atwVez) Tni:sEAnou A.FTEIL REST when fired thellove lifer and,wide, Skimmed, the darlewaterso v er; •Ta Beek -beyond the heaving tide. A green and peneetal shore. No tenfY bough, nor Ills-lika.thJg, • nose 'mid the %welding main— • The lone bird.shughtf whit faltering wing,' - The hallowed ark again.' 'Add ever thus man'adiaart "bath traced -- A lone and weary round; Eat never ye„l, 'mid earth's dark waste, A reeling place has round. Theinnace for tvhich his spirit yearns, Is ever sought in vain, 'Till likothn•dove it homeward turns • And tindi its God again: "...cur_Depeudnuce upon f,i d. -The economy of the •-human; fratrte when seriously contemplated, has n ten- • dency, to excite admiration and astonish ment, and to impress us with a sense of --our continual dependence on a Superior POwer. What an immense multiplicity, of machinery must be in action to enable breathe, to feel and to walk Hun dreds. of 'bones of diversified forms, con nected together by various modes of ar ticulation ; hundreds of muscles to pro • duce motion, each of them acting in at least ten different capacities t hundreds of tendonitand ligaments to connect the bones and muscles ; ' hundreds of arteries to convey the blood to the remotest part of the system ; hundreds of veins to bring it back to its reservoir, ,the heart ; thousands of glands secreting. humours •• of various --kinds from the blood ; thou sands of lacteal and lymphatic t ,tubes, ab sorbing and conveying nutriment to , the -circulating fluid.; millions of pores, through which the perspiration is con tinually issuing ; 'an infinity of ramifica- i : Lions of nerves, diffusing- sensation throughout all the parts of this exquisite machine; and the heart at every pulsa tion exerting a force of a hundred thou sand—pouids, in girder to preserve , all this complicated machinery in constant operation ! 'The whole of thiS vast sys- - tem of'mechanism must be in action be in action before we can- walk across our apartments We admire the operation_ of a steam-engine, and the force it ex erts. Bucthougfi it is' constructed of _materials which the mines can suply, in a feiv months some a its_essential parts are worn and deranged, even although its action should be frequently discontin ued. But the animal machine, though constructed, for - the most part, of the soft • est and most flabby substances, can go on without- intermission in all its diversi fied movements, by night and 'by day, for the -space of eighty or a hundred , yeare! the heart giving ninety six thou sand strokes 'every twenty-four hours, and the whole mass of blood rushing through a thousand pipes of all sizes every four -minutes ! And is it man that governs these nice -and complicated movements? Did he set the heart in motion,, or endow it with the muscular force it exerts? Man knows neither the. secret springs of the Machinery within him, nor the half of the purposes for which they serve, or of the movements they perform. Can any - thing more strikingly demonstrate our dependence every moment on a Superi- • - or Agent, and that it is, -"in, God-we live and move, and have ourbeing, f" Were a single pin of the machinery within us, •and over which we have no ,conirol. ei ther broken or deranged, a thousand movements might-instantly be interrup, ted, and-our bodies left to crumble into the dust. It was considerations of this kind that led the celebrated physician Galen, who -was a sceptic in his youth, publicly to acknowledge that a Supreme Intelligence • must have operated in ordaining the laws by which living beings are constructed. And he wrote his excellent' treatise "On the-uses of-the-parts of-the human-frame," - as a solemn hymn to the Creator of the . world. "I first endeaver frotn His works," know 'myself, and after -Tie means to show him arm them, how great is goodness, his power."— [Dick's Christian Philosopher.] Hnoarledge 'We always fail when we judge of the fate of others. Life is double—an inter• ' lull and external life ; the latter often o- pen to the eyes of all, the former only -seen by the eye-of God. Nor is it alone those material t'hings which we conceal from the eyes of others, which . often make the apparently splendid lot in real. ,ity 'a dark one, or that which seems sad ore solitary, cheerful and light within.. Our characters, our spirits operate upon all that fate or accidentsubjects to them. We transform the events of life to our • own uses - , be those uses bitter or sweet; and as a piece of gold loses its form and solidity when d,ropped. into an acid, so the hard things of life are resolved by the operations of our minds-into things leasl. %resembling themselves. True, a life ,of study and of thought may seem to most ;men'a calm and tranquil state of exis tence. Such pursuits gently excite, -.and exercise softly and peacefully the highest`faculties of the intellectual soul, - but age brings with it indifference even to those - enjoyments—nay, it does more, it teaches us the vanity and emptiness of a man's knowledge. - We reach the bounds and barriers which God haspla- , ced across our path, with bitter (limp I ; po'ntment, atllife's extreme close that ien we know-all, we know nothing. / This' I Intve learned and it is all that I . have learned in eighty years, that the - nne knowledge really worth -pursuing is the knowledge of . God in -his word and in his Iverks=the only practical applica tiori- Of that sciende, to do good to all God's creatures. . . The' Sabbath • 1 . have -found,"-says the great Lord Chief Justice. Hale, ~b y a strict and dii igent observation, ihat a due observance of theduties •of Suuday has ever had joined to it a blessing upon the rest pf my . time ; and the week that has ,been so begun has been blessed and prosper ous to me:—And, on the other side, when I: have been negligent of the du-. tietv-V4his -day; the rest of '; : the- week. lid`.kle~ unhappy to my own secular em- Ployianto. So that I could - easily make • an estimate of. success the week fol lowing, by the manner of my: passing this day. • And do not write this light- , ly., but by lorig.tind sound experience," Tinist.s.—A Christian without trials would be like a mill without.wind or wa ter-; the'contrivance 'and design of the. wheel-work. inside would be unnoticed and unknown; without something to,',..ib u t ii in motion without. Mir would.:' our graces grow, unlese 'they were callt"3o' in to exercise; the trials and difficulties we meet with riot only prove, but' also strengthen thegraces of the Spirit. V a person were to sitatill, withbut making, use of his legs .'arms, 'he would probably soon MS& the . power of moving at all; but by walking and 'working, , he becomes strong and active.