisle Feb 26-3 t ' •
JUST received 'it 'the iforo of :the L solisCriber
in Sonthllantwer street,.nfreeh sapply.Of.
Grooeries, Cohnstirg Of Seger; ' . cofleei' ,
&c., of the' best quality --end' at the lowest`
prices; Agood quality of Coffee at cents..
of the choicest hrands, together - with all .kinds
of FEED;‘alf of which will be sold at the low— •
est pricee ,, Mao for sale a one horse
Wagon'On springs.. JOHN KEN EY.
Conotantly on handlk
Market ot. Whaif, '
- THE Subscriber,
Agent for, the Mititegerir cf .
thOriT t ild to receive applications from Farmers,
Mechanics or, others, who may wish to have
boys or girls, either white or colored,intlentu—
red to them es. apprentices. - The ages will
'vary from se ven to twenty years. In all cases
where the applicant is not known to the Inden—
turing Canithittee or. the .Agent, satisfactory
references to persons residing in the City . , will
be' required, , , J OSIA H 'TATUM,
50 - North - fourth Street.
Philadelphia, Feb 26
Family Grocery Store.
' 'THE subscriber having removed his Grocery.
' ' Establishment, on South Hanover
4 „
, . , - street, to the huge building .nearly
; opposite his old•ataud desires to call
i ir, • the attention of the public to the en.
•-) perior stock of-FRE.SIf GROCEE
IES•w tich he has just opened, and which hu
will sellon the most accommodating terms.—
The arrangement of his new. Establishment will
be found of the Most complete character, and
his assortment comprises every artible that cart
be found in a
Perfect ramily Grocery; -
such as sugars. coffee, teas; spices, hams, dried
beef„ cheese, shad, mackerel, 'herrings dried
fruit, soaps, &e., together with 'an 'elegant as
sortment ol China and Crockery Ware of eve-
-y style old quality, quoensware, broomi,
brushes,' baskets, and an endless variety Of ar
ticles whith' it is impossible to enumerate.—
For'eheapness and excellence his artielea can
not be surpassed A call from the public is
therefore respectfully solicited •
mars C. Hsi'HOFF.
:. lovers of good TEA can be
; at
z m A s A Superior Green .prid Slack
a u • Teas, either loose or put up
-• in fourth, half or pound me.
tallic packs to. suit purchasers at prices ranging
from 50 cents up . to 81 per-pound, by cplling at.
tho store of imrsl j: -. D.JIALBE RT.. -
Nolite .
W41,171:8,_ President Judgo of the several
Courts of Comma*. Pleas of the counties of
Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, in Ponnsylva
nia;and Jostle(' of the Several Courts of Oyer
and ' Terminer and General Jai l Delivery in
said counties. and Hon. John Stuart and Jelin
Clendenin, Judges of the Court of Oyer arid.
Terininer and General Jail _Delivery for the',
trial of all capital and other offenders, in-the -
paid county of Cumberland, by theirprecopts to
me directed, dated the 10th of January, 1851,
have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and Genetl2lJan Delivery, lobe holden at Car
lisle oil the 2d Illenday of April, next,
(being the 14th day) at 10 o'clock, in the figs
noon, to - contirfue -two weeks.
NOTICE is therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner, Justices Of thc,Pogioe and Constables
ofthe said county ofCambiirland,thattlicyara,
by thssald precept coMmandcirto be thenland
there in their proper persons,with theirrolls„
records, inquisitions, examinations, and , all
other remembrances, lode those things Which
to theifoffices appertainto be dono,aud all those
that are bound by recegnizancoe, to prosecute
(against the prisoners that aro or then shall be
in the Jail of said county, are to be there to
rommutothom-as-shall-beins . . p "
Carlisle,Tebreary 26, 1851.
S the subscriber intends leavilT
all persons,themselves iiidelitea
to him, are requested to come forward without
delay and makelrpayment, or their accounts
will b'e placed the hands of a Justice for
collection. J: G. CARMON Y.
To those Interested.
THE subsepbere wish all indebted to them
to call and setae - the same by the middlo
of March, as +O f fs necessary their accounts
should be paid off by that timed Just received
Cfirte lot oh New Goods, which we aro selling
off.nt ouR usual low,prices. .Call end see..
Feb 26.v.-3t
• A & W, BEN'rZ.
Dissolution of Partnership.
xr p TicE is herebyoiven that the partner-.
khipheretofore existing between the sub—
scribers. in the-Blacksmithing business, under'
the firm of Bretz-U. Coenman, has been dissol—
ved- by mutual 'consent.' The - books and ,
accounts have
,been placed in the hands of M.
Holcomb, Esquie,ifor settlement. The busi— •
nese will hereafter .be carried' on by George
Oornmts, who will be thankful for a 'continu—
ance or patronage from his old customers. ••
'Estate •of .Emarittel Lino; dec'd.
ETT,ERS testamentary on the.„..tistata of
.:Emanuel Lino, sr., late of Dickinson tp,;,
Cuintberland county, deceased, have bean issued .
in 3he form of law, to the subscribers residing,
iu the said. lownship All . persona indebted to ,
the said ostatal:will pinko immediate payment,
and those having clams against if will present
them for' sottlenient_to • • -1
- • Ei•i•iittore
Feb 26
• Estate of JON] Officer, deed..
rriffE hndereigned, residing in, l•nrlisle, hoe
been d013,i appointed - Executor lif.the will
and estnnier John Officer,' luiepregift linrough,
deceased:'; Allpereons indebted to 'ail e.,1711 . 0-
pre'r9quested to make iniriiedifue pnyintent, end,
thivio cininis'tn preerni them, p'ropeyly,
nuih e ent iL6 tet •
d' ' -1.6. : AV
!: ; E Ent uto i '
rb ;',.
, .
E3tate Binij rnin deo" dc •
ATOVlCO . isliereby given that letteis of ad,
11, ministratiol with *he will nnnexed, onrhe•
estate of BENJAMINAJILLER-, lama North
Middleton - towrixhipi•Cumberland county, de-.
ceased, have been granted to •the subscriber
residing In Monroe township, in said county.-- •,
.persons knowing, themselves indsbted to
said , •estate, ere required' to make imMediat&
payment an& those having claims arerequested •
to present.them to . . • ,
•lebl9-13tpd JOHN-DILLER, Airier; '
• .
Estate' of Wm. Harkness; dee l / 4 1.
ETTERB al ttilministiation'on the estate -
ILA of wit.trAm IIARKNESS: late of Al
len township, Cu mberland county; . doceased;
haye.'beeti issued to the subscriber residing in
said township.._ All 'Pertions indebted to said'
estate#e requested to 'n'ake iinthediate
,erid • thoaeL haying claims Will present
them properly Radian - Viewed :for settlement to.
R BCItT , B N ,
mars-6., : -
• - • •.•Bftiph6o Brusbepl, -
giviakrarieiycif llietio.nteful "articles'
Pored for kilo, consisting of Wlfite*oohi
papal and .Nail,` ElesWand gralinnk / BruMofi in:,
kronLymtiety, , nll 'of whialt of tiorbeof ; qint:'.
WOODBURN; Esqs., , DireCtereOf :the Poor and'Of , the House of: Ern..
ployment for the, comor Vtunberlank in account with..said county,
• from theist JtAti 3 Oai,s?;:t p ' the'3lst day of Dctebiker; 1 8 5 9;
hive, : ."-
To Gramm: doe Institatiori it get.,
• tleraent in 1849; by Jacob Egaier„ •'
Esq. Treasurer, , , • g 447
Ans'e drawn from Cannty.Trol2o.'• ...84 0 0•11
Received for ono horse::; ~••• • ..10 , 00
Of JaCob Shrom for hides,&4llin -141104
Of G 0 Seunderson f0r , ..1184- of .•
, Mary Knel i tle• •, -
Of ,R Snodgrass, Esq. for use
For 'blank indentures
For tallow and lard
For cider
For Poultry
, .
Amount duo diiaciors .. , : 5 1 8 78k
• . Cif) $6i525 57
JACOB SQUIER, Esq., 2 1 4iiitter Of the Poor
/and County; in aceount with. the Directors of
• the 81st day. of December, Mg, inclusive, viz :
To amount ducat settlement, $ 447 23
Received from' County. Treasurer 5000 00
Received from J Lobedlt,'stew- • *. •
ard; from different sources as the foregoing plate
ment 361 561
AuOat due Directors by, eeuutp .,
, y . 16:78fr
$6,598 574,
Block on the Farm lag of January' 1851.
lead of - horses; 32 ,hood 'of horned cattle.-qlBheep, 17-Shonu4-5-Pigs,and 2 Calves
• . Beef, Pork, Muitoa - and Veal, fattened and killed on the farm,in.lB4o.
0 ----
37 - Beeves, average -- ands - - - - - ----- - ------- I he.) - 15 - dely B s, average weight6a pounds (975
114.) 60 sheep, average weight - 44 pound's, (2.610.. lbs.) 46, huge, average , weight 181 pounds,
(8,326 lbs.) making in all (31,366 NO
_ _ P_arminy Crawly on the Farm is January, 1861.
1 broad and 1 narrow whe'eled wagon, 1 wagon bed, 1 pair of wood-and two pair of hay lad
ders, l cartzar:d cart gears, rt:ldeigh.and harness, 3-plows, 4 harrows, 5 double:_sholfel ploughs
3-single shovel ploughs, 1 stone wagon, 1 threshing, machine power, 1 fanning mill,
1 railing screen, 1 corn' shelfer, 1 ground roller, - 2 cutting boxes, 2 - grindstones, 2' log chains
34 'coW chains. 6 sett of wagon gears,- 6 - sett of plough gears, 2 sett of carpenter tools, I,setto
blacksmith's tools, 2 sett of butchoring tools, 5 wheelbarrows, 1 cabbage knife, 5 grain cradles
and a variety of axes, picks, 'mattOcks, shovels. - crowbars, corn hoes, forks, rakes, 'sickels
scythes, steno hammers, sledges, spades, single ' nd double trees. d4o. 1 tilbury, '
. . .
