Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 02, 1850, Image 1
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' ..Z.3"{ .• , • ) i • • , ' , • ;xi, 4 4,.. -. 5 ,4 1_. -•fi. 4 11,), , -. .- c ..i. , ,•;, ' -•-•::•.- ,r-_... !," • : . - , :Tx" - •,,, - O'r:c. 4 "" • . „- •-, • " _ - • " .-. ° , A -- -.• 4l'' . ' ......::: , -....„.7*--:-P;' --- - . ~ . • . • .- , • • . • • • - . - • . , . • . , , • , , . . , . •• s ~ , _ . . By E. 'BEA-TTY. Not teal --ELECTION WIIIS, in and by an act of,lbc General Assent itie A lily of the Commonwealth of Penn -B)lyania,viititletl "An Act relating to the election of this Commonwealth," • pursed the 2cl tiny 01 Jolt', A. I). HAI, it is nettle the fluty of the She rill' of every county us ithin this I, 0111111COWeallil. itvgire public notice-of the tittnertil-Klect.onsvittal instteli natives to enumerate • I. 'Flue officers to he e [trete: 1. lks'ottlikte the piece at which the election Is to be held? I, DAVID Sherifr el the county Onmherlasol,--do--Inote - known. nett : give. this mild in notice to the eti-elOl, a Ow cotnui of Calltherlatal,thla oa OP OCTOBEit •, being Ow Hilt day of the montlila General Election it ill be held at the severatelettlioulligmta • liti Inhee Inst lit said county, •at which time they will vote by It t llot for the surpral °lnners herein:it - ter minted, ON F. PERSON for Canal Comm of the Stitte of Perot B t.] s ONE PERSON r 'no • Genemi of the Sum at Peonsykon • ONE PERSON_ ar SOINCI Or Gentoatl NE of theRSON State 0 1 Penn',,, a la O PE retnastent-the-eountiett-of Cumberland; Frank -110 and Parry in the Cohgress'of the U. States. ONE I'EIt.SON to represent the counties of Cumberland and Perry in the Senate of Pen..syltatuitt. Two PERSONS'a;I7 . to repteseti the ceuntv of Cumlirrlatul in the House of Ilevresuntativesvd Pennsylvania ONE - PERSON for District Attorney of the county of Cumberrd. t)NI.I PIUitJN for County Survtlor, of the county ol Cumber Pd. • PERSON for Commissioner of the county of Cumberland, ONE PERSON • • Cur Director of the Poo• and or the I louse of Em— ployment t f the con u f• cf Cumberland. ONE PERSON for Auditor, to settle •the public accounts of the county of Cumberland ' AMENDMENT OF THE coNsv PUTION. Wbefe . as n -- joiht 'resolution to istvicittl Use Con stitution of this Commonwealth, in the second sect roe of the fifth article thereof, by provi for the election of the Judges of - this Common- - wealth by thexpeople, has been agreed to by a majority or the - roelobeee elected to , e ach (louse of the Legislature,likywo auccessiv.: sessions of the Same. And wheßa's it is provided in the tenth article of the Constittition,thsit any_smenth meta >o ago cud upon, shall lie submitted to the ~ 1 people in such manner stud at such lime, atielfst three months after being so agreed to by the. llonse's r as the Legislature shall prep tribe. And whereas by an act of the General Assent idly of the State passed the 9th day of April A. D.'1850 it is provided "that for the, purpose of ascertaining the souse 01 the eitileits of this Commonwralti, in regard to the adoption or ire• jection of the said 1t111C10111112111.1111 C1(11:11011 Will be lucid to each of the tot6isidlis wards mid di"- H'il'ts therein, on the secotiirTuesday iu Dela. her in the year of our Lord one thousand tight hundred and fifty, for the purpose ol deoitling nlion the adoption or rejection of the said amend ment ; which said election be held at the', phtecs, and be opened and closed at the time at and within which-the General I... Motions of this Commonwealth are held, opened and closed ; and it shall he i the duty M the Judges,lnspeetors and Clerks, at each of said townships, wards anthliatricts, to receive at the said election ticks ets either writteit or printed, of partly written and partly printed ,Ivor su hi eitizensduly swab hied to vote for members ofthe General Assent lily to deposit them in a box or boxes to be for that purpose provided by the proper offikrs, which tickets shall be labelled on the outside "avitcutimetit," awl those wt.° are &Vora!, IC In the macadamia may express their desire by en. `Mu i r each a written or printed ticket, or partly written or partly printed ottlltit, containing on the inside thereof - the words "Mr the amend ment," and those who arc opposed to such a mendsuctst, may. express their opposition by vo ting each a similar ballot, eutitaluitig on the in .irte-thrrece-the wards "Itgs -- isear - ettre - 7amencl" -- 1. cut," "and "dap the election on the said pro posed amendment st all in all respects lie con dueled as the general elections. of this Common wealth are now conducted ; and it bind's be the duty of die return Judges of the respectjte counties nut districts thereof, first haring care hilly a.ccrbiiipcd number 'Ol soles git elt-for -01'14111.1 die said amendment in the wanner aforesaid toThisiko out dujihente returns tliereul, wiiiresily in words at len g th, and ma in figure:, only, uric of which repo,' sit,ll lie lodged in the Prothonotary's ofilee 01 the proper county , and the other sealed and turreted to Ilic tieurcllll) or the CUrOlOll - 11Wa11111,111111'1/) one 01 111 C 1.10.1 gee forthwith deposited 111 the 110011. I.lollvelliClll. - 1.081 Office. The said election will be held throughout the county, as follows: > The election in the election district- composed of the borough of Carlisle and the townships of North Middleton,Soutli Middleton, Lower Dick inson, Lower Frankfurt! and Lower %Vest. Peons. borough, trill lie held at the Court House, in the bath oughvf Carlisle, The etectiott in the election district cola; Used of Silver Speing• township, will be held at the public house of George Duey, in floguestotto in said township, 'I-lie eleCtiiiii it, the election district composed of Ditmptlenlownship, will be held at the house forineely occupied by it'lleessicr in said town ship. - The election to the election district Composed of the township of U'oper -Allen will be Imid at the port ho 110119 of Lksvitl .siheifer la Sh.dicchs. town. :rite election in the electiondistrict composed of the township ot Lower Allen will be held at .the wigou-maker shop of Jonas tianclibarger, • on Slate Hill. • 'Elie election in die election district composed of Bast Pennshorough township,. will .lie held at the house now occupied by S Henninger, at the , tweet end.of the Harrisburg Bridge. The election el the district composed oh New Cumberlithil, will be held ut the public house of W H. Bold, in° the borough, of New Gunther. and. The election in the district composed of the borough of Alechanicsburgovill be held ut the public house sif John Hoover, in 'Salo borough. 71 . 1ie election in OM district compos , d of Mon. roe township, will be held at the public house of Geo. Goodyear in Churchtown, in said township '1 be emmicitt in the district composed of Upper Dickinson township, will be held at the house formerly occupied by Phi ip IVeaver, in said The election in the district composed ot the Borough of Nemville, and townships of Upper Frankfort!, Newton 'West Prinishorough, nod. that- part of Newton ,triwitnltip, sot included in the Leesburg.. election 'district 'iercinatter mentioned, will, be held at,; the Brick School Donee, in the borough of Newville. 1 lie electitin in the district composed of Hope .well township, will Le held ut the School llouse n Newburg; in said township. Toe election in flitdistrict composed of tin borough of Shippensburg..Shippensburg' Lewis. ship, mid that part of Southampton township n th included in the Leesburg election district, will , be held at the Council House, in the boroughs of lipensburg in mal byan act of the General Assembiy, Of t th i trifintonwealth, painuid flee 2il July; I Hp, 155,i 5 I ,sroVideul l "That' did qualified electors of parts ot Newton and Southampton township, in the county of Cumberland, bounded 1);y the, lowing linmand distances,wizt Beginning arthe Adams sounty line, thence aloitg the line dividing the townships of Dickinson mid Newton to this turnpike road:thence along said turnpike .to Cen tre School llouse,olt iiitid turnpike, in Smiutliamp - tonlownshipolience to a point on the Walnut ,Bottom (toad at Reybuck'a, FarMithence a straight directionto the Saw Miff belonging to,the belch of George Clever; thence • 'aleng'lCrysliees - ruir to the -%Ailiims" county line, ." thence along a i nLine of Adams county to the place be atl.the same it hereby declared ' n ew.and.separate election district, the election - to beheld .tit thepublic house of V , tri., Maxwell In Leesburg, Strathamptors township " • - • 'Notice:is nerebv • An a l , e very persor,exeeptlng J9ticea Of 'thd Pestoe, who shall hold any office or appolatmeitt of-profit or trust easier , the United States or thisyS tato, or ,011 . eify ionorporided district, whether a' waintemonelltolTicia. or oherwiee;.o eilairdiniktp 91 , ngent,:who", tir shall he e mployed nailer the • legadatisse, eaeiutive,,orltsi ( dewy departments' of this State, or of the unitdil states, or 9t Kay city ,or of soy inoarporated 0 4 Pennily •Veiespapero--Devofed THERE A IZE TWO THINGS, SA ITD LORD hACQN, VV.IIIOII 111,ilit A NATION GREAT AND PROSPEROUS-A FERTILP GOIL AND 13L'Sir WORKSHOPS,-TO WHICH LET ME ADD, fief; and also that every inernbei , of Congress .atill_orthe-State Legishiture,-untl' i nf - the'Select - or - Common Council of any city, 01' commissioner - of atr ineorporated , distriet, is by law incapable of „holding or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of judge, inspector,or clerk of elections of this Commonwealth, and that no in spector, judge or other officer of such election shall he eli Ale to be then voted for. ' And the 581(1 qua of Assembly., entitled an act relating to elect ions of this Commonweklih,passed .lode '2d, luau, turther_provides as Follows to wit._ and Judges shall Meet. of 1.1111 l'epectiVe planeft Hppoionnl holding the election in the 111S11,1 n 11 4 .11 they I . CbpeetiVel) nerore o'clock in On . inOrnin g Z11,31/1111 uesday of Neosho.l.ll each 01 5.1.1 in-, sfecoles ctspoinf one till k, alto 'hall be a , -t ht 01180 tile 110,01; u ify shall lint t• eel rtvrdole 5e,01.1 lughcsl MIMI/ell ul roles fi•e 111011 not attend on the day of the election, then Ole person who sholl hate reek it CIL the heeelit , big-best number of iotes for at the next pi mit-cling e,leetion 8611 act as umpccler w fits Antl in case the who shall hate received die highest nuinber 111 VOWS roe inspec tor shall not attenit,the elected judge shall appoint inspector iii his plate; 01151 i 11,01580 the iferSoll 5 I .eteil ii judge 6111111 1101 attend, then the Inspector who seeetibiT the' highest number of votes shall appoint a judge in his place; or if any vacancy shall continue in the avant for the space or one Lour alter the time ,fixed by* Jaw for the of the - etc:it Imo he qualified voters of the 'township ward-or district roe 'such officer shall hove heel: elected, present at tie place of •electior:, shall elect one of their number to fill such vacancy; th shall be the duty of the several assessors ystecleprive to attend at the place of holding every general special. or township election, dur ing the whole time said election is kept open, for the purpose orgivilig information to the inspectors and judges when called on ill relation to the right of ally person assessed by them to vote at such election, or such tuber matters in relation to the assessment of voters as the said inspectors (Ii eitheriof them shall from time to time require. 'No person shall be permitted to vote tit any election as aforesaid, than a white freeman or the age of twenty-one years or mare,-who shall have resided in this State at least one jelly, and ii. the election district where he ulfers his vote at least ten days immediately preceding such election, mid within tWo years paid a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed' itt least ten days before theVlection..,.illut. a citizetfof , glie United States, till° lois previously been It qualified - voter of this State mud removed therefrom and returned, mid who Shall have resided iu the election district and paid taxes aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote alter isesidilig in this State six months: Prov4ded, That the A% ilite irtiemett ciiizenact: the _Umi_leit States, beta eini the ages o f t u ditty one and tu enty two years sand liaxe resided in the election district. ten days as aforesaid; shall be entitled to_yote al ,bough they shall not have paid taxes.' No person shall he permitted to vote whose name, is not contained in the list of taxable inhab itants Claud shed by the Commissioners, unless glrsii lie produce a receipt for the payment with in two, of a state cr county tax assessed agreeably to the constitution, and give satisfactory evidence CAIN on his oath or affirmation, or the oath or affirmation of another that he has paid such a tax, or on lirilure to produce a receipt skill miike oath to the paymeht tl4reol. Sec. and; it he claim a right to'i ow' Ly beta; an elec tor between the age 'of twenty one and twenty Iw,, years,-he shall depose on oath or affirmation that he has resided itithe State .it least one year next before his application, and make such proof of I esidence in the district as is required by' tills act and that he does verily bclieye from the account. &hen him that lie is of the age aforesaid, and give such other evicknee as is required by thi• Itch-whereupon the name:of the person so admit ted to vote shall lie inserted in the alphabetical list, by the inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the word 'tax,' if he- chaff be , atioitted to vote by reason of having, paid lax, or the word 'age,' If be snail be admitted to vote by reason • ol such age, shall be called out to the clerk's, who shall make the like.notes in the lists' of s °tura kept by them. thi till cases where the name _of .the...person claiming to 0019 is }blind on the list filfelislied by the commissioners and assessor, or his right to stnr whether found thereon or tint, 18 3tlit'etell to -hy-aisyvittalitied-ut tfzen i -it-slial he-the-iloty ulnae-': inspectors to examine such person on oath as to his qualifications, and it lie claims to has eitcsiticil within the State Ihr one year or more, Ins oath shall bc sufficient profit thereof. but sisal make proof by lit least Oise collipequlit witness, who shall be a qualified elector, that he has resided within the ins! riot for more 'fem.-en thity's nixr Said rlrcliou, .uul chAl also liinisrit swear the' hie 11011:1 hill! ' , MiII:W . I.:, is 11111,1111111 i e his 1. , Lallmg., Ohio the ile,trie.t, :mil that be MO ,a;.l tricl Mr the Malin:, id voting • I.:sery rerrAtii coin shall m;+kv title l i t i gllll ,, i, ut hie rehideace amt payment of tteses skull be ad • Milled to, vote is the ttu uslup, ward or district is which lie shall reside. •II on) person sled I prove t or attempt In pre vent any tamer 01 any election under this net Irnm holding such clic-0011,0r useor threaten :my , sic tenet: to sus such officer, oc shall interrupt or impi (perry iiilerrere with him itolie 'execuiiin of his duly, or shall block up the window or avenue to ally window where the same may he holding, or , shall riotous!) clispirb die peace at such election, orshall use or practice any naiad dating tfiveats, levee or violence, with design lq influence unduly or overawe an, elector, or to prevent hint from voting Or to restraia the free (lomat' choice, such person oli coniqution shall he lined in any sum not exceeding five hundred-dol lars and be Imprisoned fur any time not less dui three nor More than twelve months, and ilit shidl be shown to court, where the trial of such offence shall be had; that the person so offending was not a resident of Um city, ward, district( or townsltip .where the offence MILS coMmitted, and not entieed to vote therein, then on conviction lie shall be •sentenced to pay a fine- of not-less than one Jinn tired u E - ; more than, one thousand dollars,and be i imprisoned not less that six .mouths nor noire than two years. • 'lrony person or persons shall make any bet or wagt.r upon the result of any election ninth, thi s Commonwealth, or shall otter to make any such bet or wager, either by.verbal preclamittion there at, or by any written or printed advertisers ent, challenge or invite any - person to-make such - beL or wager, tpoll conviction thereof he or they shall forfeit and pay three times the amount so bet or to be bet. 'Unity person not by law qualified,shall fraud ulently vote at any election in ails Common wealth,or being otherwise qualified - shall vote out of his Iwoper district, or if any person knowing the want of such qualification,shall aid or Roeure such person to vote, the person offending shall, on conviction be fined in' any Sam not exceeding two hundred :loiters, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months. 'Many person shalt vote at more than one Cleo. tiOnAistria,orotherwiso fratululeittlyimte.mme than once en the same tiny, or shall fraudulently fold and tiellver to the inspector two tickets to gether, with the intent illegally to vote, or shall procure another GO to dg i be or they offending shall on conviction he fined in nay sum not less than fifty nor more than live hundred dollars, and be imprisoned fo an term not less than three nor more than twelvemonths , any person not foal i Ilea to vet e n this Corn. ;1111011iVeflitil t agreeably to law, (except the Sons or `qualified citizens) shell limiest at any place of election for the purpose el issuing tickets or of ;influencing, the citizens qualified to vote, lie shall ,oitemiviction forfeit and pay soy sum not exceed-, ,i n g, one handeed dollars 'for every such offence, ,and he imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months.. Agreenble to the provisions or the sixty-first 'cotton of said act, every General and :Special Slection' shall he npetted between the hours of 'eight nod ten in the-forenoon, and shall Contititie 'without interruption or adjournment until seven ,o'elach in the evening; wiltiwthe polls'shall be elosed.• mit he JudgeSof the respective districts skive eiuil "act - - required tbmiteet at ,the 'Court Hove, horougli•of Carlisle 'on thd third dity after 'the tray of election; being Friday . the I I th day' or October', then and there to perform the things required of them by inn,. • .Given :under Ay; hand, at' Carlisle, this' sth day of SiiptOkbWiA;D• 1850 . • . . • DAVID SMITH, Slierilr slicril { a .Office,'-Carlisle, 1- :September' 5:,1850. X3RON! 3LILON l "aril received thiliunbrottind - Rolliad IRON received ot the Cherip Store or rho Muhvistferit. LI , SA= ON.. • augl4 =I THE SECOND ' IPRIZE SONG. Our readers wilt remember that the committee to award Mr. ilarnum's prize for a song of animation to America, to he sung by JENNY LIND, reported that ,there wag one besides Mr. Taylor's which they awl. _equal -to his,but , :which-wns-not - ao -- welt - tfdaptßlThY music. Aa we have published Mr. Taylor's we now publish the Other, which Is understood to have been written by Eyes Sergeant, of Boston, the . author of '•A Life on the OeMi n Wave," leaving the public to Judge between tile tivo Lund of the beautiful. land of the free. Oficti toy heart hid uorned longing to thee: Otten had noninta lalte,lorrent sad stream, Gleamed un icy waking Moneta. crowded my dream; Now thou reeelVefil ow nom the broad sea, Land of the beani WILL laud of the free. Omit to the eye, to thy greedour, tlion'UT I ; 0 doubly fair, doubly dear to the heart Forgo the exiled. the trodden, the poor, Through the wide world, thou bast opened thy door filillhuis crowd In, and ore welcomed by thee— Land of the beautiful, land or the free I Land of the rifture liere-Art shall mink= Kinder thy gale than her own. Credal! air! Since her true rotaries everitare found I,6ltrdeserully America crowned: Where,rio her pride:should she dwell but With Meer Lund of the bountiful, land of the free Sculpture for thee shall immortalize Form— Painting Illumine, and Poetry. warm ; Music devote all her fervors divine To heart service at Liberty's shrine— Till all thy gifts doubly_AreekrusAlialLbe,___,..___ Land of the beautiful, land of the free t flall,lhen, Reptr of . .. Washington, hail! Never may star of thy Union wax pale ! Hope of the world! may each omen of 111, Fade in the'light of thy destiny still— Time bring hut increase and honor to thee, Land of the beautiful, land of ti.e tree! ~S- t titoi- i, A SAIMATII OF 1-770. 1:1=1:0 Late in the full of 1847, it was my good for tune M spend several delightful hours in the gallery of the •'Art Union" in New York.— Among the many exquisite pictures that graeed its walls, was one which particularly attracted my attention; Not that 1 either comprehended or was much influenced by the learned and teehrileal critiehtnis of the nouns:l'7Bllra at my elboW, but it was a New Englund scene., ..The first news of the bottle of Lexington," by Rau - • nay, and for its truth and— spirit 1 could well vouch. It represetded a New England .. landscape in the capricious month of Aptil, with till tho shows of awakening agricuhund- life and indus try. A village malty in the foreground, which I could almost have identified, under the pro jecling roof of which stood the brawny-armed smith hirriself, with compressed lips and- n it ted brews“astening'a shoe to the reeking horse of a courter,.(how much inure significant" the old Saxon word bode,) Who, still in the saddle, hurrialy told his tale ofPfate and fear" to the excited listeners tnat had already reached the spot. All along the road were seen Itur,ying stalwart hunts, will, the implements of toil still in their hands; in the fields, the plough anci:dx- ell were left midway in the furrow, while their master, without bridle or saddle, sprang upon the - stout farm horse,—acrd-with - his - strong - hand twisted in his shaggy mane, the, gears still tripling ul liitrlicels, and nose high in the air guided him, et an undreamed-of pace,. across_ the fields, and over fence., to , urd the nem° of MEM I knew many in my native village that might have stood on the original , .I'ol those men, aye, rot a few hong, ,hat midi; opoo oec,.i.nis hove taken that very look tied gait. But _mere than this as I gazed anon that *torn, the shadowy farms of the while-haired fathers of rue village, seemed to Coke the place of the. gaily•dre,:sed people at my side; and st :nd leaning, as woe their wool, over their' stout oaken:sticks, au they told over again their "talcs of the times al old." .One of these; which that pitoure vividly recalled, and which would not ho an unmet suhject Jar the artist's pencil, I Ann attempd to relate. Ono SabbatO morning, - during' the gloomy summer of 1776. when the hopes of the patriots seemed, likely tn go down iii darkness and blood, and oven the God•sustainejl heart of Washington grew troubled, and almost sunk within him, the people of our villigo came up to the house of God with Mid countenances and heavy hearts. News travelled slowly then, and they were chiefly flies) indebtedlo such Wl/11117 . ded soldiers as passed through the villege,on their way to their homes, for their information of the movements of the army. They know that. Washington still !MIA Now York; and Alm lust poor wounded fellow that bad reached home had told a fearful tale at tho state of our own 'diminished army, and the horde of troops under the limos, that wore gathering around it like locusts. It was a beautiful mid-simmer morning. A light. thunder shower, during the latter part of the preceding night, had laid tha duet and giv-, en coolness to the air. The rain drops still stung trembling from leaf and spray, and came e , • dropping down in showers, as the footsteps of pedestrians or the heavy tramp of Ilona, bear-. Ing in most instances tho'doubla burden of man and matron, witli.perohance a rosy child or two startled from their quivering porchmithe silver throated birds. The grain was already In/roasted, but'. many fields of grass tiocrentill standing, !morn and sunburnt; and it was 'very coition that many of the crops suffered-from luck of proper milli vation,,fer many Of. ilia most asp rt wielders of the boa 'and itCyllio had ClirenOyci of thorn for the musket and snierd,,', Still, hero and thine. apiece of Indian corn ,up thriftily,thria` tho broad leaves of • which the Taint West- win rustled with a low murmurous sound, like •th dropping of suinnier rain, In, • Ihe southwest,. just ettoie , the top ''ot Totoket, appeared. tile white cups of two or throe of. 'Omni singular 0 . 4n,t . t15, known turiong .; the country. people - es "thunderiniads.'.! Hut the pecplo, as' they pur,, sued their wliy. alung,ths token:lanes, and over the: forcaperownod hills, had oilier. thoughts' 'Cheri of the beauty of the ,14adsaape. ' Theii hearts wore with their brethers - efd friend a their thoughts tweed touhrds Him who, i e both atild . le build tip"and , bast ' dinve, bef l ore ,wheat) altar. they, were . , aiidestoined to east ail their . cores, and .treuhlae.'' L . ' ' " ..' ' , ' As with eloW utf:reverapt' steps they filed intii the 'meeting : hoiitui arid , toolitheirs seats ; in `, the bemire pou'ul,. it' ,ivas easily' seen test. Vie greater portion of the male part of the Oongro• dligricmYtyrc, CARLISLE, OCTOBER 2. 1850. . , vatfotreoasisted - of - nierr advanced in - loam - and' boys in their teims. The morniig service pass ed-as usual, and, after a-short ifiermissioni the people again gathered to theirp aced, and the . earnest prayer was offered, and .‘, sermon, suit cd,to the exigencies of .the timesiand the wantd of the audience, was commenced. Suddetly, thecongregation were startled : lv the _heavy_ tramp of a horse, which ropidly aiiproaclacci and halted at the tneyting-house-door.. Inm moment the rider had thrown himself' friiit the saddle, and stouil within the door. Handing a note to the aged deacon, who was hurrying down the ai•le to ask the cause of this iflorterruption with an audibly whispered injtinetion to act _whit speed,-hecus hastily moutitei, and kept un his way. Ile deacon oust 4 sone.flanee at the superscription of the paper, thewarched 'rev erently up the pulpit stairs, and Deed it in the hand of the minister, with the saps whispered injunction. Deliberately -the old man finished his Pennon and prayer, then gh+lng his eye over the paper, ho laid its contoip before the people: It was a pressing reqiisition from Washington for more troops. was daily expecting an attack from the coodlin9d forces of the enemy, and each town andi village was called upon to furnish what aid itkuld. :After a few apt and eloquent - remarks oji the . critical situation or the b-lovod dhieflaitt,qlm worthy man continued—"LM us not be Met down my brethren. Our cause is that of quth and jus- tine and righteousness iand,etron,iin these, we shall yet asSuredly . triumph. Th 4 business is urgent; undid trust, it will not be, deemed de rogutory-toynr Christian elisractsr, nor an in fiingement upon the holy Sabbath, if we take sock measures as seem most presping Therefore, all who 'aro willing to take their lives in their hancisoirt6._stand hy_the side-of their Commander-in 7 chier„ in!r of:trial, will, after the close of . these servicee, please range themselves in single file, upon tho village common." Then, with floods clasped, and raletei towards - leaven, he took up" the sublime invocation of Pavid "Kberi . noetkon silOce, 0 God hold not thy peace, and be net still. "For, 10, mine enemies rhake a tumult, they that hate thee have lined up the head. "They have taken crafty counsel against thy Oen*, and consulted against thy bidden once, They have said, Come, lot us cut:then:l off from 'bang a ,nation,othat the name of Lintel maybe no more in remembrance. - ' , 'Let them be confounded and tumbled for. ever ; yea, let them bo put to sham? and -per•_ "That men may know- that thou,yhese name alone is Jehovah, urt Moat Higli pier - all the earth !" There was silence fur the space of some mo ments, and then to the strains of old "Mem," full, clear, and distinct, from all, parts of the house rose the words of the following hymn ' , Attend, ye armies to the tight, • And be nor gnardian, God. Itt vein s/iall numerous foes unite, Against 'Fhino uplifted rod. "our troops, holland' thy guiding hand, ShallgAln a gLettt_tenowm 'l land that makes the teeblerstand, And treads the :nighty (am." , The deep silence that followed tho benedte. Lion woe broken by thelow muttering of distant thunder, for the white capped thunder clouds of the :awing were climbing with giant, strides up the %Aslant shy. their usual custom, the•people waited in silence, until their. pet.tor im:bidescatied from the pulpit, anti pass ml 4fv4, ; then the aged deacons moved forWurd, followed-by the congregation in due order. As they issued from the wide dour-way, the whole - male portion, as if moved by ono im • pulse, tusk their way to the village common,— Thoughtfully nod nilently, to the roll coil of the boimiing thunder, they took their places, slmOul 11110T to shoulder, and time old minister new be fore him the available strength of the village— each man capable of bearing a musket. from the gray-haired veteran to the boy of sixteen.L- Grouped around him, was a small band, to whom age and debility had left no oyailable weapons, save faith and prayer. 011 U other group inust not bo forgotten :, the mothers: wives, sisters daughters , of those men upon the common, who remained clustered around the mecting•house door, watching - with breathless - interest the movements of_theirtrrends. Love, Pride, anxiety, hope and faith, lit up their exci ted features, Inia-trow-there-way little cowar dice thane. The old minisler's,heert glowed within bin"' at the eight of the resolute, determined looking faces befiiiiY him, us they proceeded to a choice of officers. The subordinate offices could read ily be filled, but who should lead them to face danger and death; who should bo their cap. twin ? - • Who so worthy to, do this as ho who had steed by them In all thrice of trial and sorrow ? he who had already aided them ' - to' fight • the good fight af faith, their 'Spiritual teacher and friend, whose moral and physical courage were undoubted—amid, with, ono accord, they manful the Rev. Samuel Bells. The old 'nun was much moved by this Unex pected proof of their esteem and confidence. It was the highest honor in their gill, and he ful ly appeciated the compliment and the respon sibility. He hadsteet much - of the old Puritan spirit'i i hip to decline ;:'his heart was in the cause, and in -a tot aid, bat broken words, ho' signitiedhis willingness to stand by them in life,and in death. Then, beckoning the females to advance, ho bowed his head, and, like 'a true Cromwellion, called'doom the Messing of Hea ven on them and their . : • •. , ;This was the ;firsi.ciimPiiny raised our vil lage ; such was the spirit with whicli our fa thers responded:to the requisition of:Washing ton f and, in juldificiitiOn'ofilioWhidein pftholr choice; let ua add, thnt.. • • • "Like a aoldlor of the Lord, • Whim-his llibleand his sword," the old' 'pastor led them 'safely •-thr ifold dangers, 'until , thoY joined:the, in 14My7fei11,,,: ajonig, girl; w as drawing tier little sister, about 'nine miaths old; in a wagon thruugh,lhp.ptrpat in-Pittsburg' on .Sat i,rday, a largo sow, rualied.forward, and , seizing 'the infant by tbe,ormoiragged .it oet, and Wati preparing to devour.i i , when a 'gentlemail ree l ' cued it, though - not till it was consitiOrably inje. -rod.• - . ignAiness and General intellig ewe. - EYES - AND - EARS - IN - GEOUGIA - . -- Thi sat and Productions—. The Pine Foreste.— . - Leg Houies.—The dram and character 4 the dwellers in the Pine Woods.—Provinetodism• Having during the surnriter travelled exten sively by.private conveyance in Georgia; I pro pose to give soma account of its seent4, soil. produetions, inhabitants, railroads, maul - ado ries, educational institutions, &c. • Southern Georgia is little else than a vast sandy plain, coegred with pines. 'Large tracts of land in the south-eastern-part ot the Stale arc wet and swampy ; but, generally, the soil in the lower half of Georgia is sandy and JO. The land, with tho exception of that tying near the rivers, to unproductive. Corn can, howev. or, be raised on much of the pine larid, but, on ly the fertile pert of it will produce cotton. The river and oak lands. though good for corn, are specially adapted to tho growth of cotton. Iminediately above Macon, the appaaraneo of the , criontry changes. The land becomes bro kon-and hilly. Thu Pities ara succeeded by the -oalr, - the - pupla theit lake ry - a nd 'the chean ot.— The soil, when it is not too broken; is generAy fertile, producing good crops of corn, wheat, oats and cotton. Outs grow tolerably well in the lower parts Of the State, and in Florida.— They are sown in February, 'and harvested in May or Juno. ,Planters in Southern Georgia often attempt to raise wheat, but they seldom get more than six or eight busbelsfroruan acre, and often much less. In the upper country the yield ranges from ton Ofifteen bushels per item Apples, pears, and cherries grow tolerably well in Northern Georgia._ Plums, grapes, figs, blackberries and, peaches flourich in all parts of the State. The Pine Forests constitute an interesting_ cature in the aspect otthe country. The trees nre of thutispeeies called pitch pines. They grow 011 and straight. Near the top, and. u sually at the slistance of eighty or ninety feet from the ground, they send out a few branches, which, like the body of the tree, aro -long and straight.. Tho pines vary in height from.eighr trio one hdndred and twent fhey sel dom exceed ono or two feet in .fleter.'.. The . land in the pine woods is love* Jr gently undu lating. The ground is ceWL- , !Jd with -a short coarse grass. There is undergrowth. Fur as the eye can reach, the sight is unob structed save by the columns of the tall pines. There is something in these forest solitudes that excites emotions not unlike those felt by travelers on the boundleii prairies of the, West. Vastness - and grandeur that are seen, lead the mind. to a contemplation of the unseen Infinity, and kindle in the 'soul 'emotions of reverence and adoration. —"Father, thy hand (lath reared these venerable columns t thou [down Tilde% weave t h is verdant roof. Thou did's:. look Upon the naked eartlwand forthwith rose All these lair ranks of trees. They, In thy Pun, Budded. and shook their green leaves In thy breeze, And shot toward heaven." --Tune ART HERE—thou 1111.01 The snlltinin. Thou art In the soft.wlnds That ran along the summit of these trees In music;—Teton art in the cooler breath That Croat the inmost darknessof the place Comes, scarcely felt; the barky trunks, the ground The fresh moist ground, are all Instinct with Thee.' Sunset in these forests is a glorious sight.— Tho - disk - oFthu - surrieueorromiled - bra - tlmmurryd interposing columns . ; but its rays are ao race Led lrom tree to tree, that, in the distance, the forests seem enveloped in a fiery ether. The wind, passing throUgh the pine tops, t causes a d6Sp moan, resembling the roar of a dittant cataract, or the noise of an approaching , storm. This moan is heard sometimes corislaut ly Ira several days. At night there is, some thing peculiarly mournful in the deep unvary ing tones. At other times they are agreeable to all hut the melancholy. .The contra portion cf the State is the^-most thickly settled. Southern Georgia, along the rivers, is well populated ; but generally, thiii part of the State is settled sparsely, if at a11.._ Northern Georgia has been increasing rapidly within a few years ; especially along the line of the railroads. The population of the State in 184 U was less then 600,0110,--now his estima , ted at 850,000. The wealthier inhabitanti, or those who own the greatest number of slaves, are found in those portions of the State 'that produce cottnn.— There are few large planters in Upper Georgia. Many of these own only in few negroes, and kill more none pi all. A poor uneducated class ' of people Inhabit the pine woods in Southern end Southeastern Georgia. There are aiso. many poor ignorant people in the northern and central ports ot Georgia ; do not ifterO as t'll the pine woods, constitute the Majority of the inbahitatite. Three-fourths of the Georgians yet' live' ,un,3 log-houses.. These houses aro natality built of pine logs, six or eight incheti in diameter, laid across each other so alto form a square or ob long it.ttine Thal logs are notched at the, ends, eo as to lock tagStei. The main building jtr i ,l sometirned, so c6netraetcd as to givq'twzrrooms with R . wide passage „heti/seen their?. 'Other rooms. aro added to Motto, by joining to ilia— sides buildingl'with. a roof slanting only one way, iSometimes 'small rooms -are added, one after another, until the house contains eight or ten. Windows , ,qe not indispensable, board shutters being made to supply the p:itco'of sash and gins In the plie woodsflie : hOuies :usually - hhve but a single room, 15 or 20 feet square.: Most_ of them are built without a plow for' the id. rtsistlion of light, nave the crocks between the logs. Often, there la no ether floor than the ground.; and a heef's hide, hung before en opening eel in thulogs,'amiwera the puipoeo'.of a door. Thin room cenelltutee the parlor, the: sleeping room, the pantry, the l kiielien and tire' dining room,for the-whole family. I , lave fie; quently seen in a house of this kind' tiro large beds, and one or two trundle 'beds, and oecti;- Menially IN hand _loom besides. ' : Thedross of those people iorresponds' with their dwellings. Their clothing ginerillieen. sista Of lioniespen Cotton; or ' cotton and wool.. the min seidetio' weiir'ting thing More than , shirt and potifelifeni" .. *men'ilimelly, Wear 'simply' a ochre° ei4tois floya,:when the weather Is not too'vvarm,useally weir ' n shirt , and seldoM Airlifting 'More. • Almost all' go barefirited. The i l:drithing of this people would be , well ino‘ighere it clean, but it is exceed: testy .To — all appearances, their ghr.. Monts are never tyasticd. The. 81111 . 10 is fine of their bedding. Eieti their hands end faces are often cuveid with dirt The pcopitruitkare now describing are, for °ugh maw trt) . , iiiiiiiii them can neither read nor write. They _hate low, if any 3 no s chools, end soldem any religious privileges. They aro also indolent, 'especially the men. Their principal motive in, going into the pine woods :to live easy.— Having rho,t,en a location upon the public land that is removed from soy thickly settled neigh , borhood, they erect a log hut,•and then procure -from sonic of the herdsmen 15 or 20 cows, o hie!' they take care of for their. -milk and a portion of their irieisasel. - . 7-titi'l, - . .their subsistence trot, small patches of corn and potatoes. The women, oftener than tho - men; folidtv — the tows, - milk than,. make. the corn.' I,t one of the Southern coon tics; 1 met two women ioing, to mill. Both were barefooted, .They were driving a yoke of steers attached to a cart, the wheels of which, were made of short cuts from large pine logs. "Her old roan," ono of the women informeil rne, "was at home doing nothing." The next day 1 saw a W 011101) and her toughter digging a well: FFer Tiuebund sal in the door of the house smoking. - -, -while • passing, through the Southern countiesilnow women doing work work that properly belonged to their indolent husbands. The among these people are Very numerous. In an Imaginary dialogue will give some of them A. traveller stops at a house to spend the night. ' Trose/ter.--Clan I stay with you to-night ? Landlord =I reckon. We does net like to turn people away, We does not practice hoop • ing people. - T.--r(lnterrupting him.) , If it is not conve 'cient for you to keep us, we w ill 'go on. L.—Yes, oh yes, we'll lacepiyou.. Alight It will PO_Li2Tif .befOre you caw •ovortake• the next house, and Ito- Mighty hot too. Your horse looks mighty sorry, and 1 reckon , you can take up with my faro. T.—Havo you corn and fodder! • cq L —Yes right smart' f both." T.—Well, take my horse. L. 7 4Here_ Jack; carry this gentleman's horse to the lot. 010 him b sinart chance, of corn and fodder. You hear? - Jack.—Yes, Massa. Traveller goes into the house, and asks for supper. Landlady.—Ann, hot Ann. (Ann answers.) Here, get supper for this gentleman. Fry some bacon and make a hge-cake. Gel a smart chance of bacon. Make a heap of coffee. You • (Ann answers.). e pert now. urn tg, to the traveller.). You come - from reckon ? Londlord.—(To the travelle) YA P had a map of : bad , road to-day. It has been mighty tot ,toot Shall tote your plunder (baggage) into the house? ME In morning the traveller asks for his bill. Landlord —Well, I' charges for eating a man over night 75 cents, 25 cents for sleeping him, and 50 cents for eating his hbrse. That makes. 1 reckon, about a dollar and a half. These provincialisms are heard among ,the poor whites in all the Southern States, and to greater or less extent, among the wealthier and Morgan Jones•anci the Devil •Why ye!, answered Morgan, 'there's some truth iii that same, sure enough used-to meet io meet with him now and then7hut we, fell out, and I' have not seen dtim these several months." !' exclaimed , each of the party, "how is that,Morgan • 'Why, then, be quiet, and I'll tell ye it all.' ,And thereupon Morgan emptied his pot, and had it filled again, and took a puff of his pipe, and began his story. 'Well, then,' says mustlinow that I had not seen his honor for a long time, and it 'was about two months ago from tins that I Went ono evening' along the brookohooting wild finvl, nod as l was going whistliOg along, whom should I.spy etisnii,g but the _devil himself ! But you must know he was dressed mighty fine, like shy grand gentleman, though 1 knew the old one well by. the. bit of hia lull which hung out at the bottom of his trousers; Well, he came up,. end says he, 'Morgan,. how are ye,' and. says A touching my hat, 'pretty well, your 'honor, I Ailt ye,' Arid then says -he, 'Mor gan what are ye looking aner, unit - what's that long thing yo' re currying. will' ye e And says I, •I'nt only walking 'out. by the bsoolythis fine evening, and carrying my baelty-pipe with ins to smoke. 7 . , .. • "Well, you know the old • fellow Is mighty frind of the Micky ; so•eays ho, 'Morgan, let's have a smoke, and lit thunk ye.' And says I, 'You're mighty welcome.'' So I gave him the gun, and ho put the muzzle in- his mouth to smoke, and thinks• I, have you now..old boy,' pause you see° I wanted to quarrel with him ; so I pulled the trigger, and off went the gun bang in his mouth. Tuff,' says ho, when he - ptiljed it out of his mouth, eat he stopped a tainutelo think about ti and says ho "d—d strong baelty. Morgan r. Then he gave-me the gun and looked huffed, ondsvalksid 'off, and sure enough I've never seen him since. And that's 'the way I got elnit,of the old gentleman, my boys I' • - , THOM —notight engenders , thought.— Pince one idea u pon paper—another-will: fol. low it, and OM another,- until you ,have , ten a page. itOir cannot fathom yOur Then, is a w.ellef thought there: Which has 'no' bottom. The more slot!' draw from it, the mere ralea r and iryau neg leeCtothinii youracit, and use, other. people's thoughrs,:grvingiheca L utraranne, oriiy,, ye? will never know what you ore capable of. At'. lirst your idea, may come. out. in,.lumps,. homely. and-ehapolessi .04i DO IDA time, and,.perse ieran .8e . errange'rapoith there. ;,earn tollinilkand,yeuWill learn to writeHihe more patiltbielt*better„ieu will ercpress MV" HAIN. who do you iota for?" '• • • "1 votes for tie peoples, 1 do:" ' • '• "Well, hut'n , hat candidate ?" "Der "Governim" "What . goict:nor ?" • "Him what zits elected mit de bollolbosi die - next: bin *Ail tortnightlit , • ' , . . Herr TO Ds HAPPY.—fay toe Printer,• love thu girls, end Lawny; wall[ in•-the sunshine. 'Poe latter will keep you in spirits, oast the Tur man' in Baud appotite. • • VOLUME Ll.-NO ..5 ta - mrectin - g - fieen - c - ,;. Id a lawyer's office in a remote-part of,Con nectictit. laid a, mortgage for eleven hundred dollars; which was within a few daye of being duo. One morning 'the inan_on whose place the mortgage was held, called and inquired if the payment could be mit .oit" biro. short. tiny', Ho was a man scsmowhat advanced in life, and very inteinierate. The lawyer, in reply to hie inquiries, said that the man that held the mort gage Waked ,liie'money—that was sorry, but it could notbo extended. He re urned honies believing that in a few days, hie aged and :in-. fithi = wife; and invalid daughter, would to quit thCroof, which had so long sheltered them, and seek a lion ho know not where: He could sa nothing to them about it, it ) 1n would cause th too much grief. ?' ho mort , gage became no and in the morning early the farmer again repaired to the laviyer's office. Ho plead for a time, but to no purpose. 0. vercome with emotion, the old man sunk- into a Chair, and there - set for two hours, apparent ly unconscious of anything that was passing around him, when a Carriage drove up to the door and a lady supped from it. She entered ilia of fi ce. After tending a few moments, eye; ' ing tho old man wt interest and emotion, she spoke. The•old ma looked' op. • "Father, how do &ou do 7" • "Oh Sarah, I arOvell but sad. lam glad,, to see you, but sorry for - your aged 'Mother and invalid sister. I cannot return to them,for if will ho to tell thorn they linvo no borne, and , and this I cannot bear. It will kill your poor mutter." "Father ! Father!" said the daughter, ncould you live a temperate man if this were paid 2" "Yes: uh yes! I would: but it cannot be for I have nuthingAo pay it with." -"Now sign the- pledgecand here - ia - the - mon The old man put hie name to the redeeming, the saving pledge, and departed to his home with a happy heart. .- • -• The daughter had saved the eleven , htMdred dollars by working in a factory. Be energetic. Ah i•bow we like the man of• true energy. He carries all—hearts. Nothing stands - befui:o him. Does lie begin il/4.taslc•Lthe ling is as - guod as done. Does he engage in an ontorpriso—make up your mind at ones it will 'bo curried through „bravely, u sly . Energy, why it's !wad, hand, mum- -die and bona. frs thevery,,life, breath, soul of everything. A man without it is poor, pitiable pin:wile, shiftless; contemptible. Every Person of sense shuns, despises, spite upon'such. Young man,. ho energetic. w.:?,..irdyes,:Ytirl seech, beg of you, be energetic:. YoU evill-nevs or make anything without it. Mahe It your watdh-word. your maxim through life. Never forgot it. Whatever yen!' do, do it with energy. If you read, think, write r ace,.or worlr, drive the thing with•all the energy in your power.--;. Otherwise, your life Will be dull,stupid, witlkut point, plan, ay, m metry, efficiency, or good of and sort. Raise yourself up, then, in your manifest propoftkk, and resolve I.liiit_plititsver. you ' pub your head or hand to, shall be with a heady, whole-souled, earnest, stern, energy; This done; and you may go forth into the work a . stmt. _ FALLING SrAss...--A friend of ours was telt ing ua, not long since, of an p_amain!anee of his in South Carolina, who, lot' men &telly.. Be related of him the follovring anec dote ; Said some one to the liar, "do you‘lediero %erthe time the stars fell many years 'ago)" “Yes,,” said Menoax remarked the other, "Pvo hear} was nII doception r that the stars did not act ally fall." "Don't you believe it,'* returned Mendez, with a knowing look, "they fell in my yard as big on goose 4gs. I've got one of :ern yet only the ehildren's plop:a with it so• mac!) e worn the shinypints rfr" TAILING THE CENBO9 , — , The Census man has same hard cases to get at.. There are very few singiu ladies 'over twenty five years of age, unbar by acknowledgment or appearandez Our lieqithy atmosphere retains tha.rose.uport a Vetiangci girl% 'cheek until. she arrives. at forty. • . Here is the case of a mare:who•wasn't born in Pennsylvania: Marslitir.---'Were you born in this State?' Ans.—. Yow fiesh not.' MarOnl-1N hat state were you born in?' Ans.—Ve dash not know vat Shinto.-- I vash burn in mentor Bounty. Vat Stitate yOu coil kitn?'--Venangofipectator. 0•1 wantseh to sollipp in the said a'Dutehman to thd elerk'of a shipping cake.. 'Well,' said •tho clerk. pan •in hand; 'what'tt • . : -'1! ish Hans Venanstnahandordantiseveymen. day miteitensehinipieletrnidtdesehupiomireMP said Dutehr, gravely spitting out his old, quid and taking in a fresh ene.• . ' • , tleavens !' said the astonished eierk,l write that. Luok-i•hare, mister; what is ;t1 English—dis you howl" .Yaer, lel] does. - It is Yon Smidt The poor •clerk fainted., • • • /.cri” One of the Hotels in Troyi they.ste* • buckskin breeches,, and call it ~ veal; while "drawn" butter is so termed because the 'maw,: that brought hie morket - ought to be 4 .quarter• "♦ , B..eA keg s of Butter taken limp the wreck of . u'Aiennter sunk twenty: years age in the, .A 1 ississuppi, has been reeoveied and found-to bn as.nweef as the day it was Made. rj - Z..+Mr. Jenkins, will iksuit you to talk' thOt - ohroc:dOurit . yours?" - "No, sir, you Ego nyletaken in iogr man—A am nO one of the, old settlers! 0) '!HAD you any Jenny Lind slippers," Ingot , red a darkey wench of a• shoe merebant,"tbe, other day, as she oidde:visible a• . obinese toOt .-T-about the sine of ta breed basket.' • ••"/ A profane coleliman, po;ntiog to one ,of hir hdrses'ho vies 40401;04(1p a,plOas , traveler s "that horle hnilliirvirwhen 1 floor to Wm."— "Yoe," roplied the traveller, '"and does God." EISi Env!iw,.