/ ' • " . . Frotn Sartain's Magazine... THE 1110TEIEE*BLESING . . DT MM. it..suounriey What bringeth a Joy o'er thy pallid mien, More deep than the prime of thy youth bad seen 1 What kindioth a beam ih thy thoughtibi eye Like the vestal flame from a purer akyl . Sweet were her Wei, no the wind-harp free, "The smile of tho•babe that is horn to ins:"— . What miiketh.thy. home with its noiseleas shade More dear than the haunts where thy beauty strayed, Than the dance where thy form was the zephyr's wing 1 • --* Than the crowded hall. or the charmed ring, Than the flatterer's wile. with Ito dren strait; I" nThe.volce of the babe that with care I train.' What lendeth' the landscape a brighter hue - 1 A clearer spark to the diamond dnw What giveth the song of the bird its zest, As straw by straw it‘doth build its nest 1 1 What sweetsneth the llowerson their bedding elflike "The kiss ortlio child by my side that walks." Whatittickeiteth thy prayer when It seeks the Throne ____With_a-fervor-it.never-before.had-knowni._:... • What girdeth thy Ilfe In Its daily scope .For the labor ofiove..and the patience of hope 7 The freedom from self, and the high intent. : "The soul of the child that my God' bath lent." lritcyOting incts. CURIOUS FACTS TN NATURAL HISTO RY.—It is but a little more than twenty Years since the first crow crossed the Genesee river westwardly. They, with with the fox, the henhawk, swallow, and many other birds and insects, seem to follow civilization. The locust borer is not of more than thirty years introduction into the United States, and has not yet reached the na tive groves of the locust tree at the -south and west: It cormenced itis ravages on the east side of the GeneseA river in IS- M, and it was sevenyears before it cross• ed to the west side. The grain worm, or weevil, began its course .of destruction in Vermont, about the year 1828, and it progresses in the course it. ialtps.from ten to fiftden miles a year. 'lt has not yet reached Wektern New York toany extent,but the destroy er is on its march, and desolation will fol- , low its track in this great wheat-growing region. "-Rose-bugs liave been so common in aea-shore they hare floated in witWowS on the sands, haring been driven into the aea by winds, and drowned. They !wire only made their appearance in thiir re • gion, in any quaritities, ‘vithin two or three years. , • • The cedar or cher'ry bird was first no - treed-west of the now it is sotentst pest'as to induce many to give up.tVe / cultivation of cher ries, especially if near. woodland.. The plum-weevil, or curculio, which is indigenous to America, being unknown in 'Europa, was first - discovered by Mr. Godsell, the first editor of the Genesee Farmer,(rice which time s it has diner - it: mated its klf over the whole continent. The goPher, a species of ground squir rel with pouches on the outside of its Cheelcs.to carry the diitt from its hole, is very plenty on the west side of .the Mis sissippi, in Missouri and lowa, but has never yet crossed theyiver ititcrlllinois or 7ivisconsin. it only. works in the night, burrowing in holes and run-ways under ground—subsisting on the roots of trees, °grasses, and vegetables. -- There are per sons who have suffered by their depre dations twenty years, who have never been able to catch or even see one of these nocturnal depredators. The cut-worm is of recent origin. The first it was noticed as doing much dam , age, -- was durift - 1816 and - 1817;- notod"` as the told years, when the whole nor ' therm country approached the very brink _of famine. They are now universal. The Hessian fly was introduced, it is 'suppose by the foreign mercenaries in 4777, on Long Island, from their -bag-, gage, or in the forage for their horses. SUCHIESTIONS FOR SAFETY IN THUNDER BTORlllS.—Sedulously avoid all conduc , tors of electricity. Do not shelter under ' trees, nor go near them ; the great ma jority of accidents arise from want Of this precaution. Do not handle or be very close to metallic bodies ; a sejvaat clean ing a silver fork at. a window, during h thunder storm,the prongs being outwards, was struck, but not killed; a young lady, during, the same storm, - sewing near a window, was thrown from her seat and experienced a blow. 'The centro of a ioom, if a metallic lustre is not pendeni, is safer than any other part - of-the apart ment. It is not safe . to be . , between the window and the door, or fireplace, Where there is a 'current of air. A bed is the securest retreat; so all ye who fear, and fail to derive pleasure mingled with Jiwe In beholding this, the grandest Of nature's meteoisi?enstonce yourselves within the woolen folds, and, sunlc into your downy couch,if ye cannot fall into a gentle slum --ber, think ut least that, you enjoy compar• alive safety.—[Dr. Thompson's Meteor CURIUM .FACTS ABOUT 13A1N.--There is one remarkable fact_conneeted_vvith '^ the fall of rain, which haS'never ° yet re ceived satisfactory explanatiori : Over any gifen spot more rain falls at the sur face of the earth than above IL, Fleberdon mado - some - experitiaents to ascertain this fact, in the follbwing manner: He fixed a rain-guage on the square , part of, the relit' of , Westminster Abbey, away from the- western tawers, , ivhieh might obstruet the clotidti;antaher_ oil •thei roof o 1 a ) neighboring' house,'; and third, cnirthe *retina, in the garderr of - the, same. he number of inalieslef 'rEtkcaught on „the ..:Abbey. Was 10,on the house-top 18,'mud in the gardimP2; - Thirillestrious trench astronomer, Aragd; - has for many, ..years .noticednhe fall of rain, at different heights, at r the Observe - ten ,. Paris, and hie re ,. sults, with which 'hundreds of others. a gree, are like those of fleberdon. it is known' that the quantity of rain 'which 4113 at the•fobt of a mountain is considerably larger than that deposited on its' summit. • Matiy" explanations have been offered of this curipUp.fact, but none , to•whtch-the scientific hay'e given anew- pon ~i eclluitcuu c. CUMBERLAND ARP-PERRY HOTEL. Carlisle, JPelin'a. • THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of -Cumberland and Perry Counties, and the public generally, that.:.he., has taken that large, new and commodious Hotel, on North Hanover street, Carlisle, known as the'Cuniberland and Perry Hotel, and recently kept by H W Orth. The house is a new and el egantly flashed establishment, is pleasently situated, and,is furnished With good bedding and other furniture, and his accutnmodations are such as to make it a convenient and deoira, lil - e - stopping - placm --- HinTABL - E - Tiill be/ fur nished with the best the market ennafford, and • his BAR. with the choicest liquors. lie has al ways on hand a large sapply of eEEDv suitn hip for all kinds of Cattle, and good IFEEDIND LOTS, with other accommodations hich can. not fail,t6 render it a desirable - sem place. for' DROVERS. His S PABLIN G. is oxten: sive, capable of accommodating.about 76 head of horses. He has also about 200 acres of good pasture land for Cattle, witich ,can be had on reasonable term's. In short no pains will be spared to render the utmost satisfaction to all his guests, HENRY. GLASS. Fell. 13, 1850.-6 m. 