Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 28, 1850, Image 2

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    aatrulli 4wpNiitsfy
'IA4 •
WEDNESDAY, Apousr , m 1850
" OY uinok"cpuigTv.
.tialvity,)Fliarmony and 'Fidelity!
nektved, That, with a .rlow to sustain eh
igxecutive by the association of men—menoft
high character, sound politicsil opinions, and
large experiente, we have this day nominated
JOSHUA DUNGAN, JOSEPH ligurixasoit, and
trENFIVL W. SNYDER ; sUrrounded by such
.and no longer ernbarassed by adverse til39oeig
- lions, the Whig Governor can, without fear or
difficulty; carry into Successful execution all
-measures-'necessary for-the - p'ublic - good; for
their election, and with it, the election of - a
majority r so.-important-in-every-resz
pert; we invoke activity, harmony and fidelity in
-the , Whig ranks from one end of the State to
the ether.—Reso/ution 'nf the Whig Slati Con
' mann,
From WOshingtob?.
Rumors from VVaslimiton mention that Hon.
Thomas M. McKennan hoe resigned the
post of Secrettery ot 'the Interior. Another de
spatch contiOdi t ets the rumor. The Fugitive
Slave hill passed the Senate on Monday. It is
- said the President will veto it on the ground
of unconstitutionality of its provittions. Mr.
Clay returned to Wasiliogton_on_Monday.
siee Locotoco County Meeting
According - to - nustom our opponents held
their annual county meeting in the Court House
on Monday evening. We looked in a few Min
utes and are sure we shall not be accused of
misrepresentation Whin we saftliat there. were
not more than one hundred persons present in
the room, and that of these there could not
have been more than sixty of the party which
called the meeting. But still, we suppose it
will be cracked up es "a county meeting' ,
small, and dull and sleepy as ft was. The
leaders otlhe two factions were there watching
each other like haiskti—the Old Hunkers, una
ble to conceal holy sorely their "combs were
cut" in the recent nominating Convention, and
the Cimeronians swelling with exultation over
their triumph, Messrs. flepbtirn; W. H. Mil
ler„and Judges Stuart and Clendenin were the
orators of the evening. The, two former, of
course dwelt strongly upon the propriety of sup
porting "regular nominations," and "principles
not men." This was responded to by Judge
Stuart, who announced, to the great satisfaction
of the meeting, that there were no such things
,as "Cameron factions," or "Miller factions."—
This is Particularly .true„we suppose, since the
meeting attics County Convention, as the old.
HunlierS of the "Miller . faction," who ore now
chained In ahjectsubmissimi to the dashing .
chariot-wheels of Gen. Simon Cameron, have
lost all consciousness of their former'sway end
blustering leadership,ALthesonclusion of ihe_ i
epecchea,whreliWerf:FeTreeedingly lame and
prosy (although Judge ('lendeiiin was certain
ly under obligations to treat them to a "buret
- ofeloquence," after declaring that to be calla
upon to speak to a democratic - meeting was
. one of the :bighcst privileges on earth:). the
committee on resolutions made report. The
resolutions touched: upon "democratic princi
ples," banks, tariffs, &c., but how the meeting
reconciled its opposition to these with the nom
ination_of flenry.Church and the support of
Hen. Camelot), we shall not ho able to ender
stand distinctly until sae see them published.—
On the whole the meeting Tao felt Mlle a hu-
Joillating demonstration by all whom circum
stances forced into it. The Cameron faction
felt that there was but little in it to be proud of,
while the vanquished Old .klunkeis attended un
willingly, iiitd studiously rkfraiiied from taking
,any part which could give:ea/at to the triumph
.of their opponents. The ancient invincible
,democratic party of Old;! - Illother Cumbsrleud
lass undoubtedly had its back broken
ta`The Pennay/eaniart of yesterday con
4ainrtheppiniun of:Judge Crier, delivered in
the CiatiitietiottoVlß„Pnited.:.S.tutes in East
ern district of Peonsylvunle, on the application
of the Parker's for injunctions against certain
Mill-owneri milord they alledged infringed on
their patent meter wheel's. The Court refused
the application for -injunctions, thus virtually
putting an and to the claims of the.Parkers.-:-
,Cedwaleder and Campbell "for . the rarkere—
Mallory, Poniose and Waits for' resiondents.
Vo!num' ewallows - the . iiieguliir
-nominations" With 'admirable cOmplacary and
philosophy. As the Volunteer remOrked in det
Arden some weeks ego, , uperhaps Gen .Cimeron
want* a,couple of members from Ciunberlaind
to vote fur his .election to the U. S. Senate"—
and now perhaps the Volunteer itself has to help ,
swore those two identical members: ' , The
Buntline seem to be "pretty thoroughly whip
All they ask or the Cameronians
° gentleMen,you have: us 'down, bnt dont for
t pity's sake point your fingers at us :"
‘, •
titer Contains a aali' for a grand Rally of the
Wjug nfataunolt old .Unlon - noonty: on the 17th
e4September, at which ,Gov. Johnson has an:.
PaPin4 . nn invitatiott.o he present.
ViirPratWel;fit!r; hae:ciused to be
otn'theDoottict papas e . foLtig 'isomtpunicatlon
of the explifion eel - Uphill-le: It I:eight : lN,
thought he has othotthingi to 'think .of lust,
10;37.A. NpicticAmo crovrani *Unity' ivP111"(i
Meld'io'Ptifl4dolppla on Wodnosday noiti th•
ligth 'instant. ' ' • "
' '''l•ge halms Luio Tiotrre.t:We .6118 i ' stated
that Llaiiiiim intenilitO.iell-thp selit'Sfo enni'ii
jeCiieert afauctiiiiittlint . the dtg
tic are "to he
'Slitthientlx'iolothit,' latish color' o. have parileiii•
• tiriiitys of aegis iiesikoi.ted bye 'fictmecoliared
liffeAlie'ilakiiti: l ,efithithait "ushers, tsiiii cal;
l affed wands, ' are the fortunate andhar
py poessasors of the tickets to their mils.
Slate of Society in„ Philadelphia,.
Tho local items in die papers of Philadelphia
arid ; pie adjaloini•distrloti lhatrelor sometime
past been of a etarthrig and alarming character.
Shtunefut riots rard-olnightly; - oicurrelmeii 'or
lon is a'common crime , .Whifeithurders
ietetitragiens Chitrileter ore Perpetrated
)5 , in the streets, The imPunity with which
these crimes Met' dommitted, and facility °tea
cup° after the deed is done, argue a moat ia
menMblo system of policet•-;Take a coaplealf
_ -
recent instances for example.
On Stinday. morning week,a little slidl
o'clock,:a Spica ,the name oeIiMiST•VT - wax
shot down,at the corner of „Sight!' and South
streets, Moyanientting. No:other' cause then
"pale wantoriac;i4 is riSaiglied "the „corninis:
sion orate horrid
. deed. The murdered man
had been in the country only afew.montha. A
men by the name of Patrick MCCLAIN, „Said to,
he the guilty person, and an accessary mulled
Illohymne, have beCn'arrested and committed
-to prison for further examination,' - Neither, of
them' are over p 1 years of age. The -probabili
ty is that by perjury on the-part oftlicir assuci•
ates--proving an alibi—they will yet etteapepun
"";` .
On Monday evening Week, about B:'o'elock,
another murder of even' more atrocious chime
ter, was committed in Gaskill, near South at,
SotithWeil:. The victim in this case was Mr.
Chards Etiid,i Wet:ill-maker and nn ,cstims-
Mc &alien, who had just left his store in Fifth
street near South, with a small box of hie most
valuable watches . and jewelry., which he ,was
Viking home. He was soft upon by three or
four men and dabbed to the heart! "The mur
derers then fled with the box, and the poor man
followed them full belle square, crying 'mur
der,' when lie fell down and expired. A num
ber of witnestied the deed—and let the
murderers every one of them eaca'ped ! This,
too, belt remembered in a populous part of .the
city—at 8 o'clock in Are evening when most
of the people aro in the streets ! ,Is - anything
further needed to show-the inefficiency of the
encourage rather than prevent crime?
Nor is this all. The columns of the city,
• papers are filled -with outrages of a kindred
character. We copy a few from lastTimeday's
Ledger, for example 7 ,
Outrageous Doingra.—Abdut.dusk, on San.'
day evening, a party of rowdies, in a' wagon,
diecharged a volley of fire arm" at a crowd of
young fellows standing in Lombard street,
above Broad, and then, with a loud burro, they
drove down Broad street at a-rapid pace. The
party were supposed to be adherent] of the
Franklin hose company of Moyamensing.—
Though no person was hurt by the discharge,
yet the affair caused considerable_ excitement.
:The -party in the wagon proceeded- ea far
Shipper) tared, when they cried out "Go t
Maya," and were fired at by a crowd, who,
though friendly,_were__depeived IT the above
cry. Three Grille party, Thomas Wylie„lefin
Finnegan, and another named Cunningham,
are said to have been wounded, Finnegan se
• -- Mark-the-coolness with-which this- is
But here is another specimen of the Sunday
evening amusements in the, city of 'brotherly
Firemen Atlacked!-- - -Tho Mechanic Engine
company was attacked an bth' Street beloW_
South, Moyamonsing, on Sunday. when return
lag from the fire. A volley of bricks wee thrown
which partially drove i.lw members from the
rope, but ths Presence of the city polies at
South strerl„Eleterred the rowdies who made
the attack from committing further violence.
The piesenteof the Icily police - seems to
have spoiled the sport. The Moyamenaine po
lice are more considerate and never interfere
'in such matters: But to continue our ex
tracts :
Stabbing.—Thomas Dardie, wee on AS'uniey
evening stabbed by a comrade, William Her
ron, iri the vicinity of Seventh and St. Dirty
streets. Though the wound of Dardis was in
the breast, it is not thought to be serious. IL
was net arrested.
Hero is another of the same ;ort
Rioting.—Yesterday (Monday) morning, four
men, giving their names BB Robert Moffit, Wil
liam Ellis, Samuel McClain and John Green
leaf, were charged before the Mayor with riot
ous condo -A, th the neighborhood of Smith end'
Schuylkill Sewenth streets, between 9 and 10
o'clock, on Saturday night,and-firing at officer
*itmene,_Platate_w_ere fo_und—nfron___areenleat
and Moira. -They were all boundtver in 01000
bail. Several suspicions persons were taken up
during'llic night, some with deadly weapons
upon their persons, who were taken care et by
the Mayor,
'The earns paper of the BOMB ' date, has the
following account of doings in the Northern
, .
Another - Row.—Loot evening, (Moi;day)
there woe a running, fight in Brown t Street,
from New Market to third, between the
adti -
rents, or runners of the Lafayette and North
ein Liberty Hese Companies, in which atones
wre fitoly need and one plaid discharged.—
As far as we could learn, no one was Lunt, nor
were any of the rioters arrested. Some of the
parties to the fight liad just returned from an
excursion up the river.
If nny of our good citizens, remarks the
Reading Journal, are disposed to visit Philader
phia they Should 40 so in squad', well armed
'after the manner of western adventurers in pas
sing through the territories of hostile tribes of
Indians, or aerat) the robber regiona of Mexi
co. This is the wily safe plan. We had rathi
er encounter a Comanche Indian or Mexican
guerrilla, than a dvuthwyk or Moyameneing
desperado bent on revenge or plunder. Aa for
the pollee of those districts, wo don't know but
What it would be as well to fall among the
Philiotines at once as to get into their clutches.
4 > Adams County Items
PpMarLyANTA CM,Latic CommcuccupT.--
-The an ri - Uircatelogun of Pennsylvania College,
for 1850, shows the institution to be In a flour
telling condition. Tlio total number of stu
dents is 142, divided thus : Senior's 18, Juniors
30. Sophomores 12,Freslimen11,Partial Course
-9, Preparatory Department 61 The annual
commencement takes, place (intim third , Thurs.
day of September- The Baccalaureate Addnuni
to . the Senior claws will be delliered by the
President, on the - Sabbath preceding. On
Wcdncaday albunoon, tlia annual discourse be
fora the Linnacen Association will be deliveied
by Hon. W: D, Kelly, of. Philadelphia.
ti•Petiir Ilake,,the young man who walla
severely • burned in the college building, tin
Wednesday evunin g week, whilit filling a lamp
„with camphino, expired on Saturday 'horning
On'last Monday, Mr. John Speck, in the ern
ofJobn jr, ,of -Union township,
__dropped down dead whiistflingaged in loading
Samuel R. Russell has been appointed Asso-
Oda Judge,.by Johnsonein place °fain.
George Smyser, resigned ; and S. S. McCreary,
Notary Public, _fin plaetkol Samnel . R. Russell,
WABIIINOT. 11 .9 1011 6. -- WAITINI3TON, Aug.
22.-Many; tumor! ara afloat that th•
trails° are about making . important - temovali
in MiroMit'a. The 'fidlovving-"tiAtiliakeiti :See!
spoken of: Stephen Pieasantp:it, sth 41tuditar
Treasury ; Jas. Q. t drards,r and pine; 'Eja...
bank;eornmtuPf tenSiona,,andfr,atains
dersdn,chief Clerk Treasury Ciepartmeitt la bp
removed. •It le 'laid that Daniel Weinnef, his
iiiejiiicethi.i'iinittieidiut. prance' ap aiLdiritor
0 settle L6'0'441111190 kortpgal. , '
'lotc,L e utent at Ilarriobarg
'Decision of the . .Coslrt `Riot—Arrest of Slaves
,1‘ :aszd.Oteners.
t taingitipktcillia city. papers wd have the
,fettowittinceauht of n.diaturbanco in Hartle
thet-whieh,pedurred In der,
B lighty it - ciektgly of years since : -•
- • PARitylollllo, Atlgllnt 24.
COmmonwealth vs. Sanitiel Wilson, George
Brook and Billy—/ i areeny. These three de
fendent, nogrpge v . eaSyped:daring the -InP!lttl_-Pf
July, 'from their iniistirs, In Clark county, ya:;
near Battletow n , , or , Berryville, a i d- ou ,the
,night the iStSners Of the novae's missed
alio three bosses, saddles sod bridles.
Wm. Taylor, the owner of two of the slaves,
and-George #, Eisler. a resident of 'Berryville,
krrired here,nome days,-ago ' and made jeer- .
intitiOisbefOre'lieuryglleader, Esq., - charging
the above named defendants with larceny and
fugitives from justice. Upon this a warrant,
rind' "Wore iiitinted Sind.]
judged' in jail.
On last-Tuesday. an application wee mode to
the could:then in session, to bring these men
before them, on a writ of habeas'
corpus, the
next morning; wnich - wae grantdd„-and the
next day
,the cowl! decided to postpone the ease
until Friday, in order to dispoie - of the jury
trials first. s
' On last Friday, the' defendanti were brought
into court, and were defended by pawn andludge • lVlnkinney. The owners, Win. Tay
lor 'and George H.
,Eialer, underwent a long ex
amination, and it wan Oonclueively :'Proven, ae
the Court admitted, that three 'men were slaves
from the State of Virginia, and that the horses
stolen were, no doubt, used:for the purpose of
-rendering their coseape from bondige more . easy
and effective.'
. . . . .
•The whole day ofFriday was ocaupied by
this examination and the argument by counsel
cin'bdth Sideti,'"llMprosecutidn of 'which was
conducted by ;Users. Konica!, Lembertbri add
Canton, when on Saturday morning his Honor,
Judge Pierson, delivered his opinion, deciding
that the BilLYCll,couldn9t be held on the charge
of IttenanY, and ordering that they should bo
discharged, to be token possehion of by their
lawful owners.
Upon the announcement of the above -ciceir
ion, the Owners of the slaves and their assist
ants proceeded to the jail, in.ordcr to acize their
mon ao eoon es .the iteepor of the prison would
discharge them. A groat crowd, chiefly com
posed of colored persons, bad by • this time as
sembled in front of the , jaiF, and all the avenocu
with men, wo
men and boys, of all colors, and as soon as the
doors of the prism were opened, and while the
slaves were still in the vestibule of the prison,
Mr. Taylor seized hold of one able Men, when
the slaves resisted and a general melee com
menced between' master and slave, in which the
slaves were.fmally overpowered and handcuf
fed• but not until some severe, byt not danger
ous Wounds ware inflicted on both sides, in
which the slaves feria decidedly the wqrst, but
one made his •escape, and is, no doubt, sato
enough era this. •
While this melee or scuffle was going on, the
negroes outside encouraged and some assisted
the slaves as much as possible, but were prin-
cipally,prevented fromdoing-mtieli - hurm - ,to the
men engaged in the recapture, by thp„, largo
iron grated door in Trent of the vestibule. which
wan dosed. Tho Court wan made acquainted
with the facts or a_ riet.liriv)ng actually ,oin
menced, or woe about - to commence. Upon
this information they ordered all t h e men -Co.
gaged in the vestibule of the jail to be detain
ed, one charge of assault and battery, with jn.
tent to create it riot and all.partiesalavesand.
owners-Were committed to prison. •
Immediately after the affair wee somewhat
settled by the confinement of nil parties, the
court commenced Wading bench warrants for
the arreat.of the ringleaders. ;riders, and abet
leis in titc'riet, end ten arrests were actually
made in the course of an hour. Then , men
Were placed under heavy bail, and some of
,them committed.
On the assembling of the Court in the after
noon, application was made for a writ of habeas'
corpus, to bring those ownersand assistants in '
the recapture before Court, and ask theirAis
charge from confitterrnint. This was granted,
end the case was immediately brought, up be
fore the - Court, who,.after a lengthy examina
tion on the part of the Commonwealth, only
houndthe parties overla the sum of $5OO each.
to appear and answer at the - next Court of
Quarter Sessions.
In the evening, Mr. Taylor came-before the
Court, and made information naturist the Mayes
as participants and actuators in the riot, on
which the *levee ware committed, and thayara
now in jail; but there wilkno doubt, be a writ
of habeas corpus tented on the next Tuesday,
(to which day the Court adjourned) on which
the elavea will La heard, and if liberated cubed
we may expect another tumult.
The uproar and °anticipant during this day
was very great, and the judge- of the court
thought it-advisable, to call on General Seiler
for volunteers, who promptly obeyed the order,
and had in a vary iliert time a sulficisut num
ber of able bodied men inuler_his_oammend
armed with muskets, and bayonets fixed, to
di.perae the Mob,. principally composed of co
lors') men and women, from the front of the
jail. All is quiet now, but I fear t h e Worst is
nut over, as the owners seem to be determined
to reclaim their property at ell hazards.
-Sinee the riot the owners of the elavo
have been relersed from confinement on the
charge of assault and battery.
Whig Nominations. _
The Whigs of Lancaster five re-norninatad
their eloquent Representative, Thaddeus Ste
vens, fig. Congress,. and Messrs. C. L.• Hun
seeker, Bertram Shaeffer, Robert Baldwin-,
Jacob Hiseley, and James Cowden - for: •Assem'
bly. John L Thompson, Esq., for Prosecuting
The Whigs of Mercer County havo concur
red in the nomination of lin Hon. W. Howe
-for Congress, and further, nominated C. G. car.
ver, for the State Senate ; and J. G. Cunning
ham, for Assembly. •
The Whig S.snatorial Conferees of Adams
and Franklin counties Mot •in conference oh
Thursday of week and unanimously nomi
nated Thomas canton, Esq., of Frumklin, al the
, Whig candidate for the office of State Senate,.
The Locefecoe of York eo.inty on Thursday
nominated Wm; IL Kurtz, far Congress; Jacob
S. Ilelilemen.•Afea. C. McCurdy, - and. - Edwin -
C. Thorne, for Asecnibly ; and James.
chanan for District Attorney. '•
ABOLITION COmvis-ricni.—A convent i o n com•
putted about equally of whites. and blacks, ha 4
been in session in Cazenovia, N. Y., Frederick
Douglass in the , chair: Thirty fugitive slave.
were in attendanpe,who adopted an address of a
very incendiary character, whioh was ,after
wards 'adopted by the convention:' Another
address has been issued to the abolitionists of
the north, recomrneidng W. L. Chaplin, who
is now in the Wasingtot: prism), for the abdac . ..
lion of slavei, s tis a eandid.tte (or the Presides-
ny. Couvenren Mai hot, so far, produced
any very obvfimi unpression;nor lilt very Pro
bable that Mr. Chaplin will ever attain the po
%Mon so munificently tendered to film by this
convention. The Convention, bitiug 'ago inseall
ehurchekand ail corporations, met in one of
Oatutes 'fairest groves : 'Resoliitionfwere
cidOted - against the North,adainst the Poittb,.a
'phut Free Soil; and against' almost everythitig,
and everybody: Their ultralsm has disgusted
even the extreme people of that Ultra section
of the State. -
APPLES ON A GRAVY % . 1 111C.—Decatur E, Nice,
Esq of Potter Ole 'grows a, grape vine .twined
- round an apple tree. The hao.for--yeare
bore blossoms bat no fruit. This., year fruit
appears, which' externally is apple, with, its
down its flush,iti.ttifted.crntra, &a., internally
the_pnlpy teXturs ignore grape than apple, but
the 110•4 and gape lar, - . legurnent fever the
l o'jr6 2 *The - POCIUWASit 111(f1 . 0.111iy; V9O are he* been •se:fled:"i7he'l"ortugnees
.goiamosent le toloky aU elairas!".of United
States; except flan .oletta ,oa ,aceauas.,,of. th i p
privateer'.Armotron'g; witfoh 4 to 148 referred
to a' third'Vower ; ehosseratAlui
for adjustment, ' . -
• Interestimf from Nevitt Pimikers.
ST. 1.01J114-AligUSt 20.—The Republicsnlos
received kilenigence,',frpin Santa Fe to the 16th
ult. The elections under the State Consiitutfon
_of New Malec, took placalon the 30th'of June,
and resulted 'in thw chute. ot' dr: Henry: dim•
nelly for Governor. and', Emanuel Alvarez for
Lieut. Go,. Wm; S. MosSerdi
. way eieetett
Representativap Congress, by 500 majority'
over Hugh N.fimith. •Mombers of the Legis-
Nuns, yearstwisnelanted, and : the body
- ned . at the - titrie appointed by the , State Consti 7
tution, when sotiia curious Seenea;were , roAted
-The parties are divided—one advocating the
territorhil,'atidthe other qtnln Government.—,
A - reetettei of-the Senate Presented hie - `
fiats .and ; was-adm ittet,-but-it-befog--afterward s. found tbat:ha:Sehtlitfnot vole with thelvajority, -
he was excluded from taking . his seat, and his
opponent - admitted. • Hereupon a number or
Senators and 11:epicienlatiies, wittuppw, leav
ing the house voitfinni a querura. The remain
' ing members - took upon theesselyes'ibe.respon,
eibility_to fill the vacant reale „.leith . men
enough to form a quorum, and proceeded.pith
the huffiness; Major Whiteman and
Major F .'A Cuaninzbatn, both late payer.estets
in the.Upiled Stranli army, wera.elacted
The Indians fCerecentinning their depreda
tions ibraaghout all parte of, Noe hkexieo.
An camas which leti Santa Fe eeillaraj t deye
after ibis party, hroiight sealed deepathee and
orders for two thointand stand 'of arnia.
The wife of Capt. Etottn, of tlin ,[3. S. A.,
died at Santa Fo 00
,tkin 20th of. Jtkly,.
CioPe of New Mexic.o were very firm
and promising. •
Major Whiteface is expected to 3 rrival.6lre
(St. Louis) inn few dap, on his nay to Wash•
Important front Texaq
NEW Oeteure, - Anti 22.—GrAreetee deice
to the 18M met., here been recaired. TheLrg
islature met on the 12th inntent. The•qaTer
hor's message was rroeiTec,l, It_prscoe4.lo..
speak of the unwarrantable assumption or pow.-
er of the federal Exeetitive, by-direct integer.
—once with the municipal affairs of a sovereign
State;cAnd *flounces discussion useless. , No
reliance must be plaCed on the delusive hepe of
justice to Texas ; but weimust assert and main
tain our rights at ail hazards and to the last
The only course left is the immediate adop
tion of necessary measure, for the'occupation of
Santa FO, 6t h ample force to repel the arro.
ant' and re °Mous spirit existing. _Should
'ltch measures produce a conflict with the pre
stOke the confederacy to its centre. - Texas will
eXcirferaTed tiefore tl}e ivories Authority
is asked to raise supplies fur two mounted reg
iments 14 the. .occupancy of Santa Fe ; oleo;
for a force sufficient to enable the civil author
ity to execute the laws.. •
It aleo-says r however-w tiling -Texas-May be;
to dinpnsuof - a - .portion of her lkforthwentern
boundary, no respectable party could accept of
the propositions embraced in the Compromise
bill, but if a proposition had been offered to
purchase_ that part north of 34 degrees latitude,
with proper gunrantee and observance of the
rules of 'annetalion, it would have been satis
The news of the engrossment of Pearce's
Senate hill, with the Pre:iident's message ree
peCting-Goi: Sell's letter, was received at Gal
vivito° on thel7th, ind'produced great dissatis
The papers sty the =moire Till ornuse feel
ingot of indignation throughoot the Stute no ,
Datil, • -
lr'ram California
New York, Aug. 21.-r Thu steamer l'hiladel
phis, Pvarson, from Chngres, 7th intl.,
...arrived hera'this morning with one million of
gold dust, bringing hatesfium Sin Francisco
to the 15th July..
The accounts from the various cligglnge are
favorable. Nov diggings have been
ed lately, on the upper waters of the Yuba and
Feather ri4ra, which promise welt, but the
A lump of gold and quartz, weig,bing thin
ty pounds, has teou dug at the dry digglogs.
In the Slothern mutes many murders have
been committed by Chillan% and Mexicans u•
pon American shiners.
T4c"settlernent.Ot Trinidad Bay was in
state of conflict with the Indiana, end! , eight
have been killed.
At liutabult tout Klamath Alia sense difficul
ties emiat, and want' Indians have been kill-
The Grid wagon . serhas the plains had ord..
ved' at San Fianniedo, with W. Fl. Moore, and
funnily, from Indians. The party started on
their journey on the 10th of-April. t
Shiuve liieurrectioti.
W./01i1RISTON, Auguit 22.--We learn that a
slave insurrection, 111 which about 'four bun•
died negroes. were engaged, was discovered in ,
Lnivades county, Ala., last week. The rendez
vous of the negroes was fired into by the white.;
when one 'of..the slaves Wag killed, and twenty
others woundedh-rioeW of them fatally—the
balance obtaino safety iuflight. It. is said
that the slave's had been incited by soma per
sornvho had been loitering about the planta
tions for some Time.- Large parties are is put
amt er.hiln,.end a reward of $6OO haa been
offered for his apprehension. It'is thought that
he has fltd towtrds Charleston, general ;
massacre of the whites is supposed to hers
beep intended. - .
The above report fa elnee.deolared to be •
hoax.' .
7heFarad Commissioners have ,gives
public notice, that sealed proposals, will be .re
cet:red by them until the inch of October next,
forahe sale of all that pert of the Philadelphia
and Columbia Railroad extending from the
eastern end of the Schuylkill inclined Plane,;
(including the gentylltill viaduct) to the cm,.
nor ofVine& Broad Btreets, in ttiii -city
rtijiadelphiatopther with all the•real estate
and old.materials.upob the part of the road
rendered uselesiby thinew road to avoid the
Schuylkill leaved Plain. The pro . c.eede of
said 'sale"shall 'not be lass than $200;000, and
' are to be applied lo Isyiagst second 'track - ter
-sir miles cast of Coluinbii,: and' iostralihte;n
such shoWcurees and • re•lay such. portions or
the - Railrosd melba Canal COMM iSsionsis may
diem useessary: '‘ -' • • ' '• ' •
formerly of Luciano county, died,: a fevr days
Once at Danville, Pe, under cireurnatencei
leading tovampicien that she vraa - tba- viatlna
;'a dreadflil outrage. '.Her 'death-bed disclosures
caused the arrest !if a. latifyer ' Rinkln
and William Crandall, a n of. the
toom, in vAio, she formerly , , Crandall
hair been
. cominity tothe Bleinneburg jail ,
LAWCIE iiroa_of Now Mexico,
ittho bill, pitsped tho'So'ntite @IA! . days
-'since goes thi'o4lllo4,lloualii not far
'train °lib it thotls;l;d:a q infra
teirilicky °Yoe thipi
a. large no in. mit!.cirl4 , eiit" York, which
tibia forty six
_lt 'Z.
in the Senate the •Frigifive.•SlOl9;ltlll_wstiti::
taken up and Mr. ;Vla.on's an;e!.dnietif.adopteit
without a division. It provides hi elfeOt, that:
'three commissioners shall be appolnted.ln
county ki the federal judges of the etserelju
diCial districts, who sholl no;Jr iinddeclara, in
a fair mannri, - Cirerii caee.of ari alleged fugitive
flutn . 'slavery, the, dep,usition or affidavit of the
owner, certified before 'some judicial officer air
the State from, which the: . elate 'Stay lave fled,.
and proof of the intleotitY of the pr4son
ed to be soffiCtent proof to whit rout theidelliery
of the fugthie to the, claimant, who shall•bo
subjectfo•no-further nielestationin thiCecto**
adsce of hie slave trick to the place from which
l 'he had fled, the decision of the Cumini , sioner
tieing''fii r sal. — Trio Itilarvhal and his deputies aro
directeil to executt.'the• • wariants issued by
these aJthmisaioners, arid 'a' penalty of sis:
moriths 'imprisonment; or a lino of ono r-thOti
sittid•dollarefa Imposed upon [boats who shall
aid in the escapi of a 11107• from hlCiiliffinant.
It also provides that if the slave 18 rescued from
the claitnaot after being - delivered, into his
hands by.4bacurnionisiocor, his or her slave
shall to paid out of the Treasury of the United
States. •
Several other an were proposed,
bur tte,t acted on. Previous to adjoin wog, Mr.
Unde'rwomi gave notice in the form of no a
'mendment for the entire bill, which was order
ed to be printed.
In the Hodge .arious amendments of no spe
cial intirettt Were made to the appropriation
WEDNESDAY, Augu4t, 21
In the Senate the Ftlaitil_ft Bill-ties
and-r canaideration. Mr. 'Pratt', amendment,
making the UnitA)SiStett liab:e for tli• value
or an (-Peeped dace.: when the Fe.! officara
ro.l fall to deliver :aim up to the claimants,
wav dehated all day without coming to e
4 the House the Civil and Dip:tuna:le appro
priattun bill was' taken aiNanditisende.Lineey:
eialunirnpj;taist itertirnlar.. TIM principal
feature of the day wee a wb'ia iiisrus•ion be
tween Mr. Stanton, of 'reriar , see, and "rhail
deus Stevens; of Peons/ la M. S t anton
aectued the late Ad . of `Wu wrings 1
in regard tu Portugal, and or sending a squad•
ran to Lisbon to intimidate that Govern:neat.
Mr. Steven's, as a friend of the late Adininis
' !ration, repelled the charge with characteristic; -
energy and success.
Tito Copgressional pron:eilings of Sattieday
were confines' to [boss of the }loose, the Sen
ate not having baeci that day in ties•ao: and,
excepting ode ti , :igle - particular, were of but •
remited interest. The exception was of vast -
iinportaace to the country, being nothing lass
than an aruendnient offered to, the Civil_ and .
D.plornatic Approbation bill, by Mr. Hatuptoo,
pros that the duties now laid upon all im
ported goods stou'd be levied upon the overage
v due uf such good; in the year 1816,wheihtlie_
e.xisting-tariff_law-was-tiassed.• ••As-it. •wiff he •-
reinter.hered that, in that near, hireigii guide
.were getieially ffii;,Far than note, irmi - m krtic
ulor, the effect of ellen anieuctriiiout wbuld have
been to increase custom-bouSe duos., to some•
total of a protective characterAind .Pennsylva
vania would have telt the ble , sing. The
amendinent, it is understood, is :•,unstaritially
the views of the late Secretary of the Treas
ury, which hod been previously - urged upon
and rejected by the Commit: e . of Ways and
Means. We are sorry to say it met no halter
Pate from tne llouiti. Mr. Toombs. excepted
to it on a point of order, and the Ssealrer, -o
verruling prodedent, diet led it to lie out of--or
der—atin hn dee wihn was suet eined, upon ap
peal, by a pour inajurity cf. four* lutes. it to
quite iestiinielaing the courageous
with Si h:ch Curgresa can reline relief to the.
deep -nd grinding wr.,ngs if a patriotic Al/ltr
leas State like Yenrisyltania, while 'eager to
iota away the public treasure .io a the batten's
honer, to sile“ce the seas: less cl,rners of a
half rebel and hail foreign State like Texas.
'Mr. Hampton deservea credit for his attempt;
tbougri uuavudmg, who h was, moreover, as•
we are aware, only the last of a series' of -ef
forts, made in various ways, and ail Stunt at
t e yawn estrallle_ead_ot_reltet—to—reutlylva.
nit by a tetv•a to the prot,:etive
Tux FortnEsT DIYORCE CAEit.—Mr. Forrest,
the tingedian, has published his declaration or
complaint bcfMe the Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas in_the city and county. of Phil
adelphia, setting a decree of divorce. from his
wife,,whom he charges with adultery with ries
.on.different-poreons, the same whose - 11111110 if
figured in the former petition to our Legisla
ture. Mr. Forretdt ens Tars that his statement
is true to the best of hie knowledge and belief;
that the said complaint is not made out of lev
ity and by collusion between him arid her, the
said Catherine, and for the mere purpose of
being. freed and sekratad from each other,
but in sincerity and truth for the cause men
tioned in the said libel. • -
I skaiaisa Electio9.
Intawaratts, Augu•t 24. The re+itit - of the
election held io this State on the sth inst . , has
been fully asnertitned. The Democrats have
a majority of 0 in the Conventittn to frame a
new Constitution ; and in the Slate Legisla
ture the same party has on joint ballot a major
ity of - 45.
11l iesou tr it lElecliota,
ST. 1.4J1111. August It ie prittvvrell -as
certained that the Whigs in this State • have c
.leeted four °plot the 6v et•mgre.soien, making
a Whig gain of four invotkre - for — the z_thlrty
sccoo4 Congress. - There is 'alio a strong
illative majority against Col. Benton.
LEGAL M►ral►tOWlAL OPIA11014•--NVAL.potic
Judge Lover'', vie at Pitteburg, has recent y de
cided that a wife possessed of property .ia,:thiir
' Oen right, under the 'PanneylvaniA him Join
the to the rights of married wornen_in regard'
to property, peened in 1848, ' cannot he, permit
ted to become bail for her husband far the stay
of execution of a judgemeni for debt.
NN.H.ENCILAND c.414.51G1E.-11. the NOW Eng
land Colleges in 1840, there WAS an aggregate
of two thousand and ninety-three "snidents ; its ,
1847, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen—
decrease 180. .This decrease is abundantly ac—
counted for, however, by the rapid growth of
college institutions West pod South.
- Tug Er -=
vacv.Theist artifn DanVilis and
vicinity, 118 uninhabited dwellin g ha melt, ns
Elllcertarned Ity the Deputj Matelidt, i taking
the eedans. It affords_ a earl commentary on
the Influence of the tariff td 1846. •
- /**The Cautp dieting el'Shiewbbury, York
county, numb,red, ne . er 400 l ento. Lott Sun- ,
tit of& there were 10,000 persons
on Ole ground, tier. Mews, Btlavr, Sergeant.
Smell, and opher. ':•prive horn of
the Methodist Church being , •.
TIfiTEXN)I4VANIA itAp.lto#l3 will be opened
itond the'lSt i4tqr.iwi tn . Ilopiditysttnx. At
Floilideje6rg the it?stl connects 1 ith
ti a Littlritstd adliio,ll ‘ 94 ' of
81.1 inilee. , -
tx ( n
ptarros_osoirntinsit.”4-.Rklnor_ gals that - this--
prelate 'wil! i at the next vocatio of the taiit,'
era or the
.Phurek k otFer hi - resignation and in 7..
lents) his Inekineefor 11 . 11141aCCIy10{. '''
The Tathif of 1106!
_ Poynnlf.--;Wo Ore:pony. to_peolLo til t ed thot
there is a, groat deal of thetreol ex!stingin__,A l 7
legheny, gip., at prOsiot. • Thp:Onutie: i*,,lnebs
bly the "toptittgo of the coteon tactoilOo; which
is foli, in iroeteri.oflensltzgie6ily almost of:
pry :inbabiltint. folicoving: is the number
orripernttifee throfie'out , or.i.mptoytnobt .
Efole Cotton Factoiy,
Hope "
Star, "
Total,- -• 1220.
We regret to learn that „the proprintore of
theca -eatablieltmentei hare' noffe'red much accent',
loins, owing to tile. tremenchine gnantity - of
ported-gouda brought into the market, that they
have determined to keep their mills clotted for
sump - Months. Indeed they have fixed on no
tin for re,opening%them.. - .
- HAntusittuna. Ipcomotive of
last night's train Jcamrt in contact will') a cow„
when obdut four miles from this city, , which
caused' the engine and tender to- upset, snta•h
ing the possruger car, which c.titained a large
number 'of 'emigrants. •
• Altwist Ito aut, one-of the passengers was in•
stanity killed. Five others were seriously in
ured. One of them was brouget up to the
city this morning, and is not expected to' sur
17r:Perlispa the ultra furious course of Mr.
Taoinbs upon Alto slavery question, nth) in
awry, part be accounted for, by the fact, that
withia a year or . , two, he haw bought at the
Strtte of Texas some 50,000 acres of land, seine
_Where, vie understand, near the disputed line.
To% lioN. Troy. T. McKzxmas, Secretary of
Lint Interior, hit's left Washington 'fur his home.
his health being:somewhat impalred: It i 9
hoped that ft bow days will restoi.e. hie hes)th.
A eIIUD - .lll.ecting_w.lll be ITold for - Carlisle
Ci.ctuit on The I.lllli of Mr. John Dunlap. about
four mile: , South of Aletthanies,tug: to C.(7,111-
111nlIce en the 11111 of September, I R5O. Preach•
ers and' people from- the neighboring stations
and etrenits it:e respectfully invited to attend.—
Perettni dogiring to lent on the ground, will
please bring then - tent frnmes ntonv with them.
aug2.B . 3t. , • .TAS. SANKS, P.
Ledger , and, News, —ll3
'll - 1T: undersigned hereby gives notice—that
on and all the -first of September the ddily
i ; :edgor. not be served by a
carrier at the residcnce of subscribers. The
subscribers to these papers are therefoe reques•
ted to sail at the book Atone for their pa pe.r4.
Aug .2.2 ; 3 9 /M. , DAV
FT...11.12. Assortment et I2l)K1S - just rreeier
ty - s yl by the subscriber. Also, Glass Tubes fo
LOit La lig. 12 sale-yliciip by
. H. SAXTON . .
Pure Cider Vinegar.
Oim bnrrel pure cider virgar, from the noun
_ - To Shoemakers, - -
GROSFI e'en; elides lOr Jenny Lifninhoco
jjuni ro..eived by (.1 W 1 . 111 , N1.11..
;mg 28, IMO.
York and Cumberland Rail Ro?..ti CO.
011 ti stockholders in this Company are here
notified that an election will he held on
the 2.1t1 of Seinember next, between the hours
of 10 o . 6o:tit. A. NE and 2 o'clock P.M , tit,the
alike a: the Company in York, for choosing a
.r,. , :ahlent.. and six Directors for theenoumg
'A , s,-,that a meetln.e, of the etockholdbrs will
wild chl at Brow n 's: Lyre Building, in Bilitl•
mint, ole , Jloroloy rrenina. the 16th of
,to kei•elV(3 the annual report $y order,
Aug,. 21, to. ELI LEWIS,
Estate.of 'tills. 0, 4eedne, ih et
Letters of ettlaitnicti•ation on the ea ate
hoffias C. Re'vme.lato of Shiremansto
Cumberland county, deceased, have been gran'
ted by thearet - Tiswr of said county, to the s b•
scriber, imsidine in Dauphin county. He wdl
aretni on Monthly 'the itd ot September, and
overy oilier Nlonday for two months thereafter
at the residence of the doceased,,ivliere all per
sons Indebted are requested to melte immediate
payment, and thnse haviqi_ehtints to present
'hem fbr settlement to 4AW.I.
- Aid - T2,,'50 6t. .ddasinistrafor.
, lirplans ozirt
On TIILTIZSDAY, the 311 of October, 1850
pC virtue of an order ofttle Orphans' Court
of Cumberland county, told an authority tot•
the parties in interest who are of age, the sill,.
foriher will oiler at politic sale, on the premises
'the ttillawing property, tote th: estate of Mi
chael Brandt, of Dickinson towns't•p, decd,
A tract of Mod situate, in Hockerst Mr, in saie.
thckinson,township ,enntaitinig i i ACI2I',S rd
first rate Limestone Land, adjoining lands of
Newcomer, Hacker and others oil ot• whirli is
clearest and in a - high state of cut t
&tout •1 Acres of Woodland. t,eimprovements
are a two stort I) WELLING
110 US F 1 and Frame BARN, a good
TN ANT HOUSE with Stable',
r. 4 ,17 1, a well of water to
,each house, to
,fzt:teett).tethett" with other out buildings.—
A I so, all tirewird iof choice unit, 2rtmtipally ap
ples. Also, at the same limn and place a tract
of Timber Lam!, situate in Dickinson township,
at the South ftloottliiiii, containing GRES
of young and thriving timber, adjoining Limbo
Gen. Nili:ter, Newcomer and others. Terms of
sale will be made. known on said day when at
temlance will be given by the sub.criber, Guar
diatt of minor childritt of Michael Bran:lt, dec.
and attorney of those ttho are of toll age.
far subscriber offers for sore, n valuable
Farm of eh 'lee arable land, hitollte in West
Peansboro' township, Cumber land coun , y,' ou
the Contalogninet Creek, cig miles wept of
Carlisle and within two and a halt or the Cum ,
bertand Valley Rail Road, coutainitik &mut 180
GRES in aWO state of cultivation: 'Mr! im•
pravements , are a 'inio :story W eatherrboaqml
110USE,Snioke House, lee House and Wash
House, and - riTitnoll well of Water st the door.—
Also, a large Think Earn, Corn Crib, Wagon
Shed ordor and a good Orchard.
There is 17 Acres' otAirst rate Meadow.tind
, .
bout :!.5 - Acres of Timlcr Land on the ;opposite
side of the creek, which will Le sold with. the
Farm if desired. There has been between fin
'and six thoussod bushels of lime put on this
g••ni lately. rere is also a large Lime Edo,
arble el ht rokg from iti Lb 1/1 0 . basiads at a
olizast on the property.
nme2Btu . . WILLIAM AL CETI.
G7Laneaster Vacsfrouad copy tf. and lend
bill to this Office for collection. ~ .
:Town Property at Public Sale, ,
On &du , day, the 14th of September,. next.
LL said at public sato on the premises
in Springfield. Cumberland county. a lot -mid
tWo.thirds of ground, situate on Main street,
' -having thereon ereeted'a two-sto
.. '"*"- ty DBICK DWELLING
HOUSE, with - Kitchen attached,
a story FrarneSlloP,
e.., 20 by 22 feet, together with a large
STABLE.. The supplied—with—n
good well of water, and an 'abundance of the
choicest fruit, including Apples, Peaches, n vo.
riety of Plume, Grapes, - &o.. Persons wishing
to view the property can do so by calling on the
'aubseriber:''Snle to cornmeoce at I e'elock of
aaid`day, when 1.601111, which are easy, will be
made known by J. F. COXEL,
Aug 28 to ' , Agent fee Alar;earot Row,
°use-and. Lot at Ptiolle Sale.
. .
On SATURDAY, the 14th of Soptembor next,
WILL be sold at public antO'ori the premises
in Prankford tOivnehip, Cumberland • county,
Pa., about two and a half miles north of Frion's
Mill, find nun mite northeast' of , Bloaerville,
and 1' mile west of DeWiliefl Tavern, n lot
tnining SIX ACRES, ; mare or less, of good
lund food. The improvomonts sta .0
TWO wroav wELLtn; G
4.0 t, t HOUSE. wentherboarded, with a
•i 0 I . Stone Kitchen windiest one . .and
. 1 ,a'half stories high, iind , rizlargo
A:Ood ltttln BA RT`t,aii
.end log and-Oaother -frame. -Also, a- well-of
paver failing,wnier nOtio'door of the huse and
variety of clioico,• fraii trees, Salo,' to cont.;
menen tit one ,oselocka.,t4l ,- , when, attendiiiind
and,tertiO' Inad^non by
Jr..lidguay'2B 63.1: .
lieu) Sb,ucxtiliellicnici
Real Estate at Public Sale,
in p iz ,, a b dl i,..,00%.t.ite
jute i lia
. .
On Tuesday, the 17th oj',:§eptember, next, .
In pursuaricei Of an. order sii the OrPilaus'
Court of Cumberland. county i 'ill 'be sold at
Sale,a4the residence of J a va Ki ss i ng .
at one n'eloelt, Tcf . .Td., the following;
property of said decedent,
to wit t—A tract of land in 'West ,Pennshoro'
township, bounded by lends of Enos B. 'Stet...
rett, George Hofilebower, John McCulloch raid
William Kerr, dontuining 'DEN ACRES, strict
measure; all of which is cleared and in tin ex
cellent state of eultivation, having thereon e
.:- reeled n two story v , etnt rrl:natd
.tiltro etl DWELLING HO USE,fraine
:Tillf . BARN, and an excollent Appl e
!;,.. It j.
• Orchard of choice fruit, to he e ,, ld
''' ‘on-the-following teztrts- , -Foe - piir -
cent. of the parchqae money on confirmation of
the sale, one half Of ihe , rernainder on the lot of
April next. when possession will be given and
a deetLmatle to the 'purchaser, and the ren;due
in rive equal annual payments thereafter with
out interest. The grain in the ground to lie
reserved. The purchaser to pay the taxes for
"the year 1851. !I he whole to be secured by
ree.ounizance in the Orphans' Citurt With ap
proved security. •
August t.'ti '5O 3t. DAVID RINE, -
. Trustee appointed by the Court to make-sate.—
Orphans' Court Sale.
• By virtue of on order of the Orphans' Court
of Cumberland county, the follow mg Real Es.
tate, late the property at lease Beidleninn, de
ceasoi., will be sold on the premises, on Sitter.
day the 28th day of SErl EMBER next, to
wit : A tract of land, situate in Silver Spring
town - ship, scar to Kingstown, in said county,
bounded by Joint Senseman, George Keller and
others, containing T,WG ACRES and thirty
one Perches, of LiniGstone Lana, all of which
is cleared and under good fence; arid in a higli
state of cultivtition. '1 he iniproNe
menta area LOG DWELLING
Aly. usr., STABLE, and oilier
r otit•builditigs. A Young Apple
• Orchard of grafted Lnit at d other
fruit •rees on the promises. :ale to
CTMIMeIIe.O fit 2 o'clock on said day, and the
-terms made-ltnovvn by - •
Augn•ti 23'50 is. SOHN FIR EOYI D, ,
.4thiiiiti.,/r,tor of Isaac Behileninn dec'd.
On S4TURD.IY, the 28th of Septrmher, ?val.
ho 'Hnld at 1)111,1kt-sale (in the iv ethises
in North Middleton. townstopit urotterltadeo::
Ta., two tntles =oath of Middtt tex Attila, and
lour rod.-. east 01 Carhele, the to:.olt we Trill
Ittstate, ttr joining lands of I.).Nlikler, 14, 11 , ttt
trio's heirs and otheraxontainitt, HO Ai" R
of first-rate Limestone Land ill a high Itate of
cultiiatitin and Nell supplied ssirh all hinds of
f r uit, nod h r pleasantness of situation and etrn.
vertienee of running water
.ta stirpat,etl by tew
... ..
ploces in LiIC county - . The% totprostentelll9 era
a target anti substantial STONE
. AA/ HOUSE, BARN and °Our' ore
- '• ' o l, ' if f 'l e th s c ° l7ltre ' ll u n t v ' e l.n m u' o e tte t
r iSti'fvUtr)..cti°l::if
....f.,.,...1g . , - t it ttitititi property . ' for five year n s n u t
five pdr,uttr intete,t. if tle,tirec.V. Alto, at title
NIIIII2 time and pare a Hart of bad ,imate in
the tianin mile from Middlesetk, And
-1-from-Oni.lieleiojaning - landit'ofJOcii;plf Wit
mer, Robert Erwin and witailta, coot niatt•g SE
VEN AURK,4.ime improv tin aro-
siory - frame weallierboard4l 1101±8EiVamo
BA RN, a good bearing orcharrr,:&c. Sale to
comMellOC at 10 o'clock. on,when-at—
ihinee nrTlFbe given and tenni= on* kn twn
for Oil , latter tract by
An 21:50 41 SOLOMON BYLF.R. •
PUBLIC 5.8.T...Z OF. R.I . :11.1, _ESTATE.
,t Y ruretterwe _QC..sthe .7.orphane!.. -
.ort I 'CumiTerlaticl county, will be sold at
pu .; • ale at the late residence_ of B e njamin
Myers, deceased', onFriday the 11th day - of
October next, at - Itl o'clock A. M., the tolletv- -
ing I. scribed Real Estute,late the propel ty of
said decedent, to wit tract of land situate
in Pirkinson township, hounded by
j o i n , H us ton, John Fishburn, land of be said
Benjamin Myers, deceased,'and A Win Myers;
containing„' s.s ACRES and 130 PERCHES,
strict measure., of which about 70 acres are
cleared and in a good state of cultivtition, and
the residue excellent timber land, having there
- erected a two story weather•
n i z. boarded MOUSE. LOGSTA'
f.' with a well of tinter near
r `4,11, c i:mr, and goodit
-1"*" the
of choice fruit. Also, It Ten°
ant 11705 mid Stable: Also itt the sturfe time
and place, will be sold a small tract of flrst rate
limber band.situnte in the same township, and
hounded by land of John ll:datum the heirs
of, Michael Ego,. deceased, William Line and
Philip Spangler, containing 10 ACRES and 57
'The above desertb-d Real Estate will sold
on the following terms So touch ns may be
necessary to pay the costs and expenses of sale
to he paid on the confirmation of the sole by the
Court, one - third of the balance to remain in the
hands of the purchaser during the 10 of Eliza
Myers' widow, the interest to bo paid to her
Annually, and at her death the principal to be
paid to the heirs of the aforesaid Benj. yers,
dec'd. one hall of the balance of the Unrchnse
money of the tract first above described to 1 , 0
a s114.110—fl• 11 noa r
-will-be-giverrnud - a - deedma - de to fhe purchaser,
and the residue in two equal annual payments
thereafter without interest. The residue, of the,
purchase money of the tract of tinther land. after
deducting the widow's dower, to he pid on tho
first of April next. The whole to he secured by
recognizance in the o"pitans' Court with op.
proved security. JOHN CAROTHERS, --
Aug 28,'.50 is _ ..qchninisi;ator.
assignee's Sale.
OA MTURD.IY, the--12th of October
WILL be sold at public sale, at 10 o'cloCk,
A. H , on the prennses, the following described
tract of hind, containing about' TWENTY
TW 0 ACRES, situate in Lower Allen town.
ship, Cumberland houbty, one mile above Eber
ly's mill, on Cedar Spring, adjoining lands of
William R. Gorgas, Daniel Urich, and others,
with a well finished Flt A H E
4 7:1 1 .4. HOUSE, Wagon Maker's - Shop,
p-, 11 . Barn and other improvements there'
ill A on erected. There is also an oreli
1=,0.. ard of choice fruit. It is a desirable
location for a mechanic and worthy of anew
tires. . _
A lsO, tit the same time and place will be sold',
a Tract of foodlatal, containing TEN ACRES
more or less, Nitntlte in Fairview township,
York county, adjoining lands of Christian Gar•
hi'r, Wm: R. Gorgon and others. Also, a lot.
of cord wood on mid trues,
Also. ntthe name time and place will be sold
the following personal property, viz Horses
and horse gears, mulch COWS and other cattle,
Hogs stud :beep, Grain by, the bushel, Hby by
the ton, Wagons, Ploughs, Harrows and other
laming utensils. Also a lot of chestnut rails,
a untidier of quarrying tools, together with
Household rind Kitchen Furniture rind outer sr.
tides too itttotorotts t 0 inenttott. A Ifindanee
will be give. , jowl torms of sale made known by
• Aug22,'st) C lIRISTIA N CHER lA.
.11ssidneg of Daniel fleck.
- 007)11T SAZE•
'On ! Saturday, the 12th of 'October.
. BY virtue o`. '
an order of the Orphans' Court
of Cuinherland county, will he _sold at public
ea!e on•the premises in Lisburn, Cumberland
County, the following property, late the estate
of lasso Lloyd, deaCtlaad via : '
' A !louse and three lots of ground, salmi° in •
said place, on the road to Ilarrtshurg, adjoining
property of John.Sherich and Geo. Bar.
Wrbcr s t o r y . Tlie - houso Is ewent.herhoarded two
dwelling•HOUSL', and attachedto
!ail are revere! outbuildings,
.including a
!rge stable she'd, &c. There is a first rate.
well of witer,near the door. filso,,nnumber of
choice fruit trees; On one of the lute is erected
a good frame Cabinet Maker's. a ••:p. It may •
be considered a goad stand for That be.siness;and
holds out strong inducements to purchasers,,—
Persona wishing to examine the property tiro -
requested to call on the subscriber, living In
the premises. Sale to commence at.2.o'clock,
in the slternooon of said day, when terms will
be made known by RBUBIL4 STAR T
Auge2,'so ,i2dironiatraror. •••••
viimitriuuron moms !z;
• On MITA' SDA Y, the, .10th of October, fleart.
aV pu rs,,,mcc 01(111 order or the Orphans ,
I Court or Cumberland county, the iintleviiigned
Adminiktotor or Mealinin .11rptiteman,
will sell, ou the premians, ail the - interest and
'claim of the atittl decedent, being; the undivided
.seventh ftart in a tract: of land /it . .PCIIIIII.
born' tOwttoltip in sniol county, contaittin
191 A.c.A - Es
more or leis, holuided,by hinds of Michael Fret)
Jos ph I.:atilt*, George Bowman and others, on
which. is erected n Lure' Two Story
. • STONE' HOUSE, Bank Born, • with
IA Wagon S,ltett, Corn Cribs, , Smoke and
p Spring: flottsC, and a noter-iii,iling .
Spet.; of water which waters n num
lime of theliebis. Thep: is about Ninety Acres
cicarinl; and the renininder covcrutt with thrrs
ing„timber, Buflieietit'li:ooder-gro.wing on the
-in mimes to-furnishititsts foreste - fwr fenotita.--
et.lto it' altogitthee It issaie of the mitt dosira
lilt: trials of land in tlio 'county Com
int. nee pt. 'o'clock, P. At:, when attendattpe
be given and terms made known
pug2B J09,-17 USSER ./itinttr