Ncro 'llbucttiseinettts, • Head- Wit. &I /AM. Cum& "rara . ,. • Carlisle, " ctober, 1850:.; UPRD PO . IV.—The Bnitiilion will par. ado Ontpublie sijuare orr•§ATURITAY. the 12:h iner. at 10 o'clock, A. M., in Bummer uniform. By. order of Major John- F. Hunter. ' WM M P.ENROSE, adj. 3d Bat., Of t2tp $3OO - ItzW ARD Tthimberland Rail Road Cain 1. puny will, at any Gine hereafter, pay Three hundred Dollars; • .. to any ono who will give information that will load to the conviction of the individual• who places obstructions upon the trash for the pur pose of throwing off the engine utid ears.— And,if the person giving the-information wishes it, his name shall not be made known. . FRED.K. WATTS. • oct2 4t Pres't C. T( Ciimpany. - _ Eatate of Noses Whistler, dee'd, ETTERS Testamentary on the estate of LA - Moses Whistler, late of Mifflin_ township, Ctimbot - land county, deecased,have beeligraat ed to the subscriber, residing in the same town ship. All persons indebted •to said estate to make immedime paymentTand - those — having claims to present them to oct,6t WM. IM ETTLE, Executor. 'UNRIVALLED DISPLAY or FAIL DRY GOODS CHARLES 'OGILBY respectfully informs NI./ the public generally that he has commenc. ed opening his very Ertensiee, Beautiful and General stock of- FALL DRY GOODS, • . and as there have been a great many persons waiting this arrival to make their fall tittrehases he flatters ',himself that they will be entirely satisfied after looking over the host of beautt• ful goods that he is going to run'off at small profts. Come in time and secure pretty . goods and good bargains. His stock consists in part of a fresh supply of - - - CLOTHS, CASSIMERS SATINETS, Kentucky „leans, &c., of all colors and prices that are bound to please the purchaser: - Also, a grand assorithant'of LADIES DRESS GOODS, viz: Cltangnble Twill, Satins, Grodenap . and Glasse Dress Silks,vory beaulifel, CASHMERES, VOUS. DELAINES mid innumerable other new styles of Ladies Dress Goods, of the latest importation. SHAWLS; in endlein variety„ which can be sold at much lower'iates than they have been sold for seve ral seasons. The brag stock of BONNET & NECK RIBBONS, of entirely new styles, from 6 1-1 to 75 cents per yard. Also, Ilosinet Stllts. SatipS and Vel vets, in greet variety, new style Chintzes, GINGHAMS & CALICOES, White inicl Brown Mitslins and Sheetings of 'titeriresrbrands-nrid-at-all—priees. 'rho largest and most generoLetocit. of . GLOVES AND HOSIERY-: for gentlemen,. Ladies and Children, that has been exhibited in Carlisle for years. BOOTS -AND SHOES; .of every variety of patterns and kinds, and at prices to please rill that wish to lay out their cash to a good advantage. BLANKETS AND CARPETS, in great variety, which I wow 4 invite all tha v‘iah to paellas° to look through ruy stuck - be fore purchasing elsewhere. GROCERIES & SPICES, A full mid fresh assortment on hand, and will be sold low at the old and well established stand, Est Main Street ufew doors below the .Market House, where you can - find a smelt . of Goods no large, Se well selecrenf mid at prices so low, that they caenot fail to please all [oct2 CIVESAP. oLouernavG. M& L. STEINER respectfully invite • the' Intention of their friends and the public generally; tb their'largr let of Goods that have been purchased at a great sacrifice in the city of Ballimore. l'hey will sell them at a small advance, as there is no rood for them in our little store room. So come one and hil and take them at almost any price, no we arc deter. - railed no sell cheaper than can be bought in Philadelphia. New York or Baltimore. - • Hang out your banners'! • Hear the trumpet ! More they come! hero they arc! Whiles the matter? what's the matter? Only lodlt at the crowd, Come on Joe, Jitit and Sum Hatter, Lot us see what's out. Hey, ho here comes Bill, a We'll ask him what's the Muss ; See how the street does fill, There certainly must be a fuss! 0, no boys, no fuss at all, Only another great arrival, . Of beautiful Clothing for the fall, At M. & L. BTF:iNEn's Clothing Hall! Titave just bought a suit so line— Toll me, how do you like it Joe f Doh't you want one like mine f -.Come on, boys, lot us go. Nov let me tell you, -- Marthere - you - can - find, Coats-of nil colors, And Pants of all kinds. - . - Waistcoats so handsome, And Cravats so nice, And they will not think it troublesome. If you give them u call twice or thrice. They will wait on you with kindness, And they can suit you with a nice Cap, Which for its quality and cheapness, You can only find at STEINER'S, Weil Main ,Street, next door ~,to Burkholder's Hotel. • rrA. first rate assortme t of Cloths, Cassi• merea and Vestinga always Shand, which will be made to order in the most fasnionsble and best style by a first-ram workman. Oct2-31n NEW GOODS. TIE subscriber has just returned from the city with a general assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, consisting of Merinoes, Cashmeres,' Alpachas; Moils. de Laines, Chintzes, Ginghams, &c. Also, Bon net Ribbons, Embroidered Neck Ribbons ihh great variety,- Ladies Dress Trimmings, Ho. siery of all kinds, with the usual Fall assort'. meat to which he invites the attention of the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity. sept2s G W HITNER. • ' Coat! - Coal! -THE subscriber is now prepared to turn jh FAMILIES with the best.quality CLE Ni (18 1 STONE COAL at the lowest rates. "Order left at 'H. Sexton's Hardware Store or at the, yard Oppohite Hoover's, Lumber Yard, will be promptly filled. Also, just received from the mines, 100 TONS NUT COAL for Lime, burners, 1500. bushels Bituminous Unnl for ,(Backamith's..r-, sell . IL WRIGHT. Listen Zatstres. A now of 'Linen: Luatros, various prides end colors, •from 6 to 50 cents ayard, Alao, Another supply of Braid. China Pearl, Rough and Ready, Gimp, and Chip BONNETS.m: Also, Changeable and Dress SILKS, in vari ety. with a varied assortment of Bonnet and Cap RIBBONS, Dress .Trimmings, &e. &c Putt% received' and,:opened by mtlY,29 . HITN ER.. To Shoemakers. :: 451 k GR 033 dtOol elides for;Jenny Lind simile; ;..(dinst rOceived by ' ER. • aug 28, 1850.. ' • • Black Slik.Laces, &c. : , AVARIETY. of Black Saimaa, .7hratid and Cotton Lacoi?,.Valenciannos Edgings Linan Bobbin. Edgings, just opened ky sopt9s.• . . W. JIITN ER. Bottns . t and Neck - Rifibons. TlTE.subeeriber bee just (Monad an 'nesort• mont of, Embroidered ,Ribbons of beautiful slkleef - with a full supply of• Bonnet Ribbons o airqualities • sep2s HEVENER- A. good,' Pailor Coal. Stove 161011. SALE, on reasonable wins. Apply N..‘ at thla office. -• • - WHITE IMAM. - - WTHERILI2B Pi3IF:WHITE'LEAD and 5 barrels LINSEED OIL just I ' o7 calved by the subscriber to be sold cheap.' 5504 • • SAXTON.' Briitihas A. groat Tarioty of - thotnruaifal"articlad fif:Of tared for gaIN ccfneititingf of Whltovianh;Swoapl ing, Sorab - bing, raintorp, Loth,. Shaving, Hair, Tenth and Nail;Flosh awl Owning *roahea to groat 'varietyraff of *high Ira of the hoot.An k ty ' MEI New ellbacttiemcnto. 12S=iM=1 American& European-Amphitheatre THE distinguished features of this vrtst'es; tablishment. consist or the celebrated FRENCH - TROUPE from 14 raribonPs; Paris, and'Lia Nacionale, Brussels, compotied of f* - 6 FEMALE and Da-142 MALE Perform ersorho_were_engaged_at_anienormous_ex_ Dense` by the senior Proprietor., who visited Europe during the past winter-for the "express pupa: o of obtaining the best talent which the Immense companies of. England and France could afford. Among the principal, stars of • this Troupe are, MADEMOMELCE LOUISE, Tho only Equestrienne wro has ever Appeared in Arne,lea who rides without saddle or bridle. MADfIIIOISELLg IiOSALINE, The Efluest inn 'Terpsichore, unequalled in her peculiar style. MADEMOISELLE TOURNIADIE,, Whose wonderful skill in the, feats of, the .7fra, nege has everywhere been the admiratiun of all. kILL'ES. JOSEPHINE & JEANETTE, Togdther with MONSIEUR BENOIT, the great Equestrian Necromancer, MONSIEUR RNIARIE, &c. &c: The unrivalled Clown and Jester, W. F. WALLETT is attached lo the' company and will enliven the performances with his rich and far.) , jokes. The array of nativOitalent which is embraced in this company is, beyond _ com parison, the greatest ever assembled in ca, to prove which it is only necessary to men• tion the names of S. P. STICKN EY, the' ex traordinary Polyhippian,_ GEO. SERGE.ANT, tho scetfic and character Equestrian, JAMES NIX.ON and his talented children, &c, who form but a small part of this-truly magnificent Troupe, The Stud of Horses belonging to the Com pany b the best and most thor oughly trained ever exhibited, first .among which is the great Perlortning Steed, CINCINNATTCS, ac• knowledged on all hands to surpass any animal in the world in beauty, and docility. ,The above Company will perform at C A It L I S L E, on aIIERSDAY, October 101 h, for one day Only. Doors open at 1 1-2 and 7 1.4 o'clock, P. M. Performance to commence at 2 1.2 and .7 3-4 o'clock. 'ADMISSION 25 CENTS. Chil dren under 9 years of age half•price. oct2,2t SPLENDID STOCK OF FALL - DRY GOODS, ONE PRICE ONLY Ilamilton,lEaster at Co. ; NO. 213 BALTIMORE STREET. VlTOthe attention of wholesale and retail purchasers to their stock of Fresh Fell GOODS, mostly of their owe 'importation, which - will - be - found Much the largescand most 'varied ever offered in Baltimore, hod for every - article of which the lowest price is named at once• Included ..."' included will be loundßich Brocade and _ other Dress Silks, splendid meoiurn and low priced do., rich black Silks, in plain, %voted, figur'd an d satin strip'd, real old fashioned Gros Grain Black Silks, Sgur'd and plain Sntifl . _de Chines, in changeable and 'solid colars;-very— iM11(1S01110 Pea:lt'd° Soie, in solid color), eiren int; Dress Silks: in white and light colors, a a beautiful variety, Boonet and Millinery Silks -- In erect variety, Modes, Mareelines, FP - Trances, &c. DRESS G ODDS:. Rich watered and plain Tabbincts, brocade"., Cashmeres, rich prin'ed Clishmeres and 'Mow seltnes, neat ligur'd Laines, for children, . 'plain Meuselines, in modes and high colors, changeable Lye nese Cloths, Coburgs, Sylvet-' nice, (entirely new,) cheap :Elouselines and Cashmeres, low and medium priced Drosp Goods, in every variety of new designs, ninny of which are in styles confined exclusively to. our salee, 300 pieces Lupin's superior - French Eeriness, in all colors, 130 pieces G. 4 - English MeririoeS nod silk warp Lyonese Cloths, In this department we have also a large stock of. Bombazines and Mourning Goods in every va riety, embracing the,. most select shades of Blnek:and Second Mourning, and chciice arti cles for Family Mourning. In LINEN GOODS and HOUSEREEP• ING FABRICS we have more than our usual lending stock. including the very best Shirting Linens of Richardson s and Barklie's make, I Pillow Linens of all widths, Linen Sheetings, of every description, 'Cotton Sheetings, sup'r Blanicots, Quilts, Flannels, Table and l'iano Covers, Floor__Raize___and_Eloor • Clot, widths and Sizes, li'ten Criimb Cloths, Table-- Damasks, Diapers, Napkins, Towellings, Stair Linens, rich curtain GooclsA of various styles,... lace-nod muslin Curtains e worsted Damasks and _ Moreens, and in fact every article in the Dry .Goods line which may be required by. House- Hotels, Steamboats, &c. THE SHAWL ROOM ' . • - - - - Contains a most txtensive and magnificent stock of long .nnd square- Cashmere, Camel's Asir, with Cashmere border, entirely new, rich embroidered and plain Crape, Long and Square Scotch. -Woollen Shawls, - Scolch Woollen Shawls for children, "Bay State Mills" Shawls of all tne various styles made by them, and mostly of patterns Made expressly for us, and which cannot be had elsewhere. Black and Mourning Shawls. in great variety. Cloaks, Mantillas and Sacs. Wple and Narrow 'SILK VELVETS, in all colors. • - - - MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS AND MEN'S WEAR. In choice styles of superior French Cloths, _of„Biol.v7s_and other beat makers—Doeskins; English and Domestic Cassimeres. Fancy Woolen, Silk and other Vestinge, Serges; SiM sins, Paddinge,Tanimss, Sewing Silk, &c. Also, a -splondil 'stock of Gents Cravats, .Scarfs, Fancy Neck Ties, Silk and Linen HdPfs., of new. styles, Gloves of all kinds. Hosiery,/Silk and Merino under shirts and Drawers; Suspen 3ers. &c. EMBROIDERIES, - LACES, TIOSIERY.& . .T. ' . --•-• • GLOVES, ,wre have also rivery choice lot of Embroid eries and Laces, (from the most fashionable Establishments in 'Pails,) including rich Muslin and Lace Capa,Clamizetts, /3Orthea,.. Collars, Sleeves and ctills,'real black and white Laces, real Lace Capes and Falls, Valenciennes Laces Edginge-- arid ansertinge; superior Hoiiery and ~ Glovk et' every description, emb'd and riviere '- hemmed-stitched Handkerchiefs, clear Lawn ' do., mourning L C Handk'fs, fancy Cashmere Indin Emb'd Scarfs,-fancy Bags, &c.; Chemi zeite, Prints and white Muslin - Goode, French and English Chintzes, rich furniture Prints, in, great variety, Cambrid, Swiss,,Book and ikonot Muslina, Jaconat and SwisalEdginga and Ineertinge, Bands and Florence,. HEAVY, GOODS. FOR FARM., HANDS ,• • AND' SERVANTS. • W have on hand every description of goods' entering into general consumption,,, that' we think will gpie satisfaction:to the consumeroill of which Nvetiro.enabled from the extent of our of our Wain - ash, to buy on the very best isrms. and sell at - a moderate profit. Having for every' article a fixed, priee,•(without abatement,) per. sons inst,folly Med VVilh,the value of goods have,.civery,tiniurance• that in dealing with us; they pay the same price as the most experienced purchaaere. " " ' An eaamin'ation 'of Goode entfPrices solicited fiftliimor4 Oet2, .1850-3. m. : , Tfferotiant iliill to Rent.: • HE ,iriileia g tied Offers his NICR1111ANI" m.ITA., at the Carlisle Iron Works, for rent.. fr o 4 l tlitOs! Of April, 10.51. , , and !Winter Clothiti44 Jlfoney Saved is . 1110 ae7/ lade. ' t40 1 :0111442? s\: , kr.F.WiLCNEAP.. 'AND 'FAISILLONABL E. 4 cLO.TAIN STORF4..on strpet.opposito Eiliot7s Drug'. Store, in tho room, formally occupiedby Parellantch au A CiOdllng Storm . Thankftil to the citizons , .of Carlisle and vicinity for.their . increased custom,.we,A goin.request.--thcir company:to View our large : and splondid, assortment of BradiAtadc,cl o ii i : , for. FALL - AND 'WINTER •'WEAR: ,Our steak' consists hinds'of COATS; PANTS, VESTS, and Oentte,trierl'a . Wetiring• ,Apparel general; suitable•for the season, put ' • amftd 'made( in the Most workinaiilike ;manner and ., the 'Utast • Fall ,and Winter Fashions: ho 'what to favor us witka Can can stitio.froni arentY4l% tb fifty:por'etnit; - ' by baying at ; Mir 's(cno,•,thld , all' goods sold:warranted,t4 , l give„Sn'-' tire sati f aition." 