1200 bushels of wheat, 77 Of rye, 899 of oats, 1100 of corn, 350 of potatoes, 2 of tinfoil's , seed;
45 of red' becita,'6 . .of beans and peas ; 55 Of Onions; 2 of little onions, 2 of turnips, 20 - of par
snips', 15 of tomatoes, 3200 I:teada of cabbagn, c -9500 cucumbers, 6 wagon loads of pumpkins,
made 34 loads of hay, 14 Of .e.ornfodder, 30 barrels of cider; .
Hantifaeittreel and made in the House and Shop. - • —...
. ,
- - 156 shirts and chemiso,B4: comforts, 20 caps, 108 aalico frocks, 49 cotton frocks, 105 aprons,
47 petticoats,B pair of' suiettion knitted, 39 pair footed;'lo7 pillow slips, 36 sun bonnet;, 15;
,towels, 45 shets,:ll. tank . _kl-4fOnfe, 8 pair oi . pants, 5 vests, 27„ barrels of soft soap, .91 lbs. of hard
soap, 128'gallona of appleKollin ' .. , ..-• - . - ,
. . ,
...,. . .. .
~ .
The Directors, 4c., of said ilnatitution, annex the folliaoing exhibit-of extra .labor,'4e., performed
by the Steward, Matron and Paupers, from the Ist day of January to the Slat day of Decor:-
. her; 1860 inclusive viz :• . ' . ..• .
, . .
. .. •
Made IS coffins, 5 new gates,2 sinks' for 'kitchens, 8 wailiiiir:macbines, .3• wheelbarrows, 18
.ittoonsianle,trees, built &new privy at tenant .house, repaired and weatherboarded gable
end of tenant housenuarried atone ier and made 20 rods onTtolre - 101100,T10 - 00 - 47600t12010 -
bushel baskets, 6 handle baskets, 10 willow bas tete, 500 rails, cut . 100 cords of wood, ma 0,46
panel oh old post fence, and done about $4O worth of blacksmithing.
Number of paupers in the Institution Ist,January, 1850, of•which ta. were colored 140
Igumber.admitted up till 31st *December,,lBso, of which 17 were colOod and 3'
born in the housa L _ ' , -• , ..
Making-ilia Siliel - O
Of which 18 died,l children bound' out, 22 eloped, and 192 discharged, „
, , , , • i _ , • "
Leaving the number ot 'nauperain the poor housst Jan 1851, of which 22 ar oolo'd
Out-door paupers aupported at public' expense , through the year; 12, of which 5 has •
been admitted and 3 died, leaving •• . , 'N e „ . _ 9 .
Whol number - supported , ' st January 1851'
, _,
Of th remaining In the peer house 31st of December, 1850, there are—
,. ' • . , , ' ' ~ " Males 74, of which 12. are colored 74, ' •
,i 3 12"' ' , ~ , Foliates 41, of which 10 are colored ' 41 —
, - And 9 out-door paupers.'of which-1 is coPd'_: , ' ,, 9 -
. ~
~ , . • 124 5 '
'E . ora'are as near as can be ascertained, 4 from 1 to 5;.6 from 5 to 10' 8 from 10 to 20;16 from
16'Scovia-c-- - • - --
204‘30;v13-from 90 to 40; 10 from' 0 to 50;;111 from 50 M 60; 15 from 60 to 70; 14 from 70to 80;
7 - fronfBo to 901 3 from 90 to 1001 1 above a hundred-, • . ,
In addition to the above; 1741 freneient piMpore or trevellem have been received 'and enpportod
for a ehOrt,time yithoutregular orderi.. ,
We the Directors of •the roar and oldie. Howie of Employment fob the County Of buniber.:
land,. do certify thoebovevind foregointatetement to contain:a just and true exhibit of the in.
siltation, during the period above stated, according to theboet'of our knowledge. Given under
OUP Windy this let "day of.Jauuary,. 1851.
the undereigned, AiditOrs of :Cutnberland coutity, , elected and sworn according tolaw,
having examined the accounts and . vouebers of the Directors of the Poor and of. the Honewof.
Employment of said eountv from the Ist. darof January to the 31st day of December. 1850;,n
-elusive, do certify that,we find's' balance 'dee to the Directors afo , esaid, of seven hundred and
nineteen dollars' and seventy-eight and a half dents, by the county aforesaid. Given under our
hands lit Particle, this loth day of Talluary; 1851.
• , -
PHILIP, QUIGLEY, :cliditors.
.1414212, 18.614,t
0350'1 1 8XX141
Southeast Corner. AlarketsSr;ll-111itlf Street" d
R AIeNILYI:LE dCo.; invite the Isom.
