MUM AND EXPOSEIM, • CARLISLE; PENN'A. •THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ,NEWSPAPER IN CI.7I4IIERLAND COUNTY ferns—'llvg Dollars a year, or Me Dalla'r and Fifty Cents, if punctually pail in ddvance: $1.75 if paid within the year. OVA PAPER.AS our advertising Mat ter will be reduced several columns after this - week, arfil as_ the election, will be . ---over v we- shall:not - only able- to-give our usual miscellaneois and literary mat ter but a greater amount of it, than for „acme weeks past. ti With the opening of a new year we sign important improvements in the Irak!, such as cannot fail to make it ;e valuable and attractive to its pa- ttofls. A CALIFORNIA LETTEII.—We have receiVed an interesting letter for publica l Lion, written by a young adventurer from Carlisle to the gold regions. Anxious to sdevote as much space as possible to polit• ical articles this week, the letter has with other articles bean deferred to our next. Great nail Storm. • The atmosphere last week" was remark• ably warm and sultry, and for severe days there was a regular succession p storms, accompanied by vivid lightning, thunder and showers. On Fridlly after noon, one of the warmest days, the seve rest storm of all took place, but instead of heavy rain there was a terrific fall o hailstones, which descended with a force and quantity that was in no slight degree . alarming. The atones were of a prodi gious size, almost doubling the largest ever s e en by the "oldest inhabitant."-,-- No other damage Was done by the storm then 'the breaking or windows, but this was very considerable in all houses facing the west. Despatches 'from Pittsburg speak_ of the_ storm having raged with great violence there, while it also exten- deira considerable distance eastward.--- The temperature of the air was affected but little. The weather has since been clear and genial. Local Itemfi, Our neighbor of the Democrat - notices some very satisfactory improvements cvb.ich have . rqcently been. made in.siiiiets and pavements. Onr ancient borough is not one of the most rapidly progres ,,si-ve-plaees in the wtorldi—but—we - fondly indulge the hope that the day will yet 'come round when rough t-tone sidewalks shall cease to trouble us in any part:, of the town. We are. pleased to observe says the Demo,:Tat, that our Street 'Com missioners hive filled up and other Wise. --repairea that unseemly rat an Pitt street, along side or the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Trustees of the church have also performed their part of the .work, by laying down . a new and bead 'OM brick pavement on Pitt street, which does credit to the mechanical a bility of Mr. George l'iteite, the con tractor. These improvements were much needed, and will add greatly to the comfort and convenience of pedes yians during wet 'and snowy weather. While speaking, of irliprovenierni, we will add, that the section of paving on Lou thar — strectallotted — ta — Ms - , -- Perer Spahr,, is now nearly completed ; and the section on South street, al'otted to Mr. - Jahn O'Neil, is progressing rapidly to completion. These improvements e vince a desire on the part of our Town Council to carry out the wishes of the public;'and we !eve soon to see every street in the borough pdved in a sub -Ist antis{ manner. , • —A detachment of one hundred and two men, under the command of . Lieut. Delano, left the Carlisle Btfracks, on Saturday week for the Tefas fron tier. --A. Council of the order of United . A rnerwan. Ilechanics.was or Lran ized - -in Carlisle, on the 3d of September. '1 he officers are us follows, viz : Major flob 7 , ert McCartney, C.; Major Christian Eleffinan, V. C.; George L. , Reighter, R. S.; James Robinson, A. R.• S.; Ste. phen Keepers, Esg., P. S.; Peter Mon• .ytir; T.; Henry J. Kelly, In ; James /14cIrett,Ei.; George W. Crop, I. Pro.;• Im McCord, 0, Pro. We• are not • • 'pware of the character or of jects of this new association. —The elegant and commodious Ho tel im,North Hanover street, kept by our ertergetiefriend Henry Glass, We,under stand was purchased by him a day or two since for. the sum of $6,500.. Real Estate generally in our borough, howot , q,is at' rather a low, ebb just now.. • : • ---'Carlisle is probably one 'of the healthiest towns in the .State—udistress ingly so," as our Physicians sometimes' remark. But for Ithe last two weeks there has been an in unusual mortality, particularly among the young, us though some epidemic was abroad. Several families have been deepliatilicted, and allaollgAthers who have painfully suffer ed by the loss of their loved odes, as will be been ,by . our obituary department, is the family of Mr. Charles kleiabrer, whose bereavements ha . ve been peculiarly try ing.. We' deeply sympathize with the afflicted - • ,FINE ne rr.—We have received some specimens of peaches and Pears of the quality which the author of the articles on Horticulture urges the , cultivation of, and we ore sure if our Farmers who are now content with inferior kith could have seen, and tasted them, they Would need no greater incentives to act piemptly_ the instructions given by ,our correspon‘ We are also indebted to Mr. Jeremiah. Greiner, of:Mrth :Middleton, for some splendid seeeitnens of Noun& apples, enormous in size.. - and ef ,good. qualiLy. ...„ PLAINFIELD' CLASSICAL ACADEIIFF.7 We diiect - public attentioirto - the adver tisement of this Iristitutiod.• It is de-: cidedly- one of the: best Academies. in. the State, and its location and other ucl .vstwages are such as -to especially rec okirnend it to parents who have, sons to educate. WO speak knowingly on the subject. 2 Art EI.OqUENT A PPEAL.— Anannpanying most oCour papers - to=day will - be - foUnillhe mirable aedress of the Whig Committee of L=ncaster county, which no Whig should fail read. After that let hint hand it to his neigh bor who takes no Whig newspaper: It sets forth the issues pending in the coming contest,. and 'eloquently - enforces• their importance. It proves too by facts alftl figures, what we 'have said a buntliedlime.s—that a (tll vote isist cer=; tain Avhi victory. If vre are lieatcp next Tuesday 'it vt ill be our fault. The posvcr)to succeed 18 in our bands. We have undoub - 14- ly the strength to elect every man on our Stale ticket—but that strength must be exerted— every vote must be pulled. See to it that,this is done; Whigs, and a good report will follow 'cur day's work. 73 X M D Al At his residence in Chainbersburg, on Friday the 27th 1111..1011.1 F. Dornv, Esq. aged about 52 years. j On Friday umrtting, tile 27(0111. Eta st A LOUISA, In lant daughter of Charles and Mary Fleuger, of tills borough, aged three years, nine months and twenty., three days; ibis last being dm tenth' child that bas beim removed by Alenth Erma that family. Their re ninths repose nide by side, awaiting the summons of 2 tile great day, while their souls..`realize the proudee of the Saviour, that "of such is the kingdom of lien- .1 take these little lambs, said he, And lay them in my breast: . Protectinn.they shalt find in inn, ht sic forever rest." II At has residence hr this barontrlt, on Faturday, the inst. of paralysis,) jolts AortaW, hi the Tist yell, of his ago. The deceased was one of tile oldest citivens of our borough, having been a resident of Carlisle for move than forty years. lie was kind, charitable and umane. The poor never sought his nid in vaio,-and the wants of the deetilrite:,nlvrays f ortul hurl a beoevolen nod ready benefactor. Ardent and sibeere in his friendship, those who have cx permitted his generous , liberality and enjoyed his warm and abiding friendship and esteem, trill Wag remember the.unnstentetions charity and personal fatalness if their deceased friend. On rriihy the 27r11 kit I , ,owAno TAtnErer, son of Sit:lowland Mary °fair, of this borough, aged 3 yre, and 5 months. in this borough; oh Tuesday'evening last, Mies ANN 111•3tEm, Al a'ver.): advanced age. /In Otis boron:ls, on the 17111 tilt, MARGARET SVITTI TA TWA, aged.' year. I. nifStelb and ii days. also, on the 211th ult.: MARV MATILDA JoHNsoiii, aged 1 near, !il month and 1.1 days, Irvin daughters al Isaac amt 'Mary Gorgas. i/At his residence, near ti,il horoitzit, after a linger lug itinesS., on the 10E111111 , Mr. Groan iironsLEß, aged blunt( GS „.„ _ D.... Tribute of Respect to g. D. Adair, Esry. crowded over to next week. Sri - A.:NM STOCK OF FALL DRY GOODS, • (I,,VE PRICE 0.1. LY llarnilton, Easter 64 Co., ' NO. 213 BALTI3IOItE STREET INV! IT the attention of wholesale and retail A purchasers to their stock of Frei•it Fall GOODS, tn , ,,tii„ of their own importation, which will be found meat 1114:largest and most varied ever offered in Bultimone, and for every article of which the lowest price is named al once. Included will be found—Rich . Bri.cade and other DresS Silks, splendid incoiunt and low priced do_, riali black Silks, in plain, wilted, tigur'd satin strip'd, reels old fashioned Gros Orain Black figued-ana plain Satin de Chines; in eliangealdc and Solid celors, very handsome Fault do Sok:, in solid colon, g white and light colors, n a beatitilid variety; floanet and Millinery,,Silks in crcat variety, Modes, Mareefines, Finrences, Sc DRESS GOODS. Rich watered and -Plain 'l;blanets, brocade Cashmeres, rich Kneed Cashmeres and MOU- Sellaea, neat figur'd De Lainee, for children, rain MouseMnes, in modes and high colors. changeable Lye II f, L . 12 Cloths, Coburge, Sylva• Mee. (entirely new,) cheap Aouselines and Cashmeres, low and medium -priced Dress Goods, in every, variety of new designs, many of whitdi are in styles confined exclusively to our sales, 300 p'eces Lupin's superior French Meriitoes, in all colors, 130 pieced .6-4 English Nterinnes and silk warp Lyonese Cloths, In this department we hove also a large stork of Bombazines and Moaning Goods in every Va riety, embracing the most select shades of Black and Second Mourning, and choice arti• cies for ramify Mourning. In LINEN GOODi and 110USEKEEP• INC/ FA 1!I ICS we have more than our usual leadingstnek,inclinting_llle very linvit Shirtind- Linens of Richardson's arid Barklie's make, Pillow Limnie of all widths, Linen Sheetings, of every description, Cotton Sheetings, sitp'r 13 la k 013. Quilrs , 114111106, Table and Piano Covers, Floor Baize, and neer Cloths. of all widths and sizes, Farm Crumb Cloths, Table Danmaks, Diapers, Napkins, Towelfings, Stair Linens, rich curtain-Goode, of I/orlon:3 styles, lace and maslin Curtains, worsted Damasks and Moreens, anti in fact every article in the Dry Goods line which may be required by Douse keepers. Hotels. Steamboats, I'liEsn - Awr, mam Contains a most Lxtemive and magnificent stock of long mid square Cashmere. Camel's Mir, with Cashmere bordeh,ebtirely new, rich embroidered and plain Crane, Long and Square Scotch Woollen Shawln, Sein eh Woollen Shawls for children. "Bar Some Mills" Shawls of all tne various styles made by them. and mostly of patterns Made expres,ly.:for us, and which cannot be had elsewhere. Black awl ithrirning Shawls. , in great variety. Cloaks, Nlnntillas and Saes. Wide and Narrow SILK VELVETS, in nil colors —' MEIRCIIAINIT . TAILUS' GOODS AND MEN'S WEAR In choice styles of puperior French Cloths, of Rioly's and other best makers. Doeskins, 'English and Domestic Cassimeren. Fancy Woolen,Sillt and oilier Vestings ' Sergei, Sile. sins. l'addings,'Cnnvass, Sewing Silk, &.c. Also, a splendi I stork of Gents Cravats, Scarfs,• Fancy Neck Ties, Silk and Linen of new styles, Gloves of all kinds, Hosiery, "Silk and Merino under shirts and Drawers, Suspbn Icrs, &c. • EMBROIDERIES,I(46ES, HOSIERY & GLOVES, AVe have also' a very choice lot of Enthroid erica and Laces, (from the most. fashionable Establishments in l'aris,) including rich Muslin' and Lace Cape; Ehentizeits, Berthas, Collars, Sleeves and Culls, real black and .white Laces, real Lace Capes.and Falls, Valenciennes Laces Edgings and Ineertings, superior_ lloriery and' Gloves of every description,emb'd and riviere— hernmettstitched fintidkerchiefe,, clear LaWri, - do. mourning L C Ifandlt•fs,.fancy Cashm ere India Enib'd Scarfs,. fancy Hags, &c., Ghana zetts, Mints nod white Muslin Goods, , Frene,h and English Gliintzes, / rieli furniture Prints, in great variety, Cambric. AIM% Swiss.,Bools and Jaconet 11usGns, 'beano and Swiss Edgings and insertings, Banda and Florettees, • lIEA:VV,GOOD.S, FOR FARM HANDS lUMM=M ,We have on hand every dcacrip!ion of goods entering into general consumption, that we think will-give ismisfaction!to the consumer, all of which we are enabled from the extent Of .our of onr - besiness, to buy on the very hest terms and sell at n moderate profit. Ifavlng for every' arilcie fixed price, (without aiimentent,) per• ma net fully acquainted With the.yrilue of goods have every assurance that in dealing with us they pay the same price as this most experienced' purchasers. An examination of Goode and Prices colicited Baltimore, Oct 2; 1850-3 m, ehan to ` Re nt. • rrIIE undersigned offers his MERCJIANT JA. MILL ut the Carlisle Iron Works, for rent front the Ist of April, 1851: repitls f C fT , R r EGE. Hall and . OPitteer Clot/ inlq 4.l`oney &vale llwee y lfetde " TROUTMAN 8c E,‘,,,v.0-ginvs, TOR FA , 8 0 11 street opposite fillliora Drug stom,io the room' formerly occupied' by Mr.' !Match as a ClOihing Store- Thalikful to . the ,citizeus of Carlisle. and vicinity for their increased' cutrom, w o a: gaitireimost their coutitinny to view our largo and splendid assortment of Read AladcCloth ing'lo7..F Arit.. t ..A D__MINTER'IWEAI2. Ou'i stock consists of all kinds of - COATS, PANTS, POSTS,•and Gentlemen's Wearing _ 't Apparel in general, suitable for the season, cut " and, made in-the moat .vierktrianlifto number tied of the latest Fall end - Winter Fashions.' All who wish to lava tts with.ti call can save from twentyfive to-fifty per cant , 'try buying at oar 'more, and all goodiu.sold warranted tQgivc on tire satisfaction.