'IIRNOLDB writing' fluid; a very pttiAFin ay; tereble,at LIBRA Rtt'S illiecellancoug =MEMei Ortureitle deezdentli, . SELECT SCIIOO.4.The,-stibscriber having taken chaigt3 of. this Institution,. oilers his services to.the - former patrons of .the school and to he triendt of education generally. His ochr,' will be condecidd on the most improved principles - of- inetructiom ex parlance and by:untiring 'application he hopes to render the School. worthyol-gentral ;patron-. ago. • The course of MS - traction will, embrace Mitt lie branches-of.a complete ciente end sci entific ed ti at ton. Oral inatructiodby Lectures and explanations will accompanythe:usU'of the most appv,ved text-books. . . ..- - Tciass t..- ~ . - •- • - „• Boarding and Waithing per five.monthe $32,50 Tuitioii in English Branches - • - 10,00 Tuition including classics -,' , 12,50 Tuition payable quarterly, invariably in ad vance. Text hooka yvill_ho...!'urtiished.4. tho Principal at city prices. • • Ncwville is a beautiful and plc:want village, situated in'a fertile And well cultivated country, and accessible twice ,every day.frcim the oak and the west by: means of the. Cumberland Valley Rail Road. The Inhabitants of the vil•. logo and surrounding country are noted fdr their morality and enterprise: The winter session vvill_cbm mance -will,commence -en-the -- Second Monday of October", the summer on the Second Monday of April• For- further particulars ad dress the Principal ai :-•• WM" T GREA VCR:Principe/. • Newvillo,-oct2,3t References:—The Faculty .of 'Pennsylvania College, Re*. W. M. Reynolds, D._D', Presi, dent of Capitol University, Ohio, Rev. C. ;C. Baughman. Satin, Va., Rev. D. F.•Bittle, Mid dletown, Md., Rev.'J. Harkv, Wm. Barr, J. Swoyer, Joseph Hannon, M. D., J. H. Herron, 'Newville. • - FIRET ARRIVAL OF ' Boots and Shoes FOR THE FALL SEASON .AT PORTER\S SHOE STORE, Main street, near the Rail Road Depot,. OMPRISING Men's, Bay's and Youth's 1L) Calf, Kip and coarse Boots and Brogans, whrch are warranted to 'be of the best quality, Ladies Gaiterri, Buskins and French Ties, Misses and Childrene hoots and 'shoes in great variety.' Also, an cle•gant assortment of GUM SHOES and BOOTS, with all the late im provements and Warranted perfect. Having purchased 'these gum shoes from, the agent of the manufneturer, I am authorized to GIVE_ A. xpw PAIR in place of any that prove defective in wearing. Haying a large stock of French Calf Skins, Morocco, Kid, &c., and good workmen, every attention is given to customer work as usual: septla WM. M. PORTER. . GEORGE Z. BRETZ, - URGEON DEN'WST—would respectful. § ly inform the public that ho is now prepar e to perform all operations on the Teeth that may be required. 'Artificial Teeth instried, from a single tooth to an entiro set, upon the latest and moat approved principle, The pa tronage of the public is respectfully solicited.— He may be found at the residence of his bro ther on North Pitt street. ~ Carlisle, Sept .18, 1850. To Physibians-- - -A Rare - Ohance. griFFIC Pliraiture, and a good supply of 13 Medicines for sale, if applied For 500n.:7 The office 'also to rent, with an established' practice worth fifteen hundred a year, which can he increased. For further information ap ply at this office. [sepinpil I in - - -.Valuable -School' Books, *- [MIA SEEP MAS;COWPETW. WAITE& C0.,219 MARKET STREET, PIIIADELPIIIA, Mid for sale by all the batik iielle6 in the. United States :_ • MITCHELL'S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY, An easy iatroduclion to'the study of Geogra phy, designed for children, nod completely , il lustrated - engravings -and 14 colored MD Ds. ' MITCHELL'S INTERMEDIATE GEDG . RATIIY—• ,The text,the exercisca-the-illustrationsiand the forty beautiful mops are printed together-in one • - 9narto volume. • Mrreitett's' Smoot GEOGRAPHY- Fst ATLAS, II - system of modern Geography ' comprising a dose' iption of the presiffifSlati! of the world and its five great divisions. Embellished with nu merous em.yavi ogr „and illustrated by . an excel lent Atlas containing 28 handsome and accurate colored maps. Phis series of Geography by S. Augustoi Mitchell has been wholly or partly introduced into - the public and private ..sollools of allgie principal cities and Mama of 'the Uni ted Stars ; and after a full and fair trial of Its Merits in these schools, it has received on almost universal recommendation. • . MITCHELL'S ANCIENT GEOGRATII? ATLAS, An 'ancient, classical and sacred- Geography, embellished with engravings of remarkable events, views of ancient' cities, etc., and accom paned by. ancient Atlas containing 12 beautiful Colored maps. • MITCHELL'S ATLAS OF OUTLINE MAPS Mitchell's Biblical and Sabbath School Geog raphy, with Maps and embellishments. Key to the- study of Maps: sat arroll's Key to Mitchell's Geography, are excellent and boolta,autLare_beccnning—very,esten -siyely used -in-the best schools of-oui• country. GREENE'S FtIIST LESSON IN GRAMMAR, based upon the construction and analysis of sentences; designed as as introduction toihe"Analysis.',' GREENE'S ANALYO9—N treat•se on'the siren.. ? lure of-the English Isogona l -with illustrations, and exercises-adapted to the use of schools, by Stunted S. Green, A. M., Principal of the 'Phelps Grammar School, Boston. These books hive' already in the short time :hey have been published , obtamed ,n very ,Lx.- teitsive circulation, having been introduced into the public schools of Boston, Baltimore,- Pills. burg, Chicimintti, St. Louis, Vicksburg. and other cities and: towns, and recommended by those who have tried .them is their schools, as without question e best English Grammars in existence.A t' WAN'S S vt.soL READER'S. ruE PRITIATLY Spinier. HEADEIL—Part Ist 19 intended for beginners, It coninins a lesson 'utast each or the elementary sounds of the lan guage The Primary Scheel . Render,, part '2d, contains exercises .in articulation: arranged' in _connection _Avitli_eany_reading ,lesanna The Primary Reader, port 3d, is designed for the first class in Primary Schools, and the lowest class in Grammar Schools. , • .111 E GRAMMAR Seneca. REAm;n,-intlesigned ror the middle class in Grammar Sella°lis,und contains exereties in artieulatiOn - firringed in connection with reading lesstins , THE DISTRICT SCROOL READER, is (ICSIFONI for the highest classes in public and 'private schools. It contains exercises• In articulation, pauses, and inflections of the voice with such rules and suggesstions as are deemed useful . . TOE DiSTRtICTIVR READER ' • or a COMIC of lint - tiling on Natural History; Science and Lite rature designed for schools. • THE SPELLING BOOK Consisting of words in columns aind:wttejlees -for oral and written' exercises. It is a complete and systematic series of . in English orthography. : .. •.. iThis,highly popular series of reading books, Mid this'apelling,hook were compiled by Mr. m. D. twan,.of Boston, and judging from the rapid introductioninto sc hools which they have obtained in the Eastern and Middle , States and in many of the Western and, southern , States,- we think they-ars really , better , adapted. lb' the 'svants of teachers and scholars than 'neyrotlier yet published. The publishers have's' very largo number of, recommendations frompublie school ennimittees,..ttatchers and others friendly to edti: , 'cation. . . 4jROST'S HISTORY OF THE U. STATEd, 066' ,12 um tor' high schools And OCtide' Mies. The Some work °mid:titled Mid simplified' fdr 66.mmon sellools,•1 vol.lB rob. Pitnerrcas. Pmsomobv, for 'alb tine of willoolii , ao4l families, 1 v01..12 mo., with engravings. 'nutAny I.stssiol.ovii, ihe bb(l4lc'l' .vOl.lB „ 1 . , ;Flan' HOOI . N•A 111TilitETIC, by F. A: Adams, intended for 'pr miry n schoo ls: ,- '_ARITIII%IETId IN 7`IY9 ' . •By 'the earns author; .fart' lli•st—stivaece'd ;• sans iu mental Seithmetisi' part_ roles and exareples foi'pr;actico in ivritteti ertlt: nrietie, for common and high schools„ .A 1017 y to eiamples' for pyact leo' in. w ritten aritmetio; for the use of, teachet's; by, the .sante . . hesedwithmeticti have. secu r e d very high esteeintiondationi from „teachers' of schools' and ltestiela‘cal Ind rii.'om professors In several'of our ettaiieht and' frOtil others interested in, the cause , c o t ucation in-various sections of the .3hilool Co:, 111 so .Sehitol fkolts; • whicit there is not•Tonm ;to enumerate here besides- Lsw,,yedicql, Thecilogic sA „so i soelliticous Books; end, theraie fulyy, preps, yid to icksw,eV Orders:lot beoks' In every deptwt-, dent cif knowledge: BeolcSelletwifiebeol Coati; ositties;inti . ollwas, ittippliett on the !post favp i sble teethe'. •.•• • , (septSp;,'Aflrlial 41. liarrisonfa ,golumbidalnk; 11;E s'atalartbailaavir "titiaiLlarge' 41,p0 ' oKike iibovelsikp rilkiieft;'tiya. , spacial a•• ranieraativirith.ltim if fophrataki tielitgiblti to' fail.' titaktpithatobahta atal , tittieto,ap t'lle‘ 'fittnafa . a;' Eqraira wholocial e s r i ce , / .;_4,- A .,...J 1!....? i,. 0 ~ ::. I,auggi t' 's' 7 i , ,•, ' '7-.1.. '4' . 43 Vli-:I1U13 BARD, ' 'I . '''', .:41 . 1.,:1 '4 ;. 1 : ' : - .. f r. -'..' 1 n 1 ir i t t,:t i :r l ,-. 1 .?. ; ‘ 1 :i •:: ' , :i:, ‘ " 1 1 : ", "' :. f : 1 : ' : - : ''' -1 9tl ocella fcaut , XicpuaralNro Seloot ClEu3sioal Bo g White Sulphur, „SPrittirc , Donain . ff bum i bcragid county, Pena a. e - • • tIFFICEBS •• -JAMES HUSTOX.A. 14I:;. pri~eippnnl. 3 NO. ALLEN 13ROAVN,...2stet TAMES' 3. 'Ef3K3-..ES;'27utor;-: irj'AVIHG for Some tima beeii , estrouso`:- .ILII. establishing &Select Boarding 'chool, tint ` having at.lengtliobtained suitable b , ildings to - . that purpose, the subscriber takes .leasure announcing to his patrons. and frieads, that h. - will open the above named Institution' on thf Ist,of October. . ' .- The location is_ in a small and - iotnantio vat( . formed by , an C/2 shaped bend •sfithe Nord! hlountain r _aptly..teinted.!!.Thsubling,GliP,.'!.ariti _ is not surpassed -in-liealtlifulness 'ef situation, , and beauty of scenery by any- place in the country.. The main building is largo and•cbm; modioue, 000-feat in length - by 44 fn. breadth,' and 3 stories high,) and' ia well - fu raishod 'with everything necessary to conveniencie and•cem-- fort. ,The other-buildings cornpose!Bath - Hotr- • cies, &c.; toAlte free use , orwhichl the. pupils"' -will-have-access-at_proper_:honire.l_TheLwell known White Sulphur Spring's ristf•within a few rods of the main building. • 'The object of the Institution is its fit young -mon for or for tiny of:the •highee classes of College.' The coursed instruction will be thorough, and.complete, mote attention being given to the. quality than to the quantity 'in - the , performance -of the- etudeal. All the branches taught in the best academies will be taught iii this„and proper apparstus`will be used for illustration of the suWcte;that require it. . Classes in Civil Enginecfring will enjoy _the advantage , of operations in 'the field with Transit, Compass, Chain, &c. I , TERMS • Board, tuition, washing, fuel end lights per session, $50,00 Latin and Greek 5 03., French or Hebrew • „ SOD Civil Engineering with use of Instrum'ts 10 00 Drawing and painting ft 00 Vocal tlnd Instrumental Music 's' 00" The pupils will 'board in the Institution un-' der the immediate and constant supervision of the Principal, who Will bestow careful attention upon their convenience told 'comfort. Each student will furnish his own towels, and have them and his clothes distinctly market!. -- - The academic year will be,divided into sea : . - sions - ortwedfywceks each, commencing . on the- - first of September. The regklar 'vacation will occur in July and 'August. Owing to deldy . in completing the arrangements:the first. session of the present year will commence on• TUES. DAY the first day of 'Octoberias Stated above.' An easy access is afforded to students by , means of his•Cumberland'Valley - Rail Road to Newvi le, had thence by coaches to the Acad emy. The Gettysburg nt,d Lewistown State 'Road passes through the grounds.•• For ciAculere . containing lull particulate and., reference, address the Principal through the , Newville P. 0. Newville, Sept..t 8,1850-3 w. .Izr .Irraitgontent. DAILY JAN E OF STAGES FROM CAR • LISLE TO YORK. -: "' TfTE - undorsigned, owing to thelnereasee. travel between the above named placed and to afford-corresponding facilities to the pub lie, begs leave to announce that he ie .eow run ning a DAILY LINE OF FOUR HORSE STAGES between' Carlisle and York. His stock has recently been much Improved, and his coaches are now and comfortable.' - They leave' Carlisle every morniog at 6-o'clockoand arrive-at York at IP. M., in time me take, the two o'clock train of Cars for Baltimore.-_ Returning, will. leave York about 1 o'clock, P. 111.,'0r immediately alter the arrival of the Cars from AriltimOre;-and roach' Carlisle the_ same evening— Fans.—Throutb . iidkets.frorn Carlisle to Bal tiinore, or vice versai.will be If.uritiffied: ,. at the low price 01 $3,00. GEORGE HER(bEL. • • Splendid Livery Estalgia!anent. He would' also take this' opportunity of in forming his friends n arid2the pubs gnonrally, s e that .he . has lately Made valunbl .'ridditictns to ?Whis extensive Liver -11ORSES, CARRIAGES; B 4..85, SAD •DI,E HORSES, 4,-ill that he is now'prepared to accommodate `tr4im with any .article in his line of business, of a moment's notice, and on the moa t reasonohle terms.. Per• , sons desirous 9f riding in fine , "Wales, or on -fine horses, arts requested to witfr-nt:his estab lishment before going elsewhere, ad;in,all pro banility they will save a little change by so do- . ing. • Persons visiting-Carlisle during the Sum mer season, can at all, times be furnished with - good - conveyances - to - either - of - the following - - watering places in its imniediate vicinity—Car- . lisk'Springs - rDontifing - Gap - BprmgnyWarm I Springs, Perry county; or York Springs, A dame county. • - ' G. H: - Cdrlisle, July 3,1850-3 m. • . Extensive Oabiiiet • • OBERT B. SMILEY, sucoessar to Wm. ft C. Gibson, CABINET-MAKER & UN- D ERTAK ER, NoitH Hanover street, Carlisle, would respectfully inform the'citizens of Carlisle and the public generally that he now-haa on hand a large assortment of new and elegant' FURNITURE, connoting . in - part of Sofas, Wardrobes, Card and' other Tables, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and trine) , Sewing-Stands, &c.manufactured - of the best materials and quality warranted. - Also a gene 'ral assortment of Chairs at the lowest pricea.— Venitinn Blinds, Made to order' and repairing promptly attanded'to. Ittr - COFFINS made to order at the shortest notice: and having a splen. did Hearse he . will attend funerals in town or country. OtrD Mit forgot the old 'stand of Wm, C.-Gibson, in- North-Hanover street, "a few doors north of Glass's Hotel. . Sept 4-Iy. '1t.13. SMILEY. Late Arrival .4e - thenew wurcheapi.M.R.OlgAßE STORE, ~ Eris! High itreet, opposite Offaly's Dry Good -Store. ' • nirlHE subscriber bas just opened a • •A- large assortment of goods in his line to which he would call the attention of -buyers, as he is determined, to sell, at prices to suit the times. His stock compri,es. a full; assortment of Locke and - .Latches of every description; Hinges: and Screws, Window Springs and Crosa:cut and circular Saws, Hand,.' panriel, ripping and back Saws, broad, hand & chopping . Axes, , ,,lfaichets, Chisels, . Augurs, Plancs.and Plana-.Bins, Braces! and !Trace Bitts, steel and-iron Squares, Plumb' & , Lovols, , Waiters-and.Traye s aable and•Poeitet Cutlery Table and %Tea Spoons, brass, bell•nietal 'and ' enameled ~ p resirving Kett ler, . Ware, &c.' •Also, ti fulLassortment of:Saddlery and , o Parriage ; Trimmings,. Patent Leather, Moroceo! and binding Skins, Saddletrees, - Carriages and 'Wagon Whips, Curled' Hair, Moss, Deer Hair, ' Mitotic. Springe.' Slitivels rind-Spades, Gaidan. and Corn 'Hoes, Grain • tom! -Grass Scythes, Sahib' and Scythe Stones—Hay and' Manure, Forks, Window, Glass ; Pittly,: , Paiinti 'and Dye Staffs, Oil, Torpentino and Varnisl4.ll4aboganyw and moolo.,Veneers and 'mouldinga, Sofa SPiT's 'Alen. Bar,' Band,. Hoop and `Sheet , Iron, Cast, ' Shear,lSpring :and ~Blister. Steel; Tip Tlitte,„ , . 'Zinc, 'Spahr°, Bar... Leak BarTinaron, , Brass: and Copper Wire,- &e, :• ~; • • .-.5 ! Barrels Patent Fire and Water PrdolPaint. :assorted colors. -HENRY.! SAXTON. • ~ :!ritYls'6o t, •,,- • EXTRAORDINARY , REDUCTION IN TH E /Pit Co tir '" -1 ifiLVEiiipt - ieceivod'lhp larkefit eat etiielr ofIi.4I2,DWARE, GlASSl'ri,loo..,°ool‘ - ..Verniihe_,C".B6.4(lll3oi :fit l o;Cabinet: 4Makieti Tbels',Atalpagniiy,YOnieknaqd oil kibdo.' orßuildirig - Mtneritile conliieting ; Locks; Hinges,. hicrows; Nage . aif.Saikes. Persons ebont.tobuild'iviAl Arid i• „- greatly to their advantage; ta:louk ixt,nay stool; before purehosing elsewhere. Came, and see,' the Goods a n d 'hear , the, price apfryou wll .be",,' convinced that this is - really 'tho .01430, fitted ware quirO. Alp, in storo,,nnYils, vices, filet, , and rasps 'ond 11,c/5100Si/1 asser . try,tbnk Watts Beet Bariro9,:qle9 goliedhOO,PPßlk 401120,f,a1e, sizes:" I . * have " also: the,. Thsrmopp.tgr,,Otufq;„ ngt . 4 0 „10 . )4k, GeergP',.§Pangtef, •P-tIPA 'how .rn'U"' • f! S C YTH tOcik of Oral] "pn ',Volt a, gclOweipqnuanottli,!e,g 4progeo,:forp*,,ovyn•!Eittlbo, agd; rgreigg.4'.44e, #;`auporior,„artic!o:,.. prgOle Ivalf fm4 l , iitherd w ill Aikdilic4o, g0i4b0149 ballbe,be 9k. • Cele loutket, qv, int lowest rice qtaAwa stand Droor„ VaSqvit,etreeL, , l., :4„10py;„ : ; ,v4negar. , • 9 igp,',TiOpirinigar.A4lo, Piounp..; •t; Y. 0 1 ,000)1.5 1 49F ptpklingjqat 9 remeyrridjqy, , A , , ; ~09100:*••.1, . ., 1 0;i;i169` 1 4 : • •1::" -I,* litchi.. estate. at ...liactiott, Tiztuable,lefal Estate AT PRIVATE SALE: , , ITHIE u,ndeMigned offers, for sale -ti vpluable Fenn in West Penneboro' township, Cum. berlarid ceunti , ..abont one mile. South cast Newvilla, containing 113 ACRES, .of good Limestone Land, in a high ,state of cultivationi and well .enclosed • wRb good: and substantial, fences... About 81) Acres\of.Which are clpSred, and the residue well covered' with thrking tim .' • 5. ,; •• ber. :The iniproieriterds ri - mist of. eon xcellent TWO'STO R'Y ;IN HOUSE, a. large RANK, BARN,. I and other out buildings, an Orchard 7 7'7.7 of choke fruit trees, and a well of good water' 'convenient to the door. Also, '2O Acres of, good MOUNTAIN. LAND ,will be sold with the above. 'For .terins, die, enquire of the subicribor residibg • • Oct 2 R.B.STEVENSON. Valuable rarm at Private Sale. r.iip, subscriber intending to romovo'to the west, offer Nat private sale a valuable farm "of Limestnno Land, situated in North Middleton township,-- - Cumberland- county, about- 3 miles east of Carlisle near Middlesex and the TIM , ' Msburg pike, adjoining the Letart Spring and -the-lands-of -Jacob ,Albright,—Joseph.—Witmer and others containing 'l2O ACRES of well improved fund,' well fenced with post and rail 'and in a high state pf cultivation. Ten ''acres of it aro thriving timber land and four in excel. lent Meadow. The improvements sc l are a good Bank Barn, 75feet long, •• • m Ft large TWO STORY FRAME su t .. . Is ••ii; HO usw - vi - rith a well of good water, near it; and'ell ether necessary out. buildings all, of which are in a good state of repair. Also, a thriving ORCHAttD of choice fruit. In the convenience of its arrangement locality:fertility and imp . revement, it is scarce. Voqualled by any farm in the country. A first rate Lime Kiln has been erected on the place within the last year. It will.bePsold on reason. able terms. Persons wishing to examine it, or ddsiring further information, aro requested to mill on the subscriber. • sent 18 JEREMIAH GREINER. OTIOZIMPARrit FOR SALE. 'I I IE - fins' bseriber offers for sole a valuable FirM `of Choice - arable land, situate in West Pennsboro' lownship, Cumberland county, on the. Conodoguinet Creek,. eight miles west of 'Carlisle and within two untLa half of the Cunt. berland Valley Rail Road, containing about 130 ,ACItES in a high ,state.of_cultivation. The ins provements are n two story Weath e erboarded HOUSE, Smoke House, Ice. House and Wash Muse, mid a good well of water at the door.— Also. .a large Bank Barn. Corn Crib, Wagon Shed t.ll in good 'order and a good Orchard.— There is 17 Acres of first rate 'Meadow and a. bout 25 Acres of Timbet Lanti'bn the opposite side of the creek, which will be sold with the Farm if'desired., There has been between five and siK thousand bushels of lime put en this Farm lately. There is also a large Lime Kiln, "capable of burning from 12 to 1400'bushels at blast on the .property. ettig2Btn WILLIAM AL ('ER. ViLtmeaster Volkafreund copy t 1 and sad bill to this office for collection. FIIMOLI.O BALD OF .OXIAL.EISTATII IN - pursuance-of oh order of the. Court of Cumberland county, will' be sold at hurdle sale, at the late residence pf Benjamin -Myers,. deceased, on Friday the'l' th day of Ociaber,next-,-at.lo o'clock A. M., the follcw- I .ing desdribed Real Estale, late the property, of said decedent, io wit .—A tract of land niume in Diekinpon township, hounded by lands John Huston,' John Fishburn, land of the Said Benjamin Illyers,.decensed, and Ab!rn. Myers ; continuing' 8 . 5 ACRES acid 130_RERCIIES, tcriet. measure, of - which about 70 acres are desired and in n good state of cultivation,' and the residue excellent timbefland,having there on erected a two story- weather boarded MOUSE, LOG STA • :i. 4 X I BLE, with a well of water near the_door, and a good Apple Orch " and of choice fruit. Also, dTen• I..ant tiepin and Stable: 'Also at the same Ow! and pl aa, Will be sold a enitill - frael oPfirst rate timbe, township,--and bourided by lands of John Fishburn,llio. heirs.' of Bliohael Ege, ~.decetised, William- Line and' -Philip Spangler, containinglo - ACRES"difdST PERCHES: - The above described Real Estate 'will be sold on the folloiVing terms,: So.mueh, as may. be necessary to pay the costs and tixhonses'ot sure to_be_paid on the confirmationVfthp-sale by the I Churl, onelhird of the baltinceldremain'in' the hand a of the purebaber during the life of ,Eliza Myers, widow, the interest to be, paid to her nribuidiy,pnd'at her death'-the principal to be paid to the -heirs of the aforesaid Benj, Myers; I deed: one half of the balance of the purchaie moil' of the tract first ahoy) described to be paid .on the first of April next, when possession will he given and a deed made to the purchaser, , and the residue in two' equal annual.. payments I thereafter without interest. The residue of the, pure b of the tract of timber land. after dedittrting; the widow's dower. to be paid on the first of April next. The whole tobe secured by recognizance in the Orphans' Court with tip provedsecurity. JOHN CAROTHERS, Aug- 28;50 to Alminialrator. agqig,MVX2SLAWie,- 021.S:ITUR041; the 12th of October WILL ba sold at public sale, at -10 o'clock, A. M., on the premises, the following descHlied tract of load, containing abouCT WENTY TWO ACRES;situate in LoWer-Allen town. ship, Cumberland county, 0110 mile above Ebel-- ly'-s mill, on Cedar Sortrig, adjoining lands of William R. Gorges,- Daniel Urich, and others, with a well- . finished, FE f it• , HOUSE, Wagon- hlalter's' l / 4 Shop, XS 11 n4t• - .. . -Barn and other improvements there*, I a on erected. There is also an °rah . , and of choice fruit. It is a desirable lac ation for a mechanic and worthy of sawn: • . • .A leo, at thOame time and place will be sold a Tract of Woodland, containing TEN ACRES more or less, situate -in' Fairview township, York county, adjoining lands of Christian Gar bec,-Win. R. Gorges and others. Also, a lot of cord Wood on said tract.. Also, at the gimp timnand'place will be sold the following 'personal property; viz Horses and 'some gears, mileli:Cows and other cattle, Hooritufd - StieCif, - Grain - by the Hay by the tan, Wagons, Plough, Harrows and other farm ina'titettails: Also a lot of chestnut rails, a'fimudier of •quarr3riug Boole, together with Hbußeholdand - Kitchen Furniture and other ar ticles too 'numerous to mention. Attendance will 'be give ,, and terms of sale made known by A ug22,'50 CHRISTIA.I , n ,I EBER • Assignee of Daniel, Heck.' . . 'IrA.LI7.9I3LE rARDT AT , PRIVATE SALE. Subscriber offers at private sale the fol., A. lowing described ReatEstate; situate in 'North Middleton townithip, Cumberland county containing 150 ACRES, morti.or: less: Palel3lo Lind; about Its- of .whielt 'are cleared arniin a high state of cultivation, and the residue cover.. ,ed with. thriving young timber. Th e improve. „.• • ments - are '. d Two - Story LOG HOUSE, STONE. KITGIIGNI • , Clint rate • heir RANI(' BARN,: h Wagon Shed niid„Corn Crib.— 'Also4;a ' , fine. young' and •'iltriving .Orcliard.witiv choice fruit. The farm is 'well 'covered .with .locust timber. ' .There is a never. failing' Billing of water near the dour, with *a far enough tor mill poWer. This 'water can be brought inltiposio this house and ban. • • 'The, above mentioned tractiliall limestone land, and is in 'a healthy neighbourhood, lying 'upon the Conodoguinet Creek,•wirhin 2 miles 'of Carlisle. and, onry half a mile Irom the Cum. berland Valley Rail Road. it is of course cons venient to the ,Carlislo market and well adapt , for supplYing,said market. The purchaser can hayo the whole balm' or 100 Acres and the improvements. An indiepumble title will he .given. For terms apply to the subscriber, re siding on the Walnut Bottoin miles' i from Carlisle, I septs JOHN FISHBURN, Sr. .. , git,stas l ; emir,. f Sale.' • ! i Ott' 2ilittitsii23t tN - Ja'qr. Otclober /850.,'' . .„tv,irt rle o ueAst on.O o rdertthe Vitittanit! Court. . of 01 . Snaberland county, and an authority for I t parties in interest who are of Inge, the tab ,ticriber will oiler'at' public sale, on the prom ices the 'following.' property, late the estate of. irli.' .ehael .randt, of ;Dickinson toWnshl pi dee'd, rim A inset of. land,situate . in .Hookersville,lit Saul • Di cltittion foWushirieontaitting3loo.. ACIIE:I3 rot , ,first rate" Limestone. Lend, adjoining...lands ..01 ' Newcomer, Hocken and others; all of which Is cleared and in a high 'state of atiltivitlasi c?.itept I lbout V.Aerearit Woodland, — ThbfinprOvanients ' • • , are a IWa2steticaf 3WP. Lill N a 1 .. 11017SEendriaine-DARN, it giicid TENANT :1101.1SE :with - Stable, ; ' I, ' ' Ifl a well , of !water . tiret*hinitte,,te; , • : ..-.- .. gether with' othetcenf:httittlingeOtr , so L ap„rohard Of,ahame.fruffi . principtar..ap7 , :.•. Ailel.-,AIPPL Pt. ;the pine thnin anti iltlicit Ctinat", ;at Vogicr.,,Lan_ 11.;siniatelo•Djokidson:„ItiAlfeilf•,,,, at th9.,,5090, - ., Jilleteatain; - contalnine WI ACRES:. tir' YeinoSMiii iksisineAndlcOuljnialOgdands o , Den. Mil ler, Newcomer and , othersf --. - Term a a sale Wilt tic made :" known .on aalilT•day winter At . tendanee,w.ill he given ti3r, - ,tko , Atilitcribtolitute , ,dian of 'minor,..Miiiiiaol. Wendt dep,'d .. and n nitoine ita r Of.iliiisiifitin Arci of riiiiiitge.i. i ,,, • ; - A -'a , r v , o'.-.. oviDAvitituLtA.N,Vhf . .. ~ neat qletate at Auc#tan. VALUABLE,FARM . , • :THE subscriber ,offers at ,private -sale;-the Fafrn on which h - Ow lives, situate in West - .Peariaborough- township, Cumbeiland county,' - five , miles from s Carlisle, and ono- mile. from ' Plainfield, containing , 136--ACRES and 64 PERCHES, of firstrate Limestone 'Land,' all • of Whichis'elettrod and • iti-r higlretate of•cul. ' titratiOn except-15 or - 20 'notes Of Woodland . , — ' 'The latm'lies on"the•Concidoguthet'Creekhnd ie but half a mile from. the Good Hope Mills. The whole is under goad - lime, about' nine hundred, panel 'of w hich ' is -post and rail fence., . ;.•" • - ; , Tbi, improvement(' are a' new •• Brick DWELLING, HOUSE,, . two stories high, with a COITIMO , dious' Bank. Barn 94'" feet long,: first'rate Wagon S hed, Corn crib wit t , throe mg floor.' and - all other necessary' goed - well - of - water - at the door. • •Also, a'lafge Orchard, with ev.o 7 ry veriety'of clroice fruit. The -entire place is, in the best order; mid holds out the strongest inducements to ptirebasers: Persons desiring to examinali are requested to call on thesub scriber. An indisputabletitle will Ite . given; Mid terms mode reasonable., BENJAMIN . i..6I%IG`ENECkER. jy24 3mos . • %*LancasterllUnion copy 3 monthaind send bill to' this office for collection. • Valuable Farm at. Private Sale, THE subscriber offers for sale a valuable .farm^of - Limestone Land, situated on theYet loarThreedlies ,Closk ,in7Dickireoir - townaliip, Cuniberland county,. about 7 miles "south4vest .of Carlisle, and within 2 miles of the Stone Tavern, adjoining lands of Squire Woods, John Williams, George .111artin • and others contain ing 161 ACRES of well improved land, under good fence and in a high state of cultivation.— 'Phe 161- Acres are all clesr,lit there is 75 Acres of first. rate - MOUNTAIN LAND to it. There is also an excellent meadow on the farm and some - bottom land" .The improvements .consist of a big two story DWELLING HOUSE, a brick B I Bank Barn, and all .other improve , monis- that is necessary to a farm.— I There- iethree big running -- Springe on the farm one in the cellar, and one near the barn, and a good orchard , of all kinds Of fruit. Any person' desiring further information willplease call on Jacob .Seitz, residing in West. PennsborOugh township, Cumberland' county, one mile from Neaville. or. On Tobias Seitz, residing on the germ. Possession and an indisputable title - will - he given on - the- first of April, 1851. Terms made to suit purchasers. JACOB SEITZ. jy2-,3naispd P 12170 SALE. ' TUESDAY, • On TSY t t ttle qj OCTOBER, next. • - . .. "lITILL be sold at public mile on theprernises in — Shiremanstnwn, the - following 'prop erty, viz—A' lot of ground, situate in said place, on the north side of tha Main street ott which is erected a two story , : c DWELLING NOUSE. FRAME SHOP and STABLE. 'The prop . , ertyiia in good condition, the buildings are new, and .tlid stand is a good one foi mechanical basilicas. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, when attendance will bo given by JOHN R.BPP, —sena_ • : • Assignee . or Jacob Bates._ VALUABLE DULL - AND FARM - AT PUBLIC SALE. On TVEDNEASOdY, the 16th of October, 1850. THE sularibers , wishing to dissolve part nerahip and remove' to the West, will sell their Valuable MILL and FARM, situated in West enneboro? township, Cumberland county. -The- Farm contains 133 ACRES of flisrrate stone Land,"the celebrated Big Spring runs along the western margin'of the inlet, a stream that never fails or freezes; and ie unequalled by any stream in the United, States. The im provements are a first rate, ICEELOHAN'T rittLX. three stories. Ng &Wield off intthe most cow plete .order, with patent improved Merchant Bolt,-Self 2 Packeri - and.ali - the latest improve. monts4n Machinery, Corn Kiln, and situated on the above nanSod Spring, Which- affords a full .supply t;ll; , :waler sm a times to. the Mill. There _—itkalact_erected.on-this .property-a - large,.. two. story- -DWELLING HOUSE, Bank Barn and Stabling , Cooper : _Shop,. , Orchard, &o. The buildings, are all . nearly news and en. the boat order, about tsvo ,thlids of the tract. is cleared and, the bait, anca cevered with thriving timber. • This pro• poky iabenr the, Cumberland Valley Rail Road in, the heart of a, rich country, and offers strong iriancementa to capitalists. This ,property will Ins sold separately or together to suit purchas• ors.,Terms made easy tosuit purchasers as we illJsell,witbout reserve. Any information .aboitt the property can be had by. addressing John Piper. -Big. Spring Porn Office, Cumber land county, Pa: ' JOHN PIPER, SAMUEL PIPER, JAMES PIPER. aug2l , irtWeekly North- American arid Lancaster Onion insert. till sale aid send bill to this office for collection. FA. e1..M1K4 kir.) LltLlll.l, AT PUBLIC SALP, On THURSD.II V', the 10th of October, next "0N pursuance 'of an order .of the 'Orphans Court of Cumberland county, the undersigned Administrator of Abraham Brenneman, deo'd. will sell; on the'. premises, Alt the iptet andm claim of the said , ifetedent,lieing the undivided seventh part in a: tract ofland to East Penns. twd township in said county, containing 101 ACRES • more or less, bounded by lands of Michael Free Joseph Sadler, George Bowman and others, on which is erected a large Two. Story %, STONE. HOUSE, Bank Barn,, with aa a Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, Smoke and B 0 Spring House, and a 'levet...failing • Spring of water 'Which waters a num her of the fields.- 'There is about. Ninety Scree cleared, find the - remainder covered with Orli. , ing timber. Sufficient . Locust . giiciOng oil the. premises to furnish posts forever for fencing..-. Take it altogether it is nue of the most desire-. bid:tracts of land in the, comity• Sale to com mence at 2 o'clock, I'. e., when attendance' will be,giveri ths'res made knowrihy aug2B JOS. MUSSER., adm‘r. Farm for Sale. '-fTsHE subscriber .intending to movO , to the ji„-Nlyest offers his mansion farm fur solo, the sane being situated in Lower Allen township, Cuttiberiand 'County, about . fouir, miles west of ,Harrisburg, the Siete Road 'passing through'' he feanne. containing 109,ACRESof first rate Hine, atone land, admitting lands of Levi illerkle, k J. Long and others. The improvements are a three. story LOG HGUSE,,plastered outside and, insia, a double' -LOG- EfXRN,; failing spring-of ' good water under' the boiiiia .Alsb, a Tenant Ilintee and'otber eitt-buildingai &j. Any person desiring to purchnse a arm folds section .of . country will do well to call , land, view the sati „JACPEJ . :§4OI ) P. - sept4;tiitit ' ' , StrLuncaster io amount of Si. POR SALE. , . • WlLL'sell' the two, .story . JIL BRICK ; 110.USE, 'situate 1;:.•• a II on.. the corner, of the I 1. this' 'borough, in which 'Michael I G. Ego The tit lei is perfect; clear (Weill , ineunibraneo ,and the terms will be made to!aecOm.mtidato any porn chtuier who will secure the payment of the intr. uhaao money,' .FRED'!{. - WATTS.-- SaptlB-31 TB.USTEIE'S -41A,t21. Or klill' . .SAtT.Urt DAYithe , ll9tli Or 'OCTO`BER: iUrs next,-the subscriber, by . , an r -ortibr. ol the ,pr[lhans' - genii of Citsnbefititid • eciunty; , will. ,expose to- public-'sal,e { oit-thw , Preinises, at 2 p _. o'clock, P. .51`., that desirable D WEI, E.. , LING H91.18a LQ.Tof GROUND .ffil situate oiwthe nor h.litrest corner:of-Lou- , -,t ter and West streets,, arlislo, containing 60 (bee in Iront on souther treat, and 240 feetir: i dill) hon West street, being the-dproperty-'0: the late Joseph Halbert., doc'd." - The property mil nositively be sold on stsid.'day,' Term~:, Ina eltnownmrtherdayial tialel4 • ~ ' ' , t, • '.7 I •,'-', JAOOllt slutom, , Trustee. „ . •,: - ' :Alf!esblic Sale.- , ', :, • - • iiiiritubd acrid at Public Solo nin'SATURi 'V y DA.Vilhe-rtath' of October, next; atw r , , • story TRAM HOUSE and: lot, "of ground , " lb. 'latter coniainlU.- I I ill about Ahreii-oOtirtere Of;en ./9..e.t, . .; * with 'n, ',great 'variety , of - choir ii - --. . fruit treep, , riStobld nrid'olhettput: bui ttinge:thereort.; Yrfiillllfoert) i -itititilltied ill WeOd street in . ,tho'villego**o • Pini , ,hfielde*Cun' be and county ; bnundtidt oritho. north 'tii A hit of. rederieli Zdigler, kin 'the booth b 5 1 .0 :lot 4f • e het Oreition; oh' the' east. by a. lor at Thar . ., e r a f nort.t/lialtr,to)eoftimimeo , at. g . o'elOCK (if 64 'day,. wbon terms of sale' will bo „mai t.l Moirr by , ' -,:' . • THOS:t.REASON: 'II ' ,oppt 1 I ' ..hoiineo of 4iscob StoveO;v:' .. ,• ' i ,4prngelkiiil— .i-,.5q:,43 • 1 , FULatassottmeti • f.llO . get, . 0 11, ,'1 1 ,-, 1 - ' • bye th'etilkbkikiihitiqt.. Atiii.. .1001 , TO 08- ft tti 't g tning Fltplforio, -, b til I •., 4'illtr:- ~'• t - It: • -I ‘r •" 1 ' • SA tlitiiiri - 1' 4 .1 , ,i',7t,. "te... 1 ,, LE(' t)i.:tri,...).1,`,-r, Eli= deal ogatate at lkattlia; . • • EXEC UTORIEC.SALP: 4') " VALIVABLZI : B X i ‘X1111 1 11.213. • w be trold .at pablic silo bIeTVESa . • ' 'yy pAY v tlio,.2l3ll- of October/me:4-M •10. -• ,' •reclocitori 'trio preinfses,the folk:owing described, • real celat'e r' :tract..of eXcellent: land jaying4ll:tlie - ,.: . : uoittltaide of.the CUmberland,Volleyßail Rood aft • • :about 44 mileseast of Citilislet, etnittuning about. ~ ',200 A ti lilS. •it ' • . • high statelof •2cultivlttion.. - .;:•Ther • improvements aftla largo.tyvo 4iito,; • -:• 11 - ..lso•BRlClCHOusg,,alitte .•. I7Ttlffanit b'Oth'reebittly' and all the heckler) , out-buildingsi'-' • Therein a•welt. of,waterlwith o Puntp/ja the - Port of. this tract la one mile 2. About - 90 "A'CRE% one mile south - Of the, above tract,-oC which there are-about 20 Aerate'. • • cleared, the. balance in excellent tit ber land. There will . nleo offered_tmpublic i ttale.on •THURSDAY,•'the Zltli.of'Octolsoiinsext,Mt JP' ,o'clock, on the promisee, - fivoyery-fino;• lime, • '• ' • stone .farms; eitumed' ih Tolioyne „tow.naltille .Parry county: - There am - adjoining farms, - one contains about '240 ACRES. the other about°. They'are "about Ontiletrivetit of - Landisburg, on the main road lending, tip the volley. One farm has aiTI'O,NE MANSION HOUSE and Rank Baneori The either. ar Log Rodeo and Log Darn. There are thriying ' • ORCHARDS on both of these .places.. They., are situated, in the most fertile part of the court tY- , and offer many indimements to' purchasers. Poreons wishing to see either of the above trawls, can obtain informatfon from the tenants _rosiding,o.n.,tho_prerytises, or either mf the un dorsigned Executors. ' -- A.tteTithin - p 7 truMr hirgive en and to: ma made known on 'day 'of RICHARD PARKER, .• ;" • • IL C. S'I'ERPETT, i•• • Execqtorti of Thomas Vrie, deo'd. ' July 24‘ta. • • onvicarrs cotraT sAzz: :: . -i On SOurdsy the 12th qt - October., • • ~:, BY virtue ofbn order of ibm Orphans' Court• .--- of Cunilierlaticrcounty, wilVbe public' , es'esni'the premises . imLisbitrm Cumberland ' Countyi.the following property., late the estate. of Isaac Lloyd, deceased viz: . , •r , ~ A Hims° and three lots of ground; sinismin. Said place, on the road to Hatresbtrg, adjoining', 'r property. of John Sherich'tind CreM , 'Bar. - - , sirber. The house is a wewtherboarded two zstory. dwelllng. HOUBE, and attached to 'it are 'several ,oiltbei)dinks, inclUding a largeetabfe shed, Sze:' There is a .ftreCrefte• well of water near. the door. Also, atnimber of:: choice friiit,;rees.. On one of.tho Jowls _erected.... : .. a good Irame Cabinet Maker's .idiop. 'lt may be eunsidued,it good stand for that businesa;and holds out strong inducements. to. purohaeors.—• • Peisonsmishing to examine the proptir . ty are requested to call. on tha subscriber, 11mm:on the piomises.' -Sale to commence at 2 o'i:inch, in the attornooon of said day . when 'terms wilt be made known by REVBE24 STAR, 1 Aug 22,'50 . , .4dialie' trator. • ' Notices:, • PROOLARA.IIOIIL " • , WHEREAS the Honorable -Frienzaunt • Wrere;Tresident Judge-of' the several , ' Conant of Common. Fleas .of the counties ,tit r , Cumbrirjand t Terry and Junialti,ie Pennsylva— nia,end &Mina of the several Coarld of - Oyer' . and Torminer and General Jail Delivery in said aounties;ard Hod. John Stuart and John - Clendortin, -judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General, Jail. pelivery for the, trial of 'all capital and _other', offenders, in the • said 'county Of Cumberland; bitheirprecelits icr; , rne_dire,ctekrlated_ thafi6,th„of Ant*, 1854 ;have ordered the Court nib - ger and 'and GonerelJajlDelivery,.to be-holden at Car-• lisle on • the 2d, Monday , of, November next, (being the llift . day) it 10 o'clock in the fine noon, to continuo; two "weeltri. - NOTICE' is therefore hereby g inln; to the Coroner,„juintCMrtif.thtf-Peace and Conitables ofthe said - county ofCUmhorland, thaithey are • by i the said pricept nennanded,:to be then and -, there in their proper perecaisovith thairoralla. records, Migideitions„, exardinetians, and' all Other rernembranaes,,todo those things tothciroffieeseppertainto be done,Und all those thature bound by to:prosecute (against the,priaoneraibat me °Oven shall be in the:Jail - of:said coonty,,erri to bo thcire to r ip sec ti t.o}itipa us shallbajuat,, I ' , • DAVID SMlTlVA i kiriff. Carlislet. September '25; 1850, _ • Estate p 1 I):&vik..:Woster,.dec'd. .• • ETTERS of 'Adminiitroi4riiini. the estate LI of David , i ikrors . t,,,:, late ,or-the • bofough. Niqebanicsburg, Cumbodund county,-..dee'd.,. *We been isetted by thO Regiiter,dthe'county aforesaid; to the subscriber residing in the bo• rough and'eounty aforesaid, AU portions hay.. tug claims against Said estate wilt present them properly 'tiatlifinticated for afettlethent rind those indebted wilt mike imtaZdl td payMentai ' sepilB 7 6ipd, ; adrast. Dissolution of . THE tiiirincirabilibdiildinreiodetintrbetWeetr tho_ntideraigned in - thO Boob and Shoe Manu.i. Factory, lik r -thii9- vim-, by mutual; cos--. Tho boaincsa will be carried on by Geo. W, Sobserntnn, who wilt sell Boots and Bhoes lower for cash than over. • • t • GEO. W BOSSERMAN. • WM. 'ASKENV. . septl 1 English and German Journals. ••• THE English and- Gerinan , Journals of tho Senate and A!ouse of Representatives for the. year 1850, have been received at ;he' ,Coromis— stoners Offiee;qa. Carlisle, arid' 'are' reedy for dOtribution to those entitled to reersiVotherrt.'-...' • By order of the Connissioners,,,:,, .•,- .;:- Attest—WM H.p,.u.,,1.,y,,etcrk.: ti Carlisle, aeptll,'so. , • : ~" • PAMPILTIET, THE Pamphlet , taws,thelate• lion of the Ltrislatttre,have been received+. and are ready for dtatribution'to those entitle& to receive thorn. • ' • • ''• '' • 'l --. • . JAS.IF. LAMBIDRT:ONii .] sept.ll,'so. , , • *NOTICE!. i" • TT" ANNUAL ELECTION 'for (Moore and. Managers• of the Cumher. laud 'Valley Rail Road Company will, be, held, at Wood'il Hotol, in Carlisle,lietween the hours: of 10 A. and 4 P M., of MONDAYi thb. 7th 110 Y-Of October next.. , . : •• • • ' E. M. pi p rn,,E;...Sccrela r y. , •••••R.'n... Office, Carlislb,? , • • • • • • sept.ll,'so-3t. SV • 1 ' ' - ,•• CYPICE• ier hereby 'given' that an application • .las made to the" Legislaturd'of• this • •••• Compran' its•nexi: sesmon,. fora char., ter for a - bank with general banking , privileges, to IM•localed CuMberland cou'ntk, ' • Pa., Witirn 'apical of Oile ',Hundred- housaneg • Dbllars, ancl 6w,41144 , the Carlisle Bank. • 134;50-Gm' 2 4X 1 ,4 2 DE7 7,113 1 11 4 5 tEe3 I ~Wllol.B.llLE'AbtlYi!ETAllt CONFECTIONARY 'STORE. ‘North Hanover.StroCoiitieftl;Pl: The subtbeilber'*ciald invite • , hoitittention , of Contitir • erchants. 'end ho public in general '; to his:largo:assortment of •:r emit:eyestalk:tries • mantactured.of,, the kpet.• material.frenh- ; every daSt—tentrWarratited - to Brandin) , clintate, which., , ho will 'sell wholeetde or retairat ,thoold'etand - :: in North. Hanover street; n' fawn doors north Of •-• the Bank: , Having jitst returped,from the city,:: I woUld also call .. attention too largo assort-.. ntent'eFruits and 'lslu'te of th6latest tione, , consletinff hi part:of -.“ - ; CHANGES,.'.‘,LENIONS,IIAISINS ,, Preens, Dates, Citron, Nth - ends, E;_War... r , n te,;Crbam-Coeciti, Pea Nuts, Filberts Hp half , tilstitriede , ti large addition' ha . 4 ofd'_l.2•4A I>Pst' TOYS, AND. FANCY . GODDS,, conptising_inipart,.',Fine:Pfench:Pard visiting ra and other Beihkets,' Paper;.oldes' and VoislonC„: DelLliaride;s Toesatuts' and PalliM4l.44 2 ; ll 4 l lal46 .o o l Line. , endrldulisles . 'Whe'ellihrrows, W a gon s,Furniture,frea sons, add Nine . . Pins in tiniiig;Firetich' and' 'Herinan', AtoordeonKeranoy Satitmr - -"lfoiioifipo6lOgne, " .1 , Brueltes:dze. l'lnportnactinn with the, shore 135 r at: has just recoived ,a large assortment. of ' ,; .„ „. rittgurvdoesittEs;• - such as Cones:Teen; Stgarit,'Molasses, SPICOS: °Call kinds, L ;Watraifisido, , Blixtter • snit Sugar. Craelters„end.all other artielpt. Pro . cory , i ,„ line;'which 'soltltitilitik ' • ' ' ;FINE CAKES', alwafilfintliiiiid and lakeill"' to ordor.4,llartieslmppliodi `in lin line at low.priesti. • 1../ oi,il'ofe from i'diafeiiikhritinlyreemvoa and littendidifierivitlilideidtteK WBI•to ah a p r o u foi.imokitig at AiMeatiblOkunkookulim t , •r:.l iktr/i) I' u'lthcrft dil4R 14.1* , tit If irAfRI.Y4R-3 1 • ~,yfif t io ofi l m at - . ; ? i,k) . ..v 4 1t4.•,1vii.4. 7 Mile6eivettllt tiii 4 jGtiiirl l irt • tof tholutnigrilierlini:Ezkali OnfilallObit o ' 113 { 11, 0RA" l yno li t trAKIVItp, 1 0 , 1 t P.Ipn s ~ &c. A iv) a!pponte 1 13;' 111. , nlgti wdiii;:iititih' 4 / 1 0000 4 4 ...422,2,1 4 , 4L . , x iiii, iiiiillacii , ) I , ;t as ir ~,,it ,• 1 ;:zula NEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers