Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 24, 1850, Image 3

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    liEßail AND EXPOWOR,
Terms—Two-Dollars rryeat ;or One Dollar and
.Pifty;Cents, if ininctnallg paid in .ddviinee.
91,75 ff pnid within the Near.
In view . of the groat importance of the pend•
tug pgqlitical campaign itf Pennsylvania, we pro
pose.tb furnish our paper at FIFTY GENTS
from this date till the first of November. The
election ofAuditor General and Surveyor Ge
mini; in addition to That of Canal Grimmisioner,
_presents a new and interesting feature in the
contest, which - dontnnds an. oitreerdittury effort
on the part of the Whig party for success, - In
such an effort the best and most efficient auxil
iary is the WING PRESS. Well cor:dueted,
prudent and spirited Whig papers ought to be
scattered broad cast over the Commonwealth,
as the best and cheapest means of arousing the
proper spirit and energy in our Whig friends.
In this important, and ns wo believe essential
work, we invoke the aid and co-operation of
the friends of the ,State and National Adininis
trot ions hi the circulation of the Corliefe Herald
Our paper will therefore be furnished from - this
nate to the fast of November, or for foie thantlis,
on the following:
One copy for four months,
Three copies do
Seven copies do
Ten copies do
taking a short sojourn from -all the natu-
Jai and artificial ills that the life of an
Editor is heir to. We hope that him•
self and suite may enjoy themselves, and
return with health renovated and "made
new" by their trip to the'llotibling Gap
Springs. one of the most delightful wa
tering plars in the state. But our dev
il says that amid all the scenes of pleas
ure and excitement in ~which you' mix,
- he - hopes - you- will-not-fortto cast-- one
FOND thought On
6•Thc fellers you left behind yOu,."
Honor to the Mead.
, In compliance with orders froni the
War Department, the pant:inn! flag was
. loWered to half mast, and half hour guns
fired throughout the day, on
last, at the U. S. Garrison Refit
ough,-in token of respect to the
of President Taylor.
The demonstration in this boy
Saturday next promises to be a -large
and imposing pageant. The military,
both at hole and in the neighborhood,
%will unite in it, and the civic branch of
the procession will be made up of the
various benevolent 'orders. adorned with
their regalia, the Firemen with—their e
quip - Tents, and the various other public
organizations named in the published
• programmes. We trust that a feeling of
respect to the distinguiShed will pronto :
. everyicidss of the community to•c-ooper
ate in giving. elect to. this tribute iri..hoti
or of. the departed Hero and
We again insert the programme, as there.
has been some alterations made in it
since our last publication, together with
the route of prosession, and other ;ming°.
ments made by the.Chiel. Marshal.
Chief Jtlurshai a,id lids,
The Ptocession,
Colonel Cook aucl Staff,
United States Troops,
.Pirigadiei•-General Edward .Irmor and Staff,
.Captain Long of the Navy,
Battalion of - Volunteers commanded by Col Hanle
United States Dragoon Band,
Civic Procession
.Marshal—JonN 11. WEAVtR. --
Committee of :Irrangenant.
Burgess and Town Council,
Judges of the Court,
Officers of the Court,
.711emhers.of thc Bar,
Xembers of ../ifedica/ Profession.
Trustees. and Faculty-of-Dicleinstei- College.- -
Students of Dickinson Collets.
Principal and Tutors of Grammar School
Pupils of 'Grammar School, •
Directors of the Common Schools.
Public Male gehools and ateir several leachers
.111araha/L-Joni B. MUTTON.
OffiCers and Soldiers of the war of 1812,
Officers (Ind Soldiers of the war: with Mexico,
Masonic Order,
Order of Odd Fellows,
Sons of Temperance.
Fire companies,
Marstial—Anmsznona NOBLE,
First Division of Citizt.ns and Strangers.
Jilarstitig—JoHN DYER.
Second Division of Citizens and Strangers
The procession, when formed, will
move in sections of four, down High to
Bedford street, thence North to Louther
street, thence up Louttier to Hanover
street, thence south along Hanover to
Pomfret street, thence up Pomfret to Pitt
street, thence north to High street, down
High - street to the Centre Square, where
the procession 'NO( be dismissed. A
eulogium on the ,chaTcter of Gen. Tay
lor thkt bo delivered in the First
Presbyterian Church by die Hon. F.
Wths. - c - .
TalLint . the Census.
A. E• Roberts, Esq. the U. S. Mar
shal for the Eastern Distriet of Petiusyl•
vania, has made the iollowiiig appoint
' -ments'of assistants for Cumberland °Min
ty.. The appointments are`l excellent
and will be highly satisfactory to the
- Whigs of the County :
S.. S. Snyder, of Newburg, •
Lpris H^ Williams, of NeW elite,
Major J.Bretz, of Carlisle,
Win. Line, Esq. of Carlisle,
Peter B, Smith, of Carlisle,
J. H. Spahr, of Methonicskurg,
Thos. Craighead, of E'. Pennsboro,
D.. S. flatnalcer, of Allen.' • .
The duty of the asistants will' be to
take - the Census. The County it will
be seen is 'divided into eight , districts.
•The boundaries of these dietricts we have
not ascertained. The question to •be as
ked by the Marshals was.publisbed some
four weeks ago. ..The.'information Ob
tallied will be of the greatest tO
the - country, and.etiablee, our law makers
to so shape the laws and policy of the
goverriorni as to best , advance
.the inter=
lets of the whole r ;CoMzitry.-- Every ciii
zon sheuld feel it his fluty to give_true
and prompt iinsweys to questions put by.
taking the cenatni.
litraona - employed in
Great Storm,
' We were visited on quirsday might
dast with t. storm of unprilcedento sere
riiir.,ThO storm increased iii fury . es - the
night advanced, and when'morning,..daw
ned a scene of apparently ~ wide-spread
devastation presented itself. Shade and
fruit trees, even of the largest size, were
found, uprooted and broken down, while
fences and other lighter' matters were
prostrlited and 'scatered in every direc
tion. Though tharain_ and Wind still
continued with ,aonsiderable vielence,
there wasagvadual abatement of their
force- toward
Saturday the weather cleared up brill
iantly. We are glad to learn, upon in
gutty, that the distinctive effects of the..
storm have not been so great as was fea- '
red during.its progress. A. large por
tion of the heavy grain crop of our coun
'try had not been housed before . the
storm, but it has suffered no material in
jury. The weather has since been fine
and it,is presumed that the farmers who
were behind-hdrid have been making
rood use of their 'time., The growing
co Chas been alaregt entirely prostrated,
but ynkler the reviving influence, of the'
'rain will readily rise and make its usual
yield. With the exception of the inju
ry done to fruit trees, Many of which
were twisted, broken and shotk of a
large portion of their fruit, we are infor many of our country freinds,
that the benefits of this stormy inunda
tion, which has . thoroughly saturated the
earth, will far over-balance the injury'
1 00
2 00
3 00
lb of •
The storm - appears to have surept s over
a great extent of country, as our exchan
ges are bringing us intelligence of its Ae
vastating effects in every direction. *
IricimWe are authorized, and glad to
state, for the benefit of our lreinds in the
neighboring towns and country, tint the
fare op the Cuiimerland Valley Rail
Mad will be reduced on Saturday next
to HALF PRICE, from all points to this
borough ! A largecrowd may be expec
ted here on the occasion.
