Aiscellancouts 0 PETROLEUM OR ROOK OIL • A NA' IMAILItEMEI)Y Procured from a Well iti Alkgheny county, • 4000fiset below the earth's suriace., • • Par ui' AtiP BOLD 4 13 T SAILVL_ M. • , KlkO, CMIAL , 7tll Sr: PIT1:81111O, PA. _ • Thebealthrtil bahnifkom Nature's seirot spring, The bloom of health, and life, to man will bring, As from her lepthe the magic liquid nows, /krdictm our sufferings, an assuage our woos. ' PETROLEUM. THIS great remedy of Nature, after repeated and fair trials has wonted its way into pope ler favor.. We need hardly repent the.fact, that this pure, huadulterated NATURAL. MED • 'ICINE, and is put up as it lioNis from the bosom of the earth, without admixture. In these days ,of Nostrum - vending ,-we nolwonder at the in credulity evinced by the Cornmunity;etion the introduction of a Hera Remeay . , but that incredtr thy shall not suppress a medicine, whosa.power ful influence has mitigated and curet so many.. diseases incident -to. our race; were we to with - hold a remedy like this from .public notice, we ehould consider ourselves as guilty of keeping book _sornething_ that was - intended* to relieve much human . suffering, and dispel the glooma [ld vain ofimanY a one, whose astern has for years aed -- tbile - reirby . do - not - wonder gentle reader; end join with others in the ci , that it cures too 'many diseases ; lor, if you will take the trouble 'to run over the list of diseaSes for which itis re commended, you will find that they ace diseases effecting the seine kind nftissues,and consequent 'lylT_IS-APPLICABLE T_O - - - • But the best 'evidence in favor of a medicine are the cures themselves. 'VV,lien these stand out -in bold relief, and when he who for years has ntif 'fared the tortures and - pangs of an mimedicable lesion; which has been hastening him to the nar 'raw house, speaks out in its praise - 00nd better evidence need be wanted? We have the evi dence in -our, possession, of many astonishing cures,which will be furnished to any one who re• idly oubts the efficacy of thin woncktfueremedy. The Earth, from which man was created ,h,ettrs in'her bosom remedies which if knownore ea- pable of restoring him to health and vigor, when prostrated by sickness and-disease, It - was the opinion of the celebrated Dr. Rush, that- there , existed in Nature an antidote to every malady to which man is liable. Every one is aware of 'the relief frequently obtained from Mineral TVa• rtes,in most chronic complaints. These singular •-trieicaniente, flowing out from the earth, nature- • led with.' so -stances varied in their character, and holding them in complete solution, bear anr ple testimony to the facyhat they were man. -- Pollnaid by the master hand ofiNnture, to repair the shattered weasels of our physical being, and , set them with Sails unfurled, prosperously upon he sea of life. -The Petroleuni is one of this kind of remedies, and is endued with powers to relieve more hu man suffering than any other-medicine extant.— Wh6r. taken perseveringly and according to, the -directions, it will anti--Diarrhoea, Piles, Rim. maasm, GOO, 'Neuralgia,. Obstinate Eruptions or the Skin, Erysipelas, Pimples on the Face. -Blotches, Piles, Chronic ;Sore Eyes, Ring Worm 'fetter, Scald Read. Pains in - the Bones, and - 3Oints, and all that class of 7 Diseases, in which alterative, or putifving Medicines are -indiented. -------- Sold by S; W. Haverstiols and S. A. Hubbard,. Carlisle 13. C. fs, G.ll. Altiek Shippennburg; d. Hood & Son, AS'pringfield Gilmore tr Sto %h. Newville ;e lamas Gleason, Plainfield, „Cumberland county. September .4,1.50-Iy. The United States — L - ifelnourance Annuity and Ti a t Company. • Charter Perpetual—Ca--• V 250,000 Cash Syst4 HE constant, unsolib application for T .Life Insurance,furnist I most abundant ..and gratifying_proot duke • üblic mind-is - ~ deeply impressed with the.% mportanco of • this subject. The 'great obj, •:.t, however, of anstirance should be safety, otherwise the whole •motive to insurep may .be disappointed. Too much care cann a be practised in the selection --of at, office with which to effect the contract.— ' The-choice' should be regulated not by present and constant large inducements, na t h is, is cm.- , tainly . Incompatible with future benefits. The ..premtunts on life are calculated for-the future, , if present-and prospective benefith therefore are given, the result ultimately, must terminate in litigation, disappointment and ruin. The objet aimed at by this institution is stability, and per ,pelatty. The rates of premium have been care fully prepared with reference to fluctuations.— The cash system of payments has also been adopted. Unpaid premium notes constitute no ,part of the assets, of this 'company, and every contingency being fortified with an ample•cap• ital, security stamps tne whole system. This 'feature, paramount to all other considerations, commends the company to public favor. Ex. ,planatory pamphlets, blanks. application papers Information, and e ill be cheerfully ''furnished by WM M OSE, Esq., who has been duly appointed agent of this company for Cumberland county. fir. H HINKLE'S?' has also been appointed Medical Examiner. • - 7 11 Directors.—Stephen R. Crawford, Ambrose W Thompson, Benjamin W Tingley, Jacob L Florence, William M Godwin, Paul B Goddard Lawrence Johnson, George M'Flenry, James 'Devereux, John L Linton, President.- - -StepheifßlTCrawford. t Vice-President.—Ambrose W. Thompson. . Beernary-&-Teenattren—Charles-G-Imlay: Acuttary.—Mannel Eyre. ••••-•+.•-• - •Cotansel f 1 Attorney.—Thomas •-- Examiners.—Paul B Golldard., M.D. William Pepper, M. D. qt.o.-% 1. 1 . 1 1 1 2 7 IV POPl7liBlt ATEILOVE. . • BY THE FIRM of TROUTMAN & MAY Dear Gentlemen, take our advice, - To every one we mace our call, .. If you would haven coat that's nice, Look at Troutman & May's Cheap Clo thing Hall. Here are Dresses of all kinds, Fine and coarse, and also Cheap •.. • Please examine and you'll find, For your money quite a heap. fr .. _ 'Here are goods for every:season, Thick and stout, neat and thin ; All that you can wish in ;reason, 41 you doubt it jusf drop in. Here are Frock and Body Coats, Both with low and standing collars; tSomeithat-bintonyound , the throat, To be had for a•few dollars. Here is every style of Vest, And all aorta of Pantaloons, 'You can choose what.euite you best, ,Eve, or morn, or afternoon. Here are sacks and Roundabouts, Overalls and Jackets Green, Please to look and you will find, Here the cheapest ever seen. Here are light coats for the Spring,' Fancy &ode for Summer wear, You will find them just the thing, Nothing bettor anywhere. Shirts and Bosom° may . bc!found, Pocket Handkerchiefs and 'Hioves,l4 Scarfs to tie your neck around, When you seek your lady loves. Here are Caps, Suppenders, Stocke, Collara,•very,nice indeed,. ii;7o, Clean and nice, in paper box. Just the thing that you will need. If we talkod u day dbout thorn, We could scarcely tell you all, 'Gentlemen can't do without them— Then,.doar trienda, , give tie a Call. , NEW. ARRIVAL OF 'foreign and Domestic Hardware JACOB SENERhaejust received,-Tritm the .eastern cities„iuid is now opening at the Cheap - Hardware. on North Hanover street, next' door Ito Glass' Hotel, a new assortment in his lino, such as . • , Ode, Glass and Points, Copal, Japan and 'Black Varnishes, of extra nualtity, Nails and Spikes,' Wale' best Bar Iron, • Gast; Shear; Blister and Spring Steels, Locks, Hinges and Screws. Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augurs, Axes, Knives and Forks, Shoe Findings, &c. To which he would call the attention of the '9ublie. Persons wishing to buy will do Well•to as, we are deterntined to sell at low rates , .for cash; (Icirl'be•highast price paid for Scrap Wren, end for Flax Seed., , .1 ,- SENER: • novl4 • - • WablealAtashin g Tovirdei. -- • • A, groat savingofiabor; soap and time, with out any RUBMING hr.:Washing . boards, Ma ehinese or with Me hands, arid, preventing , all' e wear and tear r ot - clothes. - .Warranted not' to•' injure the.finest fabrics. Price, 12A mate. - Sold,wholesale,..and retail ,at , Dr. Rawlins! Drug in 4 Viriety Store,' Main at. Carlisle, and z at hie Medieir Hall, North Queen at. Lances. . W . • N: All ere filled at - Manufacturer'', prices. • • Pure Oldifilrbri*, •.• Ono'birtel pure eideivinegari from 'thecbcn y, suitable for pickling. iust. receivettby 1 1 40 8 .. 5 04 HITNE(It. k • •• - Storis__s ?, • Great Bargains! C. , AN be expected from the ' suinieriber, aa he has just received I. new and splendid as hortment of - WINTER GOODS, :which he offers to his 'customers' 'and - where ,vvh4 may favor him Nyitlf a call at great—Bargains! • CEOTES,AND , CASSIMERES, satinets, velvet :Cords. Ky. „jeans, scarlet, yel low, white and Canton Flannels, ticking's, mus: line, calico, cashmeres, de lanes, alpacas, • Co: bvrg cloths, gloves; hosiery, Irish linen, uorn• fOrts, &c, • HHAWLS! SHAWLS!! •A large and,s_plendid assortment of Long and Square. Shawls; at all prides to suit the times. . . BOOTS - AND SHOES. Also, Boots and Shoes, which hie is determ hied to sell IoW, at 'his s tand, - in — Nortli, Rano first store tielOw Haverstick's.Drug Store: ver street, Carlisle. .3. G. CARMONY. • NEW GOODS AT THE• J►'L S oit E: THE undersigned respeetrulli , inlcfrins hie friends and nunterous customers, that ~ho has removed' his store tollumerich's corner direct ly opposite Win.,Leonard's old stand, in - North Hanover street:. Ho has recently returned from Philadelphia,--'with:a largo antriiareftillktur= Meted assortment of - • - New :priring f100d5,... • purchased at 1144twast prices, and which .he le determined dispose •of at very small profits. A arge.assortment of . _ - at l e r:rrii 75 cents to $6 per ~ y ard.' Also, Cassi mores, Cassinets and Vdstings, at various pri cos. DRESS GOODS, snclias DeMines, Dareges. and a'splendid as sortment of Silks: Also, a very extensive as sortment of Calicoes and Ginghams; suitable for the approaching season. Also ' ; Cheeks, Table Diapers, Tickings, bleached and un- bleached Muslins,-Bohnets,-Hats; dic.• • BOOTS AND:SHOES: A well selected assortment •of Men, 'Women' and Children's Boors • and Shoes, of superior; quality, and very cheap . . Also, boys and men s Cloth and Hungarian Caps. 'GROCERIES, of all kinds, viz:. Sugar, Coffee, Illolassei, kin Tea Company's celebrated l'eas, &c., all fresh and good. Also, constantly on hand, the best quality of Carpet Chain. The subscriberrespectfully pelts'his custom-; ors and all who wish - good bargains,to give him nn early call. Don't forgot the stand, cor ner opposite Leonard's old -stand,:North _Han over street. aplo N W .WOODS,Ag't. N. B. Buttec, Eggs, Rags and Soap, Wren at market prees. L:Large Stock of Dry Goods Selli kr.:l,e4 THE HIVE." MI • AT COST. FOR the benefit of all' my friends in did town and country fhe :aubscriber makes the above announcement to shotsthat he has concluded to change his [Business. Settle up all Book Accounts, and sell out hisenttre.stock of dry goods at cost. 9 All who wish to save a sixpence can eo so by calling at the BEE HIVE lb North Hano, ver street, as 1 - wish to dispose of my stock between this and the first of January, 1951. I have a large stock of staple goods all suit ed for family uses: Please call and examine my stock, as noihing-will' be lost, and tendon will be given - by the enlist - rib - et tO Please; S A .COYLE. CLOTHING ! I keep constantly on hand .7icady JNade Clothing. Also:will have made by Air. Thos. Re&htcr (who is working in my Store Room,) o order any garment on the shortest notice. S. A, COYLE. •- riEw SPRING GOODS: Ahead of all Competition ! ►inHE subscribers have returned from Phil:,, delphia, with a large assortment of CHEAP SPRINGGOODS,' r consisting partly of Mous de Laines, Lawns,' Bareges, Linen Lustre's, at 123, 18i and 25 eta per yard, Alpachas, Ginghams, Calicoes, and a variety of other dress goods; Cloths, Cassi mered,Nestings, Summer stuffs for men and boys wear in endless variety, Checks, tickings matins at old prices, flannels, hosiery, gloves, laCes and eduinge, insertings, and some very cheap CA RPETS, groceries, queensware, Also, a berge assortment of very CHEAP, BONNETS, Palm leal end braid hat's, bonnet ribbons at pricea and very cheap, a few pieces wide hi lustre black silks, together with a general as sortment including nearly every article in our line of business, all of which have been ,bought for Cits/i, and will be sold to our customers and . he whole c , untry at considerably lower prices than they can be bought in,Carlisle. Give us a call and judge for yearaelves. A & W BENTZ: , March 20. 185_, Goden !gorse hotel ADJOINING THE COURT HOUSE, CARLISLE, PA THE subscriber having leased the above largo and - commodious HOTEL, situated on the corner .5r the Public Square and South. Hano ver street, and lately occupied by Ben!. L Esh• -terrier), begs leave to announce to his friends and the public that Ito is prepared to entertain them in 4 manner which cannot fail ,to meet their approbation. THE HOUSE has the most pleanatu-Joca tion in the borfingh—leetisez newly furnished and otherwiselmproved, and no pains will be spared to make those who may sojourn wish him, comfortable during their stay. His par lors are large and wall furnished, and his cham bers supplied with now and comfortable bed . ding: HIS TABLE will be supplied wi h the best the market can afford, and ell who Ore connect- ed with his house will be found attentive ful and obliging. THE BAR will econtahi the 660.110°ra the city can produce. HIS STABLING is .entirely new and extort. 'sive, capable of accommodating from 50. to 60 horses—making it a desirable stopping,place for DROVERS, and will be attended by a skil ful Ostler. in short, nothing will be. wanting calculated to add to the comfort and conveni ence of those who .may favor him with their patronage. BOARDERS taken by the week, month, or year 041 - Tstuas MODEGATE. 106'49.ti. DRUGS DRUGS DRU.GS.I • 'Fresh Spring - Supply! y HAVE just received'a fresh stock of Med.. Jil icines s Paints, Glass, Oil, Ste„ -which: having boon purchased with great care at the' boat city lioness, I can confidently recommend to. Tatnilies, Physicians, Country. Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh and pore. , • DRUGS.- • Patent Medicin7" Herbs and Extracts Fine hemi eats, . Spices.grotindarul?whola, i Instruments, ' Essences, Ptire Eseen'l•Dilti Perfumery. -Sto. • Cod Litior Oil— , Warronted Gcattfiee. , • ' DYE.STUFES.