Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 11, 1850, Image 1

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Doct. H. Hinkley,
jaFFICE on Main Sitter, near the Debt 01—
V lice. Dr. H. is prepared to use Galvanism
as n remedial agent in the treatment of Purnly
sis, Neuralgia and Rheumatic eflections, but
&ha flat guarante&sucees from its applientionto
all or oven :My of these diseases. Rehet
been given and cures effected in a number of, and may be in cullers:.
i 1 tech 27, 1850, I y. •
Dr. Y. V. Loons
WILI. perform al
operimonn upon the
eo:n that art: requi
red for thel-pre3erration, such n 4 Sculiug, 1' ilia„
restore the lose of them,
by inserting .\ rdtietal Irrltn n,..ingle tooth
o sett. /nit, on nireet, a few
/ro;; soath of the Hotel. Dr.
I t. , ; tPa days of ov y month.
.1 it'ec-a•al
4 . 4 1 1 . :. ;W::" . HEN Surgeon Dentist
,v.te-n - t ui=lot tt-r, nuts that he has re
turn' will `i••glad to lit telld . lo
1111, ill. I, Or 11, illo:t•,ii011. OCI3I
John Williamson,
1"1 . 01l.N EV AT I,ANV.—Orrrrl7 - in the
how, of :1115S ALA:111111S. near the store-ol
A & - t‘r Ilanover street, CaiWe,
Carson C. Hoare,
A T ni)IINEY AT LAW. Office w .in
t,be room lately occupted by Dr. Fosier,
mar 31 '47
A ro EY . A')' LAW, vtll praeti - ce in
the several Courts of Cumberland. , county.
OFFICE, in Main Street, in the room former
y_ucau rand o
James R. Smith,
Yro RN E AT LA W. Has - 11 -
-Ls - MO VED his office to Bectent's Row, twu
001,3 Iron It o k holder's llnte.l. . [apr
, Ci.Mo4q•El EOM
rice - atiMis residence, cornet of Nlitin street
an I the Piiiili.• Square, opposite Burltholder's
II rrl. l.t itilAttion to the duties of .lusti.•ii of
• attend to all hinds • of writing,
!melt as deeds, bntda , mortgages, indentures,
el.itgriminent, poles, &g. . .
Carlisle, ep );;'l9.
Plainfield Classical Academy,
St 501011 C0111714C11.C11 on .110. A
DA .Nov,mber 4th, I+'so.
- ErN codbigaence et increasing paironage
large 'and commodious blink edifice has
been erected, rendering this one of the moor
desirable institutions in the state-- various
departments ore under the cote of competent
find faithful instructors, and ever) endetour will
be made to promote the moral nod intellectual
iMprovement of students. "File surrounding
country is beautiful and healthful, and the in•
stitution suffiriently distant from town or vilage
to prevent evil totsocintions.
7ersts—s:lo per , Yrssion'(Fire IJontlero
For circulars with hill miorrontion address
K BURNS, Principal
PlainfieldV, 0., Cumberland County, Pa.
r'rash Drug 6, &c.
I have Just received from Philadel.
phia and New York very extensive
additiOns to my former stock, embra
, mug nearly every article of Medicine
tow. in- use, together with Paints ?
Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perittmery, Soaps,
Stationery, Fine Cutlery, -Fishing Tackle,—
flruhes of almost every descripnon, with an
endless variety other articles, which I 3111 de
termined to soil at the vcriv 1.0 WEST.prkeS.
All Phy,iicians, Country Merchants,. Pedlars
and others, are respectfully requested not to r
le g FAND
.1.4 tisrT)y nay rest assured
that every article will be so:d of a good quality,
and upon reason:tide terms.
nun Strom.
11 . 13. '3O
Extensive Cabinet Wa re-Rooms,
inD ( Jr,
.r;ICi 11. ;-;;11 I i :sotto\Yip.
la $ . CAHIN 1:1 •A! F; li-& UN -
OEN. Nunn Ilandvvr • nritEl ,. ,
would ,lic of Carlisle
and the puldi rOly that 103110 W IRIS. Un
hand a large at :rot t nient of new
and efegant I URNI:I'I2 RE,
COIISI,ting in part of Saar,
Wardrobes, Card and other
'rabies, I.lnrcitus, Bcdtt cads, plain und. lone)
Sewing Stande,die. ntanutactured of the hest
ITIMoITII9 anti tiutilifit Vitwntecl. Afro n gene.
rnl aisortmetiCoreiltdfo - iiiit.t,the
Venitian Ii lotus , ittli4ti'liOrcler and' repairing
piomptiy attended lit-ifto - C(rFEINS made to
order at the short cat ii7iitiee. and having a splen•
did Hoarse Itc N•Jiil attend funerals in town or
country. fr.r Dont loot the old stand a Win.
C. Gibson; in '.'l4,F - Yrkijnever struct, a few
doors-north al
Er; 13. .5 111, EY. ,
Extenii4o VOrniture, Rooms
TA.M b.
El-1 R.WE.N.VER would resuilttully
OP call l'. a'tention Ild'use Ureepers and the
public: to his extensive stock of ELEGANT
FtnINITURI . I. including Sofas,' Wardrobes,
'Centre and other Titbit:B: Dressing and plain
Bureaus and every nth , r article in his braitchof
H9IVICS9. Also, now on hand . the largeStl,as
:,..rtment of CH S in Carlisle, at the lowhst
price 9. Kr - Collins made at the ~,hortest.notice
and a Hearse provided fir funcials. He solic•
its a call at his establishment nn North Hano•
ver street, near Glass's HOTEL. N. B.—Fur'
nitgre hired'out by the mouth or year.
