Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 12, 1851, Image 3

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A irfond
° has 'placed in-our hands a lqemori-
, n.I of the frlendnof Temp Fahce ~in."Pkilladelp
hin, to the foilslntlirO, - which contniim •some
"startling facts.'Tt in . therein stated tVnt. the
quantity of- Wipes' imported,
,into the plait Thiliul n ip tt hi durittEth , year::
1849, nod the first' months of 1850, Was
1,418,880 gallons, ,valued - ut 741;128 dollars,
while the importation of filename articles, du
ring the years 1846;4841 Mid. 1848; :11730 1.,-
209; 420 giillons;lttti••• value of 788,508 dol
lars. Thus it appears tinit •itt a period of
eightten,montbs, more of 'these `liquors 'hare
been Initortedi than there was Tri double the
timelefore ;' and they urge as Muir inference •
that, the present lieense system lies greatly. ,
promoted the coasumption and increased the
importation as •nbo•ve. They state -further, —
that prior : t4the 10th of April, 1849, the li
ecimed-,liMiseS for the sale of spirituons • .and
malt liquors did not exceed seven hundred and .
fifty, iind they now number two thimaandfour -
hundred and Those are mnployed
• in'seiling domestic, as well 'enforeign liquors, ;
r - n - ti - tris - rucgarmbie - tp - suppefie - that - the ,- us e r o f
1...;::1.9 increased in a like prepOrtion. '
7 - 7
On the 4th instnnt;:bysthe Rev. 'Kre
mer, Mr. Tempest P. Spit:hi:Mu, of Peters
burg, Adams county, to Miss Mary Aim Wal
ker, of Cumberland. county.
,the 6th instant, by the same, Mr. Wil
liam Nic l aeY; to INWCatharine Stein, both of
Frankfurt township: •
• On the same day, by the same,Mr. William
Dully, of Shiremanstown, to "'iss Caroline
Zinn:mum, of, Perry county. ,
On the same the. some, Mr. Phil .
111.1:er, to Miss Ann Murdorf, both of North
On the 18th mit. the Bev. Jasper Bennett,
S,rgeant Alnjoe.Thales lion Williamson -caval
ry school, Carlisle Barracks, to Itlrs. Eleonora
Barron, of Carlislo. - '
In this borough, ou Tuesday, by the noir. J.
N. lloffman,- Mr. Wni. Burkholder, of Frank
lincounty; to Miss Annie Sneli of Cumberland
othinty.- -
On the •4th instant, by the for. J. Ulrich,
Mr. Benjamin Flank, to Miss Mary 'Luck, all
of this county.
In Silver Spring township, on the 20th ult.,
of scarlet fever, SAMUEL, aged -1 years and 11
months, and on the ild instant, Des..t.cios,
aged 8 years, 10 months and 11'ilays—sons of
John anilTlien Itar.
Samuel, no more thy voice well hear—
With tone so soft, and accent clear,
us 80011 nit the veil of night, '
Given place to the, morning, light.
.Ne;lltotudear - hey-wbose-artless smile,
.11idst oft thy parent's cares beguile,
Host yielded to resistless claim,
The rosy cheek—the robust game.
4:- . * . * +. s '
* •
. .
Ah, ghastly'Death! how stern thou art!
For ere tithe's balm bath cased tfid , gmart—
Another summons thou host model,
The only brother. prostrate lakL
Yrs! thy; cherub smile no more,
Will greet us at the school-house door
Up..n thy vacant seat we look.—
lou.are not there tiith_Upen b00k....
No more we'll hear your joyous shout,
--- .NEUT)laymates ringing gaily out:—
Alt, yes! we miss thee at roll call—
How sad the thought to school Mates all.
Afflicted father justly scan,
God's dealings with short-sighted man ;
-.'Think of the Patriarch of old,
_ t
Remember, 13015amin had gone ; •
And left his father sad and lone ;
lie wept to Meet a brother. friend—
On whom Aid hope of life depend.
May this sweet butm thy sorrow heal— ,
Our Elder Itrethtif` gave a seal,
Of love for children, for we see—
lie kindly bids then' ) ." come to me."
J. C. E
New Muertiscincilts.
rpHOSE deSiring. very good BOOKS will
please call at my Drug, Book and Fancy
Store,, Main street, Carlisle. I ern making
,pronarations_fur the Trude%Saleain New York,
and , will sell the itockon hand at unusually low
p• ices -if called for within a few days. The
w ets now on hand comprise some el the very
best e granr. -
LAKE'S Firc and Water Proof PAINT,
which has been so extensively used for
the last six years with the utmost success on
the roofs of Houses, Steamboats, &c., no: 'a
- vitagle - in'ttancti - is - 19nrwn - whore it - has tailed
For sale by
~.012..1 S.AXTON.
rztloszi anoczxtrEst
A 'ls; EW supply olfresh Coffees, White and
Browti Sugars, Spices of all kinds, ground and
unground, with all the other varieties of a Cro•
cart, Store, including also a new supply of Jen
kin's *Nu. 1 Quality of
in metallic packs of quarter, hill , and pound
Packages from 50 to $1,50 per pound, as- also
in the bulk. All just opened and for sale nt the
store of [ml2] J W EBY.
Prothonotaryla Notice,
TOTICE i 6 hereby given to ell persona
terested that the following nccounts have
been filed in' the Prothouolary:s Office for ex.
amitiation by the accountants therein named,
and will be presented to the Court of Common.
Pleas of Cumberland county, for confirmation
nut allowance on' WEDNESDAY. the 16th
d y or Apr3t, A. D. 1951.
The'aceount of. John rulwiler, Joseph G,ler and Abraham Seaver, assignees of
Pitt Mai fin.,
The.accotint of Jahn Seidler and Abraham
Nieltey.'nssignecs of Jecoh Beidler.S •
Mail J F LAMBERTON,WrotIey.ta
Application for Tay 2 rn 'License.
NOTICE is htroby given that 1 intend to
apply ht the next term of ti; Court of
Quarter Sasaki - Cal .ef 'Cumberland county for a
Licence to keep a public houao nAv owned by
John Wolf htSouill Middleton toWnahip, being
en old stand L yoor petitioner therefore _pram
your Honore to grant him a License for tho
Burnt,: for the ,onsuing ,year, commencing on,
the second Monday
,of April nett, and tat in du• ..
ty bound ho will ova pray, &e.
We tha undersigned, citizens ofSouth Middle ,
tan township, in the enunty_of.dumberland, do
certify, that wo are - well•notaitnted with the a
bove named Benj Plnnic; that !lois of good
. i , oputo, for honesty and tiiinpoiance, and in well.
provided with hem room ;and convenienls for
the accommodaliori of eir'angars and trove lore,
and that attehliin or Tavorn in necessary to: ad=
commodate publ,o and entertain strangers
and iravellars.:
Harizler, John Wolf, Lo mard Wise,
John Plank, David floornor; John Pcterty. , Phil.
ip Breekbill, Wm.'Wlso, Henry Virtfbhort,liiiii;
ty Wise, Jaait , Lehman, Jamth Welso, 'lsaac
Kaufinan, Jacob Outoholl, A. PJ. Loidiok. •
' . Application for, Tavern License.'
NOY/ 10 E is liSrala,P.lvon. that. I inioAd_ to
at tho.niext , Court. of Quarter Soe
Walls of this county r kr •zt 11°0100 (0 , haw. a
publia hones in the house now oocopiot3by, mo
,sutih its Nowton toivnahip.- .
We the Underalgne I citizen?, or 'Newton to.:
Co,inharland county, n certify . that We aro well '
will, the. above 'ntimrid - John' - Wl'
king, nf good reptile for lionoety and., ,
torriptirenee, end is well "unfilled with. Imago
robin and convenience', for the oecornedirtion pf
strangers end 'traveller', end Unit' such Inn or „
warn le necopeary to nooomntlute2-dhe—itualic7
and-entortaiwatrog ere en d travol i c „ .
,flolter.Sesnuel W.Shurp, RA, '
John GraceY, John Weatheffer; Joel Bricker,
A, ElrialcaqiuhnlT)arp, humph 141 , Cuile. Wi
MoCullcinet„ Daniel Byars, ei fir o p.
Owerlp.i • ' • ,;(3
;,~ .
WpOIIpURN. Etuts; Directors of the,Poor;.and "c;f;(11'e - Htinse', of Em
ployent‘ for file Coinity" tic Citinbcirland,"ititecount'Ltvitti.sitia:outity`;
Areal flats Ist clay,of January, to Altel3lst •day of Deceinber'4l3so inolu-
Sllll3, VIZ;: .
To amount due 'institution at set,
.tlement in 1849, by Jacob Squier, , ! • ,
Esq.. TrenSUrer, 2447 42
Ain't drawn from County Trans . 1
000 00
Received ior one horse , .: /0 00,
Of Jacob Shroni for bides & skin - .141 '47
Of G, C Saunderson, for mo of •' • '
Mar y -Knott to
Of R Snodgrass, Esq. for use
For Skims
'FM blank indontuw
For tallow and lard
For cider
$5,808 780,
Amount duo.dironirs by county 719 781
1 --_
7AgOB SQ UIER, Bsy., Treasurer of the Poor
land County, in account uith the Directors of
the 31st day of December, 1850, inclusive, viz
To amount due at settlement $ 447 22
ReCeiVitt from County Treasurer 5000 00
Received from J Lohaeh, Stew
ard, reprn different sources as
exhibited in the foregoing state
moot 301 561
- $5,808 7$
Ant'at due Directors by county, 716 786
7 head of horses, 32 head of horned cattle, 2l Sheep, 16 Hogs, 17 Shoats, 5 Pigs, and 2 Calves
. -Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal, fattened and killed on the tam in 1860.
37 i teeves, average - weight 55 pounds, (19,425 1b5.).15 calves, average - weight 65 pounds (975
lbs.) (10 sheep, average weight 44 pounds, (2.6.10 lbs.) 46 hogs, average weight 181 pounds,
(8,320 lbs.) malting in all (31,366 lbs.)
Farming Utensils on the Farm Ist January, 1851
1 broad rifid [harrow wheeled wagoir,-1-wakon bed; -1 pair of wood - and two - pair of hay lad
'hors, I cart at.d cart gears, 'sleigh and harnass, 3 plows, 4 harrow., 5 double shovel ploughs,
-9- s in g le-shovel-ploughs,-1-stono-wsgon,-1-throshing—machine-and-horse_pcewer.._Llanning
rolling screen, I corn shelter, -114tund roller, 2 cutting boxes, 2 grindstones, 2 log chains,
cow. chains., 6 sett of wagon gears, 6 sett oC plough gears, 2 sett Of carpenter. tools, 1 sett o.
blitekstnii les tools, 2 sett of butchering tools, 5 wheelbarrows, 1 cabbage„knilo, 5 g rain cradles,
Aind variety'uf arep, picks, mattocks, shovels. crowbars, corn lioes,lorks, rakes, cickels,
scythes, atone hummers, sledges, spades, single and doublO trees. &c. 1 tilbury.
Schedule :1116 . 1cin:q - thi proceeds of the farm for 1850. •" • •.
I^_oo bushels of ii•lfenf, 79 of 46,,E39 f TFOCibrc - Orii; 350 TifP - 6tirth ;12 - oF tinirt
45 . o rcd-bcnts, 6-:of beans and ifeaU., 55 of onions; 2of little onions, 2 of-turnips, 20 of par,
snip 15 of tomatoes. 3200 heads of cabbage, 9500 cucumbcrs, 6 wagon loads. of pumpkins,
made 31 loads of:hay, 14 of cornfodder, 30 barrels of cule.r— .
Mao , 'factured and made in the House and Shop.
156 shirts and Chernir e l Comforts, 20 caps, 108 calico frocks, 49 cotton frocks, 105 aprons,
47 petiicontß, 8 pair of a digs kniited, 83 onir 'Voted, 107 pillow 'slips, 36 - sun bOnners, - 15 -
towels, 45 sheets, 11 sma ts, 8 pair of pants, 5 vests,
.27 barrels of soli soap, 94 lbs. of hard
soap,'l2B gallons of apple butter,
Thebkectors, 4-c., of said Institution, annex the following exhibit of extra labor,' d . c., perN.rmed
by the Steward, Matron, and Paupers, from the Ist day of January to the 3.1.31 day of :Decent-
Ler, 1860, inclusive, viz:
'Made IS coffins, 5 new gates, 2 sinks for kitchens, 8 washing machines, 3 Wheelbarrows, 18
spittoons; 8 single trees, built a new privy at ter.ant house, repaired and weatherboarded gable
end of tenant house, quarried stone for and made 20 rods of stone fence, made 4 round splint
'bushel ba kets, 6
1 .?
handle baskets, 10 willow boa :mei 500 rails, cut 100 cords of wood, made 46
panel of o post fence, and done about 910 worth of blaeltsmithing.
Number o pauper.-in the Institution lat January, 1850, of which s 8 were colored
Number admitted up till 31st December, 1850, of which 17 were colored and 3
Making the whole number throfigh the year,
Of which 18 died, 6 children bound out, 22 eloped, and 192 discharged,
Leaving the number of paupers in the poor house Ist Jan 1851, of Which 22 ar eolo'd
Out-door paupers supported at public expense through the year, 12, of whit h 5 has
been admitted and 3 died, leaving
Whole_number_supportedist.January 1851
Of those remaining in the poor house 3101. of December, 1850, there are—
Mules 74, of which 12 ti - re coldred
I , ,:emsles 41, of which 10 ere colored
And 9 out-door paupers; of which 1 is col'd
There are as near ais can be ascertained. 4 from Ito 5; 6 from 5 to 10; 8 from 1040 20; 16 from
20 to 30; 13 from 30 to 40; 10 from 40 to 50; 18;from 50 to 60; 15 from 00 to 70; 14 Irom 70 to 80;
7 from 80 to 901 3 from 90 to 100; 1 above a hundred.
In addition to the above, 170 transient paupers or travellers have been received and supported
for a short time withoutregular orders.
. . .
We the Directors of thr; Poor and of the Houso of Employment for the County of Rumber
land, do certify the above and foregOing statement to contain a just and true exhiliit of the-In
stitution, during the period above stated, according to the best of our.knowledge. Given under
our hands this Ist day of January,.tBsl. \ . .. .
M. G. BELTZHOOOVER , Directors. •
. . _
. . . . .
. we, the undersigned, Auditors of Cumberland county, elected and sworn according in low,
having'examined the 'accounts and votn.litrs cif the Directors • of tiro Poor end of the House of
Employment of said.eounty from the let day of January to the 31st day of `December. 1850, at.
elusive, do certify that we, find a In - dance due tb the Directors aln esaid,.of seven hundred and
nineteen, dollars anti seirenty t eight nn a half 'cents, by thc.county aforesaid. Given under our
hands at Cailisle, this 10th day of January, 1851. .
Pll I LIP QUIGLEY, Auditors., ,! -
q't 't • •LEWIS „DYER, ~. •;;.
March -12; 1851—st
Application' for Tavern License, Unprecedented Success of Hutching's
Vegetable Dyspepsia Bitters.... The m a s t
NO'floE is hereby given 'that I intend to
popular Family medicine ofthe age-used by
iPPIy at the next term of the Courrof Quatter
l'hysicians of high standing., •
Sessions ol Cumberland county, fora license to
These :111tiets • remove all Morbid secretions,
keep a public house in the house now occupied
as such liy John 'Weitzel, in East Pennsboro'
purify the' blood, give tone had vigor to thedi.
township., .. .
WART..., gostive organs, fortifythe system against all
marl... , ALEXANDER. STE
futu diseases, can be taken witMeatety, at no
'time debilitating the-patient—being-grateful to,
• the most delicate stomach, and remarkable for
strengthening-, and
" ll undersigned •
We to citizens of the .toWnehip
of East ponpaborough, in the County-of PUIII their cifetlinfj, invigorating,
berlenit,:de certify thai . wo ire' well acquainte d ; restertitive: properties, and an invaluable rem-.
with the oboe named AleiandarStewart, that i 1.. yeto :the .DYSPEPSIA IN rrs_, WORST
of Remarxable Cures, aud•the high;
he is of good repu • to fur honesty and temper , - ' °RMS.'Ciretilars, containing . the Car
once. and well provided with house room andAinCtiles
estimation in which-thin
conveniences • for. the accommodation of stran-;
the public, press, can be had of the agents, fremi
gars end; travellerii, and that such ,an inn or
Price 50 cents per bottle." Principal Office P 22.
tavern is necessary to accommodate the public
and entertain strangers and travellers., : Fulton street, .'N.•'Y., • up mire. Dr. S '1,,,
• '.Vm P - Hughes, Henry Killheffer, Dens . = Ll° l7 • Aaqit fOr (. 0 1 i 84 i.:.• :';
.Frooland, George Moltz, Bixler, $ Bowman, -' -- - - - -
J Lozgnecker, J Nied mmtner; Valentine',
Winzal, Isaac Bowers, Win. Phillip/3, N ill
V(rE respectiblly request the' attention of
1 ell 'dealers in SC la 0 OL, MISCE LLA
A piiltartion for: Taysrg LicenSe. ;• NBOUS Or B LAN K:' 800 KS,. STArI'ION.
'NOTICE is -. hereby' giVen that I intend to ERY, PATDR. and WIND Q,WI SHAD F,a,.
ripply at the next.terin of the C our t of Quarter' to out superier:lrteilitieelbr supplying et trim-.
Sessions' for 'a 'License - keep topublicr..l,6l.le• easily- low' rates, for cash or approved c'rUclit,
in the, how now'occupied. , larnan-ne such in ' every ante potiaining to our trU
husine ,
Dickinson townsitip;Cumbeiland county. ' A long and , Motive experience :wititentues! in
marl 2. • . VICTOR . SHANNON. saYiriethat'We, can ofletindtmements
•• diallers '• -, •
WO the undersigned eiiiiens'of the township- 'it' i r k
et y co e l ) • ono
of Dickinson, in the conrirty: Of Curriberland, do q
- certify that weare - well t itcqueilted-with-the-ii:--- , •Wri-earnestiy , -ash-ett - -.exentinatirm-ol'-ciax
hove atained . Victor'Sliannon, that 'he is of good mode 'of 'eonducting liusiness, , litilieving if fin
ren'uta for honesty and i tempertince, and is won ,experiment is Made, it.will brafound for the in.
proVided•With house room endi,coinveniences terest of those desiring ; goods in Our lima ko
for the iteaMitmodation Of strangers' and' travel. continuo:operating with :us. ,
.ere, and that such Inn Ot tavern is necessary to • Our at'atlaselisonclorge,,qnd andoew
accoinihoilimi-the public and entertain strangers, ed with- 'particular; reference ; tot (thements
'and itniellere. ''• •' j :Pennsylvania, .Ohio and t ha. noarade goner-
Poter'Spanglerw•Joseph Gellnatith', 'J. Moore,.-alliY•' ' • "
Georgoltle'rtin,' Francis Hutchinson, C. M • •,Orders by: mail or otherwise :dispociiPd
lei, Jones Weekleyi - George:tdwongeri - Samuel prom pt Iy, and at, the lowest,rates . known.Na any
Stunrt,Jaoob Trego.•„,' . market.. • ',,s : t,,
• ' irrir he hest • P rleo , • given „lot ..8.40S an
- ' Brushes Ir cash _ pe s ca.& BLISS, „,
" •.,- - NorilaßaatEarnfir-fitMard itArcketts
t varietygtea - Zif ,'t hese usefitl. artieles maro,l m • PHILIODLPIOA.
-fored for Vale, consisting of Whitewash, ~; .
ing,' Serubbing,. Painters, loth, Shaving, Heir, •
Tooth and Niiil,'Flesh 'and armin g Brushes in:iv/us: BAILEY OirOYo her services to the o
great variety, all of whiCh are of the (teatime Who .require ettendancons a-MIDWIF
•ty arl - 1411l be sold urtho low,eskPricoa • t having 'had mualrilaperienee. ' She may a
Juno 0. •;
.•• Quad, at lte(rooltiotiott, Ott North•virett,.'l4••
• • .0.,
BT pnyinent or interest on doixer ' •
in raver :0 Mrs. -o!Brien in the , • -.-
lanct - purchniod.of .A.'
in 1842 - •$39 91
By cash ,for'
. g.rooeries,..niorchan-• • `. • r. - I
dim clothing & boding inoluded . '2326 30i
Fur stock, . 3229 00
For,grain, flour'and grinding. ' •. '.512156i,
For ahoe!lting, tailoring' & hait'g.' ' 278.7 44} ,
For support °r ant door paupers '264 00-
Forhardware, oil; points,'&o ...105 09
For 16 . rithin • , ' • 162 51,
... ...... -.
. 250
11. 86
• 1 00
For •blackemithing •- • ' , • - ,•.109 01
For peelings • . '. • . .: ' • :.. 35.64
For. .
Lumber • 68 18 .
For manufacturing saltinett . . .95 62i-
For out dpor medical aid ' -- : •19-.00 --
For painting house • .. •' . 43;00 !
•For Saddlery 35 596., •
For brick - • - ' . 44 421
For materials, &c., purchased for;
use of farm , ' .51 1021 '
For•carpenter work. . .11 841' :• ;
•For_freightLon_groceries, &C • • 14 1.2 i • •
' For.pliistCr and cloverseed <, :.(3• 50 '
For tin and copper ware & tink'g 20 314
For out, door funeral eiPenses - 54' 37i
For traveling expenses, , . 16 344.,
Berpligh of Lewistown for.. sup
port of paupers3l 424
For. lime, 10 55
, .
For mason work : 29 18i
For repairing thrashing machine , 29 75
For Constable's fees 18.50
.plastering new house 91 95' .
Blind Institution for use of Sarah ,
ItleGlaughlin . 25 00
For postage 3 031
For stationery 2 00
4 20
For sundries
J Lobach, salary 1 year, (hirelings .
wages included) Z 75 00
Dr. I. IFlaughman, physician, sal
ary for one year ' 100 00
J Squier, 'Esq. Treasurer, salary
for 1 year 40 00
L.Todd. Esq. Attorney, salary for
one year2o 00 -
Wm Ker, Esq. extra services' as
Director, 16 50
Thou - Bradley, tsq.i . 16 50
M. G Beltzhoover, Esq. " - .9 00
$6,528 571
House and House of Employment of Cumber
said Institution, from the 10 day of January to
By cash paid ardersobove stated $6,528 57.1.,
$6,5V8 57i
Stock on the Farm lzt of January' 1851
, Bookdellers, Country Merchant
and Teachers,
66,5„28 671
1 4 IV A.
BAUGHMAN,. infort i liS
and the - publie, , thia. he Nin (Vet:nines :.ttt Attend
to all profersional Calls, as heretofore, (notitith• - •
standing reports to the contrary .;,_
• n East High etraaf. .-'• -
4.§§4§§o:4"MPF4oloof ,
I,llo,l l ubsciiber ha's, initde errangent4le
:leave this place by the 25th of.thitionnith';,
Allpersbne indebted Will see this ,pkopxiety
.Calling : on nib and Snaking , settlement ; ,lietese
I leave., *After , that tints rnibeelts,
leftlin Aim. hands of a Justice,ot the geikee;.pii,d'
all accounts,standing unsettled, after 4,4l4:tittle,
Must necessarili,be collected by,lthii._,Plettoe:
.cull,and oblige •
.14 ' otatEncr.
. •
-TUTS Institution will be open for'the reeep••
tion..'of StUdell's, on Si N D the - '9fh - nf
May„ next. TIM t cour'sb of iustruction:'
etribrsee the itatipuS. branches of' d
English 'Education, together Wiji dig - Lauri,'
Greek,.French and German LangatigeV, and
Vocal and InstfUmental Music. ' : • ' •
Boarding, Washing an tuition
intho English, branches per imp
iiion (5 months) .
Latin or Greek •-•
French or German , • '
Instrument*ll Music -
For fuither - inforniation address
' Di DENLINGER, , , 1 , ,
niarchb,ly Principal, Harrislturg, Pa,
, SIMILE*, '. •
No. 8 Market Street, near the Bridge,. ;
HARRISBURG., • 1 ,- •
&au, tom the most celebrated Eastern
Manufactories; ;kY'Furnislied aL :Manufactur.
er's prices.l(tnnrs 8m
Cali and Se; before Purolussiv,
HE subscriber is just receiving and upen•
ing at his Cheap .Family GrOcery!kand
Queensware Store , in Weet Maid street, Par.
lisle, a very large: assortment of-all the anti.
attain his lino of business. • • •
Ric! Coffee front 12 to' 14 cents per pound,
for, good to a strictly prime article; • Also,
-Brown Sugars of the beer quality, from 7 to 9
-cents per, pound, Lovering's beet •crushcd and
pulverized Sugars from 10 to-12 1.2 cents per
pound, N. O. Sugar House and Syrup •Molas•
sea of all grades from 32 to 62i•per
Also, a supply of frosh ground SPICES of all
'kind's, warranted pure. SOAPS, Fancy, Cas
tile, Rozin and Country, Soaps, Chocolate,
•verized Saturants, Ihdigb, Mould and Dipped
Candles, Common and Winter Strained Whale
Oils. Also, a supply of fresh Hominy; cheese
from the beat Dairies always on hand. fancy
sewing, traveling, clothes and market BM.ets,
together with a general assortment of Chew
ing and looking '
oking Tobaccos Spanish and half-
Spanis !Cigars,' Common do., ropes, twines,
and Br shes of all kinds: .„
CEDAR •W - A It E.—Housekeepers, and
others expecting , soon to embark in the saii‘e
business, please call and examine my,atock' of
Wash tubs, Wash Rubbers, Chums,. Cedar
Buckets, fancy, painted and tarnished Buckets,
Brooms, Ike., &c. •
subscriber has just added to his already large
stock.a numberof_w_hife,t;ranite,...Gold_Figur.-
- et, Blue, Marble, Flowing Blue and Mulber.
ry Tea Sets, of 48 pieces, Also: Plates and
I Dishes, Tumblers, Ph.serve Dishes, Syrup
Bottles, &c. of every - description and price so
that he will be able to ingot the wants and
means of all in the corinnunity•who may favor
him with a call.
China and Crockery Ware.
LARGE and general assortment ofiQueens
ware has just been received by the sub •
scriber, embracing a handsomelabSortnient of
the best "
• --
such as Dishes, Plares, Tea Sets, covered and
uncovered . dishes, bowls, . toilet. and chamber
acts, pitchers, togetner•witb a lot of -
Blue Liverpool Ware, • •
all of the latest style nad shapes, also, all Old
various articles of the-host oommou -
While and Edged Ware.
While and Gold china Tea Seb,
of the best quality find style, and also all the
necessary articles 'of the best Granite, -Slone
and Blue Liverpool Ware suitable for any-sized
Dinner or Tea . Sets -
as may hp wanted, together wit hl a variety of
Glass Ware, including a lit,o assortment of
Bar and- Table Madders,
dishes; fabled and other bowls, goblets, wino
glasses, - *lemonades, lamps, &e. Tho prices
for all of which are fixed at the lowept cash
prices. We invite our friends who arc in want
of articles in our line to give us a call. -
mars J W EBY.
37., El VI 0 V IL Xi!
Family Grocery Store.
THE subscriber having removed his Grocery
0 - Establishment, -on , South 'Hanover
-0,•1 „
_strectoo the ta4,6 • building nearly
clad &Sires - 1
- 54 , the attention of the:public to the Po
" perior stock of FILLSII GROCER- .
lES which he has just opened, and, which he
will sell on the most.accomtnodating terms.—
The arrangement of his new-Establishment will
befound of the most .coniplete.clikracter, add
his assortment comprises every article that can
be found in a
Perfect Family Grogery;
such as sugars. cbiTee, teas, sPiees , ,fiants, dried
beef, cheese. stied, niackerel,:herrings dried .
fruit, soaps,&c., together
.mith '.en elegant as
sortment o China and Crockery'Wpre of eve
-7y style t.nd quality, queeneware, brooms,
brushes, baskets, and an endless variety o tirr
- 11C1CS W11;911 it is . impossible 'to enureerafe.7—:'
Vor cheapness and excellence .hiearticles can
not be, surpassed A' call from the public is:
thereinto respectfully seliciled ,
-mars • ' C INLIOFF •
TEA.! ',TEA! ;
vrel .- 3 Z lovers good 'FBA - cOn ?),e
si".i6lZ FRESH supplied vvidaenicin's & Cies
Superior 'Green and, Blab %
Dither lobs° or put lip
in fourth, half or pound me•
italic packs to suit purchasorti at, prices ranging
from 50 cents up to Sl'perpound; by oalling!at,
the store of [mrtil J. D., If A LSE
- -
Estate .ef .Wm HarlOtess
• ETTERS of administration on
`Lk of WILLIAM HARKN.ESS. late of Al•
ion township, Cumberland county;' deceasCd,
have been Issued ilf!lic,kiableribor - residing in
said •township: AU personae indebted to slid
benne' are requested to is tike) 'immodiate
meat; rota tho'id having Atoms, will present
them property authenticated for settlemonteci
. • '
ROBI4 11 RYS 0 lq; lido; in irt rater,
'y n t i rs:.6l.••, •• • i , i
The undereignetfoAtiditor,,appoiniact. by the
Orphans Court to etatlhat eiglithetributo the Ws+
;sets in the hands of :John Attltl, adtninistrator
cif Samuol •Sheafferi - dee'd., to and among the
creditors, wilLattend. to that duty et; is ofnen,
on FRIDAY,.tho,I4II of March, 1851. crai•
tore are ne;itl4 eresent their
• ' 11.'MlfENDERSON,
Carlieltr; Feb. '12,!51-.4t ''Auditor;
• 1117311TOB. 1 0011TVIZCX14 , '
" 4 ''
undef6i g not, A t udito, nppQihled b,.
tho 'Cann telnarshal and dubtribate the
namatrin the hands,of William fii. Handirson,
4 . .asignee of 4raharit: Isteitalay,•,.annong ie
eeedltcea',''giJaa - notice,' thatlid attend !to
th , 4)4 y .111001'0e in' CerlialC'
11 4 1 ; -
crediteea,'44 itiroy:_ni.itified"tte'pecnantl that!
an of balked - that day.
jan2D • A•B prIARPU; atictitnrJ • :
. ,
E3tate• of.BenjEunin
:4. ..,
thifilsteakiircwrith Inin'intiid;'on t e
'OBll4O arßpf,T NAN DILI1E11; Ihinbr.No Eh
'Middiethn triainntiii,..Cnniberlund edunty,.(lo,.
eessed, have been! • . gittnitedAo er
residing in ' Mo4rpikisi,
All persons knowing Iherrnielvoa indhbted td
said, estgtol'an 'regnired"'Solynttkp- , , intrnedi.te•
• • rilisnvlntil-thenn - ,44 1 1 - ise-clanns-nre
J.olilsr. DILLER
iyrdhtviidir, '4froott
611. ' Pot sag C Fi-Tri f t PLT
Application - for . Tavern Ucense.-
NOTICE is .lidte,by e!. th nitSnd np
plying at thojnext tarm oldie Court: of cititittot
Sessions foi:e Licenso to keep - . 0 - publie - house
in the houseltiOtV"iiccutiy:iis such in-the Su
rofigh - "
mr s, ° titfitty • GLASk.
Wo,. the: tindorsighed, citizens of, the Roro.'.
of Carlislo b duicertity that we aro ‘‘oll i acuniaiL
ed with' tltd,abevo .narned ,Henry Glass,
that ho is cif hued yepute for . honesty and tem7
perfume, and is well provided. With hotiseloum
and conveniences .lor the accommodation of
strangero and, travellers, and that such Inn 'or ;
'Pavorn is'neceasary to accommodate tliepublic
and, entertain stranmire and travelleis.
Samuel .Myers, ,G L Murray. JLeiby, jr.;
G :Common, W,Ort Miller, Jacob Wolf, Hugh
Gaullagher. George:Hendel,Jacab I,eiby, John
Noble, II L Burkhcildor, Edward Shown', A,
Lambormn, JOB W Patton, G W Hilton,,••
ApplioEttion• for Tavern License.
NOTICE is hereby 'given that! intend up.
plying ot the April-Court of. Quarter. Sessions
of this county, for n Lieenso to keep a public
hduse in the , house now- occupied by George
Monett as such, in MOnroe township.. • a
magi- • • ' DANIEL MOREETT.
We; the undersigned, citizens of thelbwn•
do certify that . we are well acquainted with ' the
rilioVe'lioned Dcreiel Monett) that he is of good
repute for honesty and temperance, and is well
Provided with nouo&room and conveniences for
the ticeommodation of strangers and travellers,
and that such Ina or Tavern is necessary to
accommodate the public and entertain strangers
and travellers. .
S Gamier, John Wheeler, Cary .W All,
tittim„James Livings , on, Christian Dahmer'
John A Ahl, J Wootton, George Morro D
Sheller, Dart'l Eberly, Dan'! Sheller, C Brand,
G Sheer.
5' 00
5 00.
]0 .00
Application for Tavern License.
NOTICE is hereby given dual intend to
apply at the next term of the Court of Quarter
Sessionaor this county, for a License to keep
honse •in the house now occupied by
rne tig . talleil in Silver Spring township-
•We, the- unders i gned, citizens of the town
ship of Silver Spring, in the county of Cum
berland, do certify -that we are well acquainted
with - the above named George Coover, that he
is of good . repute for honesty and temperance,
supplied_ with house room-and — con-
Venien'ees for the accommodation of - strangers ,
and•ttaVellers, - and that such Inn or. Tavern is
necessary to accommodate tho public .and
seitain strangers and travellers. • ~
J gleidig, Jacob Gross, David Sterrett, C.
'Shreiner, Levi Meily,' B M Heilman. Simon
.Crownewell, Isaac Brenizer, James William
son, J Bauman, G V Coover, J.-Bebb,
Sammie! Cocklin, Wm M Meily, Corn
-16A, Jacob Boor. •., .
Application for T4Vertt'License.
gotricE is hereby given that 'lntend fe
apply'at the next term of the Court of Quarter
Sessratis of Cumberland county for a License
to keep a nubile house to the house now odcu•
pita by ThoMpson B Weakley, in Lower Al
len township -
WO, the undersigned, citizens of Lowereil.
len'tqwnship, Gamerland, co. do certify that
we are well acquainted with the above named
Thomas McKee, that he is of good repine for
honesty and .temperance, and is well pYovided
with "house room end conveniences tor the ac.
commodation of strangers And travellers, and
mode re the pubiic.and entertain strangers'and
John Sheely, jr., Wm R Gargas, Frederick
Long, SI Butler, John Sheely, sr., Daniel Shel
ly. Samuel Zimmerman, Jacob Lope - , George
Eichelberger Henry Stephen;tlEmMl - Hart; F
Seely, 'l' 13 Wcakley.
Application for Tavern License.
IN 0 11C,Cia .hereby given .that I intend to
apply at the next term of the Court of Quarter
Sessions of Cumberland county, for a License
to keen a public house in-the-house now occu
pied by Samuel Hess, in Kingstown, Silver
*111 . 1.9g
We, the undersigned, citizens nfKingstown,
Silver Spring township, do certify ttat'we are
well acquainted With dip above namcd".Tolin
linf, that ho is of good•reputo for honesty and
temperance, and that he is well provided with
hOnsiirocom - and conveniences-forum accommo
dation of strangers antlyavellers, and that such
-Inn—or—Tavavizis_micesisary to accomthodote
strangers and•travellers.
. _
Martin Harman, Jachb Landis; George - Reed
Joseph Sadler, jr., C M Harmon, Wm Irvin,
David Drenizer, Wm. K. Stevenson,S.amuel
Medina, A n Zerger, P Bricker, Wm Saxton,
George Smith, A. Miller, J Myers. D Speidel,'
D Homer. M. Cooper, H. W.
Irvine, John M. Martin, Jacob Eckord..
Application for Tavern Lic ease.
NOTICE Is hereby given that I intend ap-
LI plying at the April Court of Quarter
SeS3lons of - Ihis county; fur u License to keep
a public houto in the house linty occupied by
me as 51141 ill the township of East Pennsbore.
We, the undo signed, citizens of the town
ship of East Pennshorough, in the county of
eumbOrland, do certify that we are well
gvainted with the alma named William P.
Hughes,* that he is of good repute for honesty
and .temperance, and is well supplied with
It °user - earn. an.d_mmyenieneca—lor Abe_ amain,
modation of strangers and travellers. and that
such Inn or Tavern is_necessark to necomme
date the public mid entertain stranger's and tra
•Samuel Sadler, P Erh, James Myers, R
Wilgon, Henry Carlin; David Oyster, William
Philips, Adam Ettinger, A Frank,' Jno Ilotz,
Solomon Ebersole, Jonas Eichelbargei, Sam'l.
Christian Himmeirich.
Application for Tavern License.
• NOTICE is hereby given 'that I intend 'to
apply ot. the next term of the Court of Quarter
Sessions of Cumberland county for a License
to keep a public Itoutielin.thmhousa now occu
pied by Gm& "Geed year in; Olturchmwn . •
We, the undersigned, citizens of Monroe tp.
in the comity of Geinberlnnd, do'-eortily that
we ore well acquainted witic-tha shove mimed
Peter B Goodyear, that he Is of goodYrepute
for-honesty alid , t niperancp, t antt: ; 'is•sttell provl.
ded ivith house room and conveniences for.tho
accotrurodatilm of strangers and travogors, and
that such Inn , or • Tavern necessary [to
accommodate the public and entertain strangers•
and travellers.
• 'Maser; Bricker,. Coorvi Strad:, Cant'lid
‘Vostlllll, Cary- \V All, CI Hartz 'S:
Cocklln. G Brindle; G - Baiali,l-P.l Buck, Poor
Baker, John. Paul, Adam Gpnalerl
Application for Tavern License;
I%,:tOTICE is hereby given . that the subscriber
IN, intends applying at the ,ensuing„ term of
the court of Quarter Ses•siont of !his•
t r ot License to:keen n'itublie hnusc•in the house
nowocaupied by as such. and . : known - tis
the Alanston House Hotel,•iti die ;West Ward
hullo borough . ol Carlisle. • : • :
Si • '
We the tind signed citizens. o . tho' Vest.
Wardi-Carlisle,. in the county of Cuinberland,
do certify that•we are well acquainted with the'
abovenamed Joseph W. Patton,-that lie is of
good repute for honesty-and temperaheof and is
well:provided with house roormatid convonienr
cos, fora the necomodation of strangers and
'travellers; and that.such.lnn or Tavern is nee.-:
Vssary.tol•accetnodate the public :and.; entertain
,strangers and travellers. ; „ . , •
'John Aiell, A Noble; Wipinm 11L Porter, R A
Noble, George IrMurray, -Henry' Glass, j S
•i•Einsmi»ger, ‘Villinin Cart, J N Armstrong;
.Dpvid Rhoads. George W Hilton, A Roberts*
; 'John D. Gorges: Goorgo•Hge... • ; '
Application for Tavern Lietinse:
- 1100TICE is:hereby given: that the, subsei
1:4I lair intends npplytng et the ensuing totin
of the Coutt of Quarter Seesione,of . ,Cumb6:"
ict`nil county, fur nlicense. to keen a public.
henna ia the stand. known as . the' Depotlflotise:
In the ligiefigli . :orMeatianithiburg.
. , JAMES A.• MELOY. '
We.the tiritiersignsil-citizepiaef,'4,l3nren c th'
01 Mechanicsburg, in the county .of - 7 .Cumb rj,
land: do' cartifr we ttro"well A tromminted . `wi tit
the above ne'mdd Tinines A. Moldy, - that heist
of ioddleption fot honesty and. temperance, mid,
i 3 ,w ell wovided .with,hoose roota j aml,.cririveni- ,
nneoe.rna tho iiecenino laden ortorangetS;n d
!Ilkviiqqt'ii.r°S.;.l?ilkiluAb Ipn oelrAybpal 1 ' c.
essary to, accommo ate, the":,tlloleptti:ent r
ing' otranniers, no ,t avellAß.., .-,,, ;. ,i ~,,, , I
411k.lidest.".-Georgo.oauck,Afr,.l'EalikiPti :id:
_ Enlmenger. VeorgftliStowoor,,trefts ,,,, -
~:t mild, Henry Carne 0-Stormer, Jecoltaln •
..::.410„,1200rge .tfolk,Pasid Leng.r.oter_uo 1,
Ailani Ifluc i li,, 9FojctrAiin oow,l'ater Bak . r.
, ! ).;tf., , i ~, ,. -._.„::.. 2q1 , .:‘,0 t
)101N°L:DS i:eryA 8 1
*IT itqso o .;l l 4l4 it Y,
, Notices,.
• ;
lk,l - 01: - /Ck id hereby g given: to persons
.n• interesrod,r4hai.flte--tono-win&-nemuf"-
haVe l hoen filed la 'this offiCit'fOr ex,aminiiiiim, by
the; necutuifahte tfipri4n minted, and will be preL
sened:to:the Orpt aha•• Court' of Cdmberland '
county, ' ' - Odtirmatietti and alltiivaileo,' ott
Toendethe . _2_Tith.eif March, A. D.. 1854 viz :
‘1• T account of Daniel Cfunket, ndminis
trator of Adam Cunkel,'lato of Silver' Spring
2,- The, account or Christian Leib, admirila-';
irator of Mary Leib, lato of South .Middliitoit ; '
townehip,A9c4a,ed.• •', • ,• •
' 3. The account of A. P. ,
-.Erb. adminiatratei
of Ab'm. Erb, late of Easi Pennaboro town , -
ship, deceased.,, • .
4. - The account of Wm. Webb, ad a,
tor of Henry Lawson, late of the bor
Carlisle, deceased:
5. The final, ccount ol John Piper and l'no -
5: Dunlap, addiinistrator of James Piper,. late
of West Pennsboro! township, deceased.
6. The account of Jacob Kirk, Executor of
Daniel -H. Young; late of the borough of . Nevi ,
Cumberland,,deceased. : . .
T. The account of Joseph Quigley, adminis•
trator of John Hatfield, late of the city of Gm.
cinnatii, deceased. ,
8. The account of Jaeoli Mumma, Guardidnj
of 'Jacob Garret, deceased, minor child of Ja.
cob Garret, deceased.
~9.-llteaccaunLof_J.acott_Weet, Guardian ol
Elmira Shandlach, deceased, .rodier - eliird — of -
Phitip Shambach, deceased..
'lO. The account of Henry Mowers, ,ndrnin , -
istrator_of_D_avid Mowers, late of Shuthanip-'
ton township, deceased. '
11. The account of
~Michaol Gochawer, Ex
ecutor of Wm. F. Barbour, late 'of -the bor-
ougliof Shippensburg, deceased.
-12. The aceountof Martin Burkhart, de"ea- •
Bed: who was Guardian of Samuel and' Sarah
Miller, as settled by said Guardian's adminis
13. The accoun. of Jacob Mumma, Guardtart,' , ),,
of Daniel Bovenmyer, minor child , ef
enmyor, deceased. -
14. The account Of David Genower, and Ja
coli•lleck, Executor of A. M'Elhare, late of
the borough of Shippensburg, deceased.
' - 15. The account of John B. Coover, admin
istrator of Joseph Crail,'late of Allen town.'
ship, deceased. . .
16. The account-of Robert P. M'Clare, ,
ministrator of Eliza Peebles, late of the her
ough of Shippensburg - ,-deceased.
17. The account of John Lefever, Guardian
of Wm. C., George, John N. and James Car
otheri„ mind. sons of John N. Carothers,
deceased. •
- -- 'lB, -- The account of-- Samuel-Huston,
dian of Mary E. and' Nancy Jone Duncan, '
minotchildren of Wm Duncan, deceased.
19. rho account of John• Ryan, Executor of
John Dicen, late of East Prrinsborough town
'ship, deceased.
20. The account of David S. Runslm, Exec
utor of Mary-Fulton, late of Newton township,
deceased- ,
21. The account of David Kutzl.Exec,utor
Win Kutz, latet.of South Middleton township,
deceased. a
22. The account of Rolaert Laird, adminis
trator de bonis non with the will annexed of
James Moore, deeeased, as settled by-J. L.
sl'Dowell, one of the Executors of the said IL
Lifird, deceased.
23. The account of George Rupley. admin
istrator do bolds non of John 11. Longsdorf,
late of East Pentisboro township, deceased.. •
24. The account of Mrs. Jane. Davidson'"
surviving -Executor of Rev: Dr. Davidion
deceased, as settled her administrator, Rev
Robert Davidson.
25. The account of Scott Coyle, Guardian of
Margaret C..lohnston, now.intermarried whit
Dr. George Hamill, and minor daughter of
John Johnston; deceased.
The account of. John... Stuart, Jr. admin
istrator of William Wynkoop, late of South
Middleton township, deceased.
27. Tho final account of John Hisncr. actinf
Executor of John llisner, late of Woking°, 1
township, deceased.
- W 3.1' - GO tJLD, Register..
-Fehr-22, 1851
WHEREAS the Honorable Fecrenum
President , Judge of the several
Courts of Cornmon Pleas of the counties ol
Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, in Ponnsylva• •
Mei-and Justice of the several Courts-of-Oyer
end Terminer • and General Jail Delivery in
said couniies. and Hon. John Stuart and John
Clendenic, Judges of the. Court of Oyer and
Terminer and lienorel Jail Delivery Rir the
trial of all capital and other • effeilderts, in the
said county of Cumberland, by thcirprecepts to
me- directed, dated the 10th of 'January, 1851;
have ordered the Court of Oyer and Tcrminer
_,,,ld_Gonethilla l nolivary,.ialmholden_ • •• -
I isle _on tho_2d Monday of April, next,
(being the 14th day)at 10 o'clock in the Giro
noon, to continue two weeks.
NOTICE is therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner, Justices'or the Pc and Constables .
ofthe said county ofCumberland, that they ars ,
by the sold precept commanderUc be then and
there in their proper persons, with their rolls.,
records, inquisitions, examinations, and all I
other remembrances, todo those things which •
_totheirollices appertain to bedene,uad tintless
that aro bound by recognizancee, to prosecute
(against the prisoners that are or then shall be
in the Jail of said county, are to be there to
'prosecute th
A S the subscriber intends leaving Carlislo
all perions knowipg themselves indebted
to _biro ar e _ray Ile ElLe II immune farivartimithouL
delay, and make :payment, or their aecnante
will-be placed MI the hands of a JUstice•
collection. J.lp`CATtildoP,T. Y. '
11"'''Stibscribers wish all indebted to them'
to call and settle 9 the same by ,the middle
of March,. as it is necessary their accounts
should be
,paid off by that time Just received
a fine lot of New Goods, which we are selling'
off at'our ulnal low prices. Call and see.
Feb 26-3 t" A & W BENT Z. i
Dissolution"' of Partnership. •,
x7ollc g is hereby given that ilia partner,
lr ship heretofore existing- betweop,thc sub
se'ribers. In the Mick smithing business, under
the firm of =Bret= & Cornmon, has been dissol
ved by mutual. consent. 'no books and
-tumulus have ban'placed in the blinds of M,
Holcomb, Esquire, for settlement. The busi- •
ness will liereafter Carried.-,on by George •
Cornman, who will be thankful for a contina
-ance of patronage from his old.eastornerS, -
• JA 0013 BRETZ,
,NroTIcF,. is hereby pivon .that the -pi - timer.
IA ...ship heretofore existing hotween.the sub,
scribers, trading under the him of.J. COYLE
& SP ONSLER, in Ilopestown, hus been din.'
solved by mutual commit. .As one of the loch'
firm intends. leaviitg s llogestowit et an early
day, it is required that book, accounts shall be
settled without delay.. The bOsineas•wil be,
,carriedon as heretofore by John Coyle.
~,,Estate of Emanuel Line,
:Ic : EII:FAS . testamentary 'oe the Estate oe
B_A Emaintel Line, sr., late of Dickinson tp„•
Cumberland county, deceased, have been issund.
in Inc form oflaw, to the sutMci ibers residing,
in.thc said township. All persons indebted Ito
the paid estate will make immediate payment,.
,and thoselmving - eleims against it will - present
thein l'Or'Settlontent to • ' ' •
. .
:Estate of John Officer, decq. , r
rrtHE nnderaignesl ?
k ,
boon duly ,uppointod ktNeoutor pf,.the Iva,
tin() eat rito of John °Ulcer, lain assitl. borduili,m
decnased. p All Orsona, indobtekl to, 'pi() woo
tiro rnquented,to nrke.iinvnediqte.payment, and._
*life A:wino cictims to, prolmnk hqn
nt LELoPerlY'
,ouenticated, to 4 1 1: 1 0' ,
- 704 26-6 t • , , „, . .
. . , ... ,
.. ECatf4tAdAlfitelgith - deCNE. II -11
. , , ,
A l i t, .persony ard harehy notified , ilie iMtete i
411 oradministratioh On , the Ceitaie'df. !Mem -,*;
Itehile, [uner the , holliuott , ef -, Afichninediurp."!
t County :of-Cumberland; •dee'd!i , have , dills day
been issnedibv.theAtegistire witted, for • paid' '
*cobrity:tqethe autism/Uwe, who liailt, reside in ,
the' horotigh of Moehaniesberg! aforesaid: , Alf''
,tifirSons,having.aaims or demands': against the
- estate of Said edent, a a requested te melte ' '
-known - dm - sem with u delay ; and those hi- '
debted 10:Yakit'd y • Alto. 7', ; ; . .! •
a-' hue zit‘l,l "!;) ..: • ~ .T.J.E VI ttrEGEL,. '
,4:1 4 ,,,,: , L, ;A .' ~_ - JOITN• RIEG'EL,- i I, •
.:1:rIvr:'1. yr ' ' Administrater's.l - •
January 20 18b1.-6t
iirof RQPI Sj g st receir
r11 1 1.. ' - 1 f°"3 1116°4
• .4144 f f!bhp hVL
_ •
‘ it .4 I $.l iA1404
_horn as shallTe just,
Carlisle, February 86,.1851.
To . those Interested.
Dissolutint of PartnerohiP.,
• • 'Exit -oars, ,
Feb 26
T cc u
: ViVirrarlOClE -
WILL ridnatioiVidconiOdoting .terme,:into
V V his office setterst -- 8 I'IMENTS for •
'instruction in th&iftritrier.ititimicheii of medicine, •
viz :,/ , ,matenty, Pltypiutogy.:Allycmistry.;,Ther . •
spot:Mks,. Surgezy„ 'l'heory :zed PrectiCii
Medicipe, toressichial 'Mato ottended ip •
1 - ‘ ixa std. cauatiy as listettaktri. •
Feb 26-3 E
• wan=GROCERIES. -
. .
TEST 'rsdeleed at.the store of, the_subsenbe
in'South Hanover, street,.a.frosh supply of
lEtoterias, consist in of &got . , Cofieuj Teas,
&c., of tlia host
•; quality and ittf the - , lowest
prices: A good•civality of Coffee at Jilt cents.
'of the choicest brands, togethet With all hinde
of FEED: all of which. will bOaold at the low—
est priteofpf, Otolh".: ~Also .for 'side *a one .horse
Wagon on,springu. JoaN,IKENtY.
SALMON, . Canatantly.on handigr
HERRINA4S, lop•sala by.
PORK,. • • • -.I PALMER. 5s
Co.,. *DAMS AND SIDES, Marker nt. Wharf,;'
LA ItIY& CHEESE', • , • ':'l
TllESubSoriber, Agent for the Manag ‘.l
ITPLEL to-receive apfiliEtifiiinf fi'am•Farme
Mechanics or. others, who• May. wish. to hav
boys or girls ..either• white oricolorcd, indentu—
red to them as- tipryrenticosi; The ages, wilU
Vary from seven tcrtiventwyears. In all cases ,
whore the•annlicant is not knowii•to the End
taring Committee. or the- fir,ent; satisfactory
referenets•to persons 'residing_in the-City, will
be required.. I OSIA Tit,TUIVI„
50 Mirth Fourth . Street.
Philaderphiai Feb 42 • • 1:109
auhseriber .mould. respeetfully invite
the: attention of rm.r.4o.,ht. Sasortment
of (LOWS, now manufac
--..„ tuted near Craighead's Mill
in. South Middleton township,
y + r y. four mileri south 'of Carliale.:'
y assortment eonsiata of
Withrow.% Stuckey:s and-Sail's pattern 4.--
The Coatings will all. be. ground. I wall also
make . GRAIN CRADLES. of the most
proved pottorna. All • 'orders directed to Wm..
L. Croleidatt. Corlisle, wiii bei• attended to
with promptness,. arid l'lows.or Cradles-deliv.
tired ire any part of the county free of charge.;
W.M. D. , CRAIGHEATt. Pi•opt,r.•
DAVID- ST COREY, Manufarer --
r Feb.t9)Ciro.
-SgMrs or FURN=I
0 N - SANT.O RDAY the tstliof- Merck next,
valLbe sold ailublic sale, at. tho late res.
idenee of the Uhn. Olin Reed: deed., a large
variety . afiliOUSE OLD'f-AND , K , ITCHEN
FUItNIfiiURE, consist i S deb oa rds, with.
marble slabs,..Wo rdrubesk, B wean+, eds, ed
ate ad Mat rasa es, Dining, - Tab le s .oen t Tu.
bles, nook. Tables, two large and elegant book,
cases doors, and Mirrors, a valuable
lot of rdsikellatleous.books, 'chairs and lounges,
ottoluans,.dressing tables, &c., ALSO, china, ..
cat glass, viirevforkv; a full, china dinner set,
tea ehimuiltee, a• nuu ber.rof. wasp:era
painted blinds, carpets, end: =Wags. A—conk
stove, cliayuber stoves, andikitohert furnitute.of
all kindbixogether with ram-pother articles too
--numesous-toanention... Sule'to •commence- at
o'elcolt:Ai.M.. Terms-trade known-on day
of-sale by , Mr:.Robert 'McCartney„.auenoneer.ii
, --
ALSet.on the same day arfioftreek, P. M.,..
_-. - _-_-- . - --the, IXOUSIt.49.I2III_LCIT„
~.fiful.l —the, late • residence , of Judge! a as ....-Reed; , offered. for sole,.
..'','; ll ifif• either entirett.or isrlots, as will
‘2,111?,,., , .
............ -`..,.- , . est suit purchasers, The lot. is
240 feit square, it has been divided , . into three
loti. - - NO: 1 - fronting GD feet oiiiVfain strcet, - inir
240 on West street. No. 2. fronting I.oloteet on ,
-itl-ain-street---and-running-briek-24 0 -feet,--to---
C hurch allay, this-lot contains all the buildings
_with many of the most valuable fruit and orna--
mental trees, No. 3'. irony:46or feet'en Main st.
running back.24o feet to Cliurch. alley ; Persons
wishing Miormation, or to examine the premi-
See, .will please caller , W. H. Miller, Esq. who.
is my
... agent fbrth sale.
. :Executrix, (Ye.
Carlisle Feli,-12,'n-ts
THE subscriber •offertr.oll privet's-sale: ilte , •
'FARM on which he tiow.resides,irraichinson
twp. Cumberland co, about rvanllo.. and . three
quarters south of Centreville, on'the new rood,
leadingkena_Cenfrevilre to libeferans
Said farm; contains -about. SPRENTY-FIVE
ACRES of Pine landettbouf.,4c , acres of which,
are'cierarvd: and . the residh,e,sit woodland: The •
. improvements h'TL_p good Iwo go
ry lio^C.' II 0 USEiand • goati '
am] frameß-.4,l ft tisi, There: is tr..
thriving young, third on thispre , --
.-Lali . 42-41-tii... miens, -(3 I choice ail, .rinti -en .ex•
ccl ant stream of never fairing , kuater, near 'the,
buildings, 3r.0. terms-wilr bb•erisih AbrOcte
son wishing:to buy, can have, all t necessary cello% en the subscriber soonOt.
Carlisle; Feb. ]B'6l-ti. •
riiIIIH . undersigned rcepetitfullk iii•COrms. his
I. friends and tire !public. gcnertiltii. that-he
.. „;E.. .. . Igg ii i i tt p r i e ti r.:7ll , r 1 4. ,,
v flo a m
jm " .... ) g.
.. 1 g ' . 4, :;&,. patehased the . meet ex
,,,Y.' a a
, Z,, , , ... tensive; as well as: the
. ?L.' 9 . , ' ''',"":".'-:', cheapost_assorunent of,
• ',..: 7 - ,•:2 .. ;; :.•?-;.6 ' ff. .1. Watches, Jewelry„
't'S . ii.c.: i . ever broughr to•Chilisle. His atrial( con-i•
615113 in part of
- Goldianti , Silver Peden.sle.ur IMArs,,
G 541 and. Silver thialchea. a: do...
' Gold and Silver LiAle Watches..
in short every variety or Watches at alrpriees:
Gold Guard and Vest Ch ins. Medallions
c t
Watch Keys, Ear Rings . Ft ger Rings, Breast
Pine. Gold and. Silver Pent.ti s, Gold and Silver.
pens and cases and. Bracein great variety,
A splendid article of Gol Sliver, German
Silver, ancbillned Steel 'SPEC-.
'PACL.P.S,AvIiich are utteurpass
ed in qoplity by any other :Alicia west ot .Phil
adelphia, and which can be sold at .least 20, per
cent cheapf r than in any other estaltlislitimto
in the country. Also a largo lot oP'. ,, -•
' i SlVellritAnrittnA . 1 . ' '
Tabk anti' Ten - 'Spoons;
Knives,: Sat:Spoons, Fruit Knives;
&e. A Isd,oor6 Cases... Forte Alonnaios,. Port
_Folios, Ladies Wiitiag Desks,. with . a great
variety of other fattrly articles unnecessary to.
titontiort..' A large:9ot•of CLOCKS,' assorted'
lattorps, which will tioiold low; ivnrtnnted
to he good: „ • • , „
Watches, Clocks: and Jelee;rd.l4perirecl,.,
3ie invites all to call and. etrzminaltio
nestired that none can fail - oilie seated in kual
hy,quantity and'raret:-. lifh artieles,are-eash
purchases, conseatientlyihe• cars afford' toisellt
lower titan the sante aniclea cant be-purchased
e!sewhere.: Cali at the old stand, a few doors.
west of Durltholder'S'lfotel:
.1851-4- C 0 - -
- for . iicnt, .
•.:.THE iliffareilL 011ii•oo null Slinps i , cloy the.
corner lot, where•Obot,go'Rzt sottici'et, eict,.pt
;int.two, ore yot lon zoom', Voysotot,wobiog io,
rent,wili call oil, ~,•.. GEORGE EG E..
Fob IliF:. '' ' - . ..,. •.' -
4 - 0111108 for Rety
, ,•; riiqg .11,PhrE from the,Airat of
g ru
~ % L April pekt: ' The 'ewe S t ore.
• 4 14, 1 , ~. dloonis in Nardi liSeetiter''siVeet,,
'; •t,..• ', ar present. 'occupied Madera.
stecaer. lti r Co„.apd Arnoldndi
Liypi' , .stott. 'Also, Thre'd , small., ItQUS S;
6 1 , 6 a not e d. ss - West Ifontlier- street' and the.
other tato , ontL)irlimsiatt a11ey...2 i..,,r . ~. ,: I
d@! , ls..; ,woi., - ".4 3 . 4), Lit PARtCF.I3..97
frau Par9tot ettnatad'on.tiAo cornett
of: WAtli. ibogvor -and4 Ilontrec
areet.noav occupiocl.4y Mr. Robert.
r . it tpyly;
. • 1311. GAV
,vi1e0.4 5 ;f1 . 8 50 4 . 4 • ?/ -0.. '
1 .-r---1 , ---------7-----— , --- .2.------ ' I .
''IBEVEillt T.:, two • otbry., BRICK. ROUSES
.0(b . LW north, ,eost ,oetster, of - the•until's:
,•,1 Solaro ' in the'sow known ns,”l.lnrper's
.i Mow."' Fot terms ; ta:.inquireel the
In •, sobseriber. , ;, • , , i
qn- , -efroap " , -., ROBIT.ARVINk.I.I
MintebtirtienCCoal.' -r,
Viiiidy t iitit*al(pt ttingz
flcno Itubdivitig dfitVfbraltiViettP 4 n
R.MuTeltAN:' ,
vlllacksznitrWa ,
• !184;ktil
• • nml f o r p r o f ,
!! 3e . 7 . 1;: 1 .', 9 ; 4 1 . 11 : U.l".