' tion of Wholesale' am) 'Read liaytlt., to t „
their exteoeiveLarld -complete , sttwk iii ...lzprtop
and Bummer cLOTHIN G. tomprising - ,est ty _
variety dd . style that tom 'be.prodtleer.. t ter A; lo told , ,
aim is to please and,s,cosornodtite..'etl.and JD.m ei we sue t , O
order to do thietwe meant:were CA Meg ,
'every priceSCP" • Equalled by Fet—ollseel_ted by None:,
ONLY enables `' us to offer' C Olhint at a very
trifling advance. Our motto is : Small Profits W
e earnestly ask an examination of oar
dQuick Sales. We. are confident. that mode of condacti :^/business, believing. if
•exarnination by ybu'is all tliAt neeesearytto experiment is made, it will be found footle in.
confirm, what are say, and enure youreustom. teratit of those desiring goods
. in 04' line
•• • ••• - continue operating with us. . - -• •
' 0
u r stock is- At all Ammons lrirge; and select
' EXTENt3IIre, , • k. s oil 'with partialllar, Itferendo to the wuute of
Millrl=2lll. 44. COAX • WARD, '^> Rennsr l yania; Ohio and the near, trade goner., subscriber . ,vsottid. respectfully infor
3 urders by mail or • otherwise despatched
•he still cominue's ilia AIBER AND COAL
• . his customers and the n nt ublic generally tlist
' promptlyand at the lowest rates - known in any
BUSINESS, and that. having, lately purchased
in addition to hie formeibuslneetbeilitiee; rite hi
u, Bll . eat' p ri Ec e je i & ven ßL lo i, ‘
reffASt' in
large and convenient W mations° end COO ',Yard w orm..east . cornei , of...nird 16 _ 4 . d ;
lately °toppled by Mr". Remy Wright, -opposite'
the well known Lumbar Mid Coil Yard Of this 1 mnrs PHILADELPHIA. . -
subscriber, Inmate along:„ the. Rail. Road , • and:- - • • i l ,
,College Lane"; he+ ribw mortr- fully pyapared goissOlutioli of 'Dallis 'whip
to enlarge his business. Ile hue! tine tpne and
rwiliff partnership i heretrtfore Mei - tinder
is keeping .constentli.4l6 , titiad^. - e.witdl selPood I. the- fi res GILAIOR At ' STOU011; "wee
'assortment of on this:dsy mutual comet: , The'
' • • SHAH() ND PP .' • - f-"' Books ancl,llccotikits , of said firm ere ''now,
of-all,. kinds. norie,, , anol wee:- likewise fla, the handed James Gilmer for (*Becton, All
different Weal, FAllll43l' -00 AL. Such:es, orsoriti knowing themselves Indebted arc re.
kitOVe Coal of tilfibrent kin 46, 1 416 twiner° quested to call and Settle: ' ' •
and, illackerallh'sr Co?.i; - er the r )sest quality-- s • •JAM'ES'
A I of-whidh ha. ill. selL unitsuille• low for iTintippdßTol.l4p,,'
Cash. Ho , will elsoltcep,:constantlY criJulnd ; , • , • ; ;
; ~ P LASTEII.:S4LT; #l4O. & 43 *;, 7 4 , CONTIDIUANCEPR • PUSINESS;
Atti - the ditreietil,,erheleeatiteetelly toiling • ITHE iedereigned haviiiirporehttead the In , ':
in a wol eteie'd.Werehthiee, ill term of hie formerptirtneri begs leave to Wm
ell, times , litly PRODU C E"-and : FLOUR, hte numetiass cuatemete and the _public gene—
,Whicti he - will pay' the. hisheat -11.PrraM: prices. rally ;• t hat he' will atilt contin tie ithis,bnsineni^
, • Being very- thankfill4ol.,,lnatrqfiiilke,"would the old stand ,opposite bt,,,w 00 0100,1 11
est etmonetz a,continuiwort.cit, a t kl l . ol9 4Y sibir Iltiuse,- -- Wbere )le. haiief4,bteleeoAtteniteh
,ceaseriable W*0.91 nubile PM 1.; • "":I•ta hilsiliatilq Still re ,Teee , ive • their
• t—falliiHtLs M. 5•0 4 1 , ' tioneacC- iHis•sussorweet to ht.:: Ctaland rum,.
• .„ •- - ;"CR: .
Stpayment of interest on dower - 7
to favor of Mee. O'Brien in the •• -
-, ';lend purchased of A McDowell
in 1,842 -- • !..:- • . 428.91;
By cash' for , groteries,'merchan'• • - r , .
dine, clothing '& boding included '2226 301
Forutock ' '1229 00.
For grain noir and grinding -. I ;512 561 .
