. . - . -.... , . . a _ ....... . , . _., ... .. ._ ~ ,t , F , ,4 ) -.Z.‘4 7, " , i - )'^ • 1 1 ,''' 11 '' " - . . . IP • '-'' ' ! •'• , : ,' - ./..t' . 4 - i ri;."(1141Z7.4 , ) , `%:':' , • 4 1 M ----..— . , , ' ''''' 1 '' , - , - I .' "•- -''.; '' .`• • c": 7 --t'i , ; tt.e,e 4 l.., , `• ,;-, 4 , _JD) . . _ : • , __ _ , , i I . , • / t ' ' er4•Ale . '..;:`, tly; ' I , ' -" - r -- ,.... , .." , ~ , ,• • i ' >• - 'A. .1+ r v . . . . , , . . ~...,......, .'" ~. * - 4 -, i - 4 .- , 17 , E. I d i.., . • i . , .resf.e. • . U'..d. , .." 5 ' Awn'' . ,t'L . =l. ',. '' P - .:.1 - ii..._---1 . . - p . . ~„.. II BY E. BEATTY. dari)o. - EMIUSIOXAN AVM SURGEON. Hoot. H. Hinkley, .• OFFICE on Rain Street, near the Post Of— flee.. Dr. H. is prepared to us 6 Galvanism as a remedial agent 'tithe trostriunt of Paraly sis, Neuralgia and Rheumatic affections, but does not guaranice susses front its applicatnanto all or evert any of those' diseases. Rebel has' been given and cures effected in a number of instances, and may. be in others. rch_2l,Dstkly, ' Dr. •I. u. Loomis, W ILL perform al ?peratious upon the Tooth that are ream t'ed for their preservation, such as Scaling, Filing, Plugging, &c, or will restore the loss of them, by inserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth o n full -nett. Otrollice on Pitt street; a few roes south - arthb Railroad - Hotel: -- Dr. L. isub• ant the last ton days of every month. .97 Car& • f re rood,. J• W. ' lIENDBL, ,Surgeon Dentist a informs his form .patrods that he•has to Carlisle, and will be glad to attend to ull calls in.the line or his profession. loct3l John Williamson, -- - RNE Y AT LAW,—OFFICE, in the .1 - V•house of-Miss McGinnis, near-the-store , of A & W Benfz, South Hanover street, Carlisle, Perin'a. •- • . )tp10•50 Carson C. lgoore, _ A TIORNtY. AT_LAW. Office in the roem lately occupied by Dr. Foster, deceased: ' mar 31 M. Penrose, A TTORNCY AT LAW, 'sill practice in lil thc.sevoral Courts of CumberlMM county. OFFICE. in Alain Street, in tho room former y occupied byL. G. Branciebtiry, Esq. James R. Smith; AT'l'o RNP. YAT LA - W. Has RE MOVED Ms office to Beotem's Row,'two oors from Burkholder's Hotel.. [opr 1 CMOR.GE MGM _ITIS i TICE OF THE' PEACE. OF `. Fin' at his residence, corner - of - Main street And the Public - Sonare, ooioNite Burkholder's Im addition to the duties of 3ustire of the _poses, will attend ro all kinds of writing, Era,Th. as deeds, bands, mortgages, indentures, articles of agreement, notes, &c. Carlisle, up • Plainfield Classical Academy, FOIMI MILES WEST OF CARLISLE. ' The—Ninth-Session will commence - o n 010 - - DAY, .November 4th, 1850. N conbequence of increasing patronage s 1. large and, commodious brick edifice has been.. erected,. rendermg.--th is. one of ;the. most desirable institutions in the suite. The various depaittnents aro under the careicif competent and faithful instructors, and every endeavor will be made to promote the moral and intellectual ' improvement of students, The surrounding country is beautiful and' healthful, and the in -stitutiorrsuffirientlydistant'irom-tosvirorviltage- to P revent evil association/4.. - erms-150 per SeerSiori , (Five Months.) For circulars wiM full information address K — B URN STPrificipar Plainfield P, 0., 'Cumberland County, Pa. oct2'so Froth Drugs, ifftidiClneti, sic - Re• / I have just received from Philadel• phis and New York very extensive 411 P additions to my former stock, enibra cing nearly every article of Medicine now in use, together with Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps, Stationery,--Fine - -Cutlery,- -Fishing Tackle,— Brulies of almost every description,' with an 'endless variety of other articles, which I am de termined to sell at the VERY LOWEST rices. t - ptr3rsicians,_ -- Me thus and others!, are respectfully requested not to pass the - OLD - STAND, as they may-rest- assured that every article will be sold of a good quality, `and upon reasonable terms. _ _ - S. ELLIOTT, Main street. Carlisle. May 30 . .Extenaive_Gabbket Tip °BERT 13. SM/LEY, successor to Wm. it C. Gibson, CABI NET.MAK.EIt & UN DERTAKER, North Hanover street, Carlisle, would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally that he now baton hand a large assortment of Ow and elegant FURNITURE, .consisting in part of Sofas, Wardrobes, Card and other Tables, Bureaus., Bedsteads,' plain and lancy Sewing Stands,.&o. manufactured of the best materials and'qUality warranted. Also a gene.. cal assortment of k hairs at the lowest prices.