Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 19, 1851, Image 4

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    ':eitslactittii - *9 . 01,1*6,;'
A.11 : 1Ch:v : Works thee. 51
.. The moon boners nn the billowy deep,
The blue wares rippling on the strand, •
The mean in its peaceful Bleep, •
' The shell that murmurs on the sand,
The cloud that dime the,hending sky, •
The bow-that on Its boom glows, • ,
The Sun that Ifghti the vault on high,
Thostara at calm repose;
Thess praise the powers that arched the aky,•
And roped the earth In beauty's die."
The melody of Nature choir, •
•: The deep toned anthems of the see,
The wind - that tuneela viewless lyre, , •
The zephyr on Its pinion free,.'
,The ,The thunder with Its thrilling notes,
The peal upon the mountain air,
Tire toy thit through the Keg° floatty
Or einlts inldying cadeneethere
. These all to Thee their voices raise, •
A, fervent Voice of gushing praise.
The'dny-star, herald of the dawn,
As the.derk thadoris flit away, •
The tint upon the cheek of morn,
Vile dew-drop gleaming on the sprey--!
- From wild blrdain their wanderings,•
Yrom streamlet leaping to the Elea,
From all earth's litir andaloving things, ,
_,_,Doth living praise ascend to Thee:
-These with there silent tongue procialmes
Tito 'varied wonders of thy name. '
• .
' rather, thy hand'hath forme'd ihe Sower, -
, And flung It on the verdanl lee,
Z.Thou had'at It open at summer's shower,
Ate hues of beauty spook of Thee
Alike attone the patent! hymn 1
-Shall he-not Join the lofty strain, '
Echoed from heart of Seraphim, -
We Thee our Nimble Thye,
lrby Merey,'noodmrs, - love,-tee praise,
gateway to Eternity.
There ie a solemn mystery which
hangs like an impenetrable cloud around
the dreadentratife to eternity: We tray,
el'with our frieilds, neighbors, and fel
lowumen, up to this mysterious spot; and
there 'the immortal spirit, dislodged from
its . frail•tenement of clay, is ushered in
a moment thro' this iron gate-way—but
We cannot follow them. Our intensest
vision - eannot penetrate one inch beyond
this adamantine wall, which conceals the
spirit-land and its wonderful mystones
from our view. • But our time will come
to pass this iron gate-way. • We shall
enter it alone. ' Each man' for himself,
an his own dread eiperience, ;must pass
the solemn Itoundary. He.knows not=
he cannot lcnow •the hour until it arrives.
'A.nd'yet how unconcerned—how negli
" gent—how careless of all preparation for
this dread hour are the multitudes which.
crowd and flutter for a day.orLdife's brief
stage. Angels have' no death to under
go. There is no such affair of unman-
ral vinlenee beiweeri them and their final
destiny . . , It is for man, and for aught
that appeate, • it is for man alone, to fetch
frotirthe other side of a material pang.
Xama that hems and encloses him the
'great and abiding realities with,which he
'he has everlastingly to do. It is for him
lock-aim:en imprisoned clay, and with
no loop holes of communication bet Ween
'himself and all that is around him, to
--• light up in - his - bosem a lively ' and ma
,- I=g-state of- -things, which--eye --hath
never seen and ear hath never heard.—
It is for man and man alone, to travel in
thought, over the ruins of a mighty des,.
- olation.;-and beyond- -the—wreck -- of that
present world, by which he is encompas
sed, •to conceive that future world in
- which he is to expatriate forever.--Bee
- ' is_teckoned_that .each individ-_
- averages three hours conversation
at a rate of a hundred words a min
lite; or twenty pages of an octavo volume
s in an-hour;•, 4 At;.this rate, we-talk-a-vol
nano of four hundred octavo- pages in a
week, and 52 volumes- a year.—Ex
- These , rfifty-wvo" volumes of our con
versation halve not been lost. They are
klaid up on the shelves of the great "Li
" brary" above, a record ofall that we have
said during our life-time. Against a
man that-has reached the age of sixty,
'there are thus preserved iriore.than three
thousand such volumes; all or which
-will be opened and read at the , great day
of acconnt. "By our words shall we be
justified or condemned." , There is, in
every man's daily conversation, a- sufil
vdent proctif of the character within, with
out-any reference to' his deeds. How
much, in outlives, whether we are young
have vve spoken that_was_wrong
How many falsehoods, departures from
truth - , intentions to deceive, are contained
, in those volumes of, record I Hew much
that is foolish, and light, and Vain! How
little that has profitedi the world, added
to its information, increased its happi
mess, soothed its misery I How little
- that has reflected any honor to ourselves,
'or mirrored. the purity, honesty, truth
and uprightness that should reign with
in ! Who would wish;as each Saturday
night arrives, to• unclasp the -huge vol
ume of his. words dining the week, and
re-peruse its contents ? With what . a
'blush of shtuae, or sigh of wounded in
tegrity would he close his book in (To
day, at contaminated thouhts, and wasted
hours; atoll the vanity, folly and frivo
lousness manifested in its record I—Hart
!ford Courant: .
A.Ctreat River from a groat! Hill.
A Welsh clergyman asked a little girl
tfor the text of his last sermon.' 'Tho
child gave no answer=she only 'wept.-
He ascertained that she had , no bible 'to
look for the text. And that led him to
'inquire whether her parents and neigh
bors had a Bible; and this led to' that
meeting inLandon in 1804, of a fewde
voted Christians,to devise meads-to sup
,ply the poor in Wales with the Bible,
the grand issue of which was the forma
- don •of -the-=British and - Foreign - Bible
:Society—a society which. has already
Aistributed more than 15,000,000 copies
, of die Bible, its issues now reaching .
nearly a million and a half annually...—
And this, in turn, led to the formation of
.the American Bible Society. and to the
!whole beautiful cluster, of, sister institu
'tions' throughout the world, which are
so many trees of life, scattering the gold
en -fruits of•immortality, among all the
nations of the earth.' Thii mighty riy
.er, so deep ; so broad, so far reaching -in
its many branches, we, may trace back
to that little girl. " Behold how , great a
•matter. a little fire kindleth.".,
A. Sublime .Truth.
, .
Let aman have all, the world can.give
him, he is 'still miserable, If he has a
grovelling, uniettereil, undevout 'm ind.
Let him hhve his gardens, his fields,. his
'woods, ifiti lawns, for grandeur, `plenty,
ornsmenti and gratification while time
..s a m e time ttaadis.not in alibis thoughts. ,
And let another have ' , neither field "nor'
garden ; -let shim only look at nature with
an enlightened mind—' 7 4. mind *m o b can
Igo and adore the Creator" n his.;';Werks,'
can, consider them demonstrations et his;
power; his .Wisdom - his goodness,' and
his truth`-=.lhlS 7 umn is greater, as well as
'hail)** in bin'llgierty,' than the " other
in Me r i ches . ' :..111ii - one, is little higher
thin n . ...h eee t, the • ether,: but -. lower
than an angel.- 7 .forme of Naylam}.....
