Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 16, 1850, Image 3

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    EfEil,t'\:ll;9 ,6:111) EZPOEITERIi
Perms—Two Dollars a year, or One Dollar an
Fifty Cents, it,puncthalkit paid in ✓ldtianrc.
$1,75 if paid within the pear,
FAY Fan IT.-W e.areindt;bted 'to Our
friend, Mr, .Ohrjstinn • Stityman, ter,
present of those luscidae... In xu ries, Seclq,
el -Pent, grown on his grounds. He
tray be a ssured they were warmly ap
peciated. . • .-
.that in consequenc'd of physical disabil
ity, ihe popular Cashier of this Institu
tron, Wm. S. CoREAN,..Esq. recently ye
signOd. his situation. The resignation
waslceei)ted. on Wednesday last, and
the Directors filled the vacancy by elec
ting Mr. Wm. M. BEETEM, CaFhier,
Mr. 13EETEM ' S place as Teller was filled
by the appointment of Mr. HENRI' A
STURGEON. Both gentlemen are well
qualified for the places to which they
have been elected.
NEW Trucac.—The ;.rb•rlcme . n engaged
in laying the new trackof the Cumber
land Valley Rail _Ro - ad_have pushed
their-operations to the Eastern extremi
ty of our bitrough. The new track is
now complete from Chambersbarg to
this place, and will be finished probably
to the Connection with the York and
Cumberland rail road by 'the Ist of De
cember. The trip from Chambersburg
a-Baltimore , w 11-th en-be—made-in -about
six hours, and a new and advantageous
market be opened for the produce of the
Cumberland Valley.
Census Returns
ulation of our boiough, ns shown by the
recent census, is as follows
• Males,
Total, . 4579
The. colored population number 337 .
There are 787 dwellim_l houses in the
-town. 'An-1820 our population'. was
.3,708. In 1640, it Was 4,351. The
increase in ten years is tii, ;.fore but `328.
The great. differcnce•in the number of
the sexes, is rather discouraging for the
matrimonial prospects of the ladies
'News' reports the population of Ship
pensburg as follows :
Of these 112 . are :colored people.
The increase in the population in ten
years is 105. The town contains 7 chur
ches, 7 schools, 7 public-houses, ten dry
goods and grocery stores, &c. There
are two fire companies, n Saving Fund
society, an Odd Fellows Lodge, a Divi
sion of Sons of Temperance, and nn
encampment of Odd Fellows. The town
is beautifully situated in a rich agricultu
ral country, and its
,population is inter
gent and r
gr - J.•Gloti les Book, for No
"The Evening Star," a fine engraving
colored—"ThO Lord's Prayer," in six
- tableaux, an original design by ermine
- Fashions - for - November—The
, Estrangement; printed in tints,--"Before
and after the next Election," a hit at
the times—Model Cotages, Cage Birds,
' Ladies' Work, &c., &c., 17 in all.—
The usual and favorite list of contribu
tors nearly all provide something fo -
this number of, the Book.
pr - Graham's Ainericaff — onthly.
Magazine, for November, is also highly
embellished with "The Highland Chase,"
a beautiful mezzotint by Welch—"The
Angel's Whisper," by - 1-Ilman—Paris
Fashions, and the American Quail:
. Major Richardson. Dr.- Elder, Messrs.
• Whipple, Bayard Taylor, Weld, Street,
Prentice, Conrad, Grace Greenwood, and
• other gentlemen and ladies contribute to
its pages. *-
' in receipt of thisnew paper, andcau cor
dially commend it to patronage. It is
mainly .devoted to latnilyAnstruction and
- -entertainment; - and abbunds Qvith well
written articles and tales whose object is
the advancement of mortality, religion
and truth.
, Price $2 year--address
p..,Artlar & co. Philadelphia.
4 :l3ltrinFthn.—TheiC,!urnbefland Volley
Rail Road Company hitie decjared .
semi-annual dividend of four par cent
on the first and, second preferred stocks
of tice:Nuprtny, payable on tind — ofter
the 12th , Init. It will not be long,. we
' predict before dtiridend will be - .paid on
all the.stocli. .....
the Volunteer—that Judges-- - Grtur and
• Kane,of the Circuit Court of the U. S.
for tho Eastern District of Pennsylva
nia have appointed J. Ellis • Bonnam 4
Esq. of this place, U. $: Commissioner
for the - cOunty..4 Cumberlival, to exer
cise the functions conferred by various
acts of Congress, and also to carry into
effecetiferprovisionsof the recent law it
relation to the. reclamation r of r . fugitive
tcrWe learn that the'Rev. 'Tombs
Meare,al milli° of. Nowvifie, Cum
. berhind county', and ' forer!y'Poitor" of
the second Presbyterian' Church in CS
lisle, has been'ollbrest the Presidency of
. "Lafayette epllegf3,-
Btoordis at ;present Pastor 'of the , first
Presbyterian Chßel 134chmond; Ara.
where he will probllily.preicir
r • r , •
All, then art 'weiceine, Itenvenhi delleione breath,
When Wends beginlci.ifenr.the eritneon leaf,
And suns grew meek,- and the meek /tune grow brief,
And the year smiles ne it draws near death. •
-Wind of the sunny south! oh still delay '
In the gay wends and In the golden air,: •
• Like to a good old nge,releatrad from care,
Journeying, in long serenity, away.
!Wench a bright, lateguiet, would that I •
brght wrar out life likg thee 'mid bowera,& brooks,
And, dearer, yet, the'sunshineef.kind
And Innate. of kind voices over nigh; •• • ,
And w hon.rny last nand twinkled IWtho glass,.
Pass silently from men; es, thou doll pass.
RE I D it:a . rule to:read a
little every day, evert•if it hebitt, a Sin=
gle sentence ._ A , short paragraph: will
often afford you a profitable.Aonrce of - re.
flectionior it_ whole day. :For this purl
pose keep some valuable.boolt or• paper
always Within yoUr reach,. so that You,
may lay your hand on ii at anY moment
when -, you,:are -about the house..l..We
know a. large tinnily 'that has niade itself
intimately acpainted with history, pre-:
bably morethan any other family . in the
United States, by the practice of having
one of the children, each one taking a
weelc by turns, read evert ,
while the rest were at breakfast
KNOwiNch—ll is said that a
small pine of rosin dipped in the water,
which is paced in a vessel . on the stove,.
will add a peculiar property to the at
nrosphe'reof the room, which will give
great relief to persons troubled with
cough.---The-heat of- the water is- suffi
cient to throw off the aroma of the ros
in, and give-the same relief as is affor- .
ded by a combustion of the rosin. It is
preferable to the combustion, because the
evaporation is more , durable., The same
rosin may be - used for weeks.
Real Estate at 'auction.
Ore TI4URSO✓IY the 131st rEf October, 1850.
1r WILL offer nt public sale n HALF ACRE
of ground situated in Centreville, Dickinson
township, curnbciland 'county, . whereon are
j e; 1
f r
o e e L t e l
s ci
, ri l
o g4o r d . . ' , .1. ,. ' , k r V y ( 1 ) 3
l i e S it T O u
1 ,1 4 ? ,, Y r
.2..11 Lag,, water convenient to - klic prop
........ erty, a number of choice fruit trees
--_, .2---,._ttre on the lot Nith improvements
necessary to render a home condonable and
A Ist), nt the some ;hue and plaCe I will offer
thrse•quariers of an Acre of .ffrountl. teljeliting
the above, whereon is elected a two story LOC:
!MUSE, an excellent Illackeinith shop, a
- nutnlier - o!Ctioitie fruit trees are oii the lot.
