Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 26, 1851, Image 3

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IipTILI, admit on netorriodatiort . erins, into
his office several STUDENTS for
iostritefion in the varinuebrailehes' Or medicine,
viz: Physiology, Chemistry, Ther—
rmeirltrics; : Surgery, Theory end Pructive of
&c. Pnifessional - talls - attended to
in tcwn and country ns heretofore. _
• Carlisle, Feb`26-3t
ram= annoCERIES.
"'UST mceived at the store of the subscriber
P F out h Hanover street, a fresh supply of
Groccrks, consistivg of_Sagbr, Calico, Tcas,
s.Scc., of the best quality and at the lowest
prices. A good quality of EoffetVat cam
of the choicest brands, together with.all hinds
FI. , ;ED, all of which will be sold'aCqlie
est prices for cash, AIN for said' a ono horse
Wazon an springs. . JOHN E'EN EY.
To those Interested.
Tsubscribers Irish all indebted to them
A. to call and settle the same by the middle
of March, as .t is-nocessary_their_aceOunle
should be paid off by that time! Just received
line lot of NOW Goods, which we are selling
Feb 26-3 t • A & W, BEN'FZ.
Dissolution of Partnership.
... ...... _
IiwrOTICE is hereby given tint the partner
.L ship heretofore existing betwdon the sub
scribers, in the Blacksthithing business, under
tho firm of..BrCtr. CO C01 . 11111a72 , has keen dissol
ved by mutual consent. TIM books end
accounts have been placed in
.the hands of M.
Holcomb, Esquire,rfor settlement. The busi
4, . floss will hereafter be carried on by George
Commas, seho will bo thankful fora continu
ance of patronage from his old customers.
. .
Estate of Emanuel Line; dec'd.
LETTERS testamentary on the Estate of
Emanuel Lino, sr., late of Dickinson tp.,
Cumberland 'county, deceased, have been issued
itfitie - Win of law, to the subscribers residing
in the said township. All persons indebted to
the said dame will make immediate payment,
and those having claims ngninst it will present
them for settlement to
Estate of John Officer, dec'd.
rig - IHE under signed , residing in Carlisle, has
_EL been duly appointed Executor of the will
and estate of John Officer, Into of said borough,
deceased. All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them, properly
authenticated, to J. W. EBY,
Feb '26-fit .E.).ecutor.
N, Constantly on hand &
HERRINGS, . t ' for sale by
DAMS AND SIDES, Market st. Wharf,
. .
THE Subscriber, Agent for the .Managers if
thorized to receive applications from Furntere
Mechanics or others, who may wish to have
Lays or girls. either o bite or colored, indentu—
red to them as apprentices The. ages will
- wiry - Trent to twentyyears. In all cases
where the applicant is not Itsnown to the Inden—
turing Committee or tho Agent, satisfactory
references to persons residing in the City, wit!
be required. ' JOSIA II TA'I'UM,
_ .50 ..Mortis Fourth - Street.
- Philadelphia, Feb °G -- • -
NOTICE is hereby gjvcn to all persons
_ interested, ilia - the following. [wedelns
have hjin filed in this office for examination by'
- the accountants therein nanted,'and - Will - be pre
sented to the Orphans' Court of Cumberland
,ounty, for confirmation and allowance, on
'''Tuesday the 25thof March, A. D. 1851, viz
The aecount of Daniel_ Cunkel— adminis
trator of Adam Cunkel, late of Silver Spring
township, deceased. -
‘2.. The account of Obriotien Leib, .adminis
truer 01 Mary Leib, late of South Middleton
,township, deceased.
3. The account of A. P. Erb. administrate;
of All'in. Erh, late of East Pennsboro town
ship, deceased.
4. The account of Win. Webb, administra
tor of henry Lawson, late of the liorough of
C deceased.
5. The final account of John Piper and Tim
S. I) inlay, adminiltrator orJames Piper, late
of West Pennsboro' township, deceased.
y„. fi. The account of Jacob Kirk, Executor of
Daniel H. Young, Mte . of the borough of New
Cumberland, deceased.
7. 'rho account of Joseph Quigley, adminis
trator of John Hatfield, late of the city of Cin
cinnati, deceased.
8. The account of Jacob Murrima, Guardian:
of Jacob Garret, deceased, minor child of Ja•
cob Garret, deceased.
9. The account of Jacob West, Guardian of
—.Rtmira--Shambachi-decowsud, minor cria of
Philip - Shambiteh, deceased.
to. The account of floury Mowers, admin•
istrator of David Mowers, late of Southamp
. ton township, deceased.
i. The account of Michael Gochawer, Ex
ecutor of Wm. F. Barbour, 10:o of the bor
ough of Shippensburg, deceased.
Ij. The -amount -of -Martin- Boric hart, de , -etr,
sed, who was Guardian of Samuel and Sarah
Millar, as settled by, said Guardian's adminis
trio or.
13. The account of Jacob Mumma, Guardian
of Daniel Bavenmver, minor child of P. Boy
enmyer, deceased.
14. The account of David Gonower, and Ja
cob Heck, Executor of A. Mlllbare, late of
the borough of Shippensburg, deceased.
15: The account of John 13. Coover, admin
istrator of Joseph Grail, late of Allen town•
ship, deceased.
16. The account of Robert P. M'Clure, ad—
ministrator of Eliza Peebles, late of the bor
ough of Shippensburg, deceased.
IT. - The account of John Lefever, Guardian
of Wm. C., George, John N. and. James Car
others, minor„ suns ,pf John N. Carothers,
is. account of- Samuel !fusion, Guar
ding of Mary E. and Nancy Jane Duncan
minor children of Win Duncan, deceased.
19. rho account of John-Ryan,. .Executor o
John Divan, lam of Etist Psinnsborough town
ship, deceased.
. CO. The account of David S. Runsha, Exec•
utor of
ilccoaseil Mary Fulton, late of,,Newton township,
account of David Ifitiz, Executor o
Klux, lalo of South Middleton township
do. eased.
22. The.alcount of Robert Lnird, adminis
trator do bonis non with the will annexed o
James Moore, deceased, as settled by I. L
M'Dowoll, °up of the Executors of the said R.
Laird, dcceaved.
23. The account of George Rupley, admin
istrator de-bonis ntsn of John li. Longsdort,
late of East Pennsboro township, deceased.._.
24. The account of Mrs. Jane. Davidson
surviving Executor of Rev. Dr. Davidson,
deceased, as settled by her administrbtor, Rev.
Robert Davidson.
25. Tho account of Scott Coyle, Guardian o
Margaret C. Johnston, now intermarried with
Dr. George flamill, - and minor daughter o
John Johnston, docenited.
The areount of John Stuart, Jr. admin—
istrator of William WynlLoop, late of South
Aliddleton township, docoaced.
27. Thu final acit'aunt,of John Hisner. acting
Exentitor of John Hiner, Into of Dickinson
township, deceased.
IV NI GOULD, Register.
