Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 22, 1851, Image 3

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    Janunry Term. /Dec:lonic.
The Court of Common- Pleas and quar:te
sessions, of Cutiiherbind connty; tainunen'eed
on Monday the 18th inst. Judge Watts, Ptes•
Mont, and Asa - 0 .- Crates tuartand Clendenin on
the bench.. The basineils, including the 'case;
'reported below.and other surety of the pence
eases were rapidly diSpatehed; however, and
the Court was enabled to adjourn on Wetincs 7
d6y afternoon.,
Jnoob Fetter for the ~ u se oC John Isloore i
and now' for the use of Jacob itheom, vs.
James War....-Action on promiSsony note.
toefendant's 'plea,- pakntent with leave.
diet-for Phiintiff.--- Bonham -for...Plaitatiffid
dle for. Defendant.
Jacob 4heem vs. Samuellfoliday.—Action
on promissony note. Defendant's plea,• pay
went With leave and non assumpsit. -Defence,
that , thelmte was endorsed after •it was duo,
and-that the consideration was a worthies pat
ent-right. Verdict for Defendant. Graham
and Todd for Plaintiff. Biddle and Penrotie
for - Defendant. ! •
Samuel POWCI vet JOhn Bush.—Action of
nssumpsit. Defendant's plea, non-assumpsit.
Plaintiff failing entirely in his proof took a
non-suit. Hepburn •for Plaintiff. Colwell &
, McClure for Defendant.
Commonwealth ra. Zba Browti.—Assault
and battery with intent to kill Abraham
:Brought. The indictment' contained three
counts.- The jury' found defendant guilty on
second and third counts, but not guilty as to.
the first. Sentenced to - one year and two
months imfirlsonmentin the,Bastern Peniten
tiary. ➢filler for Commonwealth. Bonham
for Defendant.'
Commolitceallli ye;John Dixon and Thomm
Worley. Indictment for larceny. The jury
fciund the defendants guilty in:manner 1 1 0 form
as they stood indicted. Miller for Cialunon- ,
we.alth. Sentenced to fourteen months con
Ailment in the EaAtern Penitentiary. Bonham
for T1 ... .12.A..1V0r1ey, and Smith and Sharp for
- CMmnonwealtli m. Thomas Fisher. De
fendant plead guilty, and,. was sentenced to
three months imprisonment in the county
Commonwealth 7/8. Lewis F. Berger.—ln
&lament for assault and b attery on his wife.
Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to tea days• im
prisonment. Miller for Comnion*calth. Smith
for Defendant. '
• A bill of indictment wan found by the Grand
Jury agilinst Finegnfi and others, who FOIIRI
time since were engaged in having Moses'
Jones, a free colored man of Carlisle, arrested
as a fugitive slave. The indictment is,-for
COClSprraCy to deprive hint of his liberty.—
Moses was so evidently the wrong man that
it would be well enough to have it ascertained
judicially whether his arrest was a mistake or
On the Oth inst. by the Rev. Mr. Moody,
Mr: William K. Weakley, of 'South Middleton
township, to Miss 'Elizabeth McCormick, of
NOW ti,n township.
• On Wednesday evening thel 15th inst., •by
the Rev. Dr. De Witt, Mr. James Echels Jr.,
to Miss Susan Margaret Fcenum, both of
bbrland county. •
On the 11th inst. Adam Reigte, Esq. of Me
chanicsburg, n most respectable and useful
citizen of thut, pine% aged 56 years and six
For FLOUR there is a limited export inqui
ry, and some 400 6 - ,). 500 bhis standard and
mixed brands sold at $4,62.1, which price is
refused by most holders; buyers however de
cline paying more. The home demand is small,
within the range of $.1,75 C 6.,50 IR bbl, ac
cording to brand.
quiet and prices-the same as last noticed.
CORN is in moderate request, with sales of
5000 bushels good Southern yellow at 6`.2 cts.
CLOVERSEED is in sternly demand, with
sales of 200 (R, 300 bushels, mostly at $5
bushel for prime lots.
New lbuertiscmcnts.
Composer of the May Queen, Loment of the
.- 1717111 - Eimgrhia, lilind ituy,
o aigholing, thin 11.• win give use of his original
.11.1 LL. 1 D F..V 7'1,.:111',11.11'31EXT.k
nt Mill in CariiNie, oh Thursday
Etr.niug, January 432, including the following
TlieTtfrafiriComplaint,"Ohiwiy - dona tho
white man hallow toy path?"
Morning, Noon and Night.
Ye banks and braes o' bonny PoOn.
Salutation to America.
John Anderson, my SO.I
My heart is like a silent lute. _• • •
The barring o' tho door. (I '
Lament of the Irish Emigrant.
Wert thou like me in life's low vale.
My Nannie 0 ! - -
Let one another.
I'm alone, pll alone.
Duncan Gray, and
The May Queen, in three parts.'
Tickets 50 cents. Entertainment to corn
menco at 74 o'clock, and finish by 9} o'clock.
January 22, 1851..
Grand and Square PIANOS.
..71anufacturers, .Aos. 4,.61 S, 9 and , I 1 Eutaw
Street, Battsmore, ..11t1.
"AIDIA NO 'FORTES, from 6 - to 7 octaves, in
-in Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut cases
of various styled, with and without iron names,
combining ad the improvements requisite to ti
superior matt. untont.
K. Si...G. have received from tIM Maryland
Institute the.first premium for their Pianos, in
throe succeisivo years, 1848, 1849, 1850. They
have also been honored with numerous testime•
'nials , from ell the most celebrated artists who j
have anvil instruments. Pianos from their
establishment have been used at the concerts
os Lind, Hera, Hohnstoelt,_liiihop,, Lnborde,
Whoop, andiither eminent performers. —
..gutiraoleo;durability for five years, under good
care, and will replace •Mth others all which
mar not give satisfaction, if Implication be made
with'n sic , M milts after delivery.
Their lbinulectory - tieing conducted on the
most ostensive scale enables them to Punish
instruments at the very lowest, prices, whole
sale WO. retail, Constantly on hand, A. P.
Hughes' Melodeons, ranging from 645 to s2oo,
for which they are solo agents for this city.,
,7antotry22-IHSI-1 y
Estate of Adam Relate, den!,
A LL persons are hereby 'notified that lettere
..flaiL of administiation on the saute of Adam
Rei,glo late of tha borough of Mechanicsburg,
County of Cumberland, tfee'd:, have this day
been issued by the Register in and for said
• county to the subscribers, who both reside in
the borough of Mechanicsburg aforesaid. All
persona having chime or demands against die
estate of said decedent, are requeated,,ta make
known the same without delay, and those in
debted to make payment to 1
•, . Januari,20...1851.-7fit
• . . --... , ~
• - 'tea 0 ' )01 '
: CPS% .15.• i: -....
