Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 28, 1850, Image 3
AND FiVOMOR, , , CARLISL'p, PENN'A • THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER. - - -Y---IN-CUMBERLakttiv-CODTT-1 Perms-7'60 Dollars a yew, or One Dollar and Fifty Cents, if punctually paid in Advance. ~,. ' $1,75 if paid within'the agar.• - AUGUST CouTer.-The COUrt of Quarter Sessions, &c. of this county o pt•ned 'on Monday .morning, but from the.unimportant-clutraeter and small a mount of business before it', will proba bly bC - able to ajourn this.evening., ;1 KJ...Mr. T. H. Criswell hai been ap pointed, Deputy Marshal in place of Judge Line, who declined serving. An excellent appointment. His district we believe is North Middleton and, Monroe Townships. Census of Webitanicsburg. Mr John F. Spahr, Deputy Marshal, sends us the following enumeration' of inhabitants, &c. in Mechanicsburg, ♦izi,: Females Males Total inhabitants 88 2 - The number of families in the place is (Si—number of dwelling houses 178. 'liters are four Churches, lour common scho.ols', three public houses, seven dry gOod stores, two drug stores, one iron 4oundry, three carriage' manufactories, fOur blacksmith shops, and various other -manufactories which 'dc; nor - fall — within the.range of siatistical information requi- . red in taking the census. The marshal speaks highly of the general intelligence of the population and thanks them for their promptness in answering his ques tions. i censps of Carlisle is not ye completed, but we learn that the popu lation will probably not exceed 4, 500. The number of louses is about 780. . Proe.nct of Farms. We have: -received from Mr. _Craig head, Deputy Marshal, the following mat inent of the avual product of thr'ee Farms in East Perinsboro 'Township, as rendered to him in taking the census - of t har-townshirr: George Renninger's Farm of 30 a cres—product of last„ye i ar, 123 bUshols wheat ; bushels, corn ; 4 bushels rye; 132 bushels oats; 20 tons hay; 1 ushela potatoes.; 45 buz-hels peach es; 139 poimds-r; 620 dozen eggs; 64 pounds honey, amonting to $823. Jacob Sadler's Farm . of licri!s— prOdtet of last y0r,605 bushels wheat; 15:bushels rye ; 400 bushels corn ; 450 .Ahels oats ; 45 1 tons hay ; 120 bushels vintatnes ; 45 bushels peaches ; 1557 pbunds • butter ; 1467 dozens eggs, a. mounting to 5 ,2000, 00. Michael Free's Facin of 160 acres— proauct of la s t year, 4 - 0 busheli wheat ; A ; bushels nye ; 1000 ushelstcorn ; 500 bushels oats ; 80 tons ) ay i 100 bushels potatues ; 520 pomids butter; amount ing to 912179;60. For the fatter, Farm we undentlnd --,102 per acre has been offered. The result of the first farm shows what in- Atistry-'and-good- management can reap from a small,,number of acres, and af fords an encouragin; example to men of limited cap •/1. The School Ma st er b Our neighbor of Co unteer.gireS: the foll.)wing as a correct and true 'Copy of a mahuscript hand-bill which was lefi' at a hotel, not far from Carlisle, a few days since, ‘inth the request that the land lord .sh t it up in a conspicuous place, so that all might read this "pub Lick Sale for L •tid." The landlord complied with the request, - and alter the neighbors had all read apd lau .4tod over it, the had-bill was taken down and sent . to us for pdblication. In sympathy for the . man who wrote and signed this pa . per we suppress, his name: • pub Lic Sale for Land Cun mining l'4o Acres of Land that Land Lace in Cum ber Land County in Dickensan townahip'that Land Lace be tvren Wits town and hulley furnace near at grates burger roat .that Land Chins ' Jacob rich Wins Land that Lana LaCe ner at Myers Saw Mill good Wortur on ' that Land good Matto Crown on that Land, good orget on•that Land good stm mer Apals and good Vinter Apals' on that .Land 'good C hares - and goad biches o ntbat Land 3 houses on that Land ono Cuchen Stove to Sale farms to Sale. 9 Saptainber • - - nine Saptamber. Notices ; :pli.T.e have received the first No v S ic "Analini o t's HOME GAZETTE," a new ekiy paper commenced.and edited by _T. S. Awful:in, the popular Temperance Author. It •hi • a large-and handsome sheet, filed with choice reading. It is to be devoted to 14terature,Temperance, igews, &c . .; and isimblislied in Philadel phia, at 4.4 per , year: CODES'S LADY'S Bo ur.—Altvays - en. :.:_pertaining, always attractive, and never uninstructive, this favorite monthly is a welcome !Asher virhereever it goes. The ::.- - eptember number is newbelore us, ricl3 . as I ver in Pictorial beauty • and .literary merit. It Contains, no less than twenty engravings, conspicuous among :which is e charming' colored picture/. entitled nThell ‘ ase." for which All who have any taste for female loveliness will find it "difficult to' withdraw their eyes. The, contriliutora are i Tuckerrnari, Arthur,. Sinims,, , ‘The ,Brigither" . Moms, ti er .: be (f i t; and others. "ilitially _choice company ' r tho..refined rrnder. Godey 'ray : J . /43,s does:more than he prornisei, - a rare thing , with publishers. / 3 4118.7-L . A. hide); 114 a_year..:,__ Alii-,ffir two copies: ', .Back: numbers are. always to be had. o. . At 9ettymbnzg, on . titenday eveninithe. l the Rev. R.,‘John!ton, Mr. WILLIAM. BORNEO. of, Dolt iuBn, thMrel SursAN .11;1TAGE, of New - York. , •DX El D. fn • Philadelphia, on INlOnday last, EDN 4 ANDI4. -rieres4sq. formerly rrt this borough, aged about, 61. years. eAt his residence In DlcklnsOli - fOienship, on' Tries , esylp 40th Mr. DAVID ft siest'rsa, egad about 15 rs. ' eon Monday. the ggili of duly, Jsconl HENRY CRO- Mrn, aged five years and five months. riTh a L ! rue went down In beauty yet it shtneth sweetly now. -In-the-bright-a nd-drizeling-eoronet - that - deelcs - ttfe — l Saviour's brow; lle bowed to the destroyer, whose shafts none may for God tine told be, that lie doeth all allies well. ,- 'She e'er.forget my sorrow when I stood bselde,, Ma bed, . And"my deep and heartfelt anguish whem they told MC be woe dead 1 Oh, no, the cop le bitter but let not my heart rebel, God gave, He. took, Ile will restore; He death all things well." Heal estate '2tiation AL 391,01172131 AND LOT '. • AT . OR' VATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale a HOUSE & LOT OF GROUND, - .., .114. . situate nn the north side of Main at. ;;; h .. J second house from the square nnd in era:— lately occupied by Dr. im. Creigh. I li -,.. ''`A deed. , in the borough of Ca t ale. The house is two stories high, of Brick, and about 32 by 40 feet , square, whit a Dining- om and' Kitchen, and Cellar underneath the w We alit, with the necessary out houses, a good garden with choice fruit .trees. The terms will be made to suit a purchaser, ns the object As to efrect a sale immediately. Enquire of Mrs. E. Creigh on the premises, . a;m2l 453 4'29 ASSIGNEES'. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. OnS,ITURDAY, /lie sth of October, 1850 THE subseriuor will offer at public sale on the' premises. in West Fennsbore township, the following Real Estate, late the pilMerty of Samuel Bear, dee'd., situated three and n half 'iniTES - Wligt - 151 - earlialCnearlolm'Halvs' - 1141 I 120 ACRES more or less, of first rate Limestone Land, bounded :in the north by Ihe Conodnuinet Creek, also. by , lands of Boor, Jr, Henry Smith, George Singiser and others, about 108 Acres of which is first rate tillable land in a good state of cultivation, the remainder in coveted with tine young timber.— The imprrvennotts demist of a - large two story STONE tIOUSE f* . Large Stone Bank Earn, Wagon. ; Shed, Corti, Cribs and other con• 4 vement out buildings, n spring of gooe water near'the door. . Also, an Orchard of thriving, young- trees Mt the property. Sole to commence at 10 o'clock, A, M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made keown,by THOS. GRE.ISON,---_ --- attyOb Assignee d Sam'! Bear, dec . d. VALUABLE MILL •APUD FARE . A.T pu 13 LIC SALE. On WEDNESDAY, the 16!6 if October, IS% TILE shltseribers wish,ng to dissolve part. nership and remove to the West, Will evil their Valuable MILL and FARM, situated in West Pennsboro' townehip, Ctimherlandeounty. The Farm contains 133 ACRES of Ilist rate Lime— StoTM Lt d; ilvv -- (oltbrrovir'Lllit- -- Splity'l Miff along the western margin of the tract, a stream that never fails or freezes, and is unequalled by any stream in the United States. The im provements arc a first rate . . MEM ILDIZZLICT Ze.lLi.. three stories high, finished off in the most cern. plots order, with patent improved Merchant Bolt, Self Packer, and all the latest Improve moots in Machinery, Corn Kiln, and bitusted on the above named Spring, 'Alia affords a full supply of water at all times to,the Mill. There •••••••••• • ..;„:„:- is also erected on this property a fs „.. N i :large two story 'DWELLING 2 i r t.! , I ',.: ausp,L3an o k . Bar d i o n o tid e Sta s b i l i in g 1 4 ' 1 ' 42 Orchard, dife u . -' The bu p ih r lings are t , all ne iii new, and op the beat order, about two thirds of the tract is cleared—anti the bal• once covered with thriving timber. :Ids - pro' perty is 'heat the Cumberland Valley Rail Road in, the heart of krich country, and offers strong indueereents to capitalists.; This prolferty will be sold - separately or together to parches': ere. Terms made easy to suit pur_gbasers as we will sell without reserve. Any anlormation about ,the property can be had by addressing John Piper. Big Spring Post Offiee, Cumber' land countt, Pa. JOH W - P IP-ER .. SAMUEL PIPER, JAMES PIPER. aug2l Norei A m erican and Lancaster Union 11161.11 till sale an.l send bill to this office for collection. RE .AIM ESTATE A-N-D-VA-frE7-A-R-171, MILL PH aPEIt Tr AT PUBLIC SALE.. Lz- • 1• On FRIG. Y . iith cloy of October, iint•t. MEW', subscriber, Assignee of JOHN TRIM• MER, of Reading township, Adams coun ty., l'a,, will. sell, at public sale, at 10 o'clock, ini.the.prernises, tluLvaluabla ZIEILL P"...IOPEIVr7 of said Trimmer, situate in,Readmg township, lin rho Mg - 00110M1.0, about one-fourth, - mile front the Hanover and Carlisle turnpike,- w here illokii's,bridge crosses said stream, about eight• miles frtim,Hanover and one from Hampton, adjoining lands of John Duncan and others.r- Fite MILL is 'irtltree story building, upper part frame and lower part brick. It bus four run of nortes, a Dry 101 n, and - all other necessary ap paratus in good order add-mostly new. There is a good SAW MILL attached to the Mer chant Mill. There ore connected with the pro perty i7 4 1 ,1 , -i---fr-r , cd and well improved, , ..with a 1 ',%-ii LOG -HOUSE, a well orwater tut convenient to t' -e door, a LOG t-4 - '''';',=-- }BARN, &c. This Mill is our; ig rounded by-. 0 rich . grain-y,roiving country and commands ajleavy amount of custom. ALSO, at Me sante time mid place, The undersigned will exi ose to sale the VAL• U ARIA!: Ri4l,of eniii Trimmer, in Reading township, adjoining the Mill Property, and'eon inkling 107 ACRES, more or less, the -im• proyernents on which are . . .R. Two oTonv nOUSE - (wcatherboariedi a Log Barn and other out buildings. There is a well of never-failing water near the dour of the dwelling; also, a young Orchard of superior fruit trees on the premises. There is a due proportion of Mea dow stud Timber land—the whole being under -godil' fencing aed . in a high state of-cultivation. On SATURDAY, the 12th day of October; next . lg . 12 O'clock, Will be sold on the promises, a tract of •TIM BLR LAND, the property of the said Trim mer, sit nate in D iskinson 'township, Cumber land county. containing TEN ACRES, more -or-less; ,near-the rood leading-fromWhitestown to Pine Grove, formerly owned by Conrad All wine, and adjoining lands of Mr. Sowers and others. -Attendance will be given and terms mad.; known on 'days of sale by the subscriber, to whom, in Atte meantime, application can bo made for any desired Inliirmatton. • ' JOHN BROUGII, Assignee. anal Valuable Property for Sale. On SATURDAY, the 14th of September, next, WILL be sold at public sale on the premises in South Middleton township, Cumberland co. ; Pu., the following Renf Estate,late the prop Arty of BaltzVinikle, dee'd:,• aboot three miles south of urliale, on the road leading from Carlisle Shenfer'S Mill, containing 32 ACRES Al 63 PEI2•CITES, of firet.rate Liniestono Lan , 26;Acrca are cleated and in a higlr,state of c Itivation, and the remainder is covort.d' with' tinii young timber. 'There is a first rate •Sand Bank on the property., • Any person •wishing io view the alms° property can do so by , calling' on the subscriber. Salo to commence ay o'clock'. on said dny; when af-- tendons° will be given and terms made known by (nug2l) • ,JOAN KUNALE. • Prop erty fbr Sale. AL TWO STORY HOUSE, with brick end, A room anti' Kitchen, situated within one mile of Churchtovsn, on the forge road, and ene.half a mile from Belts,hooyer's Mill. It .• would' ha a good location for a , e, ,;,4 , 1 3 1 fl mechanic. The iMprovendenta • are as abov with a good Carriage Ifouse./Stable, flog'pen, and all other necessary out buildings in good ordar, The lot ' contains 3. ACRES and 5S Perelloe of land of the best guality,•with a thriving young orchard of choice fruit, and all under first rate fence. There is a first rate wail of water at the door, • For further partie •llsts roll op the subscriber residing,no the 'pre , miees. JACOB NEIBI. O EY sr.^ jy3,'so-6tpd - 1' THE subscriber. offers'at private sale the fol lowing property. situate in. North Middleton , towiiship„C timberland county, near the Harris burg, turnpike, about 2 miles from Carlisle; consisting of upwards of THREE Ground, adjoining properties or Samuel Kutz, Beerbrower and the Lcturtjuing on which is 2.lerected a . 2 story Brick-DWELLING t HOUSE, a two story Log Ihiening llouse, a. Bank Barn, and other out hulking% There is also a tine young Orchard of choice Apple trees. Aleo, a line cool spring c_onieuienLto_the_houses. property-is-in good order, and is admirably adapted fora mar ket farm, being convenient to the borough of Carlisle, Terms will be Made reasonable.— For further information apply to the subscriber agent for the owner. living near the place. • augl4 JEREMIAH . GRINER. THE'eubscriber will expose to public.sole, on , SATURDAY; MO '7th day of September,, next. the property of 'Henry Heagy, situate in North Middleton township, Cumberland county at Middlesex, four miles mat of enchain. A Lot of Ground containing 50 PERCHES, more or less. haying thereon erected a two story FRAME HOUSE and Well of good Water, .with a now pump at the door and a•variety of fruit trees, a Stable and Slaughter Shop, Also a lot of ground, bounded on the north by the same property containing 61 'Perches, one nine plate stove "and pipe, a lot of carpet, - one grain rraille, one side saddle, a lot of earthen ware,"n lot of ground pepper: Sale .to commence at 10 o'clock, of said. day, when terms will lie made known by , WM ZEIGLER, auglA 3t /..Hitsignce. . Ott SATURDAY, the 14th of September, 1650. • WILL be offered at public Fhi'le on the prein ises, in Shiremanstown, Cumberland county, the following property of Jacob Weise, Ittie of Baia place. deceased, viz:—A HOUSE' : r i, AND LOT OF' GROUND, situate a a a in said village, adjoining the public l ime house of David Brown, containing a ,' ior-,,t.../. bout 70 feet in front and 200 feet in depth. The house is two diodes high, plaster ed Oct the outside, and in good reuair. Attach. ed to the house is a frame Shoemaker's Shop, for which bitsine,s it is lager.' stand. There is a first rate well of water on the lot, and a num -7iFrcirilliolaffiliffriFtife-W-667iiiiiTi7re—ili 11 o'clock, noon, when kitendance will be ELI ZAB ET II wEisg. .. Er,-,,,trir. THOS. CREIGH tillgi 9 Chambersburg Female Seminary. IVES Institution will reopen on Wednesday 11. he llth of September. 'Arrangements have teen made to secure, in addition to its usual advantames. the serviecs of two Genflemon of superior for the departments they %Viil Mr MARECUALL, a native Frenchman. and also or sotnetimo a resident in Germany, will leach the French' and German languages. IrIieTref7I:KNTIEDV" will give instruc tions in Latin and Mathematics. Mr. MARTIN, whose superior abilities_nre well known, will continue toiake charge (Arlie MusiL;al.df.parttnent__. • _ . The inflnences of this Institution have ever been pre-eminently those of home, and it is strictly a Family School, and the Teachers co operate in blurring, no elforts for the improve ment of each individual entrusted to their care. The discipline is mild but firm. The boarding ph la 14415 tit UtP _ll_OlN.Ollll.l _mut happy family circle. This Institution has been eminently success ful, and was never in a more prosperous condi tion than at present. The principals are at pre sent absent, bin applications can be made to any of the Trustees, and to the Principals after the third Week in, August. laug7:-3t ,Fratrumnalr DEPOT. D""r he neceived. Country Mere!tante' and Defilers who want rind and• cheap PE-I.FU ERY and . 1 , ANCX SOAPS should call upon JOHN 'l CLKGG, Perfamer and' Chemist, 45 Market St., below ed, who has constantly on hand PERFUNtbR and FANCY SOAPS of every desetiption, Powders, Hair 0119, Ox Marrows, Colognes, Hair Dyes. &c., &c.‘ 100,000'peraena have read my advertisement in the Public. Ledger, hundreds of whom have called and been convinced of the advantage of purchasing direct from the munatrelitter; Agency for Ferran's Circassian Hair Oil, Curbing Fluid, &c. Orders from any part of the United States will be promptly" attendedto. zingl4'so,ly JOHN T CLEGG. rpflE Board of Bisectors of Frankford- Die• triet, Curnherfind county. will meet at the House of the Mesas. LeckeS , , in said district, at 1 o'clock, P. %1., on SATURDAY, the 31st day of August, inst., Mr the purpose of exam. Ming and selecting SEVEN TEACHERS, to take charge of the schools of said district fur the ensiling term. By order of 'the Board. J C -HR f 0 NV N, Serretazy. MMITE Board of Directors of Dickinson Dia -1 triet,' Cumberland county, wil ni , m9 ut the Image of Mr. V. Shannot, (Stone. T vcrn,) in said district, at 9 o'n!,cit, A. M., On ATUR. DAY; the 31st day of August, next. for the pur pose of examining and selecting FOU r(TEEN TE/WMERS, Jo take charge of tne'Common ..ichools_ot_stdd distriets; for OM _ensuittverrii. lly order of the Board, augT4,3, JACOB LEF4VER, Scc. LETTERS of Administration on the Es tate of James Clark, late of Southampton township, Cumberland county, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber residing in the same township. All persons knowing them selves indebted to paid estate are-tequested to make immediate p i nyinent and thobe having clidms will Present them tor settlement ro cue7,6wpd WM CLARK, -Idedr. 15 hereby qiYen th,t all election will be held A to elect hirteew Managor., foi the Cumber land Valley Mat al Pro:ection , jompany on the First ilottdayal Sejitvmbe•, next., o f the Office of said company, at the house of Victor Shan non in'elaid township, to serve one year. Elec tion mite held between the hours of 9 A. M., and 4 o'clock, - E. M., of said day. aut27,to A G AIILLER, Seet'y. Ak LL persons indebted -- u.orki - fate - firlWAir Ilk HUMMEL LE RKICIIERkKER R are requested to maks immediate payment To either of t r un) dersigned surviving partner. We wou d alto inform the _public that we ithvo -a goo assortment of L.UMEEII. & SIIL I NGLES tor sale ut reduced prig es.' VALENTINE HUMMEL, . ' WM M. KERR. .. 9T..1850-6w. ',, - • . . "gr N ordeied to parade at Mount Rock, no SATURDAY, the 12th at4o *lock, A, M.,. cOnaplotely equip(' fiir drill. A getliNl attendance is requesied. 13y order of the Cap tain.. [atigl9] PHILIP 'BAKER; 0. S. flyinen Ibustres. A new ki of Linen Lustres, yadeuer,pricce and colors, Irma 6 to. 59 cents a yard. Also, another simply of Braid. China Pearl, Rough and Ready„Gimp, and Chip BONNETS.— Also, Changeable arid Dress SILKS, in vari ety, with 'winded assortment of Bonnet and Cap RIBBONS, Drees 4 Primroings, &a. &a just received antlioponcd by' may 29 . ING. W. HITNER. Hoots, Shoes and Glaittit.s. WEST HIGH STREET OPPOSITE THE METHODIST °Hueco. WM. M. PORTER invitee the attention of the public to hie large and coinplete as sortment of BOOTS, SHOES tic 0 ALTERS. - just received from Philadelphia, - including a va. rimy el now styles. flue experience in the Shoe burn - aim enahlea !inn to select workol the heat materials and wrirkinanship, which will he.anld at the lowest cash price Onitwarrantel. Ca' C u qorusr work attended to 'usual: ..,,, %-,] , Mucrtionninits. PRZT . /'ALT,E E'.- tifssiknee , s'•Sade, House and Lotfor Sale The 111S$1.S PINNEO, Principals TO TBAC:bUEILS To Teacitersi- Estate. lf - JAME CLARKE, dee'd Alltice r.TOTIqE. .17 TOrifILTATMVA . TO TEAOTIERS. • • -, • • THE Board of.Direemrs of the CommOD Schools of Monroe District, will most at the School House in • Citurchimyn, on SATUR. ,DAY, the 7th of September, at I o'clock ! Fad. for the purpose of examining' , and. selecting 9 TEACHERS loito talc& Charge of rho schools of sahl•distriet for the (limiting term. By order of the Board. • JOHN. BR4NDT,, , Seet t y.- ntig2l,3t •• ' Hatrisonis CioltunblEurink' • 11011E'subeet•ther has on, heed a largo supply k' of= the ehtive.inlr, witteh - , by it, special ar rengetnent it - it h the propridbr, hifia nigh to moichente end others, in- the manufee•; torero- wholeenlo ' S A 'fluilliAnt),. ' • IRON; IRON! ILA Tort§ Ilemreeiett Lind Rcilled*.lßON eui e fet•redeivei itt the Cheep Store of er 14eirretreet. SA?C'I ON. ; augl4 8 gccit.' Ostatt -- : at : '.'ltiutiit. igstitte' AT EXECUTOR'S,.SALE On TUESDAY, the 24th 'of September,.rieltt, WILL be .old at public side On the preMises; in Monroe township, Cumberland comoty, Pa., the.following real estate, late, the propert.y . ef Peter thicker, dee'd., on the Paige 'Road, pile mile east of Spring Forge: •. .. _ CIONTMNIIs7II , I3O 40.01M1S of first.rate limestoncland. Theimprovermints' are a large STONE HO i_ SE, BANK BARN Spring House,Wagon-Sheda..Corn. Critt.end • other Miriiiiildings. Also. a. first rate Spring near the door, and art.Orehard of choice fruit. 970.2.C0NTh1N11 , 10 109 , AIM= of .Limeatone Land, adjoining the alve. 'The improveinente arc a one Bier)! ROUSE AND BA.NK BARN, and other out,buildings, and a TENANT HOUSE, and several springs near _the doer. Both farina are in a.higb state of cul tivation and under good fence. • NO. 3. CONTAINING 60 Azums . adjoining No. 2, and one-fourth of a mile south of churchtown, about 12 are cleared, the re mainder is covered with fiist-rato timber. . NO. 4. commulsrs 11 ACIIII3. on the south side of Yellow Breeches Creek.- - The -improvements are a good LOG HOUSE AND STABLE, and a geed Spring, and the hind is.under good cultivation. .eantze, • more or less, on the Forge Road, one Mild cost Of Spring Forge, The improimments are a large two story HOUSE, part stone. Frame Stable, Blacksmith Shop, and other out-build ' Mos, with a first rate spring in .the basement story of the house, NO. 15. CONTAINS 3 ACRES, more or less. of unimproved land, on the York Road, near Churchtown, under good knee: No. 7. A Largo Two, Story SOUSE! & LOT Or GUOUND in Churchtown, about 40 feet in front and 150 feet in depth. Indisputable titles will be given" for .he above properties. These properties will 110 . 9jlOWll and all necessary information given to persons wishing to purchase, by, on either of the subrcribers , or John .Liesi. aing on lot No. 5. Sale to commence at one o'clock, when attendance will bo given and terms mado known by GEORGE BRINDLE, JOHN BRINDLE.. . augris Era-atom 04rlAncaster 'Examiner insert' till sale and send bill to this office for collection. ASSIGNEES' SALE OF Wirriturbie 'Real' Estate, On FRIDAY. the 6th 'ol September; next, • TIIE subscriber will o ff er at public sale,'en the premises, the residence of Mr. George • Strome, in Frankford township, Cumberland county, shout half a mile west of Ilays' Mill the following valuable real esta . o, to wit : No. I.—A tract of Limestone Land, situate as above described, bounded by lands of rotor Minnick, John Wynkoop, and others, 'contain ing 135 ACRES, morn or leas: About six Acres - of which :s Omani - "land. el superior quality, the other being tillable, inn fi,,e st a te of cultivation and well enclosed with substan tial fences. Tho firoprovementg - - eonsatt of n large two story stone •t• :. 4 ,P3A - FILLING 11101T!EdE, large ". 4 .3...,a. stone MAAR. HAIM., %Vagoit • l•-•-••• '''-'""?' Sheds, Corn - Cribs. Spring House and other conVernent outbuildings. A well of good water ism front of the door: Several Or chards in thriving condition, are also on the pro perty. Convenient to the above buildings, is an • - excellmit - TEN - A - NT - llOUSEiwithrgood Ste ble. Carpenter Shop. and other. convenima buildings. Altogether, this is 'one of the' best_ and most desirable properties in the county, being located on the Conodo'uinet Creek, end well supplied with water by springs and rivu lets.' No. 2,.—A tract of land in the same township; ndjoining property of William :llusslerann, J. Kiehl and °lbws, rontainirg 14 ACOES of good Slate Land. eight Of which are cLared. and the balance well covered wi;11 thriving tim b6r. Fences in good condition—without lot. provements. No 3.—A tract' of first-rate MOUNTAIN LAND,in the township aforesaid adinitting lands of Daniel flackwalter, Frederica 141ent zer and others. containing 14 ACRES. This tract is well covered with fine Din:Stria and Oak Timber:. No. tract of heavy timber lard. in Tyrone township, Perry ',county, hounded by the Oak Grove Farms° lands, containing 40 ACRES, more or lens—without improiements. This tract is one of the best-ot its kind in t his section of country. Sale to commence nt 1J o'clock,. A.M., on said day, when attendance_, will be given and conditions made known by JOHN WAGGONER, Assignee of Geo. Strome.. aug7ta Valuable Town Property. for Sale. 'ArINE of the most - desirable private residences Ur in the borough situated on Lowlier Street • The noose is a two story BRICK, 24 feet in front and the some dia. my- tiuce it: depth. It contains .two pi rooms and a hall on the ground flier and-three.good-cliambera_on the cond floor: The — back building - adjoining it is also of brick, two et...ries high, containing two rooins up stairs mid fik'o down. Attached to this is a fine lurtie Kitt:him, with Snioke house, Oven, &e. The claire house is well finished throughout and now in the best order, There is a spacious Cistern near the Kitchen door; with a pump in it, and it Bath House convenient. , Thit house_ aud_back buildings possess. every _ modern couvCnience. The lot on which tho house stands is 30 feet front by 240 in depth, and is full cf the choicest selections of fr u it trees, consisting of Apples, Pears, Peaches. Prunes, Plume. Gages and two varieties of Grape. On the rear oldie lot, fronting on nl2 foot alley is erected u franie Statue , built in the best manlier, 24 by 18 feet in size,- together with a corn crib, hog pens, feed house, &e., all of which are arranged in the most convenient manner. The properly will be sold on reasons blo terms. :Persons wishing to examine it, or oesiriog further information, are requested to call on the Editor of the iferald. tougl4if Desirable Property For 8910 THE subscriber will sell at private sale the property on %Odd' he now resides, situate in West Pentiaboro' township,Cumberland coun ty, eoutaining about . NI NE ACRES, with a good two story FRAME HOUSE, good4rame 114 A RN, a good well of Water, 'and all the ne cessary, out-buildings, together with an orchard of over thirty TREES or " enoice varieties of Apple 'fr,.1.4. 