For aliee'aing. tailoring & hateg ' .278 . 441
For Support of out door paupers . 264 00
For hardware, , oil, paints, &c, .165 04.1
For leather ••• . , •
.152 56*
For klacksmithing , • • . 109 01,
For castings ' 35.64
For Lumber , § i• 68 18
' For manuilicturing sattinetl 1 . 621
For out door medical aid 19 00
..Fot_painting_house 93 00
Far Saddlery ; ' -- 357591 -
For brick' 44 421
For materials, &0., purchased for
nee of farm • ° 51 , 021
Far carpenter work 11 841
Forfreight on groceries , &c . 14 121
For plaster and cloverseed , 53' 50
For tin Mid copper ware,6r. tink'g 20'311
For out - door funeral expenses . -64 37+}
For traveling expenses, :(.. 16 34*
Borough .of hometown for sup- •
' port of paupers 31421.
For lime . ". ~ 10 55
For mason. work ' • gs 181
For repairing threshing Machine 29 75
For Constable's fees . 18 50
For plastering new house ° 21 95
Blind - Institution for use of Sarah
McGlaughlin • 25 00
For postage - • 9 031
Forstationery 2 00
For sundries ' 4 981
J Lobach, salary 1 year, (hirelings
wages 575 'OO
Dr. J. Baughman, phyeicien, eat;
• ary, for one year -
'Squi.g, Eeq. Treasurer, salary
for 1 year
L Todd, Keg. Attorney, salary for
ono year
Wm ger, Beg. extra services as
60 00
rx • / 'OO
Thom Bradley, Esq.
M G Beltzhoovcr, Esq.
House and House of Employment of Cumber
aid institution, from the Ist day of January to
DR. r
fly cash paid orders above awed $6,628 57}
Schedule showing the pro,ceedsof the farm for 100
-- Biinksellol . - C 7 country - Nerciianta•
and Taaphers..'..
g - 4 0 04-: : .pcogf:co - ,,,..,,,:,
Application .foi, , Tavern, Lice4co,
NOTICE is herebyT given that Tintin'd to
apply, at the April Term of the Court orQuar•
ter Seisionalsf .Cumberland-:teunty for a Li
cense to keep a public housitin. the , house now
occupied by me's* such ,itk- Lo'wer Allen tatty.'
411 "1 9 DAVID nnqvni:''
Wb t-e un arss gneni citizens th- township
of Lo ner Allen; in, the county, of Cumberland.
`dcrierlifv' that ire ate well acquainted the
aboternarned David Brown, that he' le of 'good
rePutd for, hortestyind temperanee, and is well
provided with :Aortae room and conveniences
for the itecoMmodation Of dtrangers ` and' trivol-.
hers; end that such Inn or Tavernis ,neeesSary
to accommodate the.publio and entertain stran
gers and 'travellers.
--Jonathan Brubaker, Daniel 'Shelly. David
Meter, DaVld - Bruba ker; all Bitner, Samuel
Shireman, W D Shoop, John Shireman, David
Wise, Samuel Black, Jacob Pitman, Christian
Stoner, Isaac Goshart. - '
'Applioa.tion . for Vaverp Liberise.
~__NOTlCE_lcherobyigiven- t hat WO intern] to
apply at the next Term of the COut — i.7.(r) Quar
ter SeSsionsfor a'License to keep a tavern, in
owned by us in Frarakford - tp.'"'
: M.D & J
We, the undereigned, citizens of the toren,
ship of Frankford,' m the county of _Cumber
land. do certify that we are well acquainted with
the above named MD & J B LOckey, that they
are of good repute for honesty and temperance
and aro well•provided with house room and con
veniences for the . accommodation • of strangers
and end that , uch Inn or Taliern is
necessary to accommodatece theptiblic and enter
tain strangers and travellers. - -
A Burkholder, John Bauder, John Badyr.
treper, P Myers, Daniel Leckey, Daniel Oilof
J Graham, J•• Nickey, M Minich, John Wyn
hoop, G Grobb, A Oiler.
Application for Tavern License.
NOTICE is hereby given 'that I. intend to
apply'at the next term of the Court of Quarter
Sessions fora License to keep a public house
in the house now occupied by mesas suchin
Dickinson township, Ctlmberland county.'- , -
100 00 .
' 40 00
We the undersigned citizens of the township
of Dickinson, in the , county of Cumberland, do
certify that we are .well acquainted with . the
bove named Vi for Shannon, that he is of go'od
repute for honesty and,temperance, and is well
provided with house , room and conveniences
for the accommodation of strangers and travel
ers;,and that such Inn or tavern is necessary to
accommodate the public rind entertain strangers
and travellers.'
Philip Smingler, Joeeph . Galbraith, John
Moore, George Martin, Francis Hutchison, T.
'C Miller, James Weakley, G Swonger, Mat
'thew Lynch, S Stewart, Jacob 'Trego, John
Low; '
20 00
16 10.
16 50
$6,628 57*
Application for Tavern License..
nooncr. i 9 .hereby given that I intend to
1.11 apply at ihe_next_tern of_the Court of
Quarter essitms of Cumberland county'lor a
license to kesp , a public house; in the house now
occupied bkvnts in Mifflin township, at the
Sulphur Springs, Cumberland county.
mart? S COXLE. '
the undersigned citizens'of NINO.
in the county of Cumborlatid,"do cer illy that
we are well- acquainted' with the abOve named
'5 Coyle, that he iso of good repute for honesty
and telnperance and is well.provided with haws
4Mii - trimnd-conveidences.for.the-lieuommodatiitit
of.strangersiand travellers, and that itch inn or'
tavern is necessary to accommodate the tt , ilic .