' L Nyl..* •-,.'` ..•
, Corner of Ifanaver ow': Loather aid., Carlisle:
• p t .1 E undersigned hps'always 9111011 d a largo
stock el' superior Cabinet. Ware, in all the
'Atfit.retat styles, tv.hich he iii prepared to sell at
the 1. ,' , ) .- h•ti , ;(,,liejnvites attention panic
,,,, Warty:toll; , i':etpring , .Bottom Bedstead, - n
moat us.tful',‘soipika . .y‘; , ll..:l,l enjirely obviates all
objections.' '1 lielloj , htin , enn be attached to old
' Bedeteattt...They havo given entire satiable.
Icon to nil who have them in use. ' • 1- :.
ir,r7COFFINS made to - eider at the shpitest
Corbel°, Jan'yl22; 1851t-1y: FKTTER
Net° Ilbaettiiiemcnts.
• T HS undersigned respectfully, informs his
friends and the public. generally, that he
-• , ~.4, • ••: ' .. has just returned from
'a z. . . Philadelphia, having
• r... 1 . ''`,..- purchased the moat ex
- • 4 4 - c• & )
..,..„.:, - teneive,. as well no ,the
, 9 • :•••••.•-•:: chciaPost .aseortment, of
- !4 . ,.., 8 1 .1 ,0 :,.. ,, .',..,ti•';..Watchesi Jewelry i
&c., over. brought to Carlisle. His Stock Con
elate in part of • .
- • Gold and Silver Patent Lever Walehes,
Mid andAlver delalched do. do.
' Gold and Silver Lrpine Watches. 1 ,
in short every variety of Watelies ai all prices.
- Gold - Guard — and -.Vest Chains. Medallions,
Watslt_l4is, Bar Rings. Finger Rings, Breast
Pins. Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver
-pens and cases nnd Bracelets in great variety.
A splendid article of Gold, Slicer, -German
„,,--..Silver, and Blued Steel SPEC
•••'' .. '••-•-'•••- TACLBS, which aro unsurpase
ed in quality by any other article west of Phil
'adelphia'and which can be sold at least 20 per
cent cheaper than in any other establishment
in the country. Also 'a large Jut of
comprising Table and Tea Spoons, Butter
Khivos, Srlt Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles,
&c. Also, Card Cases. Porte Monnaies, Port
Folios; Ladies ‘Viiting De.shs, with a great
variety of oiler fancy an - fides unnecessary to
urrnow. -- A — large — torill - GLOCK - STassorted
patterns, which will be, sold low, and warranted
to be good. •
Watches, Clocks and Jayelnj Repaired,
Ho invites all to Mill and . examine his stock,
assured that none-can fail to be suited in qual
ity, quantity and PRICE. His articles are cash
purchases, consequently. he can afford to sell
lower than the Same articles can be purchased
elsewhere. Call at the old stand, a few doors
west of Burkholder's Hotel.
. January 15, 1851—ly . T. CONLYN.
W - HEREAS by the 19th Section of the first
Article of the Catuditution of the Com-'
motiwcalth; rind bY tee Act of the General' As
sembly of the second-of July, one thousand eight
hundred and'is provided that when
vacancies happen in either house of the Legisla•
lure of this Commonwealth, the Speaker ofsuch
house shall issue a writ, directed to the Sheriff
of the proper county, and shall particularly ex
press the wii eh the election shall be held
to supply such vacancy.
And when as, John Cessn, Esq., Speaker of
the House of Representatives of the Common
wealthof Pennsylvania, bath issued his writ to
the - Sheriff of the county of Cumberland, reciting,
that a ..vtienney bath happened in the House of
Representatives of said commonwealth, by the
death of. Henry Church, Esq., member cleat
from the county of CumberlantlP—in which said
' writ, the said Sheriff is enjoined and required to
Issue his Proclamation throughout his bailiwick,
for holding-an election, on FRIDAY the 24th
day of.bilmary for one-Member to represent the
snid county is the House of Representatives of;
this Commonwealth in the room and stead of the
said Henry Church', Est. • •
- I, DAVID Sheriff of the county
Cumberland,.do hereby make known and give
this public notice to the.eleclors of the county of
Cumberland, that on FRIDAY the 24th day of
January, inst., a special Election will be held at
the several election districts established by law
in said county, tat which time they will vote by
ballot for the several officers hereinafter named
to represent the county of Cumberland in the
House of Representatives of Penpsylvania
The said election will be held throughout the
county, as follows:
The eiection in the election district composed
of the borough of Carlisle and the townships of
Nortlesliddleton, South INI iddleton,Lower Dick
inson, Lowdr Frankford and over West , Penns
borough, will be held M. the Court [Louse, in the
.bot_ough of Carlisle. -
The election in the election district comi osed
of Silver Sprit"• township , will be held St the
public house of George Duey, in Hoguestown in
said township.
of Hampden township, will be held at the house
formerly occupied 1)) H. Dressler in said town.
The election in the .clection district composed
of the township of Upper Allen will he held at
tbe public house of David Sheffer in- Shelterds.
The election in the election district composed
of the township of Lower Allen will be held nt
the wagon-maker shop of/Jonas Hunelibarger,
The election in the election district composed
of Last Perinsborough township, will be held nt
the honie now occupied by S Renninger,nt the
west end of the liarmsburg . Bridge.
The election in the district composed of New
Cumberland, will be held at the •public house of
\V H. Buhl, in the borough of New Cumber.
'the election, ht. the district composed of the
borough of ftfechanicsburg, will he lieht at the
public house of John Hoover, in saki borough.
The election in the district cameos- d of Mon.
roe township, will lie held nt the public house of
Geo. Goodyear in Churelitown, in said township,
1 lie meet ion in the district composed of Upper
Dickinson township, will be held at the house
formerly occupied by Phi.ip Weaver, in Said
The election in the district composed of the
Borough of Newville, and townships of Militia,
Upper Frankford, Upper West Petinsboroueli,
in the Leesburg election district 'iiTeinatier
mentioned, will be held at the. Brick School .
House, in phi borough of Newville.
'I he election in the distrieteomposed of Hope
well township, will be held at the School House
n Newburg, in said township.
- tin district- -composed—ot the
borough of, Shippensinirg. Shippensburg
ship, and that part of Southampton township not
included in the Leesburg election district, will
be held at the. Council House, in the borough of
And in anti by an act of the General Assembly
of thieCoMmOnwealth, passed the 2tl July, 1139,
it is thus provided& "'Flea the qualified electors
of parts of Newton anti Southampton township,
in the county of Cumberland, hounded by the fol
lowing lines and distances,viz: Beginning nt die
Adams county line, thence along the line dividing
the townships of Dickinson mid Newton to the
turnpike road, thence alpng said turnpike to Cen
tre 'School House,on said turnpike, in Soutithamp- •
ton township, thence to a point on the
Bottom Road at Reybuck's, includiny Reybectes
Farm,thencea straight direction to the Saw Mill
belonging to the heirs of George Clever, thence
along Bryshees run to the Adams county line,
thence along the line ofAdatns county to the place
of beginning, be anti the same is hereby declared
a new and separate election district, the election
to he held at the public house of N , m. Maxwell
in Leesburg, Soallmmpton tuwaiship."