'AIU TERSE 1-10T.EL. EAST HIGH STREET, CARLISLE, PA. I~HE - subscriber, (late of the "Stone 'cav il ern." Walnut Bottom Road,) respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he has taken that well known Tavern stand, in East High street, fOrmerly kept by Mrs. Wunderlich, and that he is now prepared to accommodate Farmers:Pedlars. Travellers. and all others Who may favor him with as . all, in the most accommodating manner. His•stabling,, which is largetandlconvenient, will he 'in charge of a careful Ostler. Ho flatters himself that from his experience as nn Iniceoper, lie will be able to render gene ral satisfaction. tnyl.3st C HRISTIAN HOFFMAN. Godeit Morse Motel, . • ADJOINING THE COURT HOUSE, CARLISLE; PA. THE• subscriberlensed the abpve urge and commodious HO EEL, situated odthe :orner of the Public Square and South Llano fer street,and /ately.occupied by Ben!. L Esh eman, begs leave to announce to his friends and the public that he is prepared to entertain 4 ,11.e.utt,'.a maims whicis,..e.none t ,fail, to meet TITE 110 USE ifaS the most pleasant loco ion in the borough—has been newly! furnished ,nd otherwise improved, and no pains will be pared to make - Those who may sojourn with mn, comtertable during their stay. _llia_par, ors aro large and well furnished, pod his cham• iers supplied with now and comfortable bed ding._ • HIS 'FABLE will be supplied wi It the best he market can afibrd, and all who are connect al with his house will be found attentive care _ THE BAR will contain the besClirin - ors the city can produce. HIS STABLING is entirety new and eaten live, capable of accommodating from 50 to 60 torses—making it a desirable stopping place Tdr - DR 0 VE RS, and will be" tiTtend . ediik a EH= 'ul - Ostler. in short, nothing will be wanting lab:elated to add to the comfort and convent. Ince of those'xwho may favor him with their ontronage. BOARDERS taken by the week, month, or year iKT7'ERI , IB MODERATE. febG'49•tt; JOHN 'HANNAN TWO VALUABLE FARMS For Salle. rinflE Subscriber o ers at private sale the fol lowing described Real Estate. No I.—Situated, in Northmiddleton township, 13 miles East of Carlisle, about-one mile North of the Carlisle and Harrisburg turnpike road, :ontaining 225 acres, more nr less, about 3 lime none and the residue black Slate and Meadow and, all cleared and in a.high state of cuitiva ion exceptGO - acres AN'ell covered whit' heavy Timber. —The buildings - are if vet'y fine two ' -,5 ,; story STONE - HOUSE, and a )1 1 good frame barn paltly new with Corn - cribs, Wagon sheds, &c. , ,afine II I •F : ' , spring house and a never failing spring of water near the door of the house, also, a good orchard of choice fruit. No 2.—ls situated one 'and a half miles North d • Carlisle, on the road leading from Sterrett:, .;ap to Carlisle, containing Ifs acres of first rate ilate land, thoroughly & well limed, except 35 .cres which is well covered with Timber, the mprovements are n two Story frame - dwelling louse and a large frame barn., all necessary out mildings iu good condition, also, a good orchard a choice fruit, this farm is well supplied with waterfor stock itrall the fields. Also, 2 wells o water near the house that never MAT - Persons wishing to purchase or to examine the property will please call on the subscriber residing in Car ARMSTRONG NOBLE. Possession will-be given on the Ist of April ilrequired. Payments be made to snit the pur chaser. 1eb.13 50-sm. Pure Fresh Cod Liver 011. THIS new and valuable Medicine, now used by the medical profession witu such astonishing efficacy in the cure of Pul monary Consumption, Sartifula, Chronic Rheu matism, Gout, General Debility, Complaints of the Kidneys, &c. &c., is prepared froffi the liver of the COD • FISH for medicinal use, expressly for our sales. (Extract from the London Medical Jonrnal.) . _ C. J. B. Williams, M. 1., P. R. S., Profes sor of Medicine in University College, Lon don, Consulting Physician to the Hospital for consumption, &c., says : I have prescribed the'Oil in above four hundred cases of tuber culous disease bf theLnngs, in different stages, which have been under my care the last two years arid a half. In the largo number of cases, 206 out of 234, its use was followed by marked and unequivocal improvement, vary ing in degree in different cases, from a tempo rary retardation of the . progress of the disease' and a in,tigation of distressing symptoms, up to.a more or less completefrestoration to appa rent health. "The effect of the Cod Liver °inn most these caseswas -very remarkable... _Even - in a few days the cough was the expec toration diminished _ in quanty and, opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, arid of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength ware gradually improved. • - "In conclusion I repeat that the pure fresh oil from the liver of the Cud is more beneficial in the treatment of. Pulmonary Consumption .than any agent, medicinal, dietetic Or regime nal,,that has yet been employed." - As we-have made arrangements to procure the Cud Liver Oil, fresh from head quarters, it, can new bo lied chimically pure by the single bottle, or in boxes of one dozen each. Its wonderful elßoicy has induced mimerou ,spurious imitatibney.. .As its success depends entirety on its purity,itio nlucb care cannot ba used in procuring it genuine. Every bottle having on it our written Signa ture, may be depended upon as genuine. Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oit:yvith notites of - it. Bien Medical - Journals, will be sent lo those who address us free of postage. . JOHN C. BAKER & CO., . Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, .6etlo 7 ly - 100 NortliThird_st.; Phila. Ho: For California, AV E advise-every-perry o - d - whesires - to go to tho Gold Regioh, to prepare them selves with CLO'FINNG suitable for that Country and climate, and'you wilt find thorn of every dosoription, and also to your advantage' ut • TROUTMAN & MAY'S . Cheop - Clothing Store, in North Hanover at. 'above Louthor. . (up 24 School. Examixiations ! , . EIDA.RENT i Ifol wish o improve tho.tiit - L -- ., derstandi , ros of their children, preparatory. io the examinations offilie Public Schools, can dcrsb Wealtiiig at P 0' R T Ell' S .S 11. 0 E SPORE, where . they 'Will find a.lergo, assort ment of Boys, Miens and..Oliildrons Shims, of theiniftiiiMpEatiforldiliShliiiirbesnunlity. • • • June& ' • . ', ,Queonsvirtre Er. ,Glass, . • . . . •.A LAIIbE and . general selectioil'of these etr• tidies in'every Variety •Itas been added to twee. eortmont. Also, a. lot of Cedar - Ware; embrac. lag .Tubs Cluirne;•Elucke.a, Pails, Re.; at mina tow prices; at.theP grocery Store or ..,' ... , -.. March 14,. •: . . .'! • car; it . E D y . , ' cod "Liner mil. -• ik „ A FRESH supply of Cod Liver Oil warranted genuipe, jitAL ?coot wed of ncit/14 _ t 3. Aliscelialtroo. • -MTat,ches-ana--Joiv;ityl , . .. ... ... ' 'AA. , CISEAPER niA'N. EVER -3•Ak Wholeselo and Retail—At the !'Philadelphia Watch and Jew " 4 clry Store,",,No. 96 Nortli-SE ) . .. „ .,5,..: COND street, corner of Quer; v.. iiiit'itiirr. 11 , street.. 'r '-- -- --- • - . , Gold Levers, 18 k. casesofullj .. ewellod, $3O gild upwards - .Silver Lovers, f ull jewelled; $l5 and npwarcia. Gold Lepinc, is k.„cases, jewelled, ~$25 and upwards Silver Lepines, jewelled, $lO and upwards ',., Silver Quarlier Watches, .$4. to 10 Silver. Spoons, equal to ,coin, per sett—Tea, s,6,Desert;slo, Table $l5, other articles in pro portion. All goods warranted to I.le4what the are sold for. .. . . • Constantly on hand a large assortment of line GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE . Also, an assortment of- M.J Tobias &__Co 6 -E-Simpsodi-Sanitier&-Itrothers,..E_S_YatesA CO, John Harrison,& It. Beesley. and other . superior Patent Lever Movements, which will be cased in any style desired "Arrangements have-been. made_with _all the above named most celebrated manufacturers, of England, to furnish at sitort..noticc any required styld'of Watch, for which orders will be taken and the !Mine and residence of the person or , dering put on if reque'sted C,ONRAD, Importer of Watches novB] ASTROLOGY, ASTRONOMY . , TRENOLOGY AND , GITODIANCY ' . •• , If p, 111 1 i:R4IN4 ( , i 1 1 ' , 11'.•(.4 ' \ ' : l '.; . : '4l II 0 or -- E g . , Profcecof C W riftoback, [yliO3% SWEDE`.] Office, No. 71 licast.-St., above. Bth, op pasha the Musical Fund Hall, Phil'a. $25;0030 HAVING I3EEN AVON. BYmy numerous friends on the late Pies' den dal election, should convince those skepti cal pensons who talk of EM LURES, 111:1h no such .7. , :i;g:= 7 4'..lMA's - ovrlints been known by . the erni.- inent and disiinguisheA A,stroomner and Astrol oger,,p. W. ROBACK, during id xffirn - riefice of over a quarter of n century. Do you doubt predestination ? Then why not Lvery man gain a celebrity of General Taylor, a 'Daniel Webster mint Ilenry Clay And yet there are some who are foolish etioniilco_ doubt.t_at- - a ,nay be born ith the power - Ter - §'ine into future events. I can' be possible that the destiny of twin should be governed by the mere, shuffling of a pack otlcardsl.thuLyet there are thousiguls who allow - themuelves - , - Inth - open - Monithsyto swallow the greasy words of souse old woman, whose true consists in filling them_ W ith wonders that are most difficult for the digestion of others, who are m ire cr6dulous, yet more scientific. It is _such that bring discredit tin profession that has Been acknowledged to be a science of The highest order,from,_time immemoriarAnd is the only pro tension tbat' has any authority to sustain it. The bight respect which General Taylor, and Charles Rea natiotte, late Bing or Sweden had tor Astro!, ogy, is shown by tine ir letters for their Nativi• ties to the subscriber, which it will give him great pleasure inn showing to those who favor hini with ft will. . In addition to hispowdt. to foresee future e; vents, he has the power togive such information an will effectually redeem such as are given to the too free use - oldie bottle. Ile is also caps. 'deo( curing diseased heretofore considet•cd in. eut•able MAI iia country by the ordinary medi eines,and wishes all to give him a call o ho have heed given up by physicians and wish to be ow ed. Ile will warrant a cure its all cases,and will snake no clitu.gd except for, the conjurations he shall - make" use ails Isis office. TV is ACM - asked what a Nativity is ? answers accenting to Geornaney, one oldie seven pointssin the science of Astrology, that it is la llorroscope anise future events of a person's life, carefully calk:hinted and transcribed on paper, containing un accousit of the luky and unlucky days in the snontlis and 'years of the persons life for whom it is cast; by which menus thousands in this country and else where have been prevented trom misfortunes dm' had beenhidslen us the woods of futurity , by re (erring to their Nativity before catering' on an speculation of husinsiss or pleasure. It should be in the hands of every one as their almanac for Isle. A Nativity of an individual canmuly fore warn the possessor of troubles that sire in future for him; those wno are involved so piX sent .dilii culties of,any kind must walcon the auhscriber in person or by lettetywhois-prepared u to exert Isis secret influence for"their immediate be 'Mit. Ile is ready to use. his influeace to foresnil the results of lawsuitsaed all undertakings in „which there is s risk iavolved, he also makes use of Isis power tor . the restoration of stolen or lost property., w Welt helms used for the advantage of thous:oldg in this city and elsewhere. Who can doubt a '.entleinan's abilities, Who has had the honor to lie called on and consulted with hv all the crown. ad liesuls of Europe. and enjoys :t higher rupota don as an astrologer than any one livingif flrisfie can be-consulted with at his office, or by, letter, if pre paid, and he is prepared to snake use of his power ou any ,of the following topics:L- Ilusiness of all -descriplasms;travelling Is) land or seaternirtships; advice given for their successf,pl accomplishment; speculating in stocks, merchum 'Mae, or rual estate:the r.eovering of legacieslin dispute; the purchasing of tickets; and the safety of ships at sett. Ile also offers his set vices respec ting health, wealtls , and marriage, love Albin's, -.journeys, In wsuits,ditrienity in business, frosts), and in all the emu:erne of life, and Invites all to call who are afflicted, corporeally or mentally. WEEED Ladies, 50 routs; Gentlemen, $l. Nativities calculated and read ifi fall, according to die Or Hales or Mnsculine Signs—Ladies. $1; Gentlomen I ,50. Nativities calculated according to Gemnim cyAr Indies, $2, in . $3; Gentlemen, $3 in full, $5. Spring Goods. MHE subscriber has•just retaned i irom the city with a large and va-ied.assortment' of FancY tied Staple Dry Goods, such as Mous de luines,"Bareges, Aipachns, Canton Cloths Fteneh --and English .Chintzes, Ginghants Lawns, Calicoes, Figured and Dotted SWiss variety of other Dress materi als to which he invites the attention of the pub lic generally. .CHEAP CHINTZES. • 'The subscriber would call the attention of the community ton lot of 4-5 Spring Chintzes at the low price of 10 ets per yard, the cheapest filt-of goods ever offered ism Carlisted= - LINEN LESTRES. for' ladies dresses and sacks. just opened MILITARY' CAPS. Juif opened ono doz. Military Cloth Cops, with oik.cloth corers, also; Sjlk:Oil Cloth Cops of same style for sale by G,' W. lIITNER. April 3, 1850• v;%,•• ILfneit A 1101); lo: of Linen Lustros, various prices and colors, ffiari - 6 to 5p cents a yard. 'Also, another supply of Ditid. China Penrl, Rough and Ready, Gimp, and Chip BONNETS.— Also, Changeable and Dress SILKS, in vari— ety, with a varied assortment .of Bonnet and Cap RIBBONS, Dross Trimmings; — &c. just received and opened by , _mpy29 . ' W. 1 ITNER.. ANOTHER REVOLU. 0 A MUHL A. HU BBARD,, having purchas ed of Alr. Henry A Sturgeon, his stock of Dragg, Medicines .&c.. would, respectfully so. licir a share of the public patronage, qt the old stand, corner of Pitt and High Streets, opposite the Rail Rood depot.- - He will keep constantly ott hand, an.. assort. merit of fresh Drugs. Medicines, Bain's, Oils, Dyo Stuffs, Perfumery, and a 'variety of fancy articles, he is (1010k.011110(1 6 to sell HO with give his personal attention to the busi ness, and paiticultirlk to - pitting up prescriptions. A liberal dedUction mode tor Physicians COllll trY-Merchants; and Pedlars.-- , Feb.l3, 1850 i • Prime Sugars, „ . • • • A largo loeof the roost approved brands, jut! rdeeived'ut 'MONY.SI3.S, N. Hanover et. AND the Inset FAMILY SOFT SOAP con be modeerendyfor .Bakery end use in few minutes by" the . tising.of "I bbiie"— Powdcra.~ Frir tliseiore of • • J. W. GBY. A RNOLD.S writing fluid, very Bu ilt inmiinr Ink. for solo nt,, amutanrc Cotiyanic,6i, rxxtm INSURANCE. TIIE Allen and Ease' Pennsborough Mutual F Insuranco Company of Cumberland county neortioratod by an act of Assembly, is now fully organized; and in'operatiorkundor •the knotty°, meat ef_the_foliowing Commissioners, v i t • Jacob Shelly, Wm . lt Gorgosi . Mptlidel Cook- Melchoir Brenneman, Ohrtstiau Stayntan, Simon Oyster, 'Jacob IF Coovor, Lewis Hyer; henry Logan, Bnnjamin 11 Musser,. - Jacob Kirk, Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wickersham. The rates of insurance nre 4 os low 'and ftworas 'tile as any Company of klio kind in thetState.— Per Sons wishikto become members aro to make application to rho agents of kite contpii=' , ny, who are willing to wait upon thorn at any time. . . . . BENRY Lo JA. GA C JACOB Vice I'resideat. LCwis,flyEit, Secretary. MIOITAELTOCICLINi Treasurer. - - - - • AGENTS. Cumberland county.—Rudolph Martin, New Cuphortand, C B lierman„Ringstown, Remy Zenring,.Shirerninistown - Robert Moore--and Charles Bell, Carlisle, Isaac Hinny, Median'. iesbarg. Dr. J. Ahl, Churchtown. "York county.—John Sherrick, Lisburn, John 'Bowman, Dillsburg, Peter Wolford, Franklin John Smith', Esq., Washington, W S Dover, Daniel liaffensbcrger, J W Craft. Harresburg.—ffouser & Lochman. i Members of the company having, policies bout to expre can have them renewed by mak• ing.application to any of the agents. .TAINCIENEMANCF. The Girard lAfeinsurance Annuity and Trust Company of Phil'a. II Office No. 159 'Chestnut Street, Capital 000. Charter Perpetual.' iIIONTIDIUE to make Insurances on Lives , LJ on the most favourable terms, receive and execute Trusts, and receive Deposits on Inte rest: The Capital being paid up and invested, to gether with accumulated premium fund. affords a PERFECT SECURITY to the insured. The pre mium May be paid in yearly, hall yearly, or quarterfy payments. The Company add a BONUS at stated pe riods to tho Insurances for Mc; This plan o nourance is the most approved of, and is more generally in use; than any oilier in Great 13ri fain, (where the'subject is West understood by lie ;motile. and where they have had the long edt experience,) as impeara 'from the fact, that out of 117 Life Insurance Companies there, of all kinds, 87 are on this'plan. The - first'BONUS wan appropriated in De ceMber, 1844, amounti ng to to' per cent: on the suns insured-under the oldest polices"; to 81 per cent., 7i per cent., &c, Sec.,on others, in pro portion to the time of standing, making' an ad dition nf $100; $87.50; sss, &c., &c. to every sl,ooo, originally insured, which is an twang° of more that-50 percent on the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the Company. The opdholon of the BONUS will be seen by the following examples from the Life Insu• ranee Registerof he Company, thus : ME Bonus'or Amount of Policy & Addition Bonus payable a the party's ddcense Sum Tneur d 1 1 -- - 15100•00 81,100*00 2,500 250'00 2,750•00 4,500 400'00 , 4,400 . 00 2,500 175•00 • 2'175'00 . 5,000 A3. 7 i'fsD _ 5'437; 00 - 205 - 271 -__333 Pamphlets containing the table of rates .nd explanations of the subject ; forms of ap ',lication, and farther information can be had at he office, gratis, in person or by letter, ad )4 iressed-to the Presi tiL or Actuary. 13 NV IrCHARDS, President. 'IND 1 , JAMES, Actuary. m2'l9ly . . , lestoration & Preservation of the Hair. By Ita Wise d Son,. of Virginia. Nlwls - &. SON, lind mg it altogether impossible to attend personally to the ~ , r cnt number of daily applications, from fill motions of the Union, for their remedy for Baldness, and for their celebrated HAIR To- NIC, have found it necessary to appoint a General Travelling Agent,"to visit different cities and towns throughout the United States, ; vesting hint with anthority to ntipoint sub-a gents, use and vend the Hai; Tonic, and to ap ply the RESTORATIVE, and to put them into the hands of - those Jte may appoint to ope rate wherever a sufficient number of patients in any town orneighborhood slrdr be obtained. Capt. GEORGE CALVERT, of Fauquier county, Va., is alone authorized to net as Gen, eral Travelling.Agent, with the powers above ndicated. Capt. C. may be expected to visit, as speed ily as practicable the principal e.ties and town of the Union. • N: 8., Capt. Calvert will always have on hand a full supply of the HAIR .TONIC (which cleanses the head of dandruff, "strong th ens and invigorates the hair, and prevents it, also, from falling off,) for the region of. country Most contiguous to his operations, or it may always be obtained at wholesale, and forwarded to any part of the Union', by addressing the proprietors, M. WISE SUN, Richmentl, K-Price per dozen cash. Six bottles kr $5 or ono dollar single battle. [nov2B,l y For sak in Carlisle by S W H A V Ell- ISE it F _,,.__....., ____ ._ 1 i - . i.,k M _ . Ildhousands qf mists Of Scrofula., Cancers, byphtlis, and other imp rot discuses of the lilood—a tut if the V l:llY SMALL T A Nl' [TY vehich teas used of a Medicine to effect cures 111 such diseases, bo any proof of the purifying ntedieab Potie , to the 3fedieine which has subdued and conquered such diseases— then there is unquestionable evidence That— BRANT 7 SINDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT it such n Medicine, in every t i ontea nail there le nititnihnt proof, in !icon cures effected, that ONE BOTTLE of it cam. nuts more yonifying, healing virtue. and mediod potter, bra hire te contained in FOUR BOTTLES of nny Sarsa parilla, or 'my other rtiedicine that has ever been offered for nal, - There I. undoubted-proof In Our patmdtlete, thni liv,4ln, use of this gren fadion Purifier, they that were l)Y. IND yet LIVE they bat were LAME nail CRIPPLED ran now WALK—they that wore SICK., SCROFULOUS, and otherwile dianatied, have been troAt.t. and CURED. Hundreds—Thousands— who have t d BRANT'S PURIFIER, after having need and treed ♦ stile Sarsaparillas and other medicines rec• unattended to are blood diseases, have decided that—. Brant's is the Cheappst , hoc... 6,,nbota, of it bail more medical, curative mane' in it, and, in consequence, cures more thorn., in much lm time, limit one bottlel,l4 any other medicine. If then "Mile bota of BRANT'S PURIFIER will cure FOUR TIMES mum dieceoo than one bottle of Sarsa.pan7.. la—" BRANT'S PURIFIER" would bo nil cheap et foot dollars a bottle, as samajwirilla at one dollar. lint BLUNT'S PURIFIER Is sold for only ONE DOLLAR a bottle; and' as n bottle of it Am cured, and le capable of coring, FOUR 'I'IMES ea much disease as one bottle of. Sarsapartlla, there fore, Sarinparilltyln comequenee of Its Ims power and tae medicaVelllcacy. ilnould be sold at no Inure than twenty. fire cent, per bottle;to be no cheap no pm PURIFIER, at on, dollar. One Dollar's Worth ! How much CANCER—how much SYPHILIS—how much SCROFULA—wiII one worth of BRANT'S I'UIttFINII carol Rend iho felloydng , statement, which Is n specimen of Its power:— CANCEROUS •SCROFULA ! This le tho case of a dying mon who yet liars. Ito non cured of a worse case of SCROFULA, by only boa.* bat tles of Brant's Purifier, than ovor wu cured by tho tom of hooka c • 1.1.0 NS Of/110 11511/1/sr•npurino th ttt w. aver mate. Sareaparilla ha. not equiriant mafiosi! pcacteto effqct the cure of such a ',ruin:may holerfees duo. Mr..l. B.IIASISIN, of Roses, Oneida Co., N. Y., had San/. telaViner yen—war confined to Ida hod the tea year—ho .1 1 / 1 no much di...4 and debilitated as to ho unable to raise his iteuttl to his tread. Ito had the best medical adukko —had used 11.1, of the boa Sarsaparillas to no good-elTdet.....- got now and worse, and was considered to bo In a dying elate, and could not live itorothfour Sours longer, when lid commenced uolt . v . BRANT'S PURIFIER. lib neck 5111 eaten curly ea', car 035 a hole um eaten Ihroulh lasiiindpipe, um or his chin, so fiat Ito breathed through dm bolo ; him ear was so'eaton around that it could be Wired esn:out of its plade, it. only holding by a ana. I I.piece; the U 1115". of one ores was destroyed by two ulcors; an ulcer unCer the arm, es largo.aa wan' * hand. had nearly eaten theater% hie side into his Lady. Thus he was afflicted with twenty e nd, puyid; -- ,,eirsd* ,tefenslye ulcers, on various parts of 1111 peroon. - For further and Pill pa .... latt s,„eeo our PAM., Pllf.rrs., • • • Dr. THOMAS WILLIAMS, one Well% oat skilful pity.' 11515111 of Rome, was called to Imo Um In tho day before 11,1 copetnenced using an Brtla Purifier. r. W. exammed him, 'and tiros told him that. all the inadirinse in the leorid meld not etershie.,that hls case . was / • . . . . Worse than Hopeless ‘Tuar heir Mr. ITA'SKIN'S statement of cure! lie nnid • "My wifeprocured one Made of BRANT'S PUMP TING E XTRACT, of .Ittitell fe Loottoect, druggists of Item°. I commenced using that. andbmen to get bettor. That bottle enabled me to pet off my bed, whore* I lord been confined one peer; the ssagmd bottle enabled mote get out of thaw..., the third bottle enabled me to walk two miles, to Remo Can• tre, whore /procured six bottles more; and When I hid fin. 'mod p e t,* thorn, moonier,' out of trendy ulcer. had hided up—and three bottle, more affected a PERFECT WIRE of . all the Meets, 'and restored mo to good FOURTEEN WITNESSES ! Mt! BASHI& hu .worn to the above recta, and the recto are witneleed and certified tq by Dr. T.WILLIAMD-Ilr. O. R. DROWN, pritiwilr or the WetbfloseLfolei— Maw inesrm., & LLONAKI , wholesale and retail druggists' • and ZLEYEN other re •ilabl• ware.. . For sale ) by 'W. RAWLINS A'S. W HAVERSTIOK, Carlisle, J C & G B. Altick and W D E Hays,Shipponsbuyg—Win ' t.. 16 Yd, Lisburn—J I?_Sidtbr, Meelianicabing'-11 - Her; ren,,New_ville—A C --Bloomfield—Bea ver and Haines, Milleretown—J A Linn. & Co Lanbdiaurg--.1 , Milligan, Ickosburg—S Low, Newport—l W - Eouglass; Cluunlierslinrg 7 J L Shearer,' Dillsburg—J Martin Lutz; Hgrrisbcrg Alrletters' and orderti . must be tuldriissed , to Wallace . & Ce4'lo6 Broadway, Now .york.'; • -, rxxic.ms•olo L•T • EVIIRTEIibY ruin OausFuLt.r.-1 . 1101, , Sarnaproilla 'for sale in the different towbe called S. P.• Toitarg&trg,Bernaparilla. It in advernivEd an tho MUM NAI., 4VENITINI3, and all toot. Thin Townsend in nu doctor and never wan ; but was formerly a worker on enilmittln, ca. nide; and the like-t-yet hn an:lumen the titlir of Doctor for tine purpose of Knlnirig credit far what he intro,. Ile nays "he ha. attended two Modical nehoolv, and Marticed Tor fifteen r 1111! I" Now the truth in, he never practiced medicine a day in his life! Such initrutc winked inisreprementation looke Imam the character and veracity of the man. .1 wish ,meat mince rely, Ito had never made those statements of Mal. Pelf or of me. IVlten will men learn to be honest and troth. SS in all their dealinge and intercourne with their follow men V t Ito applied to one Reel Clnim to envier him in man. ofeeckiring his Mixture, stating the large coma he .woul d matqs an an inducement to embark in tlir huriucao, Tllgnel . , meta have been-lhanging viol OIQ in nlh pontible•• me; in order to hoot f4ll 111(1' 'Millie 'Willi 4lni belief that the Old ISOctor'a Wan not tits genuine, or/emit Sarrapnrilla, nnhl.fram the Ohl Doctor , Original Reel. 'rhis S. P. Townsend nova I ha or mild the one of nip • name for 87 . a week. I will vivo Spit If he will pro• duce one !Mille nottrary proof of 11110. Ills statements of - Thompilon, Skillman & Co.. are nothing Inn i lien* al falsehood!, nimply made to deceive the public, and keep the troth,fown in feonrei 10 hi: , soaring, .fermenting coin. - - pound. This is to caution the public to inirchneo none but . 01,1 - Dr: - .1A1. 7 01t - I'ownnentPsSaronparilinr-liaving.tin Old Doctor'n likenens, his family Cow of Arms, and hin aignaturescrons the Coat ol Arlen. Principal Office,lo: .Naqsan.strect, N. Y City. JACOB TOWNSEND. 'lt, TILE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER TIIE Gefruine,,Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old Of. Townsend is now about 70 years of nte, and long been known no the A U7'11012 and D/SC.O !RR ER of the Q.P.N ITJNE , ORIGINAL " 7'OIV.NSEND SARSAPARILLA." lieine poor, he Was compelled to limit its manufacture, by which means It hits been kept out of market, and the sales eireunigcrlbod to those only who had proven its worth, and known int valise. It had reached the ears of many, novaillt.,Uh, as those persons who .hail. .been.healed of ,ore ults,ases, and eared Iron, death. pro ultimo(' its womhuful Thin GRAND AND I/NE4I:M.I.ED PREPARATIONfp . . manufactured Cl the laic! 2,11,, lind la called for through• out the. length and. breadth of, the land. especially_nalt.ia found incapable 01,1e...ration or deterioratioa. Unlike yflting ii. -I'. Townsend's, it improves Neldl fige, and never changes but for the better ibecatiqe it il,p , epareti on scientific in inciples by a scientrce 0n,,,,. The highest knowledge of Cliernistryoind the line." dexoreilee of the art, lisvc,all been.brought.itim.rctituattion in the manufae. tcre of the Ohl Dr's Sairaparilla. The Sarsaparilla root, it is well known to mrshral linen, contains ninny 'medicinal properties, and motile pioperiira which are inert Cr useless, and others, whith if n. 141111,41,111 preparing it for uoe, pro. duce Ter/wain/inn and art', which is injarionv to the opt. tun,' Some of thr - propertil, ill Snrc.tpnrdha are 00 volatile that they entirely evaporate aird are hoe, m the preparation, if they are cot preserr'ed by a ,et ent/fie prnaess, - Ititown on. I to (hone expel !enc.d mow, lamture. Moreofer, i Leon vatailie prino p!rs, will , ' li ily oil in VI 1 i,r, or on no cx. halation ' nder 'teat. are the very fAC,IlifIl medical prop. ( I; ernes ofth o e ow-orl.rh give. in it all its value Any per in car. boil or ' , W the root oil they get a dark colored I told, which i i 111, , hour li,t coloring ntatteii in the root tan Iron] anviliii, elti^; they eon ikon iitrain thik 'wind iif vaptil lophil, i•wrrien wait. poor tnologinia, and , then rail it "S\ RSA P 11111.1,A ExTrt AcT or SYRUP." But r.m.111,11111 11. , arttriv known an the GENUINE ( /LI) DR JACOB •POWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. ' Thin is en iirrpiAml that all the, inert prepertien of the Sarsaparilla rnot are ill Zt removed, ever) thine capable al diectimmg_aahLur_lernientrafim_m_estrameil-and.rniented ; then every *particle of virtue is enured in a puts and concentrated form ; and thus it in tethered incapable of losing any of its valuable and bean, properties. Pre. lined in-this way, ii Mario ffir man( piiiverful agent in the Cure of In no me ruble Disco... Hence. the icaeun why e r hear coninnuelation+ nn rem intle in in; favor by ineriovonlon r an,l chill en. Wo find It doing wiiii.lers w the cure of CONSUMPTION, DI'SPFJ PS I A.. and IIIR CO MP LA INT, and in I? E ILII,IWISM, SCROF ULA, PILES, Cr.tiTl N ENS. all .0 UT A NE US ERUPTIONS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, and all alrectinns ari.iin iron; _ _ IMPURITY OF 'I'IIE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy In all complaints ori• eing front Indigestion, from Acidity the Stomach, front unequal cirrulatihn, tleterminatiou of blood to the head, palpitation oftite heart, cull feet alai hands, cold chills and hot flashes ovir the body. It has nut its equal in,Calds and Coughs; and prommoil Lag). expectoration and gentle pet epiratlon, relaxing strictures of the'lungs, throat aril oriel other part. Put in nothing in its excellence Rune manifestly teen and acknOWledged than to all kinds and stages of FEMALE COMFLAIN'I'S. II works wonders in cars of Phu, Annie or Whiles, Polling of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, or.Pairsjid Menses,:frreguku ity of 1110 metotrOal periods, and the like; and is effectual to curing al) the tarns of Kidney Diseruss, By removing obstru6tons, anti regulating the general sttem, gtve7 tone end strenTtli to the whole body, and cures all forms or Nervous DifienFices - awl Debility, 2 and thus prevents or relieves n great variety of other mai allies, as Spinal irritation, EcuralFia, .51. Vitus' Thanes, flu-Toning, Epileptic Pits, Cottrulstens, tte. cleanses the Hood, excites the liver to healthy action, tones the enomach, anti give. sold disclaim!, teltoves the bowels of torpor:lnd cotootrpation, allays inflammation, pu• 'ripen the shin, equalizes the circulation of the blood, pro. ducing gentle warmth cannily all over the body, and the ^:rictulrx ,?1:1 ttentnessi.le.--c moved alt sherritetriti, an-I um-tor:tie:4.ole enure nerVoll. Synterri. Is not this then 'The Medicine you pre-eminently n•edl Out van any of li n er ihitty, he sant of SP. Townsena's inferior article 1 Thi. ,Ill l lom.nPn liquidto not to hi COMPARE!) WITH THE OLD DR'S, becalm of .ono GRANO PACT. that the one is INCAPA. pf IYtTERIORATION, end NEVER -6POILS, while the other DOES • saunas', fermenting. and btotein. in Ike. baffles eoritulna• it into fragment, the eour, acid litiiiid , efprodint;, - And dining It pg other goods , Must - not this horribis compound he pon,nistos id the system 1,- What I ut acid joists system already ill sensen.trith arid ) What rtueleti Dyspepsia hill avid 1 lh, we not_ail know that when food sours in our qtotnaritp, wh-t int•rhied it: produces 1— flaitilence, heartburn. I,.dpitnt.,to ill the heart, liver Coil, plaint, dint - rho, tiv.entery, rnlir, and corruption .of the blood 1 \Vila' is Se'rottila ion an acid humor in the Italy 1 What prodiiciw :ill !bellow', Mitch LEIS Y! an Eruptions tit the Skin, Se:1111 Ilead, S Rheum, Erysipelas, While. Swellings, Fever and all tiltlevitintrii internal and ex- Drooll Ii is nothing, under beam en 101 l nit arid substance, which sours,anti data ..polls all the 1110110 at the bodymnra or less. What Voll, , iiii Itheilio3ll ,, lll 1,111 0 sour and acid laid which it,dititat, Pool) between the johns nod eke. 'Whi.fe,"irritalliik 41,1 the ileltrarn tisanes - upon which it acts 1 Si of Iliiiiatrii. of impurity of the blood, of deranffed en rotation. and nearly all tin! ailments which afflict human Illtille, NOW IS it hot hillit;li!c w77.,...7771 7. 1‘5c11, and infin 01 . 4 worse to nee this SOURING, FERMENTINO. A CID COMPODD" OF S. I'. TOWNSEND. • and yet he would fain have it undo retail that Old Or. Ja• Col, TOW 11,11.1 1 0 Get:nine at i.. 0 1,1,11 Sarsaparilla, In IM• ITATION of 1114 interior preparation!' }leaven turbid that we should deal in an nrticle Which woitt i ! .., l , %ar the 110101 ; ilittalit re,tillanee to S. P. Town. send' "lick ! We wi he'ad's it_is.!lie absolute truth, dial o g. I'. Townseittl'a ten el,' art! oil Drincoli TownseniPs Sarsaparki la men htintien•irid , apurt, and ufinitetydissini• ilar; that they are unlike in every [:macular, finning not one single thing. in-continuo. As S. P. Towiwelid is no Jamie. and never 1, 1 05, Is r ust chemist, noldthrinnrcutigt—.knows no man: of medicine Of disease than any other common, nie.rientilic.unprofegsaiiiil man,'what guttnottee roil the public iwve dint they are re• ceivlng a genuine .etentilic medicine, containing all the air. toes ot. the articles need in it. and .Ni,lllCll are la. capable of changes which might render then, the ACEN'ES of Disease instead eiliaillth 1 11 111 what else should be e..pectell, from one who 'MOWS nothing comparatively of ninhame or di , rane 7 It requires a person ni some experience to cook and servo up even a common decent until. flow nincli nre important is it that the tiers°. who num met] e deafened for STOMACHS AND ENI , EP. I I.ED SYSTEMS, Should know well the medical properties of [dente; the heal manner of nentirilitt and iiiitteentfatilitt dink healing virtues, also an extensive -know leil2o 01 the, various diseases which affect the Amnon s;•sietii, and bow to 01101 l remedies t• ' these diseases! --- It Is to arrest frauds upon the initortunate, to pour balm into wounded limirdlity, to kindle hope. in the despairing bosom, to restore health, soul bloom, and vigor into the crushed mil broken, and to nsidsli intirinitt Ant 01,0 OR.. JACOB TOWNSENI) '3l 2011Ni/die op. portunity and means to brine, lus Gretna Univernral Contentratca Remota' , within the rearli.,and to the kittiwled,n of all who need I' that they inny'learn and know. by joyful rxiterience, Its Tennant natint Power to Ileal. • • SUPERIOR PRESH GROCERIES Latest Arrival. ,• Cheap Family Grocery , Store of JU- L seph D. 'Tulip ry,.West„M•iin. strcet,•Car lisle, has just received a large and fresh supply of the best FAMILY .GROCERIES that the Philadelphia markets can uflortl.- The subscri berhas just returtmdfront . . the city. and Would • • rospectlully invite his' friends-end the / pAddie._; generally, both in town and country, to call • and examine for themselves Ida large and in 'creased stock, which embrnces,.all the nrticica usually kept in his lino of bustness. Such ns 'Rio, Java and St Dotningo-and--tagutra'Collbe • Imperial,—Young-Ilyson very superior -quality- and flr.vor • imvering,'s crushed, loaf, falling loaf, and loaf sugars, or ange grove, clarified Now Orleans and brown Sugars of every grade and quality, with price to suit. Honey, sugar house, Orleans and syrup Molasses. Spices of all kinds, which he will , warrant pure and fresh ground. Brooms, CO, dar and pointed buckets, churns, tubs, half bushel Measures, butter bowls, butter prints, butter ladles, wash rubbers, &c Clothes, fafucy sowing, traveling and market baskets of . all kinds:" Castile;• fancy, rosin and country SOAPS. 'Also, u general assortment of chewing nod- smoking ToßAcco,s g anish half Spanish and contmon CIGARS. Ropes twines, and Brushes of all kinds. Prime OPIABESE- always -- on hand. Sperm, Winter, strained Elephant . and Common OILS. • GLASS, QUEENSW-AREI.—I have also added to my already' large stock,. a number of• sew patterns or.W.lilto Grnnito-and_funcy tea eets. , with CROCICERY 'WARE of every.de feription, whiek'l will sell at tIM lowest prices nor cash, . Foolinggrateful for tholiberal patronage here tofore bestowed uPon him by a gonerope - public, the subacriber tenders them his hearty & sincere thanks, and hopes' that iffhis - efforts to please . anti particular attention to business, to Merit., continuance of their support: , • • March 20, 850., , JOS. D.TIALBERT. ETILIERIAN - iv . ' 'for sale *fit • • •(j026)• , • • 1411-WARD'S, Aldichlts. POWER it tiljilit6elpliia, 0 1 1,A1 " C. J. GAYLER:s. WM:I:ANTED FIRE AND 'ruler rnoor, / . rare racist - lastrinsg THP,SE SAFES possVss.uvery cingl itictition to resider ilietn,proof against the action of lire or thieves, and of ..lullicient to endure 'a fall from ally story of a burning building.. They arc made Of wrought iron; being kneed, riveted and welded together, 'and lined with.a perfect 'nommonducting fire proof Mineral composition. no wood.. being used is their constrtmtinn .111 tho trir , ..ljurity of Ares sold by oilier milkers. The dners el . GA LER's Sales are secured - with his THIEF DETEfrrott ,antl • ANTI,GUNP 0 WDEIL COCR;-whieh preefedes-themocil7ilif iiek7 -Mg-or - blowin g then open nith gunpowiler.— Over MO HUNDRED of these Safes have been exposed in acbidentaf fire to the moil. in. tense heat, in malty instances remaining in the burning plins for several daYs,mal at DO 011ie have they ever been known teMtil in preserving their conjoins. 'File public are invited to call at the Branch Depot, No. 10, EXCHANGE PLACE, PIM- A DELPIII I A. near Dock street, and examine• the numerous testimonials iu favor of G AY LERIS SAFES, also" the large assortment an hand for ssle at manufacturers prices, by. JOHN L PIPER, Agent. P, S. Also, sale low, new and second hand Safes of other makers. which have.-been taken in 'part payment for Gayler's [aplo,'so.3m PIE MAT CHINk STORE Ule PHILADELPHIA. UL to die citizens of Carlisle and ith vicinity for their increased custom, we again request thole company to view our large and splendid assortment of China, Glass di. Qupensware, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and single pieces, either of Glass, China or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit put . ehr. , ers, Tor less than they chap he had elsewhere— , -In fact at, less than kV holevare.Prices. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BRITANNIA. METALGOODS in greater Variety than ever before offered in the city. FAN.O Y _CHINA in great 'variety_ Vifry cheap. ilz:rWe would invite any person visiting the city to call and see us—they will. at least' Le pleased to walk around our b eautiful stdro, and to view the finest _China_and_the_cheapest_the. world produces. Very respectfully, TYNDALE & MITCHELL, No. '319 Chesnut Street. Phila. sept26' , l 91 y _ WATCHES ! WATCHES ! _ . Great induce i e • LEWIS 7r meats to per • BR 00 .11 -sons in want A LL , of a fo o 4 . II 0 .A'orth F. 41 011 ! 7 Second St. V , IN receive[ additional supplies o I.ltArold and Silver „W-JVITIIES el every description, rout London, Liverpool and Swit• zerland importations, is now prepared to turn ish the'V'elrbest 'article - al a price fur below any ever utli - fred, of the same quality, and which cannot be undersold by any outer store in Philadelphia or elsewhere. Every watch sold will be perfectly regulated, and warranted to be as good as represented. !Patches at the following low priers: Gold Levers, full jewel'o, 18 carateases, $2B 00 Silver do do Id 00 Gold-Lepines, jeweled, 10 carat cases 22 00 Silver do do 00• The L. R. Etonian Griltireic a superior article in silver case, with penciLand warranted $1,50-:;Gold Pencils for $ and upwards, Gold Medallions, and Locket for DagurrreotypeLike• misses, Gold Chains and Hair bracelets:Breast - Pins, , Ear Rings, Finger Rinks, and a general assortment of every description of Jewelry at unusual low prices. jro. I IO North '2,1 street, 2d door loom Rat streetiPhiladelphia. LEWIS R. BROOMALL. 0ct31,1,849,6m - (Pierce, .4grnt.) Piano Forts, TrIF largest, cheapest, best and inos elegant a4ertment of PIANO FORTE n the United States, can always be found at the warehoust± of thr sultscrilter, 171 Chennat Street, above Fifth, At the Old Stand occupied more than a third. of a century by Mr:fleorge Will ig, music publish er. Pianos-Harps, Organs, Scraphincs, . &c., fresh from the roost celebrated Menu. lecturers in New York, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and elsewhere. Sold, wholesale and retail, at the maker's cash prices. OSCAR C 11 CARTER, 174 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia ' 13. ISSO. WATCHES, ENVELRY, ke. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just returned from Philadelphia with the largest and most eplended assortment of JVMches, - clr y , ever before offered to the citizens of this oluce.7 Ills stnekconsists .iu part_ofm. splendid - lot-of Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Gold end vet Lcpine do. with n variety of \Vetches of lower prices, Gold, guard Chains, Gold and Silver Pencils, a splendid 'assortment of qld peas of most approved manufacture, SilVer Butter Knives, Silver and plated'Spoons; fine Silver Mated Faits, a farge c unif splendid lot of Gold and Silver Spectacles,(he , insults particu lar attentiOh to this' erode of spectadles t futile _can wyprant.thentio be.the best on this. side of Philadblphia,) Common Spectacles drill Prices .e Irige_and.beautiful_assortment—of Gold, Fin ger and Ear Kings, all prices; Breastpins, a gient variety. Watch Keys; Fob and Vest Clivins, Silver and shell Card cases, n very su perior artisle, Silver thimbles, Silver combs, cake Baskets, with a great variety of other ar ticles in his line, net necessary to meniion. Ile invites all to call end examine his stock asste I it cannot tail to please, both in qua itv.and pr e. • 'l' CONLY N. NE AV GOODS Al''.Pflk; JO' d; ir STORE! THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and numerous customers, that he has removed his_siore to ljunierieh's corner direct ly opposite Wm. Leonard's old stand, in North I hoover street. in has recently returned from Philadelphia, with' a lane nod carefully so• icetcd assortment New Spring Goods, purchased at the lowest prices; sad which he is determined dispose of at very small profits: A arse assortment gf- SUPgRIOR.CLOTHS, • arirront 75 cents to Vi _per 160, Cassi: mortis, Ca9sinots and,..Vestiugu, at -various .pri— Ces. • G 0 DS, such as Dcluines, -Itartgcs, Mid a Splendid as• sortment of Silks. Also, a very extensive as sortment of Calicoos I nid Gingliams, suitable for the approaching E.eason. Also, Checks, Tahiti Dispors, 'Pickings, blenched and un- Ideas:hod Muslins, Bonnets, lints, &c. BOOTS AND.SIIOES A well noleetod assort/Lent of Men, Women and Children's Boots and Shoes, of superior quality, and very cheaP. Also, boys rind mon H Cloth and Hungarian COB. GROCERIES, of rill hinds ( viz: Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, I'o• kin Tea Company's celebrated Teas, &c., all fresh and good. Also, consinutly on hand, "tho bast qunrity of Carpet Chnin. The subscriber respectfully tuiltslds.enstont ors and all who wish' good bargains, to give Moran-early - call;-- - Don't forgot' thcriatiiiit, , co - r nor opposite Leonard's old stand, North Hon over street. apt° N W WOODS, Ag't. N. B. Butter; Eggs, Rngs slid Sonp, taken Carpets, Carpets, SECOND supply of "Imperial, Ingrain, Cotton Mid Girdling Carpets, which will be sold cheaper than e n be bought at any other establishment in the B %mot, - - • LADIES' & CHU, EN'S SIIOES, dust reee:ved another let Ladies' Walking Shoes, Slippers, Buskins nntl Goiters, of the latest shapes and best! Philadelphia manufne• tem. Also, a benutifal assortment of Chil dren's Shoes. Bentstrtnd Slippers. " CARPET BAGS AND - TRANT,LLINC, • TRU NI( S. A Inrgo supply of 'reunite nod Trnvelling Wags of a superior quality, just received: .' BONNETS I RONNEI'S The at option of the Lndiou is partiettlnrly vited to mylarge and splendid nesortment of 'BONNETS of nll kinds, prices and qualities. Also, u very 'ergo and beautiful lot of .Bonnet Ribbons,:sellint very low nt the ehedtp store of mvl.no CHAS. OGIfillY• ' • • Cheap .Grocerlee.' . . r Hee, &infuses, liancy,.Cheese;fresh Sinkes, Yeast Powilers,Maecaroni; Farina, Rice `flikkePs -Choselate,: -.Baker's- Cocoa, Drown's tionitppathio Choc9late, Qranges,' qo coa Nuts, Balms, and Currants, for 'sale at • • March " • 'C. ,• uwr received' a fre6ll supply of .R 0 S SE m PEtt.PUMERY at , • • . ..je26 . B A RD'fi." iflc icinc c. IMOVINEM Life Pills al):1 !;;;C.N•s. These AI Tinw So or a perlo.l of FIST , 41.1 that ha eVi , ry zloll6 fnr thoic ,• dinaß)" and ininindiatn pnmer of peZ44;ILL heal 111 In possims.E;ulß4iNT 111111.. r unshrly ev, r1 .11”,1 0r..11145a5e, to, 4vlllcli thr 111011.111 fro inn ih 10111 . Xu FLA:RTY THOIMA.INIDS • or e,rtiridatt•d hist:mem:, they lytV! ....',11#1.,11,1 no fr , qitni from the very vergo or on iiitiowtyv,,,•:.•, after all the tlecerrtive nitstrnots of tad :I ty Itail 'r tes!): fnilod ; nut to irony thonsatels th,y j,,,, permanently secured :that, uniform tn,j :)- 1 :::,,,i-, o r health, without which: life itself i: bat a Tartiel hies-Mug. So great, itulenil, has !heir ellicacy Mon " rialdv-attil-intalliblv—prove:l.-tltalLitital=oppearlit scarcely Imon tha miraculous to those wltn:t ere nequainted with MO heatiti(tilly pittlosnphical trin ciples upon which they are act. , 11111 upon Whiell they consequently act. It was to Choir manifest and senaiblonctiett' in purifying the :wrings awl chnimels of 11(0, and ()Willing them Aid! 10. mooch to:to um:l - vigor, that they were hetet:toil for their IMMO. Unillw the • host of Tendrilous quackeries sill hem 4. of vegetable hezredientu, the LIFE MEDI-. Clitih's are phrely and solely yeiredable ; and eon. Mercury . , se , Antimony, lief nor ally other mineral, in--any form whatever. They are entirely efillipOst•ll of extracts rre,,, rare' "and powerful pl.into, the virtues of which, though limy known to s z vend Indian recently to :mine eminent phartioireutieol ellemietu, nee alto gether unknown to the ignorant pretender., to wiener. ; and were never before adminis tered in so !liquit ). ellicacions a combination. The first operatiiJif is to !rumen from the coats of the stom,,eit nil.rhoweh t the various impurities and, crudities, constantly nettling round In remove the hardened feces which collect In the enovolittions of the small intestinm tid ier m e di. chin. rink , partially cleanse three, nod leave such collected iltilStieS behind to produce habitual Costive tires, with all its trahrof evils, or sudden Diarduna with its imminent dangers. This nnet is well knoivit to all regular anetomists who - examine the human bowel:3_loler death ; find hence the preju dice of well hillirnted men against the Thick 111 , 41o:it:es of the inze. The second effect of the VEGETABIFi~I~ILTdPTTICINE' is to cleanse the kidneys mid. the libuldiir ; aiiil,'hy this moans, die liv'er and hinge, the healthful ruction of which entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary or . g.ms. The blend. whieli taltist iLu_red ol cor Ilion the agen.i . y of th °liver itti*lnoo, before, it passes lie Tog thus pordied by there, and nourished by food miming Prom tt courses freely thin/1101 the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mount's rho luntier of health in the blooming cheek. y The following ::re aura, the distrin.sing variety Of in Wilii•il the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES are well known to be infal lible DYSPEPSIA, h V thorovllly !h. , firm 'and neuend pu•c 111'11411y bile-, instead of the slide rind ,1,11,1 kind; FLATULENI'V; lute •lppelite Heartburn, I:,stlessnoss,;' 11l- ft raper, Anxiety, JoitiLrioo-, :not llo! ntrl,rl, which aro the general symptom.; o r Utsp~~_l"~•},...p;iL!_t•auiah,;u-.n. oo,orinenci• or ifs Cure. Costiveness, the vvliolo length 1111,•,11Lli'5 With a solvent process, nod w*lout, violence: ill violent purges lonve the bolvuls t,,t‘ive wnhin_Ln_oauys - Diarrhcoa and cholera, by tbn sharp filillifi C . 1 . 1110:11111,1 :Iro OC,lslolltld, and by pro:ll.'6l'g secr•s- ion of Elio itiii,ot;s Fevers 0f all kinds, liv restilyitin..thc_hluoll to a r•u::111i1 Lllrellol iLr proccris of neTini ratiou in such orals, anti the thorotighAolution 01 all intei,tinkil 01i:traction in others I.lrr: Mt:int:viva have been' known to curo RHEUMATISM permanently in throe weeks, and tIOU'I' in half that time, by removing local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of AI. joints. . by freeing - and strength- D ro v s i es of all kinds, ening the knlnnya Wild bladder: they operate most delightfully on those important organ's, and bonen have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of tiItIVEI!... Also worms, by tlialtolGing from (Ito turninge of the bowels the slioty matter to ,whi..lt (liege, Asthma and Consumption, by rt.:Viewing the uir- vessels of the Ithn4s frpin i the inucons which °Veit slight colds will ioccanihji, and which, if not r,o moved, liecemes hardpned, and produces I),ne drendful discuses. Scurvy, Incas, owl Inveterate'Sores, by the in•rfect purity which these LIFE ECEDl crEtrEs%,,ive to the blood, and nil the humeri, Scorbutic Eruptions ai , d Bad Complex ions, by their iMerativo etfoct upon the lloolb thnt fetal Ow skin, and tilt) morbid state of which one, sions all eruptive complaints, cloudy, and othor chsarrorahls complexions., The use ofethese Pills (or i very short time will effect no entire, corn or .5A ur RIIEI Iled striking iml!rovement in the eleerness of 'the skin. 400 Al /N /1,1/S mid IN FLU EN \ will always lie elite(' by_une dose, ur by two ovil the•wnrst-eases.- PILES, As a remedy for this most disiressoot and obstinote !noisily, tin DIEDIGLEMS deserve. o VEGETABLE LIFE distinct and emphatic tecommendotien. It is well known to hundreds in .his city, that the former proprietor of these vain table_ Ai -W4lB --111111fleif nfllicted -with- this complaint for upwords TIIIIITV rivt: Ea ; and that ho tried in Valli every remedy prescribed within the whole conitiotis of the !linter-irk 111edica. 116 however at longth tried lie Medicine which is now offered to_ the Fuddle, out cored in a eery short time, after hie recovery had been pro nounced' not only impiehable, but absolutely lin possible, by any Immo!! FEVER AND AGUE. For this nollnze . I the western country fliose Medicines will he fou.ul aside, speedy, attil certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system sub ject to a return of the dili0:1:414-11 mire by these medicines is prm,ment—TßY THEAt, lIE SA TISFIED, AND .lIE CURED. Bilious iisevets and Liver Complaints. OSil OF APPETITE, en. General Debility, V, D....,,,,,,, ,), F,,,,,,,,,.—th r 50 mod , . :11":i have been used with the Imot benetidial t•ssol:s in ca s e s o f this it seription i—iiisn'a 'Elm.; and SCROVOLA, ill its wont forms, yields to the mlld yet-powerful action of these reinarkablu MelliCilleS. NIGIIT tiililiAiS, N V.RVOllti DEUILITV, Nj.:lol,l_ , li COMPLAIiITEI of all • kin fs, Pttel I'ATION OF rile l . ikAIT . PA Is r 5:/ C mc, ore speedily cured. DIERCUMALDISEASES.)'ersous whose constit mauls have become im vaned by the injudicioos use: of MERCURY, will find tbese--Medicines-averfect coredas.they &lover fait to cradicatO from .ihe syStem all the eine' at Mercury infinitylV sooner than the moss powerful preparations of Saisimarilla, f Niggle trial will plarO theinlieyond the of cotimetition, in the estimation of ever,' pstient, BE CAREEN 1s OF . COUNTERFEITS. Several lAr•ly boen disenvorel, and their unlnriuun nuthors urrn.sfed, bath iu tho city of Diew York. acid uhrund.... :•• .11uy of _,1 10 ,,,,0ne. who Atrrnotusirs . , A ilanT. rtopared and sold by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, 330 radway, N ow- V ork. FOR •SALE BY J. W. it I.WLAN 4. trlislo, Pa: rhOOTOR YOURSELP '25 CENTS !! —fly means of the pocket hlsettlapi us , or, Every one tis own Physician ! Twett ty-fonrill edition, tvith-up 7 wards of n hundred engra vings, chewing privatoiis !smell ill every shape mid • ivenr,- -- rtutl—ntalfortnittions , 7' Jr. the generative systetn BY WM.YOUNG, M.D. The time has_ now sr_ sing from secret diseve, L the VICTIM OF MITACIIV/Y, '- 01 by die prescript lons contained in this Inlftk any one may otireitimself, without hindrance fit Int- ° SIOCBII, or the knowledge of tile most iiiiimnie friend, niia with one tenth the Osumi-expense4n.. addition to the general routine of privatddisease„ it fu fly explains the cause of tnanliontps the with observations. on marriage—besides .many other derangements which it would not be proper toTenumerate in the puhlie prints tnf•Ally person sending TwEtsvv-rivx CENTS, coolosetLin -letter will- reeeiVilrone copy.of this book, by mail, Or five collies ‘4ll be sent for one ddllarY Address, "DR. W. YOUNG','No. 15.2 • SPRUCE Street, PIIILADLEPIIIA'!Post paid. „rf--D.R..„ YOUNG willow conatilted on 'any of the Diseases prescribed itt his different publioa- ' inns, at his Offices, I S'2...SPRUCE street, every day between 9 and 3 o'clililiflSuntlaya excepted ) - " • BrUshits ! Brushes! . . „ , ,A &eat . variety of these useful article's is of fared for, attic, estwistipgol Whitewash, Sweat!, ing, Scrubbing; Painters, loth,,Shavitio, Hare 'Putt' and Nail, FleSh and Graining liruebos in ' pear variety, elf .wideli are of Ilia two g l int uy and will be sold sit the lowestricee• , June 6, EMS.' S, ELLIO7•'C .: