Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 25, 1850, Image 4

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A • •
• We London roSt-offlce.
-" l'he' post-office arrangeMenta here are,
•:beYorttlltllA Praise.v . -For. the ernalVaiirn;
-of ianepenny (of two, cents;) letters are
•- net only conveytml to every r.t7o '-the
Itnited IClngdem, hat in alititles
ered without, additional charge to the
1. persons to . whom theyare addreseedir—
' !Ili most Of the thete 'a'riti four Ad
? liveries _every day by 'carriers, .and. in
,Landon there are ten deliveries' for a ear
''lttin.distence";arountl, the - poettciffice - , or
•!, in. what is beyend
" that there are-five•deliveries. •. To accel
erate the morning delivery 'of letters in
fljetaitt. parts; of the'nie tropolis, 'the pOst
man are conveyed in long light vehicles
.sto the verge of their districts , at "which
:, , .theY.arrive fresh for their 'work. Xeeh
,vehicle of.this kind carries fourteen men
'with their bags,;the man belonging to
ithe nearest . walk which they are to reach
pfd rtext - Wthedoor, so .asT.l.ffi._
"without occasioning . any stoppage."
. , In the mail trains on the railway there
:is a.poli:office car; attended 13) two men.
These men receive the bags at every,
: station, and having in their car pigeon
holes, counter's, and every convenience
for assorting-letters, the bags are open
ed,-overhauled;—and p - roperly
thie way a letter may, pas t s from
oi l e . town ;to another in a few Minutes,
Instead'of toing.thieugh and returning
_ again,_asis _too often_the ease with Our,
Atneriean.mails..- As, the cars will not
stop at evety little post-Office, they have
a kind of crane, on which the; •bag is
hung, and from Which-it_is seited by,.
jothe.po4troafts_ r - itie,traiicielrushilig pest,:
In connection; with the , post-office
'there iS a money - orderoffice, from which
persone wishing to remit money can get
an-order forlic:payable at any country
poet-office, which they may designate, •
tn•the kingdom.: The charge for _this
great public convenience:is threepence
.on all sume.not exceeding two pounds,
and on sums aboVe 'this, not exceeding:
five pounds, - sixpence. No larger or- '
ders are given +than five . pounds; but
persons wishing to send ten pounds'can
get two orilers . ; or if twenty they - can .
;get four. Payments for small orders of
this kind, at the London. office, amount
some tithes ,to ene hundred thousand
dollars per day. Inetead•of adoertising
letters as in the United States, boards
are hung. up.: in each post-office, on
which are placed lists containing the
*names of persona t, whom letters have
been sent, and whose residences . are ml
known. A person seeing his name - has
only to write his address with a pencil
on the remainder of the line, and the
____lette_t_ie_presenited_at_ his residence—the
following day. _ .
AN INCIDENT.-A. few years since,
an American officer was stationed at a
fort; near one of the Northern laltes-
During the long winter months he' and
his wife were indeed happy, for there .
were whites enough in the neighborhood
to make a
. pleasant circle, and_the In-_
diens were exceedingly. friendly ; but
the first summer evening, when Nlrs. B.
raised .her low - windovs ; .and.hung aside
the curtains, to let in the fresh• air, pla
ced her little table in the middle of the•
White fluor, and lighted her pretty solar
/amp, brought 'tom ,Iter home. with so
much care, and the lieutenant was sit
ting .in the door; fooking out - _,UpOn
forest, peaceful ae the shadowy that lay
on the ground, the pair were startled by
thewpearance of many Indians, 'duns
tinecheir dark visages in at every win.
dow,.and running hurriedly past the door_•
looking in and pointing upwards to the
shy and clapping their hands and •
laughing, with signs, all ' tis mysterious
as the object of their visit; until, over
come with wonder and
,delight, they;
exclaimed-Wessayah ! Wessayah ! she
has caught a moon 9 she has caught a
moon !
A Correspondent of the New York Tri- ;
bone, writes.:-.7 •
You will have noticed that the adored
man who, was coachman not only of Gotha' I
Taylor, but of bis predecessor Mr: Polk; I
lately bad his wife, aud daughter and grand
chilfiren-dnexpectifily oTd by the owners in !-
this city, to a negro dealer, in Baltimore.—
The poor fellow was frantic with despair, I
when his wife and children were borne from
him, add -stilt-rnore , so when -he ascertained 1 -
that thirty-two ; hundred dollars was the ;
imallsit sum that would ransom them from
captivity and restore them to hint. With an
energy I never . saw equalled, he went to
Work among the members of Congress, and •
:others holding offices in this city nearly all
of whom knew him in the course of the
week that he was limited to for purchasing
them at the rate, succeeding in raising twen-.
ty-eight hundred dollars of the amount. Al
though the-gallant Col. Bliss was among the
moil.,liberal of the original contributors, he
unhesitatingly, loaned the father and husband •
: ; the remaining four hundred dollars, giving
, him tt year to repay it in,.and longer if it be
"'"came necessary. The .poor fellow has re
turned -to the city with his ransomed wife
and children, the happiest man I ever saw.
They haire each gotie back, to their old places
of service, with hearts so overflowing with
- gratitude as to preclude' their giving expres-
Ilion' to their feelings. Considering the ex
traordinary short space` of time, this large
cam was raised -by contribution,...l doubt
whether a more'prompt;act of liberality of'
the kind is to be found in the Union.
MILIVAIIICIE.—The census Q 1 Milwaukte
shoWs a population of twenty thouitual
twenty six. In 18:0, only sixteen years ago,
Solomon Juneau was the soul white male itv
habitant of the town. In tho eking of that
our the first frame building.was put up here.
Eienin 1840, but tea years. ago;Milwahhio
eatqii only nunshoe . sesunteeh huntlecOnhah-
Rants. .„. .
North. Hanover treet, Carlisle, 'a.
he subscriber would . respectfully_invite
the attention of Country •Alorehacs and
the public in general if? hiallarge assortment of .
manfactured of the best materiol.fresh every
day—and warranted to stand any climate, which
he Will sell Wholesale retell at the old stand
in North Hanover street,m foie doors north of
the Bank. Having just returned from the city,
ho would also call . attention tb a large assort.
mans of Fruits and Nuts of the latest importa
tions; consisting intpart of -
Figs, Preens, Dates, Citron, Almonds, E. Wal.
nuts, Cream-Cecoa; Pea Nuts, Filberts tze.-'
' He line also made a large addition to his stock.
''., TOYS, Akin FANCYIt OOBS, ••
coMprising l in part ! , Fine French c'Card visiting .
and other BasketS,Pallor, Glass ands - W-ooden,
Fancy - Boxes. Dolls .Doll Heads, Tops, Bats
and Parlor Balls, Refutes, Games and Puzzles'
Whoelbarrowe,.Wagone Furniture, Tea Setta
and Nine , Pine in'floiee:Freneh had - Gorman
Acoordoono, Fancy Soaps, hair Oils, Cologne,:
Brindles Ao. In connection with the above he
has just received - a large assortment of
such a, Caicos, Teas. Sugars,.ltioiasses j .Spicua,
of ull ki,naa,Y Water, Soda, Buffer ana Sugar
Crackers, and all other articles 'in the Grocery '
lino. which will liiveold . at loier ram;
FINE , OARES;,nIWayacia hand , 'Mul baked
io cordor, , ' 'Parties aupolicd , with , Cll"artioles
his line at.low pricey. ;. • I,
All eiders from a'dratanco thankfully received .
and'uttonded . to wich:detmatchi, N: B. no charge;
for Oohing:at thla eataliliahmorn,. •i•
Carlialtilune 5,95 Q. P. MONYER•i,
Procured from a Well in, Allogligny county, .Pa 4.
.000 fort bflow thiebith , sisurface.
Pqr,iii , Ararscfcii, , fir ; SPE'i. '‘.l4",;Koit o .
. .
' The iteolthfOl Ulm hem' Naiute'p eeetet etning, • •
The bloom of health, and life, to man btteg, • •
‘ ll.ote het. , lepthe the magic Wield mews, .
;To calm our oufferlagoond nFauago our wow!,
. ,
• •
THIS Kreat re'inedi ofl4 rthil-e, after repealed
'1 and fair trials has wonted il t Way.into popu
lar favor.' We need herdic , relit t the tact, that
Ws' k Pure, thiadelterated 'URAL. MED
WINE, and is put tip'as,if tleivs from the bosom'
the earth, without admixture. : In these days
'of Nostrum vending;we do not 'Wonder:it op an
-credulity. ei p.d by 'the 'community; tapen the
intrediktion ,i,i'al4q4! Retneax, butthatt nerede
litY44elialt not sUpPress a medicine, whose ptiwer-
Tel Inflitence has mitigated'. and. u ',cured so „Many
illiamiesineldent ie. our race; Were. We(: , )
hold r e m e dy likethia : froin; public no tice, we
should consider. ourselyertris gamy of- keeping
back sorriethingthat Was :intended,' to relieve
touch hurrah 'lnitfer . Mg; end dienet the glooin and
pain of many rt imo o rhose system' has for years
been racked mid;the_fell...Cngines.o.v
llisense 'l%.lrtyi:(lKCJiiit - :_wonder,-gentle -reader,
and join with others In the cry , , that it cures too
Many'diseaseiffor, if you will take the trouble ,
to run over the list.of diseases foi whichit is re
commended ~you will.find that they: are diseasei
naming:the same kind of tissuce,and consequent
ly I'l' IS
'But - mldence in 111'6r or a medicine
tire the cures therriselve's.Whentheseattindout
in bold relief; and when lie` who fur years has sof
fere the tortures and ; ppangs of an J oinffidiefible
lesioii;which has been hastening...hire to the nar
row house, speaks out in itsprsiseovhat better
evidence need be w tuititri We have 'the' cid
dence in our possession, of many, astonishing
cures, which will be furnished te any one who re
ally 'doubts the efficacy of this wonderful
The L'arth; from which man Was created,bears
in her bosom remedies which if known, are err
noble of restoringt, him to health and vigor, when
prostrated by sickness and'ilisertse,, It Was the
opinion of the•celehrided Dr.' Huai, that there'
Nahire r ali-an tidete,to:-every
to which is lisble. Every one, is .aqiire of
the relief frequently obtolOottfrona Mineral 'Ffiz.
tars, in most chroniecthaptaints. These siugular
medicaments, flowing out.ll-em the earth, satura.
tad with , rtir , stanctr , vdried lii 'their character,
and holding them in complete solution, bear am
ple testimony to 'the fact, that they were cern•
pounded hy;:the.master hand of Nature, to repair
the'shattered vessels of buir phySical:heing, and
set them with sails unfurled, prosperously. upon
he sea of life. • .
The r e troleti oneofthis.kind of-remedies,
and is endued with powers to relieve more hu
rdan suffering than any other medicine .extant.—
Whet, taken perseveringly and according to the
directions, it will cure—Di arrhoea , Piles, R hew
matisin „Gent , Neuralgia, Obstinate Eruptions
°Me Skin, Erysipelas, Pimples on the Fuse,
Blotches, Piles, Chronic, Sore Eyes, Ring Worm
Tetter, Scald - Head, Pains in the Bones, and
Joints, and all that class of Diseases, in which
alterative, or purifying Meti mines are indicated.
Sold by S. W. Haverstick and S. A. Hubbard,
Carlisle ; J. C. & G. H. tick, Shippensburg;
J. Hood & Son, Springfield; Gilmore I,t
Stoßgh, Newville ; Thomas Greason, Plainfield,
Cumberland county.
September . -
The United. States Life Insurance
• Annuity and Ti t CompanY. -
Czarter .Perpetual—Ca $250,000 Cash
rpHE constant, unsolic application for
A., Life Insurance, furniel., n oat abundant
and gratifying prool that üblic mind is
deeply impressed with , the _ toportauca of
this subject.' The great old howeVer, of
Insuranee should be safety, oth erwiso the whole
motive to insure may be dis appointed. Too ,
much care cannot be practised in the selection
of an office with which to effect the contract.—
The choice should be regulated not by present
and constantlarge inducements, ti's this, is Cer.
tainly incompatible with future benefits. The
premiums on life are calculated for the/it/tire,
it nresent and prospective benefits therefore are
the result ultimately, must terminate .in
litigation, disappointment and ruin. The objet
aimed at by this institution is stability mid par
parlay. The rates of premium have been care•
fully prepared with reference to fluctuations.—
l'he cash _system of payments has also been
adopted. Unpaid premium notes constitute no
port of the assets of this company, and' every
contingency - being - fortified with an-ample-cap.
security stamps too whole system. This
feature, paranionat to all other considerations,
commends the company to public favor. Etr
pia...story' pamphlets, blanks. application papers
informEdion, and a ill be cheerfully
turnislied by WM ill OSE, Esq., who
has been duly appointed agent of this company
for Cumberland county, Dr. H HINKLEY
has also been' appointed Medical Examiner.
Directors.—Stephoo R. Crawford, Ambrose
W 'Thompson, Benjamin W Tingley, Jacob L
Florence, William M Godwin, Paul l Goddard
Lawrence Johnson, George LlFflenry, James
Deveredx, John L Linton.
President.—Stephen R. 6rawfod•
Vice-President.—Ambrose W. Thompson.
Scconry E.L9lt_arsur_o_r_harlea = G Imlay
attorney.—Thoroas BRIO.
Medical Examiners.—Paul LI Goddard, M.D.
William Pepper, M. D. Lung:lly
POPULAR. razadomr..
Dear Gentlemen, take our. advice,'
To every one we ma'to our call,
If you would have a coat that's nice.
Look at Troutman & May's Cheap Clo
hi ng If all.
Here areiD i resses of all kinds,
Fine and coarse, and also eheap 42 •
Please ex mine end you'll find,
For your money quite a heap. _
Here are goods for every season,
Thick and stout, neat and thin;
All that you'ean wish in reason, .
ll'you doubt it just drop in.
Here are Frock and Body Coate,
• Both with low and standing collars;
Berne that button round the throat,
To be hadfor a few dollars.
Hera is every style of Vest,
And all sorts of Pantaloons, --•
You can choose what suits you beet,
stve, or morn, - or afternoon.
Here are sacks and RoundabOuts,
Qveralls and Jackefs Green,
Please to look and you will find,
Hero the cheapest ever seen.
Hare are light: coats for the Spring,l
Fancy goods for Summer wear, :
You will find them just the thing.--al
Nothing better anywhore. , lll •
Shirts and Bosnia's may be found.
Pooket,lihndkerehiera and Gloves-,
Scarfs to tie ynur'neck around,
When you seek your lady loves.
Here are'Capg, Suspender's, stocks,
Collars, very nice indeed,
Clean and nice, in paper .
hist the thing that you will need.
If we talked a day about them,.
• We could iicarcely, tell you all.
Gentleineli can't do without 'hem—
Then. dear frieude, give ue a call.
Foreign and Domestic Hardware
JACOB' SENBIL has just received, from the
eastern Cities, and is now opening - at the Cheap
Hardware, on North
,Hanover Street, next door
to Glass' Hotel, a now assortment in - his line,
such as I • • ,
Oils, Gliisq end - Pninta,
• Copal, Japan and. Black Varnishes, of extra
Nails and Spikes,
Wa'ts' ben( Bar Iron,.
Cant, Shehr, - Blieter, and Spring Steels,. •
Looks,Jfinges and Screws.
Planes, Saws, Chisels, Augurs, Axee,
Knives and Forks, Shoo Findings, &c.
To' which he would .call the attention of the
Persons wishing to buy will do well to
oall..ns we tire determined to sell •at low rates
for melt. Itz:rThe highest price paid for.Scrop
.Iron, arid for Flax - Seed.. SENER.
novl4 <, • • .
Webb's - Washing P.owder,_
A 'groat saving °limber, soap and whit. ;
out any 'RUBBING' by washing boards, Ma'
chinas, or' with the' hands, an& 'preventing 'all
wenVand tear of - clothott; Warranted not to
injure' the linear fabrics:' cents.
Bald eholeopte . ;Dr, Rawlin s !
D rud'aii:Variely: Store; Main at. Carlisle, and
at hia Altalietit.*lll;.North,gireeu et. iiipepp-
N.B. All prderii.lfille4 ,st,o,Mounfacturrir's
VITHERIAL,'OIT4qrsitIe. . -'••
• (jbll6), iiILTEIPARD'a
Stoyes 01)1311.9.
-flu•4 7rAtl¢6 4 e4o se
ri e ta
has just received s. new and splendid as,
eortmeat of AV,INTER,'GODDS, which he
ofers tor his" cuetonieie`. arid .`4sthers
favor him with a calnit:#keat Itattains !,
GI,GTITS "AITD dAssrpimtts,• •
00i1 1 0-,yolvpt. cords. ay,.--jptius, scarlet,
low, whitwrafd Pantriti Plannolktichiage, num.
ling, &Iliad, 'm16110'1606 dei lanes, alpacas, Ra
bvrg 'clothe, groVeSt•hosfeiy, Irish linen, corn-.
forts; &c ,• • ,
A largo, rind, splendiq.,assorttuain of Long
and Squae Shawls, at all, prices to suit the
,•• , •
times. •••sQO ss,, ND:SHOES. • -
Alkin,,,]Poota'and,,Sliiiee,:*ich he is deism.'
fined sell low ' , at his stand, in North Hano
first store belOW IhtaVerstick's Drug Store. ..
yer Street:, . „T. G. CARMONY:
. - • ..
THE undersigned respectfully informs his
froShils and ituinercnie!' customers, that'he has
rbmotiod.his store to .Humerich's corner direct
ly opposite Wm, Leonard's old stand, in North
Hanover street. Helms recently returned from
Philadelphia, with a, large and'carofully se
eem& iissortineht-of
New -Spring Goods,
purcliased at the loWest ,priees, and which he is
determined dispose of at very small profits. AI
.ar4e assortmenrof
at from 75 cents to $6 pqr yard. Also; Cassi- ,
mares,,Casaincts and Vestings, at 'various pri
such as De!eines, Batsges. and, a splendid as
sortment of:Silks,. Also,' a , very extensive as
sortment of !Calicoes:and Gglintrts, suitable
for the appioneßing season;'.'Aled,. Checks,
Table Dinpers; Tiekings, bleached and • un
blenched Mttlins - Bonnets, Hats; /ke.'
A well selected assortment of ken, Winifeif i
and, Children's Boots ,and Shoes, of superior
quality, and very`cheap.. Also, boys and meh
Cloth and Hungarian Caps. - • • -
of all kinds, viz :Zogati.Cogee, Kolail'ses, Pe
kin Tea Company's celebrated Toas,.&c., all'
fresh end good. Also, constantly on hand,
tini..bee.t quality of-Carpet
The sultscHber reopectfulry asks Isle dostom
ers and' all Who wish good. bargains. hi give
him - anearly - call... Don't forgot the Stolid, c0t...!
ner opp - ositeAmonard's.Old - stand, North Han
over street.
opt° . N W WOODS, Ag't,
N• 13... Butter, Eggs, Raga and Soap, taken
at markek rices. „
A Large Stock of Dry Goods Belli
• :•..? 1, •1:14S",,
- •
10011 the . benefit - of all, my Triends in the
1 town and country the subscriber makes
the above announcement to show that he has
concluded to .change his Business. Settle up
all Book Accounts, and sell out his entire stock
of dry goods nt east.--
All who wish to save a sixpence can do so
by calling at the - BEE" 11l VI in Noith Harm•
ver street, as 1 wish to dispose of my stock
between this nnd the first of January, 1851,
r, hove a largewtock of staplo . goods all suit
ed for family uses: Please call atid examine
my stock, as nothing will be lost, and all at
tention will be given by the subscriber to plense.
I keep constantly on hand Remit, Made
Clothing. . Also will have made by air. Thos.
Reightert(who is.woriting in my Store Room,)
o ordor any garment on the shortest notice.
july24 S. A. COYLE.
Abead of all. Competition - :
rintlE subscribers have returned . from Phila..
1: dolphin, with a large assortment of -
consisting partly of Aloes do Laines, Lawns,
Bareges, Linen Lustres, - at 123, IE4 and 25 eta
per.yard, Alpachas, Ginghams, Calicoes, and a
variety of other dress goods; Cloths, Cassi
ruores,Jestirtge,Sumn,ler stuffs for men and
boys wear in endless variety, checifiaiags
muslins at old prices, flannels, hosiery, gloves,
laces and edgings, insertings, and some very
:cheap CARPETS, grOceries, queensware, &c.
Also, a largo assortment of very
Palm leaf and braid hats, bonnet ribbons at
lvices and very cheap, a few pieces wide' hi
ustre black silks, together with a general as
sorttnent including nearly every article in our
line of business, all of which have been bought
for Cosh, and will be sold to our customers and
he whole cnuntry at considerably lower prices
than they can be bought in Carliiirdr=lirrvo us
a call and judge for yourselves.
AlarelL2o, 1850.
THE subscriber haling leased the above
large and commodious 110 I'EL, situated on the
corner of the Public Square and South Hano
ver street-, and lately occupied In Ben!. L
begs leave to announce to his friends
and the public that he is prepared to entertain
them in a manner which auntiot fail to meet
their approbation, ,
THE HO USE has the . most pleasant loca
tion in'the borough—has been newly furnished
and otherwise improved, and na pains will be
spared to make those who nhty s sojourn with
him, comfortable during their espy. His par
lors are large and well furnished, and his cham
bers' supplied with flew and comfortable bed
HIS :TABLE will be Supplied wi h the best
the market can alTord, and all who are connect
ed with his house be fOund -attentive care
ful and obliging.. - •
THE BAR will contain the best liquors the
• HIS STARLING is entirely new and exten
sive, capable of,accommodiiting from 50 to 60
horses—Making it wolesirable stopping place
for DROVERS, and will be attended by a skil
ful Ostler. in short, nothing will be wanting
calculated to. add to the 'entiifert and convent:
ence of those who may favor him with their
•sf,atronage. BOARDERS taken by the week,
month, or year
(KrTraitte MODERATE. .
robt'4s:tt; JOIM HANNAN
'resh Spring . Supply !
HAVE just received d fresh stock of Med:
icinos, Paints, Glass, Oil, &e:, which
having.been purchased with great care at the
best city houses, I can confidently recommend
to Families, Physicians, Cbuntry Merchants
and Dealers, as being fresh and pure.
Herbsand Extracts,
Spices, ground and whole
Perfumery: &c.
•Warranted Genuine.
Dog and Cam Woods,'
Oil Vitriol •
Copperils, •
Lae Dye'' •
Wethorill & Brother's Pure Deaci, Chromcv
Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Washes,
Jersey Window Glass; Lin Seed Oil,Turpen
tine, Copal and coach Varnish, and, Red Lead.
All of which will be
,at the very_ lowest
market price, • Also,a Beau and Lipton did ras
sortment of.
Patent Medicines,
Fine hemi eals,
Pare Essen'l Oils
CVd,Liver Oil
• „
Alum, '
'Confectionary, and, innumerable other articles
calculated for 11a0 end ornament, all 01
aro offered'et the lowest cash prices; at the
cheap Drug Rook and Fancy Store of the Sub
scriber on North Hanover street. ' ' • ..
May 22; 1850.
Ateetioneeritie .
THE subscriber wishes :o inform hie friends
in :town_ and—conntry
--------- that he;bne , commene- -
• i• - ..' . edl the above business
a . -.... ' n and will attend lo sales'
• .......... 1, . .
"""—•• 7-1 . 1 1
etiL r(f, L town and country on
fef.ll" Ali% the , moat . reasonable
'forme 'Ho SaiLbe found aCtbe Hatdwaro State
riait'aoor ,to'Seott'al'averta ,in North, Hanover.
atigl4 ' •, — A 8 SENEI2,,
hc sisort it nieat i2 of:APESj:istreoeiietl
aubseritiar, 7.4 1 i0, Glass Tubia for
g itn Elk rcod. pill. cheap • • • 4 2.
4 1 .90 8 , •
„„. • SAlETiukist,
itE I EDV.I..,Z
• • lobe. the Crrir sr . ••••
• : • • dOUGiC$ 0 . comass; .
• coAltsztrEqs . ;
AS ri-Ec
45 CI DT tir PTIbIT
In offering to thecommunity, thisyjiirstly,cele-.
.brated 'remedy for diseases af,the tit root and.
-lungs, it is-not our trifle.with the Urea
'or health of. the affr.eted, but frankly -to lay' be.
fore theta the opinions of tlistinvished 'men -and.
Boom of the evidences - of its success, from which:
t p h l e e y dg c e sn pu i t n o t e lg iy e a - fu t t o • t ra lt: x m e lv
sees. (lire. sincerely '
. n o wild • assertions'or
out all'hOpixstiffr:riug - humanity whicli facts.w ill
not warrant.i .
• .
Many proofs are here given :naive sol 'piton .
inquiry trom the public into we publish t feel2
ing assured they will find them perfectly r rlia ie
and the Medicine worthy their best ZlOllll dence'
and patronage:
Professor of Chemistry, Mineraology,&o., Yule
: 1 -College,-Meiiiher of thelLit. Hist. Mid: PILL
• and Scion. Societies of Ameririt and Europe.
I'l deem the CHERRY PECTORAL an ad-:
mivaLle composition from solos of the 'best ar •
fieles in,the Materia Medics, add oi - very effect
ive remedy for the class of diseases it is intend-
ed to cure."
New Haven. Ct., Nov. 1,1849.
Prof. - CLEVELAND,pf Bowdoin College, Me.
Writes-, 1 11 have witnessed . the kffecti of your
'CHERRY PECTORAL' in my own tinnily mut
that of my friends, and it gives me satisfactinii to,
state in its faver that i no medieine-1 have • iiver:
known_has proved so nininently lueees`stni
curing diseases of the throat and lungs.' ?
Writes- 4, 1%0t he considers 'CHERRY PEC
TORAL' the heat medicine for Polinottary. affee
dons Mee given to the public,?? and states that
Nils daughter being obliged to keep the room
fcMr,inontlis,with a severe settled cough, nee° rn
landed by raising of bloodotight sweats, and the
all e Odom symptmna of consumption ' commenced
the uie of the 'CHERRY PECTOE'AL' itnd
Dr. Ayet , --liie . ar Sir: For two years I w a s
afflicted with a very severe cough, accOMpanied
ho• spitting of blood and profuse night swea4.—
By the advice of my attending physician I was
induced to use your (11E1111Y PECTORAL,
and iiintidued'to do. so tilt I considered myself
cured, end ascribe the ellict to your prepara.ion.
Hamh'en as. Springfield, Nov. 27. 1848.
This day _appeared the shove 'Mined James
Itandahond pronounced the above statement
true in every' respect. _
\\ '' ,V
PORTLAND, Me. Jot. 10,1547.
Dr. Ayer I have been long afflicted with
Asthma which grew yearly worse until last au
tumn, it brought on a cou A lt wluch confined me
in my chamber, and begun to assume the alarm
sy.tartoms-of_constimptioa-- -I tl-tried--t fte
best 'advice' nnJ the' best medicine to no piiiinse,
until 1 used your CHERRY PECTORAL ; which
has mired. me, and you may well believe me.—
Cratefully yours.
there is any value in the judgment of the
wise, whb speak from experience, here is a med.,
leitlC.worthy of the public confidence.
Sold by Dr. Ray.line, S. A. Hubbard K-Dr.S
Elliott, Carlisle; Dr. Ira Day, Mechanjesborg; 3
H. Herron, Newville; J. C. £.,z J. 11. Arnett Ship
pensburgrund_ druggists generally.
Professor C W Koback,
Office, No. 71 Locust Sc; ahoveSth, op
posite the Musical Fund Hall, Phil'a.
$25;000 117EITING irtnti WON.
Y my imincrons friends on the late ['resides
tintelection, should COOVIIIC‘e those skepti
cal pennons who talk of PA lei) RES, that no such
thing-287AM ts or Iran been knoWn by - the - inn
incur and disiingoished Astronomer and Astro!
oger, C.N. ROBACK, during his ;experience.
of over a quarter of a century. Do you doubt
predestination ? Then why not -very. man gam
a celebrity of General Taylor, a Daniel Webster
or a Henry Clay? And yet there are same who
are foolish enough to doubt t at a man may be
born with the power :o see into Ilibire events.
flow can-ithe possible that the destiny of man
should be governed by the in:re shuffling of n
pnck'of cards ? and yet there arc thousands who
alio* themselves, With open mouths ,
. to stialloti
the gretisy words of some old woman, %Omit: true
skill consists in filling them with wonders that
are most difficult for the digestion prattlers, who
arc m irecredulous,- yet more scientific. It is,
such that bring discredit on a profession that has
been acknowledged to.lic a science of the highest
orderfrom time nainemoria I ,and 'is the only pro
cssion that has any 'unihority to sustain it. The
.high respect which General Tay lor,1111(1 Charles
Bet inulotte, late King of Sweden had for Astrol
ogy, is shown by their letters for their Nativi
hes to the subscriber, which it give him
great pleasure in showing to those who fever
him with it call.
In additionto his power-to forksee' future e.
reuts, he-has tie'power togive such information
as will clrectually 'redeem RICA ,ns ore }liven to
the too free use of the bottle. Ile is also caps- ,
itleefouring diseased heretofore considered et
curable in tl is country by the ordinary meth
cines,and wisliesull to give him a call 1;1m hay
heed given up by physician.rand isit to be cure
cd• He -"sill warrant a cure in all. cssesiand
- make no charge extent for the conjurations he
shall malty use °fin his office. -tic-is often asked
what a Nutivity , la ? . He auswers:accurdi% to
Geomancy, one of the seven points lit the science
of Astrology, that it is a Horroscope of the future
events of siperson's life, carefully and
transcribed on paper, "containing aceemd of
nil the lucky and unlucky days, ail the montlisand
years cif the persons life for wham cast; by
which means thousands in this Country and else
where have been prevented from misiiirttnies tha
h a d b e en hidden in the womb of futurity , by re
.feting to their Niiiiiityliefore entering. OW AO
speculation, of basiness pitUsure. It should
be in the hands of every one as their 'almanac for
hie z Nativity of an individual can only (ore
- the possessor of troubles that nreiti future
for him; those WflO are invotveu in Ins sent diffi
culties of any kind must. wait on the subscriber in
person or by leder, who is prepared to exert his
secret influenceler Moir immediate be :cht; Ile
is ready to use his influence to forestal the result.'
of lawsuits.andall undertakingain which there la
it risk involibil, he also insakis laic of 'Power
fogy the resteration, of stolen-or lost property;
tvhichflie has Uscdfor the 'advantage of thousands
in this oily and. elsewhere. Who .can doubt 'a
"getitleinitif's abilities, who has hatttlie honor to
'be called on and cosmetic,' with be all the crown.
cd henna oh-Europe. and enjoys w higher, repida=
tins ai an astrologer than any. one living
(*.He can be consulted with at his office, or by
;letter, it prpfnifloid, j a• PreP9 r .eq lollhpke
'ode tif Ilia power on air y of the following topics:--1
li os h i o as ofalldescriptionsitravelling by laid or
acCoMplislintent; ppeioikting in . stocks, m e r c h a ,
Aise; or real 'estaterthe recovering of legucieslin
dispute; the purchasing ottlekets; and 'the lately
inf ships stoma; Heals() offers his so vicra reopen.,
ling health, wealth and - marriage, lovis'antris,
journeys, lawsuits, dilliciatv in business; fraud
,and in all - the concerns of life, and liwitefitill to
Call who arcafflieted, corporeally: ormentally.
! • , ••• rTERAIS. , • ,
pidi o i;,so - ,Oade;;GentiOrieii; sl. Naiivitleti
calciilsted mid fidl„according to the, Or'
Saes 'of 114,aft4bliffe l fiigns-;-Ladies. t i lt; Gentlemen,
sl,s.o„.Natiitities calculated according to Gunman.
c:y,for . Ladles, , • Gentlemen, 0 3
in full, $.5
. ,
. .
J. 1). PHELPS.
&'' , 51)04)0, -
Hear -Read listemand , Refleet.
N.EW • CI - MAT_ A D.. FASH/ONApLp :
O,PEade-ilain - sty!cet, iii 17,e rodm fointerly
• cu; irl alOhing SibrcC --
roHE attention of the citizens of Carlisle, anti
Y Cumberland and P.erry Counties is invited .
to this neully.estaldislld:Clothing, chid
and see the well selected Mid most elegriniV got .
up clothing ever offered - in this place., it would
be well fer eitery men to knOW thnt a target•
assortnient r , I ttcr, styles 'and more, ':desitable
clothing can be 'bought for lei.:srinimey .nt this
new,establishment flian at any other store in
the place:without tiny 'other exceptiOit. The'
uSsortmenf is well selteied aud the cut and make
of the latest spring and.sunimer
are far snperior to all others for case and de . -
gam.All who.wiplf to purchase will 11)4416 ,
can Belie front twenty five to fifty .per cent by
buying at the new stand of '
Coats, Pants and Vests we sell roinarltably low
as the following li'st of prices will shim:
- _ • COATS,
Superfine black Cloth,D.zessEet
•.. Fraek ' 6 18,00
Fine Frekch Habit Cloth coats of - '
different styles, , 3 10,00
New style of Cnahtnerett coats, . 2,50 9,00
French' Coats of all colors - 1,50 7,00
Rsaik & Ready Ttviced,.now style - 4,00 11,0 u
California Lustre,' 75 5,0
Liken Coals, l,OO 2,50
Business coats, 1,00 .6,00
New Style of American and French
'Cassimer plain, • • • 1,50 7,00
Neiv style of American and French
Caseitnere,r superior in quality and
variety of colors 5,00 10,00
Fine black case, and doeskins - 2,50 -0,00
Striped and cross barred ales. Pants 1,50 5,00
New style Napoleon•striped pants 1,25 3,1 1 0
spring cobs, pants 4,75 - 6,00
Great variety of Corduroy pants , 3,0
Fine linen drilling striped and plain 75 2,50
New style of Cambroon 7,50 4,00
With an excellent assortment of wSr
, king - pants which will out•travel any
`other ht this Alec
'Superfine black Satin'vests , 1,75- 5,00
New style of figuered and striped do 1,00 7,00
Plain & striped valentine 00 4,00
Nine light summer ',Marseilles vests, 75 3,00,
All kinds of working vests at very low prince.
We will also keep a good assortment of
- BOYS_CLO.THING, . - . .
consisting ,f boats, pants and vests and sell ;
them at very .low prices. In addition to our.
stock of ready made clothing we will keep on
hand an assortment of
such as, shirts, scarfs, crini4, suspenders,
drawers, collars, caps , umbrellas, gloves, hand
kerchiefs, socks, &c. eke , which will 'Make it
the interesLof thennrchaser to examine before
buying elsewhece: — Atgoods sold at this store,
warranted to give satisffiction, egd defy compe
tition, in quality ? elegance and Pyle of the cut
and durability, and we hope by close attention
to business to merit n share of public patron
age. Don't forget alio plaice, 'North Hanover
Street, stew doom above Lonther Street West
N. 13. Clothing made to order at the, shortest
The People's _Lille.
Clear the Track!
-- =THE - utidersigne - d; by the particular request
of thousands of their friends, booby announce
to all who seek and love pleasure, that a Grand
Emersion will take place this and every day
throughobt the seubbit in the beautiful safety
ear '4 Chropside,'' propelled-by . the - ime - pressnre
engine ".I.7l.sarc, ' and in which all, both old
and.young, arc invited to participate. Thcrex•
comma will lie conducted upon a plan entirely
different from any belore got. up in this neigh.
borhood, both for cheapness and dispatch ; and
the pleat tire it will - aflbrd, ilfeSe Who join In it
con -scarcely be_ 'estimated. Tickets will •be
furnished at half the nasal price, and tho public
can start from any point they please, stopping
only et the CHEAP AND, IMPROVED'
Clothing Emporium,
next door ta Barkholdei's Hotel on-West Main
street,"Where the cheapest mid most fashionable
assortment of CLOTHING can -be 'found,;--MI
our own manufacture'-'- - rand - whiMme can sell
as cheap as they can be bought at 'nny of the
Jorge city establishments, and 20 per cent. lower
than at any other house in this Borough. We
respectfully.invite the public to take this pleas
ant, trip to our stove, and examine our . targpas L.
sortment of
of various colors and Styles, Pants Vests nod
Roundabows, Fen Jackets, HATS and CAPS,
Shirts rind Stockings, Suspenders, Cravats, and
all the different arttcles necessary to constitute
a Gentleman's Wardrobe.:. Don't forget the
place—next door to Burkholddes Hotel; to
where we have just removed. Having
, a,large
assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and N e6tings
On hand, we are prepared to make up to order
all kinds-of Cldthing at the shortest notice and
on the most reasonable terms. •
aplo Ar& L sTEINER.
ornia 3
A Whole Suit of Clothes at $1,75 !
EVIP. undersigned thankful for the patronage
ofthe'Cilizens of Carlisle_and adjoining
country, informs his numirous friends and the
public_in gemeral,_dhat_he
entirely nem Stock of fashionable Spring and
&winter cZatking._made up in the best el yle and
particular.) , calculated for this place,,llis stock
consists of fine Dress and Frock coats, Habits,
Cassimer, I)rab; Ike., and Chian coats, Thweed
Linen and Check coats, Bossiness come of all
descriptions, superior Black Cassimer and fat;cy
Pantaloons, a great variety of Vests from 75cts
fo $4 00, a large assortment•of fancy articles of
Gentlemen's wear, white linen, striped and red
flannel shirts. Gentlemen are requested to call
and examine the goods, nod he is sure those
who buy will he well fitted and nt low prices.
A treat ass4tment of Boys clothing; also
Caps and ILats,*qm 12.3't0 $3 00 constantly on
hand at S. GOLDMAN'S
South east corner of Md,n and Market square,
Carlisle, March 06, Inn.
Latest elirrival.
l'4lHE' Cheap Fumily._G Grocery Store, oflo
• siipli D. Halbert, West Montstreet, Car-
Its e, 'has just received a large and. fresh supply
of the best FAMILY GROCERIES that the
Philadelphia markos can afford. The subscri
ber has just returned from the city. and would
respectfully invite his friends and } the public
getiorally, both in town and country, to call
antjoxamine for themselves his large and in«
creased stock, which embraces all the articles
usually kept in his line of business. Such as.
Rio, Java end St Domingo and Lsgtitra Coffee
Imperial, Young Hyson-and Black Teas, el
very . superior quality and fir.vorr.Lavering'a
crushed, bial, falling loaf, and 1%1 sugars,' or='
ange grove, elm itied Now'Orl 41 and brown
Sitgars . of every grade and rpm! ty, Rh price to
suit. Honey, sugar house, Orl ens and syrup
Molasses. Spices' of all hied , which he will
warrant pure and fresh groan . Brooms, , Ce
dui' mid painted buckets, churns, .tubS,Atall
bushel measure's ! .butter bowls, butter , prints,
butter ladles, wash rubbers, &c ' Clothes,
fancy sowing, traveling and market baskets of
all kinds. Casoilo, fancy, rosin and country.-
SOAPS. Also, a generabassortrnent Of chewing
and smoking TOBACCO, spabish half spanish
and common CIGARS. Ropes twines, and '
Brushes of nil kinds. Prime CHEESE always
on-hand. Sperm, Winter, strained Elephant
and Common OILS. •-
,GLASS, QUEENSWARE.—T• have else.
added to my already' large stock, a number of
sew patterns of White Granite end fancy tea
sets. witInCROCKERY WARE of evoryde
feription, which I will sell at the lowest prices., - • - ' • I
Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage here
tofore bestowed upon him by tt generous public,
thosuliscriber tenders them his hearty & sincere
thanks; and hopes that in hie efforts to please
and particular attention to bisiness,lo merit a
continuance'of their support.
Marsh 20, 1850. 308. D. HALBERT..
fresh Drugs, Medicines, &c. &q,-
I have just received from , Philadel.
:phis mid' New VArk very extensive
- additions .to my former stock, oral:TI-
C/iv mg -nearly every article Of Medicine
no,w An use, together with Paints,
Oils... Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps,
Stationery, Fine .Cutlery, Fishing. Tackle,—
isrulies of_ ahnost. every description, with an
endless variety of other articles, .whlclrl ana de
termined sell at the ' , any Lc WEST prices.
:All Physicians, Country Merchants, 'Pedlaril
and others, are respectfully requested not to pass'
the - OLD...STAND att - they may rest assured
that every ertiale wilt bo'sold of 'a good quality,'
and upon ealisonable terms,
•Mity 30
Main arrest. Carlisle.
• 'PIITO.' Older Vinegar; „ •
- ,Ono'berro ure vanogat, from the eoun
ry,eulliible,for, pickling lust received b y
• tig'2B 'sl;4e
.FIE SF celetrnted and justly acknowledged
goods, •Itt'llie, latest' colorings
and most improved styled; will liefurniehed by
' the subscribers in any quantity,.af...the .very
lowest prices. Purchasers will, please !notice
ihntlilie genuine Bay' &ate fahries 'bear : iiekcirs
corresponding with the. above cut, and they
will alto be mstingitished.from all MIMI. .Wool.;
err Shitivls by their superior finis.ll, fineness of
texture and , brilliancy of eolois. Orders so
licited front all sections of the country, and the
sumo will be venititly attended tn. Pitrebn
sera will , also find in our Shawl departmens,n
large assortment of all the othhr most unproved
-mattes, nod newest designs ;of American,
French and Scotch Woolen Shawls, embraiiing
a great variety. of pla;ri stint medium styles for
. •
Also; S'uperior Long end Square .Shawls in
Intest 'styles end best manufacturer; High Metre
black and colored .silk Shawls; Lipins . 111aelt
and Mode Colored Thjbet Shawls, With 'Silk
and..woolen. - fringes, Paris Printed Caslimeib
attd•Terkerri Shawls, Plain and "Embroidered
Crape-Shauds,.New Style printed Point ShaWls
Neat Figured Paris :Brodie. Shawls, Lllans,
Blackiand Prlode Coloted Thibei Long-Shaw-Is',
:I'w - BMM - rgerll7- - Sltin ShakYla;•Plain Mode
Colored Fryt:cli Torkerri
,Shawls,.fringed end
bthind, quarter French Mode Colored
'Pltibet Cloth,•metisuring full Iwo yards wide
for Shawls; binding to inatMt, , White . and Col.
ored Barcelona and Genoese Shawls; &c.,
in — ylritot,Fsa vs 1121 D r,
ata--$64 -18,00
Fit Good's.
;Jae: osiers and Dealer! .
, South yd Street, Philadelphia.
ATE received by late arrivals from France
.11,11 - a large and very desirable assortment of
which will by Mend
Bonnet Velvets of all colois in variety of prices.
" Satins
Corded Velvets "
Figured, Watered and Colored onset `
(B Gpods
Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a large assortment.
French and American Viewers. - -
Laces, Bonnet Tabs, Crowns, Buckrams,
Ar.o:, - together' kith a splendid assortment bi -
Par is law!, Feathers.
'rho above goods Were selected by'one ottlf
firm in France, and will be cold
_at ii - lie-vory
lowest market prices„
r lsept 4;50-
JD 2,00
171 C ✓
THE OLD STAND, occupied for more Man
one-third of a cent by G. Esq.-
Andersigned would most respectfull y
A, announce to the public that he is AGENT
for more than twenty of the most
•' :7_ • :... celebrated manufacturers of 1105-
u DELPHIA, and ehtewhere ; ndk
is constantly receiving from them PIANOS' of
the richest_ and rarest -varied -styles ; -ol superior
tone, and, of the most superb finial!, of
64, and 7 Octaves, which are warranted equal
to any manufactured either in this country or
in Europe.
lust received, also, iFurther supply of anveh
and Parlor Organs, of benntilin patterns awl
floc tones.
His WARE:RC - OAI is, -constantly supplied
with a choice selection of SER APR IN ES and
:MELODEONS, from the oldest and most ex•
tensive manufactories in the United States; a
mong, widen is a new style of REED ORGAN
!laving Corhart's patent improvcnients, with
gilt p pas in trent, and case elegantly carved,
and highly ornamental.
Tarring and Repa.riag—Sig . . Salvador. La
Grasse, a distinguished Piano Forte Monufactu.-
rer and-Organ 13uilder,_. will attend to all orders. •
..sept4,'so OSCAR C 13 CARTER. -
- Watches. and iTetivelry!
Wholesale rind 'Retail—At the
• 1 Inladelohin Watch and Jew.
elry Store," No. 96 North SE
COND 13treet , etaner of Quar
-9 et: : xgti ry 'street.
_ .
Gold-Levers ; lB easesilull lON oiled; s3ound
upwards .
Silver Levers, hull jewelled, $l5 and upwards.
Gold Lapin°, 18 k. cases, jewelled, $25 - ' and
Silver Lepines; jewelled, $lO and upwards
SilverQoartier Watches, $4 to 10
Silver Spoons, equal to coin, per sett- - -Tea,
$5. Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro•
portion. QII goods warranted to be what the
arc sold for.
constantly on band n large assortment affirm
Also, an assortment of 1W J Tobias & Co.,
E Simpson, Stunu& Brothers, E S Yates &
Co, John Harrison, (I & R Beesley, and other
superior Patent Lever Movements, Which will
be cased-in any style desired
Arrangements have been made with all the
above named most celebrated manufacturers of
England, to furnish at short notice ally required
yle-ofWatelr,—for-whiclrorders will he. La Jen.,
- and dro — name atTd-es[dence of the person or
dering put on if requested. _ _ _
riIIHANKFUL to the citizens of Carlisle
and its vicinity for their increased custom,
we again request their company to view our
large and splendid assortment of
China, Glass ed. Queensware, •
Dinner Sets, 'lea Sets, Toilet Sets, and single
pieces, either orGihss, China or Stone Ware,
sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for lees than
they char be had elsewhere—ln fact at less
titan Wholesale Pricee: — A.MEIIICAN AND
in greater variety than ever -before offered in
-the city. FANCY CHINA in great variety
very cheap.
liCr would invite any person, the
city to call and see us—they will at least be
pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and
to - view the finest China and the cheapest the
world proditces. Very respectfully,
Chesnut Street.
raPhiln.s e pt26' 4 9l y
DON'T- be deeeived. Country Merchants
and Dealers who want good and *cheap
call ttpon 'JOHN T CLEGG. Perfumer and
Chemist, 48 .11drket St., below Brl, l i hiladelfhia,
who has constantly on hand PERFUMLRY
and FANCY SOAPS. of every description,
Powder., Hair Oils, Ox Marrows, Colognes,
Ilair.Dyes. &c.,
'loo,ooo'persono have ma . nry advertisement
in the Public Ledger, hundreds of whom have
called and !men convinced of the advantage of
'purchasing direct from the nuttrafacturcr,.
Agency for Ferran's Circassian Hair Oil,
Curling Fluid, tke„
OrdersTroTh" any part of tha United States
will lie promptly attended to.•
augl4'.so,ly JOHN 'l` • CLEGG.
eS! Rowe f ....'
mar AN OFACTORERS arid wholesale denl-
Ml' erg BROO M S, B-AS IC ETS and
WOOD WARE, have removed to the largo
sto•o littely.ocenpled by Messrs. Sellers,Cg Da
vit where they have opened an extensive stock
of Ensiern ..and City mein. ,BROOMS hnil
OOD WARE, which they are , now selling,
ut the lowest rnanufaCturere prices.
A. full assortment:of Bristles, Brvehee, dilate
Cordage, &c.. Constantly' on hand....No It
North Third Street, 3 doors below-Race, Philo
dolphin. . it P. &
SALMON. ~ Constantly on hand
HElntiNcs, . . and for sale by
HAMS AND SlDES,Market Sreet Wharf,
p, k Oli NI :1 ,U 0 MO It li 10 CO k 4
Lv AM URI. A. HUBBARD, having purebas•
ed of Mr floury A Sturgeon, hie stock of
Dregs, Mcdieinci &a.. woillif respectfully, so.
licit a allure of tlin public patronage, at the old
stand, corner of• Pitt and „High Streets, opposite
the Rail Road depot.
He keep constantly on liond,- an assort
tricot of fresh Drugs. l'iledicities, Taints, Oils;
,13ye Sinfla,l'erfuniery, and, a vitriol) , of fancy;
articles, which ho is delerrniped to sell
110 -: ‘;(41111Vallitt Persiapal atteution , to the ,
nrid particularly,to platingup prescriptions.
A liliffrardethiction made for Ilhysiciansoatilet
ry Metaliants;alid ;., , • :
Vel:o3','lBso. „ -; • . •
, I edar • axe.... . ••. •
USVrec'eived at cello aP - thrd wars sto,
tp, of outibscrilum EMIL Sig'''. Street,
comPloM, assortment of "rubs, Socket e, Churn
&c.; &a: Duponts Mille and Blasting
rowstOr, whielt.tvilfbo sold very
Tun, Vdd 1850. 1
dons' tituticiff - of
_ • ,i.e.,,,,. ),A,.,-,,N- —, ~
, . ~' e rle
„.gtik , "ft: --i; 1 . •
-,,t 9
, v , „:::.:.:.:.:.::,..,
.. 1. -. . f ' Itx.:-
- - --!: , ?-9-Y
, 65(
Ameament ef the Constitutioli
fIES °LYE. ?:by_ the Senate and ifo . ase of
Ileprw:entatires of the Commonwealth ty
ennsyleania, in Gmeral ...4Rs,rnibly Met, That
the Constitution of this Commonwealth be
Melided in the'itfecind section of the fifth aitiellf
st/tbot it shall r The Judges o
the Supremo Court, of the several Courts so
Common TIEII9, and 'of such 'other Courts
Rees td'as are or, shall he .estahlished by law,
slidll lie eleeicd_b?__Lhe_qu'alificil—electsrs,of-the
-Ceimmonwealth, in the - nianner IliJew fig to*wit:
The Judges 61 the Supreme Courtthy_tlienital
iCed electors of ttiv Conirrion'Weslib at 61.0;
the President Judges of the sui-erid CoUrts of
Common Piens, tall of such other Courts 'of
Iteent 11 ai, Ore or shall be established by law,
and till other Judges required to lie learucd in
the low,, hy the 'qualified elrctor!j of the respee
tiye.diStrietS over It ltirlll they are to preside or
net ns Judges; Wail the A
Picas the mollified ebibt
ors of-the counties respectively The Judges
of the Supreme Cottil shall hold flick offices rot ,
the terns of fifteen }'ears, if they shall so long
'behave - themselves sit 11, (subject to the allot
metil hereinafter provided for, Subsemient tithe
first. electioni) he President Judges of the sere
rat Courts of Common Pleas, and of such nilice
Courts of Record as are de 6111111 bet stabliSho
by law ; slid all other Judges r, (wired t o h t ,
learned in the law, 'hold their offices fo r
the term of ten years, 11' they shall so long be_
have - themselves ; the Associate 'Judges o
the Courts of Ctimoirm Pleas shall Mold thelr
offices fur the term of five reara, if ilitv_shall so
long behave themselves well; all of 506 0 s l e d;
be commissioned, by the Governor, but ;my
reasonable cause, which shall not be suftleient
grounds of impeachment, the' governor shall re
move any of them oil the address of Iwo-thirds
of ouch branch of the Legislature. The first e
lection shall take place at the g!ciftral election of
this Commonwealth next idler the adoptim; 'if
this urn( tultnent, and the ennuoissions of all-the
Whonmy lie then iii oflfe shall expire OH
the first Altinclay of December folloa i it lieu
'the terms of the new Judges shall enronivitee.—
Thu pet . SQll6 who 1111111 !lieu lie elected Judge:, nt
tic Supreine Court shall hold then i frices lot
iUtys Cite of them tur.three y errs, 0110 lily six
veari, one for nine years, um. tuelve }cars,
itnifone fill , fifteen years, the tee,..or each to be
decided by lot by the said Judges, as Boon idler
the lleelloo as entivt!nient, oilll the result certi
fied by them to the Governor, that the commis
, sions may he issued in aixorelance therein. Tile
Judge whose commission will first expire shall
be Chief Justice during Lis tern), and thaeafier
each Judge iSose commission shall firsirxpite
shrill - in turn be the Chief ,lattice, and if tan Cl'
mere commissions shall trxiiiie,on the same clay,
the .lodges bolding diem slutl decide by lot which
shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacitueies, hap
hy death, resignation or oilwrwise, in
any tit the said Courts, 011811 -he filled by ap
pointment by tile Governor, to CW111011(2 till the
z fir'st Monday of I'i:comber succeeding the next
general elecTionr - The Judges of the Supreme
Court and the Presidents of the, several Courts
of Common Pleaszball, at stilted times, nerd tat'
tor their serrices"lm cornilell,l,tiOn, to
be fixed by lose, which shall not lie diminished
dueing•their continuance in office ; shall
recirive no lees or 'pergilisites of office, I or hold
any other office of'profit tinder this Contain!,
wealth, or under the Government of the United
States, or nor Other Stale of this Union. The
Judges of the Supreme COort, during their con
tinuance in Office, shall' reside within this COl/,
MOMVC;1111; ; mid - the older Judges. during their
continuance in office the dis
trict or count, for 11111011 they were respecti“ ly
J S MeCA 1..110NT, .
Spra,ker of the Hauer of Mk, e, melt ireA,
I F.
Spetthr of the Senate.
1, Samuel 11 . Pearson Chief Clerk of the
Senate of Penits)liseia, do liereh j cc rtifv that
the foregoing resolution ' (I._ou. the Sande.
'tile of the present session. ettlitlmf f‘ltesolinion
relative to an amendmetitof the (;onslifillion,' l —
being the some resolution wldrh was agreed
to by a majority of the members elected to mud:
House of the last Legislature—after basing been'
duly considoed and discussed, was tlits day a
greed to by a majority of the membiris elected
to and sowing, in the Senate of Pennsylvania, at
itf resent 'session, ns will appear by their votes
given on the final passage of the resolution as
follows, viz :
Those voting in favor of the resolution were,
Il• Jones Brooke, J. Porto. Brasile), 11'ifliain
A Crabb Jonathan 3 CuimingTiam, Thomas S.
'Perkin, i'houts 11 Forsyth, Charles Frailey,
tiltert-M-Frieltlienry - Fulton - ,,
Tiny, William TERlett; Urine This Timothy
Ices; Joshua F J 011 CS, (ISC ph koniginacher,
Geerge V. Lawrence, Maxwell AI eCaslin, hiw
Malone, Benjamin Matthias, ))cure
Miditenberg, William V. Packer, Win IL Safi•
ler, David Sankey., Beteg 13 KiverY, Conrad Shi
liter, Robert C Sterrett, Daniel Stine, Farris If.
Slreelelld° llll .W_ldker_and. Valemins--Bust,
'Those voting against the passage of the re's,
Intim: were. George Dar sic, Augustus Drtim 110.1
Alexander Eing—Rats 3.
- Extract from - the Journal.
Importer of Watches
L William Jack, Chief Clerk of die House of
Representatiies of Pennsylvania, do lici•cby
tify that the foregoing resolution, (No.'ln on the
Senate file, and No , itt on the IlauseJournal of
the present session,) entitled "Resolution vela•
tive'to the amendment of the Constitution,"—
it being the same resolution which wasagreed to
by time - m - 11.4 of the members elected to • each
Ilonse of the last. Legislature—after having been
duly-considered nits day a•
greed to by a ,notjority of the members. elected
to unit serving in the House of Representatives
of Pennsylvania, Mils present session, as will
appear by their votes, given on the final passage
of the resolution, as thllows, v iz: •
Those Vining iii favor of the passage of ;he
resolution weie,John-A cker, John Allison, \V m
Baker, - Robert - Baldwim - David..l Bent, Craig
Iliddle,Jeretnialt Blank, John 5 Bowen, William
Brindle, Daniel II II Brower, Jesse R. Burden,
Jelin Cessna, Ileniy Church; J ohn N: Coitynk ,
ham, Sylvester Benjamin ,lu David,
\Villiain.l.'Dobbins,Jantes P I3owner, Thomas
'Dulican,Nl'illiarn Dunn, William Espey;John C
Evans, ' William Evans, A. Scott Ewing, Alex
ander S.' Feather, James',l lowert,
I'. Fortner,:' Alexander: Gib obey, Thomas E
Grier, Joseph' Griffin, Joseph Milroy, Jacob
S Haldeman, George II Hart, I,efrerrihri, j„)„,
Hustings, William J. liemphill,Jolut Hoge, H
littplet, Lewis !Wain& Washington J Jackson,
Nicholas onestj old; Charlee
inkentl,RoberiS . lntw, Harrison P uiril,Noryts
Leeeh Junatliiin Levi, Anion ',emoted, .janlea
Lewis. Henry' Liitle, Jonas
John F McCullough, Alexander C AluCurdy,
John McLaughlin, John.AlcLettn, Samuel Marx,'
Jahn 11, Meek, Michael Alesers, John Miller,
Joseph C Mcdloy, John 1) lltortis, -William 'l`
Morrison, Ezekiel, Mow ry, Edward, o n,
Jacob Manly, Charles O'Neill, John II Packer,
Josetih PowelLjamea*-C' Reid, JohnS
Lewis Roberts, Samuel Robinson, Johni'.l6oll`
erford, Gleiini W :Scofield, Tho'maS.r. Scanner,
William Shallow., Richard Simpson, Eli Slifer,
William Smith, William A Smith, Daniel
Smyser, IVilliaifr H, Sodden, Thomas C - Steel,
David ,Steward, Charlet; Stockwell, C
Trona; Andrew Wade, Robert Thn,
moo Widson,
.Sidner - .11 Wells, Hirnm A \lip..
Hams. Linde! 'Zerherant! Jinn) S. MeCahnoitt,
Speaker—Yeas 87.,
Those votingngainst the massage of the ITIO•
lotion were. Atigtistus K..Cornyn, Dayid levanti
and James M Pr rter—Nays
Extract from the' J.lll'lllll, .
Filed .Ildiireli 15, 1850
"i do•tiertify• that , theabeive . and•fdregolng is a
true and correct, copy of the original resolution ;...
of the General Alisembli, .entitled "Resolution ~
relative to an it9entlntent of the Constitutitio, , v"l
/ lie the name remains ou file in ihiaoffteei. ~ • •
r ! ..,..}. • lit leatimoily.whereot i hove hereunto L.S. eat 03y, WO, and.. 64(41 to he affixed
Vv../ the Itellt'of (Ii Scorello_ 9 4f/flies, at tine'
rieberg thififteenth day of-Juno, Anna . Dwain'
'Olio th i otle il nigh. Ituellred.and filly ,'
.., ~ • - . •
-• • • •.' ', ' • A:11; IttTSSP•Pf. .. ...
,3te '.• Sc of ilisCommanwrifit4 :
.• .
Harrisburg„ranuory 28, 1850. S
Burri.xburg, .A/ai ch, 15,1[1{50
11,41AN1 dAUK, Clerk
of C6lllmOnlvea/1/1. _
'6 - *:cirrAny'9 Owen,