Persons desirous of viewing the property
will please eall stmt the subscriber in,Ctintre
viVe. The properties will be sold separate , or
together to soil the - purchasers Salo In 1001•
rococo precisely at 1 o'clock, P. M., when ate
tenjance will be given-a:id ttirtos made known
On TCESl2:ll",ihe 20th qf Ockhee, 1850
iArILL - be sold at Public sale oiMbe prcmi.
roes, the' firm of Joint - R. carotlierc
dee'd., situ tied in Dickinson township, Gum. -
net Lind county, adjoining hails of Levi Trcgo
John Hisner and Johnston Moore. pSeid Farm
sontains 15n ACRES' of geed - lintestotte land,
about 100 Act, , s of which is cleared and in a
high State of Cultivation, the Inkinee is well
covered n ith good timber..l here .is also a
pace quantity of Locust an Walnut trees on
, • , the place. The buildings ore a
ir;ll6 'A LOG HOUSEI Corn
Crib well s ; &c. There ti
ver- failing water.
Persons wishing arty information respecting
place will please call on John Lefever, or on
the-premises. Possession and on indisputable
title given the first of April next.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, when atten
dance will lie given arid terms made known by
I 578
- -
THE subscriber offers at private sale the fi.l.•
lowing property. situate in North Middleton
:ownsitip, Colltberlund county, near the Ilarris.
burg turnpike, about 2 miles front Carlisle,
consisting, of - PI VE A CRES - ol Grinind, more
liCerbrower and the Letart Spring,
with all the buildings thereon erected,
La_ , . all el which ate- in first rate order
There is also n fine YOUNG ORCHARD
of choice Apple trees. Also, n fine cool spring
convenient to the houses. The property is
ood'inder;mndir - adm i rat ly 'atla wild - to - FT' Mai
ket. farm, being convenient to the borough of
Carlisle. Termite will be made reasonable.
For further information apply to the subscriber
agent for-the owner. living nartr the place
THE undersigned respectfully informs his
- friends and numerous customers, that lie has
tOCCIIII) returned front Philadelphia with a very
urge and carefully selected assortment of now
PALI, GOODS, 'purchased at the lowest pri
ces, and which he is determined to dispose of
at very-small profits. • -
Superior CLOTHS, at from 75 conTs to
a yard. Cussimercs, Cussinets and. Vestings ;
at various prices.
DfLESS. GOODS, such as Delaines ' ;Bare
ges, and a splendid assortment of Silks. -An
-extensive assortment of Calicoes and'Cinghtims
,11so, Checks, Table Diapers, 'Pickings, Mas
hes, liennets,ltats. " •
BOOTS AND SHOES—A good asset intent
of Men's Women's and Children'e fools and
Shoes, of superior quality and very cheap.—
Ab.o . , boy's and' Mena Cloth and Huegarian
GROCERIES—Siich us Sour: Coffee, Mo..
lasses, Pekin Tea Company'srlebrated Teas.
Also, constantly on hand th beat quality of Carpet Chtfin. The subscr her respectfully
asks all who wish good bargains, to give him
a call. Cruet forget tire stand. opposite Leon
ard's old stand, North Hanover street • r .
Butter, Eggs, Rags and Soap, taken at mar-
Icer - prices • — N—W—W 00 D S T A Let--
()Cl9 /
.ht the Cheap Store cornet' of flanaver wad 14,1z
the't streets, opposite :Ilumer!i Grorow Spar.
The undersigned most respectfully inlorms
,Itis friends and tho , public generally, that he
fins just retuincil 'from Philadelphia with a well
selected assortment of FALL, GOODS, pun
chnsed , at the lowest prices, and which he is
defertifined to sell nt snutll profits: among them
may- he fotind' CLOTHS, UASSIMJhIIES,
VtiSTI.NOS, Sat limb, Velvet .Gords, Hen
tacky Jeans, &c. •
LADIES DRESS' GOODS, 'Consisting in
Part of Black Sillte,Casinneres, Monsclin do
Lainas.•Alpricite, Colnirgs, Giiigliante, Calicoes
Sack Flannels. Collars, Laces, Fringes' &c.
•DOMESTICS,"Tickinge, Checks, Flannels
Dyillings, Osnuburg, Linsoys, illuelinc, bleached
tun] unbleached Also, • Groceries in all tbuir
variety,. vie: Sugar, Coffee, Teus, Molasses,
Spices, Chocolate, &c Rage' and Country
Prodpee'takeril i•xchange , foi goods Please
givirtned - A C FETTER
• Pct 9 •
. ,
• TH.E , :subactibor is now prepared. to,fuerduk , •
FAMILIES with. the best quality'-CLEAN'
STONE COAL nt the, lowest rates.-“),rders
left nt
,liardiVro ; Storo. or'lp . t thu d
yard'apkiesirn ,llootter's LuntberYnrd,..will he
prAmptly.lillo: ' Also.,csieeil 'frltniMie•
t0nnen•100,,.17.0 NS,. • N Irr .c fat' 'Litne;' • •••
burnere;'lsoo- linab els Bittiirlionni l 'Oonl for '
, • • Karr.
A new,lot of Lilian Lustrea, various ,prices
and colors,: from G to 50 cents a yard.
another supply of Braid, China Pearl, 'Rough
and Randy, Gimp, mnd Chip' 130NNKTS.--' -
Also, •Changeable and Dress SILKS,. in.vari—
My,. with a. varied assortment of. Bonnet and
Cap RIBB 0 NS, :Diana. Trimmings,
just received and:opened by
may 29 •::. . O.V.IIITNEn.
••, • • Black Silk, Laces,: ,•
' 1 . 1. Ty. of Slilt, Lapqp,
aAnd GoLtori Valond4,,unpsEdgikip
Lindit4l.34l3iii..od4ilo. VrklediViit
fly wee. C. lIIIVANT
New Pall Goods
11,'ott, ! Cotel
5t0r}3 . .f?.t,,613qp.6.
14.1111344° OZlOTti n riVai „
& L;;StgINER reiinevtfuilY invite
Ai. the at tenTion di their friends, end Abe
public generally. to their large lover Goedathat
have boon pu'reletacd atik.graM'sacitifice in the
city of ItalliteWe.
,l'hey. sell"theinitt a
small ticivanv, us there room for, them in
our little stere mow So conm one and all and
take' diem at almoseany price; as *tiara doter
anted to sell cheaper than can bn l ,botigh! in
Philtlylphet, - ;\!cw York or,ttaltimore.
Haag out 'your Winners! ' _
'Hear the trumpet! • 1 -
I Here they come ! here they [tie! ,
What's the ,matter? what's the matter ?
'Only leek at the crowd,
. Como on J0e,,,..1tin and Sam Hatter,
:Let see what% o u st
Ito here sumps
--- ± — W - 61rask lOfi wlines,the muss;
See 'how' tho street does
'stem cortainlY,must be a fuss!
0, no boys, no fuss at till, •
Only another greet arrival,
• i Of, beautiful - Clothing for the fall, •
At M. & L. Srstrtun's Clothity Hall!