Carlisle March 20, Ino,—iy
, -
THE babsrriber wishes :o Inform his trwrlls
nt town' and country
` that ho has' commune
. cd the above business
and will intend to sales
P, tit town and councry on
ifirfre - OS , the frost rcneonuble
tortes can ,iound at the Hardwate Store
host door to Scott's Tavern in North Hanover
aught A S SENER.
1 .
. •
URGLION, bENTlST—would . reipectful•
ly inform - the,Publie . that he is now proper•
c to perform all operations 011 the Teeth that
may be required. , Artificial Teeth inserted,
from a single booed to art entire set, upon the
-latest and:most approved principle, • Tho. pa
troaugcrof thomublic is respectfully solicited.—.
He May lie fotind" at the residence or -his- br o .
titer on North Pitt street,.
Carlisle, Sept 13,1850.
'THE subscriber would respectfully inform
Iris friends and tho public generally that 'ho has
jinst opened a new 1.111‘1131i1l AND. COAL
YARD in \Vest ligh street, a 'few doors east
01.1 %16381's J k llkitheads'a Warehouse, -where
ho now has yid will keep constantly on
hand a lirst itinmaiabrtnient of all kinds of sea
Boned pine boards and plank end all other kinds
aqua, all of Which ho will sell low for cash
April 3,185 ii. JOHN N. ARMSTRONG
-Mil Commissioners of-Cumberland 'county
demi it proper-to inform the public, that the sin
od meotings•of the Board of Conmtissionors will
be beld•bn the second and fourth - Mondays of
each month, at which time any persons having
business with. said Bonn)", will meet them at
Weir office in Carlisle; -
""'Dyeing , , and .Scou
giVILLIAM BLAIR, in Lowther Street,,
ncnitthe Collage, dyne Ladica'
males apparroi, all coJors, and .varranta nil work
nap stifirfictqll'i a. 0109 lido raspentiolly
rwaitod. . ficw,t! '46.,
eirevespap ere-- Devoged eo L ereatsre9 afivicatetaire, PotigicSe liminess and Genekal Intellip ence.
' 'll - 4. 1 .) - :', /..-- •,
, pl. t 5 ,, ,t4.1 .9 • s
From the Louisville Journal
0:1\3111% TWO 7•EAIs 0x.,:0.
P In y 9 lig 'near me
Inn diem!) girl;
And her pretence, nutell 1 fear me,
Sets my senses in n whirl;
For n hook Is Opel, lying
Dull or grow
And I nT r n vainly trying
There my thoughts In hold 1
But, in spite 61 toy essaying
They will ever ninre he straying
To tiAl cherub near ine
Only two yeiiis old. a
With her long and fluxep,„.
'And tier sunny eyes of blue,
And her eheeloi FO plump end WOSOO,
She is charming to the view,
Then her voice to ;01 Wilo hear it
Breathes a 'Went elitrancon spirit
to be forever near it
114 11111 y 11111,1111- '
For ' t Is ever sweeity
Tr, my tunnel with "'inure swelling,
Of affection inly dwelling--
„ Only twn yenta old.
All her sweet attempts at wards,
In their windy endearing
Streeter Inc thu.n any bird's ;
And the amelbal intetaking,
Which her Wry iips are making,
I•'rmn my heart a charm is sinking,
Plotter in tis 1141111;
Than the charm 60 Inch anti glowFittg,
Front the Ilnnuw•s Tins o'erflowlng ;
Then she gives a look in knowing,
Only three rums old
Nov her ripe and honied hisses
(l tonied. rips fi.nranlone)
'thrill my soul with varinna Misses,
Veaus never vet ban known.
%lin:li her I wiltiws, arms are round me
All domestic joy [lath crowned me,
' Act a fervent slit II Iu lk bound me
Never In grout cold.
Ought will) lovrliliess sr, laden,
Only twn years old !
ji11.::% - ‘:.,t,l'q ..'',tillo,, -
-From Colley's, I.ady!o Book._
In a 'Pawl lin r Epistle to ihe 13.d1t0f:.-
MY D'S:sn L'onEv:— . l have not finished my
gossip - - ila've a good duel yet
to say ton ch lug their sensibilities, their' nice
discriminating sense, and the treatment which .
they too frequently receive front thine IN hn, al
though older lion themselves, ore in very many .
things not half so wi=e.
Ryon will lake or; Southey's Autoli:ography ,
written by himself his son,) and recently
published by my friends,_the brothers Harper,
you will find in the portion of Southey's enrly
history, us recorded by himself, Many striking
examples of file keen susetiptihility of child
hood to outward and inward impressions, and
of the deep fheling-which underlies the lappa
rently unthoughtful 'career of a young boy. Il
le a delightful opening of his whale heart to his
'reader. One sees with him the smallest object
of nature uhotri the boon of his childhood ; and
it in impossible not to toter intobll Ids feelings
of little joys and poignant sorrows. lam not
without the hope, therefore, that, he the few
records which I am about to give you, partly
of personal experience and portly of personal
„observation, 1 shall be able-to enlist the atten
lion of your readers ; fur, alter all, each ono of
us, friend Godoy, in our own more mature joys
and sorrows, is but an epitome, on to speak, of
ase the great moss, aho alike rojoice and grioro
_ - - - -
I do not wish to exhibit anything like a Brie
it of cg , tisni, and '1 nanure you that I write
with a gratified feeling that is a very wide re
move !roil' that se111.1) sentiment, when 1, tell
you that 1 have received from verY rnany. pa
rents, in different pints of the country, letters
coipining their '.warrn and grateful thanks' -,
for the endeavor which I made, in a recent
number of your mega Zion, to rreale more CO nJi
deuce .in chi'dhcod and nculls f . m liwtritcn, along
with a "semi(' of duty"—than ton frequent ex
cuse for domestic tyranny—aleeling of gener
ous forbearance fur the trivial, venial faults of
these whose hearts um just and tender, and
whom "kindness wins when cruelty would re'
pct." You must let ma go on in my own way,
and I will try to Illustrate the truth and justice
of toy - position. • .
I limst go back to - my vary earliest school
days. I doubt if l Inas 17111 C that' five years
°hi, a little' boy in the..-cue\ try, when I was
aunt with my twin brother to semmer -"die.
trict school" It Wilt , kept by a 'eclioi.l:mteum,'
a iihmarint young woman ()Nome tv.crity years
.of age. She was positively any first love. J
aim afraid I was an awkward .sclielar at first;
but the enticing manncr'in which Mary----
(I grieve that only the faint sound of liar un-:
syllabled name'. cornes;to me from idle dark
backwartl and abysm of Time") coaxed me
throudi the alphabet and the words of one syl
lable; encouraged me re encounter those of.
_two..(the,first_uf_which.l remember to-this day,---
whenever the baker's bill for my children's
daily-bread is presented Air audit;) stimulated
me to attack those of three ; until, at the'lest, I -
was enabled tb surmount that tallest of. t orthr
eFical - Combinations, 'illi.chi-ii-mock-iiriack,
without a partieleof fear ; the enticing, man ncr,
I sap, M which /dory—accomplished all this,
woo my heart. She would steep over and kiss
me, on niy low scat, when I was successful, and . '
very pleasant'cvero her 'good words' to my oar.
Bless youritaart !. 1 remember at this moment
tile llgding of her soft brown curls upon .my.
check; and I would give almost anything now
to see the first 'Certificate' ul dried conduct.
which I brought home, in her handwriting to .
irry7mothcr,and-wilich -watt held for - ycara a-'
thong funs, bits of dried orange-peel, and sprigs, ,
of withered 'caraway,' iii a corner of the , lii-,
read-'draw! 411 this come Sexy vividly to . Me
inane time ago, when toy 01011 little boy brought,
home his first 'school-ticket." 110 in not called,.
however—and FS - eh - deo- that lie is nut—to ri:i
member dear companions, who,. 'boweirt to the
grave did gq.with true-love showers.
"Oh, my mother' oh, tny,ehlldhood I,
Oh, my brother, now no more I • - : :
Oh, the years that push lee onward, : •
Portlier-Urns unit dlatunt'aliore I" . • '• 1
. , • .
But 1 a'm 'lad away '. I wanted. merol:.; to any
that this, 'cellool-ma'am,' ,, front' th e e i„, p i a l ooe ,
ohildren, her little scholars, know hoW to,
teach and how to reit.them. I hoputhat net a
few isehool nitt'am'a'. will paretic 'this hastily'
'prepared ; and if they do, 1; treat thoy.
will retnenthOr,:kn the. treatment of .their little'
clic - rges, - thel. tato hh6rt must lane Madly' ha c k',
tmlcindtusd.T . Whyouy.titter air . ,•ll used to-
in,thot summer allprnoont.; mull' all , the hula;
juitele had gone on b,efurdowthat . I could place'
in, the soft' t Wit4C . ii7nd :of
confiding a little hand as any in which she may
afterwards have placed her own, !in •the full
trust of •loVe.'_ I hope she found a- hUsband
good and tree, and that she was blessed with
what she laved, `wisely' and not 'too well,'
Now that I am on the subject at children at
school, I wish to pursue the theme at a little
grantor length, and give you on incident or two
in tny farther experience.
It was not long after finishing our summer
course wit 6sellool- ma'am' Mary —, that we
were transferred to a 'man-sehool,' kept in the
district. And here I must go hack, for jmat ono
inoMent, tr any that, among, the ple - asantest
things th..t I remember of that period, seas the
calliniz upon us in the morning, by the' neigh
bors' children--nod especially two little girls
ncw•comcrs from the "Black River country,'
then-a vague terra incognita to us, yet only
some tbirtY miles away-. ; to ;meow pally*us to
school through the winter snow. flow well
remember llie r knitttd red.ond•whlto woollen
hoods, and the I - al-add-White complexions beat.
ming with youth and high health beneath them !
I think of illotherwell's going to scltuol -with
tin 'dear Jenny 'dorrison,'• so touchingly de
scribed in his leautiitl poem of that name, ev
ery time those- scenes arise before use.
Well, at this 'man-school' first learned the
lesion which lam about to illustrate. It is a
lesson for prtrehls, a lesson for in6tructers, and-
I Chiba, a lesson for children also. - I remember
names here, tar one was almost burned Into My
brain for years af4rwarde.
There was Fometliing very imposing about
'opening the animal' on the_first.dayolthe wine
ter session. The trustees of the same were
present ; n hard headed old farmer, who sent
long piles of 'cord-wood,' beach, maple, bass
wood, and birch, out. -ill-his_lown_pocket,". _he
used to say--end Ite . might, with equal propri
ety, have said, 'out of his own head,' for surely
there was no lack of 'timber ;' Deacon
an educated Puritan, who could spell, read,•
write, 'porictif,,' and—`knew grammar,' as lie
himself expressed it ; n iliih-fuced doctor whose
horse woo snorting ut the door, and who sat, on
that occasion, with his saddle-bags crossed on
his knee, being in something of a hurry, cxpec
ting, I bell, ve, an •addition' in-the neighbor
hood, to the subject of my present gossip—at
oil events, I well reincmber'•peeping under the
wrinkled leather flaps 'of the 'bus' and seeing
a - wouden- cnitridge-bon, , with holes' for Alio 1
death dealing vials ; and last, but not least, the
town blacksmith, n Ito was, in fact,.worth all
the Other trustees list together, being a man of
sound common sense, with something more
titan a sprinkling of useful education, Under
the.auspices of these trustees, this ''
was thus opened fur the 'w'mter. 'Now look
'you what befell.'