- r ' Log and Cam Woods, -, Oil Vitriol 'Copperas, . - ' .i Lac, Dyer , PAINTS. . . • ' Indigoes, Madders, Sumac ' Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and Vernisk Preehes, 'Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil;. Turpen tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and Rod Lend. All of which will be sold at tho wry lowest 'market price, Also, a fresa and aplendid__as snrtmantof • FANCY GOODS, - FRUITS, • Con fectionary; and innumerable other • articles calculated forms° and 'Ornament, all of wLith aro offered at the lowent: cash prices, at the oheap Drug Book and Fancy Store of .the pub scriber an North Hanover street. May 22, 1850, LMNUE= anent/nee/44M . TREfubscriber,,ivishoa :o inform his friends •'. ' in town'. and country ,:that ho his commone-. • 4% 7 tho "above businose 4 ' ; sand will attend to siden " In town-and countrYon lh th e .; west reasonable terms '._,Alle,can? telound at the, Hardwn t o Store next - d.lior to Sitotr'ii tratinin - in - Nott4 Hanover • ' - augl4' .. ~. • ;, A, 13 •SENEVIL.: ROPES ' A.: II FULV, at ROPES ` just received , by the aulvertber. 'AI o, Glass Tubes for I~ig,icing R4delbr eaia,e'hUsxt byy as. Springfield, Nov. 27, 1848.- This day appeared the abovb named James Randall, and pronounced the above "sodement true itvevery respect. •. LOOSNZO NORTON;Justice. THE REMEDY , Tll tl' CURES. PORTLAND, Mc. Jan. 10, 1847. Dr. Ayer; 4 have hers long Afflicted with Atithma which grew yearly worse until last au turun,it.brnught-on -R condi which-confined me in my chamber; and began to assume the alarm ing symptoms or consumption. I had tried. the hest advice MR' the best medicine to no purpose, until 1 used your CHERRY PECTORAL. uhich has cured me, and you may well believe Cratefidly yours. • --- J. D. PHELPS. - - - If there is nny value in the judgment of the wise, who speak from experience, here is_q_mcd icine worthy of the. public confidence. PREPAIIED pY J. C Sold by . Dr. Miwlins, S. A. litthhard - & - Di.':B, Elliott, Corlisle; Dr. Ira Day, Mechanicsburg; .1 H. Herron, !Corvine; J. C. ‘',o .1. B. Altiolc Ship pensburgl and druggists generidlr. ASTROLOGY. ASTRONOMY, TRENOLOGY, AND [FROM SWEDEN.] Office, No. 71-Locust St.vabove - fith, op posite the Musical Fund Hall, Phil'a. 425,000 HAVING BEEN WON. Dl' lily numerous friends on the late Presi den tinl election, should convince those skepti cal petsous who talk of FAT LIMES, Ilia MI such thing as FAIL is or has.been known by the mi. Meta and disiiiigni shed Astronomer and Astrol nger3 C. W. IibBACK, during his :experience of over a quarter of . a century. Do you doubt predestination Then why not ,very mail gain a celebrity of General Taylor, a Daniel Webster or a Henry Clay ? And yet there are some who are foolidi *enough to .doubt t at a man mak be bore aid' the power- :o tee into future events. HOW can it be possible that the destiny of man 01011111 be gOverned by the mere situfllitri , of is inlck olcards ? mid yet ti • c tire thousands who SHOW themselves, with open mouths, to swallow the greasy words of some 0111.WOITISII, whose true still consists in filling them with. wonders that are most difficult for the digestion ufoi liars who arc m ire credulous, yet more scientific. 'lt is• suchlhat bring discredit on a profeision that has been acknowledged to be is science of the highest order,from time inunemorial,and is the only Jiro -ession that has say authority to sustain it. The i rhigh respect which General Taylor, and Charles Beibudotte, late King of Sweden hadvtor A strol ogy, is shown by their letters for their Nail-A lien to the subscriber. which' it will give him great pleasure in showing to those who favor him with a call. Li addition to his power to foresee future et vents, he Imo the power togive such information Its will,pffeettially redeem such as are given to the too free use of the bottle. lie is also calm • bleof curing diseased heretofore COIISidOI'Ed in curable in tl is country by the orilin my cines,and wislicsall to give him a call W . , Ito hay 'heed given up by physicians and wish to be cute .ed- He will warrantiicure in all cnses.and will make no charge except fur cot juratiooti lie shalt make use of in his office. He -is often asked what. a Nativity is? He answers icor riling to Geomancy, one of the seven points in the science of Astrology, that it ism tiorroscope of the future 'events of a persou's life, carefully calculated mid transcribed-on.paper, containing MI account of ail the ittelzy and unlucky days in the montlintind years of the persoos life for whom it is east; by which means thousande in this country und else where'lmite been : preventeiltronf n 1• fortunes the luabeenbiddet t in. the womb of (tittfrity , by re - fearing; to their Nativity before entering on nn I eptimilatiot..of Imeitiess or :pleasure. It should be prthe hands.ofevery o,tie as their al manao for lite. A Nativity (Jrall i ndividual can only fore warn gie.possessor,oftroubles that are in future for hint; these aim are invotypi . in pre sent (ethics of any ;chid-must wait on the subscribet. in. , Person or by letter r twito is prepared to exert his • secret influence fortheir immediate be era," He' is ready to use Ida i1A111..1100 to forestal the results oflawsuits.nuil all undertakings in which there is a risk involved, tie also makes use of his .power for die, restoration of stolen or lost property,' whieh lie has peed for the advantage of thousands in thiseity - and elsewhere,. Who. can doubt a gentleman's abilities, who his had the , honor to 60 cal letton and et:insulted yitti be till the-crown ed heads of Europe. and enjhys 'a higher - repute- Vine as ail astrologer tlinn any one living I • . QpSHe can kit consulted witfratliis Mike, or by letter, if pre paid; and lie is prepared to make use of his pciwer on ally of tho topics:— nosiness ofall descriptienattrdtaling by 'land or sea; Courtshipay advice - given for ikelf succeiliful aitrampliothment; secoulatipg'initeeks,'mercliiin•- tliamior Veal muatettire reeaverittg ttf dispute; the purchasing ortickettu* Mull the:safety_ , niships at Sea:. He also offerti hitt setticea ling health, marring; • love Ohms, iitibtishicas; fratid , and in • all.the'ecincerna 'of lifeond Widths all to,' sal l'lvlto tire afflicted; 'etirg i oreatly or tdeittilly:, • ISO centel , Gent lemeo,•11114 calculated Bud read Itt full. according to the Or, aches of Masculine Signs-a-I:Mlles. sitt.Heotlernll'' $1,60, NativitiescalculatedliceordingtoCeorinni.• cy,for Ladies, (pai hi fedi, 415j' Hentleuien; $3 in full, ss.' • -•-t: t-, r-• • , t•- . •.• J9HPC.HANNAN IMEI l cdL4Uc4.V ;. . . GREAT 'OP !P . ' ,• 1 11 ) 6 12 ; xVP .1., ... A.:..' , • . 1t 4...., , k „„:„..: #u' ;;7,,,,a-it...av,./.4.2,k, CIIERBY PECTORAL: • For they Cure - COVGIICS ) COLDS,. Vo4k.43ENEBB; , 011 OUP, ,AS TR rimA, OOPING - COUGH AND ptog§uxvirlixoN. , In offering to . the cornMuider thirf6stly cele brated remedy for diseasca of the•th root and lungs, it is not Onr wish ~to trifle with the live or Imaldr of the atillcted; but frankly to lay be. • fore 'hem the ophnons of distin - nished men an d some of the evidences of its success, from whiCh they.enn jot* for themselves. -- We sincerely pledge threshes to 011.111.0 110 WiR rtions_or .fielse statements of its eflieaci, gni a,ny.:hopc suffering humanity which facts will not warrant.. Many proofs are here given, and we solicit an inquiry from the punk into nil we paw ish,rpel log assured they will find them perfectly.reliabe and the medi ine worthy_tbeir confitlene and patronrig PROMISE J.SILIAMAN. M. D., L. L. D...Ege Professor o Chemistry, Mioernology.,E,ro , Yale College Member of the Lit. llist.llled. and Sri n. Societies of Amcri-a and Europe. "I tire Cli ' 11Y PECTORAL an ad- Miriade comp • from some of the best ar ticks in the'Materin Medics, add a very effect ive remedy for the class of diseases it is intend ed to cure. New llaven Ct.,NoV. 1;1849. • - Prof.. CLEVELAND, of Howdoin College, Me, Writes—" I have AVanessed , the effects of your 'CHERRY PECTORAL'-in ray own family Anti Add of my friends, and It gives me satisfitetion to state in its favor that no medicine I have ever known has proved so nminently succesVal in curing diseases'of the throat aml lungs." REV. DR. OSGOOD .Writes-- 6, That he considers 'CHERRY. PEC TORAL! the best medicine for Pulmonary affec tions ever given to the public," and status that "his daughter being obliged to keep the room four months with a severe settled cough, accom panied by raising - of'blooll,niglit sweats, and the attendant symptoms of Consumption. 001»111C1laell the use of the,'CHERRY PECTORAL' and had completely recovered." • HEAR THE PATIENT. Dr. Ayer—Deal' Sort For two Years' I Was afflicted with a very severe cough, accompanied ha sppitting of blood and profuse ought Sc. eats.— By the advice of my attending physician I %void induced to use your t DERRY FEDTDBAL, and continued to do so till l crinsidered myself cured, and ascribe the effect to.yettor JANIES RANDALL. AYRES 4, CIIEMIST, LOWELL = GE9ITIANCY .Professoi C W R.oback; ~li. .11)1lal¢lpt)in .33A4 STATE BAY STATE SIIAWLS THESE colobltad andjustly acknowledged superior goods,' in the latest _colorings and Most improved styles, will the subscribers in any quantity, at- •the-very lowest prices. Purchasers will please notice that the genuine, Bay State fabrics bear tickets corresponding with the above cut, and they will also ho distinguished from all other Wool en. Shawls by_thett superien,finish,.finuness,of !.texture- and-- brilliancy of colors. Orders so, licited from all sections ()Ellie country, and the same will *promptly attended to. Purcha sers wib also find in our Shawl department a Aarge assortment of all the other most approved makes, • and newest dtsigns of American, nd-SeMeh.W, °elan S_linwls,.embracing a great variety of plain one medium .styles for friends. . Also, Superior 'Long and-Square Shawls in latest styles and best manufacture, High lustre black .and,colored silk Shawls, Lnpins Black and Mode Colored Thibei Shawls, with, silk and woolen fringes, Paris Printed Cashmere and Terkerri Shawls, Plain and Embroidered Crapo Sliawls,New Style printed Palm Shawls Neat Figured Paris Brocha ShaWls, Lupine Black and Mode Cori - wed Thibet Long Shawls, Plain Bound Seal Skin Shawls, Plain Mode Colored Frerreh Terkerri Shawls, fringed and bound, ni g ht• q unrter French Mode Colored Thib9t Cloth, measuring full Iwo yards wide for Shawls, binding to match, White and Col. ored Barcelona and Genoese Shawls; &C. {Kr WHOLESALE AND RETAII••JA 11011E111 POLOCK & CO No. 18 SOUTH SECOND Sr., PITILADELPIIIA Ftill Millinery Goods. ' somicu STONE_ & sons 0 . . Ilm; otters and liealeraa: SILKS, RIBBONS & MILLINERY GOODS, g.•Yo 45 south 2d (Street, Philatielphiir. ITAVE received by late arrivals from Prance LI is a rargo and very desirable assortment of FALL• NIILLIN El? Y GOODS; among wiktelt.:tyill be found i3onnet Velvets of all colors in variety of prices. " Satins Corded N'elvets " Figured, Watered and Colcred Bonnet Goods Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, an large assortment' French and American Flowers. - Laces, Bonnet Tabs, .Crowns, Buckrains, &.e , together with a splendid assortment of Paris Fancy FeatherB. .The above goods were selected by one of the firm in France, and will be sold .at •the very lowest market prices. Dept 18,tlin PIANO EORTE WAREROOMS, I M. 171. CHESNUT STREET, PHILAD'A. 1 THE OLD STAND, acenpied for wore Man one-third of di'entyry by G. ll'illig, Esq. . I 'VIM undersigned would most respectfully _l—announce to ths,public that he is AGENT for more than twenty of the most L... - '• o .7:4 , lV A i;celell - rined mainifiteturera of HOS, I 4 I ',TON, NEW YORK, PHILA.- DELP ,HIA and , elsewhere ; and is Mnistantly receiving from them. PIANOS of the richest and most varied styles, of superior tone, and eflhe roost superb finish,. el G. 61, Gi, 14 - , , iirtd - 7 - oetaititi;"Whieft are warranted eimal - to any manufactured either in this country or in Europe., Just received, also, a further simply 0(.0/lurch and Parlor Organs, of beautiful patterns and fine tones. fi,B6atit • Eil &,,,- .. His WARERO OM is constantly supplied with a choice selection of SERAPHINES and MELODEONS, 60111 the oldest and most Cx• tensive martmactories in the United States; a. mOng widen is a new 'stile of REED ORGAN having Carhart's patent improvements, with gilt pipes in front, and case elegantly carved, and highly ornamental.' l'aning anti Repa ring—Sig. Salvador La 'Grasps. .s.t4Zistinguished Piano Forte Manufactu rer and Orlran Builder, will attend to all orders.. sept4,' . so OSCAR C B CART R. Watches. and Jewelry: 1 CHEAPER THAN Wholesale and Retail—At the 70, "Philadelphia Watch and Jew elry Store," No. 96 North SE• COND street, diaper of Quar t `t r iiii:a7t - EY street.. Gold Levers, 18. k. cases, tell jeweliod, 930 and - --upwards Silver Levers, full jewelled, 615 and upwards. Gold Lepine, 18 k. eases, jewelled, $25 and utAilfdift. Silver ].mines, jewelled, $lO and upwards Silver Quartier Watches, $4 to 10 Silver Spoons, equal to coin, .per sett—Tea $5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro portion. All goods warranted io_bc what the are sold for. Constantlq on hand a large assortment aline GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE Also, an assortment of M J Tobias & - E Simpson, Samuel & Biothers, E S Yates -& Co,,John Harrison, G & R Beesley. and other superior Patent Lever Movements, which will. be cased in any style desired Arrangements have been made with all the above named most celebrated manufacturers of England', to furnish at short notice any required style of Watch, for which orders will be taken, and the name and residence of the person or dering put on if requested. ' t) 0. CONRAD, - . noVB], Importer of Watches THE GREAT CHINA STORE • OF pill rviIANKFUL to the , oitikens of Carlisle and its vicinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to view our large anti qplendid assortment of China, Glass di. Queenswaee, Dinner ,Sets, Tea Sots, Toilet Sets, and single .pieces, either of Glass, China or Stone Ware, sold in quantities tosuet-purchasers, for less than they chart be had elsewhere—ln fact at less than Wholesale Prices. AMER/CAN AND ENGLISH BRITANNIA METALGOODS in greater variety limn ever before offered in the city. FANCY CHINA in great variety very eheap. Arr. wo would invite any person visiting the city to call arnfsee us—they will at least be pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and .to view the finest China and the -cheapest the World produces. Very respectfully, TYNDALE & MITCHELL, No. 219 Chesnut Street.' . . P sept2G'49ly p waw PERFUMERY DEPOT. D°N'T he oeceived. Country Merchants and Dealers• who want geed and cheap PE ,, FUMERY and FANCY SOAPS should :call upon JOHN 'T CLEGG, Perfumer and, 'Chemist, 48 A.4farket St, below 2d, Philadeleda." who has constantly on hand PERFUMLRY sand 'FANCY SOAPS Of- every description, 'Powders, Hair Oils, Ox 'Marrows, Colognes, Hair Dyes. &c., dt.Ci 4 100,000 persons have read my 'Advertisement in the.Puhlic Ledger, hundreds of whom have .called and horn , convinced of the advantage of purchasing direct from the manufacturer, Agency for Ferrati's Circassian Heir Oil, Curling Fluid, &C. Orders ftlant any part of tho United States will h° Promptly attended to,_ T CLEGG. nue.,l4 50,1 y 'az; jr J. AL Rowe • ANlf PACTUR E RS and wholesale,deal. MO •om ih' BROO M S, OAS IC E S and WOOD WARE, have removed to the largo sto a tritely occupied by Messrs. Sellers Zg Where they have 'opened an extensive stock of Eastern' and City made BROOMS and I% 00D WARE, which they are now aallidg ;IA the lowest inanufacturacs_prices. • " _ • A fullassortment of Bradlee, Brushes, Male, Co'rdve, tOc..•con'ettintly% on hand: 'No tla •North. Third Street,3doorn below Race, Phil _ daiphia, • ' jtyl7,'so P. MACKEREL, ••_.• - • • SHAD; CODFIS H, .'• .SALMON. Donatantik , on hand :HERRINGS, , and for sale PORK,. 7. .PA MIER -dr. Co., 'HAMS AND SIDES, 'tfarkSreet Wharf, 'SHOHLDERS; PHIL DELPHIA. & CHEOr.., I • • • • - . Cedar' Ware. r UST received ut the cheep Hardware Bin, 0,11 oldie anitserilser in Snot .1 . 11411 Street, corinplete'rivenitinenteLTAbs, Onokete, ClitArn ; •y. Alen Dupotith wder,,whidli will )0 sold vary cheap by lan i wra kesa t • -•,!-IFINRY, XTC)I MESI ‘Ltoncitituion & enit'a. ' c s '''''mzi -.,,,;?----,,. . . %.-.. . , ( 1' ..•.:•- - c • . ', " I 41 e • ' . / . .. a .f . t) % .' 1; . • ' sl ' : :, . ~', ---.,.• '.. t l _4 . ,,`C- 7 ' - '-1'- • : ' , (• \' '%-:% *.5.:,ki : :: , . -,-- r , . 1 / 4,_ .. "I• 6 • ~;: • .•:,..',.:A Vr I t- I . r - A i rt',.._,• P/ -7 . • 1 13131 t. ••:•,--,c... ix ,„,, ,, o- II -- 13P1 '" - 4N, ,_ -....z.1.....w..1,,,3 largottitfOit NELATLVE TO AN Amendment of the qmstitution. . . 'ESOLVED by the Senate and ilautre of ji , . enn l iy te rv r z c a t : in i f t iv r et n o e f ra l l li . e 3. s e sc o n n : LI i z y oux t ii , lt i lt h o i j a the Constitution of this, Commonwealth be mended in the second section of the fifth artist - so-lbat - it shall - read ns folic w s : The - Judges the, Supreme Court, of the several Courts Common Phi's, and of such other Courts' Repo id as ore or shall be established by law shall,be.clected by the.qualified electors of the Commonwealth,in-the manner-follow : ng-to T wit: The Jtillges of the Supreme Court, by the qual- , ified .electors M. the- Com montt can't ~!rit large; the President Judges of the several -Courts of Common Timm, and of snub other Courts of Record as are or shall be established by law, and till other Judges required to he lenrned in' sbeiate r by-the-quolifiell-eleimorS-orthe,respee.-- tire districts over which they are to preside or net as Judges; and the Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas by - the qualified eleet ors- of the counties .respectively. .The Judges Of the Supreme Court shall hold their others foil the term of fifteen years, if they shall 'so lon g helloed themselves well,Zsubject to the allot.- mem hereinatter provided For, subsequent to th e 'first election y) he President Judges of the seep ral Courts of Common ('leas, - nod - of such Mlle Courts of Record as aremr shall be I stablislis by Jaw 1 mid all other Judges required to b learned in the law 031101 hold .their offices fo the term ef tea years, if they shall so long he hive themselves well t the A ssotlate Judges o, the Courts of Gnomon Pleas shill) hold their offices for the term of five vears, if they shall so long behave themselves well; all or wimni shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for any reason:dile cause, which shall not be sufficient gro.linds of impeachment. the Governor shall re inoie any of them on the address of two-thirds of each Ill'lltlell of the Legislature. The first e lection Shoff take place at the general election of this cOmmonwealth next after the adoption of this atnendinent, and the commissions of all the Judges who may be then hi office shall expire on the first Monday of Decembev following, wheu the terms of- the new Judges shall cotnnience.- , - The persona who shall then be elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices as fol lows: One of them for Ilu•ec yerrs, one for six years, one for nine years, otte for twelve) ears, and one for fifteen years, the ter o of each to be decided by lot by the said Judges, ns soon after the election ns, convenient, and the result ceetf-,, fled by themlo•the,.9n o rtiAttlthrtlMl*l#nig:-, slims write issueitin actibritanae triiirOlO:: The Judge whose commission wit/ first expire shall be Chief Justiet during ::is termond thereafter each Judge whose commission shall first expire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or • more commissions shall expire on the same day,-- the Judges holding them shsll decide by lot which shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies, hap pening by death, resignation or otherwise, in any of the said Courts, shall he filled by ap pointment by the Governor, to continue till the first 'Mot - Olaf of I).cenilit 7 r stiece . aing the next general election. The Judges of the Supreme -. Court and the Presidents or the several Gantlet of V.,;_oomon Pleas shall, at stated times, receive for their services an adequate compentatiop, to - be fixed_ by,lnw.whiel i-shal root- be.diilliniSheil din•ing their continuance in Milne; but they shall _receive no fees or perquisites of office, ror hold any other office of profit under this ommon- ° wealth, or under the Government of the United .States, or any other State of this Union. The judges of the Supreme Court., during their con tinuance in office, shall reside within this Com monwealth; martlf - Cosier Judges. during their continuance in Office sliml reside within the dis trict orcounly for which they were respectividy electgd. , - .. J S McCALMON'T, Speaker of the House of Ilc i nrwe s 4tives. Speaker of the Senate SENATE C 11A ? • Hitrrisburg, January 28, 1850, I, Samuel W. Pearson • Chief Clerk of the Senate of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the toregoing resolution, (No. 10 on the Senate file of thy, present session.) entitled "Resolution relative tB4 l ll amendment of the Constitution,"— it being the 'same resolution which was agreed to by n majority of the members elected4o each House of the last Legislature—after tins log been duly considered no t discussed, was this day a greed to by a majority of the members elected to and serving iii the Senate of Pennsylvania, at its present session, as will appear by their votes givtm on the final passage of the resolution as follows,viz • Those voting in favor of the resolution were,?; 41...J0nes Brooke, J. Porter Braw ley, Wil liam A Cianb, Jonathan J Cunningham, Thomas S. Fenton, Thomas 11 Fors} th, Charles Frailey, RobeLLM__Frickalenry_Fulto, John G tient. sey, William Haslett, Isaac Bogus, Timothy _ JciShUa Y Jones, Joseph Konigmacher, Geerge V. Lawrence, Maxwell McCuslin, Ben. jttmin 1 alone, Benjamin Matthias, Henry A Muhlenbcrg, William F. Packer, Wm R. Sad. -ler, Divid , Sankey, Peleg ll•Saverv, Conrail Shi - iner, Robert C Sterrett, - Daniel Stine, Farris B Streeter, John II Walker and Valentine Best Speaker—Yeas Those voting , against the passage of the rescr lution were, George Datsie, Augustus Drum aid Alexander King—Nays 3. Extract from the Journal. SAMUEL W. PEARSON, IN THE HOUSE OF - REPRESENTATIVES Ilarrisburg, .Alarcb, 15, 1850. 1, William Jack, Chief' Clerk'of the House of' Representatives of Pennsylvania, do litreby cer tify that the foiegoing resoluti on, (N0...10 on the Sepnte file, and No. '2ll on the Housejourma of the present sessiond - entitled Itesolutiow - reTa.• tire to the oniendinent of the Constitution,'?-- it being the same resolution which was agreed to by a majority; of the members elected to • each HoUse of the last Legislature—after having been duly considered and discussed, was this day fr greed to by . a majority of the members elected to and serving in' the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, nt its present session, as will appear by their votes, given on the time passage o the resolution, as follows, six; Those voting In favor of the passage of the resolution were,Joliti Acker, Min Allison, Wm Baker, Robert Baldwin, David J Beet, Craig Biddleoerereinh,Black, John S Bowen, William Brindle,Daniel II B Brower, Jesse It Burden. John Cessna, Henry- Church,..lolin. N. Conyng ham Sylvester Benjamin G. David, P - Downer, Thomas Duncan, William Espey, John C Evans, William . Evans, A. Scott Ewing,..Alex. tinder S. Feather, JaMes !lowers, Benjamin P.' Fortner, ',Alexander Gibboney,,Thomaa E Grier, Joseph E Griffin; Jotepti Gulfey, Jacob B,lloldeman, George H Wirt, Leffert Bait, John Hastings, William . .1 Hemphill, John Hoge, 11 Iluplet, Lewis Beam& Washington Jackson, Nicholas Jonestjohn W . Killi tiger, Gliarles E Kinkcad,liobert Klotz, Harrison' P Lidril,Morris Leech. JoinithanD I.cet, Anion Leonora, James -1 _Lewis, Henry Liitle, Jonas 11. McClint,mk, :John F McCullough, Alexouder C McCurdy, John McLaughlin ' John McLean, Samuel Marx, John' B Meek. Michael -Meyers, John Miller, - Joseph C Mollpy,John D Morris. William T Morrison, Ezekiel Mow ry, Ed ward N i c kl e son, Jacob Nissiv, Charles O'Neill, mutt B Packer, Joseph C Powell,James C Reid, John ,S irthey, Lewis Roberts, Samuelwith , erfortl, Glenni W. Scofield, Thomas C Scouller, Willhun Shaffner Richard Simpson, Eli Slifer, William Smith, William A Smith, Daniel M. Stnyser, William 11 Semler, Thomas C Steel, David Steward, Charles Stockwell; Edwin C 'rrone. Andrew Wade, Robert t. NA , sifter Tho. mat Weise!), Sidney ft Wells; Hirain . A WO. D.sideL Zorbey and Joan S• MCCalmont, Speaker—Yeas 87. ' Those voting ogoinst.the postage of the reser, loilem were. Augustus K. Cornyn, David Evans. and Janes M Porter—Nnya.9... Extract from tho Jnurnaf,. , WILLIA.III. - J ACK, Clerk. • . SECUETARY'S 07110 E. Filed Max°ll4s, 1850. • ' • • A W titorgrne'r,;' • • . , 'Dep. Fec,qf Commonwealth - A • . • SECEETAEY'S OFFICE.' • Teitney!vglaicx as. , • , . , ' - 11 do cet:fify that the nbovo and foregoinz. is a true'and entreat .isopy of the. ~original resolution of the General Astiemhly, ntitled"'Reeolution: relative to an amendment of :he Constitutlon,"• us the satneve amine on.file in. this ofiiee. , rs../4 , 1 tOittimot9t'whnreol have hereunto L. 5.. . set myinutd; MO 'sunset] to . be affixed' the sea l of fh -flecretary% Office, at ;flat rl Oda fifteenth day Of ..lone; Anna Dentin!: one tlinatainl eigfilltundretland - fifty — • • • A i, IttISSRLL, je26,'50,1-a ; • Sec of the Conautottuyeall,h,,- iII ttllafQouot • • • . M0P.F.'11.17,c4 Life Pills and Thanzi:l R-Aters..- These MuOicinea have'now hom) r....1 , -;n'imb. - flo for. a — Miriml of FIFTEEN ofEA-ag, . o d Aorio z diot limn huge maintanont n hi!' ) oh:trader in over!, part of 0,12; glebe for their r;:ora or• dhiar2i and pOrfor of J....W.9;110z pmrom hualth to parrams aufferin 7 .: untlor poorly ovory.!cind of.cliscaso to which the human frruno is liuidr, DIARY Ti13U3211.ra3 of certificated itidtanci, they have evonticsritiai aufrerers 'from the vory vergr or an uttivu•ly zritee, aftor all thohleceptivn uoatrnins of the 114 Itnd nh terly failoo; and to, many thousands they haw, occurail that uniform inijoyili rut of health, without which lire Ina a partihl blowing. 'BO drcnti 'Older:A.lmi 'heir 'ofilii.tcy inva. riablyand iufnllibly pr?vd I; (hat it Irtinappearcil ricarcoly lec.: than infinctildits to thane :vin were align:tinted with the beautifully prin. ciploa Upon which they are a n d upon which they consequently aht• It was to their manifest and soiniblo action in purifying the sprinf,P and channels of Ho, and eilidniellinin tvdh're• [towed tone and vigor, that they worn iudebted for their-»ntne --- , - _ . - Unlike the host of penile:ons quackeries w h• e l,. how.: of vegetable ingredients, the LIFE BIIEDI-_onus are purely, and solely vegetabl e ; a n d cou- Lain neither Mercury, nor Auti mon y, our A rse ,. n i c , nor any other mineral, 111, Any Adiatvver. 'They are entirely compoqed of e;tracts from rare and ;powerful - plants, the virines of which, thon;;lt long lciteern to SllVeriti Indian tribes, ando , ocentl; • to 5111110 eminent plutrioncoutiettl chemista,-aroulto g'ether unknown to the ignorant pretenders to medical science ; and wero never before adminis.‘ (errsd in so happily efficacious a combination. The first Operation is to loneon from tho coa.o of •. the stomach /111,1 bowels the varionti impurities crudities constantly settling round the ; and.ttit m remove the burdened ftecei which collect in the convolutions of the small intestines. Other rnedi eines. onl partially eit*IISJ these, and leave such 'colleclarrinasses behind to produce habitual Costive- ness, with all It:4 train of evils, or suchles llisrrhncu with its I:tirninernt dairaers. Th,js fact is well !CIIO,Vo to 'all reanlar anato,nists who examine the human liswels after death ; auil lionee the preje. dire of these well iliforii,d Ineu vozailist the rprnels inedieines of the age. The seeTal efThet of the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES in to Cleanse LIIII hidunyx and 0115 j and, by tins tnrans, Inc liver end lunzs, the healthful action of which eritireq depends' upon the regularity-11f the urinary of,( 1 . 110 . Woo I, Whiith takes its red color from the agency ofrthe liver 411 , 1 lump. before it parae•s into rho heart, lull. thus purified by them, and nourished by rim( eornita; front a clean sterner:lh courses freely throlli.,ll tho veirt2, renews ever;Part of the system, acid trill.ip'cali , t:y inouras Cha banner of fienlth inn the Wooer:rig ehoek. Th, at, :1•11 . 111!): thls 11190,6 , 111 T V I ri.-ty of 1111 rile &sea., which the vEGETABLi?, LIFE MEDICINES ttro well kIiONVII to be , DyspEp.§l7l; tlmrain!,)rty -07 r iisliEr: (fie firs `dud Yri±tiud 'l:thwack:4, and Cl . Cattiag a nary• al' par !widt! s , Ir 14; iustnail of the staiii and it.trid kind . H'l al'ti LENC Y, 1,,,73 of Appetite Ilearlhurn, 11,1duche, Rest le,esnrs;, 111-temper, A nriet LII:ig" , 101, and Mot which are tilt wiarre! Synp>lolllß - Or - DyKprp3l7l,7 - IVlll — Vrallslll, .16 a [lrani., C01) , ...1.1.11C0 cf its carp. Costiveness, by cleansing the whole leitelll the inteBtinen wiih 1 solve:lL prOCeB4, and without violence: all violent Euirg• n leave the bow:ls cimive 711117-i'ii Diarrh.coft and Ch)lam, by reinnviicz th Abair) acrid fluids by ‘v:iien a,ii.siuia Sr o,:ea:coned, and I.y 111 - o , tlitt a z the s-cr, CCM tho membrane_ FeVtlrs - N - arl lout; liv y,,troriOT. llir Yo:.:1 to a reanlar rnrul•ition, Ihrough the pr r.x,v ol 1 lirrspi• ration in 231111;1 caQes, and the thorough solution o all intostin•rl okurnetion in oihers The 1,1. , b: Mimic: .as hove been known to eine RHEITNATIsm permanently in three weeks, and GOU r it L h,ilf that time, by removing local iiillannwition from-tho mascles and ligaments of the joints. Drei)Sies of all kinds, by freeing and strength ening tiei kidneys and bledder : they operote meat thillieititilly.on these important organs, And hence haye rver been found a cert.i.n remedy for tqe worst ens, of GIZ.IVEL. Also ,TAjorins, by ,lh:bnlitint2; from the turnings of tire liciivets the sl ntv issuer to w!“.•11 these crest tires mitten,. Asthma and Canzumption, by rolievi"g - the air. vcsiiiilc of the iiitleols which even slight rolls WI:l iiiiikswhich. if not re moved. 114r.?e0e.1, utiil priduces these dreiciful Scurvy, Ulcers, oo Inveterate Sores h) the 001101:1 panty wftw:l theme LIFE , W17,D1 CLUES •ztvo a Urn wood, and all the inmate. Scorbutic 'Eruptions ~a l Bnd G)rnplest ions, by their alteritliVii iitiliet illent the !hod s that „fees Om slim, euil the iiiiiritei state of which semi ahm all- ermit".- eii Aid tets, sitiliev, eleudy, and other disterree s t,le e impli sous. The use of Mese P.ll fir ,t Very sltur,t, time. trill effect rm entire mire of r-lALT RHEUM, uud a striltiter impriireitemt in the elearuesit of tic' akin. CO.ll.laON 0,11.,11:4 and I N Fl i t , NNZA trill always be cured by one deur, or by two 'oVell :a the worst Coons. ie.— pit.E: --- A-g-ri mifedy — riirtw - rii - 41. wr,,,i, , ,z and obstinate malady, the VEGETABLE LIFE BIEDICLITESv 1 eserve. ni distinct and muphatie incommetidation. it is well known to hundreds in ,his city, Lit,r the rorowiro o rirtor of these valm Able-Medicines-was - 1111115 •If - tilllleted with tine tv complaint for upiordS of T !MTV vice yeses; and that ho tried in vain every remedy prescribed within the whole compass of the .11 slot is Medica. He however ot lemith tried th e Medicine which is _now offered to the puhlie, and he was cured M a very short tune, after his recovery had urea pro nounced mot only implobable, but absolutely Um postfible, by airy Illltll,lll liletlll3. FEVER AND AGUE. For this scourge f the western country those Medicines will bo sole, speedy, and cortain remedy. Darr nines the system sub ject to a renirn of the Mee:we—it rime by these medicines is prrinail.-Ikt —TRY TIVEI, BE SA TISFIED, AN[) fiRCURI.LI). -and-- Li v a Intl - General Debility, :_I.I.IETITE. ANL DISI.:ABES or Fr.n.u.Es --theso ,us have been used with the most hem•licial t oazllA in cases of this tb-seription livlt„ nod SCILOFULA., 11l Its worst forma, yields to the mild yet. powerful action of these remarkable Ateda3ines. 'NIGHT SWEATB, NICRYOUS DEBILITY, NCIIYOUS COMPLAINTS of all killdS, PALI.ITATIO3 OF Tit ilgAtr, Pat:irk:WS COLIC, are Speedily ca red.^ MERCURIAL DISEASES. Poisons whose constitutions..have becoihe im paired by the inpidicious t+o or, Miny.cußy, will find these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system all the effee'l .Mercury infinitely sooner Alum the !noel powerful t preparations of s'arsaparilla. A single trial will i place thorn beyond the reach of competition, in Bic estimation of every patient. BE CAREFUL, OF patient, Several have littely'been „discovered, and their nefarious authors arrested, both in the city of New York and abroad. Iluy of no one who is .not au auTuosasin ACISNT• • Prepared and sold by Dr. W.:B. MOFFAT, 330 Broadway, New-York. . FOR SALE BY DR S. W. RAWLINS, Carli elt rhOCTOR YOURSELF Llt—FOR 25 CENTS !! —Hy Means of (lie pocket , :iculapius,or t Every one isown Physician !,'Ten-- f, 7 lonrth etlition f with'up 'girds oisc hundred engra ings, showing private die ases In every shape and em. cud' malformations f the nmnerative system. tY IV.ii.YOUNG, The time s luts now nr- ing from sea et disease, lOC VICTUI Or OlIACKrItlt, ,as by the'preseript ions contained in this hook any one - may core himself, without hindr4nce to bu siness, or the:knowledge of the most intimate friend; mid' with one tenth the usual expense. lb addition to theteneral routine of private disease, 'it ful v exPlains the cause of manhood's carl3 do cline, Wtth .Observations on marriage --besides many-other derangementh which it would not be proper to enumerate in the public, prints, 10 'A ny person' rending TOIENTYrrirIO CENTS , _ . enclosed WO . !ORO r;AV iirrearl 60110 tOpflif:Pli book, by irtaii,•nr five copies will be Aiwa fer• one 'dollar.. A thiresn...Dß. W. YOUNG, No. '152 SPHUCG.Street,PHILMILAP/11A It Post• paid.' 0~1)11. YOUNG can be , cOnsulted on' any of ihe Diseases prifscribed in his different publioa ions, at his Offices, 152 SPRUCE street - , every , day lietweerv9. and 3 o'clook,lSundstys oSeiPto ) • !MaY,I, l bso, s. • • •-t • • • • • „ • - • Brushie ! Brushe's , iA great ' variety of, these useful 'articles is of fated tor sale, consisting of ,Whitaiteash,SWoupl ink, SCrubbing, airitarei loth, Shaving,. Hair ~.„ ~, Trttle and_ - Nail Fleshrni , Graining Brushes itc:' 'great 'variety, all of whittle aro of t he, leak qua ty', and will be sold at the lowestprices • ~. . ,3tenti.6. l „'„ ' S. ELLIOTT ~~Y~licit For I :cinoval avid Perm:mil Care of all NERVOUS DISEASES, And of thorn-Comidnints Ichictclatalcauscf_Py_an—im -- .liAliad - , — Ofenktineil or imlicidtliy condition of .tho NERVOUS' SYSTEM. • This. beautiful and convenient application of the my& tetions rowels of GALVANISM and MAGNETISM, has been pronounced by distinguished physicians, both iv Europe anti the United States, to he the mart valuais, medicinal diseocery of the Age. Dr, CHRISTMIS GALVANIC BELT • NE TIC FLUID of used with tho most perfect and certain succatEitt all cases of GENERAL DEBILITY, Strengthening the 'weakened body, giving tone to the Marione organs, and inviginnting the entire system. Also • n FITS, CRAMP, PARALYSIS and PALSY, DYSPEP. 'BIA - or - INDIGESTION, RHEUMATISM, ACUTE and Cif - IRONIC, GOUT, EPILEPSY, LUMBAGO, DEAF NESS, NERVOUS TREMORS, PALPITATION OF THE HEART, APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA, PAINS, in the. SIDE and CHEST, LIVER - COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, and CURVATURE of the SPINE, Litt' COMPLAINT, DISEASES of the KIDNEYS, DEFI CIENCY OF NERVOUS and PHYSICAL ENERGY, and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaints arise from one simple cause—namely, A Derangement of tfie. Nervous System. .011- In -NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, Drugs and MeiU chida increase The disease, for they weaken the vital snot. gins of the already prostrated system while under the Strengthening,, vitalising influence of Diann. use, as applied by this beautiful and wonderful discovery, the exhausted patient and weakened sullerer Is. restored to - fhrini4 - health, strength, eliisticity and vigor. The great peculiarity and excellence of • Di. Christie's Galvanic Curatives,. consists, in the cited that they arrest arill'cu're disease ontwar d appliralinta, in place of the upual mode of drug. ging and physirking the patient, till exhausted Nature sink! hopelessly under the infliction. They at, enethen the gvhole system, equalise the circulation of the hloogt, promote the tecretiont, and never da the siiphl est injtery tender any circumstances. Since their intro % diction in the United States. onto three years since, more then • •0 0 121- - -P•e - •rso-n-R , Including all ages, classes and conditions, among wnich were a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly subject do Nervous Complaints, have bairn ENTIRELY AND , PERMANENTLY CURED. when oil hope of elief buil been given up, and every thing sloe been tried in vain! _ To illushate the use of the GALVANIC BELT, tuppoie the cake of a person attric - ted Negri - that bane of nr ili/stion, DYSPEPSIA, or any other Chronic or Narrow Disorder In ordinary cases, stimulants are taken, which, by their action on the nerves and muscle. of the stomach, anilrd felt/0,1.1y relief, but which leave the patient In a lower state, end with injured faculties, .atter - the - actintr - thurescited- has ceased: -Now-compare this with the effect resulting from the application of tho GALVANIC BELT. Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even to the worse symptoms of on attack, and simply tie the Belt around the body, using the Magnetic Fluid as directed. lu a short period the insensible perspiration will act on the positive , element of the Belt, thereby causing a Galvanic circultiiiiiiiihielf will puss on To - tha negatil e, and thence back again to the positive, thts keeping up a continuous Galvanic circulation throughofit the system. Thus the most severe cases of DYSPEPSIA are PERMANENTLY CURED. A FEW DAYS IS OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE DISEASE OF YEARS,- CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of the most Undoialbted Character, From all parts of the Country could bo given, 'Wilmot to fill every column in this paper: AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, which conclusively proves that "-Truth - Ys stranger than Fiction," 131E1:13 RHEUMATISM, BRONCHITIS AND DYSPEPSIA Rev. Dr...ll..andis, a Clergyman of New Jersey: of distinguished attainnienth and exalted reputation : SioNEir, New Jowly, July 12, ISM. Dn. A. 11. Ca...ln--Deur Sir: You wish to know of Me what hue been tho rersult in my own CiltlC, of the appli. cation of TIIF: (VALVANIG BELT AND NECHLAC-E My ropl),sstis follows: For about twenty years I bad been anTering from'Dys. pepsin. Er err your the symptoms became none, 1101 could I obtain permanent relief from any Connie of meth. cal treatment wimtever. About fourteen 3 ears since, Sc consequence of frequent exposure to the weather, in the discharge of my pastoral Julies, I Immune subject to a severe Chronic Rheumatism, which for year after year, caused lee indescribable anguish. Farther in the w inlet of '.lt, and 'Mi, in consegnence of preaching a greet den. in my nu n and variou,, other churches in this region, I was attacked by the Bronchitis, which soon became so .severe as to requite an immediate suspension of eiy pas. toral labors My nervous system was 11111 V thoroughlyprop to ate& nod as my Bronchitis became wet., Sc Oho did iny Dyspepsia and Rheumatic. affection—thus evincing that these - disorders were moinected with each other through - Ilkirtedihm of the were. System. In the whole [Mar. tnacopteia there seemed to be no remedial agent which could reach and recupera, my Nervous System ; every thing that I had tried lor this purpose had completely failed. At last I was led by my friends to examine your inventions, and (though with no very sanguine hopes of their eilicienc34) - I - determined - to try the effect of the application of the GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE, with the MAGNETIC FLUID. This was In June, 19.15Da To SAY GREAT ASTONISHMENT, IN TwO DAYS HY DYMA6FiI• HAD none.; IN MONT DAYS I wan ENANI.EII TO REAUllfi uY A•ST011•1.1,130110 ; non liner I nicer OMITTED A MINIMS SERVICE Os ACCOUNT OF run BRONCHITIS ; 'AND tor Ruse larrlC. AFFECTION HIS ENTIRELY CKAAED TO TROCHEE NM Stich is the wonderful and happy results of the experiment I hare recommended the BELT and FLUID to many who have been likewise suffering fermi Neuralgic affec- Hons. They hat e tried them, wren user, easouns, axmay.a., in xrrns race. / am, dear sir, very respectfully yours, ROBERT W. LANDIS. DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC NECKLACE Is used fur all complamts affecting the Throat nr Head, such sit Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Throat, Nervous and Sick Headache; Di,,itiess elf the Head, Neuralgia In the Viicei . fhli,dllg or In the Ears; Deafness. - vvlitch Is generally Nervous, and (hut distressed complaint, otalsd Tic Doloreux7 Palsy and Paralysis. All phyhicinns acknowledge that these terrible diseases are comed by a deficiency qf Nervons'Energy in the affected limbs. Da. , Gelvanie Articles Will supply this deficieht power, and .a complete and entire cute is thus effeeted. - 1000 Cases of Palsy. , and• Paralysis nave been reported to Dc. eiIIIIIVVIC Ca his Agents withill the lasi two years, whicichave bee entirely restored. 03.... Car . Anottnw J. Y. Tomes 0 Brooklyn, N. Y., had not been able to walk a,steit for n ur four years, and was so helpl ess that he had - to. be fed .) The most celebrated phySiCtillti gave lambi!. In five days after he COLIMIC9Ck wearing the GALVANIC Bm.v, Neent.aes, non Ihvtava.ava, he walked across the mom, and in three weeks he Lad pen coolly recovered his hoslth. Captain Tomes Is savant/ years of age. ' " . Severe, Deafness Cured. The following rs a:se:tract from ajetterlately received from a distinguished physician in tho State of Virginia: ensurris, Ne D. Dear Si. One of my patients, unknown to me, obtained your Gatvavic Belt end Ned. lace, witli.the Mapielic fora Serious affecticin of Deafness. The case was that of a•lady whose Nervous systertr'wos mach disordered, and her general health poor.. Much was done previously to the application of the Belt, but with very little success, and I ftel it only right to tell you, that since she commenced wearing the Belt pad using the Fluid, but a row weeks ago, site hu 'ENTIRELY RECOVERED LIEU HEARING), and ter general health se bettor than for several years." Off - Every epos of Deafness, if it be Nervous, as it gene/roily is, can ho cured by this wonderful remedy. DR. CHRISTIE'q .GALVANIC' BRACELETS Ace found of vast sercica'ili elites of Conciliator.; or Frt Spasmodic Complaints, and general Nervous Affections cl tpo Head and upper extremities. Also in Palsy and rarely rw, and all diseasea caused by a deficloncrof power or Nervous Etiorgy In the limbs or oilier organs•Ol the body. or Many hundred ,Cortificatei from all pails of this coo ry of the moat extraordinary ebaracturcanbe given, if required. • (ill— No trouble or inconvenience attend' the use at CLUZISTIR'S GALV:INIQ .91371CLIgS, aai thoyWnoy• bo worn by the•moat' feeble and delicate With porfcot case and safety, In many cases the sonsatrosi ettending their nod is hely plenum( and oireiable. They can bo soot to any port of the country. 7 The Galvanic B o r lt fices : Three Dona% The Galvaniolleoldace, Tivo bonus, - The Galvanio Bradeleia, One Dollar Each. The Magnetic Fluid, Ono 03 , The artiole■ are eccempanted by full and phla dlr A ptiona._Porophlats mak_ full 4ierUculara- m iky - tie ta— ty the authorized Agent. Sold in Carlisle by S. ELLIOtr . . ANOTHER • REVOLUTION: .:.; -0 AM UELTA: HA/ 13I3ARD, havingpnrches -17 ed of Mr' Henry A Stgrgeen, Ins:Stock of 'Drugs, Medicines .&e., woMd reepectfully::ao, licit a eldirS of the public patronage, at the old stand. eornerbf Pitt and High. Streets, Opposite the Rall Road depot., ,'• 'He will itsdli'minstantly on hand, en tiesert. Mout ef / fresh• Drugs. Medicines, Paints,: Oils, Dye Stiatrs, Perfumery, and a variety of (apex ; Which he is tleternlitted, to sell ite-avill give his persdnall'.attettlion the '„ busl nese, and pa tieularly:tO putting upprei , criptione. • A liberal deduction, made, for Physicianti Cogin try Morclinnts;and PadlorEi, ach.l3, iBso!' ~~=-=' El .. ~6..-sw..i