- NEW Towrt CLOCK:—Our citizens
will be glad to learn says the Volunteer;
that' the County Commissioners' and
Town Council of Carlisle, -I eke- conclu
ded a contract with an experi need- clock
maker of New York, for the eking of
a...superior Town Clock. 'the clock will
be finished and put up in two months.
The clock aCpresent in use, or -rattler
'out of use, has been sold.
Shocking Accident.
A colored t•trl, by the nathe of Maiy
Eliiabeth Johnsen, while engaged in
filing_ a camphene lamp in - the parlor of
Mr. Lanks, at the Methodist Parsonage,
In Mechanicsburg, on Tuesday evening
laat,,hor clothes took fire and before a
sistance could be rendered she was so
badly buined that she died on Saturday
afternoon, This is another warning 'to
be careful in handling these "life distroy
era" camphene lamps.
PCP We are requested to state tha . l
mourning badges appropriate for wearing
on the occasion of 'the funeral procession
of Gen. Taylor can be had at .Martin's
book stare.
"'" DIED.
/Suddenly, in Mechanicsburg, on Saturday the 241.1
inst. MARY ELM/IM= JOUNBOI , I, in t h e 111th' Year
of her ege.,
List of Letters
. yil F. M AIN IN G in the Post ;0111do at New
ja, villa, Pa., July let, 1850. -
13 13 Mr M Lcl i% onedick
Bowman Maj. Jacob M I-Ide olin
Brown P 1-1 2 MeCa non Peter
.Jura John Mairo to George
Conner Moses , Miller- Emanutl
Ensminger George Nuniviller John H
Fiches Charles Palm Mre, Jane
Fiches Jacob Roes Misa Boutin°
Firestone Samuel Sharp Sarah
Hearer Margaret Sornbanger Adam
Hess Christian Snyder Mrs Ann
Harunan Mrs Rachael Jievons John
Keenan Jaseph Ulty Isabell 2
Keller Samuel
Head Quarters, Sd Battalion Volttnteers,
Carlisle;lBth July, 1850.
CtRDER No. IV.--Tho Battalion will par
kir a& on SATURDAY, July 27th, ut 10
o ' cloct, A. M., to attend d'civiciaitt"Milittly
Funeral_ procession_ in honor of_Gen. Taylor
late President of the 1. lined States. By order
'of Maj. J. F. HuAter,
acips. ad Battalion.
.11 J. AL Rowe,
ANUFACTURERS and wholosale
1.111. dea-
WOOD WARE, have removed to the largo
store lately occupied by Messrs. Sellers el Da.
via. where they have opened an extensive stock
of Eastern and City made BROOMS and
•WOOD WARE, which they are now selling
ut the lowest manufacturers prices.
A full assortment of Bristles, Brushes, .Mats,
Cordage';' constantly on hand. No• ill
North Third Street, 3 dpors below Race, Phil-,
adolphia. • Ry17,'50 P. A.
Carlisle Female Seminary.
HE_ next term' of _th i s _. lns t itution
will emiiience on. the Ist of AUGUST
under the care of Miss PuEnt: - PAINE and her
sister, who have labored faithfully and success
fully in the Mi1113(3 of education. ,
'Toy receive. Aliases and youngludics into
their family, over whom they exercise an aloe=
donate and watchful care.
The first class are instructed in 'Orthography
Reading, Penmanship, Arithmetic. Geography,
linglish Cramniar„Parltor's Exerci.os and His.
to ry
• The second claret, with the Shove, arc in•
strubted in Ancient and Sacred Geography,
Natural History, Physiology, Astronomy, Nat-
Ural Philosophy, Englis h . Composition and
• Instruction of ills third e lms and any of tho
above studies, with Botany, Chemistry, Alge.
bra, Geometry, Rhetoric,. Sytionentos, Moral
Science, Menial Philosophy, Latin, German,
French, Italian and Spanish. Instruction given.
in Drawing and Puititingom extra charge. •
Music taught by au experioncedicapher ut an
extra charge.
fleferences.—Willinin M.,Biddle, Esq., Rev.
Jesse T. Pock, D. D.,, Prof 'Plum II Sadler,
Rev nI Ii Johnston; Rev A H Kremer, Prof.
W II Allen. Prof S I' Baird, Rev C P'Wing.
jyl7-41. ' • •
• AN. AWAY from / the sub:
scriber, living in'Soutli
dlotc ' townablp, ,Cumborland •
7'^"":: county, Saturday, tl:o 13th.
(V. inst., nn indentured colored np.
• *mice named - Samuel "Green, .
• • aged about 15 years., All par-.
• sons arc forbid It artroriha• or trust
ing epid boy, under en Ily of ,tho' law. _
Iyl7 .
N O s T ei l2
in said l 3 on
DAY, the
. .
.12111, and 13th days of .44MUS7 next !
between the hears of 9 and 12, and 2 and 5, of
said days, for the purpose of receiving the
School Taxes of the 'present year, according .to
the act of .4setiibly regulating the School Dis
trict aforesaid. ,
By virtue of a resolution of
,the Board of
SchoUrDirectors, the T i reasurer is aniliorized:
to make an abatempc of live per cent. for
prompt payment, on all.School...Taxes-paid-om
.or-beformtlib said 13th of August next, on&on
all such 'Prowl as may he paid to the Treasurer
alter the aforesaid date, and at any time on 'or
before the 411th of October next, a deduction of
Three per cent.—Nso fractions beihg allowed.•
After which said lastc,liate no deduction will
be made, and a warrant 'for all School Taxes
_Olen remaining unpaid will be immediately is
sued to a proper officer for collection, to be •m
-forced in like manner as County, and Stale
Taxes are by law collected. NO 13ault notes of
a less dei ominatlon than five dollars, except
State relic', will he received for taxes.
Carlisle, 1850. Treasurer
Sheriff's Sate.