- I Intro-just bofightl,l. suit So,fine—
'Pell ma, how doyen like it Joe ?
;'Don't you Irma one likemine ?
Como Mr, boys, let ifs go.
Now let me tell you,
, What thorn you can find,?
Coats of all colors, . •
And P.:to s of all kinds
Waistcoats so handsome,' •
.And Cravats so nice,t
And they will not think it-troublesome,
If you dive them a call twice or thrice.
They will wait on you with kindness,
And they can suiryou wit nice Cap,
Which for Its quality and chcalness,
You can only find at
STEINER'S, West Ma n i 'Street, next door •to
Burkholder's Hotel,
..zp-A first rate assortment of Cloths, Caesi
mores and Vestings always on hand, which will
be made to order in the most fiumionable-atid
best"rityle by a first-rate workman. : • 4
morn i
ortliE subscriber haa just returned . froth tho
city with a general assortinent of_ Y
A.ND STAPLE DRY GOODS ; .consisting
of Merinoq;, Caslunered, Alpaches, Mons, de
La tics,
,Ch_t ilos,i; in ams,--itso-Fl3tm=
nei:Ribben, Embroider gh ed Neck Ribbons .in
grctrt variety, Ladies Dress Trimmings, Ro l
siety of all kinds, with the. ustial'Fall assort
ment to which he invites the, , attention of the
citizens of Carlisle and vieiiiitr.
sept2s •G. W HITNER.
litamitton, Easter d Co.,
VITE the.att'ention at 'wholesale and retail
`purchasers to their stock of Fresh Fall
GOODS, inostly of their own imponntion,
which will he found mach the largest and 11109 t
varied ever offered in Llalthoore, and for every
oriirle of wind' the lowest price is named at
once. ,
ho hack will lie I ound—Rich Brocade and
cutter, Dress_Sliks,_splendid!_nieoium and-low
nrit•ed do., ri :la black Silks,"tit plain, watr'd,
tigar'd'uT.d satin sirip'd, real old Inshioned
Caps Gimp Black Silks, ligur'd nod pram ; . ,ittlin
de Chines, in elmngeable nod solid colors, very
hrarld:0111(Cr01111 Sc Sok:, in solid col o r L er ,,-
- ing - -Dress - Silks in whim and light color, a
a • eauti MI variety, Heine( and Millinery Silks
iii rent vnrdety, Mules, :ViarCelillCS, norences,
.irk wa•cred and plain Tabbinets,.brocncle
Cashmeres, rich 'primed Cashion es and Mou
selincts,lient figur'd Do Lainas, -for children,
plain Mouselines, in modes and high colors,
_changeable_ Lyrnese.Cloths, Ceburg,s,-Sylva,
nics, (entirely new,) cheep Mouselines and
Cashmeres. low and medium t orincd Dress
Goods, in every variety of new design many
of which me in style, confined exclusively to
-ear sales, 300 pieces LupM's superior French
Mcrinoes, in all colors, 1 .0 pieces 6 . 4 Bi o ith
fllieri noes
.and Bilk warp I,yonese Cloths, ' Jo
nls department we hav'Fi also n large stock of
mbazines and Mourning Goods trt every va•
ritly, embracing the most select shades of
13 nek nnti-Secad - Mourning, and choice aril.-
elf:3 for Family-Mourning. sv;;; ;; .,
ING FABRICS we have more than our usual
!cycling stock, inducting the very best Shirting
I. cent; of Richardson's nod Barklio's make,
Pillow Linens of all widths, Linen Sheetings,
of every description, Cotton Shectings, sup'r
Blankets. Quilts, Flannels, Tablit ,- and Piano
Covers, Floor Baize - and Floor Cloths, of nll
widths and BiZQ:`, IMen Crumb Cloths, Table
Dnrnasks, Diapers, Napkins, Towellings, Stair
L i nens, rich curtain Gootl , of various styles,
In e and muslin Chrtains, worsted Donnasks and
I% oreens, and in fact every article in the Dry
Goods line which may he required by Houso
keepers, Hotels, Ste:ultimo:, &v. e , 1......
1......1 TILE
a most rstensive nail magnifieent
Anir, with Cashmere border, emit ely, new, rich'
embroidered and plain Crape, Long and Square
Scotch Wodllen Shawk, Scotch Woollen
Shawls fur children, "Bay State Mills" Shawls
of nll toe Various styles made by them, and
Mostly of patterns made ppressly for us, and
iwhtch. _cannot_ bodied -elsewhere, -41 laelc-nntl-
Mourning Shawls. in great variety.r,... ;; _ . Fgo , ''
'Cloaks, Mantillas and Sacs.
'Wale and Narrow SILK VELVETS,,
colors. 13417 i
'ln choice styles of superior French -Cloths,
Of Bioly's and other best - cookers. , Doeskins.
English and Domestic. Cashmeres. Fancy
Woolen, Silk and ;zither Veittings, Soigne, Sile
sian, Paddings, Canvass, Sewing Silk, &c.
'Also, a . splendi I stock of Gents Cravats,
Scarfs, Fancy Neck, Ties, Sillc and Linen
HdkTs., ,of new styles,' Gloves of all kinds,
Hosiery, Silk and Merino under shirts at d
Drawers, Suspen dors, &c. r,.. '
We have also n very choice lot. of Embroid
eries and Laces, (from the_ most_ fashionable Pnriso including rich Muslin
and Lace Caps, Chermzetts, Berthes, Collars.
Sleeves and Culls, real blucic.and-white-Laces;
real Lace Capes and Falls, Valenciennes Laces
Edgings and insertings, superior Hosiery and
Gloves of every descrunion ' emb•d and riviere
hemmeOtitched Handkerchiefs, clear Lawn
domafirifing L C Handlt'fa, fancy Cashmere
India Emb'd Scarfs, fancy Bags, &c:,
zeitS, Prints and white Muslin Goods, French
and English Chintzes, rich furniture Prints, in
great' varictf;.Chinbrie, Mull, Swiss. Book and
Jaconct Muslins, Jacopo and SuiSi Edgings
end Insertings, Bands and Florcnees.
—We-have on Heal eveccriprum of goods
entering into G criers! consumption, that we_
think will cive lactio,no the consuimr,all
..I%vhich we are cu1b!...1 hem dtc of ohr
of our Im9iness, to hay On the very hest ter:Ml
and sell at a in ,, der-tte profit. liarit , g for M i TY
article a, ,fixed price, (without abatelitent,) per•
sans nntqully acquainted' with the - vahie of goods
have every assurance that -in dealing with us,
they pay the same price as the most exptniCAced
Alt exnminution 0 1Conils . rjod Priessulici+ed
Baltimore, nei2.
. - Merchant, IYI.OI to Rent,
lEIIE undersigned offers his MERUHANT
61ST..rxt the Csrlisle Iron Works, for root
the Ist of:April, 1851. • ,
sern2s . . PE rim ,F .EGE.
Zafl and - Clot.hiam
.)Kon g Saved is'afoney Aftide..
street opposite Ellim's.Drug Store, in
',formerly occupied by Mr. Daniell ea a Clothit.i.,
Store. Thankful to t h e eitizet,s of Carlisle
nod vicinity fur their increased custom, wear
Artie rennet» tircir coMpany to view our largd
;and splendid assortment of .Ready3ladr, Cloth.
• in , . for FALL . ' AND WINTER WEAR.
Our stock. consists of all kinds of COATS:.
PANTS, VESTS, and G.iintlernett,?s Wearing.
Appaiel in general, suitable for the bt4ason, cut
and etude in the most workmanlike , manner and
'of thelatoit Falrand Winter Feeldons. Ali'
'who Wish to favor us witlt:'ll, pair can savoTrot
twonly'Ave to, fifty per cent. by btiying tit our
store, and all geode sold warranted to,give on.
lire'satiSfaCtinn. . .] fsdrit2s
1711 - HI X.7141.p.. ' ,•,,
and 5 herein LINSEED OIL'
ceived by die ; kebsoriberto be eolg,ebdop.
Bonnet end Neck Ribbons.::, •;.
THIS subscriber has just opened an 'assort:
mont of. EmtirolderAtittßibbtina.WAmautiful
styles, with a full supply of. Bonnet Ribbons of
all qualities,; sop2s , kinuNgo:
0em410#4.' ,- ,,.. •
61 fox: Benny Lind Acme; ~jne4 l'ecciv,4,d . by, racciv.o ,
•,• G,W, ifiTNER.
( , aug 28 ; 188 9.fl •
• 1 ' •
Frothonotolltir Notice
ThTd.PICE is hereby givcij to all persons in:
elrested, that tho following aecounti have
been-filed in the Prothonotary's oillediror exam.
inatioM by the accountant therein" - nrimed,,antl ; .
will be",proalilred to the -- .C0n4..01-Conintoti"
Pleas of Cumberland- conitty - for ''dbilfirmatioa '
end allowance, on WEDNESDAY, the 13th
day of ,Novembor,
1. The account-of John Rupp . committee of
the parson and estate of. Peter Zimmerman. sr
of Allentowaship,"a lunatic. :. ri4•72
Tho final accounts•of Andrew Kerr, True.Tru
tee of Elizabeth Moore; late of the Borough
tot' Carlisle, deed: ' - •
3. Tho account -of Wm.-'M. tlemcm,
Trustee of 1.-A. Bishop and Rebecca A...Bielt•
op, under a deed of trust. - .
Se'ettitstrator of the Hanover ano Carlisle Turn
lids° !toad Comany.•
'JAS. i.L AMMIRT ON roth' y
Oct 9
rigARLES OGILDY res pe ct f u l l y i nforms
thepublic generally qua he has comnieno,
ed opening his very 'Extensive, .Beautiful and
General steel: of
and' Sti - there have been n great many persona
wailing tine a — triv — iil to milieiliefiliffpurcfridei
he flatters himself that they-will he entirely
satisfied altee looking , over the ; host .of bosun
floods that. he Is fun . olT of •matt
pro fs. Conte in time and secure pri3tty . goo.cla
an good bargains. His stock consists in part
of afresh supply of:- •
Kentucky Jelin.% &c., alllcolors andA 4 riees
that are bound to Wasp the purchaser. Also,
a grand assortment oh .
viz: Changable Satins, Grnclenap :and
Glass° Dress Silks, very beautiful;
and innumerable Mbar new styles of Ladies'
Dress Goods, of the Brest importation.
in endless' varktv_,_Ydi igh-giMbPsdri.:ll4..ra tick_
ToTv - Ci rates than they,have.heen.sold for seve
ral seasons. The brag stock of
of entirely new styles, front to 75 cents
per yard, Also, Bonnet Silks, Satins and Vol
vets,in great variety, new style Chintzes,
White and .I.lrown 111uelins and Sheetings of
the best brands and at all prices. -The largest
and most general stock of td
or gentlemen, Lndies.und Children, that has
seen aihibiied Carlisle for years.
of every variety of patterns and kinds, and at
prices lo please all that wish to lay out their
cash to a good advantage.
in great vurtety„ whieh.livould _Onto-all-that
ish to purchase to look through toy stuck be
lore purchasing elsewhere.
'1 full
and Ircsh assortment on hand, and will
-be sold low - at the Old and well established
stand, East Main Street n few doors below the
Market House, b era you edit] find n stock of
Goods eV largo', so well selected and at prices
so low, that they cit,:mg fail to please all [OO2
Orevvvitte acadcOty. '
SELECT- SCIIOOL.—Tho subscriber
L - 3.. having taken charge of this - Institution,
otters his services :0 ihe torn= patrons of the
school and to the friendr of education generally.
Ilia school will Le conducted on the most
improved. princ'ples of instruction. Prom ex
perience and hy untiring lipplication h e h o p es
to render the school worthy ol general Patron
age. The course of instruction . embrace
all the brunches of a complete classic* and sei
enti(ic-edu,c,iton. Oral instruction by Lee! ures
and explanations - will accoinpauy the use of the
most appr,ved text-books.
Boarding, and Washing per fivi. innutbo, V4:;,50
Tuition in English Branches •, , 10,00
Tuition including classics 4 12,50
Tuition payable quarterly, invariably ad
vance. Text books will be furnished'by tho
Principal at city prices.
Ntwville is n beautiful and pleasant village,
situated in a fertile and well cultivated country,
and accessible twice every day from tho east
and the west by meansAef - the Cumberland
Valley Rail Road. Thbqnhabitanta at the vil
lage and surrounding countryore noted for their
Morality and enterprise. Tho winter sessicin
will commence will commence on the Second
Monday of October, the summer on the Second
Monday of April. For futlber-partheiiitiss-ad
WM T GREAVER,.Principai.
Newville, o ct2,3t
Recrences:— The _Faculty of Pennsylvania
College, Rev. W. M. Reynolds, Presi.
dent of Capitol University, Ohio, Rev. C. C.
Baughman.,Balin, Rev. D. F. Bittlo, Mid
d la te wrt,--Md ~ —Re v—J-.—Har k vT-Wirr.—B
Swoyer, Joseph Hannon, M. D., J. li. Herron,
Fresh Spring Supply !
.1 - HAVE just received a fresh stack of Med
i 'eines, Paints, Glass, Oil, &c., which
having been purchased with, great care at the
best city houses, I cap ,confidpntly recommend
to Families, PhYsiciatis, Country:, Merchants
and Dealers, as being freSlf rizid4mre..
&tent naicim,., •licistioa Extracts,
Fine hemi eels, Spice's', ground and whole
Histruments, Essences,
Pure Essen': Oils Perfumery, &c,
Cod Liver oil-11 - arrnoted Genuine,
Indigoes, ' :Log and Cam Woods,
Madders, Oil Vitriol
~. Sumac . _ . .Copperas,
Alum, Lac Dye*
• Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome
Green and Yellow,_Paint and Varnish };rushes,
Jersey Window Glass, Linseed nil, Turpen
tine, Cophl and coach Varnish, and lied-Lead.
All of which will be' sold at the, very lowest
market price, Also, a fresh' and. splendid as
sortment of
Confectionary, and innu
Treble other articles
calculated for use and or mem, all of wl.ich
arc-offered at the lowest cash prices, at the
- cheep - Drug — B4lv and - Fancy-Store-of-tho l euh
Scriber CM North Hanover street.
Mny 22. 1t?no
4iff6o/8 twit Shoes
B'oßl':exv3 . ,slVom STORE;
Main otred: near the:Rail Road DrPitt,
grA 01111'11181Np Alen's, Bay!ii nhl Youth's
IV Calf, Kip and coarse Boots, and Brogans.
which are warranted to be of the hest quality,
Ladies• Gaiters, Busbies and French Tien,
Misses and Childrens boots and shoes ingreet
variety. Also, air elegant assortinent of CUM
SHOES and BOUTS, with all the late int.
provetnents end' warranted perfect. 'Having'
purchased those, glen sheep trim the. agent of
the manufacture, I um authorized to cm: A
Frew Fran in\ Place of tiny that prove derectivci
iu wearing.
• (laving a large stock of French Calf Skins,
&c.; and good workmen, every t
attention is given to, customer work an usual.
septlB ' WM. M. PORT,ER".
, .
- GEOZIG33 Z. iiss.ETA
§URGEON DENTIST--weuld respectful-,
,Iyinform the pobUor that he is now prepar
e to perfortmall operatiops on the,Teoth that,
may b 0 required. AxiifutiaLTerdlt inseriedi'
from dsingle tooth to an ontito .eot, upen the
latest and moat apprioyed principle,
tronage of the public is respectfully
Se may be found- at,tho residence of his•
titer on,North Pht,street. •. ,
Carlisle, Sept.lB tBBB.,
• „.
To Physicie.ns.:,-;1111 40/
OFFICE% Purnituranelryood :supply of.
(Medicines. for ale ~if sthr,sonn:
Th l e ofilee„ also .to retir.,.with. an . ostahlished.
phials° worth - .fifteen hundred , :sive.. which,
On he increased. Vor - tufthatinforrantion:Sp.,
ON at this .office.,, , : ,Isopt29pdtm,'
'!'" 0 bAZ• t i : :iI:SOAL ti ~;
. _
TEE Coal
Yn t ;the Moat '.ena supo: l. quality of Wit kesbarri3; Lyitati's•
:Vo buttiora'and.OlaaltatilithalboAb
%Ai ch‘he propuiptt-to soWat - rOdUcOd p'riVaa. •
respectfully , poliolla !thou palvati a t
atuiplo of Cariialo 'anti
optO, w .B fyltjfigt4;ir;;Ali.
.pOUBLINTS.I347.Ira . "';;
Seleot :•01assical' Boaiding;-,
White SuYokur Springs; :Doubling. Gap; ,6er4nd cguyty,-Ponn'a.
. • • '
JAMES HUSTON, A. M.. Princip,l.
3 NO. ALLEN,B it 0 WN, Pc , f,
IuiIfAVING for some tinie heen dtaurous of
.11Utjestatilishin,,T a Select Wiest:ling School, and
havifig at length obtained suitable huildings for
that:purpose, the subscriber takcs pleasuro:ln
announcing -to his patrons and friends, that he
will open the above named. Institution on the
Ist Of October. •• '
Tho location iiLtinAtunall,and- romantic-vale
fcilfti - e - d — b — y an v: shaped bend atthe North
Mountain..aptly termed ,"
Gap," and
is 'not surpassed hi healthfulness, of situation
and: bcantr,of ec,entiry'hy. any 'placctin
country. ',rho main huilding is l a r go tiqd eonl 7
mOdions, (100 feet in length by 44 in 'breadth,
and 3 stories high,) and is well furnished vilth
everything'ice:mary - to convembncelinti - cattn-.
fort.,The other buildingi`eomposo Bath Hou
ses, die., to the free use of which the pupils
will have access at proper hour's: Tho well
.known White Sulphur .Springs rise within a
.few•rods of the Main
,:',l'Bu s iitiject 'of .tho Inditutton is to fit young
men for business, or for any of the higher
classes of College. , 'Tito course of instruction
will Gu thOrotigh and con - Wm; more attention
being given to the quality than to the 'quantity
in.the- performance orthe student. All the,
branches taught iti the best Academies will be
taught in, this, and 'proper apparatus will be
used for illustration Of the subjects that require
it. Cliisses in Civil Engineering,,will enjoy
the advantage of operations in the field with
Transit, Compass, Chain, &e.
Board, tuition, washing, luoLand lights -
per semen, - 850,00
Latin t end Greek . 5 00
French or Hebrew ° ~ ''s 00
Civil lingine s
erink with use, of Instrum'ts 10 00
Drawing and painting ' 5 so
Vocal and Instrumental Music 5 00
The pupils will board in the Institution
der the immediate and constant supervision of
the Principal, who will bestow careful attention
upon their convenience and comfort. 'Each
tadent...wilLatnish_bie—own.. towels, and Airtv
thorn and his clothes distmetly marked. •
The academic year MTHI be divided into ses
sions Of !weld y wreks each, commencing on the
first of September. The regular vacation will
occur in July and August. Owing to - delay in
completing the arrangements the first session
of the present year will commence on TOES.
DAY the first day of October,as stated above.
An easy access is afforded to
.atudents by
means of the Cumberland Valley Rail Road to ,
Newville, and thence by coaches to th 3 Acad
emy. The Gettysburg and Lewistown State
Road passes through the-ginueds. -
For circulars containing full particulars and
reference, address the Principal through the
Newville P. 0.
ONewville, Sept. 18, 1850-3 w.
rptIIE, undersigned, owing to the increases.
travel between me above named placed
and io afford Corresponding facilities to the pub
lie, begs leave to announce that he is now run
STA ES - between Carlisle and - York. His
stock has recently been much improved, nod
his roaches are new and comfortable. They
leave Carlisle every morning at G o'clock, and
arViv o at York et I time to take the
two o'clock train of Cars for Baltimare.§
Returning, will leave York about 1 o'clock,,
or immediately alter the arritMl of - 1116-,
Cars from 'l3ahmnore, and reach Carlisle the 1
same evening. .
FM:E.—Through tickets from Carlisle to Bal
d:nerd,' or vice versa, will be furnished. at the
loW price
Splendid Livery Estab!ishment.
Ile would also take this opportunity of-in
forming his friends and the public gloomily,
that he has lately made valuable adds ions to'
"hie extensive Livery, in HORSES,
DIE HORSES, &c.,and that he is
now prepared to accommodate them with any
article in its lino of business, at a moment's
- motiec, and on the moot reasiouttde terms. Per•
sons desirous Of riding inline vehicles, or on
fine horses, are requested to call at his estab
lishment before going elsewhere, ns, in all pro
hauility Alley will.eaveit little eo do
;mar season, can at all times be furnished with
good conveyances to. either of the following,
watering places in its itnniediate vicinity—Car•
lisle Springs ; Doubling Gap Springs; Warm
Springs, Perry county ; .or York Springs, A•
dams count: G. 11.
Carlisle, J uly 3,1850-3 m. 0
Extensive •Cabinet Ware-Rooms.
OBERT B. SMlLEYrsarteessor to Wm.
DERTAKER-, North Ilttover.street, Carlisle,
would respectfully inforth the citiiens of Carlisle
and the public generally that ho now has on
hand a largo assortment of new
An7,7'. and. elegant FURNITURE,.
consisting in part of Sofas,
•., Wardrobes, Curd and other
Tphles, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy
Sowing Stands, &c. manufactured of thptbest
' materials and quality warranted. Also a gene
ral assortment of Chairs at The lowest prices.—
Venitian.Blincls, made to order and repairing
,promptly attended to. 10 - COFFINA made to
order at the shortest notice. and having a splen
tdid Hearse ho will atte'nd funerals in town or
country. ;I:I - Dont , forget the'old stand of Wm.