Feb. - 22, 1851. -
WHEREAS tho Honorable Foam:max
WATTEI, President Judge of the several
Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of
Cuinbe-larid, Perry and, Juniata, in Perwsylva
nia, and Justice of the 'several Courts drOyer
- and—Terminer and-General- Jail Delivery in .
said deunties, and llun..John Stuart and John
Cloodenie, Judges of the Court of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail. Delivery fur the
trial of all capital and other . offenders, in the
euid county of Cumberland, by t heirpreeepts to
the directed, dated the_ lOiii of_Jrui'miry,,lo4l,
- Irave'ordeied of Oyer and Terminer
and Genera I Jail Delivery, to be holden at -Car
lisle on. the 2d Monday of April , next,
(being the I.4ih day) at i o,.o'clock in the fine
110011, to contihue two weals.
,therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constables
of tho a - aid oounty ofCumberland, that they are
by said precept commanded to be than and'
t „, in their proper persons,with'their rolls,
:rem rd,., lilloiriticins, examinations, and_ all
other remembrances, to do those things which
to their oinebs appertain to be demon] all those
that are bound by reeognisenees, to prosecute
(against the prisonersthetare °Wien shall be
in the Jail of said' county., are to be there to
,prosectite Hit= tie shall be joist --
' DAVID 'SMITH, Shlriff,
Cirlielo. February 26, 1851.
:i+Yrw =_L acYti ciricnts.
• Application for Tavern License, ..
AtroTICE is hereby given that the subsCriber
- , ..111 intends applying ; at the ensuing 'term of
the 'Court of Quarter 'Sessions of this county,
for Liciinse to keep a public boat? in the house
- now occupied by 'him as such and kno,wrr.°.ae.
the Manson House Hotel, in the yVeaf Varil
in . tho borough of
We the undersigned citizens of the West
Ward, CarlislOin the.coaqty of CuMberland,
do certify , that we ere well acquainted with the
above named Joseph NV. Patton, that he is of
good repute for honesty and temperance, and is
_provided with house room. and convenien—
ces for the accomodution of strangers and
travellers; and that such Inn or Tavern is nec—
essary -to accomodate, the public and entertain
strangers and travellers.
John Mell,.A.'Noble, William M Porter, R
Noble, Georgo.L Murray, Henry Glass, S
Ensminger; William Cart, J Armstrong,
David Rhoads, George W Hilt.' , A Roberts,-
John D.-Gorges. George Ego.
.pplieation for Tavern.: cense,
11OTIPF, is hereby given that the subscri
bor intends applying at the ensuing term
of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Cumber
land—County, for a license to keep a public
henna in the stand known'as the Depot-House
to the borongh. of Mechanicsburg.
We the undersigned citizens of the Borough
of Mechanicsburg, in the county of
land, do certify we are well nequainted with
the above named Tames A. Meloy, that he .is
of good repine for honesty'end temperance, and
is well provided with houso room and conveni
ences fot the accommolation of strangers and
travellers, and that such Inn or TaVern is nec
essary to accommodate the public and enter
tain etraingers and travellers.
John Duey. George - Hauck, II F Fells David
Emmenger, George Singiser, Simp§on Ar
nnld, Henry Carns G Stnrmer, Jac9h IV:alu
ms, George Bobh, David Long, Peter Hull,
Adam Hauck, Benjamin How, Peter Baker.
_Drug Fancy Store!
THE LADIES shall meet with the .most
polite attention at Rawlin's Drug and Fancy
Store, and bd supplied with Haucirs and Roan
sers_PERFPAIERY at city prices. A Fresh
lot just"recelveth
A fresh stock of FRUITS and CONFECL
TIONARIES just arrived. Fine Sweet Or
anges at 18 cents per &zee!, fine lemons at 15
cents per dozen, Figs 123, Seedless, Bunch
and Cluster Raisins nt 10, 125, and 13 rceuts,
English Walnuts, Filberts, Indian Chesnuts,
&c„ Lemon, Mint, Clove, Aniseed, Teaberry
and other candies, all for sale at Philadelphia
prices; - at RAWLIN'S DRUG AND FAN
CY STORE, next door to. the Post-Office
Main at., Carlts.e.
' 'of choice BRANDIES and WINES,
for medicinal e, just received and for sale at
Rawlins DrturAuld Fancy/. Store, West Main
street, Carlife.
T ,LY / •
OBAC CIGARS of the best
brands always ler sa-c'at Rawlin's Drug and
Fancy Store. • [Feb 19
rimy/P.p.'s EMPORIUM!.
TilE sulAicribcr •would respectfully invite
the attention of farmers to his assortment
- of PLOWS, now manufac
tured near Craighead's Mill township,
sr'four miles south of Carlisle.
""" • My assortment consists of
Withrow's, Stitckey's and Ball's patterns:—
The Castings willall he ground. I will also
make GRAIN CRADLES. of the most int.
-- proved patterns: All order's directed to Win.
L. Craighead. Carlisle, will' he attended to
wuh.promptness, and.Plows_or_f.:radles_deliy
ered Many part of the county free of charge.
. \VM L. CRAIGHEAD. Propt ,r.
MFeb.l9 6in
Steam Iron Raeiling.
Corner of Ridge Road and Broad Street,
WOULD call the'rittention of purantera to
their elegant assortment of IVrought
and Cast Iron Railing for
Rniling for Churches, Public , and Private
Buildings, Public Squares, &c., together with
all kinds of -Plain and Ornamental Iron Work.
More & Gallagher's Book df ORIGINAL
DESIGNS, containing the best selection of
desiens that has ever boon issued, will be sent
to any person who may wish to make, a selec
tion. fiebl9,sl
To Bridge Buildgrs.
ygIIIE Commissioners of Cumberland county
-- 1. will - receive proPsals - at their dike m Cnr
lisle, until MONDAY,. the 10th ,of March,
1851, for the building of . a
across the Conodoguinet Creek, at a point at
or near Eckert's Mill and fording, in Newton
township, Cumberland county. ,
'fhe Bridge to be of the following dimen
sions, viz t—To contain in length 1:70 feet in
the clear from one abutment to tho other on the
opposite shore, and to be 16 feet wide in the
_clear._ Thc.t wx.i.abuunenis -to. be ' 15- feet thick
in the bottom with a battering wall of one inch
- to the foot on three sides - of the abutment.—
The abutments to be 11 feet high from the hot
torn of the creek to the cord line. Two suffi
cient- arches to be started from the abutment
to extend to the opposite abutment on the op•
posite shore. 'rho bridge to be double floored
with two inch plank, first floor to be pine or
oak, the upper floor to be oak plank laid length
wise and raised in the centre 17 inches. the
sides and gable ends of said bridge to be of a
sufficient height to admit a covered or hay wa
gon to pass through the same. Tho bridge is
to be closely wentherboarded with three•quar
ter pine boards well lapped arld.planed on the
outside. The whole of the work of said bridge
to be roofsd with good and sufficient white
pine shingles, and said roofing twelve feet over
the heel of the arch or of the abutments,
and on each side of the bridge over tho weath
erboarding two feet. The abutments are. to
be built, on a firm fo'undntion,and to he approv
ed by the Commissioners- The whole of the
- mason work to be well built of hard and large
stone, lime, mortar - and pointed from 'tho bock
of the abutments. The filling shall consist of
earth and stone and to be supported with wing
walls on each side five feet (hick at the two a
Littman's, with a battering of one inch to the
foot to the top of the filling, and to extend in
that manner on the two extreme sides of the
bridge until the filling and_ walling shall meet.
