Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 19, 1851, Image 3

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    111 E
March 17
FLOUR—Tho - market for Flour is•-stoncly,
with light aalag. .42100 Ll brtinda - aro ,eolling, at
:$1,44 . 0 :91;69.' Sleb,for:oity use' at $4,50,
'FI;011II--1as . kertleis
CORN M.EAL=is held at 'V,75 for Penn's.
WHEAT-L,"Sitpplies 'aro "coming, forwai'd
quite „freely. Sales of Ponn'a. red 6F 05
07 cents ; prime white is h'eld at 102. 0 104.
, RYE—small sales Of.Penil l it. at 65 eentS.
'ffElN—gales at 58 @; 60 anti.
OATS-L-are 4.3 - cents. • •
' zwicAcicrazazzactuz)
In Meaaniosburg, on -the 20th ultAytho
Rev. jolt - MG. Fritchoy, Mr. Jaen Lucas to
Mee Rosanna gusher, both of South Middlo4
On - the same day, by the same, Mr. Chap-: .
plan Nebinger,. of Lewisburg, to Miss. Lydia
4 1 1 1 1 Astor, pf Audersontown, both of York
On the 13th inst. by tbe Rev. T. A.- dolestook, •
Mr: - Ctui4geT - Slimub.6er - to - Miss - r - Mul7 — AT - El. -,-
-liriger, both of ,Cumberland county. ..
On Thpriday last by the Rev. John N. 'Hoff-
mean, Mr. Wm. G. Garman, to Miss Sarah - A.
Cover, both of this county.'
On Monday - evening last, by the same, Mr:.
Samuel.W. Hannan, to Ms's Jane 11. Gould,
both .of Carlisle. .
On Tuesday last, by. the 'same, Mr. _Danieb
Eberley; to Miss Elisabeth Sheller, both of Moo
roe township.
D. X ]?EI,
In this borough, on 'Monday evening, the
17tir inst., Am ELIA. youngest daughter of
Thomas and Elmira Thoinpson, aged 21 months.
Ilodanna tO Jesus on high ! • •
Another has Bono to its rest;
~!Auother has escaped to the sky
To rust on Emanuel's breast.
New 'l.bpertifselnciito.
Dissoliition of Partnership
PIIVIE partnership heretofore existing under
the firm Of GILMOR & STOUGH, was
on thisrd tyf;dissolved by mutual consent. The
Books and • Accounts - of - said firm aro - now in
the handx of James ailmor for collectton.
person's knowing themselves indebted are-re
quested to call' and settle:
Tl - 10!S; - STO UGH,
THE undersigned hriving purchased the in
terest of his former partner, begs leave to inlerm
his numerous customers and the public gone=
rolly,-that ha will still continuo ,the business' as
the old stand opposite J h Wootiburn's-Man
t House,,where he hopes, by;alosair& — tn ion
t~ business , still to receive their( continued pa
tronage. , His assortment is fine. (Jail and see.
Fresh Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery,. Fancy
• - Ariscies, eec. •
rptiE subscriber has just received his Spring
CHEMICALS, - •am ong - -which - can - be found
every article used by Physicians in 'their pre
scriptions, to the putting up of which, he will
give particular attention. Also,
Paints, Oils, Dye stunk., Perfumery, soaps,
- and a -variety-of -Fancy articles -too:num
crone to mention, together with- a superior lot
of TOBACCO AND CIGARS •of various_
brands, all of which, having purchased in per-.
eon, upon the most' favorable terms, Its will
guarqtitexas, being of the best quality, and is-
for a very thlllll advance for CASH.
lie would respect - fully invite the attention of
Physiciiairs, Country Merchants and 'Pedlars,
to whom lie will make a liberal deduction.—,
Opposite the Rail Road Depot, corner of Pitt
and 111-4 h streets, Carlisle, Pa. •
.S_ A 4-W.BI3ARD..
THE subscriber .has- on hand a large and
well relented assortment of MUSIC of all
kinds; consisting orsotiki, Marches, Waltzes,
Polkas, Ego.. also instructions for Piano and
other instruments. "-Berlini's Method . ' for
itterhud — farrlttrithrtifr, — & — c
a supply ofjriblin and — Giiitar - Strings, of first
rate quality at city prices.
Having made an arrangement with an im
porting and publishing house in Philadelphia,
Ito will be constantly supplied with new Music
and able tolurnish anything in thatline at short
notice and upon reasonable terms. Mimic
Teachers will find it for their interest to call
-end exaMinc_for„themselVes at the earner of
Pitt and nigh streets, opposite. the Mansion'
House [ml9] S. A. HUBBARD:
rriFIG undersigned will expose to public sale
1. at the Gap Tavern, in Sodth Middleton
township, at 1 o'clock, P. M.; on SATURDAY
the 20th inst.,
lying, about throe miles from said Tavern, and
adjoining lands of IL Woods, .1 Sterrett, Sites,
Martin, Spangler and others. This land is
worthy the not o ico of Farmers, as is easy..9l -
access, convenient: io roads and abounding in
various kinds of timber., It will positively be
sold "onthat day, and will he offered in' lots to
suit purchasers. The subsCriber wily be at the -
'Gap Tavern on the morning of the 28th, so as
to afford those wishiog to purchase an oppor
titnity;of viewing the land previous to sule.-- ,
'Penns made knoWn
roarl9 • .• A G EGG.
111 HE subscribers desire to inform their friends
mid, .he public that they have removed
MAN UFACTORY', to the room nearly ewe.'
site their old,iitand on North Haiiiiver Street,
and may now be found in their new and com.
inotlious manufactory on the West side of the
said street, a few doors above Louther street,
'where-they-mill continue to keep onhand a lull
assortment of every kind of • ' 7
Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware
which ..may be nettled by housekeepers and
'others. '1 heir articles are manufactured ,by
theniselves, of the best materials, and in point
'ol finish and durability cannot be surpassed.-
-They will also manufacture and repair at the
shortest notice all kinds of Distilling Anparatut.
They will promptly attend. to the laying of
in tpwn and country, and on the moat reasonar
ble terms., Every .Brunch of their ,b4tiness
will be carefully, attended to with the utmost
Premptnsiss. -
They also keep constantly on hand nla 'co
variety, of
canwri.hig' every!. variety of Wain. template •
.STOVES, ologant wood arid coal
PA . LOR S I'OVSS, of the latest styles
JKING 'ST 0 yEs of the 'newest and most
improved inyontioni, at yariuue Prices..which
cannot fail to Plcaso eiory, taste. They re ,
spectrally solicit an examination by the public
of their largo arid varied ,assortment of stoves.
Thankful to the piiblic for favors • heratofore
extended,- and , being, detormined to roltix no'
oxortions to. givessattsfactiom to their custom:.
erie-they, hops to 'merit a continuance. of pa.-
' iri•Tho Ingham COsh Price will be'-paid for
old Connor and Powtrr. - •
. • 14,01 - I.llls HERbHair.':
Corli4lc March 19 451
Estate of: Susart PLOUGH, dpeetised.
. .
