Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 01, 1851, Image 3

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TOR 1 1 .71X1 IrEA.R 1851.
M , zti
1 2 3
5 . ' 0 7 8 0 10
12:13 '1.4 - 15 'lO, "17
J 1.7:7 ‘PY,
19 20 21 22 28:24
2G 27 28 20 89, 81
l' L li.
EnnuAlty; • ' '
2 8 4 ' 6 6 7
0 10 11 12. 13 14 .
. 16 7 'lB 19 20 21
23 24 25 20 27 28
234 5 G
9 10 11 12 13 14
16 17 18 19 20 21
-3'24 25 20 27 28
30 31
0 7 8 9 'lo' 11
13 14 15 10 17 18
20 21 '22 23 2.1 25
27. 28 .29 30
1 2
4 •G 6 7 8 9
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
ti 18 'l9 20 21 22 23 21
26 26 27 28 29 80 31
2 3. 4 6 6 7
8 9 10 11 12. 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
2l 23 24 2a 26 27 28
29 30
1 2 3 5
.G 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 -14 15. 10 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 20 30 31
4 G, 3 7 8 9
JO 11 12 13 14 18 18
17 .18 10 20 21 22 23
24 25 28 '27 2S 29 30
'123 4 5 6
79 10 11 12 13
11 ''ls 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 21 23 20 27
23 29 30
1 2 4
5 6 7 8 '0 10 11
12 13 14 15 10 17 18
10 20 21 22.23 24 25
26 27 28 20 30 81
- OcTonin,
2845 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
19 17' 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
1 2. ,3 4 5 6
7 B i t ',o'' ) lo 11 12 13
11 15 1 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 . 24 23 26 27
23 20 30 '3l
...Loss An! .JENNS. ore haxpy to an
nounce that the rumored loss of JENNY LIND,
which . created quite an excitement in our
town on:Thursday and Friday, is without foun
dation. The steamboat in which it was repor
ted she was lost, arrived at Charleston with
out hiiiring sustained any serious injury. The
news of her safety canoed as much joy, as the
report of.her loss did sorrows
Br.Aens IN ME Sount.—The Washington
correspondent of . the Philadelphia Bulletin
states that the census retarns, so far ns recei
ved, show - tin alarming increase of slaves in
the South, over whites. In Maryland and
Virginia this is peculiarly - tie ease, notwith
standing the immense numbers annually sold
to Georgia and .1.1...',:;ina. -In South Carolina,
the whites rail !JCL jilt/ the hacks over 150,000;
and yet, with this hostile, preponderating ex
cess the\vhites talk of sues . ..dun. SouthCar
.oliint is w.\ •e in Termini); to net alone in this
matter: f..r o '‘e out of the Union, her blacks
,;,would not long continuo uninformed of their
strength,' and then what mortal agency could
prevent her becoming a sec nol Sun Domingo.
thiy, in the South QaFulina IN6•lliture, the
comnxitte on colored pepuhttion reported n bill
oliiFiZase_ lc peva y_ or _men a. mg_ a 9 1-
tlO9 pamphlets in the State. They afro repor
ted unfavorably on that part of the Governner
message which recommerls , the removal 01
the free negroes lronl the 'State. The corm
mittee thought such a course contrary to 'the
policy of the State, min that the carrying into
effect of such a measure•would involve too ma
ny ilillieultMs.
A sure :oul certain cure fur the I) VSl' hl PSI A
in is Worst burins. Also, Liver Codiplaints,
Jaundice, Heartburn, Costiveness,
Disorders of thu Shin, Lose of Appetite, Low
Spirits, Nervous Headache, Giddiness, l'alpi
tition of the Heart, sinlvitiV, nod fullness of
weight at the Stomach, and all other dieensesi ,
Caused. by nn in - inure atom of the blood, livOr,
ke. FEMALES: - who suffer from n morbid
anti unnatural' condition, w ill find this medi
cine of incstim./de Voinc: 0:3 - In all eases of
GENERAL DEBILITY this Medicine ruts
like a ehai-m! Thousands have tested its clii-
racy, and thousands mere are nom under treat•
mem; and not one solitary case oc thilare has
yet been reported. Volumes cciitld be filled
- with certificates of tbo, , e who have been per
manently cured. Circulars, eontaining the Cer
tificates of Remantable Cures, and the high
estimation in which this Medicine is held by
the public prties,.can be had of the agents ; free.
Price 50 cents Per bottle. Principal Office, 122
Button street, N. Y., np stairs. Dr. S
LIOTT. Agent for Curliau.
tun otarket.s.
Porranetroz.n, Tuesday, Dec. 81.
The steamer's advices ate favorable for cot
ton and prices are firmer, but the demand is
limited. •
The•FLOIJR market eontinues exceedingly
(bill, and common shipping brands are freely
offered at $4,021 131 barrel, without finding
purchasers. Sales in lots to the trade at
e 4,78. ,G 55,80 for. common 'and extra brands,
and fancy lots at S 9 eK5O
RYE FLOUR—is cTi it at $1,50. •
• The stock of CORN MEAL is small. sale
at something over s9,7s."ll , burreL, •
ORM - N.—There is but little inquiry for
'WHEAT. A sale of ordinary, red at 05 cents
The last sale of RYE was at 70 cents.
is• in good demand mot prices are
'steadily maintained. Sales of q 137000 bush
els new yellow at 1 1(4,64 emu., delivered
tdong side at the latter rate.
':;; Ih OATS no change. - •
;; 1 4 , WHISKEY is held firmly. • Sales of...barrels
261C427 cents, and hltds. at 25 omits.
.7 - 5_42...r.5 - r , l_raLtuzirm)
-. :.r.: . ,.. , t i ..,
'•'oon tho 24th ultitoo, by am Rev. Dr. J. W.
~ „. ."N ran, Rev. I,R. loeller to lilies Sarub4A.
Veffer, of Ituel:viile',' Frani:Jill en, Pn. -./
I On Tuesday the 31. st r.IL, riy the Rev. J. S.
' Foullr,'lllr. J. Bomberger, etlitoi". of the' °Ship
, .
Reusburg ;Nowa," to, .614 its Caiharille.t'kulhir 01 '
' I lin county. : . ' . ' '7 '
'On the 24th ultimo, by the Rev. Charles A.
-114 Y, llr. Daniel Splay, to Mies, Alm Maria
17iely, both rr'f llariisburg.. ' ' 1
Ott the 26th nit., by the Itev. F. Bedgson,
' -31.1)., II ev.,' James Colder, _of. the Ch hut -111is
' ul'on'efihe Metlfedist Spigeopal 'elibrelt, to
311 E is lilLen,C„ daughter of the its_irtr J. Wino
rnef of li a r risbui.g,, .. '. , : ~'.,
OTuesday the 191,1 i iilt,,by the jite , r;4 - ,..ti . . -
• lipfftuan, Mr. Joint Staup to Miss Jiunilu-'
lny, both of Silver Spring,. O7
.• .
d r On Tne s sditiyAits 2.ltti - ult., bribe trune,,Mr:
-Jai% Plunk. terM,iis Iletty A3ltt . iiiiliiiiii&T .
. iio ret this county.'
_.,!.,,: -: .
• On Thursday the 26th` 'ilt . .;, by , the istnue,
,i r. Philip Ziegler to•Alies Ellen Juno Ilan.:
f i
Ncti) ,abilettiscmcnts.
ALL persons aro hereby notified that-Let
ters el .Administration on tho Estate of WIL
LI ANI U DEN REID; later of -Hampden' tp.i,
Cumberland-countY, decessed,.hayo been
sited by the Register in and for said couniy‘ to
the'subscriber who resides in the said town
ship. All persons having claims or demands
against the estate oe the said deceased are re
ipiestetVi I make known.the sume-witheni-de—
lay sad those indebted to make pari.ent to.
Jan I-61. . -administrator.
Constantine Von Heilen,
aka z&Lt
R that fsro e,is
Germany, pre announces areato es,
ati kind word' conected with his line of hu•
sine&s. IlOrepairs and makes all kind of locks.
repairs gobs, pistols, clocks, &c., engraves on
brass, cryper and iron, attends to the mending
.el stoves, &c. He would,likew.ise inform the
farmers, that he will mend:'lit and repair their
their thrashing machines, in the most substan
tial manner: He solicits a share of public pt
e : Ifislgplittnceis in klittaartry.
nexvdobr to Mr. Trout's Hatter shop.
Carlisle, "lan. 1, 1851—lm.
THE Commissioners of Cumberland county
have fixed the f.Alowing•dateg to hold the ap•
peals of the rispeetive Boroughs and Town
ship 3, at the Commissioners Office, in Calli,sle,
.Where those persons feeling themselves ag
grieved by the valuation at property for the
year I 8 I, may attend if they think - proper—
o wit :
,F,ast Pennsboro nod New Cumberland, on
Monday the nit January, 1851.
Lower Allen end Hampden on Tuesday the
28th January, 1851.
Upper Allen acid Mtehaniesbur,g on Wanes.
day, the 29th of January, 1851.
Spri'Mr on Thursday the 30th January.
Monroe, Friday the 31st of January.
West Penusborough, Saturday I Februbry.
Frankton) and Newville, on Monday 3d of
February, 1851.
Mifflin, and Hopewell, on Tuesday, the 4th
of February, 1851. . ,
Shippensinirg Borough and Shippensburg tp.
on Wednesday the sih Febi nary, 1851.
Sonthampton and Newton, on '1 hursday, the
Gilt of February, 1851.
Dickinson, on„ Friday the 7th of February.
North. Middleton, on SatUrday the Bth of
February, 1851.
• Soul 11 Middleton on Monday the Ibth of Feb
ruary, 1851.
C.irlHe, on Tuesday the 11th of February,
185 . By order of the Commissioners • -
dec2s Attest—W:ll. REI L Y ,
Splendid' Fancy Goods, Elegant
Gilt Books, %c, dm%
W. riAvEristicii has just received
from the city and is nuur opening a splen
did display of FA:NUY., qoODS, suitable for
the apdroaching llulyday36:esson;.to which he
desires to evil Inc attention-of his friends and
the public Ills assortment in this line cannot
be surpassed in novetty and elegance, and
both in tmaiity and price of the articles, can
nut 1.61 to please purchasers. It would - be int
possible te enumerate his ,
HOLIDAY FANC / 1 4, 400D5,
which comprige every unriery of Funcy articles
of the must ',owed styles and tctinisite
stick ns
Ladies' Fancy Baskets,
Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instr anew
Terracotta Work
,(ti recent novelty,)
Paper Ala Che Go&Is,
-altatasier-und-poreelmn ink,stanp.4
and 'rat's,
Fan'ey ivory, pearl atol shell card cases,
Pori Mon utiles, of every variety,
Gulll2oins nod pencils,
Eanel , paper weights,
Papiitei les, nuh a large variety of ladies
Motto seals and wafers,'
Silk and bead puriies,.
La lies'' ridding whips, elegantly finished, ,
l.a lies! line cutlery,
- Perlunie baskets and hogs,
finishes of every kind re, the toilet,
perfumes of the various kinds,
Alasnal 111,(1111111e1IIS, of all 1:4111.1E 1 1111(1111 01,
11r1,1 . 6, together with au intiumexable variety o
i:rneles elegantly finished :Ind\ suitable Or ho-
I) day presents, to ts'llich he ineires special nt•
Alsa, - an extensive and- elegant collection
colorising the various English and Ameri, an
AN N LiA LS Syr 1851, richly embellished and
illustrated PO ETICA 1. AV 0 RK 5, with
for children of all ages;-than which nothing
can be more appropriate or pleasing as holiday
gt:ts. Ills assortment of Salient Books and
School Stationery is also complete ; and com
prkes' every thing m.ed in Colleges and the
Schools. Ile also desires to call the particular
attention of Families to his elegant display of
from the extensive estab6hinenis of Cornelius,
every siylo of Parlor,- Chamber and Sloth'
Lamps. lot bui ninsg sillier hud, sperm or ellie•
rval oil, lo:Ivolter woh Flower Vases, Fano ,
Screens '
&a I.l:lassornnout in this is on•
equalled in the borough. AI-o,
Flt PINCY Cl'ic)AltY—
ti PIi.E3ERVED I. ° ItUITz.•;, &c.,
in eery variety and at all °rives ° , all of which
are pure and call b - o confide - filly,
reconstnendM to friends and the little folks.
liis stock ernbraees everything in the line of
Fatioy llooos, with many either nr . tilltes useful
to 11 ,, ,, , ekrepei i Wh ie , the public :ace especially
invited to cull dutlini, the holidays.- -
liententher the Old Stand', tic tidy - opposite the
Dank nn Nor:h Hanover street.
deell S W. 11
Application for Tavern License,
IC is hereby given that I intend ap-
N ()T E
plying at the ensuing term 9,f the Court
o. Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county foe
a Lies:lles to keep a public hou c the
noiv occupkod by too in Newton4dwitellip, in
said county. lIENRy
dee I 1-dst
We, the undersigned, citizens of the„town
ship or Newton, in the county ot,,,qombdrlnnd,,
do certify that we are' well auniniinted with
the above nomad Berry Hers h, that is a,
good teputo fur lionesty,and temperance, and
is troll pr,rvided with house and conve•
'niences for the accommodation of strangers
and travellers, and that such Inn or Tat , brn is
necessary to accommodate the pullic and en
tertain strangers and travellers.
.1 1 dseph Wa4goner, A. E. Johnston, Samuel
Wasteiee, John C. I'ouley, R. C-.l.j.ilgore,
James Kilgore, Joseph .McCune, Henry
Kindig, Jacob Say, Daniel Kindig, Thomas
• Q. Hackett ' Isaac Wagner, William Wcsta
for, 'John Gracey, George,Getter„ Hugh
McCune, Samuel McCune, Wm. McCune,
Samuel Wagner, Jacob Landis, Rudolph
Uli*RE 07 . 11',18
Wa F ,, l3 l. l r l3 ro L ot El ) :Y pe , s is . now cii r d r r e e p n a r to
of ilkset
nn(tage. The time required to take than will
be from 2 to' Z, 'emends. All those who wish 'a
coe,r,eet likeness_shutild cell immediately.
inginado an Improvement in the art which °n
obles hini to take -likenesses superibr to miy
thing heretofore taken in this place:. 'Phis new
and beautiful proce-s. is styled CELEREO
TYPING. Ile will be constantly found at
Lis rooms, corPerol-Hanover and Loather sts ,
up stairs. p [declitif
Valuable Farm for Sale.
Til t : subscribers offer for sale the farm on'
which they now reside, sit unto. in South Mid
dleton township, Cumintrlntid county, contain-.
ing 121) ACRES adjoining lands ofJ. Goodyear
iluittAvidow Green and II:o Yellow Ilreocheti
'Creole. The whole Fermis in first rate order,
and will he sold in ono or two tracts to Suit par
!Masers. The hnprovements aro gond , m dso
shunted-as to,aflbrd the best tidy:imago:l.' , Any
person wishing to buy eau eall..on the aubsessi-;.,
hers. living on the place, from whom Iheyoen
.got all inhumation in' regard to terms,
). If not sold at privaie-saM befere:WEDNI:IS
DAY, the 15111 of, rho Farm
will ho offered at, public outcry at tip Court
'bronco in 'Carlisle, l it 2 o'clock on said 'day,
when titter:dance will hol4iVon by
' cloclS
.',For Sale' or. Rent.
LIQUST, in Pomfrot street,
low floors Basco!' llcnovcr streot, now
f a in the occuptinity of the Rev. E.
N Johnston. Possession given ein the
Ist of Aprit next. The 'house is noel ,
yt.nniv,.woll finished and convenient. 'rho
blot is 30 by '2lO foot, running bock 'to Church
Alley. Pointy] of the Subscriber.
doolt3"ltp . ' ANDREW BLAIR,
17:7 , All MERVoolc to yorlr internale arid , par.
chase yo Ty PIJA.'I,`I?,I?. at tbia;;sonsoa of
t I,9'year, - wile'n ,yon enn gent f0r 1 65.50 per lon
ay theivaraltouse of ' , '.W.1.1M CI i RRAY , AO !
Store . Sz, Sl)ops.
TifffE, 11101fArDaYg.
• ,al Kriss Kingles' Henri-Quarters, -
ERB the citizens of this place and all
those. who may visit the some during the
Hot •days, will find the lArgest assortmentof
to' every variety) over offered, manufactured
.) the hest maivials, expressly for the ap :
r,,aehing festivities, which will he sold whole
sale or retail, at reasonable rates, at the oh:
stand of the subsenbe - r in North Hanover st.,
a few doors north of the Bask. Where may
also be found a complete assortment of
consisting in part of Oranges, Lenions, Grapes,
Figs, Raisins. Prunes, iu fancy boxes, Cur
rants, Dales, Almonds,.Filberts,_ ream,. Coco
and Ground Nuts. He' would also
tion to the largest stock of
- - -
eki)r offered in Curlrsler,ronsisting of .
Card '.l.'roys, Vases, ?dugs, Tea Sets, doll
heads, Motto Cups, Cologne Bottles; Tum
blers', assorted Figure's "&c. • -
such as Carriages, Carts, Cradles, tables,
chairs, animals, buckets, (ups, rattles, wash•
stands, candle sticks, &c. '
pure India rubber and elastic doll heads, rat
tles, dug,, teething rings: caricature. faces, &c.
- -
ups and saucers; nine pins, towns, soldiers,
furniture, tools in boxes, games and pu'zzles,
drums, guns,-trumpets, wagons, whcelb9rrows
tubs, Noah's arks, horsemen. magnet's fish,
swans, boats, fiddles, guitars, harmonicans, &c
Fipe sowing, card and knittMg baskets, fancy
boxes .of wood, paper and glass, hair oils,
i.oaps, colognes, link brushes, and hundreds of
other articles not enumerated above, w hich all
arc invited to call and examine.
The'SubSeriber returns hisi.incere thanks to
n generous public for the patronage bestowed on
biro nn former occasions,•and hopes by a de- .
sire :to please to merit a continuance of the
same. P. 111 0 N I?,
BRICK HOUSE, Stabling, &c., and
' Lot ol ground, containing ONE
- A,C RE, more or Ides, in Wcsi
iforyil u 4 Hill, hounded on thu South by
Agr F, DID,. th e State Itterd leading from Cor•
;MC' 7 lisle to Nawviile, and on the east
br the rdnd leading front Mount Rock to
lur's Mill. We will sell the whole or in part.
The - improvements with part of the grOund,
and the bnlimeo fa. - lnt:Whig -Iota: - It lids it
kitchen and eel:ar intsent .nt, lour r,ooms"on the
first and second floor each, and is well finished
and is well calculated Ito. a Store, Tavern, or
Mechanic .ol any 14,1, or will suit two small
littnilies, and is in one of the best settlements
in the county. l'ov,essiot given on the Ist of
April next.. tering, &c., apply to either ol
the suLeenbers residvtglnCarlislc
d el Ipd
MBE subscriber begs knee to state to his
friends and the public his intentions to re
linqui,ll business. Also, dun he now offers his
ther wlnAesole or retail, on the :Move. terms.
decl I ,3m
N. B. All persons knowing themselves in
debted is the subscriber will dd a great kind
ness by calling and settling their aceounts be
[pie the FIR6T OP MARCH, iB5l.
__ 0 , c w, -- -. -- r> - u tr - i Fol
cheap Hat&
FOR RENT.. satisfy your
. '
r t i N HE large THREE STORY HOUSE on toed to sal.
1,1. North it m 'ever street, reeontly occupied profits and qu,
To Builders, Carpenters anillOthers.
by the subs,riber. •There i,• a large store
room WI the ground 41140 r jii. • A full stock 'et white, mineral nd Japaned
---'- trent, and the location is inn Knobs, locks, and latches, of eve des"Cription
, Ili,: '.i, . 4. .„„,j... i ,,,,, t ..,,f_d i , te ,,,,,f,,,. 1„,„,i
_p_e aricnd !in:tiny, w
lituges and sers, windoa
' 1 ..l.
CA r 1" tic ss. The house enntains lour. sash aid shutter springs, s:rai4leelred and
4, .-
..,,, _. ...., teen good rooms,..veveral of them harrolled Botts, of every kind, mq; cross nut.
tjuitedarge, and all el them well and comfort and circular Saws, hand, panel, ppilig and
ably /finished. There is a large new cistern back Saws, bright, black and blu augurs, of
with a fiamp in the yard For further part icm the very best makers, Chisels, brod,poiming,
lars enquire of GEORGE EOLANI). , hand and chopping Axes, of differgt makers.
dti,ed I hatchets, planes and. plane bits, stol add iron
squares, files dild rasps, nails, bradstod spikes
of allsinesiand warranted of the bestinality,
To Saddlers and Coach Alafie ~ - -
Oar stock consists of a complete asartment of
articles in your line of business. sadlery tools
brass, silver and Japaned .111011111i14 carriage
trim stings, broad pasteiti,g and seating laces
and fringes, plain and - figured crass, oil
cloth, top lining cloth rand serge limp of vari
ous, kinds, white, red, blue .and bl4k patent
leather Dashers, silver and brats (ate, Dee
Mir, reset's, hubs, fellows, spoltesoows, clip
tic springs, iron axles, malleable culngs, Etc
rim EAs ri m llom.rable FIIEDER 1011{
1.4 y;
ATTS, President Judge of rho several
Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of
Kumbe•lund, Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylva
nia), and Justice of the several Courts of Oycr
Lind 'Terminer and General Jail Delivery in
said counties. and lion. John Stuart 1111 d John
Clenddnin, Judges'of the Court of Oybr and
Fcrminer and General dull Delivery fur the
rial of:all capital and other offenders, in the
fttaideounty or Cumberland, by theirprecepts to
rinf-dirdeted, dated the 11th of Nuv'br, 1850,
have.ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General J ail Delivery, to be holden ut Car-
Hale do . the 2d Monday of January, next,
(being the 13th day) at 10 o'clock in the fire
noon;:to continue two 'Nooks.
NOTICE is therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constables
oft lip 'said county of Cumberland, that they aro
by the said precept commanded to be then.and
there in their' proper persons. With their rolls,
records, inquivitions, examinations, and all
other remenitir9ces, to do those things which
to their offices appertain to be done,und all those
that are bound by 'recognizatieus,Lo prosecute
(against the prisonersthat are orthen shall be
ill the .jail of said county, arc to helhere - tO
prosecute them as shall !iciest, .
'Carlisle, December 11, 1850. '
succeeded Dr. Lippe, formerly-practising phy
sician of. this place,. solicits the patronage of ihe
friends of his pre-derics, , or, and shall be happy
to wait upon all who may favor hint with a call.
.novl3,lin F. MIIiLER,'III . . D.
• Christmas • Presmits,
zraF subscriber has just received Ladies'
French Worked Muslin and. Lace Mars.
Embroidered. Linen . 'Handkerchiefs, Fancy
Thibot Scarfs, Neck Ribbons, Fancy 132ses,
Gold Pencils, with a vatic!) , of Goods suitsble
for Christmas presents.
docIS • - G W 111.1'NElt.
1 Houses for Rent.
Ligu. It EN'r Wool tha first of
.11.` April next. lhO two Savo
. Robins hi - Noitli Hanover suca,
.f 5 Ap /P' at prewar occupied by Messrs,
Sll3llOl l & ,eO , , 1111(1 ' A mold, and
Livingston. Also, 'lliter 'moll .11011SE91,
one; situated on West Loather street• and the
other two on Dickinson alley.
declet. ' 13, PARKER..
1. FOll, 'BENT. .
, .
~„,- P'NUE 41,;(0t.iltilited on tho eintnor
or '''''. I . •. cti . South 'Hanover and Naito
ifi z it o:Net tiOw otteufieil by Air. Robert
Mg is,,'''.?Laird. Por omits. only to. , -
.. .. ~.
'kV .1L H. LIR 0 WN.• .
dee.e25,21.950:-tf. ' t
DwollinOmpo fbr
, - .
:THE Brick Ifounr; nilunted iri Alnin,nirent op
, 7:ugh° tItO Pust 011140 and poi`
, c,:..u0C(1 - by: J Annan, in. a
, f 4 e li tn o d l : il l 9 ;r l. c .. 0 t t
i f:r p o i t y n -
t t o hnl:nt laiy
• ,
for Punsati•
...- I .slcirpcomboo2s,!lio, lt, ..•
itecolayfrom Philadelphia.,
- ESPECTFULLYniform the Cilliens Of
.I_ll. Carlisle and iii vicinity, that they have
now at their Marble Yard in South Hanover
street, o.low doors south of the court House,
and-newly opposite A & W Bentz's Store, an
;ire - glint - stock of pure
and are prepared to execute in the
- most finished
jilinitinzents, Tombs, i
Grave Stones al all prices, Marilles, •
, Door and Window Sills, Serpi 8 e. , .
together with every other article in .tht*.line,
and promise that in. fineness of finish, chaste
. ness of design and quality of M'rglo, their
work shall not be surpussekby any other,estab,
They are also the authorized agents of
Robert Wood, of Philadelphia, and will fur
nish from his maaufae,toryall varieties of IRON
RAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots and
_alLethoi_purposes,_at the shortest notice and at
Philadelphia prices.'rhey
manufacture all kinds of Building Work, such
• as Sills, Steps and Platforms,•4c., at the short
est notice and on the most , reasonable terms:
Having hod great experience, and being era
ployed in the best shops of Philadelphia, they
are therefore enabled to manufacture the most
fashionable work, and resrectfully ask.o share
or the patron,pge.of Carlisle and the surrounding
country. • [Carlisle, novq.•lBsotl
hrillE"subseriber having just returtiml from
the East, offers to the public a mine am
ple and complete assortment or goods in his
line, than ever previously offered, and respect
fully solicits dealers nod' others to givri him a
call, when he'will show diem goods at aston
ishingly low prices.
To Builders, Carpenters and Others,
His stock comprises a full assortment of
Locks sod Latches of eve!) , description, Hin
ges and Screws, Wittdcw.Springs and Bolts 01
various 'kinds, Window Glass, Putty, Paints
Of all colors, Oils, l'urpontine, &c., &c.—
Also, Mill, Cross-cut anti Circular Saws, Hand
Panne), Ripping arid Back Saws, Augurs, Chi
sels, Broad, - Hatid and Chopping Axes, Hatch :
ets, Planes and Plane Bilts, Steel' and Iron
Squares, Files and Rasps, Nail!, 8r.r..2s and
Spikes of all sizes. ..
To &Idlers and Conch aralcersl.
A complete assortment of Saddlery Tools,
Silver, Brass and Jaetined mounting, Carriage
trimmings, Broad pasting and seaming Lace,
plain and figured Canvass, Drab Cloths, Rail
nett, Serge . and Biiram, Moss nrid'Dcor flair
patent no enamelled Leather, Lamps and Da•
skiers. Also, Hubbs i Fellows and Spokes,
Lliptic spr n Iron Axles, Mailable Castings,
My stock embraces ti complete assortment
of goods in your line. Minot:cos, lining and
binding, Shins, Theta, Threa,d, Pegs .hy the
barrel or smaller quantity, Tools of eve?), de
scription, &c. Curled (lair, Hair Cloilr, Var-
nish, Metnigatty and Maple Veneers, Mould
ings and Rosetts, Sota Springs, Glass, Mahog
any, Mineral and Vaneered Knobs of all sines.
2's blife7e:e . Wiilhs, - Formers, rind others, who maij be
in want if good Iro?s.
He offers - a full Itssortment of Hammered,
Horse Shoe, Scallop, Plough, broad and oar
tow Tire Iron. Also, R olled Horse Shoe
Bar,•l3and, Round, Sqnnre., Tire, Hoop end
Sheht. Iron, Ruda, Russia Sheet. Iron,
Cali, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel, English
and American Wagon and Carriage Boxes,
Anvils, Vices, Files-and Rasps, Horse Shoe
Nails, &c.
To Honsekupys anti iho'.% about cnterin; the Ala
, trinumial Stale.
would'invite attention to my beiutiful as
sortment of waiters nod Treys, plsie and Go
thic style, knives _and forks, Butehir Knives,
Scissors and Shears, Brittunnia,Gernan Silver,
and Silver Plate, Table_ and Tut Spoons,
.Brass and Emerald Pret4ving Kettlis, smooth-
Irons, —Hollow-ware, .Tubs,] Buckets,
Oils, Points and Dye Stuffs ,
. Fire tlind ‘Vater
Proof Paint. -
V TIE subscriber havinu just retu• cd from
I the Eastern cities ,vith n fulled hens'.
sonic assortufeht of all kinds of HO WARE
of the very
now imonim
North Haw
tcl, form r 1
A full stock of shoe kit and findinglboot inn
ro cos, 'French kid, straits, moroecottaid lining
and binding skins, lasts, tacks r pegshammers
pineher.sand French morocco. kit'' ooveryde,
scription,' superior copal var.ish; ppan „and :
black varnish, mahogany and omplk Wooers,
moulding, bending, rosets, glass,, intend and
mahogany knobs of every size and sle.
To Blacksmiths, Painters and OittS4
10 to..s of assorted bar iron, , a nramin to lie of
the best quality. A splendid assort liint of bar
and relied iron, hammered. bone shO, scollop,
Plough, broad nn narrow tire, rollediliorso shoe
bar, band, round and square 'iron, Ist, shear
spring, English and American blisteiteel:Eng
list' Wagon boxes, Carriage boxes i setts, an
vils, vices, files, rasps. horse shoe rib. &on
TO Musekeeicrs. ; t
A beautiful assortment of cheap Bey goods;
such as waiters. trays, plain and ficy knives
and forks, hotelier knives and stes,Brittanin
lamps, brass candle sticks, Brittannland silver
table and tea spoons, plated butter i awes, pro
serving kettles, smoothing. irons, kin and tin
ned ten and oval boilers,- iron fryitiond broad
pans, washboards; tuba, churns, liPtels, iron
pott, wash Items, and stew pans I:o. . ,
To Gunsmiths Mathshien and Viers. .
• Bide and Gan Barrels, tone rdon, ping,
nipple and back nctioroGun boelts,On mount
ing and gun breech cocks, Absolutes and
German silver ornaments, &c, i "
4 •
—To -Paintds. i
A fresh lot of Wetherill's pur extra
White Lend, oil Mid turpentine, wishes, Ja
pan,_ white anti red lend, yellow id. Green
paint,'ground in oil, whiting, I'olio clan, &b.'
To Blasters and Xarksiat ,
- A good assortment of double ref, d powder
rock poWiler of oxtra'quality, safehfuso ohm,
,;flints and bar load, ropes of nhkinifs, fr.
; threshing machines and well dOrs, and a
tlinusMil Other urt idles too numer4 to insert,
nil we ask is to givo ilk n - efill, Mid it% two con•
fide& you will n good assonant of Hard
ware and chbaper than can be t rid in any
other Llmtso. this side of the ens % Give its a
call is - all we-ash,' at: the, old nn ell known
liard‘vare Stmitl..lurmerly Iteptlilwis flar•
lan, in -.North Unilever street,, t door to
Scott's Hotel, formerly . kept by I ev Glass.
nonl • , • ' JACM Eli ER. .
_ ,
Dissolution Ot - Partntip.
N' Ticm is bora") , given Ilia 9..rpurtner•
ship . hereto ore existing: bet% ' the sub
scribers, inTho l'ottery . Businos,s;' been tlitt
solved. 'Personsdtnowing themie s indebted
tire requested to mako.Pnynient,'n those title ,
j o a claims -to.prosimt • thorn boy : ti4nent 1 9
either of •the eldwriboio.• ... ..
- ' WM'. GT .'"
' ''''' , C4.'. co.l
• • • ZOR .10.1.74 T.
P,VElt•AL:t.wo 'story' BitTS
oti, cost cornet b'qunre' in:the row.'liobVill
tormq . ,..Ste..;
subecribee. ' ' -
tio.Y/ 3- 4 11 1 '
, -
• ,
To Cabinet and Shoe Alahn-s
To Cabinet mu! Shoe Maker;
uirb of tlic
~UlsCCiLaittou c.
A lidtHEit slimily of Whiter: Geode wil
LS: be received from Now ,Yorle and phila
dolphin - this week - it° - which- the attention of the
ladies is' particularly requaSted. Among the
lot will be found nibll-nesortment of . ,
stroltrr'Pure, Penns,. Silica, Casluncres, Mari !
-Poplinee, Mona. do :Lantos, Eiged.
and Plain Lustros, Eigured Catnolocits,•stc. Q y
Long and Square Bay State Shawls, Cashmere
.Shawls, Whin Shawls, black and colored
with .silk fringes black cloth Shawls.
A beautiful assortment of Bonnet, Cap and
l3olt Ribbons, French Worked Collars, Cuffs,
Also, some new
Icentuelty Jeans, Vestings,
Anther supply of those prim() Long_Boots..--
Alsb' a full
,assortment -of tho- 'elteapests,and
best Shoes ever brought to Carlisle.,
Another lot of Ingrain, Cotton and Girthi4
Carpets. ,
Some fresh Tea, Sugar,'Oofree, Spices, &c.
The goods will 'ha received and opened dur
ing the week, and all persond wasting to save
money in their purchases, will tin call
at the old stand East Mein street, whore the
largest, best find cheapest let of goods is sure
to be found
New roll Goods.
the Cheap Store corner of Hanover and Lou
(her streets, opposite Hunter's Grocery Stara
Who Undersigned most respectfully infoims
his friends and the public generally, that he
has jusl returned from Philadelphin•with swell
selected assortment of FALL" GOODS, per.
chased at the lowest prices, and which he •is
determined to sell at small profits : amorni• them
tatty be found CLOTIIS, .CASSIMERES,
VEST.I.NGS, Sattinets, Velvet Cords, Ken.
lucky Jeans, &c.
LADIES 'DRESS 'GOODS, consisting in
part of Black Silks, Cashmeres, Mouselin do
Laines, Alpacas, Cobrags, Ginghams, Calicoes
Sack Flannels, Collars, Laces, Fringe. , &c.
DONIESTICS, 'Pickings, Checks, Flannels
• D rillings, Osnaburg; unsays, llluslius, bleached
slid unbleached Also, Groceries in all Melt
variety, viz: Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Molasses,
Spices, Chneolato, doe Rags and Country
Produce taken in exchange for goods gjease
give me a call A 0 FE'P'FER
6ci9 •
THE undersigned respectfully informs his"
friends and numerous customers, that he has
teeently returned from Philadelphia with a very
forge and carefully selected astan uncut of new
FALL GOODS, purchased at the lowest pri
-cesrand- which .he is determined to diePoSe.of
at very small profits.
Superior CLOTHS, at from 75 Centslo $G
a yard.. Cassimeres, - Caisinetti and Vestiuga,
Qt varioits prices.
- DRESS GOODS, such hs Delaines, Bare
ges, and a splendid assortment rof Silks. An
extensive assortment of Calicoes and'Cingliams
Also, Checks, 'fable Diapers, 'Pickings, Mus
fins, Bonnets, Hats.
BO OTSAND SHOES—A good assoitment
of Men's Women's and Children's Boob/. and
Shoe , of superior quality. and very cheap.-
- Ski), boy's and 111oos Cloth and lluagarian
GROCERIES—Sveh no Sugar. Cabe, Mo
lasses, Pekin 'Pea. Company's celebrated Teas.
Also, constantly on hand the best quality of
Carpet Chain. The subscriber respectfully
asks all who wish good bargains, to give hint
a call. Con't forget the stand. opposite Leon
ardo old stand, North 11,E lover street
Butter, Eggs, Rags a .d Soap. taken at mar
ket prices W 0 ObS, AgD.ea
Irinpodant to _Farmers and Millers
E. subscriber re,spoetlully informs the farm
community.that he has purchased the
right to Burrell's celebrated Corn Sheller, for
the counties of Cumberland and Franklin.—
Farmers who have used this. Corn Sheller, pro•
"nounc - Cif a..tarst-invidualdtrinvention. H
simple or its construction n!td no t li a bl e to get
out of order. It separates the corn from the cob
without breaking either and delivers the corn
eldan and fit for market. It shells from ten to
Wen y bushels per hour..,,F, ght hundred of
them have bean cold the past season by the
inventor, all of which were highly approved.
Persons wishing to see ?hautboy° Corn
lei', can du SO by calling at the shop of the sub
scriber, corner of North Hanover end Louthct
atrects. Carlisle, where he will keep constantly
on hand a large number for side. Evet'y farmer
and miller should have the above cheap but
Corn bite cr.
November 27, 1850.-10 m.
Alm! Fall Goods.
VATE have received a very heart' steak of
Y• Tall and Welter Gooda, eadoisting of
Cassimeres and Vesting,.7,
at 'rill
prices, white ycliow and red Flannels,
Linseys, velvet Ctrds, Beaver:erns, and
grent vari,ty of CAS:iINETS, from 37 to eo actin ,
per yard.
Long and Square Shawls,
from 8,50 to 810 cialeks, tickings, gingbams
and Calicoes is) abundance.
Jtious . : de Laines and ...11pacha8,
both plain and fancy colors, Morinoes, pars•
.nano cloths, 14 yards wide plain all wool dc
Laincs, Kentucky Jeans dad Canton rlanncis,
Bonnet Ribbons. Bennet Satiiis, Bonnet Vol
vets, Florence Silks, Straw Gimps and Cords,
Silk and Common NVire; Comforlir and
Su , penders,
Hosiery and Gloves,
of cotton, woolen and silk, llsnover Bueltskit
Gloves, Buttons, Corda, Bindings, and a gene.
ral assortment of dress trimmings.
Cloth Caps anti Gum. Shoes, ,
every hind and at alkprices, Laces, Edging
Book, Swiss; Mull, Cambric and :keen,
tbrrred and Striped Mosfins. and lota of goo
not enumerated, which will be eschang,ed f
money to the anvantago of our customers
the Sate orabout 15 per cent below the rulin
miens. Call and see.
nor ti A & W BENTZ.
Fresh •Arrival - of Hardware.
ZNA.VI N G just returned from Now York he
NA Philadelphia with the best and: Cheapest
brought to Carlisle; I would respectfully roguest
dealers and consumers and all others to give
men call and see whether they cannot get snore
and better good's for tins come_ money than at
,nymther placcTiniownT — Mk stock of Locks,
Latches; Bol:S, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes,
Glass, Paints, tee., is complete and very cheep ;
Curbenters"Pools, I have a sploud,d .assort.
•meat. Also, Cubism Maker's Tools and
serials, viz :—Vnucers, Mahogany, Mineral and
Chaos Bureau Knobs and Varnish.
con have everyt their lino choaper than
I have n fleet rule stock o t inco and Lining
Skins, Bindings, Peps, l'hr m tiol Wax, and
a superb rimmrttpont of SI oemalt era Tools. I
havonlao a complete nssort mat ofliall'n Lasts,
made in Illurisharg, which, &Cho had at no
other pinie inlown, and at Bull's Tripes. To.
molter with an neSortment of all kinds of Ham
merethiltd"Rolled Iron and Steel. 01! Honse•
keeping Articles, I havo Knives. Forks, Spoons,
Waiters, Snuff:cut, Enid Tries's, Tubs, Buckets,
have tho largest, Handsoincst and Chen/nest
Assortment in town. Anil to all Who wont.
Good and Chimp HARDWARE, 'Vold)] any,,
Itontomnd sco . f9l , yourselves,— '
Vhcl3o • • . P LYNI
lIA Vl3 inst been received, ns,, nisi] n lot, ti
new FARINA antI,MOIII.INY,-inid for stile by
3T; IV. EIS Y. .
Guxvz saoEs.
JUST received two cages. of tmdies (zen
-Thecia, Of ficeleltorn'e 'ecielirrtied patterri'vell'el
I elm irerranCgOed
. •
,N WOODI3': A;'
zootrzaapter 21.4 Lt
Select Classical Boalrding School,
!Philo Su?phur Springli Douldi7ig Gap, Cum
. berland cortaty",-.Nnii'a.-
114AVING'for some .time been desirous of
establishing a Select Boarding School, and
having at length obtained suitable buildings for
that purpose, the subscriber takes pleasure In
announcing to his patrons and friends, that ho '
will'open the above named Institution' on the
let of Octolter.
The location is in-a small and romantic vale
formed by an malitiped" bend if the North
Mountain, aptly termed Doubling Gap," and
is not surpassed in healthfu_ ,Ine.s of situation
and beauty' of scenery by 'airy place in the
country. The main building is large and corn•
modicum, (100 feet in length by 44 in breadth,
and 3 stories high;) and is well furnished with
everything necessary to convenience and com
fort. The other buildings compose, Bath-Hou-'
aes,...&c..,_to_the_free.use-of-w hic he-pu pils
will have access nt proper hours. • The well
known White Sulphur Springs rise within a
few rods of the main building.
The object of the 'lnstitution is to fit young
men for business, or for any of the higher
classes of College. Tho course of instruction
'will be thorough and complete, mord attention
being given to the quality than to the quantity
in the performance of the student. All the
branches taught in the' best academies will be
taught in this, nod proper apparatus will be
used for illustration of the subjects that require
,it. Classes in Civil Engineering will enjoy
the advantage of operations in the field -with
Transit, Compass, Chain, &c.,
Board, tuition, washing, fuel and lights
per session, $50,00
Latin and Greek 5 00
French or Hebrew • 5 00
Civil Engineering with use of Instrum'is 10 00
Drawing and pointing 5 00
Vocal and Instrumental Music 5 00
The pupils will hoard in the Institution un—
der the immediate and constpnt supervision of
the Principal, who will bestow careful attention
upon4•their convenience and comfort. Each
student will furnish his .own towels, and have
them rind Ms clothes distmetly markil.
The academie year Will he. divided into ses
sions of I "VW y WeekB each, commencing . on.the
first of September. The rcguldr vacation will
occur in July and August. Owing to delay in
con-miming 'the arrangements the first session
of tile present year will commence on TUES.
DAY the first day of October, as stated above.
An easy access is afli . irded to students by
means of the Cumberland Valley Rail Road to
NCNVVi le, and thence by coaches to the Arad,-
emy. The, Gettysburg and Lewistown State
Road passes through the grounds.
For circulars containing full particulars 'Dna
reference; mid , ess the Principal through the
Newville P. O.
Newville, Sept. IS, 1850-3 to.
Not icc9.
Application for Tavern License.
N OTICE is hereby giyen that I intend to apply nt the ensuing term of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of ,;umberland county, for a
License to keep a house of Public Entertain-
Oeut in theshouse now occupied by me ris such
in the borough of Carlisle.
declB-4t k JOHN HANNAN.
WE, the undersigned, citizens of the West
Ward. in the borough of Carlisle, in the coun. ,
ty of Guntherland, do certify that we arc well
acquainted ivith the above named Joon Hannan
that he is of good - rirptireTor honesty and tome
perance; and is well provided with house room
and -conveniences for the accommodation of
strangers and travellers, and that such Inn or.
Tavern is-necessary to accoetniodate strangers
.and travellers,
W Hilton, W S Colman, It A Noble, .A
;Noble, Hush Gaullrigher, J II Graham, A
Sharpe, 1. Whistler, C Barnitz, C inhoft,
See Bitimr, J.: Ellis. Bonham, 1 1 Martin, E.
M Biddle.
Estate of Jacob Smith, decq...
g ETTER'S testamentary on the estate of
RA Jacob S7lllOl, late of Lower Allen town
ship, Cumberland County, deceased, have been
granted to the subscriber, the first residing in
Fairview township, York county, and the lat
ter residing in Lower 45.11 en township. Cumber
mand county. A ll.persons.knowing-themselves
indebted to said estate, are required to mako
immediatepayment, and• those having claims
Ito present them for settlement to
W. H. SMITH, -
Novenaer 27, 1850.—pd.
Estate •of John Klineline, dec,d.
LETTERS of Administration, with th,r will
annexed, on the estate of Joint Klineline,
late of South Middleton township, Cumberland
•• • have mob uranLekto the
scriber, residing to the same township.- AII-1
persons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are required to make iMmedone payment
and those having, (lithos to present them for
settlement to
Nov. 27; IF5O.—Gt pd.
--Eatate -Of- Tames , Watsan i .deed, --
NiINTINL S of Ad to inistrotion on the estate
j j of JAMES WATSON, of Newton tp.,
Cum:it:Hand county, deed., have been grata•
ed to the subscriber residing in the seme town
ship. All persona knowing themselves indebt
ed to said estate are requested to make inane•
dime payment, and those having claims to pre
sent, fur settlement to
deel JANE WATS° N, Adta'rs:
subscriber, Assignee of Jacob Bear, of
.West Pennsbore' township, hereby gives
notice to all persons indebted to said estate that
they aro required to mald immediate payment,
and thcfse having claims aro requested to pre
sent them fur settlement.
Nov. 27, 1850.—pd.
Auditor's Notice.
railir, undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
Court of COIIIIIIOII Pleas of Cumberland
county, to distribute the` balance in ,she hands
of SAMUEL WOODBURN, Esq., Segues
tratur of the Hanover and Carlisle Turnpike
Road Company, to and• among the creditors,
gives notice that Ito will attend Tor that purpose.
in the Arbitration Chamber of the Court
House, in Carlisle, oil MONDAY,' the 6th
day of January, I'isl.
deell WM- S. COBEAN, auditor.
Fifty Dollars, Reward.
THE Allen and East Pemaorough Mutual
Fire, Ineuranco.Compnny of Curnberland coun
ty, offer a reward of •FIFTY DOLLARS to
nay pimion who will arrcatthe incendiary who
set fire tolibe barn of Jacob I:slielman, of East
Pennsborough township, Cumberland county,
on the ()wining of the 30th of September, lust,
to be paid when convicted.
AleclB-4t. LES:IHS TIYER, Sect' y.
CIIBE to the prihnisco of the subscriber, re
siding in Newton township, Cumberland
county, on the 3d of December,
""t inst., a BAY HORSD, with black
mane and tail. Be is lame in ono
' *We , of his hind lode. Ile has so other
particular marks, the owner ie
quested to come forward, prove propfrly, ray
charges and take him away, othcrwlso Rio will
1,0 disposed - of according to lqw. • '
dectB §1JA13.8., '
NTOTICLI is hereby given filet nn'appliention
1~l will' ho rhuda to the Legislature of lilts
'Commonwealth nt its next session, for a ',char..
ter for n bank with general banking privileges,
.to be located in Carlisle, Cumberland county.
I'a,c:itha capital of Ono hundred housand
Deltas, and to be nellod the Carlisle Dunk.
' ' - -
• • Store Room for Rot,
. ,
BA. Store - Itootn, now coteftpted by.
Dr. newlinF, toljelnlng the Post. Office; Nyith
the dwelling Ott rtch6cl thereto, ie oared for rent
frote't Ito fi rst of April - next. APO, the t Ince,
'adjoining the residence el Mrs. Neff, nod stely
ottettoiod by Wm, 13. Kocitt; Esq. Posse - siob
'ol the Nice d' . lty he hod Ituntediatelyif deed ed.
_l4"rifily to GEO. W. MTN ER.
Carlish-, - Deeetithet• 25,'50,—tat,Sa.
• E 3.111. LW; •
r SACK 01? SALT receiving nfid
y , for sale clloap at thii wnra.hnuce Tv( .1.
AI , W 13
Otores 8z 01p3139.,
FALL FiltY.G.Ooptg,
tramiitin Easter dr.o.; ' •
iNVItF 4 the attention of whOles,nle' and 'retail
purcinisers 'to their stook of Fresh Fall'-
GOODS, mostly' of their own' importation,---which will be found mach the largest and most
varied ever offered in Baltimore, and for every •
article of. which the' lowcat price is minted at
once. -
Included will lie found—Rich Brocade and
other Dress Silks, splendid ,meohun and low
priced do.,
rich black Silks, in plain,. waled.
ligur'd an d satin strip'd, real old fashioned.
Gros Grain Black Silks, ligur'd and plain.Satin
dd Chines, in changeable and solid colors, ;very:
handsome Pooh do Some, in solid colon, even- ,
ing Dreits Silks, in white and light colors, a
a beautiful variety, Bonnet and Millinery Sillts
in great variety, Modes, Mareelfues, Florences, .
Rich watered and plain Tabbinets, brocade
Cashmere, rich priii•ed Cashinerce and Mou
tMlines,, neat ,figur'd Laines, for children,
plain Me - iiielineson ifrd - ; es and - liiir
changeable Lyrnesd - Cloths, CobuFge, Sylva
nice, (entirely new,) cheap - Mouselines and•
CushmereS, low and medium priced Dress '
Goods, in every varioty'of,new designs, many
of which arc in styles confined exclusively to
our sales, 300 pieces . .Liffnles superior French
Merinoes, in all ciders, 130 pieces 6.4 superior,
Marianne bed silk warp Lyonese Cloths, In
this depariment we hove also a largo stock of
Bombazines and Mourning Goods in every va
riety, etnitracing ,the most select shades of
Black and Second Mourning, and choice arti
cles for Familyi(Mourning.
ING FABRICS we have more titan can usual
leading stuck. includiug the very beak Shirting
Linens of Richardson's and Barklie's make,
Pillow Linens of all widths, Linen shectii T s,
of every description, Cotton Shootings, aup`r
Blankets. Quilts, Flannels,Table and Piano
Covers, Floor Baize and Foor Cloths, of all
widths and sizes, linen Crumb Cloths, Table
Damasks, Diapers, Napkins, Towellings, Stair ,
Linens; rich curtain Gods, of various styles,
lace and muslin Curtains, worsted Darnaslcs and
Moreens, and in fact every article in die Dry
Goods line which may be required by House
keepers. lintels, Steamboats,&e.
Contaius a most extensive 'arid magnificent„
stock of Inng and square Cashmere, Camel's
Anir, with Cashmere border, entirely new, rich
embroidered and plain. Crape, Long and Square
Scotch Woollen Shawls, Scotch. Woollen
SlinWls for children, "Bay Slate Mills” Shawls
of all tne various styles made by. them, and
ninstly of patterns made' expressly for us, and
which cannot be had elsewhere. Black and
Mourning Shawls. in great variety.
- Cloaks, and Sacs: '
Wule and Narrow SILK VE,LVETS, in all
In choice styles of superior French Cloths,
of Biolv's and other best makers. Doeskins,
English and Domestic Cassimerea. Fancy
Woolen, Silk and other Vcstings, Serges, Silo
sias, Paddings, Canvass, Sewing Silk, &c.
Also, n splendi stock ci,,f Gems Cravats,
Scarf's, Fancy Neck 'rid . , Silk and Linen
fldk'fs., of new • styles, Gldves of all kinds,
Hosiery, Silk and Merino under shirts and
Drawers, Simper) Jere, &a._
•We have also — a very_ choice lot of Embroid- ,
dries and Laces, from the most fashionable
Establishments in Paris,) including rich Muslin
and Lacc Caps, Chemizetts, Berthes, Collars,
Sleeves and Cufls, real black and White Laces,
real Lace'Capes and Falls, Valenciennes Laces
Edgings mid Insertings, - superior Hosiery and
Gloves of every description,
emb'd and rivibro
hammed-stißlied• llnndlterelliefs, clear Lnwn
do.,mourning C Handlefs, fancy Cashmere
Inia Ent li'd Scarfs, fancy,. Bags, &c., Chemi
zetts, Prints and white Muslin Goods,. French
and English Chintzes, rich furniture Prints, in .t
great variety, Cambric. Mull, Swiss, Book and
Jaconet Muslins, lacono. and Swiss Edgings
and Insertings, Bands and Florences.
We have on Mind every
_description of goods
entering,. into general consumption, that , we
think will give satisfaction:to the consumer, all .
of which wo are enabled from the extent of our
of our business, to buy on the very best terms
and sell nt a moderate profit. Having for every
article a fixed price, (without abatement,) por
e:3ns not fully acquainted with the value of goods
have every assurance that in dealing with us
they pay the same price as the most experienced
An examination of Goods and Prices solicited
Baltimore, ()ea 1050-3 m
& ER respectfully invite
the attention of their friends and the
public generally, to their large lot of Goods that
!MVO fleet' purchased at a great sacrifice in tqa
city of Baltimore. They will sell them at e
smell advance, ns there is no room for them in
ourlittle store toner. So come one and all and
take them at almost any price: as we aro deter•
coned to sell cites ter than can be bought in
Phila c plus. New or ton a timorc.
Hang out your banners!
• Ilear the trumpet!
Here they-come! here they are!
What's the matter? what's the matter t
Only look at the crowd, •
Canto on Joe, Jim and Sam Hatter, m sec what's out.
. _ _ 8cy,..h0 _hero comeaßill, _
We'll ask him what's the muss ;
See how the street doe=s fill,
Thore certainly must be a fuss !
O, no boys, no fuss at all,
Only soother great arrival,
Of bailiffs' Clothing, for the fall,
At Rf. & 1.. STEINER'S Clothing Hall!
I have just bought a fine—
Tell me, how dii you like it Joe t
Dona you watt one like mine?
• , Como on, boys, let us go. 3
Now let me tell you,
Whnt there you can find,!
Coats of all colors
And J'ants'of all kinds,
Waistcoats so handsome,
And Cravat - a so nice,
And they will not ihink it troublesome.'
If you give them a call twice or thrice.
They will wait on you with kindness,
And Juicy can suit_you with amide Cap,
Which for its quality and cheapness,
Yomcan only find at
SrruivEn's, West 'Main Street, next door to
03 - A first rate assortment of Cloths, Cassi•
mares and Vostibtts always on hand, which will
be made to order in the most fashionable' and
best style by n first•raterworkman. - •
• rOPTYLAR niontonv.
Dear Gentl emen, take , our advice,
To every one i% e make our call,
If you would have a coat That's nice;
• • Look nt Troutman & May's Cheap Clo
Here arc Presses of all kinds;
Fine and coarse, and also Cheap
Please examine and you'll find,
For'your money quite a heap.
Here ore goods for„everyiseason, I
Thick and stout, neat and thin ;
All that you can wish in reason,
II ydu doubt It just drop in.
Here are Frod: [0:41194y . qp . cqq,
Nth with lo and standing coliars)
Seine - Ant button round the throat,
To be had for a few dollars.
Hero is every style of Vest,
And all sorts of - PiintillOons.
You can choose what suits you best s
'Eve, or morn, or afteraapp i
Hero'nro anclukertil - Roundabouts i
Overalls owl jackets Grpen,,
rlcaso to look and your will find,
}ldre'the cheapest ever geom.!
flero are light cents for tim,Sprlng i t
Turley goods foi Summer weer,
You will lind them just the thing:
Nothing butler anywhere.
Shirts and 13orama may be found,
Pocket Ilrandherehiere ancl Gloveq•,
peiq rf9 teoimyom• ticaii.areund, - •
When you seeli,-yeun lady levee. •
ITere are pilpq, SUFI/011(101T, Stocks,
Collara, very nice. indeed, .
Cleno and , nice, In lampthx,
Just tho thing that you will need,
If we n day nbout them;
We could ieotccly
Genflaiueu can't; do witluutOheiv—,7
Then, deny CriondO aiv us• 1
rEt..:l 4 2tai. . •
/Tam altbsebber is "Vgsruirsi
FL ^risortinent:or Dil YOS 0 S just. fec-t iv ,
b(1 from tho m
rntoil Bombnzineo; Csainefes .
Myuo.. tr,606,
Noriaty - ofotbq ices GOods, to
which.tho-imaniion b I thei citiz Us" of Carlisle
and 'invitpd no hey ..s-say"!oxpect
, .
Ain& some goo 4 by gyio, • • • -
040' . • \V PITNP.