— Venitian Minch, made to order and repairing _ promptly attended to. 0:Iv - COFFINS made to order n t the shortest potiee. and having a 'Splen did Hearse he will attend funerals in town or country. orDont forget the old stana of Wm: C. Gibson,' in North Hanover street, a few doors north 'of Glass's Hotel. Sept 4—ly. R. B. SMILEY. Extensive Furniture Rooms. TAMES R.WM.A. VE R would respectfully eV call the attention of House Keepers and the public to his extensive 'stock of ELEGANT FURNUURE. including ,Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables, Dressing and plain Bureaus and every odor article in his branch of business. Alstr, now on hand the largest as . sortment of CHAIRS in Carlisle,'M the lowest _ -- prices: - Kr - Coffins made at the shortest notice and a Hearse - provided for funerals. He solic its a call at his establishment on North Hano veratreet, near Glass's HOTEL.' N.8.-Fur- niture hired out by the month or year. • Harlisle, March 20. 1850.,—1y • .ffluetioir;eering: THE subscriber wishes to inform his friends in town and country ?: that he has commenc . • „ s r' • ed the above business • and will attend to sales 4,,0 t in town and country on Alkk* the hoot reasonable terms Ile can, be tound at The Hardware Store next doorto Scott's Taverh in North Hanover street. nagl4 • A S SENER. . - - ' . ' GEORGE Z. BRETZ, URGEON DENTIST—wouId resneetful -Irinform the public that he is now prepar e -to perform all operations on the Teeth that may be required. Artificial Teeth insetted, front a. single tooth to an entire yet, upon the latest and most approved principle, - The pa - - (renege of the public, is respeetfully-solicittd.— no - may be found - at the residence of-his bro ther on North Pitt street. .Carlisle, Sept 18, 1850: . . • __-_, Lumber-Yard. TSE subscriber would,,,respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that lie 116E1 tutet opened a now LUMBER AND COAL YARD in West High'etreet, a few doors earn of Mesars Y & I) Rheade's4Varehouse, where frie...timv wilt--keep-constantly on hand a firavrata assortment of all kinds of son •eoned pine boards and plank and all other kinds of ittifT, all of which he will sell low for cash • April 3,1850. JOHN .14. ARMSTRONG Mince. • THE Commissioners of Cumberland county deem it proper to inform tbe.publie, that the 6 " , od meetings of the Board of Commiseionere be hold on the second ,and fourth Mondoye of each month, at which time any persons. having businees with said 'Heard, will meet 'them at noir oilier, in 'Carlisle. AtteSr WM. RILEY, CPR. • '. Dyeing and 00ming, - ictrituA.ltUßLATlCieLoutherttr e et, w w, near the College; dyes L_ adios' and.Gentle.' lli,olorsiand warranted! work o m e n'sb o n p satisfactory. irna Otdox L ,a in his lino; roa p g,il6 . peetlelly hooked,. •-—: • ' ' ge .6' Painit ,671 9 ewspaper,-- - .Devoted .to Literature, agricitltiie, . . . . ) , . THERE ARE TWO THINGS,,SAITH . LORD BACON, WHICH MAKE 4,NATION - GREAT AND PROSPEROUS—A FERTILE 91 . k , v,Ly BUSY WORKSHOPS,—TO WHICH, LET ME ADD; KNOWLEDGE AND FREEDOIII.--Mahop Ha . ll . . . , tipuralq; The But of Dead heirs Graveei, DV EMILY VARNiPELL The ashes of in smouldering oak To men no history tell, - Or how in bygone years It giew Luxuriant and well. They ;peek not of the Ammer breeze That through lie branches strayed, .Whezi - loteing - litifite - anditeety;Rdelii Reclined beneath ite shade. Nor etnte they that the woodsman came And cast a glance around. Beheld the monarch of the field, . And,felled It to the ground. ..So too, the dust of dead men's grave/1,1 ',tow voiceless, still, and mote !, How all unknown Its ancient fume,_ - - Its credit and repute! The duel within the lone church able The sextop-oweepo away ; ' Was it oryrinet , or peasant born, In lifela momentous day} - The whirlwind watts 7t 'mid the tombs; Nor canst thou tell, oh! Man, Which is the pante - lan flour,; • Which the plebeian bran. - (Tale. From the Cincinnati Gazelle "WOMAN, BEHOLD THY SON." DV MRS. HARRIET lIHECCHER-STOWE. 'rue goldei rays of a summer afternoon were streaming through the windows of a quiet a. partmont where everything was tho picture of . orderly repose. Gently and noiselcasly.it glides, gilding the glossy old chairs, polished by yearn of care; fluttering with flickering gleam on the .koolc caves, by the fire and the antique. China vases on the mantel, and even coquetting with sparkles of fanciful gajety over the face of the perpendicular sombre old cluck, which though =st-times - appaion tly - coaxed liimonlo - qie'vorge of a smile, still continued its inevitable tick as for a centurybefeW° • On the hearth rug lay outstretched a great Inv looking Maltese cat, evidently enjoying the golden beam that fell upon his sober 'aides and sleepily opening and shutting his great green eyes_ as if lost in luxurious contempla tion. But the- most characteristic. figure in the Whale picture, was that of an aged woman, who sat-quietly-rocking-10 and fro, in a great chair by the side of a large round table, covered with books. There was a quiet beauty in that pla cid lace—that silvery hair brushed neatly un der the snowy border of the cap._ 4yenuine_ face told iii;rne tale of sorrow long assuaged arid passions bushed to rcet,as on the calm ocean shore tho golden furrowed. sand shows traces of storms and fluctuation& litng past. ). 00 the.rotind, greon covered table hestac her lOy the quiet companion of her age, the large Bible, whose pages„ like the gates of the Celes tial City, were not shut at all by day, a few: old standard busks and the pleasant rippling,. knitting, whose dreamy, itresponsible monoto ny is the best musiief age. A fair girlish form was seated by the table— the dree3wnnet•had fallen back on her shout ders,-the-soft-eheehs-were-sufrused-and-earnest, the long lashes and the tread eyes were ele-. !quest of sulidued 'fbelin us she read aloud front the letter in her hand. It was from , ousk ry'—u name to both of them comprising all that was dear and valued on earth, for he -was .the .only-son of his-inother,-and-she-was-u-vi idowl— - yet be had not been always_ an only ono; flow er nft-r Ili yer on the tree 01 her life had blo6M-- ed and died, and gradaully as waters cut of' from many channels the atrenms of, love had centered deeper in this last slid only one. ' . And in truth Harry Sergeant was all that a. mother might desire or be proud cf. Goner- .ous, high-minded,,wiity and talented, and with a strong and noble Thysical development, he seemed born to command the love of women.— The only trouble with him was in common parlance, that he was too clover a fellow—ho was too social, too impressible, too vereatile,too uttractiv% and too muel in demand for his own gold. He alwaye-dreerompuny abort him as... honey draws flies, and was indispensable eve rywhere and to everybody, and it needs a' stea dy head and firm nerves for such an one to ea- cape ruin Harry's course in Co!logo, though brilliant an scholarship, itid boon critical and perilous. fie nos a decided favorite with the faculty and students; but it required a groat deal of hard working and adroit management on the part of his instructors to bring hint through .without any Infringement of college laWs and piTpric. lies; not that he over meant the least harm in his life, but that some extra-generous impute°, some quixotic generosity, was always tumbling' him neck and heels into somebody's scrapes and making him part and parcel in every piece of mischief that was going on. With all this premised, there is no need .to say that Harry was a special favorite with the ladies, in truth, it was a contessod fact among his acquiddattos, thatwhereas dozens of cred itable, respectable; well-to-do young men might besiege &Male hearts'witb every proper formal ity, waiting at the gates, and watching ut the posts of the doors in vain, yet litter° him all • . gates and passages seemed to Ay open of their own accord ; neverthclose, thole was in his na tive village one, quiet maiden, who only held in !Ler hand the key the,t could unlock hie heart in reternond carried silently in, her heart the spoil that could fetter that brilliant, restless • spirit; and she it was of the tholightful brow and, downcast eyes whom we saw in. our pic ture bonding over the letter With his mother. That mother Hairy loved to ,idolatry„ She was to his Wad an impersonation of all that was lovely ip wontanhood; hallowool and suintj ed by ago, by wisdom, by Harrow, and hie lava for her Was a beautifulruplon afpretroctlve ten derness, with vencratioa,'and to his , Ellen it maned the best and moil Homed ovidolicaafhls noble nature, and of the worth of the heart which he had plotlgod to hex. Nevertheless, there W a danger ;overhangs. Ing the headitif tho three: a little bigger than a man's hand, rising in the-hon. ! men of their hopes, yet destined, to lirmt.upon Ahem_dark. and 4readful_tri.a futorfidai., In those seeing a. college bilariiy 'Where Harry bed' teen so itidisponsabfe, the bright poetic ;lige odp • had freely eiroulated;end of.e ton amid theflueb of' con'versation sad the ,ge, . . idol excitement. ofthit hour, lie had drank freer and deeper than alio beet. - , - . HO said, it is true, thal:he cared nothing for it ;. that it will noshing to him; that it never , affected him , all those, things that young Men always say when the cup of Circe is be ginning its'work with them: Friends were an noyed, became anxious, remonstrated, but he laughed at their fears, and insisted on , knowing hiniscifbeei. At last, with a auddert_atait_and 'hoer sheer ot life - moral nature, be was awoke 'to a dreadful perception of liistlanger, arid 'to re-. solve on determinate resistance. During this period he came to Cincinnati to establish him