- - aud - untertainiatrimgcrs - mith , ctle•
Henry D Dalhousen, George !instils, An
drew Campbell, .George Grosger,•A -Sten.
ret, R C McCulloch, _Woudhurn, Jas.
HuatonrWilliam Henry, Wm S-Me Dannell,
John-M Mlllerr David-Sterrett __
Af'plicatiori for Tay.ern 'Licenw,
• NOTICE is-hereby given- that-I,intend --to.
atijily at the April Term of the Cuba of Qum..
tar Sessions of Comberlapd county for a Li.
cense to keep a public house in- the house now
occupied by me as such in -North Middleton
' March 19,
We, the undersigned, ()Wachs of the town- I
ship .of North Middletoo, in the ' , county of
Cumberland, do cattily that we are' well no.
quaintod with the above - named George Syn.
gert, that hi Is. ef good repute for honesty and
temperance, end is well, provided with house
room and contenienees - fOr the accortimodation
of .straugers and travellers, and that 'such inn
or tavern is iracessary to. accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers. •
Y' Win KinertyJuseph Murphy, Levi Mordorf,
(George Thomas, ; Gonad Murderf,-jr.,- John
Seidler; David, Braucht, J Gutshall, Jr. - , Adam
Coryca, Abr'rn. Lumberton, J Gotshall, Atkin
Wise, Wm. Cornman, J 1 - 1. Spahr, George Gut
' shall. ' • .
ation for Tavern -License
TVOTICS is hereby given. that 1 intend to
J-11 apply at tho next, term of the Court of
Quarter Seeeions of Camberlandcounty for a
License to keep et nublic houee now owned by
Jahn3Kolf.infienitt Vliddlatontow na b ong_
an Old Rend; your petitioiter therefore lima
your Honore to grant him a: Licomfe for the
same for the ensuing year, commencing on
the second Monday of April next; and ac in du
ty bound ho will ever pray, Sr.c." , • ..
We tho, undersigned, citizens of South Ai
tan townahip, in the county of Curnberland; do
certify that we are well acquainted with the a
bove named Benjamin Plank,-that ho is of good
repute for,hanesty and temperance; and is well
provided with house Loom and conic:him:tees for
Bier accomniOdminif Of etrtingers and tinimilerri,
and that such Inn or Tavermis necessary_ to
eimtmodate,the public and. -entertain etraugere.
and travellers... ,• • ",
Samuebliartzler ;John Wolf, Leonard Mao,
John.Blatik..David tioerner, John. Peters, Phil
ip;BreeltbilliWin.-,Wiem Henry Webbert, Hon,
II MOO, Jacob LehMi/D4. Jacob WHIM, laded'
.Haufnian,Jaeob.Cintaliollf A.M.„
- •
Applicationfar Tavern License.
-k - ronpg is hereby given that intend' tit
`'i,ppply at the next Court of Quartei Soe•
eiolia o 1 liiii'boinq;for a limns° to .ketiO a
public housS' in the house now occupied by toe
as such in Newton township.
• •
We the :undersigned' citizens of Newt err, t
ouenteertielnd county, do certify that we are well
qequaintawititthe itieeeve named Jahn •
kin., deal hea r Of gltoj
ia w ,H e
e 2 . „ :, ,eecare•e,•••••we t•t• • •
1.04.1 . 4 e • • „., : , ,
- F.lo,l9intlft,ol C,umbp,rla,Rl couwy, tz-k• •
public HOU-Min !he ;, , kw• 0 •
Slll:11 by john. 7Yeivxrl,in. - Ear.
lownahip. • • .
marl 2 , .ALE.X.A.„NDIni • STEW A.ET.•
. . .
Wo tho nadersignodOitizaus of tho township
of East POnnshorpuLit, At the County of "Cher.:
boriand,dii comfy, tlint,wo ore acquainted
`with' the AlCxander:Stowcrt, th,it
he'ir' of '4ood fefinto fur honesty and ternfior
once, (inti t ni,weld providelt:With, homeroom and
conveniences .'for .t accominodatiob 'stran
gers, and travellore, and that.; auch, l an Inn'or
tavern ie.necoseary fo accommodate the public
and,entertain etrangere, and traveSerk',
lingttoe, Henry KiShotror,
Freeland, George bloke..oi,alcr, S. Bowman,
31,i,Lo'agneekor, 3 Niedirarninoi;',...y4;ontine,
. „
• vic i mionotary%
NoTiot...)i'•horeliy.givan'to,•,ail petal:Om in ,
, totootod that:the, foliOw,inF .fte,c44l,ltis imtTo
been filed tliti:Pitithapotary. :011ice,f4 ea:
aniniattntt: toytliti Eidoountatita,theititeWanod t
and *ill bo presented to thO
'coati: Of
Plaas'iflGuaterland , Tor confirmation
nand, allowance no WEDNEqpAY: ,
The r accout‘ v(
i•John'Ttd*iltir,' , Satioplf ,
'olrtlailer laid"-, Abt:alidni '...tifeavorPasisigneint 'of
Paal E A t • .1 :
.A:11/10,.)40.00tnt,,Or •JohtV Boidler and:Abraltarn
Niokey, aOgrinee:ot.lacab ttoidiar. r
;DUO ' V.