—Rev. J. Newton d licc [ lnucou~. , PETROLFM OR ROMMEL . 1 : ------- A:WATCRATIL - R.B11.E.151rt Riacured from a lire in Allegheny fcdanty, Pa., 4000 feet below the rarlh's surface. PUT tIY AND 801,0.. DV. BAWL NI. KIND, CANAL BASIN, 701 ST. VTITSBUItG, P.A. The healthful balm from Nature's secret spring, The bloom of health ' und life, to man will bring, As from , her lepths t he magic liquid flows, . To caltwour sufferings, and assuage our woes. • PETROLEUM- • rHIS great remedy of Nature,sfe.pented and fair trials has %versed its wato Popu ler Bivur. We need'hardly repent the dact . ,tha this is a pure, unadulterated NATURAL,MED IMNE, and is put up as it flows from the bosom of the earth, Without admiaiture. In these days- Of Nostrum vending; we do not wonder at the in ceeduaity evinced by the community, upon the introiltiction of a Xery Remeay , but that incredu lity shalt not suppress ti medic i ne, whose power— ful influence has mitigated—and cured so many diseases incidenit to our race; were we to will,- Ir,id a remedy like this front public notice, we should consider ourselves at guilty of •keeping back something, that Was - intended -to relieve mucligiuman suffering, and dispel the gloom and pain of many a one, whose system has for years Imi-wracked And tortured by the fell engines of Disease. Nay, do not wonder, gentle render, and join with others in the cry ;That it cures too many diseases; for, if you will take the trouble to run over the list of diseases for which it is re commended, you will find that they are diseases affecting thesatne kind of tissuos,and consequent ly IT IS APPLICABLE TO -I'LL. But the hest evidence in favor or is medicine arc the cures themselves. \Viten these stand out in hot it relief, and when he who-for years has suf fermi the tortures and pangs 131 an immedicattle lesion, which Isis been hastening him to the mar row % , :ause, speaks out in its praise,what 'better evide ce need be wanted I We have the cvi• deice in our possession; of many anonishing cures, w hich will be furnished to any one whore• ally doubta the efficacy of this wonderful remedy. The Earth, frotti which man wail created,lmars in her bosom remedies which if known,are ca -liable of restoring him to health and vigor, when prostrated by-sickness and disease ? It was qr. . opinion-ofthe-cele:arated Dr.—ltush,.tlint- there existed in Nature all antidote to every malady to which 'Man is liable. Every one is aware of the relief frequently obtaineilfrart Mineral Wa: ter.s., in - most chronic complaints. These singular medicaments, flowing out from clic earth, satura ted with so stances varied In their -character, and holding them in complete solution, bear am ple testimony to the litet,that they were emir pounded by the master hand of Nature, to repair the shattered vessels of our physical being, and 'set them with sails unfurled, prosperously upon lie sea of life. The Petroleum is one of this kind of remedies,- antl is endued with powegs,to relieve more ha- Mall suffering than any other ineditrine extant.— Whet, taken perseveringly and according to the direction s ,jt will cure—Diarrhoea, Piles, Rheu• statism, Gont, Neuralgia. Obstinate Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, Pimples on the Face Blotches, Piles, Chronic ,Sore Eyes, Ring Worm fetter, -Scald Head, Pains in- the -Bones, and .16i rats, nno all that -class of Diseases, in which alterative, or purifying Medicines are indicated. Sold,by S. W. Havt . wstiek and S.A. Hubbard, Carlisle ; J. C. & G. H. Altick, Shippenshurg- Ifood & Son, ii•pringfield ; Gilmore t•;. Sto igh, Newville ; Thomas Greason, Plainfield, Cuntheallind county. • September 4,'50-Iy. Jusltrance tompanies. The United States Life Insurance Annuity and Tiust Company. Charter Perpetual—Capital $2.50,000 Cash Sysh rrs4 TIIE constant, unsolicited application for Life Insurance, gives the most abundant -and gratifying proof that the public mind is deeply impressed with the Last importance of this subject. • The great object, however, of Insurance should be safety, otherwise the whole motive to -insure may be disappointed. Too much care cannot be practised in the selection of an office with which to effect the contract.— The choice should be regulated not,by present and constant largo inducements, as this, is cer tainly incompatible with future benefits. The premiums on life are calculated for the future, if present and prospective benefits therefore aro given, the result ultimately, must terminate in litigation, disappointment and ruin. The objet aimed at by this institution is stability and per petudy. The, rates of premium have been care fully prepared with reference to fluctuations.— The cash system of payments has also been adopted. Unpaid premium notes constitute no part of the assets of this company, and every contingencylming_fortified. with . au ample _caw_ ital, security stumps tae whole system. This feature, paramount-to all other considerations, commends the company to public favor, Ex planatory pamphlets, blanks. application papers information, and' very facility will be cheerfully urnished_by WM M. PENROSE, ,Esq., who has been duly appointed i agent ofthtseopany for Cumberland county. .11r. FUNKLE'ir has also been appointed Medical Examiner, Directors.—Stephen R. Crawford, Ambrose W Thompson, Benjamin W Tingley, Jacob L Florence, William M Godwin,'Faul B Goddard Lawrence Johnson, George M'Henry, James Pevereux, John L Linton.. President.—Stopheil R. Crawford. Vice-President.—Ambrose W. Thompson. Secreirrry & Treturtrer. , ---Charles G Imlay. .depiary.—Montiel Eyre. Corozset Attorney.—Thomas Examiners.—Paullß Goddard, M.D. William Popper, M: D. roue ly FIRE INSUR.A.NCE. VIE Allen and East .Pennsborough Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cumberland county ncorporated'by nti act of Assembly, is now fully organized, and its operation under the manage ment of the following commissioners, viz: • Jacob Shelly, Win R Gorgas, Michael Coch in, INlalchoir Brenneman; Christian Staynian, Simon Oyster, Jacob 1-1 Coover, Lewis flyer, Henry Logan, Benjamin II Musser, Jacob kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wickersham. The rates of insurance are eslest , and favora bl° ad any Company of the kind in the State.— Persons wishing to become members ate inviied to malts application to the agents of the compa ny, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. ' • JACOB SHELLY, President lIENRY,ILOGAN, Vice President. LEWIS Ilyrn, Secretary. CoculaN, Treasurer. octl7'4U. AGENTS Cumberland county.—Rudolph Martin, New Cumberland.,C B Herman, kingslown, Henry Zoaring, Shiremanstown, Robert Moore and Charles Bell, Carlisle, Isaac Kinsey, Meehan tosburgi3r. I. Ahl, Churchtown. York county. -4-John Sherrick; Lisburn, John Bowman, Dillsburg,Pater Wolford, Franklin John Smith, Esq.; Washington, W S Picking,• Dover, Driniel . Baffensberger, J W Craft. Harrisburg.—Hduser & Loclimam .Membersmf the company haling policies a bdut to expro can have them renewed by rhnk ng application, to any of tho agents. Iran and: Winter Clothing Money- Saved is Money Made. TZLOUTIVEAN &Ars F r W/.. - THEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING +STORE, on East Main street opposite Elliot's Drug Store, in the room formerly occupied by Mr. Unwell aan Clothing Store. Thankful to the citizens., of Carlisle and vicinity for their increased custom,-we a gain request their company to view our large and splendid assortment of Ready:M ' ade Cloth ing for FALL -AND • 'WINTER WEAR. Our stock consists of all kinds of COATS, PANTS, VESTS, and Gentlemene Wearing Apparel in . general, suitable for the seasno, cut and made In the most workmanlike manner and of the. latest Fall and Winter Fashions. All who wish to fey& us with o call can save from two - ivy-five 'Co fifty par cont. by buying at our store, and all goods sold warranted to give en tire satisfaction. [sepl2s. Brushes ! "Brushes ! A' groat variety of these (adiil articles is ferod for sale; consisting of Whitewash, Swes3l' ing, Sembbing, Painters, loth,' Shaving, Hair, Teat uartt Nail, 'Flesh and Graining Brushes in 4 great. variety, all of Which are of the best gulf ty and' Will be eold at the lowest prices lune. 6. • . • • S ELLIOTT • ' To Shoemakers. • - Gi l GROSS died elidee JennyiLindehoee, ,)jeet received by G W LITTNER. Bug 28, 1850.'•' • WRTBERILL'S PURE WHITE LEAD and 5 toenail LINSEED' OIL just re ocivpd by' the eubserlber to be cold cheep. . :angl4 • . ■ :11•811.XTON. • . ttarto St,• Stpws. --- (Wear _Bargains! wetted from' the Subscriber, as ho hasjust received t. new and-splendid as sortment Of WINTER 'GOODS, which. he offers to his. customers =and others , who may favor him with exalt at,great Baigains ! • CLOTHS AND CASS/MERES, satinetavvelvet cords. Ky. jeans,' scarlet, yel -1 !low, white_and.Canton Flannels, tickings. - mus- I Ains, tashmOres, de lanes, alpacas, Co birg cloths, gloves; .hOsiery, Irish linen, com forts, &c, SHAWLS! SHAWLS ! ! - - - - A large and splendid -assortment of Long and -Square Shawls, 'at all prices to suit the times. BOOTS AND SHOES Also f .Boots and Shoos, which he is deform ined to sell low, at his stand, in North Hano first store below Haverstick's Drug Store. vet- street,' Carlisle. J. G. CARMONY. SUPERIOR FRESH GROCERIES I Latest arrival. ?TIRE cheap Family Grocery Store of Jo t seph D. Halbert, West Main street, Car lisle, has just received a large and fresh supply of the best FAMILY GROCERIES that the Philadelphia markets can afford. The subscri ber hap just returned from the city, and • would respectfully - invite his friends and the public generally, botii in , town and country, to call and examine for themselves his large and •in creased stock, which embraces all the articles usually kept in his lute of business. Such as Rio, Java and St Domingo and Lagtura Coffee ; Imperial, Young Hyson and . Black Teas, of very superior quality and Sever; Lavering's crushed, loaf, falling loaf, and loaf sugars, or ange grove, clarified New Orleans and breivit Sugars of every grade and quality, with, price to suit. Honey, sugar house, Orleans and syrup Molasses. Spices of all kinds, which lie will .warrant time and .frell ground. Brooms, Ce dar and- painted buckets, churns, tubs, half bushel measurecusbutter‘bowls, butter prints butter ladles, . wash rubbers, &c Clothe4° fancy sewing, traveling' and market baskets of all kinds.. Castile, fancy, rosin and. country SOAPS:AIso,•a general assortment of chewing and smoking TOI3ACCO, spaniel) Miff spanish and common CIGARS. Ropes twines, and Brushes of all kinds. Prime CHEESE always on hand. Sperm, Winter, 'strained Elephant and Common OILS. GLASS, QUEENSWARE.—I have also added to my already large Bieck, a number of sew patterns of White Granite and fancy tea sets. with CROCKERY WARE of-every . de-, fcription,lwhich sell the lowest prices ••• . • . Feelinggratefulifor the liberal patronage here tofore bestowed upon him by a generous public, the subscriber tenders them his hearty & sincere thanks, and hopes that in his efforts to plena° and particular attention to business, to merit a continuance of their support. March 20, 18.50. JOS. D. HALBERT. Gpitten Horse Motet, , , ADJOINING THE COURT HOUSE, CARLISLE; PA THE subscriber having lewd the above 'large and commodioni HOTEL, situated on the corner of the Public Square and Stiuth Hano ver street, and lately occupied:li) Ben!. GEsh ileinti, begs leave—to announce to his friends and the public that he is prepared to entertain I them in a manner which cannot fail to meet their approbation. THE HOUSE has the most pleasant loca tion in the borough—has been .newly furnished and otherwise improved, and no pains will be ePared to make •those who may. sojourn with him, comfortable during their stay. His par lors are large and well furnished, and his cham hers supplied with new and comfortable bed ding. • HIS TABLE will be supplied wi h the best the market can afford, and all who are connect ed with his house will be foundiattentive care-, lid and oliliging. LITHE BAR will contain the best liquors the city can produce. HIS STABLING is entirely new and exten sive, capable el accommodating from 50 to - GO horses--making it a desirable stopping place for DROVERS, and will be attended by a skil ful Ostler. in short, nothing will be wanting calculated to add to the comfort and conveni ence of those who - may favor him with their patronage. BOARDERS taken by the week, month, or year D:7 - TER IIIB MODERATE. feb6', . JOHN HANNAN Webb's Washing Powder, A great saving of labor. soap and time, with out any RUBBING by washing 'beards, Ma• chines, or with the hands, and preventing all wear and tear of clothes. Warranted not to injure the finest fabrics. Price, 123 cents. Sold wholesale and retail .at Dr. Rawlins' Drug and Variety Store, Main et. Carlisle, and at his Medical Rail ; North _Queen at. Lancas- ter. N. B. All orders filled at 141anufactureee prices. June 5-Iy. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters. ;—wizer-ntot,,rnek-r-orro,,,TE-rnE-msruoraz CIIIIRCH. TIIS,- Ai N .PORTER invites ilia attention of thepoblie to his large and complete as• sortmqnt of BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, just received from Philadelphia, including a v netv of "His experience in the Slt business, enables him to select work of the b 'Materials and workmanship, which will beso at the loweq(c:tish price and watnintel. igremstomer work attended to a usual. Coal! Coal: THE subscriber is now prepared to furnish FAMILIES with the best quality CLEAN STONE COAL at the lowest rates. Orders left at 11. Saston's Hardware Store or nt the yard opposite Hoover's Lumber. .Yard, will be promptly filled. A Iso._Just received from the mines 100 TONS NUT COAL lor Limo, burners, 1500 bushels Bituminous Coal for Blacksmith's. sell H. WRI G lIT. COAL! COAL ! THE subscriber has just received at his Coal Yard, at the West and of Iligh street, a supe rior/ quality of Willtesharr Pinegrove,Lylien's, Valley, Lime burners' at d ' lllacksmiths' COAL which he is prepared t sell at recltned ,prices. He,lxesPectfully Folic' s the patronage of the .peciple of Carlisle an vicinity. oct9 • W B MURIC 6 V, Alit'. NOTICE, NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made to the Legislature of this Commonwealth at its next sessicin, ler a char ter for a bank with general banking privileges, to be located in Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa., with a capital of One Iluntfred ' Thousand Dollars, and to bpi-ailed the Carlisle Bank. 13,4256-Gm' Black Silk Laces; &c. • A VARIETY of• Black Silk Laces, T hro a - and Cotton Laces, Valenciennes Ed gngp Linen Bobbin. Edgings,.just opened by sept2s - G. W. HITNER Tare Satins and Silks. THE subscriber has just opened 'olgenertil assortment of Turn Satins of 'voriouti coloure. Also; Changeable Silks in variety, to which he invites the attention of the Ladies of Carlisle and vicinity [nova] G W. HITHER. • Children's Stockings, AFULL assortmen t itisortmen: of White , Merino Hose of nil siies for Children.-- Also, Ladies Hose in groat variety just opened by G W HITNER. Lead Colored Bonnets. . ANEW supply of Lead Colored Bonnets just received at the store or ect23 " G W lIITNER. • American Oil.. . JUST received a fresh supply of American Oil. For solo by' A C FETTER, oct23„ No 148 • North Llanovcr. at. Long Shawls": A(p2 EAT 'voriety of Long howls from the celebrated Bay State Mills. Also, Square Shawls of 'various kinds just received. • .octtO , • G %V HITNPR. •• UOSZEIRIZ. A. GENERAL' assortinent of Ladies mird Childrons', Stockings, cons'stkg of Ingrain and Spun 811,k Cashmere, Merino, Lambs Wool & Cotton just 'opened by . .nov6 . ' ' G ROPES. AFULR assortment of ROPES'just. received _ by the subscriber. ' Also ,Gines Tubes for ightmng Roqs,for sole abet+ , augn ' • ' ' H. 'SAXTON.. ' -Ribbons. Ribbons. THE subscriber is now opening 'the chea p-', eat lot of Bonnet and Cap Ribbon,. over offered ! in . Carlisle,,and,Wevld advise the ladies to call soon and get eom- .f tho bargains, , ' oct3o ~. ..• -:• H: IV-HITHER... 4 . . _ . Alisaltaitiotts. GREAT, oougt -REMEDY. . . q•--.oa c ‘ ',' ''' s. ~ - ( I 4: '''',4-,%-t:g ...4-• I' l. , 11 f.,;...,,.r;:' ` 7 4 3 :•=jr-,., _ •"' tAie.4.-1 ''' V,.- i -, ...- n . .• ,i'..:".tiy, 'Lt.: . j..-, i t '..• w.: I,• ;: nsa r, .1-- ,, 7,1 frill' -.f : 0...:•!--:-z-..;.,.14.,_ • ..--1- Am, •-:: •.'...- - i... ', f.:ISI • ' CHERRY PECTORAL: the Coro of coLps, .310,ARSEPTESS, BROM. CEEITIS, CROUP, ASTE WA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND .00NSUIVIPTION. In offering to the community this justly cele brated remedy for ditiCtise# of the threat and lungs, it is not one wish to trifle with the live or health of thenfff cted, but frankly tO;lny fore 'hem tlfe Opinions of distil, oldie& men and some of the evidences of its success, h o in which they can judge for themselves. We sincerely pledge out sclvewto make t‘b wild 'assertions or Wee statements or its efficacy, iron Will we hold out any hope suffering humanity'ivhich facts will not warrant: • • Many proofs are here F i ven dud w e•sol felt an inquiry from the public into all we publi sh , feel log assured they will find them perfectly reliabe mid the medicine worthy their , hest ,confidence and patronage. - FRONI BENJ.SILLIN I AN. M. 13., L. L. D. Cle Professor of Chemistry, Minei•aology,6lc , Yafir - College, Member of the Lit. Hist. Med. Pll.l. anal Srlen. Societies of Ameri-a anal Europe. "I cloilis the CHERRY PECTORAL an ad mirable'composhion from some of the best tar tides in the Materin Medica l nail a very effect• ice remedy for the class of diseases it is intend ed to care " New Haven, Ct., Nov. 1, 1849. Prof CLEVELAND, of Bowdoin College, Mc Writcs—" I . have witnessed the effects of y Our 'CHERRY PECTORAL' in my own family nod that Of my friends, and it gives me satisfaction toe stide, in its favor that no medicine I have even konwsk. luis. proved no, tatnitiently successful • i curfg diseases of ttrk thloat and lungs" REV., DR. OSGOOD Writes—" That he considers 'CHERRY PEC.. TORAL' the best medicine For Pulmonary affec tions Over given to the public," and suites that, "his daughter being , ' obliged to keep the room _feur months with a severe settled cough,accom panied by-raising of lilood,dat sweats, and the attendant symptoms of consumption, coin menacal the use of the 'CHERRY PECTORAL.' and had completely recovered." HEAR THE PATIENT. Dr. Ayer—Dear Sir: For two years I was afflicted with a very Severe cottgli,necomPpanied Too spitting of blood and profuse night sw eats . By the advice of my attending physician I was induced to use you , . tIiERRY PECTORAL, and continued to dirt so till I considered myself cured, and ascribe the eißct to your preparadon. JAMES RANDALL. Ilaron - len se. Springfield, Nov. 27. 1848. This day appeared the above named Jame Rniulalt,nod pronounced the above ;statemen true in every respect.. LORENZO NORTON, Justice. THE. REMEDY THAT CURES, PortTL. , krni,.l4llc,_,lrtn : 19,1547 . _ Dr. Ayer; I have been long afilieted with Asthma which - grew yearly worse until lastra mmi, it brought on a cough v loch confined me . n my chamber, and began to assume the alarm ng symptoms of consumption. I had tried the best advice and the best medicine to no put-pose, until I used your CHERRY I'EcToRAL, which has cured me, and you may well believe me.— Cratefully-yours If there it any value in the judgment of the vise, who speak from experience, here is a med. eine worthy of the public confidence. PREPAWER _EY J. C. ATIL.LS, CIIEMIST, LOWELL, I= Sold by Dr. Rawlins, S. A.-Hubbard & Dr. S. EIHOU, Carlisle; Dr. Ira Day, Meebaniesbdrg; H. Herron, Newville;J.q. &..J.l3.,Altick Ship pensburg; Enid druggists generally. coNsu mai ha all Christ mixed nod civilized c'euntries, has caused larger proportion of dea th s than any telLerlll.ln , o dint af tlilan the buzitu family;, and, until within a fiev years, there has not leen any certain remedy to stop the dev UOll of thatdeer° cr. But now— BRA- T'S INDIAN • PULIWONARY BALSAM vases very warty of the most stemyly marked and drvrlved ohm PUL,IO.IIV CONSUMPTION— , eTti, ..11 , ted emue of accreted and diseased MINUS--such /1011.1.Ess essen no were never before cured by any other ineilletee. So utter. ly hGpritn were some of the afflicted persons, as to have Leers prenouaeed by Physicians nod friends to be ACTUAL LY DYINL. Sowletwho had their Ifflrial-cluthea tunde,linya been eured. trio! vet live; others, who if 'Wm said would not live another day, are now m.well and hearty m they eyes yrre. It possessive all the cleansing and purifying virtues nearly as powerful and active na the preparation which we call GRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. The Balsam differs from the Extenct, because it possesses jmijaltions which are p_ouliasiv arplfited trf. men tiallym.oUsoryjrne if . " COUGHS AND CONSUMPTIONS, .udly pru eo fatal under ordinary trenmuuq whoa thou ultackthe Bretist, Tlitont, LIIUg and Wart IIn,TIALSAM llr.aLs AND CUREPULc It 3 in the I.UNGS,„: nndelke_Nvlle;ro internally, no eertisiuly rasity - ot_fher Pu. I:11,111C ESTICACT corn and heals nicer. externalisf. This Ital.:int cure. NINE eases of Cough. and Consumption out of EN, niter all other remedies have failed to do good. Thousands of Consumptions and Chrmtie Coughs abundantly prove its oufaiting elms, sncl, diseases, and Its undonbted curative power, and roothing, be.ding properties, in 1110 following complaint" 'ilo.iinsoz, viz.: .vz.ining of Mood, Bloriling at the Lonfr Pain io MTV: og Sole, Niyoft.Stronis, Norm. 00*- pliliefir. Pet:pitallo."ll7" Rear:, Choler tz Illant on:, Dyson, and Sugurler, Complunite ['bin:too oral, and an FEMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS, Nu remedy ulranssi to the . public has ever been fusif au rertain and c ff ecttusi in restor i ng ALL the Incidental ncediralesi ses soul irreipdaritiee of tine aer, tttBRA:T'S PULMONARY BALSAM. It Innkes no ditierence ' wwhether.,thedernuaement be suppression, room, or other Inenhnness—it REGULATES ALL, by ft,,,fithereinra the OVATINA, &Arian:ring file CIRCE:LA. TioN, era /notfvo• — •-,.... olieweiv NERVOUS IeIuTARILJTY jeno CONSUMPTION. 41 " A• DYING WOMAN CURED I We Cote this Mire to prove the TN.,. TO SAVE moo when this PALSAM in used, even infer line Person is von. sidsoned hp idnysielaris tandfriends to be In t h e toot stages of disuses—lletually UTIN,I-6114, In this ease, so FAR ninny., Vent Use ring On and BULUAIeCLOTHES were bought! Vet the partieeWs of tads eolith nutl the respectable arid tanifinebtr eel proof of ail the circumstances soul facto, we ref, to out . . . cure wan ofrOttad 'on 111 no. %IBA. DYKIIMAN, of &Ham, C p n , Mrptoga 0..4,, N. I'. Wo can !wove, be • yowl n doubt, MInVAiLTIO, abxo;t rqugiip liopetovs, no d oxtruhlt r"os of' Canyht 'and Conrumplienr C UREA e$ wore pronounced incurable by SKILFUL P111.101•NS. FITS, FITS, ?ITS Messrs. J. K. LIPPINCOMT S SON, respectable raen natlymrt,.Wicesn county, Pennayfranto, wrote yy us. Met 12.1249. etutiuy, among other net...ems whlcli . bnO beets derived foist Ibis tottt'd BRANT'S PULMONARY BALSAM, that ono of bole customers bad Mat informed 11, that hcr eldld, which Lad been subject to FITSIV weal V.l 1., was cured by the Imo of iluANT's lIALS ' ('O3IPLAJINT—DYSPEPSIA. Srr uur ramplOols fur Wu curea enctell by lIRANTS UIJAI?LtLJ 414 to I SuAltir.s. CoNII.I,INTS, ill children or groan pereena nrcti pithruf any failure to/Winer. Aleo— 01-10L.E.RA -IN FA NTU ' Nu 111011”, need evrr mourn the death or bur child by thatc,,tl.l.,leotroyln,.: complaint, when Lathrop In vurm s v,ohcr—Ondera lufitotton, what is •calltal SUMMER C , 411.1.i11CC-11 "BRANT'S PULMONARY BALSAM" a,tlll.llll,ed ullllO Child. „IL •11011111, 111/WeVer, mini rnzeu,ho 11,N1 in nuke in large potions as the dire ctions on mach bottle moperibe, until tho coropiniul ht chocked "For stile byl.T. , W. RAWLINS &S. W HAVERSTICK; Carlialo, J„C Gl3 Altick and W D E Kam Shipponabuyg—rWm Lloyd, Lisburn—J F Spahr, Mechanicsburg—lL 11er ren, Nowville—A C Klink, 13loci-afield—Bea ver and Hahne, Milleratown—J 'A Linn &- Co Ickosburg 7 -S Low, Nowport—J NrEouglass, Chaniberaburgr-.1 L Shearer. Dillsburg7—J Martin Lutz, Harnsbcrg All letterer and orders mat be addressed to Wialaco& Cot, 106 Broadway, New York. • WATER PROOP BOOTS. TUST.recoived- a large lot. of Men'fi, Water WV Proof Doom of superior finally, which will be sold cheap. , N W WOODS, Ag't. -* POTOMAC BAGGING. . ABALE of No, I Potomac Bagging, suite do for bags for farmers, jot received whicb Twill sell cheap. oct23 ' W :WOODS, Ag't. • BOOTS & _SHOES. ' JUST roceived a largo assortment of Mon Women and "Childron's Boots and Shoes, Wil lis! Doublo 'Soled nilualcins and Jenny Lind Shoes, which I can soll vory.ehonp, - 023 •. 0 - N9W WOODS, Ag't. 300 B e.o U i S v :i d E a L n S d o f ib C r 0 . 12 a i t n e thel i v ir ar r e e: use of • 3 ,1 1;13 ,MURRAY, Ag't. ARNOLDS writing fluid,'s ve - au Tinorihr !vik. for sale of 111131 4 4 ry R D 1 / 116 TONS Hampered and Railed IRON 11.• V jaet.reeeheed at, the Cheep Store of the übseriher in Main etreet. H .SAXTQ N. augl4 . ; lT plyilabelpijia . B, THESE celebrated and justly acknowledged superior goods,,in the. latest colorings and most ,improved styes, will be furnished by the subscribers in' soy quantity, at the very lowest prices. Purehasers will, please notice that the genuine Bay State fabrics bear tickets corresponding wall the above cut, and they will also be distinguished from all other Wool en Shawls by their superior finish, fineness of texture and brilliancy of colors. Orders so licited from all sections of the country ; and the same Will be promptly attended Purcha sers wib also find in 'our Shawl department - a large assortment of all the other most improved mattes, and newcm designs of American, French and Seritch Woolen Shawls, embraCing a great variety of plain ang medmin styles for friends. Also, Superior Long and Square Shawls in latest styles and-lrest manolnewre, Illgh lustre black and colored silk Shawls, ',twins Black and Mode Colorod Thibet SShnwls, writ silk and woolen frintirs, Paris Primed Cashmere 'and Terkerri Shawls, Plain and Embroidered Crape Shawls, New Style printed Palm Shawls Neat Figured Paris Brochn Shawls, Lupins, Black and Mode Colored Tbibet Long Shawls, Plain ~Bound Seal Skin Shawls, Plnin Mode Colored French Terkcrri' Shawls, fringed and bound, Plight•quartsr French Mode Colored Thibet Cloth, measuring full two yards wide for Shawls, binding to match, White and Col. ored Barcelona and Genoese Shawls; &c. Kr WHOLES A I.E AND RETAIr...JA ROBER'I I'OLOCK & CO. NO. IS Sunlit SECOND Sr., P LADI'LIII IA . Fall allillineryGoods. ,TOPINSTON.I3 & EONS ../n4 or/o.s and Defriero SILKS, RIBBONS & MILLINERY - GOODS, JV 45 South 2(lStreet!4Philtultlithia. . • AVE meowed by Ince arrivals Irom'Prance IZ n large and very desirable assortment of FALL AII.I.IINE I? GOODS., among which will be found Bonnet Velvets of all colors in variety of pete , Satins Corded Velvets . " Figured,-Watered nod Coto - NI Bonnet Good s Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a large assort men t French and American Floiurs. _ --_ ._ _ ._ Laces, Bonnet Tabs ? Crowns, Ifuctrtime, &c., together with a splendid assortment of Paris Fancy Feathers. rat--- The above goods were selected by 'one of the firm in France, and will be sold at the very lowest prices. [septlB;so PIANE FORTE WAREROOMS, .Nb.. 171 CHES.VUT STREET, PIILLADVI: THE OLD STAND, ocqupird for more than oar.-!bird of a century, by G. Haug, ER,. TFIE undersigned would inns( respectfully announce to the public Clint lie is AGENT for more than twenty of the most -4. , ...„••=,7FrivA Celebrated . nTimitlact:urcie of 130 - - NIiNV., YORK, PHILA- I DELPIIIA, and elsewhere; and is constantly receiving front them PIANOS 0 the richest and most varied styles, of superior tone, and of ihe most superb finish, of 6. 61, 61, 61, and 7 , , Octaves, which are warranted 'equal to any manufaCtured either in this country or in Europe. ' Just received, also, afurther supply of Church and Parlor Organs, of heantiful. patterns and fine tones. 3, D. PHELPS His WARERO OMis constanilT stipplied with a choice selection of SERAPHINES and MELODEONS, front the oldest and most ex• tensive manufactories in the United States; ri• mong whien is a new style of REED ORGAN having Carhart's patent improvements, with gilt plies in front, and case elegantly carved, and 'highly ornamental. Tan ing and Repa Salyndor La Grassa, a distinizmished Piano Forte Manufadte• rer and Organ Builder, will attend to all orders. sept4,'so OSCAR C B ARTER. PERFUMERY DEPOT DON'T be, “reeived. Country Merchants and - Da - 52[3 who \vont god and cheap PE/FUMERY and FANCY, SOAPS should call upon JOHN T CLEGG . , Perfumer and Chemist, 4.8 .1/o, &et St., below 2d, Philadelphia, who has coinun tly on hund P.ERFCMLRY and FANCY SOAPS. of every description, Powders, Hair Oils, Ox Marrows, Colognes, Hair Dyes, &c., &c. 100,000 persot's have read my adiertisemeh t in the Public Lrdger, hundreds of whom have called and been convinced of the advantage an purchasing direct from the matinfacturer, Agency for Ferran's Circassian Hair Oil Orders from any part of the United State.4' I be promptly attended to. ang.Pso,ly JOHN 7-CLEGG.. ECONOMY IS WEALTH Light ! Light !\ Light! ! Pine 011, Camphine & Hiedal Fluid, d - I F acknowledged superiority and purity, 1J manufactured. and for sale at the lowest Wholesale prim„ by DAVIS & HATCH, at the old establi,hed.m:and of the late Bodo min.T. Davis, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY, where orders by Mail or otherwise are solicited, and prompt attention given. The voice of the public for fifteen years, ani the sword of a Silver Medal, and complimentary notice by the Franklin Institute over all competitors, is sufficient evidence of the mkellence of oar Oil. Turpentine, Rosin, and Spir its of Turpentine, fur sale Wholesale and Re tail, at the lowest prices. - [oct3o 0)11. & Jul Rowe, air A N UVACTUR ERS and wholesale deal -119 eft itBROO S, BASk I; 'l' S nnd WOOD WARE, have retrieved to the large store lately occupied by Messrs. Sellers & Da vi, where they have opened an extensive stock of, Eratern and City made _BROOMS and 01)0 WARE,Ewhieh - they are now selling ut lie lowest manufacturers prices. WI assortment of Bristles, Brmaes, Mats Cordage, fir... constantly on hand No North Third Street, 3 doors below Race, Ph dolphin j 7;'50 P . . . . . MACICE'REL, - 1 , SHAD, CODFISH, SALMON. Constantly on hand HERRINGS, . and for sale by PORE, J. PA LNIER & Co., HAMS ND SIDES, . Market Sreet Wharf, SHOULDERS, PHILADELPHIA. LARD & CHEESE, . POPULAR BILELOVie, . BY THE FIRTH of TROUTMAN & MAY ' Dear Gentlemen, take our advice, To,cvcry one we make our call, If you would have a coat that's nice. . Look at Troutman & May's Cheap Clo thingflall. Here arc Dresses of all kinds, Fine and coarse, and also Cheap— , Ploaso oxamMO and you'll find, • For your money quite a heap. ' Fronk aro goods for everyisenson, 'Thick and stout, neat and thin ; All that you can wish in reason, • If you doubt it just drop int Mrs ere.Frecic and Borly:Conts, ' Both With low and standing collars; SomeWint Mutton round tho throat, To he had for a few dollars. Fiore is every style of Vest; And all sorts of Pantaloons, You can choose what suits you beet, 'Eve, or morn, or afternoon. Here are Hacks and Roundabouts, Overalls and Jackets Green, Please to look and you will find, . Here We cheapest over, aorta Here are light °ono for the Sprina Fancy donde for &miner wear, You.will find thenijust the thing. Nothing butter anywhere. • . . Shirts and Bosorna may be found, -Poelcat,liandkerehieth nod Glover. Scarfs to Lie your neck mound, When you seek your lady loves. . • e Hero are . Crape, Sunpondere, htoilta, Collura, very nice indeed,' . Clean andinice, in paper box, Jnat the thing that_you will heed. If we ialk )d a day about them, We could scarcely tell you all, •••••• ••.;„'' Gentlemen can't do without them—) . -Then.'dear frirl!Els,liim on a call. • BAY STATE SHAWLS otebicines. Price Reduced ! VAUdHN'S . urnoNTßlrric,! Oil Largo Botlloac—Only Ono Dollar. rho Proprietor of the Greot Aleut= Remedy Vanuatu's , VESIETATIL.LITRONTRIPTIO MIXTURE, " induced by the urgeasluolicitations of his - Agents;:tliroughout -the-Uniter. States and Canada, bus now Reduced the.,Price. ofhis popular and well known article; and from this dale henceforth, he will pot' tip but ono size only,—lda attar bottles:—the retail poke will .be ONE DOLLAR. The public nifty rest assured that the character of the llfedi eine, its strength„ and curative mopertics 'WILL ROHM! UNCIIAMOSiI; and the same Cate will be bestowed in pm paring . it as heretofore. ads this Medicine, under reduced price, will be purchased by those who have not hitherto made themselves acquainted with its virtues, the proprietor wolifd beg to intimate that Id/ article is not to be classed witlethe veld amount of "Remedies of the day ;" it claims for itself a greater healing Power, iv all diseases, than any other preparation now before the world rind has sustainer •iself for eight years by its superior medical virtues, and, until this reduction,commanded double the price of any other article in this line. NOTICMPARTICULARLY, this article acts with great - heal Ing power and certainty, upon the Blood, Liver, ladneyv,. Lunge, and all other organs, upon the proper lotion of tvllichiiie cuts henith depend. has a justly high repute no a remedy for Dropsy and Gravel, and 'all diseases of that nature. It may do relied upon whey Ate intelligent physician has abandoned his patient,—and fo' these distreeling diseases, more especially DROPSY, the propel !tor would earnestly and honestly recommend it. At it, nreFent price it is easily obtained by all, and the triagi&jll prove the articht to ho the Cheapest Medicine in the World: CH" Please ask for pamphlets— the agents give them away they contain over sixteen pages of receipts, (in addition to fol medical matter) valuable for household purposes; and NOIIO will nave many dollars per year to practical housekeepers. These receipts ere introduced to make the book of grew value, aside from Its character as an advertising medium for the medicine, the testimony .in favor of which, in the form of letters from all parts of the country, may be relied upon., IV" " Vaughn's Vegetable Lithentriptio Mixture " the Great American Remedy, now for retain quart bottles at $1 each, small bottles at 60 ets each. No small bottles will br Issued oiler the present stock is disposed of. Principal Office, Buffalo; N. Y., 207 Main Street, • G. C. VAUGHN. - sold va - olesale - arid Retail by-OLCOT' CO., 127 Maiden Lam Now York City. N. 13.—A1l letter" (excepting from og. whom ho tmemets business) must be poet ill be given to them, S W El uverstlck, .T C & G IS Ahick,:hhpensburg, Rusk. 4 & Dice, Dickinson, J I• Spahr, Meeharii-,gurg A H Znger, Kingstuwn. ECM SPLENDID ST tIIA ul FAILL DRV GOODS, OAT, R/CE - Hamilton, Easter eko., - NOS grrI3:CLTIM-011.E-STREET.--- INVITE the attention of wholesale and retail purchascis to their stock of Freth hall GOODS, fnostly of their own impartation, which will be fontid tuna the largest and most varied ever offered in Baltimore, and for every article of whiclrthe lowest price is named at once. - Included will be found—Rich Brrcade, and other Dress Silks, splendid meoium arid low priced do., ri-di black Silks, in plain; tigur'd ar.d F.:1611 strip'd, real old fashioned Gros.Giain Black .Silks ' figur'd and plain Satin de Chines; in changeable and solid colors, very handsome Prink do Soie, in solid color;, even ing 'Dross Silks. in white and light rolt4s,iti a Beautilul variety, Bonnet and Millinery Sillts in great variety. Modes,'Mareclines, Eforences, - DRESS GOODS. Rich watered and plain Tabbinets, brocade Cashmeres, rich priced Cashmeres and Mon selinos, neat figued De Laines, for children, plain Mouselines, 1;1 modes and high colors, changeable Lyrnese Cloths, Coli'iirgs, Sylva men, (entirely. new,l dleap Mouselines and Cashthercs, low and Wiedium priced •Dress Goods, in every variety of new designs, ninny of whisk are in styles confined exclusively to Our sales, 300 pieces Lupin's superior French Merinoes, in all colors, 130 pieces 6-I English Merinses and .silk warp Lyonese Cloths, In this department we have also a large slot k ol Bombazines and Mourning Goods in every va riety, embracirig the most select shades of Black and Second Mourning, and choice arti cles for Family Mourning. `- In LINEN GOODS - Mid DOUSEKEEP ING FABRICS we have more than our usual leading stock. including the very best Shirting Linens of Richardson's and Barklie's 'make, Pillow Linens of all widths, Linen Shectings, of every description, Cotton Sheeting:, sup'r Blankets, Quilts, Flannels, 'fable and Piano Covers, Floor Baize and Floor Cloths, of all widths and sizes. listen Crrumb Cloths, Tattle Damasks, Diapers, Napkins, Towellings, Stair Linens, rich curtain Goods, of vartops styles. lace an d muslin Curtains, worsted Damagks and Moreens, and in fact every article rin the Dry Goods line which may be required by House keepers, Hotels, Steamboats, &c. THE SHAWL ROOM tenaSre-ond-maggnitiNent stock ve-and-magnifi stock of lone. and- square-Cashmere - Camel's Aair, with Clishmere border, entirely new, rich embroidered and plain Crape, Long and Square Sewell Woollen Shawls, Sewell Woollen Shawls for children, "I3ny Slate Mills" Shawls of -MI Inn -varions-m-yles- made-by-them,and- I mostly of patterns made expressly for us, nod which Minton be had elsewhere. Black and - fawning Shawls. iii great vartery. Cloaks, Mantillas :old Saes. Wide and Nnrrow SILK VELVETS, in ail colors. , MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS AND MEN'S WEAR. In choice styles of superior French Cloths, of BMWs and other best makers. Doeskins, English and Domestic Cassimeres. Ftniey Woolen, Silk and other Vestings, f-3erges, Silo sins, Pathlings, ClllmVass, Sewing Silk, &c. Also, a splendil stock of Gents Crayons, Scarfs, Fancy Neck Ties, Silk rind Linen of new styles, Gloves of nll kinds, Hosiery, Silk and Merino under shirts and Drawers, Suspen Mrs, &c. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, lIOS - TER - Y & MEM havo also a very: choice lot of .Embruid , eries and Laves, (from the most fashionable Establishments in Paris,) Melt:ding rich Muslin. and Lace Caps, Chemizetts, Berdics, Collars, Sleeve,: and Culla, real black and whim Laces, real Lace Capes sad Falls, Valenciennes Limes Edgings pad 4usertings„superior Hosiery. and Gloves of every description ' emb'd and mien. hemmed-stitched dlntldlterchicfs, clear Lawn do.. mourning L C IRuctllt'ls, fancy Cashmere India Emb'et Scarfs, fussy Bags, &.e., Chemi• zetts, Prints and white Muslin Goods. French and Ens!. Chintzeit, rich furniture Prints,•M great variety, Cambric, Mull, Swiss. Book and Jaconet Muslins,.Jaconct and Skies Edgings and Insertings, Bands and blorences. HEAVY GOODS FOR FARM HANDS A N D — SER N Ts. Wp 4ve on hand dvcry description of goods entering into general, consumption, flint v , e think will give antinfnation:w the consumer, all of which we-are enabled from the extent of cu, o of our business, to buy on the very best terms and sell at a moderato profit. Having for every article a fixed pricO, (without, nlintemont,) per• slits not fully acquainted with the value of goods, have every assurance ;that in dealing with us, they pay the snmp price as the most experienced ' -purchasers. - • An examination of Goods and Prices solicited Baltimore, Oct 2, 1850-3 m 111 ' ti I I ), 0 A MUEL A. DUB BARD, having purchas od of Mr. Murk A , Sturgeon, his stock of Drugs, - Medieines .&c.. would respectfully so licit a share attic public. patronage, at the old Oland, 'corner of Pitt and RiglkStrects, - opposito tho Rail Road depot. ' Ile will keep constantly , on. hand, an assort ment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Piiints; Oils, Dye.Stulfs, Perfumery, and n variety of fancy tirtielda; which he is determined to sell He will give hip personal attention to the busi ness, and particularly to putting up prescriptions, A liberal deduction made for Physicians coon trY MerehatilKAiid•Ndias. • Feb.l:3, 1850.' • • . FIRET ARRIVAL OF Roots and Shoes FOR. THE FALL SEASON 'A'l' . r O.RA. E SEC E STORE. latain street , near. the Rail Road Dopol, CMPRISING 1 11en'a, - ..Boy's:and Youth's Calf% Kip and, aonrso Boots 'and Brogans, whmh nrc - warranted to ho.-of the best quality, undies Gaiters, Buskins ' and French Tics, MisScs and Chiliirens home' and shoes in great variety: Also. an eltionnt assortment of - GUM SHOES and BOOTS, with, 611 tho lute im provcments and warranted Perfect.. Having purchased those gum shoos trorn the - agenton. ilia manutlioturor,4 am authorised to GIVE NEW PAIR iri place of any that prove defective in wenring. • flnving n large stock of ,FrOncli. Calf Skim., Morocco;- , Kidl'.&c:, and gdoiLworlinien,.o/ory attention is given lei, customer ivorlcnk Omit neptitli ..' • r WM. M. POR'BER., 311 ipoeibeiki Valuable School Books, -- and for. rale by all the ÜBLI Slim) By TRomAK,t2owi'lLTll IIELI'III \, . WAITE br.00.,253.11,1ARKET STREET; aellers 111 the-United Sties I!II.II.3II'...IJI.'S"PRINIARY UEOGRAPIrI, 4 n easy WOEIIIEIIOII to the dtu,dy,nt Geogra phy, tleignetl,for children, and complettl it; Instratcd by 'NO engravings 4; co l ored maps. fraItiRMEDTATE CI EU GII Pl] The text , the exercises the.iliostrations, abd the forty-beatttilid_alls:lfe_ptlge_lLag e th cr gnarto volume. • MrroiLELL's SCHOOL GLOGRAVIIT ATZAS, a syStem of moderd Geography, compriting deset iption of the present state of the world and its fire great. division's. Embeihsbed u iii, mi me; Otis cri,raviegs and illustrated by as excel lent Alias cotitainiuN; t 2.3 handsome and accurate colored maps. This series of Geogrliphy by S. Augustus Mitchell has been wholly or partly introduced into the - public and private schools of all the principal cities n o d fawns a the Vitt led States; anti after a full and fair (itched ;is merits in these schools, it has received t i n alinopt uni‘crsal recomntentlation. rroliELL'El AIWIENT Gs:nen/an r. l Au ancient, Classical and sacred ("cop aphy, itit s., sAgt :wings of remarkable events, views cr. ;tee teo Cities, etc., and accom paned by ant•ieits A its containing 12 IA colored maps. M !ToiI:LAN, ATLAS OF OUTLINE. ?OAPS Mitchell's Biblical and Stiblialli mphy, with Mom and embellislitmMts. I%lnd-h -ell's Key to the study of Ma Rs. nod earrhhlrs Key to Mitchell's Geography, sea excellent and popular bucks, 'mil are becoming very I sh, th sively used in the List schools of our CGlllllr3 . I=l iliMe the construction mid minty sis 1.1 Sellll eVi 0; designed ns 0.1 introduction to tile "A tittlysis." - Cumin:F.'s A NALYSIL— N it Se 011 Ilse hieeCti Wee of the Et.glish Itingtinge, tt ith it ridiont tudheYere ices Co the lice 01 rillook hy Stirrittel S. Green, A. Al., l'i of the Sqhmil, Boston. •I'llese. hooks li.tve slruuh iu the 1.1171 I • tin, ley hone been r,bitt, d - Insi VC cieculation, heving bean int rock., .1 into hr imblic,schools or 1306i011, 131111.111.1 . 1,, Cincedettti, St, leans, N'ickshurg. en.d Thee cAtiot";lldl towna, ttittl iecotnine; deo •11 hose who - muse tried thuto i,i their Fchools, ins *dhow. qup..tiott the beat Eitglish (;ilinate.Cs Ti existence• ' WAN'S SCHOOL ItEADFACS._ rItIMA School / intentivi for begiones s It eortaists a 1..0, opf, I eael or the elemental.) rousoltt of the lan._ gouge The Ps'ininey School It Ca CU nla Ills eXCI•Ci•US 111 :11.lICIIIIIIi011. a.1 . 1:11 , gt.11 ill c011111,(1011 with eNsy I 11.11111; lesstlo, .1 he Vrinotry 11eade1..1.!:1.1 ,1,1,,,„..11 1i t Iho first class 111 l'rintstr3 Schools, awl the km est class in Cc:mull:lr Schu,ls. lIE SCHOOL .1Z EA I: LE, is lII' sig11“1 I'm; the midgle class, in Cr:mini:le Schools, and aohlains exercises in articalation strrnaged in ent - netairin with reading It THE DisTnicT Seitoni. READER, Is designed roe the highest classes in Wild., and pH, Plc milionls. II COIOI6IIB eXereiSt S iu arlICIllitIi611„. imul.11.1112C1 . 1(1115 of the sine siith sorb rules and suggii-sstions as are deemed 'bile F. II EA IIFIL; tti• a ft:, Nattirlil ; Science midi Lite. ratitre designed for schools. S PELI,I NC BOOK. Consisting of words in columns and sentences for oral and a rim, exercises. It is a complete_ and systematic series (St t.xerci.t. s in English orthography. . Ills Itujily popular series or reading ltoohy, and this spilling...hook were cempiled tit Mr. AA m. U. Swan, of itostoo,.zooi jortgi tug from the rapid introduction into set - inch which the, hate obtained in the Eastern rod Middle States and in many of the Western and Southern States, we think they tie really better adapted to the wants of teachers and scholars than any uthu• yet publislied.r