.the road, with an ascent not exceeding nn angle
of four degrees elevation from the road to the
bridge, with curtain walls of sufficient length
and thic mess and covered with broad stone
welLsecured. The woodwork on the outside.
to be painted with - tlyo coats of white lead in
linseed oil, sod Blain. of the. brid g e is to_lie
whitewashed with two Coos of lime. The
undertaker is tc, find all materials nt his own
expense, and to give such security as the Corn•
missioners stint' require for the faithful per
formance of the workmanship and permanency
of said bridge for and during the term of seven
years from,the time the said bridge shall.he fin
ished. s'•-.. JAMES K ELSO,
, .
Commissioners Office, t .•,,.
Carlisle, 1911i,Feb. 1851. t -
Attest—Wet. RILEY, C 'k. I
• ,
Webb's Washing Powder,
NrA great saving of labor, soap and time, with
out any RU1313 NG by :washing beards, Ma'
chines, or with, the hands, and preventing ail
wear and fear .of clothes. IVarranted not to
injtire the fittest fabrics. Price, 12} cents. •
Sold wholeaa'e and retail at Dr. Rawlins'
Drug and Variety Store, Main at. Carlisle, and
at Medical Hall,.North Queen at. Lancas
;N. B. All ordarts filled at Manufacturer's
price's. •
June s—ly
_ y Boots; Shoes andlaalte;:s.
WI. M. PORTER invites the attention o
the public to his largo and complete as
sortment of HOOTS. snop.s N., a A UMW
just received Irani Philadelphia, ifieluding tt .
rictv of now styles. His experience in the elm°
•bus!ness,enableirhim to select work of the bet '
material's and workmanship, which will be s Id
at the lowest cosh price and warruntef.ll
VI-Customer work attended-te a usual. - ,
Long Shawls.
A CiRF:AT variety of Long bawls frornibe
celebrated Bay Slate Mills, A Iso, Squorc -
Shawls of various kinds just received,
oct3o G N HITNER,
ECILK nesomnent of ItOPES just receive
•• •
by the epbevriber. Also,.Glnes,Tubes fo
igluning nods fursolo clomp by • • .
aug2B, ' • li. SAXTON
AIM Or rtrpavaTtrazi.
. .
(INSATURDAY the 15th of-March next,
will be sold at public solo, at the Into res
idence of the Hon.o/ohn-Reed, deed., a large
FURNITURE, consisting of Sideboards,.with
marble * slubs.:- Wardrobes, Bureams:-Beds, Bed
steads, Matrasies, Dining Tables, Centre. Ta.
bles, Book Tables, two largo and elegant book
case. with glass'doors, and Mirrors, a.valunble
lot 'of miscellaneous books,-chairs end !Ounce,
ottomans, dressing tables,
&c,, ALSO, china,
cut glass, silver forks, a full china dinnor sot,
tea china, tte Also a number' of transparent
painted blinds, carpets, and mattings, A. cook
stove, chamber stoves, and kitchen-furnituretof
all kinds, together with many.other articles too
numerous to mention. Sale to commence at
10 o'clock A. M. Terms made known on day
of dale by Mr. Robert McCartney, auctioneer.
ALSO,-on-the same day-at-2io'clock, - P - :
—the late residence of Judge
11,qc a a
Yl.rp„; II .Reed,—will ho offered for eale,
4 1,4,a1 I 14 -either-ntire, _or in lots, as will
beat suit purchasers. glio - let
lots. No. 1. fronting 60 feet on Main street,and
240 on West street. No. 2. fronting 120 feet on
Main street and running back • 240 feet, to
Church alley, this lot contains all .the buildings
with many of the most valuable fruit and . orna- ,
mental trees. NO. 3. fronts 60 !net on • Main-at.
running back 240 febt to Church alley. Persons
wishing information, or to examine Ibe Premi
ses, will please call on W. II:Miller, Esq. who
is my agent for the sale.
Executrix, Cle.
qediele Feb. 12,'51-te
' , Anna Pon SALE
THE subscriber offers at private gale. the
FARM on which he now resided, in Dickinson
two. Cumberland co. about a mile and three
quarters south of Centreville, on the new rind
lending from Centreville to BectonVs Savona!, I
Said farm ;contains about SEFEN TY:-FiVE t
ACRES of Pine land, about 40, acres of which
are Mowed, and the residue in wood land. The
improvements are
rt a good two
ry LOG HOUSE, and goon log
and frame BARN. There is a
~,t; thriving young orelmrd on the pre
mises, of choice fruit, and an ex•
collent stream of never failing. water, near the
buildings, &c. terhlg , will be easy. Any per
son wishing to,bniy, can 'have. alb. ne-irecestutry—
inforMation by calling B'n the subscribeesoon,-'
Carlisle, Feb. 12,'51-tc.
Limeburners Coal.
ISO tons Lykens Valley nut coal for bu.ning
ire receiving and for sale cheap by
Blacksmith's Coat.
20cko btishels blacksmith's coal u superior
article, receiving and for sale by
MEN HEAD OF MULES, three years
old, six of wliich are beautiful bays, and
nil are well broke to harness. They average
from fifteen to sixteen bonds high. Enquire bf
Carlisle, jnr29-4tpd.
AS the subscriber intends leaving Carlisle,
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to hint, are requested to come forwartl.withoul,
delay and payriienc - or their necounfC
will be placed in the hands of a Jilstice - for
%TO SUBSCRIBERS for the Public Led
-1:41 ger by the montli, will be received at the
Book Store - of rho - subscriber; nfrer - tha - FIRS'I
OF MARCH ensuing. D. MARTIN.
Feb: 19-3 c
Dissolution of Partnership,
ATOTICE is hereby given that 'the partner-
II shin heretofore 'existing :between - the sub•
scribers, trading under the firm of J. COYLE
& SPONSLER, in Hogestown, has been dis
solved by mutual consent. As one of the lade
firm intends leaving Hogestown at an early
day, it is required that hook accounts shall be
settled without delay. 'Pile business will be
carried on Ps heretofore by Jelin Coyle.
The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans Court to marshal and distribute the es•
sets in the hands of John Auld, administrator
of Samuel ~"liettffer, decd., te and among the
creditors, will attend to that duty at his ohlice,
on FRIDAY, the Ilth of March, 1851. Credi•
tors are notified to present (heir claims.
