- - Toe election in the district composed of tht borough of Shippensburg. Shippensburg town.' s himandthat - partof Southampton - township not th e ln i letl_iii the. Leesburg election district, will' ' be held at the Council Douse, in the borough of • Shippenshurg . . . . ' • .41d in mid by fie actiofylie General As,sernbjy. of this Commobwealth Iptiesed the Sd July, 1839, - .. it is thus provided; 4lint the qualified electors of parr of Newton and Southampton township, in the (Monty 'of Cumberland, bounded by the fol lowing finessed distances, viz: Bc'sitining at the Adams county line, thence along the' hoe dividing the townships of Dickinson and Newton to the turnpike road, thence along said turnpike to Gem , tee School Botise,on said turnpike, in Southhamp ton township, thence to a point on )lie Walnut Bottom Rood at neylluok's, including Reybock's Farm, thence it straight direction to the Saw Ntill belono ' itig - to the beirs of George Clever, thence' alongKeisher's run to Me Adams c ounty line; thence along the line of Adams comity to the place . of beginning, be and the (nine h hereby cleclai•eil 'it new and separate election district, the election to be held at the public, house of W in.,Alaxiv ell in Leeslitirg, Soatharnoten township." INTotico is TlL'esibbv Given, Thikl eversperson, excepting Justices of the Pence, who sbeiP bold any office or appointment of profit or trust meter the United States, or of thin State; or oily_ city or incerprirmcd district, ' whether a eommiistoned officer rut otherwise, a - S i tliTtrilrhatti• - ntficer - or•mgentTwhe - 13 - or - shall•be employeirninley (tie legislative, executive, or ju ' dietary department; of dos Simeon. of the United States, or of any city or of any incorporated dis trict; and also that every member of Congress and oe the Stoic Legislature, and of the Select or Common Council at :MY city, or commissioner of • any hicoeporated district, is by. law incapable 01 holding or exercising :tithe same time; the office 1 or appoititmoutofjudge,inspecthr,or clerk of any elections of thisNonimonwealtb, nod that no in speetor, :judge or \either officer of such election shall be eligible to be then voted for. And the said act of Assembly. entitled an act relating to elections of this Commonwealth,passed July 2d, 1839, further provides as follows, to wits "Thattie - inspectors and Judges shall sleet at the resp chive places appointed for holding the (: ' election n the district to which they respectively .belong, before 9 o'clock in the morning of the Second Tuesday of octolier;rid,Msch of said in specters shalt ;trioint one clerYr..-,-wito shall be a qualified voter of such district. "In case the person who shall have t•eceived the second highest number of votes fon inspector, ' shall not attend on the day of the election, then the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for judge at the next preCeding election shall net as inspector in his place.. And 'in cote the person who shall have received the highest number of votes for inspec tor shall not aitend,the person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place; and its ease the person elected a jutige'shall not attend, then the_ inspector who received the highest timelier of routs shall uppoint a judge in his place; in• if any vilealley Shall continue it, the - uoard for thin space of one hoer alter the time fixed. by law liar the opening of the election, the qualified soters of the . township ward ci district for which such sharer &Mill have bees elected, pre , •mit at the pined of election, shah elect one of their nomber tefill • such vacancy 'lt shall b' he duty of the several assessors Ysteeleprive-t attend at the place or holding every general special or township electimt, slur big the who letime said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving informatiou to the inspectors and judges when called on in relation to the right ' or any person assessed by them to vote at such • elt•etion, or.soch othec_mattbrs_in_relation_to the assasment or voters_ms lm-said _inspectors .01' either of them shall from time to time require. 'No person shall lie permitted to vote at any election as aforesaid, than a .white' freeman of the age of I wetly-one years or more, who shall have resided in -this ,Slate at least me: year, and ii. the - . election dim vie; where-he offersitsis vote - at least ten days immediately receding such election, mid within two yeat:s paid a State or comity tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before die election. 'But a citizen or the United . Staten, who has previously been a rieslinod voter of this - Stat'e and fteinolt,R r therefrom and etinsicffi, and who shall have resided in the election district mid paid taxes :doves:Ml, shall be entitled to vote alter residing in this State six months: Provided, That the vs mite freemen, citizens of the United States, between the ages of tWeitly One and twenty two years and have resided in the election distriet ten days as aforesaid, shall lie emitted to vote al though they shall pot have paid taxes. No poem . shitll tm permitted to y:ite ciliate • name is noccontained in the list of taxable inhale. itants furnished by the comittissitaters, ititli.qs I First, lio.prcoluce a receipt for the payment wilt.- In hi() years, 01 a stale ("I.:enm i ty l 9 asses eil agreeably to the constitution, and gi re.vitislitet•--y -. evidence either on his oath or nffirmatimi,ottilse. ' oath or affirmation of :neither that he 1-eis paid such a lay On- on failure tg is 'mince a let:s.);ii shall make oath to the pay teem thereof. Sec ond, if heelaiin a right to vote, by tieing aii elec tor between t h e ~g , eft w,,,ty ~,,,, rind hum lily two Kettre, he shall deposit on 011111 ii eisfli eel acme. t I est . e lasi resided in the Sttilsal least one year next ' before his application, and make such proof of redidetiee in the district as is required by this act and that li e does verily belieic front the account given hint that he is or the age aforesaid, and give sash other eviskre as is required by, tilt. act, nhervitinal the name of the person so admit ted to vote :dial he inserted hi the alphabetical list by the itispectors. and a note made opposite thereto by writing the ii ord 'tax,' if lie shall lie ad iiitten to vote by reason of his tug paid tax, or the sent•cl 'age,' irlid shall he lidrifitled Uri afire bit i • • ; reason -01..•siiiill 'age, shall lie called nut to the `clerks, who shall make the like notes in tlnglists . of voters kept by them. 'le all (times where (Ite_tul - C-lairning-to-vote-143-fOiliiii-oli-the-list . -fifunidied by the. commissioners Mid assessor, or his right to ' vote Whether fottnil thereon or not, is slreted to by any qualitiedmilizen, it shall be the duty of the inspectors to examine such person otttiatit as to his qualifications and if Ise claims to have resided within the state 'hie one year or more, Ins oath - shall. be_sullicietit-peoof thereof.lnit. shah make, proof hy lit least one competent witness, who shish lie n qualified elector, dint lie has resided vs hide the district for more that) tee days next • immediately preceding, said ,election, a u nt - shall also himself swear that his bona fide residence, in pursuance of his lawful editing, is within the district, and that lie did not remove into said this - , Het for the purpose of voting therein. 'Every person qualified as aforesaid, and WllO shall make thie.preof if required, of his residence and payment of taxes as aforesaid, he shall be ad mitted to vote in the township, ward ot• district in which he shalt reside. 'lf any person sled' prevent or attempt to pre vent any officer of any election under this net from holding such eh etion ; or use or threaten any violence to any such officer, oe shall interrept or improperly hilerfere with him in the execution ' of his duty, or shall block up the window or avenue to any window where the same may be holding, or shall riotonslY disturb the peace at . such election, or shall use or practice any intimi dating threats, force or violence, with design to influence tetchily or overawe any 'elector, or to prevelit him - from voting or - to restrain the free-, dons of choice, such 'person on conviction shall be fined in any Sum not exceeding five hundred dol lars and he imprisoned.for any time not less than three nor more than twelve months, and if it shall be shown to Imam:, where the lei's' of such offence • Minh be had, that the person so °Weeding was not a resident of ttiecity, ward, district or township where the offence was committed, and not entitled ••• to vete therein, then on conviction hp - shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one ,liiin deed tit; more than one thousand dollarsoind be imprisoned not less than six months 'nor . InOre than two yeaes. ' ' ~ 'Many person or persons shall make anybet or - wagtt• upon the resulttof any election within this Connnimwealth, or shall offer to make any such het or wager, either by verbal pi•oclit motion there, ofoc s by any written or' ;whited advertisement, iTiallehge or invite any person to mike-such bet sir wager, upon coutdclion thereoflie or they Anil forfeit and pay thredritnei die ninoulit so bet or to' be bet. . ' - ill any person net bylaw qualified, shall fraud silently vote at ,any election in this Common , .wealth,rn• bring otherwise qualified shalt vote•out of his 'limper district, or if' any person knowing the want at such qualificatiomshall aid or procure such person to vote, the person offending shall, • oil conviction, be fined its any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months. 1 1f any person shall voteat more than . ' one elec., tion district, or otherwise fraudulently vote more than once on the same day; oe shall fraudulently ' fold and deliver to the inspector two tickets to 1 gellier ; with the intent illegally to vote, or shall ! procure. another so to do, he or they offinuliog , shall on conviction lie fined iu any son not ica , l than fifty nor more than fide hundred dollars; atoll be imprisoned fo an term not less than three nor more than twelve mouths. 'lf any person not qualified to vole in this Cons-, • monwealtli, agreeably to law, (except the, sties of qualified citizens) shall appear at. any play_ of election kw the purpose of issuing tickets or 'of. Iflllialeing_thmeitizens qualified,to vole, lie shall , • On pearls:hoe forfeit and Pay any sums not exceed- 1 ing one hundred &Plass for every such offence, and he imprisoned foe any term not exceeding three months." • •' , • Agreeable to the provisions of the sixty-first cotton of said sot, every. General and Special • , Election shall be opened betileen the hours 'of eight and twain the forenoon, and shall continue ' - astitfitit interruption er adjournment until Seven • 'o'clock in the-evening, when the :polle shall he 'closed. . .. . . . • And the• Judges of the respeptive districts afore ! - - 'said, are by the. said act required-to thee( -at -the • Court house, in the borough of Carlisle Toil the third day after the said 'day of election, being Friday the 11th dity of Ootoberisbee and there to perferm the things required of item by law. - - ' Given touJer my hand; at Carlisle, - (hie 10.1 di.* of September, A. D. 1850.• '' • '• •' - '' ' DAVID- SMITH, Sheriff. Sheriff '8 ' Offices, Carliuid, .' . Septembbr 5,1830, S. , . neat at. 'Auction. - Beal Estate at Pub is Sale.. • . On Tuentay; the 17th of September, newt . In pursuance' of ..zin order of the Orphans' Court of„Cumberhind county, will be sold of Publ Sale,•at,the 'reside:re of Jacob Kissing or; doe'd., al . ono 'o'clock, P . M., the fallowing RedrEstato late the priaperty ob, said decedent, to tract of land in West Ponneboro' township, bounded by lat'uls of Enos B: Ster rett, George Hefflebower, John 'McCulloch end •William Kerr; contaMing TEN ACRES, strict measuret all of which is cleared and in on 'ex= celtent state of cultivation, having thereon e • ; rented. a 'two story weatherboard ' ed DWELLING HOUSE,frame aj j B ARN, and an exciAlent • Apple Orehard,of Choice fruit, to be sold on the following terms—Tive per cont. at the ' , manse mosey On confirmation of the sole, one hall of the remainder on the, Isl. of April next, when possession will he given and a deed made to the purchtiser, and the residue in two equal annual payments therenfter" with out interest. The grain in, the ground to be reserved. Tho Purchaser to pay the taxes, for the year 1851. The whole to be secured by recognizance in the Orphans' Court with ap proved security. • - August:26o:3ff DA VII) RINE, ; - Trustee appointed by the Cottt't to make sale: Orllenits7 court *ate. On T LiURSI)..I.I", the 3d of October, 1550. EDY virtue-of nn order of the Orphans' Court ILD of Cumberland county, and on authority for the parties in interest who are of age, the sub scrilrecAvill oifer at public sale, on the premises the following property; late the. estate of Mi chael Brand t, of Dickinson townsh' p, deed, viz; A tract of land situate in liockersville, in said Dickinson township', containing,loo .ACRES of first rate Limestone Land, adjoining- Imola lof Newcomer, Rocker and others, all of 'which is cicareii inn high state of cultivation excrpt about , l'Acrea of Woodland. Theinopro - vements - ore a two shiry I) WELLING - 4V.-;11'•• LOUSE an Frame HAIM', a good *.Zej N ROUSE with Stable, z p? a well of water to each house, In. , ether with other out buildings.— A lso, au Orchard cif 'choice fruit, principally op plea. Also, at the same time and place a tract of Timber Land, situate in Dickinson township, of the South Mountain, containing 26 ACRES 4' of young nod thriving timber, adjoining landu of Cen. Miller, Newcomer and others. Terms of ' sale will he made known 'On said day when af• tendonce will he given by Michael subscriber alian of minor children of Michael Brandt., dec. • and atiornly of Mac w mi who are of lull age. . - g•tltt, • DAVID BRANDT - VA3LIUM:ILP, rAnma AT PRIVATE SALE. T _ o BE subscriber oilers at private sale the fol- -lowing described Real Estate, situate in North Middleton township, Cumberland county containing ISO ACRES, more 'or less, patented 1111141, about In of which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, and the residue cover ed with thriving young timber. The improve ments. 47 ~:.,., • _ iioti s ly , e s , i i i , 01.1,1*7 KITCHENS oi y ,OG 110110 4 a first rate new DAN if RN: &,j j P 44; Wagon Sited and Corn Crib.— ~ -...- -. ..-•'-4 . - -. Also, a fine young and thriving Orchard wilt choice fruit. The farm is well covered with Ise t, I timber. There is n never failing spring of water near the dour, with wa ter enotmh tor milt power. r 'Phis water can be brought:in-pipes to the house and barn. t The above mentioned tram is all limestone land, and is in a healthy neighbourhood, lying upon ilic - ConodcwiiiM rfeek7 - Willfientilla --- of Carlisle. and on ly half a-mile troMt he Cum berland Valley Rail Road. It is of course con venient to the Carlisle-market and well adapt ed for supplying said market. The purchaser can have the whole !arm orlon Acres_and_the___ improvdments. An indisputable title will he given. For terms apply to the subset fiber, ro- 1 siding on the Walnut -Bottom Road, five mile ' from Carlisle, • . sem:, JOHN. FISEIBURN, Sr. Town rilpertri for Sale. Ott SJITURIMY, the 28th day of September, next, 'll - N pursuance of on order of the' Orphans' a Court of C11;111/arlalld county, will be oar.' ed at public sale at the Court (louse in the Bo rough..uf_Carlialc, at 2 o'clock, P.-1 1 .1.. =COLT ZIE & LOT .Or GIICIT7TI9 autstiu North _Hanover street in 'saiebor:,', - .,t0 props rig of John flnyder, dee'd., ral- Joming property of Jacob Fetter Lind Elizabeth Mendel. The house is a -two story STONE OWEI,LINO, 16-feet wide in front. and built On a lot extending 2-10 feet in depth to an alley. Attached to, the house is a two story_. back liuilding. • brick - Sinokeflouee end other out buildings. Tneie is a first rate well. - 61 water tit thb fist of the lot with a pump in it. Also, a small stable, &c. Posgession will be given (1.1, the let day- of• April next. Terms made known on day of stile, when attendance will be liven NATHANIEL HANTCH, = Valuable Property for Sale. 'Off SJJT UR D.IY, the 14th of Sei4enibor: Wll,l, be sold at public sale on the premises in South Middleton township, Cumbertand co., Pa., threfolbrrwitx Real Estate,late-the property I t ser -(4il lei-deczdTit ttont - thrce - milrm -- smnlT of ErTrln.le, on - the road leading from Carlisle' to Sheath:es- 11,101, containing 32 \ CBES ND G 3 PEPCHES, of first rate ' Limestone Land, '26 Acres are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, and the remainder is covert(' Willl fine young timber. There is a first rate Sand Bank on the property!. ADE_ person wishing to view tlin - f - Mone property can' do so by calling on the subscriber. Sale . to cOmmence at 1 o'clock, on said day, when at tendance will.be given Mid terms made known by --- (ing2l)_, JOHN - KUNKLE.- ,m_c_of the Commissioners of Cumberland county will receive proposals at their office in Carlisle. until MONDAY, the 30th of Septem ber, 1830. for the building 'of n VTDOTMINT /311.XDq3E1, • across the Conodogujnet Creek, at a point at or near Isaac Shollabarger's Mill , in West Penns borough township, Cumberland county. l'he Bridge to be of the following dimen sions, vizt—To contain in length 196 feet in' the clear from aliutment to the other abutment on the opposite shore, and 16 feet wide, in the 4 ' clear, with two abutments, and one pier in the centre between abutments, each abutment to• be 15 feet thick in the bottom with a battering wall of one inch to the foot on three' sides of the abutments, the pier to be of sufficient thickness and corresponding with abutments.-- The abutments and pier to 14 feet high from the bottom of the creek to the cord line. Two sufficient,wooden arches to be started from the abutment and extended to the pier in centre of the creek, and from thence two other sufficient arches to be started' and extended to the abut-'. inent On the opposite shore. And to ho. double fleeted with two Melt 'plank, first floor to ho pine or o,tk, the upper Soar to be oak plank laid length wise and raised in the centre. 17 Inches. = The aides and gable ends of said bridge-to-be-of it-13uflictient—heighth—to-admit-a— 'covereA or hay wagon - to Doss - through the same The bridge is to be_elosely weatlterhoarded with three-quarter pine boards well lapped and planed on the outside. 'Plre whole of the work of said bridge lobe roofed with good and ' sufficient white Time shingles. and said roofing to extend at each ,end Id feet over the heel of the arch or the top of the 'abutments, and-ote edell side of the bridge over the weatherboard ing two feet. The abutments are to lie built on a firm foundation, and to be tipprnved by the Commissioners. The whole of the mason work to be well built of hard and large Stone; lime, mortar and.pointed from the back of the; abut-. moots. The filling shall consist of earth and stone and to be stipported with wing walls on cacti side five feet thick at the two abutments, with a battering of ono,:inalt to the foot to tho top of the filling, and to extend in that manner on thect.tyo extreme sides of the bridge ,until the filling and. wallingshull meet the rood, with., an ascent not oi:castling an tingle of four de grees 'elevation front- the rand to the bridge, - with curtain walls of sufficient - length and thickness add coverettWith• broad stone well secured. The woodwork on the outside to be painted with white lead- in-linseed- oil, and.in,a, side of the bridge is to bo 'whitewashed - with two coats of lime. 'rhe undertaker is to find all'materials at his own expense, and to give - such security as the Conmussioners shall re quire for. the fiitlffulperformande of the work- Manehtp: and, permanency of said' bridge '-tor .and during the term of seven yeafiffrom the time tlto said bridge shall ho finished. JOHN 1V1E1,14 JAS. KELSO, • • • JNO. SPROUT, Cominissionorle - Office, . Cornier's,' ~Corlisle, - eep4,'so "s — * ' • • . .- ..attese-H-Wm; RILEY, Clerk. , . • 1111 OR RENT until tho'lst of April next, the r Tivo Story DWELLING • HOUSE en. the property,of Mrs MeCositryoituanYan Main street, coon tisue to.tife Jail. Apply upon the premises. iseptUf .. , . - • • To Shoemakers. • • GROSS 'steel elides for Jenny Lind shoes, - ,4jrist received by ' . CiAr,HITN..EII. nog. 28,1850.. • ✓la , ninisirlaor o Bridge BuiNen rem RENT. ificat4.,~state. 'Auction. tIHOICE• PA11.14/ 4 rOrt SALE. THR Subscribms offers for , srtle,tt Farm of choice arable hintl,, situate in , West Pentashoro!.township,- Cumberland -county, on .the Conmingninet, Creel:, eight miles west of Carlisle and within two and a half of the'Cunt• beldam' Valley floatl,Contatining.,about 13 0 ACRES in a high state of - Cultivation. The itn• ' provementstare si two story Wentherbotirdeal 110t1SE; Smoke House, lee House and Wash House, anal a good will of-water at:the door..—. Also, a large Bank Barn, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed a,ll in good order an d a good Orchard.= There is 17 Acres of first rate- Meadow and a. bout 25 Acres of Timber Land on' the opposite side of the creilk, w hick= will be . sold with the Farm if desired. There lane been betucen lite anal six- P thoustanal bushels of lime 'put on this - Faint lately. The r e is also aiarge Lime Kiln; capable of - burning from 72 to 1400 bushels at a blast on . the property. ntag2Btn ' Wlttl - ANI AL C.F.R. o::•Liatacaster Volksfreund copy.tf and send bill to this office for collection. Orphans); Court Sale. --Br.virtue-of-an order-of—the=Orphnhsl-Gotirt of Cumberland county, the folloWing Real Es. tate, late the property of Isaac Beidleman, de ceased, will be sold on the premises, on Satur day the 28th day of SEPTEMBER next, to wit A root of land, situate' in Silver Spring township, near to Kingstown, in said county, bounded by John Senseinan, George Heller and others, aontaining TWO ACRES and thirty ono egrolics, of LiinGstone Land, till of which is cleared . and under good fence,- and.in,a high state of cultivation. The improve. meats arc a LOG DWELLING : 50 HOUSE, STABLE, and other A Young Apple ri:5 4 1r 4 4 . 7 '0 Orchard of grafted fink and other kinds of fruit •rees on the, premises. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock on said day, and the terms made known by August 23'W Is. JOHN EIREOVID. Adniiniarator. of' Isaac Biidleinan 31103T0M AND LOT 4.3.1' RI VA TE SA LJI TRE subscriber offersrat private sole a HOUSE & LOT OE tatOUND, situate on the north side of Main Bt. .Eni4 .second house front the square and ir; =1 1 : , lately occupied by Dr. Jno. Creigh, _ dee'd., in the borough of Carlisle. The house is twb stories high, of Brick, and about 32 by 40 feel square, with a Dining roo m and Kitolien, and Cellar underneath the whole of it, with the necessary out houses, a good garden with choice fruit trees. The terms will be made to suit a purchaser, as the °Warn is to effect a sale immediately. Enquire of Mrs. E Creigh on the premises. • --nag2-1 - CR,EIGH PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTAWE. IN pursuance of an order of the.„,E,rplums' Court of Cumberland county, will be sold at public stae, at the late. residence. of Benjamin Myers, deceased, on Friday the 11th—day. of October next, at 10 o'clock A. M., the folkw• ing described Real Estate, late the property of said decedent, to wit .—A tract of land situate in Dickinstm township, bounded by lands of John Huston, John Yishburn, land of the said B enjamin.Myers, deceased, and A h'm 'Myers, containing 55 ACRES clad 100 PERCHES, strict measure, of islnch about - ,•0 acres arc cleared and im a grbod - stale - of Cultivation, and the residue excellent timber land, having there ; on erected a two story weather, UE E,.LOG ST A • BLE, with a well 6f water near • •ti; - 'l4l- the door, and a good Apple and of choice fruit. A Iso, rt Tem ant. House and Stable. Also at the same time .and-place, will be sold a small tract offirst-ram timber laud, situate in the same township, and bounded by lan& of 'John Fishburn, the heirs of Michael Ege, deceased, William Lane and Milk Spangler, containing 10 ACRES and 57 PERCHES. - - The above deserlbed Real Estate will be sold on the following terms Scrniue as may hh necessary to pay the costs and expenses of stile to be paid on the confirmation of the sole by the Court, one•third of the halance to terrain in the hands of the purchaser during the life of Eliza Myers, widow, the interest to be paid to her annually, and at her death the principal to be paid ro the heirs of the aforesaid Benj Myers, dec'd. one half of the balance of _the purchase money of the tract first above described to' be paid on for ram of ApriLnext, when possession will be given and a deed made to the purchaser rind the residue in two clual annual payments theieafterWith - out Tit e rcsidue of the parch:ls, money of-the tract of timber land, alter tb‘duetina• the widow's dower. - to be mid on the first of April nest. •The wholo to be secured by recognizance in the 0-ohans' Court with ap proved security. JOHN CAROTHERS, Aug 28;50 to Administrator. Ossignee's Sale. On S.ITURD.TY, the 1211 t of Octobet WILL be sold at public sale, nt 10 o'clock, A. M , on the'premises, the !911Awitig described fed of land, Containing about TWEN TY VWO AC It ES; situate in Lower Allen town• ship, Cumberland county, one mile above Ebor ly's mill, on Cedar Spring, adjoining ' lands of dliatuTt—Gorg as,llanie 6(oh-end- atlicll3 with a won finished It A lIO . IISE, Wagon Alaker's Shop, Barn and other improvements there. : 11 4 'b •on erected. There is also an melt• WW,I and of choice fruit. It is a desirable lochtion for a mechanic and worthy of mien: (ion. ---Also, atahe same-timemnd place mill be sold a Tract of Woodtanct, containing'PEN ACRES more or less, situate in Fairview township, York county, adjoining lands of Christian Gar her, -Wm'. R. Gorgon and- others.--Alsoi a lot of cord. wood on said•tract. the sametime and place will be sold the following personal property, viz: Horses anti horse gears, mulch cows and other cattle, Hogs and Sheep, Gitlin by the bushel, Hay by the ton, Wagons, Ploughs ' Harrows and other terming utensils. Also a lot of chestnut rails, n number of quarrying tools, together with Household and Kitchen gurniture and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Attendance will lie give. , and terms of sale made known by Aug22,'so CHRISTIAN EB ER LY. o Assignee of Daniel Ileck. ORPAANS COURT S.A. LE. • • On Saturday the 12th of October. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, will be sold at public sa'o oft the 'premises in Lisburn,-Cumberland County, the following property, lute the estate of Issue Lloyd, deceased viz: A-House und-thrge iota of ground; situate in said place, on the rtsi . dio. Jlarrishurg, adjoining property of John Sherich and Coo. Bar , -s her. The house i. n wentherboarded two story dwelling HOUSE, nod attnehrti to it ore- several outbuildings, including a large stable shed, &c. Thom is a first rate well of water near the ,door. Also, :member of choice fruit trees. On one of the lots is erected a good frame Cabinet Maker's - she elt may be considered,a good stand for tha usiness,and holds_ out strong inducements- t - 1 5 erSOits wishing to examine It property are requested to call on the sub criber, living on the premises:l Sale fa comp rice at 2 o'clock, in the atternooon of said dn , when terms will be made known bjc, R Bp1:4,1 STAR, Aug 22,'5D .11dim.nistratot.. --VALX/47ALE PIiOPERI"Z At' PUBLIC SALM. • Oat TIRMSD:II; the lOth of .October, next. IN pure:moue ,of nu order of the Orphans' I. Court of Ceinhurintul county, the undersigned Administrator of Abraham Brenneman, deu'd. will sell, oh the puend see, all the illtel'eg" 111111 131111Triot the in id - decedent; being the undivided seventh part in a tenet of laud ro Bast Potins• hero' township in said county, containing . - . . . ~ $Ol-,,, di. ORES ' • more or less, bounded by lands.of Michael Free Joseph 'Sad ter,.G eorge _ liewman and others, on which is erected a large Two Story i, STONE HOUSE, Dal& Mtn, with a " a Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, Smoke and 2 . Spring [louse, and a never-liiiling Spring of water which waters a num ber of the fields. There is about Ninety Acres. 2 cleared, and the remainder covered with .thriv• ing limber: • 4uflicient . Locust growing, on the premises to furnish poste forever for, fencing.— Fake it altogether it is one of .the most desira ble tracts of land.in the 'County. Salo to com mence at 3 o'clocki P. al „when 'when attendance will, be givenand terms made known .by ' nug2B '''` ' JOS. MUSSkii.;Aine r; .. Farm , ' or Sale. TtHE subscriber intending to move' to the West o ff ers his mansion larm.fbr sale, the sa o being situated in Lower, Arced township, Cumberland county, shoutlour miles 'west of Harrisburg, the State Road Missing thibtigh the same, containing 109. ACRES of first rate lime• atone land, adjoining lands .Long: and °there.' Thu imProverllenly are three story LOG HOUSE, plastered, outside inside, a double LOG. BARH,:ii. neyei failing 'spring el goad .water under the house; Also, a Tonant,House and other'ont•haildiege, &e. _Ant' person &siting to.purehaso a-farm in thi , - section, of, ebtantry„will do well to 'Call* and view the same. !. ,„ I•4ACOB:I3Ropp,. • •:. - OtrLanonater Uniop pub. to tunount of 0.2. Jilted '..Qciet , :::'!iiit .- ..213.f.tioje, VALtJ A.BLEe.f; • PROPERTY AT„PURLIO ;SALE.. Tbrii:S.4TURD.IY,-11l September, nest,- • WILL be 'sold. at public sale.on the, premises in-North Middleton township;'Cumberland co., - Pa.,•two miles soutlrof Middlesex, Mills, end four miles cast of Carlisle, the following '.lleal Flitate ' :adjoining - lands Of Miller,,Thomas Urie'Sheirs and others,containing 140 ACRES, of firsi-rate Limestone Land in a high ,state,of cultivation and wellsupplied' with - all kinds o fruit, and for pleasantness of situatien'and vonieime of running water, is surpassed by few plum; in the county, , The improvements are - a 'dirge and , -substantial STONE. _ imusE, EARN arid Oilier-nee -•• e n esry .I , ouses, $5000,00 the ett purchase money may, remain on the property:s3'lllm years at five per cent. interest, if desired. Also, at the same time and place a tract of land shuttle in the same township,l mile froniMiddlesex, and 3 from' Carlisle; adjoining hinds of Joseph ,Wit mer, Robert Emit] and others, containing SE VEN ACRES, the, improvemoats are a two' story frame weatherhoarded ROUSE, Frame BARN, a good bearing orchard, &c. 'Sale to coMmence al - 1 - O . To'CRIZI; mil at - ; -- tendance Will be given and terms made known for the latter tract by Aug 21.'50 It SOLOMON B YLER. PRIVATE SALE THE subscriber 13 fibre at private sale the fol lowing property„ situate in North Middleton township, Cumberland county, near the Harris burg turnpike, about 2 miles from :Carlisle? consisting of upwards of THREE ACRES p Ground, adjoining properties of Samuel , Beerbrower and the LetartV on , hiciris erected a 2 story Brick DWELLING HOUSE,. IIOa 8e a dank twoa Barn, stor Y a!a g ott a lb i t i g buildings. 'there is also a fine young Orchard of choice Apple trees. Also. a line cool spring convenient to the houses. The property is :in good eider, and, is, admirably adapted for n mar ket fern), being convenient to the borough of Carlisle. Terms wilt be made regSonalde.— For further inioimation apply to the subscriber agent for the owner. living near the place. augl4 JEREAHAII GRINER. • • .. - -- VALUXBLE FARM FIR SALE. THE subscribe offers at private sale, the Farm on. which ie now lives, situate in West Pennsborough Ownship. Cumberland county,_ five miles ir tri Carlisle, and one mile from Plainfield, - e . ntnining . 1'36" ACRES: and 64 - PERCHES,( f , firet rote Limestone Lund; all of Which - ismle - rerand - in a high "state of mil- - tiVationexenut •15Mr. f 29 acres of Woodland: , --- The farm lies on the Conodogumet Creek and is-but half:a mile from the Goad Hope Mills. The Whole is under good fence, about' nine hundred panel of which is post and rail fence. . The improvements area new ~,4 -0: , Brielf - DWELLING,HMJSE;' , Mi.! ti :1 z 'two stories high; With n confine- . 7frlP, 1 , II ':'.,, dious Bank Barn, 94 feet long, rs - ---.ce-tVo'rg'.+`.- first "rate Wagon Shed, Corn crib with t treshing floor. and all other necessary nut-buildings. There is a good well of water at the door. Also, a large Orchard, with eve ry variety of choice fruit. The entire place is in the best order, and" holds out the strongest inducements to purchasers. .Persm.s desiring to examine it arc rcqueslcd to call on the sub scriber. An indisputable title will Be given , and terms made reasonable. BENJAMIN LONGENECKER. • tYrlL3smnens . stmlUnion ropy 3 months and sco t hill io.this oflicsigt,oollection. Valuable Farm at Private Sale TUE subscriber dflbi., for onto a valuabh form-01 Litnesnme Land, sttuatcrl on the - Yeti • low Breeches iiiirodi iii Dickinson township , Ctunberland roue:,, zbout 7 Illileg• 5011111-WCS t of Carlisle, and r•ii.lll 2 Anne* of the- Stone I,s of . Squire 'Woods, John Torero,N'iliatn djoiunigme s a , George rvltatia and others contain in". 161 AC It ES 01 well improved Innd, under good fence and in n high state of cultivation:- I'llo . 161 Acres are nil -clear, inn there is 75 Acres of first rate i'iIi)UNTAIN LAND io it. There is also an excellent meadow rail the , ...,.. improvements ov a e nd .on so th me coi l , , s o i t s t t on: 4 la a m b l i . g. ' t c " h o e . ..., 6.- story BWELLINC; HOUSE, a brick l't...Z , s i ill II E 0. g - g Bank Barn, and till other isiprove 5.;:,...,, meets that is neeesenty-to- n - tarm.- - There iS ihrec big running opt rings ott the farm one in the cellar, and one near the bum, and a good orchard-el all kinds of fruit. Any person desiring further information will please , call on - Jacob Seilzilresiding in West Peens.beroegh- JowoohiP, ettlinherlatel eountv, one_ntile—ii•om - N ewvillo.or on Tobinq Seitz; residing on the I s (vit. Possession and an indisputable title will lie given cm the first of April; /1151. Terms made to suit purchasers': . 'JACOB SEITZ. jy2,-,3mospd ~ et‘zi'll.erF44 WILL bo sold at public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, the 28th day of Sep tember next, a valuable tract of slate land, situ ate in Hopewell township, Cumberland county, adjoining lands of Peter Stouffer, Peter Lesher, Capt.-David Duncan, and near the Ridge State Road, about 4 miles north of Shipponsbarg and .3 _so uth_oLN elvbarg;:contai ning_l32—A C RES mid.63-PETICHES r (same- being part - ofm tat= ger tract belongina to David 'Duncan, jr.,- of :mid township.) There is about 50 Acres of cleared land, trader good fence, the residue- co- Invered with thriving timber. The im provements are a comfortable small HOUSE and STABLE. •There are -several-'springs of unto'. near-the-house- toge ther• with fruit trees, &c. Any person.wishing to soe the property willcall on a S. Runshaw. residing near, or Ed ward MoYitty, %vitals living omtlib. property. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day, when attendance and terms of sale will be made known by ' D S RUNSHAW, je26tspd , Agent for David Duncan, jr. VALUABLE MILL AND FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. On WEDNESDA the 16th of October, 1850..:. THE subscribdr wishing to dissolve part• narthip and remove lre_West, will ( sell their Valuable MILL and ARM, situated in West Ponnsboro' township, Cumberland county. The. Farm contains 113 ACRES Of Brat rate Lime— stone Land, the celebrated Big Spring .runs .along the western mar g in of the tract, a stream that never fails or freezes,-and is unequalled by any stream in the United States. The int. prci i Vaments are n first rate WEIXECIT.A.NT 311.1.L'L three stories high; fi..ished off in the most cern• plate order, with patent improved Merchant Bolt, Self Packer, and all the latest improve• moats' in Machinery, Corn Kiln; and situated on the above named Spring, which OffOrds a full supply of water at all times to the Mill. There is also erected on this property a „ in . largo ftwo story DWELLI.X.G. HOUSE, Bank Barn and Stabling L 4 41,1; Millers' House, Cooper Shop, Orchard, &e. The buildings are.' all nearly new, and an tho,best order,obout two thirds of the tract is cleared, and the bal• once cayered with thriving timber. This pro• perty is' near the. Cumberland Valley Rail Road in the heart of - a rich country, and offers strong inducements to capitalists, This property will be -sold separatel or together to suit pu'reltes• ers. Ternrs' ma nta—easy Is suit purchasers us— we/will sell withbut reset ve. Any information bout. the property can be had by .addressing John Piper. Big Spring Post Office, Cumber. • land county, Pa. JOHN , PIPER, SAMUEL PIPER, JAMES PIPEU... CEO ir:rWeelcly North American and Lam:rimer Union insert till Polo end send bill , to .this Wilco for collation. ASPIGN'EESLSALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE: .0n SATURDAY, the sth of THE subserioorwill olFer at public sale on the promises. in. Went Pennsboru township, the following Real Estate, late the property of Samuel Bear, dee'd„ situated three and a half . . miles west df Carlisle, near . John.Hays' Mill, containing 120 ACRES more or less, of first rate Limestone Land, beuitdod on the north the ConOdo_guinet 'Creek, also by lands'of. Bear, Jr., Hoary Smith,•Goritge Singiser mud`' . others, about 'lOB. Ames of which .is firm rate tillable land, in" a good slate of. eultivation; the remainder is covered with fine oung.timber.,—. The improvem to densist of a large two gm TONE MOUSE Large Stone alit[ Earn, Wagon Shed,'Corn ribs and other eon' vonient out buildings, a spring of goon water near the door. Also, an Orchard .1 of thriving young' trees on the prokrty. Salo .1 'to cominence at 10 o'clock, A, M., on said day, • when attendance will be given end terms made keovVii by .Imos...GREASON,, I aug2l"7, ' As si g n e e '0) Samq..ilecir. dec'd. Ettshos.! Bniehes I A igidat variety of theao:useful articles le-of fore(' for e'alei conkiefing of Whitewash, Sweapl ing,,Scrubbing, Paintoto,loth, Shaving ; Nair, Teeth and Nail, Flesh' and Graining Brushes -in great variew,, all of which. pre , ofAle bust lima " ty and, will be sold at. the ltiwoht 'prices ' June 6. ' NOVELTY 'AND TAT YIN'T 1t01110tNeoltit: &11ELORED'S. AMERICAN AND EIIRCIVEAN CIRCA3S. We Laugh at •Competitiqn -and Defy the Worlill Clat&ggr.474lgGTek: FIVE THOESAND DOLLARS will be placed in the hands of any responsible person to be forfeited, if any Equestrian 'Manager in America, can produce a list of Artists, all equal in point of talent to that which we now have the hpriOr to present to the Ladies and Gentleman of , Carlislei • . • • 11:4 - Z...MULIXEIEM a Madam Load4l3 Iflpower, unequalled anywhere MLLE. HENRIETTA ROBINSON, MLLE. , VINGTNIA LEE, MRS. JOHN ROBINSON,. MRS. H. RUGGLES. _ . • I:l