Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 20, 1850, Image 3

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....ferots"--Two Dollars a year, or One Dollar and
.kyty Cents. if ynaid punct ually in advance. •
$1,75 ifpaid within the Nea'r•
New Votk . art-Union„
The following arc some of the principal in
ducements to subscribers for. the:present year:
In the first place; a chance of draiving•a prize
Proof a collection-of several hundred- pictures,
many of them of cost and by well known
artists, as Cole, Durand, Lentz°, Huntington,
Hinckley, and others, and all of them selected
with reference to artistic merit. This collec
tion already exceeds in value forty thousand
dollars, and it will tic still further extended in
proportion to. tho.number. of subscriptions yet
to be received.
Secondly, each subscriber will receive 'six.
Lint Engravings, the cost of which, if executed
Cot , a private publisher, would at least be -sold
at four times the price of the subscription.
These engras legs consist of an engraving (size
20i by 167 inches) from - Mr. Leslie's 'ecletnt
ted- pieth re-of --Ankn-r-kois r -SurxocitAim-Sn Al
LoW, a scene from the Merry Wives of Wind
sin., and 8 set bf live line engravings (size '7l
by 10 inc hes) from Painting-i by the following
, minent artists :—The Dream of .Brcadia, by
'ale; Dover Plains, by Durand; The Image
ker, by Leutze ; The New Scholar, by' - Ed-
Is, and The,Card Players, by Woodville.
he annual distribution will take- place in
no city of New York, on the 20th of Dream
icr nest, and • ouch subscriber, .whilo receiving
a full return for his money, will have the gi at
'fication of • assisting in the encouragement of
and in the support of knit institution whose
'ons to that end ore, and will be, 'limited'
by the means which the public 'nay pined
o disposal. Subscriptions will be received
this borough by E. Beatty, Honorary Secre
y of the association.
rugitive-Slave- Case.
Moses • Jones., a colored man well and
'iavbrably known. in our borough for a
nirtn4ier'of. , years wasi_arrested on
Monday as fugitive slavel at the suit of
lEdward L. Pant, of Fauquier county, Va.
I Wm. il,l. Penrose, Esq. appeared id his
behalf before tlio U. S. Commissioner,
- Mr. Bonham, but upon examination it
was lound that Moses did not answer in
,one particular to the description' of
the a*ged fugitive, and he was accord
ingly promptly discharged. This is
the first ease in this county under the
new law, and excited a warm interest
though li:ft - bout any excitement on the
part of the public.
The large-stable- attached-to the--pub
lic house of Mr. Laird, on Pomfret street,
was discovered to be on fire about ten
o'clock on Thursday night last. The
building being of. wood and - filled with
highly combustible articles, the fire spee'-
.dily enveloped -it and rendered ' the ef
forts of thC firemen to save it \ unavailing.
A small but not valuable building adjoin
ing it was also burned, but the energy
and skill of the various _fire Companies:
ossisteo, by a large number of the
Item the garrison, who -with their
son, „prevented the fire froth sprtiading to
the' surrounding houses. But far these
exertions a vast,dvetruction
would probably have ensued. The sta•
Sly was.the property of Wm. T. Brown.
Esq. 'and we learn was not insured. A.
large quitottny of hay and a carriage,
belonging to Mr. Lnird;. were consumed
with the stable. •
gr - Tlie December number of Go.
Iley's•LadO - Book, which completes the
volumef‘r 1850, has been on our table
for stunt days. The whole vole ne has
redeemed, Godey's
_promises, but the
coming volume he announces shall far
surpass in splendor and excellence' all
- his pre vious-efforti.--Godey-boasts—now
a circulation 9f 80,000,copies. The lit
erary article's in, the present nuMber are
good, and the embellishments, particu
larly the scriptural designs, "The Creed,"
and "We praise Tbe,:bh Lord," are of
a superior order. • The price of this mag
azine is $3,-per annum, - -in advance for a
single copy-; two copies for $5, or four
copies - for $lO. Address L. A. Gotley,
113 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
The December numbeT- N of Gra
ham's Magazine is also recoiled, and is,
a splendid number, richly embellished
• with both gems of art and genius. With
the January number a new volume will
(be commenced, which the publisher
promises shall exceed any of its prede :
Cet:r.ora. Mr G. P. R. James, the cel
ebrated English Novelist, has beeNenga
gad as a regular, contributor, .besides a
talented corpdof native authors, whose
.co 'blued literary force cannot be aur
re, ecl. For the' pictorial department,
the rst Artists tiro engaged, at great ex-
Ie e: George R. , Grahnin, 134 Chest
nut street, Philadelphia -83 - a, year.
copies, $5;00. •• 1
"Oahe, . 'or . Neyi York above
ga ad and under ground,"—a new worlc
rq the pen'of G. G. 'Foster; -has just
• teerhissited froM the extensive publish
,, A
4 4 OAt Dewitt & Davenport, • Tri-
I vgs
bane Buildings, New York. Having
iiautiously made a favorable notice of
o, d book front this house some time,
rig I, we have taken the precaution to
re thk v an.d epee with the N. Y. 'Tri
be iriCharacterizing it ita "a flashy,
ph phoresceat pamphlet of the Model
rt i
.4r, 18chool, though' not so "rich"' as
,•:, no .of the author's foriner productions
in is ,line. in. attempting to be decent,
he corries'dull: • The hero of the story,
.Ce , is . allore,,! , • '
. . J
'he American Railway Guide is
eat pdcl,cat Volume ,Of 128 pages,
. 1 1 ch .is corrected monthly and publish
"on, the. Ist of every month by Cuuw
alispronu, P,athfinder Ofacu.l3B
street,-Now York, it will be fopnd
be u nsefoland economical Guido Book
tb o. . tril - volling .pu bc, Price mi
WOOD! Wo,do I•l.n.abosp•of-piir , sub.
10. r ib e ti'46 haver promised 'us *lnd :in
ynent. nre sniovmag that tiatir is -vex":
o) \ ll) in,
. ,
'Noirember Court.
The following case's were tried in „the
Court - of Commou Pleas and Quarter
Sessions, .or tlils county, last week.
Henry McCord, vs. George: Weary../Wien
of slender. Verdict 8.5 for Plaintiff—Todd for
Plaintiff, Biddle for Defendant.
J. Wetzel, far' use , of L. Todd, Esq. vs. John
Common and George Sponaleee executors. Ac
. of debt. Verdieyor defendant —Todd end
Biddleler plaintiff's. Henderson and Miller for
-'John Moore fsv.use of Will inrn Maya:toll, vs;
‘Vi ClarkAmittisrrator ofJames Clark.- 7
Action ufassumpsit. Verdict for defendant—
Todd and Moore for plaintiff. Miller and Ilep.
Lord for defendant. ' _ . .
Jacob Crotimer,eiccutar of Peter Creamer,vt
ho Cnrlinlu -Bank;ntid Jncob M. Haldeman.
Ejectinent. Verdict for Plaintiff—and now a
motion fur new trial pending—Mcijirb, Gaul
and Bonham for Plaintiffs. Biddle for
The following cases were also tried in the
Quarter Sessions'. '
Commonwealth vs. S. Davidson. Fornication
and Basturdy. Verdict "not guilty,"—Smith
fur Commonwealth. Hepburn for defendant.