1111 Y virtue of a iVrit of Veriditioni Exponas,
El, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of `.3urnberland county, and to mo directed, I
will exoso'io'public salq. at the Court House,
in the Borough of Carlisle, on I'IMRSDAY,
the lst-day of AUGUST, 1350, at 3 o'clock,
I'. M., several contiguous and adjoining tracts
of land known as the
codtaining 10,000 - ACRES, moil; or less, sit ,
tinted in South Middloton township, Cumber
land county, adjoining lands of S. McGowan,
G. Beltzhoovqr, John Peters, Leidigh's heirs,
B. Cullman, J. Crockett and others, having
,thereon' erected a large Brick MANSION
HO USE, with a Two Story Brick Beck
ing adjoining it, having_a Kitchen and two Di
ning Rooms on the first floor, a FURNACE.,
.a FORGE for 'four fires, n MERCHANT
MILL, with four run of Stones, Smut Machine
and Elevators, n SAW MILL, a two' story
Brick 011ie° and Store Room, 3 Large BANK
"BARNS; a largb STONE STABLE, UalaUlti:
led to hold 6 mains of Horses,. Coal blouses,
Carpenter and Blacksmith Shops, necesaary
Tenant Houses, Stables, dt.c.
On the above property them is a valuable
ORE BANK, within two miles of the Furnaeo
and between 400 & sell ACRES OF CLEAN
ED LAND, of which about 150 Acres or
limestone, and the residue pine or gravel of
good quality, and in a good' stare of cultivation.
Of the land tiOw in timber a considerable quan
tity is suitable for agricultural purposes, and a
large quontity of farming land may be added to
that now cultivated. The above described pro.
perry is one of the most valuable in the State,
both for the manufacture of Iron and for Agri
cultural purposes.
Seized and taken into execution as The pro,
perry of Michael Ege, deed., with notice to
Pater F.-Egc, terre-tenant, and to be sold by
Te.f,pas of Sate :—Five Hundred Dollars of
the purchase money to be paid cash, and a judg
ment bond for the balance of the purchase tito•
nay-payable--on-the- acknowledgement of -the
deed, to be given by the purchaser-with approv
ed security, on the property being knocked
Farm for Sate.
(IN FRIDAY, the 2d of Auglst, 1850, in
11, inirsuance of an order ofthe 'O'rphans'
Court of York ottunty, the subscribers will
ollbr ut.public sale on the premises,
178 Acres of Land,
hue the property of George McMillan, dec'd.,
situate in Warrington township, York county,
near the old road, leading from York to Carlisle.-
la miles from the former place. The improve
ments-are a good DWELLIN G
HOUSE:, with seven rooms, having
1.• •
a 1 ?, attached h KIT C II E,N, Wood,
II Smoke and Ovenhouses, a Stone
=" -----2-- Spring-house and a 'never-failing
Spring of Water, a LOG BAR N, shedded, &c.
The above farm may be classed amongstthe
best of IRON STONE LAND, is Well. tim
bered; and has a large portion- of Meadow.
ground well.supplied with water for'stock from
several good springs-and by Beaver creek run
ning through it. It is in all respects well cal
culated,for a grazing farm. - •
Sale fe commence at 10 o'clock, A. Mcren"
said day, when attendance will be given and
terms made known by
July 3, 11360-ts-53,'25 Xxerulors.
WILL be sold at public P‘ale'on the promises
on SATURDAY, the `2Bth day of Sep-.
teinber next, a valuable tract of slate - lited,,tiftu
aie in Hopewell township, Cumberland county,
adjoining lands of Peter Stouffer, Peter Luther,
Capt. David Duncan, and near the Ridge State-
Road, abotit 4 miles-north of Shippensburg and
3 south of Newburg, containing 13‘2 ACRES
and*G3 PERCHE ', (sane being part of a lar
ger tract belongi
tore David Dunce!), jr., of
i c
said-township.) ' ore is about 50 Acres of
cleared-landi-under-under forme, the residuc-co.
~... ' iicriiid with thriving timber. The im
aim prOritnents are a comfortable small
' 2.1 HOUSE and STABLE. There arc
severs springs of anti[ near the house toge
ther with fruit trees, &c.
Any person wishing to see the.nportY will
call on D.' S. Runshaw. residing near, or Ed
ward MeVitty, who is living on the property.
Sale to commence at 10 o'olock of mid day,
when attendance and terms of sale will be made
known by D S RUNSIIAW,
je26tspd •Agent for David Duncan, jr.
WILL be sold at Public Sale on SATUR
DAY the 7th of September, next, on the
promises, rvalttable tract of LIMESTONE
LAND, situnteU in South Middleton to'svnship,
Cumberland county, adjoining lands of James
Hamilton, Esq , Ja,:ob Lehman and others, and
ash about 4 miles from Carlisle, on the road
leading to Ego's Forge, containing 42 ACR,ES
and 112 PERCHES of land, about 35 Acres of
which areunder cultivation, and the balance is
. . well covered with timber. Tho
' • itnprovernehni' are a new LOG'
vonr, HOUSE, and well of water.—
, The land is of excellent quality,
`- and. and. is well worthy..he attention
of persons csiring.a small fitunan nn excellent
neighborhood. It will be sold 4briether or ; in
lots as may best suit purchasers. !P erms rens;
enable and title indisputable. Attendance will
be given on the day of sale by
actignee of Lconard ltrice
/TILE subSeriber offers fpr sale tyalunble
M .
1 FAR. situate In Minn fowns ip, Cum.
berlabd county, shout two miles nor li.wearef
Nowyillo, hounded by lands of Wrn M Scout=
ler on the West, a n d Thomas C.Seoullor on the
cast, containing MO acres of good Elate'Land.
ThOniildings are n lare two,story
.01 • Log DWELLING ll g 0 U S'l3, a
1.11; 1 large Frame BARN. newly built,
with Corn Cribs and Wagon Sheds.
There is a good well of water under roof; and
n strewn of writer'near the bath. Also a good
ORCILARD:of choice fruit. Persons wishing
to purchase or examino the property ere re
quested to call on the subileriber on the prom
. .
tses. • PHILIP RAMP.
mdY22 - -2n pd
Estate 'of Dr. - 1 W. Snowden; deo'd.
kyrrEfts7orxii i ii i iiiiiiiiiiiiii on the Estate
of - Dr. Isaac W. Snowden, Into of Silver
Spring township, dec'd.. have been issued in
duo form of low by the Register of said, county,
to the subscriber residing in the sumo township.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
kohl estate are requested to melte immediete
paymentond those having claims tu , present
them to
Hogestown, jo26,6tpd admt f'' X
, Tho large:Si lot and twat assortniont of
ssl'oeping, dusting, scrubbing and othortrueli.
es, is just roceiired,'hieluding,an,aasortment of
and of the boat qualitioS, us also, P , •
of almost every , Biala and quality, together with
a vatie4y of Dross, Redding and other Combs.
or sale-cheaper than St any' tither Haase -in
'own, twill° store Of. J. W. EBY.-
' 'Carlisle, Juno 5 , 1850. • r
• .
AND the besi. PAMD. SOFT SOAP can
be outdo ready for Bakery and'use in a few
minutes by.thiiiining of "Bab , its".'Powders:—
For sale at (Its store of EBY.
.14inrch 6. • •• '
doitotitutiou of, Pcittfa.,
It the District
,rough of Car•
bIUSE.j. _
Amendment of the Constitution....
