- New 2.bucrtiaetruntEi. IN I • rinflE two Eton , Brick DWELLING lIOU.SE • and S13 0l• , on North lianever__S.rst, ' • iiuwoccupied by the subscriber. The property is ••• lit commodious undin good order, and is well • situated for busidcss., For terms enquire of t...e subscriber, - ,Agent for E. Bullock. lenls JAMES — R. WEAVER. rort Ranzmi. I T IHE subscrilnu, intending' to leave, offers jor rehythe large and commodious STOItE HOUSE AND DIVELLIN G at .72' incised, sitn,aie in BEND 111 t. S ;; ViPLE, Adams county, Pa."AllY person wishing, to enter into the • mercantile business, this property offers - rare inducemeivs,ms t h e town of Ben dotaville is not surpassed, if equalled, by nny Village, in Pennsylvania, for business, health, society,. &c. 1/o"lnquire of the undersigned who is now occupying it. Possession will be given on the Ist of April. ban 15-ni:: 0. P. HOUSE. Estate of Martin Burka, - dec'd. - & - rOTICE is hereby given that Letteri of 111--A-drnin ittion-onl e-estate-oPVIA-R-TIN , RUT, late 'of illiC3in tp, Cumberland : county, deceased, have beery ranted to the sub• scriber, r!tsiding in dip same township.' All persons It vowing' themselves indelqted to said estate are required,to make immediVe payment . and those having claims Ito present them lb, settlement to jants WM. Adm'r Pertudiery, Fancy Soap & Papei Box IVIABATZACTOII.Ir: 48 Market street, Wow Second, Philadelphia. gri LEGG A:, CRUM PTON, Manufaclurers tlj of Pelfunicry.•Fancy. Soaps and Fancy Paper Boxes, respectfully call the nttention of the Druggists and Dealers in, Carlisle and the Cumberland Valley to'their extol sive stock nt Goods, comprising Perlumer?; Fancy Soaps, Powders for the complexion, &c. of every variety?' Also, a lull and complete,ps surtment of Fancy Paper Boxes, of every do scrimion; large or stoat!, round or square, made to order at the shortest notirc. ir-r-Don!t forget the place, 48 Illnrket street, All orders will meet with prompt attention. jan 5 A SPLEINDX2) STOCE! TITE undersigned respectfully informs his. friends ,and the public generally, that he ,iettA".• has just.rstart.ed from Philadelphia, thin vin g t t . . p s cl v i n o ' T ca l s 1 , 1%1 1 1 1 10 e s: et i x , . 9 en e apest assottment 0. • ' 4 €o3` l Watches, Jewelry, &e., ever.Trougut to Carlisle Ills-stock con sista in part of Gad and Silver Patent Lever Wadies, ld and Silver detached do. do. Gold and Silver Ldpine Watches. in short every variety u: Watches at all p - riees. Gold Guard. and Vest,. Chains. Aledalliunn Watch 1-ruys, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pim.. Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver pens and eases and Bracelets in veal variety. A splendid article. 01 Gold, Sllter,'German Silver, and Blued Steel SPEC• " - ---TICLES, which are unsurpass ad in quality by any other ~rticle west bt adelpltia, and which can be sold at least 20 per vent cheaper than in any other establishment in the country. Alsua large lot of SILVER-NAT.13,1138, campri•ing Tablet and Tea :-:poons, Butter .Kinves, _Srlt 'Spoons, Fruit Knives; Thimbles, &e. Also, Card Cases, Porte Monnnies, Port Folios, Ladies Writing DebitS, with a great variety of other fancy articles unnecessary to mention. A largo lot of CLOCKS, assorted patterns, which will be sold low, non warranted to be good. TJ'atches, Claks and Jei&lry Repairtd,o Holqvited . all tocall - and ckaritinc his sioch, assured that none can fail to be suited in qual ny, quantity and ratca. His articles are cash purchases, consequently, he can afford to sell !ewer than the saute articles can lie purchased e'sewhere. Call ai the old stand, a few doors west of But klioldor's 113 tel. •3onttnry 15, Itlil—ly T. CONLYN. 31:10E. 313.313ELER'S Celebrated Family,Medicines. It concerns evury one. Cholera can be. aired Dr. liceler's Sarsaparilla Panacea. Fdr the inineval and permanent cure tif all Diseases arising from state of the Blood and habit • of body: The All-wise Creator has implanted in 51 1 organi.ied bodies an innate disposition to - self preservation. The vital powers possess the property of resisting the influence -of external - causes; but as the BLOOD is the common pa bulum front which all parts of lising metier derives its renovating elements, and consequent ly, upon which tire life of org_ani zed beings de pend, it is probable that in eases of aceitWiii, er where artificial means Love been employed to deprive it of an esse tial property, the vital effects of the whole system will be directed to. ward restoring to it that propesty. to all con ithutional mud hereditary affeetiens, this fluid has undergur.e same primary alteration, vhich is the cause of the sFecial disease, or, whit:tiles sentially contributed to its production. Restc ratien to health can only be, obtained by' a re• — moral - of - the - mortnfie - eause - through•tim - medi- . of the eirculatgon, and Dr. Keelcr's Sursa. plains, is the mast powerful modifier 'of agents effecting-this fluidilteown. See parophlets. Black woodlown, N. J.. June 6, 1848. Dr. Keeler—Dear SirCl am entirely out of your Panacea. I was culled .upon day before yesterday for half a dozen. Your medicine is becoming; very fmpular where I:have introduced it, and I think the more it is used the more pop . ular it will get. Respectfully yours, • ' Wet. Petutnnt , M. D. €rFor details., certificates &c., sec circa: lore, Si;. Price $1 per botiki, large size, 6 bul lies 65.- DR, .KEELER'S COUGH SYRUP. Among all the remedies belbro the public this blonds pre-eminent irFieel that consump tion, Bronchitis, Catarrhs, U nigh, , Hoe rseneis, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy. Asthma, Spitting of Blued, and fir all affections of the pull - none, y organs occasioned by cold. you much praise elrinut be bestowed upon this remedy ; and the 'proprietor urges every one afilic , ed with any of • the nbave complaints to secure it at once. It is warranted to cure or no pay. Price only 511 emir.-- DR. KEELER'S CORDIAL AND CARMI . NATIVE. Every family.whether rich ur poor, who val . nee health and all its blessings, &litftrldliavc this ininluabla remedy ut hand. It ieinfinitely the best remedy known f r Morrie:a, Dysentery, • Clink ra Morbus, Cholera In lament, Choke, Flatulency, griping pains, cruel!), etc.. and far oil diseases el the stomach and bowels caused by. Teething. The numerous tostinionlals from Physicians and others unsolicited has given it a m reputation as Nan es, adamant. parrs : ice 25 cents per bottle. DR. KEELER'S VERNIIFUGE SYRUP: • This remedy is pleasant to the 'taste, harm. less to the' patient and ell pewerfulltilernoving all kinds of.worms 'from the body. It is wall ' out doubt, the , cheapest end hest worm-deitroy leg medicine before the public, and will if ad. ministered according directions, remove then' within five or six Ileum after t ken.. T he doge is small, and•ench bottle coßtains twice as much as•similar remedies. Price my 25 cents per bottle. . , ' DR. REELER'S LIVER AND SANATIVE ' •PILLS. , • • • Although not recommended_ as a • ,, cure• all, t Yet - they arc the nilidest iihd best remedy to re. • inove Cot•sliiatlon; Jaundice, Dyspepsia; NerviniSness,:,Foul Stomach', Head: •- ticWlndidesilon, etc. Ulike.ollior purgative' . inedteines they leave. the burets always relaxed •,. -and cupsequently are the preper medicine, for fee feinalea and persons leading it solitary life. Price 25 cents. . • • .. DR. lIEELEIPS RHEUMATIC LOTION . A, jilstly, celebrated external' applunition • ; N,intruf the Chest, Neuridgia, IloadJehe,'Spens Bruise's, Tie Dolorsux, Swellings of the Joint's,. , .Rheurrtotimn, Gout, sciatica.; and for all disor. •-• ilers wherein a sodutivo und,••rubefacient roe-Jo dy • is applicable. Price tyycnty.fWo cents per bottle. ... • • All of the above celebrated and ‘exteiisively use d inctiietnes, are prepared and, sold Whole sale 294' MARKET STR,EET‘ ;Philadelphia. •- • .' • ;' • , r Pale by Pl' •-•31: G. , ! .:• b.,„ 14 : c atatiiwn• and to every toWn'throneibut the county and State, ' [Jemmy 11 4 1851 : Nap ' .oiniti..i c nClltits. . • • ..1 1 4).R.-ItELEGV: 111.R.0.N t ihe let of .9141 noxt, The BRICK ' OFFICE neer the earner of Pitt and High - strews, ildi.mitig —Wm. N.- P oi!s •• ; •,• J. 1141‘111.T01‘1, wnsr - WILL YOU sprrinal. - rig thousANus rbiittles of,the .It_ VAN COMPOUND o .have been sold dur log the., past -year, end woe ntohr knnwn to. fail of curing, in u few days, of a Certain deli cate disease, Seininal weakness and' all„discascs of the Urinary orgeos. Persons afflicted tieing this,plcusant and popular. remedy, need fear no exposure, a's'it' leaven no odor on the breath, requires no .restrictiM a in diet or business— contains no Mercury or noxious drugs injurious to the system, and is adapted to every ago r ae:, or condition. Jt is al,m the bent remedy known for Floor,NAlbuii,or Wttes; (female complaints) - with Which thousands suffer, - withent the linos,. lodge of u remedy. This celebrated remedy has long been used in private practice of a phy sic ian and with, unerring swees4, radically curing ..ninetymino of Dm hundred cases in a few days. Around midi bottle are plain and CAUTION—AsIc _for . the AM ER ICA N COMPOUND, and purchase only "of the - Agents Price - $1 perbottic. For sale by S. ELLIOTT Corlisb ; J. Wyeth, Harriaburgr R. Williams! Columbia: by' A. Miller, Lancaster; E. Morris & Co, York. (January, 15, 1851. ELECTION PROOLANATLIN lATimitEAs by the 111th Section-of the first / At tick of the Constitution of the Com• mot:wealth, and by tee Act of the' General As. silmtbly of the second bf• July, one thousand eight hundred tint thirty plue. it is provided dint when vacancies,happen in either house of the Legisla ture Of this Commonwealth, the Speaker-of such house shall issue a writ, directed to the Sheriff of the proper county, and shall par icol.wly ex press the day on wh'cli the election shall be held LO enmity such vacancy. • And whets as, John Cessa, Esq.,. Speaker of the How of Representatives of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, lath issued his writ to the Sheriff of the county of Cumberland, reciting, that a ''vacancy bath hoppened in the. House of Representatives ofsaid commonwealth,. by the death of liens) , Church, Esq., member ele.st from the county of Cumberland"—in wide!' said writ, the said ShlYritr is Oljoined nod required to issue his Proclam.ttion throughout his bailiwick, kielioldinp,• an election, on 111 DAY the 'l4th' clay of January, for one Member to rept eseut the said county lo the Utilise ,o 1 Representatives' .of this Qomntonweulth in the room and stead of the said Henry Church, Esq.._ I, DAVID Sheriff ol the comity Cumberland, do hereby make known nod give this public notice to the electors of the county of Cumberland, that on FR I DAY the 21th thy of January, inst.,. special Election will be held at the several eletiou_ districts established. by -law in said county, tit which time they will vote by b dtht for the several officers hereinafter named, - ONE PERSON to represent the comity ol• Cumberland in the I (mum of Representativ'es of Pennsylvania The said election will: be held tkroughotit the county, as follows: The eis.ction in the election district composed of the borough of CarliAle and the townships of North Alidilleton, South .Nliddleton,Lower Dick inson, Lower Frankfort' 3411111 ower \Vest Penns borough, will be held at the Cout•t Ilduse, in the Lot °ugh of Carlisle. The election in the election .district comi osed oP , Silver Sprint; t. oenship, will lie held at the pnl•lic house of George Duey, in lloguesto wit in said 11:111'11S1111/3 • The eleothin it, 1.116 election Ilistt•ict composed of I lamptien township, will he - held Lit itro - honsc on,lerly occupied Li) IL Bressler to said town. ship. . . The election au the election district composed of the township of Uopec Allen rill be 11,2111:tt the public house of David Slieflbr tom n. - The election'in the election dislt•iet compoul ._o(.ll%d_t9oviplilp_ot_Luyaw_All6lill_l)e_.lield tlt Alto wagon-mulct• shop of 3 otnis on Slalu 1111. The election in the election district composed of East PentishorMigh township, will be held at the, house uow occupied by S Benninger, at the west end ''' the Harrisburg Bridge. The geCtion iti the district composed of New Cumbeeliduj,will be held at thepublic house of V in the. borough of - New Cumber. and. ° • The election in the district compicSed 4 of the borohgh of Meclittniestiurgi - will be held at the public house of John Hoover, in ottia borough. The.election in the district compos d of Mon. roe township, will be held at the public house of Geo. Goodyear in Churchtown, in said townsh:p '1 he election in the districtcomposed of Upper Dickinson township, will be held at the house formerly occupied by Phi.ip Weaver. id said ownship. The election in the district composed of the Borough of Newville, and townships of 'Mifflin, Upper Frankforil, Upper West Pennsborough, and that pall of Newt m township, not included in the Leesburg election district "ittreinafter mentioned, will be held at the Brick School !louse, iu the borough of Newville. :1 he election in the district composed of !lope nossilshilTrib held at the School !louse II Nei% Imrg, in said township. Toe election in th district composed of the borough 91' Shippensburg. Shippensburg town. sfuf, mat that l I t uf' Southampton township not included ill the Leesburg election district, will be held at the Council House, in the borough of Shippensbur„, ,, And in and by an net of the General Assembiy of this Commonwealth, passed the 2d July, 1459, it is thus peovitlek "That the qualified electors -of-parts-of-Neu ton and -Sonthampton-township,- in the,county of Cumberland, bounded by the fol. 1 lowing lines:lnd distituces,vizt Beginning at the -Adams county line, thence along Met ine dividing the townships of Dickinsoll and Newton to the road, thence along said turnpike to Cen tre School I lotise,on said ttirimike, in Sottuthamp ton township, thence to is point on the Walnut Bottom Road at Reybuck's, inclutliny Buyback's Farm, thence a straight direction to the Saw Mill belonging to the heirs of George Clever, thence along Kryshcr's run to t fe Ailamjb, county line, thence along the line of MI MS county to the place ' ,orboginiting, be and the same it liegeby declared new and separate election district, the election to be held at the publictiouse•of V' in. Maxwell, in Leesburg, So Mammon township." Agiteenlile to the provisions of the sixty-first ection of said not, every General and Special Election. shall be opened between the hours of eight and tenin the forenoon, and s l continue %v . aliant interruption or adjOurnment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the [mils shall be Closed. And the Judgesof the respective districta afore said, are by the said 'act yequfred to meet at the t . :aur • !louse in the borotfgh df 'or' on , th e third day af e the said clay '6r election, being Monday IV .27 h dtcy of January,theb and there to / \ net fnrm th c thi ga required of thena_by law. _ Given Ander my hand, at Carlisle, this Bth day ofJaimary, A. D. 1851. • DAVID' SMITH, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, , ' January &ISM. , . . ANOTHER ARRIVAL GF XE IF' 0 "ivy: mLIE subscriber has just received frdm the city Another addition to his Stock of Goods -embracing a largo and varied. assortment, in which will be found .Cloths CassimereS,Satti• nets: Changeable Silks' Yure - Satins, Mites. ,do Laines, Cashmeres, Shawls. Gloves, ,Con• .„On , and Woolen Flannels, Muslim. 'A largo. ' STDCK OF MUFFS, • jiist received which will be sold very low, MOUS. DE LAINES, • • Very desirable styles have just been opened by the subscriber, to which the attention of the ladies is invited. • • --- SILKS AND. SATINS, ' Just received a hands'orno Assortment ol.bl'it and 'changeable SILKS and Turk,-SATINS, for Ladies dresses-which wjll bersold cheap.. . BOOTS . AND SHOES;.." in groat variety 'stYle - and size. • • . GROCERIES, inirgdou COfibe, 'at 1 . 2 gat, Molasses, Sider's: . Alto, . „, GREEN AND' BLACK TEAS, • •. The : attention' of the Public ie reepecifully •solicittl, inasmuch as he feels confident of his ability,to give satisfactitini,,to all who may favor, him with' their patroinigo. - - , • . janA „ WOOOS,Ag't • MOTIVE. . ,'TILE subscriber, intends closing.up, all mi. counts on his bea' to' the Ist inst. All persons indebted by note, or book , moue will please to call and settle up by , the let Februory.next. „ . . CHAS, . ' " ' • r A w1L L.:%1 333411 R1.;E a ll ; 'I 1 1: 44 ' cuid tit., 1 ' ill i i i kli:! ri l i l tl i e d e U ri:t7l i i , n l. ,,, t i r i d g i n i o t g lY oi l- v u n l a i d i c c e° l dn7asllGauin3 v.oillaei• and c L i a oiii,,,' hie family , a small ' . ono, Apply a. • •-• ,• [lauB• lift :NctuL . .:A;b46ii6"iiticiits. NOT OIL, ALL - persons•ero-horeby - •notified. tersOl Adininistratiotr-on,the-Estete -L1 41 ... 11- A -13- DENltElpplate , -or Il toptien -7 tii.„-Z dermaued,:ha becin seed' by the it eigi,..ter in old for tql. comity to theitubsefiber - who.reside..in the - ill town ship. All pergoag having claims or. dentunds "against the OaIMO oli the said tieeSnsett ure.'re--; quested make known the' sumo without do-. lay•and those indebted to melte peyn.eilt to • • . • • .13EM.1..tiAIN . • - . . Jan 4ilministrator: Constantine Von Holten. - Eva. oaccta.. Till EC ENTLY from Germany, announCes to:' the public, thistle is prepares to execute- till 'kind or Word conne.ct,ed with'his line Of h a .` sitiess.• He repairs and Makes all kind of locks. rePeirs gnus, pistols, clocks, '&c„ engraves an • brass; coppsr and iron, attends to the mentling„.. ot stoves, &c. lie would likewise inform the 'banters ; that he will mend' fit and repair their their thrashing machkes, in the most substan ial manner. Ile solicits n share tf pahlic p a :7 rortsite. Ilie residence it in Harper's Row, lext door to Alr. 't'rout's Rutter shop. APPEALS . FOR. 18511 THF, conithissioneis Of Clingie s t-land county have fixed the following dales to hold the air peals of the rlspective Beretta.lts and Town ships, at the Cotmnissioners Office, in Carlisle, whore those persons feeling themselves sg eieved by the valuation of property for the year 1851, may attend — if they thinjt, prop - tr= 7 . , o wit: Pennsboro ,and New , Cuniherland, on' Monday the 27th January, 1851. Lower Allen and Hampden on Tuesday the 28th January, 1831. Upper Allen and Meshaniesburg , on Wedneti.. day, the 29th of January, 1851. . Silver Spring on Thursday the 30th January. Monroe, Friday the 31st ofJanuary. 'est Pertnsboronglt, Saturday Ist February. Frank ford nad on Monday 3d of February, 1851. 111ifflin and Hopewell, on Tuesday, the 9th• of February, 181, Shippensburg Borough and 'S;hippensburg tp. on Wednesday the sth February. 1851. •- s l. ontliatripl6o and NeWton, on '1 hursday;the 6th of February, 1851. Dickinson ' nn. Friday the of February. North I‘liddletou,i t 011 Saturday the .Bth - of February. 1851. South Middleton on Monday the 10th of Feb ruary, 16'51. Curbsle, on Tuesday the 11th of February, 65 . By drder of the Commissioners, dec2s Attest—AVM. 'REILLY, Cl'k. Pon Tirr. HOLIDAYS ! , . Bpientlid Faney Goody, Elegant Gift Books, &c. W. IIAVERSTICK has just received from the eity_and is now openings splen did display or FANCY .MOODS, suitable for the approaching llolyday Benson, to With]) he desires to evil tne attention of his , friends and the public His assortment in this line cannot be surpassed in novelty and elegance, and buili in qunnty and price - orate enlace, cad: not fail to please purchasers. It uould be iii= possible to enumerate his 'HOLIDAY FANCY GOODS, • which cornprise every misty of fancy nrifcles ol•the most novel' styles and exquisite finish, such as Ladics' -Fancy Baskets, Fancy IVork Boxes', with sewing instr uni'ts Terracotta Work (a recent novelty,) Paper Dandle Goods, Elegant alabaster_ and porcelain ink-stands - atl trri.vi;;` • Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Port Mon sales, of every varioty, Gold, pens and pancils,:. Fancy paper weights, Papeteries, with h largo variety of ladies fancy stationery, - - - - Motto seals and wafers,, _ Sillc_and_bend purses, - Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished,' Ladies' fine cutlery. Perfume baskets and bags, • Brushes of every kind for the toilet, - Roamers perfumes of the various - kinds.; Musical instruments, of all kinds , rind at al prices, together with an innumerable variety. of mieles elegantly,finished and suitable for he lyday.presents, to which - he invites I,pecial at; oleo, an exteniivp and. elegant collection of HOLIDAY GIFT , 1:10 00 ; - comprising the various - English and Arnim-ken ANNUALS for 1351, richly embellished and illustrated- POETICAL O R K S, with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL B 0 0K S, for children of all ages, _than which nothing can be more appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. His assortment of Scheel Books and School Stationery is also complete, and corn. prises every thing .used in Colleges and the Schools. He also desires to call the-particular intention of Families to his elegant display of LAMPS, GIRANDOLES, &c from the extensive establishments of Cofnelius, Archer and others of Philudelphiu, comorising every atyla of Pular, C bomber rind Study— ' Lamps, for burning either lard, - sperm or ethe real oil, together with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, &c. Ills assortment in this line is un• , equalled in the borough. A i9O FRUI'T'S, FANCY C NFECTIOARY— NUTS— P ft E3ERVED &c., in every variety and al all prices, all of which are pure and fresh, such ns can be confidently recommended to his friends and the little folks. llis stack embyttaes_,everything in the 'line of Fancy Goomv-with -nanny other artidles useful to liousekeepers,Vhich the public are especially invited to call and see during the Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank_on_Norila Hanover street. - dealt S %V. II VERSTICK. LOOK 0172? rant BARGAINS! SELLING OUT AT COST This is to inform my friends and the public that I ant now sellimt oil my- entire stoSlt of dry goods at cat. I have a hirge,sioelt of sea• . sellable, goods end will • `• just mention a few of 4 . 4 0 . 54f,,t 0 the - lending ,3„4 114, Calicoes, Ginglisms, lyousl d Nunes, Cashinerest, Alpachas White Fin n ; nels, Irish Linens &c Also Men nnd Boys' 'lints and Cape, a large lot. One Iron Silts, price 540,00. Alsa, alo of labelled Tea and Spice Canisters, a sett of Store.Curtsins.,and other store fixtures. To gether with Coffee end Sugar, All of which must be sold regardless of cost before the Ist ofrAprit. The subsbriber respectfully nsks nil to call at his' old stsnd (the BEE 11IVE) - in - North Hanover street, where all attention will be given to please. S •A COYLE. • N. 13. All who haow themselves indebted to the subscriber willtptes•a call and settle up ac• counts before the let of/March. innuary9 ./ S A COYLE: ithIGURRREOTRPES FOR THE lIOLYDAYS. ti‘fM. PPIDLEY, is now prepared to take' "f Dasuerreotypes of children of almost any age. The time require(' to take them will be from 2to 7 seconds. All those who wish a correct likeness•should call immediately. Hav ing Made an unprovernent in the art which eMI" aides hint to take likenesses' superior to any thing taken in this place. This new' and beentiful proems is styled CELEREO TYPING. Ho will be constantly found at his rooms, corner of Hanover nod Lowlier sta. no stairs: • Neel Eqf Valuable ^Farm for Sale. • THE subscribers offer for Palo the farm on which they now•resitle, sit unto in South Mid dleton township, 'Cumberland county. contain - - Mg-120 ACRES adjoining lands of 3. Goodyear _ihe...widotv Green-and-the- Yellow Breeches creek—The whole. Farm is in first row order, and will be sold in one or fwo tracta to suit pur e chasers. The improvements' are-good at dso situated ea to afford the hest ativnninges. Anti .percon.wishing,to call onithos.uhseri. bers,living on thi4placti, Imm whom they tan. j:10.1 all Information in regard Co tern's., &n. WE • • If not sold nt private sale before DIsTEM• 'AY; the lath of Janunry; LSO, the Farm, will ho offered at public , outcry at the Court Dottie in Carlisle, at 2 o'clock on, Said . day, when attendance will be given 43' • ":1, JAMES 'AteirAFtlE. t •I, THO.VIAS MckIAFFIE. MI . . - "rot Sale or .; • • TlOilSg in *Pomirot street', , fowl.loorti East or Cie noveretreei, now 1 • in the oceepaney:Of the': Rey. M.I.E. N Johnaton. Posaeseion given on lithe let of next.. 'Die house is near. ly -neW weft , ftniehed and ;entivenient. The led t 0 by' SW feet. inntiine beak to',Chukett Oie•huhscrlben‘''..• .1 deplB 7 4,tp A:NORM:In:MIL .rr,edt.Or4lo3Tri43o, ,'-• roceived, now Alt NA.'ond HOMINY, and for Halo by Carlis!o, Doc. 25,'50„ -J. W..E13 Y. ,etor.s . & . GREAT ATTRACTIONS '• FOR 117 . 11 E ' .11,70.1A4110.1114'5. JIl Kriss Kitles' bend• Quarto:3 v .NORTH 113X0VER ST., C4RLMLE, T iV " tl E lo i s t c F' „l:?)n c i i n " ; e vi i s s it of tli t d h s is n ' inl a tFu e go n g d th i e l Ifolydays, will find, largest assorttilbnt of CO-NFECTiONARIES,'.' (of every variety) "ever offered: toanufactured of the hest materials, e'lMre'ssfy;'for the an. pr.melting festivities. which will be sold whole- sale or retail, at reasonable raton,.m. ,the old stand of the subscriber in North Hahaver_st., a few doors north of. the Ilnnly ..Where may also be found n complete assortment of FRurrs AND NUTS ; • consisting in part of Oranges, Lainons,'Grames,' Figs, Raisins, Prunes, in fancy boxes, Cur.' rants, Dates; Almonds, Filberts, Cream, Coco and Ground Nuts. Ile ssould also call atten tion to the largest slunk of ' • . TOYS AND FANCY GGODS, ever offered in Carble, consisiing of CHINA AND GLASS TOYS, Card Trays, Vases, Mugs, Tea Sets, 4101 beads, Motto Cups, Cologne Bottles; Tum blers, asserted Figures. &e. FINE TIN TOYS, such as Carriages, Carts, Cradles, tables, chairs, animals, huckets, t ups, rattles, wash• GUM TOYS, ure India rubber and elastic doll heads,' rat les, dogs, teething rings,-caricature'- faces, &e WOODEN TOYS,. . cups and saucers;' nine pins, towhs,.so!diers, furniture, tools in boxes, games and puzzles, drums, guns, trumpets, wagons, wheelbarrows tubs, Noah's arks, horse Men. magnetic fish, SWIMS, boats, fiddles, guitars;harnionteans, FANCY - GOOD'; Fine sewing, card and knitting .baskuts,fhney boxes of wood, paper and .glass; hair oils, soaps, colognesthair brushes, and hundreds of other articles not enumerated above, *bleb all 'are invited to call and examine. 'Fhe subscriber returns his sincere thanks to n generous public for the patronage bestowed on him nn former occasions, and topes by a de sire =to please to Merit a continuance of the same. - [leen) P. MONYER. roa SA . OR RENT. 1 . i lk DOUBLE I'WO STORY NEW .L - I. BRICK 110 SE, Stabling-, &c., andm . Lot f-ground, 'containing ONE T irf ,A . AC),E, more, or less, in Weal M I • .t; Hig, bounded - oh lhe - South liy {ii. 'a the State Road.lepding from-Gar-'1 ,--,,,... ... .--..--, -4 t lisle_to.New_ville, and on the east by the road leading from Mount Rock to Dil ler's Mill. Wo will sell the whole-or in part. The improvements with part, .of the ground, and the balance for building lots: It has a kitthee end - cellar blisement; four rooms on the Om nnd secorid -floor each, and is wtlrfinished end in Well calculated for a Storc:"..raiierr,"or Mechanic .of any kind, or wlll,,suit. two small families, and is in one of ilie..bp e st f ailments in the county. l'ussossiori.givc,t, on - the let - of April next. For terrna,:&c.. apply.to either of the subscrihers•rceidinu irtfilatliign.,:," • -' lIR.Nr4 ;v ..n oxra, ''' _JOON IL WEAVER-. ~i GREAT CHANCES Piid CASH!" THE subscriber begs leave to state to his friends and ihe public his intentions to tkl ling tii:3l) business. ' Also, that he now oll'ers his WILOLE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, ei ther wholes.alc or retail, on the above terms. decl.l l 3in S A COYLE. N. B. All persons knowing themselves in• debted to the subscriber will do a great kind. ness by calling and settling their accounts be fore-t he—FIR Er. 0 F—INEAReff-,-185-1-. FOR RENT. ryIIIE largo THREE STORY HOUSE on I North Hanover street, recently occupied by the subs c riber. There is a large store • room on the ground floor in • ' front, and .the location is. in 'n .144 1 1 a I 4 gbod part of the town for b I.'• Bess. The 'Muse contains four. teen good roems, several of Thom quite large, and all of- them well and comlort ably finished. There fs 11 large nos cistern with a pomp influo yard. FOr further perticu• Inns enquire of GEORGE FOLA,ND. Houses for Rent. . OR RENT from the first of - April next. The two St re 4 stgt 911.0 Rooms in North Hanoydr street, 5 , 14 p 5 at *sent Occupied, by Messrs. Sterner CO., and 'Arnold and Liviogston. Also, Three small. 'HOUSE% one situated on West !imuther street and the other two On Dickinson alley. deeld • • J 24 0. a, PARKER. • FOR RENT. !AVIS Itual.situnted on . the corner • .of South Hanovor.pn Pocket nnLstreet new occupied by Mr. Robert • Laird. For ternis apyly to Wildt T. BROWN. • dcc 9.5, 1850=Ltf. p7tiq'lCE. THE subseribeHntending to leave Carlisle about the 20th inst.,lwou!d request all persons to call and settle, as tiny accounts unpaid will then be placed in the hands Gin justice for col. *don. [janBj H. WRIGHII. FOR REITZ; , . : TWO eoniforteble. U C K /i ru .'S — lii - Ni Street. . If!. HOUS E , • ..• nil, 1851. _ .....4..`4, • : Possessiop,o,, ''' .l ' . 'iL Rent very mndOrare. ' Agtv,.4 ....0- • CHAS. "O,GILD Y. January 8, 1851 .... • Black Silk' Lam, Ace.. A VARIETY of Black Bilk lames... Three M. and Cotton Lassa, Valoneiennes Edgnep Linos Bobbin. Edgings, just opened by, sept2s .. G. V. lIITNER t'otil 4Corif',! , . . . . ... THE subscriber is now prquied; to furnish 'iI.I4II . 4 JES with - the best quality,',CLEAN STONE GOAL at the lowest .rstes.::Orders left at H, Seston's Hardware _Store or nt thi, yard-opposite - llooyer'S.l.mmher, , Yard". will be promptly filled. Also, just received .from the mines 190 TONS Nt/T - : • COAL lOr Linie. burners, 1500 bushels,., Bituminons ; Onal-- for Blacksmith's. -sell ',, !., H. ,WRIGHT. Lead Coloiadi, Don.netg, "- - NEV eapply -of Lela Colored 'leaflets fl=•-jnet received at-tho atore . .00t.23 and 125 sroA:rcilso oup aEfttiLioTt'vrlcieliciitt ;2,W;1134 . 10f.t. Y, Ag'i. CM ,ftllinera, U 8 T' ronoived. onotkor .'lot of 'Bonito Frames of 'the Into& otylo.iAlsoilloonotoilliat Silk and ' , Stain •Linings of itariouivoolors. - • • . - . . . : , SECOES*Z- - • : GPm Shooe . .'ol.llarttiluttp's s onlia)rato4 I can warrant , god quainv. ocUla ;-:-; NVOQl),§wAg't. • _ • A GE NIII , A neaOrtnuttlt. - of cl,natott - iin - d citit t i ton e; tonitiomgonsionng ofirtiroin nod Sport 3111cOtottmoro, Morino,Lunoto,Woott & Cotton just oponod I. nov6 • G W 1117'NER. MIMI Itlisccliancott.s. ORNAMENTAL NARBLE mons ItiTently from iufo itie Il E a P rltFo T a F a i d jL i L talri F t v in t t h h a e r c t z y n h g a v o e f ilaw tit their 'Marble Yard itr b'ourlr lianovar arroet,:a fe . ai ;doors south of the Court ' HOUSES' Sitife;rfil alagant stock. or pure AMERICAN WHITE JILIRBLE, and are:prep:tired to execute in thejnost finished style; , . . .11failutnents, • , ' Tombs, ' crave &Ones at all prices, .Nantles, Door and yititliiw Sills, . Sleps,,Rfc:, toiother with• c , ,iery other article in theiOine, and.pronthq) ,that to lin'eness.of, finish, chaste ness of design and quality of 11.1 , 61 U, their work shall not be surpassed by any , other estab lishment. They are also the authorized agents of Mr RObert Wood, of Philadelphia. and will fur nish from his manufactory all varieties of IRON BAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots and all other purposA, at the sholiest notion and at manufacture all hinds of Building NVork, such as Sills; Steps and. Platforms, :me:, at the short est notice and on ilMmost reasonable term Ry a ,- 'Having had great experience, and being ern ployed in the best shops of Philadelphia, they are therefore. enabled to manufactule the most litshionable work,'and resrectlitily aik a share of the - patronage of Crirlisleand the surrounding country. ' [Carlisle, tiovG 18501.1 --t CHEAPER TECAN EVER fIVIE subscriber having just returned from the East, .offers to the public a more am ple and complete, assortment of goods' in his line, than ever previously offered