Commonwealth as. Thomas D. Hampton.—
Forgery. Verdict "gupty," and defendant sen
tenced to two-years in lite Penitentiary--Smith
and Graham for Commonwealth. Todd and
Gaullugher for defendant.
Commonwealth us. Allen M. Cook. False
pretences. Verdict not guilty—Smith, Hep
burn and Biddle for Commonwealth. Bonham
Or defendant
Commonwealth vs. Westley Taylor. False
pretences. • Prosecution absent, and vci•diet of
not-guilty,-without evidence.
Commonwealth vs. Henry • 'rellaS. Assault
and Battery on hie wife. The evidence
led the most brutal conduct on the part of the
defendant. Verdict guilty, and sentenced to a
years imprisonment—Miller and Smith fur
Commonwealth. Moore for defendant.
Commonwealth es. John Moll and George
-MeII. "Malicious mischief," for abusing pros
ecutor's hogs. Verdict guilly, and sentenced to
pay one dollar and the mists. Todd and Miller
for Cornmonw t ealth. Graham for defendant.
Commonwe;lib vs. Amos Spangler and Geo.
Spangler. Assault on Christopher Myers.—
Prosecutor lived on top of the North Mountain,
and his house stands within about twenty yards
_of the_ line between_Perry. _ and Cumberland
counties. On the trial, it corns out suddenly,
pmt the assault was committed a little over the
• •
line, in Perry county The Court then inatruca
ted the jury to acquit:the defendants - , as this
Court liUd no ji * ifiridietion of the ease—
Bonham for Commonwealth. Todd for de-
Chmmonnealth vs. Jacob Boueber. Nui
sance, for cursing, swearing, &c. through the
streets of Newville. Guilty and sentenced to
two__ months._ impthonment-Miller for Coin
rnonwoalth. Moore fol. ,defendant.
Commonwealth vs. Christian WWI. As_
Fault: and battery. Not guilty, and county to
pay the costs. *Hier for Commonwealth. Gra"
ham for defonaant. - 3
• Commonwealth vs. John Evans and Patrick
AleGrath., The defendants - were soldiers. at the
garrison, and were tried on four indictments
for lar,-
for larceny,t or stealing from fellow soldieran
Verdict, Evans guilty, McGrath not guilty. E
vnnn sentenced to three months in
Commonwealth vs.Nebubulte Longunbaugh
er. Assault and battery on Sophia Myers.—
Verdict n'ot guilty, and proweutrix tO pay thn
costs—Miller for Commonwealth. Bonham for
Cominonwealth vs. Willis Foulke. Surely
of the peace on oath of John Carothers. Sen.
teneed-to give bail- in Sttleo .for..the period of
one year, to keep the peace. &e.—Alilkr . for
Commonwealth. Bonhatn and SuiPh for denim
Snore VB. same. Surety orthe peace on oath
of .1,1111 R. Stringfellow—MOO sentence, sumo
— Corn ro unw vs. 'Mrs: &rattan. Safely
of the peace. Dismissed, and each party to pay
her own costa—Miller and Bonham fur 'Coin.
lb, Smith for defendant
A bill was found againt Michael Sul
livan, by, the Grand Jury, for the murder
of 'James Haugh, but no arrest of the
perpetrator of the crime has yet been
made. Bi'ls were also found against
Serger and Shaeffer, arrested for passing
counterfeit, notel,. Their trial will take
place at the Jarivary sessions.
following prescription for scarlet fever
we find going the rounds of the papers
as the mode of treatment resorted to by
Dr. Schneeman, physician to the. Icing
of Hanover, end strongly recommended
by Dr. LindslOy of Washington city.
It is exceedingly simple if it is only as
efficacious :
TioN.—Frona the first day of the illness, and
as seini as we are certain of its nature, the pa.;
tient Must be rubbed morning and evening over
the whole body with a piece of bacon, in. euch
manner that, with the exception of the head,
a covering of fat is everywhere applied., In
'order to make thierubbing r in somewhat easier,
.it Is heel to take a piece of bacon the size of
the hand, choosing a paitoitill armed with the
ind, that we may have a firm grasp. On the
soft side of this piece slits are to to made, in
order to allow the oozing out of the fat. The
rubbing must be thoroughly performed, and
not too quickly, in order that the skin may bo
regularly saturated with the fat. Tim benefi
cial results a the application are swum obvious;
with wrapidity bordering en magic, all, even
the inns!, painful, symptoms of the disease are
allayed , quiet, sleep, good humor, appetite re
turn, and there remanui only the impatience of
the sickroom.
011 R TOwN Cl:atm.—The Volunteer,
thinks our - new ToWit . Clock has now
been fairly tested and its excellence dem:,
onstrated. In the three mouths which
have elapsed since it was put up. says,
that.paper, it has kept time with perfect
accuracy,' not having varied two m inutes
in the whole period. The clock is from
the manufactory of Mr. S. Penfield, NO,;
185 Ninth ,A.venua. New York,
Car,. MAY:--- . Col."Chartes May, of the •
I.T, S. Army, arrived to this borough ,
yesterdairmirning, on; his :roam from
Santo Fe. lie looks extremely wetland
was;warmly welcomed by his numerous,
friends.. •
• , 1 - I,sam , 13.1DO1;.-79Ulldelr
iougeme. t ;With Abe, Harrisburg
CatrlP4 1 r # 11 4 13 .0d01
lisre ter against all,travol
6ut ti* r
be tilAigd to use the old ,Elridge,",
Natt :Nbuirtioentatts.
IVIES, arzirr '
. .
RESPECTFULLY 'annouiices . to the La
die's of Carlisle, , thateho opened orr Satur-'
day lam, .4 Splsndid Vispartrilene of . . ' • -
of the-latest and meet fashionable styles. The
.goads have been selected with -care from the
best eityliouses. Her stock consiste'of.every
variety iit' Velvets. Fancy Silk mid Satin Bon
nets, Gbildrens' Hate and Cape, and. Ladies
Dress Goods, together 'with an assortment of
' FANCY GOODS. . • . ,
embracing.m part •
Feathers, . Flowers,
Ribbons, ,
.. Bonnet Caps,
Shawls, ' . - - Gloms; '
Bags, . , Combs; .
Cools, ~ Plats,
-BMWs, ' Miffs,
Gunt-elaslie Dolls, • ' Corsets, 4p.. .
Also, n large assortment of . 7 110ose-eolored Pa
mela Bonnets, at sixty-two mid nfialf vents.—
, In - HMl:lets altered in the neatest and most
fashionable manner. Please call and examine
icy steel,
Carlisle, novl3
To All - WhTom it may Concern.
A. Executor of Rev. R.dtcrt Emory, who
was Executor of Daniel Cataluna, .vho was ad
ministratpr of Jonas Rupp, deed:, I have it
haud the dividend Made to the followiug credi
tors of the said Jonas Rupp,. which they wil
please call for and receive without further do•
lay, viz ; ti
Jacob Rupley $1,54
Philip Seim 1,62
Philip Gafford 3,53
Jer'nh Rowers 1,54
Dan'!. Henshow 2.4'3
David Wilhelm 87
novIL Ex'r of Rev.