DSO VD l the - Senate
lisprcsentatives of' the Commonwealth of
1 ennsylvatna,- in-General Assembly met, That
the Constitution of this Commonwealth be a
'mended in the second section of the fifls article,
so that it shall read as follows: The Judges of
the Supreme Court, of the several Courts of
Common Pleas, and of such Office Courts of -
Record as are yr shall be established by law,
shall be elected by the qualified electors of the
Commonwealth, in the manner follOwirg to wit:
The Judges of the Supretne Court, by the qual
ified electors of the Commonwealth at huge ;
ffie President Judges of the several Courts o
Common Pleas, and of such other Courts o
Record as are or afar!l be established by law,
and all other Judges requires! to be learnesl in
the law,hy the qualified electors of the respec
tiie districts over which they are to preside or
act as Judges; and the Associate Judges of the
Courts of Common Pleas by the qualified elect
ors of the counties respectively. The Judges
of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices for
the term of fifteen years,. if they shall so long
behave themselves well, (subject to the allot
menthereinatter provided for, -subsequent to the
first election;) ;he President udges orate Rive
ral Courts of Common Pleas,'and of such other
Courts of Recoil! as are or hall be established
by law; and all other Judges required. to be'
learned in the law, shall hold their Mika for
the term of tbn years, if they shall so long be
have themselves well ; the Associate Judges of,
the Court of o.llllilloll Pleas-shall'-hold' their
offices for the term of five years, if they shall so
long behave themselves well; all of whom shall
be comiffissioned by the Governor,. but for any
reasonable cause, which shall not be sufilbient
grounds of impeachment, the Governor.shall re
move any of them on' the address of two-thirds
of each branch -- of - the - Legislature; - The first - e... -
lei:tit:iv shall take'place at the general electiorrot
this-Commonwealth next 'after the adoption of
this amendment, and the commissions of all the
Judges who may be then in office shall exbire on
the first Monday of December following, when
thelerins of the new J.udges,shall commence.—
The persons who shall.then be elected Judges of
the Supreme Court shall hold theirofticcsasfol
: One of them for three - yerrs, one for six
years, one for nine years, one for twelve years,
and one for fifteen years, the tern of each to be
decided by lot by the said . Judges, as soon after
the election as convenimit, and the result certi
fied by their to the Governor, that die commis
sions may be issued in accordance thereto,. The
Judge whose commission- will first expire shall .
be Chief Justice -di: ring- his term, unit thereafter
each Judge whose commission shall Os
,t expire.
shall in turn be the Chief Justiceond ihwo oyt
More . Oomittittsiotis Shall expire on the same - slay,
the Judges holding _them shall decide by lot which
shall - be - the lut 'Any vacanffies, hap
petting by death, resignation Or otherlsise, ut
sty of the said Courts, shall he filled by sqi
l?ointment by the Governor, to continue till the
first Monday of D.:cember succeeding the next
,general__ election,- •The -Judges-of- the Supreme- -
Court and the Pre"..ffients of the several Courts
of Common .Pleas'shall, at stated times, receive
for their services as adequate_compeneation, to
be fixed by law, which. shall apt be di:moist:est
during their continuance in office ; but they Shall
receive no.jees or perquisites of office, nor hold
any other office of profit under this Common
wealth, or under the Government-`of the Unileir
States, br :my other State of this Union. The
Judges of the Supreme Court, during their -con
tinuance in office, shall reside within this Com
monwealth ; and the tuber Judges, daring their
continuance it: office shall reside within the dis
triet or comity for which they WM/ respectively
electzd. .
Speaker of the House of RepPeso:lsrael:3s
V 1111 ST, \
Speaker q/ the Senate
Iliyrisburg,Yanuary 28, 1850. S
. .
I, Samuel W. Pearson, Cliief , Olerk of the
Senate of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that
the foregoing resolution,(No. 10 on the Senate
filefof the present session.) entitled "Resolution
relative to an amendment of the Constitution,"—
itbeingthe same resolution which was agreed
to by a majority of the members elected to each
House of the List Legislature=allernaving been
duly considered and' discussed, was this day a
greed to by a majority of the members elected
to anthierving in the Senate of Pennsylvania, at
its present session, as will appear by their votes
fit k'CII on the final passage of the resolution as
follows, viz :
Those voting io favor of_
the resolution were,
Jones Brooke, J. Porter Brawley,
A Crahb, Jonathan J 'Cunningham, Thoinas S.
Ferrion ' Thomas 11 Forsyth, Charles 'Fridley,
Itobett M Frick, Henryi Fultondolin W Guern
sey, William Basica, Inane Timothy
Ives; Joshua Y Jones, Joseph Konigmacher,
George V. Lawrence, Maxwell McCaslin, Ben.
jamin Malone, Benjamin Matthias, Henry A
Muhlenberg, William P. Packer; Win R. Sad.
ler,, David Sankey, Peleg B Savers-, Conrad Sid.
miry Robert.C. Sterrett, _ Daniel _Sti s -B.
Streeter,John Ii Walker and Valentine 13eati
Speaker—Yeas O.
Those voting against the passage of the reso
lution were,George Darsie, Augustus Drum and
Alexander King—Nays 3.
Extract from the Journal.
Harrisburg, March, 15,1850.
I, William Jack,Chief Clerk of the House of
Representatives of Pennsylvania, do hereby cer
tify that the frit egoing resolution; (No. 10 on the
Senate fild, and No. 011 on the House Journal of
the present session,) entitled " Refiolution actor
true to the amendment Mf the Constitution,"—
it being the same resolution which was agreed to
hy. - wintajority of the members elected to each
house of the last. Legislature—after having been
duly considered and diseuisted, was t h is day a•
greed to - by a majority oPthe members elected
to and serving in the House of Representatives
of Pennsylvania, at its present SiNISiOII, as. will
.appear by their votes,
given on thelinal, passage
of the resolutilfn, as follows, viz:.
Those voting in favor of the passage of the
resolution were,John Acker, John Allison, Wm
Baker, Robert' Baldwin, David J Bent, Craig
liiddle,Jereiniah Black, John S Bosien, William
Brindle, Daniel -H 13 Brower, Jesse H Burden,
John Ceaina, Henry • Church, John N. Conyng•
ham, Sylvester Cridland, Benjamin G. David,
William J. libbbins, James P Downer, Thomas"
Duncan, Willinigt Duint, Wiliam Miley, John C
Evans, William Evans, A. flfzott Ewing, Alex
ender S. Feather, James Flowers, Benjamin
P., Fortner, • Alexander Gibboney. Thomas E
Griee,,Joseph E Griffin, Joseph Gully, Jacob
S Haldeman, George H Hart; Leffert Hut, John
Hastings, William J. Hemphill, John Hoge, H
flunks, Lewis Herford, Washington J Jackson,
Nicholas. onesi'John W Killinger, Charles El,
Kinkead,ltoberr Klotz;Harriion P Lifird,Morris
Leech, Jonathan D Leet;Anson Leonard, James
J Lewis, Henry Lilac, Jonas It McClintock,
John F McCullough, Alexander C M sCurdy,
John McLaughlin, John McLean, Samuel Mar x,2
-Joluill-Meek, 'Michael Me) ers,-• John Miller,
- Joseph C Molloy, John 1) Morris, William 'l'
Morrison, Ezekiel Mowry, Edward Nickleson,
Jacob Nissly, Charles John 13 Packer,
Joseph C Powell, James C Reid,'John S
Lewis Roberts, Samuel Robinson, John P Ruth.
erford, Glenn' W , Scofield, Thomas C &outlet.,
William Stainer, Richard Simplon, Eli Slifer,
William Smith, William 'A, Smith, Daniel M.