- New '2Zuertisemento FIRST ARRIVAL OF Doors _and- Shoes FOR THE THE FALL SEASON. AT PORTZIL'SDOE'. RE, man street, hear Malian Road Depot,' GMPRISING Men's, Boys and taath's vu Calf, Rip and 'coarso Boots and Brogan's, winch are Warranted to-be of-the-beet quality Indies-. Gaiters, Buskins rind French Misses and Childrens hoots and+shoes in great variety.. Also, an elegant assortnient of GUM Silt)EB "and the--lato--ini— proveMents and, warranted perfoct. -.Having purchased. these gum shoes Irem the agent of the matintimturer, I abs authorized to civrt A Neer rani in place 'of any that prove„ defective In wedring BaVing_a large stock of French Calf Skins, Morocco, laid , itc., and good workmen, every attention is given io customer work as tisUal..-- sept la „ . WM. M. PORTER. Valuable Farm • at Private-Sale. THE subscriber intending to remove, to he. Avestroffera - at — private - sale - rtyvnlimlrlo — farm Limestone Land, situated - in 'North Middleton townehip, Cumberland county, abOut 3 miles east of parlislo near Middlesex and the Har risburg pike, adjoining the Letart . Spring and the lands or Jacob Albright, Joseph 'Witmer and others, containing 120 ACRES of well unproved land, well fenced with, post nod rail andin_a_bigh-state-of-cultivation. - Ten acres of -it are thriving timber land and four in exdel: lent Meadow. The improvements '• • 3 ,• are a r g o .T o W 0 nl SIT3aO nR, Ir o ' fFeeßt AlonlE, .MI 4 EIOUS,E, with n well ofgood water, bear it, and all other necessary ,out.. buildings all of which are in , n.gond state of repair. Also, a thriving ORCHARD of choice truit. In the convenience of its arrangement 'locality, fertility and improvement, it is scarce ly equalled by any t arm in the country. A first rate Lime Kiln has been erected on the place thelast yeay. It will be sold.on reason. able terms. Persons wishing to examine it, or desiring further information, are requested to call.on the subscriber. 80/.118 JERRIVIIAH GRBINER, , oa SALE I WILL' seN the two story 2_ II • • BRICK HOUSE, situate efola a • on the corner of the square in this -borough, in-which WC!: G. f,:ge now resides. The title is perfect; clear ol alt incumbranco and the , erms will he made to 'accommodate any put-, chaser ttqui will secure the-payment 'of the pur chase motley, • FRrED'K. WATTS. SeptlS-3t GEORGE URGEON P.ENTiST— would respectful ly inform the public that lie is now prepar ed to perform all operatiOll S on the 'Feed] that may be required. Artificial Teeth inserted, froni a stddlir tooth to an entire set, upon the latest and most approved principle, The pa. nonage of the public is respectfullfsitheited.— fie may be found at the residence of his bra lber.on Nurth.Titt-street, Carlisle, .Sept lit, (EU, To Physicians---A Rare Chance. OFFIC E. Furniture, and a good supply. of Medicines for sale, if applied for soon.— The office also to rent, with an established practice worth fifteen'hundred n year, which con be increased. For further information np'= pIY at hits office. rsept2sedi 111 Valuable-School -Books, 1131.18 S [JED. BY THONI AS, COW rwr .k WA rrb: k. 25:1 MARK Er vEr . m, NII tADELPII , and forsale ltf the book sellers io - ath - Cll.4lited MITCUELL'S PyINI A BY GEOGRAPHY, An easy ibtrodoct, on to the study of Geogra phy, desi g ned for children , aml completely il lustratedby 120 co g r,lvin g s and 14 colored maps. MITCHELL'S ISTETISIED FATE (3 NOE II ACHY. The test, the exercises the itinstuntions, and the for* , beamithl maps are printed -Mgerhor in one (parte eohnne. - ITCIIELL'S SCILOO L. G EC/GRA Pll4 Eg.. ATLAS, systeM of modern Geography, comprising, a demi ipti on of the present state al the world and its ft.; grest divisions. Embellished with un met ons en„ ravings and illustrated by an excel lent Atlas - containing 28, handsome and accurate colored maps. This series 'of Geography by S. Augustas Mitchell has beeipcwholly or partly introduced into the ',oldie and private selpnils of till the principal cities mid towns ht - the 'Uni ted States ; mul after a full and fair trial of its merits in these schools, it has received an alniast universal recommendation. MITCHELL'S ANCIENT GF.enUArliY & ATE An ancient, classical and sacred Geography, endiellished with engravings of reinarkahle events, views of ancipnt cities, etc., and acconi paned by ancient Atlas containing 1,2 beanti'id xplored [naps. MITCHELL'S ATLAS OF OUTLIN le MA I'S itchell is ii licnitriel Sabbath School Ge o ', ratiliy, with Alms and embellishments. m ; N S. ell's Key to to situ)) , of 'lbws. and C srpo rn, are eYcefient anti popular books, and tire becoming very exten sively Used in the best schools of our count r y CCURZNE r s Fttsr LESSoN tx GIL Mieed upon the COIISII . IIeIiOII and analysis of sebtenees; designee fl, as introiluetiop to The “Abalysis." GREENE'S A Nnt.Ysts— l treat Sc on the strucs lure of the English language with illustratimitt and exercises nikipted tp the use oischools, by Samuel S Green, A. Principal of the Phelps Grammar School, Boston. These books brie already in the short time hey have been published, obi:Loyd a very ..)X. iensive circulation, having been introduced into the public schools of Roston, link/inure, Pins. burg, Cincimiatti, St. Louis, Vicksburg. amt °Owl' cities mid toWil3, 1111 d renpinmentleel br those who brace trim! them 13 their RFlloula, its without (v 1,50011 the hPSI English Grammars inexistence. IV AN'S SCIIOOI. 171.1 A DE:I2'S. file. PRIMARY SclioaL H rAticit---Palt 1 st is intended' fun beginners. It contains' a lesson two] each or the elernelittry sounds of the geage The Primary School Reader, part 4,1. 001Ithi113 030reiFe9 nrtsenintinn k .ner iinge d t o connection with easy tending lessons. The Primary Reader, part 3 , 1, Is designed far the first class in Primary bchools, and die lowest class in Grammar Schools. '1 liE GEAntsrea SCIWOL E:1111:1:, is deSignell the midole class in Grattiallia. Schools, and eotdains exercises ill articulatiokarran ge :i iu conneetiou with mailing lessons I nn DIsTaIGT - SbilOOL READER, is, designed fo r , the highest classes in public and private schools. It contains exercises in articulation. pauses, SMI inllCalioitS of the voice with s uch rules Mid suggesstions as are deemed useful. Tue laaratierlYE READER ; or a Course of Reading on Natural lilstory ; Science and Lite. more designed for beliouls. SIN.:I.I,ING HOOK. Consisting of ,words in column - I - and Sentences for oral- am! written exercises. It is a complete, avid systeinatio series of in English orthography.. • Thishielily popular aerie; of reading books, and this spelling hook were compil e d •by Al i . , %V of. I).. & S`ty.a . n, of Boston, nod judging from the rspicl burbling:oos ,into schools winch they have, obtaimeil,in the . Easterit . and tliddlc Stiitea in many . of the %Vt.:stern and Southern Stitch]; -we think they:ht.:4 really better adapted Co the wants al teachers and scholars -than any other yet published. The publiskershave a very hirge number of recommendations froriipuldht School committees, leachers and otliertariendly to edu callous. • • FROST'S IIISTOIRY•OF TUR U. STATES. One col , 12 mo'l9e high. schools and acade mies. The some work oimii_nsed And simplified for common schools, 1 vol. 18 To. ' JAIIVIeSTIIACTICAL 1 . 01% tht: . ÜBC of schools awl caniilies, II vol. 12 coo. with engravings. . YAIDIARS PIIIBIOLOaIt, by the 3 , 1111 C 711.1110 r, VOL 18, me. RootFrttsT iq V.A. Adams, Ateilitot Jre prim:4l:y Mid COIIIIIIOO BCIIOOIB. - ARUCJIMETIC, IN TWO PARTS fly the same author. "Part lint—advanced lessons in mental arithmetic; part seeond— •ules and examples for practice in written spill.' octal, for common and, high schools A Key to examples I•pr prac'ice • in written tritemetie; fur the use of teachers, by the 411 mu nit hor. • These nrittaneties Nye secured very high recommendation's trom , tenchers of -sch o ol s an d academies, and from prOlessars ih several. of our colleges, and from others interested in the cause of education - in various sections of the T. C. & Co., also ',oldish sunny other - School Books, which there is ',not r00m...t0 •enumerate here, besides Law, \lediutli, - '['heofngiunl anal Miseellatteotorßooks;and they are ,fully prepa• red to answer orders ter hooks itt'every depart ment of knowledge, Booksellers, - Bottool Com.' minces; nod others, snimited on the most favorl able terms, • (dept. _ - Harrisonqi"Ogluth Man Ink:: • ' htis on • brunt n !nig° supply •1 or the abode which, by a- anonial rangoriient . j . n ilia: proprietor, ho, is able 1 0. for niah to ntorolianni and, others, at the,7nntnunio. turoro wholoatilo prices. oug2l, .A ,H4BBARD. With RIA _ 01 Dor 810 et 11t (jo'46 4 ` II LI AR D'S ~m ccuaucauL DOUBLING ruiLL Select Classical_ Bo.l.rdlifi: Scheel, 'White .. *4.lphur Springe, Doubling Gap,'Culn. b.eFland county, . 0 rtocns 'JAMES ITUSTONi A. M., Principal. 3.1. i 0.. ALLEN BROWN, dal. Prof. 7-JAMES - • RAVING for some timo been desirous of .1.1 establishing a Seleet-Boarding'Seheol, and having at-length obtained-suitable-buildings for that purpose, the subscriber takes pleasure In announcing tolls patrons and friends, that he will open the shrive named Institution on the -Ist of October. . ' • The location is in a small and romantic vale formed by an tf) shaped bend-s.f tfie' gountairt, aptly termed " Doubling Gap," end is not surpassed iii healihfulness of situation and beauty of scenery. -by any, place in the country. mbin building is large and cam modions, - (t00 feet in - length by 44'm-breadth; and 3 stories high.)4nd is well furnished with everything,necessafy-to-convenienee-and-com ' fort. The other buildings compose - Bath Hou saa,&e., to the free, use of which' the pupils will have access at proper : hours. The well known White Sulphur Springs rise,.within a few rods-of the mom - building. The qbject of the Institution is to fit young man for business, or for any of the higher classes of-Col lege—The -courseTol -instruction will be thorough and coniplete, more attention being given to the quality titan to the quantity in the, performance of the student. All, the branches talight in the best academies will he taught in this, rind proper apparatus will ho used for illustration of the subjects that require it, Classes in Civil Engineering will enjoy the advantage 'of operations in the field with 'Transit, Compass, Chain, &c. I'M ME Board; tuition, , washin.o fuel and lights ,_ per session, $50,00 Latin and Greek-' .5 00 French or Hebrew 5 Oft 'Civil Engineering with use or Instrum'ts 10 00 Drawing and painting ,5 00 Vocal and Instrumental Music ' - 500 The pupils will board in the Institution un der the immediate and Constant supervision of the Principal, who will b'est'ow careful attention upon their convenience and comfort. Each student will furnish his:own .towels,and have Them and his ERTthes flis ' t , ncilk marked. , • The academic year will be divided into ses-,,„ sions of trocp./y weeks each, commencing ou the first of September. The regular vacation will occur in Julyond August. Owing to delay in completing the arrangements tiro first session of the present y ear will commence on TIIES• DAY the first day of Octriber;ris stated above. An easy arcess is alliirded to students by Means of he Cumberland Valley Rail Road to Newvi le, and thence by Leaches to ilia Acad emy. The Cettysburg aid Lewistown State Road passes through the. grounds. For circulars containing full particulars and reference, address the Principal through the Newville P. 0. JAMES HUSTON -Nowville, Sept. 18; ismizY.,.• --• .7ttitv airrangentent. LISLE TO YORK H -undcreignotlwawmoti.toilleirtMebses- . ' travel between, nib above named ; place,d ,and to afford corresponding facilities to ate pub lie, begs leave to announce 'that he is now run ning a DAILY LINE OF FOUR nORSE STAGES between Carlisle and York. His stock has recently been nufeh improved, and his conches are new and comfortable. They leave Carlisle every morning at 6 o'clock, and arrive nt York at I P. M. n time to take•the two o'clock train of Cars iin Baltimore. Returning, will leave York about I 9,:c10.1t, P. M., or immediately Mier the arrival of the Cars Irom Baltimore, and reach Carlisle the same evening. FAne.—Through tickets from Carlisle to Bal timore. or vice versa, will be furnished at the low price 01 ... _ _ _ GEORGE HENDEL Splendid Livery Estalaalunttut. He would also take this opportunity of in forming-his friends and the public generally,. that he has lately made valuable additions to his extensive Livory, in HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SALt.. DIX HORSES, Ste., and that he is now prepared to accommodate them with any article in his line of business, at it moment's notice, and so the most reasonable terms. Per• sons desirous of riding in fine vehicles, or on fine horses, -are requested to call at his estab. lishment bcl.rc ening elsewhere, ns, in all pro handily they will save a little change by se do ing,, Persons visiting Carlisle deringihetium mar season, can at al timesbe furnished with good conveyances to either of the 'following watering places in its itnmediate vicinity-Car• Aisle Springs Doubling Gap Springs; Warm Springs, Perry county; or York Sprin g s, A. dams county. Gr:11. Carlisle. July 3. 1850-3 m. Extensive Cabinet Ware-Rooms. 140 BERT B. SMILEY, successor to Wm. Li C. Gibson, CABINETMAKER & UN- D EIITA K Ell, North Hanover street, Carlisle, would respectfully inform the citizens of Carliblo and the puldie generally that lie now has on hand a large assortment of new ',I and elegant FURNITURE, 1 .:914;"7'',...":4417- consisting in' part of Sofas, Wardrobes, Card and other Tables, Bureaus, Bodstcnds„ plain and lancy Sewing Stands, &c. manufactured of the best materials and quality. arranted. Alto a gene. ral assortment of Chairs at the lowest prices.- Venitian Blind l, mule to order and repairing pronuniy attended to. IeI'"COFPIN . S mnde to -order nt - the - shoriest - tintitte. and - having splen• did Hearse he will attend funerals in town or country: 10 - Dont forget the old stand of Wrti. C.. Gibson, in North ILinover street, n few doors north of Glass's Hotel. Sept (1-ly: R. B. SMILEY. • Late Arrival • .die the new and cheap 11411LIMME STORE, Ease IRV, street, opposite- Ogilhys _Dry Good Store. V HE subscriber has just' opened a large assortment of goods in his line to which he would call- the attention of billets, es he is datermined,to sell at prices to suit this times. His stock compri es.o full assortment of Locks and Latches of every description, Hinges and Scrows,__Window Springs and Bolts; Mill Cross -cut and circular Saws, Hand, panne!, ripping and Neck Saws, bread ; hand & chopping Axes, Hatchets ' Chisels, Augurs, Planes and' Plane. Bitts, Braces and Brace flute, steel and iron Squares, Plumb & Levels, Withers and Troys,-Table and Pocket Cutlery Table and Tea Spoons, brass, bell-metal and enameled preserving Kettles, Hollow Ware, &e. Also, a full assortment of Saddlery and Carriage Trimmings, Patent Leather, Mortice° and binding Skins, Saddletrees Carriages and Wagon Whips . ; Curled 'Hair, does, Dee* Hair, -Eliptie BPrings.: Shovels and Spades,. Garden and Corn Hoes,: Grain alit Grass Scythes, Smiths and-'ficythe Stones, Hay and Manure -Forks, Window Glass, Patty, Paints and Dyer - Stuffs, - Oil, Trapontine and Varnish,- Mahogany. 'anti insole Veneers and 'mouldings, Sofe.Spra'a Also, Bar, Bond, Hoop and Sheet Iron, Cast, Shear, Spring and Blister SiOdl, Till Plate; Zinc, Speltro, Bar Load, Bar Tin, Iron, Bliss,. and Copper Wire, &c. 5 Barrels Patent Fire and Water Proof Paint, assorted colors. HENRY pAXTON. • tnytte6o Coal! 'Coat: 'TIE subscriberis now prepared ,to furnish FAMILIES witli the .best quality CLEAN STONE COAL at the lowest rates. Orders left at 11.Saxtora's Hardware Store. or at tho yard opposite fkover'e Lumber Yard; will-be promptly filled. Also, just received .from the mines 100 'PONS NUT COAL for Limo. burners, 150(1 bushels Bitutitittous .Coal for Uleeketitith's: sell " WR TG; fl T.. Linen riorstres. ' A notv , lot of Linen Lustros, various prices, and colors, from 6 to .50 cents a ytird. another supply of Braid, China Pearl, Rough and Ready, -flimpi Changeable antl.l3ress SILICS;' itt vari— ety, with. a %varied aesortinent of Bonnet and'. Can RIBBONS,' Dress Trimmings.' tg.t.a. &*, just received und.opo»odt.j. • may 29, W.' liITDIEtt. To Shoemakers.' I . (-1,, GROSS eteiit eliana i f9r Jenny.Lind - eboea, Xijnst roreivod by - , 2 '"G lIINN4R., - nug 28.18n0. - - • . -.- • • --'. ' • - •••BlaoJE 'Silk, La ces; lic; A • VARIETY of Illtick Silkjincec Throtat tit and-Cotton Likce:o„ l / a tellitlC,lllEllgings , Linos Bobbin: Edgittge, just ofo , nod by 801)125 1 G. M. lIITNER • neat. totiite at 'Auctitiu. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. .. • THE: , Sub Soribee ' oilers foe' 'sale a re ldabld Fsrm of choice arable land; situate in West Pcnutiboro' township, Cumberland county, oo the Conodoguinet Creek, eight miles • west of Carlisle and within two and a hall of the Cum- Leyland Valley Rail Road, containing about 130 ACRES in a.high state of cultivation. ,rite im provements are (co Story Weatherborirded 110USE,Smoke Muse,. lee noose and Wash * House, and a good well of water St lie doo . Also, a large Hank Barn, Corn-Crib, IViigon Shed:ll-in good order and n good Orchard:- 11)nm is 17 Acres of first rate Meadow and a. bout 25 Akres of Timber Land on the opposite side of the creek, which- will be sold with the Farm if (leaked. There has been between five and six thousand of lime put on this Perin' latelY,TThere is -also n• large•Lime•Kiln, capable of burning from 12 to 1 , 100 bushels at a blast on the - property'. aug2Bin WILLIAM AL rER. i•lbstsicaster Volksfreund copy, tf. and• and bill to-this-office- for•eollection., IMMIIMr-f7lllr7F'Mr7nMll pursuancelN, 0f.411 order -- of the Orphan's' Court'of Cumberland county, will be 'sold at public kale, at the late residence of 'Benjamin Myers, deceased, on Friday • the 1 th day of 'October next, at 10 o'clock A. M., the folfew. ing described Real Estate, late the property-o.f said decedent, to wit .—A tractol - land — situate in Dickinson township, bounded by lands o• - John Huston,- John Fishburn, land of the ;said Benjamin Myers, deceased, and Ab'm Myers, containing 85 ACRES and 130 PERCHES, strict measure,, of which • about 70 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the residue excellent timber land, having there . on-orected a two story weather. boarded,ouse., LOG STA• ff inlva well _of water. near. g 't'• the door, and a goo&Apple and of choice fruit. Also, a Tent ant Houso.and Stable, Also at the same time and place, will he sold a small tract of first rate. timber lund,situate in the same township, and hounded by kinds of .John Fishburn, the heirs of lyttel Ege, deceased, William Line and Spangler, containin 0 ACRES and 57 PE CITES, 'l'he above described cal Estate will be sold On the following terms So - tattch as may be necessary to pap the c sts and expenses of sale to be paid on the to rmationef the sale by the, Court, - onelliird of to balance to remain in the hands of the paw aser during the life of Eliza Myers, widothe interest to be paid to her annually, and at her (loath dmprincipal to be paid to the heirs of the aforesaid Benj. Myers, doe'd. one Italia the balance of the purchase money of the tract first above detieribed to be paid on the first of April next. when possession will he given and a deed mode to the purchaser; and the residue in two equal annual. payments thegenfter without interest. The residue of the purbbase money of the tract of timber land. after deducting. fhe widow's dower, to be plid en the first of April next. The whole to be secured by recognizance in the 0-phans' Court with ap proved security. -JOHN CAROTHERS, Aug 29;50 is administrator, .11s,siarn eols' Sal. 1 1 / 4. az SATURIMY, the 12th of C2ober. WILL be sold at public sale, at 0 o'clock, A. Itf , on the promises, the followin described tract of land, containing about T VEN'I'Y TWO ACRES, situate to Lower Allen town. Edup4.4mberland county, one mile above Eber ly's mill, on Cedar Spring, adjoining lands of William R. Cergas, Daniel Mich, and others, ~, with a well finished_ ..V.R &ALE -- 4 1 ,--- lIOLISE', Wagon Maker's Shop, .• , 3' 44 4.: , : Barn and other impr o vements there. .111114 V ,:',,,, , I V , t , " ,on erected. There is also an °felt. :.....'• 4 - . and of choice fruit. It is a desirable location for a mechanic and worthy of amen' (ion. Also, at rho same time and place will be sold n.Tract of Iroorliana, containing TEN ACRES more or less, situate in Fairview township, York county, adjoining lands of Christian Gar; bar, Wm: IL Gorgon and others. Also, a ipt of cord wood on said tract. Also, at the same time and place will be sold the following personal property, viz:, Horses and horse gears, milch cows and other cattle, Hogs and Sheep, Grain by the bushel, Hay by the ton, Wagons, Ploughs, Harrows and other laming utensils. Also a lot of chestnut 'rails, it number of quarrying tools, together with household and Kitchen Furniture and other ar ticles too numerous 'mentlon: Attbadmice will he given and terms of sale made known by Atig22,'so CHRISTIAN EB ER LY. assignee of Daniel fleck VAL17A1,1 4 13 FARM AT .PII,IV ATE SALE. rrf HE subscriber oilers at private sale the fol i lowing described Real Estate, situate in North Middleton township, Cumberland county containing 150 ACRES, more or less, patented land, about 125 of which are cleared and in ar high state of cultivation, and the residue cover ed with thriving young timber. The improve • menu are n Two Story LOG s HOUSE, STONE KITCHEN, 4'4 611111 1 . e a first rate new BANK BARN, Wagon—Shed—end Corn Also, a fine young nod rhriving Orchard with choice trim The farm is well covered with locust timber. There is a never failing sluing of water near the door, with wa ter enough tor mill power. This wilier can be biought in pipes to the house and barn. The above mentioned tract is all limestone land, and is inn healthy neighbourhood, lying upon the Conodogumet Creek, within 2 mile,. of Carlisle. and only half' a mile from the Cum berland Valle) Rail Head. It is of C01.1)13Q con venient to the Carlisle market and - well adapt ed for supplyinb, said market. Time purchaser Call have the whole farmvir 100 Acres and the improvements. An indisputable title will be given. For terms imply to the subscriber, re siding on the Walnut Bottom Reid, five miles from Cordele, septs JOHN FISIIBURIsI, Sr. Orphans' Court .Sale. On 7'HURSD4Y, the 3d of October, 1850. tup Y virtue of an order of the Orphinis' Court Of Cumberland county, and an authority for the parties - in -- interest - who are orage,Th e sth. Miller will oiler at puhlic sale, on the premises the following property, late the estate of nomult, of Dickinson townsh'p, deed , crz; A tract of laud aitutde in Dockersville, said Dickinson township, containing 100 ACRES 61 first rate Limestone Land, adjoining lands of Newcomer, (locker and others, all of Whit:lris clearen and in a high state of.cidtivation except about d Acres ot IVonilland. The improvements • me a two story DWELLING HOUSEntid Frank BARN, agnod :kfv• A IF TENNT ROUSE with Stable, a well of Water tb each bonsai°. gethi;r with other out buihlings.,— A Ise, an thtliard of choice fruit, principally ap ples. .Also, at thasame time.and place is tract ut Timber Laud, situate in Dickinson ,tOwnship, - at the Sandi .Mountniii i containing 20 ACRES . of young and thriving timber, adjoining /nada is Gen. Miller, Newcomer and others.: Terme o sale will lie -made known on said day when at_ trinlancc will be given Lii — the — sidnirilier than of minor children of Michael Brandt deo'd and attorney of those who are of full age. _ . . ting:lB DAVID IMANDT.• 'O'l' ABLE PROPE UMW • • AT' PUBLIC SALE. Ott SJITURD4I, the sth of OCTOBER; 1850; W be sold at Public sale on the premises in Monroe township, Cumberland county, Pa.. adjoining Clntrahttiwn, the following Real Es tate of rroilerick Goodyear, dec'd., •CONTILUITING 163 - 41011E3 of first rate limestone hind,. 120 of which is cleared and in a high state. of eultivatton,• and. 'the reminder is covered with fine'yeung timber. The improvemontoare . a*Two Story Double DWELLING - HOUSE, a 3,:5!,1 largo STONE BANK BARN., ;1 ; .• with a Thrashing Machine and hems power, A wei—of never.faiting wa ter near the house with a rpring house, and all other- necessary oat buildings... Also, a large ORCHARD of choice flint. Alto above pro perty will be.sold either in two.trople or togs ther, as may beie suit the purchasers. Any person wishing to see the above. property, will please call on the subscribers in Cherclitolvn. Solo to continence at I o'clock, when attendance will be gives and terms thado kno;vo by JOHN' GOODYEAR, ' ' JACOB - GOODYEAR, DAN'S, GOODYEAR. . .• if,rceuters, aug7 is 1.44b1ic Sale, Itri-LI, be sold-at Ru i blie ?ale an.S TV R. D AY, , the.l2th of OetAer,, next i a two • ettiry'PTCAW. HOUSE and lot ..pkirn groundi. ,th latter. containing about threa.Oartere of an Acre, widt a groat variety , of - choice " frail traeai a Stable and other out building's:ool;6ot), This propertr . ie situated in Wood street in, the village of, Platnfiold;Uunt. berland'ehitnlY, bininded an the north by Blot of :Frederick, Zdigier, on. the sant lot; of Snantel'Greason; on tbo.oar,r by elot.ef Thos, ..oreation. 4 Salo, to annanotictr at it o'clock. on said day, when teeina of anle will be made Itn'own by 'THOS. GREASON., ' Sept l t Heri n ee of arac o ls Stover.. , - kR . NOUDS wilting fluid , n • very . 1711 . imprint ink. ior 001 nt- fIUBPARD'S neat Ootat.c. at 'Auction, MITI VALuABLE r ' 7 ' FOR SALE. , . THE eubScriber Were at private sale, the ' Farm on which he now lives, situate in West . Pennsborough township, Cumberland 'county, five Miles !rem , Cariialo, and. one:mile from Plainfield, containing` /36 ' Acnr.B and 64 ' PERCHES, of first rate Limestone - Land; all I of which is cleared and• hilt high State:of cul...t tivation excepfls or 20 acres of . WOodland.i--- The 'farm lies on the Conodeguniet Creek and 1 is but half a mild` from the Good hope Mills. I The whole is under good fence, about 'nine hundred panel of which is .post and rail fence." ! Iho improvements are a new Brick DWEL.I#ING HOUSH,. I two stories high, with a commo , IF:: di rst ratd. cius' BaWagoa S nk Baru ixd, 94 f C orn eet long, fi, 1 with threshing floor. and till other necessary out-buildings.- There is a good well of water I at the door. Also, a large (;:traliard, with eve. ry variety of choice fruit. The entire place is in the best order, and holds out the strongest itidticemeafs to purchiteers.." Perscw.s desiring _texicamine_kare_requested-to-call-on-the-suir= scriber. An Indisputable title-will -be - given, - and terms made reasonable; . . .. .. , . . BENJAMIN LONGENECKER. 104 3inos , eLancasterlUnion copy t 3 months and send bill to this dike for collection. -Valuable. Farm : at-Private. Sale.- THE subscriber offers for pale a valuable farm of Limestone Land, situated on the Yel low Breeches Creek in Dickinson township, Cumberland county, abdut 7 miles southwest. of Carlisle, and within 2 miles of the Stone Tavern, adjoining lands of Squire Woods, John Williams, George Martin and others contain. ing 161 ACRES of _well improved land, under good fence and inn high state of cultivation.—.. The Al Acres are all clear, but-there-is- 75, _ Acres of first rate 111OUNTAIN LAND to it. There is also an excellent - meadow on the farm. and some bottom land. The improvements consist of a big two 1 I Btory DWELLING HOUSE, brick a y a Bank Barn, and all other improve. mdtds that is neliessarY to a farm.—. There" - is three, big running springs on the farm one in the cellar, and one near the barn, and a good orchard-of all kinds of fruit. Any person desiring further information will please call on. Jacob Seitz, residing. in West Pennsborougli township, Cumberland county, one mile from Newville, or on Tobias Seitz, residing on the ;arm. Possession and ati indisputable title will be given on the first of April, 1831,-- Terms - made to suit purchasers. JACOB SEITZ: jy2-,3mospd PRIVATE SALE THE subscriber offers at privates* the fol lowing, property, situate in North Middleton township, Cumberland county, near the Harris burg unnpike, nbodt 2 mi,ea from Carlisle consisting of upWards of THREE ACRES o Ground, adjoining properties of Samuel 'Rutz Beerbrov,'er nod the Loan Silting, on which is eted a 2 story Brick DWELLING (! , . - iIIYI m OUSE, a two story Log Dwellingl-21P tauloings. There is also a fine young Orchard of choice •Apple trees. Also, a fine cool spring convenient to the houses. The property good older, and is admirably adapted for a mar ket farm, being convenient to the borough of Carlisle. .Terms will, be made reasonable.— For further information the subscribnr agent for the owner, living near the place, augl4 JEREMIAH' GRINEIt. 307.13,MCC SALE. On TUESDAY, the 15th pf OCTOBER, next. I,IrILL he sold at public saloon the premises VV — in ShirCrnttrgitf , Wll, the following prop erty, lot aground, situate in said place, on the north side of tho .N nin street on which is erected a two story DWELLING HOUSE. FRAME SHOP and — STABLE: 'rho prop erty is in good condition, the buildings are new, and the stand is a•foi a' mechanical business. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. when attendance will be given by • JOHN ItUri s , sepl.l assignee or Jacob _Bates. VALUABLE Tlirr•To AITIJ PARR AT PUBLIC SALE. On IVEDNES/).41; file 16th of October, 1850. THE subscribers wishing to dissolve part' nership and remove to the West, will sell their Valuable MILL and FARM, situated in West Pentisboro' township Ciftnborland county. The Farm contains 133 ACRES of first rate Lime stone Land, the celebrated Big Spring runs' Along the western Margin of the tract, a stream that never fails or freezes, and is unequalled by soy stream in the United States. The ha• provements are a first rate TaIEIROHANT leXXLL three stories high, fi..ished off in the most cem• oleo; order, with ,patent improved Merchant Bolt, Self Packer, and all the latest improve' wants in,Machinery, Corn Kiln, and situated on the above named Spring, which affords a full 'apply of'water at all times to the Mtl,i. There .ifio - oreeted - on — rhittrprepenrti A T . s largd two story DWELLING t, HOUSE, Bank Barn and Siebling Millers' House, Cooper Shop, 4,--4 t-gr'r - Orchard, &c. The buildings are aft nearly new, and sn the best Airder,_about twti tbifds of . the tract is cleared and the hal• ante cove,tred with thriving timber. Tide pro petty isnear the Cumberland Valley Rail Road in.the heart of a rich country, and offers strong inducements to - capitalists. . This property will be sold separately or together to auit perches. crs. Terms made easy to suit purchasers as we will soil without reserve. Any information about oho property can be had by addressing John Piper. Big Spring Post Office; Cumber' laud county, Pa. ^ . JOHN PIPER, SAMUEL PIPER, ..JAMES PIPER. aug2l o:7 : Weekly North American and Lanciader Union Insert till sale ani send bill to this office for collection. . ASSIGN EES' SALE OF, VA.LiTAELE REAL ESTATE. Oit.MTURD.9Y, the Sth of October, 1850. THE - subscrieor will offer at public sales on the neerniee9. in West Ponnsboro. township, the following Real Estate, late the property of Samuel fidar, deed., situated three and a half - Miles - west of Carlisle. near Jtihn Hays' Mill, cqntaining 180 ACRES more or less, of first ray) Limestone Land, boutidnd an the north by llle Coned%minet Creek, also by lands of Bear,-Jr., Henry Smith, George Singiser and others, talent, 108 Aeras-of which is first rata tillable land , in a good state of cultivation, the remainder is'covrcd with fine young timber. - (The improvements donsist of a ;large two story STONE HOUSE Largo Stone. Bank Earn, Wagon IFt P. Shed, Corn Cribs and other con• "'4....voniont out buildings, a spring of goes water near the doer. Also, an Orchard of , thriving-young tress on the - property. Sdld to commence nt o'cieck, A, M., on said dal; when attenthince will begivon tind•torMs made keown by TILOS. (=REASON, ' • aug2l Assignee Bear. deed. VALtraliral 10 1 ,11.01 , 33117r2 4 AT. PUBLIC SALE. 0/i THURSDAY, the 1014 of OCtober, next. ' IN wars/twice of an order — of the Ortilmns' Court or Cumberland oounty, the undersigned Administrator of Abraham Breni3CIININ deed., will sell,, on the premises, all the interest mid claim of the cant decedent, being dm, undivided seventh part in n tract .of land in East Penns. hero' township in said county, containing ' 101 .a.tihrs , • more or less, hounded by lands of Michael Free Joseph Sadler, George bowman and others, on which is erected a large Two. Story -% STONE HOUSE, Bank flarn, with Wagon Shed, Corn OHM', Smoko and te t t Sprang' House, and a never-litiling Spring of water, which waters a nom bee of the fields. There ts about Ninety Acres cleared; and the remainder coverod with thriv. big timber. Sufficient Locust' ratting on the premises to furnish posts: forev,er . for feiting:* Poke it, oltogetherit,, is one of tbe•mosf desire- . ble tracts 'or land,in &Minty. ; Sale to cont inence at h o'elooli, V, 4., when Attendinoia will be given and terms inade knowii byy, r . aug9B i . JOS. ..ft; ESSEIt, Alm` r. , • • .! •••• :rams- • Iffil subscriber intending te . ,triovo' to the; T!West offeee.'hie mansion (nein for sale, 'the same•buingaitiutted in Lower Allen township, • ,Ournberiand counttiobout four, miles, •,w,est of Harrisburg; the . State fiend rinesing.thfough;the same. containing 109 ACRES of first rate Ame• , 'etone.landi adjoining' lands of levilylerklo; - Long and, others; The improvements area • three story LOG HOUSE,.plaiterod,odtriide, ond";insidc, a double LOG.JMRN; "a 'nefie: failidg 'spring good. water under the houitc, - ;. Also, a.Tonnnt House dhd other out:buildings, .&e._ Any patron desiring,to jrueelinse a _farm in this section of , country,'will dO'woll,to, call' rind view the same. ••• ller•Ltiliceater - Unienputi:te inioune AM. '' A forgo lot of the most pproved bloods just eived ti MODIYERS, DT, flonoyer • - Iftrat 115,citate EXECUTORS. SALE OF Nr.a.ritrAßLZl REAL ' ESTATE. 11',L be ecild at public Aiald on TUES." Ay, the 22(1 Of Detober, next, at 10 o'clock, on the premises,the following described real emote: , , . 1. A tract. olexcellent land laying on the south side of the OlatheHand Va lleyßail Road abour 4 , ltnileseast of Carlisleteontaining about - 200 ACRES: It is under goodTence, and in a ' high ,state of cultivation. fA rrhe 7 • 2.A. • improvements area large two Ste. . dlYd • ry BRICK HOUSE, a Jorge brick - Sank Barn, both recently built, and all the necessary out-buildings There is a well' of water (with a ,puntid in the yard. Part Of this tract is well timbered. 2. About 90 ACRES, one mile south of the " above tract, of which there are about ,20 Acres - bleared, the balance is excellent timber land.' Theie will also 'ho''Cifihred'af - pablic hide en' THURSDAY, the 24th of October next, at 10 oiclock, on the premises, two very fine lime. , keno farms, situated in Toboyne township, Perry county. These are adjoining farms, one contains about - 240 ACRES. the other about. 27.9 - ACRES: -7 Theyittre - ../.lbuutEcrnietrivvi 7 T47•sl — on the main road leading up-the valley. One farm has a STONE MANSION HOUSE 'Mid Bank ljern on it. The other a Log House and Log Barn. ' There are thriving ORCHARDS on both of these places. They are situated in the most fertile part of the coun .lT.Artotret.many!inducomentaio_purchnsers. Pereons,wishiug to see either of the above tracts, can obtain information from -the tenants residing on the premises, or either of tire-un dersigned Executors. Attendance will be giv eaand terms made known on day of solely' RICHARD PARKER; 1"4. - c• sTErenoTT; • Eihcators of Thomas tinie;' deed. July 24-ti. .Desirable Property For , Sale, THE subscriber will sell at -private sale the ,property on'which he now resides, situate in West Pennsboro' township Cumberland coun ty, containing about NINE ACRES, with a good two story FRAME HOUSE, good frame BARN, a good well - of water, and all the ne cessary out-buildings, together with an orchard , of over thirty TREES of !theice varieties of Apple ,17 . 1 . :, in full berme. A Peach'—' -Orchard of about sixty trees of the most select eastern Varieties, With a general _assortment , of Pear, Phim, Apricot, Nectarine and, Cherry trees of the best varieties. • The buildings are all new and built in the most substantial man ner, the whole property fain good order, and ono of the niest desirable in the county; being situated in the village of Plain. eld, five Miles west of Carlisle, close to Church and. School?. and within one-half mile of Burns' Academy. It presents rare inducement's to a mechanic er private family wishing to educate their children. If not sold previous to the sth of OCTOBER, next, it will on-that day to offered at public sale nt 10 o'clock. on the , premises, and will pos. - itively ho sold. For particulars address the subscriber at Plninfi.ld. Cumberland county.el nugld ANDREW CAROTIIERS=4 ORPHANS COURT SALE On Sniurday, the 12th of October. BY 'Amin of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, will be sold at public sale on. the premises in Lisburn, Cumberland County, the following property, late the estate of Isnac-Lloyd, deceased viz: A House and three lots of ground, situate in saidplace, on the road to Harrjsburg, adjoining trproperty of John SlMrich and Geo. Bar ber.. Irr •Th at e house a Weetherboarded two watery-dwelling- HO Ifs,E,-andattached- to tt are several outbuildings, including a largo stable shed, Sr...e. There is a first 'rate Well of water !Tar the door. Also, anumber of choice fruit trees. On one of the lot is erected a good frame Cabinet Maker's I shots. It may be considered a good stand for that . business,and bolds out strong Inducements to parchment.— Persons wishing to examine the property are requested to call on the eulnicriber, living on the premises. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, in the alternooon of said day, when terms will be made known by REUBE3I 'STAR, Aug 22,'50 Annniatrator. Notices, PROCLABULTION. . 'wHEREAS the floritzablo FIdDERICH Mimi's, President Judge of the several Courts. f Common 'Pleas -of the counties of Cumber land, Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylva nia, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in said counties,ard Don. John Stuart and John Clendenin, Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gcncrul , Jail Delivery for: the trial of all capital and Either offenders, in the said county of Cumberland, by theirpreeepts to me directed, dated the 26th of August, 1850, have ordered the Court of Oyer arid Terminer and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Car lisle on the 2d Monday_ of Iklovenribee next, (being the lith day) at 10 o'clock in the tlire noon,-to-contirinc-two-svcoke- ' NOTICE is Allen:fore hereby given, to the Coroner, Justices of the Peirce and Constables of the said county ofeumberland, that they are by the said precept commanded to be then and there in their-proper persons, with their-rolls,- records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remembrances, to do those things which to theirotlicee appertain to be done,und all those that are hound . by recognixamme, to pro - secute (against the prisoners that are'or then Shall be • ,in the Jail of said county, ate to be thoreArt___ prosecute them as shall be just, .' DAVID SMITH, Sherif. Carlisle, September 25, 1850. Estate of DAvie,WOßSTjdec'd. of Administration on ; she estate of David .Worst, late of the borough of .Mechanicsburg, .Cumberland county,'. dec'd-, have been issued by the Register of the county aforesaid, to the subscriber residing in the bo rough and county aforesaid., All persons hav ing claims against said estate willpresentrhom properly authenticated for settlement and those indebted will make immediate payment•to JOHN ZEARING, Athar. teuttß-Gtpd Estate of Thos. 0, Boerne, Decd. Letters of administration on the es ate of Thanes C. Remo, Into of. Shiremanstown, Cumberland county, deceased, have been grant ted by the register of said county, to the sub scriber, residing in Dauphin county. He will attend on. Monday the 2d of September, and ovary oilier Monday for two months thereafter at the residence.ot the deceased, whore all per sons indebted are rociuceted to make immediate. payment, and these :having claims to present them for aettlement.tO DAIVIEL SHELL, Aug 22,'50 61. .9dministrator. Auditor's Notice. NOTICE isliereby given lo all persons in terested that the undersigned has been arr. pointed Auditor to report'on exceptions filed to tha,neconnt of .Tliontaa Greason, Assi.gnee of'. David Reed. I will attend oh MONDAY, the 7th of October next, af'rny office in the I3dro' of Carbide eept2s R M llENDERSON,fiuditors _ . DissolutioO of. Taxtuership. .. TI E partner*horetelore existing between t the undersigned 11 the Boat and Shea Menu. factory, is this day distokiid by mutual eon'. sent. The bus& a will he carried on by Geo. W. B ossernum , it A will sell Boots and Shoos lowerfor cosh than ever. .. , . .. GEM W BOSSERMAN, WM. ASKEW. aoptll English and German lournals, THE English and German Journals' of tho Senate and Houao of Itupresentaticres for the year 1850, "'two boon received at the Commis wooers 0111 cc, at Carlisle, and '.arc ready for dtstribution.tothoso entitled to.reeoive By ()Mar of the Commissioners, • .Attest--WM REILLY,s Clerk, Carlisle, supli „%501 . , _ , • .1 1 ANIERIILET LAWS. rriHE Pamphlet laws passed at the late see. shin of the Legislature have been received and are readyfor distribution to thoso..entitled to receive thorn. _ • JASIF, LA.MBRTO.N,„ undid°, ear.] I PirothPy.'7l • ~NOTtOL". - • .ANNUAL ;ELECTION :for Officers and Managers of the Cdnihoi. lam Valley Rail—Road Company will be hold ht Wood's tiotel, in Carlisle; betWoonthe Uinta of 10 'A. M., and , CP .M,; of MON,PAY, , qi !d ay .of. Octet: riAs , 12, IL- Office, Corlielo,Z r 7 • • , sopt.ll,'so-3t. 5 • NOTICE is harbilytiViia that4trt all will Ito made rto , thm:LogislaturO of. thq Commonwealth at ite noxi'aeastaii:' fait, Aar fora hafik'With. general banking privileges; to )3o located in Carlisle,. Comlierlatal comity, I'n, with a enpital or One Manfred 7 legman ( ' Dollars, and to by called the. CfiClittle Pont. • ' •