C. Gibson, in North , Hanover strect;a few
,doors north of Glass's Hotel.
Sept 4-ly. R. B. SMILEY.
Late Arrival
..Ht the new and cheap HARDIYARE STORE,
East High street, opposite 0 4 01Gy's Dry Good
faIHE apbscriber has' just. opened a
A. large assortment goods MILE+ ine fo
which Ito would call th of
e. attention of b l urets,
as he is determined to sell at prices to suit the
times. His stock compiles a full assortment
of Locks and LOteinia of every description;
'Hinges and Screws, Window__Springs__and
Bolts, - 51111 - CroLS:Teriffid - iire — ular Saws Hand,
panne', ripping and back Saws, broad. hand - ec
chopping Axes, Hatchets; Atigurs;
Planes and Plane Bins Braces and 'Brace
Bitty, steel and iron Squares, Plumb K. Levels,
Waiters and 'frays Table and Pocket Cutlery
Table and Tea Spoons, brass, bell.mcdal and
cianneled preserving Nettles, Hollow: Warp,
Also, a full assortment. of qaddlery and
Carriage Trimmings, Patent. Leather, Morocco
and binding Skins, Saddlthremil,"Ca'rrtageti and
Wagon. Whips, Gilded flair; Moss; Deer flair;
I , lliptie Spring.S. Shovels and Spades; Garden
and. Corn Hoes, Grain . tint. Gras's Scythes,
..,Stintlis and 'Scythe 'Stones, Hay 'aid 'Manure
Forks; Window Glass, - Putty, Paints and Dye
S'tfilf,i, Oil, Tnrpentifie and Varnish,'Maliegani
Mid maple Veneers acid mouldings, Sofa Sprg a'
Also, Bar, Bend, Hoop and Sheet Iron,.Cast,
Npring find ; Blister Steel, 'Pin Plato.
Zinc, Speltre, Bar Lead, Bar Tin iron 'Brass
and Coripar'Wire;
5 Barrels Patent FireandMater Proof Paint,
assorted colors. . '.II.ENRY SAXTON
inyIS'6O •
Price of jiZardwavk ,
HAVE justieceived the large:wand Cheit,P
est stock of fIARDWARg„GhWa; Paints, 01113
Varnishes; Saddlery, Carpenter's and:Cabinet
Maker's Tools', all kinds
of Building Materials everbroueit o• Carlisle
consisting or - Locks, Hingca, Screwsr.Noils
and Spikes. Persons about to , build will find i
~peritly to their 'advantage, to jeirls.:ut%nry' stela
.hetole purchasing - olsewhcre:' (Lme and see
'the Gooddainl.hear 'the priee and yeti wilt; by
•do n vineed. that this is'. really :the Cheap' ;
'ware Store, Also; in', attire ' anvils, vices, filed
sad rasps and a eetnilletaeekieriment of Watts*
Best Bar iron, also_Relled Ilgoplron of Dal
'Bizes.—lt have' alea. l llib •Vbefitneieter.
i sde by"Afr , george . Loabgter , tlie , beet arttale
won't of GrainktniGitiss Seytheti; niaddattured'
a.% presali foitity, ewn .13itlea; and 'Wrirtanted id
he a superior- Cradle roakeie'rititi
rchltors will fetid iheen'Seii.beli to be the heat nr
lielaktlfe , nrel'ltotLiind ' at l %the low* jnilnn
urliolescilb abut. rotiiTartliw ile old,• r eta in N6iih
lituovin:Eitr6ol.: Ilcimsup 1,-,ylM•-• •
1 /4 19;1 850: '• 1 -' , •
• Cider A r ltegq,,„' „ -r
Ono Mitre L puro eider 'vineglr, from 110 . -iourt:
r, ecoivea
ti g 28— -Ot _ qP).E. AXT,N4R;
THE subscriber offers for side a valuable
Pima_ of ' arable hind, Situate in West
Penusboto' towdship, Cumberland county, 'on
the Conediaguinet Creek, eight miles west of
6arlisle-and-within twtrutid - nrhalrurtliii , Cimr •
berland Valley Rail Road, containing about 130 •
CRES in a high state of cultivation: The inr
provenients are a two story Weatherboarded
1100 SE, Smoke House, lee House and Wash
flouse' r and a good well of -water at the door.
Also/ a large Bank Barn, Corn Crib, Wagon
Shedaill in good order and a good Orchard.—
Thiiee is 17 Acres of first rate Meadow and a
boat VS'Adres of Timber Land on the opposite
'side'of the creek, which will be sold with the .
Farm if desired. There has been between fi:e
and six 'thousand brihels - of lime put 011 this.
Farm lately. There is also a large Lime Kiln,
capable of burning tiom.l 2 to 1400 bushels at a
blast on the properly.
.L;tnenster Volksfi•eund copy tf. and sod
hill lb office for collection.
iI I VIIEREAS the Hom,rable FitEIiERICH
WATTS, President Judge of the several
Courts of Common Pleas or the counties or
Cum barium!, Perry and,tunlata, in .Perinsylva- -
.nia, and,Jimttee of the soyeral Courts of Oyer
and 'Permitter and General Jail Delivery in
said counties. ard Ilon. John Stuart and John
Clendenin, Judges of the Court of Oyer und
Terteiner end General Jill Delivery !or the
trial of all capital and other offenders, in the
said county of Cumberland, by theirprecepts to
me directed, dated the 26th of- August, 1850,-
have Ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery, to be hidden at Car
lisle On the 2d Monday of November next,
(being the 11th day) at:10 o'clock in the fiire..
noon, to continue to o weeks.
- NOTICE is" therefore hereby given, to the -
Corener, Justices of the Peace and Constables
oldie said county. ofCu s inbarland, that they are
by the said precept commanded to be then and
there in their proper persons, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, examinations, and-all
other remembrances, to dd those things which
to their offices . appertain to-be done,und all those
that are bound by rceognitances, to prosecute
(against the prisoners that are or then shall he
in the Jail of said county, are to be there to
prosecute them as shall be just,
Carlisle, September 25, 1850.
Estate of John Ltetlefinger,, dec'd.
THE t.reditors of the Estate of Johnileflie
finger, late of Wormleysburg, Cutnnerland co.,
dcc'd., aro hereby notified that the' subscriber,
who was appointed•at the last Orphans' Court.
ail Auditor tor ovule and adjust the rates pod
provrtions ot . the - assutugji tt id
LIT,rMiFEiTYc ere - ditoTs, according to the order
'established by law, will fleet for that purpose
'at the h o use' of Samuel Benninger, innkeeper.
net* the West end of tho Harrisburg 'Bridge, on
SATURDAY,the ninth day of Is+orenibcr,
negt, at teliaclock, A. M., when end :where
the said creditors are requested to attend with
_their_glahnsand.deattandsugainst , thestrid-Estaua;
oet9tni _ • ..:LEVI MEEKLE, .4nd/tot%
Estate of Geo. Sponsler,derl. '
LETTERS Testamentary on the Estate of
George Sponsler;late of North Middleton
township, dec'd., have been granted to the sub
scribers, tho two first residing in North Middle'
ton township, and the last named in the hero.-
of Carlisle. AU persons having claims spins'
said estate will present them for settlement andt
those indebted are requested to make immediate
paymentrio _
,Hstate of.Nelehoir Horner, decd, •
LL persons are hereby notified that letters
Ilk of Administiation qn the estate of
Ildruer, Into of North Middleton township,
'CuMberland county, deed., have this'day been
issued by the Register in and for said county
to the subscriber who resides, in 'Hampden
.ownship, in said county. MI poisons having
claitbs or demands against the estate 'of the_
said decadent are requested to make known the.
same without delay, and those indebted to make
payniont to. HENRY ROHNER, I
009 " • '
Eatate of Noses Whistler, dee'd.
L ETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Moses. Whistler, late of Mifflin' township,
'_,CUPllJOYhintl_eotmty, deceased,have.heen_graat
ed turbo subscriber, residing in the same town
ship. All persons indebted to said
.estate to
make "inunediate - payintint and those having
eleims to present' them to _
, \VM. KN Exccuior.
. .
TIT E - untlrOtvied, nditor. nppninted by tho
COurt of Common Pleas of Cumberland coun
ty to marshal!, 'mid distribute the assets intro
ininde of !Thomas Greason, Assignee of. David
Reed, 'to and among the ereditorti, wise notice
that ha will attend for that purpose nt his Ole in o
Carligle, SATURDLY, the ". - 3 d' No-I
veinber mi.M. tit 10 o'clock: 4M t ;_I •
oit93t R M HENDERSO.I4,
, •
'Eatate of DAVID W,CIRST' dec!d...
EI"PEItS Administratien on thmestrite
LA of David Wont,' late 'el the 'bortiugh- of
;Mechanicsburg, Cumikerland .county, dec'd , ,
have been issued by the Rekititer of the county:
aforesaid, Iq, the subsCriber residing in the bo
rough and county aforesaid. All persona heti-
against at said estate will..prettenithanf
properly sat temiced for settleniettrand ihoso
indebted wit Make immediate payment to
sentlB-titpd . -
• $3OO rd MUT
mut' curiiveriana,voticy pia- a Com. '
ViLree Hundred bollarta; :,, '
to,uny 'ono Who will' give inforiinitiitn
'lead to the conviction. of tlio
plitcee obstruntioncup - onlhtiqiikk the pui•
peso- of throwing off the.: engine 'Owl cars,:'
Alit' if tho,poraon giving the information Wishes
it 4 hie name shell not he.mado.knoWn..-
'WA' I'S.
- i.:Preee (.1. V. R. J. Companit.
, eitectitateerin g '
TIME subscriber wishes to inform' his' friends
in town and einnur
• • • ; ' that luta columnne Y :
i ;E l et!! the nbovo busindes.
7 and will attenti . te - saL's'
to-town and country on
theostr leasonable
terms He, i•an be,tound at Ole!•lfordwom§p in - q ,
next-d6Pr 4( q abi'l°l :t t ifl l. 4 irPNCOk 49.q /G Y"
, .
z • 1 i•fv!
OlLlor salwat. ^" • ^ •
Fr A.:10026' 1 i). A HUBBARD'A"'
ttrot (Estate,: 'Auction.
• irilitabie Real.: *Estate •'• -
. , .... •
4bpi.r'in nialersigned offers for ealo ti . valuable
!" kin in liy,qs! r WI naboro'. iownship,.Quin
and c‘.ti,riy, ni..niit one mile Soinli.eriat of
'..sievvkile, cOntiiining - 113 ACIREt.4,, of 'good -.
Limestone Lend, in a high sane of cultivstion.•
and %yell .iadosed ,with good,and euhataritial
fenees. ;Shout eu Acres of •which are cleared.
siod.the Vesideo %veilcovered with' thriving•iim.
. i . her. The improvements consist of
1. i
.. •‘. • on excellent 1' W . O STOR Y .
Mil i t HOUSE, HOUSE, a forgo BANK:DARN;
II I L - c and other out b ui ldings; an Orchard
4- 7 -- `' ..of choice fruit Arens. and, a w.vll of
goßil'Wator ;convenient to ihe door. Also. 20
Acres of good AIOUN TAIN: LAND mill be
9.21 d Willt_the:abo.vo—Xor_terms,_&c r 'enquirg
of the subscriber residing in Carlisle, Pa. •
ocvj. R 13 STEVENSON. •-
ITaluable Farm at Private Sale.
'THE subscriber • remove to the
west, offers at- prlvate,sale a valuable farm of
Limestone Land: situated in North - Middleton
township, "Ciunberland county, about 3 miles
east of Carlisle'near Middlesex and the Har
risburg pike, adjoining' the, Lutart Spring and
the lands., of Jacob Albright,,..leseph Winner
end othefe',. containing f 0 ACRES of well
iMproved -land, well fenced with post and rail
and in tutiio, state of cultivation. Ten acres
of it arc thriving timber land and four in excel.
lent Meadow. The_improxements
-;;• 1 - 176 - a goo - if I3ank Barn, 75.1cet long,
s••• ,' large TWO STORY FRAME ,
IRKS HOUSE, with a well of good water,
near it, and , all other necessary out
buildings ell of .whi'ch, are in a good state of
repair. Also;r1 thriving ORCHARD of choice
fruit. in the convenience of its, arrangement
lbealitY, fertility bad improvement, it is ecarce
ly equalled by any farm in the country. A first
rate Limo Kiln hen been erected .on the place
Within the last year. It will be Sold on
ablcf terms. Persons wishing to examine it, or
.desiring further information, are requested to
cull on tho subscriber.
cct9.6w Executors
Auditoria Notice.
Ost'a at '.2tuction.
' ..EXEC.UTOIL9 SALE'Orsi.'; • - ,
?pa ILL be, :Behr ai,.pt,iblia,sale . 4,ii TUES... •
• V DAY; tlie 22d :of October, - next, at 10 :
cicick, m. t he' premipes,the following described
p eal t.,state 1 •
I. ' A tinet of excellent land, laying. on the
?outh side of the Cuniberiand Valley Rail Road
bour ntilesenst containing about •
. 00 ACit..ES.,,It is under good fence and in a.:
11;01' state of cultivation. The
inrprovoments aro a large two Sto.
, ;la; rr'BRICK Hou4p3, ti - large,brick
Bunk Barn, both recently built,
and all the' necessary out.buildings
There is a well of wafer (.with a pump) in the
yard. Part of this tract is well timbered. "
2. Aboul.'9o ACRES, one mile hohth of the
.above _trant ., !of - Which-there - are-about-20-Aeree'"
'cleared, the:balance:le excellent tlmber land!'
There-will also be ,offered at public sole
THURSDAY, the 24th of October next, at lot.
o'clock, on the premises, two very fine lime
stone farms,. sitnated_iti .Teboy . ne township ; -
Perry . county. These are adjointnenrms, Übe
contatne about 240 ACRES...the .:other about .
275 ACRES: . They are :"O bo ut usilde West of
Landislium, on the main road leading Up .the
valley Ono firm has d STONE MANSION.•
HOUSE'and Bank. Bap OJT it. The other a
Log fines° and Log Barn: There are thriving , •
ORCHARDS on both of these 'places. They
aro situated in the most fertile part of the coml•
ty, and olio' many inducements to purchasers,
tracts, can obtain information from the tenants,
residing nn tho.premises, or either of the ,un
dersigned Executors. Attendance will be
en and tenne made known on day of sale by
Ricrmit D PARKER,
11. C. STERRE rr,
'Executors of 7'homas . Uric,
July Wets. ,
- -•
THE sabscriber offers at 'private sale, the
Farm on which ho •now lives, situate in West
-Pennsborough township.- Cumberland county,
five miles from Carlisle, and one mile from .
Plainfield, coptaining 136 ACRES and G 4
PERCHES, of first rate Limestone Land, all
of whit% is cleared and. in a high state of cul
tivation except 15 or go acres of Woodland.--
The faint lies' on the Conodoginnet' Creek•and
is but inilf a mile 'from the Good Ilcipe Mills.
The whole is untie-Cr good fence,. about nine
luared-panel 441--wl) ieh irf-posrittrd-rnit-ferirt6:—
, . • he improvements are a new
- ir gtwo stories high, withni
a como
-4-,lr dious Bank Barn, 94 feet long s
first rate Wagon Shed, Corn crib
with threshing floor. ruid . lall other necessary
out-buildings There is a good' wolf of water
at the door. Also, a large Orchard, with eve
ry variety of choice fruit. The entire place is
in the best order, and holds out the strongest
inducements to purchasers. Persoc.sviestring r
to examine it are requested to call on the sub-__
pciibur. An indisputable title will be given,
and terms made reasonable:-
- -•
jy34 3mos
*LancastergUnion copy 3 months And Send
hill to this office for collection.
On WEDNESDA Y„the 161/1 of October, 1850.
THE subscribers' wishmg to dissolve part
nership and remove to-the West, will sell their
Valuable MILL and FARM, situated in West
Pecusburo' township,'Cumberland county. The
stiine Land,.the .celebrated Big Spring runs
along the weatern margin of the tract, a streav
that never fads or freezes, and is unequalled betei
any stream in the United 'States. The int.'
provdments are a first rate
. ,
three stories high,. fi,.ishcd o ff in. the most rem
[dem order with patent improved... Merchant-
- Self Packer, and all the latest improvc•
moms in Machinery, Corn Kiln, and situated on
Lite above named Spring. which affords a full
Mpply" of water' at all times to the Mill. There
. ,
..... is also erected on this property a -
• %%rill large. IWO story DWELLING
r HOUSE, Rank Barn and Stabling
tritAg Millers' House, Cooper Shop,
-.,..-.. ••••-• Orchard, &,e. t The buildings are - t v
all nearly new, and en the ,The
'order, about
two thirds of the tract is cleared and the bob
mice covered, with taieig timber. This pro•
pOtyls near the Cumber' d Valley Rail Road
in the heart of a rich county
_, and offerssttong
•Mrlueenients to capitalists. This propel ty w ill
be sold separately ortogether to spit tpurches.
els. Terms made easy t• suir purchasers as
we will. sell without reserve: Any inlorpm(ion
*nit the property can be had by oddresSing
John Piper. Big Spring. Post. Office, Cumber- , ,
fund county, Pa. ,
fror l lVcelcly North American and Lancaster
Union insert till tale aid send bill to -this
office for collection.
rinllE subscriber oilers at private sale the
lowing described Real Estate; situate hi
North Middleton township, Culuberland county
containing 150 ACHES, more' or' less, parented
land, about 125 of which 'are cleared and in a '
od with thriving young timber. ,The improve
, • .._.merus are, a Two -Story -LOG
•.!)*stif A., a first rata new BANK DARN,
4" 0 ! ,, Wagon Sited and Corn Crib:—.
... 1, - - " l2 !`!•Q.''' Also a fine young and thriving
'Orchard with choice fruit. The farni is well
'covered:with locust timber. There is a never
failing spring of water near the door; with sea
ler enough tormill'power. This 'water can be
brought in pipes to:the horreis and barn.' •
The above 'mentioned Intel is all limestone
land, arid is in a healthy' neighbourhood; lying
upon the Conodoguinet: Creek; within 2 miles
of Carlisle. and only half a mile from the Cam ,
lierlantl,Valley Roil Road. tit is of course con.:'
,vnnient to the Carlisle market and well adapt•
ted for supplying said market. The purchaser
can have the whole farm or 100 Acres and the
improvements. An indisputable title will be--
'given.- For terms apply to the subscriber, re-.,
stdmg on the Walnut Bottom Roit,d, five miles
1 1:rom
PITIN FrspriußN . ; Sr
Pariti fot Side.
HG subscriber intending io -move to the
• Weetoffers his maneitin farm, the
Same being - situated in Lower • Allen 'f6wriship,
Cumberland county; about four miles west of
Harrisburg, the State Road passing through the
sante..contaibing 109. ACRES of first rate lime•
Stone land, adoining lands of Levi Illerhle, J.
Long and-ot hers. ' The iMprovements tiro, a
three story LOB HOUSE, plastered outside
tied nside,_ a _double_ •LO -a--never--.
failing spring of good water under the house.
Also, a Tenant !louse and other out•buildings,
&xi Any perscin desiring to - purchase a farm
in thjS
,seetion of countg, will do well to call •
nnci view. ihe same. . JACOB SII OPP.
sepo4,'so "
TLnpcneter to amount of $2
• •
OE. SALE . - -
r ... 1 T . WILL sell the twri story
1 J3_, BRICK. lICUSE, , Manua
,q:',lii a h,s :. on the corner of the equate in
..,,,,,,cT, Ra„,,,erhih borotigh, in which, Michael.
&Ja . .•T.:,, , c" now 'resided.' The tit le
is perhiet ;r, Meer of all incitmlinince tend' the
terms will be made to acoorntoydate any par— .
cheap' who will secure the payment of the pur•
elMse Miiney. '', , . RED'IC. 'WATTS.
AATUR fi AY, Me 19th of .O,CTQBER. • .
the etibecriber, by an 'ardor of the
Orphans' 'CoUrt of Cumberland county; will
expose., to; public pale; on,,the promisee. 2:•
p'neropk,.P. M., that desirable 'MEL.
~ 9 1
Pituate'on the.north-west corner of Lou
t ler and-West streets,,carliale, containing Af.).
feet in Irmo on Lquther street, and '240 feet in
depth mi - West 'stew; being" the Property of''
gimlet° Jpapph Halbert, Abo'.d. 'The property
will uneitivoly, be sold. on said day. lerraa
- Aadn'lnewn on the day of sale by
Tapestry Worsted.
.. •
UST ,opened rigeneinlatiOrtrdent of Towle-
ItP try Worsted in various colours for Knitting,
Scortii; Slippers, Shn*ls, Also,'nn
.tiorintsupply o( Zephyr,Wqrsted
sept2s FATAtIt.
'f . •
, .
4-411,LItiseortinent dr 11.0PFS;"jdativeerred
by,thp Atilieorib.crt ;'; (4 law , Tubcs: for ,•• •
)06 biltliQ4s 10049 „..
• ~'•
. .
A large Ictt tif.tho.moei..approved:•bkimiligjust
`'/V:o66l4"?ailii "Ildar: Stove
full) it'
IV 7 at thisTeflido.l) , I 1'