AND EXVOSITOB9 CARLISLE, PENN'A. The Russian Emplre:.. • -- . ITS HisTorisr TO Trim Tisie OF .r.F.Tun • • Tim GREAT. Russi the most extraordinary country on the globe, in the four most important particulars of 'empire--:its Cory, its extent, its .population, and its power. • It- has' for Europe another interest-the interest of alarm, the evidence of an am bition which hats existed for a hundred and fifty years; and has never paused; 'an increase of territory which has never suffered the slightest casualty of fortune; the most complete security., against the retaliation of European war; and a goy-, ernment at once despotic and popular; exhibiting the most boundless authority in-the_sovereigu...and_the_mo_st absolute -submission in the people, a mixture of habitual obedience, and divine homage; the reverence to a monarch, with almost the prostration to.a divinity. Its history has another superb alto- maly: Russia gives the most memorable instances in human annals, of the power which lie within the mind of individual man. Peter the Great was not tho re storer, or the reformer of Russia; he was' • its moral creator: Ho found it, not as Agustus found Rome,, according to the old adage, "brick, end left it-marble;' he found it a living swamp, ankleft it cov ered with the 'fertility of laws, energy, apd knowledge; he found it Asiatic and ) bft it 'European; he removed it as far from Scythia'as if he had placed the di ameter of the globe between; ho found it no brick, but mire, and he transformed a region of-huts into the magnificence o empire. . _ Russia first appeared in European history in the - middle of the ninth centu ry. Ifs climate and its boil had till then retained it in priMitive barbarism. 'rho sullenness of its winter had prevented invasion by civilized nations, and the nature Oita soil, one immense plain, had given full scope to the roving habits of its half-fr.mished tribes. The great in vasions which broke down the Roinan empire, had drained away the population from the north, and left nothing but rem nants of clans behind. Russia has no sea, by which she might send. her bold savages to, plunder or to trade with Southern and Western Europe. And, while the man of Scandanavia was sub duing kingdoms, or carrying back his spoils to his hothern crags and lakes, the Russian remained, like-the bears of his forest, in hieaverrrauring.the longwin. ter of his country; and even when the summer came, was mitt but a melancholy savage, living like the bear upon the roots and fruits of his ungenial soil. It was, one .of those' Normans, who, instead of steering his bark towards the opulence of the south, turned his dreary adventure to ;he north, that Russia owed her first connection with intelligent mankind. The people of Nevgorod, a people of traders, finding themselves overpowered by their barba;tirth neigh bors, solicited the aid of Ruric, a _Baltic chieftian, and of course, a pirate and a robber. The name of Norman had earned old renown in the north. Runic came, rescued the city, but paid himself by the seizure of the surrounding terri— tory, and found a kingdom, which he trahetaitted to his _descendents, and which lasted until the middle of the six- teenth century. In the sialworal viiptiage; Mt dk= 2 —vim.... ~.... rt pedif mindi l e style of the Baltic ex— it). 0. ryas sent to plunder Constantino. Vie 'I he expedition consisted of two tho eand canoes, with eighty thousand men on board: the expedition was defeated, foil - lie Greeks had not yet sunk into the de neracy ()Hater times. ; They fought stou ly for their capital, and roasted the pirates in their own canoes, i by sh - owera - o - f - th - e - fatuuus •.-Grec - k - ftrt Those ilivasione, however, were tempting to the idleness and poverty, or to the avarice and ambition of the Rue sians; and Coristantinople continued to be the great object of cupidity' and as sault, for three hundred-years: -But-the, city of Constantinople was destined to fall to a mightier conqueror.' Still, the nothern barbarian had now learned the road .to Greece, and in tercourse was mutually beneficial, Greece,' found daring allies in her old plunddrers, and in the eleventh century she gave the Grand duke Vuldmir a wife, in person of Anna, sister.of the emperor Basil 11., a gift_ made . mbre im•- pot tent by its being accompanied by his conversion to. Christianity. A settled„succession is the great se,- mit of royal peace: but among these bold riders of the-desert, nothirig ~ was ever settled save by the sword; 'and the first •act of all these sons, on, the. decease of their father, was, to slaughter each oth er; until the contest was settled in their grave, and the last survivor quietly as cended the throne. But war,.on a mightier scale than the Russian Steppes had ever witnessed, was now rolling.over Central Asia. The cavalry of Genghiz Khan, which came, not in squadrons, but. in nations, and charged,'not like troops, but like. thun— der clouds, began to pour _down upon the valley of the Wolga. Yet the con— quest of Russia was net to be added to the triumphiroPthe great Tartar chief— tian: a mightier conqueststopped him on hie way, and the,Tartar died. His son Tohusi, in the beginning o the' thirteenth century,, burin over the frontier at thee - head of. half a million o horsemen. The Ruesian princes,triati. making up their quarrels, advanced to meet the invader; but their army was instantly trampled domand before the middle of the century, and the provin ces, and all the cities of Russia, were the prey of the men, of the wilderness. Nov gorod, alone escaped. Tho history of this great city would be highly interesting, if it were possible now to recover' its details. It was the ;chief depot of the, northern Asiatic com merce with Europe; it has a government, Jaws, and ,privilegee,,of its own„With which it suffered, not even the Khan of the Tartars to interfere., Its population amounted to four hundred thousand - thonoiearly equal to the population of a .Itingdoot. In the thirteenth century it connected itself Stiff more affectiv.ely witk.European . oninterce., by becoming a membor - of the Hanseatic League; and, the wonder-and pride of the. Russians' were expressed in the. Well-khown - half profane' prOberb,."Who can rosier ,God, .and the, , great Novgorod?" Theri3 is always something itlineet approaching - to picturesque grandeur hi the triuMph Of .berharism. The Turk, until,hwae feol enough to throw away the turban,' wee this " most showy per •sonage in the WorliK The Arabs; undo( IVialietnit, *ere the,meat stately warn ore; anti the Spanish Wore threw all I the pomp, and-even the romance of Eu rope into the shade. Even the chiefs - of the ""Golden Hord&' seemed to hate had as pidturesque a-conception of an— • primacy as the Saracen. Their , only city was a vast eamp,: in the planes be— tween the Chapten and the 'Wolga; and' - ,while they . left the provinces• in the hand's . of the native princes, and enjoyed themselves in the manliefsports of hun-. Ling through the plains and -mountains, they comManded, that every - vassal prince should attend at the imperial tent to receive permis . sion to•reign,or perhaps to live; and that even, v when they sent . their Tartar-collectors to receive the trib ute, that Russia princes should lead the Tartar's horse by -the bridal, and give him a feed of oats out of their cap of slate! . But another-of drop eweeptng dem: tators, one of those gigantic execution-, ors, who seem to have been sent, from lime_to_iimstio_penish_the_horribleLproti gacies of Asia, now rose upon'the Timour Khan, the Tamerlane of Euro pean story; the invincible, the lord of the Tartar world, rushed with his countless troops upon the sovereignties of western Asia, This universal coneherer crushed the Tartar dynasty of Russia, and then burst away tike en inundation, to over whelm other lands. But the native Rus 4ians..again made head against their Tar tar masters, and a century and a half of sanguinary warfare folloUred, with vari ous fortunes and without any other. re sult than blood. - In the fifteenth century Russia began to assume a form. Ivan 111 broke off the vassalage of Russia to the "Golden Horde." He had married Sophia, the niece of the Greek Emperor, to which we may attribute hie civilization; .and ho received the embassis of Germany . , Venice, and Rome, at Moscow., His son, Ivan IV, took - Novgored, which he ruined, and he continued to fight' the Poleo 7 and Tartars until he died. His - son, Ivan, in the middle of the six teenth century, was crowned by the title offlCzar, formed rho ,first standing -army of Russia, named the Strelitzes, acrd establised a code of laws. -In 1598; by the death of the Czar Peed& with-- out children, the inale , line of Retie, which had held the throne for , seven hundred and thirty-six soverigns became extinct. i • ' another. dynasty of remarkable dis tinction ascended the throne. in the be ginning of the seventeenth century. Michael Romeneff, decended from the line of Runic, by the female side, was declared Czar. His eon-Alexis-was the father of Peter . the who, with his brirther_lvan, _was placed on the throne at the decease of their father, but both. the guardianship of , the Princess was sent to a convent. Ivan ) imbecile in mind and body, surrendered the throne, and Teter became solo soverign_of The accession of Peter began the last and greatest period of Russian history. Though a man of fierce passions and barbarian habits, he had formed a high conception of the value_of_European arts; chiefly through an inelligent Genovese, Lefort,, who had been 'his tutor A -_-- _ Blackwood's Magazine. i 1 iit cLlaiuou~. PETROLEUM, OR ROOK OIL. A NATURALpENIEDV! Procured from a lVen in 'Allegheny county, Pa., 4000 feet below the earth's surface. PUT ❑P AND SOLD BY SAM'L M. Kxnn, CANAL The healthful balm from Nature's, secret upting, The bloom of health, and life, to man will bring An front her depths the magic liquid flows, To calm our auftbringe, and assuage our woes. PETROLEUM. THIS great remedy of Nature, afepeatcd and fair trials has worked its wato popu Inv favor. We need hardly repeat the fact, that ibis is it, pure. unadulterated NATURAL MED ICINE, and is put upas it flows from the bosom of the earth, without admixture. Iu these days of Nostrum vending, we do not wonder at the in crecility-vinced—by-the—community7uporr-th-e- -introdnction of a - .New ltenia4, but 'that meredir lity shall not suppress a medicine, whose power ful influence has mitigated and cured so . many diseases incident to our race; were with hold r remedy like this from public notice, we should onsider ourselves nsegnilty of keeping . back something that was intended to relieve --much-human suffering, and-dispel the gloom and pain of many a one, whose system bas , for years been racked and tortured by the fell engines o; Disease. Nay, do not wonder, gentle reader, and join with others in the cry, that it cures o too many diseases; for, if you will take the trouble to run over the list of diseases fm which it is re commended, you will find.that they are diseases la:cling the same kind of tissuce,and consequent . ly IT IS APPLICABLE TO ALL. But the best evidence in favor of a medicine are the cures themselves. When these stand out in bold relief, and when lie who for 'cars has suf fered the tortures and pangs of an immedicable lesion, which 11118 beeh hastening him to the nar row house, speaks out in its praise, what better eddence need be wanted ? We have the evi• dente in our possession, of many astonishing cures; which will be furnished to any one who re 7 ally doubts the efficacy of this wonderfgl remedy. The Earth, from which man was created,bears in he'r bosom remedies which if known, ernes: pable of restoring him to health and vigor, when prostrated by sickness and disease, . It was the opinion of the celebrated Dr. Bush, that there existed in Nature an antidote to every malady. to which man is liable. Every one is agave o the relief frequently obtained from ./Rineral !Va• tera in most chronic complaints. These singular medicaments, flowing out frbm the earth, satura ted with su stances varied in their character, and holding them in 'complete solution, bear RM• pie testimony to the fact, that they weed corn• pounded by the master hand of Nature, to repair the shattered Vessels of our physical being, and set them with sails unfurled, prosperously upon lie sea of life. The Petroleum is one of this kind of remedies, and is endued with powers to relieve more hu man suffering than any other medicine extnot.—, Whet. taken perseveringly unit - according to the directions, it will cure—Diarrhoea, Piles; R hew 'modem, ont, Neuralgia, Obstinate Eruptions of the Skin,Erysipelas, Pimples on the Face Blotches, Piles, Chronic ,Sore Eyes, Ring Worm Totter, Scald Head; Pains in the Bones, and Joints, anti all' that class of Diseases, in 'which alterative; - or Purifying Medicines are indicated; Sold by S. %V. Haverstick and S.A. Hubbard, Carlisle ; 3. C. Sr. G. B. Altiek, Shippensburg; J. flood & Son, Springfield.; Gilmore, - 8; Sto.:gb, Newville-; Thomas Gretison, - Phtinfield, Cumberland county, i September 4,'50-Iy. innn INSURANCE. THD Allon and East Ponnsborough Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland county ncorporatcd by an act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and in operation linder the .manage ment of the foliowing commistdonars, viz: Jacob Sholly, Wm It Gorges, Michael Cook 'in, Molchoir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, Simon Oyster, Jacob II Coovor,•Lowis' Myer, Homy Logan, Bonktmin H . Musser, Jacob' Kirlc, Peowell,losoph Wickersham. The rates of insurance are as low and frivora bl m auany - Company of the kind in the State.— FOrsons wishing totocome membors are invited to make applicatiort to the agents of the.,contpa ny, who, are to.wait upon thorn at any time, JACOB SHELLY, President, HENRY LOGAN, Vice President. ' LENVIi FLYER, Secretary MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer. 0ct17'49 - . • Cumberiand county.—Rudolph Martin; NoW Cumberland i •C B Berman, Kingstown, Henry Zetaing-; Shiromanstown,. Robert , Moore and .Charles'l3oll, Carlisle, Isaac Kinsey, Mechan icsburg. Dr.l. Abl, Churchtown. York conniy.:--Aohn Sheiriok, Lisburn, John Bowinan, Peter Wolford, Franklin JohtiStir, Esq., 'Worthington, - W Picking, Dover, ante]. Itinfonaborger, J' W. Craft. • Harris ure.7—ltiagoor Lothrnim; jylembors tof the company having noilcimia bout to,n have,them ron wed by,mak ng applicationith any of tho:ogon 8, , ••• . • Stores Br , Sl)ops. Great ilargatlas CIAN be expected from thusUbseriber, as ha V has just received c new and splendid as. sortmont of _WINTER _GOODS;._which..his. offers to his customers and others who may favor him with a call at great Bargains l• - CLOTHS AND CASSLMERES, satinets, velvet cords. Ky. jeans, scarlet, yel- low, white and Canton Flannels, tickings. mus tins, calico, eashificres, de lanes, alpacas, — Co= bvrg cloths, gloves; hosiery, Irish linen, coin• forts, &c,. SHAWLS! SHAWLS ! ! A large and. splendid assortment of Long and, Square Shawls, at till prices to suit the. times. BOOTS AND SHOES Also, Boots and Shoes, which he is determ ined to sell low, at his stand, in North Hone- - first store below Havorstiok's Drug Store,, vor street, Carlisle. J. G. CARMONY. SUPERIOR FRESH GROCERIES I Latest . /11115 Cheap Finally Grocery Stoto of Jo-. sepli D. - Halbert, I,Vest Main street, Car -Itulo line receivediclitTtO-Tfird-rfai.-Ripiq— . f - thelyent - FAMIL - Y — GR 0 C - E t Irr — Philadelphia markets can afford. The subscrd bar has just returned from the city and wooly respectfully invite his friends and the publi generally, both in town and country, to call and examine for tftemselvco his large and in creased stb'elt, which embraces all the articles usually kept irrhis of business. Such as Rio, Java and St Dontiligo and Lagutra Coffee ; • Imperial, Young Hyson and Black Teas, of very superior quality and flr.vor; Lavering,'s crashed, loaf, fulling loaf, and loaf sugars, or ange grove, clarified Ne•.ii Orleans, and brown Sugars of every grade mid quality, with price to suit. Honey, sugar house, Orleans and syrup Molasses. Spices of all kinds, which he will - warrant pa - re and fresh ground. Brooms, Ce dar and painted buckets, churns, tubs, ha •• bushel measures, butter bowls, butter butter ladles, wash rubbers, &c Clotho fancy sewing, traveling . and market baskets ° I all kinds. Castile, fancy, ,rosin and country SOAPS. A lso„n general assortment of chewing and smoking.TOßACCO,spabish half sponish and common _CIGARS. • Ropes twines, and Brushes of all kinds. . Prime CHEESE always' on hand. ' Sperm, Winter, strained Elephant and Common OILS. GLASS, QUEENSWARE.—I have also added-to my-alreatly large stock, a number of sew patterns of White Granite and fancy tea sots. with CROCKERY WARE of evlity,de. , fcription, which Ifwill sell at the lowest prices nor cash. - Feeliriggratefulifor the liberal patronage hero• tofore bestowed upon him by a generous public, the subscriber tenders them his hearty & sincere thanks, and hopes that in his °Blips to please and particular attention to business, to merit a -argitinuance of their support. March eo, 1850.. JOS. D. II ALBERT. G e oNen 1116rse Motel, ON, • ADJOINING THE COURT HOUSE S CARLISLE, PA THE subscriber having' leased the above large and commodious HOTEL, situated on the corner of the Public Square and South Rano ver-streetT and-lately-occupied-by B en Esh•- leman,tegs leave to announce to his friends and the public that he is prepared to entertain them in a manner which cannot fail to meet their approbation.. . has the most .pleasant Joca-. tion in the borough—lnis been newly furnished iuid otherwise improved, and no pains Will lc - e spared to make 'those who may sojourn with luta, comfortable during their stay. His par lore are large and well furnished, and his chum bets supplied with new arld comfortable bed ding: HIS TABLE will be supplied - wi,h the best. the market can airord, and all who'r connect• ed with his house will be feundfattentive care ful and obliging. ',TITHE BAR will contain the host liquors the city can produce. HIS STABLING is entirely neW„and exton sive, capable of accommodating from 50 to 60 horses—making it a desirable stopping place for DROVERS, rind will be attended by a skit-. ful Ostler. In short, nothing, will be wattling calculated to add to the comfort land convent once of those who may favor him with their patronage. BOARDERS taken by the week, month, or year IrYTEnsts MoncasTn. . feb6'49-th JOHN HANNAN Webb's Washing Powder, - ,A great saving of labor, soap and time, with out any RUBBING by washing boards, Ma• chines, or with the hands, and preventing all wear and tear of clothes. Warranted not to injure the fittest fabrics. Price, 12.3 cents. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Rawlins' Drug and Variety Store, Main st. Carlisle, and at his Medical Hall, •North Queen at. Lancas ter. N. B. All orders filled at ManufneturCr's prices. Juno 5-1 y Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. WEST MGR STREET OPPOSITE TEE RIET/lODIST MEM WIVI. M. PORTER invites the attention of the public to his large and complete as sortment of BON/TS, SHOES & GAITERS, just received from Philadelphia, including a va• ,rietv of new styles. His experience ill thelShoo bUsiness, enables him to select work of the' best materials and workmanship, which will belsold at the lowest cash price and win rantel. • IrirGu,stomer work attended to a usual. Coal! *coal! THE subscriber is now prepared to furnish FAMILIES with the best quality CLEAN STONE COAL at the lowest rates. Orders left at H. Somon's Hardware Store or at the yard opposite Hoover's Lumber Yard, will be promptly filled. Also, just received 'from the mines 'lOO TONS NUT COAL for' Lime. burners, 1500 .bushels Bituminous Coal for Blacksmith's. sell H. WRIGHT. COAL! COAL! THE subscriber !task's!. received at his Coal Yard, at the West end of Iligh street, a supe rior quality of Willcesharro, Pun:Trove, Lyken's .Valley, Lame burners' and Blacksmiths' COAL which he is prepared to sell at reduced prices. He respectfully solicits the patronage of the people of Carlisle and vicinity. oct9 W .I 3 MURRA Y, NOTICE, 'NOTICE is hereby given that an application IN will be made to the .. Legislature of this Commonwealth at its next session, for a char- ter for a bank with general banking privileges, to be located in Catlislo, Cumberland county, Pa., with a capital of One Ifiuh•ed Thousand Dellara,.and to lip walled the Carlisle Bank. jrl.'so-6m - ..Black Silk Laces, &c. . A VARIETY of Black Silk Laces, Throu and Cotton Laces, Vaionciehnos Rd gnv,p Linen Bobbin. Edgings, just opened by sept2s • G, W. Uri NER Turc Satins and Silks. .THE subscriber has just opened n_genora/ assortment 6f Turn satins of various colours. Also, Changeable SilkaLin variety, to which ho invites the:attention orthe Ladies of Carlisle and vicinity (nol/6] G W HITHER. Children% Stockings, - A FULL assortment of White and Mixed 1-1- Merino Hose of all sizes for Childrem--- Also, LadienHose in great variety just opened by • G W HITNER. Lead Oolored Bonnets. ANEW supply of Load 'Colored Bonnets just recolvod at the. store of octe3 G W lIITNER. AmeriOn Oil. JUST received a Well supply of American Oil.' For ealo by A C FETTER, __oct23 .. , No 148 North Hanover et. - Long Shawls. • Aall.EAT' variety of Long bawls from the celebrated Bay State Mills. Also, Square Shawls of various kinds just received. oet3o . ' ' GW If ITNEft. HOSIERY. A GENERAL. opeormient of Ladies and Childrens' Stockings, cons!sting of Ingrain and Spun silk Cashmere, Merino, Lambs Wool Se Cotton just opened by novfl • G W HITNER. ' - -_,- - • -- ROPES. PULR assortment of ROPES just received . by the subscriber. Also, Glass Tubes for ig mining Rods for'syle cheap by - • ' aug9.B ' • '•••H. SA XTGN. Ribbons,. •Ribbons. •= • THE eubscriber, is now openind the'theap- Oil lot of Bennet and Cap Ribbons over offered In.Carliele, And Wovld advise theladics , ,to'eall aeon and get'tinFr.'nf the bargains'. potSo •G W HITHER. _ .;:w - - GREAT, COUGH REMEDY. _ • ' For the Cure of , COUGITS ; COLDS, EIOARSENBSS, BRON- . PEC/T/S ; CROUP, AS TR. MA, . WHOOPING . - COUGII AND CONSUMPTION. In offering- to the community this justly cele broted remedy for ,diseases of the tlt root and lungs, it is not 'our wish to trine 0 ith• the live or health of the ntir.etet, but frankly to lay be. fore them the opinions of tlistitr,oislied men and Inilic_efthe_eyidenees of its sucCeSS, fro in which they can judge ibr - therniCIVIIST - 1 , V13 - s blunt' y lilbitke-eivsejv es to mire ito'wild-agsertiotis-ot , false staiements of its efficacy, nor - will we hold. 'oaf any hope suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. • Molly proolii aro here given, and we solicit an inquiry from - the public into all we pub' ish, feel ing assured they iv i II lied them perfectly reliabe and the mutiiteneweethy their best confidene and patronage. • FROM lIENJ. SWUM AN. M. D., L. L. I). Eh Professor of Chemistry,M i neva ol ogy , ego.; Yalu College, :Vomiter or t he Lit. Hist. Ala. Pli:l. 1 1 and M anen. Societies of America , Europe. "I deem the CHERRY PECTORAL an ad mirable composition from some of ic best or tides in'the Materia Medics, itild...iN ry effect ive remedy for the class of ths4 - ses it I intend ed to cure." New Haven, Cs., Nov. 1 , 1.8.19. . o Prof. CLEVELAND ,of Ilo'wdoin College, Me. Writes-" 1, , have witnessed the effects of your 'CHERRY PECTORAL' in my own him% l i o u r it o l hat of my friends, nail it gives me seller:tole state in its favor dint no medicine I have even known, has proved so ami meetly litteccesful 's Clll`ll4, diseases of the throat and Imigs." , . REV. DR. OSGOOD , Writes--" That be consfflers 'CHERRY PEC TORAL' the best medicine for Pulmonary affec tions ever given to the public," and states - that "his daughter being obliged to keep the room four months with Is severe settled couglii accom-- ponied by raising of blood, night sweats, and the attendant symptoms of consumption, continence(' the use of the 'CHERRY PECORAL' and had completely recovered." ' HEAR TIRE PATIENT. ' Dr. Ayer-Dear Sir: For two years .I was afflicted with a very severe _cough, accompanied to spitting of blood and profuse night sweats.- By the advice of my attending physician I was induced to t use your CHERRY PECTORAL, and continued to do so . till I considered myself cured, and ascribe the elit et to your preparni on. . JAMES RANDALL. . Muni - Oen ss. Springfield, Nov. 27:1 will. This day appeared the above named Jame Randall, and pronounced the above ,statemen true in every respect. LORENZO NORTON, Jtistice. THE REMEDY THAT CURES. 'PORTLAND, MC. Jan. 10,1847. Dv. !Ayer ; have been long afflicted with Asthma which guy yearly worse until last an num, it brought on n cough which confined me n my chamber, and began to assume the a larm n g symptoms of consumption. .11ind tried the best advice and the best medicine to no purpose, until I used your CHERRY PECTORAL, which has cured me, and you may well-believe me.-- --....—Cratefully Yours. . . J. 1). PHELPS. If there !i s any value in. the judgment of the wise, who speak from experience, here is a med. Icine worthy of the public confidence. PREPARED BY J. C, AYRES, CIIEDIST, LOWELL MAiSAcßusrrys. . - Sold by Dr. Rawlins, S. A. Hubbard & Dr, S. Elliott, Carlisle; Dr. Ira Day,Mechaniesburgi 11. Ilerron,'Newville; J.C. & J.. 8. Altick Ship pensburg; and druggists generally: _ - SC tc tr I 1 I , (4- wand. of rarer of Serqftda, naval. nnd Cher i.rure'dieciea PICA* likunl—Pnd ff . the vracy STAALL 'QUANTITY &del unis need of a Medicine to [free; curs ql '6'. tientans, Le nap Proof of the purifying media?l pouur sn untfOrtfannte'rrediatri.tforaze ...A B RANT'S INDIAN pußipylNG lITRACT is arch ,„rx Medic:roe, in every rorype.rf and them in nbuntinnt prnef, Tit grout /lire/ ellected, that ONE BOTTLE of it con. rains wore purify:eel/manna virtue, mei medisol potter, than More is contented in HOUR BOTTLES of any Sieirea. parilbs, or any other medlcino that It. over %emit offered for sale. There is undoubted proof In our inunpltlets, nett by the use of this great fndien Puriarr, they that wpm DY ING yet LlVE—new that worn LAME find CRIPPLED can 110.1 , WALK—they that wore SICK, SCROFULOUS, .mLutherretse diseased, have been nod CITRED. Huxiareds—Thopsands- -- ho been used 1111ANT' VIZIFTEP, after having used .nd tested std. the Sarsaparillas turd ,tier medicines roc trun.ndeil to eurti blood disenses:latvla decided that— Brant'a is the Cheapest , t.etMllllllo 'Oll6 bottle of It linen ore medical, cinatire mane• in it, and, inconceiptence. Noes ono, dictate, In much tw time, than WIC bottle of any other medicine. If, then, one Wile of BRANT'S PURIFIER will cure Porn TIMES more d hien, than one bottle of Sarsaparil la BRANT'S PURIFIER" would lie n. cheap at four dollars a bottle, eararsaperide nt oar dollar. Mg Baton's PDRIFIF.R IN told for only ONE DOLLAR a bottle; and an a bottle of It has cored, and ealoble of curing, FOUR TIMES as tooth discus( • Am bottle or Sarripardfa, there. fore. thirenparilla, in cuinelpienco of It. les, power and lea AAreefficacy. should I mold at no more than twenty. fire renft per bottle, to Inc a. Beal, as the PURIFIER al one deft. • One Do ll ar's Worth ! now nincit CANCER—how much SYPHILIS—bow tonell SCROFULA—wiII ons oorth of BIL4NT'9 PI: ILIF cure 1 'Road tho following statement, which Is a specimen of Its power:— CANCEROUS SCROFULA! This is lie case Of a dying nun who yet lives. Tie tow eared of a wortle case of SCROFULA , b y only 1,0 r.. hoi. Iles of Brant'. Purifier, than ever waa cured by the use of tr/Ire GALLONS of the beat S., 'sopa ri Ila that meoa ever made. Sitrsalytrllla hastier attllicient 'medical power to ellbct till cure of sect; n ravelliity/y !sopa,. case. Mr..l. B. HASKIN,of ROM, ()nobles Co., N. Y., bad:Weft Ws . funs yksre—mte confined to his Led the last year—be WAS so much diseased and debilitated:as to be unable to raise Ilia hand to his head. lie had the best medietst edaiste —had used ALT. of the beet Sarsaparillas to no good effect— get end tawse, and was considered to 1,0 In a dyisy svete, and could not Ilvo twenty-four hours /orgy.., when be cotionencoll 1111111" 1111ANVS PURIFIER. 11Ia nee* urn oaten nearly off, (COO. ear . te earl hole was men; throstA ha windpipe, ma er Ida chin, so that he breathed through the helot Ws otra , resSO mien arouncLthat It could be Wad o f cut ofit4 piece, It only holding by tt noon piece; the use of one arm Av/L1 destroyed by two ulcers; an ulcer the solo, as large run moo's hand, had nearly eaten fhrouph his side iota I„is body. Thus he Mil, allllcted with twenty such put, acrid. qtrensire ulcers, 011 various parts of his person. For further and sees our PAM PHLETS. Dr. THOMAS WILLi ANIS, oue of the =lit. OHM phy. -kitten of 110100, WES called to see Haskin the dm/ b.Jbre i , cerrunauced'using llraut's Purifier. Dr. W. examined Jill]. and thou told biro that WI the ntaticines in the world liht not cure Moo—that his cue was Worse than - Hopeless ! Now bear Mr. II ASlClN'S•staletnent acorn! Ito Raid • " My wife procuoad one bottle of BRANT'S Y E.I'TRAL T, of Bissell Leonard, druggists of Rome. I cornmencod using 'ha . and been to get better. Thet bottle enabled me to pd 01' say bed, whom I bad been confined me year • the seem.d bottle enabled mo to pet out % Whalen; the thid bottle enabled me al walk tsce miles, to onto Cen tre, where Iprocured sir bottles more: and when I had fin ished using them, seventeen out of twenty ulcers had bee/scl op -and three bottle. more effected a PERFECT CURE of all the ulcer., and matured mo to pond heath," • .F()UO.I.'EIIN WfTNESSES Mr. lIASICIN hai'sworn to the above facto, and the (meta uro witnessed and certified to by Dr. T. WILLIAMS—Mr. O. R. BROWN, prep rioter of the Irest-Rome /fota—Mosars. BISSELL LEONARD, wholesale and retail druggists • and ELEVEN ether retrectable trite:en.. For stile' l byiJ. W. RAWLINS'& S. W HAVERSTICK, Carlisle, J C & G B Allah and W D E flays, Shippensburg—Wth Lloyd, Lisburn—J F Spahr, Mechanicsburg—Ll Hor. fen, Nowvillo—A C Klink, Bloomfield—Men ver and Haines, Millerstown—J A Lino & Co Lanbdieurg—J Milligan, leltesburg—S Low, Newport—l W F,oliglass; Charnborsburg—J L Shearer, Dillsburg—J Martin Lutz l Blumberg All letters and orders must be addressed to Wialaco & Cs., 106 BFoYttway, Ndw Yorlc. POTOMAC BAGGING. .BALE of No, (.Potomac Bagging; enact ele for bags for farmers, just received, Nil itch I will sell cheap, oct23 • N W •WOODS, BOOTS & SHOES. JUST received a large assortment of mon Woman and Children's Boots and Shoes, •Wil. is' Doable Soled Buskins and Jemiy Lind Shoes, which I can sell very cheap. • 10et23 ,N W WOODS, Ag't. . GUM SZIGES. • • JUST iocoived two caws of •Dadies•Dtim Shoes, of Hartshorn's Oolobrated pattern which I can warrant good nualitit.• octin N, W WOODS, Ag't. Patent Starch Polish. OR diving u beautiful gloss to Linens Nino. JI2 line, Collars, tic., and prevents duet from sticking' to -Linens, 40. It contains -nothing injurious. Just received by , decl I ~ 4 W HITNER, , A RNQLDS writing fluid, a very su e for wile it HUBBA RD 511 ii3l)llabelptiu HAY STATE SHAWLS celebrated andjus4 acknowledged superior 'goods:, in the. 'latest colorings anti,most improved styles, will be furnished by tho subscribers in any quantity, at the very lowest prices. Purchasers will please notice that the genuine Day State fabrics bear tickets corresponding with the abthie' Mit, and they' will else be distinguished fr6rn all other Wool -en-Shawls-by-thetr-mnierier-liMsh,-tineness=of-- -t ex t roAnd ri Ilia ney-of-colars..._thulers_so licitedfriim all sections of the country., and the same will be promptly attended to. . Vurehn sees will also illl4 ID oar Shawl ~departniont large assortment 01(111 the other itoseaupfoved makes, and newest designs of Atherican, French and Sewed - I.:Woolen Shawls; cnibtaeing n great variety' dr:Plain and :medium . styles lbr friends. • A I so, Superior Long and Squnre' Shawls in latest styles and best manufacture, High lustre black and colored silk Shawls, Lupins Wank and Mode Colored Thilict Shawls, With silk and woolen. frinn.cs. Paris Prhued Cashmere nud 'Park cirri Shawls, Plain and Embroidered Crape Shawls, New Style printed Palm Shawls Neat Figured Paris Brochn Shawls, Lupins Black and Mode Colored Thibet Long Shawls, Plain Bound . Seal Skin Shawls, Plain Mode Colored 'French Tork,rri Shawls, fringed and bound, Eight quarter French Mode Colored Tin bet Cloth, measuring, full It'o yards wide for Shawls, binding to mnich, White and Col red Barcelona and Genoese Shliwlsl &c. KrIVII , ICFSA /lan RIPPAIL.2"A - - U.SIBERTFOLOCK..& CO No, 18 Sunl•u SECOND Sr., rill LA DELI.IIIA Fall ONllineryGoods. .YOYIN STONE & SONS lin: ICH rs and Dealerc SILKS, RIBBONS & 'MILLINERY GOODS, ..iVo 45 South Philadelphia. Eit AVE received by late arrivals from France 1.11. a largo and very desirable assortment of FALL MILLINER Y GOODS, among which found Bonnet Velvets of all colors'Sivancty ofdric " Satins Corded Velvet:, " " " Figured, Watered and Cole) ,d Bonnet Goode Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a large assortment French and American Flowers. Laces, Bonnet. Tabs, Crowns, Duckrame, &C., together with a splendid assortment of Paris I•a n ey Feathers, The above goods were selected by one Of. ihe firm in France, and will be sold at the very lowest market prices. o . (septlB,'so PIANE . FORTE WAREROOMS, No. i7l CHESNUT STREET, PHIL.ID'.4. T fiE OLD STAND, "oecitlifed - fol'a more - than one-third of n century by G. Esry, rinHE undersigned would most respectfully 1 announce tp the public that he is AGENT . . for more than-twenty_of.the.mnst celebrated inanufaCturcrs of 805,..., ,..., .... FM/ TON, • NEW yam, PHILA DELPHIA, and elsewhere; and . is constantly receiving from thorn PIANOS o the ridhest and most varied styles; of superior tone, and of the most superb finish, of 6. 61, 61, 6i; nod 7 Oetaves,--which are warranted equal to any manufactured either in this - country' or in' Europe. Just received, also, a further supply of Vara and Parlor Organs, of beautiful patterns and fine tones. . His \VAREROOM is constantly.. supplied with a choice selection of SERAPIIINES and MELODEONS, front the oldest and most ex. tonsive manulacn,ries in the 'United States ; a. mong Whicn is a now style of REED ORGAN having Carhart'S patent improvements, with gilt pipes in front, and case elegantly carved, and highly ornamental. Tuning and Refia.ring—Sl6. Salvador La Grasse, a distinguished Piano Forte Manufactu• ter anti Organ Builder, will attend to all orders. 0,1. 0 A, .r, Trlll • P:MrI7IYEERY DEPOT D'iN"P be ucceived. Country Merchants end' Dealers who want good, and cheap PEPUMERY and FANCY SOAPS should call upon JOHN 'l' CLEGG, Po/tner and Chemist, XlB - Markel St., helm 2d, Philadelphia, who has constantly on hand PERFUMERY and FANCY SOAPS of every description, Powders, Hair Oils, Ox Marrows, Colognes, Hair Dyes, &c,, &c.' 100,000 persons have read my advertisement in the Public Ledger, hundreds nf whom have ealled_and_heen_c.onvineed_Of-the-advantago-of— purohaaing direct from the manufacturer, - Agency •for Ferran's. Circassian Hair Oil, urling Fluid, &c. Orders from any part of the United States I be promptly attended to. nug4'so,l y JOHN T CLEGG. ECONOMY IS WEALTH Light: Light Light!! Camphine Bc, Bledal Fluid, OF acknowledged superiority and Purity, manufactured and for sale Sr the lowest Wholesale prices, by DAVIS R. HATCH, at the old established s:and of the Into Benja— min T. Davis, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY, where orders by mail or otherwise are solicited, and prompt attention given. The voice of the public for fifteen years, and the award of a Silver Medal, and complimentary notice by the Franklin Institute over all competitors, is sufficient evidence of the excellence of our Oil. Atcohoi, - Pitch,,7'arpcntine, Rosin, and Spir its of Turpentine, for sale Wholesale and Re. tail, at the lowest prices. [oct3o 01. X .7. siTI. Rowe, air ANUFACTURERS and wholrealo deal- LFJ B R '0 0 M 5, B AS KEI'S and WOOD WARE, have removed to the largo store lately occupied by Messrs. Sellers & Da vit where they have opened an extensive stock of Eastern and City made BROOMS and V OOD WARE,:Which they are now selling tit the lowest manufacturers prices. & full assortment of firistleo, Brushes; Mate Cordage, &c.. constantly oh hand No North Third Street, 3 doors below Race; Pit delphia j I 7,'50 P.• MACKEREL, 1 _ • . SHAD, CODFISH, SALMON.. I . Constantly on hand HERRINGS, • k. and.for sale by PORK, V. PALMER & Co.' HAMS ND SIDES,. I:11111.1(ot Sfoot Wharf l'" SHOULDERS,, PHILADELPHIA. LARD & CHEESE!, • porukaut. raraionw. BY THE FIRM of TROUTMAN & MAY Duni' Gentlemen, take our,advicc, To every one', we mate oursall, If-you would Bye a coat that's nice. LOok at Troutman & 11Iay'S Cheap Clo thingllell. Truro aro Dresses of. all kinds, Fine and coarse, and also Cheap Please examine aril you'll find, • - For your money,quite a heap. Hero are goods for moryiseason, - .I Thick and stout, neat and, thin • All that you can wiah,in reason, If you doubt it just drop in. • Hero are Frock and Body Coats, Both with low and standing collars Some;that button round the thront;. To be had for a few dollars. •' Hero is every style of Vest, And all sorts of Pantaloons, You can choose what suits you best, . . Elio, or morn,-or afternoon. Here are sacks end Roundabouts, • Overalls and Jackets Green, Please to look and.'you iviil find, Hero the cheapest over seen. Here tiro light coats for the Spring,t •. Fnuey goods for Summer wear, •: You will find them just the Ming. Nothing batter anywhere. 1 ' • Shirts and Bosoms may be fOund, Pocket Handkerchiefs and Grover, Scarfs to tie your neck around; Whon - you seek your lady loves. ' • Hero are Caps; Suspenders, ' Very nice indeed, Clean and nice, in paper box, • . Just the thing that iibu Will need. .• • ' ' If wo talk .1d a day about them, •. , • We could scarcely tell you all, . '4; , , Gentlemen can't do without them— Then, doer frionds, give ns a sill. - Price - Reduced ! • VAUGHN'S LITHONIREPTIC MIXTURE! Largo Dottloo 7 Only, Ono Dollar. rho Proprietor of tho Meld American Remedy " Vayoun't VzaeTAott LITIIONTRIPTIO induced by dm urgent aolipitntions of hie Agent., thronghout the Ullll.Oll State. and Canada,. hoa now Reduced the Price of hie popular and wolf known •nrtiele ; and from thhs date henceforth, he will put up but ono else' ranin•—isla %tar bottles[—the retail prioe will ho .• , ONE DOLLAR. • publiCi may rest assured dant the character of the Medi eini, its strength, and curative proportion WILL nonstop InicIiANCED, and the tame care will be bestowed in pre poring it as heretofore. An this medicine, under its reduced price, will ho purchased by those sslio have not hitherto 'mode themselves acquainted w i t h i ts virtues, the proprietor would beg to intimate that lib itrlielo is not to be classed with the vast amount of "Remedies of the day ;" it claims for itself n greater healing power_ L ii all diseases. than. • antb-ollier prepai 2 iiiion new hirers elf raorld; and has su - s - thicTPLßlfTeTelgift - yddii - VIG Ripen°, medical vintner, and,'until this reduction, commanded doltish Zhu priers of nny other article sn this line. NOTICE PARTICULARLY, this article acts with great heel Inepower and certainty, upon the toed, Liver, Kidneys, Lunge, and all other.organs, upon the propor aation of which 114 611 i health depend. This median° has a justly. high month as a remedy for all dieenses of that nature. It may ho relied upon whet the intelligent physician has abandoned his patient, and fir them dhdresuing diseases, more especially Dummy, the propel :tor would eamoitly and honestly recommend it. At it, present price it is easily obtained by all, end the trial will prove the article to be the Cheapest Medicine in the World! Mr- Please ask for pamphlets the agents give them away they contain over sixteen pogo of receipts, (in addition lb fat medical matter) valuable for household purposes, and wldii will save many dollars per year to practicallousekoopers. These receipts are Introduced to mako the book of urea* value, aside, front its charnel. La] an advertising medium for the medial., the testimony in favor of which, in the form of letters from all parts of the country,, may ho relied open. " Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptio Mixture"—the Great Ameilean Remedy, now far sale in Quart bottles at $1 each, small betties at 50 cts each. No small bottles wilt be turnout after the present:'etoek Is disposed of. YrinOinal Offief, Buffalo, W. Y.:207 Main Street, . . G. C. VAUGHN. Sold Wholielale and Retall by OLCOTT McKESSON CO.: 127 Maiden gene, Now York City. • N. B.—All lettere (ouceepang from nsenis and deniers wit whom ho tniatenetelineiness) moot be poet paid, or no attend°• la be citron to thorn. 'S W , Carlisle, .1 C&G B A hick, Shippensburg, - Russel & Dice, Dickinson,- 1. Spahr, itlechaniestiurg, • A, II 'Lager, Kinggtown. cti 6 - • SPLENDID STUCK FALL DRY GA:POD,, ONE PRICE (1.1\7.Y Hamilton, Easter dim:, NO. 213 BALTIMORE STREET. INVITE the attention oh wholesale and retail •.1. purchasers to their sleek of Fresh Fall 'GO.OI.)S, mostly of their owp importation, which will ho Nod much the largest and most varied ever offered in Baltimore, and for every .article oh. whicim.he namcd._at once. Included will be found—Rich Brocade and other Dress Silks, splendid -.rneoium--and—low priced do., rink black 'Silks, in plain, waled, ligited and satin strip'd, real old fashioned 'Gies Grain - Black Siße, figur'd - and Satin de_ Chines, in changeable and solid colors, very handsome Cook de Solo, in solid colors, even ing. Dress Silks, in white and -light colors, a a beautiful variety, Domini and Millinery Silks in great-variety, Modes, Marceline& Floyences, &c. . DRESS GOODS. Welt watered-and plain -TabbinelS,lbrocade Cashmeres, rich printed Cashmeres and Mou. seline.S . , neat tigur'd De Laincs, for children, plain Mouselines, in modes and. high colors, changeable Lyrnese Cloths, Coburgs, Sylve nies, (entire)y -new,) cheap Mouselines and Cashmeres, low and medium priced Dress Goods, in decry variety of new designs, many of which are in styles confined exclusively, to our sales, 300 pieces Lupin's superior French Merinoes, - in all colors, 130 pieces G.l English Merinoes rind silk warp Lyonese Cloths, In this department we have also a large stock of Flomba'zines rind Mourning Goods in every va riety, embracing the most select shades of Black and Second iNiourning, and choice arti. ..1..- r.... 1,......L1y A 11........ .;. 0. In LINEN GOODS and 110,USEKEEP ING FABRICS we have more than our usual lending stock, including the .very best Shirting Linens of Richardson's and Boddie's make, Pillow Linens of all widths, Linen Sheetings, of every description, Cotton Shectings, sup'r Blankets, Quilts; Flannels, 'Pablo and Piano Covers, Floor Baize and Floor Cloths, of all widths and sizes, linen Crumb Cloths, Table Damasks, Diapers, Napkins, Towellings, Stair i Linens, rich cumin Goods, of various styles, lace and muslin Curtains, worsted Damasks and Moreens, and in fact every article in the Dry. Goo • i i Itch may Ito required by House, keepers. Ilotels, Steamboats, Rte. TIIE SHAWL ROOM Coritnius a most extensive, and magnificent stock of lung and square Cashmere. Camel's Aair, with Cashmere border, entirely now, rich embroidered and plain Crape, Long and Square Scotch Woollen • Shawls. Scotch Woollen Shawls for children, "Bay State Mills" Sha*ls of all Me various styles made by them, and mostly of patterns made expressly for us, and w'hich cannot be hod elsewhere, Black and Mourning Shawls. in great variety. Cloaks, Mantillas and Saes. Wyle and Narrow SILK VELVETS, in all colors. MERCHANT TAILORS'• GOODS AND In choice styles of superior French Cloths, of Bioly's and other beat makers, Doeskins, English and Domestic pest, Fancy 'Woolen, Silk and - Other Vestings, SergeS, Sile sins, Puddings, Canvass, Sewing Silk, &a. Also, a splendid stock of Gents Cravats, Scarfs, Fancy Neck Ties, Silk and Linen Ildk'fs., of new styles, Gloves of all kinds, Hogery, Silk and' Merino under shirts and Drawers, Suspeniefs, &c. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, HOSIERY & .GLOVES,9 We have also it'very choice lot of Embroid eries and Laces, (from the most fashionable Establishments in Paris,)' including rich Muslin and Lace Cann, Chemizetts, Barflies, Collars, Sleeves and gas, real black and white Laces, real Lace Cafies and Falls, Valenciennes Laces Edgings and, -Insartinge, superior Hosiery and. Gloves of every description, emb'd and riviere hemmed-stitched Handkerchiefs, clear Lawn do., mourning L C Handlefs, fancy Cashmere India Emb'd Scarfs, fancy Bags, &c., Chemi nits, Prints and white Muslin _Goods, Yrench and English Cltintizes, rich furniture Prints, in great variety, Cambric, Mull, Swiss, Boolcand Jaconet Muslins, Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and Insertings, Bands and Florences, lIEAVY GOODS 'FOR FARM HANDS AND SERVAN'T'S,- We have on hand every description of goods entering into 'general consumption, that we think will give satisfaction:to the consumer, all of which we are enabled front the extent of. our or our business, to buron 'the very beSe iernie and sell at a moderate profit. Having for-every article a fixed price, (without ,nbatement,) per sons not fully acqintinted with the value of goods have every nssitrence tluit in dealing with us, they pay the same price as the most expocionced purchasers.. Ad cxnminstion oi.Goodeand.Prices solicited Baltimore; Oct 2, 1850-3 m - ; ANOTHER REVOLUTION,. AMURI., A. HUBBARD,. having purchas 1. ad ofillt.i'llenry A Sturgeon,-his' titock of Drugs, Medicines .&c., would respectfully so licit a share of fhb public patronage, at" ba old, stand, corner of Pitt and High Streets ; opposite the Rail Road &Pol. Ho will keep constantly on hand, nn assort; mont of fresh Drugs—Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, and a variety of fancy articles; which ho is determined to sell Ho will give his personal attention to the busi ness, and . Pacticularly to putting upprescriptions. A libeeal deduction made forPhyfacians coun try Merchants, and Pedlors. Pah. 13, 1850. • .„ FIRET AjtitlVAL OF • 'Roots and shoes FOR THE FALL SEASON AT, PORTL ( WS SHOIO STORE, wilizin street, near the Rdtl fleas Depot, OMPRISING Mon's, Boy's, and Youth's Calf, Kip and coarse- Boots and Brogans. w itch are warranted to be of the beet quality, ;Ladies Gaiters, Buskins and French Ties, Misseit and Michelin boom and shoes in omit 'variety, Also, an eleg ant assortment of '.CIUM 5110 ES and 13001'5, with all the late ,'!rn. provements' and Warranted perfect. 'amp purchased those gum shoes trent .tK V o 'agonies the manufacturer,..Pam authorizedto civic NEIV..YATR in place of ; any.tbat Moire . defective in wearing. , • Having a lards stock of 'French Calf Skins Morocco,' . Kid, and good workmen, ever) attention is given to Customer work as usual. septld WM. M. PORTER. • Dropsy and Gravel, M der .tl)ila6tlpl)ia ÜBL Valuable Y:S cHhO o M r A B S o , C ks W P ETI I n WAITE & GO., 2T, MARKET STREET' . P III A I WLPHIA ,Jottl_ha• Rile the-book sellcre if‘ l.lnitetrlitn'tes AllrellEl-L'S PRIMARY, OROGRAPIIY, An easy intwaluctstin tif the'stncly ot.Ccogra. pity, doSignotl far children, mut compleXelr lustentetl - by 120 cite:wings m u d 14 colored maps. MlTortFr.r.'s I4rErtntEDIATE The text, the exercises the illustrations, aid the forty lic:lptifurmaps two printed together in one quarto Volume. AIITMELL'S SCIICIOL IG,EOGRAVIII k ATLAS, n system of flnky!' Geography, comprising a' dew iption of the present state ot, the world MO its live great divisions. Embellished with nu- mei ous en ravings and illustrated by - an excel- - lest Atlas containing 28 handsome and aecurate colored mapS. This series of Geography by S. ' A ugitsius Mitchell has been Wholly Or partly . introduced into the public-and private Lebbols . of all the principal cities and totps of the Uni ted States; and after a full and tan% trial of its merits in these.schools, it has received au almost universal recommendation. . . ___MiLremm,?a-A-rrendr- 0 ceronA'nrv - kANI7AIII:7 - A n uweisad,_chtssical- and -sacred --G eogeaphy ----- embellished with 'engraviiqo of remarkable '- events, views-of ancient cities, etc., and seem-, Paned by ancient Atlas containing IS beautiful ' coldre'l maps. Fe'. “ ittnrcilELL'S ~ . . AS OF OUTLINE MAYS` ' Mitchell's Biblical ..nd Soblattli School Geag raphy, with Maps and embellishments. Mitch ell's Key to the study of }laps. and Carroll's , • Key to Mitchell's Geography, are exec ,it and popular hooks. and are becoming vet este!, shyly used in the hest schools of our vtit airy. 0 ItrZNE'S FINST LthSON IN 0 ILSNMAII, based upon the construction and analysis of sentences; designed as as introduethm to ihe "A tialysis."- OnnI.NE'S ANALYSIS— A treat so on th e st mes tore of the English language, with illtlfill'Aliefit aud exec ices adapted to the use of Fehools by Samuel S. Green, A. M., Principal of' the- Phelps Grammar School, Boston. These books hive already in the short time hey have been published,olda ned a veil ox cosine circulation, having been introduced into the public schools of Boston, Baltimore, Pitts burg, Cincinnatti, St. Louis, VickShurg. wad other cities and tom nit, and recommended by those who have tried. them to their schools, as I without question the best English IG111111111:1111 i in existence. . SWAN'S SCHOOL READER'S, - l'lrE 'PItIMARt SCIIOO4 REdlnu—Part It il3 intended for. beginners. It contains a lesson mpo vend - of the elementary sounds of the lan guage The Primary School .Reirder,, tiart 931, contains exercises in articulation, arranged in connection With ens). rending _lessona:- 1 --The 'Primary Reader, liars 3d, is dc3igned fur the first class in Primary Schools, and the lo . west class in Grammar Schools, 1 lIE Gneuntan Settoot t R winr„ is IleSiglida Car the middle class -firatismar Schools, and contains exercises in articulation arranged in connection with reading leitmns . • TUE DisTßlCT , betiool. lirAnnn, is iicsigned for the highest •classes in public and private schoels. It contains exerei sea in wetictilotion, pauses, and inflections - of the voice with such roles anti suggesstions us are deemed useful. • THE InstRUcTIVE Eant.ft ; cur a Course of 'Reading 013 NmUn•gl History; 2icienee awl Lite rature designed:for schools. spELLim; BOOK . Consisting-of words in columns and sentences fororal and written exercises. It is In corninlete• anti systematic series of exercises in English orthography. ThiS iiiehlfp - opular 'series Of reiTding and this spelling) hook were compiled by Mr. notintintlgi ug_konxilne_ rapid introduction into schools which lney have obtained in; the Eastern and Middle States and _in many-of the Western and Southern--States, sva think they.are really better adapted to the wants of teachers and scholars than any other yet published. Thepublishers haven very large number-of recommendations from public school committees,reachers and others friendly to (Aft. cation. . ROST'S HISTORY OP TILE U. STATES One vol for high schoolalual.-licalle ,. mies. The same noork coml.:used amlsimplified ,or common schools, 1 vol. 18 mo. " ; • JARVIS'S rRACTICAL runuoLony ' km the use of schools and families, 1 vol. 12 mo. with engravings. l'n tuna Y PnISIOLOGY, by the same .author, vol. 18 mo. FIRST Boos to ARITIIMETIC,Iiy.X.A. Adams, ntended fur primnry nun! common selionis.c. ARITHMETIC IN TWO PARTS. By the some author. Part first—advanced lessons in mental arithmetic 3 part second— rules and mewmplca for practice isrwritten arith metic, foe-common nod high schools A Key to examples I'4. i'ac.iec in . written Cs.. thy: tra, er telat,t-s, by the Fame ME These arithsnetics have secured very high recommendations from teachers of schools and academies, and front professors in several of our colleges, and front others interested in .the cause of education in various sections of tine union. T..C. El. Co., also publish mony other School Books, which there is not 'room to' enumerate here, besides Law., Medical, Theological and Miscellaneous Books, and they sic Cully prepa red to answer orders for books in eyeey depart ment of knowledge. Booksellers, School Com mittees, and others, supplied on the most thyor -ableaterms. (sept Pure Fresh Cod Liver Oil. TUB new and valuable Medicine, now used by the medical profession wilt( such astonishing efficacy in the cure of Pal monary Consumption, Scrofula, Chronic; Itheu matisin, Gout, General Debility, Complaints of the Kidneys, &c. prepared from the liver of the COD FISH fbr in43kinal expressly for our sales. (Extract froin'the London Medical Journal) 4.C. J. B.Milliains, 111.• D., F. R. S., Profes sor of Medicine in University College, Lon don, ConSulting Physician to the Hospital for consumption, &c.; says I Ave prescribed the Oil .in above our hundred eases of tuber culous disease of the Lungs, In different stages, which have been under my core the Jest two years 'and a half. In the largo number of cases, 206 Out of 234, its use w,as followed by marked and unequivocal improvement, vary ing in degree in different cases, from a tempo rary retardation ofthe progress of the disease mid n mltigatiOn of distressing symptom's, up to a more or less complete restoration to appa rent health. "The afoot of the Cod Liver Oil in /host o these cases was. very remarkable. Even in few days the cough was mitigated, the oxpee forailon diminished in quanty and opacity the night sweats ceased, the puke became sloivor, arid of bettor volume, and tho appetite. flesh and strength wore gradually Improved, "In conclusion I repeat that thp' pure oil lrom the liver of the Cod irrmore bonafltial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal, dietolle or realm*. nal, that has yet been employed." ..• • As wc - havo made arrangements to procure the Cod Liver Oil, fresh from head qulrteietit can now be lied chemically pure by' the single bottle, or in boxes of one dozen each. Its wonderful efficacy hattihdtleed nomerotiN,: spurious - imitations. An itucc - ertit ru pds -%; entirely on its purity, too m'uolceare..o,47l: used in procuring it genuine.' Every bottle having.on it. , our - Pfitteu signa. turk may.buthmended 'upon as gen' tritto. 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In h addition to,tlio general:routine of private disease, ii fully explains the cause of mtinliontPaparly de di n e; with observations oninarringe;4esides.. , " many oilier derangements which it would not lie proper to enumerate in the public-prints i'-Any person sending :Ty..nINTY•TiVE CENTS, OnSiOliCli in a letter, will I:ebelve oenmpy of this book, by mail, or five-Copies will be sent for ono. , dollar. Address, "UR. W. YOUNG, N e. 155 SPRUCE Street, PIIILADLPPIIIA" Pat-paid. - ccrPll.• YOUNG combo coda:tilted on any, of ille,Dijienses prescribed in Ilia third:ma liublloa .ionS t itt,his Offices, 152 SPRUCE:Iareet, every day between P eint.3:o!olo4k,(Sunday*excepted , ..—, htny I, 1850. - • - •,.. Tapog.try • " - • . „ . . UST Oponod A general assortment of ttingT a try Worsted in various colours for •Kniapes SliPp'ers; Shawls * dm Also, an midi joust supply of Zophyr Worsted . ' • . ept23 o•yv