Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 22, 1851, Image 4

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    -' - '...p*t0ti0..501.41,8;
The minute pest the moment o'er,
Nor men nor angels eon restore
.• , Ton , ,
it like Mit anoint Saxciit Waite which calls
Thedutelal ground "dad's acre." It Was!.
A.conseerates each grave uithinits walls.
Arid breathes a boniaort o'er thealeeplog dust
• anpriATlojv •
This is the thud When, most Milne to hear, '
The voice of / aeration rouses me;
'As with a chorsi's trump; and.high uphorrie,''
Yea, mingling with the chair, I seem to view •
The vision of the heavenly multitude,
Who hymn'd the 'song of pence o'er Iletliloltam'a
golds. .
. .
I'm Wing slowly, slowly as the day , • ;
Fades Into even and the quiet night •
But with the bodi's sinking and decay, •
The spirit gathers new and only light.
Is brief, brief time and I shall be at rest t.
Forever sheltered on the Bar Ipur's breast,
Bedeniption ! ereationthore sublime i
Itademptiont 'twee the labor Cl the skies :
Far more than labor,—it Nos Death In heaven.
A With we strange qwere hold to think it tree,
11"'not fat bolder still to disbelieve.
Practical Xnflaence of Faith•
It is faith, practical, fervid and in u
ential faith, which is wanting to us all
when we fancy that we are hurried on ir
resistibly to sin. The criminal, when a
waiting from the mouth of his judge the
award of life or death ; the sick man,
gasping upon' his bed, and doubtful
whether he shall see to-morrow's sun;
and the sinner, suddenly awnikened by
the searching voice of revelation to a
sense of his OWn perilous condition, feel
no inelinationto sin afresh. On the con
trary, the very recollection of all that
they have ,done wickedly is sickening
and.abhorrent to them. They wonder
by_what _ strange en9hdrument it. was,
that what now appears to them so hide
-Os and deformed: should have one seem
ed to be arrayed in nil the attractive
blaze of beauty. The reason is, that
they now begin to believe deeply, for the
first • time, propositions to the general
truth of which they have coldly assented
from their-earliest infancy. - . -
If then 'we would triumph over the
world, the (flesh; and the - .devil, we can,
do so only by making our religious be
lief something more than the mere me
chanical repetition .of the lips, or the
pass;ve acquiescence cif the understand
ing. We must seek after holiness as a
practical 'habit, which comes not un
sought, but which must be anxiously
courted by us, before it will become an
- inmate of the heart. We must call down
clip aid 'of God's Holy Spirit by prayer,
cherishing its visitations, and holding
and clinging to it that it depart not again
from us. We must make our religion,
in the__s_trietest_sense_foi_the_word,—our—
profession. We must bring near to us,
by a continuous and anxious effort those
awful future realities which may at' this
moment appear.small, because placed at
some distance, but which will one day
come upon min their full and tremen
dous proportions. We must learn to
know the' immense importance of our
souls, and then we shall not be niggard
of• the price to purchase their security.
High inducements such as I now des
cribe, detach us from this world, not by
a painful disruption of the thousand tics
which connect us with it, but by making
those ties adhere to as more closely, and
quiet their hold upon our slightest efforts
to shake them off. ,
have set God always before,.me,!'.
snys the ,Peahnist, "for he is on my right
hand, thereforoi shall not fall." Such
is the infallible, ;as it is also the only
holiness. If w 6 aim lat it by humbler
and merely human meads, we shall ;
. _
fect but •little .or nothing. We shtill
walk, like the children of this world, "in
a vain shadow, and disquiet...ourselves in
vain." We shall toil, but it will be for
corruptible ,possessions 2; and in propor
tion as we draw nearer and nearer to
them, the' mutual attraction which, in
this life, must•ever, in some degree, ex
ist between them and ourselves, will be
come-daily and hourly •the stronger.—
tinder such circumstances; we shall, in
- deed, with perfect truth,lament oueown
inability to. 'realm. 'temptation ; but the
blame which withequal folly and wick
edness wa thus plead, not only as an ex
cuse for : the.*past, but as an encourage
ment to future sins, wills not be God's
but out Shuttleworth's Ser
mons. -
Drew Tall ;Goods,
WE have received a very heavy stock of
Fall and Winter Goode, consisting
•Cloths, Cassimerea and ►'eslings,
at all ‘pricee, white yellow and red Vitreefd;
Linsoye, Velvet Ccrde, Beavortoene,_ and a
great varicty of, CASSINETS, from 37 to eo cents
per yard.
Wottrantrsrtzare Shatols,•
from 8.50 to XllO checks, tiokings, gingliaros
and Calicoes in abundance.{
-Arous. de Laines' and Alpachas,
bosh ,plain end fancy colors, Merinoes, para•
meta cloths, yards vide plain all wool do
Loins, KontucityPeans Ind Canton Flannels,
411:4,4Nf i gr 0.0. 0 /A
Bonnet 'Ribbons. Eormin.'Slitiria,Monnet Vol
vets, Floronea.Sillts, Straw' gimps and,,Cordi,
Silk ;arid Conimotilkiro, Coniforia,and,
Suspenders, • , • ~;"
• • „ 'Nosier!) chid 0/mies, •
of cotten,•woolan and'silk,2Hanover Buckskin'
Glovesi•Buttorie; Cordsi:Bindingsiond-tt gen°•
rat , assartonont of drabs' trimmings.
Vieth Cape and Cups Shoes,
ovary kind anal. at Laceif,. Edging"' '
Book,• , Swisi4.•Mult. -Comlirie' , •and• Jacori
Barred and 'Striped Muslim and lots of INO
not enumerated, which will be exoliangedS. -
Mono: total 'nnvantago ot.arur,. 'customers
the cats or•abbat , I's per cent' below the qulin ••
prices. Call and see. ----• ' • -
nov6. ~ „ is t ern• A BENT 7,
- ;:"Pri.El3ll[ll9ol)S.
vIIFIE 'Subscriber is now opening' general
aaaortreent:of DRY just receiv
ed from the,city, among which :hay be aniline.
rated ' Dombarines, •Cashmoree
Mons. do Lathes,' Chintzes, Calicoes. Ding
barns, with d variety of other Dress Goods, to
whist the attention of the eitizena of Carlisle
and vicinity is invited as boy may expect to
find some good bargains.
Tipp aubscribor hasjust received at his Coal
Yafd,ilt the .West ono of High street, a sope..`
rior quality of Wilkosharro; Pinegrovo i Lyken's
Velley,,E4lllo bunters' and Blacksmithe' COAL
—7seitich he isprepared to 0011 at reduced prices: -
He , resPectfully solicits the pattonago' of the
• people of Carlisle and vicinity: %. • '
oot9 polio W 141U4R) V, A4t. •
- Of'6i.C6 - 4 1 ::;06.6ijk
SAVE just received tilresh stock'of
, icines, Faints, Gila* Oil, .Sr.c;,• whidh
having been ,purchtised with gmat. care fit. the
best city houses, I can: oonfidently` iecrititmerid
to Families, Physicians, Country Merchants
and Dealers,. as bein l fresh and pnri3.
Panint Medicines, -
• Fine head' pals, :
- - Instruments, —
ure Essen': Oils
Cod Myer Oil—
Herbsand Extiacto,
':SPices,groundand whole •
`Essences,- • - -
Perfumery; &a..
•Warranted Genuify.e.' ,
Indigoes, Log and Cam Woods, •
• Madden], .•. Oil Vitriol •
Sumac • • • •Copperas, . •
,• Alum,. Lac' Dye!'.
Wotherill & Brother's Puro Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow; Paintlind Varnish Brushes,:
lersey Window ,Glasse Linseed Oil, Turpen
tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and ItetLf,end.