John !teaser - $4,69
J& W Zimmeren 48
Wm. Bell 1,15
Jacob Hartline 6,62
John Jackson . 1,92
J & H W Mower 5,8 t
Rat, Emory, dec'd.
flit. AD. LIPPE having • removed to the
city bf Philadelphia, bogs leave to thank
his friends here for the many kindnesses shown
to him while practising medicine- in 'Carlisle,
and takes thisTopportunity"banythat - Dr:11IL - -
LER has accepted of his practice, a gentleman
who comes here highly recomniended by the
first physicians of Europe. Dr: Lippe leaves
his boolcs with Jacob Sguier, Esg„ who will
receive payments and will attend to the settle
ment of such accounts . as shall be presented to
noVl3,Im AD LIPPE, M. D.'
• DR. r. rairamr..,
J ° BilVE P a ll h i a e
vin E : u g su Y e s
ee l e c ,nlr A iip °
linmerly practising physician of this place,
solicits the patronage of the friends of his pre
decessor, nod shall be happy to wait upon all
who may favor them with a call.
novl3,lm F. MILLER, M.D.
g'®Y3 RENT
T "E well known TAVERN STAND near
Holly Unp, situated on the Baltimore
-Turnpike ' six iniles--soutlr-of—Garlisle, now
occupied by Mr. S. 'Morret. The house con
tains 16 rooms and good Stabling: Also, good
Orchard one Garden. The scenery
being picturesque and beautiful, it is a
91 pleasant and'desirable resort during the
_ ; summer . season. _consequently many
hostrdprs can be had together with good travel
ling custom. - Possessmmwill be given oh the
first day of April, 1851. ...
novl3 3t. J. BENNEI"I'.
.0r 43, . E v 1 E11 8 1 IT O ° ij c E rit;
prices w.ll-tionaid. i* - Alwaya on band a au
perioi-aiticlo of
Brown stout, Porter, ✓lle and Beer,
both for bottling and Draught. Als . o, a supe•
rior article of Eastern and Western HOPS,
RYE AND ) >BARLEY MALT, for Distillers
_ . _
use. KURTZ & NES,
Brewers, North Water street, York, Pa
York, nov Ei-Atsl,2s
FOB. rtmrav
—SE-V-ER-Al -two story BRICK — HOUSES
on ta
tII. 1 ..
• - o -north east .ormw.— ,--
r --,--•••••‘,
RH; squere in the row known as "Hurper:s
~ Row." For terms, &c., inquire of the
English and American Hardware
Cheaper than can be lanai this side - of the
sule,criher having ,lust returned from
1 the Rioters .mie, with a Intl and ham , .
some assortment 01 all kinds of HARDWARE
ofthe_ very bast_maliers.._andivell solected,_is
now opening at the Cheap Hardware Stand in
North [intoner street, next door to Scott's Ho
tel, formerly kept by Henry Glass, where he
-would invite_ all that are Au _waru_of-gbod and
cheap Hardware to give him a call and see and
satisfy yourself of the truth, as we are determ
ined to sell at a very small advance. Small
profits and quick sales are the order of the day
To Builders, Cam and Others.
A. full stock of white, mineral and Japaned
Knobs, locks and latches, of every description
price and quality, hinges and screws, window
sash and shutter springs, strait-ndeltcd and
barrelled Bolts, of every kind,nmill , cross cut
and circular Saws, hand, "panel, ripping and
back Saws, bright, black and blue augurs, of
the very beit makers, Chisels, broad,pointing,
hand and chopping Axes, of different makers,
hatchets, planes and plane bits, steel and iron
squares, Ides and rasps, nods, brads and spikes
of all sizes.andvarranted of the best quality.
To Saddlers and Coach Milkers,
Our stock consists of a complete assortment of
articles in your lino of business, saddlery tools,
brass, silver and Japaned . mounting, carriage
trimmings, broad pasteing and seaming laces
anti fringes, plain and figured canvass, oil
cloth; top lining cloth and Bergs lining of vari-'
sus kinds, white; red, blue and black patent
leather' Dashers, silver, and brass elate, Dee
Hnir, rosette, hubs, fellows, spokes, bows, clip
tic springs, iron axles, malleable castings, E.,e,Q
To Cabinet and Shoe Makers, .
A. full stock of shoe kit and findings, Boot
roccos,- French kid, straits, morocco and lining
and binding skins, lasts, tacks, pegs, hammers
pinchors and French morocco, kit of every de
scription, superior copal varLislit - Japan and
black varnish, mahogany and maple Vaneers,
moulding; beading, resets, glass, mineral and
mahogany knobs of every size and style.
.TaiNaclantiths, Farmers and Others.
10 to:.s of assorted liar iron, ‘t mranted to be of
the best guilty. A splendid assortment of bar
and rolled iron, hammered, horse shoo, scollop,
plough, broad en narrow tire, rolled, horse shoe
bar, band, round and square iron, cast, sheaf
spring, English and A merican blister steel, Eng'
Belt Wngon boxes, Carriage bears in setts, nil
vile, vices, riled, rasps. horse shoe nails. &c.
To Hoitsekeepers.
A beautiful assortment of cheap fancy goods,
such ad waiters, trays, plain and , fancy knives
and forks, butcher knives and steels, brittania
lamps, brass candle sticks, Itrittannia and silver
table and tea spoons, plated butter .knives, pre•
serving kettles, smoothing irons, iron and tin
tied tea and oval hOilers;arau frying and bread
pans, washbotifdi, tubs', churns, buckets, iron
pots, wash ketties, and stow pans, &c.
To Ginumillts, Marhsinen an Others:
Rifle and Gun Barrels, toba -action,. plug,
nipple and back action Gun Locks, gun mount
ing and gun breech cocks, sheet brass and
German silver ornaments, &,c.
A fresh lot of \Votherill'a pure and extra
White Lead, oil and turpentine, varnishes, Ja
pan, white and red lead, yellow and Green
paint, ground in oil. whiting', yellow ochre„&c.
, •• ‘„,^ To Blasters and Marksmen.
A good assortment of double refined powder
rock powder of 'extra
9 404, safety -fuse, shot,
flints niurbar . lead, rapes .of all *kinds, for
threshing machines and well diggers, and a
thousand other articles too numerous todpsert,
all wo ask is to.giiie us a call, and we are.tio,n,'
fident you will findsgood assortment' of Hard'.
ware and cheaper thsn can lie-found any
other House this side of the oak. Give u 4
call is all ive ask, at the old and well knoWn
Hardware Stand - formerly. kept.l3Y,LoWis- Hat.,
lah, in NOrilt liaturtor street,-next - door _to
Scott's Hotel, Ismaili , kept by henry Glass—
iiovfl . ' -JACOB. SENER:
Brushes ! .Brusries
a variety Aral. attielee-ii
A groat varietk'oc. , itiOtie - Atttoful.'cittielha.. „
farad Tor eato4conhleting'6lWititawnah,.StVno , sl
ing, Scrubbing; Taintors, loth, Shaving, fiaif
Tpoth and.Ntill Flealt'apcl'araiding,4rnahea it
groat variaty,,,r4l(d,viinalt tf,t3al gnu,
tk, and will bet aold'nt - thaldmidat prihea • -;
Junco, " F3:IILTAQ'TyP.:
li~ce~laiteui, m
. _
Recently from - PliiladeOlii4 ." • ,
RESPECTFULLYinform the %Citizens of
til Carlisle • and its vicinity, that? 'they have
now at their Marble Yard in South - Hanover
street, a few doors south of the Caulk House,
and nearly opposite A - &AV Bentz'C Store, an
elegant stock of puro • .
and are prepared to execute hrtht6ndst tinished
. _. , ...
style . t
../Vonuments, . . Danbs, '
Grave Stones dived prices, , . Jaunt/es, ' .