For the first four or five dens, our acheclina.
ster was quite am labia—or so at least - he seem
ed. Ills 'rules,' and _they were arbitrary enough,
were given out en the second day ; five sehol
ars were 'admonishurl' l. on the third; on the
foorth, about a dozen were 'warned,' as the
pedagogue formeiLit. ;._ and en_the_fifth,_there I
WIIR set up in the corner of an open closet, in
plain sight of all the schoil, It bundle contain
ing about a dozen birch swi6elies, each crane
six_feetlong,aud_r_cudceert lithe tratgl
, bc•rig tempered in the hot eiribers of the fire.L-
These were to be the 'ministers of justice r arid
the portents of this 'dreadful note of eremite
were amply fulfilled. '
I had jest begun to learn to write. illy copy
book bud four peg, a uf 'strilight merits,' so call
ed, I suppose T because they - are - always - crooked,
had also gone through 'the hooks,' up and
dinm ; but my hand was cramped ; and I fear
that my first 'word espy' was not as good unit
ought. to ;;,tvu I)..uu ; but 1 'run out my tongue
and tried' hard; and it makes rime laugh, even ,
now, to remember how I used to lo •Ik along the
line of writing- selioluT,' on my bench, and see
the ruwa of lulling tongues and moving heads
over the Jung desk, mastering tire fired difficul
tiessof chirography ; seine licking off “blots' of
Ink front their copy-bunks, others drawing in or
dropplg out of the mouth, at each up
ward or\drtwi.w a 'stroke' ,A•the pen.
Ones trianing.,'llte muster' came' behind me
and ova looked any writing;.
`Louis,' said lie, if I goo any 'more such wri
ting us that, you'll r quilt it! talked to
you lung enough.
I replied Ghat he lied 'never, tm my retiollce.
Lion, bl a :tic inr, writing badly bet onee-;
nor hurl lIC.
•Don't dare to contradict tne,lor, but remain
her r woo his only rally.. •
From this moment, I could scarcely hold lily
pan aright, much lose 'write right. The roas
ter had a cat-like, stealthy tread, and I seemed
all the while to feet hith behind in 9 ; iind while
I Was fearing this, and had reached the end of
a line, there fell across my right hand a ding
011[11 blot', from the fierce whip which was the
tyrant's cum - dant companion, that in a moment
rose to, a red and blue welt as large corny little
finger entirely across. my hand. The pain was
excruciating. I can recall the feeling as viv
idly, while I am tracing them lines, as I did
the moincot after the cruel blow was inflicted._
. From that time -forward I could not write at
all; nor'should I have mimed that branch of
school education at all that Winter but that 'the
master's' cruelty short ied to -his dismissal in
deep disgrace. Ills floggings were almost in
cessant. His system was the 'reign of terror,'
instead of that which 'works by /sue and. purl.'
ties the heart' ilia-crowning act was foruling
a little boy, as ingenuous and' inneecrittheaTtbd
a child as ever breathed, on the tops of his fin
ger nails—n refinement of cruelty beyond all.
example. The little, fellow's nails turned black
and aeon cams elf and.the Minster' was turned!
tam'no.t'Sof 4 ry to add that he wus'filib
sequentlY eowhided, ivldlo lyinein ie• noon , -
bunk; into whit:ll4le hod been 'lcooeltint'• by un ,
eldtir brother of the lad whein fib had•Sn (Juicily
treated, until ho - cried lustily 'for quarter, which
trod sfieedily grunted.,
But I comb now 'to tity r
illustration , o, limo
lute 05361111m:ea,' in itd effect illion'tnyttalf.2—:
The euiieiliworio the pedagogue wii9tn
.Intvo'dilittiiesed wee t.t;'nittivtof Botinectieol.—:
well liieeeetit i ' k;elieer;
,nnd 'ant Ho , of runlethabit:: tt,Wn
,11111101grrro e plcaneat.', ,.• oll time flint day'
h o opene4.lto,said,tn enhont thut
rieholat• to'"neriaide.e• 'fa' a
fi ; i.)itt•thoW
cAgLisLE, 16ECFAMIEll 11, i@so.
and - that it was for the interest of , cach.ona of
them that all should bo careful ribservo the
few and simplo-rules which he.should-lax-down.
for the government of the school.. .Theso.,he
proclaim-d ; and, with ono or two trivial excel).
tiorta; there' was no -infraction-of- them- daring
tho three winters .in which ho taught in our
district. •
Under his instruction, I was Induced to re
sume my 'exercises' in writing. 1 re:timber
Iris coining to look over my •shoulder,im exam.
amine tho first ,pogo of my new copy-iMok :
Atm.} , well written,' said lie ; 'only 'eep on in
that way, and you cannut-fail' to succeed.'--
These encouraging , words went titrat/ht to my
heart. They wore words of kindness and their
fruition was instantaneous. , 'When the licit
two Piges ofwy copy-book were accomplished,
lie came again, to report upon my progress :
'That is well done, Louis, (mita well. You
will soon require
I am iifraitl'you'll soon excel your
Gentle-hcahed, sympathetie--
would that-your 'law of kinduesp'.euuld be writ
tamepon .the
guardian and instructor of tho young through
out our great and !nippy country: 50 •
I have often wondered why it is that parents
and gur&lians donut more frequently and more
cordially 'veil), ocate the coo fidence children.
How hard it is ti convince a child that his la•
ther or mother can do wrong. Our little peo
ple aro always our st,..rtliest defenders. They
are loyal to the maxim that 'the king can do'no
Wrong; and all the monarchs they know are.
their parents. I heard the other day, from (he
nna of a distinguished physician, formerly of-
New York, but now living inelegant retire
ment in a beautiful country Milo of Long Is
land,miouching illustratioMof the.truth Of
with which I shall close this already too pro
tracted article.
'I have hart,' said the doctor,. 'a good deal of.
experience,. in the long 'pi - notice , of my profee-
Sion in the city, that is inure retinal:able than
anything in the 'Diary of a London Physician.'
It would be i mposlib'e for meta detail to you
the hundredth part of the interesting and exci
ting things which I sate anirheard. , That
which affected me most, of late'years, was the
ease'of a boy, not, I thinlci oyer.twelve,years of
age. .1 first saw, him in the hospital, whither,
being poor and without parents,. heliad been
brought to die. : •
•Hiiwas . the moot beauliful boy lever beheld.
Ho had-that peeulihr cad of countenance and
complexion which we notice in tboso who aro
afflicted with frequent hemorrhage of the lungs.
Ho was, eery beautiful! Hia.,hrow was bread,
fair, and intellectual ; his eye,x.;had the, deep in
tvior blue of the iky it-iel I ; h"cpmplexion was
like the lily, tinted, just eel , t.ltei ciloot bone,
with Linde Ilaslr- 7 „,-,. ~.„t- , c
, •ite on consumpLialr wl. ,ng aliedt, ' ".
'Mid ruin Wonms tie ros y
, •
and his liair, which was soft ffhisa Silk, hung
in luxuriant curls about hist - A. , . But oh, what
an expression of deep melancholy his counte
nance wore!. so remarkable that' I felt certain
tharltlrefearof death - had nothing to - do - with - it.
Arid I was right. Young us ho was, he did
not wish to live. Ile ropehtedly said that death
was what he most dadred . ; and it was truly
r ran rr n mar one so young nn so .eautr u
tall; like this. 'Oh !' he-would soy, 'lot roe die !
let me die ! Don't try to save me ; I want to
die!' Nevertliclus, he was most affectionate.,
and was extremely grateful for everything that
I could-do for hiA'reliel. I coon won' his heart;
but perceived v-ith - that his tlisease of
bridy-was nothing tohis rsil&i:SS of 'tlie soul,'
Which' I could not he r til. [To leaned upon my
bosom and wept, While at the same time Ire
prayed for death. I" have never seen one'of his
ycaia who courted it Fu sincerely. I tried in
(-very way to elicit from hint was • that
'rendered turn so unhappy ; .bat his lips were
sealed, and ho was 12,1!:,..en0 who tried to turn
Ins face from something which' opprcieed his
`lt subseghontly appeared- that thd Tither of
Ibis child was hanged fur •-nArder in- 13 , ----
emp3t, about two y.,,,ars before. it was the.
most cold-blooded 1 , :e4.-.; ,. . A 1t0 that had ova- . been
known in (lint'sect.ti, of the country. The ex
citement raged high ; i and l welled, that-the
stake and the gallows vied with each other for
the ma.) 7, , bored bard to gel the.
man out ‘.l the they might wreak
eutnimtry vengeaner.-"Panthirr- by hanging him
to the nearest, tree. Navcrtheless,law triumphed,
and he was hanged. Justice hold up her.equal
scales with fintinfaothmiand thorn was much
trumpeting furth'of thin consummation,in which
oven the wmnon,,inercifal, tender-hearted 'wo
men, damned to taito.dolight”'
'Perceiving the:hdr w
ulifo•to ho an en
deavored one day toAurn hii mind to religious
subjects, apprehending, Wo dikulty_irr_ ono so
young; but he always evaded the topic. I asked
him if lie had Said proyera. Ho replied—
'Once, ulwaysnow, NEV,EII.'
• 'This answer - surprised moveiy much ; and
1 endeavored gAntly to iinpreee him with the
tact that a more devout frame of mind 'Would
le becoming in mid with the groat cocoa-,
•ri y of Ina Going preparediFilfe; but ho rennifil=
ed. . „
"A fair dap snore/mils, I asked him whoth.,
or he would nut permit rno . to send
, for tho Roy..
Pr. ft. u most kind mum in eleltnessovho would
be of the utmost survivrto him' in hie present, 1
situation. Ile deelinod'L firmly and
Then 1 &termitic(' to solve this - mystery, and, to .
understand -this dtrifito phase u !arse or in
a mere b6y,' said 1. .1 Iniploro
you not tu'oottitt'iMS manner. ' What 'eSn
have disturbed-YMir•yeritig mind 7" You cer..
lniply belletiO there God, to itlonn you owo
11'deb i of gratittidO 7 '
!the (To kinAleq, Laid to T y s9rprlse,ll.rpigiA
slntosi. sly hearrl. : •rfroui his young
lips— .
, No; don't Lelieue cllpt ti God
,young an, ho was, ivaa
an athand. ;and ha ?von, ronooned in ,
niani or far a morn child liko' him. ' ;
eanin4,i'ielieve,iliere is a and,' said lin;
it' iliere 044;:iiii'nut4 merci ful
est.; -be iteeer wi tuttecppq
ivho l vvvie innocent, te bo
bunged I Oh, Iny . :faitteyll - Tirjairert!ite ox
eittinle:d paSsienitayy,,,intiiing,liis face, in the
end Aobbing.uq ifbia,heartwould break.
all'that I could say would not change. his _de,
termination ; lie wouldhave no minister olGod
boside•him—no prayers by his bedside. I Was.
unable, with all my endeav ~,,,, apply any
balm to hie Wounded heart.
'-A itiw r stays diet this, called, as usual, in
the morning, and at once saw very „clearly that
the little boy must soon depart.
said I, have got good news for you
to-day. Do you think that you can bear to hear:
it 1' for I really was ut Idea; how. to btpalt to
him what I had to communicate. • .
I e atrented, and listened with the deepest
attention. I limn informed him, as I best
could, that, froni circumstances which had re
cently come to light, it had been rendered car.
min that his father was entirely innocentl itf
the crime for which he had suffered an igno-
Minions death.
'I never shall forget the •frenzy of emotion
which he exhibited at thin announcement. He
uttered 'odescream—the blood rushed from hie
mouth—he leaned forward upon my bosom—
arid died I' . .
I lenvc trds, friend Godey, with your readers.
I liTeinuell morn lmnay ;:uncli-perhaps, should
it be desirable; I may hereafter kiwi you one
more chapter upon children.,
Tne moqt troublesome patient v!hflah a med
ical man can possibly have is a nerl;ous,'fidgetty,
hypoehonarchical gentleman, and were it not
that•tueh patients are rather profitable, the
members of the medical profession Would raise
a great outcry upon the subject, and nerves an I
nervousness would be rated bores instead of
being attended to with great gravity, and pro' ,
scribed for with great regidaritY, the ‘M:driiiiry
' medicine' given consisting of bread pills rolled
in magnesia, and effervescing, draughts ad Obi
turn; according lb the strength of the - patient's
credulity and purse. lam a retired physician
now, so I can afford to be a-little candid -now
and then. •
Neatly twenty years ago, there lived in
Blownsbuty Square one of my best patients,
by name Mr. Adgusttl . ; Brown.
'Mr. Broth was a gentleman of competent
intkpcncience, and e 4of a literary and virtuous
turn of Mind. At about forty yeara of age, he
began to study. medicine a little and to tabu
care of .his health a great deal. He, bought
medicine batiks, prowled :donut the tvardy of
.hospitals, and mode himself is unhappy as any
comforgble, middle-aged, single - gentleman
could wish to be. I !carnet these particulars
of hint from a friend who recommended him to
WLun 1• was first called to attend him, not
knowing that his disease all imaginary, I
was quiletaketipfor ahaut, n q ..rter of an
how jP so..
.I. found Itim l3ing on his back on Me sofa,
the town was darkened, and be wa s
. groaning
in an es.treinity of anguish., I tu rned to his
hou,elteeper, who had mar.,halled me in, and
hat it the mat'er with Mr. Brown P
II: 11. , ,1rd me, :dud called out,
'What is the mutter—the matter 1 Oh ! oh !
I advanced towards-him, and said,-
1 aw
sorry to find you so indiipused, sir,'
'0:5! oh ! oh I' was his oidy answer.
'Pek ham' I vontinued, 'you will huvu the
kindness to denerib - o your symptoms.'
After a le, prepai a tory groans, he common
you'll scarcely . be
have i!, but look at my leg; down to tny ankle,
1 mean. Oil! oh 1 , 111—horribk., horrible.'
cast my eyes do,vii to litsaulcle, and W ,oy
surprite, saw that it was tied fast . by a silk
handkerchief to the leg,of the sofa.
'What is th to .for -•
'You may well ask,—oh ! oh I'
'lN'ltate§ar may be die matter, with. your
IC,e 1 shall undo this most unsurgieal and very
improper bandage.'
WI etch P tie cried, •Would you destroy me?'
'Dash uy you P
'Yes. What dependence hava I, if 1 ant not
tied—what huld'ulion the world 11050.12'
'What do ydu mean?' said 1.
'Listen,' he said.
Well P
:1 am too light.'
"1 . 6 u liginP •
'Pray, sir, explain yoursek
'You'lttiow why a balloon goes up?'
"aWITy P
`Beenusu it is lighterthan a equal bulk of
Toy good.' ,
, Well - but, sir, how does that—.
'Apply to ma, you would say, Doctor l
'Tkis way.. I am lighterthan an equal bulk
of L;ir, nod iI 1 was not tied clown, whif f I
should go up—up-:-up I Oh I it dreadfill?—
oluli I oh I 'oh
Ha Ida uys put in tUe alit as if he had bean
suddenly seized wiilk seine dreadful pain, and
It. really had a most coi Icai effect.
1 now sam titruult the easu in a moment,
'and 1 said,.
'Aro you sure you are not mistaken 1'
he cried.
• • '
— , You Might to knout better. A friend of mine
told and you wereCt very clever man.' . •
'Whet !•suppoWnoiv,' 1 said, 'you '' . wero , to
allow Mu to Undo this handscreliii:o ,• !
'lllO should go 1' ho tho
•dow woo open; out 1 should •
' Indeed. 1.
'Yea,' he continued ; have a veryrilgitt
tHild upon the earth. - - Fur i sonie.lll l l3 - s - k-iuund
a.pelf go. log hghlor, wail al •last •'yott see 1
ad fumed to lie - tap down—uh! oh!
. , s.uppusul Bold your culler,' .said, I, , whilei
ti,o,liasillorcliieT is Lakiiii j
`I don't misc.l, l 'just to convince '
you? t c : • •
thereforu.bekt his .cullar• with hono
end unbound She liondkurchief„svitb. i tbe other';
•,'Look tberu, dulou sue rsaid" bo, "leak at
sny,kir„!,und be,poked.bie legs up as bigb„us he
7 .qm you Gould put it dcovii,r-:saidl.
, I yos you couliL_Thera you sae, Pro let..
, But Pin holding on, you• poccolv,o, and
_no_little-exertiom— I begin to-think -- you don't
undeistand my ease,'
'Oki yes I do,' said I ; 'you must have a
co t/ rse of preponderating pi I Is.'
. ~Preponderating
'Yes.'. .
'I never hoard of them.'
'Yery likely.'
'But my dear sir,' lie eaclaimed, bolting up
'Dear me, Mr. Brown,' I said, 'you are bet
'No 1 ain't—ohl oh eh?'
'Well, I can remedy your disease.' „
'You can ?'
'Yes, by the preponderating pills.'
'They will increase my density, I stiFinciirl,
by contracting the—the absorbents, and so on.'
'Astonishing ! My dear sir, you aro the on
ly medical man that Muir understood my ease,
and_last year, when I was gradually vitr
J 1 ing—
'Gradually what?'
.Turning into a kind of porcelain—,'
- -- 'Will, - I - went -- to - Abernethytitid What - do --
you think . he did ?—the foal !'
• I shook my head.'
'Why, he told me to squat down like a Chi
nese, and try .and have some odd colurs burnt
into me, se - that-by the time I was finished, I
should be u respectable anandariun for an old
China closet. v/
'Yoiand when I,rautonstrated he actually
turned roemut t—oh! oh r ah !
I flattered myself that I had made 'a great
hit in Mr. Augustus Brown's case, by my men
tion of the preponderating pills, and I was
only astonished at the amount of his credulity
upon .the subject. I sent him some' extrernety_
'mild pills, composed of a common harmless
drug:B . 6a - wailed the result with 'Bonne degree
of patience and a considerable degree of ex
pectation. (7
In a few days a message came to me to go to
Mr. Brown immediately, for he feared he was
sinking fast.
'Sinking fast P said 1. 4
'Yes, sir.' • -
‘ls he so weak ?'
'Yes ; you say he
'Uh, cos he's too hinny
'Too .vhat P
'Too hoary, sir.'
'Ridiculous P
'Master says he's got too heavy he's obliged
to be on the ground floor.'
'Tell him I'll be with him immediately.'
The boy who had tome from , Mr. Brown's
departed, and I felt myself thoroughly posed by
this second extraordinary fancy of Mr. Angus-
Ms Brown.
'So much;' thought I, 'for my extreme elev.
erncis in inventing the', preponderating Pills."
I however, lost no time in going to my ec
centric-paiient. 1 found him in the kitchen,
lying on his back, in the middle of the floor,
and groaning as usual.
'Oh t -ith-!t he-Cried-when he-saw me, -"you.
are come. 'Oh,—oh,—ali
I said, with difficulty repressing a,
smile ; 'I am sorry to hear you are .not quite
wol-1 7 1"4,—Ilebwo. "
'Quite Oh,—/11j:-.211
• 'What is the matter now, sir
'Oh, doctor, those preponderating
`What of them, sir 1 , .
'They are too powerful. Much too strong,
sir,—awfully strong,'
'Too strung?' •
'Yes, doctor ; they have drNeu Foo to the
other extreme.'
i 'llidLed l'
'Yes. You know how dreadfully light -1 was;
you had, you recollect to hold me from shoot
ing out of the window-.'
.'Hem P said 1.
'Well, do. ou Isnow,'he continued, I'm now
alicgetheras dreadfully dense and heavy.
see pin forced IQ be on a ground floor, or else
I should go through the boards, :06,—0h,
'You must leave off the pills,' Said 1.
'Ah, that'a , all very well; doctor, but you see
the inisefftafs.kdone. Here's a--weight.'
So saying, u[Nent his leg, and down again
with a heavy dab,
'What do you think of my case. now ho
said. Hole Is a dreadful situation to be placed
in. ' Heavier, than lead,--horrible, horrible I—.
If 1 once begin, from my extreme heaviness, to .
break through the crust of the. earth, whore.
shall I stop?
!It's rather a serious case,'said .1, 'but there
aro remedies.' -, • ,
1-you bring me new life.'
Yes. -You must take someanti-ponderoui
draught, and be careful of your diet.'
'My dr'
'Mutton, principally.'
'Very . good. Oh, doctor, you are a clever
prvctitioner. I find you Understand 'my case.
You aro, the only medical man who over toqk
p sensible view of my situation. ,Oh,—oh,ah .
, •,
'Now, thought 1, its T made up a draught of
distilled water with
,some vegetable coloring:
matter; for Mr. Augustus Brown 5 'now I think
I have managed this troublesome patient pret
ty well.' •
. Alas how-vain-are human anticipations.--4
Just three nights rafter, I was rung up • in the
Inlddle br myltirst
thought for a moment that the house' must hei
o,n'fireV - Upopped my head out.of, the window,
'and asked,.
'Who's Moron,. • .
was the repiy, , a Very usual one hy.the'
way, under such eirenenstancea. , • •
•Who , s inn riaid I,• with' a•laudableconterript
at.the moment for granimar. ,
-. 'Please 5ir,4111..-Etruwa's boy.'
iO.ll I. Mr. Augustus Brown:2' .
, Yes, •
ho tight:et' ti4vy this time-l'
'That's gone cif,
9Aehat, , cried.l; 4 sOme now freak ?'
,'Please sir, . • • - .
. „.
'What is it ?' -•- •
'Master, sir. says how yott toilet corno.dirsoi•
ly, cos, o going le be nietyymoptissed.. , •
. WerrlMßPus. B o n
$ Planer sit',! • •;
'Merry—what . •
callnd it, sir.''•-• •
‘juelt try arid expl'aiii yourself, will you, :my
I-think as - he means he's - agoing to
be titrned into something - •
'Oh! metamorphosed..'.
'Something like that, air; or 3orna other wild
''Pull your master be with hint soon.;
The boy departed, and with great vexation,
which even the prospect of my. fee could not
subdue, 'I put on my clothes, and sallied Out to
see Mr. Brown's metamorphosis;
, 'What can puf such a thing into' his. head Pr
Said Ito myself. 'At 'wait my medicine is in
ncicenl. tliii
'When I arrived at Bloomsbury square,-
found the whole house in confusion, and I . via
shorn into the drawing room, where'sat Mrs
Brown in a night gown.and.slippers.
'qqaod-night, Mr. Br?wn,' said
110 shook his head,
'Dochir, oh—oh—Lah '
'Well, sir ?'
'You hrive done it at last.'
'Done what? . •
'Me, sir, mn—Augu s tus Brown Esq,LC .,
liots 7°Sikl l-- ,
"What directions did you - give me when you
,lere last here/ Yes ; now, - don't '
'certainly not. I to lake-the pill;
wouh), send to you.'
'Well, sir: and what else, sir
'I told you tu attend to yout• diet.'
• 'But e hatdid You tell me to oat
Mr. Brown, What of that P
'Mutton 1'
'Well, doctor, I have eaten mutton. I have
taken mutton for breakfast, mutton for lun
cheon, mutton for dinne . r, mutton for lea, and
sir, and sir, 1 took mutton for supper.'' -
1 could not, for my life suppress a - smile, and
it put Mr. Brown ignite in a rage. '
he cried, 'you laugh, do you 1'
'Nay, my good
'Don't good sir nte-yout laughed, sir.' .
'Very well.'
'Oh! it's very well, is it? doctor,'
what do you suppose\ as been this r'eSult of all
this mutton, eli v slr? wait you answer.' '
'A great demand fer s md , p,' said I smiling.
'Din't smile,' he cried. •
:Well, then, seriously speaking, Mr. Brown,.
I do not apprehend any particular result.'
'Yen don't?'
'I don't. ,
Than I do.'
'So 1 presume. Bit may 1• ask whpt, Mr
Brown ?'
Ywittn ay .'
Well, what, sir P
•Wha t ?, '
•Arn you mod or joking :r
'Neither doctor; bet Pee eaten so much
mutton that you see, as a•naturnl• result, •t aria
in process of becoming u sheep.' raj
'Mr. Brown,' said I.
'Sir P
''Let me tell you once for nll—,'
'You are-the unhappy vietim—,' .
know it.
'Of sell-delusion.'
'Eh 1'
'Self-delusion, I repeat proft.'
'What, sir?'
'You arc a nervous hypochondriac, sir.'.
I am no such thing, sit..!
'You are, Mr. Brown. Your complaint!' aro
all delusions—the creatures of your own,lency.„,!--
'You don't understandmy case, Mr.:.
..PerfectlY I
.•You - are a fool P (I smiled)—'an idiot, sir
Delusion indeed I ' . ll.l—a—aa—mh--o(1-- , ao
alaughed outright.) l ,..
'Leave my house,igloOmus l' he cried.
With pleaStire,! said I, takicgtoypat;
Thus ctitle'd - -mylitst_CenWeetioil 'ivith Mr.
Augustus Brown, the nervous. getillotnan,
whom, however, I attended for many years. af
terwardi. s•
court in Jim Green isdountain.State, some :years
ag,o,"the. folio w ing amusing_ i blunt: occurred.
It was related to r us. by one. .the attorney&
present on the occasion. A ; voa y ill aature4
quarrelsome person was concerrilld in a- street
brawl one night, and-got a blow froinpomebody.,
whiCh resulted, irra "black eye,",, and a! law
suit fur assault and battery.- In the coursa et
lie trial a son of the plaintiff w a tt tailed to.ttr
softness stand—a yegular,
,"chip of this old
block" abput I'ourteen years of age. Thu 49y,
testified to some knowlettpa • cif tho alrray; but
could'iit give many . pailiciiiar;; the night
was an exceedingly dark one.. ' •
"Now, air," said the 'croismr,amining attorr
ney,-"will you venture tolsWear that your ealk4
er was thereat all?" •
"Yes, sir—l know he vas-thera."• . .
~ . •
"But you say you did'nt see [um, , :no hear'
him speak, how then do you knoW he . vitiitirea.
"Why—l'll tell yom Just as 'came out of
the gate, I heard Joe Smith (the defendant)
holler out, 'There goes the did ievil—and I
knew he meant dad l'?—Boitort Post. %I
~..„4.-, W hen a Man owes yo4' e . deli!,'
think of suoing him. , I you &iris
or. get-your money. - - :llloberi,lhlnlii dint: - Yeti
have forfeited' all claim , to 'hie'. icinhideratliiii,
places himself - hittro euudthor. of , an . flared
- inati, and dnounces you ai inird : 'Bl4u - idiot
'Creditor. Indeed, some "debtors prefor.- . .beios
Budd, because it slops all furtbee duetting.. • Tv ! ,
fotlwaont• sob Mined, and'thore , s an end. of IV
The money is securely invoked in. court. If
you 'would . cn IFMt a debt, you must' first: a
dopt another plan. • Call on your debtor'; bees
as pulite us liossible, 4ik of a n ything else ex
rapt the object of your visit; if you pan afford
it, ask bins to dine witb . youi gall ageinp,if
he . is in distress, - : sympathise • iqpi,•ol4l
ivlien . you get alltting . opportunity,' say a ward
littlo, tun tter.thnt is between,"
* end excuse yourself for epeaklng about' it, W.
cause you are a little heir&yressed, and luat 4 Da
. .
itrWh,at are. the most 'unioejnble thlngt In
the world ? Mklestotiei • —yen never nee tw o of
. •
them together. ''•