0 'd's,lok. in O full betwing.. A Peach t. 4•• Orchard of about,. sixty • trees of the most select; • - rustein varieties, with 'a general asset mem of rear, Plum, Apr;ent, Nectarine and Cherry 'mesa the hest varibties. The buildings arc all neW,Ond built iii the most-substantial man ner, the .whole. properly-- is in good order, and one of-the most desirable in the county, being situated in, the village of Plain old, Svc miles west of Carlisle. close to Church and 'Schools, and within otte•ltalf mile of peadeny. - It presents rare inducenients to a mecbanic or privatotfamily wishing to educate thew children. If' not sold previous to the sth of OCTOBER, next, it will on that day to offered at public sale at 10 o'clock on'the premises, and will pea. itively be sold:, For particulars. address the subscriber at Pleitifi Id. Cumberland county-, augl4 ANDREW •CAROTHERS.) TAELLUABLII ritozirmarsr • AT PUBLIC. SALE. On &lITU . RB.Tfr, the sth of OCTOBER, 1850. WILL be Bold at public sale or. the premises in Monroe township, Cumberland county. _ Pa.,_ adjoining Chinelliown,,the feltowing Real Ea. tote of Frederick Goodyear, dec'd., CONT .451.1Zi NG 263 aorcvs of firs rate limestone 'land, 120 of which is cleared and ;n a.lugh elate of cultivation, and ,the remainder is covered with line. young timber. , .The improvementitine a TwO Story ' .Double DWEILIIING HOUSE, a, - ins; large STONE—BANK—BARN, lig with a Threshing Machine and horse power. A well of nover-laifiog ter near the house with o'spring house; ind gal other necessary nut busjdings.. Also, a largo_ ORCHARD .of choice fruit. line above pro— perty will be Bold either in twp tracts or toga •ther, as may hest suit the p'urchasers. An persen,svishing to see the above property will please call on the subscribers in Churrbtown. , Sale to commence of I o'clock; P.M.. when attendance will brittivanand•terms made known by , ' , JOHN GOODYEAR, JACOB GOODYEAR; - - DAN'D GOODYEAR: Ere/liters. • oug7 to .ffliaetiOteeiingt, THE subscriber 'wishes 'toinform - his (Kande • in town , and .'country • • , • '" •_ ' that ho ,has commune.. • _ 'OdEthe obovo business • ' 4 i - und willnttend to sales . Art v — :7 . town and country an 4 11 i the ITISSi reasonable terms. Eleven be lound at oho Hardware Store next door to Soott'sTavern_in North Hanover , ' • , •• A S EBNER: "LILII.IIOLDS writint 11.6 id, a very au. I `,' pnetinr Ink. for at 11,IJIIIIARD'S 1-.;al estae at 'Aut +lt. EXECIJTORS SALE 0^ • IVALTraII - "mem. ZISIOATEI. id if ILL be sold at public sale on TUES. W' - .DAY, the 22d of October, next, at 10 o' lock, on t helire mises,the renewing described re. I estate: . - A. tract .of excellent land laying on the , so ith side of the Cumberland Valletßail Road ab air inilesenst or Carlisle', containing about 20 ) ACRES. It is under.good fence and in a • high state of cultivation. t The • improvements area large two Sto ryy BRICK_HD.USE, tilarge brick 2.'4 - Bank Barn, both -recently built, and all the necessary out•bnildings T a well of water (with a pump) in the yt rd. Part of this tract in well timbered: . L. About , 90 AC R ES,!ono sonth of the al we tract, of.which,there_are,nhout 20 Acres el' 'hied, the lialatiVelti excellent timber land. rhere will also be offered' at public sale on THURSDAY, the 24th of October next, nt 10 o'clock, on the premises, two very fine limo at the farms, situated in •T;.boyne township,' P Try county.' These are adjoining farms, one mains about 240 ACRES. dm other about 2' 5 ACRES: They are about 8 miles west of L utishurg, on the main road lending up the v Iley. One farm has a STONE MANSION DOUSE anti Bank Barn on it. The other a Ltg House and Log Barn. There are thriving C RCHARDS on both of these places. They a, e situated in the most fertile part of the coun• iS . and offer many inducements to purchasers. Persons wishing to see either of the above acts, can obtain information from the tenants r aiding on the pretnises, or either of the un, d ,raigned Executors. Attendanedwill be giv e t and terms made known on. day of sale by RICHARD PARKER, - R.C. STERRETT," EXCCutOrs of Thomas Urie, deed July 247 m; _ VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE Y. the directions of the Will of John Sim. •31 vely, late of Cumberland county, dee'd I will expose to public sale on the premises, ca FRIDAY, the 3Oth of September, 18.0, a ft o'clinik;'A.M, • F.AELISTATIEVI PGXLLE , - • ith about .50 ACRES of first rate Limestone I .and thereto attached, situated on the Yetlow I recches Creek, abnut.4 miles from-its mouth, tte-landdying-on-cach-side-of-therreek-in-the -I.3untios of Y o rk and Cumberland. The improve rmenu ate a two story stone MER. - CHANT, MILL, with four pair .t. 1110 of stones, and a SAW MILL •➢ propelled by" the waters of the ...:a.enure creek, which furnishes one t f the best poW`ers in the county". There is . ho-a-LARGE DISI'IL_LERY built and tor s 'shed in the most modern style, and calculated t .do a large business. There is also a Two . tory S TONE DWELLING HOUSE. a .arge Batik Rarn. Two Tenant Houses and I,vo ORCHARDS on the pletniace, and the inde,is in go od condition. The title i indivntable end the terms will e made known on th.) day of sale by JOHN RUPP, • .. jy‘24ts E.Preutor of John Snavely, tlee'd. I will sell at the saute time and place a par el of Locust Posts, Walnut amt Pine-Litsrber nd several other articles JOHN RUPP, Exectr:or. in- LI-master_ Volksfround and Yolk Rc tiblb-or.,osert till sole, mark corn, and charge has office Iratuabte Iroperty On FIUDAY the27o, day of Septmhere, next, vriLL be sold at puLlie sale,-on the, pretn- V ises, in Monroe torrnahip. Cumberland • , unty, Pa., the following Real Estate, late. he pr“pe.-tt of John Morreti. dec'd.,about .ne. weer Churebtown, the road - radirg Irom,Churelnow,too the Trindle Spring - load, eiminning 1215 .ACRES 91 . fist-rate L; MOS' tine L fld, 100 .Acres ore cleared and in , high state: of eallivation. lie remainder in en wered with tine you.ig timber. The improve meets are a Two Story' L 110 1 E8E0 large KITC. IX lilt, NEVI a` LOU B AR N , Wagon Shed. Corn RE 'Crib and otherneeespary out.luti'd tugs. -Alsci, - -u-never-failitv= 7 ,well-of water near the door, and an Orebard"of choice ftuit. 'llia is considered one of the, best farms pi Monroe township. Any person wishing to 'view the above property previous to the sale ban do so by calling on the 'subscribers. Sale to commettee at I o clov,k, op sold day. when itttendance will be given and terms made known GEORGE BRINDLE, SAMUEL MORRETT, Executors. ISE r.a.Pxta FOB. E6436Tarl. IXTILL be sold at public Tale on the premises , } iv' on SATURDAY, the 28th day of Sep tember next, a valuable tract of slate land, situ ate in Hopewell township. Cumberland county. cdjoining ;arida of-Peter Stouffer, Peter Lecher. Capt. David Duncan, and near IhnAidge„Sime Road, about 4 miles north of Shippenshurg and 3 smith 4 Newbure , -containing.ls2. ACRES 111111 61 PE R'llE'.. (same being part of a lar ger tract belorthuig to David Dttnetin, jr., of said township.) There is about 50 Acres of -c caret tan . 1.11)(ki - SfYI.... - . to test ue co vered with thriving timber. The, iiii • brovements ure ,, a comfortable small G'• 5 HOUSE and STAPLE. There are springs of warm near the house toge ther with frint trees, Sc.c. Any person wishing to see the property will cull on D. S. Renshaw, residing near, or Ed ward McYitty, who is living on the properly. Sias to commence at — IA o'clock of Said day; when attendance and terms of sale will be made known by D S 'RUNSRAW, jeNtspd Agent for David Duncan, jr. FARM FOR SALE. ~TII.L be sold at Public a b :„ o n n t A ' o r n u the promises, a valuable tract of LIMESTONE LAND, situated to South Middleton township, Cumberland county, adjoining lands of James Ilan lon. Esq ,Jat oh Lehman and others, and and ab mt 4 miles from Carlisle, on the road leading to Ego's Forge,containing 42 ACRES "mid 111. PERCHES of land, about 39 Acres of which, are under cultivation. and the balance is . . well covered with timber. The improvements are, p new LOG . HOUSE, and well of water.— Tbe land is of excellent quality, :•14.15• L *0..• and is Well worthy the attention of person& drsiring a smalffarm in an excellent neighborhood. It will be sold together or in lots as may be,t suit purchasers. 'Perms ream , onabldand title indisputable. Attendance will lie giV.eo„94,lhe.daY•oo.le- by • •JACOR RITNER, • MM=e2M=o Valaable Farm at Private Sale. Tfll initscriber offers for sale a yaluablo farm or .Ljufestotto Land, situutt d on,fhe low Breeches Cie.:krill - Tit:kit - see ttiwnship, Cumberland county, about 7. miles south-west a•f Carlisle, and Within 2 miles of the Stone Triyhrn,-anjoiding lands of •Sguire Woods, John winierru, George Martin and others contain ing ltil ACM.Es of well improved land, under good fence and in a high state of cultivation.— Thu 161 Antes urn all clear, Mit there is 75 Acres of first ram ,itOUN'i•AIN LAND to it. .'Pha•re is also an excellent meadow on the farm and some bottom land. The improiements consist of a big two ; a. story D %YELLING. 110 USE, a brick ►0 a al .Dunk Barn, and all. other ixtprove ,z, monis that is necessary to a terra,— There is throe big, running springs on the farm ono in the collar, and one near the bunt, and a good orchard of all kinds of fruit. Any person desiring farther information will please call on Jacob_ Seitz. residing in_ West Penesborough township, Cninberland county, one utile from •N ywville, or on Tobias Seitz, residing on the iarm. Yessession - and an indisputable title will be given on the 'first of April, 1851. . ferma.made to suit purchasers. jy2:,3mospd _ NALUMPLE rAum FOB- SALE: - • THE enbicriber - offers at 'private salo, the Farm on which he now lives, situate in West Pentishorough township, Cumberland county, miles from Carlisle, and ono mile - from laintield. containing 496 RES and. 64 PERCHES, : of first rate 'Limestone Land, all of which is cleared and' in a high-state of cal- . tivation except 'Mar '2O aerea'of Tlielarin lies oh the Conodoguina Creek and ie hut half a mile' from iho:Good 'tope Mills, The whole under good fence, almuc , liirm hundred panel of whichle poet and rail fence:, . • . Ihe • improvements are a new Brick DWELLING Hitr,ll,BE, 1;1, • • ~. Iwo stories high;,With llank Barn, 94 feet'lim#,. first iiitl,Witgon Shed, Corn crib wit .1111'841mi floor: ' arid alforithorneeessery out-Mildipgir., There is n geedw_olLef_water at thefrionr.....:44o. a largo,,Orchard,•with eve- Ty variety of choice fruit. • Theentiro place is in the best order,'audliolds out tho strangest inducements to v purchasere. Persons &laming to examine it aft tall on the sub. 'Scriber. An radisputabletitle will - be - givcrii and terms madiPrenconable. , ' BENJAMIN Ui jy24.3rnos , . • „ E.NECKEB..; ."bancasterl'Uriion co py Jted soo t bill to this office for collection, • li~ellaitcoiti._ Aviv arrangenie,itti 1 L. \, 13 - AI L I NE OF STAGES FROM:CAR' LISLE TO YORK. ' ' - ...,/, THE iintrersigned,'ovving to the increases. travel between ma above named placc,d rind to afford corresyonding . locilities to the &b- lic, begs leave to announce that he is now-run ning a DAILY LINE OF' FOUR HORSE STAG.EB , between Carlisle and York., His stock kas„ recently been much improved, and his coaches are new and- comfortable. They leave Carlisle every morning at 6 o'clock, and arrive at .York at 1 P. M., tin time to take the twoo'clock train of Cars for Baltimore. ' Returning, will leave York about I 'o'clock, P. M.:, or 'immediately after the arrival of the Cars front Baltimore, and rei:ft-Carlisle the same evening. • FARE.—Through.tickots from Carlisle to Ral timore, or vice versa, will be furnished at the IoW price of $3,00. GEORGE HENCE' Splendid Livery Establishment. He would also take this opportunity of in forming his friends and the public generally, that 'he has lately made valuable additions to ' • his extensive Livery, in HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SAD DLE HORSES, bzc.,and that he is now prepared to accommodate them with any artiele in his line of business, at a' moment's notic, and on the - mosi - reasoniihte — tersur• - eons desirous of riding in fine vehicles, or on fine, horses, are requested at his estab lishment before going elsewhere,•as, instil pro-. banilitv they will - save littla - change by so do ing. • Persons visiting Carlisle during the Sum mer season, can at all limes be furnished with , good conveyances to Miller of the lollowing tvatering plasm in its immediate vicinity—Car lisle, Springs ; Doubling Gap Springss Warm Springs,, Perry county; or York Springs, A• dams county. . G. H. • Carlisle: July 3,1850-3 m. The--Uidted -States-- Life---hu3urance Annuity and Trust Company. Charter Perpetual—Capital V 250,000 Cash Fll constant, unsoliciteds application for LL Life Insurance, furnish the most abundant and gramying proof that the public mind is deeply-impressed with the vast importance of This subject. The great object, however, of Insurance should be sopiy, otherwise the whole, motive to insure may nu dtsappomted. 'Foci Much care cannot be praetised in the selection of an oflice r ‘vith which to effect the contract.— The choice should be regulated not by present and constant large inducements, as this, is tainly incompatihte With fhTtire boiefis ~ The premiums on life are calculated ler the future, it picsent, and prospective benefits therefore are given, the_r_esult ultiinately, must terminate in dtsappoiniment and ruin. The object aimed at,Lty Mis_institution is stability and per. pemity. The rates of premium have been care fully- prepared reference to (Mount ions.— The cash sysmni of payments has also been adopted. Unpaid premium notes constitute no purl of the assets of this company, and every contingency being fortified with , an ample cap• Mil, security e,tainpe me whole sy,ueni. This fenture,-paramount to all other considerations, commends the compaey'to public favor. Ex planatory-pamphlets, - blanks, application papers information, and every farilit v will he cheerfully furnished by,,NVM M PENitOSE, Esq., who has been duly appointed agent of I lIIF company fir Cumberland county: Dr. 11 HIN IC LEY has oleo been appointed Medical Extunin.,.. . :........:....-a ! ephea It• Crawford, Ambroae W Tlionmvon, Benno - Ma W Tint-41'ov, Jacob Florence, William 'IVI Godwin. Pmil it Goddard lammict..l.ohilaort,Ovorge__lll...Roury.,—lanies-- DeVATII , John 1.14nt6n. President .—titopheri R. Crowford. Vice. President . -Anibrose W. Thompson xgr.rezary - Glmlay. .I.ll,ary —Manuel Eyre. .. Is 4 &.litoilieq.—Thaman Balch. MediNit-.E.ranrineis.—Paul - B GUddard, M.D. William Pep p er, M I). faug7 I y 20P1.7L.0.T.4. IVIELODIr. BY THE FIRM of TROUTMAN'& MAY Dear Gentlemen, take our advice, To every one wn maete our call, If you,would have a Pout that's nice, Look at Troutman & May's . Cheim Cle Here nre Dresses of all kinds, Fine and coarse, and also Clieap•. Please examine and you'll find, Fur your money quite a heap, Here ere goods for ever . ) , season, Thick nod oout, neat and thin; AlVilna you ran vrio.ll in reason, II you doubt it just drop in. Here are Frock and - Brdy - Coats,' - Both with . lew and standing collars; Some that.bution round the throat, - To be had for a few dollars. • Here is every style of Vest, - And all' sorts of ^Pantaloons, You can choose what suits you best, Eve, or morn, or afternoon. Here are sacks and Roundabouts, Overalls and Jackets Green, Please to look and you will find, Here the cheapest ever seen. Here nre light coats for the Spring, Fancy goods for Summer wear, You will find themjust , the thine. Nothing better nyw here. Shirts and Bosoms may bc fnund, Pocket liandkerelAitia sad Gloves, Scarfs to tie your nelic around, When you'neek'Yeiti lady loves. Here are Caps, Suspenders, Stocks, Colima, very nice indeed, Clean mid nice, in paper liver, Just tha.thiog that you will need. If we "talked a day about them, We could s,arcely tell you all, Gentlemen can't do watliout them Then, dear friends dive us a call. Late Arrival di the new and cheap EAR 11 SPARE STORE, East WWI street, opposite (kitty's Dry Good Store. P HE SubseiiVer has just opened a g large assortment of goods in his line to winch he would call the attention of Milers, us he is determined to sell at prices to suit the' times, His stock'comPri es 1,1 fall nasortmCnt r,f Locks and Latches Of every description, Hinges and Screw,, Window Springs and Bolts, Mill Cross cut mid cut War Saws, Hand, panne!, ripping and back Saws, broad. lined & chopping Ascs, Hatchets, Chisel:4 , Augurs, Planes and Ptibe Hilts, Braces and Brace Butts, steel and iron Squares, Plumb '& Levels, Waiters und Trays, Table and Pricket Cutlery Table mid Tea Spoons, brass, bell.niettil and enameled" preserving Kettles, Hollow Ware, &c. Alan; a hill.aaJortinent of Saddlery and Carriage 'Trimmings, Patent Leather, Morocco and binding Skins, Saddletrees, Carriages and Wagon Witips,,Curled Hair, Moss, Deer Hair, Eliptic Springs. Shovels and Spades,-Gardon and Corn Hoes ' Grain ant. Grass Scythes, Smiths and Scyt he .Stones,.litiv.and Manure Forks, Window Gla'ss. Putty, Paints and Dye Staffs, Oil, Turpentine and Varnish:Mahogany anti maple Veneers and mouldings, Sofa Sprg'e Also, Bar, Band, Hoop and Sheet Iron, Cast, Shear, Spring nod Blister Steel, Tin Plate, Zinc, Speltre, Bar Lead, Bar Tin, Iron, Breed' and Copper Wire, &c. - • . 5 Barrels Patent Fire and Water Proof Paint, sisorted colors. - HENRY .SAXTON.. "rnyls'6o . - . 'JACOB SEITZ Webb Washing P,owder, A great anoint of labor, wart and tinte ' .with out any-RIJABING.Ity washing boards, Ma.+ chines, or wuh the haadCattd titivveiiiiiik Wear and tear' of clothes. Warranted• not to injure the finest fabrica. Price, 12} cents. -Sold-wholettate and retail at Dr. Rawlins' DrUg and Variety Store, Main at.*Corliale,-and at his Medical Hall,, North Queen et: Lunen.. ler. • . N.. 8. All ordors filled at Manufacturer's prices. • Juno 5-Iy. Aregrlni PIECES of PAPER HANG MUM' INGS be received at: the ,pter 4 ,,ef.4.110, anbscriber this wock; from one Of the 'largest eastern manufacturing. estnbliehc - Monts; Papers wilE - be sold at 8;10,1206. 40, 25; n 7 and 50 per piece. They are:good ; y beautiful and uncommonly clasp. ' Call and see them at the - cheap store 'of.-{ . CHAS. OGILBY. , . 1351,11.TX1 72141,2 h .. , • ,• VEII'IIERILUS,PURt WHITE LEAD atul 5 bmre.le Li 51SED OIL just: ke. &deed by tholsobooribei to be mold cbeep• _ _ • : augl4 , 1. • H SAXTON. BEM FZZ i ~ .y i donotituttou of Pcnifa. Mirooltittoil ftELATIVE TO AN Amendment ef the Constitution. . . ZSOLVED, .hfr • the , Senate kind House of . ', Representatives of the Commonwealth oy eonsylvania, in General assembly met, That - it die Constitution . of this Comthonwealth , be a. ' mended in the - second section of the fifth article , so that it shall read as follows: The Judges -of the Supreme Court, of the several Ceuta of Common Pleas, L and ' of. such other Courts of Rectird as are or shall be established by law, . shall be tilected 4 the qualified electors of the Commonwealftr;in the manner follow ng to wit: The Judges of the Supeeme Priori, bv the goal- ' ified electors of the. Commonwealth at large; the President Judges of the several Courts. of ; Pleas, and -of such other' Conks or Itecotil as are or abaft be established bylaw, • and alt- oilier Judges Tequirett to be learned in the law, by the qualified electors of the respec-,; . five districts over,-which they are to' preside or ' act as Judges; hind the Associate 'Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas by the qualified elect ors' of the counties respectively. 'Ulm Judges of the Supireme Court shalt hold their officesfo the term of fifteen years .if they shill so long ,beltave-behave-themselves-to",-ell,-- ment bereitnittee provided for, subsequent to tit first election ;),the , President 1 Judges &f the so a p • ral Courts of Common Pleas, and of such °thee Courts of Record as are or shall be t staldislia by law; and all other Judges required to he learned in the law; shall hold' their offices for the tern' of tell yirars t if thev z shall so long be have themselves well; the Ansrieiate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas shall hold their offices for the teem of five years it' they shall so mug behave themselves well; a ll of whom shall be commissioned by the Governor, but for any remittent/0 cause, which shall not lie' stiflieliiiit zroonds of impeachntent, the /7,overopt: Ethan re"- move ithiriirthein oil theMfilieiii - Of twoibliifif —r of each branch of the Legislature. Tim first e lection shall take place at the general election of this Commonwealth next after the adoption of this atnriniment, and the commissions or all the .lodges wlicrmay he then in office shut) expire on the first Monday of December following; %thee the terms of the new Judges shall comnience..- - - , . - The persons who shall then he elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices as tbl. 'owl,: One of them 'tor three seers, one foe six years, one fir nine years, one for twelve years, 801 l one fir fiffienyears:the ter - -of each to be decithnl by lot by the said Judges, as soon - , after' the election as convenient, and the 'remit certi. ' fled by . them to the Governor, that the commis, . - shins nitiY - lie is moil in accordancethereto. The Judge whose commission will first expire shall be Chief Justice during his term, and thereafter each Judge whose commiligion shall first expire eh'l nw turn be the.C-Ifiet ins, ice:ail if two or mane commissions shall expire on the, .._ the Judges holding them skill decide by lint which shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacancies, bap._ pelting by death, resignation or otherwise, in any of the said Courts, shall lie tilled by ap poitamoot by the Governor, to continue till the first Monday of D.:cember succeeding the next general election. The. Judges.of the. Supreme- - iiii - Peeihkaits - ortli - e — airveval - t;tums --- of Common Pions shall, at stated times, receive tor , th,dr services nu n.tegits hi cont pew In mit,-to - be fixed by low, which shall, sot he diniiithilted during their 9,lolm:ince inn ollice ; but they shall receive no ceett or rt..ittittisitetrof &Tice, nor hold une other nave' of profic under this tintrtm.wn ...,tw, or stmt., the Government of the Unlivti , maul, 01 Only olltf, ;fume of this Union. The Jetig-is of the Sop ee i. n .., C,,,,,, , „1„,.;„,. ~,,,t , tintrome in office : shall• reside altliiii this.Covn- - nmliwealtln; and the otLei: Judges. timing their .....ntittottlice in oilier shad reside with'in the di 9 " tt tefor COMA) For which they were respectively elected. ' S 111cCAILAIONT, _SF caker of the House of_Rt fi ß i ze s tc4 Speaker ej the Senate. ,SENATE CHAMBER, ? Jrpuary 28, 1850. 5 I, Samuel W. Pearson, Chief Clerk of the Senste of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the toreping resolUtion, (No. 10 on the Senate file allot present session.) entitled "Resolution relative to an amendment of the Consptuttbn,"— it being the saute resolution which was agreed to by a nutiority of the members elected to each I of the last Legislature—after having been duly consider ed and discussed, was *ibis day a. greed to by a majority of the members elected to and serving in the Senate of Pennsylvania, at Its present session, an will appear by their votes given on the final passage of the resolution as follows, vin Those voting in favor of the resolution were, Ii • Jones lirooke, J. Porter Brawley, William A Crabh, f lo nt nhan J Cunningham ' Thomas S. as-14-7Porsyth-,—Uharles—Frailey-,- Robert::llein•fFilltiird oho W Guerlri sey, Wlimn Ilaslett, Isaac Dugn, Timothy tees, Joshila .1( .longs, Joseph Konigmacher, George V. Lawrencii, Marivell McCaslin, Ben. jarain _Malone, Benjamin Matthias. Henry A Millilenberg, William P. Packer, Win R. Sad. ler, David Sankey,fele 13 Savet•v, Conrad Shi• flier, Robert C Sterrett, Daniel- Stine, Farris B. Sireeter, John 11 Walker and 'Valentine Best, Speaker—Y eau 'O. Time voting against the passage of the rose' lotion were. George Darsie, Augustus Drum no.l Alexander King—Nays 3. Eitract from the Journal. • • • • SAMUEL W. PEARSON, . • YN THE HOUSE, 0 ( F REPRESENTATIVES • llarrisburg, JVarch, - 15,1830 William. Jack, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, do hereby cer , ' tifyr that the,foi e„noing resolution, (NO. in on the' Senate fife, and No. 211 on the House Journal of the present session,) entitled " Resolution vela• tire to the amendment of the Constitution,"— it bemg the same resolution which was agreed td by' a majority of the members elected to each House of the last Legislature—after having' been duly considered and discussed, was • this • ay a• greed to by . a majority of the-merry r aced to and serving in Alm House of Represen dyes of P e nnsylvania, sit its present sessioni a will appear by their votes, given on the final passage of the resolotion, as folliivs,viz: Those voting in favor of the passage of the resolution .were, John. Acker, John Allison, Win Baker, Robert Baldwin, David' J Bent, Craig ••' Biddle,Jereminli Black, John S Bowen, Willinut Brindle, Daniel II B Brower, Jesse It Burden. • John Cet.siiii, Henry Church,John N. Conyng• ham, Sylvester Criithintl, Benjamin •G. Hasid, William 3. Dobbins, James P• Downer:Climes Hinman, Dunn, William Espey, John C Evans, 'Witticism EVal,4 - 41;--Scoti Ewing; Alex ander S. Feather; James Flowers, Benjamin 'l'. Fortner, Alexander Gibbuney. Thorium E Grier Joseph L Griffin, Joseph Gaffer, Jneob S Geot;geH Hurt, Letfert Hart, John - H as ti n gs, yilliatn J. Hemphill„ John tinge, H Huplrt Lewis Herfoi d. Washington .1 Jai itioTn - Nicholas Jones; John W Killinger, Charles' E• Kitikesd,ltoliert Klotz, Harrison P , Leech J emotion 13 Leet, Austin Leonard, James A 3 Lewis, Henry. Liitle, mimes R John F McCullough, Alexander C John-McLaughlin. John Mcl,, Samuel Marx,„ John It Meek, Michael .Meyers. JOllll Millet,. • Joseph MollosiJohn J Morris s - William T Slorrison. ExekiiT Mowry. Edward Ninklestm, Jacob Nissly.,,Cliarles'O'Neill,' John ,13. Packer; Joseph C Powell,James 0 Reid, John ,S (they, Lewis Bolan ts. Seamed Roblostin. John P Ruth. primal; Gleimi &amid, Thomas C:Seouller . , William Shaffner, Richard Simpson, Eli Slifer, William Smith; William A Smith, Outlet M. Snmyser, William H -_Souder, Thomas C Steel David Steward, Charles Stockwell: - Trace. Andrew, Wade, Robert Thri. nuns Watson, SidneY B Wells, Hiram A Wil• lianis;. Daniel Zerbey o nad Joan S• M'eCalmont Speaker—Yeas 87. a . ' against the paisage of the , reed , baton were. Augustus K. •Cokityti, Pdyid • and James M Porter—Nays 3. Extract Teem the 3 ournal; WILLIAM 'JACK, Clerk. 1„ • ; • 4 Stiett4TATtlior Filed March 15, 1850: ' • A W - BENEMCT, : Fey. of Co,ipmanwealtk, rentssylvattid as: .:'r- • .•-• • • .• . , -• I do eorfify 044 andfoedgollitOws trur unit cureeet-oOPi'ol,-the'orikittal . regoluticitt. ro o.tht,Geotpul -Astetuhly,: entitled 'Resolution' relatiye to lei snotelieent of 'the Conitilettlettpl . as the., sante ieat nu file In 4WD 'Offipet Me . testirnonreberent•lL bnve leteettitto L,s, ,et toy booty/eel; ettueetJ to ,be offixed the seal of tit,/ Setretftry!kOirlie:,iit Eflqrt risburg tliiifilleenthAity -June ; ktied".l.lOteteli tete thoutaiel eight littodred *ed. fifty: ~ . 1 t•- At: llMS,Stitlf.l • 4' Bit qt . ' tke Coni.tiotiteMth`- 146, 1 50,5 m r 3 IZO lial OrflOL.'