lERALR. AND .:EXPOSIIOE, • CARLISLE; PENN'A. OEN. JACKSON AMY MB* WEBSTER* 'A REMINISCENCE. In Mr. Charles W. March's new volume, • entitled, " Reminiscences of Congreis,'' we find the following sketch'cif a confidenta un der;atanding that formerly existed ,between_ Gen, JACUISON and Mr. WESSTEII.. - It wilibe ' interesting.to thelsiends of both parties t , " Gen. Jackson toOk an early opportunity to express in, person to Mr. Webster, his sincere gratitude for the eminent services ,- : ren - dered by - thargentreman - , in such a peril- - • eon moment, to his administration; and Mr. Livingston, the.Sectetary of State, repeated ty, and .in warm terms, made his Own ac knowledgments besides. In truth, it was' georiceded everywhere that; but-for the efforts Webster, and of the friends who rallied under him; the;administration would have fallen into a powerless and-pitiable condition; • en object of. opprobrium too its friends ; and of safe insult - to its " A community of sentiment and action, in this fearful crisis of our national history, brought Gen. Jackson-and Mr. Webster into stricter intimacy, social and political, than Tied prethousir - everistibsisTed - bytive - e - tirlie - m -- . --- Some of the General's friends hoped, and more feared, a closer offidial relationship In May of this year, Mr: Webster journeyed West; returning in June, he met Mr. Livings ton. in New York, then preparing .to depart orris mission to France. . It was understood at this time, in private and. con fi dential cis-. des, that before leaving Washington, Mr. Livingston bad hadfrequant and earnest con versations with Geri. Jackson in relation to Mr. Webster's position; and that he had urged upon him the absolute necessity of se curing Mr. Webster's continued support. of his administration.- To his suggestions, Gen. Jackson gave a favorable ear and acquire- . once; and 'authorized Mr. Livingston to ap proach Mr. Webster upon the subject,_ These . conveittationsond their result - , Mr. Livings. ..ton, in his interview with him in New, York, Communicated to Mr. Webster. That a seat --. 'in-the - Cabinetwasat - thesatne time - pro - pee - ell to Mr. Webster, on the part of the President, through the same medium of communication, wait a belief warmly entertained by some of the nearest friends of both parties. One fact it is allowable to- mention; a distinguished Senator, a political and , personal friend of Gen. Jackson, brought Mr. Webster a list of the intended nominees for offices in the Eas-- ter States, and naked him-to erase therefrom • the names 'of any personally objectionable to ' This'sfilr.. Webster declined -to do, not - wishing to place himself uncler-eny oblige- . tions to the administration, that might qualify the freedom of his actton, - either in support or refutation of its measures. - On many points of what was then the' proposed policy of -the administration, there was-no marked difference-of opinion between, these two eminent men; in its foreign ` policy, particularly, they almost entirely concurred; but there was a radical and fatal difference on - the great - - tine - Brion of the currency. The , measures Gen., Jackson thought it necessary 4 to taketo prevent pecuniary Ins to the coun try from the unchecked operations of the U. States Bank, did not meet Mr. Webster's — . - coneurren - c - er - Irideed, - ire ieinovaT of Hie government deposites' from that institution; - however justifiable On the grhund 'of expedi ency or even necessity, was a measure of such formidable energy, as to confound some of-the General's longest tried and not most timid supporters. It encountered Mr. Webster's opposition, and even denunciation. Arid this honest difference of opinion,in regent to a matter of tefnporary ithportance, prevented the union of the two master spirits of the age, and - blasted' the patriotic hopes of the +country... "How much of party animosity might have been-assuaged, bow much of public good-pro moted, and national honor how greatly ad vapcell, by the consummation of such an union I How high the tide of public pros perity-might have risen, with such. nei in conjunction . , "The moral and intelleetual attributes of one were the complement of the other. Not that both did' not possess mental and moral characteristics df the same nature; but some one quality would appear more prominent In one, and some - other quality, equally distin guished in the other; but more brilliant from contrast. +, History records few instances of more adamantine will and inflexibili+y - of purpose, . than characterized Andrew Jackson. Napo leon himself had not greater, nor more intui- . . tive knowledge of men, or far reaching saga. city. What he willed he accomplished ; his mind never (altered, and his purpose never changed. • "ii - o - hica - gat - ofrorthrattineNVlrmodatOr a hero of Plutarch. His qualities were all clearly and boldly defined; but without ex travagance or deformity. - There was noth ing common piano in his character or thought He acted and spake with the freshness and powev-Ol.genitts.- ---41e-dared-everythingr-yet to his dauntless nature there was added a haughtiness orspirit that withheld him_from- Vulgar strife. He rushed to his purpose like 1 a • torrent from the mountain; no obstacle ould retard his course, nor opposition res train hisimpetnosity.;• The fiery vehemence of his will swept everything before it. Men gazed at its resistless career, and give why, overcome with apprehensjon. To opptlse • him was to encounter destiny. "Such a determined will - and fearless na . ture, with attendant power,. wanted but di rection to accomplish miracles of good. "Such direction could have been found in , Mr. Webster, whose Comprehensiveness of view, calmness of deliberation, sagacity, and singleness of purpose, had admirably quell -. fiedhim for a controlling adViser.' His Intel., lectual majesty would - have - secured the ad- " miration of his great ally, and tempered the vehemence of his action. He would have had the mind to plan whet the other would have had the heart to execute. He would have . . . been the engineer to give direction and speed to the locomotive; regulating its power, ac r!itording to the obstacles to. be oVerCorne, or the thing to.be accomplished. Splendid Locomotive. The• Baltimore and Su . squehenna Railway Company have recently had placed on their road a new Locomotive. It is finished in all - particulars - in - a Vet 'rate stylii• It has four bribers, 'five feerin diameter; driven by cyl: inderefourteen indhes in diameter, and eigh teen inches stroke. The principal feature in the construction of this engine , consists in an improved valve gear; deSigned by George W. Fulton, of Baltimore. By this contrivance, the whole control of the, engine, viz : stop ping, starting, backing, as well as regulating the speed in either direction, is concentrated in one handle. This arrangement, requiring the accen'triC to beset Witt:Mit lead," the valve is • so'arranged that a portion of the exhaust steam is received into the opposite end of the cylinder, and immediately out off there, ful filling all , thepurposes of "the lead," awl further savittethat portion of steam us ually , lost in the side pipe and clearance of the cVinder. Another advantage consists in the saving of; the wearof the valve in running dovin grade, as. it can instantly be trade Mo tionless, without throwing out of gear, as is usually the case. In reversing the engine, the gear acts without a jar or concussion of any kind, ea hr merely moving the, bar from one extreme to the other; the steam is grad- . ually shut off, andias,gradually let on to the opposite side of the piston. ip . 6 oc' • 'Oh admiiiiii; of in' e 14,eCi tl6 tiered= ed. !Cary Prince George of S' • "°"s,!oninge;ri-. the Princess, Chat:lol6 , o Pruasia, which re . . cently_tdok Orme; cake wee prepared, which the German papera,soy. Weltdekerred the ap • potation ~",,pt filany , It measured - one bun. dred and'thirly two and three 'quartette eipare feet.. le its preparatior4 • the artist • coolhad, made use .of the .following totwaylohitirOao 'bhd, of flour, th4tpfive•ibs.of batterclwalva lb of almonds, ten 'bu coftoritl i and 224 eg Thlceteitet•trark was eairied 14'sitt inept etl:et!e4l" tbei ociefettoner:be to Itoiditile,isitst pieCift- .the court Yard; titiottueolte nine preieeted itt be ....„ Mg cu rried through any door. 4 . part it 'was partahon by the high dignitlei al apartments, whop the large remaining poll lion,, with tvitra;Avas distributed' amirag:the' 'populace. . . . • Tzte‘ Noss'.7-- Like 'all' the sensitive, the I l oose is, pert a, the most .ienfortunute of hu•; . 1 man'oegatis t laced in' an elev a ted position, 1 is subject foolttlie rude buffets of tile world; ' t's tender organization is i'lways_ Subject to, • isgust.. Borensassails it, Sol burns it ; Bac— ,:aus inflames 'it. Put forward as a tender in .rent of the battle, men folloW it blindly on a ourse which-it is very often anwillingbopuir• ,no, and then blame blur "'eve ey rids , hancee_ TVhatever hard blowi are..givan t it comes in isr more - than its share, and after' weeping.. isare'of blood,has to atone for the assaults o f ;their Meinheri,o4er which it . hed.no s control, I.'ho' fists are continually get tioF into scrspes'l I s bad neighbor, the, tongue, brings do,s'n in ; ignation upon , tindePereed ; the - e 3 a ploys it ' Jibe, on a thousand dep.:ling, and. the whole .1 ody corporate is continually potting. it into tetuatiouS the most repugnant to its hitter • ladling.. Tho poor unfortunate nose I Verily. It is a sadly misused organ. It matters not iebethcr_ilho_crookett.ur_stralgitt,...Jong—or 3 hort, turned up or depressed, a bottle, a beet, 3.. band box, a stiessge, or an ace of clubs; IRonfan , Grecian, Fiench, English, Germn, ter bairnue, the nose is ever to be pitied for Its late below. • • . , I . ~Uic ccllnncau~ PETROLEIKIL OR ROOK OIL. . A NATURAL RENIEDY ! 'Procured from a rveu in Allegheny county, Pa. 4000fcet below the earth's surface. IPUT UP AND SOLD DY SAIII'L KIWI, CANAL BASIN, 7th ST. PITTSBURG, PA. The healthful balm from eeeret spring, The bloom of health, and life, to man will bring, As front her ientlis the magic liquid flows, Trreifin driflififferifikii;airifeettilkirolif ivoeTi:7 - ' ' . PET ROLE UM , HIS great remedy of Natu r e, ilfter repeated 1.. and fair trials has worked its way into popu ar favor. IVe need hardly-repeat the tact, that his is a pure, unadulterated NATURAL NIEL): ClisTE, and is put up as it flows from the bosom ,1 the earth, without admixture: In these days ,f Nostrum vending, we do not wonder at the in zredulify evinced by the Community, upon the introduction of a Arm Remeay, but thatancredu. lily shall not suppress a medicine, whose power- failinituence has mitigated and - Corea so many 'Hsi:toes incident to our - race; were we t I with 11,1t1 a remedy- like this from public notice, we should consider ourselves as guilty of keeping : hack something -that was intended to relieve alue.li bunion suffering, and dispel the gloom and min of litany a one, whose system has for y ears , Mean racked and tortured by the fell engines m : Disease. Nay, do qo t wonder, gentle reader, ilidjoin with others n the cry , that it cures too any diseases; for, if you will take the trouble o run over the list of diseases tot which it is in. •ommended, you will find that they are diseases affecting the same kind oftbisues,and consequent y IT IS APPLICABLE TO aLL. But the best evidence in favor of a medicine tre - the - cures - themsel yes. When these stand out n bond.relief, rind when he who forr-years has suf Bred the tortures And pangs of an immedicabfe onion, which has been hastening him to the nar •ow house, speaks out in itiprnise,what better .rvidence need be wanted e have the cvi• knee in our possession, of many astonishing •urea ' JOAO) will be furnished tc any one who rir illy d oubts the efficacydf this wonderful remedy. The earth, from-which-man was created , bears n her hosnm remedies which- if known, arc.ctr table of restoring him to health and vigor, when trostrated by sickness and disease, It Unis th - r 'pinion of the .cele!trated Dr.. Rush, that there misted in Nature an antiilbte to every milady o which man is liable. Every one is aware of he relief frequently obtained froM.lfineral Tra• 'ere, in most chronic complaints. These singularnedwnments, nacaments, flowing,out from the earth, satms• cd with -nu stances varied In their character, nd bolding them in complete solution, bear am• de testimony to - the facto hat they were cow rounded by the master band of Nature, to rephir he shattered vessels of our physical being, and et them with sails unfurled, prosperously upon. Ire sea of life. The Petroleum is one this kind of remedies, nil is endithil with powers to tAieve more !m -oan suffering than any other medicine extant.— Nile'. taken perseveringly and necor.ling to the lirections,it will cure—Diarrhoea, Piles, Rlietr antisin ont , Neuralgia. Obstinate Eruptions .f the Skin, Erysipelas, Pimples on the Face, Blotches, Piles, Chronie',Sore Eyes, Ring Worm Vetter, Scald Head Paine in the Bones, and Mute, anti all that class of Diseases, in which Iterative, or parifvi lig Medicines are indicated. • Sold by.S. W. Haveratick and S. A. Hubbard, . Aisle ;J.C.he G. H. Altlek, Shippenshu ; ' can ;to •gh,Newville ;.Thoi:nas Greason,Plainfieldr ; umberland county. September 4,'50—,1y. line United States Life Insurantt - ,Aunnity - and u -- t - Companyi rter Perpetual—Ca . $2513,000 Cash Syst, IRHE constant, uneolic application Tor L Life Insurance, furnisl most abundant lad gratifying proof that' üblic mind is .leeply impressed with the IP • mportance of his subject. The great obji It, however, of Insuranceshould be tutfets,otherivise the whole 'twine to Wiura may be disappointed.-, Too liuch care cannot be practised in the selection if an office with which to e ff ect the contract.— !Cho choice should be regulated not by present hod constant •large inducements, 'as this, is car ltinly—lncompatible with, future benefits. The 'remiums on life are calculated for the .future, f present and prospective benefits therefore are iven, the result,ultimately, must terminate in itigation, disappointment and ruin. The objet timed at by this institution is itability and per 9eutity. Tho rates of premium have been care idly prepared with reference to fluctuations:— rho-cash system of paiments has also been dented. Unpaid premium rotes constitute no ion of the assets of this company, and every I :ontingency being fortified with an ample crip• • tel, security stamps Inc whole system. This' nature, paramount to all other considerations,' :commends the compasy to public favor. Ex ilanatory pamphlets, blanks..applicalion.papen.- nformatiori, and e ill be cheerfully urnished by WM M OSE, Esq., who las been duly appointed agent of this company or Cumberland county. lir. If HINKLEY has also been_appointed Medical_Examiner. Directors.—Stepheti R. Crawford, Al!! ,firectors.--ephetl W Thompson, Benjamin W•Tingley, Jacob L Florence, William M Godwin, Paul B Goddard Lawrence Johnson, George M'llejary, James Devereux, John L.Linton...r4Vil - trjziasi/r. • President.—Stophena. Crawford• ./Vice-President.—Ambroae.W. Thompson. Socrstary & Treasurer.—Charles•G Acntary.—Manuel Eyre. •••••AVN Connect & Atorney.—Thomns Balch. , • • Jll-dicat Examiners.-Paul B . Goddard ' , M.D. William Pepper, M. D. [aug7 ly NEW ARRIVAL or rareign and ~Domestic Hardware JACOB SXNEIL haejust received, from the eastern cities, , and ismow'oponing at the Cheap ,llardware.on North. , Henovor Street, next door t o Glass' Hotel, a now assortment in his line, ' such 28 - Oils, Glass. and Points , Copal, Japan and Black Varnishes, of extra ,quality, Nails and -Spikes, ' • Wale' best Bar Iron, . • Cast, Shear", Blister and Spring Steele, ' Looks, Hinges and Screws. Planes, Sews, Chisels,. Augurs, Axes, - - • Kniain3 and Yorks, Shoe Findings, Scc. To which he would call th'e attention of this public. Persons wishing 36 buy-will do Well to So we are deteitnined to sell at low rates for Lash. o:l — The highest print paid for Scrap hen, and for Flax Seed. • J SENHR. novl4 , " ' • • Webb's WaihingTowder, A great savin' of labor,,soß and time', with. out any,RUBBING bp' washing beanie, Ma' chines, or with the hande and • preventing , all wear and tear of .clothes. , Warranted not to injure•the fineat. fabrics:- Pride, cents. • ' - Sold wholesale and -retail at Dr. Rawlins' Drug and Variet_V.Eitore,-Main - at: Carlisle, and Ina Medical•Hill', North Queewet.: Lanese-, • . , _. , • , . N. D. . All or,icros ;filled . ir Miinufactiver't prises. . • - . '--,. ',4 .t..‘ "''''' v" — '"'' r'iune 5-71t.,: - .'" . f , ), y. ':t5...:f '.; i ''',,', , r „ a " ''• subeortber aeon ,an a. argq,..eupp of the abnielnk; Whiith; a' epeeial - ai , iangetnont,rith the. proprietor, he le able to far'. 4tish twonerelitinta and others, et _the maparea., turere - wholOatild , 1.. 1. J. augpl A - . 1 1., a d i HUBS:AIM • ietorp- Great .111argeOns •Kr . . • drIAN 'he e x pected fforn. pho.subperi6or; as he haftl4M- received 12 hew 'and - splendid, - as. eorimeht • of , WINTER GOODS, offers to his customers Mid otherti'whe May . favor him with a call at greatliargains! CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, satinets, velvet cords. Ry.,jeans, scarlet, yet= low, white and Canton Flannels, miltings. line, calico, cashmeres, dti lanes, alpacas, Co'. berg cloths, gloves; hosiorii• Irish linen, com •. forts, &e, •,. • SHA WLS SHAWLS ! ! • A Info and .sendid assortment of Long and Square ShaW s, at all priceB to suit the times. , BOOTS AND 81-10 ES Also, Bootwanct Shoes, which he is -determ ined to solliow; at his stand, in North Rano first, store below Haveretiek's Drug Store. vor street, Carlisle. J. G., CARMONY. SUPERIOR FRESIIgROCERLE • . Latest Jerivai: ruitiE ,Cheapir Family Grocery Store of Jo seph-IL-Halhert, West Mont street, Car , lisle, Itosjust.received a large and fresh supply of the beet FAMILY GROCERIES that the Philadelphia markets can allord. 'The subscrn ber hat) just returned from the city, and would respectfully invite his friends and the public generally, both in town and country, to call and examine for themselves his, large and in -creased-stockovhielrembroces—alt-ttre—artielei usually kept in his line of business. Such as RiO, Java and St Domingo' and Laginra Coffee ; Imperial, Young Hyson and Black Teas, of very superior quality and 'flavor • Lavering's crushed, loaf, falling loaf, and loaf sugars, or ange grove, clarified New Orlealfs and:brown Sugars of every grade and qUality, With price to suit. Jloney, sugar house, Orleans and syrup Molasses.. Spices of all kinds, it Melt he will warrant pure and fresh grouqk Browns, Ce dar nod pointed buckets, cicorns, tubs, half bushel measures, butter bowls, butter prints, butter ladles, wash rubbers, &c Clothes, fancy sewing, traveling and market baskets of all kinds. Also, fancy, rosin and country E OAPS. a general asdortment ofichewing 'and smoking l'OßACGO,Spanisy half- spanish and collation CIGARS. Ropes twines, and Brushes ef all kinds. Prime CHEESE always:. on hand. Sperm, Winter, strained Elephant and Common OILS.. __QLA.aa..-QUEEMW.A,RE=thay'S also_ added to my already Jorge stock, a number of sew patterns of White Granite and fancy tea sets. with CROCKERY WARE of every de 'fcription, which I will sell at the lowest prices uor cash. Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage here tofore bestowed upon him by a generous public, the subscriber tenders them hig hearty & sineme thanks, and hopes that in his efforts to please and particular attention to business, to merit a continuance of their suppokt. ... - March 20, 1850. JOS. D. HALBERT. z!zEtcE:frrEmts-tm I= I CONFECTIONARY STORE, North Ilanover Street, Carlisle, Pa. The subsbcribor would respectfully invite ho atlention of Country Merchants and public in general to his largo assortmentot Confectionaries manfactured of the best materiaLfresh 'every day—and warrantedioitand any climate, which he will sell wholesale or retail nt the old stand in North Hanover street, a few doors north of the Bank. Having just returned from the city, tic would also call attention to a...largc assort, ment of Fiuits and Nuts of the latest-importa tions, consisting in part of ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS, Figs, Preen; Dates, Citron, Almonds, E. Wal. nuts, Cream-Cocoa, Pea Nuts, , Filherts He has also made a largo addition to his stock of . TOYS, AND FANCY GOODS, comprising in part, Fine. French Card visiting and other Baskets, Paper, Glass and Wooden Fancy Boxes. Dolls. Doll Heads, Tops, Bast and •Parlor -Balls, Rattees, Games- and - Puzzles Wheelbarrows, Wagons, Furniture, Tea Setts and Nine Pins in Boxes, French end -German Accordeons, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, Cologne, Brushes &c. In connection with the — above he has just received a large assortment of • FRESH GROCERIES, - such as Coffees. Teas. Sugars, Molasses, Spices 'of all _kinds, Water, Soda, Bauer and Sugar Crackers, and all other articles in the Grocery line, which will he sold at low 'rates. FINE CAKES, always on hand and biked to order. Particsaupplied with all articles in his line at low prices. All orders from a distance thankfully received and attended ; to with despatch. N no charge fore eking at this establishment. Cklislo Jnne 5,'50. P. MONYER. • NEW SPRING GOODS! Ahead of all Competition , ! rip HE subscribers have returned from Phila. delphia, with q large assortment of CHEAP SPRING GOODS, consisting partly of Mous-de LaMes, Lawns, Bareges, Linen Lustres, at 123, 18,4 and 25 ets peryardrAlpachasiGinghagm,--Calicoesy o coca_; variety other dives - goods • Cloths, - Cassi• mores, Veetings,Summer stuffs for men and bays wear in endless variety, checks, tieltings ,muslins at old prices, flannels, hosiery, gloves, -a. laces and ed g ings, ineertings, and some very ,eIIoap_CARPETS, groee_riee,.queensware, &c. Also, a large assorment of very .CII.EAP BONNETS, . Palm leat and braid hats, bonnet ribbons at lrites and .very_cheap, a few pieces wide ustre black sake; together with a general 4 , sortment including nearly every article in our line of business, all of which have been bought for Cosh, and will be sold to our customers and •he , whole equntry at considerably lower prices than they can be bought in Carlisle. Give us a call and judge for . yourselves. A W BENTZ: March go, 1850. Gotten Morse. Hotel , ADJOINING THE COURT HOUSE, CARL Inc, PA THE subscriber' having leased the above largo and commodious HOVEL, situated on the corner of the Public Square and South Hano ver street, and lately occupied b) Ben!. L Esh• leman, begs leave to announce to his friends and Ihe public that he is prepared to entertain thorn in a Manner 'which cannot fail to meet Ifieir approbation. THE- HOUSE has the most pleasant loca tion in the borough—has been newly furnished and otherwise improved, and no pains will be spared to make those who may_ sojourn_with film comfortalil-3 - iluring their stay. His par lors are large and well furnished, and his cham bers supplied with new and comfortable bed , ding. HIS TABLE will be supplied wilt the best the market can afford, and all who are connect.' ed.with his house will Ire found,,attentive care• ful and THE BAR will contain the best liquors the city can produce. HIS STABLING is entirely new and exten• sive, capable of accommodating from 50 to 60 berses-;-malcirig io a desirable stopping place for DROVERS, and Wine attended by a skil• ful Ostler: in short, nothing will be 'wanting calculated to odd to the comfort and convent.' once of those who may favor, him with,,their patronage. BOARDERS taken by the week, month, or year ',l.YTEasts MODERATE. . • feb6'49-tf, JOHN HANNAN • DRUGS I DRUGS ! DRUGS I - S'rosh Spring Supply I 11AVE.just received a fresh stock of Med , itinceoPaints, Glass, Oil, &t:„ , which having been purchased 'with great care at the best city houses, I can confidently recommend to Fatniliee, 'Physicians, Country Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh and pore. • -DRUGS. . • Patent Medicines, Herbs and'Extt acts, • Pine howl cult., Spices, ground and whole Instruments, Essences, ' • 'Pure Essen'l Oita Perfumery, ke. c o d Li ve r Oil—Warranted Genuine. DYESTUFFS. . 1 , Lo and Cani Wbods, Oil Vitriol - - • Copperas, Lac 'Dye' PAINTS..., ludigoes, Madders, Sumac Alum, ' Mather;ll & Brother's Pure Lead,• Chrome, Green end Yellow, Paint end Varnish Brushes,, Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Tarpon tine, Copal and coich_ Varnish, and Red Lead,. All:of which' wilt hi sold at the very lowest market price, Also,,a fresh and splendid as, aortiment or °Ds, vicorrs,:, . Confectionary;,ohd,innumerable other articles eslenleted.for ,use and ornament, all of are efferpliat r tho lapels., cash prices; ,at, the, : chealittrulr:Booi'end Fancy Store the saw' actihar_on-Nortialaneverstreet. , _ r ,' , 113.:),)V.;.114.1/Eqsrricar; ENOLADS writing fluid, a 'very 064016r1411i. 'Aka! HUBBARD'S , f i ccLkuirnu . 'GREAT COT4H,RETREDV. , . ). .P,. - ... b - ' ,'.•*'. - . „ N , , ~.! i): - ii. , , : .:' :., t, m 4.--.72...11,1,,w „ -wat.„.... ',5-17',11.RY . PECTOPAL . , • For„ the erre !Id' • • cotrans, coLns,.- 11 . 0411.7.1.sEtrmss, BRON- (MITES, CROVP, - ASTEiw - TA. IffII.OQPIATO - COUGH consutappxoN. • In offering to the community this jtistlyeelt b "Atm' remedy for diseases of die throat and igs, it is not• one:- vash whine wiiti the Jive . o health of the effete'', but frankly to lay he ft re 'ltem tiled:Minions of that'll . Malted men sad s :Me of the eviclencesof its stieeess, front which II .v can jnilge for themselves. We sincerely .dge ouiseliei to Mlle 110 wild assertions or fi Se statements of its efficacy, nor will we hold ,t [l , l hope suffering humanity which facts will II t warrant. • Many proofs are-here given, and we sal icit no i assured theywill find them.perfectly r eliabe :lithe medicine - worthy their hest confidence d patroniige. • 1 tOM BENJ. SILLIMAN. M. Ds, L. L. D. E•le I ...pressor of Che mi stry ;111 i nernology, Cc , Yale College, Mettdier . .of the Lit. Flint. Med. .Ph.l. and Scien. Sobiet , es of Aineri..a and Europe. "1 diet the CHERRY PECTORAL an A t iirable Compoiltion from some of the best or t I len in Rai: Materia Medina, add a v•zry effect ',e remedy-for the class or diseases it is intend ( j to Cure " New Haven, Ct., Nov. I, 1649. I •of C. LEV ELAND, of Bowdoin College, Mo Writes---," I have witnessed the effecti of your HERRN: PECTORAL' in my own family snit t 'id of-my friends;and it gives me saiisfitetion to s rite iti its favor that no medicine I have ever I gown has 'proved so nminently successful .in t l imn; diereses of the throat and lungs." REV. DR. DSGPOD ..17:tile!--" Thal_ cnnsidcrs .CHE Q.RY PEG.. 'ORA L' the best .medieinelbrPinotutifee qms ever given to the. public," and slams that Lis daughter being obliged to keep the room f en. months with n severe settled cough . , UCCOM-. hied by raising or blood,night sweats, and the 1. 1 endent symptom. or consumption, commensed Cie use or the 'CHERRY PECTORAL' and 1.1 d Eompletely recovered.". 'HEAR THE PATIENT Dr. 4 Ayer—Dear Sir: For two years I was a 'Hetet! With a very - severe cough, accompanied b 4_ spitting of bldod and profuse Mght sw&ds.— I Iv the advice of my attending physician I was i rluced to use your CHERRY PECTORAL, id continued to do so till I considered myself c 'red, and ascribe'the effect to your prepara.ion. JAMES RANDALL. Hann 'en es. Springfield, Nov. 2r. 1848. This day appeared the iabove named James It u and renounced the above statement Ulm in every respect. LORENZO NORTON, Justice. THE REMEDY THAT CUIIES. PonrcAun,llle. Jan. 10,1847. Dr. Ayer I have been long afflicted with Asthma'which grew yearly worse until last an t•iimn, it brought on ft conih which confined hie 4,11. my chamber r and began to_assume.thealarm. iiimsymptems.of consumption.. _LhadAried the hist advice and the best medicine to no purpose, COI used you'' , CHERRY PECTORAL, which Ii s cured me, and You may well believe me.— Cratefully yours.- J. D. PHELPS. If there hinny value in the judgment of the u ;se, I.lid s t eak from experience, here is a med. iMne worthy of thepublic confidence. EXPARED DY Z. C. AYRES, CIIETIIST, LOWELL . . 21 Ao6 AC HUBEI-Ili. Sold by Dr, Rawlins, S. A.. Hubbard Dr. S Viliott,C . arlisle; Dr. Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; .1 I I . Eterron;Newville; J. C. Sr. J. B. Altiolt Ship .nsburm and druggists anerally. ApTROLOGY. ASTRONOMY, TRENOLOGY . , AND GEOIMANCY -Professor C W Rofmek. , [FROM SWP:OHNJ . Office, No. 71 Locust St., above Bth, oick posite the Musical Fund Hall, Phil's. $25,000 HAVING BEEN WON.: lirti a n n i y e Littr t r i t o e n rcm s e h f o r u ie l t , t i d e s o o n n vi te e la t t i e ms P e re s s k i e d i e 3t o i pal petunia who talk of FAILURES, that no such tying as FAIL is or . has been known by the emi. i tent and disiloguished Astronomer Mid AStrol ger, C. W. ROBACK, during hiii :experience rover a quarter of a century. Do you dotibt redestination ? Then why not ...very man gain celebrity of General Taylor, n Daniel Webster' r a Henry Clay ? And yet there tare some who re f001i.,11 enough to .loubt t at at num, may be , aria n ith the power to see into future events. low can it be possible that the destiny of man !mul t i lie governed. lay the mere shuffling of a tack of eartl4 ? m i l yet there are thousands who allow themselves, with open mouths, to swallow be greasy words of seine old woman, whose trite kill'consists in filling theta with wonders that ;ire most difficultior the digestion olotlicrs, who arc m ire credulous,. yet more scientific.. It is such that bring al isaredit on a professinnithathas been acknowledged to be a science of the highest order,from time immemorial,and Is the only pro ession that has any authority to sustain it. The It igli' t'espeet which General Taylor, and Charles Delimitate, late King of Sweden Vail for Astral-. ogy, is shown by theft' letters for their Nativi. lies to the subscriber, which it_will give him great pleasure its showing — to thotm who favor him wtth it w.II. In addition to his power to foresee future o. vents, lie has the power togive such information an will effectually redeem such- us are given to the too free use of the bottle, He is also calm - bleof curing diseased heretofore considered In- CO111 1 )10 in ti is-Country by the ortlisi.try medi oines,and W411101(1111 to give him a cull who hue heed gitetn up by phYsiciatis and wish to be cure ed., He will warrant a cure Swell cases,and will make no charge except for the conjorations lie shall make use olio his office. [leis often asked what a Nativity. is ? He answers accemling to Geomaney, one of the seven points in the science ' of Astrology, that it Is nHorroseope of the future events of a person s life, carefully calculated and transcribed oti paper, containing un account of all the lucky and unlucky days in the too, tlimind years of the persons life for whom it ie cast i by which means thousands in this country and else where have been prevented Irem misfortunes the bad beetillidden in the womb of futurity ~ by re ferringio their Nativity Wore entering on an I speculatioi. of business or pleasure. It should be Melte Mende of every one as their almanac, for tile. A Nativity of an individual can only lore, warn the possessor oftroubles that arc in future for hiresthose who are involved In pm sent diffi culties deny kiud must volt on the subscriber in person or by letter; who is prepared to exert hie Secret influence for their immediate he cfit. He is ready to use hl 0 influenao to forestal the results of lawsuitsmacl all undertakings in wbieli there is Writ& involved, hetilso makes, use of his pote,er foe. the restoration. of. stolen or lost:property, which be has used forthe advantage of thousands in this city and elsewhere.. Who earl doubt a gentleman's abilities, who has had the honor to be called on and consulted with by all the crown ; ed heinhi of Europe, and eujoye a higher repute.: lion as an astrologer than any Onti• living P' •- • ' Ots , He can be consulted with at his office, or by letter;ifyre-paid,, and . tic .is prepnred to Make use of his wet mildly 'orthe following topics: i. o usiness fall deseraptionsptravelli!tg'by lanit.pr ,sea; court hips i advice given tbr their ,euceessful i ftooomplk hmenti'speculnting In stocks; meridian: dice, or I Mantel therecovering of legabies , in dispute; lie 'purchasing of tickets; and, the safety. of shipie a sem He able offers hisseevicea ''resPect. ling healtlilviehlfb",land :. marriage; love..offkirs, journeys, lawseliti,difficidtv In tbetsiriess. fraud and lo _ gi ll the mineernalf life, and Invite s all: to eall'whoartsafilloteek corporeally .ot-Stentally.,"; : ~: t ~„.., i Pplieili 60 oen0q.!.(#81010#0,11. NntivitieS calcPintetrar4 %Catlin Aills according, to theT.Or. soles of lidiscalitte, Eligna-t-Ladlos,.sl $ Gentlnnieu $ t s p. Natlvlties calculated according to Geriman ciifar Wiese 03eZkrtiulli t $3l Gentlemen, $3 Id fall; $6 ~......, A ...,;... - . ... la 131)iiabitpl)in DAY. STATE SHA%VLS THESE celebrated and justly acknowledged , superior goads, in the latest colorings and most improved styles, will be furnished by the subscribers in any quantity, at the very loWeet prices.' Purchasers - will please notice that the genuine Day. Stare fabrics bear tickets corresponding, With the- above - cut, and they will also be diminguislied front all other Wool: en Shawls by thew superior finish, fineness of texture, and brilliancy of colors. Orders Iscited from all sections of the country, end the same will lie promptly attended to. Purcha sers wil! also find in our Shawl department a large assortment of all the other most approved _makes,_amL_cm.wcaL__designe (if A metican,_ French and Scotch Woolen Shawls, einbracing a great variety of plain and medium styles for friends. Also, Superior Long and Square Shawls in latest styles and besvmanufacturc,t4iigh lustre black and colored silk Shawls, Levine tilack and Mode Colored Thibet Shawls, with silk and woolen fringes', Paris Printed Cashmere and Terkerri ShitWls, Plain and Embroidered Crape Shawls, New Stole printed Palm Shawls Neat Figured Paris Brocha Shawls,-Lupins Black and Mode Colored 'Philter Lnng Shawls, Plain Bound Seal Skin Shawls, Plain Mode Colored French Tergerri Shawls, frioged and bound, Eight,<Marter French ModeT,,tiilored Thibet Cloth, measuring full Iwo yards wide for Shawls, binding to match, White and Col. ored Barcelona and Genoese Shawls; tSi•c. 06rW1101 , F.SAL£ AND ROBERT POLOGK & CO No.lB SOUTH SECOND Sr., PHILADELPHIA Fall 30S STONE & SONS Fin; orters and Di'ab.re3: ILKS; RIBBONS & MILLINERY GOODS b No, 45 South 2d !Street, Philadelphia. Hp~AVE received by lute arrivals from France n largo and very desirable assortment of FALL MILLINERY GOODS, among which will be found .• Bonnet Velvetdof all colors in variety of prices. Satins Corded Velvets Figured, Watered and Colored Bonnet Goods Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a large assortment French and American Floweis. Laces, Bonnet Tabs, Crowns, Buck rant=, together with .a splendid assortment of Paris Fancy Feathers. , , The above goods were selected by.ono of the firm in France, and will be sold at the very lowest market prices. [septlB,'so PIANO EORTE WAREROONIS, No. 171 CHESNUT STREET, PIITLAD'A. THE OLD STAND, occupied for more than one.ffird.of asentury Pli.G. 1171113, Esq. HE undersigned would most respectfullyl announce to the public that he is AGENT for mere than twenty of the most . celebrated menufneturers of B OS j' 7TON, , NEW YORK, PHILA DELPHIA, and elsewhere; and is constantly, receiving from them PIANOS o the richest _and _most- varied styles,-of superior tone, and of the most superb finish, of G. 61, 61, and 7 Octaves, which are warranted equals„ to any manufactured either in thii . country or' in Europe. Suer received, also, n further supply of Church and Parlor Organs, of bettniiful patterns and fine tapes. labia 5 WARER - 0 OM is constantly supplied with a choice selection of SERABIIIN ES and MELODEONS, from the oldest and'mostox• tensivc Manufactories in the. United States; a-, mong whicnis n tiew style of REED ORGAN having Carhart's patent improvements, with gilt pima in front, and case elegantly carved,, and highly ornamental. Tuning and Repa.ring—Sig. Salvador La Grnssa, n distinguished Piano Forte Manufactu rer and Organ• Builder, will attend to all orders. sept4,'so OSCAR C B CART R. , - Watches and Jewelry! CHEAPER THAN EVER Wholesale ..... 416,, ) Wholesale and Retail—At the AON "Philadelphia Watch and Jew- - , elry Store," No. 96 North SE . .. •i.,.: COND street, crirner of Quer. itrefiT:.. 7 l - Cqt7 ry street. .Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, lull jewelled, $3O and upwards Si IVET,r — Le trerrclult - jewelle - dT - S - 45 — and - wwardic — ; Gold Lopine, 18 k. cases, jewel Fed, $25 arid— up wards • Silver Lepines, jewelled, $lO and upwards Silver Quartier Watches, $4 to 10 Silver Spoons, equal to coin, per sett—Tea, $5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro portion. All goods warranted to be, what the are sold for. Conetatnly on hand a large assortment ;of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE Also, an assornnent of M J Tobias & Co., E'Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates & Co, John Harrison, G & R Beesley. and other ulterior Patent Lever Movements, which will eeased in any style desired . ..„. . Arrangements have been made with all the above named most celebrated manufacturers of England, to furnish at short notice any required style of Watch; for which orders will be taken, and the name and residence of the Person or doting put on if requested. • . 0. CONRAD, novEl] Importer of Watches THE GREAT CHINA STORE • OF PHILADELPHIA. E. HANKFUL to the citizens of Carlisle and its vicinity for their inereasedscuatom, wo =noin-request their company to view our large and splendid - nesortinent of -China, Glass ellt Queen's . ware, ' Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sots, and single pieces, either of Glass, Chitut • or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than they Chen be had elsewhere—ln fact at less than Wholesale Prices. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH [MITA N NIA' Al E'PAL GO ODS in grcaler variety than . ever before offered in the city. FANCY CHINA in great variety very cheap. • -- 141 - We would invite eny ptieson-visiting the oily to call and see us—they will at least be pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest,China and the cheapest-the world produces. Very respectfully, 'TYNDALE & MITCHELL, • • No. '219 Chesnut. Street: 4 Phila. sopt26'49ly p • - - • PERFUMERY DEPOT. DON"P be received . Country Merchants and Dealers who want good and cheap PP:gni:MI.:EY and FANCY SOAPS should call upon RHIN T CLEGG, - Petfutner and Chemist, 48 .111arket St., below 2d, Philadelphia. .who has constantly on hand. PERFUMERY and FA NCY SOAPS of every . description, Powders, Half Oils, Ox• Marrows, 'Colognes, Hair Dye's, Ike., &c.' • :100,800 persons have road my 'advertisement in'the Public Ledger", hundreds of whom have called and been convinced of the advantage 8/ purchiming direct from the manufacturer, Agoncy for Ferran'e Circosaiau Hair Oil, • Curling Fluid, &c. 'Orders from Minton of the United Statmi will he promptly attended to. - • . angl4'so,ly - JOHN T CLEGG. . . , al: iir tY. JR: Rowe, MANUFACTURERS and wholesale deal ) ' ersinBROOMS,BASKETSan WOOD WARE, havo removed to the larg e" store.taiely occupied by Messrs. Seiler! Cl' Da vii where they have,opencd-an extensive mei ' of • Eas crn and City made BROOMS an VOO WARE,..which they " are now saltine, ut. the I west manufacturers prices./ A. full assortmerii.of Bridles, Ailshes, Mate, Cordage, f ie.. cinstuntly -on - hand. No I i North Third Streeti,3 doors below Race, Phi'/' Mph's.' ' • ' '' ify17,!.50,P.- MACKHREL, - 1 SHAD, CODFIS H; • • SALMON. — . , • CPnetant)y - . On broil,: . * HERRINGS, • n: '• - J. ! anckforsale by ... PORK U . 4 ; , • • • , , . 'PALMER Ca, 'HAMS AND ,SIDES,• Market Sreet What 1,, SHOULDERS, , • • PHILADELPHIA,' LARD 6r,iOHEESt; i 7 ' , p: .:, .lj' . • ~ Dilutes I Brushes . • • , , •,;• . . ~,• groin, voile y of thete neeful articles le , tf fared for sole, conciating nlW.hitowneh, Sweeid ink, Scrubbing; Paintere,rloth; Shoving, TeptlfetidGrcining Bruebne In grdet variety; ull of whichnre of the hcet.ki ty 4nd will be sold 'at the lowest priciti:. June 6. ELLIOTT '• • aic~ friit~. NERVOUS DISEAS.V3, And of Uioso Complaints which .dro caused by an lan poirethireakenad or unhealthy condition of the • ' NERVOUS SYSTIVSI. • • This beautiful and convenient application of the inys. lotions powers of GALVANISM , and MAGNETISM, hes been pronounced by distinguished physicians, both In - Enro per mud th - ii - UnstihrStStaTtobe - thsrmast - traluala --- : 'medicinal discovery of the age. Dr, CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BELT MAGNETIC FLUID ti aced - with the meet perfect and certain success In all canoe of ' GENERAL DEBILITY. Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to, the various organs, and invigorating the entire system. Also In FITS, CRAMP, PARALYSIS and PALSY, DYSPEP SIA or INDIGESTION, RHEUMATISM, ACUTE and CHRONIC,, GOUT, EPILEPSY, LUMBAGO, DEAF NESS, NERVOUS TREMORS, PALPITATION OF , THE- HEART, APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA, PAINS in tho'SlDE.and CHEST, LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, end CURVATURE of the SPINE, HIP COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, DEFI CIF,NCY OF NERVOUS and PHYSICAL ENERGY, and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaints arise (Tin one simple cause—namely, A perangement'of the Nervous System. ery- In NERVOUS COMPLAINTS,' Drugs and Medi• cities increase the disease, for they weaken the vital liner gierOrtbd-alrpadr.prostratid-mystem-rwhile-under-th • strengthening, life-giving, vitalizing influence of (Wynn. Ism, as applied by this beautiful and wonderful discovery, the exhausted patient and weakened sufferer is restored to former health, strength, elasticity and vigor. The greet peculiarity and excellence of Dr. Christie% Galvanic Ourativee, coneists, in the fabt.that they wield and cure amen by outward application, in place of the usual mode of drug. Sing and , phyeicking the patient, till exhausted Nature soaks hopelessly under the infliction. They zlrenzlh en the whole system, equalize the eireulalie,n of the blood, promote the secretion., and newer do the slight. .81 injury under any circumstances, !Mace their Intro. - ductlon In the United - Atatee'onle - three years since, more Wan. 60,000 Persons - including all ages, classes and conditions, among watch -were a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly subject to Nervous Complaints7have been • INTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CURED. when all hope of- relief had. been given up, and every thing else been tried in vain To illustrate the use of the GALVANIC BELT, suppose the rase of a person 'afflicted with that bane of civilization, DYSPEPSIA; 'or any other Chronic or Nervous Disorder—ln ordinary cases, stimulants are taken, which,. by their action on the nerves and muscles of the stomach, afford temporary relief, but which leave the patient in a lower state, and with injured faculties, after the action thus excited has ceased. Now compare this with the effect resulting from the application of the -GALVANIC .RELT—...Take_ a_ Dyspeptic_sufferer ' _even. in the worse symptoms of an attack, and simply tie the Balt around the body, using the Magnotic Fluid as directed. 'lsi a shcirt period the insensible perspiration will aft on: the . positive element of the Belt, thereby clueing a Galvanic circulation which will pus on to the negative, and thence back again to the positive, thus keeping up e continuous Galvanic circulation throughout the system. Thus the most severe cases of DYSPEPSIA are PERNIANENTLY CURED. A FEW, DAYS IS OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE DISEASE OF YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of the most Undoubted Olunueter, . From all parts of tho Country could be' given, sufficient j to fill every column in this paper! AN, EXTRAORDINARY CASE, which conclusively proves that "Truth is stranger than Fiction," CURB OP ~ REEUMATISM, BRONCHITIS AND DYSPEPSIA - Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman of .New Jersey, of distinguished attainments and exalted repntation:— Sinsicv, New Jersey, July 12, NM. Do. A. H:•Cirnierro—Dear Sir You wish to know of me what has been the result in my own case, of the aritpli. cation of THE GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE. My reply is as follows: For about twenty years I had been suffering from ,Dys. popsia. Every year the symptoms became wove; nor could I obtain permanent relief from any course of medb cal treatment whatever. About, foortern years since, in consequence of frequent exposure to the weather, in the discharge my pastoral duties, I became !Object to a severe Chronic Rheumatism, which for year after year, caused me indescribable anguish. Farther: in the wintet of '4l and '46, in consequence of 'preaching a groat dea, in my own and various other churches in this region, I was attacked by the Bronchitis, which soon became so severe as to require an immediate suspension of my pan rarlaborr—Ary-nereouregasortzraunow-thararrehty-prow /rated; and"as my - Brenchitia became worsoso - alsodld - my .Dyspepsia and Rheumatic affection—thus evincing that these disorders were connected with each other through the medium of the.Nervoun System. In the whole phar. macopseia there seemed to be no remedial agent which could reach and recupera.s my Nervous System ; every Ahing that I hod tried for this purpose had completely failed. At last I was led by my friends to examine your inventions, and (though with misery sanguine hopes of their efficiency) I determined to try the effect of the apiplication of the GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE," with' the MAGNETIC FLUID. This was in June, tB4B. To ur GREAT ASTONISHMENT, IN two OATS MY DIIEFITSI4I HAD GORE; IN SIGHT DAYS r 'WAS ENABLED TO REMISS KT PASTORAL LABORS ; NOR HATE I SINCE OMITTED • SINOLR •ERTICE oN SCCOUNT OF THE BRONCHITIS ; AND BIT ADIEU. MATIC AFFECTION HAS ENTIRELY CEASED TO TROUBLE ME. Such is the wonderful and happy results of the experiment. I have recommended the BELT and FLUID to many who have boon likewise suffering from Neuralgic alrec4+ Ilona They' have tried them, WITH turn RESULTS. I MIME, IR EVERT CASE. I am, dear sir, very respectfully your., ROBERT W. LANDIS. • DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC NECKLACE N used for all complaints- affecting the Throat or Head, such as Bronchitis, Inflammation of the. Throat, Nervous and flick Headache, Dizziness of the Head, Neuralgia in the Face, Buzzing or flooring in the Ears, Deafness, which is generally Nervous, and that distressed complaint, called Tie Dolorous. • • Palsy and. ,Paralysis. All physicians acknowledge that these terrible diseases are caused by, a deficiency of -Nerrous• Energy in the effected limbs, Dn. Confirm's Galvanic Articles wilt supply , this deficient power, and a. complete and entire cure is thus effected. • 1000 Oases of Palsy 'and Paralysii nave been reported to Dc. CHRISTIE and his Agents withist the last two years, which have been entirely restored, noite C n a litle AT t ' o ° w ß Wk j a . clap Fr ' fb m r t e ° a f r -n four k y llY e¢rfr N , was , so ho . lpless that ho had to' bo fed Tho molt celebrated' physician■ gave him up. _ln fivOdays after he commencoi wearing , the Ost.varvic BELT, NLOLLACNi AND Bngclivra he walked across the room, and in three weeks he had per , teeny recovered his health.. Captain Tomos is 'seven* , years' of age. tr. • Severe Deafness. Cured. . • The following is an extract from a letter lately received from a distinguished physician In the State of Virginia : M.D.-Deer Sire Ono of my patients. unknown to me, obtained your Galvanic Bell and Neel. lace, with the Magnetic Fluid, for a SOLIDUS affection of Deafness. The case was that of a lady whose Nervous 'valeta was much disordered, and her general health re ° lf; but iu ‘ ch v hvvime rydoiirttvereivuic7.l.il: and thetgallf, t agi l n y oL g tlt i e t telLyoti, that since she commenced wearing the Belt 'and using the Fluid, but. a few weeks ago, she hu ENTIRELY RECOVERED HER HEARING, Sind hes general health is better than for several years: , fri- Every came of Deafness, If it be Nervous. et generally is, can be cured by this wonderful remedy. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BRACELETS Are found of vast service In oases of Convulsions or Fits, Spasmodic Complaints, and. goners! Nervous Affections of the Head and upper eitreniitles. Also In Palsy end rarely. ids, and all - diseases caused by a deficiency of 'power or Nervous Energy In the limbs or other organs of the body. , grif- Many hundred Certificates from all parts of the country of the most extraordinary charactercan he given, if required. . . fib- No trouble'or 'inconvenience attends the use at Dir t CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC .fiRTICLES, and theimay be'worn'hy the most feeble and delicate with perfect ease and safety. In many cases the sensation attending their use is Afshis pleasant east armada They can he sent to any pert of the country. ' . • - Pritem: __ . TheGelvanio 33elt ita Three'Dollinive . The Galvanic Nee ce, Two Dollen, . _ The Galvanic Ilra elate, One Dollar Each. The binglistio Plniti,' One . Valour. . ocp-Tite anion, are accompanied by tu ft; and plain Paryileta - letUa Ml Faith:chin may . b• W the • Sold in Catfish, by S. •ELLtOTT t ANOTHER REVOLUTION,: AI4IUEL.A H U BBA RD ; having purchaa: mtuf-Iltri - fleary A Sturgeon, , biestock; of DrugaMedicinels',&e:: would respectfully so. licit a share of the publte,patronage, at thOld stand,' corner of Flaunt! High Streets, oppesito the Rnil Road depot. 1.2 He will keep 'gonslantly on hand. an nation , meat of fresh. Drugs.. Medicines, - Pointe,. Dile, Dye Stolle, Perfutnery; And :satiety of fancy. ertlploe which ho-`is determined' to. sell .19w,— . He will iro 'his personal attention .telho': fleas; nod partiCultirlyrorinttink up prerieriptione. A liberal daddetioti trindefor Physicians coult-' try MerclientS, Vid!Fedlers. • • Feb.l:3, 11150. - •. £fi~cd!a cr u . Tyl . : ( ).l"_l7' ~.k: IT 4 Life • Th , •, , ••••••• ,• •• •• J•• •-, • • ri , " f,,t• ••••••11..".• •!ti.....:0 ! cr.! t! .1 • , t - rs.- •:).I.llotl .•1 I , k,, • ~.t•r :•! ;1,1 , ••^7 .. .. ;tin a ;‘,. r. ne , ••••4.. Ilestlht p •rzif.•l, 4.lT•ritle; 0 . 1 1-1,1 , I 11 0., qt:, hq , 1 4;-• FAT'! 1,1? T 'l7l - I''. n:AntS fr. it sPry Ar. t .• 0. L. t-tt: 0-p _.•;:'., d , 2^ , •;+61 , 11- , nl l'o , ~ .;r1 rrly :1 , 11 tom. gl+ny 1 , 1.::14 . .w.v I. IL -41,111,r/1'1....; .?.• a.l: ,rf 10,11.1. srithn,r, !, r 1 ...to ' tfr- ,r 1 lord. 11.4 r till( it I 1.:;; .11:1;r: II !inn. t!, - - _ ciptry •h (1,•;%y Are ried, .1I••1,1 Oloy :{I • ;• Itnra, 1•, and r;lrultl.'.4 ni V. ,;.v! 1'.1.! IT'kh ie.- tmitN v:.!.)r. 111..1 1:1/9 fir their !loran: 13 , 111k0 of pero'cloor. 911,1,0ri, 1.41:f vegt.thle i0.,!re.h.0ft.,, LIKE TFLED - 1- orn3 ve , retohle ; tilt- 11 !-%L.hr-q-?-110 nit, I" , r Inuiernl in • ily.f6r.,, kol”tevi.r*. eferqetAed ”r , nztracts film! rare' and ine.yerful phots, the virtu.' of winch, thou l ih lOog oowo to so•vor ii rprmil tribes, e.el to some emim , ot p'orto teeutirtal 'fl'ou't', are alto 4eth•r urilio..,ll - to the ivitiro,it pretentlerA to med-e.i! p•inne.• nu•l vo•re, never bpi., h f irrii n i, elii.,wious a coothifilti , m.. 'rho first op , ..r.tremi is to loreest (root the 'onto of the sioataah, fiat novels the various impuritieu and eruthties ronstnestly settltitt rem.] them 1 - and to r,,, L i o v:, 1. 1-.1p110,1 ,i io tile coovohrtions if o titn small lutextilt:lt. Other metli- C.:nos on:, pefatially rlettase' theae, anal leave such collected tnamos held.' to pro‘lnc ( vh,b; trin t tatidh all its train of evils,'orannltlen with titl itnittinent tlatig.ers.t- This fact is well • known to all tett - altar anatomists' who rextinfrue the human hovels after death ; and hence the proitiP dice el. the:to ',.vett it/Formed man a;tallita the quark „,,jt e ; ;' ,.,, o f the 11 7 ,.. 'rnn seroud oli•et of the _Vann A TIT VA _LI7II_3IIIDICIEES _ eleaties the kultioys andthe Madder ; and, b y /1„ e menus, the liver nail • loutish den lir-ablaut notion of which entcrly depends ayon file regtulttrity of the urinary Octet'', 'ran Itlonth which taken it; and color fitrfil thin azetiry of the liner hofore it payees into t 3,111,th. lei L . dill I puritied by them, anal nogrisi.lliy food 1 . 01b,11g from a clean stn, ii emirs, freely throtizli ii, veins, rene‘vii ~v.iry part of the ily!4torn. and triumphantly mounts dir bi , pier 61 health in th•3lshii.l wog elleel. 'lke follo.V1.1;" Ore :vtrinq the ilisitri,6hi.,g of the vEGETABL . ?, 1,1113 MEDICINES are well known to DYSPEPSIA, htthtii-onzhly clritip. 4 ,l.l., the full a wl crrat,tiff a 11,,P. , of pork, healthy 1),1t., 10,t,•,1 of line stale out kind ; FIA'PU LENC I:,ss i f Appetite Ilearihurn, ileaelache, 111-timpe , . 4 n z,rl Languor, and 3fil I , lChllly. which am the , gnivral symptotivi ni Dysplwia, will vanish, as a naturc.l or Ili num. Cosiivenesa, 1 4 • ciennAnz the whole length ,f the Isolve.ll. process. end withol,t vicslelico : all violent • !Clive the bowels co...iv* within two (lays .Diarrhoea and Cholera, by rm , itnV i h ialiurp acrid fluideliy - r.tiplal . tlia are orithiabbleii, - tilid by protWitin; the lubricative s'e,re- 123=11 Lion of the r evers 0l nil kinds, by restoriaz the 1,1,,01 to a reaulur circulation, through -.the pnwrea of o—rdpi ration in such cages, and the thorou!h solution Id all intestinal obstruction in others Tho Lint ittemetaeshavo been kniiiven cure RHEIMATISII permanently )0 throe Nveeks, and GOUT in half that tiinN by , removing local italaminatiob from the muscle" ken ligament' of the.jobits. by freeing strength- Draosies of all kinds, ening thie,kolneys and.bladder : they operate must delightfully on these important manna, a nd tattoo have ever Mom , found n certain remedy for the worst cases of CRAVE', --A!sn Worms, by.-dia;lid g ipy, from the turning' : or the bowels the shiny matter a which thee. creatures adhere. Asthma .nd Consumption, by r~rrvi •e the rir-vresela of the louts fronn the muucoos which area slight colds will ocua2.iiiii, and which, if not' moved, hi.coales hardened, tad produces these dreadful ifisennee. the Ulcers, a ,,, 1 lavetente Bores, by the perfect purity winch -throb T, FE NED'. eINEg g ive L. the blood, unit All the hunters. , Scorbntie Eruptions , and Bad Complex ions, by their alterative etioct ilium the ankh: that feed the, skin, soilitheimorbid state of which occa sions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other dcsagrikt,ltlo complexionn. Time use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire sure of SALT RHEUM, and a 'striking improvinuent in the clearness of the skin. always be cured by one dose, or by two even in the worst cases. RI:I,Es. • As a remedy for this most distressing and obstinate mabtdy,tIto.VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES ti,s,:rve a •tlistinot and emphatic lecomniendiffien. It is well known to hundreds in ads city, that the former proprietor of able. Medicines was himself afflieted__With. this complaint for upwards of TillaTT nvs ; and that lib tried in vain every remedy prescribed within the whole compass of the Mnieria Medics. lie however at length tried tho Medicine which cow offered to the•public, aud, he was cured in a Very short time, after his recovery had seen- pro flounced not unit. iinprobable, but absolutely'itn poosible, by any human means. , FEVER. AND AGUE. For thin 6 0 9111'4V 1. I the western country these Medicines will be fou eU u safe, speedy, and certain remedy. 9ther medicine leave the system sub ject to a return of the diSease—a cure by these medicines iv permanent—TßY EM.,. BE SA TISFIED, AND 13E CURED. Bilious.revors and Liver Complaints. 'Cleneral Debility, _ATA or APPOTIT6, AND DOILASHO or Famaties—these medFnes have been used with the moat beneticial r , - , u'ls in eases of thia description:—XisO's Evil., ulltl SCOOFULA, , in I na worst forms, yields to tho.ntild yet powerful action of these remark:dill) Medicines. NIGHT ,Syr r enk, NICRYOI.IB DEBILITY, plx.tyous COIIPLAInia of all OilldS, PALPITATION or Too 'At/AT, PAINT/WO Come, aro epeedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES. Perilous wyose constitutions have become intl. %mired by the injudicious use of Mtaduar, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to_Oradicate _from die rsystein _the '.cfres." Mercury infinitely sooner thou the most &wean' preparations of Sarsaparilla. A. single trial will place' thenilinyond the mach of competition, i¢ this estimalion every patient. • BE - CAREFUL OF COUNTERFEITS. _ . Several hive lately been discolOred, 'and thoit nefarious authors arrested, both iu.the city of Nov, York and abroad. Buy of do one who is not an atrraoasamo .Aaamr. Prepared end soltl.hy Dr. W.B. M0FF.A.T4.116 • Broadway, Now , -York. FOR SALE BY DR. J. W. RAWLINS,CarIisI6. TIOCTOR YOURSELF —FOR ^- 5 CENTS !! -Lily means of the pocket - Esettlapiun int`iPvelly one is own Physleinn I Twen r-funrth 01104 with up malls ofd hiniked engrn logs, showing pilvate,ilis mires in every slink 'and ' • orm, end malformations •-• ' )f the ga . tterntive ,system, IY•WNLYOUNG,A4,II3, • The time has now ring froth secret disenKe, .he, VICTIM OF QUACK:LIM. as by the prescriptions contained in this hook any one may cure himself, without liodivince to _bu siness, or-the knowledge, of the. most intiMato, friend, nod with one tenth the uSual expense: 16_ addition to the general disease,. it fully explains the cause of manhood's earl 3 de cline, wills observations tin marriage-Lheititletr• many other derangements which it would not he proper-to roumerate . in the public Prints • irrAny person sending zwERTY-rivit ooze,' enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy addshook, hook, by -mail, or five collie, will be sea ~{or 'one' . dollar. Address. ..DR. W. YOUNG, No. 152 SPRUCE Street a II ILAVILL11111A" Postpaid. n-Ant, YOUNG eau lac consulted on any: 'or - Ilie 7 Diseases pi•thieribed-in hi a different publioa iorts,at lili Offices . ..l,42' SPRUCE- street, every day between 9 and_3 j eNlCA;(BtindaYiexcepted ) j j .‘i: ..„ Nommen,' • vormor, ia liereby•givorohni'orl'applicatirtn. L'l. will .14% made to : the.,l,:egialature.of this. ; CoMmonwealth at its emit reamcin,:for'6liliirv ter_for-e4barpeigr-genopil,hanklporivilMeq)4_____ to be locate Cumberland county, Ormitat • orMite.liartared ahmetatid.. (Mars, and to be called the Carlisle Bank. • ir9.'so-6nl • I=
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