Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 19, 1851, Image 3

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,Oit the 18t1i instant, by the Rev.
Asiol4 31r: 19iIlinm:A. - yleming,' to Nitta Susan
Ann Walker, both of Petersburg, Perri
Jll s,
On Wednesday, the 13th inst., after n lin
gering iliness:,'Mr.' Jobs OFFICER, Of , ilia bor.-
°ugh, aged 51 years,'
In Newville, on Monday, the 10th inst., Mr.,
d'Alsius Laimut.m,lmthe,66th year of his age.
And while ye , too often -meet with uncalled
for, land even fulsome panegyrics and praises
bestowed on individuals; tiVlten noticing their
death,' we think' that 'all Who were intimate.
with Mr. Laughlin;Will bear us out in saying
that in his death hiS brother and •sisters have
lost a faithful guide" and counsellor; Bo) all,urch
aralSeSsiati an intelligent, pious, and .upright
• member, ,being blessed ,with a pious ancestry
and ,correct training in youth, which with a
naturally sober,-thoughtful and pious turn of
mind, it, soon became evident that his first
choice was the one.thing needful ; ,from which
time until the day of his death, he might tru
ly be said:to have walked. with Cod. It
, nittY
, be said:of him that, the world' s frowns and
muileS 'were alike unheeded by him, his
vioar's Crown and Kingdom was his all-nbsurb
ing thought, and While litany of his :christian
Mends thinight-hmmightiravo-becn-more-use--
, ful to the a:limbo so much loved, had he been
less 'reserved; still his extreme disdain coup
led as it wag with h strong aversion to a nun
, pleasing spirit seemed:to have governed and
fixed his retiring habits,' 4. But Ito has fm-:
ished his course with joy, and his latter end
was peace. Blessed are the dead that:die in
the Lord; from henCefortli sayeth the spirit &c.
New '26vertOcincnts.
THE public are informed that the sixty-fifth
anniversary of the Belles Lettres Society of
Dickinson Cellege, will be celebrated in the
Methodist Episcopal Church, On Monday e
vening, the 2.lth inst.
Door .open at 6 1 1 . - o'cloOk. Exercises com
mence at 7. By, order of the Committee.
S the subscriber intends 'leaving
all persims knowing theniselves indebted
to hint, arc requested 16 come, formitird without
delay and 'make payment, or their accounts
will be pliteed in, ifie• inikla' of, n' Justn:e for
collection. J. G. 'CAN:I%IOIV Y.
XTO SUBSCRIBRS Ibr the Public Led.
J ger by the month, will ho received at the
Book Store el' the subscriber, after 'he FIRST
OF MARCO. ensuing. ' D. MARTIN,
Feb. 1973 t • -
IDrug ana. raitey Store!
THE LADIES shall meet with the most
polite attention at Rawlin's Drug and Fancy
Store, - andbe supplied with - TlZers and Rous•
Eel's . PERFUMERY at city prices. A Fresh
lot just revolved.
A. fresh stock ofNE.RUITS and CONFEC•
TIONARIES just arriied. Fine Sweet Or•
anges at 18 cents per dooco„fine lemons at 15
cents per 'dozen, Figs 12i, Seedless, Bunch
and Cluster Raisins nt 10,- and .13 cents,
English Walnuts, Filberts, -Italian Cheinuts,
&c., Lemon, Mint, Clove, Aniseed, Terube
aad other candies, all for sale at' Philadelphia
CY STORE, next door to the - Post Office,
" - Main st., COO°. •
A lot of choice BRANDIES 'sod WINES,
fcir medicinal use, just received and for sale at
Rawlins Drug and Fancy Store, West Main
street, Carlisle.
brands always for sac at Rawlin's Drug and
Fancy StoPe. , [Feb 19
FARMER'S - EggrOiciraff
rpHE subscriber would respectfully invite
A. the attention of- fanners to his zissortment
of PLOWS, now manufac
- • lured.. neer Crnighead'avMill
in South Middleton township,
four miles south of Carlisle.
---• My assortment consists of
Withrow's, Stuckey's and Ball's patterns.-
The Castings will all he - ground. I will also
make GRAIN CRADLES. of the most im•
proved patterns. All orders directed to Wm.
L.Craighead. Carlisle, will be attended to
with .promptnoss, and Plows or Cradles deny
eredflpiny part of the county free of charge.
WM. L. CRAIGHEAD, Propt,r.
DAVID STUCKEY, Oranttfitcl'r •
Feb.l9 6m
Estate of Benjamin Diller, dee'd.
XTO TIC E is hereby given that loiters of tid
al ministration with the will annexed, on the
estate of BENJAMIN DILLER, late of North
I iddle ton.xown ?hip, -Cu m borlend- eounty,d e
ceased, have been granted tci'lhe subscriber
residine. in Monroe township, in said county.—
All persons \knoing themselves indebted to
said estate iC.D' required to make immediate
payment end those having clainis_ure requested
to present them to
febl9-6tpd JOHN DILLER, adner.
Steam Iron Railing.
=ORE dt. GALLA,GnErt.,
Corner of Ridge Road and _Broad Street,
wOULD call the attention of purchnters to
their elegant assortment of if rough
and Cast Iron Railing for
Roiling for ,Churches, Public and Priya.i3
Buildings, Public Squares, dr„c., together with
all kinds of Plnin and Ornamental Iron Work.
More . & Gallagher's. Book of ORIGINAL
DESIGNS, containing the best selection oh
designs that has-ever been issued, will be sent
to any person who may wish to make st , solecL
tins. 1feb19.51.
To Bridge Builders.
THE Comniissioners of Cumberland county
will receive proposal; at their office in Car-
lisle, until liIONDAY, the 10th of Martth,
'1851; for the building of a
across the Conodogninct Creek, at a point at
or near Eckert's ,Hill and fording, in Newton'
'township, Cumber Fend county.
The Bridge to be of the following dimen
stone, viz :--:To contain in length 12t1 feet in
the'cleor from one abutment to,ilis other on the
opposite shore, and to,ba fact. wide ,in 'the
clear. • 'flie two abutments - 10;1m' 111 feet•thisilt
in the bottom with a battcridvvallier one - inch
to the foot on three sided. °villa niiiitment.
The abutments to be 11 feat iiigWfrcim tho'bot
tom of the creek to .the cord lindi.i -Two sum-.
cienrarehos to be started from tJto, abutment
to 'extend, to the opposito gbutmant : bn the op
posits shora l . The bridge to be double floored
with; two inch 'plunk, first - floor to be pli)e or
oak;lho upper floor to be oak plank laid length
. 'wise sturraiaed in the centretl7 inches. 'he
sides - and, gable ends of said - bridge to hoof a
sufficient height to admit a covered or hey wa.
• gon to pass through the same.;, The bridge is
to b e closely weathorboarded with three•quar
tor pine, hearth], well lapped and planed on the
.- - outside. The-label(' of the WI:105o( said bridge
to be; roofid with
,good and sufficient white
pine shingles, andsaid roofing twelve font over
tho heel of thd arch or the top of the abutments,
and on each side of. the bridge over the weath
erboarding two foot: The abutments ore to
be.built on a firm foandtition,•and to he appMv.
ed by the Commissioners. The whole of the
mason work to be wall built of hard and large
atone, line, mortar and pointed from the back
of the - The filling ,shall consist of
earih•and stonemnd to be supported with mpg
walls, on emelt siddwe feet' thick' at the two 's•
batmenterwith a battering 'cif ono inch to thci
foot' to the top of the filling, and;.to „extend' in
that:manner op the two ertrome sides of the
bridge until the' and Walling meet
the road. 'with an ascent not ircoodingpri. l l ll ffic
of four degreoe, elevation - from tint' road to the,
bridge,. with curtain walls of sufficient length
and due mass and - coiercid,i with( .broad stone
__well secured. • The woodwork on the outside
to be painted with two coats of white lead•in
linseed oil,,sopil inside, of .tho.-bridgcr , is to ha
whitewashed with two • vials of-lime. 'Thu
Midortalcor •is to find all materials at. his .own•
°Amens°. and lesiva cinch security, att the,Corn
/11:d -r...itllt require for ,tho faithful per - -
!Minutes ill 1111 , Yrkinapship and permanency
of said briclgo.lor and during, the term of seven'
years frorp the Mina' the Said bridge•iffialifbe fitn
lobe& •' • MmEs KELSO,' • •
• - JNO,, - SPROUT, •
• • WM. Ii.I'ROUT
Commissioners Qf11co;'"
Carlisle, 19th Feb,,18514- -
Aticistri;Wrs.'firtirs, Cl'h.
T, 11 4 different .oflieei end ShOpe, on the
corner lot, where George Bp. resides, except
ing. two, are yet for rent. _Persons
rent will call on cEoRpE..EpE.,,
, ,
Disiolutieri'Of, Partnership.'
I , k.,T.YrIC F. is !iambi given , sat the -partner
.l.ll ship heretofore existhig'butween ,the sub
acribere, trading under the firm, of J. COY,LE
& SPONSI.EIti iiillogeetewn, has been dis
solved by Mittudrooneent. As one Of the'lido
firm intends' leaviiig Hogesitiitrri at an edelk
'day, it is required that book accounts' shall be
settled without delay. The .bitainesa will be
carried on as heretolortrby John Coyle.' ,
. ,
. .
NUN SATURDAY the Isth.of March next,
will be sold nt.public: sale, at the late res
idence of the Hon. John Reed. deC'dt, a large
variety of H USEH D 'ICITC HEN
FURNITURE, consisting of Sideboards, with
us arble-s I abs,--Wn rd pebes,-Bureauti._ll6
steads, Matraises, Dining Tables, Centre TEL
hies, Book Tables, two large and elegant. book
crises with glass doors, and Mirrorson valuable
lot of miscellaneous books, chairs and lounges,
ottomans, dressing tables, &c., ALSO, china,
cat glass, silver forks, a full china dinner set,
tea china, &p. Also a number of transparent
painted blinds, carpets, and Railings. A. cook
stove, chamber stoves, and kitchen furniture of
all kinds, together with' many other articles too
numerous to mention. Sale to commence nt
10 o'clock A. M. Terms made knowthqn day
sf sale by Mr. Robert McCartney, auctioneer.
ALSO, on the name day at 2 o'clock; P. M.,
i t —the Into residence of Judge
a a Reed,—will bo offered for sale,
.?„'fia!,l I I ! • i* , either entire, or in lots, as will
akna;t4,..: best suit purclumers. The letis
210 teat square,lt has been divided into Three
hits. No. 1. fronting 60 feet on Main street, and
210 on West street. N 0... fronting 120 feet on.
Main -street and running back 290 feet, to
Church alley, this lot contains ail the buildings
with many of the most valuable fruit-and orna
mental trees: No/ 3. fronts GO :net on Main at.
running back 240 feet to Church alley. Persona
wishing information, or to examine the premi•
ses, wiffplcase call on W.Miller, Esq. who
is my agent for the sale. „?'
Executrix, &c.
Carlisle Feb. 12,'51-ts
WILL ho sold at ‘ public sale on TUESDAY
the 25th day,orFebruary, 1851, at the late res
idence of George Priest-, dec'd.. in W. Penns
borough township, five miles Irons Carlisle, and
at, the " Good Hope Mills," the following, pro-,
perry, viz one good horse ~ono mulch .cow
and calf, one light wagon, one light carriago,and
harness, one good one horse sleigh. ono saddle
bridle, and martingal, wheelbarrow,l& of grain
bags, corn in tho ear, &c. Household and
kitchen furnittire, consisting of beds, bedsteads,
tables, chairs, looking glosses, corner cupboard
large brass kettle, and a great variety of other
articles too tedious to mention. ;Sale to 'corn•
mende It 10 o'cloelc, A. M., of said day, when
attendance will-be-given-rind. terms made known
W. MILES, .qurtionser.
Carlisle, Feb. 1‘2751-ts.
THE subscriber- offers at private sale, the
• ARM on which he now resides, in Dickinson
twp. Cumberland co.'about a mile and three
quarters south of Centreville, on the now road
leading from Centreville to Beetem's Sawmill.
Said farm 'contains tibnutShala
•-...AGR:ES of l'ino land, abOut 46 acres of . which
„ure.ciertred. and the residue in woodland—r The
imprOvements area good two sto.
t•='- ry LOG HOUSE, and good log
1 . 1:; ! !,[011-" , and frame BARN._ There is a
thriving-young orchard on thopre-
Az...'''s - '..”44 misds;ol choice fruit,- and an ex'
cellenrstream of never failing. water, near the
buildings, &a. terms will be easy. ° Anyper
td tiny, can have all the neceSsarf
information by calling on the subieribet soon,
Carlisle, Fob,
. •-
, ritatelitaliers Coal.
Iso tons 'Likens Valley nut coal for butting
into receiving and for sale cheap by
Blacksmith's Coal.
soco bushels blacksmith's coal a superior
article, reCeiving and for sale by
lammas lion. SALE.
MIEN HEAD OF MULES, three years
lUI old, six, of which are beautiful bays,. and
all are well broke to harness. They average
from fifteen to sixteen hands high. Enquire of
Cnrlisle, jan29-4tpd.
— N - otirc
The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the
Orphans Court to marshal and distritnite the as•
sets in the hands.of John" Auld, administrator
of Samuel Sheaffer ' dec'd., to and among the
eretitto'rs, will attend to that ditty at his office,
on FRIDAY, the I Ith of March, 1851. Credi•
tors are notified to present their claims.
Carlisle, Feb. 12,'51-4t Auditor.
rinLIE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by
L. the Court to marshal and •distribute the
assets in the hande of 'William M. Henderson,
Assignee of Abraham Neisley, among his
creditors, 'gives notice, that he will attend to
that duty at his office in Carlisle, on SJITUR
DAT, the nth day of February, 1851. The
creditors are hereby notified to present their
dal* on or before that day.
jan29 A 13 SHARPE, Auditor.
Estate of Adam Reigle, deeld.
LL, persons are hereby notified that letters
of administration on the ekate of Adam
Reigle late of the borough of Mechanicsburg,
County of Cumberland, dea'd., have this day
been issued by tho" Register in and for ,said
county to the subscribers, who both 'reside in
the borough of Mechanicsburg aforesaid. All
persons having claims or demands .againstr he
estate of said decedent, are requested to make
knuwu the same. without delay, and those in
debted to make payment to
January 20, 1,951,-6t.
ago Ombra'
- For_three.iiights,_andtivo bays !
trrill'E'subscriber• will
• sell his stock of dry
;24%; Le goods at auction, co m•
mcncin on Thursday
ovening the 20th at 6
---`, .I•. , 4 llll V•3'elock. and continuing
through Friday and setuidey both in day time
find at right. Sale' to commence at - t 0 o clock.
The public is renpectfull_y. invited to. attend, as
arty goods offered will positively by sold, •
Carlisle, Feb. ,12,'61,-2t S A COYLE.
Estate of Martin. Burka, deo'd;
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of
Administration on the estate of MA RTIN
lIURKIT, lab) of Mifflin tp, Cumberland
county, deceased, &eve been granted to the Sub".
scriber, residing in the same township. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are required,•to make immediate payment
and those having claims to present thorn for ,
settlement to
• jont 5
for ilea-,
Houses for Hint
, , . ,
..., .. . • volt'. RENT fr om the, first 'o,i
. 4 .- .. 112 April next. .Cho, two Sun.°
: .,116 . .111 , Rooms in North' Hanover street,
:;'..: .`. at' Menem. occupied by' Mime.
".= , ' 2 ""-...:::-. • Sterner kc Co,, and :Arnold and
Livingston.. Alan, Three ,emall HOUSES,
ono situated on Went
,Louther, etreot and the
othor.tive on Dickinson alley.'
..'declB' .... . , .4,10,, U. 'PARKF.A.
, , • Hotol oituated on the corner
of South liciociver end' Ponfret
H i itrtiet now occupied by Mr. Robert
a Laird. For terms opyly to'
deo .25, 18507-if.
FOR worm.
tho north east corner of 'the publin
I.,ffil square in the row known as "Ilorysr's
! no Row. ,, ''; For terms, &0., inquire at the
subscriber. '-
itovl3-Bpi ..
elorto V, Shops
:FOR rwe irosiorvars.
!Criss Jcinglps! peqd-Q,uqrters, • .
NORTH 1.1..1.Ar01t1i - ST.,' 611.1iLISLE, P.R.
yfl eitize'riS • tir lthS filadd'ii r d all '
those who ntityyiSlythe same during the •
Dolydditti, will fiod - thelititesilissortmeht of s‘
(or , every variety) over offered. manufactUred—
of the hest materials, oxprositly. for. the .ap—=
proaching festivities, which willho sold 'wholc.
sale or retail, tat reasonnUle, • rates, at the old
etactd,of the subscriber in North at„. hig.K.-iloars north .of tho,Banle..- ,
. WhOre may
also a found amompleto,assortmeni of , . •..
Consisting in part of Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, ,
Figs; Raisins , Prunes, in fancy il()X8i Cur
rants, Dates, Almonds, Filberts, Crearri;Coco •
and Ground Nuts. Ho would also call atten.•
tion'to the largest Stock of • ; • '
ever offered in.Carliela, consisting of
C: 1 1-1:1NA'AND GLASS T oys,-
Cord trays, Vases, Mug's, 'Trio: 'B6I. - 'Olt
lieuls, Motto Cups., Cologne Bottles; Turn.
such us Carriages, Carts, Cradles, tables;
chairs, animals, buckets, cups. rattles, 'wash
stands, candle_sticlrs, &c.
pure . lndiet rubber and elastic doll' heads, rat
tics, dogs, teething rings,.eaficature faces, tke
WOODEN ' Toys;
cups and saucers; nine pine, towns, soldiers,
furniture; tools -in
,boxes, games . and puzzles,
drums, guns, trumpets, wagons, wheelbarrows
tubs, Noah's arks, horsemen, magnetic fish,
swans, boats, fiddles, guitars, harinonicans, &c
Fine sewing, card and knitting baskets, fancy
,boxes of :wood, - paper and glass; hair oils,
soaps, colagnes, hair brushes, and hundreds of
other articles not enumerated shays, which all
are invited , to Mill end-examine: -
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to
a . generous public for the patronage bestotted on
hi former occasions, and- hopes by-a de
sire fto please to merit a continuance Of tho
same. [deel]] • MONYER.
i , on• TILE' 3MO3677iATCS
. •
Splendid 'Fancy Goods., Elegant
Gift:Monks, ate. itc. •
.W. HAVERSTICK has just received
4, from the city and is now opening a splen
did display of FANCY GOODS, suitable for
the approaching Holyday Season, to which ho
desires to COI tnc attontion,ol his Blends and
the public His assortment in this line cannot
he surpassed in novelty and elegance, and
both in quaiity and price of the articles, can
not fail to please purchasers. It would be im
possible to enumerate his
which comprise every variety of fancy articles
of the most novel styles, and exquisite finish,
such as -
Ladies' Fancy' Waskets,
• Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instrunete
Terracotta Work (a recent novelty,)
Paper Macho Goods, •
Elegant.:alabasier and -porcelain ink-stands
and trays,
Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases,
Port Mon naies, of every variety,
Gold pens and pencils, . •
Fancy paper weights,
Papeteries, with a largo variety of ladies
fancy stationery, • •
Motto seals and wafers,
Silk and bead purses,
Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished,
Ladies"' fine cutlery; ' uskets_antLb a ga,
Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
Roussel's perfumes of the various !nail,
Musical' instruments, of all kinds and at al
prices, together with an innumerable variety of
nrtieles elegantly finished' and suitable for ho
lyday presents, to which he invites special at
Also, an extensive and elegant collection - of
.omprising the vrtrious English and American
ANNUALS for 1851, richly embellished and
illustrated POETICA L W OR K 5, with
for Children of all ages, than which--nothing
can be more 'appropriate or pleasing as holiday
gifts. His assortment of Scheel Bootie and
School Stationery is also complete, and coin
prises every thing used in Colleges and the
Schools. He also desires to call the particular
attention of Families to his elegant display of
from the extensive establishments or Cornelius,
Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising
every style of. Parlor, Chamber and Study
Lamps, fur burning either lard, sperm or ethe
real oil, together with Flower Vases, Faritty
Screens, &c. Ilia assortmentin this line is un
equalled in the borough. Also,'
in every vnriety and at all prices, all of which
aro pure and fresh, such as can be confidently
recommended to his friends and'the little folks.
iris stock - embraces evEsThilig'inlie - Tiiie - OT
Fancy Goods, with many other ortidles useful
to housekeepets,whiph the public are especially
invited to esti and see during the holidays.—
Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the
Bank on North Hanover street.
GOOK OUT roR 13.0.1ta41N51
This is to inform my friends and the public
that I am now selling oil my ,entire stock of
dry goods at cost. I have a large stock of sea.
sonable goods and will
' O l. 'A. just mention a few of
zszt. tv , t,
r, Ilea ding articles:
• _ ,Calt COO L S.
; 4 411 ; Ginghams, Mouslin do
Lames, Cashmeres,
Alpachas, White Flan
Irish Linens, ike
Also:den and' Boys' Hats and Caps, a largo
lot.' One Iron Safe, price 820,00. Also, alo
of labelled Tea and Spice Canisters, a sett of
Store. Curtains, and other store fixtures. To
gether with Cabe and Sugar, All of which
must be sold regardless of cost before the lit
of April..
The subsbriber respectfully asks all' to call
at his, old stand (the BEE HIVE) in North
Hanover 'street,. where all attention will bo
given to please. S.A. COYLE. '.
N. B. AU who know themselves indebted to
the subscriber will please call and settle up ad
ebunts before the Ist of March.
an nary 9 S A COYLE. -
7 0 Toir
LAC BAC—Miter.
A—l4A P, 1:, of No. I Potomac Bogging, vtuita.-
cue for bngo for farmers, just received,
which I will sell cheap.
oct23 N Vi WOODS, A,l't.-
Sack Flannels,--
_JUST received a gonernl 'assortment of Col,
ored Flannels for Ladies Sacks, to wit—Blatlf-
Gray, Blue, Red. Groan, Piiik and Changea
ble. Also White Woolen and Cotton Flan
in great.variety. G W HITNER.
We.. Milliners . L .
JU S T receittCd tinothdr lot of • Bonne'
Frames of tho latost style. Also, Bonnet silktit
Silk and Satin Linings of various cOlors:- ~.,
deal , W HITNEri.
JUST received a fresh supply of American
Oil. For sale by A C FETTER, ,
• oist23 . No 148 North Hanover et.
Tapestry Worsted.
UST ; opened a general assortment of ttingTf
eD try Worsted in various colodrelbr Kniapes
Searls,.Slippers Shawls, &c. Also, an addl.;
itirittl•supply.of ' Zephyr Worsted
. wine wzrai you strirrzum.
THOUSANDS of bottles 'uf tiro
iIS :CAN COMPOUNRJuive boon sold dm
itigtlio post year, and was never knelvn to
fail of curing, in a few days, of a certain deli
cate disease, Seminal weakness and all diseases
of thePrinuryorgans. Persona afflicted using
this pleasant and, popularremedy, need fear no
exposure, as it leaves no odor on , the breath,
requires no restrletions in diet or business—
contains no Mercury or noxious drugs injurious;
,to the stiateln, And iq adapted to every ago, sex,'
or condition. it is sire tiro best remedy known
rui lfluor 'Albite or
,Whites, (femal e eompleints) ,
with r which thousadds suffer, without the know
ledge of a remedy, .] Colahratert renkody
'has Nog boort used: in private jiraelico of a ,phy.
Stefan and • with unerring, success,-radically ;
,eurlfrg ninety-nine 'of the ' hundied easel in a 1
feat days. Around each bottle 11 . 1t1 'plain and{
fbllMlreetions. • .. • • ••-• I
CAUTION---Ask llor7 Ma. 'AM E R IC A
COMFOUND,:onepurelinao only of thosAgents;
Priori : Bl par bntilo.. For sale , by S,
Carlisle; 3,l7ir.valli;
.Ctiturribiai •B• Mo rid ;
& Co.; York. Oinoary, 1b, 10r.,
Stat . eitteii . of the = , Fititirrtees . .
. . 411 , - ot , ao .• • :
1 ' -
, . .
. Made by the CoMmissioners in,complianoe with the requisitions contained in the
twenty-second and, twentrthirdieetiOne of an Act of Assembly. orthis this.
:passed On:the ,'l,sth,, , ltiSi . ,t)CApril,,A. D.,'1834. And also in conformity
with the thirty-seventh section of
. the same Act; which requires the County Trea
surer, once in every year to state his account and produce his vouchers _tci the
.whielr aftei'sexitminatiOn by-the said Commissioners shall be by
them laid before the - Courity,,Ailditors, for'lettlertient 'according to law. r
' •In accordance with whiCli William M'. Porter, .Esq. - ' Treasurer of Cumberland
county ; submits the folloiving,aie correct exhibit of the Receipts and Expenditures
the.past year, the;3lSt day
ending lor December, 1850.
Wl4. M. _Porter, Esq. Treas"r.
- . Re:echoes
. .
. .. . ~
To balance in bands of Treasurer as per Auditors last settlement,
Amount of Outstanding Taxes, it %- , . . . .
' 4, 'of County Tax assessed ttrtlBso,' ..• • '
is . of State' Abatemeaton - kylitsof, $23,330 440 ' --
a*raarsived - ef - Di - Sniithi-Diq•.—, S eriff, - fiticsand - Yerdictlees, .
41 " John flyer, raq.,,fines - arid verdict fees,
.o , • ",, Carlisle Deposit Bank; loans for 60 days, i
o OeuntA , Selmol and Road taxes, proceeds of Treasurer's sale,
o o G. Wise' BON' Treasizer, for erection of new Town Clock,
44 ' IC on miscellaneous receipts frem'various persons,
SCHEDULE OF COUNTY.TAX. for years .1847-8-9-50, exbi
plicates, amount received, amount of Collebtors fees, a
and the amount outstanding on the OtiPlicates up t.
ceniber,. A. 13., 1850, iuclusive.
Collector's Names:lYearslttionent of 'Ain't Bee'
.1 Du'pllcatee
townelpps &
John Harder
James Postlewitith
Samuo Bricker • ,
George Butte '
Samuel Buller
Charles Bell
Jacob Claudy
George Koala"'
J. M. Means •
Gecirge W. Feeler.
John Flotiver
A. Wijliagis •
Joseph Musser'
Jacob Weaver
John Miller
I,Vm. M'Clure
Hugh Craig
George Kelleri-.-
Jos. G. Greasier
John Poteio'.
Geo. G.,Davidson
Daniel Markley'
Shippensburg •
Hopewell •
Hampden •
Now Cumberland
North Middloton
Shippensburg T.
Silver Spring
South Middleton
West Pennaboro'
. _
Jos. C.. Thompson
Joseph Galbraith
Samuel Bowman
John C. Brown
John Stevick
Daniel Erb
D. Dulhoueon
East Pennsboro'
Frank ford
JohrlF. Spahr
George Brindlq
Adam Freeman
Samuel Green
George Brindle'
W. B. 'nommen
New Cumberland
North Middleton
Shippensbulg Benjamin Duke
Shippeneburg T. David D. Duncan
Silver Spring Wm. G. Hamilton
Southampton Juror. Clippinger
South Middleton . David Seoby
West Pennsboro' Edward Philips
Grand lurora_pay for 1850 -
Traverse Jurors pay for 1840 - -
William - Anderson . for noryicorns--
Court' Crier
Martin Cornman for services as
' Tip Stave -.' BOp
A; "A: liffielbi 1 ' dOi: &Claris Ter — ' 3, u; • •
use of courts, , .. 14 .00
, Deputy attorniT.Gencral.. -
R Smith, Esq., fees in Common
wealth cakes, ' •
m. H. Miller, Esq ;fees in Com,
Mon wealth cases 21 00
firiiness Fos in Commonwealth Cases,
Paid witnesses in Commonwealth
cases (embracing fkl cases)
Justices Fees in Commonwealth Cases,
Paid Justices in Commonwealth
Constable's Fees in Commonwealth Cases,
Paid Constables in Commonwealth
cases 4'n
Auditors for nuditin
public accounts,
Paid J H Weaver for auditing ne
' counts of Prothonotary, Clerk
of Courts and Register
Paid Wm Riley for deryices as
clerk to county . Auditora
Prothonotary' a Oce.
Paid Jas Icudon for dockets and
bieding ,
Recorder E? Clerk's Office
Paid John Hyer, Esq. fees in Corn
monwealth cases and record
ing Officers elect
Paid James Loudon for dockets
James Loudon for Duplicates, U.
States Land Books, Stationa
ry, &c.
Mrs A, tin E F ,Uornman for cleansing
n(ttl seFubbing office
leo:Raidinberton for copy of
- Rules of Court •
J Worthingioft for tabiating
. to
prepare statement tor• Auditor
General .
John Moll, Esq. Pay iv full as Com.;_
missioner for 1850, OW days) ,
C. Inhoff for Etligial Oil, Can
dles. Lamps, &c. •
James Kelso, Esq. pay in foil as
Commissioner for 1850, (155
,rphn Sprout, Esq. pay in, full as.
Connniasioncr for 1850,. (1,32•
ZV H Trout, Esq., nay in full se
.Commissioner from 11th Nov.
to 31st Dec. (41 days'
J H Graham, Esq. pay Id' full ao
Attoiney to Commissisnore
for 1850
Wm Riley .pay in full of salary
Wiii itiloy for - gerViceff - diettill= -,
Duplicates, Wnirants
and Election blanhe
• • Pitblic Printing.
Paid..l:l3llratton for pub, printing
Paid J:K Boyer . do
reid E Beatty. do
Paid Wm M Mateer for printing
done when Treasurer . '
Eastern Penitentidry
POid for support lif.couvicts.for
• • • 1
Jail and County Ppitentiary.
David Shover and °therefor hiey... •
_ .
ory wood for use of : .. :
John Border redsiring hobbles
J Shell; Esq. Sheriff of Dauphin co ,
for conveying prisoners
Peter Gutsholl and ethers for re•
pairs at Jul.
Jacob Spangler for sitod for re
' poke at Jail •
C Ogilby for shoes &c. for prison-
W •11 , Parltinson and , oibtais , for
iiirslohhirogy.,fnonrdprksior.rseg, Rhonda
for malting shirts for prison-
llenry,Loyer expenses convoying
' prisoners. to Carlisle jail •
A & W Bents for ,materiala for
beds., &c.'for prisoners
Snodgraea for blankets for, Mi.-
!loners • '•
James Hciffer for ono pair of hbhi'
• blew' : • t! : ,
Peter Gutsball for' making bunks' .
' &c. for prisoners . ,-, • _ ,
Wm in Miller
for-Makln r g77 pump . inquest , .
23 12 * P,Barnhart .R.q Coruner,'and Justices •
Charles Bollix for rtinktni platform 2 5 0 •
fur holding Inquisitions on dead bodice 60 151
D Smith,,Esq. Sherifr, for.suppOrt. •
of, prieougre and f o p s i n n om . • , ~ . , Abatements.; • '
wealth caeca • 984.'01.i Henry D. Delhousen rnd other
Dr W Dale , 1 years ' salary, es , tonratnount of abatements allowed 'tax
phyeiclait '•
; , - _25 00 .Payers , 90 00
• : Psoi. Tax"'
.L Squier, tsq....T.reneurer; In full Rudolph. Martin and Jane M'Cormick • •
• •• of estimato f0ri,050 . , . 5000,00 taxes et roneetUaly mimed% 518
Wm Kar and Thoidaft- • •• • - • Fos ord er
Eors pup in full as .Directors ,60 00 Fox orders on certificates of Wires
. . .
• .
$46;353 16
24,148 92
By F'ayni*Olits.
A Boslor and C Stayman, Esgrs., -
pay as visitors for 1850. 20 00
Viewers of Roads and Damages Awarded,
Niels awarired• 41 00
John Haverstialt do 70 00
Solomon Shin do 5 00
Road orders on earl ikatea of Clerk.
of Courts 115.64
1743 1143,
42 00
Brid g es.
t Rhoads for, repairs at Bucher's
132 CO Bridg e Henry Carlin and others for work
and materials for bridge at ri
John Welty for MB feet plank for
repairing bridge
251 70} Joseph Quigley for work and ma
terials repairing bridge
Coyle and Sponsler for nails re
pairing Bucher's bridge
D Common for repairs at Wise's
S Snivcly for 112 feet of plank
for repairs at Rupp's bridge
G H Bucher for lumber furnished
at bridge
Wm Cart hire for horse viewing lir'g
27-00 c-qmittifeivii-Eiliditifiilli-rifik—
. contracting for building bridge
H Church on account of bridge
7 127 building on Yel Breeches cr'k 1000 06
J Gutshall on Account of bridge
10 00 building at Shellebarger's
Cumberland Fire Coliipany
34 75 Union Fire Company
26 68i
20 39
.81senor:. —,-7 44
Assessors for services at Triennial
182 281. -Assessment •
31 50 Assessors for services posting lists
of taxahlbs t &c.
J Goodyear and other. Assessors
for serices in 1860
78 00 Officers for holing township election 269 95
Constables for a vertising township elec
-300 tint 89 80
Officers for holdi g general election 409 85
P blic Buildings. -
A. Erb for windin town clock 6 00
10 "00 • .la6.9l) , Nlyers for wet k and materials re
,- patting walks 380
111 Common for boxing trees, 3 10
H. Church for lumber tor repairs at cupid() 46 04
J,Worthington fur tepairing Courtilouse gl5 00
Sylvester Penfield for new clock. and
dial in court room 375 00
Samuel Wetzel fur work at bupalo stairs
232 50 and new clock faces,
P. thitshall Jur tepairing cupola and
weatherboarding .
A. S. Lyn° for tionmgcupaloand repair-
16 11.
255 00
12 50
196 00
ing copper spouting 81 54 .
J. Armstrong for lumber for repairs . 3 30
H.,26xton r bard" aro, &c., for repairs 12 00!
MSCurnmon 1 years salary as keepef of
buildings .- 65 00
GI 50
_Loans. ^
Rev. T. Creigh amount of coin - 0y bond I¢oo 00
Miss Ann Ste‘‘ art amount 01 CJLI tity bond 200 00
Irvine amount - of - 3 coulity bonds 1903 00
Carlisle Deposit Bank amount of loans for
60 days and interest
GO 00
325 00
75 CO
. - -
Mrs Cnihatise Geddes =meet of cowl* , -
. bend .- 430 00
216 Inieicst on Lorins.-
1 1 5 5 6 7 ; 5 . Wninrvine and oiliers interest on loans 625 31
"'"2 00. B. b. Wonder Hob postage for county
J.-Dunbar putting away coal
B. Brown and F. Gould for shovelling
J. Sweigart for healing dire -
I. Shcalfar making chest for artless% books.
F. Gardener fur stove cylinders
A. Senreman and George Hilton fur car- .
. Hoge hire for appeals, &c. • ' . 49 6S/
Wm, Riley travelling expenses holding
triennial appeals . .03 ,50
Giles & Brother for copy of direofory 1 tiO
Wm. Line for .Linden trees far square 6 25
•Ger S, Searight Asst P. M. postage for
county- 1 '2S
Samuel Mood); & D, Wooster for maps
Jar offices-„. • .• 0 21 00
Jacob Rltemn for salt to destroy-grass on,
walks. •
J. W. !fondle repairing of town cluck
B. Penfield travelling exp noes hogotia
ting for cluck - . •
R A.-Noble for bind, trees
Lynn for oil hogshead and sundry
articles fur county
' Johnston for cleaning -gutters aroumi
1:14 ' squa re ' lon
If. lriglit for 8 tons stone coal 00
90 • •Wm. Gill fur repairing eaxrioge brake by 4
Commissioners in viewing bridge 62)
o,po W . Randolph for HA hash.. chareoal • .6.0
J. W. Eby for candles, oif; &c.Xr tate '
21'471- county. . 11,,76
158 19
sob! 25
1 25
$ 2762 7.48 i
18197 96
28155 65:
1227 91'
16 . 00
2473,33. 1 :
' 166 12
.161 00
38 58;
053335 46
biting the amoUnt`of Du
mount of Exonerations,
o the 31st day of De-
Collector Amount of Am t Out
I fees lExongrate !standing.
100 00
479 00
40 00
95 323
1133 68
639 97
1327 77
202 00
237 68
313 58
1766 59
20 00
402 28
786 00
85 363
1592 60
1110 31
15 0 9 80
1282 00
1350 OCi
525 00
1250 00
474 73
25 95
83 77
136 86
5 60
23 25
2 29
34 46
70 78
87 84
13 68-3
119 -91
81 89
120 43
115 58
50 91
19 85
9.7 53
50 95
200 00
1072 50
593 7E
401 55
12 82
8 68
SI , 25
24 45
051 00
409 00
150 00
216 00
160 00
482 12
480 00
735 45
$B9 72 $369 65
41 52
1510 67
. •
°iota ble'cßeturns,
Cantabiles returati,,on:pcertificales , of.
:Clerk,of Courts • 81 93
h paid oti
Cocominsionert 'orders • .1'42320 021
Amount of-County, Treasurer's corn
tnission at IA, per „ .
Aeidunt of outstanding tuxes
collcelors .. • , . 20931 31
Amount of c.ollecteua fees at 5 per cent '1327 12
Amount of eioncranons 'allowed col- •
Acetors • - ••
Amount of balance ifilfande of Treaa
urer and duo county „ • • 9492 88;
• Total of credits . 1
To amount olieceipte for-1850
We the Commissioners of Cumberland
Seel county, do certify and submit the forego-,
••••••.--mg ns a correct statement of the Receipts
and _Expenditures of the county aforesaid. from
the let day of January to the 31st day. of Decem
ber A. D. 1850, inclusive, as filo' the amount of
the 'enmity tax for each of the respective boroughs
and townships within the county, levied and as
sessed upon real and personal estate, as shown by
the books On the 31st day of December, 1850, to
gether with a statement of the expenditures under
each head of appropriation, made by the Commis
sioners in compliance with the requisitions con
tained in the 22d and 23d sections of an act of As-
day of April, 1834.
• VVitnees our hands and seal of taco at Carlisle
the sth of - January, 1851. - '
p i* .
.11... TROUT.
Attest—Wm. RILEI7
We the undersigned Auditors of Cumberland
county,, met according to law, and having exam
ined the accounts and vouchers of Wm M. Por
ter, Egg., Treasurer of raid county, from the let
day of January to the 31st. day of December, A,
D. 1840, inclusive, do certify that we find the Buns
of eight ihousrind four hundred and, ninety-two
dollars and eighty-eight and three quarter cents due
by'said Treasurer to-the county aforesaid, as will
appear the foregoing exhibition of said account:
In testimony whereof we have hereonte set our
handset Carlisle, this Bth day of January, 1851.
283 77
38L 57
350 25
1008 79
:196 78
136 13
Register of Cumberland county, in account with
the Commonivealth of Pennsylvania in regard
to Collateral- Inheritance Tax, • showing • the
• amount of said Tax received by him from the
ist s day of January, A. D. 1850, to the Ist day of
January, A. D. 1851, On well as his payment cal
the same, as follows, to wit :
DR. -
1850 Jan, 5, To cash received front R.
P. McClure, adni'r of Eliza
Peebles, deceased
9, George Cart, adrift of Wm.
Cart, deceased
. 9, R. McClfn, executor of.
George Sturm decayed 8 97
9, J. W. Eby, executorolJas:
Neal, deceased
15, D. Whistler, executor of
Wm. Stevenson, deceased .
21, A. Blair, adm's of Betty
Ramsey, decascd 87 62
March 23, Wm. Linn, one of the cicr's
of Dr. A. I'. Lion, deceased 26 59
June 13; D. Whirler, executor of
Wm. Stevenson, deceased
19, James McCormick, ex'r of
- - • George McCormick, dec'd
26, David k'sower, ndrri r of
Syoney King, dice,ased
2i, Ellen Duncan, adni'r .of
Mary Duncan, deceased
July 3, John Brindle, one of the
executors of Peter Bricker,
• docuasA -400 00
5, Geo, Brindle, • -do 303 Ou
Aug. 23, Mitt B. Cuover, admit - of
Jewel' Grail, dec'd.„ 00 00
Sept. 10, Jus. R. Irvine, one of tho
••"Executors-of_`' attlucl /rvine,
deceased 92 52
10, Do . do oder ti? Mar
barer Piper, dec'dp -
Oct. 19,, D S Itunshaw, Executor of
Charles Patton, dec'd.
Nov. 6, - John Kitch, executor of Eli
z'abeth Bitch, deceased
• If,' Isacc Shallot' herger, execu-
- - tor of I Shullenbereer deed .102 00
23, Lemuel Tedd, adder of Ma •
ry Myers, dec'd, "---
Dec 13, M Davidson, executor of is -
abolla•Davidesn, decd. 31 90
201 40
7 87
181 69
219. 95
1300 05
2995 19
1329 58
610 38
323 93
212 80
1754 40
116 94
872 51
1459 57
134 07
424 11
8-J 22
171)4 al
87 8 59
161, 91
123 , 72
120937 32
860 Jan 10, By cash paid county Audi
'tore per receipt
12, By cash paid J Worthington
Assessor • e - 1, 00
21, S Woodburn, Assessor, 1 60
22, G J Ball State Treasurer, 250 00
23, J Seitz, Assessor ' 1 00
:30, 1) Cann - tan and Georgo
Brindle, Assessors
Feb. 8, J M Davidson, Assessor
18, C-1, Vanderbelt, do
Mar. 16, Wtn Henning do
25, G J Ball, State Treasurer
Apr. Joseph Wetzel, Appraiser
3, C Vantlerbelt, Assessor
128 55
19, M Bnner , Assessor 3 .00
May 2, Wan Greenwood, Appraiser 180
16, N. Weak Aseessur 2 00
, „
'22 la
1 50
24, G 111 Graham, Appraiser 1 50
July 0, J 51 Bickel, State Treas. 800 0u
— LW _____'lso 00 Sept. 3, Do do do 100 00
16, Do do do 160 OQ
Oct. 10, Daniel Leckey, Appraiser 1 50
20, J Goodyear, jr. Appraiser 1 ski.
' 22, J M Bickel; Stet 130 00
Nov. 11, D Humes,Appraiier -- 3 00
13, J M Bickel, State Treas. 130 00
' , 19, Robert McCune, Appraiser 150
26, G W Hither, Appraiser 1 00
Dec. 4, J M Bickel, Stut 'Treasurer 27 00
20, do do do 30 00
20 00
100 00
18 00
18 00
680 37i
• - . $1772 20
By communon of 5 per cent on
$16 . 65 93 , 93 29
/7 59
• 01,865 79
Balance due State rreasurerWe the undersigned, Auditors of Cumberland
county, elected and sworn according to law, in
accordance with the Act of Assembly, pa9sed
the 2'2d any of , April, A. D. 1846, having ex
amined the above account of William' Gould,
lisil,itegister for the county aforesaid, In the
matter of collateral inheritance tax, and find the
same correct as above stated.
20 81;
In testimony whereof, we have hereunto eat
our hands, at Carlisle, this Bth day 01 January,
. ,
Auditors of Cumberland countli.
13 10
A SuPWement .to an Ordinance
Entitled 'an Ordinance; elating to the .4farkel,'
passed nth of January, 1841•
SecTioN r. Ile it enacted and ordained by the
Town Council of the :Borough ol Carlisle, and
it is . hereby enacted find ordained by the au
tile,sunia, That the intifket days fur
this Borough shall be Wednesday mid Satur•
- day; asuctfortlr inilie - Charter,nnd ltd ptifsini
shall buy or sell any article of provisions,
( g roceries,..ll kinds of grain, and -bread only
•excepted), after "the hour of sunset of the day
preceding the said market days, and seven
'o'clock of the morning of the said market
days, frOm the ISt of April unta the Ist of Oc
tober,.and eight o'clock of.the orning or the
said Markel days from the Ist day of October,
until the first of April, within the bounds of
the Borough of Carlisle, except,. in the market
honre,.under 'The-penalty of One Dollar; and
,no, person kind( sell or purchase any article
within itaidmino - iMit.Sidanarlt6t house, until the
hour apOinted for opening said market, which
shell be at 3 - o'crock. AIT, from the Ist of
April until lst of October, and at. 6 o'clock,
A. 1114 from Ist of October until the Ist-of A,
pril, under the penally of One Donami and it
'shall be the duty of the clerk of the market to
give notice of the arrival of the appOinted hour
by ringing u bell to be provided for .that pur
2 00
4 25
SECTION IL .2nd be it further . enacted,. That
no person shill: purchase in this borough, on any
market 'day as aforesaid, within the market
hours unspecified in the foregoing sections with
the intention or Inr the purpose of• reselling the
same, either wholesale or retaik or for. sending
the sane out of the- county, with the. view, of
supplying any other market or poison abroad,
more than, hall a bushel of buiikwheat or corn•
meal—of any kind anon', more than a pqg k
-01 eggs-more thaw twit dozen-rol butter. inere
than six poundS;—ol potatoes more. than :three '
bushel ..••• of dried meat, more than twenty
pounds, unless a single piesei should weigh
more—of , proultry,'more than one pair 01 mr•
keYil or Irene -I-of ducks and . chic tens, more
than Swiiipeirs7under the penalty el Filo:Del.
16 00
22 00
SECTION Ili. ../Ind be it further' ensiled, That'
the High Constable and. Clerk of the market be
vigiiont to prevent a violation of this Ordinance
and if either shell prosecnto any offender to con.,
',tenon, he shall bo entitled to 'one half the Pe
nalty. -
• &mom tin. Jind be it,furthe•• enected,, That
the 3d section of the 'ordinance, to which, this
is a Sepplemorit, visaed the . Ilth of January,
1841, be and.the same is hereby repealed.
" • ... President of Council
Attest—A. S. SHYER, cterk to torincilt
Otero .fz Stpw.
ANO THE griti4V,AP. OF , • "
'llr. fin
' T H' subscriber hatqiit reeetied from'ate
city,tinotlierngdititin to his stock of Peed*" •
embracing• a larbe -andj,iaried assortment, ire ,;
which will be !band Cleans, Cassimeres, Sattie
Chang,euble Tate !Satins, Mouse
de Lainie, Cashmeres, Shawl., Gloves, Can
' ton add ;Woolen Flame's,. lylualins. A large
297 85
369 '65
just received which will be sold. very lair;
$52335 46
Very desirable styles have just been opened{
by the subssiber, to which the attention of 110
ladies is invited.
53335 46
Just received a handsdme assortment of bl!li
and changeable SILKS and , ,Turk ,SATINS,
,for Ladies dresses which will be Bold cheap._,
in gpat variety.stykg opd.eize.
of all kinds, such as good doffeo; at 121-2,pi
gar,lllolasses, Spices. Also,
Jealcin's & Co.'s Celebrated.
— Tbi - nnention - of - the - Pubtit - ierredpe - i4tidity
solicited, inasmuch ea lie fools confident of his
ability to give satisfaction to all who may favor
him with their patronago - ---
janEt %V, WOODS, Ag't
Grand and Square'PLlZToo.
! lfaitufacturers, 9.And 11 Eutaw
Strect, Bale:mare
Villt A N Q TORTES, from 6 tO.'friCfaves, in
• in Rosewood, Mahogany! and Walnut cases
of variods stYles,Vvithand without iron frames. '
combining all the improvements requisite to a .
superior instrument. • •
K. & G. have received . from 'the Maryland
Instituto tho.ftst premium for their Pianos, in
three successive years, 1848; 1849; 1850. They
have also bedn honored with.numerthis teatime
nials,from all the most celebrated,artists who
have Used. their instruments. Pianos from their'
establishment have been used at the concertos
os Lind, Herz, liohnstock; Bishop, Laborde,
ICneop, and. other eminent
,performers. - They
guarantee durability for five yeers,,undor , good
care, and wilL replsee • , •ith others all - Which
mar not give satisfaction, if appliestion be made
within six Months after delivery.
Their Uatinfactory being conducted on the
most extensive scale enables. them to 'tarnish
instruments at the very lowest prices, whole
and retail. Constantly op hand, A. P.
Hughes' MelodeOns, ranging from $45 to $2OO,
for which they are solo agents for this city.
Jenuary22-1851-ly .
60 00
Pirfumery, Fancy Soap & Pap: ;ox
raiIaifUrVILCTOWEr. •
48 Market street, below Seconel?Thilclelphia.
130 00
12.5 00
LECG & CROMPTON', Manufacturers
j of Perfumery. Fancy • Soaps and Fancy
Paper Boxes, respectfully call the attention of
the Druggists and Dealers in Carlisle and the\
Cumberland Valley, to their extensive snick o
Goods, comprising Perfumery; Fancy Soapsf
Powders for the .complexion, Toilet,-
of every variety. Also, a full and complete as.
sortment of Fancy Paper - Boxes, of every de
scription, large Or small, round or square, panda
to order at the shortest notice.
i..l"Don't forget the place, 48 Market street,
Philadelphia. AIL orders will me et with prompt
71 53
, .
A-14 OTIIE it iupply ot Winter 'Goods wi
--LA. be reoeived—frorn-New—Yorki . -tmd-Phila_____
. dolphin this week, to which the nitcotion of the
ladle's is particularly requiested. Among the
- lot will, be bound still n - ssortmcint of '- - ~
83 86
such as 'Pure Satins, . Silks, tashineres,;'Ateri
noes. Irish Poplines; Mous. de Linnet', Figed.
and Plain Lustres, Camelot:llE4.lm.
50 GO
Long and Squareßay St'ate - Shitwls;CliSlitriere —
Shawls, Thibet Shawls, black and. colored
with silk fringes, Week cloth Shawls.
A beautiful assortment of Bonnet, Cap and
Belt Ribbons; French Worked Collai . s, Cuffs,
Also, some new
Kentucky Jeans, Vestines, &c.
An Alter supply of. those piime .Long Bpots.—
Also' a full assortment of the cheapest and
best Sl . dres ever brought to Carlisle.
Another lot of Ingrain Cotton:;and Ginhing
$1866 93
$1 50
1 00
3 00
1 OU
3U 00
1 50
1 50
Some fresh Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spices, &c. la
The goods will be received and - opened dur
ing_tlici weely„ and all persons wanting to save_
money lii — theti7pliiiiefßill4ll to call
at the old'tend East Main street,.where the
largest, beak and cheapest lbt. of goods is sure d,
to be lound,
New rail Goode.
- at- the Geop-Store. co6l - ir of.lfanover. and Lou
6.ther stgita,op*sitc Ilumer's Grocery Store
The undersigned most respectfully informs
his friends and the public generally, that' he
has just returned from Philadelphia with a well
selected assortment of FALL GOODS, par.
chased nt the lowest prices, and which he is
determined to setter small profits r among them
may be found' cLonis, CASSIMERES,
PESTI : ISMS, Sattinots, sVolvet ;Cords,l Ken
tuoky. &c. . •
LADIES DRESS GOODS, consisting' in
Part of Black -Silks,. Cashmeres, kfouablin Je
Laines; Alpacas, Coburgs, Gingham', Calicoes
Sack Flannels, Collars, Laces , Fringes, &c.
DOMESTICS, Tickings, Checks, Flannels
Drillings, Osnaburg, Limeys, Muslim, blenched
and unbleached Also, Groceries in all their
variety, viz: -Sugar, Coffee, Tens, Molasses,'
Spices, Choenlate,. &c Rags and Country
Produce taken in exchange for goods .Please
give me a call A C FETTER ',•
Pure Cider Vinegar. •
{UST received a fresh barrel of Pure Cider
tptil Vinegar, cf superior quality, and warranted
ifee from adulteration
• novG
Webb!s Ithshing Powder,
,7'A great sfiCing of labor, soap and time, With
out nny RUBBING by washing beards, Le
chines, or with the hand% avid preventing ail
wear and tear of elothes:. - . Warranted not to
injure. the finest fairies. Price, I2i cents. "
Sold wholosik and retell at Dr. Itaw)ins•
Drug and Variety Store, Main st. Carlisle, and
at his Medical Hall, North Queen at. Lancas
N: B. All orders filled at Manufacturer's
prices. •
June 5-Iy. '
JUST received 'two cases, of Ladies Gum
Shoes, of If aTtaltora's celebrated pattern which
I can warrant good.qualitv. ' ' ' j 7. '
oct43 N. W WOODS,Mg't,
Boots, Shoos •andGiitets.
- PORTER invites the attention o
VV the public to his large anti complete as
sortment ot -BOOTS. SHOES Sc GAITERS
just received, from Philadelphis,includingli
Hay of new styles. Ilis experience in the Shoe
hilliness, enables him to select work of the bast,
materials and workmanship, which will be sold
at the .lowest, cash price and Warrantel. mor9
tnrcustomer wo\ kattended td a Usual.
oOnstantine Von Hellen.
' nut AN. ea augur >Z Ism
E✓GENTLY from Germany,
- ED
rg.; the public, that ho is preparea to execute
all kind of word bonnoeted with his sine of bu
siness. Ho repairs and makes all kind or locks,
repairs guns, pistols, clocks, &is., engraves on
braise, copper and iron, attends to the mending
of 'stoves, He ,wouldlikewise inform the
farmers, that he will mend,tfit and repair their
their ihrashing.machines, Milton:oat subettin
'dal manner. He'solicits a share of piiblie pa-:
troimee. His'residence +is in Harper's Row,
next door to Mr. Trout's Hotter shop.
Carlisle,: Jan..l ' '
Lead 'Colored Boitnetik.
supply df Lead. Coloredipenneta
ts.. just received et the stere of ' ' •
oat 43 • Vr W HIT:I4F10. •
A RNOLDS writiiiltibiid, a very
" pporinr lnis. tdr aide et ,HUBPA;LIi