Deer and Window Sills, . . Steps, 80, .
toaether with ever, other illicit)* itt -their line.
and promise that in fineness of finish, chaste
ness of design and quality of Marble, their
work shall not be surpassed by any other estab
lishment: ' *
They are also the authorized ag&nts . of Mr.
Robert 1Vood; of Philadelphia; end 'will flit.-
nish from his manufactory all varieties of IRON
RAILING for the enclosing of Grave lots and
all other purpcseg, at the shortest .notice and-at
Philadelphia pricii. will also finish or
manufacture all kinds of Building Work; such
as ,Sills, Steps and Platforms, &c., at the' short.
, estmotiee and on the most reasonable - tOrtn'ti, •
M. NLl,l'
. _ .
' Having had great experience, and being tint
played in the !Met shops .of Philadelphia, they
are therefore 'enabled to manufacture the most
fashionable work, and respectfully ask a share
of the patronage of Carlisleand the surrounding
country. novq 'lBsotf
rffillE subscriber having just returned from '•
1 the East, offers to the public a more am
ple and complete assortment of goods in his
line, titan ever previotisly.offernd, and respect
fully solicits dealers and others to give him a
call, when he will show them goods at amen,
ishingly low prices.
To Buihiers,•Carpcpters and Others. .
His stock comprises a full assortment of. _
Locks and Latches of every description, Hin
ges and Screws, I,Yindcw Springs and Bolts of •
varioueltinds, Window, Glass, Putty, Paints
of •all colors, Oils, Turpentine, Sze., ,
Also, Mill, Cross-cut and Circular Saws, Hand ;
Panneli-Ripping and-Back-Saws, AugursiChi
sels,Broadt Hand and Chopping Azoq, Hatch
ets, Planes and Plano Bids, Steel and `lroni
Squares, Files and Rasps, Nails, Brads and
Spikes of all sizes.
- To Sadler and Coach .147aktrs. ,
A complete assortment of Saddlery Tools,
Silvor, Brass and Japaned mounting, Carriage
trimmings, Broad pasting and seaming Lace,
plain and figured Canvass; Drab Cloths, Rati.
nett, Serge and Bucrani,•Mess and Deer Hair
patent an enamelled, Leather, Lamps and Da.
shers. Also, Ilubbs e Fellows and Spokes,
Eliptie spring's, Iron Axles, Mailable Castings,
To Cabinet and Shoe Makers
My snick embraces a complete assortment
of goods in your line. Moro Cyan. lining and
binding Shins, Lasts, Thread, Pegs by 1119
barrel or smaller quantity, Tools of every de
sdription, &c. Curled Hair, Hair ,Cloth, Var. ,
Mahogany and Maple Vaneers, Mould
ings and Rosette, Soto Springs, Glass, Malipg-_ .
ans,Maneral MA . Vaneera - KiMbs of all sizes.
To Bina:Wu* . 'Farmers, and others, who may be
in leant of good Iron. ,
Ho offers a full assortment of Hammered, •
Horse Shoe, Scollop, Plough, broad and nar
low. Tire Iron. Also, Rolled Jiorso 5h00,,,_
'Bar. Rand, - ROUnd: Square, Tire, Hoop and
Sheet Iron, Nail Rods, Russia -Sheet Iron,- ;
Chet, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel, English
and:American Wagon and Carriage Boxes,.
Anvils ' Vices, Files and Rafts, Horse Shoo' -;
Nails; &c.
To Housekeepers and those about entering the Ma
trimonial State. ...
I would - invite . attention to my-beautiful—as
sortment of waiters and Trays, plain and Go
thic style, knives and forks, Butcher Knives,
Scissors pad Shears, Brittannin,German Silver,
and Silver Plate, Table and Ton Spoons,
Brass and Emerald Preserving - Kettles, smooth
ing Irons, follow-ware, Tubs, Bupkete,
Chnrns; &c. •
' Oils, Paints and Dyo Stuffs, Tire and Water
Proof Paint.
k _...,,,,,..,._,........5.„:,,.,. : ,..,,„.,:5..„,.,„!„,,,.,,„,„,.5,,,„11,,, ; „„, : .
.-„.,...„,,,5.,„,„,„,, : ,„
EirAVING just returned from Now York &.
ill Philadelphia with the best awl Cheapest
hrou4itt-to-CarlUte,_l_‘i , eultiesqeettelly rsqu r ,
dealers anti consumers and all others to give
is a call and see whether they cot get more
and better goods f , r the same inOney than at
anywther place is town. My stock of Locks,
Latches,Bolts, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Spikes,
Glass, P aints, &c.,is complomand very cheap.
Carpenters"rool, I have a splendid assort.
meat. Also, Cabinet Maker's Tools and Ma•
terials.-vizc—Vanecrs; Mahogany, Mineral and
Glass Bureau Knobs and Varnish.
can have everything- in their-lino- cheaper-than
I have a first rate stock of Morocco and Lining
Skins, Bindings, Pegs, Thread and Wax, and
a superb assortment of Shoemakers Tools. I
haven's° a complete assortment of Ball's Lasts,
made in Harrisburg, which can
.be' had at no
other place in town, and at Ban Prices. To,
gether with an assortment of all kinds of Ham•
mored and Rolled Iron and -Steel. Of House
keeping-Articles,..rhave Knives. Forks, Spoons,'
Waiters, Snuffers and Trays, Tubs, Buckets,
I have the largest, Handsomest and Cheapest
Assortment in town. And to all who wont
Good and Cheap HARDWARE, I would any
come and sector yourselves.
oct 30 • J P LYNE.
MILL ror.
••THE, subscriber ofliirs for runt from tlie let
of April, nest; a large BRICK MILL &
SAW MILL,-on the Conodoguinet Creek, in
Enst Ponneboro' township, Cumherinnd coun
ty, known as AM-thorn Oyster's Mill. The
mill cuntthili four run of stones capable of
making an quantity of flour. The property
in in
. good order and the'situatinn good, with
suiciency of water- nt all times. Apply to.
the subscriber in New Cumberfand.
0ct23.8w C/DIS. OYSTER.