ALL parsons roe hainby.-mdtifled:tbat lett9tP.
of ndminlattaf on tiitrthe astatts" - of Basin ?lough
i n to • of t Shunnanatowr, Cu mheriatid ' eotinty
ranneylyantn, hat,* tine day- bean issued by-the'
Rogi.ster in. raid -fol. the' ailtraottnly, td the eult=
r who rotideititt'Ohirornanatownafotoiajdi
A u 'organs! having chime' dintianda - ititninit: o f the toil d'deco`aand„ ire tiSquef t:a to
raikt i wn:lho ettmeviittout dolgyoind thoioi
indobtOd - tp - Dr 4 uu 'pigment • :
Igatoh DAV/D W ,
.143E. 4
WOODBURN, Esqs , Ditectors of the fiaoi• ancl of , the House of Dn.
• ployinent for the County Of Cuinberland, in account7ivith••said doinity,
1).041 the Ist day, et 'January, to the 31st day of Decoriiipt.,lBso, inelu
sine, viz : • • 1 0, • 1 ' ' '
To amount duo Institution at: s'ett.' . ,
tleanet3 in 1849, by Jacob Squieri • -
E. ? 4• Tronsur.a, $447. 22 .
A to!.t. drawn from -CountyTreas. . 5000, 00.
Received for one-horse TO 00
-Of Jacob, Shrom. for hidos & akin 141 , 208
Of G C Saundoreon for use of "
bfary Knettlb , • • 60'00
'Of R Snodgrass, Esq. fOrMso . 65 00
For FBoats- 9.50
For blot k indentures - 2 50
Fur tallow and lard - ' ' 'll 'B6
For cider .
For POultry • 50
Amount due directors by county
JACOB SOUIER, Esq., Treasurer of the:Poor House and House of Employment of Camber,
land CoUnty, in account.with the Directors of said Institution, from the Ist day of January to
the 31st day of December, MO, inclusive, viz: • . -" .
Co amount duo at settlement
. . • .
Received from County Treasurer
Received from J Lohech, m Stew
ard, from different sourced as
exhibited in the foregoing state
Am'nt due Directors by county,
7 head of_horeeep32,head of hotned-cattle, 21Sheep, 15 Hogs, 17 Shoats, s,Pigs, and Z.Calvea.
Beef, Pork, Hutton and Veal, fattened and killed on the farm in 1850.
97 Beeves, average weight 525 pounds ' (19,425 lbs.) 15 calves, average weight 65 pounds (975
I be.) GO sheep, average weight 44 pounds, (2,640 lbs.) 46, hogs, average weight 181 pounds,
8,326 lbs.) making in all (31,3603 Ibp.) • .
Farming Utensils on the Farm lot January, 1551
1 broad and I. narrow wheeled wagon, 1 wagon bed, 1 pair of wood end two pair of hay lad
ders, Inert tind cart gears, 1 sleigh and harness,3 plows, 4 harrows, 5 double shovel ploughs,
3 single shovel ploughs, 1-stone wagon, 1 threaling_•machine and horse. powcr,l fanning mill,
I.rolling screen,_l cornjalteller, I.ground roller, 2 cutting. boxes, 2 grindstones, 2 log chains
:34 - cow chainsTe - sett - of - witgon - gears - , - 6 - settof - plough - gearsTg - setrot - carperner - inishirre
blacksmith's'tools, 2 sett of butchering feels, 5 wheelbarrowii, 1 cabbage knife, 5 grain bradles,:
and a variety - of axes;: picks,--mattocks, shovels, -crowbars, corn hoes, forks, rake's, sickels, -
scythes, stone hammers, Sledges, spades, single and doublo trees. &C. 1 tilbury.
Schedule Awing the proceed! of the farm for 1850
1200 bu9hels of whear, 77 of rye, 839 of mite ? , 1100 of c0rn,,350 of . potatoes, 2, of thnothy,seed'
.45 of red beets, 6 of beans and peini:ss - Of 'onions; '2 ollittle onions, 2of turnips,_ 20 of mu , •
snips, 15 of tomatoes, 3200 heads ofeabbage, 9500 cueumbers,.s wagon loath. of pumphies,
made 31 loads of hay, 14 of cornfoddor, 30 barrels of cider.
Hanufaetured ana made in the Home and Shop.
156 shirts and chemise,.Bl comforts, 20 caps, 108 online - frocks, 49 cotton froCks, 101 aprons,
47 petticoats, 8 pair of stockings knitted. 33 Mir rOOtedS 107 pillow slips, 36 .bun bonnets, 15
toweis,'4s sheets, 11. small coats, 8 pairof pants, 5 vests, 27 barrels of sort soap, 91 lbs. of hnrd
soap,l2B gallons of ainile.butter,
The Directors, 4.c. ' of said Institution, annex the following' exhibit . of extra labor, 1 5. c., performed
by the Steward, Matron and Paupers, from the Ist ddy of January to the Blot day of Decem
ber, 1860, inclusive, viz: •
. Made 18 coffins, 5 new gates , 2 sinks for kitchens . , 8 washing machines, 2 wheelbarrows, 18'
spittoons, 8 single trees, built a new , priyy at tenant bouts, repaired and weatherboarded gable
end of tenant house, - squarried'-etone - for and tria - de - 20 rods 'of atone fente - onatle"4 - round splint -
bushel baskets, 6 handle baskets, 10 willow Lancets, 500 rails, cut 100 cords of wood, made 46
panel of old past fence, and done about $lO worth of blacksmithing. ' ,
Nnmber-of-paupers-in-the-Institutiort-.l4:January,,_of_Arbieh VP were_eolored 140
Numberadmftred - up - till - 31st - December, 1850, or which 17 were colored and 3 '
. barn in 'the game, - .
Making the whole number through the year,
. .
Or which - 18 died, 6 children bound out, 22 4 ,e10ped, and 190 discharged,
Leaving the-number'of the poor icitise Ist Jan 1851 b 1 which 22 or eolo!il
Out•dour paupers supported arpublic expense through the year, l 2; of which p has
been admitted and 3 died, leaving • .
, , .
Whola,numbersupported Ipt January 1351
Of those remaining in the poor house 31st of -December, 1850, there are—
' Males .74, of -which 13. are colored 74
F.apsles 41, of which 10 ore) colored 41
And 9 ont-toor paupers, of which '1 is cord 9
, .
Thom are no near as - can bo tureertainod,4Trem 1 to 5; G frcim 5 to 10; 8 from 10 to 20; 16 from
20 to 30; 13 from 30 to 40; 10 from 40 to 5008 from 50 to 60;•15 froth 60 to 70; 14 from 70 to 80;
7 from 80 to po ; 3 Irom 90 to 100; 1 above a hundred. -
- IrLuddition to the above, 170 transient paupOre or travellers have been'receivedand supported
for a short time without regular'ordera. ._ • ' . .
- •;!, ,
We the Directors of the Poor and of the House of, Employment for the .County of Cumber
land, do certify - the above and foregoing statement to contain a just and true exhibit of the in
stitution, during the period above stated, according to the best of our knowledge. Given under
our hands th''s let day of January, 1851.
M. G. BELTZIIOOOVER , }Director:.
We, the undersigned, Auditors of Cuniberland county, elected and sworn according to law,
having' examined . the accounts and vouchers of _the Directors •of the Poor and orthe - - - House-of-
Employment of said counts, from the let day of January to the 31st day of Decomber.9Bso, ,n•
elusive, do certify that we find a balance due to the' Directors -nfo-csaid, - of seven hundred and:
nineteen dollars and seventy-eight and a half cents, by the county aforssaid. Given under our
hands at Carlisle, this 10th day of January, 1851.
March 12;1851-3t
aL.OTIZINCE! Unprecedented Success .of .1-lutchingls
Vegetable Dysperfsla The most
popular Family Medicine of the age—used by
Pniladelphia. Wardicobe;: Physicians of high standing.
Southeast Corner, Markel Sixth Streets. Those Bitters remove all morbid secretions,
purify the bleud,-give tone and' vigor to the di.
-R Co.; Invite -the-atten.-gestive- organs,- fortify-the- system -- against - all
tion of Wholesale and Retail buyers, to tature diseases, can be taken with safety, at no
their extensive and, complete stock of Spring time debilitating the patient—being grateful to
and Summer CLOTHING, comprising every the'most delicate stomach, and remarkable' for
- variety of style that can be-.produced. Our their cheering, invigorating, strengthening; and
aim is to plead° -and accommodate- all, and in - restorative properties.' and an invaluablo•reme
order to, de Ibis, we manufacture Clothing at sly for the DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST
almost every price.' Selling .FOR CASH' FORMS. gtr Circulars, containing the Cer--
ONLY enables us to offer Clothing at n very lificates of Remareable Cares, and the high
triflin c ai advance. Our motto is Small Profit. estimation which this Medicine is hold by
and Quick Sales. We are confident that an the public press, cati'be had of the agents, free.
examination by vials all that ;is necessary:to Price 50 cents per bottle. Principal Office, 122
confirm whatwe, say; and secure yedr custom. Fulton street, N. Y., up stairs. Dr. S EL
. MOTT., Agent for Carlisld. •
, .
EXTENSIVE ‘. • Booksellers, Country(' Merchants
LITEMMER _ di: .COAti WARD.. '.:- . .. - and Teachers, . . . .
THE' subscriber. .would respectfully. intern) „i e reapectibily request the at'ention of
la customers and tho public genorallylhat • i , all dealers in SCHOOL; MISCELLA.'
ho still continues the LUMBER AND COAL ~N EOUS_or BLANK BOOKS, STATION.
•BUt-IN ESS, and that having lately purchased . .. ERN, PAPER and WINDOW SHADES,
in addition to his•formor business facilities, the. to our superior -facilities for supplying at' unu
large and convenient W firehouse and Coal Yard
, sully tow rates,for cash or approved credit,
lately occupied by Mr. Henry Wright, oppos ite :every attic a pe rtaining to'our 'mines.,
the Well known Lund Cr and Coal Yard of the' A long and active experience warrants nein'
subscriber, situate along' theßail Bond and saying that we can oiler inducements : lo blur-
College Lane, he. is now more fully prepared chasers •' ; '
to enlarge his business. Ha line at thionme and ,
ie keeping constantly en 'hand a well selected Entwillod fry r 7. ow' E...i.copeaby None!
, • ,
'assortment of . ' ~ . .• ' •
• ' SEASONED LUMBER,' ', .• • mode of, conducting busineas; believing if an
• of all kinds. coifs. and -aisles: Likewise tho , experiment is made, it will befound - fOrtinrin,,
different kinder of FAMILY - COAL. such :he .tereat of ; thou desiring,. goods: in our linoi,to
stove CORI of the different kinds; Limo burners continue operating with .us.; .-. •,: .; '•
'and . Blacksmith's Coal; of the hest quality...— . Our stink is, at alt season's large,and selCat,
A l .of which' hr will' sell, unusually• low for- ed witle,partieular reference to.thee wants: of
Cash. - Ile will 'aloe keep 'constantly on' hand' Pennsylvania, Ohio and the:near trade goner-,
With all
,the different. Articles generally foiind-4 - - Ordera _by mall' or, otherwise, desppiched
ie a Well stored Warehotwo. .110.. win alga a t promptly and at, the lowest. ratea"#llovtip reany,
all, times' buy -PRODUCE and ..•PLOUR-, for imulSet. ''
'''' '" '' forn RAGS in
Which ho• will pay, the highest. current. prices.. . . 01°Thu:highest highest,
,lleing very thankful` for..paat 'fivers,: would c osh, ' , . '
'lllOOll immensity Pollen a`contlnuation of at . 1ea5t';;,,.. 11 ,4 E a . Darn er' 1 : Third ' &.:Brdi liti
rro' --sc hiLA.Dotpubi - '
a reasonabheehtre of. public patronage,, '• • • ••• spere,lM . , ',• • , . P , ,
~ . „,,.
~.,marl9 • - ' BAIVrisr.WHOOVER
. zwarzcm.
. •
.rameri o2 .4. , • • rpkix.,p offorq,ber acqvicos,to t lose
al fresh aPpply or. Amori4pri.'; wiitfiquittvallpndape t wag , nl4 . lll)l 3 / I FA;
.od.' •• For sale by , iitiv-ibg • bnckpluch . ,pkilorionce: h 41115 truly bp
0803 - ; No 148 North . IlanOVcr'itt. , HottolYi4t . loit: rosidortoo. to North street ' ,
r Etits
. ,
By Payment'Of•interost on , • •-'
in favor - ot 'Mrs., O'Brien in the '. • •
land purchased of A McDoivell• '
in 1842' r , ' $3B 91
By - cash for grocerie miarahan.'
dire, clothing , & boding included 232 - 6 30i
Foritodk. • ' , • 1229 00
For grain, flour and grinding.. ; 512 56i
For alioe'lting, - tailorang dy hatt'g 216 441
For support of out door patipers ' 264'00.
For hardware, oil, paints; 6z.c • • 165 01.4
For leather ' ,- • 152 362
For - blacksmithing 109.01'
For castings 35' 64
For Lumber • • - 68..18
For ninnufacturing s sattinett 95 62i
. ,
95,808 78*
719 78}
For out door medical aid 19.00
For painting house 4:.1300
For Saddlery ' 35 39*
For brick. 44 42}
For materials, &t., purchased for ~•
—use-of-farm=, • - 51-.o2*_.
For carpenter work. .: .' 11 84}
For height on grocerieso k •
e, • 14 12i
Fq o . lastor and cleverseed , . , 59 50
Fortin and copper ware & tink'g 20 34
For out door funeral e2tpenses. ..' 64 37i •
For traveling expenses, • ' , ' IS 34*
. BOtough of - Lewistown for sup- - .
ort of paupers . • -
For lime . •- . -, 31 421.
10 55
For mason work • • 29 183.
For repairing threshing machine' 29 75
For,Constable's fees . 1850
..... __ •
. . .
For plastering now house-. 21 95
Blind Institution for use of-.Sarah-'
,McGlaughlirt —..-..... -.- = 25 00
For postage 3 031
For stationery _ 2 00
For sundries . . , 9 28,i
J Lobnch, salary t year, (hirelings
wa , ma included) 575 00
Dr: f. DaugWan, _physician, eal
ary, for one year 100 00
J Squier, Esq. Treasurer, `salary
for 1 year . 40 00
L Todd, Esq. Attorney, salary for
one year 20 00
Wm Ker, Esq. extra ,serfices
_as _
Director, _ 16 50
Thos Bradley, Esq.
M G Beltzhoover; Esq.
, 11,
$6,528 574
$ 447 22
5000 00
361 56
$5,808 784
---- 716 78}
By anal] paid orders above stated $6,528 57}
$5,528 57+
Stock on the Farm tat of January' 1861:
$6,528 571.
taattit ttre!tcs:
- All iitf . 'f V ' ---
pp c on or'TO .: ern - cause."
• .
,NO,TIGD .hereby,giverk , thati intend to
apply at itieltprill'Orm otithe'Coari of Quer,
ter Seeekote of cernborralid - county
cone to keep' tt'-patilia}hOuse . in 'ttie hatiee. now
(recopied by zno:as such ih'leo!ver tOtt , tl4.
marl§ • DAVID ':I3iX6WiL
' WO, the undersigned, eitipesorthe townstiip
olLower Allen, in the county of - Buinbeiland.
do certify, that we are Well acqualntedrwith the
above named David Brown; that, of, good
repute for honesty, and tomp . erance r arid is well
ifiovlded. with .bouse Mom dnd conveniences
for the accommodation of strangers land travel
lers, and that such. Inn or Tavern is neCessary.
to accommodate the public and'entertain stran
gers and travellers. • . '
Jsnathan Brubuker, Daniel Shelly. David
Messer, David Brubaker, Bitner. Samuel
Shireman, W D Shoop, John Shireman, David.
Wise, Samuel Black, JaCob Pitman, Christian
Stoner, Isaac Goshart. . .
Application for Tavehl License.
NOTICE is,hereby given ;het .we intend to
apply'at the next Term of the Court Of Quar
ter Sessions for a License to-keep n'tavern, in
the house owned by MI in Frank(ord tp.. .
marl° . - EY•—
. .
Wo,.the undersigned, citizene of the , town.
ship of Frankford, in the county of, Cumber
land; do certify thnt we are well nequainted with
the above named M D.& .T 13•Lockeyobst tbu
are of good repute for honesty and' tempera"ne
and are well provided with house room and con
veniences for the accommodation of strangers
and travellers, and that' such Inn or Taiternis
necessary to accommodate thc‘pnblic and enter
tain strangers and' travellers: ,-
A. Burkholder, John Soadgr, John Badyr.
„trotter, P Myers, Dariel•Lonktiy, Daniel Oiler,
J,Grahnm, -I Nickey, (VI John Wyn
keep, G Grobb, A - Oiler.
Application for Tavern ILieense.
, NOTICE is hereby, given' that I intend to
apply akihe next term of the Court of Quarter
Sessions for n - License to keep a ,publie house
in the house, now occupied- by me as such in
Dickinson township, , Cumberland, county.
marl 2 • • VICTOR.. SHANNON..
Wotho undersigned citizens ottbe township
of Dickinson, in thevounty or , alniberland, do
certify that we are well acquainted with the a
bove named Victor Shannon, that'he is'of good
repute for honesty and temperance, and is well
provided with house room and conveniences
for the accommodation of strangers and travel
ers, and that such Inn or tavern is necessary to
accommodate the public and entertain strangers
and travellers.
16 50
9 00
Philip Spangler, Joseph Galbraith, John
Moore, George Martin; Freneisilutchison, T.
C Miller, James Wenkley, G Swonger,-Mnt
thew .14neh, S Stewart,..lneob Trego,•John
Application for Tavern License.
lILTOTICE is hereby given . that I intend to
.111 aptly at the next' term c& the Court of-
Quarter Sessions of. Cumberland
. county tor a
license to keep a public house in the house, now
oleupied by, me-in Mifflin township, at the
Sulphur Springs, Cumberland county. ,
n arl7 . S COYLE.
We, the undersigned citizontiofliMin tp.
in the minty of Cumberland, do Minify that
wo are acquainted' with the above named
S Ciayle, that- lio-is , -of good repute for honesty
and temperance and is well provided with hotfse
of stran . gerstand travellers , and that suchinn or
tavernis necessary to accOmmridnte the public
and entertain 'strangers and travellers._ t
Henry D Dalhousen, George .Knottle, An
drew_Campbell, Georga. Greeger, _W. Siert
ret, R C McCulloch., Janice Woodburn, Jae,
Huston, William Itonry,
John M Miller, David Sicirrett; •
A pplication - for; Tavern - License
7 - NOTIGEts 101 by gi - SeiMtlifitrifileirid to
apply at the April Tehr 'of tho Court Of Quar
ter Sessions of etimbeilarid county for a Li
censelo keep a public lioueoitt the house now
occupied py me - as ' North Middleton
-- March .l9i -
We, the -undersigned, citizens of the town
ehip of North Middleton, in the deunty_of
Cumberland, do ceatify that we are well ao.
(pointed With the above, nernaitaitiento Styt
gert, that he is of geoid rciputo for honesty. and
temperance, and With • house
room and Conveniences for - the accommodation
of strangers and travellers, and that "such inn
or tavern is necessary ,to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers.
~ Wm Kinert, Joseph Mut phy, Levi liordorr.
George Thomas, Conrad Hardee, "jr., John
I , Beidler,Havid Braucht, J Granite 1, jr., Adon
,Coryea, Ahem. Lumberton, J Gotahall,
Wise, Wm. tloriunan, J H Spahr,HeOrgo Gut
shall. _
Application for Tavern License.
OTIOE is horoby.givan t.lfat 1 intend to
QuAtter - Seesittno - of Comber lond county for
T.icenso to keep a public house now owned by
John Wolf in Souilt Aliddloton town.sitlP, ben4
an old : . tend, your, petitioner therefore prayi•
your Honors to grant-him -a -License for the
name , for the, ensuing year, commencing on
the second Monday of Apt il next, and as in du
ty bdund ha willtvcr_pray, &c.
v 239
We the undersigned, citizens of §oulli 101dic•
tun townahip, in the' cuunty of. Cumberland, do
certify that wo are well acquainted with the a
buve named Benjamin Plank, that ho is of good
reptile for litomity and temper - Once, and is well
provided with house 'room and coinvenicoccs fur
the accommodrvien of strangcri and travellers, -
and that such Lin or Tavein is neceaVary to ac.
commodate tho public.and ontortain ; strangers'
and travellers.
• Samuel Hartzler, John Wolf, Leonard Wise,
John Plat & David Hoerner, Petard, Phil.
ip Breekbill, Wm. Wise, Henry Webbed, Hen
ry Wise, Jucob Lohman, Jacob .Wcise, Isaac
Kaufman; Jacob Gutcholl, A. M. Loidick. • ..
Application for Tavern License.
ATcrver. in hersbylicen - that I intend to
uttply at tho next.Ouuti of,Quafter, Soy.
ottani of this county;for n ;license :to - hoop a
public house in the houso note oecupiett by inn
cc snelkin Newton township, '
, J 01114: Nif 111.1 C I .
We the undersigned citizens or Newton tp.
Cumborland county, do codify that wow° wall
acluainted with tho above 'named John , Wil
,kilts, that he Is of.good,repete for !tonality and
lemuoranco, and is wall supplied With house
room and conveniences tor the nocomodution of
strangers and trio/Okra; nod that-smelt 'lon or
tavern is necessary • to 40Corn9dPittibli
and entertaiu.strangora nnd
Henry. Baker, Samuel-W. Sharp, R. Al [rays,
John Granny, John Westheffer ° , Joei Bricker.
A. Bricker, John Sharp, Joseph Bi'Cuite, W. S;
AfeCullongh, Daniel Byers...Cliutles'Blillian,
• -
Applieation for Ta'vern•Lieeneei
NOTICE,' is herehy even' thet,l intend to
apply at the next term of the 'court of Quarter
Seasunnaof Cumberland cOunty, fore license to
keep a publichbuso_in tho,ihouso nOvii'oeetipied
as such by John Weitzel; in,,EaeVrentiaboro'
q the undersigne -ettizetts,of the tovmiehip
of Eaat Pennsberough, m.tfie,Pouirtyrof.-qpm
berland, do pertifythat wo are' well actpinuned
with tho - elmve named Aleianderißtewart, 'that
hole of good, repute \ for honesty and , tamper—
uice. end is wall provided with hciusa room and'
conveniences..for the accbtnniodation .01 stran
gers and. trayellers,an4
,that an inn or
tavern la „nocasaary ' twaccommodate,llp, pttilip
and entertain strangers aad,:traVellcrs.. .•
Wm ,P'l-lirghes, IfenryKillholThf,. , lhanson
' Freeland , George Mafia: , P,Alc,r/P Bowman,
-'..Longneeker, ;,Nicalhamtiieri' , Veleiliine
,WiliZOL. Isaac IdOwe'rsi.Witf,..Y.hililPs,. N'M
I2tunbau- • •
• Prothonotarygs frifoticer
, .
lov,cr, herehy givon
all - nersons in,
..terested that the following:accounts have
been filed, in' the Prodionotary'soOffiee forex .aceountentaleherato 'riamod,
and will be'prosented to tho Court of Common*
flews of Cumboilirid" . .edunty for confirmation
sand ',allowance" ! on ,
Vhe,account of ;.lohtrPelviller,;.foserilt's G
dressier and 'Ahrahant Soayer,,, nSsienoes of
Poul•Nardn. ' s
The acoonni : of 'iolirit , fit'ildrerot4,Ailir a hain
.Nickey. - assigrioca."Ot Saboh , Tiaititer.
ARM LS.' Ni 4 ri fli; "rt: viirY s
pptirinr 'lnk. li:wattle et : utialtAßp
Application 'for , Tavern License.
' NOTICE is' hereby Oven that I intend ap
plying at thonaxt torn of the ,Court - ,of Querl'er
I... 4 essions for a Lieenso, te - keep a public house
in the houselnow 'occupy as such in tho lie
rough of Carlisle,
1., • , . • •
We, the undersigned,'citizens of "the Bare.'
of Carlisle, do'certify, that we are Well acquaint
ed - with., the. above named Henry tilass.' and
that he is of good „repute for 'honesty and tem.-.
perance,, and-is ,provided witlfhouse room
and conveniences- , lot • the . accommodation ot
strangers and travellers and that such Inn.oe
Tavern is necessary to aecommodate, the public
-end entertaiostiangers andernvellern. .•
-Myers, G L.Murray. J Leiby, jr.;
G Common, Wm Miller, Jacob - Voir, Hugh
Gaul lagher..George:flendol, Jacob Leiby, John'
L Burkholder, Edward Showor,'A. -
Lamberton, Joe W - Palton,,G W Hilton.
Application for Tavern Liconse,,
. .
NOTICE is heraby.giyen that I intend ap
plying at' the April Court of Quarter Sessions
of this county, tor - a Licenss ' to• keep a public
house .in the house now occupied by George.
Morrett as such, in Monroe township. •
We, the, undersigned, citizens of the town
ship of Monroe, in the county of Cumberland
do certify thst wo are well acquainted with the;
bove'mtmed Daniel Morrettythat he is of good
"repute for honesty and temperance, and is.welL
provided with house room and conveniences for .
the accommodation of strangers and travellers.
and thii,t,- , anch Inn-or Tavern is necessary to
anearnmodato the public aril entertain strangers
nod tray-oilers.,
. . .. . .
S Gensler, John Wheeler,. Cary W Alil, I
Kann; James Livingston, Christie,' Lehi - nor,
John A Ahl, .1 .Westfall, George Morrett D
Shelter, Dan'l Eberly, Dan'lrSholler, C Brand,
G Sheer. ' :,
Application for Tavern License.
NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to
apply at the next term of_the Court of Quarter
Sessions of this county, for a Lichee to keep
a public house in the house now occupied by
me as such in Silver Spring township.
We, the undersigned, citizens of the town.
Ahin of Silver Spring, in the county - of Cum.'
berlartd, do certify that we are well acquttimod
with the above named George Coover, that he
is of good 'repute for honeety,and temperance,
and is well supplied with !tense room and con
veniences for the accommodation of strangers
and travellers, and that such Inn or TavePhis
necessary to accommodate the public and en
tertain strangers and travellers.
J B Loidig, Jacob Gross, David •Stefrett, C.
Shreiner, Levi Meily, B M Heilman, Simon
•Crownnwell, Isaac Brenizer, James William.
J.Battman, G V Coover, I Meily, I Bbbb,
Samuel CoCklin, Wm M Meily, Daniel Com
fort, Jacob Boon
Application, for Tavern License.
NOTICE is hereby .given that I intend. to
apply at the omit term of the Court °Munster
Sessions of Cumborland cOunty for a License
to keep a nublic house m the .house now Ince;
pica by Thompson B Wealtley, in Lower Al
We, the undersigned, citizens of Lower Al
len township, Cumuerland, _co. do certify that_
we are well acquainted with the above named.
Thomas McKee...that - he ot good - repute - . .for
honesty and temperance; and is well provided .
with house room rod conveniences for the ac
commodation -of strangers, and travellers, and
that such Inn or Tavern is neceasary to accom
.modate _the : public and entertain strangers and
John Slicely, jr., Wm R Gorges, Frederick
Lorig,"M Bitner, John Sheely, ar., Daniel Shel
ly, Samuel Zimmerman, Jacob Long, George
Fichelberger, Henry. Stephen, Daniel Hart, I.'t ,
Seely, T D Weakley.
Application for Tavern License.
IN 0 11,QE is hereby given that I intend to
apply aLthe next term of the Court of Quarter
Sessions of-Cumberland county, for a License
io keep n public house in the house now oceu
picd-by Samuel Hess, in KingstoWn, Silver
Spring township, - •
infirs - .fOH - 1. LOY.
Wo, , the undersigned, citizens ni KingsMwn,
Silver Spring township, do certify tLat woure
well acquainted with the above named:Sohn
Loy, that, he is of good repute for honesty and
temperance, and that he iswell' provided - with
lions.) moth and conveniences for be . accomtnot
dation of strangers and travellers, acid that each
Inn. or Tavern is necessary to accommodate.
strangers and travellers.
Martin Harman, Jacob Landis„George Reed
Joseph Sadler, jr., C AI Harmon, Wm Irvin,
David ETrenizer, Wm. K. Stevenson', Samuel
Bistline ' Zorger, P Bricker, .Wm Saxton,
George Smith, A Miller, J - Myers. D Spoidol,
Wm Williams, D Humer i M. Cooper, 11. W.
Irvints,_john M. Martin, Jacob Eekerd.,_„
• , -
Application for Tavern License.
milling et the April - Court - of - Qtrarror
Sessions of Siis counti, for a-License to keep
a public houto in the house new occupied by
nig no such in the township of East Pennsboro.
nue) Will P HUGHES.
. We, the undersigned, citizens of the town-;
ship of Bust Petinshorouglii in the county of
Cumberland, do-certify-that—we-are - well - ac-
ovainied with tlwcabove named William' P.
Hughes, that hods o good repute for honesty
and temperance, an is well supplied with
house room and convences fur the Aiecom
mndation of strangers all travellers, and that
such Inn or 'l'nverts is necessary to . lecommo
date the publicsamirentertain strangers and tra
velers. .
Samuel Sadler, A R
Wilson, Henry Carlin, David Oyster, William.
Philips, Adam E , linger, A 'Frank, 3no
Solomon Ebersole, Jonas lilieho'burger, Sam'l.
Ilimmolrish, Christian Himmo!rick. . •'
Appliopon for Taitera Licenio,
NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to
opplymt the next term of the Court of Quarter
Sessions of Cumberland county'for a License
to keep a public house in the house now occu
pied by Geo..G.oodyear in Churchlown
We, the undersigned, Citizens of 'Monioe to.
in the county of Cumberland,-do certify- that
we are well acquainted with the above named
Peter B Goodyear, that lie' is, of good repute
for hone Sty and temperance, and 'provit
dud with houseroom and conveniencos for the
accommodation of strangers and trayollory, and
that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to
accommodate the public and entertain strangers
and travellerS.
• Meiies Bricker, George - Strock, • Conrad
Wosifidl, Cory W Aid, d • Ifortiler, John S.
Cochin', G Brindle, G Bnish, FT J Enck, Peter
Baker, John Paul, Adam Gensler. ' ,
Aii*oation fort-Tavern Limns°,
icrOTICE is hereby given that the snbscribei
L Intends applying at the ensuing term of
the Court of Quarter Sessions of this county,
fOr - Liceasti to keep a Willa hones in the house
now occupied by him as such', and known as
the Mansion House Hotel, in thO i West, Ward
in the borough of Carlisle. • • •
WO the .underaignetticitizens; of the West
Ward; Carliede,, in tlio county of Cumberland;
do certify that,we pro well acquainted with the
ibOvo'named Joseph W. Patton, that IM is of
good repute for, heneatY and temperance, and is
well Provided with house ream. and convenien—
ces lbr aePomodation of strangers end
travellers, and that Such Tinter !Tavern is nec—
essary to aecomodnte the public , and
strangers and travellers.- , •
Win l'11611; A Noble, -William M Porter,. R, A
' Noble;.Coorge I. Murray, ilenVy Glass, S
Ensiniacer; Williatn Carl, , s 1 N' Armstrong,
gaidd Rhoads, George W A R.Jborts,
hihn D.,Gottaa. - Cenrgo gge, , • •
`Application, for !Tavern 'License,
NT,oTioE is larobnivon - that
bar inicado.applying at the ensuing', unlit
'of tfici Court of Quarter sgitaions..of Cumber-,
land 'county, tor a licenat,i' l to keep a public
houeo.'in knoiyn ap the Divot-110unit
In the borough of Methanicuburg..
. .
tho undersigno,d oitiserts ot.tho Borough'
o( Reeheitiesburg; i n the 'county. of: Gurnhei
lurid, do ektifr • We' are :s well _atipguiufoil : -with
the 'atiove..orthie L d" - .Tim e's I hst . .;
of'.gooil.t'epnfo for; 'hottest y,):tod:tentporerteo, slid
is well'orevideid 'with hou l te, room ipild,c9nvei - 41- .
'oleos foa 'rteeerritoOlition , o(
trivolter6.: and ',that lon, or Tovoln is, 110
osiursr to . apconimodatb, clad
told strsiogoi . s vMdliavollers:
F'm uoorgo -Slogtoor,- pinvonn„ r.
S'ilald r ?, e liln' r ry . ;COrhs•G rn
SEnr'or", .Jocob Voni•
David l d nng, Polar
Adarn. Hauck,l3oiijmnin 116 w, Pblor Baker.
A k TCITICE - ii hereby giyon to persona
VI 411.063816 d; that the lollowing.„account4
have - beak filed in thinorticO for examination by
the' aceountanto thoreinuasuad; and Will he pre the .Orphons' Court of CUmberland
county, for' 'confirmation and - alldivanee,
Tueeday . tho 25th of March, A: D. 1451' viz •
Thciaccount-,of- adminis
trator of Adam Cooke], lute of Silver Spring
tawnsblp‘, deedased.,
2. The - account of Christian Leib, adminis
trator of Mary -Leib, late of South Middleton
township,' deceased.
2. Thoucemint of Erb. adminiatrator
of Ab'm. Erh, latO orEast Pcnnsboro town
ship, deceased. '
4. Tho account of WM. Webb, ad a.
,tor of Henry Lawson, late of the hor of
The final account of John Piper and fno.
S. Dunlap, administrator'of Piper;" late
of West Penneboro' township, deceased.
G. The account of Jacob . Eirlr, Executor' of
Daniel H. Young, lat&of the borough of Now
Cumberland, deceased: •
7..'Phe account of Joseph Quigley, adminis
trator of John Hatfield, late of the city of Cin•
cirmati,deceased. •
8. 'rho account of Jacob Mumma, Guardian
.oLlaeubGarret,deceased, minor child of 'la
'ob Go- t, deceased._ -
cob .earret, deceased.
~" 9... The account: of Jacob' West, Gdardian of
Elmira' Shambach, deceased, minor child of
'Philip Shambach, deceadod: • •
10. Tho account of Henry Alcvers, admin•
istrator of David Mdwers, late of Southamp
ton township,. deceased: • •
11, The account of Michael Gochawer, Ex.
ecutor of Wm. F. Barbour, late of the, bor
ough of Shippensburg,-deceasod.
12. Tho account of Martin Burkhart, tie . ..ea:
sed, who was Guardian of Samuel and Sarah
Miller, as settled by said Guardian's adminis
-PlB.' The account of Jadob Mumma, Guardian
of Daniel Bevonmvor,-minor child of P.fl3ov
enmyer, deceased: -
14. The account of David Genower, and Ja
cob'Heck, Executor of A. M'Elhero, lato_of
.the borough of Shippensburg, deceased:
. 15. The account of John B. Coovor, admin
istrator of JosephDrail, late of .Allen town•
ship, deceaded.
16. The account of Robert P. M'Clure, ad—
ministrator of Eliza Peebles, Into of the bor
ough of Shippensburg, deceased. -
- 17. The account of John Lefever, Guardian
of Wm. C., George, John N. and:lamos Car
others, minor Sons of John N: Carothers,
18. The account of . Samuel Huston, Guar
dian. of Mary E. and Nancy . Jane Duncan,
minor 'Children of Wm-Duncen, deceased.
19. rho account of John Ryan, Executor of
John Divan, late of East Ppnnsberough town
ship, deceased.
20. The account of David S. Runsha, Exec-.
utor of Mary Fulton, late of Newton township,
21. The account of David Kitts. Executor of
Wm.Kutz, late of South Middleton township,
deceased. II
22. The account of Robert Laird, edminis.
I Irator de bonis non with the will annexed of
James Moore, deceased, as.settled by
M.'DowelL, one of the Executors of the said R.
Laird, deceased. -- • _,
23. The account of .George,.B.upley, admin—
istrator tie bonis non of Jan - H. Longsdorf,
late of -East Penneboro tow'nship, deceased.
24. The account. of Mrs..Jano_Davidson
surviving Executor.of Rev.. Dr.'•Duildson:
deceased, as settled by her administretKßOv.
Robert Davidson.
- . -
-Thonceount-ofott;Coyle,-Guardian of.
i.Vlargaret C. Johnston, now intermarried with
D. George 'Hamill, and minor . daudliter of
John Johnston, deceased.
25. The\rrizount of John Stuart, Jr. admin—
istrator of William Wynkoop, late of South
.Middleton township, deceased.
27. - - The final'account - of - Johralisner. - ncting
Executer of John Diener, late ofi l Dickinson
township, deceased.
• WM. GOULD,Tegister. -
4 - Feb. 2.j, 1851.- - ••
WHEREAS the Honorable-Fr/meter
WATTS, President Judge of the several
Courts of Common Plemi of the 'dounties _of
Cuniberlandi Parry and Juniata, in Pennsylva
and Justice of the several courts ;_Oyer
And Tortniner and General Jail Delivery in
said counties. and Hon. John Stuart and John
Clondonin, Judges of the Court of Oyer dnd
Terminer and General Jail Delivery-fur the
trial of
,all capital and :other offenders, in the
said county of Cumberland, by
me' directed, dated the 10th of January, 1851,
have ordered' tho Court of Oyer and 'Terminer
and General Jail Delivery, to be holden . at Car
lisle on the 2d Monday of 'April, next,
(being the 14th day) at 10 o'clock in the Eire
.noon, to continue two weeks. _ ,
NOTICE is therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner, Justices'of the Peace and Constables
oftho'said county , ofCumberland, that they are
by the said precept commanded to ho then and
there in their proper persons, with their rolls,
fecords,.ln.quisitions, exeminetions,Aind all
other remembrances, todo those things which
to their offices apportainto be done,and all those
that are bound by recognizancion, to prosecute
in the •Tr - iilfst — TiT county, arc tlioroto
prosecute them as shall be just,
Carlisle, February 26, I'Bsl.
LAST NoTzczq
A S !he subscriber intends leaving Carlisle;
to hint, arc requested to coma forward without
delay and makenpitYment, or their accounts
wilt be placed ini thn hands of a Justice for
collection. J. G. CARMONY.
Teo those, Interested.
17 , 111 E subscribers wish elf indebted to. them
1 to call mid settle the Same by the middle
of March, as 't is necessary. their accounts
should be by that time ! Just received
a line lot of New (=Owls, which we are selling
off at our usual low prices. Call and see.
" - Feb . A 4. wBEN'It.
-Dissolution of Partnership:
LAkTOTICE is hereby given that the partner- ,
1,1 ship heretofore existing between the sub
scribers. in the Block smithing, , business, under
the firm of Bretz it Corn/non; has been dissol
ved, by mutual . consent. The - booke. - and
accounts have been placed in the. hands of M.
Holcomb, Esquire, for abatement. - The busi- ,
ness-Avill'itereafter be--tarried on .by George
'Common, who Will be thankful for a continu
ance or patronage from his old customers. --
. .
Estate of Emanuel. Lino, doe'd. _
LET'I'EItS testamentary on the Mints of
'Emanuel Line, sr., late,of Dickinson tp.,
Cumberland county, deceased, havii boon issued
in Jun form of lai, to.the aubseribers residing
in the said township. • All persons indebted to
the said °State will make immediate payment,
and those buying claims against it• will present
there for ecttloment to
Feb 2G Exeiuters.
. . Lstate of John 011icer,.dec'd... •
ralE "undersigned, residing in Carlisle,, hue
been duly appointed, Executor of the will
end estateof Johit Officer, !rite 'of said borough,
deceased. All persons indebted 'to' said estate
aro requested to make immediate payment,. and
than having claims to present them, properly
authenticated, to • Jr W, f,13.1Y,
Feb t26-6t ' ••••'. Eremites.
. _ _
. . • INTOWXO33.' •.. ,
ii i
r liTh-subscriber has' rUnda'nirangements to
- leave this place by the 25th of this mouth.
AI persons indebted 'will Bei, the propriety of
callingsoit mo and twitting settlement, before
I leave. After that time toy books; ~will be
loft in the' hands of a Justice of she Peace; and
!tll accounts standing nneettlod•after•thailfrno
must neceasnrilY'ho collected liy,him. , Meese
'Quit and obligo '• -,,.: ,:: SA, COYL.U:-,
.:Estate of Benjamin;lMieti;
ittOTIC.P. le_hoiehy t ysch that letters ofttd
1.11. ministiklon.with ie tionexed(op tho
imam of It ENJA.MIN DILLEA, late of North
Micldlmon,'toivirtbip„pitralierland-.couniY, de
'eerteed,..haVe _been' granted' to The subscriber
reaidin'V Ilottree.toomehip;;in' said county.-
'Ail persons, knowing 'themselves indthted to
said eitatc:.laxo...required lompina immediate
payment and:these having claims are requested
tp Omen; thenuto' .±! .
febl9-6tp.d. .• JOHN DIL',LER, adaer...•
I nrushes !. Brushes!
'A grOne.variofy - at.,the4o useful, articles is
Tared l'ot sale, csinsistilig of
ing'„ Scrabbi4t, Militate; Shaviag,
Teoth','r praftiOg BrUII,PP, it
i!itritity•; pf.,Av Lich 'are Ilaittlll.l
ty and will bo Bald atAlle latveigpriaes
Jane 6; ' .$ lilbtao3"V
WILL, admit on adcomodisling - thrms; into
'his `ionise several 'STUDENTS for
instruntion in the various, branches of medicine,
viz : Anatomy; Physieldgy, Chemistry,. Tiler—
apeutickS,. Surgery, Theory Goa - Prictice of
Medicine. &c. Professional calls attended. to
in tc,wri and country as heretofore. • .
Carlisle; Feb 26-3 t : ,
rrt..uszi GROCERIES.
itIST received ar,the store of the subscriber
0 in South Calmar, street, a fresh. supply of
Groceries, consisting of Sugar,' Cofleo, Tens,
&c.,. of the best quality an'at the lowest
prices. A good quality of Coffee at, 12 . 1 eents.
• Also, FINS FAMILY • .
of the . choiceit brands, together with all kinds
of PEED, all of which will lid sold at theJoiv—
eat prices for cash, Mao for sale a' into 'horse
Wagon "on springs. ' JOHN KEN EY.
.• •
SHAD CODFISH, ••• . • '•
SALMON, Constantly on bnotilit.
HERRINGS, • lot sole by
PORK;' • _ • .1 - • PALMER &CO.,
HAMS AND SIDES, Market at. Wharf:
— THE - SitlisdriborT'AgStirforligiri IYltinitprwcf"
•the.Puminkr.rtme HOME. OF 'KEPI:rot, is all
thorizeck tb re'ceive`applications from . Farmers,- •
Mechanics or others, who' may wish, to have.
boys or girls. either white or colored, indeptu
red to them as -apprentices The - agotiwill -
vary' from seven to twenty years. In.all cases
where the applicant is not known to the Inden- •
luring Committee or the Agent, satisfactory
references to persons residing,ni the City, will
be required. • ' • JOSIAH TATUM,
- 50 JAN/a rourth , Stneet:
Philadelphia; Feb :16 '
raw/slims EMPORZUZIC 1 '
subscriber would respectfully) inyite
the attention of farmers to his assortment
of PLOWS, new manufac
tared near Craighead's Milt
in South:Middleton township t
four__ miles South of Carlisle.
My assortment consists of ,
Withrow's, *Stuckey's and Ball's patterns.—?
The Casting-will all be ground. I will also
make GRAIN.CRADLES. of the most lei:
proved patterns. -All orders directed to-Wm.
L. Craighead. Carlisle, will be attended to
with promptness, and Plows orCradles deliv
ered in any part of the county free of charges
WM. L; CRAIGHEAD; Peopt,r.
Feb.l9 6m
P.Bl M ron SALM.
THE subscriber offers it :private •sale, the
FARM on' which ho now residel, in Dickinson
twp. Cumberland co. about a mile and three
quarters south of Centreville, on the new road
leading fromlCentreville to Beetem's Sawmill.
said farm 'contains about - SEFENTY-FIVE
ACRES of ,Pino land; about Act acres or which
n o domed, and the residue in woodland. The
. . improveinents are a'good two
--Ty-LOG HOUSE, and good log'
•-',3i 4 ,1111 : . , and' frame - BARN. There is a..
'4 . thriving young orchard on tho pre
mises, of choice fruit, and an, ea
'cellent stream of never failing: water, near the
buildings, &c. terms will be easy. Any per
son wishing to buy, can have all the .necessary
information-by.-calling- on the subScriber-soon,l
Carlisle, Feb, -12,'51-ti.
--- li.•SPIWENrosio'STOCItr"
/SHE undersigned respectfully informs his
.1. friends and the fpublic . generally, that he
;-= has just.returned from
ki - ,, Philadelphia, ha ving
__ sri , ,r -,'a_. ~. purchased the_mpo ex,
,„.. iiv a 'iv ., . l „ ~,tensive, as well as the
~.. ., 9 . zif,. cheapest assortment of
i:` .--- I<l 7 ,41/oe ,k Watches, Jewelry,
Ste., ever brought to Carlisle His stock con
sists in art of
Gold and Silver Arlene Lever Watehes,
' • Wel and Silver delntclied do. do.
Gold and-Silver Lepiize Watches.
in short every variety of Watches at 'all prices.
Gold Guard -and Vest--Chains. Medallions,
Watch Keys, Ear - Rings, Finger Rings, - Breast
Tins, Gold - and•SilVer Pencils; Gold anirSilver ---
pens and cases and BraCelets in great variety.
• A splendid article- of Gold, Silver, 'German
Silver, and Blued Steel SPEC- _
,4 -- - TACLES, which - are unsurpasa.- •
bd in queolity by any other article west oi-yPh I •
iidelphia, and which can be sold at lezisiWi.Y
• cent cheaper than in any ether -establishment
in the country: Also a large lot of
_ . .•
comprising Table and ;Tea- Spoons, Better
Knives, Eck Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thintbles,
&c. - Also, Card Cases., Porte Monnaios,.Port
Folios, Ladies Writing Destke, with a great
variety of other fancy articles unnecessary, to
,mention. A large lot of CLOCKS, assorted
.putterns,.which will be:sold low, and warranted
to be good. •
. •
-'Watches, Clocks and .relltetiy Repaired,
He invites all to call and examine his stock,
ahsured that none can fail to be suited in qiial
ity, quantity and voice.. Ills, articles
welts bell, l.onsetTurnakThe-ean-allortl-to-sell
owar tharrthe sin:o artiole7sucan b - purchased -
,--elsewliere—Call at the- old stand, a few doors_
west of Burkholder's Hotel. •• .
Januhry 15, 185.1-1 y T. CONLY . I
. . ,
•- ' Family Grocery Store. • .
'THE subscriberhaving reinoveifitis - Grocary --
• ' Establishment, on Sena' Hanover
L.,77,11fr, : L i ,street, to theliwge build,hig nearly
. 34 I I , 4 ! : opposite his old gaud desires to call
~ parr attention orjhe public to the au
' 'd LA r stock of FIiILSH GROCER
IES'Which he lies just opened, arid. which he
willsoll on the most accommodating terriaet.-i-
The arrangement of his new Establishment. ill
he found 'of the most .comnloto character, and
his assortmentdamptioes every article that can
he found in a ' .•.. ~-, : '... . .... ''.
Perfect 3E 'amity.
. ,
such ns sugars. coffee, teas, spicee,'hams; dried
beef, cheese, shad, mackerel', 'herring! -dried
fruit, seeps, &c:, together with an elegant as
sortment ,o 1 Ci:ina and Crockery Ware of - 13'1&•
style t.nd • quality, . nticensware, - brooms,
brushes, baskets, and en endless variety of. tif ,
Impoksible • to enumerate.—
For cheapness and excellence 'his articles can
not be surpassed_ A \ call from tho public is
therero refipectfully'solicited-
Inars .C. INHOFF.
Estate Ituknetis, decfd,
ETV ERS of miministration'oa theiestate
.114 of WILLIAM fIARIC.NESS;.Iafe - of Al- t
len. township; Cumberland .county, .tiegeased i e
have been issued to the babr.idrilibtletidipg in
said - township; Aft persona indobthd tbPaid
estato.are. requested to Wake Infinediate pay •
ment,,and , those willv'present
them Properly nuthemicated for. settlement to
12 131111.7 Bit TSON, Aclthinisti'albr.•
------:- - ^1&',8! : -'SEA!'. AIMS& -. ----'-
.. .. , • LATEST Art. RIVAL
....).It . - - •-,-.- FROM CITIN A h•-• , :•The
, lix t r --- -R4 lovers Of '4•ood TEA can be
1 -Is 2 IiTES • II supplied with ,Tenitinta dr, Eo'a
' ' 'l t • S • • ' •a' i 1
. TEAs . upertor . Greoh-,,tm . le,t tic c
I .
gt:i',..ik 6ti, 'leas, either iooso - or,put'up
• ' -- ' ',,, in fourth, half , or: -pound . me.
tallic.pachs to suit purchasers at prices , ranging
from 50 'cents uple .$ I 'par pound, by, coiling at
t h e [store or . frots) . 'J. 0. HALBERT.'
. .
for Wilt
, "-ROIL -• '
"THE different . offiees arid Shopif,', on. the
cormii lot, where , George Ege,yeeldeti.. exPePt
ing two, ate yet Tor 'rent,.. trabils. wishing -to -
rent on: GEQRGIL
liotuses fcfr
60 R RENT from the first of ;
; ir , - , ..• ' ' .w - Affil tio7tt_.' Tbs..two.Store
ti t
/.4 . .. i . e.: Rooms vi.Nordt Hanover miser..
VT , .' r
. W., at' Presont: occeMed . by 'Messrs.
.A , 1 :_/' :,,f_4: : .Sternor ' tt:'Co., and "Artioldrand
kdvinpten. 'Also, Throe small,. RUBES,
ono stowed on Wpst, Louther .streot,and. the
other two ow Dickinson alloy. '' •
'duoiB' ,- ' .12k10. 413; PARKER:Ij
- ~
SEV ERAL tyvo Vtory nitiqK 41.0 USES
V on Iho , north eau ,toreer of. the Puhlie
Mtn niieure ht the rtiy littewe, "Iterper'e,
4 04 i i• Hew." , ' , For tecuio, At.e.i inquire of the
oebscriber. 'k 3 ,
' • •
...hitt-0.4143). . • •
rtii.;ste.'rstntiAt. ilsretpciireA (hot wttl-,'obatva.rY:''=DFW.lOßt—
' On Ea st ITlgh , Imartt- 3m