Sniyeter,.,Williitm 11 , Sender, Thomas C
David Steward; ChsHes Stockwell,' .Edwin C
'rone; Andrew. Wade, Robert U-Walker, The.
mas Wrtson Sidney B Wells, 11111M1 A Wit
limns, Daniel Zerbey and loan S, Mitielmont,
Speaker—Yeas 87.
Those voting against ilie.jiassage of t h e reso.
bulb') were. Augustus Corilyn, David Braila
and James Pericr—Nays 3.
.. Extract from the . • - •
•, pEtaFriary's 011.16:
Filled March 15, 1850.9' .
' • Dep. eei. commonweank
4''entasylvapta sa
. ,
I do certify that the above and foregoing is
trur and stirred dopy of the Original' resolution
of the General Assembly, . 9 Miffed ”Resolotion
relatlvo lci , an amendinent of the . Canititothch,”.
as tliii , luirrie'retnaiiiii on file, in this office:
. In testimony whereof I have hereinito
iIL.S• satiny band, and:eatoled to ;he affixed
I.:es.) die seal of (Ti s Secretary's Mee; at tier'
irlaburg this Ofteentli dayulJune, Anne' llttimini
One thousand eight hundred and fifty, 7 ,
je".26,'50,3tni Sec of the Cotiononwealth.'
SA6kirmtv's o;sicn.
matetiug 1131ace,5. -
TI DunderSigned begs, leave' to inform. the
public, that ho has rocontly purchased the
IVARM, SPRINGS, in Petty County, Penn
sylvania, and has improved and refurnished the
buildings for 'Elio entertainment of visitors, in a
style' calculated to insure comfort and coriioni—
once to all who may feel disposed to,: patronize
the establishment.
- 'These Springs aro situated on the bank of,
and empty into Sherman's Creek, a stream as
sociated with the thrilling scenes between the
early settlers of that part of Pennsylvania and
the aborigines, whose hunting, .groundalay on
its-margin.--They aro eleven miles. from Car
lisle, (through which the Cumberland Valley
burg,) Irom which place visitors can at all tunes
obtain excellent conveyances. Those also from ,
the east, wishing to reach the Spring` by the
Central Railroad. cap do so by taking passage
to the Doucette°. Iron Works, (thirteen miles
distant from the Springs;) where coaches are
constantly in readiness to 'convey Piero thither;
and those coining from the West on the same
road, at all times• obtain easy conveyrinCes at
the Railroad Hotel at Newport, which is but a
few miles distant from the Springs.
The qualities of the water of these Springs
are most extraordinary indeed, for the -speedy
and permnnent cure of Scrofulas, Eruption of
the Skin, and every Species of Cutaneous *s•
cases. Ho has hundreds of. certificates, shot,
mg the wonderful cures effected by using thi,
water internally, and by bathing in it; obtained
as well from strangers as from those residing in
the itnmodiato neighborheod of the Springs,
who have not only experienced the infallible
efficacy or the water themselves; but have wit
nessed the same upon' others. Prof. James C.
Bnoth.has analyzed the waters,and found them
to contain-9.2 grains of solid matter in' the gsl.
lon,.which is composed as follows:
Carbonate of-limo _ ... 2.1.67
• "
of magnesia • • 1•238
Alkaline gaits, chiefly chlorides, with
a portion of sulphato '• 1•098
Silica 0'605
Organic matter -
There are also at the same phica half a dozon
of other springs, of different descriptions,
mong which is one of sulphur and One of cold
It may ho proper to state why n knowledge
of the extraordinary Medical qualities of 'these
- Springs;has - not beerrmoro' "extensiirely - knoWil
than is indicated by the certificates' of those
only who have resided in their immediate
; neighborhood. Years ago the property fell
I into the hands of a.nuMber of heirs, who were
indisposed to undertake the responsibility of
I making it a place of public entertainment, as n
business,—probably, because the patronage of
the public'would not lave justified the tinder
taking, as at that time, (before the spirit of
public improvements by Canals and Railroads
ind rendered distant and dillienit points of
speedy and cheap access,) its locution was out
of the wily, and the roads to it rough and almost
impassable. I At the death cf Mr. Kennedy it
Sell into the hands bf heirs, neither of whom I
seemed disposed to take bold of it, but leased
it to tenants, more foi the cultivation of the
land, than a regard to the use of the water.—
It was finally rented to Mr. Hippie, (now pro.
printer of In !into Hotel, in Tremont, Penney!. I
vania,) who made arrangements to 11CCOMMO•
"driterthe public and-durmg-histvrmi-mnny-im
valids availed themselves of this opportunity to
visit and test its medical qualities. Mr. Hip-
pie, however, retired in a short time, and the
property again fell into Inc hnnds , ot the heirs,
and remained.eo.untd_proceedings were insti-_
tuted in the Orphans' Court, by the heirs, for
its sale. It was then sold, and .the subscriber
became the purchaser. %Vitt) The 'exception of
the short time it Was held by Mr. Hippie, it re•
mnined in 'the hiinds of the heirs without any bring it into notice.
The country round the Springs and, neigh-
Therliocid is diversified' by cultivation, "mid 'is
beautifully wild and picturesque in scenery, a-
bounding in gdnie,, while the stream passing
through the property affords fine fishing. Every
attention will be paid to the comfort and conve
nience of guests, sad the charges so moderate.
that all may avail themselves of the benefits of
the Water. • 11. H. ETTER.
je19.,'50,2m. '
riVIE subscriber, tooling highly
• gratified with the success which
"n i • has attended his management of the
L.::: above cstabliShment dutittgolie
:_season, has incleased his efforts to
render the place and.uccommodation.s still more
inviting and comfortable.
Ample provision has been made for the va•
rious modes of Bathing, with either Warm,
Cold, or Sulphur Water ; also for Gymnastic
exercise and pastime amusement.