‘0t'.0,'. : . 3 4 - .'o,tiop .- ii:..
.. „ . . . . .. .
.. • - . Arres.hSpririg Sup ply! • i
.. ..
r. HAVE just reccieed a frestfistock•of Me&
A.. ' !eines, Paints ,; 'Riess, 'Oil,' See:,'.4hich
having been purchased with great care' at the
best-city house's; I coil Corifidently.tecommend
to 'Families, Physicians;Country , . Merchants'
and Dealers, as'beinwfreeh' and pint. '• ..:
Patent ifedieines, - - Verbs end„Eitritets, ." '.. -:
Fino hemi.' Cole, Spices,ground andYkolti
Instruments, • EssenCes, '
Pure Essen': Oils Perfumery, &e:, ..
' Cod Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine.
• D YE.STUFFS: 2 .: I' -
, ' ' . .Log and.Cim Woodi,
, Oil Vitriol '
Copperas, — l',
Lac Dye'. ?J''' , 7l'
° Wotherill dc Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green'and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes,
Jersey Window'Glasd, Linseed' Oil; Turpen
tine, Copal arid °coach Varnish; and .iced Lead.
Alinf which 'will' be . - sold .at the very lowest
market price, Also, a firm and splendid as
sorent °Li__ ,• . 2 . . , . _
FANCY d.0609,1W1T1T53;
Confeetionkry, and innumerable other articles'
Caleuintedlor use and ornainent,,all - of *Lich
arc offered at the lowest cash prices; at the,
'cheap Dm"- Book and Faney : Store of The sub
scriber on Rorth Hanover. street.
Mny 22, 150
ANOTHER auvoLunorir,
10„ AIVIUE4 A. HUBBAR.D, having perches
ed of Mr- floury A .Sturgeon, his stock of
Drugs, Medicines .&c.. would respectfully so
licit' a share of the public patronage, at the old
stand, corner of Pitt and High Streetd, ?pposite
the Rail Road depot. ..
Ho - will - keep - conitantly - on hand, ah assort=
moot .P
of fresh Drugs, Medicines, aints, Oils,
Dye Stull's, Perfumery; and a variety of fancy
articles 'which Ile is determined to sell low.—
He will give his personal attention to the busi
ness' and particularly to putting up prescriptions.
A liberal' deduction !Inds for Physicians coun
try Merchants, and Pedlom
Feb.l3, 1850.
hoots and Shoes
.71fain street, near the Rail Road Deo,
OMPRISING Men's, Boy's and Youth's
Calf, Kip and coarse, Bootttand Brogans,
vvch are warranted to be of the best - quality,
Ladies Gaiters,. Deakins and French Ties,
Misses and Childrens boots and shoes in great
variety. Also, en elegant assortment of GUM
SHOES and BOOTS; with - all the late im.
provements and warranted perfect. - Having
'purchased these gum shoes from the agentoA
the manufacturer, I am authorized to- otvx
NEW PAM in place of any that prove • defective
,in, wearing. • ,
Having, a large stock of French Calf Skins,
Morocco, Kid, &c., and good workmen, every
attention is cugiomer work as usual.
septlB- ~' - .
Fresh Arrival of Hardware
- just...returned from..Ndiv.:VorkN
1.1. Philadelphia *ith the best and' Cheapest
brought to Carlisle, I would resilectfully request
dealers and consumers and all others to, give
Inda - mill - sadaiso - whothhrthey cennorget - Uore - .
and better plods for the seine money than st
any other place in sown. My stock of LOckh,
Latches, Bolts; Hin ges, . Screws, Nails, Spikes,-
Glass, Paints, ke., complete dnd verreheap.
Carpenters' Tools I have a_splendid assort.
reentT - A E - 1 - T - a,.Ciihniet a ter a 1 vela an a
serials, viz :—llaneers, Mahogany, Mineral and
Glass-:Bureau.:Knobe and - Varnish.a •
cardiave everything in their-lino cheapet than
r Hite a . firet rate stock'of aria Lining
Skins, Bindinga, - Pegs, thread and War and
a superVassortment of Shoemakers Tools. I
havealso a complete assortment ofßall's Lasts,
made in Harrisburg, which can be 'had at-no
other place in -towns and at,Ball's Prices., To=
gather 'with an assortment Mall kinds ofHain.-
mimed and Rolled Iron and Steel. Of-House
keeping Arsiclos,l have Knives. Forks, Spopns,
Waiters, Snuffers. and Trays, Tubs, Buclcets,•
I-have the -largest, Handsomest Mid Cheapost
Assortnient in town. And to all who want
Gnod and Cheap 'HARD WARE, i would say
come and see for yourselves. .
' oct3o 7 P LYNE.
Important to Farmers and Milers!
irk subscriberiespectfully informs the farm.
ing community that he has 'purchased the
right to Burrell's celebrated Corn Shiiller,lor,
t ries of Cumberland' and Franklin.—.
Fiir • re - who - have - used this - Corn - SheflerTpri.'
nounce it a most invaluible invention. tis •
simple in its construction and not -liable to-get,
out Of order. It separates the cornfromihe cob!
without breaking either and delivers the corn'
clean end fit for market. /t shells from ten to
twenty bushels per hour. Eght hundred of
them have been told the post season by the
inventor, all of which were highly approved..
Persons wishing to see the above Corn Shol..
ler, can do so by calling at the shop of the subs
scriber, corher of North Hanover, and Louther
streets. Carlisle, where he will keep constantly•
on hand a large number for stile. Every farmer
and miller should have tee above cheap but"
Valuable Corn Sheller.
November 27, 1850.-2 m. 3 =;.'
. Harrison's Columbian Ink,
/71'1 E subscrtber has on hand a large supply
R. of the above ink, which, by a special ar
rangement with the proprietor, he is able to fur
nigh to merchants and others, at the 'maculae'
mars wholesale pricee.-
• • ett2l S A HUBBARD.
_ram= GOODS.
lIHE 'subscriber is now Opening a general
assortment:9l DRY *GOODS Just receiv
.ed from theleity, among which'may be enume•
rated • Bombazines, Alpachas,siCaphmores
Mous. de Lathes, Chintzes, Calicoes. Ging
hams, with a variety of other Dress Goods, to
which the attention of the citizens of Carlisle
and vicinity is invited as hey may expect to
find some good bargains.
oct3o, G W .HITNER.
: A GENERAL assortment of Ladies' and
Childrena' Stockings, cona'ating of Ingrain:and
Spun Silk Cashmere, morino,:La m be Wool &
Cotton just opened by
nov6 • , • , G W HITNER.
Lead Colored Bonlietc -
NEW supply of Lead Colored Bonnets
just received at the store of
- actet2'3 G W RATNER. -
Fresh Cranberries.