911HC subscriber is now opening a general
-assortinent:of DRY GOODS just reveiv
ed from the city, oolong which may he enume
rated Bombazines, Alpachas, Cashmeres,
Mous. do Lathes, Chintzes, Calicoes. Ging
hams, with,a variety of other Dress Goods, to.
which the attention, of the citizens of Carlisle,
and vicinity is invited as hey may expect to
find some goed,bargaine,
MRS. M. E.:101,1N, No, 11 Market street,
lIA RRISII RG, will. open" on' FRI
DAY, Nov. 1, Winter' Milliriet y orthe lateit
Paris styles 'of Bonnets.. Also. Caps, Head
Dresses, Feathers, Flowers, in every variety,
to which she respectfully invites the attention
of the public. . foct9o-4 t
Orpo Fail Goods.
WE havo roccived a vary heavy stock of
Fall and Muter — Goods, consisting of
Clods, Cassitneres anti Feelings,'
at all prices, white yellow and•red Flannels,
Linseys, Velvet Cords, -Beavertoons, and. a
great variety of CARSINETB, froth 37 to 80 cents
per yard.
Long and Square.Blmois,' •
from 8,50 to $lO chocks,lii6ltirgs, gingham
and Calicoes in abundance&
• ' Xons. de Laht'es and .8101 Ma,
both 'plain and' arinotie, para•
inatta cloths, yards wide plain all wool do
flines, Kentuclw Jeans ilted capton - ,Pqnnols,'
• • .11111I.DVDRY GOODS, •
Bonriat, RibtionS, Bonnet -Satins, Bonnet -Vet—
Nets, Florence, Silks, Straw 'Gimps and Cords,
Sills .and; Co.nunsri:Wire, dr,g,....cornforta ' and
Suspenders, - .
'Hosiery and Glot ea, .
• • .
ecitton,' , eirdole'n en& silk; Hanover 'Buckskin
plovers, But cone, Corde,:Bindings, and 4 . 6ene 7
ral riesortmeat - ot divert
Cloth Cap% Gtii/1 •
eVerYAind . ,ttnti..nt - 41i•piicee; Leona, Boginga,,
Book, Bwiati.,: ,• Carabrity,and •Jaconet..
Barrectand Striped .IVlttaliinvernl„ low of goods.,
not enetneraied, which will lie exchanged, for'--
money:to thefenVatitPg4rPGOU , ?,atf
the +o9l o f , abQPt; / 6 Pef)Pent
prices: , oraane.l ,
nova - A & r V,V BENTZ.
ARtsTo4D.:4lvriOni' fi urd,`te ~very 811 '
paetin o r ink. tor sale et ' RD'S
Stoi;c6 St, 0401,
•" - •
1 - IAitLES OGILBY- respectfully informs
the 'public generally that he has commoner
ed• opening his very Extensive, Beautiful and
Generat-stock of , , •
, .
and there havebeen 'a great many persons
waiting-this arrival to make their-fall purchases,
he flatters himself that they Ns ill t.e
satisfied alter looking over the host of benuti
fuleads that he is going to run off at small
profits.. COtn& in time and secure prettygoods
an good bargains. -His stock consistsin part
of a fresh supply of
Kentucky -Jeans, &c., or fill 'Colors 'and,Pricei
that are bound to please the purchaser. Also,
a.grand assortment of fi
'viz: Changrible_ Twill Satins,'Grodertap :and
Glasse Dress Silks, very beautiful,
and innumerable other now styles of Ladies'
Dress Goods, of the latest iinportatien.
in endless variety, ,which can be sold - at in r
lower. ates than tey have been soldier se
of entirely new styles, front 6 1-4 to 75 cents
per yard. Also, Bonnet Silks, Satins and Vol.
vets, in great variety, now style Chintzes,
White and Brown Muslins and Sheetings o
the best brands-and at all prices. The largest
and most general stock of
for gentlemen, Ladies and Children, that has
been exhibited in Carlisle for years.tritt.
of every variety of patterns and kinds, and at
prices to please all that wish .to lay out their
cash to agood advantage. /
,great variety, which I would fnbito op tlir..l
a ish,to purchase to
-look through my stock be
fore purchasingmlsewhere. •
A full and fresh assortment on hand, and will
be -sold -low at -the-old- and well-established
stand, 'East Main Street a few doors below the
Market House, where you con find a stock of
Goods so largo, so well selected and at prices
so low, that they cannot fail to pleu%e all [oct2
✓t the Cheap Store corner of Hanover and Lou
ther streets, opposite .11emer's Grocery Store
The undersigned most - repectfully informs
his friends and the public generally, that', he
has just returned-from Philadelphia with n well
selected assortment of FALL GOODS, pur.
chased nt the lowest - prices, and - , which "he is
determined to sell at small profits : among them
may be found CLOTHS, CASSIMP.RgS,
N GS, Sattinets, ' Velvet Cords, Ken
tucky Jeans, &c. ,
LA DIES DRESS GOODS, consisting, 'in
Part of Black Silks, Cashmeres, Monselin de
Lainett, Alpacas, Cohurgs, Gingliams, Calicoes
Sack Flatt ,, cls,.Collars, teens, Fringes, Sce,
_ D.O M ESTI-CS, Tickines, Checks,Flannels
Drillings, Osnaburg, Linseys, Mishits, bleached
and unbleached Also, Groceries - in all their
variety, viz: Sugar, Coffee, 'teas, Molasses,
Spices, Chocolate, &c Rags and Country
Produce talicitlif --- exchangelfor 'goods Please
give_me a cull : ._A C FETTER •
. oct9 •
THE undersigned respectfully — nforms_hi
friends and numerous customers, that he has
tocently returned from Philadelphia with a very
large and carefully selected assortment of new.
FAEL, GOODS, purchased -at the lowest pri
tea; at which hels deterinined to dispose, of
at very small, profits.
Superior CLOTHS, at from 75 cents to $5
a yard,: Cassuneres, 'Cassinets and Vestings,
at various prices.
DRESS Gt)ODS, such. as Delaincs, Bur
ges,.abd a splendid assortment of Silks. An
extensive assortment of Calicoes and Ginghtsms
Also, Checks; Table Diapers, Tickings, Muir.
lins, Bonnets, Hate.-
BOOTS AND SHOESAgood - assottment
I I. 4 sz un p oL.,.. iv--,— , -*-4'ottitaren' s Boole. and
1 superior quality-and very cheap,—
Alla, boy's and Mens Cloth and Hungarian
:Caps. iil .
. tiROCEItItS-S' :JR P.., des[ ~,' ~
lA„, *o'n7gt - antly _ on nand the
t (... quality - a
Citrpet Chain. . The subscriber respeetlully
asks' all whcrwielt good bargains, to r Rive him
a tail!. Can't forget the stand. opposite Leon.
arils old stand, North Hanover street
• Butter, Eggs, Rags and Soap, token at mar
ket prices N, W WOODS, Ag't
: . ' !. mat receive a res 1 mac tof Afed•
icirms, Paints, Glass, hil, dr,,., which
having been purchased with, great care at the
'best city lioness, I can confidently recommend
to Families, Physicians, Country Merchants
and Dealer,:, as being fresh and pore..
Patent Nedieines, Herhsand Extt acts,
Fine head cats, Spices,trpund and whole
frastruments, Essences,
Petre Ess'en'l Oils Perfumery ' &c.
Cod - Liver O il —Warranted Genuine.
Log and Cam Woods,
Oil Vitriol
Lac Dye'
lt ulderb,
Wetherill St Brother's 'Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Ye llow, Puint tind Varnish Brushes,
Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen
tine. Copal and conch Varnish, and Bed Lead.