Carlisle, Feb. 12,'51--4t 21 tultior.
riVIE undersigned, Auditor', appointed by
9. the Court to marshal and distribute the
assets in the hands of William M. Henderson,
Assignee' of Abraham Neisley, among his
creditors, gives notice, that he will attend to
that duty arhis - oflice,in Carlisle, on SAT U
BAFT-ibe-15th- day of February, 185 I. - The
creditors are hereby notified to present their
claims on or before that day.
jan2o A B SILARPE, Auditor.
Estate of,Adam Reigle, deeld,
ALL persons aro hereby notified that letters
a administration on the estate of Adam
Reiglo late of the borough of Mecharfiesburg,
County of Cumberland, dec'd., have this day
been issued by the Register in, and for said
county to the subscribers, who hoth reside in
the borough of Mechanicsburg aforesaid. All
persons having claims or demands against the
estate of. said decedent, are requested to make
known the same without delay, and those in
debted Vo' make payment to
January 20, 1951.—nt.
Estate of Benjamin Diller, deeM.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad
iiiinistratioa with the will annexed, on the
estate of 131 7 ,',N MAHN MILER, late, of North
Middleton township, Cumberland county, de•
ceased, have been granted to the subscriber
residing in Monroe township, in said county,—
All persons knowing themselves indated to
said estate are required to make immediate
payment and those having claims aro requested
to present them to
•febl9-Gtpd JOHN DILLER, .4der.
Estate. of Martin Burkit, deo‘d,
XTOTICE is hereby given that Letters of
Administration on the estate'of MARTIN
[WARM', Into or ..Mifilin_tp,'_Cumherland
county, deceased, have been granted to the sub•
scriber, residing in the same township. t t All
persons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are required to make iinmed'ate payment
and those having claims to present them for
settlentent to •
janls I,VM. KNE'FTLE, Adm'r.
_ .
for tient,
lion RENT.
THE died - ham Offices and S.lmpa,..on the
corner lot, witie,George Ege resides, eircept•
ing two, are yet (Or rent. Persons wishing to
rent will call on ;GEORGE EGE.
Feb 19—tf.
Houses for Rent.
w 4 l, OR RENT from the first of •
A 11112 Anril next: The two Store
4+~ } Rooms•in North Henover stiect,
,13 I et present occupied hy Messrs.
Sterner & Eo.,ontl Arnold ntid —
Livingston. - Also, -Three small HOUSES,
one situated on West Loother street end the
other two on Dickinson alley.
deca j J:4O. B. PARKER.. •
filllo Hotel :Minded on the corner
.Stmili Hanover nml- Ponfret
IV street now necuMea by Mr. Robert
Is Luird. . For terms npyly to •
W M. T.- B R 0 W N.
deo 25, 1850-.—ll
t ..on the north •oast corner of the public
Asuare in dm row known as "Harper's
Ro q w." For terms, &0., inquire of. the
subscriber. •
• novl3-6m r ROB'T. IRVINE.
• • Pur,e Older Vinegar:
JUST received a fresh hand of Pure Cider
Vine&r, of superior quality, and warranted
I . eo from adulteration,
illiorllanco it
- Storto744--.61)0ps
.THE ireozwPars
, 41 Kriss King/el' Head-Quarters,
. ,
WHERE the citiieris4 this place mid all
those who mayiiisit the same during the
Holkdays, will find the largest assortment of
(of evory'variety) ever effered, manufactured
of the best materials, arProssly for the op.
preaching festivities, whidh will.bo_sold whole
sale or retail, at reasonable rates; at, the old
stand of the subscriber in North Hanover st.,.
a feW doors north of the Bank. Where may
also be found a complete assortment of
consisting . in lidrt of Orange's, Lemons, Grapes,
Figs, Raisins, Prunes ' in fancy boxes, Cur
rants, Dates, Almonds, Filberts, Cream, Coco
and Ground-7 Nuts. Ho'v,ould also tall atten
tion-tothe liirgeSfisteelcof
ever offered in Carliele,sonsisting of . .
- -
CartF-Trays,__Vases• Mugs,Tea .Seis .doll
- herids - , -- ilintte-Gups;- ' GnlegrottleariFttir
blcrs, assorted Figured. &c.
such as. Carriages, Cafts, Cradles, tables,
.thairs, animals, buckets, I ups,.rattles, wash
stands, candle sticks, &c.
pure India cabin:r and elastic doll bends, rat.
.ties, dogs, 'teething rings, caricature faces, &c.
cup's and saucers; nine pins, towns, soldiers,
furniture, tools in boxes, games and 'frazzles,
drums, guns, trumpets, wagons, wheelbarrows
tubs, Noah's arks, horsemen, magnetic fish,
swvs, boats, fiddles, guitars, harmonics''s, &e
'Fine sowing, card and knitting 'baskets, fancy
'boxes of • wood, paper and glass, hair_ oils,
soaps, colognes, hair brushes, and hundreds of
other articled not enumerated .above, which all
are invited to call and examine. •.• •
'rite subscriber returns his,sincere thanks jo
a generous public for the patronage bestowed on
him on former occasious, and hopes by a de
sire to please to merit' a.continuanoe of the
Neal]] P. MONYtg
- 57plendid Fancy Goods,':Elegapt
Gift .13ppk's446:
. ,
0 W. HAVERSTICK has just received
b•••• from the city and is now openings splen
did display of FANCY. GOODS, suitable for
the approaching ItolydayEcason, to which he
desires to coil tne altentaiia of his friends and
the public Ills assortment in this line cannot
bo surpassed in novelty and...elegance, and
both in quality and price of the article's, can;
not fail to please purchasers. It would be im
possible to enumerate bib
which comprise every variety of fanCy articles
of the most novel styles and-exquisite finish,
such as '
Ladies' Fancy Baskets,
Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instrum' to
Terracotta Work to recent novelty;)
Paper Macho Goods,
'Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands
and trays,
Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases,
' - .Port - Moirrinies, of - every variety,
Gold pens and pencils, •
Fancy paper -weights,
Papeteries, with a largo variety of ladies
fancy stotionery;
Motto seals and wafers,
and bead parsos, '
Ladies' riding whips, elegontly finished,
finc - cutlcry - ,
Ferrite - its baskets end hags ;
Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
Boutibel's perfumes of the various kinds,
Musical instruments, of all kinds and at n 1
prices, -together with an innumerable.variety.of_
articles elegantly finished and suitable for ho
lyday presents ; to which he invites Epecial at•
Also, an extensive and elegant collection of
et - uprising:the various English and Arrierkno
ANNUALS for 1851, richly embellished and
illustrated POETICA L WORE 5, with
CIIILDREN'S PICTt4R-lAL - 11 - 0 0-K S.
for children of all ages, titan which nothing
can be more appropriate orpleatting.aa holiday
.His assortment of Scheel Books and
Scheel Stationery is also -complete, and corn:
prises every thing used in Colleges and the
Schools. He also desires to call the particular
attention of Families to his elegant display of
from the extensive establishments of Cornelius,
Archer and others of Philadelphia, commising
every style of Parlor, Chamber - and Study
-Lamps, fur burning either-larksperm or ethe.
real oil, together with Flower Vases, Fancy
Screens, &c. Ilis assortment id this line is un
equalled in the borough. Also,
in every variety and at all prices, all of which
arc pure and fresh, such as can be confident!
recommen e. to ns rien san tle nt c o is.
His stock embraces everything in the line of
Fancy Goods, with many other artidles useful
to housekeepers,which the public are especially
invited to call and see during tho holidays.—
Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the
Bank on North Hanover street..
dealt S
This is to inform my friends and the public
that I sin now selling off my entire-stock of
dry goods at cost. I have 3 large stock of sea
•.....sonablo goods and will
r- . r • .
jusrnacption a few of
the leading articles.-
4t , r."Mullins, Calicoes,
Ginghams, Mouslin do
Laines, Cashmeres,
-Alpncluts, White Flan
7:„ nels, Irish' Linens,%&e
Also Men andßoys' Hats and Caps, a large
lot. One Iron Salo, price $20,00. AIFO, alo
of labelled 'tea and Spice Canisters, a sett of
Store Curtains. and other store fixtures. To
gether with Coffee and Sugar, All of which
must be sold regardless of cost before the let
of April.
The subsbriber respectfully asks all to call
at his old stand (the BEE HIVE) in .North
Hanover street, where all attention will be
given to please. S A COYLE.
N. B. All who know themselves itidcbtcd to
the subscriber will please cell and settle up ac-
counts before the Ist of March.
January 9 S A COYLE.
A BALE of No. I Potomac Bagging, suita
cla for hng for fartners,Just received
which I will sell client'.
oct23 N W WOODS, Ag't.
Sack Flmmels.
-JUST reenived n .general assortment of Col,
ored Flannels for Lndies Sacks, to wit—Blar k-
Gray, Blue, Red. Galen, Pink and changed
We. Also, White Woolen and Cotton }Ama
in greet variety. G W MTNER.
To Milliners
JUST roceived • another- lot of -Bonne'
Frames of the latest style. Also, Bonnet elitist
Silk and Satin Linings of various colors.
decl 1 111 MTN ER.
• -
American Ott. .
JUST received a freelt an ply of American
Oil. • For sale by A C FETTER,
octln No 148 North Hanover*.
Tapestry 'Worsted.
1 UST opened a general assortment of tling'r
al try Worsted in various colours for Kniapes
Scarfs, Slippers, Shawls,' &c. Also, an' addi.
Tonal supply or Zephyr Worsted
sept2s G W IfITNLR.
waxy wiLL sou surnon!
rrILIDUSANVS of bottles of the AMERI
-C CAN COMPOUND tiaveliecn sold dur
ing the post year, and was never litiow,n to
full of curing, in a few dnya j of n certain del!-
cute disease, Seminal weakness and all'ilisensou
tlio_Urimmyergane„.l"cssone, afflicted using .
this pram:int and popular remedy, iced fear no
exposure, as it . lenveipne' odor on the. breath,
requires no restrictions in diot ur business
contains n..) Mercury or noxious drugs injurious
to the system, and is adapted to every age, sex,
or condition. It is alto the best remedy known
for Fluor Albite or Whites,•fremale complaints>
with which thousands stiffer, without ilia !Entity
lodge of a remedy.. This celebrated reared},
his long been used in private practice ufa pity
-eician and, with' unerring: eurcean, radkoly.
curing ninety : 4lMo of the hundred. cases in a
lbw days. Around each bottle -are_ plain and
full directions. - -
. .
CAUTION—Ask for tho -ANTE R IC A N
COMCOUND,Ond . purehriso only of tlio Agents
Price 81 Mir.bottle. ' For solo by S. ELLIOTT
Carlisle; .1, Wroth, Harrisburg; R. Williams.
Columbia; by A. Miller, Lancaster; E. Morris,
& Co.,'York. (Jimmy, l 5 1851.
-Stateinent - of - the Pintince4.-
-•• 31st DAY OF DECEMBER., 1850, INCLUSIVE. ' •
Made by the Comm;Ssione'ri in compliance with the requisitions contained in the
twenty-second and twenti-third _sections of an Act of Assembly of this Common
wealth, pifiSed on the 15th day of April, A. D., 18:34. And ako in conformity
with the thirtY-seve s tith section of the same Act, which requires the County Trea-
surer, once an bvery'year to state his acqpunt and produce his vouchers to the
Commissioners, which after examination by the said Commissioners shall be by
them laid before the County Auditors for settlement according:to law.
In accordance with which 'William M. Porter, Esq., Treasurer of Cumberland
county, submits the-following as a correct exhibit of the Receipts and Expenditures
for the past year, ending the 31st day of December, 1850.
Wm. JUL Porter l 'Esq. Treater.
. .
. •
- Receipts. •
To balance in hands of Treasurer as per Auditors last settleme*
Amount of Outstanding Taxes, ,
" of County Taanssessed for 1850,
‘ ----- :ciffStatri — Abatoment on paymenfiiriga i B3o 44,
' received of D. Smith; Esq., Sheriff, fines and verdict foes,
John Hyer,'Esq. ' fines and verdict fees, .
Carlisle Deposit Bank, loans for 60 days, - , •
County, School and Road takes, proceeds of Treasurer's sale,
' G. Wise, Boro' Treasurer, for erection of now Town Clock,
on miscellaneous receipts from various persons,
1 ..
SCHEDULE OF COUNTY TAX for years 1847-8-9-50, exhibiting the amount.of Du
plicates, amount received, amount of Collectors fees, amount of Exonerations,
and the amount outstanding'on the Duplicates up to the 31st day of De
'umber, A. D., 1850, inclusive. •
Townships & llord'e.i . Collector's Names.[Yearelantount of !Ain't Ree'd EollectorsiAroonat of Am i out
' Illtipllcates I . .
.-1 , teem 'Exonerate 'winding:l
'Carlisle John holder 1847 , 383 77 ~„.....11110 00 283 77
Carlisle James Postlewaith 1848 ' ' 860'r
_..... 479 00 , v. A 381 57
Monroe, Samna Bricker B{.o 2 4.4 t 40 00 ' 'l. 350 25
Shippenshurg .. George Butts 158 45 ' - 94,32+ 3717; 25'95
Allen •• - Samuel'Bitncr .1849 135431 - 1133''VE , ••••=-4 -83 77 -
Carlisle) - ' Charlos,Bell• ‘- . 1848 76 639 97 .g , - . 1008 79
. •
Dickinson Jacob Claud' .1724 55 1327 77 ' - '.396
Frank ford George Kosht 488 13 -282'00 1 206 13'
Hopewell ..7: KM. Means - 277 74 237 68
Hampden ' George W. Fester . 407 61 313 50 70 78 325 '
_Mochanicaburg—____ John Hoover-- • -155-66 ' '129 95, 23 41 - - 29
.Monroe A• Williams ' 1968 05 1766.59 •.' O 201 46
New gumberland Joseph Musser - -27 87 . 261 00 • :'' i 787
Newton Jacob Weaver ,548' - 06 402 28 87 84 •57 94
NorihNiddleton John Minx - 970 64 " .786 'OO . - 184 64
Shippensburg Wm. M'Cluro • I j 613 95 .419'00 '." 212 95
Shipponsburg T. Hugh Craig] ~, 99-65 85 363 13 osi , . - 60
Silver Spring . Georg : is-Keller: • 1763 42 1592 00 119 91 50 91 . r
Southampton • Jos. G. - Cressler :. '1212 65 1110 31, 81' 89 .19 8511
Sautli•Middieton .. John, Peters ,• ', 1677 76 1529 80 120 43 '•27 53
Weat'Pennsboro' G00...G. . ''' --1448 12 — 1282 00 115-58 5045
Allenl '' Daniel Markley Davidson,
'lB5O 2650 08 1350 00 1300 06
_.Carlisle • Jos. C. Thompson 3.520 12 525 00 2995 12
Dickinson 'Joseph Galbraith 2579 58 1250 00 , 1329 58
,East Pennsboro' . Samuel Bowman lll5 II _ 474 '73
_- - ,
Frankford - - JoliiiC. Brown 591 80 591 80
Hopewell) ' John Stevick - 523 93 200 00 323 93
-Hampden Daniel Erb - I 5,30 1072 50 --, r . 242 80
Mifflin H. D. Dulhousen ' 637 86 593 78 31:25 12 83
Mechanicsburg • John F. Spahr 497 68 464 55 .24 45 868 ,
I •
Monroe George Brialle !
,„ 2054 40 300_00 1754 40
New Cumberland Adam Freeman. j a 110 94 116 94
Newton Samuel Green 1523 51 651 00
_.../.. 872 51
North Middleton George Brindle 1868 57 409 00 _...., 1459 57
Newvillo W. B, Thompson . 282 07 150 00 ' ' 134 07
Shippensbiug Benjamin Duke' • 639 II ,016 00 423 11
Shippensburg T. Davidl3.. Duncan 219 22 160 00 B9 22
Silver Spring • Win. G. Hamilton . 2185 49 482 12 170 J 37.
Southampton 1 Jacob Clippinger • 1358 50 480'00-1 .87 59_
South Middleton. David Scoby -AM?' ' 2479 14 861 20 161 8 .94
West Pennsboro' Edward Philips;` I 1967 17 735 45 . : 123 7 72
' $46,353 16 24.148 92 $B9
. 72
,$369 65 20937 32
...t. , . Courts.
Grand Jurors pay for 1850
'Prayers° Jurors pay for 1840
.WillianiAnderson - ter services as
' Court Crier /.
Martin Common/for t.erviees os
Tip Stave,'
A. A. Line for 1 doz. of chairs for 'Zr — 2 Aridges..2l3
use of courts, 14 00 I Rhoads for repairs at ;Bucher's
Deputy Attorney General. Bridge
J R Smith, Esq., foes in Common- Henry Carlin and others for work
wealth cotes. 132 00 and materials for bridge at ri-
Wm. II: Miller, Esti , fees in Cont. nor
mon Svcalth cases ' 21 00 John 'Welty'for 2788 feet plank for '
repairing bridge-
Witnes.., Fees in Commonwealth Cases. .
Joseph Quigley for work and ma—
Paid witnesses in Commonwealth ' • fetish repairing bridge
cases (ern bracing ril cones) '251 7 0 .4 Coyle and Sponsler for nails re
Justices Fees in •Coutnionweadth Cases. pairing Bucher's bridge ~
Paid Justices in Commonwealth D Cullman I'4r repairs at %Vise's- •
26 68i j sbrnitely for 112 feet of plank
--- : . ,
Constable's Fee. in Commonwealth Cases. tar repairs at Rupp's bridge
Paid Constables in Commonwealth G H Bucher for lumber furnished
cases 20 39 at bridge I ,th, '22 35
IVrn Cart hire for horse viewing br g LI son
Cdnimisstoncr's expenses to York____
coniri.iiiil building bridge
27 00 II Church on account of bridge
bitilding.on Tel Breeches cr'k
713 j. " G b u u t l 4 ll ",,o a n t ;I c i c eil u enr ° g i e b r T s idge
Cumberland Fire Company
Union Fire Company
Paid Count Au
LditoLs_for_auditing_ _
public accounts,
Paid J H Weaver for auditing ac
counts of Prothonotary, Clerk
of Courts and Register .0,0
Paid Wm Riley for services as
clerk to county Auditors
Prothonotary's Ojice.
PaidyJas Loudon for dockets arid
Recorder Ed Clerk's Office.) ~.-•,
. Paid John Byer, Esq. fees in Corn
monwealth cases and record
' ing Officers elect
Paid James Loudon for dockets
Commos!o c
ner's Office.
James London for Duplicates, U.
' - States Land Books, Stationa
ry, &c.
Mrs Ann E Cornman for cleansing
and scrubbing office a. •
James F Lamborton for copy of
Rules of Conn ' •
J Worthington for assisting to
prepare statement for Auditor a
General 10 00
John Moll, Esq. pay is full no Com ..R?
missioner for 1850, (170 days) 255 00
C. Inhoff for Etherial Oil, Can
dles. Lamps, Sic.
James Echo, Esq. pay in frill' as
Commissioner for 1850, (155
days) d 232 503
John Sprout, Esq. pay in full as
Commissioner for 1850, (132
days) , 0 198 00
W 11 Trout, Esq., nay in full as .
Commissioner,from llth Nov.
to 31st Dec. (41 -days'
J H Graliami"Edff.lifir in - full' as
Attorney to Commissioners
for 1850 .
Wm Riley pay in full - of salary
for 1850 325 00
Wm Riley for services in distrib
uting Ouplicates, Warrants
and Election blanks " •
" :Public2Prantivr; Interest on Loans.
Pai.“ B Braden for pub. printing -- .7, 216 25 Wm. Irvine and others interest on loans
Pnid J K Boyer du 1572,5
Paid E Fi'diuty .. rlo 156 75 •
Paid Win M Mateer for printing - B. D. Womlerlich postage for county
done when Treasurer 200 J. Dunbar putting away coal . 1 ,
Easterh Penitentiary. S. Brown and F. Gould for shovelling
. snow 2 03
Paid for support of convicts for ~
• J Sweigart for hauling dirt 1 62 1
1849 ° - .
159 1 9 1. Shealfer making chest for nssess't books .• 4 25-
Jail and, toiiiity Penitentiary. , F. Gardener for stove cylinders 402
David Shover and ethers for hick- • • , A. Senseman and George Hilton forcar
. ory wood for use of Jail • 203 25 tinge hire fur appeals, &c. 49 69/
Joim'Boaler reclairing bobbles • . . 1., 25 Wm. Riley travelling expanses hokhrig
J Shell; Esq. Sherif! of Dauphin co ~,' . triennial appeals 52 50
for conveying prisoners - ' 8 74. Giles & Brother for copy of directory I r 0
Peter Guishall and others (or ro• ' ' • Wm* Line for-Linden trees for square 6'25.
pairs at jail 33 972 Gco• S. Searight Ass't P M.. prangs for
Jacob Spangler for sand for re• e .unty 1 28
psi' aat jail 17 50 Samuel Moody & D, Wodster for maps
C °gift for Shoos &c. for prison- 0 ' for offices 21 00
ors . • 38.12 Jacob Ritmo for snit to destroy gram on .
W B Parkinson and others for walks 150
clothing for prisoners 54 5 7 A J. W. Ilendle repairing old town clock 1G 03
Mrs Riley and - Mrs R - Thcada ' S. - Penfield travelling expenses negoini-M-Y4 -" •
for making shirts, for prison- ring for clock 22 00
ore • 925 R. A. Niible for straps to bind trees Sr'
J. P. Lynn fur oil hogshead and sundry
articles for county
22' ,' A. Julnistun for cluripg gutters around
10 24 i 'lfe guars . ,Vright for 8 to'fis'itene'crial .
• • Wm. Gill for repairing earrings brae by
230 Commissioners iti viewing bridge
. W. Randolph for 100 bush. charcoal "
2 00 J. %V. Ehy for candles, oil, &c.; foruso of
21 87 county
henry Loyer expenses conveying
prisoners to Carlisle jail
A•& W Bentz for materials fur
- beds, Sze. for prisoners.
ft &Milgrim for,blanliets
• ''
for pri--
finites lloffar for one pair of hob•
Ides • .
Peter Gnishall for making bunks
&c. for prisoners „ •
Wm Miller formalting flew pump
in jail yard .
Charles Boutz fOr making platform
D:Smith. Beg. SherifT, for support
- of prisoners and fees in I/om- .
-wealth cases '
Dr W W Dale 1 years' salary vs
physician .
1 3 0671 Ifouie
J Squier, Esq. Trenearer, in full
of eetsmetto ter 1850
Wm !ter and Thomas Bradley, ,
Esqrs pay in Direr pre CO.OO
A 'Boater and C Sisyman,
. pay' as visitors for 1850.
Lill it - PVltyllitCnts, , . ,
Viewers al Roads and Damages -Autartfcd.
408 5 9 - Peter Sheller damage, awarded . • 41 00
1743 10 John Ilaverstioh- -- do -- ,-; -70 00
Solomon Shin ' do 5 Oil
Road orders on-certificates of Clerk.
of Courts - 1115 64
8 00
10 00
F ---
34 75
Assessors for services at Triennial
Assessment \
Assessors for services posting kists
182 985 of taxablea, &c.•
31 5 0 J Goodyear and other Assessora
for services in 1850
Officers for holding township e'ection
78 00 lion
Constables far advertising fownship elec
-89 80
300 Officers firr holding general election . 403 85
Public Buildings.
16 11 A. Erb for winding town clock
Jacob Myers for work and materials re
pairing milks 3 80
M Cornman for boxing trees 3 In
H. Church for lumber for repairs at cupalo 40 04
J Worthington for repairing Court House 275 00
Sylvester Penfield for now clock and
12 30— dial in court room 375 00
Samuel Wetzel for work at cupalo stairs
and new clock faces , ' 13 10
P. Gutshall for repairing cupalo and •
weatherboarding 63 75;
A. S. Lyno for tinning cupalo and repair
ing copper Spouting .. 81 521
J. Armstrong for lumber for repairs 3 30
H. Saxton for hardware, &c., for repairs 12 001
M. Common I years salary .s keeper of
61 50 65 0
Rev. T. Creigh amount of county bondlso3 (10
Miss Ann Stewart amount of county bond 200 00
Wnr. Irvine amount, of 3 county bonds 1901 00
Carlisle Deposit Bank amount of loins for
60 days and interest
Mrs Catharine Geddes oinotint of county
bond " • 7 430 00
60 00
75 00
Inquests. . .
23 t2l P. Barnhart. Esii., - Coroner, and *Justices -
2 20 - for holding inguisidoes on dond bodies 61 45k
Abuirmthts. . •
- Henry D. Dalliousod and" other Donee
-184 (H tors amount of abatements allowed tax
25 00 pay, N
Rs/intded _Taxes: „ ,
Rudolph Martin and •Juno •M'Cortnick
thus etroncously assessed " • s '
5000 03 Fox Orders.
Fox ()Mori on cis. tificoteS of Justices 64 50
• Constable's Return,:
Constablo's r nurns on etatifiotos of
20 00 Clcrk of Co Irts
6 2762 781}
18197 96
1227 _9l •
142 12
' 16 00
2473 33 r:
• 16Q 12
161 00 '1
38 58; I
053335 46
20 00
1000 00,1
1 ooloog
18 041
18 00
680 37i
T 7 59k
j2O 811
269 95
5 00
A Supplement tb an Ordinance
Entitled 'An Ordinance i elating to the Market,'
;passed 11th of January, 1841.
SECTION r. lle it enacted and ordained by tho
Town Council of the Borough of Carlisle, and
it is herehfonacted and ordained by the au
thority of .the same, That the market days for
this Bordugh shall be Wednesday and Satur
day, as set forth in the Charter, and no person
shall buy or sell any article of proinsions,
(groceries, all kinds of grain, and bread only
Acepte.l), after the hour of sunset of the day
.receding the said market days', and seven
o'clock of the morning of the said market
days, from the Ist of April until the Ist of Oc
tober, and eight o'clock of the morning of the ,
laid market days from the Ist day of October, the first of 'April, within the boudds of
the Borough_of ,Carlisle, except in the market
house, under the penalty of One Dollar; and
no person shall sell or purchase any article
within said time in said market house, until the
hour appointed for opening said market, which
shall be at 3i o'clock. A. M., front the let of
April until tat of October, and at 6 o'clock,
M., from lot Of October until the :at of A
' .pril, underghe penalty of One Dollar j and it
shall be the'dtuy of tho clerk of the ; market to
give notice of the arrival of the appointed hour
by ringing a bell to, be provided for that pur
SCCTION 11. .9nd be it further enacted, That •
no person slid: purchase in ibis borough, on any
market day as aforeshid,s'within the 'Market
hours as specified inthe foregoing section, with
the intention or for the paroehe of reeelling tho
same, either wholesale or 'retail. tn for sending
the sae out of_ the county, with the view of
,any other market or person-abroad,
more than hall , a bushel of - backwhern•or corn
meal—of nay kind of nuts, more than a peck=
'al - eggs-store than two dozen--ol butter more
than six bounds—ol potatoes more than three
,'.ushel —of &lad meat, tnore Ihnn .twenty
'petunia, unles4 'a single piece should • weigh
noro—orpouttry, mere then one pair of tur
ceys or green—of ducks and 'chickens, morn
'Mtn two I)l6m—under the penalty of .nee Dol.
'qrs. •
1510 67
525 31
1 00
31 00
6 ou
11 75
90 03
, 81 93
• CR.
Cash paid on Comthig-aioners orders 522320 021
Amount of County Treasurer's cam. .
mission at Our cent. . 297 651
Amount of outztadding iturea upaid by -
collectors 20837,34
Amount of collectors fees at 5 per cent ' 827 72
Arpount of exonorationd allowed col
Amount'of hal nice in hands of Treas
urer and due county 8492 881
Total of-credit 9
To amount of rocoiptofpr 1850 53335 48
, -
. ,
Wo the Commissioners orCumberiand
Seal county, do certify and submit the forego.
•-••••••••7 ing ns a correct statement of the Receipts
and Expenditures of tim county aforesaid,' front
the lst day of January to the 318 v day of Decoin.
bet A. 1/1850, inclusive, as also Met amount of
the county tax for each of the respective boroughs
and townships within the county, levied and as.
,sessed - upon - rcal and personarestaie;'as ehownby
the books on die 31st day of December, 1850,
gether with a statement of the expenditures under •
each head of appropriattimmade'by the Commis.
sioners in compliance wit {Oho requisitions con.
tained in the 22d and 23d sections of an act of As•
day of April; 1831.
Witness our hands and seal of office at Carlisle
the 6th of January, 1851. ' •
JOHN SPROUT, Commr2L. \••••
Attest—WM. RILEY, CM.
We the undersigned Auditors of Cumberland
county, mot according to law, and having exam•
toed the accounis and vouchers of Wm M. Por
ter, Esq , Treasurer of raid county; from the let
day ofia4l.- , -ry to the Olst day of Member, - A.
D. MU, inclusive, do certify that we find the sum
of eight th ousand' four hundred and ninety-two
dollars nnd eighty-eight and three quarter cents due
by said .Treasurer to the county .aforesaid, as will
appear by the foregoingexhibition of said account.
In testimony whereof we have hereunto set'our
hands at Carlisle, th;rl Out day of January s - 18.51.
t Register of Cumberland county, in account with
the Commonwealth of Ponnsylvenia in regard
to. ; Collateral Inheritance showing the
amount of said Tax received by him from the
let day of January, A. 120.1350, to the lot day of
January o,i. D. 1851, as well as his payment out
the same, as follows, to wit ;
Jan. 5, To cash received l from R.
P. McClure, adm'r of Eliza
Wee bles, deceased
9, George Cart, adm'r of Wm.
Cart, deceased
9, R. IlleGlan, executor of
George Sturin decased . 8 97
. 9, J. W.,Ehy, executor of Jae.
Neal, deceased
15, D. Whistler,. executor of
Wm. Stevenson, deceased .--
_2l, A. Bleir,..ader—of _lfetty-'
Ramsey, decased • 87 62
March 23, Win. Lion, one of the exr's
of Dr. A. P. Linn, deceased 26 69
Juno 13, D. Whisler, executor of
Writ. Stevenson, deceased 71 53
19, James McCormick, ex'r of
George McCormick, deed
26, David Kenower, adm'r of,
Syoney K ing,'dscensed 8 35
29, Ellen Duncan, ruler of
Mary Duncan, deceased_ 61_42
July 3, JOhn Brindle, one of the
executors of Peter Bricker,.
'deceased - 400 00
5, Geo, Brindle, do, 305 00
Aug. 23, John B. Cunver, adm'r of
- Josrph Grail, decd. ' --90 00-
Sept. 13, Jas. R. Irvine, one of the
Executors of Samuel Irvine,
_ deceased
10, Du do adm'r of Mar
aret Piper, dec'd.
Oct. 19, I) S Renshaw, Executor of
Charles Fulton, dec'ci.
Nov.' 6, John Kiwi', executor of Eli
11, Issue Shulleuberger, execu
tor of .1 Shulleuberger decd 102 00
23, Lemuel Todd, miner of Ma
_ . ry Myers,-disc'd.- -
Dec 13, M Dsvids m executor of is
• belle•, dec'd -
1.1 4 .50 Jan 10, By cosh paid county Audi
, tors per receipt
12, By cash pitidJ Wo'rthinglon
~As.a, s sor
21, 8 Woodburn, Assessor,.l 50
22, G J Ball State Tteasurea, 2po 00
23, J Sean, A.,sessor 1 00
30, 1) C..f.,rninna and George
Bri.,dle, Assessors 3 00
Feb. 8, .1 Al Davidson, Assessor I el)
C L Vanderhelt, do 3 VO
. ,
Mar. 16, Wm Henning do . 100
25, G J Bell, State Treasurer 30 60 -,
Apr. 2., 'Joseph 'Wetzel, Appraiser 150 '
03, C Vanderbelt, Assessor 1 50
10, M Neer, Assessor 00
May 2, I,Vm Greenwood, Appraiser 150
15, N- Weakley, Assessor 2 00
2-1, G M Graham, Apureller 1 50
—ILO 9 .--i-st-3ickei,-Stalo- , -Treas-,--800-t.HO. -
Aug 17, Do do do 150 00
/ Sept. 3, Do •do ' do 1110 00
15, _ D•Ido do . IGO 00
. . _ -
Oct. 10, Daniel Leckey, APVr;iser
20, Go ,dyearjr. Appraiser
22, J 11Btcltel, "tat 'Vreas.
Nov.i 11, D Humes, 3 00
13, Stuto Trona. 130 00
10, Robert McCune, Appraiser 160
26, llitner, Appraiser 1 00
Dec. 4, .1 M. Bickel, Snit Treasurer 27 00.
20, du do do 30 GO
By commieinn of 5 per cant on
$1,965 93,
81865 79
Balance due State Treasurer 14
We the undersigned, Auditors : of Cumberland
:ounty, elected aid sworn according to law, in
tccordance with the Act of Asiembly. passed
:ho ltd duty of April, A. D. 1846, having. ex—
tmincd the above account of William Gould,
Esq., Register for the county aforesaid, In the
,natter o f collateralinheritance tax, and find the
mme correct-as above-stated.
- - .
In testimony whereof, we havo hereunto Bat
ur hands, at Carlisle,. this Bth day of January,
Pllll4l' QUIG,LEY,
!auditors of Cumberland county.
•SEc'rrox tit...lint be it further enacted, That
ho .high Constable and Clerk of the rnarket be
vig.Pant to prevent a violation of this Ordinance
And if either shall prosecnto any offender to con
viction, Ito shall be entitled' to one half the pe
nalty. • • -
SECTION MI. .4//d be it furtlte.• enacted, That
ho-3d. section of iho ordinance, to which this
inn Surylenient, oriented the ilith or January >
!FA I,.he,and the name ,a hereby-repealed.--
• • ,
President of Council.
Attestl S. SWIM, Clerk to Council. .
" Lead Colored Bonnet . ,
NEW supply' of Lend boloted . Itonnets
just recetved at the store of
369 65
053335 46
130 00
125 00
23 75
83 86
50 60
36 - 38
28 31
31 90
$1865 93
$1 ZO
1 CO
130 00