Agreeable to the provisions of the sixty-first
ection of said act, every General and Special
Election shall be opened between the hours of
eight anti ten in the forenoon, and shall continue
without interruption or adjournment until seven
o'clock in the evenilg, when the polls shall be
And the Judgesof the respective districts afore
said, are by, the said act reqnired to meet at the
Cour.; Douse, in the borough of Carlisle on the
third day after 'the said day of election, being
AlnudnY the 27th day of Innuary,then and thereto
per form the things required of them by law.
`given under , my hand, et Carlisle, this Bth
day Of January, A.l). 1851.
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle,?
January 4,185 t. •
.1.14.E0.13 GOODS.
rif IDE subscriber is now opening . a general
aseortment:of DRY GOODS just reethf.'
id from the city, among which may be aflame'.
rated Bombazines, Alpachpe, Cashmeres
Mous. de Lathes, Chintzes,' Calicoes. Ging
ham, with a variety of other Drests Goods. to
which the attention of the citizens of Carliale
and vicinity is invited as • hey, may expect to
find come goad bargains.
oct3o - G W RITZIER.
Boots, Shoes and Gaitey.s.
WVM. M. PORTER invites the attention o
• the public to his large and complete nsf
soriment of BOOTS. SHOES & GAITERS,
just received from Philndelphia including it va
slaty of new styles. .His experience in the Shaq
business. enables hint to select work of the• he al
materials and workmanship, which will be sold
at the•lawest cash price and wwrautel.
Vr Customer work attended to 'n ununl.
Jllaits street, near the Foot Offee, Dom. 11.
wilLgive hie partioultfr attention to Surgical
diseases, and diseases of women end children.
He will also give his attention every Saturday
morning, in his °Moo, gratis, from I 1 to 12 o'-
clock, to surgical cases among 'he poor.
January 22.
. -scuirmaNG.
.NO with acconimodations on.renaonaLle orma,
by calling on Lilo, subscriber in South Hanove'r
street, Carlisle: . .
January 22,4851,-,•3m.
Nc6 • 2kbolptisennents.
.7V.E G 0.0 DS!
TsUbscriber'hos just received from the
1 city anorber4iclditiontrihis . Stock of Goode
ombractng:n Who. and yelled — eSsortm - enr, iii
which found Clothe Cessitheres,'Sutii.
nets. .C.bungenble •Smins, Mous.
de nines, Cashrnerirs, ShnWls, Gloves, 'Geri
ton and Woolen Flannele;Musline.. A.larg,u
juit receivedVibich will be sold 'Very low;
Very'desirnble' styles have just been' opetied
by'the subscriber, to whi& the attention of the
lathes is invited.
lust received it handsome risiortment of hl'k
and changeable SILKS and Turk SATINS,
for Ladies dresses which will be sold cheari..
in great variety stylo and aizo
of.all kinds, such as gooa Coffee, at 12.1.2. Su
gar,,ll!olesses, Spices. AlEo,
Jenkires El Cols Cclebrcited
The attention of the Oublie is respectfully
solicited, inasmuch'ss he feels confident of his
shility,to give satisfaction to all who may favor
hirn_nat h their_pmrsinage
janS N. W, WOODS, gt .
Perfumery, Fancy Sciap & Paper Box
'4B Alarka street, below Second, Philadelphia.:
CLEGG & CROMPTON, Manufacturers
of Perfumery. Fanny Soaps and Fancy.
Paper Boxes, respectfully call the attention of
the Druggists and Dealers in Carlisle and the
Cumberland Valley. to their extensive stack of
Goods, comprising Perfumery; Fancy' Soaps,
Powders for the complexion, Toilet, &c. &c.
of every variaty. Also, a full and complete as
sortment of Fancy Paper Loxes, of every de
scription, large or small, round or square, made
to order at the shortest notice.
XI - Don't forget the place, 48 Market. street,
Philadelphia. All orders will meet with prompt
attention. .janls
11/M. FBIDLEY, is now prepared to take
Dagaerreotypes of children of almost
any ag"e. The time required to take them will
lie from 2to 7 seconds. All those who wish a
correct likeness should call immediately. Hay
ing - made an improvement in the art which en:.
shies hint to take likenesses superior to any
thing heretofore taken in this place. This new
end. , benutiful proms is styled CELEREO
TYFING. Ho will ho constantly. found at
his rooms,*corner of Hanover and Lowlier sts.
un emirs. fdeciStl
Celebrated Family Bredleines.
It enneerns every One:- Cholera eakbe cured
Dr. Keeler's Sarsaparilla Panacea. For
the removal and permanent cuff) of all
Diseases arising from an impure
state of the Blood and habit:
of body. •
The All-wise Creator has implanted in all
organized bodies an innate disposition to self
preservation. Thu vital powers possess the
property of resisting Bib' influence of external
causes, but ae the BLOOD is the .common pa
bulum from which all parts of living matter
derives its renovating elements, and consequent
ly, upoh which the life of organized beings de
pend, at:is probable that in cases of accident,
or where artificial means have , •been employed
to deprive it. of•an essential property,jlie vital
effects of the whole system will tge diteeted to.
ward restoring to it- that property. In all con
stitutional and hereditary affections, thie finid
has undergone some primary alteration. which
jaille_cause of the_nceini_dificase,c
sentially contributed to its production. Resto
ration to health can only be obtained bj a re
moval of the morbifie cause throtigh the medi
um of the circulation, and Dr. Keelor's Sorsa- -
parilla, is the most powerful modifier- of agora.
effecting this fluid known. See pamphlets.
- filackwoodlown, N. J., June 6, 1848.
Dr. Keeler—Dear Sir: I em entirely opt of
your Panacea. 1 was called upon day before
yesterday for half n dozen., Your medicine is
becoming very popular where Khave introduced
it, and 1-think the More it is used the more pop-,
afar it-will get. Respectfully yonrs,
War. PARHAM, M. D.
tri-'For' details, certificates &c., sea eircul
lets, &c. Price Si per bottle, largo size, 6 bot
tles .
Among all the remedies boforo tho public'
this 'F
tu rids preeminent in incipient consump
tion, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, Coughs, Ildarsoness,
'Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Asthma, Spitting
of Blood, and for all affections of the pulmonar y
organs occasioned by cold. Too much . praise
cannot be bestowed upon this remedy, and limo
proprietor urgeri every ono afflicted with any of
the above ,complaints to secure it at once. It
is whyanled to cure or no pay. Price only 50
DR•7Iti.E'EtER'B — CORDI - A - L — A - N - D-01-1141-1-- I
Edery family whether rich ur poor, who val.
lies health and 01l its blessings, should have thi s
invaluable remedy at hand., It is infinitely the
beet remly known for Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
ailiiiVtlidliffir riToUttini; — Cli elle;
FlatulanCY, griping pains, cramp, etc.. and for
all diseases of the stomach end bowels caused
by Teething. The numerous testimonials from
Physicians and others unsolicited has given it
a reputation as firm es adamant. Ire - Price
25 cents per bottle.
This remedy is pleasant to the taste, harm.
less to Pie patient and all powerful in removing
all kinds of worms from the body. It is with
out doubt, the 'cheapest and best worm destroy
ing medicine before the public, and will if ad.
ministered according to directions, remove
them within five or six hours oiler token".' The
dose is small, and each bottle lion' aine-twice as
much as similar remedies. Price only 25 cents
per bottle.
: Although not recommended as a ! , ourerill,"
yet they aro the milaost and best remedy to re.
move Corstipatinn, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, fill
iousne9s, Nervousness, Foul Stomach, Head
ache Indigestion,.otc. Ulikc other purgative
medicines they leave the bowels always relaxed
and consequently are t h e proper medichre for
for females and persons leading 11 solilary_lira•
Price 2,5 cents. .
A justly" celebrated external application for
Pains of the Cheat, Neuralgia, Heidaehe, SpPne
Bruises, Tie Doloreus, Swellings °Oho Joints;
Rlieurnetism, Gout, sciatica and for .all dittos
plera_wherein_a_ sedutive_and..subefacient.rome
y is applicable. Price • twenty-five cents Ter
All of the above celebrated and' extensively
used medicines, aro prepared and sold Whole-
sale and Retail, at 294 MARKET STREET,
For sale by. S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle; A. G.
Miller, Dickinson; Messrs. Altick, Shippenri.
burg, F. Spahr, Machaniabiarg, M. Dither,
Sbiaemanatown. and In every town throughout
the county and State.. Panuary`l4, 1851
TIIOUSANDS of bottle's of the ANXERI.
CAN COMPOUND} - have been sold dur
ing the past year; and wan • never knoWn to
fall,af curing, in a few days, of a, certain deli
cate disease, Seminalweakneas and all diseases
of Urinary organs; Persons afflicted mini
this pleasant and popular remedy, need fearno
exposure, as it leavea no odor on the breath,
requires no restrictions in diet or business
op:adios n-2 Mercury or noxious drugs injurb us
to the system, and is adapted to every age, sex,
pr condition` : It 'leak? the best remedy known
' for Flour Allrus or Whites, (female c • mptaintl.)
with which thousatilig suffer, without the knot , -
ledge of a remedy. This
,celepratett rowdy
lies long been need in private practice ur a phy
sician and with unerring sw-cess,' radically
caring ninety.hine of ti c. hundred cases in a
few days, Around ouch bottle ore plitisi and
full directions: .
. compQuND, and put-abase only of tbaAcants
Ptico $l. per bottle. Foetid° bys. ELL!OII`
Carlisle; J. Wyeth, •Hurrinburg;,lL
Columbia; 63 ,, A. Mier, Lancaster; E. Morris
& Co., York. ' (January, 15, , 1861.-
SACKS OF SALT imiividg d
25Cr for silo chnnp at ilto ware houso of ..
1 . 4 • 4
-,: Stores ',, , f? ,, ' -.ol)qpic.
FOR ( THE 11101.1*DOrs.
.111 Kriss Kingks' HeadQuarteis,
WHERE the citizens of this plane an d a ll
thoso.ivho mayvisit the sand) during the
Holydays, will find the hrrgest nosertment of
(of .every variety) ever offered: , manufactured
of the best materiels,. expressly for the up
flestching festivities, wbich will tie eui?..:;]-":. , .
sale or retail, at rensonabler."rtftliertit--,, aiu
stand of the subscriber in North Hanovd at.,
a few doors north °Oho Bank. 'Where may
also be found a complete assortment of •
consisting in part of Oranges, L'emons, Grapes.
Figs; Raisins,' Prunes, in fancy boxes,.Cur
rants, Dates, Almonds, Cream, Coco
and Ground Nate. Ho would also call atten
tion to the largest stock of
ever offered in Carlisle, consisting of •
- CHINA AND G LASS. TGlrSiu . 1. 7
Catd• Trays,' Vases, Muis, 'Tes—Sets f —dol
heads, Motto Cups; 'Cologne Bottletm-Tym
biers, assorted , ngeros, &e.'" -
such as Carriages, _Carts, :Cradles, ,Aahles
chairs, animals, buckets, t ups,. rattles', wash
standS, candle sticks,
~.-"N,GUM Toys,
pure India rublisr and elastic doll lrettdi, rat
tles, dogs, teethin'g rings, caricature fitee44,c
cups and saucers; nine pins, towns, soldiers,
furniture, tools in boxes, games and pugzles,
drums, guns, trumpets, 'wagons;'wheelbarrows
tubs, Noah's arks, horsemen. magnetic HA,
swans, boate,:fiddles; guitarsihermonicans,' &c
Fine sewing, card and knitting baskets, fancy
boxes of wood; paper and : glass, hair oils,
soaps, colognes, hair brushesoind hundreds of
other articles not enumerated aboVe, which all
are invited and examine.
'rho subscriber returns his sincere !honks to
a generous public for the patronage bestowed on
him on former occasions', and hopes by a de
sire Ito please to merit a continuance of the
same?. lied I.] P. MONYER.
Splendid Fancy - Goods, Elegant
Gift Books, •
W. HAVERSTICK — hasjust received
Os from the city and is now openings splen
did display of FANCY GOODS, suitable for
the spproaehing, Holyday Season,,to which ho
desires to evil tno..uttention of his friends and
the puldiC — Ills assortment in thre - TinTl) cannot
be surpassed in novelty and elegance, and
both in quality and price of the articles, can
not fail to please purchasers. 'lt would. be im
possible to enumerate his
which comprise every variety of fancy articles
of the most novel styles and. ex.:palate finish;
such tie
Ladies' Fancy Baskets, - '
Fahey Work Boxes, with sewing instr 'nate'
Terracotta Work to recent novelty,)
Papei Macke ,Goods, • •
-Elegant alabaster and _perr*.lo 6, ----40 . 1 ....k:
and trays,
Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card case •
. Port Mon sales, of every variety,
• GOld pens and pencils,
Fancy paper weights,
Papeteries, with a large variety of ladies
fancy . stationery,
Motto seals and wafers,
Silk and bend purses,
Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished,
Ladies' title etillery,
Perfume baskets and page,
Brushes of every kind fer.the toilet ,
lioussel's perfumes of the various kinds.