Applioatiim. for Tavern License. • ,
NOTlCEie•:herebgk iven that intend au
plying at' thri - dexr term' of theZoort 'of ,Quarter
S:esstops fora Liceruici. - te ketiff*pulgic" house
in'tbei horre.lnorvoccupy.'soksuct# tbei.llol •
rough of '
mrs - t
••••••••""•••:': 1 • . • :
undersigned, eitizenti:of the Bore' tt,
of Ceilisle; Ocertify.that weave well:acquaint+
r ed „above named „Henry' Glass , and
mul e le of goad , repute for honesty- andtern.
portince,lnd is well, provided . with-bowie rOom
and • conveniences • ter' the- aceommodation. 'or .
strangers and travellers. anti - that such- ran 'or
Tavern•is . necessary to liccommodattrthe publrc
entertain strangers and 'travellers.. '
• Samna Myers, L Murray,. I Leib y , Jr.3 l •
G Gornman, Miller, Jacob Wolf, liugh
Gaullagher: George:Wendel:Jacob leihy, John
„Noble, L Ettrltholder, Edward, Shower, A.
Lamherton, ,Jos W Palton,,G W Hilton. •
Application for Tavern Licens e .,
NOTICE ie hereby given' thst I intend ari•
plying at the: April Court of Quarter Sessions'
o rth is -county,-for-a-bicense- tcr Iceepirtniblib—
house in the house-now, occupied by George
Morrett as:suelti in Monroe township.
We, the •undorsigned, citizens of ihe towe.. • '
ship of Monroe, in; the- county of Cumberland
do certify that we are well actmeinted-with the
above"named Morrett) thst he is of good -
repute for honesty rincttemperance, and is well
:provided With house room and conveniences for
the accommodation of strangers and, travellers. ,
and that such- Inn or Tavern is necessary to :
accommodate the public and-entertain strangers
and travellers. , •
S Gen'ler, John ,Wheeler, Carl , W Ahl, I
Kunp; James •Livingston, Christian - -I,ahmer.
John A MI, .1 Weightll, George' Morrett
Sheller, Deng Eberly, DanllSheller,C Brand;
G Sheller.
NOTICE' is hereby given that L intrittitir
apply at the next term of the Court of Quarter
Seeming of this
.eounty, for a.Liceuse to keep...
a public house in the bowie •now occupied by
mess Such in Silver Spring township.
We, the undersigned', citizens of the town.
ship of Silver (Spring, in the county of Cum.;
(Arland, do cortity that we are well acquaistedi
with the'above maned George Coover,that he
is of goo'd repute for honesty and temperance,
'and is *ell supplied with house room and con
veniences for the accommodation of strangers
and travellers,. and that such Inn or , Tavern ja
necessary to acciimmodate the
.public and en
-tannin strangers and travellers. '
J 13 Leidig, Jacob Gross, David Sterrett, C.
Shreiner, Levi Meily, B M Heilman, Simon
Crownewell, ISaac Brenizer, James William-
J,Bauntan, G VSCoover.J / Babb, -
Samuel Cocklin,,WM Mai, Daniel Com
fort, Jacob Boor.
NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to
apply at the neXt. term or the Court of Quarter
Sossi.thr of Cumin-Hand county loi q, Licensi3
to keep n -tuttliu iwuce tti lilt) 11011t.0 now °CCU.
‘ 1 , " 1 Thentlient: B evkley iii Luwea AI.
ie.. tow ebtop,
• 1.tu75 ' 'NM:WAS 'MCKEE - .
1,11 laud'. era. du er-tuiy that
we. are ell acqttacwrod widi .I:re .
CAI a,m.d
--Thotrr.ts-tie-Kee-.-thnt-Ile-- - tsvt—good - .
• ho,nestrand . temperunee, tied is µ eft pirravOed .
withiLaus_o, niani_r_renientes_tot_the ac -
cominoilatiori oi.atranirrs and ,ravellere,and.
Tavorn is neccaintry to accom,
mridate the public tnd entertain ,etrangerkeinct
Jahn 'S.Thicely . , jr., Wrd R.Gorgas, Fredeiick.
iy,:Samuel Zimmerman, Jacob 'Long, recap°
Eicheiberger Henry Stephen, Daniel Hatt, F.
..Seely; T B
Cauctu ittaiste.
Application for Tavern License.
Application for Tavern License.
tn , • zens• of Los' er Al-
Application for Tavern.license.
• No•ricE i is hereby given .that .I intend to
apply at the 'next term of the Court of Quarter
Sessions of Cumberland county, for a License
to keep a public house in the house now occu
pied by Samuel liesa,Kingstown, Silver
Spring township,
We, thei • unidersignod,oitizons It Kingstown„
Silver Spring township, do certify tkat we are
well ;acquainted with the above named. John
Loy, that he is of good repute for beneety and
temperance, and , that ho is well provided with
.itouso room and conveniences for the accommo
dation of strangers and travellere, and that such
Inn , or Tavern is necessary to treCommodate
streakers aniftrevellers.
Martin Harman, Jacob Landis, Goorge:Beed
Joseph.Sadlor;jr.., - C M Harmon, Wm Irvin,
David .13renizer,, Wm. K. Stevenson, Samuel
Bietline, A El Zorger, P Bricker, Wm Saxton,
George Smith, A Miller, Myers. Ek. Spoidel
'Wm Willierns,.D Hamer. M. Cooper, H. W.
Irvine . ; Sohn M. Martin, Jacob &lord.
application for Tavern, License.
vr °TICE Is ,Irereby given .ihat I intend ap
t - plying at, tho- April_ Court of Quarter
SeSilans of this bounty; fora License to keep
a-public-honse-in-tho-house-naw- occupied
rno as Isuh in the township of East-Pennsboroi
mars WM ? HUGHES.
We, the undersigned, citizens of tho town
ship a East Penneborough, in• the county of
Cumberland, do' certify that we are well ac
qvainted”witlr the tame named William P.
Hughes; that ho is of good teputefor honesty
and' ternporance; , and is well supplied h
house room and conveniences for the accom
modation of strangers and travellers, and-that
such Inn or Tavern is necessary to ac'eommo
date tho public and entertain strangers and tra
velers. •
• Samuel Sa . dlati.A P Erb, James Myers, ft:
Wilson, Heary..Ctirliti.„.David. Oyster,:William
Philips, Adam Edinger, A• Frank, Jno Hots,
SolomortEbersore,'Jonea Eiehelbarger, Sam'l.
Ilimmelrieh, Christian
Application for Tavein,LlF.onie.
. ,
NOTICE • ia• hereby glean' •inteind•to •
apply, at the' next - terrirot - tint Caurt - of , Quarter -
Seasiona .of 'Cumberland 'cowl , ior a License •
to keep a public house in tho'bouso now occu- ,
dried by Geo. Goodyear in.Chincillown . •
mars • PETER- 13- GOODYEAR..
Wo, tho underaikocd,-citizona of Monroe tp.
in the county of Cutnberland, do, certify that
V , m, are well acquainted with.the above named
Peter B • Guudyeir. that' he • ei 'ol .g,tted'
for honesty and tour eratice,•timl is •yell pru i.
ded with Metne renal 1,:.••••• t ,•, a
uccom, oy,
-.• tIF-;i1111141edqovd `citizen;- ,r; west
Word ;:•.1.1 u ,co only , 9t; , berland,
do crrtify tha I VlO aro vrail accon'ntuki with th..
addvi3 xiardo . d dostridCW:,.:.'itZdoll.,thOt .he in .of
good repate,.for honesty and tainparappa,..ind is
'flip ,Icebniridation . '
tralO'lari; and that each pi . .n.c.a..,Tav,arn
pq *i otl do, thp, rrll4ia.
.sit aagila a - = • ;
A o hli;(oll,•A'Nobli, r lylit 400 i Porter; ,. ll:
• Enentiak4;.Willistn - Cpcs="..UE3ilt.P7' 4%.l.ttistrpngi:
David •Rlioads;, WA' Roberta,
,T,Zdin'D: - Gorgaa...GeprgieZia -t
Application 'fbr'.¶av& :Licence.
WTOTIPE is berebftivon• that
'" . 3.,,111 bar iotends lie P 0501.., ,tertrt
• the Court .s.)f; Quarter Seektone -01'Ci ri b er ,„
lend , county,. for, a., lieonso•• to:liejll,li,,,P.Ubpo 4
houtavin•the atand..knoWn .tha,,L , PR , -nouse..
. 1 01 thwborongh:of Mechanieshurgii
• • JAMPS,44'..IOI.7I""i •
We, the undereignedoitisentiof ihs;Boreingle 4.
of Mechanicsburg, in the county, of ~04tediee:
land,'•do eertift ,we pre :well tiegoaintod
,thq•abbao.nahsed Tames A.-ttleloy, ;tisk, he,,is
• • of_ good repute for hancaty. and .tomporopep, cod
well'c provided with houee.rooirt.end,conyorti- ~," the aCCOMlllol4ool,l , , , ol;strangere ~k o4
:traveiters, , null that 's uclE lan or Toy@ rut 'goo
, oS s iffyltei - tiC4oo3l4odtite !4 , 1141.10:01$d r.:
~,,,,14 n treingere and travtdlork,•,,,Ori 4 . `,1': , :?
' 441 111
gin ermar. attneson,Av-.