The •salubrity of the situation, the highly
Medical quality of the Spring,. the splendid
Mountain Scenery, with obliging and competent
Servants,and.a strong, desire on the hart of the
Proprietor to make his friends comfortable'and
happy, are some of the inducements offered to
Visitors, both valid and invalid, who desire ei
ther tin ()Cession for innocent enjoyment, or re.
pose and restoration to health.
The, Spring is situated in CUMBERLAND
COUNTY, PA., about eighteen miles North-
West of Carlisle. It Is accessible by Railroad
from Philaalphia to Newville, and thence eight
miles by stage to the Spring. Passengers key;
ingPhiladelphia in themorning arrive at the
Spnng early the same evening. ' The house will:
be open lar visitors on and after the 10th day of
Boarding ' . .
Families, . .
Transient Visitors,
The subscriber has the plerisureof referring
to his numerous patrons who favoured him.with
their company during the. last seoson,among
whom ate—
Samuel Gillespie,' W. T. Snodgrass, C, M
, Reynolds, H. C. 'Blair, Alexander Rosier
Row Dr. De Witt, Hon. With Dock, A. J
Jones, 'brio, Harrisburg.
Dr. Heistor, }V. G. Reed, Esq., Ch a inb cr i
burg. .
Daublipg Gap, Juno, 11856..
June 5,2 m. SCOTT COYLE, Proprietor
Carlisle Sulphur Springs.
i.1?. 7 THESE: celebrated Springs, shunted
!.xnr in one of the most beautiful, healthy - &
_.?. 11 romantic parts-of Cumberland county,
have la tely been refitted, and are now ready
for the accommodation of any number, of board
ers and visitors. They are four miles north of
Carlisle, and within one mile of the north moun
tain, whore at all seasons game can be found
in abundance. Tho Conodoguin. t Creek runs
within two miles of ihe establishment, alibrd•
ing n Tine opportunity for pleasure and exercise
to these wh' are fond of angling. - •
Thdproprietor deems it altogether unneces
sary to say anything in regard to the , medicinal
virtues of the water, as •the numorous,persous
who have regained health from' its use'renders
such a course entirely superfluous.' Good
WARM and COLD BATHS in readiness at
all times. The table will bolitrnished with the
- best the season and market abide, and the
Bar supplied with -the choicest-.liquors.. Con;
voYances from Carlisle to the Springs can be
had at all times by applying at the' dilibrent
!ivory esteblialtmente.
j019,6 - w, , • D. CORNMAN.
Estate'ofehar!es Garber, de6'd. -
LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of
CIIARLEB GARBER, late of Newton' topenship i
Cumberland county, qeqcasefj, have been gran
ted to the subscribers,Alte first namediliving in
Newton township,viitid the tatter in Dickinson
township. All persons indebted to Said estate
are requested to make hi - mediate paynient, and
those hoeing claims to present them for settle
ment, properly authenticated, to •
junel2-6lp& • 'Executors.
SACKS Liverpool 'Ground Alum
Salt, in inoro and .Ibr Endo wiry low.
Also, 150 packages 'of very - siiperior Ground
Rock Fine Salt, , M small and liandsomo
10 r Family and Dairy use, for sale by •
junial2 . ' ' EB.Y. 7.
Bread without Vegan
JUST RE.f.:EIVED—At the' Choap.Store
groat varioty of all colors Wanton -Yarn,
Long and Stplare Shawls, from $1 to $10; very,
cheap indeed ; - Motto do Lainea,
Stodl Hoods .and , Toasela, purse twist, clasps,
acd a groat ; varioty of Woolen Hone. '
nctsl. A & W BENTZ.
Qed Ware.-
received at the cheap Hardware Store
skjo the subserihor in East High •Street, llp
convicts assortment of ToKßuchets,Dhurlis,
&ii., &c. Also Duponts Rib and, 131asiing
Powder, which will be sold very elleap_ N
2l3dylcill4 HENRY SAXTO.
WITHHILI L all, for sa eat
KA 0520 . • fIUIiBARD'S.
- (,)
HEREAS the ,
Honerable,,Fniveritot WATTiI, PrealdeNt. Judge ofthe several
Courts of Common ,Fleas of the 'conitties of
Cumbolund,.Perry and !timbale, in Pennsylva
nia, and Juslice, of the sevoral,Cburts'oi Oyer
and Terminer and General (Tail Delivery hi
said counties. a r &non. John Stuart and_john
Clendenic, Judges of the Court'of Oyer rind
'Perenincr and Genetal Jail Delivery for the
trial of ell capital and, other 'offenders, iti the
said,Oonnty of Cumberland,by theirpreeepts to
roe directed, dated the Bth dur of April, 1850,
have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and Genergl Jsi I Delivery, to be holden at Car-,
lisle oti the Fourth Monthl y of August next;
(being the 26th day) at 10 o'clock_in thcfire m
NOTICE - is therefore hereby given, to the
Coroner, Justices of the. Peace and Constables
ofthe said county ofeutnberland, that they are
by,the said precept commanded to be thdn and
there in their proper persons, with their rolls,
records, inquisitions, exaMinotions, and all
other remembrances, todo those things which
to theirollices appertainto be done,und all those
that arc bound by recognizance'', to prosecute
(against the prisoners that are or then shall be
in the Jail of said county, are to be there to
prosecute them as shall be just,
Carlisle, July 10, 1850.
iri LIARLES OGILBY , would lespeelfully
1...) announce to his customers and the public
generally, that lie has just FINISTItiD opening .
another very beautifull addition to his extensive
stock of Dry. Goods, consisting in ‘
part of plain
and embroidered Swiss's!, M til, India, Book.,
and Tarlton Muslins, Plain ambrick and Jac
-onett- 'Mashes, all prices, Striped . and bard
Muillne, all prices, Barage , Gunndines, Tis
sues, India poplins,. Bare do Lanes, Linen
Luster's, Ginghams, Chintzes, Calicoes and a
groat many more kinds of Ladies Tress Goods
well worth looking.nt. A very beautiful assoft•
mentof Ribbons, Bonnets, Partisans, French
Worked Collars, Gloves, Mitts, Hosi4y, Pock
et lld'sfs, Silk Illusions, Artificials and many'
ether articles in the Ladies Line, which will be
sold cheaper than ever. Also, the most ex.en
sive and cheapest stock of Carpets . .that hap been
to Carlislelor yeafs,DoinestiO Goods in great
variety Very lOW, Ladies,' Gentlemen% Misses,
Boys and Childrens Boots and Shoes of count
less prices and kinds. which can and will be •
sold to please all. Also, a large and fresh stock
of Coffee's, Sugars, white and brown, 'Peas,
Chocolates, Spices, Tobacco. &c.. &c.
As my . stock of goods is large and selected
with the greatest of care, I would invite all
wishin'g, to purchase to give me a call as I' am
desirous of sending a great ninny good bargains
from the Old and well Established Stand.
Carlisle, July 10 1850.