Musical instrUnientCiof all kinds and at al
prices, together With an innumerable variety of
ortieles elegantly finished nod suitable for ho
lyday presents, to which lie invites special at-
Also, rity r extensiVo anti elegant co-41-dalen----df
comprising the various English end •Ameri,an
ANNUALS for 1851, richly embellished and
illustrated ;POETICAL \V 0 it IC 5, with
fa — Chilaien ol all' ages, Ilinn — which — ronhing
can be more appropriate or Mousing as holiday
_Rte. lie assortment of Scheel looks and
'cliool StationerS , is also eiimplete, and com
prises every thing used in Colleges and tl.e
Schools. He also desires to call the particular
attention of Families to his elegant display of
from the extensive establishments of,Cornelius,
Archer and othds of Philadelphia, eomoriaing
every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study
Lamps, for burning either lard, sperm or ethe
real oil, together with Flowek Vases, Fancy
Screens, &e. His assortment in this lino is un
equalled in the borough. Also, ' ' '
in every variety and at all prices, all of which
aro pure and fresh,'such att can bo confidently
recommended to his friends and the little folks.
His stock embraces everything in tho fine of
'ancy Goode, with many other Etykidles useful
to houselteepers,whieh the public are especially
invited to call and see during the holidays.—
Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the
Bank on North Hanover street.
• dealt a S W• 11AVERSTION.-
Loon OUT roa nAutcbzurs!
This is to inform -my friends and Cite - public
that I am now selling off my, entire stock of
dry goods accost. I have alarge stock-of sea
sonable goods and will
fR I 4.ft- P. just mamma e few ot
tho leading articles.—
,- Calicoes,
Gingham, Mousla de
tasstsll94aut,, Alpachas, White Flea
n'els,lriab Linens* ate
Also Men and Boys' Hate end .Cape, a largo
lot., One IrOn Safe, price 620,00., Also, ato
of labelled Tea and Spice••Canistere, tr.sett of
Store Curtains. and ethos store fitcturee, .To
gether with Coffee and Sugar, All of 'Which
must be sold regardless' of cost - before the let
of April.
The sybabriber .respectrally asks all to call
at his old stand (the I3EE HIVE ) in North
Hanover street, where all attention will be
given to please. - S A.'.COYLE,
N. B. All who Imovi themsolveti indebted to
the subscriber will please call and outdo up, ac
counts before the Ist of March. •. - • -
~ 'A COYLE:,
cometr Coal!
THE subseribcois now.preparect to furnish
FAMILIES with the best quality .CLEAN
STONE COAL at the lowest rates... Orders
loft at H. Saxton's Hardware Store nt the
yard opposite. Hoover's' Lumber Yara,
promptly filled Also.just reeelyed_ltom_the
Mines 100 TONS NUT COAL for Lime.
burners, • 1500 bushels 1 'Bituminous Coal for
Blacksmith's. sett ' • 'WRIGHT.
,„ „ „
roirolviao , BAGerfra.
ALE of Potomac Bogging, edits
:for bogs tor (Miners, jdst received,
w ch T will soli ebeep.
oct23 ' • "N W VOPDS,./Vg't.
• ' SEielc
JUST riminved a eanerW 'eStior(riient or r..;)1,
ored Flannels for.,Ladlee:Snnte, iritttlat k-
GraiN Blue, Red. - Groed;Tinlk rind Chorines
We. Alen, White , Woolen end Cnnon
—in great varkettyr—t , d Gt. HITN KR.
To :Ntillinore't
JUST rareitrod - ajtother lot of ° Bonne'
Fr/tres oi t he:lntent yib.. AMIN, Roonqf silk et
Silk find Satio,Linioga of .voirioussoloro.
c 19013 ! W
' •
• milliOttliall . 00110:T r '.
. .
07/Z1N5 . '4514• RICZLELEXIS,
• . Recentlyfrom lydrarldphia: .
11 ESP .ECTF LLY inform the citizens 'of
11111. CGHisle and its vicinity, that they have'
now at their Marblo Yard in - South Hanover
street, a few doors south 'of the Court/ House,'
and nearly opposite A & W .Sontz's Storoian
Plegonz stock of pure
and are pronnied to execute in the:troth rinishpd
Jtronamenti; ;
Grave Slimes at all price 4
Door and Window SIMI
together 'with. ovary other article in their line,
and promise that in,fineness of finish, chaste
ness of design and quality . of Nimble, their
work shall not be surpassed by any other estab
lishment. -
They are also the authorised agents' of Mr
Robert -Wood; of Philadelphia, and will fur
nish from his manufactory all varieties of IRON
RAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots and
all other purposbe, at the shortest notice andat
Philadelphia. prices. They will also finish or
manufacture all kinds of Building- Work, such ,
as Sills, Steps and Platforms,-Ste., at the short
est noticeand on the most reasonable terms.
Raving had grep experience, and being em
ployodin the best shopti of Philadelphia, they
are therefore 'enabled to manufacture the most .
fashionable work, and- respectfully nsk a share
orlhe patronage oftiWileleand
counlry. '
THE subscriber having just returned from
the East, offers to the public a more am
•ple and complete assortment of goods .in his
line, than ever previously offered, 'and respect
fully solicits dealWe and others to
.give him a
call, when ho will alniw
,thorn goods at aston
ishingly low nrires.
To Builders, Carpenters and Others.
His stock comprises a full assortment of
Locks and Latches of every description, Hin
ges and Screws, Windcw Springs and Bolts of
various kinds, Window Glase, Putty, Paints
Of all colors, Oils, Turpentine, &c., - &c.—
Also, Mill. Cross-cut and Circular Saws, Hand
Prinnel,Ttipping and Back Saws, Augurs, Chi
sels, broad, Hand and Chopping-Axes, Hatch•
ere, Planes and Plane .Rifts, Steel and Iron
Squares, Piles and Rasps, Nail Brads and
Spikes of all sizes.,
To Smilers and Coach Makers.
-,- -A-complete—assortment—of—Saddlery—Tools,,
Silver, Brass and Japnned , mounting, Carriage
trimmings, Broad pasting and seaming Lace,
plain and figured Canvass, Drab cloths, Rati.
nett, Serge, and Bucram, Moss and Door. flair
patent an ,enamelled Leather, Lamps and Do•
ahem. Also, Hobbs, Follows and Spokes,
Eliptic springs, Iron Axles, Mailable Castings,
To Cabinet and Shoe Makers
My stock embraces a complete assortment
of goods in Your line. Moroccos, lining and
binding Skins, Lasts, Thread, Pegs by the
bairel or smaller quantity, Tools, of every de.
scription, &c. Curled Hair, Hair Cloth,Var.
nisi', Mahogany and Maple Veneers, -Mould
ings and Rosette, Sots Snrings, Glass, Mahog
any, Mineral and Veneered Knobs - of all sizes.
To Blacksmiths, Farmers; mid others, who- may be
--in want of good Iron. •
He offers a full atieortnient of _Hammered,
Horse Shoe, 'Scollop, Plough, broad and nor..
row Tire Iron. Also, Rolled Horse Shoe
Bar, Band, Round, Square, Tire, Hoop. and
Sliest Iron, Nail Rods, Russia Shoot Iron,
Ci)l3b_Sheni, Spring and Blister Steel, English
and American Wagon and Carriage Bones,
Vices, Files and Rasps,,llorse Shoe
Nails, Sze. •
To Housekeepers and those about entering the ..hfu-
I. would invite attention to my beautiful as
sortment of waiters and 'Prays, plain-anti :
'Alio style, knives _nnil.forks,__Butcher- Knives,
Scissors and Shears, Brittannta,Gorman
and-Silver -Plate, Table and Tea Spoons;
Brass and Emerald Preserving Kettles;limooth
leg Irons, Hollow-ware, Tubs, Buckets,
Oils, Paints and Dye Stuffllt_,,Fire..and_W_ater_l
English and American Hardware.
IriflE 'subscriber having just returned . from
the Eastern cities with a full and liand•
earns assortment of all kinds of HARD WARE
of the' very best makers and well selected, is
now opening at the Cheap Hardware Stand in
North Hanover street, next door to Scott's Ho
tel, formerly kept by Henry Glass', where he',
would invite all that are in want of goodanC
cheap Hardware to give him a call and iseeanCl
satiety yourself of the truth, ns we are determ
ined to sell at a very small advance. Small
profits and quielt.sales are the oi der 17( tlte - day
M Builders, Carpenters and Others.
A full stock 01 white, mineral and Japaned
Knobs, locks and latehcs,of every description
_priecand_cuzlitgesaml_screws,_windo w ,
sash and shutter springs, strait•necked and
barrelled Bolts, of every kind, mill, cross cut
and circular Saws, hand, panel, ripping and.
back Saws, bright, black and blue augurs, of
the very best makers, Chisels, broad,pointing,
hand and. chopping Axes, of different makers,
ittactime;planerrand — planc birtotteel - andiroc
squares, files and rasps, nails, brads and spikes
of all sizes and warranted of the best quality.
To Saddlers and Makers,
Our stock cdnaista of a complete assortment of
articles in your line of business, saddlery tools,
brass, , .silver and Japaned mounting, carriage
trimmings, broad pastemg.and seaming laces
and fringes, plain and figured canvass, oil
cloth, top lining cloth and serge lining of vari
ous kinds, white, red, blue and black patent
loather Dashers; silver and brass plate, Dee
Hair, rosette, hubs, fellows, spokes, bows, blip
tic springs, iron axles, malleable castings, &c
To Cabinet and Shoe Makers,
A- full stock of shoe-kit and -findings, hoetmo;
roceos, French kid, straits, morocco And lining
and binding skins, lasts, tacks, pegs, hammers
Qitehers and French morocco. kit of every de
.sciiption, superior copal varnish; Japan and
black varnish, mahogany and maple. Vaneers,
moulding, beading, resets, glass, mineral and
mahogany knobs of every sizo and style.
To Blacksmiths, Partners and Others. -
10 to..s of assorted bar iron, VI arrantad to be of
the best, quality. A splendid assortment attar
and rolled iron, hammered. horse' shoo, scollop,
plough, broad an narrow tire, rolled, horseshoe
bar, band, round and square iron, cast, shear
spring, English and A merican blister steel. Eng
lish Wagon boxes, Carriage boxes =setts, an
vils, vices, files, rasps, horse shoe nails, &AI
To Housekeepers.
••- - -
A bestial! assortment of cheap fancy goods,
such as waiters. trays, plain and fancy knives
and forks, butcher knives and steels, brittania
Janina, brass candle sticks, Brittannia and silver
table 'and tea spoons, plated butter knives, pre
_serVing kettles, Aimoothing_irons, _ iron and tin
ned tea and oval boilers, iron frying and broad
pang, washboards, tubs, churns, buckets, iron
potsi . wash ketttes,_and stew pans, &c.
To Gunsmiths, Nark:men and Wen,
' Rifle and Gun Barrels, tone action, plug,
nipple and back action Gun Locke, gun mount
ing and gun breech" . cocks, sheet 'brass and
German silver ornaments, &c.
A fresh lot of Wetherill'e pure and extra
White Lead, oil and turpentine, varnishes, Ja
ppn, white and rod lead, yellow and Green
point, ground in oil, whiting, yellow ochre, &c.
To Itlaster.i and Xarksmen.
:A good ostioriment of double refined powiter
rock powder.of extra quality, safari-fuse elm,
flints and bar lead, ropes of all kind s,' for
threshing machines and, well' diggers, and a
thousand otherankles too numerous to insert,
all we ask is to &Ave us a call, and we aro con
fidant you-will find a good assortment of Hord-
Wore and cheaper than-can' bo found in any
other - House title nide of the east. Givo a
only ia all we ask, at the old' and well known
Hardware Stand formerly kept by Lewfs Har
lan, in. Nardi Honorer street, next door to
Scott's Howl, formerly kpt fiv Henry Glass,
• Difisolr'
solution of Partnership,
ATOTICE is Netebygiiten that the partner.
111 ship" hereto ore existing bet Ween the sub
scribers, in the Pottery Business, has berm dia.'
solved. Persons knowing themselves indebted.
lire requested to make payment, and those tiny
ina Claims to present them for settlement do
either of the sabscribers. L___ • • • .•
doc 4
- 1 , • Black 'Silk Laces, &c. •
-.A VARIETY of. flack Silk Locos, Thrett
and - Cuttmt.tuco's, Valonciennen Ed gng p
Linen Bobbin. Edgiurja, junt opened b
.sept9.s G. W. HIINZR
Afandee i
Steps, NC.,
[Carlidlo, Tiov6^lBsot
trimoniat State
ast '
To• Painters
, .
A D'O.o E" T W 0 ,f3TORY NEW
-2 - 1 BRICK FlOUSE, , :Stabling, &M, and a,
• • Lot of ground, containing. ONE.
ACRE,• more or . less, in: West
t: fill 11 IBS; bounded •on the South Jiy
the State Rood leading from
lisle to Newvilfe,- and em the east
by the road leading 'from Mount Rock to Dii.
Icr's Mill. Wo will sell the wholmor in-part.
The. improvements with part of the ground,
and the balance fpr building lots. It_ha's a
kitchen and cellar basement, four rooms on the
first and second floor each, and is well 'finished
fifid - WWell — c — alEiriliffid — for a &Ore, 'Tavern, or '
Meeltinic .of •any kind, or will suit two small
families, and is in one of the beat settlements
in the county.. Possession given on the let of
April next. For terms,. &e..'apply tomither of
the subscribers residing in Carlisle: - •
• deillpd. • JOHN H. WEAVER.
IFIHE subscribei,lntending to leave, offers
J.. for rent thaarge and commodious STORE
lacced, 'situate in BENDERS.
nip; VILLE, Adams county, Pa. Any
person wishing io enter into the
mercantile business, this property
offers rare inditcdments 'as the town of Bed
doisville is not surpasse d, if equalled, by any
village in Pennsylvania, (kir business, health,
society, 81C;
Ir'lnquire of the undersigned who is now
occupying it. Possession witrbli — ght - arei — i the
Ist of April. [jaMls'-6t] . 0. P..IIOOSE:
rwillE large THREE STORY HOUSE on
North Hanover street, recently occupied
by the subs c riber. .There is a largo store
room on the ground floor in
• ...,.`, - "t;' front, and the location is in a
,t 74.. a a good part of the town for busi
;;ll.! 1 t.;: nese. The house cnntains four
teen good rooms; several of them
quite largo, and all of them well and comfort
ably finished. There is u large now cistern
with a pump in the•yard. For further particu•
lam onguire•of GEORGE 'FOLAND.
Houses for Rent.
F. • • OR RENT from the first of
April next. The two Store
Rocirris in North linnover street,
present occupied by Messrs.
Sterner & Co., nn,d Arnold end
Liyingsion. Also, Three small HOUSES,
one situated on West Lowlier street and the
other two ou Dickinson nlley.
cioc.lB JAO. El. PARKER.
For Sale or Rent.
A. 'HOUSE in Pomfret street, a
few doors East of Hs nover street, now
• tho occupancy of the Rev. M. E.
Johnston. Possession given on the
Ist of April next. Tho house is near
ly new, well finished 'and convenient. The
lot is 30 by 24 . 0 feet, running hack to Church
Enquireof the subscriber. -
I , IIHE two story Brick DWELLING HOUSE
11.. and SHOP, on North Hano.ver Street,
near Glass' Hotel, now occupied by
.hr i , the gubscriber. The property is
si• • • commodious and in good order, and
,!5.* is well situated for busidess• For
—= :.terms enquire of t..e subscriber,
Agent for E. Bullock.
rrillE Hotel situated on the corner
v4:K I lof South Hanover and ronfret
LlNstteet nqw Moupicd by Mr. Robert
It Laird. • For terms apyly to
deo 85, 1850tf.
rm. RENT.
, . TWO comfortable BRICK
_ _ILOILSES„ in •North Pitt Street.
Poaseaßion given April 1, 1851.-
o.ent yor' moderate.
January 8, 1851.' '
A LARUE. and commodious
HOUSE eligibly situated on Main
1., Pr street, the' rent of which could be
paid in boarding the advertiser and
his family, a small one. Apply , at
[janB- t ni
this office
Von *ilivir.
SEVERAL two story 131tICK: HOUSES
a on the north ferret corner of the public
.7.'' tii square in thorow known as "Harper's
_linty." For terms, &c., inquire of, the
• subscriber. .
noyl3-6in ROB'T. IRVINE.
, N.3;sig.T.
r i IROM tho lot of April' next, tha BRICK
OFFICE near tlfe corner of Pitt and High
Streams, adjoining Wm. M. Porter. Apply to
janls J. HAMILTON.
NOTHER supply of ‘Vinter Goods wi
bo received from New
~I"prk and Philal
clpltur - th-s - -week-rto-whieh-the-dtwation.a.tha
ladies is particularly requested. Among the
lorWill be load a full assortment of
such as Tore Satins, Silks, Cashmeres, Meri
-oes..lrh.h Poolines. Mous. du Laines, Figr'd.
indr'tah - Lusfios, - Eip
Long and Square Bay State. Shawls, Cashmere
Shawls, Thibet Shawls,- black and colored
with silk fringes, black cloth Shawls,
A beautiful assortment of Bonnet, Cap and
Belt Ribbons, French Worked Cellars; Cups,
Also, some new
Kentucky Jeans,. 'Yestings, &c.
An )ther supply of time prime Long Boots.—
Also' a full assortment of the cheapest and
best Shoes ever brought to Carlisle.
Another lot of Ingrain, Cotton and Girthing
Carpets. /
Some fresh Ten, Sugar, Coffee, Spigot', &c.
Tho goods will •be received and opened dur
ing the week, andlill persons wanting to save
money in their purchases, will do well to call
tho old siand•Eaet Main street, where the
largest, best and cheapest lot of goods is sure
to be bound.
New Fall Goods.
Rt {he Cheap Store corner of Hanover and Lou.
Meratreita, opposite nuther's Grocery Store
Tho 'undersigned
his friends and the public generally, that be
has just returued from Philadelphia with a well
selected assortment of FALL GOODS, pur.
chased nt the lowest prices, and which he is
determined to sell at small profits : among them
may, be found CLOTHS, CASSIMESES,
VESTlNGS,Sattinets, 'Velvet Cords, Ken
tucky Jeans, &c. '
LADIES DRESS GOODS,. consisting in
part of Black. Silks; Cashineres Mouaelin de
Laines, Alpacas, Cobargs, Gingliams, Calicoes
Sack Flannels, Collas, Laces. Fringes, &c.
DOMESTICS, Ticking°, Checks, Flannels
Drillings; Osnaburg, Linseys, Muslim bleached
and 'unbleached Also, Groceries in all their
variety, via,: Sugar, Coffee, ,Teas, Molasses; . ,
Spices,' Chocolate, 'die . _ :Rage and Country
Produce taken in exchange for g,oods Please
give me a call , . A G FETTER
ocl9, , •
• • Pure Cider • 14negar.,
1 - UST receivean fresh barrel of Pure Cider
Vinegar,,of superior quality, and warranted
roe from adulturatton:
G W1( 1 ( NER
Ribbons. Ribbons.
subseriliei is now opening. tho'cliesp..
°stint of Boom& and Cap Ribbons ever °tiered
.Carlislo; cldly:mild advise the 1141 0 to call
soon and get Sir'''. ^t the bargnins.
oct3O G w HITNER.
Children's Stockings.
APutt. nsiortmen; of White and Mixed
Merino Hose of all sixes for Children:—
Also, Ladies Hese in.great variety just orened
by ,: • G . NV IitTNER."
)stry Worsted:
UST opened it general nesortment of tiingT
LP try Worsted in, various colours for Knispeo ,
So trfs, Slippers' Slitivits, 1 4tc.. Also, an. oddi,
,unal.sopply of 'Zephyr Woteted
lept2s G NV HITNER;
• APPEALS raft iesit .
THP_Commissionets of Cumberland county
haviffiSed the following dates to hold - the ap•'.
_Peals.of the rosnottive Boroughs .and Town- •
ships; ratite-Commissioners Of&ce,,in'Carlisler
where .those persons feeling themselves ar
grieved by the valuation of propertyaer”.tke,,
year 1851, tnay.attend'lf they think proper—.
.o wit : • •
East Pennshoro and Now Cumberland„.nn
Monday the 27th January, 1851. ' -
Lower Allen and Hampden on Tuesday tho
28th January, 1851. •
— Upper Allen and Mechanicsburg on Wednea.
dak„the 29th of January, 1851. .
