paLli EZPORTOR, CARLISLE, PENN'A. Thri 6ln sizaWrolty . of Scolding. t.tnet wit" thysslf in _any wise to do 1. It , ie evil, and only evil, and -that eontinnally., 'David understood human' nature, and says,, I, Fret not thyself in any 'wieito do. evil." That is, if you cannot speak. without scolding, keep si lence, • . „ . . 12, Jr.'JJESTROYS AFFECTION.—No one ever did, ever can, or ever will love • an habitual fretter, fault-finder, or inlaid - er. • -Hut3bands; •vvives,-•childrem•-•"rela-- - tives, or domestics have no affection for prievish, fretful fault-finders; 7 Few tears 'sire shed over the graves of such. Per sons of high moratiarinciple may toler ate them-maybear With them. But they cannot loire t hem' more than the sting of .! nettles, or the, noise of miiequ i toes., , Ma- ' ny a man hint been driven to,the tavern ; end_to_dissip_ation by a peevish, fretful wife. Many St wife has been made mis-s': arable by a,peviish, fretful husband. 3. IT XS THE BANE OF DOMESTICEAP•; mess.—A fretful, peevish, comPlainniir - fault-finding person in a family is like the continual chafing of an inflamed I sore. Wo to the man, woman or child, who is exposed to the influence of such, a temper in another. 'Nine-tenths of all' domestic trials and unhappiness spring I • from this Source. Mrs. D. is of this temperamen .• She wonders her hue-- ; band is not more fond of; her company. That her children give her so. much, trouble. That domestics do not like to , work for her. That she cannot secure the good will of young people. The truth is she is, fretful and pe'evish. ' Children fear her and do not love her. She never yet gained- the affections of a young person, nor ever will till she letties of fretting. 4. IT DEFEATS THE END OF FAMILY GOVERNMENT..--Good family govern ment is the blending' authority with af fection, so as to secure_reepect andlleve,_ Indeed thie-is the great, secret of man- - aging young people., :Now your fret tors may inspirefear ; but they altirays • • make two faults•where they - corre'ct one. Scolding at a child, fretting at a child, . sneering at a child, taunting. at a child, treating a child as though it had no feel ings, inspires dread and dislike, and fos ters those very dispositions from which_ many of the faults of childhood proceed. Mr. G. and Mrs. F. are of this claim- Their children are-made to mind ; but how T :gr. F. frets at and -scolds-her 7 children. *She is severe-enough upop their faults. She seems to watch them in order to find fault. She sneers at them—treats them as though they had no -- feelings --- She seldorri—gives-thoil a command without a threat, and.a long running, fault-finding commentary. When she chides, it is not . done in a dig nified manner. She raises her voice, ,puts oti a cross look, threatens, strikes them, pinches their ears, slaps their hands, &e. The aildren cry, pout, sulk, and poor Mrs. F. has to do her work over pretty often. Then she will find fault with her husband, because he 6oes not fall in with her ways, or chime with her as a chorus. -• 5. FRETTING AND SCOLDING MAITRE HYPOCRITES.—As a fretter newer re celves confidence and 'affection, so no ' one litres to tell them any thing disa greeable, and thus procure for them selves a fretting. Now children' con-- ceal, inasmnigh as they cannot make up their minds to be frank and open heart ed. So husbands conceal from their wives, and wives from their husbands. For a man may be as brave as a lion, but he likes not to come in 'contact with nettles and mosquitoes. 6. Fr DESTROYS ONE'S PEACE 01 MIND.—The more one frets, the more he may, A fretter will always. have - enough to fret at. Especially if he or she has the bump of order and neatness largely - developed.' Something will al --a-be-out-of-phice. ,rays - t at - ca - .sere wit&- ways be dirt somewhere. • Others will not eat right, look right, talk right-'--he 'will not 4o those - things so as to please • them. And hatters are generally so selfish as to have no regard for any one's comfort but their own. 7. It -115 A MARK OF VULGAR DISFO9I.. yros.—:-Some persons have so much gall in =their disposition, ate so selfish, that they have no regard for the feelings" of others. All things must be done to please Them. They make their hus— bands, wives, children, children, do— mestics, the conductors by which toeir spleen and ill-nature is discharged. Wo to the children who are exposed to such influences—it Makes them callous and unfeeling, and when they grow up, they pursue. the same course_ with their chil dren, or those entrusted to their, man agement.; and thns the race of trotters is pprpetuated. TDE NIORT/NGALE'S CAGE.—T4D suite of rooms prepared at Neer York for JENNT LIND at the Irving House, consisting, as the Tribune tells us,'of 'a parlor ,a drawing room, a dining . room, and two bed•rooms, were fitted up in . magnificent style for her arrival, the furniture and paintings in them being valued at $7000./ In her drawing room, the furniture is all o 9 Al e finest carved solid rosewoo d, covered-,With yd /ow and gold satin - dimask, the curtains of the 'same material, with fine real thread lace un ,derneath. Tho tables of ,rosewood; " marble, and Paper Macho richly inlaid with. pearl.. One of Boardman & Gray's Doles Camppda pianos is also in the apartment. Her chamber is no less gorgeously finished, the bedstead _be ing covered with a canopy of the finest lace, and the coverlid of the most splendid „purple iatin, beautifully embroidered,- and mith.:a lace Anarder. The superb manner in which -- these rooms are furnished reflects great credit OD 1110 taste and enlorprisd• of ,r .Howaito. Mdlle. Lind was surprised at their richness and elegance, and seemed very curious to know 'whether eacu article had actually been manu factured in -this country. Sho was evidently unprepared - to find , such, a display- at wealth and taste - in a land still regarded' through the greeter part of Europa as having barely reach ., ad the standard of eiiilization. NEW.ARRIVAL ° .OF . Foreitpv. and . Domestic Hardware JACOB SEINER has just received, from the eastern , cities, and le`now opening at the Cheap Hardware, on-North' Hanover' meet, nexidoor to Glass' Hotel, a, new assortment in hie line, such'as • • Oils, Glass and raints, ' • • 'Copal, Japan and Black _Varnishes,'of extra cdality, • " Nails and Spikes, • !Wale' best I3ar Iron, Oast, Shear, Blister and Spring Steele, , Locks, Hinges and Screws. ' • Plattesaws, Chisels, Augurs, Axes, Knives and Forks Shoe Findings, &c. To- which he' would 'call. the attention of, the " public. Persons wishing to buy will do well to "'•Oall. as we aise deterinined to sell at linh rates' for cash.' OtrThe highest peels paid for Scrap Iron, and for. Flax Seed. J SENER, uovl4 ,~li~celtaite~a~t' tfretit nargai#Bl . . . . . ~ irf AN he expected froin - thMsubscriber, as he XII has just roceivettc now and spiendid, as soriment of WINTER , ..i3OODS,• which 'be' offer's to his customers and others . who may 'favor ;hint. with a call at great Bargains I . • CLOTHS AND' CASSIMEREfiI,. satinets, velvet cords. Ky.