All of _which will be sold, at the very lowest
tuaritei price, Also, a Freon and splen did as
sortment of.
Confectionary, and innumerable other articles
calculated for use and ornament, nll.of
arc offered at .he lowest cash prices, at the
cheap Drug- Book and Fancy Store of the cub
scriber on North Hirinovor street.
FitrIBLIC '5A.7.417. ,
Oat SaTURDNY, the 20th of November, next,
Ililtl,ntibecriber will expose to public sale on
the premises, at. 2 o'clock, P. M.; that de
• sliable DWELLING HOUSE &
, 41, 1 / 4 Lot of ground,. situated on West
1 i i :
o L n ou t t l !t e e r e a
s s street, clot
by lot
lo C t n o r Carlisle, ° A bounded i,,er
~ ttli,lS", ich, on the south by Lowlier direct,
on the west by lot of Win Thair, and on the
north by Locust Alloy, containing 30 feet in
front and 240 fora in •depth.
.Also, a lot of
„ground adjoining the above described, 'contain ,
mg 30 lent in front and 240 feet in depth. This
propc•rty has a_wwer. right ton never , foiling
well ofvvater within 60 feet' front. Terms
! made known on the. day of sale.
oct23 -
FULR sasortment of ROPES jot rec'eivel
17 the subscriber. Also, Glass Tubes kik
'Onl: IN; Wills for auk olleap-by
ung2B H. SA XTON.
Tu ST' received n largo lot. of Men's' Water
Prooll3oots of superior anality, which will
be sold, cheap. W WOO DS,
rowolvriko BAGGING.
AtBALE Of No. I Potomac Bogging, mita
de for' bags for farmers, just received
which I will sell cheap. '
'oct23 N W WOODS, Ag't. •
JUST received a large assortment 'of Mon .
Women and Children's Boots and Shoes,
IV Double Soled
,Buskina, and Jenny Lind
Shoes, which I can sell very cheap. •-•
oct93 . NVW WOODS, Ag't.til
A GENERAL. assortment of Ladies cal
Chilarens' Stockings, consisting of Ingrain and
Spun Silk Cashmere, Morino, Lambe Wool &
Cotton just opened by •
; nov6 - G W HITNER.
ghildrenfe Stockipgt_h___7
AFULLoassortmeni of White and Mixed.
Merino Maio of all sizea for- Children: 7 -
Also, -Ladies Hoge in great, variety lust prened
by; - . YMNPR.
. .
Nnw 0 - t Laud' Colotad lionnety
jut roctlved at tbo atciraof ' '
• 002:1' ' " • 'G 111.1'N'ER.
.41.Inorician OIL " ' • '
'JUS'l'reoolypd or American
Oil. :For bril4 by C FETTER, ,
.;,10t23 , ; No 148 North 'BrooOver et."
• • Zsag. Shawls. •
GR.F:AT variety of Lon& bawls from lil6
colebrood,l3ay StatmAlgs. Aloo,Squaro
Ftiarris of varioua kinds jut roooived.
outao , JV HITNER.
New rail Goods.
rrosh Spring -Supply !
& mums.
.; .. ',~Yi~~xlla~t~v~s
• . . •
'Select Classietil Bparding,',Schaol.
Sidphur , Springs Doubling Cum
ocrlond county, .Pentea.
JAMES HUSTON, A. M., Priiwipril.
JNO. ALLEN BROWN, ass t. Prof,
J A MES ' S. ECKL ES, -Tutor.
jj'AXrIN G for some time been desirous of
.I.t establishing a Select Boarding School, and
having at length obtained suitable buildings for
that purpose, the subscriber takes pleasure in
announcing to his patrons and friends, that ho
will open the above named-Institution on the
Ist of October. ;.,. • :
, .
, .
The location isan it small and rthiranavala
formed By - an , En shaped bend cf the North'
Mountain. aptly termed " Doubling Gap," and
is not surpassed iii healthfulms of situation
and-beauty of scenery - by tiny plfice in the ,
country.' 'The main building is large and tom
modious, GOO feetin length by 44 in breadth,
and 3 sullies high.) and is well furnished 'with
everything-necessary to convenience and com
fort. The other buildings compose. Bath Hou
ses; &c., to thefree use of which — Me pupils .--
will have access at proper hours. The well
known White Sulphur Springs riiie withinSL
Isw - rude - of - flie main building.
The object of the Institution is to fit young
men for business, or for any of the ' higher
classes of College. Tho courts of instruction
will bet thorough and complete, more attention
being given to the quality than to the quantity
in the performance of the student. AU the'-
branchataugh Ti - the best academies will be
taught in this, nd proper apparatus will be
used for illustrati n of the subjects that require'
it. Classes , in/ ivil Engineering will &joy
the advantage of operations in the field with
Transit,. Compass, Chain, &c. DA '
Board, tuition, washing, fuel and lightso
per session, 050,00
Latin and Greek ' ' 5 00
1 ' Tench or Hebrew s'oo
L''"il :""n" , lering with use of Instrum'ts•lo 00
Drawing anti perm,. • - 500
Vocal and Instrument'il ev,wio. 5 00
The pupils will board in
,the I,,..,titution un•
der the immediate and Constant supt...„i s i on o f
the -Principtil,-who:will-bestew-careful atm;,., -
upon their convenience and comfort. Eaen%-
.student will furnish 'his 'own towels, 'and have
them rind his clothes distinctly marked.
The academic year will be divided into ses
sions of twenty weeki each, commencing on the
first of September. - The regular vacation will
occur in July and August. Owing to-delay in
cori.pleting the arrangements the first tension
of the present year will commence ; on TUES.
DAY the first day of October, as stated - Mum , .
An easy, TV" eons is afforded In students by
means of .ho Cumberland Valley Rail Rood to •
Ncwvi le, - se.drice by conches to th.! Acad
emy. The Go yeburg and Lewistown State
Road passes through Nth - grounds.
For circulars containing full particulars and
reference, addtess the Principal through the
Newville P. O.
NoWville, Sept. 18, 1850-3 m. t.
Car Hate Depogite Bank,
Nov. 5, 1550.
—THE Board of Directors of -this institution
have this day declared a dividend of three per
cent. for the last six months on the capital stock
paid in, which will be paid to the stockholders
or their legal representatives on °rafter the 15th
inst. - M. BEETEM, Cashier.'
Pay UP : Pay. UP
ALL-PERSONS- indebted -for State and
County Tuxes to thesubscriber, ore hereby no
tified to pay the mime on or Wore the 21st of
December, as the funds are very much needed,
and indulgence beyond that time cannot he,
given. aosr.PH C. THOMPSON,
nov6 Collector.
Estate. of Christian Bowman, dec'd.
moTicE is hereby given;_that letters testa
tnentary on the estate of Christionnow
msn, Into of Mifflin' township, dec'd„' have
bean granted to subscriber residing in the
same township. All persona having .. .claims or
demands against the estate of said decedent
y e.^n.sw.ita x;ev -
novl3 6traE3
. Estate of - George Priest, dec,d.