9 '2OO
Fri - IHE undersigned, oWing .torthe- increases
between the above named placed
and to ailiard corresponding facilities to the pub
lic, begs leave to announce that he is now run
STAGES between Carlisle and York. His
stock has recently been much improved, and
his coaches' are new and comfortable. They
leave Carlisle every morning at 6 - o'clock, 'and
arrive at York at 1 P. M., in time to take the
two o'clock train of Cars for Baltimore.
Returning, will leave York-about 1 o'clock,
P. M., or immediately after the arrival of the
Cars from Baltimore, and reach Carlisle the
same evening. -
Fenn.—Tbroughlinketa from Cnrlisle to Bal
timore, or vice versa, will be furnished nt the
low price of
GE0 . 11.0 DEL.
Splendid Livery Establishment,
He would also take -this opportunity of in
forming Ns fr,iends and the public generally,
that...llo lu . Y,lutoly llrd9 ;71;11*1,10- taltipiono In
ttis ekthlig444,
DLE HORSE'S, 84c., and that he is
now prepared to accommodate them With any'
article in his line of business, at a memories
notice, and on the most fensonnble terms. Per
sons desirous of riding in fine vehicles, or on
fine horses, are 'requested to call at his estab l ,
lishment before going elsewhere, as, in all-pio
bauility they will save a Tittle change by so do
ipg. Persons visiting Carlisle during the Sum
mer sensor?, can of all times be with
good conveyapees "to either of the -lollouing
wa t er i ng places in its immediate vicinity—Car
lisle Springs. Doubling Gap Springs; Warm
Springs, Perry county ; or York Springs, A
dams county. . G.. IT.
Carlisle, July 3,1850-3 m. •
To Bridge Builders,
91111 E Commissioners of Cumberland county,
in connection with the Commissioners of
York county, will receive , Cum
berland county until the 27th day ol JULY,
next, and in York county until TUESDAY,
the SOili Jury next, for the building of a .
across the Yellow Breeches Creek at a point
where the. road leading from Lewisberry to
Harrisburg, crosses', said creek cat or near
Brooks' Mill, in Allen township, Cumberland
county. The Bridge to be of the following di
mensions, viz :—To contain in length 137 feet
in the clear from abutment to the other, and 16
feet wide in the clear, whit two abinments, each
15 feet thick in the bottom, with a battering
wall of one inch to the foot on three sides of
the abutments. The abutments to be' 19 feet
high &out' . the bottom of 'The creek to tIM curd
linez.froin whichlwo wooden arches are to be
started and ,extended, across said creek -from
,abutinent to ;the other, and to be double
floored witli - tivo inclitilank, the lower pine and
the upper oak, and raised in the centre 17 in
ches, the sides and gable ends of said bridge to
be of a sufficient height to admit a covered or
hay wagon to pass through the same. The
bridge is to be• clOsely weatheiboarded wjth
three quarter pine boards wolf hipped,. The
whole of the work of said bridge to be roofed
with good and sufficient white pine shingles,
and sail roofing to extend at each end, I 2 fosterer
the heel of the arch or tho top of the abutment/1.;
and on each side of the bridge over the weath
erboarding two root. The abiements are to be
built on a firm foundatinn and to bet 'approved
•by the Commissioners. The whole of the ma
son work to be well built of hard add large
Slone lime mortar and pointed from the back of
the Autments. Thiv filling shall consist of
earth and atone and to be supported with wing
walls ort,,,each side fiveleet.thielc at the two a
butments with n battering of one inch to tho
foot to the top of the l ihling, and to extend in
that manner on the two extreme sides of the •
brite until , the filling and walling shall meet
the road, •viith:on ascent not exceeding an an
gle of foul • cleigrbt,s elevation from .the road, to
the bridge, '-y• lilt curtain walls of sufficient
length anddhickness and covered with broad
stonexell secured. The woodwork on the em
end inside of the bridge is to bo 'whitewashed
with twomeato Of Arne : , The undertalter_is
find all materials' at Ms The
expense, andjo,
give each soburity tes the Commissioners shall
require for the faithful performance of the work
manship and permanency of said brldgefor and
during the term.ol a von years from the time
the said liridge shall be finished. .
.sma. SPROUT, ,
• ' Commissioners.
Commissioners Office,
Carlisle, July 3; 1850. 5
. 1 1/tesi—Wst. RILEY,•
$6 00 per week
5 00
1 00 per day.
Dwelling House for Rent. • '
jl.. Main meet opposite the Poet Office, now
occupied by, , and . belonging to,
M en rs t until . PICO
the - Dune
let oan, f
is o
Apri ffe l, re 1851 d for
. - There is a apacionagarden attach
ed abounding with choice
'Alao.'n cistern on the-promises. To a person
wlin*?vill take good care of the property the
torinicwill:be moderate and possession given in
a fen days, - Apply to . ,
jy3 . C . W lIITNER.
- Nev Coal Yard,- 6
trirlln'subscriber having taken tho Warehouse
IL and Lot on the Railroad opposite. Hoover's
Lumber Yard, is now receiving and will Con
stantly koop on hand large stopk of LCoal,
Baited for family — OF> . forsLimtiburnors, Dia
tillers; FoundrlsAily *6oth, all of whlat
will ho sold affheNr 16(teir for cash
Carlisle!, jy S,'Sf W RIGHT
t: a,
4 44
;•• 4
• Cod • 1, %Oil: `
A l'''REPift4uolll, "Cod,ti,ver Oil
warranted lanai/to, acatved at ,
'n6v i 4
Heal Read, Ltsteii and Reflect.
On .. , Varth lianover street, in the room formerly
occupied by - .Um Wise as a grocery:
T 1 1E attention of the citizens of Carlisle,"and
• Cumberland and Perry Counties is invited
to this newly 'established. Clothing and
and see the well selected sad most elegantly got
:up clothing ever Offered in this place. It would
:the well for every man to know 'that 41 larger
assortment,- better styles .and' more desirable
clothing can be bought..f9r less money at this
now_establisliment_thaOt_any2 other- sfore--in
, the place.wtthoiit any other exception. The
assortment is well seleeted:acd the cut andmake
of the latest spring and summer fashions, which
are far superior to all others'for case and
gime°. --All who wish to purchase will find they
oan save from twenty fro to fifty per : ceni by
buying at the new stand of
Coats, Pants and Vesta we sellrcinttrlcably lOw
as the following list of prices will EthoW :
- COATS, .
Superfine black Cloth Dress Coats S 6 .4o 18,00
Frock " 6 18,00,
Fine French Habit Cloth coats of
different styles, 3 10,00
Now style of Caslunereti coats, 2,50 9,00
French Coals of alicolors 1,50 7,00.
Rough & Ready Tweed, new style 4,00 11,00
California Lustre,„ • 75 5,011
Linen Coats, v,:.. 1,00.2,50'
Business coats, 1,00 6,00
Now Style of American and French - • ...