•jeane , scarlet,. yel-- low, white and Canton Flannels ; &kings. mus lins, calico, cashmeres; de lanes; alpacas, Co' . • bvrg biotite, gloves; hosiery; Irish linen, corn-, forts, &c, -- . . ' • SHAWLS! SHAWLS II - • - A largo and .splendid assortment of ; Long and Square Shawls, at • all - prices •to suit.Ae_ times. • • BOOTS AND SHOES. • Also, Boots and Slioes, which he is-determ ined•to sal/low, atJiis.,stand, in -North Kano first store below Haversticli's Drug Store: - ver street, Carlisle. J. O. CARMONY. , NEW GOODS AT THE - .7rE. - we R E: THE undersigned -respeetfullY islorme. hie• friends and numerous customers, that ihe has removed his store to Humerich's corner direct ly opposite Wm. Leonard's old stand, in North Hanover street. Ho has recently returned from Philadelphia, with a large - and carefully so ectod,assor-iment-of-4.-..- - 17m .Spring: Goods, purchased at the lowest prices, and which he is determined dispose of at very squill profits. A arge assortment, of SUPERIOR CLOTHS, at from 75 cents to $G per yard. Also, bassi mores, Cassinots and Vestings, at various pri ces. DRESS GOODS, such,es Dolaines, Bareges, and a splendid as sortment of Silks. Also, a very extensive as sortment of Calicoes and Ginghams, suitable for' the approaching season. Also,Checks, Table Diapers, Tickings, bleached and un bleached Muslins, Bonnets, Hats, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES A well selected ' assortment of Men; Women and Children's Boots •and 'Shoes, of superior quality, and very cheap. Also, boys and men s Cloth and Hungarian Caps. GROCERIES,. of all kinds, viz: Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Pe kin-Tea Company's celebrated Teas, &c., all fresh rind good. Also, constantly on hand, the best quality of Carpet Chaiii. The - subscriber respectfully asks his custom- ere and all who wish good bargains, to give him an early call. Pon' t forget the stand, mil , ner Opposite Leonard's old stand, North Han over street ap 10 N W WOODS, Ag't. -14-B'.-•Batter,.-Egga r --Ragat-and-Soaprtaken at market prices. • _ _ A Large Stock of Dry Goods Selling ar~r• HIVE." AT "BEE A 1 1! , 4C OSt T. . 'EtIOR the benefit of all 'my friends in the .17 town and country the subscriber makes the above announceineht to show that he has concluded to ,change his Businiss. - Settle up all Book Accounts, and sell out his entire stock of dry goods at cost. All who wish to save a sixpence can do so by calling at the BEE HIVE irr , North Hano• ver street, as I wish to dispose of my stock between this and the first of January, 1851, —1 have a ldrgo stock•'ot -staple-goods- all suit ed for family uses: Please call and examine my stock, as nothing will be lost, and all at. tention will be given by the subscriber to please. S A COYLE. CLOTHING ! I keep .constantly on hand Ready Made Clothing. Also will have made by Thos. Reighter (who is working in my Store Room,) o order any garment on the shortest notice. 1004 S. A: COYLE. NEW SPRING GOODS 4 Ahead of nil Competition • rinH E; subscribers have returned from-Phila., delphia, with a large assortment of CHEAP SPRING GOODS, consisting partly of Mous de LaMes, Lawns, Bareges, Linen . Lustres, at 12-1, 18i- and 25 cm per yard, Alpachas, Gingliams, Calicoes, and a variety of other dress goods; Cloths, Cassi mores, Vestings, Summer stuffs for men and boys wear in endless variety, chocks, tickings muslins at old prices,flannels,, hosiery, gloves, laces and edgings, insertings, and some very cheap CARPETS, groceries, queonsware, dr.c. Also, a largo assortment of very 1 1 CHEAP BONNETS, Palm leaf and braid hate, bonnet 'ribbons at ti lvices anci very cheap, a few pieces wide Mg ustreblack silks, together with a general — tis: sortment including, nearly every article in our line of business, all of which have been bought for Cash, and will be sold to our customers and ho whole c'untry at considerably lower prices than they can be•bought in Carlisle/ Give us a call and judge for yourselves. A & W BENTZ: March 20, 1850. FIZI47111:1 (177:17W1 ADJOINING THE COURT HOUSE, CARLISLE, PA, THE subscriber having leased the above large, and dommodioue HOTEL, situated on the corner - of the -Public-Square and South Hano ver street, and lately occupied by Bon!. L Esh leman, begs leave to announce to his friends and the public that he is prepared to entertain them in a • manner which cannot fail to moot thei'r approbation. ' • THE HOUSE has the moat pleasant loca tion in the borough—has been newly furnished and otherwise improved, and. no pains will be spared to make those who may sojourn with him, comfortable -during their stay, Hitt par lors are large and well tarnished, and his cham bers supplied with now pled comfortable bed ding. . lIIS TABLE will be supplied wi h the , best the market can afford, and all who are connect , ed With his house will be found attentive care.. ful and obliging. THE BAR will contain the best liquors the city can produce. HIS STABLING is entirely new and exten sive, capable of accommodating front 50 to 60 horses—making it a desirable stopping place for DROVERS, and will be attended by a skil ful Ostler. in short; nothing will be wanting calculated to add to the comfort and convent ence of those who may favor him with 'their patronage. BOARDERS 'taken by the week, motith,--or year Kt - IlionEnATE. feb6'49-tf, JOHr% HA.NNAN DRUGS DRUGS 1. DRUGS! rresh Spring Supply I IHAVE Just received :n fresh stock. 6f. Mcd 'eines, Paints, Glass, Oil, &c., which haviiig been purchased with great care at the best city houses, I can confidently recommend to Families, Physicians, Country Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh and pare. • Patent Medicines, Herbs and Extracts, Fine - 110mi eels, Spices, ground and whole Instruments, ~ Essences, ' - _ Pure Essen'l Oils Perfumery, &e. Cod Liver Oil Warranted Genuine. DYE-STUFFS. ,_ Indigoes, Madders, Sumac Alum, 1 Log'and Cam Weeds, Oil Vitriol Copperas, Lac Dyo• PAINTS. . t - Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpen tine, Copal and conch Varnish, and Red Lead. All of which will be sold at the very lowest market pride; — Also; a fresh and splendid ati sorunent of FANCY GOODS, FRUITS, Confectionary, and• innumerable other • articles calculated for use and ornament, all of vilich are the lowest sash pricee,, at the cheap Drug Book and Fancy Stoke of the sub• scriber on North Hanover street. ME2= May 22. 1850 Elastic Doll Meads. • new'and beautiful Article, TOELIEVED to be superior' to anything of, Jifilicithe hind over before manufactured. Being Elastic; will not ,break by falling. Painted oil, when'soiled may be washed with' soap and water, and readily restored to, their original beauty. Their durability and TheoPrice B will be fully demonettuted when duly tested.. A large lot of 'the Wove veceived byexpreaa, Kress A'ingle'i Read Qaiirteri!, in Isrortb, /14130. • , NiOlifElt, Proprietor; Carlisle, June 5,'50, ,•; - • • P IL tor otdeCat • A:4 '- M 026) • HUADARD'S .4,lit ~,:pjije.i.o.kjil:44i • :.. , ViTatches ,, and - •Tearelryl. ~ ..- tt :.. 7 EH AER bierr EVER-- At t l / 4 'Wholesale and 'ltetall---A - t --th. 4 , 4 1 10 • '."Philadatit sE.hia Watch and Jaw - t • rell'y Store," ,No: 96 North . •••,=. J, GOND, street, corner of Quar --ii 7' 'i iVi t.,"j," ; ry street.. , Gold Lovers, 18 k, cases, full joyellod, 630 and . , Upwards - • Silver Levers, full jewelled, $l5 and upwards. Gold . Lepine, 18.1t.',cases, 'jewelled, $25 and upwards Silver'Lepines, jewelled, $lO and upwards Silver Quartier Watches, $4, to 10 - Silver-Spoons, qua{ to coin, per sett—Toa, $5, Desert $lO, Tidildsls, other articles in pro. portion.. All goods-warranted .to be what-the are soldlor. Constantly on hand a large assortment of fine GOLD . JEWELRYa - lid 'SILVER WARE 'Also, an assortment of M J Tobias &' Co.,' E Simpson, Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates & Co, John .Harrison„G &.li. Beesley. and •ot her superior Patent. Lever Movements, which will be cased in any style desired • • , • Arrangements have been- made.with, all the above named most celebrated manufacturers of Englaridoo furnish at short-notice any required style of Watch, for which. orders will bo falcon, and the name and residence of the . person or. .dering_ . put on if requested. , , Importer of Watches novB] THE GREAT CHINA STORE OP PHILADELPHIA. THANKFUL to •rho citizens of Corbels , and its vicinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to view our largo and splendid assortment of I China, Glass & Queensware, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet •Sets, and single pieces, either, of Glass, China, or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than they chan be had elsewhere—ln fact at less than Wholesale Prices. A MERICAN , : AND ENGLISH. BRITAN NIA- METAL GOODS in greater variety than ever before offered in the pity. FANCY CHINA in great - variety very cheap. OtrWe would invite any persOrt visiting. the city to call and set~. us—they will at least be pleased to walk around our beautiful Store, and to view the finest Chinn find the cheapest the world produces. Very respectfully, TYNDALE & MITCHELL, - • No. 219 Chesnut Street. Phila. sept26'4o y Office- No. 159 Chestnut Street, Capital :5300- 000. Charter Perpetual. CONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives V on the most favourable terms, receive and exe ute Trusts,-and receive Deposits on lute -7 to eupital being paid up and invested, to get %. .CT accumulatenretnium fund, affords CI PEI .CT SECURITY to the insured. The pre mium may be paid in yearly, halt yearly, or quarterly payments.. The Company add a BONUS at stated pe riods to the insurances for life.. This plan o nsurance is the most approved of, and is more generally in use; than any other in Great Bri tain, (where the subject is belt understood by he peonle - „ - and where they have lida the long est e')tperience,) as_ appears from the fact, that out of 117 Life Insurance Companies there, of all kinds. 87 are on this plan. . The first BONUS wits.appropriated in De comber, 1844, amounting' to 10 per cenr. on the -- sum - insured - undtri he - oldest polices ; cent:, 71 per cent., &c, &C..,0n others, in pro portion to the time of standing, making an ad dition of $100; $87.50; $75, &c., &c. to every $l,OOO, originally insured, which is an'average of - more than 50. per cent op the premiums paid, and without .increasing,the annual payment to the Company:. • The operation of the BONUS will be seen by the following. examples from the Life Insu. rance Register of the Company, thus': ASTROLOGY. ASTRONVY, TRENOLOGY, Policy. I. Ir. -. GEOPIANCY • OIL J. at. Rowe, MANUFACTURERS and wholesale dial: INA ors in )3 g o As. ETS and WOZTEIVOT.7IIave removed - ' store lately occupied by Messrs. Sellers of Da via, where they have opened an extensive stock of Eastern end City made BROOMS' and WOOD' WARE, which they are now selling at the lowest manufacturers prices. A full assortment of Brushes, Mats Cordage; `&c.. constantly on hand. No 111 (forth Third Street, 3 doorrk,holow Race, Phil ad'elphia. j[3,17,'50 • :I Sum Bonus or l Amount of Policy k. Insured Addition Bonus payable a the party's decease . , . • No 58 $l,OOO $100•00. 51,100•00 1 .""' 88 2,500 250'00 .•'d 2 05 . 4,500 400'00 4,400.00 l• 1. 4 76 2,50 u 175.00 2,750•00. • 21175•00' 7 11 ! • ••• : . I 1 3Iik. 933 5000 437 . 50 5'43 . 00 ••• - . :t2 1 4.. -• Pamphlets containing the table of rates and explinations_oi tbe subject,; forms ef up placation, and further information can be had at . the office, gratis, dressed to the Pre! • Professor C IV Roback [FltOlit SWEDEN.] Office, No. 71 Lleust St., above-Bth, op. .posito the-Musical-Fond Hall, Phil'a. $25,000 HAVING BEEN 'WON. LPV my numerous friends on the late Presi den - tial election, should convince those skepti calpeisons who talk of FAILURES, that no such thing Os FATE IS 0r has been known by the MR i inent and disiinguislied Astronomer and Astrol ogee, C. \V. 'WHACK, during his :experience of over a quarter of a century. Do you doubt predestination ? Then why not were' man gain a celebrity of General Taylor, a ',Niel Webster or-a Henry - Clay ? — And - yet-there are some who are foolish enough to doubt t at a man may be berm with the power '.13 see into futnre events. How can it be possible that the destiny of man should be governed by the mere shuffling of a pack of cards? and yet there are thousands who allow themselves, with open mouths, to saalroW the greasy words of some old woman, whose true skill consists in filling them with wonders that are most difficult for the di _cation uf others who arc mire credu ous, yet more scientific. t is such that bring discredit on a profession that has been acknowledged to be a science of the highest order,froau time immemorial ,aud is the only pro casino that bus any authority to sustain it. The high respect which General Taylor;and Charles 13ernadotte, late King• of Sweden had for Astrol ogy, is shown by their letters for their Nativi ties to the subscriber, which it will give him great pleasure in showing to those who favor him with a call. • • In ndelitiOn to his power to foresee future c. vents, he - has the power togive such - information as will effectually redeem such. as arc given to the too free use orthe bottle. tle is also capa- Meet curing diseased heretofore considered in curable in 0 is country by the ordinary inedi - eines, anti wishes all to give him a - call who hav heed given up by physicians and wish to be cure ed• Fie will warrant a cure in all eases,and will make no charge except for the conjurations he shall make use of in his office. He is often asked wind a Nativity is ? -He answers -according to Geonnaney, one of the seven pointin the science of Astrology, that it is a Jilerroscope of the future events of a person's life, carefully calculated _end transcribed on paper, containing an account of all the lucky and unlucky days in the months and years of the persoas life for wlinni it is cast; r ihy which means thousands in this country and,cfse , where have been preiented tram misfortunes dm , hailbeen hidden in the womb of futurity , by re ferring to. their Nativity before entering on an speculation of business or pleasure. It 'should he in the j bands ()levet,' oneas their almanac for life. A Nativity of an individual can only lore ! warn the possessor Of troubles that are in future . , for him:those who are 'mowed in Mx sent diffi. culties of any kind must wait on the subscriber in person or' by letter, who is prepared to exert his secret influence for their immediate be refit. He is ready to use his influence to'forestal the results of lawsuitsoutil all undertakings in which thereto it risk involved, he also makes use of his power for the restoration of stolen' or lost property, which he has used for the advantage of thousands in this city and elsewhere. Who can doubt a getitleinnWs abilities, who has had the honor to be called on and consulted withibv all the crown. cd heads of Europe, and enjoy _a higher repute , tion stasis astrologer limn any be lying ? .. si 1:10-He can be consulted wit tat his office, or by letter, if prepaid, and he is prepared to make use of his poweilighltity of the hollowing topics:— Business of all descriptions:travelling by land or sett; courtships; advice given for their successful accomplishment; speculating in stocks, merclian : disc, or real estate' the recovering of legacieslie dispute; the purchasing)! tickets; and the safety of ships at sea. He also offers his spy/ices teepee ting health, wealth and marriage, -love affairs, journeys, Imirsuits,llifficultv. in business, fraud; and in all the concerns of life, and Invites all to call who are afflicted, corpet:eally or mentally. BEM Ladies, 50 tents; Gentlemen, $l. .Nativities calculated and read in full, according to the Or acles °Masculine Signs- , -Ladies. $1; Gentlemen $1,50. Nati vides calculated according to Geoman• cy,ror I.,adies;B2, in full, $9; Gentlemen, 8 3 in full, $5. - . -PERE'UIVICERT - DEPOT. ho deceived. Country Merchants ,111_, and Doelore who want good and cheap PE4FUMERY and FANCY SOAPS should call upon JOHN `l' CLEGG, Perfumer and Chemist, 48 .711drleet St., below 2(l,Philadelphia. who him constantly'on hand PERFUMERY' and FANCY SOAPS of every description, Powders, Hair Oils, Ox Marrows, , Colognes, Hair Dyes, &c.:, cite` -100,000 persons have road myadvertisomon in the Public. Ledger, hundreds of whom have called and boon convinced of the advantage of purchasing direct, frond the manufacturer; Agency for , FOrran's Circassian Hair Oil, Curling Fluid, &c. Orders from any part of the United States will be'promptly attended to. - ang14'50.13 , _ JOHN T CLEGG. " 04eap. groceries. Supr . Coffee; Molasses; Ifpney, Cheese, fresh 13‘iiires:irenst PcowdersiMeeparoni, rarien; Rice Fowl., :Raker's: Chocolate, •Thiker's' 'Cocoa, Brown's Romrepaihio Chocolate,- ()ranges, Co l eqqfute Relates, and Cucrante , bream stk. arch 20. '•• c, - Itst - ana dompaiiite. nun INSUIL.A.NE. East' PennsborouVFlViiiiifat '"lre In4uranee .Compady of Cumbeiland . county. - ..corporated by on act of.Assonibly, is now fully .rgnnizad,.and iii operation under "the manage . ! tent or the foliowing corninishioners, viz: Jacob Shelly, WmR.-Gdrgas,'lVßehaer Cook- In, Melehoir .13:v0nm - flan, Chrietirui St aymiin, Minor: Oyster, Jacob H' Cnover, Lewis Ryer ! , Henry Logan, Benjamin 11 Musser,- Jacob .ark, 'Samuel , Pivivell, Joseph Wickersham. The rates of insurance are low-and favors as - any Compahy of the kind in the State.— 'earaona wishing to become members are incited 'o mekoapplication to. the agents of the, compe liy, who are willing to wait upon• them at-any time. . -• ' JACOB SHELLY, President. --HENRY -LOOANy-Yice—President..._,...„....: 2 . • Lewis Hvss, Secretark. Igion-tEr., CoCiim, Treasurer. 0ct17'49. AAGENTS. Cumberland county.—Riiidolph Martin, New c -:.Cumbeiland, C B Herman; Kingstown, Henry Zearing,..ShiremanstoWn; Robert •Moore 'and - .Charles Bell, Carlislo,'lsaac: Einem, Meehan iceberg. Dr. J. Ahl, Churcbtowni York county.—John Sherrick, Lisburn, John Bowman, - Diffeburg,iPeter-Wolford, Franklin John Smith ' W S Picking, Dover, Daniel Raffensberger, J W Craft. • Harrisburg.—Housor & 'Lochman. Members tof the company having policies a bout to expre can have them renewed by mak ng to any of the agents. - LIP/S =SUB./MCP., The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Tpnit Company of Phi Pa. in person or by letter, ad isident or Actuary. RICHARDS, President. JNO F JAME m2'49lY , Actuary CO In all Christianized and civilized countries, has caused a larger proportion of deathi than en other malady thnt of faints the human family; and, until Within a few yenta, thorn has not bean any certain reanadylo stop tho dovaatn. .lion_oLtbaidestroyar—But.novr_ BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALM 'urn gni. , stony of tli`s. nlwt A:ficifyviy narked andiotteloposl woes Of PCLAIONA I' onstluntect cases or Werra:id and discos. LUNGS—ouch noer.Less eases as woos Jr..r bottom cured to , otty other. nottheitto.. Sts utto, ty t./Infra worst Rome of the &Meter' perettnn, att to hove born oronouncoll try physician, end , friends to lot ACTUAL LY fly... Swum, who had Lank lairisl.elothes nnute,lnsvo he. n curd, 0.1111 Not 11,01 601,8, who it said w gr y.nd not aye" day, ore now u well and hearty am tbor p arses all the cleansing and purifying virtues nearly ru powerral =abet!. ea the prepnratiOn which we call ,RRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. T,he 13alsien differs from the Extract, because it possesses ...44 al tntdito limy, which are reetiliarly:ad,a,p_rel to, rand_a e. omfonlially neeessarylgir,-I.ll4—tisnTif COUGHS AND CONSUMPTIONS, and all diseues of a pulmonary nature—such diseases aa usually prove- so fatal-under ordinary treatment, when they attack the Breast, Throat, Lungs, and Heart. Thla BALSAM n t•LgAND cuueittscrsts in the LUNGS nt ow• he r -- ..rAilleri - naay, ns serlistnlynntf Evritser turn and henh ulcers artarn./.ly. This Balsam Cures NINE mum of Cough nod Consumption out or TEM, altar all other routed'. hare, Jailed to do good, Thousands of Consumptions and Chronic Coughs abundantly prove Ito Unfit:ling In each disease., and Its undoubted curative power, soothing, healing properties, the-following complaints and disessea, Spitting of Blood, Bleeding at lhe Lunge Pain in the Bread and Stde, Night.Stenstr, Nervous Coos. piainte, Paßutution of the Heart, Chelsea lufanhon, Dysen tery and Susnastr Complaints to Children and Adults, and all FEMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS. Ncr_remedy offemel to the public has ever beenikiff as sertoin and Gin - tool in restoring aLL the incidental sreaknes. sas and ievegularitiee of the lox, a/ BRANT'S PULMONARY BALSAM. It tuakea uo difference whether the derangement be supprission, attest, or other *mak:lest—it REGULATES ALL, b a y strengthening the siIATZW, egunlising the utROULA. .I . IoN, nd sir:thing _and fallgwing 'NZRyoUSAMMIADILITY a- sop panipbleme: CONSIIMiTION A DYING WOMAN CURED I We sotto this run to prove the POWER TO SAVE [AYE when this 13A1 1 111d-uritted., even rifler the person is ride. ed by pbysietene aru friend. to he in the but slayer - of &Anise—actually tomsti.--anil, in lithe case, SO PAR cost, Mat the !SMOLT , and lILIRIAL-EI.OTHES were bought! 'or the particulars of this ease, and the respectable anitroolintba eel prat/ of all die circumstances and facie, we refer to our PANPIILLTS. 71.1 a ruse wee effected on Mrs. ZI BA IYY . F.ENIAN, of Ballelon sra, Saratoga County, N.. Y. We ran prove, her yowl a doubt, sasny others, i'dnuist equally hopelees, maul in numerable PRAOS of Coughs and Clan.unplione e: WEED, which were pressoustaed ineurable by saicetn. tin VSICILNS: FITS - FITS, FITS. Messrs. J. K. LIPPINCOTT k SON, respectable Into theta at llJGyrme, SuWean county, Pennpyleania , carom to us,,M ay 12.113 1 , stating, amen; Oilier fl tNY.PITIS Whit]. blld leen derived Rum the use of IN ANT'S PULMONARY BALSAM, that one of their customers had just infbnund theta that her child, which had been subject 4o rrrs far %mend purr, eras cured by the use of Basstr's BALSAS!. LIVER COMPLAINT—DYSPEPSIA. • gra" oar Pionphleu, for the tures ofroeCed by HILANT'S MEDICINES.% pysENTErzy, arRI HUUHLL Cossri t slvirs, In eistUrns or groins pass. Nlfuj trit.ima any Ardor, sohatmor. Also— CHOLERA INFANTUM. No mother need ever mourn the death or her child by that childdlestroying complaint, when teething In warm weather—Cholera Indus., or what Is caned Scone. "lii ANT'S PULMONARY BALSAM" he administered to the child. It should, however, In eases, be used In (Woe as large potions M the directions oa web bottle prescribe, until the complaint la chocked. For" sole by*J; W, RAWLINS & S. W HAVERSTICK, Carlisle, J C & G 13;Altiek and W D E Hays, Shippensburg—Wm Lloyd, Lisburn—J F Spahr, Mechanicsburg—ll Her ren, Newville—A C Klink, Dlocmlield-L-43ea ver and Haines, Millerstown—J A Linn & Co Lanbdisurg—J Milligan, lekesburg—S Low, -Newport—J W Eouglass, Chambersburg7J L Shearer, pillsburg—j Martin Lutrs, llarrisborg All letters and orders must be addressed to Wialace & Ce., 106 Broadwa • , New York. Restoration lc Preservation of the By M Wise di. Son, of Virginia. WIS & SONo.find ing it altogether M impossible to attend personally to the great number of daily aPplicationa, froth all sections of the Union,' for their remedy for —Baldness, and for.thoir celebrated HAIR TO. NIC, have found it necessary to appoint a' General. Travelling agent ? to ViEk different cities and-towns throughout the United States, vesting him with authority to appoint sub:a gents, use and vend the Hair Tonic, and to ap ply the It ESTORATIVE, and to put them Into the hands of those he may appoint to ope rate wherever a sufficient number of patients in any,town orneighborhood shall be obtained. Capt. GEORGE CALVERT, of Fauquier county, Va., is alone authorized to act as Gen eral Travelling Agent, with powers above ndiented. Copt. C. may be expected to visit;,as speed ily as practicable •the principal c.ties and town ..of the Union. • ,N, B. Capt. Cslvort will alwayi have on hand a full supply of the HAIR' TONIC (which eleanielt the head or dandruff, strength.' ens and invigorates the link, and prevents it, also, from falling Off) for the region of country most contiguous to, hie operations, or it may always be obtained at wholesale, and forwarded 70. any. part .of the' Union, by addressing- the . proprietors, M. Wr§E - & SON, Richmond, littrPrice $9 per dozen cash. Six . , bottles far $5 , or ono dollar single bottle.. [nov2f3 g ly.. For :sale in Carlisle. by S W if A V E E.-, STICK ' - • Stores st; ,Siyops, Hear, Road, Listen an 4 • -- .IROUTIIIAN AND- . • NEW,. CHEAP—WE'D FASHIONABLE .._pLpTiii.NG STORE, . • • On East Alain Sircet,'in the foam formerly cc cuyiecl 111. llama), as a Clothing &cora. THE attention of the Citizens ol Carlisle, aid COmberlana and Terry Counties is invit d to this newly established Clothing and: . GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING ,STORE, and see tbdwoll - solected and mostalogri ntly got up 'Clothing ever offered in this place, It would be well for every man to know .that a larger assortinent,.better styles anti more desirable clothing can be bought for loss money at this now establishment tharret ,any other store in the plt(Co jwithout any other exception. The • iiiiortmeht'is well Selected aid the cut andmulte `of the'latest spring tad summer fashions, which aro far superior to all others for ease-and elo;, fiance: All who wish purchase will find they can save from twenty five to fifty per cent by buying at."llls . new stand of ^ TROUTMAN & MAY. Coats,-Pants and Vests we sell emarkably low as the following list aprices will' show: • COATS, - - . . Superfine black Cloth'Dress Coate $6 to 18,00 '! " • Frock " 6 'lB,OO j'ilie - FitrielilliiliirCrolfreitats or -- different styles, 3 10,00 New style of Uusbniereft epats, 2,50 9,00 French Coats-of all colors 1,50 7,00 Rough & Ready Tweed, new style 4,00 11,00 ~ California Lustre, . 75 5,00 Linen Coats, 1,00 2,50 Business coats. 1,00 6,00 PANTALOONS. New Style of American and French CaAjmer plain, 1,50 7,00 New style at American and French Cassi more, superior m 1 aa variety of colors 5,00 10,00 Fine black case. and doeskins 2,50 9,00. Striped and cross barred cess. Pants 1,50 5,00 New style Ntipoleon striped pants 1,25 3,n0 spring cuss. pants_ - 4,75 6,00 Great variety 01 Corduroy pants 1,25 3,0 Fine linen drilling striped and plain 75 2,50 New style of Cambroon 1,50 4,00 With an excellent assortment of wor, king pants which will out•travel any other in this place - 50 2,00 - VESTS. Superfine black Satin vests 1,75 5,00 -New-style of livered and sniped do 1,00 7,00 Plain & striped valentine 50 9,00 tins light summer Marseilles vests 75 3,00 All kinds of working vests at very low prices. We will also keep a good assortment of BOYS CLOTHING. st coats, pants and vests and roll them at very low urines. In addition to our stock of ready made, clothing we will keep on • hand en assortment of FURNISHING ARTICLES, such as shirts, scarfs, mums, suspenders, drawers, collars, 'caps, umbrellas, gloves, hand kerchiefs, socks, &c. &c , «hich make it the interest of the purchaser to examine before buying elsewhere. All goods.sold at this store, warranted to give satisfaction, and defy compe tition, in quality, elegance and style of the cut and durability, and we hope by close attention to business to matit a share of publit patron age-- Don't-forget-the place, Noralrflanovei" Street, a few doors above Loather Street West side. N. B. Clothing made to order at the Ittortest notice. Tice Petiole's Line. THE Undersigned, by the partictilar request of thousands of their friends, hereby announce to all who seek and hive pleasure, that a Grand Excursion will take place this and every day throughout the season in the beautiful safety ear "Clicapside," propelled by the low pressure engine "Fit-sure," and in which all, both old and young, are invited to participate. The ex cursion will be conducted upon n plan entirely different from any before:got. up in this neigh. horliodif, both for-cheapness and dispatch ; and the pleat tire it will aflOrd those who join In it can scarcely be estimated: Tickets -will be furnished at half the vsiial price, and the public can start from any point they please, stopping only at the CHEAP AND. _IMPROVED Clothing Emporium, • '' ~~ next door to Burkhoider's Hotel on %Vest Main street, where the cheapest and most fashionable assortment - or CLOTHIN G can be found—all our own manufacture—and which we calf - sell as cheap as the! can be bought at any of the large city establishments and 20 percent. lower than 'at any other house in this Borough. We respectfdlly invite the public to take this pleas• ant trip to our 'store, and examine our large as sortment of . CLOTH, DRESS, FROCK - AND SACK _COATS of various colors and Styles, Pants Vests and Roundabou's, Pea Jackets, HATS and CAPS, Shirts and Stockings, Suspenders, Cravats, and all the different articles necessary to constitute a Gentleman's Wardrobe. Don't forget the _place—next door to Burkholder's Hotel,. to where we have just removed. Having a large nasortmencot ClothsF Cassiineres and Veetings an hand, we are'prepared to make up to order all kinds of Clothing at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms: aplo 111. & L STEINER. Be tter-thalrthe-Goldminef-Call— A Whole Suit o/ Clothes at 151,76 THE undersigned thankful for the patronage of the Citizens of Carlisle and adjoining country, informs his numtious friends and the public in general, that he has just laid •in an entirely new Stock of fashionable Spring and Summer clotking, made up in the best style and partieular.y calculated for this place, His stock .consists of fine.,Drcss and Frock coats, Habits, Cnssimer, Prab, &cc., and Chian coats, Tweed Linen and Check coats, [fussiness coals of all dekeriptions, superior Black Cassimer and fancy Pantaloons, a great variety of Vests from 7.scts to 84 00, pp large assortment of fancy articles of Gentle_mei 's wear, whit* linen, striped and red flannel liki ts. Gentlemen are requested to call and examine the goods, and he is sure those who buy-will be well fitted and at low prices. A great assortment of Boys clothing, also Caps and flats, from 12i to $3 00 constantly on hand at . - S. GOLDMAN'S South East cornorof Main and Market square, Carlisle,, March OG, 1850. SUPERIOR FRESH GROCERIES I re Latest arrival. /1111 E Cheap Family,Grueery Store of Jo. sepli 1). Halbert, West street, Car lisle, has just received a large and ffesh supply of the hest FAMILY'GRGCERIES that the Philadelphia markets - ean aflord. The subscri her has just returned from the city. and world respectfully invite his friends and the public generally, both- in town and - country, to and ekarninu for themselves his large and in creased stock, which.andinwes-.-,011-the articles asuallykept in his line, of busfness. Such as Rio, Java and St Domingo and Lagulra Coffee •, Imperial, Young Ilyson end Black Tone; of very superior quality and flavor; Lavering's crushed, loaf, falling loaf, and loaf sugars, or ange grove, clarified• - Ne•.v Orleans and brown Sugars of every grade and quality, with price to suit. Honey, sugar house, Oilcans and syrup Molasses. Spices of all kinds, which he will warrant pure and fresh ground. Brooms, Ce dar and painted buckets, churns, tubs," half bushel measures, butter bowls, butter prints, butter ladles, . wash rubbdrs, &c Clothes, fancy sewing, traveling and market baskets of all kinds. 'Castile, fancy, rosin and country SOAPS. Also, a general assortmentof chewing and smoking TOBACCO, spanish half spanish and common CIGARS. Ropes twines, and ' Brushes of all kinds. Prime CHEESE always on hand. Sperm,. Winter, ,strained Elephant and Common OILS. ._ GLASS, QUEENSWARE.—I have also. added to my already ltirge stock, a number of sew patterns of White Granite and. fancy tea sets. with WARE of everyde feription, whichl will sell at the lowest prices uor cash. Feeling'gra - tp - fal for the liberal patronage here. !afore bestoweNipon him by a generous public, the subscriber tenders them his hearty & sincere • thanks, opd hopes that in his efforts ma:please and particular attention to business, To merit a continuance of their support. . . • March 20, 1850. , J,05..131_. HALBERT. NEW BOOT- and SHOE STORE • NO. HUMBUG! THE undersigned would respectfully inform,. their friends and the public generally that they have just opened a new and fashionable assortment of BOOTS AND • SHOES, in the _ store room fbrmerly occupied by Wm.Ohborn, io North Hanover • street, a .few doors above Wm, Leonard's old stand, and from their expe rience in the business they feel confident they have supplied thOmeelves with as good and cheap a stock as can be shown in Carlisle, and which they are determined to sell lower for Cash than they-can bo bought elsewhere. Manufacturing and Repairing done manner at thesehortret nodes. They.have on hand' a vary heavy stock'of all kinds °flaunt- _ En, which they will sell at a small Shoemakers and others, who will find it to their . advantage to call and examine. • WM. ASKEW & CO. , Curti*, juries -Bm. t Clear the Track fornla T. ~ ~Cl~ithic~. DPAllisterrs All-neEtting Ointment, Or. - the. World'a • Containce no Ofereury or other Mineral.. • Th•orn the" Reading Eagle." ' was never, perhapp, 7 a medi- AL nine brought before 'the public,: that. has in short - ii time - wmt such - a.reputaticm as "M.A l lister'4',,A.ll-licaling Ointment, or the World's - Solve:"- Almost every' person that has-made trial of It, speaks warmly in its praise. One has been cured by it.. of the most painful , Rheuma tism 3-another of the Piles, a third of a trouble some pain in the side, it !mirth of a swelling in tie limbo, Ue. If it does nor give immediate relief in every ease, it can never do injury, being , applied outwardly, As another evidence of the.. wonderful healing power possessed by this salve . we snhjoi n ihe following certificates from a re spectable eitizeo of Malik:tic:reek. township, in this minty M idenereek, Berke co., Pi i.,Mar ell . 30,1847. Messrs. Ritter Ifs desire to inform you that I was "entirely cured h pain' the back, by Meuse of McAllister's All-Ilealing•_Salve, which I pterebased from you. I suffered with it about 20 years, and at night was unable to sleep. Dur ing that time I tried various remedies, which were, prescribed far me by physicians and other persons, without receiving any. relief, sad at last made trial-at this Salve with a result favorable llmynnti—espectution-e-I—ion—now—entirely—free from the pain and- enjoy at night a sweet and peaceful sleep. * I have also used the Salve since for to uth-acheiind other complaints, w RI) similar happy results. Your Mend. • JOHN HOLDEN BACH. The following in from n re,.,ulne phyniciatt o extensive practice in Philadelphia. James ir: I hove for the two last yearn ill,Cll in the habit of using your °int, yo - 1 rut in eases of R . heumatism; and in Ten:a Capites, (Scald' Mean,) and' thus 'far with the happiest effect. I think, from the ex perimen is I have made-with it, that it richly de serves hi b e idopted as an article of every day' use by the profcwon at large. Yoths, S. BELL, Phil. ' Philadelphia, Dec. 30,1847 Fe Ja mes McAllister—Dear Sir: l take pleas lire in making tnown to you the great benefit I have rue:lived by using your Vegetable Ointment or the World's Salve, l had an ulcer, or run ning sore on my ears of many 'years standing, I had applied td several physicians but all to no purpose; but by using your Ointment a few days, -was completely dried up and well. I have also used it for ,burns, for which' I find it an ex cellent article'; also, in all eases of intlammatiot EDWARD THORN. I certify the above statement is true. ilf C CADNIUS,'. • . TET'rElt—There is nothing better for the cure of Te;ter. . BURNS—It is one of the best things in the world for 1;111.119. (See directions for using it.) PlLESThousands are yearly cured by this Ointment. ' It never fails in giiibg . relief for the Piles. to ca- Around the boxes are directions for using McAllister's Ointment for Scrofula, Erysipelas 'Fetter, Chi!Wahl; Scald Dead, Quinsy, Sure Throat, Bronchitis, Nervous Affections, Pains, Disease of the Spine, II mid Ache, Asthma, Deaf. 'ness. Ear Ache. Burns, Corns, all Diseases' o the Skin, Sore Lips, Pimples, &to., Swelling of the tinits:Ee tt Sos, Ithematisin. Piles, Cold Feet Croup, Swelled or Broken Breast,Tooth Ache. Ague in the. Face. CORNS—Occasional use of this Ohitment rill almays keep Corns from growing. POI;lc need never be troubled with them tr they 'use it frequently. 1)::r The Ointment is gond for any part of the body or limbs whcn. inflamed. In_sonte,Xases it should be applied often. C Ointment will be genuine unless the name of JAMES IMALLISTER is written with II pen on every label. FOR SALE by my agents, in all of the Pilo cipal towns in the United States. JAMES McA LUSTER, Sole Propr etor of the above Medicine. PRINCIPAL OFFICE No ;II North Third Street, Philadelphia. - CL -^ fPR ICE - '25 CENTS PER BOX—ce - - AGENTS—S,EIIiott and S. W. Iltverstick, Carlisle; J erf L R eigle, Mechanicsburg J. Siugiser, Churchtown; Rhoad & 'Wherry Newburg ; Joseph H. Ilerroti - , --- Newville; - Lutz and G Bell, Harrisburg. V i A l TX Pt a a A I t "-:; 4 .K 14% ftylit-lzk --- C3FT - )Y Pv°9131.A11.,. Vo>r the lure s 4 COUC:-MES, COLDS,, 1717'1100PING - COUGH .A.M3 OONSUMMIPTION The uniform success which has attended the use of this preparation—its saint au effect—its power to relieve anti cure attentions of the Lungs have-gained-for-it-a-celehrity-equalled- by no other medicine. We offer it to the afflicted with entire confidence in its virtues, and tile full be lief that it will subdue imd remove the seyeiest attacks of - disease Upon the throat and Lunge. These results, as they become publicly ,known, verry naturally attmet the attention of medical men and phi lanthopists every where. What is their opiumn of CHERRY PECTORAL may he seen in the sollowing VALENTINE MOTT, M. E. 'Prof Surgery filed College, New York, so . '•lt gives me pleauire to certify the value auL elliCacy' — or Ayer's Cl EMY PEC romAL which I consider peculiarly adapted to cumin all cases of the Throat and Lungs." • MK Rl'. REV. LORD 1111511 OP FIELD. ionales letter to his friernl,ll,llo was fast sink ng under nn affection of the Lungs t--" Try die perry pretorel and if any medicine can give you 'diet. with the blessing of God that will." CIIIILF.JUS)IGE EUS - 1 IS of Louisiana, writes "That a y oitug daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks of croup by the 'Cherry Pectoral." _ _ ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS The Canadian. Journal of Illeclical 'Swum states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so preva lent in this inclement climate, has yielded with surprising rapidity to Ayre's Chen y Pectoral, ;and we cannot too strongly recommend this skil ful preparation to the Profession and the public generally." Ect the relieved . sufferer speak for himself:— , =t= Dr. J . C. AYDR—Dear Sir t—l been rescued from a polio' and dangerous disease by your medicine, grotitudc prompts ice to send you this acknowledgement, not only in justice to you, but for the information of others in like al. A alight aold Open the lungs, neglected at firs became §p ievere that spitting or blood, a violent cough otra-Itroiuse.ilight sweats followed and Ins, tenet! upon 'me. _1 became emaciated, could no sleep, was distressed by my congh, and it pail through my cltest, and in short hod all the alarin lug symptom : so; quick consumption. No mcdi tine scented at all to reach my. case, Until I prov tried your Cliasry Pectoral, which somi relieved _and now has cured me. Yours with respect, B. A. STENVAIiT. A La ANY,'N. Y., April 17,1848. Dr. Ayer, Lowell—Dear Sir.;—l have for years, been of with Asthma in the worst form; so.that I have hoen to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the - woe, being unable to breathe in my bed. I had tried a great many medicines, to , no purpose, uut:l my physician prescribed, as on experiment, your' Chevy Pec toral. At first it seemed to make me worse, but in .less titan Week ' , began to experience most gratif3ing 'relief from its use; and ; now,' in four weeks, the disease is entirely ren+cd•2 I can sleep DI my'beti with comfort,and:enjoy a slate of health which I bad never exp6'Oteii to enjoy. GEOIICE S, rEtutmer. • xnErARED_DY J.. c. 41111:8, CIIEDIKOT,. LOWELL =11! Sold by Dr. Rawlins, S. A. Hubbard Dr. S Elliott, daslisle; Dr. Ira Day, Meetwain, rg J Herron, Newyille; J. C. Br.J, B. Altick Snip• psenaburg; and druggists ANOTHER REVOLUTION, SAMUED A. HUBBARD,Having perches ed of Mr•-Henry A Sturgeon, his stock of Drugs, Medicines ,&.c., ,would ,respectfully so licit a shaie of the public patronage, at the old stand, corner of Pitt and High Streets, opposite the Rail Road depot. - , . He - will.keep.constantly on'• hand, an assort ment of fresh Drugs. - Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, and a variety of fancy articles, which ho is determined to sell low.= Ho will give his personal attention to the busi ness, and particularly to putting up prescriptions. ' A liberal deduction made for Phystcianseoun7 try Merchants, and Pedlars.. , Feb.l3, 1950- . • • Cedar Ware. UST received at the cheap Hardware sto Q,' of the subscriber: in East nigh - Street, , complete assortment of 'rube, Buckets, Churns • Bre,„ : -.sstrr' Also Dnpbets Rifle and. Blasting 'Powder,,,Which will Ise sold very cheap' by • • Jan, 1850. .HENRY SAXTON. cltillotitutioir of "-prtin'a. ,---,.. N__ , . ..., ___. :./ ~ ,^' 78 iks, . .. . s. -. k ti... . "‘TL: ' ..,A , t ,____ --, ..-. p,,,-,5:-, cf \ - • --,..,. ,_„-,...,-.."„• ,?:./ ,',T,,t-,,-,----, .13! . ".... ~....-N.;;N.,..7., „,..--s • ~• -41,..N ~)- *4 ~;(P y_ll t 7112.T15 ''''....' .. . ' .11ctiointion Amendment of the Constitution. R E irp riV e -F2 n, gli v b! i'l l e,' f S h e e A -a Z:o e nt a m l o7 l cu l X i a °l 4 B /c o il; t'innsytianin, in Gineral ASACllibly 711 a, That the Constitution of this COMMollWellith be a mended in the aecond'seetion of the fifth article so that it shall read as follows: The Judges o the Supreme Court; of the several ,Courta of . .Common Pleas, and t.r such other Courts of itetold as are or shall .he established by law, shall be elected 11 the qualified electors of the Commonwealth, in_the niami - er follow'rig to wit: The Judges of the Suptune-Couri by-atm:Algal ittrnl.. ectors el the Commonwealth atelarge i the Presidimt Judges . of the several Courts-at Com Mon ('lens, and of such other Courts of steed; 0 'as ore or shall be established by law, and all other Judges required to be learned in , the law, by the qualified elector; of the respec tive districts over which they are to preside or act tut Judges; and the Associate Judges of the • Courts of Common Pleas bq the qualified elect ors of the counties .respectively 'I lie Judges ~ ,r the supreme court shall hold their offices Inv the term of Ilficen rears, if they shall on long behave themselves well, (subject to the allot ment hereinafter provided for subsequent to the first eleetidn ;) he President Sudges of the sevp `al Courts of Common Nail, and of such "thee Courts of Record fix are Or shall be (stabliblia fly law; and all ether .Itglacs required to be learned in the low, shall half their offices for the term of ten years, if' they shall so Inn be have themselves well; the Associate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold .their offices for the teem of five years if tfuer.shan so tong behave themselves well; all of wham shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for any . reasonable cause, Minch shall not be sufficient gronds of impeachment. the Governor shall re mo 'cony of them on the address of two-thirds ur of nth branch of the Legislate. The first e ii lee ion shall take place at the general election of Alirs Cornmonwealth next iit' er the adoption. of pthis amcndment, and the corm) ' ions of all the Judges who ay he thersillffirlitii_V dre_on_...- - fliii - firriiT m y of pixemhee follelicing, wheu thus terms of the netv Judges stud I COMITIVIIee.-- The persons who chill then he elected .11111 g-es oh, the Supreme 'Court shall bold Omit- offices as f'ol low's: One of-them for th...ce preen, one 11)1. six ye'nt'a, one the nine years, one ler twelve .).le9, and one ffir fifteedyears ; the ter • ol 'rash to. be decided by lot by the said Judges. as sopa Mier the election as convenient, nod the restlt certi fied by them to the Got ()rime, that the eommis sions may he ismed in IieCOVIIPIree the POO. The Judge whose commission will -first expire shall/ be Chief .he-tine during : . ;isterm, and thereafior each Judge whose commission shall ,firs: expire shall !mann helhe Chief Justice, and it ton op - more COMMISSIOIIS shall eXpiVe. 011 the .5:1111e day, the Judges holding them shall devide it, 101 l, lueb shill be the Chief Justice. Any vacaneies, hap pening by death, resignation or mherwise, in any el the said Coons, shall he filled by ap pointment by the Governor, to P.oolioliC till the first Monday of IL:cumber succeeding the next general election. The Judges of the tVettreme Court and_ the. PreeidentS of the several Courts or Common Pleas shall, at stated times, receive for their services an ,I , 'Cillate COMpellFllooll, to lie fixed by law, which shall not be diMiniSheit during their eollll4lllllieo iii office ; but they slush receive no fees or perquisites of office ' EDP bold any other office of profit under this Common wealth, or under the Government of the United States, Or any other State of this ;Union. The udvs of the Supreme Court, during their• Con tinuance in Mike, shall reside within this Corn monwenithi-tinfl fine in,'•or,ludges. during thtdr oontinunnee in Mike And reside, wilhiri tine dis- trict or coma} for which they were respectively electal. - J S Speaker of the House of R, pees' ntotives V IrEST, Speaker of tie Senate SENATE CHAMBER, Harrisburg, January es, 1850: 1, Samuel "Vl'. Pearson Chief Clerk of (116 Senate of Pennsylvania, do beech . ) certify that the loregoing resolution,( No. 10 on the Senat e file of tilt': present session,) entitled "It esolmion rtfintive to an amendment of the Constitution,"— it being the sante resolution which ens agreed to by a majority of the Members elected to each House of the last Legislatore—after haling been duly - considered and discussed, was this flay a greed to, by a majority of the- members °meted to and serving in the .S'enate of Pemisy Ivania, at its present session, as will appear I)) their voles girth' on the foal passage' 01 the resolution as' I follows, viz: Those voting in favor of the resolotion were, 1-l• Jones Brooke, J. Porter Brawley, A Crahb, Jonathan J Cunningham, ThAfffs S. Ferilon, Thomas Fl Forst th, Charles fettle.), Itobett 111 Friel:, I leery Pillion, John 'll' soy, William .11aslett, Isaac llu,us, krinnuhy Ires - , -- - - -Joslitin V- Jones, -Joseph - I;onigmacher, .George V. Lawrence, 'Maxwell AlcClo.lin, Ileo. jamill Malone, Benjamin Matthias, Henn. A Muldenberg; - Willi.m - F: Packer, Witk 11. ler, David Sankey, Peleg R Saverv, Conrad Shi• mer,ll.oliert. C Sterrett, Unniel Stine, Farris B. Streeter,.lohn Fl Walker and Valentine .Rest, Sped ker—Vea s '29 . LL Those voting against the passage of the peso. lotion were, George Dar sic, Augustus Drum an.l Alexander King—Nays 3. Extract from the journal. SAAI ILFEL W. I'EfAIISON; IN THE HOUSE Or REPRESENTATIVES liayrisburg, Ohl> ch, 15,1850. 1, William Jack, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvitnia, do M..reby cer tify that the fot egoing resolution, (No. 10 nu the Senate fite,itud No. 2111 on the House Journal of the present session,) entitled "Resolution five to the amendment of Oka Coustitution,"— it being.the same resolution which was agreed to by It ninjority of the members elected to each I louse of the last Legislature—after haying been duly considered and sliscussed, was this day a• greed to by . amajbmly of the - members elected to and serving in thii House of Representatives if Pennsylvania, at its present session, as will appeal' by their votes, given on the finl passage of die resolution, as fol lows, Thosesoung in fitvor of the passage of the resolution Nvere,JAn Acker, John Allison, Wm B keit., Robert Baldwin, David 1 Bent, Craig Biddle, Jerdmialt Black, John S Bowen, William Brindle, 011acit s .11- 11 Brower, Jesse It Jobe Ceosna, Henry. Church, John N. Cost.vog• ham, Ivester Ctlidland, Benjamin G. David, William J. Dobbins, James P Downer,Thothas Duncan, William Dunn, Willianif . F.Spey, John C Evans, Williant Evans, A. Scott Ewing, Alex antler .S. Feather, Janice Flowers, itenjamin -F1 Fortner, Alexlmder Gibboney. 'Fhomas E Grier, Joseph E Joseph Golfe), Jacob S Haldeman, George 11 Hart, LefTert - Hart, Jolts Hastings, William J. Hemphill, John Hoge, 11 Huplet i •Lewfs•Herford;-Ww,ltingtOn Jackson, Nicholas Jones; John Eillinger, Charles E Kinkead, Robert Klotz, Harrison Plaird,Morris Leech, 3onatitanD,Leet, Anson Leonard; James .1 Lewis, Henry Liitle, Jollll9' ir DluCliuit wk, John F ;McCullough, Alexander C MsCortly, .1011111MItuglilin, John McLean, Samuel Marx, John II Meek, Michael Me3ers, John Miller, Joseph C Molloy„lohn. Monks, Williatn T •Morrisdn, Ezekiel, Mowry, 'Edward N ickleson, Jacob Nissly, Charles O'Neill, John 11 Packer,l Joseph C Powell,James.o Reid, John S Lewis Roberts, Samuel Robinson, John P Rutle erford, Glenn; Wt. ,S:Ufield,Thomas C Scouller, William Shaffner, Richard Simpson, Eli Slifer, • 'Smith, William A„ Smith, Daniel M. Smyser,•Williain H Sootier, Thomas C Steel, David Steward, Charles Stockwell, Edwin C Trone,'Andr64 Wade, Robert IL; Walker, Tho. man Wrtson 'Sidney 11 Wells, Hiram A MI. Hams. Daniel Zerbey and Joan S. McCalmont, Speaker—Yeas 87.. .' Those voting against the passage of the relay lutlonwere, Augustus E. Cornyn, David Evans and Jathea M Pertce,—Nays 3. • Extract from the Journal,' o. , WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. .' Filed March 15, 1850. - A W BENEDICT, Deft. Fee. of Commonwealth. Pennsylvania Se. I do certify that the'nbove ~and foregoing is • true and correct copy of the- driginal resolution of the General . Assembly,--mtiftedßeselution, relative toan amendment of the Constitution," as the same rernains on file in this office. Mr . Lt testimony, whereot I hese hereunto L.S set any Itnnti, and caused to be affixed tow the seal.ortio t Secretary's Office,at risburg.this fifteenth day of June, Auno7Putnini onethonsand'eight hundred and fifty Sc SSELL, f of the Commonwealth je26,'50,9r4 =I Mil SECRETARY'S OFFICE SECIIiTARY'a OFFICE.