:WHEREAS Letters of Administration on
the estate of GEORGE PRIEST, Into
et Westponnsboro' township, Cumberland co.,
deceased, have been granted to' the subscriber."
All persons indebted to said estate me request
ed to make payment, and those having claims
or demands against said decedent are requested
to make known-the-samo without delay, at the
ittre - vesidence - of - sabl - deceased, to
- novl3pd MARSHALL JAMES, ../idm'e:
Estate of David Bear, deol.
JAETTERS of Administration on the Estate,
of D AVID r BEAR; late of Upper Allen
township, Cumberlausl county, deceased have
been granted to the' subscribar, residing. in the
same township. All persons haVing claims or
demands against the estate of said decedent to
present them for settlement, and dike indebt
ed to make immediate payment to
olatid - JOHN B. COOVER, .3doer:
Estate of Susanna. Rich, deed.
w F'I'TERS Testamentary on the estate of
IA SUSANNA RICH, late of Upper Allen
township, Cumberland county, deceased, have
been granted to . the subscriber - residing in the
same township: Mt persons Laving claims a-
P.Ainßt thasaid estate will please present them
for settlement, and those indebted to make itn•
mediate payment to " • •
ril3pci JtHIN . RICFI, Executor.
Estate of Henry Church, deed,
min; undersigned hereby gives nOtice that
lettere of Administration on the estate of
Henry Church. late of Bridgeport. Cumberland
county. deceased, h ave been granted to hits'by
the Register of said connty... He therelbre no
tifies all person , : indebted to the estate of said
,to and melte:payment, and all
persons having claims ngninSt the some to pre
sent thorn for settlement and- payment. The
undersigned resides in Middletown; l‘nuphin
county, where he can be seen and consulted on of the in tate, and will also be at
Bridgeport, imsnid runty or Cumberland part
of his time on the 'business of said estate, and
in his absence from Bridgeport Cam/George
Rupley will set ns his agent in making settle•
ments, &e. § R R CHURCH, Adm'r.
N. B. There is a large nod Wall assorted lot
of LIVI VCR :belonging to the, estate of said
decedent, which willhe disposed Of ns hereto
fore. Persons desirous to purchase can enll on
the subscriber or his agent Cubt. George .Ru:
pley. R It CHURCH, Adm'r.
Estate bf Elizabeth Moore, deal,
EWERS of Adminiutratiorron the Estate
IA of Elizabeth \loom dee'd., late! of the
horough of Carlisle, Cumberlmul countv..N.,
have been granted to the sub=cribcr residing in
North. Middleton township, county aforesaid
All 'pemma haying claims or daniands nartinst
said estate will present til6lll.duly authenticated
for settlement, and those indebted will make
immediate payment to
Linen -- laiktres.
,A now lot of Linen LuSires,' vat-lens prices
and colors, from 6 to 50 rents a yard: Also,
another supply 'of Braid, China Ponrl, Rough
and Ready, Gimp, and Chip BONNETS.—
Also, Changeable and Dress SILKS, is vari—
ety, with a varied assortment of Bonnet and
Cnp BIBBONS; Dress Trimmings, &c
just receiYod'and opened by
mny2hl RIG• W. I.l l+ l lR . •
Sack FlinnelT,
JUST received a genural assortment of UoI,
ored Flannels for.lottliee Sacks, to wit--Bitick-.
'Gray, Blue, Red. Green,,Pink arid Changea
ble. Also, White AVoolSii and Cotton Flan-e
nole in great Variety. • 0 W HITNER. •
• _ Ribbonti.. , . '
dubscrilier, nos; oPening .tlio cheap•
eat lot of Bonnitr tiPtt Oltiltibbbn? over offered
in CirlishriErinthAirovltl ' , advise the Intlietilo call
semi and get ttst-r of,the bargains, •• •
oct3t) - . G W
- Black Silk Lp.cesp &c ! ,
AA- VARIETY betilack
sand Cotton tacos, Valenciennes Edg ng
Linen Bobbin. Edgings, just epenell by -
••soptes§ • G. W. lIITNER.
• Tare Satin's:and
tarrirg eattecriber hattiatit oported a general
aosorpnent of, Turd &taw' of 14000, colouta.
Changoahle'Silkti hfliailety. to which he
Invitee the attoatioa• of the Ladies of Carlisle'
and, •Inovfly ,G 1 W.-11r1'NEW.
Prbile Sapp;
A furga hit of :Ito_ reuifit 7 npproved brands
" 6 " et • MONYERS , llanovor
tkorl,it:eic4 -.:(itrAiii6l
THE subscriber offerff at'private sale the fol.
'hawing property. 'situate „North Middletp
township, Ctimberland County, near the
burg turnpike, aboutig miles from Carlisle,
consisting of FIVE ACRES of Ground, mom
or less, adjoining • properties of Samuel Rutz
Boorbrower and the Letprt Spring!)
u:.,.with all the buildinga4hefeon erected,
all of which are in first rate order.—
There is also a fine YOUNG ORCHARD
of choice Apple trees. Also, a-firte cool spring
convenient to the houses. Tho proptorty 19 :in .
good older, and-is admirably adapted for amp.=
ket farm, being* convenient to the borough of
Carlisle. Terms will be made reasonable.—
For further information apply,to the subscriber
agent for the owner, living near the place.
THE subricriber private sale the-fol
lowing, described Llletti Etttatti,'sithate in
North Middleton township, Cumheiland county
containing 150 ACRES, more or leSs, , patented
land, about 155. of which are cleafed and in a
high state .of cultivation, and the residue cover
ed, with thriving young timber., The improve.
memo -are Two Story LOG
;:411} „ - H - OUSETSTON - E - WITCHENT -- : -
.. a' first rate 'new BANK BARN,
Wagon Shed and Corn Crib.—
a fine young and thriving
Orchard with choice fruit,- The form is well
covered with locust timber. There is a.nevel
failing sluing of water near.the door, whit wa- '
ter enough tor mill power. This water, can be • •
brought in pipes to the house and barn.
The, above-menponed tract is all limestone
land, and is in a healthy neighbourhood, lying
upon the Conodoguinet Creek, within 2 miles
of Carlisle. and only half a mile from the Cum- •
berland Valley Rail Road. It is of course con.:
venient to,,,,the Carlisle market and well adapt,
ed for supplying- said market. 'The pucehasey,
can have the whole farm erica) Acres
improverhents. • An indisputable N.t,hc z ,
iF given.; For terms apply to the auheerit ' res. , '.‘
aiding Orr the Walnut Bottom' ROSA,' -ttttilN4-Ist;
from Carlisle; .
sep,ls - JOHN -FISHI3tI .„.
Paluable Real tAE*
-- • --AT- P:RI-V-ATE-:SAL.E.,Sh
7114 HE undersigned oilers fur snle'in : , ; /,
: 1 i rt'a,t - nt in West-Petinsboro' towtiship j „}„.„.,,
'.',, e " . ,'inty,.abont one 'mile Sotitli.e:l',.-i,
'''.v wv "ici c ''''' -.Ming 113 ACRES, tii ii . :i , ' fr ".' ''.