Cassimer plain, 1,50 - 7,00
New style of American and French II
Cassime - rs, superior in quality and
variety of colors-- 5,00 10,00
Fine black case. and doeskins_ 2,50 -9,00
Striped and cross barred cans. Pants 1,50 5,00
New style Napoleon striped . ants 1,25 3,00
• spring case . pants4,7s 6,00
Great variety of Corduroy pants ' 1,25 3,0,
Fine linen drilling diillirig striped and plain 75 2,50
New style of Cambroon 1,50 4,00'
With an exallent assortment of wOr- ,
king pants which will out•travel any
other in this place ' _ ' - 50 2,00.
Superfine Ilnelc•Satin-vests • 1,75 5 - .00
Now style of figuered and striped do 1,00 7,00
Plnin & striped valentine 50 4,00
Fine light summer Maritallles vests 75 . 3,00
All kinds of working,vests at very low prices.
We will also keep a good assortment.of
consisting ef Coats, pants .and vests' and soil
them at very low urines. 4r addition. to our
stock of ready mado clothing we will keep on
hand an assortment of
such as shirts, scarfs, cravats, suspenders,
drawers, collars, caps, umbrellas, gloves, hand
kerchiefs, socks, dec. dpe , which will make it
the interest of thevurchaser to oxamine before
buying elsewhere. All goods
,sold at this store,
warranted to give satisfaction"; and defy compe
tition, in quality,- elegance and,stylc of the put
and durability, and'wo hope by close attention
to business to merit a share_ of "rtthl_ic patron.
age. Don't forgerilie Once, North Hanover
Street, a few doors skive Louther Street -West
N. B. Clothing made to order at the shortest
Late Arrival
.41 the new and cheap IDIRDIVARE S TORE,
East lfigh street, opposite Ogilby's Dry Goad
/PM subscriber hay iust opened a
large assortment of goods in his line to
Which ho would call the attention of buiers,
as he is determined to sell at prices to suit the
times. His stock comprims a full assortment
of Locks and Latches of every description,
'bilges rind... Screws, Window 'Springs and
Bolts, Mill Cross-cut arid circular Saws, Hand,
punnet, ripping and back Saws, broad, hand &
chopping Axes, Hatchets, Chisels, Augurs,
'Planes and Plane Bitts,• Traces and Brace
Butts, steel and iron Squares, Plumb.& LeVels,
Waiters and 'Prays, Tablreand Pocket Cutlery
Table and Ten Spoons, bras% bell-metal and
enameled preserving Kettles, Hollow Ware,
&c. Also, a full assortment of Saidlery and
Carriage Trimmings, Patent Leather, Morocco
and binding Skins, Saddletrees, Carriages and
• Wagonwtos, curled Dov• noir,
Eliptic Springs. Shovels and' Spades,'Grarden
and Corn Jibes, - Grain anti Grass Scythes,
Snaths and Scythe Stones, Hay and, Manure
Forks, Window Glass, Putty, Paints and Dye
Stuffs, Oil, Tnrpentine and Varnish, Mahogany
and maple Veneers and mouldings, Sofa Sprg s
Also, Bar, Blind, Hoop and Sheet Iron, Cast,
Shear, Spring and Blister Steel, Tin Plate,
Zinc, Speltre, Bar Lead, Bar Tin, Iron, Brass' ,
and Copper Wire, &c.
5 Barrels Patent. Fire and Water Proof Paint, -
assorted colors. HENRY SAXTON.
THE subscriber has just received a large lot
of Parasols, of beautiful styles, embracing
every quality. to which the special attention of
the Ladies is invited.
Call and purebase your Bonnets and Ribbons
from-tko undersigned; who has - just 'received a
large and varied aasortment, and - you will soya
money. _ . _ _
Just opened an extensive stock of Dress Silks
of the latest styles, which 110 offers at unusual
ly low prices. The special attention of tha
Ladies is solicited.
• The subscriber has etal n largo stock of those
12i cent Dinghams, for which ho has had such
an extraordinary run—call and see them.
Just opened a largo stack. of .111.urdine and
Calicoes, in the sale of which ho offers unusual
inducements to purchasers. Public patronage
"is solicited.
- Boots-and Shoed of every description have
been,opened in large quantines - by the sq,scri =
her, which are °frayed nt prices that must give
satisfaction. N W WOODS, Ag't.
Foreign - and Domestic Hardware
1' --,--- .
'JACOB SF. - Ngli ties just received, from the
eastern cities, and is now 'Opening at the Cheap
Hard Ware. on North Hanover Street, next door
- IA Glass' Hotel, a 'now assortment in 'his line,
such as " ,
.. .
"Oils, Glass . and 'Paints,
, Copal, Japan and Black Varnishes, of extra
Nails and Spikes, -
! Wtots' best Bar Iron, , ...,'
Cast, Shear, Mistey and Spring Steels,
Locks, Hinges and ScroWs. .
- Planes,, Saws, Chisels, Auipirs, Axes, • .
Knives and Forks, Shoe 'Flodings,.&c.
To which ho would call the attention of the
public. Persons wishing lo buy will do well to
mill. as wo aro determined to-sell at low rates
for cash. 141 - The highest price paid for Scrap
Ircti, and for Flax Seed. , J REBER.
nov Id - ..
Fresh Drugs, Mulleins% &c. &e.
have just received from
Phis and. Nevi York vary extensive
additions to my-former stock, embra
t _ cing nearly tewy, article of Medicine
. now in . use; together with Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps,
StaifcaerY, Fine Cutlery, Fiahing, Tackle,—
Brultes of . almost every description, with an
,ondletarvariety of otherartielosi - which I am de
termined to sell at the VERY LOWEsT prices. -
All Physicians, Country Merchants, Fedlare
and others, - nre'respectfully requested not to pass
the OLD STAND, as they may 'rest . assured
that every article will ho sold of a good quality,'
and upon reasonable term
May 30
Main street. Car
off arttile"
THE- subscribers intending to change their
business, will sell. off their whole stock of -
at very reduced prices. Their stock "consists
of .Coats, 'Vesta and Pants, .of almost every de-,
seraption and .quality. also, shirts, collars, bo- •
some, stooks, neck and peoket: handkerchiefs,
gloves, stockings, suspenders, hate, cops, boots,
shoes, umbrellas,'leather and hair trunks y car 7
pot Lags, and in short every article that is no
cessary to complete .a gentleman's wardrobe.—
They will .also. sell goods by
.the yard, such,
as sloths, cassimeres, yestinue, ca'ssinetteostm-_
mer stripes In greau,VarietY,,mtislins, flannels.
N. persons knowing themselves in
'dated In'the firm will'plosee 'nakeltymenr
immodini.O l Y. L' ,
SEGARB. , — A fine hitjtp.,t rfreiVe.4l and for
. eale,l)y. box or retell at . HUBBARD'.
feb.l3 7 . • Drug & Verieiv'Store