HAVE Just been receive 4. as also a lot o.
new FARINA and HOMINY, and for sale b
Carlisle, Dec. 25,'50. J. W. EBY.
Now Fall Goods.
at the Cheap Store corner of Hanover and Lou
thor streets, opposite 4utaer's Grecery Store
The undersigned 'most respectfully informs
his friends andthe public generally, that he
has just returned
__ from Philadelphia with a well
selected assortment pf FALL GOODS, pur.
chased at the lowest - prices, and which he is
determined to, sell' at small profits : among them
may be found CLO_TDS;
'VESTINGS, Settinela, 'Velvet Cords,' Ken
tue!cy A9aps, &c.
. „
LADIES'DRESS GOODS; coneistingl in
part' of Black Silks, Caahineres ' Mousolin de
•Laines, Alpacas, Gobi:two, Gingitama, Calicoes
Sack Flannels, ollars, Laces; Fringes, d a m.
''DOMESTICS; Ticking., Checker, , Flanneli
Drillinge,•Osnaburg, Unsays, Muslin., bleached
and 'unbleached ,Also,_ Groceries in all their
variety, viz: Sugari Coffee, Teas, Molasses,
Spices, Chocolate, dcc Rags and Country
Troduco taken in 'exchange for goods -Please
give hie - a call : A C FETTER
oct9 , 0 441: ,
JUST. appned q veriety.of Lynx. nd
rurinIVIIIIPVE tat 'different qualities.and' prices:
yr)ec4 HITHER. ;
. ,
gar'by. the itionth - will be received a( the
Book Store of the, auliairilier; lifter the - F.IIMT
OF' MARClTenettiog, v . .,,
' - Feb. 39—ac„•. •
# l t 1 1? flUkaflijiittt._.,
• TlitSi-rqUE,lll.l.ll$ll
grand And.„44tiao V38N,05.
NltBll dit Emmy
8;.,9 and 11.-Eutan;
- 2431,1 NG trilm 6 tO 7 octaies; in
Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut tc{Bol
of various styles, with and' - withinit iromframos,'
.combining all the improvementayeluisite to a.
superior instrument,' -•
R."dr, G. have received hew oi:l l lxtryland
Institute tWiet 'premium- for thi.l4',P4Mtos, in
three saccestuve years, 1848; 1649, 1h'."4:7--"Phey
have also been honored with numerous testinio.
niale froth all- the most celebrated' artiste who
have used their initruniants. Pianos from their
establishment have been ude'd "at the concerts
as Lipd, Ifcrz, Hohnstock, Bishop,-Laborde,
Knoop, and other eminent performers. They
guarantee durability ter five years, under goad
care. and will-replace 4,, ith others all which °
may not give satisfaction, if application bo
within tax Months after delivery i
Their , Unnufactory. being conduy.ted. on the
most extensive scale enables them , tolurnish
instruments at the-very lowest
sale and retail. Constantly on hand, A. E
Hughes' Melodeons, - ranging from $45 to $2OO,
for which they are solo agents for this city. •
Januarr22.lBsl-ly _
. .
Perfumery, Panty Soap .&. Paper Sox
LP) 4:4
48 - Xarka Secogd, Philadelplia
g - ILEGG & CROMPTON, Mlitfuloatorero
of Perfumery. Fancy- 'Soaps and Fancy
Paper Boxes; respectfully call the attention of
the Druggists arkkDealers in Cnrlisle and the
Cumberland Valley, to their extensive stock of
Goods. comprising ...Peri umery; _Eancy.Soaps
Powders for the "complexion, Toilet, dr.a. Arm'
of every variety. Also, a full and complete as•
sortment Fancy Paper
,Boxes, of every de:
acription,-large or small, round or square, made
to order at the shortest notice.
D3 - Don't forget the place, 98 Market street,
Philadelphia.• All orders will meet with prompt
attention. • janls
THE OLD STAND, OCCIIPiCri for mare than
one-thirdo4a century by G. Esq.
rinTIE undersigned would most respectfully
announce. to the public that - he la AGENT
--. for—more than twenty-of-the -meet
celebrated manufacturers .of B OS
, f ' Q t j TON, NEW YORK, - PHILA
DELPHIA, and elsewhere;_ and
is constantly receiving fromthenPlANOS o
the richest and most varied 'sfylns, of superior
tone, and of the most superb finish, of 6.6+, 6i,
6+, and 7 Octaves, which are warranted equal
to any manufactured either in thiS country or
in Europe.
Just - received, also, a.furthcir simply of Church
and Parlor Organs, of boantiful patterns .and
fine tones. ,
His WAREHOOM is constantly supplied
With a choice aelectiokof SERAPRINES and
MELODEONS, from the oldestand most ex.
tensive manutaciMies ja the - United States; a•
mong whicn is a new style of REED ORGAN
having Crirhart'a'patent improvements, with
gilt pipes in front,.and'oase elegantly carved,
and highly ornamental.
'ulling and :RaPa.ring.—Sig. Salvador La
Grassa, a distinguished Piano Forte Manufactu
rer end Organ Builder, will attend to all orders:
sept4,'so OSCAR C ii A RTER.
IrrIfESE celebrated an, djustly acknowledged
31. superior goods, -in the- latest colorings ,
and most improved etyles,--will be furnished by
the subscribers in -any quantity; at the very
lowest prices. Purchasers will please notice
tharthe,genuine Bay State fabrics bear tickets
corresponding with the above cut, and they
will also be distinguished from all other Wool
en Shawls by their superior finish:; ineness of
texture and brilliancy .of colors,.„.Orders - so
licited from all - sections of the country, and the.
same will be promptly attended to. Purcha
sers will also find in our Shawl -deportment a
large 'assortment of all the other most unproved
makes, and newest - - designs of Anierican,
French and Scotch Woolen Shawls, embracing
a great variety of plain and medium styles for
friends. .
Also, Superior Long and Square- Shawls in
latgst styles and bestmanufacture ' High lustre
blaCk and colored silk Shawls, Lu l tins
and Mode - Colored Thibet Shawls, with Bilk
and -woolen - fringep, - Paris: Printed — Cashmere
au& Terkerri Shawls, - Pirtle - land Embroidered
Crape Shawls New Styleprinted.Palm Shawls
Neat Figured Paris Brocha Shawls, Lupins
Black and Mode Colored Thibot - Long Shawls,
• .in frtnnud_Seril—Skin—ShawlsrP-lein—Mode-
Colored-French - Terk.erri - Shawlsi fringed - and
bound, Eight quarter French Mode Colored
Thibat 'Cloth, measuring full two - yards wide
for Shawls, binding to match, -White - and Col
red Barcelona and Genoese Shawls; &c.
-pmtruitemny -DEPOT.