Silver Spring im Thursday the Nth January.
Monroe, Fridaysthe Sa turda y
of January'. -
West PennsboroUgh, Saturday let .February.
Frankford and Nowville, on Monday 3d of
February, 1851. '
Mifflin and Hopewell, on Tuesday, the 9th
of February,'lBsl.
Shippensburg.l3orough and Shipperisburg tp., ,
on Wednesday the sth February, .1881.
Sonthampton and Newton, on Thbrsday, the
Bth of February, 1851. I)
Dickinson, on -Friday the 7th of February.
North Middleton, On Saturday the Bth of
February, 1851. •
South Middleton on Monday the 10th of Feb
ruary, 1851.
Carlisle, on Tuosdaylthe 1111, of February s ,
1851. By order oT the Commisaionere.
dec2s Attest—WM, REILLY, Cl'k.
ALL persons are hereby notified thrit• Let
ters of Administration on the Estate of
LIAAI late bf Hfimpdon tp.,
;Cumberland county, deceased, have boon Is
'sited by the Register in and for said county to
. the subscriber who resides in the said town
'ship. All persons having claims oe damands
against; the estate of the said deceased are re
qnested In make known the same without de
lay and thoso indebted- to make payment to
Jan I.—Gt
Constant'le Von Hellen.
: zo.ea vita sz rat ut 92Eict
ECENTLY' froin Germany, announces to
the public, that he is preprint to execute
all kind of wordconnected witlihis line of bu
siness. He; repairs and makes nll kind of locks.
repairs guns, pistols, cloaks, &c., engraves on
brass, copper and iron, attends to the mending
of stoves,.&c. He would .likewiso inform the
farmers; that ho will mend, fit and repair -their
their thrashing machines, in the most substan
tial manner. He solicits a share of .publie pa
tronage. His residence is in Harper's Row,
next door to Mr. Trout's Hatter shop. '
Carßslo, Jan. 1, 1851-:•1m.
Estate of deo'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of
./11 Administration on the estate of MARTIN
BURKIT, late of Mifflin tp. Curuberland
.deeeased, have - been granted to tho sub.
scriber, residing in the same township. All'
persons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are required to make immediate payment
and those having claims to present them for
settlement to
. Estate of Jacob Smith, decid,
EWERS testamentary' on the estate of
LI Jacob Smith, Into of Lower Allen town
ship, Cumberland County. deceased, have been
greated to the subscribers, the first residing in
Fairview township, York county, and the -lat
ter residing in Lower Allen township. Cumber
land county. All persontiknowing themselves
indebted to said estate, aro required to make
immediate.payment, and those having claims
to present them for eettjemenr to
November 27, 1850.—pd
Estate of James Watson, decid...
ETTE RS-of-A dministrition on the estate
14 of JAMES WATSON, t•f Nemtcrn tp.,
Cumberland county, dec'd., have been grant:
ed to the subscriber residing in the seme town
ed to said estate are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims to pre
sent foi settlement to
dcel 1* JANE W - A - T SON; ark' KT.
,•fr HE subscriber, Aesignee of Jacob Benr, o
1. West Pennsboro' township, hereby gives
notice to all persona indebted to said estate that
they are required to make immediate payment,
and those having claims aro requested to pre
sent them•for- settlement. •
:EPHRAIM BEAR, Assignee.
Nov. 27, 1850.—pd.
Auditor's Notice.
rinllE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
JII„ Court of CoMown Pleas of Cumberland
county, to distribute the balance in she hands
.of SAMUEL WO OD B U RN, Esq., Segues—
trator of the Hanover and Carlisle Turnpike
Road Company, to and among the creditors,
gives notice that he will attend for that purpose
the Arbitration' Chamber of the Court
House. in Carl sle, on MONDA I 2, the 6th
lay of January, r 351.
dee] 1 , WAI. S. COBEAN, Auditor.
Fifty Dollark _Reward. •
THE Allen and East Pennsboromgh Mutual
Cite Insurance Company of Cumberland roan
ry, offer a reward of DIFTY DOLLARS to
my-person - who - will at tobt-the-incendiary4ho
.Ot fire to the barn of Jacob Eshelman, of East
rennsborough township, Cumberland county,
in the evening of the 30th of September, last,
ho paid \rho!) convicted.
dee] 8-4 t LEWIS kIYER, Secey,
CME to the premises of the subscriber, re
sidine in Newton tow'nehir,- Cumberland
'• . ,
county, on the 3d — of - Dee - ember.
;et inst., a BAY HORSE, with black
frrrilk. , mane and mil. He is lame ip ono
a.". of hie hind legs. He he comfier
particular marks, the pwner is r e .
quested to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take him away, otherwise he will
be disposed of according to levy. .
NOTICE is hereby given that an application
1.11 will be made to the Legislature of this
Commonwealth at ita neat session, for a char
ter for a bank with general banking privileges,
to be located in Carlisle, Cumberland. county,
Pa, with a capital of One Hundred 7hoaadttd
Dolicu'a ' and to bc called the Carlisle Bank. •
_ Jy4.'so-6m .
THE subscriber intends closing up all no•
counts on his book to the tat inst. All persons
indebted by note or book account Will plenee
to call and settle up by the let Febrhery next.
jan6,'sl , CHAS. OGILIIY. •
WOT*CE. - ---
THE subscriber intending to lonic Carlisle
about the '2oth inst l , would request all persons
mean and settle, as any accounts unpaid will
then be the hands of a justice for col..
lection. 1003) H. WRIGHT.
Webb's Washing Powdei.,,
A great saving of labor, soap and time, with
otit any RUBBING by- welshing beards, Ida•
chines, or with the hands, and preventing a ll
wear and tear of, clothes. Warranted not to
injure the finest fabrics., Price, MI cents.
Sold wholesale and 'retail .0, Dr. Beryline'
,Drug and Variety Store; Main et. Carlisle, and
at Ins Medical Hall, North Queen at. Lances.
ter. . .
N. B. All orders filled at Manufacturer's
prices. • .
Juno S—IY:
rinHE subscriber
M be lettio -to state to hie
ardi and the pit lic lie intentions to re
linquieh business. Also. thathe, now ofote hiti
thin wholesale or retail, on the above terms.
decll,3in S A COYLE.'
N. B. AU persons knowing - thernilolves ht
ilobted to the eabseriber do a great bitirl
ness by:enlling oottlino their, neer:girlie be , •
fore tho FIRS"f OF MARCH, •185 r. • •
aum. sErozs
JUST ,xoceived two caeca . of Ladies Cram
Shoes, of Ilartahorn'a 'colabiatod pattern' which
I eau %currant good quality;
bvit23., N' W 'WOODS, AO. •
*LT etAß.titleet of %WES bot. received •
by the soleiertliler , 1 ::r
Aleei.C 4 l44tthec for-1
ig tolMAt9 l 4F,W,l4o•lo l
ang'i3 jr