self in business, and as at this 'time the tempe rance reformation was in full tido of success there, . he found everything to strengthen his resolution; tomperance•meetings and speeches wore all the mode—young men of the first stan ding were itspatrons and supporters; wine was quite in the vocative and seemed really in dan gerofsbeing voted out of 'society. In such a tarn f affairs, to seize .a_temperance pledge. and keep it became an easy thing ; temptation was scarce presented or felt, he was oflered,th r el no-socia inetituTuttraitions no where, and Battered himself that he had @s wiped so great a danger so easily and so' Com pletely. • His usual fakuno of social popularity to lowed him, and hie v . ialieng circle became fully .ne large and imFortunate as a young inan with anything else to do need desire. Ho was dili gent in his application to business, began to be mentioned with approbation by tho magnates as a rising young man, and had prospects &fly nearing Of eiampetonee arid home, and all that man desires; alas: never to bo rea lized. For, after a while, the tidy that had riaen, so igh began imperceptibly to decline:it, Men hat had :nada elognent apocchei'ori temperance had now other things to look to; fastidious per. aunt; thought that matters had perhaps been carried too fur, and !tidies declared that it was o'dana threadbare and getting to be cunt and and.stuff, and the over ready - wino cup was ding back into many a circle, as if on 'sober second thoughts the community was convinced that it wee-a friend-unjustly-belied: There is no point in the history of rofortna- tiona in communities or individuals, no danger -auras that - where danger seems entirely past.— . -As long as man thinks his health failing, he watches, lie diets, and will -- undergo the most heroic self.drnial ; ' but let him once Set himself down as cured, and hoW readily does ho Tel all tending to ruin everything that he has be. fore done. __So_in__communitiest—lat intemperance—rage and young men go to ruin by dozens, and the very call insEtlres the remedy ; but when •the trumpet has been sounded and the battle set in array, and the victory only sung and said in speeches and newspaper paragraphs, and tem perance odes and processions, then comes the return wave; people cry enough; the commu nity, vastly sati..fied, lays duwn to sleep, in its laurels, and Than comes the hour of danger. iCut let m,t -the man, who had once been swept down the stream of intemperate excite- ment almost tcrt ielverge u ruin, ream o any point of seeurity-for him. - He is like one'who has awakened in the rapids of Niagara, and with straining oar and Mila . preyers to heaven', puce his boat upward into smoother water, where the draft of the.current seems to c6aso, - ai - Uftlielfaiili a" finite — a - rid 11171 weary from rowing, lays by hin:oar to rest and 'dream; ho knows noethat under that smooth water 8011 Odes a current, that while:he ,dreams, is imperceptibly but surely hurrying hint - back whence there is no return Harry was plat at this perilous point ; he viewed doieger ne long.past ; his self confidence was fully restered, and in his ;security, he be. gun to neglect those lighter out-works of cau tion which ho must still guard who dope' not mean at last to surrender the citadel. MEE! 'Now girls and boys,' said Mrs. 0. to her sons and daughters, who were sitting round a centre table covered with notes of invitations; all the preliminary et cetera of a . parly— r 'what shall wo have on Friday night—taa—colfee: lemonade—Wino 7—of 'course not. .And why not wine, mamma 7' said the young ladies—'thd people ore beginning to have 11.—they had wino at Mrs. A's. and Mrs. B's' .Well, your papa, thinks it won't do—the boys are members of pie temperance society, niid /don't - think, girls, it will do tnysett.' There aro many good 'sort of pooplo'hy the by, who always view moral questions in this style ,of' phraseology—not what is right, but what • The girls made an appropriate reply to this view of the subject by showing that Mrs. A. and Mrs. B. bud .done the thidi and nobody' seemed to make any talk. - • 'The bove,' who thus far in the convoination had been ihoughtfully rapping their boots with their canes', now interposed, and said that they would rather not have wine if it wouldn't look shabby. - ..But it 'will look shabby, soid Miss Funny.— 'L'emons you know are•searee to ba got for : tiny prico, end as for' lemonade mode of syrup, it's posit vely vulgar and detestable ; it tastes just lilte ream of tartar and epirite of turpentine.' ' or my part,' said Emma, •Tnever did sea Pr Trim of wine, even when people were ma ing the moat fuse about It—to be sure rum and brandy and all that are bad, but wine—' .'And eo convenient to gef,',•sald Fanny, 'and no decent young man ever gets drunk at par- tics, so it can't do any-harm ; besides one must haie iamothing, and as I said it will look shab by not to have it. . Now thorn is no imputation that young men are so muoli afraid of, especially frem.the lips °finals, as that of shabbiness, and as it hap pened in this case as in most others, that 'the young. ladles wore tho moat ottoient talkorti, the question was finally married on their side. Mrs. G. was a. mild.. and ,ntothorly . woman, Jet` tit; one fitted to inspire young men with confidence , and that Abate ' feeling 'whiCh' mon Andra to find some Where., :Her hamwoe a free and easy.ground, social fey moat : of tho her - acipiaintanoe, - and •Hatry, was a'faverite anif,domestioaied visitor, Puring,the height-0 Una tamperJnee reforrn, fathers and brothers had given it their Open anddeolded support, and Mrs. G. always coils:. CARLISLE, NOVEMBER 20a tea for anj good movement, eympathlead warm ly thew endeavOrs.' The great fault was hot thaftoo often incident to the gentlene4s of wo man, a want of- self reliant. principle. •Her virtue was too niuch the restfit'otmeircsimptt ihy, too little of-her.-Own conviction.. Hence when those she loved grow cold temerity a good cause, they fohnd no suritainini power in her, :aid those who were relying on her Judgment and opinions.insensibly controiled_thein---Diet-- withstanding ;she was a woman•that alzrays ac-' attired a great infitiance overyoung Man, arid Harry had loved andrevered her with some thing of the same sentiihent,that ho therished towards his own mother. It was the most brilliant'party of the season. Eveyything, was got up in •taultlessieste arid Mrs. G. was in the• very spirit of it. Tho girls were looking beautifirily, the rooms were splendid, there was enough and not too much of light and warmth, and every body• s swas do ing their best to please and be cheerful. Har ry was more brillialri than usuol, and in fact out-did himself; wit antrinind were the spirit of the hour. • •• ' 'Just taste this tokay,'said one ~2f ihr..sisters to him, 'it has just been sent us ' llona Europe, and is said to be a *getinfne 'You` know I'm not in that-lirse,i•saip Henry laughing and coloring. "Why not?' said another yang-duly taking a glass. a.. • , , • 'oh the temperance pledge gnu know—l am one of.the pillars of the order, a very, apostle ; it will-never-do-for me.'" -' H i sliatv I those temperance p/edges ere like the proverb, 'something musty , said a gay.girl: 'Well, but you said you had a head-ache the . - beginning of the 'evening, and you really look paleryou certainly need it as a•nriedicitio,' said - Fanny. lonic it to'maninia,' nod she tur ned to Mrs, G. who stood gaily entertaining a grodp of young people. - think Harry you -have looked: pale lately, a glass of wine might do you good.' Had Mrs. G. knownell of 4arry's past his tory and temptations, end hq - d she net have - been"in yard - tie inconsiderate ,state tgat - 'very good ladies sometimes get unto at a party, she - Would sooner have sacrificed h ' at' right hand, , than' to' have thrown - tills - observation into the scales, but she did, and they tamed tb , i,q balance for him. 'You shall my doctor,' he:said, as laughing end aoloring•he drank the wind, and where won - ther'liarin ? one glass of Wine kills . nobody, and yet if-a man - falls and lanirws that JO that glass - he sacrifices peinciple - and can science, every drop may bd.poison to ' the soul -- _ Harry felt at that very tlmelhat a gi•eat •in tornal barrier had given tot, nor wakbe east__ the only - one that evenkg,eindher_rinkatio.iber._ followed, hisepiritaroto with the mild-and -fe verish gaily incident to Iris excitabidletopera ment, and slat had been begun in• tto• society of ladies was completed tate, at nigfiet, in the gentleman's saloon. • Nobody ever knew, or thought, or qeeormi- • zed that that ono party.had forever urrnlane this young man, and yet no it was.• From that night his struggle of mural resistance was _ fatally. tut,. ;hired, not that he yielded at once atal.without desperate efforts and struggles,- but . .gradually each strugghi jaretv weaker:. each reform rrhor__, ter, teal resolution more hint/mint, let of the close 'of the evening all those fiesniaimotiter, brothel' and 'sister, fluttered themselves that everything had gone on so well, that the next week Mrs. H. thought that ii would do' to give wine atihe party heeabse Mrs. G.-ffad done it lust weekand no had come of it. • In about a year after the G's began to notice and lament the habits of their young facial, and all unconsciously to wonder ho* se fine a young men should be so led-astray. Harry was of a decided and desperate nature; his affections-and his moral sense waged a fierce war a ith thb terrible tyrant— ,the madness that possessed him, and when'at last all hope died :out, he determined to avoid- the anguish and shame of_ s drunkard'slife by a suicide's death. Then came to the trembling beta teickened mother, and beloved ono, a mild incoherent let ter of farewell, and he disappeared from among the living. In the -same quiet .parlor, where, the.sunshine still streams through flickering lefties, it .now -.rested on the polished sides and glittering plate . of a coffin; there at last lay the weary at test, the soft shining gray hoir was still gleaorting.as before, but deep furrows on the worn cheek and a weary, heavy languor over the pale peaceful fdce told that those gray hairs bad been brought doeni in 'sorrow to the grave.—.- Sadder still, was the story on 1.4. cloudless cheek and lips of the young creature bending in quiet despair over hers poor Merit her lifo!s thread woven with these two beloved rates was broken And l- moron this' happen? nay, does it not happen ?just such things happen to young men among us.every_diy, and do they not lead in thousand ways to sorrows just like these.' And is there not a responsibility on all they say who, ought to be the guardianft of the-safe• ty and purity of the other sea to avoid'iotting before them the temptation 10. which so often so fatally manhood has 'yielded ?- 'What is a palley consideration , of fashion, bewared. to the safety of sons, brothers • end - husbands ?-- The greatest fault of wornanhood'is slovery to custom, and yet who but woman makes custom? are not all the usages- and'iashions of polite society inure her work than thatof man? and lei every mother and sister think of thri inoth era and sisters of those aho come within the range of their influence, and say to themselves, in thoughtlessness es they discuss questions af feetingtheir interests, 'behold thy brother l'— 'behold thy son . • , : CAIIIIO Or FAILURICAN BiI,OFEIS.' -- An. , excel lent writer in Hunt's itlagastion enumerateitho following 'causes of fail'utif , euiong'- business - • man Tbo leodingsitlo On ambition to bo rich--by grasping ton ranch, it defeats , 2. Anotbor cause is aversion to labor. 3. Tile third eons° is on impatient desire to enjoy the luxuries of ,Ille,before,the right to, .thein has been eiquiied in-„any sway. •4. Nuother cause snore from the want of a, some deeper prinot= pleTor the 'distinguishing', betiviti' n right' 'and , • , wrong, than reference:merely .to, vital fs,lestab lisbeirttahonorable In the eoalety inaibleh one iistiPerui to We. - tr,pm l VVhat aro lila - chid' owls of man t" • asked , a aoliool of 111. palate. iiffead and fees'! . woo tho.prothptsroplya'. tuaohoe fainted:' ' " • • linsinegs and peneral Intellig once. 850. gAiossigatuagifo. OLD womeri OF THE '76 HOO6E. INTERESTING INCIDENTS What relates to Washington, and the war he led in; cad never betlresame. Here Is an inci dent of a visit lately made by Lewitt Gaylord - elark - tcr - the - "Old - '761TfiViii;"ifilii - iiillige - of . Tappan, and related in the editorial gossip of the JUly . Knickerbocker r ' Arrived at'the ..Soventy-Six House," we oz. amined the room whore Major -Andre was con fined, and from which he went forth to die.— Our friend, and the jotter sdown hereof; were made happy by a pre , ent, from the obliging proprietor of the holm, of two of the pictured tiles which compose a frame work around the fire piece. Pocketing those interesting memen- toe,' of the past, we next repaired to' an old, crumbling; low roofed mansion, once the head quarters of Gen. Washington. We drew rein at the gate, and Passed into a little patch of Meadow that lay between us and the house..-: lt,-was-about—half---rnown-1- the awed's - ant - CT grass lay in swathe around ; and - where - the mower had stopped in his labors, there lay his . scythe and whetstone. Little faith had our companion that "Old Knick" could deftly wield that instrument of "Old Tempue," but ask him now. Ask him if he didn't make the little meadow, resound with the cling clang of the whetstone, and then, seizing the sharpened in strument with. long, sweeping strokes, lay as close cut and as clean a swath around that field as lie ever saw in hie life. There are several things that we can't do—but wo clan .mow!— Well, rejoicing in the glow which that boat of all exorcise has given, us, we next repaired to the old house. It was more than a hundred years old and the fiery personification of decay. We enter d, and - were cm 7 dially 1 , 1 / b loomed by Its occupants.. two elderly ladies wlio were horn In the house. Nothing could be in more per fe.ot keeping with the mansion than those two women. One was neurly eighty, and.tho other turned of seventy, but both were most agreea bly-lively for persons so old, and were obliging. ly communicative. "Mr‘nyand many a time," said the older of the two,- "in this very room has Gen. Washington hdld 'me In his lap. I re member it just as well as if it was but vester. day. He was a must lovely-man, Gen.. Wash. ington• was÷lovoly she continued. going to u cupboard, ..he used to keep his things, and here's • hie very bowl,qr -need to _make_ltia-wine.aangavea-into4 an& nes& to-pass it round from ono officer to another when they some to see him. He Veen a good dial of com pany, Gen. Washington did." We spoke of ,ajor AnJre. t'Oh," eaid tko-nld aeon sim moro'n fifty times. ffej44l3 a handeume Tory he wee 11. kind man I aeon him tho Tory morning the . y took him to the top of the hill, to , hang biro. Every body felt sorry fur Min." We asked how Gen. Washington seemed to feel on the occasion. "Oh,lr must ha'- felt dreadfulHe vvalked back'aids.and tor'drds all that morning in thin very room, end I've heard Pop Blanvalt say that he never see htm feel Kkell—ato.M..,lie_ltept.imolting.... • ..• • every - now and trien, and - was uneasy till -the time had come, and Major Andre was hung.— I soon Major Andre myself when ho Wdl3 a ewingin,' and I seen him whonho was dug up, and so did yore, too, Polly, didn't you 7". The larly_myritiosed asircutne twee_ .connected with the revolution end with this spot, that struck ns as interesting and somewhat insuln tive. _ The enemy;-it-would-seem, -were in - the habit of coming sometimes into the rich valley of Tappan and driving off cattle, sheep, etc.— ..One day Pop Blanvelt's nigger boy Jim, hear. ing some of 'cm coming, drove all our cattle in to the swamp, and *heti they came up, lie told 'em he hadn't soon no cattle, and so saved 'em: Pop Blanvelt liked him so much for this, that ho told him he. might have his liberty, but Jim. I wouldn't; ho stayed with him moren forty years a'ier that ', " And thus these good old peo ple beguiled an hour with reminiscences of the revolution, to some 'othere of which wo may have occasion to refer to hereafter. Our ride house in the evening was made Mouldy pleasant by all that we had seen and heard, and we re tired to rest to dream of other days, and - of tho "times that tried men's souls." GOLDEN RULE OW LIFE.-Ail the air and the exercise in the universe, and the most gen 'crops and liberal table, but poorly suffice to Maintain human stamina, if we neglect other co-operatives—namely, the obedience;to the laws of' abstinence, and those of ordinary grat- illoation. Wolin wiih a headache, and we vet - about puzzling 'ourselves to know the censer .. Wo then recollect that we had- a hard. day's fag, or that we feasted over-bounteously, or that we stayed up very late ; at all events we Incline to find out ttie fault, end then call our-. selves fCols for falling into it, ,Now, this is an occurrence happening - almost every day ; and, these are the faults that run away with the best portion of life; before we.fld out what is goodpr evil. Lot any. single individual review his ;Matilde; how instantaneously the blush "will cover his cheek, %viten he_thinks of the e gregious erros he has unknowingly commuted —say unknowingly, because it never occurred to him that they were errors until the effects followed that. betrayed the cause. 'All' our sickness and 0111101i11), and a beef life, mainly _depend upon ourselves. There are thousands who prbotice errors day after day, and whdee pervading thought, that everything which is a. grerable and 'pleasing cannot be hurtful. The slothful man loves hiS bed ; the toper his drink, because it throws him into an exhilirative and exqUisne mood ; the gourmand mokeshissta• Mach his god ; and the seMualtetibiniti his delight iinperislmble. So we, go on, aud. aCiast wti •tulnbie and brook drop. We then begin, to reflect, and the truth stains us in ,the face how , mob we are to blanie.. '„ • ' . rQ"During the Jenny Lind corelteuient.. &moo, the 'coachman nho' drove car_tom the, ateambutit ll theevoto:Howni; thee.ridiculed theineaneedtniration wielt his'gollet, citizens" mem etiiibiting...-Meantlitt the atop. of the' lholeh he cried-410'8'e the 6tind that lifted Jenny Lind, but alba' colkeN Gentlemen, yon man;'aniofyini hatethe privilege of 'closing it for five dollant 7 -ohildred half price. - lA.man 'of gladness loldorn falli 'lnto madness. World's- Exhibition, - •. , The following account of the building in which this exhibition 'is to be held is taken from an,English publication s' "It was not until disputes and complaints)a rose that he (Mr: Paxton) directed his atten tion to 'the subject, but the moment he did, he resolved, without knowing anything of any otk -eriplort-oro ven-obta in ing—a—prospectus,--to—at— tempt something which he thought suitable for for the occasion., It was not for him to speak of the merits of his design; he would.leave tho Unanimous selection of the six well qualified gentlemen who acted as the committee to speak for itself. He would confine himself to a few particulars regarding the dimensions and con struction. The building would be 2100 feet by 900 broad. The centre aisle would be 120 feet broad, or 10 feet wider than the Conservatory at Chatsworth. . When be commenced designing this building ho know that so vast a structure as this must . necessarily be made as simple aipossible in its details, else it would, he impossible to carry it out. He therefore endeavored to make - Itnp . with - as re - w r details a's possible. — the glass and its iron supporters comprise the whole con structure. The columns were precisely the same throughout the building, and - would fit every part , ; the same might be said of each of the bare; and every piece of glass would be of the same size . ; namely 4 feet long. No num- - bering or Marking would be required, and the whole .would be put together like a • perfect piece of machinery.. Mr.-Paxton explained , .that the water is broght down valleys on the , roof and thence down the colunsos; that tics water in no instance has further than 12 feet to run before it is delivered into the valleys or gutters and that the whole is so constructed as to carry' the 'water outside. The building is diVided into, broad and narrow compartments, and bY tying these-together- , therti is little for he cross ties ofyint centre to carry. The buil ding is entirely divided into many 24-feet hquqres—in skirt every thing runs to 24, so that the work is made to square, and fit without any sinefidetailbeineleft to Garry out. The num.: her of columns 15 feet long is 9029 ; there are 3000 galley bearers, 1295 wrought iron gip- , - data ;-• 45' miles of sash bars ; and, 1,773,760 feet of glaSs to corer the whole 'The site will stand_tipon upwards of-oh-20 of - groundi but by an arrangement of .Ir. Paaton'a v ihe-- valuable space which _ mafie afforded by gal._ cries can be extended to'about 30 acres, if nec essary. In so far as merit was concerned i plan occupied a seconda ry position in comporison_with the execution of it, and which ;troutti . iiptql" roitttpca in favor oLtliefrigen'tlitx,Perseveratice—andAteustry 7 of-- Englishmen. plan, as he had sho,kvP,fhamt was Bumf Irr'enough ; but their surtedsot If 'her 'caul() forelanyealeulationof iAts gigantic, size of-ihe:etructdre, would brireaf indeed, when he told them that the whole would be covered in by the Ist of January next, and he was as firtnly #ersnaded.that . it would bb accomplished to the day as he was sure ho was addressing the Meeting. i, , Verification of a Dream. 404,w0-weeks-cgcr_lest:Saturdarnightoms— the Boston Transcript, eyoung lady residing in Hanover street in this city, retired to her bed at her usual hour; and in her usual cheerful, happy fraine of mind. After having fallen asieep, she had a frightful dream or vision.— She: dreamed Alai- het-brotherwho-was- in-the - western part of , New York, was killed and his body horribly mangled in death. This dream seemed so vivid and real, and' impressed her mind so forcibly, that she woke, and even rose from her bed, and walked her room, weeping .in great anguish. ' • Another lady who we a as'aep iman adjoining chamber, was awakened by her wailinge, 'and, on going into the room to ascertain the cause, found her sitting in a chair Weeping. The lady en4eavoredto sooth herfeers, and finally per suaded her to retire once more to bed, and try to forget the dream. The next Monday mor ning the young lady received a telegraphic des patch, announcing that her brother, Mr. Wise, a brakeman on the Western Railroad, had fal len from the_cars on one of Alio freight trains near east Chatham, N. Y., and been run over, and instantly killed. The accident happened et, about two o'clock,on Sunday morning pre- Oisely about the time of the dream. In the Boston Transcript of Tuesday we find another case of the above nature which we , a ' C A week ago lost Saturday night, Messrs. Ful ler & Colton, enterprising young merchants at 311 Washington street, left store at 12 o'clock that night for, their sleeping•apartmenti in Summer street. During the night Mr. Col ton dreamed that their store was brok j en in by robbers, who were stealing si/k cravats. - So powerfully,was his mind wrought upon by this Won, that he became almost crazed, and jum ped up and caught hold of his partner, (who was steeping /n the same room) thinking he' was the man." Mr...Fuller_ told him he was crazy, that , he was dreaming, &o. and induced him again to go to sleep. Ina 'few momenta the saute scene was again enacted. The next morning