.o.4l._*bt. 3i4a4)14 31'4 -: REEICC-.103.1S 'PROGRESS, The progress of Chriitianity - , - not less - than iniprovernentein the Arts, discciver ies in science and advances in;-civil. }ili erty, has left its indeliblii stamp upon the lust ;half century. In the last 50 Tara . the Merel aspect of the world has undetione h complete change. The _Missionary_ zeal tho Romish Church Juts, been rivalled by the followers of Lit : tlier,A;and . nations' of thti existence of write!, we were ignorant in 1800, now rejoice in the light of the gospel and the blessings of civilization. Then China and India werej..•rciewn only -for their commercial importance ; no bre had heard of Nestorians and- Armenians; , Africa was thought of only as the produ cer and bazar of human flesh, the Is-• lands Of the Pacific—that great moral Dead'Sea—was. known, only for the can- ibalism an, of ier enormities of their in habitants; anal no one dreamed of re humanity,! much less impressing them with the image of God; Fifty years have passed acid what a change ! Two thousand missionaries have been sent to different heathen coun tries, 7,000 native assistants have been employed in' teaching and preaching, 4,000 churches have been organized, composed „ of 250,000 converts, 3,090 schools have been established embra cing 250;000 children, and all this on a soil 'which was a moral waste—where there was not a missionary, a school, a church, a convert ! At the commence ment of the contury there were four millions of 'copies of the Bible, now there.are•thirty millions ; thee the scrip s mre had been published, in fifty langua ges, -rtow they-exist in two hundred lan guage?-and dialects; then they were accessible in languages spoken by a hun dred millions of mankind, now in tongues and dialects spoken by six hundred mil lions. - The House of God. VICE COHI'll MORE THAN VIRTUE Ti - c — o - st - s — iiife - io support d drunkard than a sober man ; more ,to sustain the licentious than the chaste ; more to se ',cure and convict a criminal than it would have cost to have : prevented him from .becoming a criminal, by placing him un der religious influence. Sabbath-break ing is an expensive vico. One Sabbath spent in idleness and d:ssipation, in be .glectiag the sanctuary, costs more. - than five days spent in the discharge of their appropriate duties. Which is best, to speral are,Sabbirth-irdleness and dissi= patiorrra - ml resume-business on Monday morning with an empty purse and lan guid spirits r and - a heart aching under the remove of eonscicnce ; or to lay a- apairs at a proper hour on Saturday evening, close the ledger .and lock the desk, and shut the world up in 'the counting room, and relax the ener gies of the week in the social• endear ' Millis of the family, •'The cnly bliss that has elrrvh•nt the -Rise early Sabbath morn, and in the day with its appropriate dutids; Mid tit r 1 to-the Sab bath School to swim in the smile4nd glad fa , ces of earth's brightest similitude of heaven -4inkjeliildron —and then mingle with the people of God who-keel) holy lime and send up the ioicc of supplication and the shout of praise to the Must High; and then melted, softened, awed, refined,• better fitted fur society and for --sacia-l-irml-eiri-Himies-. F re-turn-to-theenfoyments -1 of home, and Monday, with health repaired, spirits refreshed; and the bright sunshine of tub soul, a good conscience, which is a continual feast, begin the labors of the week ? " 1 SPEAK '—Rev. Dr. Scott AS UNTO WISE TEEN; .11JDOEI YE." Of New Orleans. SOLEMN Tnovoirr:—We see not, in this lite,,the end of human actions.