11 .11111A,LD AND --EXPOSITO:R., II _CARLISLE, PEIVN'A THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ,NEWSPAPER -IN, CUMB MILAN D COUNTY ! ' ' l crm3 = Cwo-no2lars a Arai, of One bollar and Fifty c'ente, if punctually paid in Advance. '51,75 if paid within the Ani. itCP'We nre indebted to the Hon. Jo strit, ensey, of they. S. House of Rep re.sentatives, for :vitluitHe public deco IMEIM Horcricumunu..--A series of papdrs on this subject is commenced in ouiytol- Ipms,t6 ,- day, which %via be read' with iniefestand- we trust will awaken atter' : lion to the raising of finer qualities of fruit, The author -of these communi cations is a' entleman thbroughly versed in the subject, Xbickinson College ' A new session of thii Institution open.: ed last week, and under highly encourag ing auspices, as we learn, although we don't know the exaernuniber ornew stu dents. At the meeting of the Board of Trustees in July last, the vacancies in the faculty were filled by' appointments which are regarded as highly'• judicious by the friends of the Institution. The Faculty now stands as follows : • Moral Philosophy—Presidon t Phc c. Philosophy—Prof. JnllNsom. Natirat . Sciences.—Prof.'WENrwonTrt. "MAnsii _ Mathematics—WoPrs. Suut . sa and TtrrANT Modern Lrnigitakes—Prof:lßLlMlNTllAL. Principal, of 'the Preparatory Department— Rev. JAMES DEVINNEY. - T11(07 . , JAMES WILSON, A. B. Census Iteturn.s. Mr. Craighead, Deputy/ Marshal, sends us the following repon'orthe cen sus of East Pennsboro and Hampden Totvnships : EAST PENisZSIIOIIO—NIiIIeS, 809 ; Fe- . males; 782;,H;Toial - populatiinfrls9l: The amount of wheat raised in the town ship last-year was 26,369 bushels ; num ber of llorses in the . township, 311 ; number of milk cows, 115 • other cat tle 330. HADIPDEN.-7Males, 650 ; Females, 648—tot51' population, 1298. Product of Wheat, 34;270 lius3,els ,•" nil:di - her of horses, 5571 Cows, 52-1; other cattle, . 442. This stock is only enumerated in the farmer's Schedule. On .theitSfarrrs there are a number of liorses and cows owned by persons that are not taken. Many interesting incidents happen, says the marshal, in taking the census. I will relate you one amusing affair. I crime to a farmer's house, and accosting him as politely as I could, asked the nec essary questions, but he !refused to an swer. I then pretended to ,write Awn his stock, making a greater nunif-er than he had, such as six horses, one mule &c. This enraged him dreadfully.- I made the way clear between me and the door, and then remarked, "oh, yes, I made a mistake—it is a 'jack-ass you hrive." He swore "he had none, and wou'd'nt pay tax for.dne. insisted he bad one. His intelligent wife was looking on with a smile, for she had been to one of those whig nurseries, Free Schools. She joiped in my fun. "Why yes, we have a jack ass," said she '; " the gentletmin meansymt - yourself !" She knew ex actly Wow-to work him. He then got into a quite good humor, and enquired what the Uensus wnsfor.• Shu replied that-she knew ~a 9 -about -the -Census— she had read -it-at her,•f i ather's in • the "Herald"—and you must it:dm a news paper and not always be a. dummy." That lady is worthy of her country, and her interesting children, will profit by her intelligence and spirit. Bretz, Deputy Marshal, gives us the following returns of Townships in his district: ' • N. Middleton, total inhabitants, 2,223 W. Pennsbr, total inhabintilhZ2,o4o Frankford,t tal•in•lyabitani 1,293 Yorni.ANa'COBERLAND RAIL ROAD.- At the annual meeting of the Board 'of Directors, held on the 17th inst. says the Baltimore Sun, the, report of . the Presi dent and Directors was read, containing 'a statement of the progress of this road, from we learn that it is fitt . , ap. pronching completion, and will undOubt• edlyhe opened to public ~travel on the Ist.of December next. . The laying of the new tack on the Cumberland Valley - Mad is also going steadily on„. and will be completed in a month or six weeks. The trustees under an aCt of . the Pennsylviinia• Legislature , authorizing the eale of, the Franklin Rail ROad, ad ,vBrtise at . public - rdeso. muck of the road us lies in this State, a distanee of 'fifteen 'Miles . . The sale is to take place in Charribersbiirg, On the 25th of Ostm 'or the Herald. Common Schools, of 'Carlisle. REPORT OF SELECT SCHOOL FOR JUNE 1850. r ,-IVo.' H.—Richard P. Flender son; John Masonheimer, Nicholas Len her. No. 12.—Phebe GregT, Mary Blair, Catherine Sipe. , E..Arnoltl, Jane M. Stargeon, Mary E. Philips. No. 14.—Thornas Woodburn, Charles W. Hoffer, James Richards. - • - SCHOOLS FOli 1850 —No. 15.-- Anna. M. Eby,* Anna, famberton, Margaret Staith... No, 10.Z4harles-Hepburn i Wtn. H. ilarkness, Charleti W..Worthingtori. LIAMILitN, Sea. tr.p Mackey; tho rdan . who killed Mr. Boitzlioover,,nepe Pittihord„To)ying vary 11l In jail, from injorica•ho waived whilooPumvitting. ho horrid deed • . .- • JErmr Lmn.—Jonny's, fourth and fifth eon certs to Now YOK wore as crowded no the . first. Tho re c eipts are about s3o,ooo_a night. Contrary to the . gcneral impression; Jenny has ihus.far more than' met public expectation. tier voice, manner, and execution of the mos t difficult musical compositions aro ':said - to he . altogether incompriruble. She lies ,already given upwards of slo,ooo—the proceeds of here first concert—to several ,deserving charitable,. Institutions in' New York. Tt is also her ieten- • lion to devote the entire net proceeds of 'her Concerta.in this country, (which wilt' of course amount to a princely sum) to tlio eitabliali ment end endowment of a system of 'Free Schools in Norwayand Sweden. Heroin mu nificence . for you! No wonder talent. and 4 • and goodness such ns h&c—should- win all hearth and inspire Moro than ordinary respect lurid admiration. • A GOIAEK. PIiOSFECT SePt• 3nnee, o f rho - Pacific Squadron, recently from California, estimates that the yield o: thrit golden country next year, pot Tall ahort — dififty millions of dollars. agent fr.oui Hungary has reached New York and gone West for the purpose of purchasing land for 3000 Hungarians who are [Monk emigrating. , - attl ii at 1i Ctc. PHILADELPHIA, Monday, Sept. 23 In Flour there is 'lulu movement to Italica ; sten darribreads ore firm at $4,07, wlltha limited harlotry, end the only sales are snakeroot] lota taken for home use at fi5e5,12 for good and choke brands, $5,37a5,50 for extra. Corn Meal:lnd Rye Flour—no sales: and holders ask $3 per barrel ‘Vheat—we quote fair and good reds at Maine, and white at Ildank.. Rye continues very searco Corn is dull, and about 2000 bushels southern yet low sold at 01a65.:. Oath steady, with sales of 1500 bushs]. Southern at 37c, 331.52.LtUUEM 1 011 the Ipth net. by the Rev. C. P. Wing, Mr. TIMM/4A WEANLEV, to Miss LAVINIA KAUFFMAN, Loth of South Middleton tp. • ~,/, _ - 31:0 - X 111 D . ' , • ?In this borough, on Monday, the 23d Inst., SAMUEL DUN Lar All0(1, Esq., a member al the Carlisle Bar, inged 111.11( . 11 years. /At the residence of his mother a gar Chambersburg, an finnginy, the 15th inst., Mr. Wn.unnt B. Timm, Boa, of Newville. Ile went to visit anti minister to hie Fisk relatives, and. fell a .vlclite..bathe preraPluttr "e;pfifililita. 711it.end waspeace.. • . - - - - - / On die 22th till., at his residence Good Hope 1111/18, i Cumberland county, Pa. GEonor PRIEST, 111 the 43d year of his age d Alen, on the 2d inst., in Phi/adel- i phia, 151,111911(11.1. JAMES, the son of George and Jane Priest, rig./ 9 months and 14 days. Their remains were both interred in the Friends Burying Ground, East Goshen, Chester county, Pa., attended by a large nu fiber of relatives and friends. 1 An Elite°, Ohio, on Saturday the 14th Inst., after a ;! long illness, which terminated in inflammation of the Mani, liesitv CIL% /4,l3Eftft, only child and son of %V 1 !C. and M. C. Gould, aged one yenr, four mouths and f !I:Wri days. . i New 20utrtisan4'ilts Valuable School Books, 111 - DUBLISIIED BY THONIAS,COWPETII ir N1A12.10.11' PIIIAIW.LPHIA, and' For sale by all the book seller, in 41n- United 6eita - : • \IITCIIELL'S PRiNtARY - GPIOGRA An easy iivroaction to the utady of Geogra phy, designed for children, and completely il lustrated by 120 engravings and 14 colored maps. AIITC 11 f:l.l.'s INV:RID:MATE G EOG FLAVAX--. The text, the exercises the illustrations, and the forty beautiful amps tic printed together in one yea to volume. M ITCIIEi.L'S SCIIOO L ArLAtl, s) stem of modem Geography, comprising a desel iption of the ',resent state of the world add its lite great divisi 01M. Embellished _.with (M -ulct CMS eti,rll.l/ii:gs mud illustrated by an excel relit Atlas containing '2B handsome and accurate colored maps This series of Geography by Almustus Alin:lien has been %Ott - illy or partly introduced into the public and private schools of all the priticipsl cities :teal towns be the Uni ted States mid alterm full and fair trial or its merits in these schools, it has received an almost universal.recomniendatiom \lt ref, ci.t.'s ANCIENT GEIIdIIAMIT ATLAS, :held t, classical and sacred Geography, embellished m ith vograviuge4 .remarleahte errata, views of ancient cities e ric , and accom paed by ancient Atlas containing- 12 beautiful colored maps. iITTtIiITG'STATG{ - F 0 u ra.vg-smAPS Mitchell's .'4abhatli Nel,onl Geog raplii,aiiii Maps and umbel li :11 itch - ell's Key to the study of Maps. and Cat ralrs Key to (lography , are excellent and popular books, and are becoming very exten sive!) tilled in the best scimols or our country. ti ittnx - E's F - ra ST I,I2SSOSI 1 1 , 1 - GICA3IIIAU,I),ISCIT 111,01111 C COIISIIIICOOII and analysis of sentences; designed as 11.1 introductidit to the "Analysis." GItELNE'S NALYsis— tecat se on the strum - . titre or the•Englisti - language, with IlltistrAtions - and exercises adapted to the use of schools, by Samuel S. Green, A. M., Principal of the Phelps Gt . : 1111111M. SOIOOI, INStOII. Tlivse books fi ice already in the short time they have been published,olitamed a very ex trusive circulation, having been introduced „into' the publie.scifivols or Boston, Baltimore, Pins.' berg, .0.11,11 • oilier cities nod tOWII3, and recommended by, those who have tried them their schools, ns Without question the best English Grammars existence. WAN'S SCHOOL READER'S.' I . IIE PRIMARY SCIIOOL READEIL—Part lot is intended for beginners. It contains a lesson upo I Lel of the elementary sounds of the lan guage The I,:rituary School Reader, part 2il, contains exerciws in, articulation, arranged in connection %villa easy rending lessons, Thu Primary Reader, part Stl, is designed for the first'class in Primary Schools, ;fad •We lowest' class in Grammar Schools: ' 1 XIV GRAMMAR SCHOOL READEU, in designed for the Middle CIOBS ill Gramm ue Schools, and . contains exercises in articulation arrangek iu connection with reading lessons i t., THL'IIIiTnICT SCHOOL READER, is designed for the- highest classes in public and private schnols,, .It contains exercises inn articulation, pauses, and inflections of the voice WitlWancli rules and suggesstions as are deemed uacfui. ~ `- THE lIISTRUCTryk RBADER, ; or q.t.,. THICSO of Itefiding, on Natural Ellstory; SeienCe: nd Lite. you're designed for schools, ~ - THE S pr.u. 7 .llsKi BOOK. Consisting of words in columns and sentences Cot• oral sand Britten exercises. It is a econiple;te and- systemattio series of e . xeyei.es 'in Engliith Orthography. Kielty popular series of reading books, and this spelling book were ,compiled by Mr. in. D. Swan, of Boston, and judging from the tnlild introduction Into schools which they have obtained In the Eastern and Middle States and in many of the Western. and Southern States, ITC dank they ar?. really better adapted to the wants of teachers and scholars than any other yet published. lite publishers have a very large number of recommendations from public school committees, teachers and others fruendly.to cation. FROST'S nl3Tottl , or.:4 - im U. STATES. Ooe vol . , 12 ti.o for I[4;W:schools:sold nestle , . Mk's. The same work enhdMr.eirmid simplified for common schools, 1 vo1.;18.tuo: JAR VICS PRACTICAL (*BIOLOGY, an' lIIC use of schools nod Families; _1 v01...12 lon. with engraviUgs. PRIMARY PRIBIOLORY, -by the same authisr,,l vol. 18 mo. ' ,FIRST BOO( IN AIIITIMETIC, by T.A. Aibizby, Mended kr primary and common achoolod'. AiwritmEric IN TWO PARTS. • liy' the • _ Bsame . liuthor. Part—first—atvanted lessons •in nidnlal arithmetic"; - part second— • . •oles avtl examples for"prictien ui writtenorith. net;a, for common and. tigh schools -A Key to exmoples for pr i wi ca ;„ written' mi 4.l'll,i:tie. for the use of teaultefs, by the same ' onhoi•.• • , These arithmetic' have secured very .high recommendations from tcmclicli of achnoll and lipiler r nies, and from orolc 2 seSrajti several ofitur colleges/ and frotn other" intei•ested in the caoso of ethicationln various' sections of the Union.. 'V. C. & Co., also publish msny other Solund 11Foks . , Which there is not room. to enumerate lidre, besides f.aw, Medical;Theological anal Miscellaneous Books, anit tliey are:fully preps. eed to answer orders for'booksin every de tart= Meat ,of knowledge, • Booksellers, School C ont. C mitteesiund . ethers; atipplied oti the most favor'. able terma.. , (sept • . . E TRE:RIM, 011afot,,ede ut •• •-'. Cji326' HUIIHAR'D'S Illigrellancotto ziousliwo 'RA LL . • Select • Classical '. po94llAng Sc hool; Slephur Apri?os, Poubling: ,Gap,‘.Gunzi " ' • berlinftd couni9 Pe fin'a - t OFFICERS . 'JAMgS HUSTON, A. M., Prilicept Z. • . N.O.•' ALLEN' BROW , :het. : JAMES S. BOICBBS', Tutor. U AVING for some .time'boeu: desirous of estabilsltitigtt Solect,Bearding School, and having at:length obtained suitable buildings lot 'that purpose, the Tubscriher takes pleasure In announcing to his patrons'end friends, that he 'will open the above named Institution, on the Ist of October. - v 'Pile Ideation is in small fdrined by au c< shaped bend t.f the North Mompain, aptly terined " Doubling, and is not surpassed iu healthfulness of-situation and beauty of ecbmiry by any-place in the country. The mum building is largo-and cent:, mailious,: (100 feet in length by 44-in breadth, and 3 stories high,) and. is well furnished with everything necessary to convenience and coin , tort. The other buildings uoinpose Bath -ses,_&e.,-tu-the-freti-use-01-which-the-pdpils will have access- rd-proper :Moors: IM Well known White Sulphur Springs rise T within a few rod's of the main building. ' The object of the Institutimis, to fit.yeung men 'for business,' or for any of'bhte higher classes of College. The course of instruction will bo thorough and complete,. more attention being 'given to the quality than to the quantity in the performance of the student. All the branches taught ..in_the_best..academies.will.be_ taught nt this, and proper apparatus will he . used for-illustration of the subjecis , that require it. Classes in Civil Engineering will enjoy the advantage of operations in the field with. Transit, Compass; Chain, &c. • TERMS: Board, tuition, washing, fuel and lights per session ic.40,09 Latin and Greek 5 00 French or Hebrew 5 00' Civil Engineering with use Instrum'is 10 00 Drawing and painting 5 00, Vocal and Instrumental Music 5 00 The_pupils- Institution der The immediate and constant supervision of the Principal, who will bestow careful attention - upon their convenience and comfort. Each student will furnish his own towels, end have them and his clothes distinctly marked... The neademic year will be diVided into 'ses sions of tweviy weeks each, commencing on the first of September.' The 'regular vacation will occur in July and August. Owing to delay in completing the arrangements:the first -session .of the present year will .commence on ,TOES DAY the first day or October, as stated nbove. An easy tv-uess •is allbrded to students b? means of .be Cumberland Valley Rail Road to Newvi le, and thence by coaclids to dte Acad. cloy. The Gettysburg and.Lewistown State Road passes through the grounds. -..:knr:eireulars - oontoinme. ,. ..fulVoartic. l 4,r4*4, Newville P. O. JAMES HUSTON Newville, Sept. 18, 1850-3 u,. Patine Sale. WILL be sold at Public Sale an SATUR. DAY, alto 12th of October, next, a two "• story FRAM HOUSE and 16t ilti •is „of ground,- th "latter containing „ , about three-quarters of an Acre, {'with a great variety of choke - '"fruit trees, a Stable and other out buildings thereon. This property is situated in ilfood_strect_iti-t lie-v.i liege-of—Ma infieitli-Currn berland counti% bounded on the north by a lot of Frederick - Zeigler, on the sash by a lot of Samuel Greaser], on the east by a lot of"Thos. Greasom__ Salo to commence at-2 said day, when terms of - Hale will be made known by THOS. GREASON, . '.4seignee of Jacob Stover - - LISLE 'l'o YORK TVIE undersigned, owing to the increases travel between the above named placed and to afford corresponding facilities to the pub• lie, begs leave to announce that he is now run- Hill a DAILY LIN'E OF FOUR:1101SE STAGES between ,Carlisle and York. Ills stock bus recently-been much improved,•and his coaches are new and comfortable. They leave Carlifile every morning at 6 o'clock, and arrive nv. York at I P. AI., in time to take the two o'clock train of Cars for Baltimore. Returning, will leave York about I o'clock, P. Al., or 'inniatkately alter the arrival of the Cars I to • frintore,antl reach Carlisle the name . FARE.—Tbrough tickets frotiveartlisle to gal titnore, or vice versa, will be furnished at the low price of $3,00. GEORGE HEN DEL Splendid Livery Estab!ishment, Ile would also take this opportunity of in: forming his friends and the public generally, that he has late), made valuable additions to his extensive Livery, in HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SAD lsc-c:,and that Vol . § now prepared to accommodate them with any article in his line of business, at a moment's notice, and on the -rust reasonable terms. Per• Boat desirousf riding-in fine - vehicles,- or on line horses, are requested to call -at his estab lishment before going elsewhere, as, in all,pro baoility they will save a little change by so do- Pe - rmns visiting Carlisle during the Sinn: mcr season, can at all times be furnished with good conveyances to either of the following -watering places in its immediate vicinity—Car ' lisle Springs ; Doubling Gap Springs; Warm Springs, Perry county; or York Springs, A• 'llama county. G. IL Carlisle. duly 3,1850-3 m. Extensive Cabinet ) , Ware-Rooms, IfIiCBERT If . ..SMILEY, successor to Wm. la C. GiIisiin;CABINETMAKER & UN DERTAKER, North Hanover street, Carlisle, would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and the public generally that •he now'has on hand u large assortment of new P 4 1 4`.a.gir#/ri and elegant FURNITURE, .a..E44.7. 1; consisting in part of Sofas, Wardrobes, Card and other Tables, Bureaus, Bedsteads, 'plain and laney Sowing Stands, &c. manufactured of the best materials and quality warranted. Also ngend: ral assortment of Chairs at the lot Vest prices.— Venitian Blinds, made to order and repairing promptly attended to. {* - COFFINS made to order at the shortest ;intim). and having a splen- did Hearse lie will attend funerals in town or country. 0:7 - Dont forget tho old stand of 'Wm. C. Gibson, in North Hanover street, a few doors north of Glass's Hotel. Sept 4-Iy.' SNfTLEY. Late Arrival .ht the new and cheap ItIRDIVARE STORE, East High street, opposite OgiMy's Dry Good Store. assortment subscriber has just opened a large , ssortent of goods in his line to w doh he would call ilie,attetuion of but - ors, as he is determined to sell at prices to suit the times. His stock compri es u.full assortment of Locks und Latches of every description: Hinges and Screws, Window Springs and Bolts, Mill Cross-cut rind circular Saws, Hand, pannel! ripping and hack Saws, oad, hand.&. chopping Axes, Hatchets• ' Chie'ls, Augurs, Plane's .turd Plano Bilis, Braces and Brace Bitts,.oteel and iron Siluares, Plumb & Levels, Waiters and Tr'ays, - ,Table and Pocket Cutlery 'ruble and Tea Spoons, brass, bell-mural and ennineled preserving Kettles, Hollow Ware, &O, 'Also, a full assortment of Saddlery rind Ctirriitc Trimmings, Patent Loather, Morocco and hinclingSkine, Saddletrees, Carriages and /Wagiiit Whips; Curled Hair, Moss, Door. Hair, , Eliptic Springs.. phovolle and-Spades, Garden mid Corn Hoe's, Grain ant, Grass Scythes, •Snaths. and Seytho Stones, Hay and. Manure 'Fork4, Window Gluss,- Putty, Paints•and Dye Stuffs, Oil, Tnrpentine and Varnish, , MahoganY 'and maple Veneers and moultlinge;.Sofu Sprg'a Also,_Bar, Band, Ifoor and"' Slieovlron, Cast, 'Shear,t'l vring and Blister Steel; Tin Plato, Zinc, Siteltko, Bar Lead; Bar. Tin, him, Brass and Copper Wire, &c. 5 Barkels , Patent Fire and Waiet Proor Paint, assorted. colors.. HENRY -SAXTCOII.:' rfiyls'so 1., , • '.l) , t I I I), _ . A M UEL A; linsting purchee: ed of iltr.'fienry . A Sturgeee his - stool: ,el Drugs, Medicines lee.: would 'rdepectfullY licit a sharo the patrititage, ni‘tho old Istand,.corner of Pit t High Strttels,, epßcisife the Road demet, , , lie keep ilosistnfily'ori hand, an nasort tnont of fresh DrugOVledicines, Yointe'.. Oils; Dye Stolle, PorftittforK.otb , Yariety,l;if 'honey articlos,..whielt Ito ie detertniffed to sell. He will, give:hie Personatetteniiolf tq the,buei nose"; and pat tidulerly to putting uitt preaclip thins: A liberal deduction made for,Pliyetiliins coun try Morchante, nod Pedlars. Feb. • : , • f-• neat' &Mfg rattition. . . • Or"M 'alts , Court , ' • • , on; THUR'SD.Bthe rif Octoitr,ABso: i . . .. • 13 11 virtue of an order of the Orpleins' Court! .131 "mf qumberlan d bounty; 'end 'an Authority for' the parties in intei:Clit 'who' are of.age, the - sub-. scriberivill offer. at pubis sale, ma the premises, the following property, Into', the estate of Mi-: cbael Brandt, of Dickinson township' ..tleckliyurti A. tract of ,hind situate in Ifockeridlitl,'in • said! Dickinstin township, containing 100 ACRES of; first into Limestone Lantl,• adjoining lands of, Newcomer, Hooker and 'others, all - of which is; cleared and hi a high stale of tinltivation'except, about 4-Acres of Woodland. 1 be imprOvemental • are a (Wt.. story DWEL L G QUS I: nnd Frame DARN; n good' .441111 :VENA.NT 110,DSE.:with,Stable,' . `,' a well of witter"to CAA hollid, to- , getbet. with other. nut buildings.—' Also, un Orchartle choice fruit,,prinsipally amt.; plea.. Also, nt the same time :Ind placq a front' otoTimber Lind, Gillette in Diskinson township,. id the South -Mountain,- containing. 26 ACRES of, young and thriving limber, adjoining lands of ,Gen. Miller,Newenmee and - others. ' Terms of sale will be. Made,: known out said duty when at tendunce will be given by the subscriber gum-. tlian-ofminor-childreu-oe-Mioluael-Ilesndt-tlechl and attorney of those who are of fulbngo. - DAVID BRANDT. - VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber oilers at.privato sale the foi lowing described Real Estate, situate in, North Middleton township,_Cumburiand county' containing 150 ACRES, tore or leg, patented land, about 125 Of whiCh are - ,cleared - Mirl. in a high staie of cultivhtion, and the residue co , , -. ed with thriving "young timber.. Tho improve : „.„_- mews are a Two Story LOO •,*" . .til HOUSE, STONE KITCHEN,' ' ~,,, a first rate new BANK BARN 'i!'.4i. i l': w - s SI 'd d C C I ' ..,0,,, , „.,,,, a r got ic an orn n .--- f•-•-.7_— .. - -,-- Also, a ,fine young and thriving Orchard - with choice fruit. The farm is well covered with locust timber. 'There is'a never failing opting of water near the dour,, with wa— ter on ugh tor mill power. This water-canoe broug tin pipes to the house and barn. • The hove mentioned tract is•all limestone -land,-an -is in -a-licalthy neighbourhood, lying upon tits, Conodoguinct Creek, withbi 2 miles \ of Carlisle. and only half a mile frOm the . Cunt- _ bcrland Valley Rail-Road: - Tt is ofeourso eon; • venient to the Carlisle market and well adayt• i ed for supplying said mnrket. • Tho purchaser; can have,the whole larin or 100 Acres and the improvements. An iddisp,utable title will be given. For terms apply to the subscriber, re— siding on the Walnut Bottom Road, five mike from Carlisle. septs ' JOHN FISIIBURII, .qr. Town Property for Sale. On SATURDsII; the 28th day of Scptember, next, N pursuance of tin' order of the Orphans' I Court of Cumberland county,, will be offer f3ct 110 Court House in the Bo iinigh'ef-Carliefe; iif - 2.6'cloelt, P. M.. a MEOUSII & LOT OF GROUND situate in Forth Hanover street in said boro', bate the property of John Snyder, dec'd., ad joining property of Jacob Fetter and Elizabeth Bendel. The house is a two story STONE DWELLIING,-16 foot wide in front. and built on a lot extending 240 feet in depth to an alley. Attached to the house is a two story back building, brick SmOke House and other out buildings. 'Nero is a first rate well 'of water at the foot of the lot with a pump in it. Also, a small stable. &e. Possession will be given on the Ist day of April next. Terns - made MoWifildirdifflirgide, when attendance will be NATHANIEL HAN TEH, aaministrtao) given, by sept 4 To Bridge Builderi. /SHE CoMmissioners of Cumberland county will receive proposals at their office in Carlisle. until 'MONDAY, the 30th of Septem ber, 1850. for tIM building of n ' .r . 'WOODEN BRIDGE, , . . across the Corrodogumei Creek - , at . n point at or ;near Isaac Shellsbarger's Mil, in West Penne borough township, Cumberland county.- - fhe Bridge to be of the following dimen sions, viz:—Co contain ie length I9G feet in the clear frointibutinent to tkemther abutment, on aid . opposite' 'share, zind . "l6 feet, wide in flie, clear,With two abiumfmts, and one pier in the .centre :between. abutments, each aboinient to 'be 15 feet thick in the bottom - with tt battering wall of ohe inch to the foot ;on three .sides. of the abutments, the pier to he sufficient thickness and,cortesponding wall abutments.— :The _abutments,Sand pier,to be 14 rem-140i from . the Latham of the creek to the cord ths. Two sufficient wooden aroma to lie started from the . abutment and extended to the pier: ineen fi the'creek, and from thence two other a icient arches to be started and extended to lfie on the opposite shore. 'And to o double abut mentl. floored. with two inch plank, first fl or to he pine or oak, the upper fl oor to be uk plank, laid lengthwise and raised in the entre 17 Inches. The sides and gable • end of said bridge to be of a sufficient. heighth to admit a covered or hay wagon to ease through the same, The-Airidge is to be closely weatherboard,. with three-quarter pine boards well limped and Mined on the . outside. TI . a a ' wor _sat _ n ge—ta-be-roofed-wilt-good-and sufficient white pine shingles. and said roofing to extend at each end 12 feet over the heel of the arch or the' top of the abutments, and on each side of the bridge over the weatherboard ing two fem. The abutments fire to be built on a firm foundation, and to be approved by the - Commissioners. Thewhol - e - iffilWritiFso — n -- Wark to be well" built of hard and largo stone, lime, mortar and pointed from the back of the abut ments. The filling shall consist of earth and stone-and-to be supported with wing walls - on each side five .feet thick 'at the two abmments, with a battering of one inch :o the foot to the top of the filling, and to-extend in that manner on thetwo extreine sfdes ofihe — lifidge until the filling and walling shall Meet the road, with an ascent not - exceeding en angle of four de grees elevation front the road to the bridge., with curtain walls of sufficient -length and thickness and covered with broad stone well secured. The woodwork on the outside to be iminted with white lend in linseed oil, and in► side of the bridge is to be whitewashifd with two coats of lime- - 4The .uncierialter is to find all materials at his own expeinie, and to give. such security as the Cetnmissionere shall re quire for the faithful performance of the work manship.. and parmanencY—of said — bridge for and' duritig the term.of seven - years from the time the said bridge shall lie finished. JOHN MELL, • , JAS. KELSO, JNO: SPROUT, Commissioner's 'Offico,2 Conintr's Carlisle, sep4,'so S Attest—Wm. RILEY, Clerk. Coal: 'Coal! ' THE subscriber is now prepared re furnish FAMILIES with the best quality CLEAN STONE COAL at the lowest rates. Orders left at H. Saxton's Hardware Store or at the yard-opporgre .Iloover's Lumber Yard, will be promptly filled. Also, just received from the mines 100 TONS NUT COAL for Lime. burners, 1500. bushels.- Bituminous Coal for Blacksmith's. sell H. WRIGHT., Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned in the Boot and Shoo Manu factory, is this litly.lii6.9olVCd by mutual con sent. The busine'ss.will be carried on by Gco. IV Boaserinalh vt'ho will sell Boots and Shoes lower for Lash thad ever. GEO. W BOSSERNAN., IVA,. ASKEW. septl I 'English, and German Jaw= •, THE gnglieli and German Journal& of the and House of Representativei for the year 1850, have been, received at the Commis stoners ()dice, at Carlisle, and, are ready air distribution to those entitled to,reoeive them.— By order of the Connitissioners, .41.8e81-4VAI REILLY; , Cierk. Carlisle, acptil,'so. . . rA..mapziLET. ',Au% TPum.hlet fay's - passed qt lho.lato pee- JL Won pc %.) e iellture,havo bewirecotvod and ore reßty % •IbOtiotti to those entitled to rocoii , ethoirri. , ' . c . • JASIF. lIAMBERTON;' Carlielo, sew.] 1,'50.. " Proth'y..' , ',.' , • ' , NOTICE. . ._'''...,.: -., cilHE' ANNUAL ''ELECTION .foi.,, . . • Oflie:ors and ,Manegere iiit,lie , Citniber'• '• , lan Viilloy l'inil_.: Road Coniininy.viill be bold at Wootre Hand, in Carlisle, bat.weeil tile hours ~„ at 10 A. M, and ~ i 'P AV, of 111.Np/I,Y, the , 7t,it day of &babel. nest. ' - ' ' ~' ~ - ' ' • 'E. M. BlDELE ; Secrelory. R, It., Office, Cailirlo.3 - ' , .. ,tiept,ll,'so-3t: •i -, : , , '?•;.'',.-. • • I®PONS Itammet i ed and Rolled IRON ' jtiei reueivpd nt• t kte ,Chettp Store of-thO noliEfetib_okiuldeln . street; SAXTON. litre-Ander barra pure cidervinegar, from the noun ry, suitable, for pickling. just received by u 41,38 '5O. • GEO. W; ITITNER. • ileaCvmat -,at, '23/4,uctian'.! 'o.lloioL"'rAßVir FOR SAZ7g.' THE; suliseribe Offetl.'for sate .a ,valuablJ Farm' I:V aal& arable rand, situate' in, West Fe:onshore! totveshini Ctinaberland - .cdmi,ty,,, on' thd 'COnodo'gitinee Creek, eight' Milea *eat of Carlisle'nnd within tWo'and Lirhalf horizo! Valley Rail. Road; containing ¢tis6t 43Q; .V(MES in a high state of cultivation: The provements , are a 4 tWo' Weatherboarded; fIOUSE, Smoke Muse,' Ice' Hound and Wash House, and good 'well of water' at' the-door.: Also, a large - Thank Porn : Corn Crib, Wagdt, Shed in good order anti .gooil' Orchard.—,' There- is 'l7 Acres of ' first , rate' Meadow and a• 'bout , e 5 Acres of, Tiniber and'ii the opposite side of 'the creek, which will'he 'Sold With the Farm if desired. • 'f'here has beett_beliicen lirh end six thousand hushols.-:of Bine' put en this. Farm lately.. Therp.As also.klargo Lime Kiln,. capable Of. burning Irani 12 to'.l.4oo•bushels at a' last alt the properly,. aug2Bta .• , ..VVjLLIAM':AL InmLaticaster Volkarreutid copy (f. and end bill to this office for colleetion.'..: . Orphans' Court Nate. - .13 - y - trirture,riFirrriardermf-the-Orphansl - court of Cumberland-county, the following Real Es tate, late the property of Isaac Beidleman, de- cease, will be.sold on the premises, on•Satut. day the 28th day of SEPTEMBER •next t -to I wit: A tract of land, situate in Silver Spring township, near to Kingstown, in said county, boundetl by John Senseman, George Keller and others, containing- TWO ACRES and thirly'S oneTerches, of Lim6atone Land; all of which ts.cleared_and.under_geod- fence, and in a high , '. state of cultivation. l'imimprove -'4-1" • mentS are a LOG DWELLING EDEsE ; STABLE, and, other ii 4;?,, • 'out•buildings. ,A. Young, Apple Orchard of grafted film and other kinds or fruit trees on the Prerniees:f „Sale io commence at 2 o'clock - on .said day, and the terms rinule -known by August 23'50 te. JOHN FIREOVID. .ddrninistrator of Isaac Betdleman dec'd. VOUSEI AND LOT • AT PRIVATE SALE. • THE._ suliscriber offers at private'. sole a . , • 'HOUSE & LOT OF GROUND; situate on the north side of Matn.at. • ~••••1112 -seeon'd 'house from 'the square and til lately, occupied by . Dr. Jno. Creigh. dec'd.;, in tifeborough of Carlisle. The , house is two stories high; of Brick, and about 32 by 40 feet square, with a Dining roo m amtKitehen, and Cellar underneath the, whole of it, with the necessary out houses, d good garden with choice e l fruit trees. Therrno_will bo made to suit it purchaser, as the object, is to effeet - a sale iminediately. Enquire of Mrs., E. Creigh on the premises, . ting2l'• THOS. CRE'IGH.. . . PUBLIC SALE OP nnaz.ESTATE IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, will tie,ttold at public sale, at the lute residence of Benjamin Myers, deceased, 'on Friday the 1 th day of October next, at 10 o'clock A. M., the follow ing described Real-Estate, late the property of said decedent, to wit .—A tract of land situate in Dickinson township, bounded by lands o. John Huston, John Fishburn, land of ,the said Benjamin Myers r decensed, and Ab'm Myers, containing 85 ACRES-and 130 PERCHES, strict measure, of which • about 70 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultiiation, and the residue excellent timber land, having there on erected a two story weather xY HOUSE, LOG sTA• J.-B•LETwiTh • water near the door, and a good Apple Orch .Z4'•:;;&',.4 ard of choice fruit. Also, a Ten ant House and Stable. Also at the same time -and place, will be sold a small-tract ofArst-rate timber land,situate in the same township, and bounded.4-lands of John Fishluirs, the beirs of Michael Ege, deceased, William Line and Philip Spangler, containing 10 ACRES and 57 PERCHES. The above described Real'Estato,will be sold on the'following terms: So touch as may be necessary to pay the costs and expenses olisale to be paid on the confirmation of thksale.bytthe Coarccinelhirttof the helot - Me to-remain in the. hands of the purchaser during the life of Ellis M - viers, Widow, the interest to be paid- to her annually, and at her death the principal to be paid to the heirs of the aforesaid Benj. Myers, .dec'tl. one half of the balance of the purchase money of the tract first ,above described to--be paid on the first of April heat. when possession will be given and a deed made to the purchaser,- and the residue in two equal annual payments thereafter,withoul interest. The residue of the pnitiliase money.of the tract of timber lend•'after deducting the widow's ilOWer, to be p'id on the first of April next. -The whole to be secured by recognizance , in the 0 - phone' Court with tip• proved security. JOHN CAROTHERS, 28,'50 is Alministracor. . • ssiguee's Sale. On • ITURDAY, the 12th of October. WIL be sold at public sale, at 10 o'clock, on the premises, the following described .ot of land, containing- about TWENTY- Two ACRES, situate in Lower Allen town. ship, Cumberland county, one mile above Eber ly's rniL r iLtLQeslsr SarMg;_adjuitiing_lands—of Gorgns,Dninel-Urichi-and others, with a well finished F R A`M l „.. 2 , HOUSE Wagon Maker's Shop, B ern anther improvements them on ereeted. There is niso an inch• arc of choice fruit' It is a desirable location fora mechanic and worthy_ of atteit • A Iso..nt'iliC'sains,titnc and place will ho sold a Tract orWooillartd, containing TEN ACRES more or less, situate in Fairview township. York county, adjoining,..lands of- Christian - Gar he.r, %VIII. R. Gorgon and o‘hers. - Also, n lot of cord wood on said tract: Also, at the same time tied place will be sold thcrill6witig .personal property, viz: Horses and borse.geors, mulch cows and other cattle, Hogs and Sheep, Groin bribe bushel, Hay by the ton, Wagons, Ploughs, Harrows and other harming utensils. Also a lot of chestnut rails, a number of quarrying tools, together, with Household and Kitchen Furniture and other or tielei too numerous 19 Mention. Attendance will be given. and terms of sale made known by Aug22,'so CHRISTIAN EDER LI% ..dasignec of Daniel'lleck. ORPHANS COURT SALE On. Saturday the 12th of October. BY virtua of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, will be sold at public sa'o -on tiro premises in Lisburn, CUmberland County, the following property, late theestate of.lsnao Lloyd, deceased viz: A House and throe lots of ground, situate in said place, en the road .to Harrisburg, adjoining Property of John Sherich and Cam. Bar ugyber. The house is a wentherboarded two tug.i i story dwelling HOUSE, and :lunched, to it are several outbuilding?, including a large stable shed, &c. There is a first.' ate well of water near tlio door. Also; anumber of choice fruit trees. On ono of the - Jots ktereeted a good Immo Cabinet .Maker's shop. It. may be .ronsideied tt good stand for that business,and holds out strong inducements to purchasers.— Persons wishing to examine the property - are requested to call on the subscriber, living in the premises. Salo to commence at 2 •o'clock,' in the alternooon.of said day, when terms will be made known by REUBE 24 STAR, Aug 22,,'50 adimnisirator. • VALUABLE PIOPZfITy .AT PUBLIC SALE. On . THURSDJY, the 10th of . October, Ipursuance of an - Order of . the Orphans' Court of CuMbOrland Couniy, the undersigned Administrator of Abraham !Brenneman, dett'd., will sell, on the 'premisen; all the interest, and claim of the said decedent, lining the undivided seventh part in a • tract of land in - Bast Penns, tioro' township in said county , containing . • 'lOl ' .O.ORE'S inere'erless, bounded by landa or Michael Vree Joseph Sadler, George .Ilowinun and others, on • • "which is erected. n large Two Story • ~..''STONE HOUSE, Dank Ijorn , .with Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs; Smokennil I 'Spring House, and a ncter-failing • Spring 'of water which. waters a num ber Of the . There is about Ninety Acret, lehred,ond the remainder covered with ug timber. Sufficient Locust growing on the twemises to lamb& poets forever for fencliik,- rake it altogether it ,is one of the most desira ble tracts oh laud inn the coutty• Sale, to com; tnence at'2 o'clock, P. al., when_ attendance will 'be given and terms Wintle . known i. nug'2B , • • : JOS.. MUSSER, Ake . . .., ...Farm 1 for `44 . ak.,. --. riNHE subscriber - iniondiris- 'AO, 'Mae to' thili 1. AVest , iitrorn his triarisiatrformfor'saie; - ths. same being situated 16 Laver Allen tovOnship, Cumberland enuntY, a odour flutes ,west . of klarrisburg; . the State oad passing thiough ; tlfe earned containing:lo9 CRES afire rate lino; stone land, adopting lands of Levi Merltle; 3: ~ Lonfo and ''lithers.' This improvement's .nre• a three story .LOG HOUSE, *stared outside and inside, a don4let:l,oo'.BAßN., .0 - novo:- failing eprittg , of good ,iyaier . uilder the house: Aluo,!trTeithin Hondo and Mllu'r otit-btiilllinge, &e._ Any, person 'dosieitt to kielinelf a farm In thhi .inetion bf:nountry will do wellio•iitill nod view the same. ' JACOB . SHOPE. nopi4,'so • • „ 01:14,iincaster Union pub. to.atuount of 0. Itete Ve.tate'ltictionJ „ . . . • yALursLE , • PRQPARTTIAT PPALICI. SAID' On sMiniti'Airal.ciaiiiVSVictiiticr next, 'WILT:rho sold at public sale On'tlui.prenaisea in'Neirli Alltldietpn'tpWaship;,Cuutlicrlandeo. t: •Fa., twp enuth Of .Middlesex Mills tied: fair 'lna& east of Carlisle, the followi n g Real Estate ' adjoining Janda. of ',l:t; Miller, 'themes' Uric's heirs and otliers,containiug 140 ACRES; cirfirsf;•ialti Limestone Land, fn . ri high siate•Ph duktivatiou'and Weltsupplied frnit,; rind'for Pleasantness .of aituaiipe, find cow; Vinlidnde of running water' ie adrpassed'hY places in the enuitty. The' impreVeineritOl t ere' a tar taid±eiihatential„ST,9,NE i SE ? „1,11 . Afttsl.aed,otkek ; neo, 6sd y, - outhouses,, ;, ssooo,oopf 11 T the purOirpc - remain an,the property ,ror,nvo yoarti.et., five.per cent'itredest,, it desired. ,Alsp, tile, stime•tinie and' ike° ii . tra'ct ;.laiiCeituato in the seine. t o wriehip; I ile and, 3 frchtfCarliale':adjelning lands C.f,liisteph :Wit mer; Roheri Erwin and:others; Cthllienipg 5.13-` NEN ACRESilthe linproVeraerita. area two' story frame, Wentlierhoarded HOUSE, Frame BARN,' a geed bearing orchard,.&c.' Sale to tannminee - ai - 10 - o'ato - an When at tendance will be given 'aud,terins made• known far the latter tract jiy, . • ' Aug,21', 7 50 41' . SOLCMON.RYLER. , . . .„ B's7o ATE . . THE subsOber offers at priVatc sale tho fol lowing: nitdate in North Middleton township, • Ctutiberitind ceiituy,near the Ifarrist l , harg• inropil6; tiliout 2 times from. Carliele.' consisting - of - upwards - of - THREE-A C RES - n Ground, adjoining properties Santudl Butz . Beerbrowet end the Loan Bpring, on which is • 'l 7 erected a 2 story Brick DWELLING liOUSE,4alwo story Log Dvelfing ,house, a Bank Bern,-and-other. out buildings': There hi also a fine young Orchard Of choice Apple trees. Also, a fine cool spring convenient to the houses. The property ie;in good order, and isedruiribly adapted for a mar .farm, boittLf convenient tel the, borougfi ,of Carliele: _:Tanta'. will r ice made,ereasonable,- 7 :- For Comber inforinntion apply to the Subscriber itguiff for the livin near the augl4 • . ITAII GRINER. - VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE THE, subscriber offers ai ,private sale, the Farm on which he' now lives,•situato in West Pennoborough township, Cumberland county, five Miles from Carlisle. and one 'mile from Plainfield, containing 136 ACRES and 64 PERCHES, of first rate Limestone Land, all of-which is-cleared and - in - aliglistate of tivntion except 15 or 60 acres of Woodland.— The bum lies on the Conodonmet Creek and is but half a mile from the Coed Hope Mills. The whole is under good fence, about nine hundred panel of - Whielris poht. and rail 'fence. '1 he improvements are n new , Brick DWELLING 114 USE, irit 0 I two stories high, with a commo r I r dious Bank Barn, 94 feet king, first rate Wagon Shed, Corn crib with threshing floor. and all other 'necessary out-buildings. There is a good well cif,water at the door.l Also; a large Orchard, with eve ry variety of choice fruit. The entire place is in the best order, and holds out the strongest inducements to purchasers. Persoc.s doming to examine it are requested to call on the sub scriber. An Indisputable title will be,.given, and terms made reasonable. BENJAMIN LONGENECKER. jy24 3mos . *Lanensterrnion copy 3 months and send . lfilArthixtfline - for eollectio . Valuable Farm at Private Sale. 'ME 'stibscriber' offers for pale_ a valuable farniolLimestmle Land; sifuated - on the Yel low Breeches Creek in Dickinson • township, Cumberland county, about 7 miles south-west of Carlisle, and within 2 miles of the Stone Tavern, adjoining lands of Squire Woods; John Williams, George Martin mid others contain ing 161 ACRES of well improired land, under good fence . rind in o high state of cultivation.— The .16r:Aeres arel , all, clear, but there is 75 Acres of first rate Al ostrNA'AIN LAND-to it. There is also an excellent meadow on the farm and some bottom land. The unprovementS 'consist of a big two If ," . story DWELLING HOUSE a brick B a . Boult Barn, m id ;all 'oilier 'improve- C, ments that is necessary to n farm,— There in three big running springs on the farm one in the cellar, and one near the barn, and a good, orchard of all kinds of fruit. - Any person - desiring 'further information willplease call on Jacob Seitz, residing is West PennsboroUgh township, Cumberland county, one mile from Newvilie, or on Tobine Seitz, residing on, this ;aim . Possession and on indisputable title will be given on the first 'of April, 1851.—. Terms made , to suit purChasers. JACOB SEITZ. jy2-,3mospd l'Arna-zint MAZE. , UTILL be said M‘public vale on the prednises V!' on SATURDAY, the 28th day of Shp- I teMber next, a valuable tract of slate land, situ ate in Hopewell township, Cumberland county, adjoining lands of Peter Stouffer, Peter Lesher, Capt. David Duncan, and near the Ridge State Roud,_nhnttt mile_smarilt_oLShippensharg_aud -3-south-6f-Newburg ; containing-YU-ACRES and 63 PERCHES, (13111110 being part of a lar ger tract helonging to David Duncan, jr., of said town up.) There is about-10 Acres of cleared I. nd. under good fence, the iesidua,eo - ered with - thriving - tiffilier." Inn provements are a vornlortable small WV HOUSE - and STABIE. 'There are several springs of Nudet near the house toge ther with front trees, St•c• Any person wishing to see the property will call on_). S. Ronshaw. residing .near, Ed ward McVitty, who is hying .on the property. Sale to commenco at 10 o'clock of said 'day,. when attendance and terms of salo_wilLbo made known by D S RUNSHAW,,, jp26tspd Agent for David Duncan, Jr. VALUABLE BULL AND FARE AT PUBLIC SALE. On WERNESDOY, Me 16th of October, 1850: THE .subscribers wishing to dissolve part• nership and, remove to the West, will sell their Valuable ILL and FARM, situated in Wok -Pennsberu'lownship, Cumberland county: The Farm contains 133 ACRES of first rate Limo— stone Land„the celebrated Big Spring runs alomrthe western margin of the tract, a stream that never fails or freezes, and is unequalled by any' stream in the United States. The irn , provomonts are a first rate MERCHANT 11217.. L three stories' high,„ff.iShod off in the moat cony pleto order, with patent improved Merchant Bolt, Self Packbr, and all the, latest- improve• manta in Machinery, Corn Kiln; mid situated on the above named Spring, which affords n full 'supply of water at all times to the Mill. There t. is also erected on this property a ;i:IT44, •- large .two story DWELLING Tit .. : 3;:gi i :' HOUSE, Bank Barn and Stabling • , . , ,i'' , . ':', Yr. Millers' house, Cooper Shop, lin'''44.... • urchard, &o. ;Thn buildings are all nearly'new, 'find an the best order, about two thirds of the tract is cleared and the bal• -once covered with" thriving timber. This fro party is neer the Cumberland Valley Rail Mind in the heart'of a rioll'eountry, and offers strong inducements to capitalists. This property will he sold separatelL,or together to suit purcha,s• ere. 'Perms' intreitsy to suit pOrehaseis as wo will sell witbourtekerve. Any information about tho property can . be had by addressing John Piper. Big Spring Post Ofßc, Cumber land county, Pa. . . JOHN PIPER,' • • . .. , •,/.-- SAMUEL PIPER, - ' " JAMES PIPER'. IrrWeeklY N rth American, and Lancaster Union . insert I It sale oaf send bill to this office for collection.• ~.• I ~: ASSIGNEES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL , EST,ATLdrI On SATURDAY, the .sthqf Oader, 185 Q. THE. subscrioor will offer at public sale op tho premises, in West .Pennaboro township, the following Reel Estate; late s •,the property of Samuel Dear, dec'd., situated throe end n , miles west of Carlisle; near. John Hays' Mill, contnining ISO •'ACRES more. or loss, of first rate.LimestOne Land; bOundod on the north by iho Conodaguinat Creek, also b y of Bear, Jr.,41 - enly 'Smith, , Otiorge Singiser and' oilers, about. 108'. Aores of Otah is (boat rata , tillable hind 'in. trgood atate'of cultivation, the 'remainder is covered with lino young timbor.-. • The improvements demist of a . large two story.STONE HOUSE • * Large StOnellank Earn, Wagon ' 4';,0 7- tu Slied,Cinm'Cribs .and other owl' veniMit Mit buildings, a spring of •gooe water'near the 'door. Also, all Orchard ,of, thriving'young' trims on the property. Salo td commentp at' 0 &clack, A,'M., on said day,. wbeit'ettendance will be Oven and terms' 'natio ,keown by, • 'THOS: GREASON,' • •sug2l ' 410(vrea gf SainT Bear, dee (1, Brushe: I. 'Brushes I .. . ~ • , A' great variety Of, thpaa•useful articles 18 -or • • - I 11.110.1,Ds writing ' fluidov.very, , su., forod for suloi consisting, ol,Whitewnah, iteiTt;:,.;.. / A . , q Int itAmys i 4, Scralibi rig, Painiers,loi li t Shltiling,lHaqv 2 , 1, 1""'"In k -`" hi riE"" nt '" ` eeth aiiit Nitil; Fleeh'and Graining Brushes in Prime Su gam, -great—variety- v an-of-Which are of theAtgetequa ~ . '.ty and will be Bold at the lowest prices • s . ; A large lot of the moat approved brands just Juno 6. . 1 8 . ELLIOT''' . . 1 coivill at MONYARS, N.:Hanom int -Wed aink-,‘,o,,stlyiiiiß. MB EIXECUTORS -, SALei%OE- IVATAITABLE • 3XEBIe i ZUWEILTE. t XV ILL be sold oerpnblic , sale on .v,v „Dior, the ~22d of TOM,. at.lo o oil . l,b(l!ire,o l , l qo,tbe foloyy,loa k alpoeribed Tenlostato: ' '•'': , ' • A tract excellent landliying lithe eolith side of the:Putoborland Valley Rail Road Odin: 4 1 k ertet,cif Carlisle, containing about MDo ACRES:: Iris infddr good 'Wee and in.-a tit • 'state bf cultivation: 6)li. - The improvements area large two Sto i. el; , ry.BRICK HOUSE, a large brick • - Bank* Hain, .both recently 'Unfit, and allthe necessary out-buildings .-There id n well,.of watbr(vith a pump) in tho yard. Part of this, tract is well timbered. 2. AbOut.9o ACRES, ono mile south"ofthe above met, of_which there nrd about 20 Acres eleared;:the.balanco is excellent timber land: _There will'also • be offered -at public sale,en THURSDAY, the 24th.of October next, atop) o'eloCk, on the premises, two,very-fine --lime stone farina, situated in •Toboyne township, Perry . county. These aro adjoining:farms, one' contains about 240 Aft,ES. the other about 27.4 ACRES. They are. 'alien,. 8 miles west of Landisburg, , on-the-malit—iond=lending..7mr_the: One farm-baa a ST.'ONE , MANSIO.N. HOUSE and Bank !darn on it. Tho other a Log Hotis'e 'and Log Barn, There . * thriving ORCHARDS on botfrof , these places. They are situated in the most fertile part of the emin ht.!, and offer' any. inducements to purchasers. Persons' wishing•to see either, of the 'above tracts, can obtain information koiri thfirfenents residing on the tiromisas,••or' eittier of , the un dersigned Executors. -Attoriddime-xvill en and terms ninde known o 7'day of sale by RICHARD • ARKgR, • = R. c:••%'1 . F.1 lIFITTV • ° • Executors of T .11148 dec'd.. .Tuly 24-te • Patriable Property- , AT: „PUBLIC On FRIDAY ,the 2.7:111 day of SePtoere, next, urri.,4l,o_soid poblie.salo,_on_the prem. •11' ises, in Monroe township' , Cumberland county, Pa.; ther , following •Real• Estate, late the property of John Morrett., dad. about oim•ltalt nfile west of Churclitown,,on the road leading from Churchtown to the Trtndlo Spring Road;/containing 125'AvRE9 'or first.rato LimestonnLand,• 100 Actes are cjearnd .and in high state of cultivation, the remainder is co lored with fine young timber. The improve ... ments aro a Two' StotY, L 0 1101[163E0 largo g I T OH Is 1,,.:.. a LOG BARN,Wagon Shod, Corn `•'-' • Crib. and other necessary out•build• Also, a never/failing well — of water near the door, and an tircbard of choice fruit. " This is considered one of tho best. farms in Monroe township. Any person wishing to view the above property previous 'to the sale Can do so by calling on the subscribers. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, ou avid day, when' attendance will be given had-terme made knit" by GEORGE BRINDLE, SAMUEL MORtiETT. • Executors. lIDZI Desirable Property For Sale • THE subscriber will sell at private sale the property on which he new resides, situate in West Penneherol—township, Cumberland coun ty, containing about NINE ACRES, with a good two story FRAME HOUSE, good frame BARN, a good well of water, and all the ne cessary outbuildings, together with an orchard „ tr ." of over thirty TREES of effoice varieties of Apple A •ere in.iukb • _ e ang I ' Orchard of about sixty trees of the most select eastern varieties,vith a general assortment of Pear, Plunt,--.Apricot, Nectarine- and Cherry trees of the best varieties. The building are all new and built in the most substantial man ner, the whole property is in good order, and ono of the most desirable, in the county, being, situated in the village of Plairkield, five miles west of Carlisle, close to Church and - Schools, and within one-half Milo of Darns' Academy. ft presents rare inducements to a mechanic or private family .wishing to educate their children. P . not sold previous to the sth of OCTOBER, next, it will on that day Le offered at public sale at 10 o'clock- tin the premises, and will pos. itively ho sold. • For particulars address the Subseriliatat Plainfi. Id, Cumberland county.l augl4 • ANDREW CAROTHERS.M V AVABL'EI P OPE MT It AT PUBLIC SALE. SATURDSY, the sth of OCTOBER, 1850. WILL be sold at public sale on the premises in Monroe township, Cumberland county, Pa., adjoining Churchtown, the following Real Es tate of Frederick Goodyear, deed., ' CONTAINING 163 ACRES of first rate limestone land, 120 of which is cleared and in a high state of cultivation, and the remainderis covered with fine yo ng timber. „ The improvements are Two Story , Double DWELLING HOUSE, a :NO large STONE K BARN, H. with a Threshing NI Nine and hers° A well of ever.lailing wa ter near the house with a sprig house, and all other necessary out buildings. A.l o, a large ttCiIA-R-D-of-choi itbove - pro- - perry will ire ecld either in two tracts oror toge ther, as may best suit the purchasers. Any person wishing to see the above property will please call on the subscribers in Churehtown. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,_when aitendanco will be eiven and terms made kno on) JOHN GOODYEAR; JAE (TB 1.1 0 ODYEAR, DAN'I. GOODYEAR. 'Executors. aug7 to 'PUBLIC SALM On TUESDAY, the 15th of OCTOBER, next. bo sold at public slide on the premises in Shiremanstown, the lollowing prop erty, viz--A lot of ground, situate in said place, on the north side of 'tho Alain street on which is erected a two story DWELLING SOUSE. FRAME' Sli OP and STABLE. The' prop erty is in good condition, the buildings are new, and the stand is a good one foi a mechanical business. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. when attendanen - Will be given by JOHN RUPP, Assignee 0 . Jacob Bates,' sept i Estate of Thos. 0, Regime, Decd. • Letters of administration on the mate of Thomas C. Remo:late of 'Shiremanstown, Cumberland county, deceased, have been bran' ted by the register of said county, to the sub. scriber, residing in Dauphin county. lie will attend on Monday the 2d of September, and overy other:Monday for two months thereafter at the residence.olthe deceased, where all per. sons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, slid these having claims to 'present them for settlement to DAN );EL SHELL, A ug Administrator. • • Ledger and News. TILE undersigned horoby glyes notice that on and alter the first of Septemher , tho daily Ledger, News, &c., will not 'be serrod tly 4 carrier at the residence of -subscribers. The subscribers to those papers are therefore request ted;fo call at the book share for their papers. Aug 22,'50 tin. - DAVID .MARTIN. __JG_inen Zuni Ts. A new loz of Linen Lustros, various_ prices and colors, from 6 to 50 cents a'yord.• .Also, •another supply . of Braid; China Pearl,' Rough and Ready, Gimp, and Chip ' RONNETq.— Alen, Chnngeable and Dress SILKS; in ?nri— oty, with a varied assortment of Bonnet and. Cap RIBBQNS,• roes Trimming?, ,&c. &c just received and,;opened by • ' - • • may 29 . 'l9. W. HIT "MR. • ' To Shoemakers. It OSS 6[ool slides for Jenny 'Lind elioes, - ;:‘,,jnet received W lIITNER.' Hug 28,1850• _ •• • • • • , - ' - NOTICE , . -:' . ~'. • . giventh 'an 'pplication N°N i Sl l l7O is in h al: b iolholt t e 4 g t ib ' Int n tito.of this ,! Commonwealth at ita next sessionjor a char- tor for a bank wtifigeneral banking-privileges, - to be located in Cinliele, Cumberland county, I Pa , with a capital of Otte ,Ifundretl' 7/imam's( ' 'Dolltra, and to be , called the Carlisle 1,300. ''. .547.50-'6in ' ' . .. . . . . . Harrison's 'Oolutribian Ink. - •• 91'1HE.euheerther hue .o l n, hand a leapt eupplyt ': • It of , the ebove.itilt, which', by a special or , ~ .'rangement rich the_proprieter, he le able to fur.' nielvto men:haute ipd . others. at the manatee' mrere ivlieleaale pnbee. 1 • ..__:-, ' aug2l . . ' .. 6 A HUBBARD. . i WRIEZTZI LEAD. . VILTETHrat f.LL'S VLI RNIWIIIT& LUAD VIV and 5 barrels 'LINSEED 'OIL just re teivOil by the pubseribor. to he sold cheep.. ~,,• dog l 4 , ' ~ ;, '.,,,;, ~, ~ ~ j 1 5haT014.,,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers