Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 28, 1850, Image 1
- i. ' ' •• '' I ' L I. 1 n il . ' ti ~ , , . '747 • . , . , . , „..._. .... • ~,,,,...., ii,. , . . ~,,,..,„......,,.„,,:k,i.,._.,._.":•,_ .... 4111 . ......_ . t ,,,,0) , >,_ 1 4 ,74, • '--V - ii , ';'' - ' . , ,-._ • , ~,,,t z 5.2 5, -.4 . ---,,,...,-,...........;,, , ,,i,,e , ,...4 , , e ,,,,„,....., „ ,„„ av , , „p.10:F. , ,-;i1,5---,,---......- I / ' ' ‘ 1 • - t• i . - _ --. BY B. BENTTY. -darbs'. Card. 'Fit R. JAS. McCULLOUGH will give his attendancd,iii the various branehes'of hid profession, in town or country,' to all,t hat may favor him with a call. OFFICE opposite the 2d eresbyierian Church and Wi't's Ilotcl lately occupied by Dr. Foulke. • Carlisle sept 5 PHYSICIAN AND SiTaGIIION, .Doct. H. Hinkley. • OFFICE on Main Street, near the Post Of— 'Ace. Pr. H. is prepared to use Golvaniiina as a remedial agent lathe treatment of Paraly sis, Neuralgia and Rheumatic affections, but clocs.nat guarantee Fleeces from its application to all ur even any of these diseases. Relict has been given and-cures eirected--in a number of instances, and may be in ethers. March 27, 1850, Iy. Doctor Ad. Lippe, ' HOMOEOPATHIC Physician Office "-"- in Main street, in the house formerly occu pied by P. B. Lechler. ap 9 '46 Dr. I. ti. Loomis, WILL perform al :••• t 7 t ss'3, rr' "Zrf k i. r .„,‘ operations upon 'the Teeth that are requi red fur their preservation, such as Scaling, Filing, Plugging, &c, or will restore the loss of them, by insorting,Artificial Tooth, from a single tooth u a lull sett. (0 - Office on Pitt street, a few _aors_south_of_iltojtailroadAlotel._l.4_L. is ab, ent the last ton days of every month. .1 Card. Jr,. .1 • W. 11EN DEL, Surgeon Dentist ' inforins . his fernier patrons that be bas re turned to Carlisle, and will be attend to all c.illi in the line of his profession. loet3l John Williamson', A TTORNKY Al' LAW.—OrricE, in the Ilk house of nenr the store of A ti W Bentz, &ail Hanover street, Carlisle arson - 0. Moore, TTORA4 EY AT LAW. Office in the room lately occupied by 1)r. Footer, deceased. mar 31 _., .. - Win, M. Penrose, .._ _ ATTORNEY AT LAW, vat practice in . Mc sttveral Courts of Outnherland county. OFFWE. in Nluin Street, in the room fovincs- - y occupied by L. G. Brandebury, Esq. James R. Smith, T t'ORNE Y AT LAW. "Has RE -- DIO VED his office Coll - eaten:es Row, two oors from Barkbolder's Hotel. _ [apr 1 ormonam :Imam JusTicE OF THE PEACE. OF FICE at his residence, corner of Main stYeet rind the Public Square, opposite Burkholdcr's Hotel. In addition to the dupes of J iistice of the Peace, will attend to alrkinds el writing, sjich aq deeds, bonds, mortgages, indentures, articles of agrecinent, notes, &c. Carlisle, tip B'l9. Plainfield Classical Academy, FOUR MILES \VEST Or CARLISLE. The Eighth S'essinii will COMllleiLed ow 010.7 V: DAY, May title, 1550. N consequence of increasing .pati'onace a „I„,,,large and commodious brick edifice has been erected, rendering this one of.the inn.: desirable instituttotis in the state. The various departments arc under the cute of competent and faithful instructors, and every endeavor will be made to promote the moral and intellectual improvement of students. The surrounding country is b ea utif u l and hcalthfid, and the in. _ stitption su ffi ciently distant from tewe to village to prevent evil associations. /erni3—ti , : - .0 ,r, Session (Five MOW hes) For circulars with full information address L; LT UNS, Principal Plainfield P, 0., Cumbarlatid County, Pa aplo,'so .117cattenty. CELECT GLASSIOA r, AND SCIENTLFI . O " ` IT is confidently believed that few Itistitutions .11. offer greater' laducementslo students Ilion the above. Located in the midst of a commu nity proverbial for their intelligence, morality and -regard for the interests of religion, this Academy can effectually guard its members front eviland immoral influences. Advantages are also offered to those desiring to pursue the study of the physicalseiences, surpassing thoSe Of most similar institutions. , Those having sons or wards and wishing to send Chain to a seminary of learning; are re spectfully solicited to visit Nowville, and judge of the advantage for themselves, or, at least, procure a circular, containing full particulars, 4 addressing JAMES HUSTON, Newville, avg 22 ly Principal. WOOD'S MOTFLi Corner - kgCorner of Digit and _Pitt a. at the 911 Railroad Depot, Carlisle, by 4,11 John Wood. iins Hotel is being completely changed and renovated, and will hereafter offer increas ed accommodations to tlte.travelling public, for whieh.tte coevaldent location is admirably cal culated. To those persons who wish to pass the warm season in-limeeounny, feW places will be found which possess superior attractions to Carlisle, bding surrounded by a beautiful . botintry, and haying . the best Sulphur Springs in the State in ho immediate vicinily. je19,'05 Extensive Furniture Rooms TAIVIRS R.WEA.VER would respectfully trY, call the attention of House Keepers and the jo üblic to his extensive etock, of ELEGANT FUKNITUR bolas, Wardrobes, Centre-and other ,'Fables, Dressing and plain Bureaus and every odor article in his branch of business.. Also, now on hand the largest as sortment of CHAIRtlin Carlisle, at the lowest prices. lgirCollins mnde-at dto'shortest notiee and a Hearse provided for funerals. die solic its a call at MS ental?lieliment on North Hano• ver street, near 'Glass's HOTEL. N. B.—Fur niture hired out,by the month or year. ' Carlisle, March 20. 1850.-131 John P. Lyn° WHOLES..A.LE and Retail Dealer in ° Forcignand Domestic Hardware, Paint, Oil, Watts, Varnish, etc, at the old stand,in'N Hanover street, artiste, has just received from New York and Philadelphia a large addition to his l'ormer stock, to which-the attention of buy ers is requested, as he is determined to sell slower than any other house in town. aptl9 • Lumber-Yao. ' THE subscriber would respeotfully inform his friends And the public generally. that he hart just" opened a now LUMBER AND 'COAL YARD in West High slreef, a few door's cant of Messrs 3 & D Rhoads's Warehouse . , _where ho now has and will keep • constantly on !rand a first rateassortment of all kinds of sea • monad pine hoards and plank and all other kinds of staff, all of which he will sell low for cash ' April 3,1850, JOHN N. ARIVISTRONO ,ISTOtiCe. • THE Conitnissionera of Calabarland county down it proper to infoym the public, that the eta ad meetings of the Boardof Cfontrniseioncre will be held on the, second and fourth Mondays of each month, ut which time any - P'aiiiiiriVirdififir business with said Board, Will meet •thom at their office in Carlisle. W,M. RILEY, Mi. AttogL • Dyeing and . Seouing. VITI.LLI A.lll BLAIR, iriLouther &Oct, *v. near.the College, dyes Ladies' and Gentle riten's apparrel, all colors, and warrants all Work 31)0 satisfactory— Orders hills lino respectfully geoited. • . . asp 2.'46 - NOTIOE. 'UNITIRECIA:S . ;.,ParaseIs Ott Stirishatles 'rustle; covered and repairoll; by thli‘siniactilibr at his - Tin Shop, in East Louther etteet,.Cse lisle. To , ms cash," , prises ' ' • Wtil, FRIDLEY. , Carlislo January . , 1.3g,' .s(i. • ": 01 _Faintly erewspaper,. Devoted to Eitel-angry, agriclature, Politic*. Business and General intellip • . • . THERE, ARE TWO THING'S, SAITIT LORD BACON,' THICK MAKE A NATION GREAT AND PROSPEROUS—A FERTILE SOIL AND .ausy WORKSHOPS,—TO. WHICH, LET•ME ADD, KNOWLEDGE AN ), FREEDOM.IffitAbp HatAr t)vrltirl)4 The Father to his Sick Boy. [ln the range of fligith4 English poetry there le hardly anything more touchingly beautiful than Leigh Hunt's address (aids little sick box.] Sleep breathes at last from out thee, My little patient hoy ' • And balmy rest about thee Smoothes off the day's annoy. I sit mo down and think Of all thy winning ways Yet ain't'sl wish, with sudden shrink, That I had lees to point. Thy side long plllowed meekness, -.X- Thy thanks to ail that aid, Thy heart hi pain and Meekness, • Ofihneleti faults afraid ; Thy - liftle trembling hand That wipes thy quiet-tears These, these are things that mai demand , Dread memories for years. Borrow 4 I've had, severe ones, I will not think of now ; And calmly 'midst my dear ones Have wasted with dry brow; But when thy fingers press And pat my stooping heall, I cannot bear thy gentleness. The tears are in their bed. Ali ! first born of thy mother, When life and hope were new; Kind playmate of the brother, Thy sister, father too; My light where•er I go, My bird, when prison bound, My tiau ht liiiiiirToififidiifen—no, - -.- My prayer shall hold thee round. To day "He ba■ departed"— "His voice"—"his llice'—"ls gone t" To feel impatient hearted, Yet feel we must bear on ; Al,, I could not endure To whisper of WWI wo, Unlege I felt title sleep 'lnsure That It will not be so. • Ye; still he's fired and sleeping This silence, too, the while, Its very hush and creeping Seem whispering nu a smile; • Brunething divine and dim Seems going by one's ear" Like parting wings Of rherubiln, Who say, "yVo've finished here." MUNI MqoUalt'lltl'9ll(.o • ' From the Mother'. Magazine. GOVERNING BY "MORAL. SUASION." I have a friend who is.a firm believer In it, and--who - has-practical tecarded —corporeal punishment as un clement in parental discip line. I saw him a few months since. lie was an enthusiastic as over in bin theortef govern ing by mural suasion alone ; and as I was a lit tle curious (o see the operation of his system, I tho more readily complied with an invitation to spend a day'or two in the family. I found that his Wife had adopted his views of domes tie discipline, and I very soon peiccived that their practice was in strict accordandil with their theory. There wore four children in the family— the oldent perhaps twelve years of ago. - I observed that during the time I was in the family the children did not attend school.— When I inquired of the mo tiler if there, was a vacation in their achoot she replied that there wue not, but that they had taken their children from the school they had been attending, a few days previous, because the teacher had peel"' lolled ono of thorn, and they had not been üblo at that time to find another teacher in whose discipline they could have confidence. • I think I had not been twelve hours in the house, before a case occurred which, in the judgment of the father, demanded the exercise of-lds-poculiar-eystem.—lt-was-titis.--Charles, a boy of about six years of ago, was rolling hie hoop in the field just in the rear of the house. The grass had grown so muchin this lot, that the father did not wish it trampled upon, and had previously given such directions to the children. My friend called to the offender, 'Charley, dear, said ho, in the blandest tones imaginable, 'don't you remember father told you yesterday, you musn't play in that , held any more till it is mowed V Tho boy stunned to have no ouch lecollectinn; but whether he bad or not, went on -with his Play• •C;harloy,' said ma - - father again, 'will you please to stop rolling your hoop, and coma a. way from tho mowing lot 1' No answer, 'Come, my son,. won't you please to do as father tells you 7' , . , no effect was visible, unless perhaps the velocity of the hoop was accelerated a little. .'Charlco, will you stop trampling oown the grans to oblige me? 'I am atraid your little calf won't havo any hay to eat, if you tread down the grass so.' •Dlcky don't oat grass; said tlni little bore ; and he - wat , on chasing his hoop. 'But mayghe would like some next winter, Charley. I urn sorry you do nut mind your father. Are you not going to be a good boy, now, and do es I tell you 7' Still the system did not Oporato well The ' r machinery scented to ho 'rusty. 'Charloy, my dear, do you remeinber the fifth commandment 7' . ; . I dare presume that all the children could havo repeated the catechism from beginning to, end ; they wero well instructed for both . parents wore professedly pious ; but Master Charles was .far too much engaged at the Hino to be catechised. Ho was doing a.great work, so ho could not cairns .down to . the New England ',tinier. Ho was training upliie father in the way he should. go. ' The mother then appeared at the door. 'Come, Charley dear,' - paid eke; 'come hero and see what 'mother has got for you. Como and play In the house with sister. .That's a:g . ood : boy.',- So ea) ing she, retreated, leaving the reins of government entirely in the hands : of my friend_ the . paterfamilias, who then said, in a tone of voice a little more neatly approaching, the point of sternness, but not quite reaching it. - • Chance,- lem aetunishatil. DO you mean to obey your :father or not 0 1'11 comojn a minute. • 'That'. right, my eon. I thought you would mind mo, because you know It is naughty to trample down the gratis, wporx your father mikes you not to dolt.! , '• - . •• Master Charles .did not happen to have nay watch with.lihn; so that his ininute'i Oroved to ho ti,yetl long oho, vrhich dirounuitance hie tattier rental-ed. though with groat• diffidence and_scladietrust a to hint to hint;'. 'Our •p_roxnioing young master, InLiving dome. locorikinllY • disenn.4' &QM . tho opinion uldresaio; and doubtlene,wiehlUr to give iron , Aing,coipmegtary on tho thiorrofgo:Ornment by morel suasion,then wont off in a tangent line chasing his hoop at Nil speed across the field. said my friend, turning to me, 'I sup pose your advice would be to punish-that-child severely.; buil Filial' succeed, without assault and battery—you Indy be sure of that.' 1 told him I was no friend of undue severity in parental;government ; that I hardly knew precisolvhow I should act in similar circum stances ; but that I thought there was senie'ex. cellent instruction conveyed in one of the fables I used to read at school in Noah Webster's spelling book about "an old man who found a rude boy upon one of, stealing apples." I said that the-old gentleman's course always seemed to me-to be -philosophical, and_ that at any rate, it wakeminently successful. After a few moment's reflection the father seized his hat, and went in pursuit of the young gentleman, who exhibit( d very . respectable acquaintance ivith some of the principles of trigonometry, by describing rapidly sundry arcs, triangles and rhomboids, Um' it cannot be de nied that the prosecution oftliis useful, science, juit at that period, sthnewhat retarded the ope ration, for the-time being, of my friend's 'sys tem of goternment. But the father soon shiiiv ed that he understood Euclid too—he urns a surveyor, - ty - the waY—and-OvbiliToirlfre-yo-fing master. Then he took him affectionately by the hand, and bretight bin], screaming and struggling into Lhe house. The triumph, how ever, was not regarded as quite complete. He seated the promising youth in Lho piazza, after having given his hoop to another child to put away, and addressed the sufferer in a strain consisting in about equal parte of reproof and consolation: 'Chancy, my-dear, dons you know it is very naughty not to tainOlither. YOU will never do tin again, will., you? There, don't cry any more . ; will Charley be a good tinny now ? ' Kiss me,. my child, and always do as father tells you. Will Malley be good 1' . Charley of course bad not the least objection in the world to be , ng good, if he could have his own warabout it; and after the kissing (which I could not help noticing, was a sort of vicarious kissing ; _all on the Bide of the father t ) master Charles was allowed to go about his business, while the father took occasion, for my ben efit, mat iu view of the interesting scene which bad just passed under my slice, to• deliver a homily on the oinnipotenco of moral suasion,, and the evils of corporeal punishiiiinf in paren tal discipline I ArElCikrif LIONS. Their 'Propensities and Habits. One of the ,most, striking things connected with the lion is his voice . , which . is.extremely grand and peculiarly striking. It consists at times ofa low, deep moaning, repeated five or six times, ending in faint audible sighs; at oth er times he startles the forest wills loudoleep toned, solemn roars, repeated five dr o xix times in succession, each inerealig in loudness to the third or fourth, when his V'tikle dies away in GX w, muffled sour:M.4, viiiy, much :re sembling distant thunder. At ~iitues, and not not unfrequently, a troop maybe io concert, one assuming the- leltd,'aild two, ttire'e, orfour inure regularly taking up their . parts, like persons singing a catch, Like our Scottish stags .at the ratting seasonVthey roar loudest in cold, frosty nights; but on no °cod :stun aro their voices to be hoar in sue per ac tion, or so intensely powerful as when two or twee strange troops of Jions approach a foun lain to'drink tit the same time. When this oc-* curs, every member of each troop sounds a bold roar of defiance at the Opposite parties; and when one roars, all roar together, and each scents to vie with hid comrades in the intensity and power of voice.