DON'T .be deceived. Country_ Merchants
and Dealers who want good and cheap
call upon JOHN T Perfumer and,
Chemsn, . 1 1faOret SC, Wow 211, Philadelphia,
who has constantly on hand ?ERFUIdERY
and FANCY SOAPS of every description,
Powders, Hair Oils,•Ox Marrows, Colognes,
Hair Dyes, &c.; &c.. •
100,000 persons have read my advertisement
in the Public Ledger, hundreds of whom
enlletl and teen convincechof the advantage oil
purchasing direct from the manafacrufer t . 1
Agency :for Ferran's Circassian Hair .Oil,
Curling Fluid,
tr - Orders from any part of the United".Statea
will ba - promptly attended to.
aug4'so,ly - JOHN T CLEGG,
Lig :Light !
Pine 011 Camphine •klifedal Fluid;
chF acknowledged superiority and purity,
mantifactured and for sale at the lowest
Wholesale prices, by DAVIS & HATCH,:
at the old established stand of the lath itenja-!
mitt T. Davia, CAMDEN, lipw JERSEY,
where orders by mail or otherwise tire solicited,
and-prompt attention given. ' The voice or the
public for fifteen years, and the award of a
Silver Medal, and complimentary notice by.
the Franklin-Institute - over - all - competitorsos.
sufficient evidence of . the excellence of our Oil.
Viich, Tierpent,ne , Rosin. and Spiv'
its of 114.pentioe, for sale :Wholesale. end ne..
tail, at the lowest prices. . foe=
.711. Jr. al: Rowe,
and wholeeale deal.
R 0 0 B AS
S and
WAREphatte removed to the'largn
store lately'occupted,by Messrs. Sellera
where they have opened an extensive stock
of .Eastern, and City 'made -- BROOMS and
00D' WARE, which they,are now selling
thelowest manufacturers prices: ,
. k.fall assortment of Briaileei! Arne"
Cortlager'o6.., constantly on fiend No :t
North Third pirect," 3 doors below Race; Ph'
del p hie , j fyl7,'so"P
- • ,
WORE & G MIER, • •
Cerner qf Ridge Road and Broad Siciat A _
. • • ••
WOULD, call the attention of perchastirs'to
'-their.elegant, assortment of Wroirhi
and Castiron Railing tar
Railing for Churches, Public ' and Private'
Buildings, Public'Squares; iSco,, : together with
all kinds of Plain and Ornamental..lran Work:
More' Gollogher's :Book 'ORIGINAr
DESIGNS, containing tho boat selectiOn
designs,that hoe evorfictin issued,,will sent'
to any.person.who,mer wish to make u select
lion.' ' • •
••• •
•", ;",:01dIdien% 'f3to.tichigs•
.k.FULL.plikorimen. , ~ cpfW,hito and 'Mi;pd
'far Children:
~sq , Ltidiesll,9o:hip grfilit variety 'just opinded
tnanran., Ott nipai i :
e treitett States. - Lifb-, Insurance
. • ,
Um* d'T
en onpany.
:,arifrTdrltegatii-.4oPiftt! $ l5 :. AOD
'THE sciinettitif, itneolleited for
Life Initurrince; • &os the 'most 'abundant
gratifying proof that ~ the "public - mind - Li
.deeply iMpremcid with. the'Vast , •lmpertaneo of
thier'subleet.f-,The great object, however, of
;;Insurance'slutild be eafirt,y,.otherwisp the whole
m otive to 'sin:lure . may 'be disappointed: 'Too
much catereethnorbe practised in the shlectiori
'of alieffice,with which toeffect the contract..
The choice should bo regtilatod, norby prese nt
and constant large inducements, as this,,is,cer
tainlylnconapatible with• ftiture• beitslts.: The
' premiums on' life are calculated for thefittnrei
if present and prospective: benefits therefore are
given,: the result - ultimately, must terminate in
litigation, disappointment and ruin. The object
aimed-at by thus' stability and p c n
PetuitY. - The' rates . of premium have been care
fully prepared with reference to fluctuations.—
The melt' sYstem , .of payments has also been
adopted. Unpaid premium notes constitute no
part of , the assets of this 'company, and ,every
'contingency being fortified with an ample- car
ital, security, stamps' tne whole system. This
• feat ure; Paramount to all other considerations,
commends the,compayy to public•favor. Ex- '
planetary pampldets, blanks. application papers
information, and every facility will be cheerfully
furnished the pubiic by 1 1 ,1 r. E. BEA'l"llt,.who
has been duly appointed agent of this company
has also beenappointedlVledical;Examiner..
Direeter.s.,.-7•Biephen R. Crawford, Ambrose
W' Thompson, Benjamin, W • Tingtey,.JaceblP
Florence, William M Gerlvvin, Paul aGoddard
Lawrence Johnson, George M'Henry, James
Devereilx, John IL Lintee.l -•
Preside/ie.—Stephan R. Crawford.
rice.:Rfesident.- , -Ambsose W. ThetripsonM
. Recrelary fI Treasurer.--Charles G Imlay.
• . 9 cinary.—Minuoi Eyre. -
Counsel ei . .//iforney.---.ThOrstas Balch.)
Medico/ Socogriners.—Paullfl Goddard, M.D.
William'Pepper, M. D. ' Drug 7 ly
THE Allen find East .Pennsborough Mutual
Fire Insurance Carripany of Cumberland county
ncorporated by an act of ASsonibly, is now fully
organised, and in operation under the manage
ment of the foliowzng - commissioners, viz:
Jacob 514113 , , Wm It Ganglia, Mtehael Cockt
in, McMinn Brennoman, Christian Stayman,
SimonOyster,--Jacob-H—CuoverrLowis -Rye r,
Mary Logan, -- Benjamin II Musser , Jacob
Kirk, Samuel - Nowell, Joseph Wickersham.
The rates of insurance areas low and favora
bl as any Company of the kind in the'State.—
Persons wishing to-become members are' invited
to make application to the agents of the compa
ny, who are willing to wait upon thorn at any
HENRY, LOGAN, Vice President. •
. ' LEWIS lIYER Secretary
MicusEr.•COCKLIIT, Treatttren.
0ci17'49.. •
Cumberian4eounty.—Rudolph Martin, New
Cumberland, C'El Herman, Kingstown, Henry
Zearing, Shiremanstown, Robert' Moore`. and
Charles Bell, Carlisle, Isaac Kinsey, Meehan-
Churchtown. - - •
York county.—John Sherrick,Lisburn, John
Bowman, Dillsburg, Peter Wofordi Franklin
John Smith, Esq.,. Washington, W S Picking,
Dover, Daniel Raffenebergor;J W Craft.
. * Harrisburg.Houstir iStiLochman.
Members sal the company having policies a: expire can have themzenewed by mak
ihg-applicat ion. to - any of the agents.
A LOT of new *Coffee 7 s,.Biownelnd White
Sugars, Orleans and Syrup Molasses, and all
other articles - connected with the Grocery
siness, hist received by the. subscriber, includ
ipitin assortment of
of all kinds, together with Raisins. Citron, &i.e.,
suitable for the season. - --
of fine quality and a fresh supply of the
JilessrarJENKlJV'S r liest Brands of
in metallic packa of quarters. halves and Ilbs
Also, a handsome selection of fine
and a large assortment. of 'I'OYS for rho ap
deolB - f' J W EBY.: "
' • . C877121' oLounizisr - a. •
.34 4k:: L. STEIN Eit ircspectfelly invite
~• the attention of their friends and the
4 pub to generally, to their large lot of Oimds that
have-been purchased at a great sacrifioe in km
' "city of Baltimore. - They will sell them ate
small advance, as there is Co room for them in
our little store room. So come one and all and
take them at almost any price, as we are deter
. mned to sellcheaper than can be bought in
Philadelphia, New 'York or Baltimore.
• Hang out your banners':
Hear thatrumpel.l
Here they come ! hero they are? .
What's the matter? what's the mattert
Only look at - the crowd, ~ ,* ~.- • - •
Corns do Joe, Jim and Sam sflatter,...._
t u
• * - Los see What ' s out.
• Hey, he, l ttere comes .0111,` —
' We'll ask him what's the muss;
See how the street does fill,
There certainly must be tifusal
.to - boys,
, no fuss - at - rill„
Only another great arriyal, . -
Of beautiful Clothing for the tall, ,
At. M. & L. Sramat's "Clothing Hall!
I have just bought a suit so fine—
Tell me, how do you like it Joe
..- Don't-you-want one - like - mine f
Come on, boys, let us go.
Now let me tell you,
What there you can 'find,l '
Costs of all colors,'
And Pante of all kindi.
Waistcoats so handsome,
-And Cravats so nice,
And they will-not think it- trOubleeome.
If -you give them a call twice or thrice.
They will wait on you with 'kindness,
And they can snit you with a' nice Cap,
Which - for its quality and cheapness,
You cati only . firpLat
Brands's, West Main 'Street, next door to
Burkholder', Hotel.
grA first rate assortment of Cloths, Cassi.
merge and Vestings always on hand, which will
be made to order in the most fashionable and
best style by a first-tare workman.
THE, Ondersigned respectfully informs hie
friends and numerous • customers, that he - has
`recently returned from 'Philadelphia with a very
large and carefully selectdii asiortment.of new
FALL-GOODS, purchased at. the lowest pri..
cos, and which he is determined to dispose t:.f
at vary small profits. .
. Superior CLOTHS, at from 76, contsto $6
a yard. 'Caseiraeres, Caasineta and Vostings,
at various prices.
DRESS GOODS, such as Deliiinebatire
ges,•and' a splendid , assortment •of Silks. An
extensive assortment of Calicoes and Ginghama
Also, Checks,Tablet . Dispers, Pickings, Mus.,
line, flOnuate Hate..-
B 0 OTS 'AND 'MO ES- , -A good assor t m ent _
of Men's Women'at4nd Children's 'Boots and
Shoo, of superior cinality, and very cheap.—
Also, .boy7s, and Mena Cloth and Hungarian
GROCERIES—Stich as Sugar. Coffee. Mo
lessee, Pekin Tea Company's celebrated Teas.
Also, constantly on, hand the best ..quality of
Carpet Chain.. The 'subscriber 'respeetfully
asks all. With wish good ;bargains, to give him
'a call.: Coo't forget the .stand. opposite Leon
ardo old stand, North Hanover street
• Butter, E'ggs, - Bags and Soap, 'taken at mar
ket prices • N W W.O ODS, Ag't
'Patent StuchTollsli,
giving a beautiful gloss to,l,insns; man
line, Collars, gip., and prevents-dust from
.sticking to •Linens, &o, It confaitts nothing
injurious. Jusr received by
deal •
.'•' G , W. lIITNER.,
"JUST :reoeived . a aasopment 'of Mon
Wonantand Children's hoots and Shoas, - WiL
Double SOled - linalana and Joripy Lind
Rdioaa, which:roan aol vory.cboap . , ' • ~
' !.10ct23, .W001)4'; Ag't:".
._ •
• . BOARDEING. , •
-•E , 'with accoinodatione on reasonnt le torn,by Calling on the subscribq in South .I,lnnov . er
straot o '
„ , . JAMES ; McMATH.
January 22, 1851:-3m.
. ,
A Cir, . OF .13 AtT receiving etild
;I,4ltr.'"er ?phi cheap git the were house of •
• deals,: - :.W IV, MurtßAY,'Aglt.t.
Tffej.trY ; Worsted.
UST 'opontql tigeporcilageoitnient al t tinyT
. try' Waratotia - ,varioup colotira for. Ka iapes
Scarfs, Slippora l .fihawla,& - a.' Also, a an addl.:
supPlY ?f:gaphyr...Worated
seßt2.l. q W itttro.R.,
English and Ainerioan• Hardware.
Cksaper, .thatt'cati iefound'this side of Lite
- • Enet
Ifl subscriber having, just' eturn'ed" trt:i
. the EaStern "bities with a full and hnni
some:asiortmoet °Fall kinds of HARDWAIII!
of the very beat makerti antrwell selecicd,.;':
haw opening at the chentk_HardWnie Stand
Northlianover street; next door to Seoteulth
tel, fornierly, kept byllenry G.inui, where I
would invite all that aro in,want of good at !
cheap :Hardware to give him a'eall, and ace at. ,
'satisfy yourself of the truth, as we are deters
indd to sell at a very small advance. Stile
profits and quick sales are the order 'date ds..
di To Builders, Carpenters and Others.
A full . stock of white, mineral and 'Jame I -
Knobs; lochs and Intel's!, of every desttriptit, 1
price and quality, hinges
,and screws, windo
sash-and shutter springs, strait-necked-an;
barrelled Bolts, of every kind, - rill, Clues co
and, circular Saws, hand; panel, ripping. an ,
back Saws, bright, black 'and blue 'augurs, o'
ilie - vcryliesurriakeraTChistlwlldricr, - noirraing,
handand ,- chopping Axes, of different niakersi
hatchets, planes and plane bits, steer and ire
squares, files-and rasps, nails, Ineda
,and spilt
of air aizcs and - warranted of the best quality.
To Saddleriand Coach Makers;
Our stock consitts,of a complete assortment
articles in-your line of business, saddlery toots
brass, silver . and Japaned , mounting, carriage
trimmings, brpad pastemg and seaming lam
and. fringes,‘ plain and figured canvass,
cloth, top lining-cloth and arrgo lining of vari
ous kinds, white; red, blue and black patet
leather Dashers, silver and brass plate, Des
Hair, - rosette; hubs, felloWs, spokes, bows, clip
tic springs, iron axles malleable 'Castings, ate.
- To Cabinet and Shoe ,Makers,
A fultbiock efshoe - kit and 'findings, boot nip!
moos,' French kid, straits, morocco and linin
and binding Skins, lasts, tasks, pegs, hammet
pinchers and French morocco, kit ot'every , d, t
scription, superior copal varrfish; Japan m,' l
black varnish, mahogany and maple Vaneert I
moulding, beading, resets, glass, mineral su,
mahogany knobs of every size and style.
- To Illacksiniths, Farmers and Others.
10 toe of assorted bar iron, vt arrnmed to be c
the best quality. A splendid apsoci meet of bt.
and rolled iron, hammered. horse shoe, scone'
plough, broad en .narrow tire, rolled, horse she
bar, band, round and Square iron,' cast, ahem
springiCnglish and American blister iiteel,Enp
lish Wagon boxes, Carriage boxes in setts, at
vile, vicel, files, rasps, horse slide nails, ite.
To, timekeepers. - •
A beautiful nesoriment of cheap fancy goods'
such as waiters;trays, plain and , fancy knivi
and forks, butcher knives andsteels, brittani
lamps, brass candle iiticks,'Brittannia and
iable,and ten spoons, plated butter knives,' prr
serving kettles, smoothing irons, iron and tit
ned tea and oval boilerS, iron frying and bum
pans,' washboards, tubs, churns, lockets, iro
pots, wash kettles, and stew pans, dro:
• To Gunsutpts,_.llfrifkstnen and O th ers.
Riflo anfl Gun Barrelsi-tone -action, plug
nipple and back action Gun. Locks, gun mount
ing and• gun breech cocks, sheet brass rin
German silver ornaments, &c.
To Painters.
A fresh lot of Wetherill's pure and extr
White Lead;'oiratid - turpeiitinit,"Varriiilies, Ji
pan, white and red lead, yellow and Gree
paint, ground in oil, whiting, yellow ochre., dra.
To Blasters and o.forkstnen..
A good nssOrtment of double refined pow&
rock poWder of extra quality, safety-fuse, Bho
flints end bar lead, ropes of nil kinds, fi
threshing machines - end well diggers, and
thousand other articles_toonumerous,to,insert
all wo ask is to give us a call, and wo are con
fident you wilklind n.good assortment of Hartt
ware and cheaper- than can bo found,-in-an
other Hobse this side of ;the east.
~ Give us
call is all we nSk, at and Well know.
Hardware - Stand — lormerlylrept - bylamiti'Hiff
lan, in North Hanover street, next door t
Scott's Hoteliformerly kept- by Henry-Glass;
ToHE subsefiber having just rethrned - fret
the offers' to - the - public a; moreate
ple and complete assortment ofgoods in
line, than ever previously tiVered,- and respecct
fully solicits dealers and others to give him
call, when he will show them goods aceston
ighingly low prices.
. To Builders, Carpenters and Others.
His stock comprises a full dssortment c•
Locks and Latches of every description, the
gee and Screws,•Winclcw Springs and Bolts o
various kinds, Windeiv Glass, Putty, Paint
'of all colors, Gild, Turpentine, &c., &c.-
Also, Mill. Cross-cut and Circular Saws, Har
'Fennel., Ripping and Back Saws, Augurs, Chi
Broad, Hand and Chopping Axes, Hatch
ets, Planes and Plane Bids, Steel and Iro
Squares, Files and Rasps, Neil., Brads an
Spikes of all sizes.
To &idlers and Coach Makers
LA-complete -assortment,-of-Saddlery-Tools
Silver, Brass and Japaned mounting, Carriog
trimmings, Broad pasting and seaming Lace
-plain and figured Canvass,'Drab Cloths, Rati
-nett; Serge and Bucram, Moss and Deer Hai
patent an enamelled Leather, - Lamps and Do
sh ere. Alsw — i Inhlav — Follo ! wa — turi
& Eliptic springs, Iron Axles, Mailable Castings'
Po Cabinet and Shoe Makers
My stock embrabes .a complete ossortmen
of goods _ in your line.
binding Shins, Lasts, Thread, Pegs by th
barrel or smaller quantity,Tools.or every di
scription, &c. Curled Hair, Hair Cloth, Vai
nish, Mahogany and Maple Vanecre, Mould
legs and Rosetta, Sota'Springs, Glass, Mahog
any, Mineral and Vaneered Knobs of all sizes.
0131acksmiths, Farmers, and others, who may 1
in want Of good iron. • ; •; .
Ho offers a full assortment of Hammered
Horse Shoe. Scollop, Plough, broad and nai
row Tire Iron. Also, Rolled Horse Shot
Bar, Band, Round, Square, Tire,'Hoop an
Sheet Iron, Nail Rods, Russia Sheet Iror
Cast, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel, Englis
and' American Wagon and 'Carriage Boxes,
Anvils, Vices, Files and Rasps, Horse Sho
Nails, &c.
Ti' Housekeepers and those about entering the Jlf(
frintonia/ Stale
would' invite attention to my beautiful as
acidulent of waiters and Trays, plain and G 4
thic style, knives and forks, Butcher Knives.,
Scissors and Shears, Brittannia:German - Silver„ ,
and Silver Plato, Table_ and .Tea Spoons!
Brass and Emerald ProservingKottles, smooth'
ing Irons, Hollow-ware, Tubs, Buckets!
Clmens; &c.
Oils ' Paints and Dye Stuffsaira and Wat.
Proof Paint
sul—FOR 25 CENTS !
—By means of the pcialcr
Esculapius, or, Every or
his own Physician ! Twei
iy-fourth edition, with ur
wards of a hundred engn
vings, shawl ng_prlvate di*
!Ines in every Shape an
form. and malformation
of the generative system
BY \VM.Y OUNG, 111.1)
This - time has now id
ling from secret disenta
be - wormOY 11. - irACILICRy
contained in this book an
one maycure himself,'without hindrance to bu.
siness, or the knowledge ;'of the ritost.:ititimat ,
friend. and with one tenth the usual expense.
addition to the general routine or private disease i
it fully expittins,the cause of inanhorid'a early (1./
wtth observations on inarriage7--besidem
many other derangements which it would not by
proper to enumerate in the public prima.
CO-Any person sending_ TWENTVIIVZ CENTS,
enclosed in ti letter, will receive no copy of thiS
'brook by Mail, Or five copidawilthe sent for one;
dollar. •A ()dress; "Ult. NY. YOUNG, No.-15$
• -00 r -DR. YOUNG can bit consulted on :any p
the Diseaseis prescribed in his different titblioa,
inns, at his 0111ce5,152 SPRUCE street, every
day hotween 9 end 3 o'cloak, (-Sundays excepted.
mity.l;l!3so. • •
c lloots, Shoes andGaitexs.
*M. PORTER invitee the attention 0:
V V the public to hie large and •complete 'no
just' received Irani Philadelphia; includinda Ye.
rtety new. styles.. :His experience in the Woe'
buittunie, enablestim , to , soleet work 'of the best
materials and workmanship, which will be told
at •,the , lowest; Cash price . and WatranteJ.
'' Otreutitetricesvork attended td'a usual. :"
To°Z Lhuiexs:`'
, .
( T - rii`ocivotl, another lot of Bonne'
FreiftiOs ortho latost:otyle.''AlsO;Bunnet
Bjlk and Sutia Linings Of Various
' • ,-„ •.
A RNOLDS writing flui 4 very BU
' "` . ....portrir ink. tomato rt lin Am).
1116ifitto. -
pelebrattil — Family , Dlddicines.
,one. • Chelan,. dan 'be cured
Dr. Keerer'a'kierseiierilla Panacea. Fur .
tho:tiiinovel end parinatiorit'cure of nil
Diseases arising frorn an impure
;tote of the Bleed and habit
of body. - '
The All-wise 'Creator .bee implanted in all
organized bodies an innate disposition to self.
'preservation. The vital -peelers liossese the
'property of retailing the influence - of external,
causes, but as the BLOOD is the common pa
buliim from which, all' partek of living 'Matter
devil/es its 'renovating elements, 'itinPoonstquent
ly, upon which the life of organized beings de.
peed, it is probable (hal in cases of accident,
sr where artificial Mee& have been employed
to deprive it of en essential property, the vital
effeets of thewholesystem-will be directed fo.
ward restoring to if that propesty.- In all non-'
stitutional and hereditary affections; this fluid
has undergone some primary althiation, which
Is because of the special disease, or whic h '
sentitt l iteontributed, to its prothiettop, Resta
rati to health' can only be obtained by a rei.
moval of the morbific cause through the medi
um of the -circulation, and Dr. he eler's Sorsa
parilla, is the meet powerful of agent
effecting this ;fluid Icoown.. See
Blaeltwoodtown, N. J.. June 6,1848.
— Dr:R - eistet-=-D'a - r - zitrl7alri — e - iitileti - out of
your Panacea. I was called upon day before
yesterday for half a 'dozen: Your medicine is
becoming very popular where Ilhave infroaced
it, and I.l.liinit the more it is used the more pop=
lu:ea-it will get.- Respectfully yours,
_l—Efor details, certificates +6.1c.; see eircul
lars, &c. Price 61• per bottle, largo size, 6 but
lice $5 , •
Among all the remedies beare . the public
this stands pre-eminent in incipient consump
tion, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, hoarseness,
Whooping, Cough, Pleurisy, Asthma, Spitting
of Blood, and far all affections of the pulmonary
organs occasioned by cold. Too , much praise
cannot be - bestowed upon . this remedy, and the
proprietor urges every one afflicted with any of
the above complaints to secure it at once. It
is warranted to cure oy no pay.
e Priee only so
. .
Every family whether rich ur poor; who val ,
1108 health and all its blessings, ahead brave this
invaluable remedy at hand. It is infinitely the
beet remedy known -fur Diarrhea', Dysentery,
Cholera Morbue. Cholera Infantum, Chalk,
Elatuleney,:grpping plies,-cramp, eto...and for'
all diseases of-the stomac h - end bowels 'caused
by Teething: The numerous tostimonlals from
Physicians and others unsolicited - has given,it
reputation as firm - as adamant. tir Price
25 cents per bottle.
This remedy is pleasant to the. taste, harm
less to the'patient and all powerful in removing
all kindi of worms . from the body: It is with
out doubt, tho cheapest and beet worm -destroy
ing medicine before the public, and will ifad
ministered according to directions, remove
them within five or six hours after taken. Tho
dose is Small, and each bottle contains twice as
much as similar remedies. Price only 25 cents
per bottle.
Although nut recommended
a "cure all,"
yet they ard the milifeataridTheit remedY to re
move Coastipation,• Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bil
iousness, -Nervousness, Foul Stomach, Head
ache, Indigestion, etc., Mee other purgative
medicines they leave the boivelealways reliked
and consequently are the proper.medicine for
for females and persons leading a solitary BIC.
Price 25 cents.
-- A - justly - celebrated -- extern .- at - a - ppltctitiuff'Ta
Patns of the Chest, Neurarhitt, 'Headache, Sperm .
Efuratll,.Tie Dolorous - , Swellings of tho Joints
Rheumatism, Gout, sciatica. and for all disor
ders wherein a sedative and rubefacient reme
dy ie applicable. Pries 'twenty-five cents per
- All of the' above celebrated and extensively
used. medicines ' arc prepared and sold Whole
sale and Retail, at 294 MARKET STREET,
Fur sale by S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle ; A, G.
Dickinson; Messrs. -Altick, Shippens
burg, J. F. Spahr, 'Mechanicsburg, M. Hither,'
Shiaemanstown,.and in every town - Tfiroughnut
the county and State. [January 14, 1851
- A VATVSI, 9 3 1
1 . 16.:.Th --'•‘,•'.' .`,: t. * '-' •
... , v -i= l • T E , ...•._- - - -4.—__W
IT 'et DJ ;..i.! ,f-,--,, • - 4 WAtti..'
• e,4lkoL,6tere—of
110 . 11 ..ti.SEN4SS,-,3311.0N:
0110IIP,' .13.STEt-
Z.ND co-xsulvirTxorr.
In offeringTo the compiinity tlds Justly,Cele
heated remedy . for' diseases of the throat and
lungs, it is not our wish to trifle with the ilive
or health of the affEcthd, but, frankly to lay be.
fore them the opinions of distiaruished men and
some of the evitienees of its success, from which
they • eau judge for themselves.' 'We sincerely
pledge ourselves to matte no wild assertions or
false statements of its efficacy . , nor will we hold
out any hope suffering humainty which hints will
not warrant.
Many proofs are herC given, and we sol cit an
inquiry from the public into all w'epoblish,feel.'
fog assured they will find them perfectly reliablec.
and the
. medicine worthy their best confidence,
and patronage.
Professor of Chemistry, Mineraology,, fro , Yale
College, Member of the Lit.,Tlist?, Med. Ph.lo.
and Siden. - Bbeieties of Amerioa And Europe. •
.1 &cm the CIIERRY PECTORAL an ad
mirable composition from some - of the best ar
icles in he Mnteria Medics, add a very effect
ive remedy , for the class of diseaees it is intend- •
ed to cure..
Ct.,NO.Y. 14841,, •
Pl , Ol, CLEVEI.AND; of Bowdoin tonne, Me.
Writes—" I lows witnessed the effects of
, CIIIER.R.Y PECTORAL' in my own familyl464
thatbf my friends, and it-gives me satisfaction tot;
state in • its favor that no medicine I, have ever
known has .proved so ianineugy sitetesstur of
curing diseases of the throat and lungs:"
Write&,-'=" That 'he con eiders 'CHERRY PEC
TORAL' the best medieine for Pulmonary affec
tions ever given to the public," and states tlmt
"`his daughter being obliged "tti keep the
four months wattia severe settled cough, accom raising of blood,night sweats, and the
attendant symptoms Olconstimption, coifißenoed
dlie use of.the 'CHERRY. PECTPRAL' and
had completely recovered."
Dr. Ayer—Dear Ems For. two years I was
nffliOted :with a very severe Minh, accompanied
ho spittingmf block, and proftise night sweats
Ely the advice Of .physician I was
induced, to use your 41IERRY" PECTORAL,
Mid continued to chi so till • I considered myself
Cured, and ascribe the efiect MyOur preparation..
• .
ss. Springfield, Nov. 47, 18 , 11.
This do:) , appeared the above nameitiJaiiii
Randal; and protinunzeJ= the above , sttentens
true in every rota. " • '
7 • THE 'REMEDY - TnAT - cuitEs.
Palmistry, Ale, Jan. 10,1647.
Dr. Ayer • 1 have been !sink, afilicted, with
Asthma which gidw--'yearly worse hoot last an
tuntn, it.brought on ti cough Winch confined. me
to joy chamber and begot) to assume the alarm
ing'syntooma...O coneumptiun. Iliad tried the.
best tolviOe snit te best medic:44e to no purlibse,
nntil I used your DERAIN' PEcToRAL i \shish
has cured', nie,,.'an yett may well
• believe; me.--
-' Crateroy-y• urir.
J. D.
If Once lapilli value in_the jnilgment 'Alf Abe
wise,.who apeak from experience, hove is a med , ;
icine worthy of the public confidence. •'
PR9;.O:tED, .1117 7, C
AY/1841, en}niter,.,loolELL
, .
Dr.-16114105, S. A. Hubbat•d• St Di..S.
, Corlid e; Day, Meelandoslowgi
H. llerroo, Newldlle; 4, Q. kJ. Altiokrbbip
,Ribbons, jUbbone;
'rut` •
. men fin„ to now oPerini,g c lenP'
eet of„pennet,atl•Cno Riptulne ever orlered•
in c4tiOtOi'lll,4 WOOd 4,b.rj40 loic,lo call
.87frov iSot.:pOit•Nrigho bitrtnitie.••• •
ct3o • 0
Price., Reduced"!
Large liotti4--Onlir One Oar.
rho Proprietor of the Greet Animican Remedy " VAtrorte!
VICIiTADLIC LITIIONTAirrie Pftxxone." induced by Gm
grout solicitations of his Agent, : throughout the Unity
l i t lee and 'Canada. hu now
' •
/ . Seduced the Price
of kit Popular and well known-amiola; and from this daW
I.i.reirth, he' will pat 'op but 01311 size only,—hie (gm
settler:: —the Mall PrioeTill ,
"- - ONE DOLLAE. •
Thu public may mit assured that the character of the Medi
line, , Its droned', and poritive ProPerdes mu?. itsirmi
is:cosmica, and the, , ,:imite -cite will be bestoired in pre
Krieg it its heretofore:.
As this medicine; under its reduced price, will be porches*
ay tbase wilo have not rhitheito mute themselves acquaint*
with Its virtues, 0m proprietor would beg to intimate that hi
Miele fa not to
.he chard frith the Teat tin:mentor "Remit&
of the day ;" olaims.for itself a grader bating yore*, i
alb direasu, than any slier preparation' cow before to
world :`ind has susthmea quit for eight year. by its superb!
medical virtues:4nd, until this reduction, commanded' deed
.he price of any other article in this
NOTlcit 'PARTICULARLY, this orticli lots wit great het
dL lntor and certainty. upon the
Blood, Liveroll4oYlk_Ungt4
'!ad 9 1 her orauet, upon the 'primer aathin of which llh as
tealth depend. ' • •
Tills medicine has a Indy high reptitiu a remedy for
• _
Dropsy and Gravel, .=
wid all illseemies of .thaktisturea It may be relied upon who
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Jiee iihneedrur dimlism.'more especially DROPSY, the Moor
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medical matter). valuable' for household purposes, and whit
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These receipts axe introduced to make thetroor of gra
value, vide from it, character as an advertering medium ft
the medicine. the testimony in favor of which, in the form
Wien from all parts of the country, may be mliod upon •
itsr Vaaghtt's Vegetable Llthontiiptlc Mixture
Sweat American Remedy, now &resale in.quart bottles at
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Principal Office, Buffalo, N. V., 907 Main Street,
Nold Wholeiale and Retail by OLCOTT 111cRESSON
CO.. 17f Malden Lone, New York City. '
N. 8.7—A1l letters (excepting from agentx and dealer, wit
whom he tmosects bulimia) must be poet paid, or no amuck
til,be,gbren to thorn..' .
Havarsticli; Carlisle,
& G B Altick, Shipponsburg,
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A H Zager, Kingstoirm • ,
Ocli6 •
Valuable Seiool Books',
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popular books, and are becoming very exten
sively used in the best schools of our country.'s•Flitsr ',assort IN cillAsibiAlt, based
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lure of the English language, with illustrationt
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Samuel 'S. Green, A. M.; Principal of the
Phelps Grammar School, Boston.
'these books Vivo already in the short time
they . have been published,obtamed a very .Ix-,
tensive circulation, having been Introduced into
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gunge--The-Prituary Settootiteittler, part 2(1,
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Primary Reader, part Stl, is designed for the
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class in Grammar Schools._ •
ME "DLIALAMAR SCIIOOL RzAnnn, is designed
for the middle class inGratumar_Selloolairmrl---
contains exercises in=tit:elation arranged in
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for the highest classes In lutblie and private
schools. It contains exercises in articulation,
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rature designed for schools.
Consisting of.words in columnsand sentences
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. This 1110.14 popular series of reading books,
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we think they nes really better adapted to the
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cation. .
'Otte 4131 ',ll2•.tet higlAbhuols and. nestle- •
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engravings. r •
Plt/BIADT PII/SIOLOOT, by the same author, 1.
vol. 18 too.
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lessons in mental arithmetic.; part.second—
rulesand examples for practice in written anal;
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A Key to examplei for prae'lee in written
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These nrithmetios litire secured very high
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red 14 {mai& Ordeis , for: banks In every depart
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Long Shawls..
A. UR.FiAT variety of Long bawls from the'
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• mink r. W HITNER.
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lbod , roctiiiibg.unil k tixtb3 cheap by . , •
"•,,,,. • W:f. MU RAY,Agt.
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't_.. V tY.i.dt. asortill'etit.'o!''.lloooB'iLlPt reu'ii l6 ' 4l
/ itiy the wibielll)er. ' A1N1),1,4 11169 tirlib.s . 1
sib leoin..:ltotlitlfor isttlia 96.61):..1ic:.",cf tt•-...-'•.' ..
.-:AIlligl i.::::',..,,,;, ,• . ' Ir. SAXTO.Z i ,i i
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