Limestone Land, -...
and well enclosed wil,
a high state tit etiltign4tti::-,..
good and sub ! tiSii. , .. , ' ,,
fences. About 80 Acre,' ,f . wb lel, Hr., ~..,.' ; 4.,;',1,..:.
and the residue well covered ~:,h t h r i v i, .ii t .i.,,0,- , '
. i beg. 'rbe improvement._ ea 5 t , , ;. i, x ii'.7 . ,.,,, 7 ,
, ill o ., ii, excellent. T, W 0 B'l 4,- a wt, W•...,': ..,,
17113 : ili': , HOUSE, a large BANK BA .i . .-? 1 'ir, ,, ;, , ,i;:, ,
111111 .: 1 and other out buildings. an 031 - i''' . .6i'-'''
s , of choice fruit trees, and a pt,i. -.. - ,- , iiik,
good - water conveniter to the door. - l' '; - i - i;i;i7.:
Acres of good MOUNTAIN LAND •
sold with the above. For terms, &c, op
ol the,eubscriber residing in Carlisle, Pakil
oct2 ' It B STEVENSO ,
Valuable Farm at Private S t'
'PH Emitbscriber intending - to - remove*:
west, offers at private. sale a valuable Mr_ 'At
Limestone' Lund, situated in North Middre
township. Cumberland county, about Virri
cast of Carlisle war Middlesex and tho.l
risburg pike, adjoining the Letart
the lands of Jacob Albright, Joseph Niritin;?,- "
and others, con Mining 120 ACRES ofiVi'll•
improved land-well Mimed Wilh__PoSt
and in a high state of cultivation. Ten
of if are thriving timber land and four in eitlel.k
lent MeadoW. The improvements ' •''
are o good,Bank Barn, 75 feet long,
••••1111 a large TWO STORY FRAME
IMO te.
HOUSE, with a well of good water,,j
near it, and all other necessary out
buildings all of which are in a good '-state of
repair.; Also, toltriving,OßCHAlWAl
fruit. In the convenience of its arrangement
locality, fertility and' imp . rovement, it is scarce
ly equalled bv any term in the country: "A first
rate. Lime Kiln has been erected on the place
within the last year. It will bo sold on reason
able terms Persons wishing to •examine it, or ,
desiring father inThrmation, are requested to
call on the subscriber.
crzoncE PARIVE-1301V.0.4-LE.
THE subscriber offers for, sale
,a valuable
gitym of choice 'arable land, situate in Wert
Yohnsboro' township, .Cumberland county, on
tterau - v te3° svint"vccato,
A HES inn high state of cultivatiba.4'. - Cany
Prarements .are a two story WeatbeliflUl,A.2lL___,
10USE, Smoke House, lee , House tutu Wash
House, and' a good .well of water at thu door.—,
Also, n large Bank Bern, Corn'Crity, Wagon
Shed 1,11 in good order and a gooil Orchard.—
there is 'l7 -Acres ot. first rate Meadow and a.
bout 25 Acres of TiMber 'Land - ort the opposite
sidc,of the.ereek, 'which Will be sold with the
Farm if desired. There bas been between fits
and six' thousand bushels of limo put on this
rm_lamly — Th - trge Ume Kiln,
capable of burning from 12 to 1400 bushels at a ,
blast on the, property.
ang2lim ' WILLIAM ALTER.
CfLancaster Volksfreund eppy tf. and end
bill to this office for collection.
Price Reduced !
Large Dottlem—Only One Dollar.
Tho Proprietor of the Cleat American Remedy " VAUGUN'S
urgent solicitations of his Agents, throughout-the Unites
States mid Canada, has now
• Reduced the Price
of Ids popular and well known article; and from this date
henceforth, "he will put up but one Size only,—hts gear
bottles : the retail price will be
The public may rest assured that'the character of the Medi
eine, its strength, and curative properties wtta. REMAI)
!INCH/O.IOND. and the care will be hesiow,ed ha pre
paring it as henetrifore.
' As this medicine, under its reduced price, will he purchased
by those ;vim have not hitherto made themselves acquainted
_with its virtues, the proprietor would beg to Intimate that his
article is not, to he classed With the vast amount of "Remedies
of the day ;" it claims for itself a greater healing power. iN,
all diseases. than any other preparation 71049 Wars As
world ; and has slastainee •tself for eight years by itsi superica
'medical visions, and, until thisredoction, commanded. doubt.
the price of any other article in this lido.
NOTION PARTICULARI.Y, this article stets with great-heal
lag power and certainty; upon the . , r
, Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs,
~‘: •
and all rithci organs, •
upon the proper !Mien of which Ilib and • ~.
health depend. I
This medicine hew a justly high reppto rurla remedy for ••'
Dropsy and Gravel,
and all dlseasee of that nature'. It may be rolled upon 'wirer
the intelligent physiemn has abandoned his patient, and for ,
them dbmessing diseases, more especially, DROP - SY, the tiropd
slog would earnestly and. honestly recommend It. At it, ••
present price It Is easily obtained by all, and the trial will prow
the article to be , the I .
Cheapest Medicine isi.the World! •
ttle - Please ask for pamphlets—the agents eye them away
they contain over sixteen pages of receipts, (in Addition to •
medical matter) ,valuable for household purposes, anti whitil
will save many dollars per year to practical housekeepers. • .
These receipts are introdneed to make the book of griial,
value, aside frofri Its character as as advertising medium fret
the medicine, the testimony in favor of which, In the fonn of
letters from all parts . df the country. may be rolled Upon.
" Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptio Mixture ";•rtits
Great American Remedy, now for eats in quart bottles at 11 •
each, small battles at 10 ate mush. No small bottles will be
issued aftet the present stock is disposed of. -
Principal Office, Aluffale. N. V., 907 Main Street, -
Sold Wholesale and Retail by OLCOTT MoKESSON &
CO.; 127 Malden Lane, New York City.
N. B.—All loam's (excepting item agenttrand dealers wit •
whom ho transacts business) mint by Poet Paid. or no attentl&
td be given to them. •
flavcrstlO, , .;
..1 C 4r, G B Altick; shippensburg,
" {tassel Z.O.Dice, Dickinson, •• '
'Spahr,. Mecheni , stiurg,
AII Zng'cr, Kingetown, , , .
TO Shoemakers... /'
• •
( - )1 ,- OR oRs steel for bntry_Lind
Xjjript received - g W :HITHER.
vnix9rn Lfl AD.
Y.IF and 5 harrola LINSEED OIL jam rem
celved by the subscriberto bo sold Alta* ,
imgl4 • • • 14.tAXT014...
• •
• GUM. SIZOE'S. _ _„
BUST received twb" came Of LodiOs thOir*
Shone; or liartehortr' fi tated:iiatteruwhich
I cnn warrant ginid.nnalitv... • ' ' '
act 23, . , WO.O
N , WDS: AO.
Pure Older
TUST r,deolved Q frdeli.barrel of INTO Cider ,
ipj; Vinegar, tifinipetioequality",,edd vatiift,ited
rroin adulturniion,, I 9;. 11. aao
noun.. 9) ; 'OR!ld! 'l9,
• .t • • t',.. VOTtrir,
300 'Vi TPL„,s,tictc,.°sltioN,',nl 6 otl'‘ri,k,' o : . "'