Cl MUM AND EXPOSEOR, CARLISLA PENN,A THE, LARGEST : AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER j IN • CUTIBERIA 0 COUNTY revins7.74soo Dollars n. yew, ar .one. _Dollar and Ebrey Cents, if punctually paid in Advance. $1,75 if paid with i n floc ' 6C7' We :have received a communi cation on the subject of the proposed amendment to the Constitution providiag for an. elective Judiciary, but have no space for it this Ivcelc: tr""On Tuesday last, on motion of W. M. Biddle, Asq: Mr. T. D. Prim rose, was admitted to practice_in the sev eral Courts of Cumberland County. 7Four locomotiveS, of the largest class, which are intended for use on the Cumberland Valley Rail Road after the completion of the new track, were taken through here to Chambershun on Thursday last. The road will also be furnished with new and elegant 'pimem ger cars. The track is„tXpected to be famished in about a mouth or six weeks, when—we--shall have a road unsurpasskd by any in the country. PAINFUL ACCIDENT:- WC regret -to learn that Ay. Wm 13. Mullen, of Paper town; met with a painful accident yes terday afternoon, while tending the rag cutter in his Papermilt. While cutting some coarse rags his hand was drawn in and caught : by the revolving knives,cut ting off the ihutriband twi: - Tfingers. The bones Were amputated-at--the metacarpal joint ,and the - wound dressed by Dr: Hinkley. 'lt is but little less than a year since - Mr. Mullen's eldest son - met with a similar accident. Waking the Census. . THE mAN *llO TAKES NO NEWSPA PER.—As a general thing, the Marshals tell us, they are . well received-and-prompt ly answered in town anchcountry. The only serious uifflculty thus far exPerien ced in Rerlis county, says_the__ Reading Journal, (and our Marshals tell us the smile oT CuniberlandLhas.tieen with the man who takes no newspaper. In nine cases_out of ten they find him a cross --grained-,--stopidly_ignorant_perSon,—with.. a scull so thick that the few flickering rays of knowledge that occasionly beam upon him, are totally unab'e to pene trate its dark recesses. He cannot' see what business Government has to pry into his family affairs, and tints. its a gent as spies sent to eke out' his 'sub stance and wrest from him .his 'posses . sions I His wife and children 'are as ig norant, suspicious and thick-headed as him;elf. They scarcely know the name of the township, county or State in which —they live ;._have _ no idea of the kind o government they are living under ; or who makes our laws, imposes ,our taxes, - and directs the affairs of the , State and Nation. With these sort of people tpe Census-men have a hard time of it Their most civil enquiries are met with insult and the most violent abuse from men, woman and children. In several nstances the marshals have been threatened with personal violence. 4 ,Vhat a-misera. a con. iron di - 6 man is in- tt-hT): takes no newspapers .! itr7.otie of the heaviest rains we have had for a long time fell on Sunday last. The creeks in the neighborhood were_swollen to za_ great beighth, and some injury was done hi places to the embankment of tte. - Cumberland Valley Rail Road, causing a Oetention of the trains. :The sudden rik_of' water we learn did extensive injury on the Sus quehanna and Schuylkill rivers, and on the Pennsylvania and Tide-water ca nals; itcr.The admirable Garrison Band, under the charge of Sergeant , Aikin, gave another delightful musical _treat in the sqUare on• Thursday evening last. Our. citizens highly appreciate these evening entertainments of the Band. tasnV 13. PALMER'S Business . Men's . Almanac for 1861, is already 'published. It will be found replete_with information respecting Banks, -, Canals,- Railroad, Routes of "fravel, Imports, Exports, Revenue; Trade, Industry, Manufactures, Agriculture, and almost every thing else iu which the business portion of the public can be interested. We „recom mend it to the attention of the commu nity. • - -11:7•Two claimers from I.lte Carlisle Barracks were arrested near Middletown on Saturday and brought back. . slutAl.trauszaunun On- Thrirsday evening, nth tat., at St. James' 'Church, by the Hey, pr. Morton, Mien/rt. M. Ens, Fee,. of Cainelln, Frederick e'ounty, Rd., to . Nisi Buick H., youngeat datighter'of the late JoseplifiStret non, Beg ,of Quebec, Canada: ' DIED. On thn 2.lth of Attgust,nt the residence :Whim &tit Cr in Newton township, Jong Own 111cetim,oun in the 21st year of hie age. In eV et en milicTro - ;ugust, - 11 1 Ise :11AllIf CAROTHERS, in the 24th year of her age. .400 / 1 . 11 Newton township, on the 30( 1 1 of August, at the residence ()flits lather, Samuel, Hansa, aged 16• yrs. and HS months. her late residence In !Springfield, on the morning of the Ist Inet. of a disease of the heart, Atsa hfanL. Aosta, aged 04 years.. The deceased 'leaves !:‘ large ,:circle of relatives and friends, by latent sho will be • long remembered fer tier many •Ir viand amiable qualities.' 43 be wan beloyed, and respected be all who . . , knew her. , ,• On I , r4lny 23d ult.; of Cholera,. In Weslnnireland • County, on board or bent*Joseph O. Wilson, Jong Blain Foots', or this place, aged about 22 years. :._/.011 Monday nighthist, filr....loserit-le r aot.,,an old olilien of tliol orouglti aged about 00 years. - 00 /Buddenly,, of prvlsy,.iti Mechanicsburg, on Monday evening, August 20th, Mr. rltvio WousT, aged stout - . -52 ye . ars . . . , . . . ~,,, O n tho 29th ult., ELIZ/Z6Tq naLtt, only daughter . . 5 4 r•airJointand Margate t.n. Ego, aged months and 16 .. , Dearest babe, alon ' nursed with care, ' •No e ff ort could detain thee hero, ' . Nor Tat :from toriurri,save thee ;" ' ' =-- -.- , -Twas beet that-thou should'et haelen - whero - , All sorrowe end, And meetly pilaw , - ' ; Ttrhe =allele o( gbh .thotave thee. ' ' , tleal Estate of uctioit: Real Estate at Public Bale. On Tuesday, the 1711riliScpternbcr; next in pursuance of an order of ho - Orphans' Cam of Climbed:lnd cotintk, Will be sold at Publ.c Salc, at the residence pf incob Kissing ,,r; d,r'd., at one o'clock, P. M., the-following Real Estate late the property 61 said decedent, Is %VIE I — A tract of land in West Pennsboro' township, bounded by hinds of Cams B. Ster rett, George ffeliiebower, John McCulloch and William-Kerr, containing YEN \ACRES, strict Measure; all of which is cleared trod in csa ex• client state of i•ultivation, having' thereon e lected a two story %.entherlionrd ed D\%ELLING.IIOUSE,framo BARN, and an excellent Apple, Orchard of choice fruit, toTbe sold lig -- 0 ft 0 ,on the following terms—Five per cot - ILp' . the pnrchase money on confiritiMion of the sale, one half of the remainder on the let of April next, when Possession will be given and a deed made to the purchaser, and the residue in two equal annual payments thereafter wit It.' but interest. The grain in the ground to be reserved. The 'purchaser to pay the taxes for the year 1851. - The, whole to be sec.ired by recognizance in the Orphans' Court with np proved security. A nr , ust 55 '5O 3t DAVID RING Trustee appointed by the Court to make sale. Orphans' Conrt.Sate. On THURSD.4Y, the 3tigr October, 1850 Int Y Of nn order of the fir plians' Court k) of Cumberland county; mid an authority for the parties in interest who are of age, the sub scriber will Mier at public sale, on the premises the following property, late the estate of Mi-. cloud Brandt, of Dickinson townshlp ' 'deed, viz; A tract of land situate in liockersville, in said Dickinson township , containing 100 ACRES of first rate Limestone Laud, :Adjoining lands of Newcomer, Hockey 111111 others, all of which is cleave:Lai:din a_hig,lt_state_of_cnitiva lion _except about-1 Acres of Woodland. The improvements are a two Story D E LLING 110USEnnil Frame BARN, a good ••'g a p c v. TENANT HOUSE 'with Stable, c 7 91 a well of water to each house, to • gether with other out buildings. Also, an Orchard Of choice friiit,pilocipagy ap ples. Also,-at the same time and . place a tract of Timber Land, situate in Dickinson township, at the South Mountain, containing. 26 ACRES of -young-and-thriving timber,. ad joining-lands.of Gem Miller, Newcomer and others. TerMs of sale.will-be made known au-said day when at• tendance will be Fiven by'tbe sub:wilier, Guar. dian of minor children of .Michael_Brandt, dec. and attorney of those who arc of- full age. aug2B DAV D• BRANDT., PUBT;ZO sAzr. QF .EJLL ESTATE IN pursuanCe of an order of the Orphnns' Court of Cumberland county, will be sold at public sale. at the late residence of Benjamin Myers, deceased, - on Friday the 11th day of October next, at IQ-o'clock A. M., the folleiv mg describild ReajEstatrnite the property -of-- said decedent, to wit .—A tract of land situate in Dickinson township, bounded by lands of Jelin Huston, John Fishburn, land of the said Benjamin Myers, deceased, nnd "Ali'lit Myers, containing .55 ACRES and 130 PERCHES, strict measure, of ' , filch about 70 acres ate cleared and in a rood state of edltival ion ' and the residue excetenriiinber land;having there ,. on erected a_two story weather -,,,a -!-_,••:!•_1_ boarded-MO-USE, LOG Sl'A• • .., i l l pi i . git TILE, with a well of water near 1.0..,..-„, 4 11 k "f- the door, .and a good Apple Orch .---- and of choice fruit.- Also, a Ten' ant House and Stable. Also at the same time • and plod°, will lie sold a small tract oftirst rate ir o b-0 , land, sitoarc in the same lovrff6htp, and ' bdunded by lands of John Fishbarn, the heirs ' OrMiqhtlel lip, deceased, William . Line and PhiliP . Spangler, containing 10 ACRES and 57 PERCHES. - The above - described keel Estate will be sold pe the following terms : So much as may be, necessary_ to pay the costs and expenses of sale to be paid on the confirmation of tho-sale by the Court, onea lard of the balance to remain in the [mods ofthe purcltasor during the life of Eliza Myers, widow the interest to he_pAiti to her i 1 .atidt It - Jr - death the prinOtt the pant to ale heirsel the aforesaid . Benj. Myers, dec . & one half of the balance of the purchase money of the tract first above described to be paid on the first of April next. when possession will be given and a deed made to the purchaser, and the residue in two equal annual payments thereafter without interest. The residOe ofthe ' purchase money of the tract of timber land, tater deducting the widow's dower, to be paid on the first of April next. 'rho whole to - be secured by recognizance in the 0-phans' Court with ap proved security. .1 WIN CAROTHERS, Aug 55;50 is Ahniqiatrator. - assignees Sale. On SOTURDAY, the 12th of October. WILL be sold at public sale, at 10 o'clock, A. Si , ou the premises, the hollowing described tract of land, containing about 'MEIN TY TWOAC RES, situate in Lower Allen, ofwn• ship,..Cumberland county, one mile above Eber ly': mill, en Cedar Spring, ad . lefining lands of William R. Gorgas, Daniel Erich, and others, with a %yell finished RA ME HOUS ooNlalrees — S ho , unC Barn and other improvements there• "" on erected. There is also, an orch• and of choice fruit. It is a desirable location bra mechanic and worthy of atten tion. Also, at the Sallie time and place will be sold a Tract 'of Woodland; containing TEN ACRES more or less, situate in Fairview township, York county, adjoining lands of Christian Gar. bcr, Gorgas and others.- Also, - a. lot of card wend on said tract. Also, at the same time and place will be sold the following - personal property; ' , MT- Horses and horse gears, milch cows and other cattle, - Ifogs and Sheep, Grain b'y the buShcl, Hay by the ton, Wagons, Ploughs, Harrows and other lure - ling utensils. Also u lot ofchestnut rails, a number of quarrying tools, together with Household and Kitchen Furniture and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. .Atiendance will be give' , and terns of sale made known by Aug22,Mo CHRISTIAN EBERLY. .118signee'of Daniel Heck. ORPHANS COUNT SALE On Saturday the 12th of October. BY virtue of on order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland• county, will be sold at public sale on the premises in Lisburn, Cumberland County, the follciwing property, late the estate of Immo Lloyd, deceased viz: A House and three lots of ground, situate in said place, on the road to Harrisburg, adjoining property of John Sherich and Geo. Bar glitter. The hove is n weatherboarded two • story dwelling-HOUSE, and :insetted to ra it are several outbuildings, including a large stable - shed, Sr.. - O. There is a first rain well of water near the door. Also, anumber of ehnice fruit trees. On one 'of the 100 is erected a good frame Cabinet. 'Maker's shop. It may be considered a good stand for that business,and holds out'strong inducements to purchasers,— •Persons wishing to-examine the property art tequested to call on the subscriber, living on the premises. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, in the aliernooon of said day, when terms Will be thnde known by REUB.E..ISTAR, Aug .22,'50 . .. .liiimnistrator. • VALUABLE! paorimarsr AT PUBLIC SALE. On THURSDAY, the 10th of October, next. 'ff:Nr ',pursuance of an order of ilie, Orphans' Omni or cumin:viand county, the undersigned Administrator of Abraom Brenneman, deu'd., will sell, on the premises, all - the — tiit&est and claim of the said decedent, being the undivided seventh part in a tract of land in East Penns boro' township in said county, containing • , 101 4.013.3E1S -. ' • ' more or less, bounded by landa.of Michael Free Joseph Sadler, g eorge Bowman and others, on which is erected it large Two Story 11 • sToNr, tiousr., Bank Born, - With L I : . Wagon Shed, Qum Cribs, Smoko and gsk a Spring House,' and a never-failing ..,,,,X Spring of water which Waters Ritmo ber of the fields. There is about Ninety Acres cleared, and the remainder cOverod with thriv ' iog-timbem-- Sufficient Locust growing out the twermses to furnish posts forever for fencing . .--. Take it altogether it is 'one of the most &sua ble tr.tots of land in tho c0.u0ty.... -Sale to com-'. hence at 2 o'olook,,P. M., When 9.ttendaueo will ho given and terms made known by' aug2B . ' . %MS. hiUSSEIt, Ad:Mr. House aud Lot at Ruelic Sale. On SATURDAY, the Hilt of September . WILL be sold at public sale - Mc theitretnises in Frankford township, Cumberland county.- about two and a half miles north of Frien'a Mill, find one mile north.cust• of Bloserville, and) mile west-of Dewalt's Tavern, lot. con taining SIX ACRES, more or - Ivo, of good land well fenced. The _ improvements ,fire. a- T ST.OR_Y__DWELLIN Gr .=X I 'HOUSE, weatherboarded t With a, Stone Kitchen - attached one nod VP, : a-half stories high,. and a largo a*F1e4.?t,..;,:g.1 4 1' shop.. A good little llAltql, one end log and the other frame.. -Aloo,-tit well' of never failing water fit the door of the house and n variety'ef choice fruit'trecte. Salo to com mence at one o'clock, P. M. 'when attendance M will be given and terms ma de known by August 28 te. BENJAMIN RICE, Ir._ tvrixeßtAti OIL roi oak it ~ (ice4tt) !MaI:LARD'S neat testate of Ttactian. CLtOXCE• roa sA.Lr. THE soltpuriber offers for sale a, valuable Parm_ormir.tice_arable-land,- situate - in- West' Pennaboro' township, Cumberland - county, onfl the Conodeguinet Creek, eight miles west of Carlisle andlwithimtwo and a half of the Cum.' [nylon& Val ley Rail Road, containing about ISO CRES inn high state of cultivation. The ior proventents are a two story Wentherboarded HOURR,BnRike House,- Ice Home and Wash Muse', and a good well of water at the door.— Also, a large! Rank _Porn, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed :11in good order and a good Orclifird - , There is 17 Acres al first rate Meadow and it• bout 25 - Acres of Timber Land-on the opposite ..side of the creek, which will be sold with the ,Firm if desired. There has been between ti c athlisix thousand bushels of lime put on this Faint lately.,. The r e is also a large Lime Kiln, capable of burning from le to 14-00 bushels at a blast on the property. aug2Btn NVILLIAIII . AL I'ER catanenster Volksfreand copy tr. and send Lill to this office for collection. Orphans Court ;Sate. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, 'the following Real Es tate, late the property of Isaac Beidleman, de-. ceased, will be sold on the premises, on Satur day the 28th day of SEPTEMBER next, to wit: A tract of land, situate in Silver Spring , township, near to Kingstown, in said county, bounded, by John Senseman, George Keller and others, containing TWO ACRES and thirty ono Perches, of Lim6stono Land, all of which is cleared and under good fence, and in a high . state of cultivation. The improve ments are n LOG DWELLING a HOUSE, STABLE, and other p ourbuildings. A Young Apple 4 "":"'...V:' Orchard of grafted fitlit and other kinds of fruit 'roes on the promises. Sale to commenee-at-2-o'clock-on% said- day i - and the terms made known by August 23'50 in. - JOHN FIREOVID.. Administrator of Isa c Beniteman deed. XOUS ANEY LO! AT I'RIVATE SALE. TEIE subscriber .offers at private sole a HOUSE & LOT OF GROUND, situate on the north side of Main st. •••• •second touseirom the square and uNg !Moly occupied lay'Df. Thu. Creiglf. _dee'd , in the borough of Carlisle. The hehOe is two stories high, of Brick, and' about 32 by 40 feet square, with a Dining.roont and Riteltett, and Cellar underneath the whole of it, 'with the necessary out hews, a good garden with choice fruit trees. The terms will be trade to suit ' d purchaser, as the avet i& to effect a sale immediately. 'Enquire of Mrs. E . Creigh on the premises. au 21 'I'IIOS. ASSIGNEES'. 'SALE_ OF jrALUABLE REAL ESTATE On SATURDSY, the sth of October, 1850 subscriuor sill otter at public sale of the premises, in West Pennsboro township, the following Real Estate, late the property of Samuel Bear, deed., situated three and a hall Iniles west of Carlisle, near John Flays' Mill, containimr_lP - ACRES more or, less, ofefirst rate Limistone Land, bounded on the north by the •Conodsguinet Creek, also by lands of Rear-,.:Jr..-hairy Smith,_George_Singiser_ and others, about 108 Acres of which is first rate tillable land in a good state of cultivation, the remainder is covered with fine young timber.— The impi . weinenis demist of a _,g;52 0 -1- large two story STON E HOUSE • .:4 t!I i targe - S Bank Earn, Wagon . „,7 rlll- P Shed, Corn Cribs nod other con 1 , ,p;Lt'-:16..P.4, , ' ',einem out buildings, n spring of gooeivater near the door. Also, an Orchard of thriving young trees on the property,- -Sale to commence nt 10 o'clsek, A, M., on said deli, wlreit attendance will-be elven and terms made -kuowtrhy THOS. TREASON; nug2l Assignee of &al Bear, (iced. VALUABLE HILL AND FARM SALE. • On [VEDNESD: , ./Y, the leilh of October, 18ri0. - THE iubscribers wishing to di,Solve part nerahip and remove to the West, will sell their Valuable MILL and FA RM,-gnuated in West p eo nsb.„ro' township, Cumberland county. The Farm Obtains 133 ACRES of tlret..rite. Lt to- stone Land, the celebrated fig Spring tuns along the western margin of the tract, trir ream that never fails or freezes, and is iMequalled by any stream in she United States. The ha provemenmare a:first rate aCHANT ramt. three stories high, fi..isf7cd off in the most cem• plete Aarder, with patent improved Merchant Bolt, Self Packer, and all the latest improve• monts in Nlachinery, Corn Kiln, and situated on the above named Spring. which affords a full supply of water at all times to the Mill. There is also erected on this property a „ large two store DWELLING 1. 9 , t4„ - , I , ;'.; HOU S E, Bank Barn and Stabling 'sa mill e rs' House, Cooper Shop, ° Orchard, &e. The buildings ar all nearly 'new, and sit the best order. about. two-thirds-of-rlte—tract cleared-and-the-bid allee covererd tint - tang - ilmlferTli6Ttro• perry is near the Cumberland Valley Rail Road in the hear t of a rich country, and offers stron'g inducements to capitalists. This property will be sold separately or together to suit perches. era. Terms made easy to snit purchasers as wo will sell without reserve. Any inlormation about the property can be had by addressing John Piper. Big Spring Post Office, Cumber' land county, Pa. - _ JOHN PIPER, SAMUEL PIPER, JAMES PiPLR, - nug2l 10 - Weekly North American and Lancaster Union Insert till sale ani send bill to this office for collection. , REAL.ESTATES AND VALUABLE ' MILL PROPERTY :AT . PUBLIC SALE On Leii MAY, the Ilth day of October, next MM..: subscriber, Assignee of JOHN TRIM - Mtn: or Rending township, Adams-coon ty, Pa., sell, at public sale, nt 10 o'clock #. M., on the premises, the valuable . WILL PROPERTIE. of said Trimmer, situate in Reading township, on the Big Conowago, about' one-fourth mile from-the Hanover nod Carlisle turnpike, where Blake's bridge crosses said stream, shoot eight miles from Hanover and one, from Hampton, adMining lands of John Duncan and . others.r— The MILL is a three story building, upper part frame and lower part brick. It has four run of 'stones, a Dry Kiln, and all other necessary ap.. paratus itt good order and mostly new. There is a good SAW MIL L attached to the Mer chant Mill. .There are connected with the pro , party 21 ACRES of-Land, clear ed and well improved, With a 1 LOG HOUSE, a well of water 1:1 , convenient to- the door, a LOG BARN,. &c. This Mill-is Bur, rounded by;a rich grain-growing country and commands a heavy amount of custom. • ALSO, al flit same time and place, The undersigned will expose to silo the VAL. UAB LG FA RM of said Triminer,in Reading township, adjoining the Mill Properly, and con mining 107 ACMES, more or less,'llie im provements on which ore A. TWO 5T031 . 2 110VSEI (weatherboaried,) a Log Barn and other out buildings. There is a 'well of never-failing water-near the dour of the dwolling 4 ; also, a young Orchard of superior, fruit treed on the premises.. There is a duo proportion of Moo dow and• Timber land—the whole being under good fencing and Mat high State of cultivation. On SATURD.IIY, the 12th day of October, next al• 12 o'clock; Jl.l. 1,,,,,„ Will be sold .o the pramiseti, n tract of TIM- Bh.ll LAND, he property orthe said 'rrini mor, situate in ickinson township, Cumber iiiu county, co mining TEN ACRES, more or less, near the ad leading from Whileatown to Pins Grove, formerly owned by Conrad All wino; and adioinitig lands of Mr. Sowers and others. Attendance will be given and terms made known on days of sale by ,the subscriber, to whom: in the meantime, application cnn be made for any--desired information. - - JOHN •BH.O UGH, . 43 signo • , -• Hampton, nun'2l ~`:',, f . . Valuable Property for Sale. On 2.IITUADJY,.I I / 1 14th of Septentber;`nex . , • WILE he sold at public` sale on the premises in Smith Middleion.rownshipf_Cumborlarid co„ Pa.;the following Reel Estate,late the property of Baltzcr Gunkle, ilee'd4 about three miles south of Carlisle, on `{ho read. leading from Carlisle to Shenffer's Mill, containing. .3:2 ACRES AND 63 PEP CHES,..,of tirst.reite Litnestode Land, '26 Acres nre cleared and in a high suite of cultivation, and the'remainder is cowt.d with fine young. timber. There is a first rate Sand Bank on the progeny. Any person wishing to View the abuse properly can do so calling on the subscriber, Sale ,commorteo_ntlio'clock. on4mitlAiiy,-when. at tendance will be given and terms made knOvin •by • bing2 l /. JOHN , RUNKLE. eotatt at , auction. . V\ALUAITLE . - PERTY AT -PUBLIC SALE. . Oh SaTUR.D.RY the 28th of SSptemlter, next • WILL be sold-at public sale, on the premises in North,Middleton tow.nsfitp , ''Qumb - eiland co.; Pa., two miles south of Middlesex Mills, and' four. miles east of Carlisle, the following Real Estate, adjoining lands off, bonnie Urio's heirs and others,nontaining 190 ACRES, of first-rate Limestone Land inn high state of cultivation and well supplied with all kinds o fruit, and for pleasantness of situation and•con venience runningwater is surpassed by few places in the 'county.. The improvements aro n large and substantial :STONE HOUSE, BARN and otber nee esacry' ciitt:lmases. .85000,00 of the purchase money may remain on thcr'properly for live years five per cent. intetest, if' desired. Also, at the tt same time and place a tract of Innd situate in the same township, 1 mile from Middlesex, and 3 from Carlisle, adjoining•lands of Joseph Wit mer, Robert Erwin and others, eontaining .SE VEN ACRES, the impriivemo:lts are a two story frame- wontherlmarded HOUSE, Frame BARN, a good bearing orchard, &c. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, on said day, when at tendance will be given and-terms-made known for the latter tract by Aug 21.'50 9t SOLOMON BYLER. PRIVATE SALE THE.sUbscriber, offers at private sale the fol. lowing property. situate in North Middleton township, Cumberland county, near the Harris burg turnpike, about 2 miles front 'Carlisle, consisting of upwards of THREE ACRES el Ground,indjoining properties ar Samuel Rutz, Beerbrower and theLetart Spring, on which is rAerected a 2'story, Brick DWELLING ~ s2mv HOUSE, a two story vtog Drasum g " House, a Bank Ram., And other Windings. 'Chore ,is also a fine young Orchard of choice Apple trees. Also, a fine coorsPring convenient to the houses. The property is:in good order, and is admirably adapted for a mar ket farm, being 'convenient to the borough of Carlisle. Terms will be made reasonable.— For further information apply to the subscriber agent for iho owner. living near Me place._ aug 14 • oJD11.1?.:11IAII GRINER. .issigneels Side. THE subscriber-will-expose-to-public sale, RDAY, the 7th da - ,--.3( September, next, tho property of Henry fleugy. situate in North Mid dleton township, Cumberland county at four miles rnst - 'of Carlisle. A Lot of Ground containing 50 PERCHES, more or less, having thereon erected a two story FRAME -HOUSE and ‘V.ell of good Water, with a new pitta m nt the door m.. 1 a vari4y of fruit trees, n Stable and Slaughter Shop. Also a,lot of ground, bounded on the north by Ahe same property containing 01 . Perches; one nine plamstove_and_pipe, it lot of corpet, one grain cradle, one side saddle., a lot of earthen ware, a lot of grdynd pepper. Salo to commence at 10 - Elf said - day . , - wherrtermn - will - be - matle known by I , ,'M ZEIGLER, atigl4 St lAßsigace. Howse and Lott for sae, ...., Ott SATURDAY, the 14th ,of September, 1850. WILL public , sale,,on the prem.. ices, in Shiremanstown, Cumberland county, the following property of Jacob Weise, Imo of said place, deceased, viz,—A HOUSE • AND - LOT OP GROUND, situate e. c I I in said village, adjoining the public , r a. . g g house of David Brown, containing a• bout 70 feet in front and 200 few in depth. The house is two stories high, plaster ed on-the outside, and-in go'od.renair.__Attaoh ed *to the house is a frame Shoeinaker's Shop, for which busipcss it is a good stand- There is a first rate well of water on the lot, and a num ber of choice fruit trees. Salo to commence at 12 o'elocl , , noon, WlMii aliendanee will be by ~ ' ELIZABETH WEISE. attg7ts I...:xrcutri-e. icco. amp- eeting, A Camp Meeting will _be held for .Carlisle Circuit on the land of Mr. John Dunlop. about four miles South of IVlochniiiescu, g, to com mence-on the`Gth of September. IEISO. Preach ers amd people from. the„neighboring stations_ and circuits are respectfully invited to attend.— Persons desiring to tent on the ground, will 'please bring their tent frames ri.,ex with them. nug2B24. J p Ledger and Newl. THE midersigned hereby gives notice that on and after the first of Sopteniber the daily Ledger, News, &e., Mill not' be served by a carrier nt the residence of subscribers. The subscribers to these papers are therefore reques• ted to call at the book store for their papers. Aug 22.,'50 Im. DAVID MARTIN. York and Cumberland Rail Road Co. THE stockholder; in this Company are here by notified that an election will he held °ti the 23t.e . Septent her next, between the hours' - of 10 . fuck,A. M. and 2 o'clock P at-tite— hce-ofthe_ComDany_in_Y_ork,--for-elioosing- President and six Directors for the ensuing year. , Also—that a meeting of the stockholders wilt be held at Brown's Lyre Building, in Baltt moro, on Alonciay evening. the-I6th of Septem ber, to receive the annual report. By order, Aug. 21, to. ELI LEWIS, Srerrigry. Estate of Thos. 0, Reeme, Deet. Letters of administration on the esdate of Thomas C. Regime, late of Shiremanstown, Cumberland county, deceased, havebedn gran• ted by the register of said county, to the sub scriber, residing in Dauphin county. Lie will