All of which will be sold at the veryloitteet
market price, Also, a fresn and fsplen didlEas
sortment of'' • 5
Confectionary; and immmerrible other, articles
colcurnted for use and •ornument, allot wLich
pro offered at the lowest cash prices,., at the
cheap Drug Book find Fancy - Store of the sub
scrihor on North II S
. anover'stract. -
May 22. 1850.
MUEL A. HU BBA RD, having pwrchus
ad of Mr Henry A Sturgeon, his stock of
Drugs; Medicines would respectfully so-.
licit n share of, the public patronage,' at the old,
stand, corner of Pitt and High Streets, opposite
the , Rail Road depot.
Ho will keep constantlyl on hand, an assort
ment of fresh Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, and a variety of fancy
articles, which'ho is determined to soil low.—
He will give his personal-attention to the busi
ness, and paitienlarly to putting op prpscriptiorts.
A liberal deduction made fur Physicians colin
try Merchants, ilnd Pedlars.
Feb.l3, 18506
:Boots lateil Slices • 1!
main street, sitar the Rail Road Depot-,'
OMPRISING Men'e; Boy's and Youth's
1t..) Calf, Kip and coarse Boots and Brogans,
which are warranted to be.of the 'best ..quality,
Ladies Gaiters. Buskins and French Ties,
Misses and Childrena boots and shoes in great
variety:- Also, an elegant assortment: of GUM
SHOES and BOOTS, with all the late im•
provements and 'warranted perfect.'.. Having
purchased these gum shoes from the agentee
the manufactiirdr, I ant authorized to utvls
NEW PAM in place of any that prove defective
in wearing.
Havfng a large stock - of Trona Calf 'Mine,
Morocco, Kid, &c., and good workmen,.eVory
attention is given'to customer work as usual.
septlB WM. M. PORTER.
CAN be expected from the subscriber, as ho
NJ has just received t new and splendid as
sortment of WINTER GOODS, which he
offers to his customers and :others who may
favor him at great pargninal
satinets, velvet cords, Ky. jeans, scarlet, yel
low, white and Canton-Flannels, tickings. mus.
lies, calico, cashmeres, de lanes, alpacas, Co-
berg cloths, kloves; hosiery, Irish linen, com•
forts, &c,
'A large and splendid assortment cif Long
and Square Shawls, at all prices to suit the
Also, Boots and Shoes, 'which 'he is determ
ined to sell low, at his stand, in North Hano-
first store below I laverstick's Drug Store.
ver-street,Carlislo. ' J G:-"CARMONY:
_Latest Slrrivisl..
TCheap Family Grocery tore of Se.,
I ~6011 D. Halbert", West Mem street, Car-'
lisle, hasjust received a laroeand fresh supply
of the best FAMILY GROCERIES that the
Philadelphia markets can tabard. The subecri
ber has just returned from the city., and would
respectfully invite - hisfriends and the public
`generally,, both ih town and country, to. call
and examine for themselves his large and in
creased stock, which embraces - all the article,
usually kept iii his line of business- Such as
.Rio, Java an1:1 &Domingo and Legume Coffee;
Imperial, Young Hyson and Black Teas, of
very superior quality end fir.vor; Lnveriok's'
crushed, loaf, falling loaf, and 'loaf sugars, or
ange grove, clarified New Orleans and brown,
Sugars of every grade and quality, with
-price, to'
suit. Honey, sugar house, Orleans and syrup
Molasses. Spices of all kinds, which he will
warrant pure and fresh ground. Brooms, Ce
dar and painted buckets, churns, tubs, half
bushel measures. - butter bowls, butter prints,:
butter ladles, wash rubbers, &c Clothes,
fancy sowing, traveling and market baskets' o'.
all, , hinds. Castile, fancy, rosin. and country
SOAPS. A leo, n Itencral assortmerit•ef chewing
and smoking T 13 ACCO, spanish 'half swish
and common CIGARS... Ropes twines; and
Brushes of tillicinds;' 'Prime CHEESE dlways
on hand. Sperm, Winter, strained Elephant
and. Common OILS.
- O - L - Ar.SO9:, — CIFEEITSW - A - RE.—I have also
added to my already .large stock, a number of
seiv patterns of. White 'Granite and fancy tea
'eats. with CROCKERY WARE of everyde
fcriptiou, which I will sell at the lowest prices
uor cash.
Feeling gratelnlifor the liberaPpatronage hero.
Wore bestowed upon him by a generous public,
the sulecriber tenders them hishearty & sincere
thanlss„and hopes that ijhis.efforts to please
and particular attention to business, to moritZa
Gonumtance of their support.
March 20.1850. P. HALBERT.
Fresh Arrival of Hardware,
rirAVING just returned from Now York Br.'
Kl Philadelphia with the best and Cheapest
brought to Carlisle, I would resqectfully toques!
dealers and consumere..and all others to give
me a call and see whether they cannot get more
and batter goods for the same money than at
any other place in town, My stock of Locke,
Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes,
Glass, Paints, &c., is complete and very cheap.
Carpenters' Tools, I have a splendid assort.
went. Also, Cabinet Maker's Tools and Ma,_
terials, viz t—Vancers, Mahogany, Mineral and
.Glass Bureau Knobs and Varnish. • •
can have everything in their lino cheaper than
I have a first rats stock of Morocco and Lining
Skins, Bindings, Pegs, Thread. and Was, and
a superb ,assortment of Shoemakers' Tools. 1
have also a complete assortmentuf Ball's Lasts,.
mWe, in Harrisburg, whioh can be ,had at no
other place in town, and at Bull's Priem. To.
gather witlan assortment of all ltinderof Ham•
morel'and Rolled hen and Steel.. 'Of House. ,
keeping Articles, I hove Knives. Forks, Spoons,
Walters, Snuffers t end .Trays,.Tybs, Buckets,
, "WABL . ,PAPEK .
I have the Jargeal:Handsonoctit tind.bheapest
Asiortmeneln..iown.. ,And to. all who want.
Good and' Chenii,TIA:RD,WARK,;I would ony
comti and'edo fot.yoursel;i9i3:
oet3tic,' ," , , 7P. Lyrrip..
Im~'iortant,tdl~'uri~iersarid 112i11c1•a.+
FINIS subscriber raspoofully. informs the fitful . -
IL ing commimity,that he has purchased the
• right to BurrelPecelebreted 'Corn Sheller, for
the !eotintiesc of Cumbelrland "end Franklin.
- !Farmers who have used. this Corn Shelieripro.
rneunce it a most invaluable invention: -,lt is
'simple in its conernetion and -not liable to - get
out of order. It seperates the corn from the cob
'without breaking either and • deliytire the corn
clean end fit for market. It - shells from ten to
twenty bushels per hour. Relit hundied of
them have been told the past season by the
;inventor. all of 'which were highly approved.
Persons wishing to see the ibove-Corn,Shol.
ler, can do so by calling at the shop of thesub-
Scriber,- corners' . North ,IftmoVer - and Louther
inmate. Carlisle, where'll° will keep constantly.
(mimed a large number for sale., Every farmer
end miller should hove; ills ebeve cheap but
Valueblo Corn Shollee. .• •
November 27, 1850.!--2in.-
, • Anifiricisn bil. , •
JUST receive() a freak supplk of A mafioso
'Fot sale by A FETTER,
,• 00t23. ' " No 149 ;19z1h Hanover
• ,
Great 1113argisins I
- -
xi,. 17i 011E,.§:VUT
THE OLD STAND; Oat:lied Ifo iiter • S than'
aa.e.third of a century by Es q.
riIHE undereigned•Would mint ,respeatfiillyi
JL announce' to the publia.that he is AOENT,
• for more than twenty of the mast
• celebrated manufacturers of SOS=
' DELPHIA; end elsewherd;, and.
is c onatantly receiving.. front-thesis-VA N OS-d
the richest and, moat varied .styles, of superior
tone, and of the most superb•fintsh; "of' 6. 6i, 64,
Si, and 7 Oitarce, which 'are warranted equal
to any mantifactuted4 either in this country or ,
its Europe.' •
n J d u v e t a r r e lo c r e i v o e 4 4
a nte ;
o a r fu b r e t a hc
l a r i r u ti i rsp r l a y i o te f O
r .
ria rl tih a r n e d
fine tones. , •
' His WARDROOMis. constantly - aupplied
with edhoice selection of .SER APE INES and
MELODEONS, from the oldest and rnoafxfc:
tonaivo manufactories in the 'United States a
mong,whicn is it new style of REED. ORGAN
having Barbart'a patent imprOveinente; with.
gilt pipes in front, and ease elegantly . carvcd,
'and-highly ornamental.' •
Tuning Vizir Repel oring-,----Sig. 'Salvador Ln
GriieSa, a distinguished Piano Forte Manufactii.-
rer and Organ Builder,- will auend"to all 'orders.