-- Their .influence never dies. Death moves us from this to an eternal world— time.detFrinines what shall be our condi : . ,tion -that wotlik Every morning . when we go forth, we lay the mould. mg hand on our destiny, and every eve ning we have done, we have left-a death less inipress..upon our character. Wu touch not a wire but vibrates in eternity —not a voice but reports at the , thron,f of God. Let youth, espeCially, think of .th - ese things and-let every one remembe that in this-world, whers character is i its formation state, it is a serious thing ti think, to speak, to act, .. • - ECs_lt is difficult to conceive anythyr) ..:inore beautiful than the reply given ,b 4 one in affliction, 'when he was askel how he bore it so well. "IC lighter : the strolcC," said he, " to draw nor • "Him 'AO - handles the rod. " ,- \ ORNAMENTAL MARBLE WOR', 07YENS lIICIZAILDS, • Recently from Philadelphia. . 11) ESP ECTF 1,1,Y inform 'the eitikens Carlisle and itt vieinitvctliat„, they has now nt their Marble Yard in South Honey( ‘,„etientsp•A few doors south of the Court Houst / and nearly opposite A & W lßentz's Store, a I oiCgallt stoc of , ore ..R.MEIH Jr WHITE JIMEDI.II, and aro prepared te exudate in thelm3st ,inishe style .Monuments, - • - Tombs,' . ••_GraveASknies cd all prices, 014111[6, .• Door and Window Sills, Slops, 4.c., togatlair with every other article in their linc4s. and promise that in fineness of finish, chaste _noes of design and quality of Mm I ,10, the work shTill'not be surpassed by any other estahr /ishimmt. • They are also the' authorized agents of Ml Robert. Wood, of Philadelphia. mid will fuil • nish from.his manufactory n all varieties of Iltal i BAILIN G•for the enclosing of Grave lots an • all'other purposes, at the shortest notice and t' Philadelphia prices, 'l;hey will also finish mianuMettue till kinds.of Building , Work, suu l as Sills, Stops-and .Platforms, &c.; at' hu short I est notice and on thoMost•reasonable terms. , • •• Having had,great experience, and ,being em, 4 played in the best shops of Philadelphia, the orb therefore, enabled tp Manufacture the MOE . ., fashionable work, and rospeetliilly tisk a spar ' • 'of the patronage of Carlisle itnd this suirouridin ' country.. [Carlisle, nov6 18561 •r:• ' .• GUM SHOES. • . • .... JUST roaciived two cases ,of ffridics_Cus shoos; cOiartshoro's celebrated pattern wltic 'Can warrant good quality. i_oct23,. •. ~ N W WOODSpg't. I 1 c Itqutvut: DRUGS! DRUGS; DRUGS rrOsh , _ AprSupply_g Supply_ PIAVE juistreceived a fresh stock of Med -1 icines, Paints, Glass, Oil, &c., which, having been purchased with grear, care at the besterty.houses, , rean - confidently:Tecorrimend td - Families, Physicians, Country Merchants and Dcalets, as being fresh and pore. • ". DRUGS. • ricrbunnd Extracts, Spices, ground and whole Essences, • I Perfumery, &c, , .11"arrarded Genuine. STUFFS.; Log and Cam Woods, Oil Vitriol Copperas, Lac Dye' IN TS Patent hictlicin.-.5,. Fino.hemi cals, Inetrumauts, Puro,lilsscull Oils, ', Cod Liver Oil DYE Indigocs„ Madders, Sumac ' • MUrn, - Wetherill & Brother's 'Pure Lead, Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window GlasS, Linseed• Oil, Turpen tine, Coparand coach Varnish, hnd Bed Laid. All of which will bo sold at the very lowest market price, Also, n, fresh and splendidEaS 2ortinclit or • FANCY GOODS, FItL I ITS • EL • Confectionary, and innumerable other, articles calculated for use and ornament,Aß•of wl.ich ;re offered at tlre lowest cosh prices, at , the cheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of the sub scriber on North Hanover street. May 22. 1850 ANOTHER REVOLUTION. 0 AMU EL A. HUBBARD, having purchas -0 ea of Mr flenryA Sturgeon, his stock of Drugs, Medicines .&c.. would respectfully so licit a share of the publicpatronage, at the old stand, corner of Pitt and High Streets,' opposite the Rail Road depot. Ile will keep constantly on hand, an assort ment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dyo Stuffs, Perfumery, and a -variety of fancy articles,,which she is determined to sell low.— He Will give his personal attention 'to the busi ! . ness, and particularly to putting up prescriptions. A liberal deduction made for Physicians coun try Merchants, yid Podlers., 'Feb.l3, 1850* • FIRET ARRIVAL OF Roots and Shoes FOR. THE FALL SEASON AT POILTaI/VS SHOE STORE, Main street, near the Rail Road Depot, LicimPlusuNG Men's, Boy's' and Youth's Calf, Rip and coarse Boots and 'Brogans,' which are warranted to be-of the best quality!; , : Ladies Gaiters, Buskins and- French Ties,• Misses andeChildrens boots and shoes in great' variety. Also, athelenant assortment of G:l3.Mi SHOJIS and BOOTS, with all the late int. proveiniftits and viairanled perfect. purchased these gum shoes troin the egentoA. the Manufacturer, I am authorized to civx NEW PAUL in place of' any that prove -defective in wearing. Having a large stock of French Calf Skins, Morocco, Rid, &c., and good workmen, every attention is given to customer work as usual. soptlB \VM. M. PORTER. Great Igargains: (lAN be expeeted from the subscriber, as ho V.)- has just -received t_-new and spletitlid- as , sortment of zWI,NTER GOODS, which he oilers to his customers and others who may favor him with a call at great Bargains! CLOTHS AND CASSIAIRES, satinets, velvet cords. Ky. jeans, scarlet, yel low, white and Canton Flannels, ticking% mos Ens, calico, cashmeres,de lanes, alpacas, Co berg cloths, gloves; hosiery, Irish linen, cam forts, &.c, SHAWLS! SHAWLS!4 A large and splendid assortment or Long and Square Shawls, at all prices to stilt the times. • BOOTS AND SIJOES." Also, 80 - Oti stridSll6es,"yliieli li' is cleter'rn, fined to sell - low, adds stand, in North 110.114)- 14st store below I laverstielc's Drug Store. Her street, Carlisle. J. G. CARMONY. - - -Fresh Arrival of Hardw-a it 1 ' il„f-''.*. tom , , HI rm. ? 1 r .,..i.. J.t4 N",:.% -- , 7iPai ....I,Aq, ..-,-t\W'' ~, tt-) -.1.,g % - or. - 0\ ......niZt , ,, . _ 4-, - - I' '-'' . ''.O. t , - att. ll - r ' - r , --.1-_,,, L . , .: . -, N.-: f r „tem",„ .4,.,:-.._-_-_-... C il EA P Elt s - ,TII A NiT HE CH EA P EST.s LiAsl NG jun! returned from New York F.: , 11.1: Plidadalphm with the best and Cheapest Stock of HARD \VARh7 CUTLERY 11 ILD- t ING MATERIALS, PAINTS, &c., ever brought to Carlisle, I woulddestretfully rogues' dealers and consumers and all others to.give me a call and see %%In:flier they cannot get inure mud better goods for the same money than at any other place :a town. My stock of Locks, Latches, Rolls, }fines, Screws, Nails, Spikes, Glass, l'aints, Szy., is complete and very cheap. Carpenters' Tools, I have a splendid assort• unmt. Also, Cabinet Maker's-Tnols and Ma• terials, via :=Vaneers, Mahogany, Mineral mid Glass Ilnreau Knobs and Varnish. SkDDLERS & COACH MAKERS, can have etery thing m their rine cheaper than ever. roP %II 0 E-,11-A-K-gR S , I - have a first rate stock of Morocco and Lining Skins, Bindings, Pegs, Thread and Wax, ant a superb assortment of Shoemakers Tools. I have also a complete assortment of Bair; Lams„ made in Harrislineg, which can be had at - no other place in town, and at Bull's Prices. To gether with an assortment of all kinds of Ham mered and Rolled Iron and Steel. Of House keeping Articles,. I have Knives. Forks Spoons, Waiters, Snnfrers and Trays, Tubs, ' Rackets, &c. WALL PAPER I have the large,t, Handsomest and Cheapest Assortment in town. And to nil who want Good and Cheap HARD WARE, I would say conic and sec for yourselves. • oct3o J P 'LYRE. linportant to Farmers and Millers! BURRELL'S CORN SHELLER. ririllE subscriber respectfully informs tho farm• ing community that be has purchased the right to Burrell's celebrated Corn Sheller, for the counties of Cumberland and Franklin.— Farmers who have used this Corn Sholler,pro nohnce it a most invaluable in4ention. It is simple' in its construction and not liable to get out of'order. It separates the goin from the cob without breaking either and delivers the corn clean and fit for market. •7t _shells-from ton to, twenty bushels per boor. E ght hundred of them have' been void the past season by the inventor, all IA wHich wore highly approved. Persons wishing to see the above Corn Shel ler, can do so by calling at the shop of the sub scriber, corner of North Rollover and Lonelier streets. Carlisle, where he will keep constantly on (land a large number for sale. Every farmer and miller should have the above cheap but -Valuable-Corn—Shel. Jer, =- , 4M2 DAVID F. F Egg' . MR. , * November 27, 1850.-2 in. kiAL SUPERIOR FRESH GROCERIES ! Latest_ arrarred. — . r E Clump Family Grocery . Store Of Jo g seph IL Halbert. West nun street, Gar hale, hasjust received a largo and fresh supply of the best FAMILY GROCERIES that the Philadelphia mrkeis can afford. The subscri her has just returned Rom „010 city, and would respectfully invite his friends and the ptiblic generally, both in town and country, to call and examine for themselves his large and in creased stock, which embraces all the articles usually kept in his line - of business. - Simh - as Rio, Javaxd St Domingo and Laguira Co ff ee ; Imperial,, oung flyson and Black Teas, of very , superior quality and (lever; Lavering's crushed, loaf, falling loaf, and loaf sugars, or 'tango grove, clarified New Orleans and brown Sugars of every grade and quality, with price to suit. Honey, sugar house, - Orleans and 'syrup Molasses. Spices of all kinds, which he will warrnnt pure and fresh giimind. -Brooms,-.Co, dar and painted buckets, churns, 'tubs,, half bushel measures, butter bowls; butter prints, butter ladles, wash rubbers, &c ” Clothes, fancy sowing, traydlin and market baskets of nil J;itlde.; Castile, Fancy, rosin and country -EAPAPS.LAIso,._a genciaLassortmentof_chewhm and smoking TO BACCO, spanish half sjmnisri and counthon CIGARS. Ropes twines, and Hrtislies of all kinds. Prime CHEESE always on Mind. Sperm, Winter,, strained Elephant and Common- OILS. • - ,G,LASS;'..QUEENSWARE'..--I hair() also added to my already large stock, a number of mow patterns of White Granite and fancy tea sets. with CROCKERY WARE of evoryde fcription, which I will soli at the lowest prices uor cash. Feeling grit e fulifor the liberal patronage here tofore besiowed'upon - bini by.a generous public, the subscriber tenders them his hearty & sincere Thanks; and hopes that in his eflbrts to pie* and particular attention to Liminess, to merit n! o ntinitanca of their support. • . March 20. 1850„ . JOS.T3F,HALBER.4'. Lead .Oolored Bin , A NEW R ipply •of Load Colored ifonnete just received at.the store of . • . 0u1'23 . • . a W lIITNER. . . fit . pOlia,belptiu .PIANE• FORTE'WAREROORS, -1 CeES'NET'P Tag - 011 WPAND, obriiprod for: inure titan sot,trifi'd of a cent ury Esq. ¶jE undersigned would most respectfully announce to.thii public that he is AGENT . ' for more than twenty °Oho most ,a 1 7.1r . ..177:F 0 x celebrated mend luta rers, of .13 08 r-,, IVEW• YOfyi'; PHILA• DELI IIIA; and elsewhere; and is constantly receiving from them PIANOS o the richest and moat varied styles, of superior tone, and of-the-most superb finish, of G. 6*, 61, GI, and 7 ObtavOs, which are 'Warranted equal to any manufactured either ruillis country'or in Europe. Just received,, also, a further supply of ch u rch and Parlor Organs,. of beautiful patients and fine tones. - His WAREROOi