attend on Monday.the 2cl of September, and every other-Monday for two months thereafter at the residence of the deceased, where all per sons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and these having claims to present diem for settlement to DANIEL SHELL, Aug 22,'50 Gt. athnilgarator. Estate of JAMES-CL J ARKE, deed LETTERS of Administration on the Es tato of James Clark, late of Southampton township, Cumberland county, deceased, have been granted to the subccriber residing in the sante township. All persons knowing them selves indebted to sold estate ore requested to make immediate payment. rind those having clams will present them for iettlement to oug7,6wpd ' AVM. CL A VA, Aker: I\7O I IIC.E. LL persons indebted to the late firm of HUMMEL LEBKICHER & KERR are requested to make immedbate 'payment to either of the Undersigned surviving partners. We . would also inform the public that we have n good aesortment of LUMBER & SHINGLES for sale at reduced prices. VALENTINE HUMMEL, WM M KERR. Idly 31, 1850-6 w. . "Linen .itatres. A new lo: of Linen Lustree, varicus7:prices and colors, from 6 to 50 cents a yard. - Also; anotheseupply of Braid, China Pearl, Rough and Ready, , Ginip, and MI, BONNETS.— Also, Changeable, and Dress SILKS, in vari— ety, with a varied assortment of Bonnet and Cap RIBBONS, Dress Trimmings, &e. &c just received and:opened by may 29 FAG. W. lIITN ER. Boots, Shoes and. Gaiters. WFAT SMELT 0P1.0. , ,1TC TILE NETIIODIOT 011IIIICII• • WM. M. PORTER invitee the attention of. the public to he largo - and complete as sortment of BOOTS, SHOES. hr. GAITERS, just received from Philadelphia, inelt3ding a va riety of,now styles. Ilia experience in the Sloe business. enables him to select work of the best materials and emck t unneltip, which will be sold at tho lowest cash price and warraniel, irrGustomer work , nttended to tusual. ,TO TEA.O:SERS: THE Board of Direarete of the Common Schools of Monroe DiStriet, will meet at the School. House in Churchiawn, on: BATCH. DAY, the 7th of September, nt •1 o'clock, rat. for the purpose of examining and selecting 9 TEACHERS for to take charge of the schools of said district for the ensuing term.' By 'order of the Board. - - JOHN BRANDT, &rev. aug2t,3t' . . .. • ' Harrison% Columbianlnk. .. _ .SHE sgbacetber has on band"a largo supply ef the above ink, mhielr, ti3l a special tir' tangement-rith the proprietor, he is ablnto far nisi) termer - chants and others, at the maniac' immix wheleisaln prices. ' aug2l ' . • • a, A HUBDARD. IRON! moral • - 2 eh TONS ponlinerod, and IRON JL%- , rooeivad at t h a ,Cheap Stott) of the ;et hocidber inNnin siToot., II SAXTON. aug,l4 To ShoemakeiO...! . , GROS-stool-iitid e s inet, received by . W liITNER. • 5iug'2 . 13.1850. is tal e6tate at t2t.ttction, • ROI :Estate AT EXECUTOR'S SALE. On TUESDAY, the "24th of September, next, WILL' be sordlit public s'alatm the prerniaes, in. Monroe 'township, CuMberland county'„ Pa., the following"real estate, Into the. property of Peter Bricker, dee'd. on the Forgo Road, one rhile east of SpringTOrget NO. I.'OONT.O.LNING 130 ACRES *of first-rate limestone land. The improvements are n'large'STONE 1101 SE, BANK BARN Spring Hondo, Wagon Sheds, Corn Crib and other out buildings. Also, a fir% rate Spring near the door, and an Orchard of 'ehoieo fruit. NO. 2,. CONTAINING 109 .11011 ES of Limestone Land, adjoining the above. The improvements aro a ono story HOUSE AND BANK BARN, and other out-buildings, and a TENANT HOUSE, and severul.sprrngs near the door. Both farms are in a high slaw of cul tivation and under good lance. - IWO. _3: OOPTTAINZDTG 60 410/IES adjoining No. 2, and one-fourth of a mile south of Churchtown,.about 10 aro .cleared, the ,re ratiiiider is.covered with'first-rate.fimber. 'OO.trIVIIDTS 11 ACRES. on the south tide of Yellow Breeches Creek.— The improvements are a good LOG HOUSE AND STABLE, and a good - Spring, and the lancLis under good - cultivation. NO. 6. 00111PAIDTS 2 ACRES, more or lees, on the Forge Road, one mile east of Spring Forgo. The improvements nro a large two story HOUSE, part stone, Frame Stable; Blacksmith Shop, and other out-build , ings, with a first rate spring in the basement story of the house, -mt . °. 6. corrritiD*s more or less, of unimproved land, on the York Road, near Churchtown. under good fence. 1. No, 7. A Largo Two Story ZIOUSEI & LOT Or GROUND in Churchtown, about 40 feet in front and 150 feet in depth, Indisputable titles will be given for .h above properties: 'These properties will beallown and all necessary information given to persons wishing to purchasc,,by calling on either of the subscribers, or John on lot No. 5. Saleio_commonce al one o'clock,. when attendance will be given and• term's made known by GEORGE BRINDLE, JOIN BRINDLE, • • aug - - 7 is 112!ycutors. Lancaster Examiner insert till sale and send bill to this office for collection. - ASSIGNEES' SALE OF 13 , ,°atuable Real _Estate, On EX. IDAY., the Mb' of Septernber,.next, tn-IHE subscriber will offer at public sale, on IL the premises, the residence of Mr. George Strome, in Frankford township, Cumberland county, about half a mile west of Hays' Mill the following Valuable real este e, to wit : -. . No. I.—A tract of Limestone' Land, situate ian_above.deseribed,_boundecl_by, lands of Peter . Minnieh, John -- Wynkoup, and others, contain ing 135 ACRES, more or less. About six Acres of _which_ is timber_ land, of Superior, quality., the other being tillable, in n fine state I of cultivation and Well . enclosed with substan- ' tialfenees. The improvements t. ......y. NI of n large two story stone 4 00 DWELLING ROUSE, large . ~•. 14 stone DANK DARN, Wagon 0: r Sheds, CoruCribs..Spring House_ and other convement outbuildings. A well of I good water is in front of the door. Several Or• 1 1 t i t ) l e ta rt r , d , S , in c t o h n r , i , N, e -i i nA i e t o t t e al l t h i e " „ ; n n o r v e n a b is Xli n n i L m i l , 'r ri o n .excellent TENANT HOUSE, with goad Sin ' lite. Carpebter Slrop, -und , ni her convenient buildings. Altogether, this is one of the hest and most desirable properties in the county, being located on the Conodoguinet Creek, and. well supplied with water by springs and rivu lets. , . • No. 12.—A tract of land in the same townshi p, adjoining •property of William Allis:demon, J. Kiehl and others,•comaining 14 ACHES' of good Slate Land, eight, of which ,are cleared, and the halance.well covCred_with thriving. tim •. her. Fonce6 in good condition—without inn- ' p?ovements. No 3.—A tract ol lirst-rate MOUNTAIN LAND. in the township aforesaid, adjoinin g la 01 . ainiel 4nel:waiter, Fledericit Men, zer and others, containing 14 ACRES. This tract is well covered with fine Chesitiat and. Oak Timber.- •-• No. 4.—A tract, of heavy timber land, in Tyrone toWnship, Perry county, bounded by the Oak Grove Furnace lands, contaiinntt ACRES, more or less—without improvements. This tract is one of the best of us kind in - this section of country. Sale to commence ID o'clock, A.M., on snid day, when avendance will be given and conditions made known by JOHN . -WAGGONER, Assignee of Geo. Strome. aug7ts Valuable Town- Property for Sale. NE of the most desirable private resid. noes dI in the borough situated on, Lout her .^trcet The house is. a two stotl? 13111 CK, • t 4 feet in front and the same •••• .t.itice in depth. It contains two . • fin rooms-and-a hall on-the-groonti-ileor-, --.2.- - ..-.A.-.1 - iliftl:three - good chambers on the-se cond floor. The back building adjoining it is also of brick, two st,..ries high, cootaining two rooms up stairs and two down. Attached to this is n line large Kitchen, with Smoke house, Oven, &c. The entire house is well finished throughout and now in the best order, There is a spacious Cistern near the Kitchen door, with it pump in it e and n Bath House convenient.—_ The house. and back buildings possess every. modern convenience. The lot on which ,Ike house stands is 30 feel front. by 240 in depth, and is full r f the choicest selections of Iron trees, consisting of Apples, Pears, Peaches. Prunes, Plums. Gages and two varieties of Grape. On the rear of the lot, fronting on al2 foot alley is crested n: frame Stable, built ire the best manner, 24 by 18 feet in size, together vilthrt corn crib, hog pens., feed house, &c., nib of which ale 'arranged in the most convenient manner. The property . will be sold on reasons ; ble terms.l Persons wishing to examine it. or aesiring farther information, are requested to call on the Editor of the Herald. [ringl4tf Desirable Property For Sale 'PHE subscriber will sell at private sole the property on which he now resides, sliaute in .Nest Pennsboro'. township, Cumberland coun ty, containing shout NINE ACRES, with a good two story FRAME - DOUSE, good frame 1 BvIRN, a good well of cantor, and nll the ont•builclings, together with an orchard tret ,cF2 , : - of over thirty TREES of „.-- ‘t : , ,choice varieties of Apple ii-Avk A ~..1,,` ,in fall herring. A Peach tp- '4,....k. i l °reliant of about sixty '', i ''' ,I.—. trees of the most select ..ii‘. _ ' eastern varieties, with a general assortment of Pear, -- Plum, Apricot, -Wed. - aria° and Chitty. trees of the - best varieties. 'Pia buildings are all new and bi It in the most substantial man -ner, the who property is in good order, and ef one of the m st desirable in the county, being • situated in thtevillage of Plairmeld; five miles west of Carlisle, dole to Church and Schools, and within one•half mile of Burns' Academy. 'lt presents rare inducements to a mechanic or private-family wishing to educate their children. -lf not sold Previous to the Stli of OCTOBER, next, a will on that day is offered at public solo at 10 o'clock on the - premises, and will pus itively ha sold. For particulars address the subscriber at Plainfi. Id, Cumberland county. augl4- ANDREW CAROTHERS 4 I! • ' VAL 1711673300 PROPER'Lvir AT PUBLIC sALB. . Ott SJTURDSY, the 511 i of OCTOBER, 1850. • w a", be sold at public sale or. the premines• in Monroe towitehip, Cumberland County,' Pa, adjoining, Churchiewn, the following Real Es tate of Frederick Goodyear, dee'd., CONTAINING 163 ACRES ; of first rate limestone land, 120 of which is i cleared - and in a high state cultivation, and the remainder is covered with fine young timber. The improvements are n Two Story . I A Double DAV EOUSE, 134 ;114' large STONE DANK BARN, I MI , with a Threshing Machine nnd horse power. A.well of never-lailing wa• Iter near . the house with a spring house, and all other necessary out buililina, - s.• Also, as large ORCHARD of choice fruit. l'he above pro , perty will-be Kild either in two tracts or loge; 1 ther, ns may best suit the purchasers. Any person wishgtg io sea the Mum property Will please call on the subscribers in Ghurrhtown• • Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.M., when ; I attendance will he Oval : land terms made kilbern by -JOHN GOODYEAR, JACOB GOODYEAR, • DANI, GOODYEAR, • -Borderers. • aug7 te auctioaseexing_l THE subscriber win 61 infOrm.his friends . ' town and country that ho has comnionc g ad) tho-abovo business 1 37,4:. T.; ' and will ;attend to stiles • o D ost rcuaunablo to nth Ho eon ne Wand at tho Hardware Store. •naiit door to Scott's Tavora' in I orth Hanover otroot. . i augl4 RNOLDS wthing fluid, a •Qty. sa -1 poriar Ink. py sato as HUMIARD'B itiotate 'auction. TEXECUTORS SAL;F. OF VALUABLE AEA& ESTATE 11 6 % uswold,o 2d oy,..titcobtic next, arm o'clock; on the prom i'ses,the collowiro described Lealesiate: • • P. A tract, .of excellent land: laying on the south side of the Cumberland Valley Rail Road nbour .f mileseast of Carlisle, containing about 200 ACRES. If is under good fence and in a high state of cultivation. The 7 improvements are a large two SStd'l • "" ry BRICE HOUSE, a large briCk 1141 rkk Bank Barn, both recently built, It% and all the necessary out-buildings There is-a of. water (with a purnplin_tha..... yard: Part of this tract is well timbered. • I! 2. About 90 ACRES; - ono mile aw.ttli.of the 1, above tract, of which there are7about 20 Acres cleared, the balance is excellent: timber land. There will also be offered at pnblic sale be THURSDAY, the '24th or October next,.at 10' o'clock, on the premises, two very fine lime- a stone farina, situated In Toboyne - township, Perry . county. These,arn adjoining•fiirms, one contains' about 240 ACRES. the other about 275 ACRES. They are about 8, miles west of Lanclisburg, on the main road leading un the valley. One farm has a STONE MANSION lIOUSE and Bank Barn on it. Tho other a Log [louse and Log Barn. There are thriving CRCHARDS on both of these places. They aro situated in the most fertile part of the coun ty. and offer ninny inducements to purchasers. . Pet-sons wishing to see either of the• above tracispean obtain information from the tenants residing on the premises, or either of the un dersigned Executors. Attendance will he giv en and te-ns made known on day of sale by RICHARD PAR ICER, -It. C.'STERRE . I".P, Executors of Thomas rhqe, dec'd 24-ts. \ VALITA LE PULL PROPERTY ,FOR SALE. TOY the dire tions of the Will of John t)Sna vely, fate of Cumberland - county, dec'd• I will expose t public sale on the premises, on FRIDAY, t 9 20th of September, 1850, at 11 o'clock, A. M, EAIII. ..T.Eav MILLS, with about 50 ACRES of first rate Limestone Land thereto attached, situated on the Yellow Breeches. Creek, about 4 miles from its mouth, tho land lying - on each side of the creek in the counties or York and Cumberland. The improve 'Dents are a two story stone MER . 1 11 Lk . ,„ CHANT. MILL, with four pair .? of stones, and SAW MILL 41.! propelled' by the waters of ,the entire creek, whibh furnishes one of the best powers in the county. There is also a LARGE DISTILLERY built and I'M nished in the most modern style, and calculated to do a large business. There is also a Two Story STONE . DWELLING HOUSE. Large - Bank Bern, Two Tenant Houses and two ORCHARDS on the premises, and the whole is in good condition. The title is ltidimintahlo and theterms avail he made known on tho day. of sale by JOHN RUPP, Erecutor qr JOhrii Shave/ I Will sell 111 the same place a par eel of Locust. Posts. Walnut and Pinc.Lumber, and several other articles Kr" L 7• caster Vol ksfreund and York Re• -pub Urn-TT-Insert - till - - marl- -- costTrurd - olin rge this orrice raticable Property AT PUBLIC SALE. bn PRilVir the 27th day of Seponbere, next, WILL be sold at public sale, on the .pretn • ises, in Monroe township, Cumberland county, l'a., the following Real Estate, late the. pr,merttr of John,„Morrett. di,c'd. ' about one-halt stile west of Churchtown, - on the road leading train Churehtown to the 'l'rindle Spring Road, containing 125 ACRES of first-rate Limestone Land, 100 Acres are cleared and in a high state of cultivation,-the remainder is co rvered with line young timber. The imo --‘"‘=“,,, Story 'L 0-G -lIOUSEO large KITCHEIi, LOG.BARN,Wiaon Shed, Corn Crib. and other necessary - IVO, lIIIRA - togs. Also, n never-faihng well of water near the door, and an Orchard of choice fruit. This is considered one of the best farms in Moiroe township. Any person 'wishing to view the-above property previous to the sale can do so by calling on the subscribers. Sale to commence at 1 o'clo.k, on sold day, when attendance will be given and terms tondo known GEORGE BRINDLE, SAMUEL M °BREW, Executors. CUM ram! FOR SAVE. sold nt public Pale on the premises on SATURDAY, the 28. th day,of Sep tembei. next, a valuable; tract of slate landrsila at ein Hopewell township, Cumberland county, adjoining lands-of Peter Stouffer, Peter Lecher, Capt. David Duncan, and near the Ridge State Road, about 4 railecrrortb of Shippensburg and 3 sontu of Newburg, containing - In ACRES and ti P R : E . 4 , Nam _b_ei_ug_ftart-of-a-lar _ges_unct_lielunking to David Duncan, jr., - of raid township.) There is about 50 Acres of cleared land, under good fence, the residue co- Vered with thriving timber. The int = provements are a comfortable small 110 USE and STABLE. There are several springs of miter near the house toge ther with fruit trees, &c. Any person wishing to sec the property will call-on D. S. •Runshaw, residing near, or Ed. Vard hieVitty; who is Ihring - on fh`e property. _Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day, when attendance and terms of sale will be made known by D S RUNSHA W, j - adtspd Agentfer jr. wV'ILL be sold at - Public Salo on SATUR DAY the 7th of September, next, on the premises, a valuable tract of LIMESTONE LAND, situated in South Middleton township, Cumberland county, adjoining lands of James Hamilton, Est} , In, oh Lehman and others, and and about 4 miles from Carlisle, on the road lending to Ege's Forge, containing 42- AC R ES nod I l PERCHES of land, about 39 Acres al which are under cultivation, and -the balance is well covered with timber. The I ' 9 : , ci9cs.r.:‘ improvements are a nevi' LOG l• • 01 4, HOLSE, _ and well of water.— ''' ' ltd I`j, The land is of-excellent quality, . .c.s.ft'- and is well' worthy the attention Of persons desiring a small farm in an excellent neighborhood. It will he -sole together Or in jots ns may best suit Imrchnsers. Terms reas onable-mid title Indisputable. Attendance will to given on the day of oak by JACOB RI,TNER; .Tesignee of Leonard Wiee.. CM Valuable Farm at Private Sale. THE subscriber. Offers for sale. n valuable farm of Limestone Land, situated on the Yel low Breeches Creek in Diekit.son township, Cumberland county, about 7 miles southwest or Crailisle, and within 2 miles of the Stone Taverik _ nci adjoining Ise( Squire Woods, John Willininterge Martin and others contain• ing 151 AC,41., of well improved land, under good fence and in a high state of cultivation.— The 161 Acres arc all blear, but there is 75 Aces a first rate AIOUNTAIN- LAND to it. Thdreis also an excellent meadow on the • farm and soma bottom land. 'PIM improvements consist of a big two 4 )3 story DWELLING HOUSE , a brick p Bank Barn, and all other improve - meets .that is necessary to a farm.— Therein three big running springs on the farm ono in the cellar, and ono near the barn, and n good orchard of nil kinds of fruit. Any person desiring further information will please call on Jacob Seitz, residing in West Pennsborough township, Cumberland county, one mile from N ewville, or, on Tobias . Seitz, residing on the farm. Possession and an indisputable title will be given on the first of April; 1851. Terms made to suit purchasers. JACOB SEITZ. jy2-,3mospcl VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers' . at . private sale, the Farm on which he now lives, situate in West Pennsborough township, Cumberland county, five miles km' .Carlisle,:and one •mile from Plainfield, containing - 1511 ACRES and. 64 PERCHES, of firstrate - Limestone Land, all of.which is cleared and in a.high state of cul tivation except 15 or '2O notes of Woodland.— The hum lies on_ the...G.Onodoblitnet Crook and is the dow :lope. Mille: The whole. is under good foneerabout nine hinidred panel of which is post and rail fence. '1 he improvements 'aro now , l • griCk• DWELLING HOUSE, • .14 • s two Stories high, with a commo-- II •6H dious-Bank -Milli - 94' feet long; -...t,••••°!••"" first rate Wagon Shod, Corn' crib wit 1 threshing( Rear, and . all 'other neSessary out -buildings. - ThCre hits 'geed well of 'water at the door. Also, a large •Orchard," with eve ry variety of choice' fruit. The - entire place ie -in the best order, end holds out the strongest 1 inducements. to purchasers,-' Persoils duturing to examine it are requested to call on the sub scriber. An indisputable title Will be given, and terms inedo reasonable. • - —„__DENJAMIN_LONGENEC.KER:_i jy24 limos • ' . 7:l;ancusterlUntomeopy months and send bill to this.offica for collection. - • In town and country on A .5 SEWER JOHN RUPP, Erccnior FARE FOR SALE. 1i cclluiicou . =IMM=MI PETROLPUDI OR ROOK OIL._ A NATURAL REMEDY! Procuini front a Well in Alleiheny county, Pa:, 4000 feel LAID the eardes. aurfacc,___ PUT UP ALM ROLM SAN'L M. 'KLEft, CANAL, BASIN, nil ST.,XITTSTIUTICI, PA. • The healthful balm from Nature's secret spring, The bloom of health, and life, to man will bring, Aa ft" hot depths tha magic liquid flows, " To calm our sulTerings, — and assuage Our oreng. • PETROLEUM. Tgreat remedy of Nature, after repeated 1. and fair trials has wonted its way into popu•- ,littfitvor......We need hardly repent the fact, time this•is n pure,ifhadulterated NAXURALMED 11.01N,E,andleptit up as it flows from the hosoni' of the carpi; without admixture. in these days. of Nostruin vending, we do not wonder at the in. credulity evinced by the community, upon the introduction of a .IVinu Remeay . , but that incredu lit), shall not suppress n medicine, whiise power- , influence has mitigated and-curet so many diseases incident tunny race; were we•to 'With hold a remedy like lath tram public notice, the should consider ourselves as 'guilty of keeping back something that was inteinled to relieve much human pain of many a one, whok system has for years suffering, and dispel the gloom and been racked and tortured by the fell engines of Disease Nay, do not wonder, gentle ^reader, • -mud join with others in the cry, that it cures too 'manytliaenses t for, iiyoti will take the trouble. to run over the list of diseases fin which it is re commended, you will find that they tire diseases affecting the same knot of tissucs,and consequent ly 11'1S APPLICABLE TO ALL. But the best evidence In favor of a medicine are the cures therriselves. \Vhen these stand out in bolrl relief, and when he who for years has suf fered the tortures and -pangs of an iminedicable lesion, which has been hastening him to the nart row house, speaks out in its prarse,what better evidence peed be wanted ? We have the evir donee. in our possession,- of -marry astonishing cures, which will be furnished to any one who re• ally oubts the efficacy of this wonderful remedy. 'fire Earth, from iv hich man was created ,bears in her bosom remedies which if known, are ca. pable of restoring him to health and vigor, when _prostrated by sickness and disease, It was 013 opinion of the ieleliiiiiiillYr7Efilik;llint -- there existed in Nature nu antidote to every malady to which mum is liable. Every one is aware of • the relief frequently obtained from Jllinera,l 16a•tens in Most chronic complaints;•Thcse singular- MedICRITICnts, flowing out from the earth, satura ted-with su' stances varied in their character, and holding them in cirinplete solution, bear atir ple testimony to the fury hat they were corm pounded by the master hand of Nature, to repair tire shattered vessels of our physical being, and set them with sails unfurled, prosperously upon he sea of life. The Petroleum is one of this kind of remedies, and is endued with Orwell' to relieve' more Ka man sufferiog than any other medicine extant.— Whet. taken perseveringly and according to the • directions, it will cure—Diarrhoea, Piles, Blum. matisin dont, Neuralgia, Obstinate Eruptions 'attic Skin,-Pimples-on.the. Pace,_ Blotches. piles, Chronic ,Sore Eyes, fling Worm • 'letter, Scald flead Pains in the Bones, and --- Joirits, - aml al I - that-class-- of --.Diseases,_in_wi4Ph _ alte,rativr, or purifying Medicines are indicated - . Sold by S. W.-Ilaverstiek and S. A. Ilubbrird, Carlisle ; J. C. Sr. C. ii Jlltiok, Shippensburg, J • Hood St Son, Sprimeield ; Gilninre StOtgli, Newvil le ; Thomds \ Greason, Cumberland county.' -- • __ em:cer , The United States Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company. Charter-Perpetual—Capital V 250000 Cash System. IVHE constant, unsolicited° application foi L Life Insurance, furnish the most at undant and gratifying _proof that the public, mind , is deeply impressed with the 'vast importance of this subject. The great object,' however, of Insurance should be safety, otherwise the hole motive to insure titer be disappointed T much ~. • me , selection m an SiIfWAY/IVilTel to effect the contract.- -The choice elieuld•he regulated not by present Mut constant large inducements its this; to cer tainly incompatible with future benefits The prerniums•on life - are calculated for the frturc, it present and pro'sppetive benefits therefore are given, the result ultimately, Must terminate in litigation, d,sappointment and ride. 'l'bti object aimed at by this institution is stability and pie penury- The rotes of premium have been care fully prepared with reference to fluctuations. — The cash system of payments has also been adopted, Unpaid premium notes constitute no part of the assets of-this company, and every contingency being fortified with an ample - car hal, security stamps tne whole system. This feature, paramount to all- other_considerations, commends the company to public favor., Ex planatory. pamphlets, blanks,. application papers information, and every facility will he cheerfully furnished by WM II PENROSE, Esq., who has been - duly appointed agent of this company for Cumberland county. Dr. EI iIINKLEY hap also been appointed Medical Examiner. Directors,—Ste R. Crawford, Ambrose W Thompson Benjamin \V Tingley, Jacob L E Wence, M-G'odwin-,Pnul-B-Goddard i--- Lawrence .lEihnson, George APlleriry, James Deverenx, John L Limon. President.—Stephen R. Crawford. Vice- I'l.69l'th:lu mbrose W. Thompson. Sairetary'Ce Treasurer.—Charles G Imlay. .4cluary.—Manuel Eyre. Cotaisel E9' torizey.—'rhomas Balch. ' Medical Ermainera.—Paul B Goddard, M.D. William Pepper, M. D. [nue ly ' rorthrailt - rarmorrir. - RY THE - FIRM of TROUTMAN & MAY Dear Gentlemen, take our advice, To every one we make our cull, If you would have a coat that's nice. Look at Troutman & May's Cheap Cl. thingliall. Here aye Dresses of all kinds, Fine and coareo.and also Cheap— . Please examine and you'll find, For your money quite a heap, Here.nre goods for every season, Thick and stout, neat and thin; All that,you can wish in reason, IA you doubt it just drop in.. • Hero ars Frock and Body Coats, -- Both with - low and standing collars; Some that,lnittou round the throat, To lie had fora few dollars.- Here is every style of Vest, 1 ,, And all sorts of Pantaloons, You can cheese what suits you best, t Eve, or morn, or afternoon. Here are Uncial and Roundabouts, - --Overdlle and Jackets Green, Please to look and you wiil find, Here the cheapest ever seen., 4•I Here aro light coats for the Spring, • Fancy goods for Summer wear, You will find them just the thing. Nothing butter anywhere. Shirts and Bosoms may be found,. Poekot Handkerchiefs and Gloves, Scarfs to tie your neck around, When you seek your lady loves. •Here ai•o Caps, Suimenders, Stocks, Collars, very nice indeed, Clean and nice, in paper box, Just the thing that you will need... If we talked a day about thorn, We could senrcely toll you all, Gentlometkcan't do without them— Then, dear frionde, give call . . • ' Late . Arrival • • :At the tint; atittelicap ARDIVARE STORE East High street, opposite Ogilby's Dry Oooti Store. Kril HE nubsbriber - has just opened a large. assortment of goods in his line to which he would call the attention of but ors, as he is determined to sell at prices to suit the times. His stock compri•es a full assortment , of Locks and Latches of every description, Hinges .and 'Screws, , Window Springs and • Bolts, Mill CrOss.cut and circular Saws, Hand,- Pannel, rippingrind back Sows, broad, hand & chopping A rea, Hatchets, Chisels, Augurs, Planes and Plane Bitts, Braces end Brae* Bitts, steel andirorrSquares, Plumb & Levels, . Waiters rind 'Frays, Table and Pocket Cutlery Table and Tea Spoons, braes, bell.nfelal and .enameled preserving Kettles, Hollow. Ware, &c. Also, a full assortment of Saddlery and • Carriage. Trimmings, Patent Loathor, Morocco .• and binding Shins; Saddletreesi,Cirrisges - Wagon Whips,•Curled Hair, Masi; Deo Hair,' Elliptic Springs. Shovels ,and •Sprnles, Garden and Corn Hoes, Grain anti Grass Scythes, Snathe 'and SeytherStonesi Hay rind , Manure • Forks, Window,Glitss, Tatty, Paints and Dye Stuffs, OiL'Trirpentine and Varnish, - Mahogany - and mania 'Veneers and . mouldings,.Soki Sprg's Also, 13er, Band, Bleep and' Sheet Iron, Cast, Shear, Spring and Blister Steel, Tin' Plate, ~ • Zinc, Speltre, Bar• Lead, Bar Tin, Iron,. Bras and Popper Wire, &c., • • Barrels Patent Fire iind Winer Pronf Paint assorted colors, , 'HENRY pAXTO.N. • , • _ Prline Sugais, • k. hop lotZof thp_mast,appruyed,,by,mls. jus ecoi iod,at MO N YEAS,N; HanuOr st• El ;;1