THESE celebrated andjustly acknowledged
superior goods, in the. latest' colorings
anest improved styles, will be furnished by
the subscribers in any ,quantity, at the very
lowest prices. Purchasers will please' notice
that the genuine Bay State fabrics bear tickets
corresponding widt the abovit cut, and they
will also be . eistinguished from all other Wool':
-en Shawls by tlieir superior finish, fineness of
texture and brilliancy of colors. Orders so
licited from alleections of the country, and the
same will be protriptly attended to. Purcha
sers will also find in our Shawl department a
laity assortment of all the other most unproved
makes, and newest designs of American,
French'and Scotch Woolen Shawls, embracing.
a great variety of pladeand medium styles for
Also, Superior Long and S q uare Shawls in
latest styles and beat manufacture ' High lustre
black - and colored silk - Shawls, Lu t rins 'Black
and Modo Colored Thibet Shawls, with silk
and woolen fringes, Paris ; Printed Cashmere
and Terkerri'Shaldls,'Plitin" and Embroidered
Crnpo Shaw - W,New Style printed Palm Shawls
Neat Figured Paris Brocha Shawls, Lupins
Black and Mode Colored Thibet tang Shawls,
Plain ?3ound 'Seal Skin Shawls, Plain 'Mode
Colored French Terkerri Shawls, fringed and
bnund, EighCguarter French Mode COlored
Thibet Cloth, measuring full two yards wide
for Shawls, binding to match, White and Col.
red Barcelona and Genoese Shawls; &c.i
. _ _
Ddeceived. Country Merchants
and Dealers who want good and cheap
I call upon MEIN "I` CLEGG, Pio:Amer and
Chemist, 48 Jllarket St., below 9.d, Ph'iladelphia,
who has constantly on hand PERF'.UMEEY
and FAN GYSD.A_P_S__of_every—description,
Powders,-Hair Oils, Ox Marrows, Colognes,
Hair Dyes, &c., &c.'
100,000 persons havo"-rcad my advertisethent
in the Public Ledger, hundreds of whom have
called and - been , convinced of the advantage of
purchasing direct from the - manttfacturer,
Agency for -Ferran's Circassian Hair Oil,
Curling Fluid, &c.
Orders from any part of the United States
will lie promptly attended to.
atig4'so,lyl JOHN - T CLEGG,
-Zight! Light,l-I.ljEdiglikr,
Pine Oil, . Camphine St Medal Fluid,
A rty - acknowlodged qurperiority and
M.zilf manufactured and for sale at the lowest
Wholesale prices, by DAVIS & HATCH;
at the old established snind_of the late Benja—
where orders by mail or otherwise are solic,ited,
and prompt attention given. The voice of the
public for fifteen years, nni the award of a
Silver Medal, and complimentary notice by
the:Franklin Institute over all competitors, is
stifilialeineevidence of the excellence of our Oil.
Fitch,-Tarpottine , Rosiat , and
its ofTurpenthie, for sale Wholesale and - Re-
Milott.the lowest. prices. . [oct3o
o'l 7 41.• Jr. .71. _Howe,
AN U FACTURERS -and vtheleffnleLdenl,
17'crs'in.11 K E 'PS and
WOOD WARE, have removed to the large
store lately occupied by Messrs. Sellers & Da
vi, where they have opened an extensive stock
of 'Eastern' and City roads BROOMS and
001) WARE, which they are now selling
zt the-lowest manufacturers prices.. - •
A. full assortment of Bistle?, Ilotalieq, Mat.
Co'rilage, constantly- on hand , No' I
North Third Street, 9 doors bplowAltice, Ph
dolphin jtyl7,'so P.•
Go that Horse ffOtel,
THE subscriber WavinF leased I - the above
largo and commodious 110 ['EL, situated on the
aorner of tho Public Square and South 'lrmo.
ver street, and lately occupied by Bon!. L Esh
lemon, begs leave to announce to his friends
and the public that Ito is prepared to entertain
them in a manner which cannot ; fail to meet
their approbation. "
THE HOUSE has the most pleasant loca•
lion in the borough—has been newt f furnished
and otherwitie impfevothnnd no pains will be
spared to make those Who may sojourn with
him, comfortable during their stay. His par
dors are large and well turnishedond his chrtm
hers supplied with now and comfortable bed
ding. •
HIS TABLE will be supplied wi h the beef
the market can afford, and..all_whe me-connect
-ed.with his house will be found attentive care.
ful and obliging, . .
'THE BAR will contain the best liquors the
city salt produce. •
HIS STABLING is entirely new and exten•
jive, capable of accommodating from 50 to GO
horses—making it- ti desirable stopping place
foe DROVERS, and will be attended by,ia ekil
ful•Ostler. . in short, nothing wilt lie wanting
calculated to add to, the coinibrt and conveni
ence of those 'who may favor him .with their
patronage. ~:BOARDERS taken by the week,
month, or year„
Int - Tents MDERATE,
106'4 0•11/
Harrison's 'Columbian Ink,
E iithsct:ther has Oa' banti, a large supply
tho above ink; Which, by a special ay
rangemapt r itfi the proprietor; he is tibia to fur•
tish to • moichants and othersot the mnnulsc•
'arm wholesale prices; '
Chritmas' I'resentk,
,TEIF sitbscriber has just !received' -Ladled'
Ranch Worked .Muslin and - Lace Collars:
EtUbroidered-,Linen linndkorchiefs:' Fancy,
Thibet Scarfs, Neck Ribbons, Fancy' Bo.tes, -
Peecils, with a variety of 'Goods'sulleble
for Christoois presents, ,-; • •-• •"•- •-•-
, ,1 :,r ••G
, . .
---- n - .%.xvillza.t - a ... /
. .
hommirATtirc l'ff YSICTAN. SUR
f(3l , ccogded Dr. Lip-pC,'formerly practisinphy.
raon of this place, solicits dm patronag of lho
.friends or his aro.decessof. acid AMU he - happy
lb wait upon all who,,may favor him wiilf a Call.
nOvOilm - • , F.:411.,LER, M.D..
- Boots, Shoes and, teze.
, 7 tatunon..- • •
'.*XTI4. PORTER:iiiviiee the attention of
V the, public to hia large - and complete at,.
sertnient.ef.ROtra.stlOES .15i GAITERS,
jdet received from' Philadelphia, including it !hr .
rietv of new styles:7-lEs oicpersenc in the Shim
business, evades him to select work of the. bear
materiels and workmanahip, ,Whiqh will bo sold
at the loWest cash print, 'and wallowed. .
11140 - Piiatozne'r work attetidedto a usual. „
lii6ttraitte (Boutpailic.9;
The . United States '.Life -insurance, '
•• liznnity andL l , l' l nst Company. 1 •
, .• •
Aar ' ter. •Perpeitialit'tipitall2so,6oo ash'
• kyit , rn.-
roirE. constaht,uasolieited application for'
1 Life InsurfOres, .gives? - the most, abundant:
I and gratifyitiCpteof ,that the Ittiblic mind is
deeplyimpreasett with tho %wit • importance of:
. this subjeet,, - . The; great...object, .however,
InsurandadhOld be safety; otherwise the whole'
.totivo, to' insure ..marto disappointed. Too:,
ierrro canfai , be practised in. MS deleetiomf
of en °Mee' With whichici,offecrti o .eoniiM; 7
The:choice should be'regulatod:not by 'present
atid'eOhilint'ittign:indueements,. es thidOti
tainftincoiniatitible 'With future !malts"— . The
' are calculated for thelitturc,i
, ri preaontland inespective benefits tliet . .efats..ars,
given,, tlie - reault'ultiinately, Must terminate in:
litigation, didappointment and ruin.. , The'objee
aimed it .by this institation is stability and pct. ,
..perfidy. The ?tilde of preinium have bee:retire-.
prepared wi th
_ reference to fluctoatiOnso"
The cash ,system of payments
adopted; Unpaid premium rotes constittitiine
part of the assets of, this comilano
yntl every
--contingeileyjaeing -fortified-witia mtimitipled.cap•-
hal, 8660141,j:stamps' trio whole system:
x.tiattlio; s paratnciunt to ttlE,othercondfdaritiitins,
cciMmendo•the- 'coMpcinylo public favor, Ex
planatory pamphlets, blanks. application papers
information, and every facility will ho cheerlully
turMalied the public by. Mr. E. BEATTY; who
'has been duly appointed agent of this eontpanv
—for—Cumberland—colint-9- 0, 14 ' NKL "
- has also been appointed ModiCal Examiner.,
Directors.—Stepholi It. Crawford, Ambrose
W Thompson, Benjamin W Tingley, Jacob L
Florence, William M Godwin, Paul B Goddard
Lawrence Johnson, George WI-leery, James
Devereux, John L Linton.
President.—Stophen It. Crawford.
E,rice-President.—Ambrose W. ThOmpson.
-,Sccrfattry e...4,TCeasuier.—Charles G Imlay.
.......444,snuel Eyre. •
tounseT Ed attorney.--Thomas Balch.
.111 dical Examineca.—Paullß Goddard, M.D.
William Pcppiti, M. D. . faue ly
THE Allen and East Pennaberough Mutual
Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland cqunty
ncorporated by on actAssombly, is now fully
orgnpized, and. in operation iiiiii the tonnage
tnent.of the. following commissioners, viz:
.171 cob Shelly, Wm R Gorgns, Mpthael Cock
in, Melcheir Brenneman, Christian Stnyman,
Sitrefut.Oysteri Jacob II CI:10Ver; ' Ryer,
lionry Logan, Benjamin II Monger, Jacob
Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Josetth Wickersham.
The rates-of insurance are aslow and favors"-
bl as any . Company of Alm kind'in the State.—
Persons wiehing . to become members are" invited
to make application to the agents of 'the compa
ny, who aro willing to wait upon them at any
JACOB - SHELLY, President,
HENRY LOGAN, Vice President.
LEWIS I,IYER, Secretary,
0007'49., •
Cumber/am/ ionatn.—Rudolph Martin, New
Cumberland. C B, Berman, Kingstown, Henry
&acing, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and
Charles Bell, Ctirlislc, Isaac Kinsey, MeChan
icsburg. Dr. J. Ahl, Clturchtown.
York county.—John Sherrick, Lisburn, John
Bowninri,. Dillsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin
'John Smith. Esq., Washington, W S Picking,
Dover, Daniel Baffensberger, J W Craft.'
Harrisbur.—Hotisor & Lochtnnn. •
Members tof the company haying policies a
bout to azure can have them renewed-by mak
ng application to any of the agetittl.
A LOT of new Coffees, Brown and White
Sugars, Orleans and Syrup Molasses, and all
berArtides_. cpimectpeovti the Grocery bu
siness. jtit t received by the subscriber, includ
ing an assortmont , of
of all kindsoogether noising. Citron, &c.
suitable' for the seasonNals9..
of fine quality andia,fresh supplyrof the
.yessre..IEXICINS' Best, Brands of
in metallic packs bf quarters. halves and 'Ms.
Also. ti handsome selectiOn of fine -
anda tar& assortment of TOYS for the ap
proaching holidays, at The store of
deals J W EI3Y.
ik. , L. STEIN ER respectfully invite
no attention of their friends and . the
• Eua
c b
i. generally,their uircl,, t s o ci nt a large gte jot s
ti o c f r to c o o d i a n tL ni s a t
city of Baltimore. They will self them at e
small advance, as there is uo room for them in
our little store room.. So come ono and all and
•take thorn 'at almost any price, as we are deter
mrted to sell cheaper than can ho bought in
Philadelphia. New York oil Baltimore.
Hang our ydur banners?
15,,,car the trumpet I „,
Here they come ! hero. they are ! '
- What's the matter? what's rho matter'?
Only look pt the crowd,
Come on Joe,„iini and Sarraiatter,
'Lot us see what's-out.-t
Iley, ho hate comes Bill, '
• We'll ask'him what's the muss ;
There certainly must be.a fuse!
• 0, no boys, no fuss at all,
Only another great arrival,
Of beautiful for the NO
At M. & ft: SITINER'S Clothing Hall!
I-have just-bought a suit so fine—
' ' 'Veil me, how do you like it Joe t
. • ..Don't you want one like mine?
Come on, boy's, let„us go.
Now let mo tell you, -
-What there you can §nd,3 .
Coats of all colors
And Pants of lin kinds. „
Waistcoats so handsome, .
' And Cravats so nice, 5
•And they will not.think it, troublesome:l
If you give thernila call twice or thrice.
They will wait on you with kindness, -
And they con suit you with a nice Cap,
Which for its quality and cheapness', .
.• You can only find at
Symngp's, West Main Street, next door to
Burkholder's Hotel.
ETA first rate assortment of Cloths, Cassi•
.mores and Vestinga always on hand, which will
be. made to ordet in the most fasttionablo and
best style by a first.rate'iworkman.
I . 00'4=3m °
THE Brisk. Store Boom, noiv, occupied by .
Dr. Rawlins, adjoining the Yost Office, with
the dwelling attached thereto, is offered for rent
from the first of April next. ALSO, the - Office,
adjoining•tho residence of Mrs. Neff, and littely
occupied - by 1V1n: B. Knox, Esq. f,'oSsession
of the Office may bo had immediately if dgaired.
Applyto,GEO. W. HITNER. •
Carlisle, December 25,'50,--I.a,sa. . •
THE undersigned respectfully informs' his .
-friends and nunicrous customers, that ho has
recently returned .from Philadelphia, ith a very ;
• large and carefully selected assortMent - of new
PALL., - GOODS; purchased at the lowest pri
cos, and which , fie is determined to dispose of
at very email profits. • • '
, .
- Superior CLOTHS, at from 75 contsto $6!
a yard. Cassimores, Criminate 'and 'Vestings,'
at various prices. '
pHESS GOOD'S, ouch ne Delnines,lßare-,
: gee, and' alliplendid assortment of Silks. An ,
extensive assortment of Calicoes and Ginghams
Also, Checks, Table Diapers, Tickings, Nue
: line, Bonnets, Hats.
BOOTS ANDSHOES"A good assortment
• of Non's Vildmen's and Children's Boots and
• Shoo , of superior quality, and very chetip : t-
Also; boy's and Mono Cloth and Hungarian
.:_Capp. .• •
GROCEHIES-rSvch as Sugar. Coffee, Mo . -
lasses, Pekin Tea Company's celebrated Teas.
Also; constantly . , on hand the best quality of
Carpet Chain. The subscriber', respectfully
. asks all who wish goad bargains, to give him
n call. Can't•forget the stand- oppesito,Leon•
ards old Mend, North' Unilever street' '„
: ''Butter,•'Egs; Bags 'and Sopp,' tak'el .at
hat pti c e s •• : .N
S A HUBBARD;eresta and par
chase youriPLASTER at this season of
, t ha year, whe.o you can got it for 85.50 par ton
at tho warehouao of W MURRAY, Agt,
doelB '
, •
.Fresh'Oranberries. .. z
.HAVEBottom receivad. as also a lot of
;now FARINA, and HOMINY, and for solo by
Cattliale, pae„ls,'so, J. AV. ED Y.
• ',....Le . ak - .. Clolorid BonnetEt: •,...
A iltYv etip'piy, of Load Cohired Bbnnota
just iephived at tho store .of , • 1„
; 00t23 • G W HITNER.
, .
, .
4 QM : SACKS OF . SALT receiving • wail
for.aato cheap at the ware house 0 ( :
deeld :
I'M ;Vll IF I; ome \-7;11
CEIEII.I I otioonx.siva.
Item Room fbr Rent
r allebicines. .
Price Reduced !
lATruniTßEenc MIXTURE '
I;arge joir Dollar.
flier'Proptiotor of the Great Atria - Moil Remedy Vlvonn's
VELIETAnt,B I.I7IIOI4inirTio.MIXTEIStE. ” induced by. Gs
argent - solicitations of his Ageuts, throughout the Unit&
Btaterr and Canada. has now
• Reduced thie•Prico '
,f his pdpular and well known article; and front this date
senoeforth, ho will. put - up but one sire his qua
coulee:=lbo re ail price will
, •
-Tbo public may rest emeriti that the character of the Meal
sine, its strength, and curative .properiles wtsi . nieust
larcuanaap; and-the mono care will be
_bestowed in Pts
sating it: as heretofore.
As this medicine, under id teduded price, will be purchase
ay those who have not hitherto mode themselves irequointo
with its virtues, the proprietor would beg to intimate that hi
article is not to he classed with the.yast amount of "Remedlo
of the day ;" it claims for Itself a greater henling . power,
tll diacascs. than any other preparation now heftier IA
world.; rind lice sustoinen •lsclf for eight yeais .by its eoPerit
medical virtues, nod, until this reduction, commend., douhl
.he price of any other article in this line. ,
Norco. PAltTler GARLIC, this article tete iith great b.t ,
pg power and certainly, upon the
Blood, Liver, left4s, Lungs,
avlnn of which lilb an
This median° has a lastly high reputo as a remedy for
Dropsy and Grayel, , ,
tad all diseases of that nature. It may,bo relied upon . whe
:he intelligent physicnin Juni abandoned Ids pationt,—and ft
j t eso distnusing diseases, more especially DROPSY, the prop,
stor would earnestly and honestly recommend It. At
oresent Price it is easily obtained by all, and the trial will pros
rho ntliclo'to be the
Cheapest Medicine in the World!
. .
IS7 Please ask for pamphlets— the agent. , give them Mi.)
they oontain over sixteen ,pages of receipts, tin addition to fu
medical matter) valuable for household purposes, and wide
1011 save many
,dollars per year tO.practical honseVeopers.
g he. receipts are introduced to make the 'book of gmt
rattle, aside from its oharhtth;'s as an adtriertising medium ft
the medicine, the testimonyln favor of whilth, in''the form
letters from all-parts of the country, may by relied upon.
per"' Vaughn 'g Vegetable Littiontriptie 'Mixture" —tb
Great American Remedy, now for rale in quart bottles nl •
each, small bottles at 00 ets each. No small bottles will b
issursl'after the present stock is disposed of.
Principal Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 207 Main Stmet,
Sold Wholesale! and Retail by OLCOTT MoKESSON I
127 Maideolmne, New York City.
N. B.—Ail lettAs (excepting from agents and dealers; wtt
Whom ho transacts usinms) moat be post paid, or no attentic
id be given to the
S W !Invent ck,
JC&GB Altick, Shippensburg; •
Itussel D I Cr, DiainSoll,
J k Spahr, Mechankligurg,
A H Zager, Kingstown.
Fau, 1 - \ • (L. _ .1) i' , ..\ .'
__-„--,----2 4. ,rte--=
If thousands of turn of &WWI; Canner', Sohirir nd
other impuredisentes of Th e II f the VERY SMALL
QUANTITY which vat nand gPo Medicine to effect cores
such discuses, be any profff of the purifying medial! power on
The hfolirine which has subdued nod conquered such diseases—
Men there ie Unquestionable evidence thoo t--
Iffeh ff Medicine, in ...lit:pr.: tool them Is abundant
proof, in great cur. elfecit, that ONE BOTTLE'of It con
tains Wore Unifying, hunlttie virtuen nml mrdital
than there is contained in POUR BOTTLES of any Saner
parilln, or env other medic'. Unit ling ever been offered
(or sale. Tht;ro is undonhied proof In our pamphlets, Mat
bv the use of tuts great Indian Purifier, they that avers DV
INO-ym LI V.P-therthat - wen: I,IOIE-and - CRIPPLED
eon now WALE—they that were SICK, SCROFULOUS;
and otherwise diseased, lama been ite.aLto and.CURED.
vho have need BRANT'S PURIFIER, oiler hnving need
nd tented the Sorsaparillaz and other medicines re.
mmomted to core - bleed diseues, buy., decided that—
Brant's is the Cheapest ,
because one bottle of it• has more medical, curative avow
in it, and, in cmisespience, eared chore disease, In ntuch ins
time, than one tattle of tom other Medicine. • •
lf, then, one bottle of IIRAN'I"S -Pt RIFIER trill corn
FOUR TIAIES more disease Hum one bottle of Sariattiril.
in—" B•RANVS PURIFIER" svintld be as dump nt four
dollars &bottle, ne sarsaparilla nt one dollar. But Bansis.s
PURIFIER in sold for only ONE DOLLAR n bottle; and
as A bottle of it has comb and is eopoble of curiae, FOUR
TIMES AA much diabase (Mane bait/col Sarsaparilla, there
fore, Snrenpaiillei, in consequence of he tees power and less
medical etltcruty. altimid be sold St no 100 re Ilion ftrenty-
Ilse Cents par bottle, to be as cheap on the PURIFIER at
one dollar.
• • .
One Dollar's Worth I;
110 w much CA:NCl:a—how much SrriflLlS--how
much SCROFULA— , 111 efwfr't sh of Bit 'W.V.'
PURZFIE:II the fu ll
wing stutFoont, tvitlen
Is a specirnon or Ito pw.ver:—
Till. is ILe per of , 'virg roan who yet 'lire,. Ho teas '
cured of a wurre case .;f dcIIOPU LA, by only Ware ha
tter or Ilrant's than ever tong Cured by the use of
t t edeacr.t.t.ovs of the I ,•st Sarsaparilla dint won eVee
Sarsaparilla 'teapot VW Ldealmedical patter to elTect. the cure
utauch n revallicetv hopeless vain.
lir. J. It. kIASIi.I ti,, Mane, Oneida N. Y.• haaßr=ell 4
via _Thar years—was "vatitillad Ids Itch the last year—ho
Maul so much diseaxed and debilitated so to Lc: unable to
raise his bend to his head. Ile had the best medical adraw
--lea! used A 1.1,0 f the beet Sarserpftrilltte to no good effect—
got aerie and worse., and Wen considered to be In a dye+)
sote,.and could nut live ttventlpPer hour: longer, when bo •
Commenced urine URANT'S PLAIIVIEIt. Ilia tovie tom
eaten nearly tar; frees ear Gl car; hole was eaten thrtatjh
his mindpirr, under his chin, so thal,,,t,e breathed throogh
the hole ,• his cursors an eaten nroo,lll dint It could be Lifted
rp out of its pleat:hit only bolding byes mall piers; the era ,
of one area was destroyed by two ulcers; an ulcer utaler
ho tato. astir;e -at . s h.,,,/,
his side into-hie body.- Thus be-Was.
such putrid, esmill.,qtroneire f deem on various parts his
person. Fur further and MI particulurs,• see our PAM
Dr. iIr . EIOMAS IVITAI.VMS, one of the most .10111110 - .
edemas of Itunte, was called to see Mishit; tho day bifais
he commtuiced using lirant'a Dr.lV. examined
Ida, and then told him that an the _medicine., In the mould
could not rare him.....anutils cane was '
Worse than Hopeless !
Now tear Mr. TIASKIII'S statement of cure! Hn said •
"My NVI fu procured one bottlo of BRANT , S PUItII'YI \'p
CT, of Biwa 4- Leonard, dm:glebe of Rome. .1
commenced using that, and hevan to pet better. That bottle
enabled me to yet off my lad • where hod been confined
one year; dto second bottle enabled Inn to pet our of the house;
'the third bottle mudded me to rack tree enlice e to Rome Cem
tee, where I procured 1:r bottles more; and when 1 had
tshed.ushm them, seventeen out of keenly ulcers bed healed
up—and three bottle, More of n I'E.II.FECT CURE of
all the ulcers, +Lid reetored mo to good hratUP
Mr. ITASICIN has worn toThe above focta, and the theta
are witnebsed and certified to by Dr. T. WILLIAMS—Mir.
0.14 BROWN, prorrhm nr of do If liold--Mourf.
BISSELL & LEONARD, wholeehla and rptall druggists •
and ELEVEN other reweetable
For , sele 'by J. W. RAWLINS &S. W
nAvEßsTica, Carlisle, •JC&GB Altick
and \V b E Hays, Shippensburg- , Wm Lloyd,
Lisburn—J F Spahr, Atectianiesburg—H Her
ren, Newville—A C Klink, Blocinfield—Bea
vet; and Haines, Millorstown—J A Linn & Co
Lanbilisurg—J Ickesburg—S Low,
Nowport—J Eouytts9, Cliatubersburg73 _
Shearer, Dillsburg,- MartimLute, HarriStirrg
All lettera smd orders must be addrerad to
Wlalaee & 106 Broadway, I)Tow York:
.—tiy means of the pocket ,
Esculatpius",or, Every one'
his own Physician ! Tw,en- '
ty-fonrth edition; with up
wards of si hundred engra-
vi ngs, 4 sh owing private dis
eases in every shape .and
form, nod malformations
or - ttm generative sytatem7 -
- The time lute now sr-.'
Hering from secret disiase,
need no more become the. VICTIM OF O.trACKCH
as by the prescriptions, contained iii this book an- .
One may cure himself,. without hindrance to hue
siness; or, the knowledge 'of the most' intiMatp.
friend, and with one tenth the usual expense. 1;`,„ , -
addition to the general routine of private tliaeasCq
it fully explains the cause of manhood's early da 4
cline, wttli observations on marriage--besidee
many other derangements which it would not by
proper, to enumerate in tile public prirts,
O 'Any person sending TWENTV-FIVE CEN . TR,
Ceche:ell in 11 tetteei.Will receive one copy of this
book, by mail, or five copies will he -scut for ono
dollar, - • Address,' -DR. YOUNC4.No. 151
SPRUCE Street; A" Post-paid.
trrat: VOUNG'can he consulted on any 'of'
ihe Diseases prescribed in his different • publioa
ions, tit• Itle,Olfiees, 152 SPRUCE street, every •
day between Wand 30 , cio.3141Sundayn excepted:,
Mit) , 1,41+50, ,• • "
BOOTS Se S3srops.
' JUST receivcd.n largo neeortment, of Zion
W tin) andrChildren'i BOotwaiid Shoes, \Yd.
ie' - Double -Soled 14114h)?1F1- Jynny Mud
Sfieee, which I can'eell yerli• cheep..
10ct23 N VIC,W 0 0 DS, AWL
. Patent Starch Polish:
mldn. giving a beautiful giciss to,Linens, *e-
V. fins, Collars, &c., and prevents duet from
sticking to Linens, &c: It 'contains nothing
injurious. 'Just received by •
ra.usirs ) =Eyries. - •
JUST. ananod a 'variety of 'Lynx 'and coin
mon MUFFS of .different qualities andriceo
. dec4 r, • ' U. W. TIITNER.
.• • .
J , . Long Shawls.
A GREAT variety of bawls from the
1.111. celebrated Ily State Mills: Also, @guar°
, Shawja of - varibus. tittddjust re.-eived,
' octBo ,- ...1 . • ,
.' %,. •• -a w. ITITNER..-'
.. ? . : j,1,V1cbic,,i,t . 10..-
• :TAT X 2 9 9., 1 •'
.1 •"-4! ' j : -,,, o 4 „ r.....• , -.- - ry_ .
.. 2 . 7,
~k . ._4.4.. 0 4 ~,,,,,....„„
rrt -•, 1
1 • ,
For Mc Cure of . ,
4ol'ln.sErTipss, BRON
AND, 0017.417114,ZP,T,1.0N.
• In offering to the' community
•brated ' remedy for discloses of the throat and
lungs, itis not our wish to trifle with the 'Olive
or healthef , the tiftEcted, lint franky 'to lay he.
fore 'hem the opinions of distinThisi l ied men And
sereetifthe evidences of its succese r ri.o.m.which
they - can jatlge-for :theMsTilyes. We s'imerely
pledge out selves to make uo s ild 11888.1 . (10118 Or
'false statements of .its ellicacy,,nor will we hold
out ally hope sidninriug huniautty which facts will
not warrant. "
Many. proofs are here given, and We solicit an
inquiry from-the public into all we piddish,feel
ing assured they will find them perfectly reliable
du t tLthe_medieme_worthy_theie_liest_euntidenee r
and patronagei, ,
FROM BEN.I. SILLINIAN. M. D., 1,, L. D. &a
Professor. of Chemistry, Minernolog,yMe.,- Yale
College, Member of the Lit., Hist., Med. Ph.lo.
and Brien. Societ•es of Amerbm and Europe.
.•1 deem the CRERIIY PECTORAL an ad
. mit-able- com Position frOm some of the best sr
isles in he Materin Medico, add n very effect
ice remedy for the class of diseases it is intend
ed,to core '•
New Haven. Ct., Nov. 1,1849.
'Prof. CLEy E LAN 1 - 1, of Bowdoin Cone e,'Dic.
Writes—" r•Have witnessed the effecteo our
'CHERRY PECTORAL' in my own ihmiiy and
that of my 101;11(180ml ft gives me satisfindion tor
state in its favor that no medicine I have ever
known ,has proved so moinently successful of
curing dise d ses Cl . the throat and lungs:"
That he considers 'CHERRY PEC
TORAL' the best medieine for Pulinonary affec
tions ever given to the public," and states that
Yids dneghter being_obliged to_
four months withn severe settled cough, aceoiri
ininied by raising - a blOod, sight - sweats, and the
attendant symptoms of consumption, commenced
the use of the 'OIIERILY PECTORAL' and
had completely recovered."
A)er—Dear For two years 1 was
afflicted with a very severe cough, accompanied
bo spitting of blood and profuse night, sweats.—
lly the advice of my attending phvatlan 1 was
induced to use (DERRY f'ECTORAL,
awl continued to do so till 1 considered myself
cured, and aicribe_theeffict to your pi , epa la.' on.
Munn -1 m as. Springfield, Nov, '27. 1848.
This clay - appeared the above rained James
Randall, and pronoun:ed the' above statemenk
true *in every respect..
Dr. Ayer ;A have been long afilieted with
Asthma which grew yearly worse until last au
tumn, it brought on n cough a Inch conflned•me
in my chamber, and began to assume the alarm
ing symptoms or consumpthm. I had tried the
best advice and the best medicine to no purpose,
outfit I used yam. CLIERRY PECTORAI . uLidt
has' cured Me, and you may well believe me.—
Cretan IV yours,
If there is nny vnlue in the judgment of the
wise, who-suenk from experience, here'is n med
icine worthy of the public confidence,
Sold by De. Rawlins, S. A.libbnrd & Dr. S.
ElltattTescrlistarD - e.
It. Ilerron, Newville;3.C. SI J. B. Altick
penaburn,and druggists -
G E 0 171 AN CY
.-a) 4 1 . s.
1 4 ,,e - 0 1
''''' c '
i' ' '. 7 .f t lfA ~.:4.
•,j'ol.,ti,;••l'.:.'S-i:;''fliti:t.;F.6'7.4 I4' ''''
. 4. Af,. : ~:t ,
ft 9.rm. - e • ' ,1,414;'•
.8 : E5 ' 1 1.q . ..; 1 t:7 - -•1 1 #::?..1:2'..:%7, -: .5 -1..
'i 1 ,1 . 1,:. -;,,,..., • - • , .. ,,, " 4 - 6 . 71 n ,,, •74`..- , -
4 4 r.• -_-:.' "Z - - -- :, - 45-ts; t •---7:4 - st. ~
Proiessor C W Boback,
[rnom SWEDEN.I
Office, No. 71 Locust St., above Sth, op.
Bl' my numerous friends on the late Presideu
tint election, shoul d - convince' those skepti
cal pet sons who talk of rnistines,. that' no such
thing as FAIL 18 Or has been known liy the eni i-
Merit and.ilisiiiiguisireil Astronomer and Astral
oger, C. W. ROBACK, during, his :experience
of over a quarter of a century. Do you doubt
predestination ? ''Then Why not Lvery man gain
a celebrity of General Taylor, a Daniel Webster
or a Henry Clay ? And yet there are mine who
are loch di enough to doubt t at a man may lie
born with the power :o. see into theme events.
How can it be possible that the' destiny (of. man
should be governed by the mere shuttling of a
pack of cards ? and vet there are thousands Who
allow themselves, with open 11101111184 (13 swallow
the greasy words of some old woman, whose true
skill consists iii filling them with wonders that
are most difficult for the digestion tin:idlers, who
arc m ire credulous, yet more scientific. It is
such that bring discredit on n profession that has
been acknowledged tttbe a science of the highest
order ,from time immemorial ,aliti is the only, pro
ession that has ally authority to sustain H. - . The'
high respect . which General Taylor, and Cherries
13einadotte, late King of Sweden had lONA strol
ogy , is shown by their letters for .tlatir Nativi.
hes to the'SubS'eriber, which it wai• give him
great pleasure in showing to those who 'raver
him with a call. f
In addition to his power to foresee future e.
vents, he has the power togive such information
as will effectually redeem such as are given ,to
the too free use of thellottle. Hal s also capn-
Lice( &wing diseased heretofore considered in
curable in ti is country by the ordinary medi
cines;and wishes all to give him n call who hay
heed given up by physician) nod wish to lie cure
ell' Ile'vvill warrant settee in all eases,and will
make no charge except for the conjurations lie
shall rinike use of in laistiffice. Ile is often asked
what a Nativity is 1 He answers according. to
Genmancy, one of time seven points in the science
of - Astrology; tlint - it is allot roscope of the future
.; .. eVentsof a person's life, carefully calculated trial
transcribed on paper, , containing Atli-account of
all the lucky,and unlucky days in the months and
years of HOY,' uremia life for whom it is Cast i by
which mean thousands in this country and else
where have een prevented loom misfortunes tha
had beenhi den in the womb oc futurity , by re
ferring to't eir Nativity before entering on ens
,eoeculatioi, of business or pleasure. It should
be intim bands of every one as their idi»anne for
lile. A 'Nativity of an individual can only lore
warn the possessor of troubles &hat are in . future
for him; those who are invoiveirm pre sent ilifil•
collies of any kind flullst wait on the subscriber iii
person or by letter, who is prepared to exert li
secret influence for their immediate be efit. _He
is ready to use Ills influence to forestal the 'results,
of Inwattits.toof all undertakings in which there is
it risk iiircilied,die oleo makes.tise of his' power'
for the restowini, of stoics or lost property,
which lie has used for the advadtav of thousands
in this city and cisewitem.. 'W ho Clln . doubt a
genikinan's abilities, who has had the honor to
Go called on need consulted willidiv all the crOwn.
ed heads at, Europe. and enjoys it higher reputa
tion its on astrologer. than any one living?
6C),He. can be,coniulciii with at MS - Office, orbi
.letter,.if. prepaid - find lie is prepared to make
hoc otitis power on any attic billowing topici;—,
B u smen of all ilesumplinusitravidling ley id o a Or
sea; courtships; ndrice'glven thr tfAchr successful
aeuempli.uhmentispectating hi stocks, neeriilian:
ding i er real estatei the reentering' of legacies in
dispute; the purchasing of tickets; and the sithlty
of ships at sea. lie also offershis solders respec
ting beilth,,wealth. nail 'marriage, ' love affiiirs,
journeys, IeiNVISIItfi. diffICIALV In . husiniss, intik,
instill all the Concerns of life, and Writes all! to
call who are itfilicted, corporeally or menhilly. -
' TERMS. ‘ii .
. .
Ladies, 50 cents; tientleinen, $l. Nntivities
calculated arid scud in full, according to the Or
Lacks of 'Masculine Signs—Ladles., $1; GentlYmen
$l,O. - Nativities calculated nedoriling to Georripm.
:iy,for Lollies, $% in full, ea l , Gentlemen,' $3,
lin full, $5 :..- .-' ' ' ' .
IA RNOLDS writing iluid,4 very
IL . yporinr l lc. for lit By A.ItD
PonTLAw),Afc..lan : !0,,M7
. . . , •
. . ..
• , .. 4 r.lAlaiii.A.L-RENJ EDI 7 ! •
Proctiredjiom a' Well m Alleght.» . y, cbunty, Pa. ! !
. %WO Act blow Ihe I arth's surj4ce.
. . liAkan, 7thl; ST: PITT:TIVUG, PA.
The licubhfnl balin4hZrrsattir9's secret poring',
.1 he bloom of hcullh , unlink!, in man will hong,
As from her the
!To_cultei out Bulk:rings, 011.1 upsuugu 'nu? n'test
.. •
remedy or' af,p,o,& •
and fair trialiilaS its wan! jamit
lay fvor. •We nerd hardly repeat the Net, dine
this is n pure, unadulterated NATURAL MED
ICINE, and is pit up ns it flows from the boson,
cf the earth, without admixture. In these days
of Nostrum vending, Ave do not wonder at the in,
credulity vine-et] '' by the "eifintnunily, upon Abe :
introduction or o .nryneay, but that nicreiltp
lity 6111111 not suppress tl 1111() , 1,111C, 111“180 power ,
lid influence has mitigated and curet] so many
diseases incident to our race;.•Were ae to with
hold r - remetly like this 'roan public notiecofe
shonld_onsiderourselves fly of :keeping •••
back sumething diet was ir.tencled to relieve
much: hum ao suffixing, and-dispel die gloom Mid
pain of many a one, whose system has for 3 ears
bees racked nod tortured by the till! engines di
Disease. Nay, do, not wonder; gent le 'render,
,and join with ethers in the cry , t hat it cures too•
many diseases; tor, if you will take the trouble
to run over the list of diseases fm which it is r
_eonViretledryou-wilFfintllinn7 Irc - ywdi sea sea
affedfing the same kind of tisstics.and co.,stibent
ly IT IS' APPLICABLE 'l'o Ail,
lint the bent evidence in favor •or a medicine
arc the curcS themseh vs, When these sOmil ant
in ho'd relief, rind when he who for 3c:ll'lh:is sot
fered the tortures and pang; of nu iminedicable
lesion, w blob hits been hastening him to the nar
row house, speaks out ire its incise, N hat better
eldence need be winded ? e bone the ui•
dente in our possession, of many oplonishiug
CflreB, a rich 11 . 111 Ire 6n•nislied te arry 011., w ho re.
illy doubts the efficacy or this WM/ thlf/t/ Pt Mt dy.
•I•fre Earth, from which nicer a as creak d.bra i •s
i miner bosom remedies which if knownoirc ea.
pable of restoring him to health and s Igor, when
prostrated Its sickness and disease, 'ft Was ilie
opinicin of Ibe celebrated Dr. Duch, that there
existed in Nature an antidote to every malady -
to which man is Dallis , . l'.very one is snare 0
the relief frequently obtained from Alincra/ fra•
[era, in most chronic complaints. These singular
medicaments, dole ing out front the earth, satura
ted with sit stances varied In their chnractet•,
-find - holding them - in -- ample te - stilintiori, am
ple testimony to the I . :idyllist they Were tom •
pnmxlal by the master band of Nature,TrAllaiii , ,
the shattered vessels of our physic:ll bcing, and
set them with sails unfurled, prosperously upon
he sea of life.'
The Petroleurrrisonc of this kind of remedies,
and is endued with power. t o 'relkve more ha
onto sufferii g than any otlith•ittedit t i f i t t ext an t.—
Whei. taken perreveringly And occur ling to Om
Ilirecticiifs it will core—Dirhoea,Piles, heir
ar ont, Neuralgia; Obstinate Eruptions
of the Ain, Er) sipelaa, Pimples on the Pace
Blotches Piles, Chronic ,Sore E . ) es, Ring Worm .
Terter, Scald !lead Pains in the liners, and
Joints, ono nll that class of Diseases, in which
alterative, or porifving - itledicioes mid indicated.
Sold be S. NV. thiverstiek nod S. A. llobbord,
Carlisle; .1. C. Sc G. H. Jlltick. Shippensburg;
.1. Hood & Son, Springfield; Gilmore
Sto p,ll,Newville ; Thounts Greason, Plainfield;
Ctunheviand county.
September - - • . - •
Valuable School Books,
1 WAITE t 253 MARE ET s EET,
PII I A DEATH IA , and For talc by all the beak
sellcrs do. Unilcil St,tc,
1111 ITHELL'S PRIM ARV (11-;01 - lit A PIIY,
An easy introduction to the study of Geogra
phy, designed for children, end campletviv il
litsn-nted by 120 engravings and 14 mimed
M ervit ELL'S -INTSIIIIII , CdATy. GLOCIUScirr. , —.
The text, the exercises the illustrations, and the
forty beautiful maps are ;wham] ogether iu one
a s) stem ol modern Geography, comprising a
stein iption of the present state nil the ciorld and
its live great divisions. Embellished nigh I ,ll_
1111_1011S_CH,111Vil pt anti all CS:CCI
lent Atlas eonisiuiii 28 bandson e and accurate
colored maps. This series in Geot.ebbb3 I,y S.
Aogustus.Mitcliell has been xi hol ly or portly
introduced into the public and priititc Schools
of all the principal cities :11111 lion OS el the Uni4
ted States ; add alter a lull "mot lair trial it its
merits in Riese schools, it has revelled an almost
universal recommcneation.
Au ancient, classical and sacred Geography,
embellished with engravings of remarkable
events, views of ancient - , a, tics, etc , and avconi
paned by ancient Atlas centaining l'2 bottotilbl
colored maps. , . _
Mitchell'slicid and Mori
capliy, }vitt) Maps Mid embellishments. NI deli
Key to the study nt Maps. sad tailrill's
Key to Mitchell's Geography, arc excellent and
popular books, - nil are becoming very exten
sively used in the hest schools of our tmontry.
ItE =NE's FIIIST LESSON - 10 GRAM Pl.lll, lisseut
upon the constreiction sod anal.. Sts at a tituvers;
designed as sa introduction to the A sjs." -
Gur.EN,F2wA xusst 3-4 N-treat se.ativia:.v.trues
tune of the English language, a ith illostrationt
and exercises adapted to the use 01 by
Samuel Si.' Green„ A. M., Principal of the
Phelps Grammar School, Boston.
These hooks litslt , alreadyy in the shot L runt!
they have been
tenure circulation, having been introduced into
th i e public schools of Boston, Baltimore, Phis.
burg, eincimuitti, St. Louis, Vicksburg. and
other cities" and; toten4, and rectunineoiled
those who bale tried .11n. m to their schools, as
without question the best English Cron:mars
intended for beginners. It contains lessen
Ivo s earl. of the elementstv sounds of the. lap
gouge The Primary School Reader, port
contains exercises io. articulation, arranged in
connection with easy t coding lessons, The
Primary Ii cadet., part .13(I, is designed for the
nest class in Primary Schools, and the lowest
class its Grammar Schools.
'I tic Gn.tstraxn Senoot. 'READER, is designed
For the middle class iu Grammar Schools, and
Gontains exercises in articulation arranged In
connection with rending lessons
For the highest classes in public and private
schools. It contains exercises in articulation,
pauses, and inflections of the} voice with such
Titles and suggesstions as are'deemed useful.
Reading on Natural Effstoryi Science r and Lite
rature designed for school's:
Consisting of words in colutniiAtitul sentences
for'oral and written exercises. It is a emaphde
and systematio series of in English
'li Is 1111.011 y popular series of reading books,
and this spelling hook were compiled
D. Swap, of flosfion, tindludging from the
rapid introduction Into schools which they have
silitained In. the Eastern and Middle States and
in many &Mho Western mid Southern Stales,
we think they tire. really better adapted to-the
wants of teachers and scholars than any other
yet published. The puldidiers have a very huge
number of recommendations fromptiblic school
Committees, teachers mutothers friendly to edit.
One vet - , i e 0, Inv high schools mod stade.-
mies. The same work cowl .nsetrend
or COllllllOll schools, 1 eel. 18 tne.
imivis's PRACTICAL. Pittstommv ' for the use
of schools :Mel families, 1 vol. PI me. with
PMLISLOLAGY I by the suree'author,
18 mo.
Tx a ST. floc{ ." lIITHMUTIC, by 'F. A. Adams; ,
intended fcr'primitrytiiiiicommon schools.
- By the same author: Port ti eat—adr' aiic•ed :
ltissens iii mental arithmetic; plot second--
rules and examples for practice in written
inetic, for annimon :Mil high schools
AlCcy to examples for prowler in' u:ritiecti,
tiriimetic, fur the use of teachers, by the samo! , .
not hor.
Thcite oritioneti . cs , bore secured vary high
recommendations froaCteneherh of schools and
academies, and from profesolre in oererui (door
colleges, and from others interested in theertitso".._
or education in,Vlll.lollB.3ecilotts of the Union.
'l% C. Fr. Co.;nlbo publish' tunny other School
Books, which there is* not room. to :enumerate. •
here,, besides ;Law and—
Vseellancods Books, and they kru . ( idly
'red to answer orders for honks In every depart-
Ment of knowledge. Booksellers, .School Cont.
' , o ffi c es, no d o thers, s'ilp`plted'on'llte molt (hear
able terms. - „ • (sept-e5,'5071y.)
Brushes! Brishes I
A groat variety of these useful ['alleles ie .
!bred for sale, consisting of 'Whitewash, Sweel
Scrtild , ing, Puinters,,loth,'Shaving, Harr;
Teeth and Nell, Flesh endlGrainihg firtuhes in ,
great variety, all of w bleb
.arnof the l3est qua
ty end will be sold nytheleWeit prires
J. 11119
• .
Turc Satin ailed 1 2
.11kd, •
THE subsdriber haslust opened a general„
n'esortment of Tore •Satins of Ntl.tiotui enlonra.
led; Oliangenble' variety,.to whichavites the attention of the Undies of Carlisle
tend ilolitity loov6l „. iirrpvt.