— The-power-and-grandeur of these nocturnal forest concerts is inconcei, nobly striking and pleasing to the hunter's uor. The drool is greatly enhanced when the hear- Cr happens to be situated in the depths of the forest, at the-dead-hour of midnight, unaccom panied by any attendant,Ond ensconced within . twenty yards of the fountain which the sup rounding troops of lions are approaching.— Such has been my situation many scores of times ; and thought I sin alloWed to have a tol erably good taste for music, I consider the catches with which I was then regaled as the sweetest and must natural I ever beard. As a general rule, lions roar during the night; their sighing moans commencing as the shades of evening envelop the forest, and con tinuing at intervals throughout the night. In distant and secluded regions, however, I have constantly heard them roaring loudly as late as 9 and 10 o'clock on a ^hrigla t sunny morning.— In hazy god rainy weather, they are to be heard et every hour in the day, but their roar is .sub. dued. it often happens•that when two mate lions meet otO fountain, a terrific, combat en sues, which not pnfrequantly'ends in the death of one of. them. The • habits of the lion are strictly nocturnal; during the dayi he ties Con cealed beneath the shade 'Of' IMMO low bushy tree or wide spreading find), either in the level for'est or oo the mountain side. He is also par tial to . lofty . - reeds or fields of long rank yellow' grass, suet, es occur in low lying valleys:::- Front these haunts ho sallies forth when the sun goes down, and commences his nightly , prowl. When he is succeisful in bin beat, and has secured his prey, he does - not,•"roai much that,ltight,tonlii tittering occasionally a few low moans ; that is, provided no intruders approach him; otherwise the ease would be very diflerent. « . 1 remarked a fact connected with the lion's hour of &flaking peculiar to themselves; they. seemed unwilling to visit the, fountain with good moonlight. Thus, when the moon rose early, the lions deferred their hour of Watering until Tate in the morning morning; and When the mien' rose late, they ,drank at a, .Very , early hour of. the night : a a a, a a a 'o4ing to the tawny color - of ,the coat_ with which nature has robed him, he is perfectly in visible in the'dark ; and although 1 have often heard them lapping the water right under my very nose, not twenty yards from me, l could not postibty make out so much as their forms. - When a thirsty lion comes to water, he Stretch es out his massive'ainisdkestlOWn on his breast to, drink, and 'makes' it' loud . - ndisci'in drinking; not "to be . ,.mistattelh. continues lapping up the water for a long while, and four or five times during the : proceeding he pausns for half a minute as If to take. breath. '.:One , fthing'conspicueue about them ii• their eyes; which Ina dark night glow like` two bells of ere.—Curyrmirtg'f gfunters ire South .erica.' CARLISLE,- AUGUST. 28, 1850 Frain the Chrlettan Minot THIE - E;COOOL ROOM ' • Jane. Oh, Ezekiel, 1 have boon very anxious to come to the school-raom again order to hear abut thuiidur. We have had such severe derma arm we last mat. - • ' George, Yes, wo have heard the 'thunder clouds, and. now ..wo-want,to _know.. how it rolls, and why, and all aboutit.- Ezekiel. Well children, thunde'r'is tho noise made by what is called the .concussion of the air, when It' closes again, after triiing been parted by the lightning's flash; Frank. Alf: I sea ; still air being a bad conductor, will not allow the flash - of lightning to pass through 'iti but-resists-it ;-and - so is bro.. ken apart till the lightning gets tlirough, when it closes again with a loud noise. Ezekiel. You are quite correct Frank., ' George. But there are several 14nds of thun der ; sometimes it is ono great crash, as if is. mountain was falling into the mouth of an earthquake; sometimes it rolls along over head for several seconds ; and sometimes it growls like eomo great beast. • - Ezekiel. When the lighteing otond is near the earth, the vibrations - of the air, which carry thereound - to - the - earTcome - altogether - uponr — it; --- and that mikes it appear as if it were a sodden, crash. W&li the lightninichiud is far away,' some of the vibrations have farther to travel than others ; and no we hear thson auccessively, And the deep growl is occasioned by, the dis tance and indistinctness of the thUnder. . . George. Than as the lightninteemas down from the clouds into the earth . •Wmuet Immo coma vibrations behind it; dime it not ? .Ezekiel. Yeti George, tho loweet vibrations are soonest heard, although they aro ',the last produced. Jane. I do•not perceive how thus. can do so Ezekiel. It is au, however. - Lightning tra vels about a million times quicker than sound ; and sound takes a second to come 380 yards.— Suppose,. for instance, that a thunder cloud were 1900 yards, wo should first hear the sounds produced on the surface of the earth, thin those farther - away . ; and - it - Would lie"hfiirei r ciiiida be fore we heard those sounds made near the thunder cloud itself. Multiply 380, the distance 'sound travels in a second .by 5, and that will 'give you 1,900 the distance of the 'loud. Now I shall toll you a common way, bf _ calculating tho distance of a storm. Suppose you, see a flash of lightning, and immediately place your finger upon your intim; if you feel six beats be. lint you hoar the sound of the thunder,the storm is a Milo distant, if twelve heat s seit is two miles, and soon. 0-- . . George. Well, I declare; that is an easy way to calculate, nor, ncarboss,„toi or - distance from danger; but please, Ezekiel, does thunder always have the :mine sort of sound. • . Ezekiel. Nu, in level coundries it is less ir regular than in hilly countries. The peal is broken by the I fty peaks of the mountains,and the echoes also twat to make the sound more terrible. , Jane. But iy does rain come down so heavy utterth Ezekiel, cause the lightning dieturbe the air, causing, t to rush together, and to become somewhat heated; so that it is not able, to hue. Lain scimuch water as it contains, and It - lets alLin_g_mat_sit. • , ' Frank. Yea, and this iithe reason why a gust of wind always rushes alter the lightning too, I guess.,. Ezekiel. You are right again Frank. George. Now, Ezekiel please tall us oonic thing that we must observe lbr kbowing . what yod have told us. 'Tell us something practical, I think you call it. ' Ezekiel. Well then boys try never to be near a tree, or meeting house or aim, or soy run ning water in a thunder storm. ... Jane. Why is it dangerous to bo near trees or mooting houses 7 ' Ezekiel. Because tall, pointed objects like the limbs of trees or steeples of rimeting-houses. frequeOly• discharge lightning clouds; that is.. they attract the electric fluid, and if any per eons are standing near them it will almost al waysloave the tree or other object and pass through them and kill them. George.' Will you explain how lightning is discharged by tall objects? Ezekiel. I guess that is easily done; sup pose that a lightning cloud 700 yards high, is' floating over a plain ; it is too high to Ale at tradted by the earth; but if a steeple or tree stand up fifty yards in the air, the distance is so mush less, and they attract the lightning. • Frank. But why does it fly from trees to men standing under them. • . Ezekiel. Lightning always„choons to pass' through the boat conductors; and a man being a better conductor than, a tree,, it leaved the tree and takes the man. " George. ohni! never stand below a tree' a gain, in a thunder' storm: ' Erank. Dees lightning go through the in- Aldo ofnee 1 • • Ezekie . No. It gasses over the outside' of a tree, but through Alio Insideef a man. • • Jane. Why does it not go through the in• side of trees 7, Ezekiel. Simply, my child, because the out- Side is a bettor conductor than the idetdo. The same reason/1 apply to the running water. If a man stands near a stream it is likely that, in , its endeavors to get to the water, the lightning may take him in Its passage, and so kill him..- It is dangerous also, tolls, near where church.... bells are rung,, and it is vary unsafe to run.or ride rapidly, during a, thunder storm, because .in thelket place the motion of the - bolls, and our own motion, In the latter ease, weaken the 'the resistance of the air, andincrease the.dan ger. Jone,_ _6h, t shun always kelp, In-the hoes° during a storm. , ••• Ezekiel But there is danger' in a house as well, ;. as in the field. And. there aro ,sorne,parts o f tho.honse.more dangerous than others: Jane. Weli c you do frighten mo. , • ' Ezekiel. - Recollect my dear child that 'we aro only 'peaking of what might bo, not *lint will he, so . that you'need not , bo.aflaid. For. tnitance heated'air'is tCooadtuitor ; and uRt it is not so cant to sit by.i storS as; in a coal place, It, Is not so Mica to Sit Ili the walls ea in the middleor, et room beasuottliglitnlng runs , doWn the walls. It, Lana; so safe M pull a boll during a storm as la abstalu.froM.46ing2o boOtittsalll , . , „ wire is a good conductor. • Jane: Where is the safest place in ha honed daring a thunder storm 7 Exekiel. It-is-safest to all -- in the middle a rooth, on 'the second floor of a house, upon a mattress bed or hearth rug. Geoege. Why ao? pledie. Ezekiel. Because, in the'first — Place, it the lightning 'ascends or'desceride, it will be some what spent by other conductors,. before it reach os the second story; and 'Slain beds and rugs are bad cinaluciors • • Prank: 'Please Ezekiel, what makes the beet lightning conductor for protecting a house? Ezeciel. A copper rad fixed in theitround, and rising to a point above the houso, will be some protection; George. Why do you 'ray' copper instead of iron, gzekrei.' Ezekiil. Because coppor io nor liablo totuet nor molt. Prank. ,1 wonder if there is any rule,or law for tolling how lunch rod conductors - protest booms, &c.l Ezekiel.„ Yes Frank, thcrin is. A r d will protect a house for aopaca all around it, four tithes the length of that part of 04 rod. rwhich in above the building_For instancs,..illlie rod_ is font.' feet aboyo tho building it. will protect it for foar times four feet round, that is for sixteen feet. And now good night to you all ; and try and recollect what I have said . about lightning. ./ Help One Another. We have just found in our riading a capital story, which.we copy for ill), benefit of young renders. The Mason it teaches will ha appa rent to a reflecting mind : A traveller who was crossing the Alps, was overtaken by a snow sioiin at the top of a high mountain. Tho cold belame intense. iThe air wan thick with- sleet, and' the pier - eing__wind 800 ' med to Penetrate his bones. Still tho trav eller-Ter a time struggled on. • 'But at last his limbs were benumbed, , a heavy drowsiness be gan to creep over him, his feet almost refused to move, and he lay down on the_enew.to_give way to that fatui _eleepw.hich_ is the last stage of extreme cold, and from which he would cer tainly never have waked again in this world, Just tit that moment he saw another poor traveller coming along the road. The unhappy man seemed to be, if possible, oven in a worse condition than himself, for ho, too, could scarce ly move, all his powers were frozen, and all ap peared to be jifit on the point to die. When he saw this poor man, the traveller, who was just going to lie down to sleep, made a groat effort. lie 'roused himself up, and lie crawled, for he was scarcely able to walk-to his dying fellow-sufferer. • Ho took his hands'into his own, and tried to warm them. - He chafed hie 'temples ; he rub bed his feet; he applied friction to his body.. , -• And all . the time he spoke cheering words into hie car, and tried tocomfurt As ho did thus the dying man began vivo, his powers-were restored, and he felt able to go fort . vard. But this was not all . ; for his kind, benefactor, too, *ls recovered by the ef forts which he had made to save his-friend.— The exertioeof rubbing, made the blood circu late again in Mama body. Hsgrew warm by trying ,to.l ariirm the other: ;Hie drowsiness limb returned again to Blair proper oircohitd the two travellers went on Hiatr way together happy, and congratulating one another on their escape. . t Soon the snow storm passed away ; the mountain was crossed; and they reached their homo•in safety. • _Now, then, young roadera, you will under= stand, that to bo happy andonjoy life, you have only to try and make others-liappy. Do this, and you will bo happy ao-ainging ON JoneNNO.JOBTLY.—A perketly just and sound mind is a Hire and invaluable gift. But it is still much morounusual to see such a mind unbisased in all its actinga. God has given this soundness of mind to but few; and a very small number of thoso few escape the bum of some predeliction, perhaps habitually operating; and none are, at all times, perfectly lrae. -I once saw this subject foreibly illustrated- A watchmaker told mo that a gentleman had put an exquisite watch into hie hands,that went ir regularly. It was as perfectit piece of worts as was over made. Ho took it to pieces, and put it together again twenty times. No manner of defect was to be discovered and yet the watch went Intolerably. At last it struck him that possibly the balance-wheel might' have been near a magnet. Uri applying a needle to it ho found his suspicions true. Hero was all the mischief; The stool works in the other parts of the watch had a perpetual influence on he motions; and the watch wall na Possi .hlo with a now wheel. If the soundness et mind be magnetized by any prodelictions, it must go irregularly.—Gsch. Tnn Nawarssen.—Of the newspaper US It means ofinstrueting the people, we will quote the opinion of Lamartine : n. Beforo this century shall run out journalism will bo the whole. preso,-the . wholu human thought. Sinco that Prodigious multiplication which art has given to speech—multiplication to bo multiplied a thoueand fold yet—inankind will write their books day by day,hour by hOur pogo by page. Thought will be sPread abroad to the world with the rapidity of light, (this was written before the introduction of the dee" trio telegra p h,) instaptly conceived; instantly , written ; instantly understood - at the extremi- tios of tho aortli—it will be-spr4d from, pole to polo. Sudden, instant, binning with tho fer vor 'of the soul which mado it buret forth, ,it will bo the reign otS•the human'seul in all its plentittide ; it'will not .hovo time to ripon—to accumulate in n book—,the book will arrive too Into. The possible from tacky le ,a " B%9=MM-A pious man once being in con:: ptiny where there Was ri portion'wbo -frequently used the words, devil, deuce. &Nand at loot took the mime of Goil in vain: .Stop, air, said the qld men; • 'I laid nothing while yoriefilj need freedom with the nein:Lorry:mu meetly but I Insist upon if, you shall use no such free- dorn with the name of my Master: • - tcrigpoak ae you mean,. done yon profess, antl•porfortn what you pronsise. A. FEARFUL STORY. THE DEMON BRIDE The New °Litmus porreepondent of the Con;. cerdia Intelllgencer, in his last letter, copies the report which appeared in the True Delta, of the case of ,a men who was attempted to be murdered same nights since. in the neighbor hood of Annunciation square, by pouring mot ten lead into his car, and says : This reminds me of a singular incident that occurred within'ins oirn knowledge, some years ago, in Virginia. Col. T., a gentleman of great respectability, and frequently_high_ehoriff_and_ representative of the county, died, leaving wife and several children, among them a very beautiful daughter about fifteen years of age..- The widow, finding herself embarasscd, oppned a boarding house at the county site, and among her boarders was a Mr. W., a wealthy mer chant, over forty years, but a very film looking man. This gentleman was the prop and stay of the family: gave employment to the eons, educated the daughter at a °fashion:ail° acad emy," and, very naturally, on her return, fell desperately in love with her, when he should have preferred the• mother. die pressed his suit with , perseverance, but the beautiful Mil- Bred r,a . siateditie alip,e_als, and the imp9dUnitios_ of all her friends. Finally, boweier, after two years of assiduity and delicate gallantry on the part of Mr. W., and the combined tears, entree .ties, threats and persecution, of her family,'the fair girl reluctantly stood before the altar and . became his wife. • The next evening a large party was given them, , but. in the midst of it Mr. W., being attacked with vertigo 'and sick head ache, was compelled to withdraw. 'His _young wife hung over him in the silent - watches of night, apparently-in deep dietross, and insis ted on giving him a potion ; she pOured out a wine glass full of laudanum, and he swalloWed it, unconscious of its nature. It acted as- an - emetic, but - left him - stupid and wandering.— Ills senses- reeled—One Anoment_ke_la,v_nio tionless, as if on the brink of the spirit world, and the next he would- leap up convulsively, a strong man in his agony.. Mrs. W. denied all admission-into-the-chamber:-- -At longth_lte fell into-a deep-sleepr —She-then stooped.for went over the mouldering embers—approached the bed—gazed at her sleqping husband—and holding a heated ladle in her band attempted to pour a steam of melted•lead in his earl She trembled, and the hissing liquid, Intended _to scald the brain, and thus kill without a trace, fell upon his cheek. He shrieked, in ezerutii tMg torture, and the revellers, in the adjoining saloon rushed into the chamber. - There writhed the still stupid husband, the lead riveted deep into his cheek, and there stood the: fiend wife, her bridal fillets yet upon her brow, the instrument of death in her hand, and an empty vial labelled laudanum, lying on - the floor. The fearful -realities of the ease flashed upon every one, and, in the confuaion.of the moment, she was hurried away, and taken to a distaarState. Oa searching the apart ment, an old magazine was found containing the confession of a woman, who had murdered lire husbands by pouring lead into their ears. The l ' iMlanum and the lead, it was ascertained, sire procured from the store of a Mr. %V., a few days befdre the marriage, and the ladle was part of his wedding gilt. The grand jury next . cnorniog found a bill tgainst the fugitive, and the Legislaturobuing in session, forthwith de -crecilmn-absoluterfiivormr:—Wharreuderrthis7 case most extraordinary is, that Miss T. was proverbial for,the blandness of her manners, and uniform sweetness of disposition. She was a blonde. The rose leaf tinted her lily cheek, as a sunbeam glows on snow. Her blue eyes wore indescribably sweet, and-her-golden hair floated around a form, more , perfect' and voluptuous than ever Apollos dreamed of or Pe trarch sung. The sequel of this romance is yet more singular. Years rolled away., and W. continued a wretched and solitary man. But the spell of the enell'antress_was stilrupou-his soul.' He'closed his Store, sold his estates, col lected his ample means; and traced her to her distant retreat, to make a now offer of his ,hand I She had just married a gentleman of high standing, acquainted with all the details of her career, huddering at tho tragedy, but. incapable of resisting her charms. Poor W.— Then, indeed, did the iron enter his soul.— "The,deadly arrow quivered in his side." His early love—his fluctuating courtship--his mar riage and the catastrophe—the flight—the di voree-4lis years of misery—the new birth of his passion—and now pi, disappoi4tment, final and forever—came crushing over him like an iceberg in tiro bitter memorise, and he prayed for death Whether his prayer was granted, 1 know not. he may yet wander, breken;hearted . over theeerth. If he dieffp , a more wretched, yet a purer and nobler spirit never winged its flight to Heaven A 'BIOTIC/NARY WORD.'—',lohn: said a mas tar tanner in South Durham, tho other day, to ono of Ida mon, 'bring'in some fuel.' John walked ofi, revolving tho word in his mind, and returned with a pitchfork! don't want this,' said tho wondering tan• nor ; 'I want fuel, John.!.' flog your pardon,' replied the man; tho't you wantdd•sometbing to turn over the skins. And off Ito wont again, not a whit wiser, but 'ashamed to confess his ignorance. Much met:i. itating (at Lord Brougham mold say, ho next pi tohed . upOn thei boom. ahouldering: which, ho returned to the coonting•houpe. -Hie-mister was in a passion.' • I• ' • 'What a stupid ass feu are, John, claimed ; want seine sticks' andiditivingsAo light the fire.' .0.11-h.iti' rejoined the rustic; 'that's what you want, is it? , Why' couldn't you say so at Ant, outer, instead of using a London die ',Armory word 1? ' , And Wishthl to ehow.thatta Wile not . nlono in hie ignorance, he 'Milted a comrade to the toner's presence, and, naked him if he knew what fuel was,. . . 'Aye!' aneworoxl Joe. !ducks and gem and gob Ilk"; l' ' Tim Srostsoti.—"l firmly bailee that most eyery malady of-the humanvfrarne el= ther by hig,hways or byways, connoted with lho';to. I must own, I never aim a fathiamblo physician, mystericlusly consulting ,the pulse of his patient, but-I felt a . desire -to exclaim, ! why not tell the poor gentleman at 6nce, Sir; you - hate entOti too much,' you're drunk too much, and you hive not token ens , cillikeogug4 The human frame was. not cre ated imperfect ; it In ourselves wh7flare made it so: 'Thesis exisnino donkity ,in creation sb - overladen as our stoniaehs. - VOLUME •LeN'O 52- A. California Funeral, The following ticeount of a funeral in Cell i fornia would be amusing,if it were not 'so shocking. • We find it ire the - Poeffte 'We w e re told,i, the other, day, of a burial which took place last fltll , at a diggizigti on the North Fork, Which, tur werkmiw one otthe par ties who officiated =a the occasion, (the parson,) we'cuutot help recording. , A miner took sigh and died at whir that was turtling out very rich washings, and it was net cagy to call man off to attend to many doge. that did not spay.' As the one - who - died - happened - to - be a favorite a, mong his companions, itwas concluded to have a general turn-out at his burial'. .An old Mis souri loctil preacher wasengaged' to officiate—. a grave was dug, and everything premised to conclude iu a solemn manner ; but as the Par_ son had never taken thoipledge, (orlad laid it aside in California, if he had), he thought it but proper to moisten his clay a little befrire his solemn duties. The parson being a favorite, and the grocery !mu by, he partook with one and another, before the• services commenced, until his underpinning became quite unsteady. Presently it was announced that the sad rite. were about to be concluded, and our clerical friend viticediFilliFitiiieteeidilyi to perform the function. due to his office. Alter an exor dium worthy of his beet days, the crowd 'knelt around the grave ;"" but as lie was praying with due fervency, one of the party, discovered lame of tho shining metal In the earth thrown from the grave, and up-ho jumps and starts for his pan, followed by the crowd. The good man o pened his oyes in wonder and seeing the game, cried out for 'Shares.' His claim was recog nized, and resorted fig him until he got sober. In the meantime, another bole was dug for the dead man and did Mot furnish the like tempts- - tion - to disturb his !claire ; and he washurried•— l i ftlerioliited without further ceremony." A - Steing of Pearls. A year of pleasure passes like a floating breeze—but a Fitment of misfortune seems an ligeicrf pia ._ What is the univoree but a bank thing in apace, pointing always with .extended finger unto God? ' Pride is the dainty occupant of our kind. , Beauty eventually deserts its poesenor, but virtue end talents accompany him even to the El= He who hates his neighbor is miserable. How - is it possible to expect that mankind will takce athice, when they will not so much as take warning. Speak with calnances. and deliberation on all occasions, especially in circumstances which tend to-irritate. Does not the echo in iho eaa shell tell of tho worm which once inhabited it? and shall not man's good diode live after _him and sing his praises ? The Sun is like God, sending abroad life, beauty and hapyineek and the dare like human souls; fur all their glory cornea from the aut.. Opinions may he considered as the shadows of knowledge. If our knowledge be accurate, our opinions will be lust. It is very important that we do not adopt opinions too hastily. The frioedship of some pcoplo Is like our shadow, keopinT 016 h -while we walk in_tho sunshine, but dosertingathemtoment we enter the shade. Experionco is a torch lighted is tho ashes of our illusions. col/Nutmeat brings a solace to all who enjoy Profanity and titaness newer associate to• gather. The rich Man lives happily, no ho uses his riches tinifiwrately ; and the poor mon who patiently' endurath his wants, is rich enough. GETTING Ilsim TO ar.—'Somewhere about here,' writes a southern correspondent,L-Alives a small farmer of such social habits that his coming home intoxicated was no unusual tiling., His wife urged him in lain to sign the pledge. 'Why„you see,' be would say, sign it after a while, but I don't like, to break right ,off at once ; it aint wholesome. The heat way al ways is. to get used too thing by degrees you know.' !Very well, old man,' his helpmate would rejoin, 'see now if you don't fall into a hole some of them days, while you, can't take care of yourself, and nobody near you to help you out.' Sure enough, as If to verify the pro phecy, a 'Couple of days after, be tumbled into The well. Here, the old toper, after a deal of useless scrambling, shouted for 'the light of hie ° eyes' to come and help him out. 'Didn't I tell you you so?' said the good, soul, showing. her • cap frill over the edge of the parapet ;_'yot.dve . got into iihole at last, and its only lucky . l'm in bearing, or You might have drowned,' you,.old dog you ! Well,' aim continued, lotting down • the bUcket, And up he 'came, higher at each turn of the wiodlass, Old lady's grasp slipping from the handle, down he went to the bottom again l• This occurring. more than once, roadejke temporary decupant_of the well euspicioue.—:. 'Look here,' screamed he in a fury atilt° last splash, 'you ore doing that on purpose—l know you are 'Well now, I am,' responded the 'omap' tranquilly, while winding him up once more. 'Don't you remember tolling trie .its best lb gefused to a thing by degrees ? ,km afraid if I was to bring you upon a sudden you watildn't had:lt wholesome?'' The bid fellow naiildnUlholp - chuckling iip - plicatiotrof Ida principle, and protested he would sign tha pledge on the Instant,'lf she would fairly lift him out. This she did, and packed. him off to 'swear in,' wet as be was. 'For y9u see,' she added very emphatically, 'lf ever Xoti fall jute the well again, i'll leave you there—l4lll Eniricerbeeker. IV • Reatenio CLIILDANA-A kitten alould 171!ys be kept where there areobildren i.whoa tbey aka tired pulling Hetet! they esso put It into their,fothenbooti. A. box of colors is tilwaye a goitre° of great aste(seient, affording them oft opportyoity. diubiog their feeco, and of, ap pedribg-iaalluoanidted pinaitoretir—lt well t 43 let them, know wlera the Neter voe nod piekles are; icePt s :le when gehiPtitteP jams they cony get a bit of otipsicu ea. t i aret days they should be allowed to put paean the iiiano,itailtliAnp tbeiieye their drutattiiike. Train theiti,lo ; pullgetttlernen'tfw,hleiter . e, abd js.ips hands on ladies' dresses: ' '.‘ `l.`i 111 10 E MI